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Welcome to GEX: Enter the Gecko. Gex is back in stunning 3D with over 30 missions for you to solve.
As always, we aren't going to tell you how to play - but rather how to WIN! Since it's possible for you to
play the various levels in any order you want (once you've unlocked them) we are presenting the TV Worlds
in their alphabetical order. This will make it easy for you to find the help you need for a specific world.
If you are consulting this walkthrough looking for a specific Hidden Silver Remote then
you may want to skip over the individual level walkthroughs and go straight to our Hidden Remote Index.
When the game begins you will be in the Media Dimension - a large marble platform with huge roman columns and
iron gates which lead to other areas of the Media Dimension. Each area will have several TV's which you can
access the various levels with. In the beginning you will have access to 2 TV Worlds. As you find the
various RED and SILVER Remotes inside each TV World you will begin to unlock new TV Worlds and BONUS LEVELS.
BONUS LEVELS are smaller levels with a time limit. You must collect a certain number of items in the
given time to earn a GOLD REMOTE. These remotes will unlock SECRET LEVELS as you get closer to completing
the game.
Collect these to unlock new TV Worlds. Various TV's and Gates will have signs telling you how
many RED REMOTES you need to unlock that area. Collect all 39 RED REMOTES for a Perfect Score.
Most worlds have multiple RED REMOTES and specific missions you must complete to unlock the exit
and make the remote appear. You can only get one remote per mission.
These remotes unlock BONUS TV Worlds and are earned by two very different means.
There are 14 HIDDEN Remotes - one per regular TV World. These are cleverly hidden somewhere in each level
and you must look very carefully to find them (or use this solve). There are also 14 REWARD Remotes. These
are earned by collecting 120 "collectibles" on each level.
These special remotes are awarded for completing BONUS LEVELS and defeating the various bosses.
There are 4 GOLD REMOTES for Bosses and a GOLD REMOTE for each of the 8 BONUS LEVELS for a total of 12 GOLD REMOTES.
Each time you acquire 4 GOLD REMOTES a SECRET LEVEL appears somewhere in the Media Dimension. There are 3
SECRET LEVELS to explore if you are good enough to get all 12 GOLD REMOTES.
Each TV World has unique items to pickup during the course of your adventure. These are broken down into three
groups. When you collect 30 items you switch to the next group. Collecting 40 items in this group moves you to
the third group. If you manage to pick up 50 of these items you will obtain the SILVER REWARD REMOTE for that world.
You can earn extra lives for every 50 items you pick up from then on, although the appearance of the item remains
the same. And the really good news is that if you die and have to restart the level, you keep your previously
collected items.
So if we are done with all the preliminaries.....IT'S TAIL TIME!
Fine Tooning - Toon TV
Climb the Tree
Storm the Castle
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 TNT Plungers

Climb the Tree
Begin this level by gathering up all the items as you make your way to the water. Jump in and whack the
Piranha then head up the slope by the shore. Whack the bell to move the block so you can get some more
items and check all the trees. If there is a shadow under the branch then an item is hiding in the leaves.
Quickly run to the TV Power-up and whack it - make sure to dodge the falling objects. Now go back to
the block and jump over the gap and whack the mushroom. Proceed quickly through the hedge whacking the dominoes
as you go until you reach the other side. Kill the bee then advance to the stair-step slope with the giant
Fred Flintstone bowling balls rolling towards you.
Starting on the right corner, as soon as the ball passes you begin to run up and to the left to a small alcove
in the bushes. Whack the TV Power-up then wait for the nearest ball to pass you
then run out to the center and zigzag your way to the top. Kill the bee and pick up everything.
You should now be overlooking a large pit with three alphabet blocks, some scorpions and bells below and some floating
green platforms. Jump on the nearest platform then turn right and continue to the platform near the vanishing
block. Time your jump to go to the next platform when the block is gone. Now jump towards the advancing green
platforms in quick succession to make your way to the back-right ledge. If you fall, quickly kill the scorpions
then whack each of the three bells to position the blocks into a stair formation. They only stay this way for a short
time so quickly climb the blocks and jump to the ledge to continue.
Whack the Checkpoint TV and kill the scorpion then hop up the ledges opposite the blocks to get some items.
While on top head toward the water and look down to your right. A narrow ledge continues on behind the wood fence.
Carefully drop down and get the items behind the fence. At the end of this ledge you can turn and hop up to a
higher ledge with a TV Power-up. Whack it for a free life then return to the ledge behind the fence. About halfway
back across the ledge are some items hovering above a wooden square floating in the water. Drop down and get those
items. Head up the river towards the Ship killing all the Piranha along the way. When you can go no further turn
to the left and there should be a narrow patch of moss you can climb up. You should now be back at the Checkpoint TV.
Jump onto the lower moving block then quickly to the narrow ledge. Aim for the end of the ledge and wait for the
block to vanish then make a run for it. Watch for large falling objects and quickly whack the bell to start a
series of vanishing blocks which create a bridge over the water. Drop down and do a series of timed jumps to get
across the water. Once you are across you can grab all the items and the TV Power-up at the end of the narrow grassy
ledge. More falling items lurk above your head so be fast!
Admire the pirate ship but don't worry about it for now as that is used for the Assault on the Castle. Whack the
bells to get the blocks into a step position so you can jump to the first steel girder. These things tilt with
your weight so stay in the center until you are ready to make your next move. You now need to make a series of
jumps from girder to girder. You can stay in the middle of the beam or stay on the top. Be careful if you are on
the top as you can easily fall off the back of the beam. Watch your shadow to find your position on the beam.
Start by moving in the opposite direction you want to jump. This will tilt the beam so the high end is near your
jump point. Reverse direction and run and jump to the next beam - using your tongue when necessary. Repeat until
you reach the top.
Take a quick swim so you can kill all the Piranha and gather up all those items. Things get interesting now.
Everything you have done up to this point is the same for both missions in this TV World. If you are
"Climbing the Tree" then continue reading, otherwise click here to Storm the Castle".
Exit to the shore and jump across the spinning blocks. Dodge or whack the plant with the hammer and hit the bell.
This starts the stack of 4 blocks to start shifting back and forth. This is tricky - when the blocks begin to move
apart hop onto the lowest one then quickly stair-step your way to the top. It may take several tries and be careful
not to fall off the edge of the world behind the blocks! At the top enter the purple door.
It looks like it's Duck Season and somebody has stuffed Gex into a duck costume. Whack the hunter before he whacks
you and grab all the goodies hidden in the bushes. Get more items in the water and kill another Piranha. You should
have (or be getting very close to) your 120 items for the Silver Reward Remote. Hop on
the stump then to the next ledge and kill the bee. Dodge the two snapping traps and climb on the stump and wait
for the giant rolling log to arrive.
Jump onto the log and run opposite it's movement to stay on top. If you need the health you can go for the
TV Power-up on the ledge, otherwise just cross the log and get to the other side where
another hunter needs your swift tail whacking. Dodge another trap and run through the log. Exit to your right
and hop onto the rock then onto the top of the log you just came through. Head up and jump to the ledge where you
can kill a bee. Smash the barrels from left to right (3-2-1) to form steps leading up to a TV Power-up
then drop back down and smash the remaining barrels for lots of items.
Return to the log and drop down to the rock. Run through all those snapping traps to the lowest stump and jump up
and into the water. Jump to the limb then to the next stump and make your way to the top where you can grab the
Red Remote and exit the level.
Storm the Castle
Most of this mission is the first half of the previous mission. Follow those instruction until you are instructed
to jump to this section then continue reading.
Exit to the shore and whack the bell to open up the hole next to the sign with the ship. Jump in and get teleported
back to a similar hole near the Checkpoint TV earlier in the level. The ship is no
longer encased in that purple force field so climb aboard and ride the ship until you arrive at the castle. Jump
up to the platform and ring the bell to lower the drawbridge.
Before you enter the castle we need to get that Silver Hidden Remote. Run left around
the outside of the castle to find the remote hiding in the back behind an invisible wall. Grab it then enter the
Whack one of the TV Power-ups and eat the red bug to "Flame On" then whip the fuse
of that giant red rocket to start things going. Finally jump and stick to the side of the rocket and take a ride
all the way back to that floating island in the sky. A perfect bulls-eye will drop you off at the exit where you can
claim the Red Remote before returning to the Media Dimension.
Frankensteinfeld - Scream TV
Run the Axe Gauntlet
Head Down the Ramp
Stick Across the Ceiling Maze
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Hockey Masks

Run the Axe Gauntlet
All 3 missions start off the same, so grab the goodies and whack Mr. Pumpkin before going into the next room. The circle
in the center of this room is instant death so keep to the perimeter and head for the door with the green light. Enter
the next room and jump to the platform on the right then hop to the vanishing platform and finally to the other side. Nab
the TV Power-up then whack the corner for another TV Power-up and
"flame on".
Backtrack a bit then head up the ramp and take out a Zombie. If you are still flaming you can totally kill the Zombie for
more goodies. Now hop the rail and go kill that Pumpkin over by the wall. The window behind him is an illusion so walk
right through it for some secret items. Head back to the other side of the railing and go right jumping to the vanishing
platform and finally to the other side.
Kill the Zombie and grab the TV Power-up before heading up the stairs. Dodge the skulls that
the ghost is tossing at you and whack him when you get close enough. Stick to the wall on the right and keep going until you
can drop to the carpet and grab a FREE LIFE TV Power-up. Jump back down to where you killed the
ghost and head left this time. Dodge the knight with the axe and take care of Huckie - remember to kill the head as the body
can only be stunned.
Continue along the carpet until it slopes down. If you are hard-up for some items you can walk off and immediately press back
to land inside a small area with extra items. When you exit this room you need to fall to the left to land on the lower level
then make you way all the way back to where you jumped off. Continue until you can jump up to the next tier where you should
find a bouncing Pumpkin and a pentagram mesh floor.
If you are working on Mission #3 then click here, otherwise head across the pentagrams and whack the
Pumpkin before dropping down to get some items inside the pentagram mesh. Back to the right is another ghost tossing more
skulls at you. Dodge them and run around behind and up the ramp and whack him. Then continue along the narrow winding path
making sure to dodge the falling axes. The EXIT TV lies beyond this Axe Gauntlet.
Head Down the Ramp
This mission takes its first different turn in that round room at the beginning. Go in the orange door rather than the green
one. Also; unless you have already gotten the Silver Reward Remote, this is the time to do it as
this is the longest of the three missions.
After entering the orange door you need to whack the Zombie then jump over and take out the Pumpkin. On the wall by this ledge
is a glowing red diamond window. Jump into the window to find the Silver Hidden Remote then
return to the wooden platform and begin a series of jumps across the vanishing platform and chandeliers. Whack the Pumpkin
then stick to the wall and head up.
Past the first intersection is some items you can grab. Return to the intersection and take a left to the green glowing area
with the TV Power-up. You can flame on but chances are it will wear off before you get to use it.
You can let the bug circle you for awhile until you need it. Either way, return to the intersection and continue straight down
the other path. Drop to the floor and continue around until you can hop into a door raised slightly off the floor. Dart past
the Knights with the axes and stick to the wall and loop around using the ceiling until you can drop into the square opening.
Jump down and whack the Pumpkin and the Zombie and nab the TV Power-up. To the right of the
green door is an opening in the brown brick wall. Jump down into it for another TV Power-up then
retrace your path past the Knights until you are back where you killed that last Pumpkin. Now you can go through the green door
and jump over the gap in the next room to whack yet another Pumpkin. Run down the ramp and kill Huckie then head behind
the ramp and jump on the clock to lower it.
A bell should ring indicating that you found a secret. Head back to where you killed Huckie and head up the ramp between
the two Knights to find a clock. Drop under the clock to enter the secret lab. Enjoy the cool view of Frankenstein (or is
it Frankensteinfeld) as you circle around getting all the items. When you are done, return to the clock face that triggered
this secret and jump across to the platform and enter the door.
As you enter the morgue you will need to whack a Zombie before you begin a series of semi-difficult jumps to retracting
slabs. Head all the way around the room to the balcony with a great view of the beginning of this level and a FREE LIFE
TV Power-up. Drop down and exit the morgue and return to the clock with the secret lab.
If you haven't got the Silver Reward Remote yet, you will want to backtrack through this level
and get any items you can find before continuing. When you are ready, start hopping up the platforms by the clock and kill
the Pumpkin on the top ledge. One more jump should put you at the door which leads to the EXIT TV.
Stick Across the Ceiling Maze
Follow the Mission #1 instructions until you are told to jump here then continue on.
You should now have the bouncing Pumpkin on your left, but you need to head to the right towards the smoking floor. A
vanishing platform on the right provides access to a ledge with some items. Grab them then jump to the next ledge and whack
the Pumpkin then make a series of jumps across the vanishing platform and chandeliers until you reach another ledge with a
Zombie. Take care of him then jump down to the next platform, then to the vanishing platform and finally to the ledge with
the metal wall.
Stick to the metal surface and head up to the ceiling to enter the Ceiling Maze. Avoid the moving spiked balls and keep going until you
reach a small room. Jump to drop to the floor then head through the door and run and jump over the gap and whack the Pumpkin.
Continue until you reach the intersection with another Pumpkin. Whack him and take a left until you reach a window that you
can pass through to get some more items.
Exit this secret area and head towards Huckie - the doll with the big knife. When you've whacked the head you can
continue to the door. Enter and head up the ramp timing your dash past the rotating spikes and use the EXIT TV.
Honey I Shrunk the Gecko - Circuit Central
Charge to the Top
Find the I/O Tower
Charge the A.C.T. Steps
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Atoms

Charge to the Top
Start off this mission by jumping to the purple platform then to the next ledge and finally stick to the wall. Drop down
to get the TV Power-up then drop to the floor and "charge up" before hitting the green jump pad.
Kill the Nano-Spiders then jump on the elevator (recharge if necessary). Kill all the Spiders and Robots up here then get
charged up before hitting the jump pad and activating the green data stream walkway. Whack the Capacitor and grab the
TV Power-up on the ledge before continuing.
Jump to the three square floating platforms and take out the Pulse Patroller then jump up the purple platforms until you reach
the climbable wall surface. Explore the ceiling killing anything that gets in your way. A green charge is over by the yellow
ceiling tiles, so charge up then drop down and quickly activate the data stream bridge before your charge wears off. Whack
another Pulse Patroller then enter the Warp.
Whack the Pulse Patroller then follow the light bridge making sure to jump the data pulses. If you fall you only have to
start the run over - you do not take damage. A TV Power-up is available if you want to go
out of your way on the light bridge to get it. Kill the Capacitor at the end of the run and exit through the Warp.
A Checkpoint TV is in this room and also marks the branching point for all three missions in this
TV World. Grab the TV Power-up in the corner then charge up in the other corner then hit the green
jump pad to stick to the wall. Climb up and around where you can whack a Pulse Patroller and recharge yourself. Crawl
around to the next ledge then jump the next three ledges and activate the data stream bridge.
If you are completing Mission #3 then click here. If you are working on Mission #2 then
click here otherwise keep reading to finish this mission.
You should now be standing in front of a green charge with two inactive robots. Recharging will wake them up so get ready
to whack them when you do. Recharge if necessary then turn left and head around to the green jump pad. Use the power jump
to launch yourself AWAY from the ledge with the Warp. You should stick to the opposite wall and can then crawl along the ceiling
until you reach the red opening which has the Silver Hidden Remote. Take it then drop to the
floor near the recharge point. Charge up then head left again and this time jump forward to the ledge and enter the Warp.
Kill those annoying electrical enemies then make the long trek along the light bridge. If you are daring you can go for the
green charge and backtrack to the elevator which will gain you some addition items. Whack the Pulse Patroller at the end of
the bridge then enter the next room. Get charged then turn and use the jump pad to get a TV Power-up
(not that you'll be needing it).
Return to the floor and charge up again. This time use the jump pad next to the charge. You will begin a series of jumps which
spiral clockwise up the square shaft. When you reach the top you will find the EXIT TV.
Find the I/O Tower
This is the longest of the three levels so go for the Silver Reward Remote if you haven't gotten
it already. Follow the instructions for Mission #1 until you are told to jump here then continue on.
Ignore the green charge with the two robots and instead continue straight as you come off the data stream bridge and jump to
the area with the green platforms. Jump them quickly to reach the green charge then carefully drop down and whack the Pulse
Patroller then activate the data stream bridge. Cross the bridge and whack the Capacitor before entering the Warp.
Grab the TV Power-up in the corner then hop onto the purple ledge nearest the rotating platform.
Jump on and being to spin around. Whack the connector to release the platform when your circular inertia (movement) is
aligned so you launch towards the next station. If you get close enough it will pull you into orbit otherwise you bounce back
and get to try again. As you circle this new station just jump to the wall and stick. Crawl all around and get everything
you can which should earn you enough items for the Silver Reward Remote.
Climb up the wall to the next higher area and jump to the next rotating platform. A wall blocks your final destination so
launch toward the closer station and jump to the ledge for a TV Power-up before jumping back
and continue to the last station beyond the wall. One last platform launch should send you towards the Warp. Jump in.
Be careful in here - if you miss your jump you are going to be repeating a lot of what you just did. Jump to the rotating
platforms and launch them at the right time to make your way across the room and enter the next Warp. This is the final room,
so head for the platforms at one end of the room and climb them quickly then turn and jump to the first rotating platform.
Launch toward the next receiving station and continue around the entire room. You can make a stop along the way for some
items if you need them. Your last launch should send you towards the EXIT TV.
Charge the A.C.T. Steps
Follow the instructions for Mission #1 until you are told to jump here then continue on.
After the two robots are gone you need to head down the right passage and take the elevator up. Head down the passage and
climb the wall at the end. You can drop to a ledge for a TV Power-up if you are hurting, then
head to the red square opening. Drop to the floor and enter the Warp.
Get charged up and whack the sentry robot. Ride the elevator next to the barrel. When it stops, drop to the floor and get
charged again - this time head for the platforms along the wall until you land on another elevator. Ride it until it stops
then drop to the floor again and charge up. Head for the barrel then stair step up the two elevators and make your way to
the third elevator. When it stops you can charge up and jump on the final elevator which takes you to a large platform with
a data stream bridge. Run across the bridge and use the EXIT TV.
Mao Tse Tongue - Kung-Fu Theater
Defeat the Deadly Dragon
Traverse the Rocking Pillars
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Chinese Theater Masks

Defeat the Deadly Dragon
The two missions in this TV World branch off right at the beginning. To begin this mission we will be entering
"Crazy Quang's Clothing Shop", but first don't forget to get that secret FREE LIFE by whacking the green neon sign. Smash through
the windows of the store and take out the Ninja. Grab all the items - this is the mission you will be going after both of
the Silver Remotes so items are important. A Ninja with throwing stars awaits in the next room
so take him out quick - you can whack the stars if he does get one off.
You should now be in a large area with a double-bladed rotating fan. Drop down and grab everything then find the square with
the symbol to super-jump up to the ledge. Now you can jump to the wooden fan and ride it around getting everything from all
the ledges. Make sure to whack the wooden partition in each recess to find extra goodies. Whip the gong to raise some
stairs on the one ledge then make your way back to that ledge either using the fan or dropping down and super-jumping.
Jump from the steps to the wooden roof to either side and make your way around the perimeter smashing out the wooden partitions
to get various items and the cleverly concealed Silver Hidden Remote. Return to the stairs and
smash through the window. A gold Samurai attacks so jump and whack his helmet off then do a second jump and whip to get
rid of that weird glowing head. The doors open automatically.
Head out the doors and onto the roof overlooking the streets. If you fall you start over so be careful. Head around the ledge
and kill a couple of Ninja and break some china. Enter the next room and smack the gong to open the next set of doors. Whack
the gold head with the flaming bad breath then stick to the wall and head up to the top where you can whack a partition and
get a TV Power-up (about time!).
Move to the cannon and walk into it to aim it and whip it to fire. Shoot out the wooden partition and both gongs then proceed
up the newly formed stairs to the newly revealed exit. Whack the Ninja and the vase and exit via the window. You are back
outside but one level higher so run around the corner and hit that Checkpoint TV before continuing.
At the end of the roof ledge is a gold wall which you can stick to and cross over to the next building. Break the window on
the other side and enter.
Take out the Ninja then enter the next room. This huge area has flaming heads, scorpions and Samurai. Scorpions take three swats
to kill - the first will stun them but they will get back up if you don't finish them off. Head for the Samurai and take him
out then jump to the ledges and kill the scorpions as you make your way to the flaming head. When he is gone you can super-jump
to the next ledge and ride the rope slide to the other side. Whack another head then super-jump to the next platform and take
another slide over to two Ninjas. Take care of them before climbing up to the next slide which will deposit you in a room with
another Ninja. Whack him before exiting through the window.
A Ninja lurks around the corner so run around quickly and whack him - he may even fly off the roof. Ride the final slide
across the street and eliminate another Ninja hiding behind some fragile china. Enter the door and prepare for a martial arts
festival. Four Ninja attack from the corners with throwing stars. Jump around to avoid the deadly stars and whack them all.
When they are gone three more black Ninja drop from above. Finish them off then gather up all the items before investigating
the stone that raised out of the floor. Don't forget to smash all the partitions for hidden items.
Jump up to the gold surface and stick on. Crawl around until you are upright with a circling Dragon and a cannon in a center
platform. You are safe as long as you stay in the center so just aim the cannon and keep firing on the Dragon until he is gone.
His death triggers the exit doors but before you leave run around the perimeter and gather up all the goodies and the
TV Power-up in the alcoves. A giant green Gecko statue awaits in the final room along with lots
more breakable china. Smash it all for more items and the Silver Reward Remote if you haven't
already gotten it. Climb up and use the EXIT TV.
Traverse the Rocking Pillars
With both of the Silver Remotes out of the way this is basically a run to the finish. You can go
for the items if you wish but I won't be calling them out. Get your FREE LIFE by whacking the green neon sign then head for the
"Medical Supply Shop". Use either the door or the window to enter, then take out the Ninja inside. Enter the doors and continue.
Drop to the green floor and take care of the Ninja lurking around here. Head to the far end and climb up the gold surface and
land on the wooden walkway with the swinging blades. Run past the blades and keep on running across the collapsible planks.
Whack the Ninja at the end before jumping to the gold diamond pattern on the wall. Float into the next room and drop to the
floor. Run across and whack the gong to raise some green platforms. Stair step you way to the top and take out the flaming
head before super-jumping to the next higher level.
A FREE LIFE TV Power-up is here. Run across the planks and dodge the blades and smack the gong
to open some more doors. Enter the large empty room and try to act surprised when five Ninja drop in on you. When all have
been eliminated two super-jump symbols will flip over and you can jump to the next tier. Whip another gold head and two more
gongs to reveal another gold diamond on the wall. Run over and jump on and ride it to the next room.
You are now on the floor with towering pillars overhead. Run to the opposite end of the room and super-jump to the gold wall
and climb around to the ledge. Jump from pillar to pillar until you reach the EXIT TV.
No Weddings and a Funeral - Rezopolis
Required for Access
Penetrate Rez's Inner Sanctum
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Oil Cans

Penetrate Rez's Inner Sanctum
This level only has one mission so we need to get everything on a single pass. This means getting every item you can get
your sticky paws on. Start off by heading down the ramp and dropping into the pit. Whack the robot then climb out of the
pit using the smooth wall in the corner. Circle around and hop onto the first speaker. The next speaker will begin to circle
the speaker you are standing on. As soon as you jump off the speaker you are on the other speaker will stop so time it just
right so you can make your way to the far ledge. Remember how these speakers work as you will be using many of them later in
the level. Exit through the door.
Gex is now decked out in a white polyester leisure suit and is ready to disco the night away. Jump on the various light boxes
to get them all to turn blue. If you jump on the wrong one it will turn red and the mirror will show the correct box you should
have jumped on with a green light. When you get all three lights to go blue the mirror will break so you can use the hidden
door behind it.
Run across this next room and jump on the remote control. You need to tail-jump on the buttons to get them to go down. Be
fast as they will pop back up on their own. They both need to be down at the same time to make the remote rise up to take
you to the next level. Walk down the short ledge and hop on a passing platform and ride it around to the other side. Head
up the ramp and wait for the fan to shut down (watch the white particles) before going to the top. Sometime during all this
a new enemy will show up. We'll call him "Flat Top" and he is quite the persistent pain in the tail. You can whack him all
day long but he will keep coming back, so you need to do a tail-jump on his flat head to destroy him.
Use the speakers as you did before to go across the room for items then back across for the Silver Hidden Remote
which should be in obvious view. Finally go to the ledge near where you started the speaker ride with the TV Power-up.
Climb up the smooth wall and run across the conveyor making sure the fan doesn't blow you down to the floor. Climb the wall
across the fans when they shut down then climb to the top and take care of another Sentry Robot. Jump on the elevator and ride
it to the higher ledge with another TV Power-up, then exit through the door.
Another disco and another light puzzle. This one has four lights but is solved the same way so when the glass shatters, exit
through the hidden door. If you mess up the pattern a Flat Top will arrive so just dance on his head to get rid of him then
try again. In the next room is a large speaker floating under some green TV static. Static hurts Gex so tail whip the gear
to get the speaker to rise out of the static then jump across it before it sinks back down. Access the 3-switch remote on the
other side to rise up to the next ledge.
Another gear on this level triggers two floating dials in the water. Raise them up then jump across them and stick to the wall.
Crawl across avoiding the blowing fans. Drop down when necessary and continue to the left across some conveyor belts with blowing
fans that need to be dodged. Now you start heading back to the right with more conveyors and more fans. When you reach the
far side exit through the door and give that Checkpoint TV a good whack.
Get used to this location. Unless you are a gaming guru you will be restarting from here at least a dozen times before you
complete the rest of this level. Jump across the series of tilted platforms and spinning rollers making sure to avoid the
green static whenever possible. Use the TV Power-up to replenish any lost health then exit.
Whip the gear in the next room four times to get the platforms to their highest elevation then quickly jump across. The purple
stuff below you is instant death so try not to fall in. Climb up the conveyors and jump to the elevator then to the ledge.
Now jump to the first speaker and begin to make your way across the room. The robot will begin to fire but you can duck his
energy pulses. When you make it to the other ledge, whip him a few times and grab the TV Power-up.
Climb the vertical conveyor avoiding the fan. Then make your way across the very narrow conveyors by jumping repeatedly and
keeping Gex aimed toward the wall so he doesn't fall into the purple death below. Whip the next gear to raise two more dials
out of the green static and jump across. Watch out for the blowing fan near the second dial. Then jump on and activate the
4-button remote to ride up to where you can jump to some more moving platforms. Jump to the red conveyor before the platform
enters the wall of static. Then jump up to the higher conveyor and to a moving platform on the other side. Ride it to the ledge
with the door and enter.
You are now in some kind of whacked out electronic chapel. Grab all the items between the pews and you should get the
Silver Reward Remote at this time. Head to the far end of the chapel and jump on the elevator
to rise up to the EXIT TV.
Out of Toon - Toon TV
Jump to the Teetering Rock
Hunt the Two Hunters
Whack Five Purple Mushrooms
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 TNT Plungers

Jump to the Teetering Rock
Your first mission is also the longest of the three. You will explore almost every corner of this cartoon
land and in the process find all of the objects for your other two missions while playing this one. I will
call these items out so you can reference them when you replay this level. Since this mission is the
longest, I would recommend getting your 120 items and Silver Reward Remote on your first run.
When you start this level immediately turn and whack Mushroom #1 then head off between
the two flowers. To your right along the cliff is a rock near the stop sign. Behind the rock is Mushroom #2.
You can jump up the cliff and raid the carrot patch avoiding the flowers with the hammers. You can also clean out
the lower level, kill the bee and grab the TV Power-up from the top of the water tower.
Eventually you need to make your way to the steel girder. Take the ramp which starts back by the beginning of this level.
Time your run past the block that keeps coming out of the cliff wall and you should reach the Hard Head Area.
Keep moving or you will get smashed by heavy objects. Watch for their shadows so you can maneuver around them. After you
get the items hop on the beam and wait for it to tilt then run and jump off the other end. You will be on a small ledge
with a FREE LIFE TV Power-up, a Happy Face, and Mushroom #3.
Whack all three of them then head for the lake at the base of the falls.
Hop on the rock with the big mouth a few times to get some items then take a swim. Jump to the first rainbow then over to
the grass near the TV and the wooden plank which is going up and down. Head to the right where there is a wooden dock,
a flower with a hammer, a TV Power-up, and Mushroom #4. Now you
need to get up to the next level. You can either ride the wooden plank or jump the two rainbows by the falls. Make sure
to whack all the Piranha which lurk in these waters.
When you are at the top of the falls you will find Mushroom #5 waiting for you on a narrow grassy
ledge. Whack it, then follow the ledge around the side of the mountain to a snowy canyon with a frozen lake. Skate across
the lake and make your way to the top of that rock you avoided earlier. Wait for it to extend then run across and jump to the
stone platform to retrieve the Silver Hidden Remote. Return to the top of the falls.
If you are completing the Purple Mushroom Mission you can exit this level now using the TV EXIT
by the falls. It should have turned on after you got the last mushroom. If not, run across the top of the falls and head
past those two flowers to the mound and jump in the rabbit hole. You should also have your Silver Reward Remote
by now if you've been getting all the items. If not; don't worry. There are plenty more goodies coming up.
Gex appears on the other side in a rabbit costume and wouldn't you know - it's Rabbit Season! Whack the mailbox for some
items and check out the hollow log behind you for a FREE LIFE TV Power-up. When you have gotten
all the items in this area, head down the canyon to where Hunter #1 is waiting. If you can
surprise him he won't even get off a shot. If he does, just whack the bullet. Keep whacking the hunter until he falls then
continue up the cut tree avoiding the snapping traps.
On the other side of the tree you can grab a TV Power-up which is guarded by a bee. Continue
past some more snapping traps to the stumps and look for the tree with the GEX+TV carved in it. A secret door leads to a
FREE LIFE TV Power-up hidden inside. Now you can begin to make your way to the top of the cut
trees. At the top Hunter #2 is waiting. Kill him just like the first and the TV EXIT back near
where you killed the first hunter will activate. If you are playing the Hunt the Two Hunters Mission
then you can retrace your steps and exit at this time.
Continue on past the second hunter avoiding the snapping traps, and jump into the rabbit hole. After a quick costume change,
Gex is back to his colorful self so jump to the ledge and whack the Checkpoint TV. Then proceed
up the ledges and when the wind dies down, run across the rock bridge. Jump on the wooden plank when it gets near you and ride
it to a FREE LIFE TV Power-up guarded by a Happy Face.
Return to the stone bridge and head back along the path and avoid the flowers with the hammers. When the wind calms down,
run across the second stone bridge to get to the road. Smash the manhole cover in the road for some goodies then head for
the tunnel. Whack Mr. Happy then stick to the walls to explore the inside of the tunnel for some more items. Whack the STOP
sign for even more stuff then head for the railroad tracks. Cross the tracks and begin a series of jumps up the various
rocks ledges until you arrive at the top.
Two blocks should be sliding in and out. Wait for both of them to retract then run past. Turn and climb up so you can run
across the top of them when BOTH are extended. Jump to the "Teetering Rock" and finally jump to the EXIT TV to return to the
Media Dimension.
Pain in the Asteroids - Rocket Channel
Find the Arched Asteroid
Ride the Warp Tube
Destroy Five Crystal Power Cells
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Alien Dolls

Find the Arched Asteroid
The name of this TV World is not deceiving. This level is indeed a "pain"! There are no checkpoints and plenty of places
to fall to your instant death, so plan on lots of restarts unless you are very good. This is the longest of the three
missions so get the Silver Reward Remote on this pass.
Exit the air chamber and whack the towers and the switch then load up on air before running across the platform bridge. Whack
the tower, the oxygen tank and the flying creature before heading up the platform steps to the next island. Destroy everything
then jump to the two platforms. You can drop down and get the TV Power-up if needed.
Run across these bridge and jump to the sequence of purple sinking platforms. Jump quickly before they sink beneath you. If
you are too late it is better to ride it down and back up than to try and miss a jump. Charge up your air when you reach the
circular tower platform.
This tower is the branching point for the other two missions. If you are working on Mission #2 then click here
or you can click here to finish Mission #3 or just keep reading to finish this mission.
Whack the signs for extra goodies and circle around and take the walkway to the elevator inside the center tube. Ride it down
and jump off and onto the next platform to recharge your air. Stair step your way down the green platforms killing spiders
and nabbing the TV Power-up until you reach the large island. Kill the droid and flip the switch
to activate the bridge. Run across avoiding the jets of flame and hop the three spinning platforms.
On the next island, whack the alien, get the TV Power-up, flip the switch and recharge your air.
Then proceed across the next bridge jumping over the gaps and dodging the flame jets. Destroy the droid on the next island
and smash the tower and flip the switch to activate the stairs. Jump up the long series of platforms and get air on the top.
Smash the two towers for more items then head down the hill and stick to the metal plate on the right. Whack the giant worm
that will pop out of the hole as you crawl by.
Circle around until you can stand inside the asteroid. Jump on the bridge and ride it up to a platform with an air booth and two
spiders. A series of sinking purple platforms is all that stands between you and the exit. Jump quickly and zigzag back
and forth. Remember to wait if the platform sinks before you can jump. You have enough reserve air to let three platforms
sink and bring you back up. Jump the rock platforms then land on the next island and get rid of another droid and charge
your air. You should now have the Silver Reward Remote. Ride the final elevator to the EXIT TV.
Ride the Warp Tube
Follow Mission #1 instructions to get to the tower platform before continuing.
Take the walkway to the tower and stick to it and head up to the top. Ride the elevator in the center to the next circular
platform and recharge your air. Head towards the Stargate (purple portal) and kill the Alien before you jump through the
gate. On the other side is an Air Booth, a droid, two Crystal Power Cells (remember these for the next mission) and the
Silver Hidden Remote. Also behind one of the towers is a TV Power-up.
When you have finished everything there is to do here you can return through the gate.
Jump onto the elevator which rests under a vertical glowing tube and ride it to the top. Charge up on air then dodge the moving
blue lasers. Head down the ramp and look behind it for another TV Power-up. Grab it and then
continue along the island taking out the Alien as you make your way to the next Air Booth. Another TV Power-up
rests on a ledge which is just a tail-jump above you. Then you can jump to the tall metal tower and climb up to the top.
Jump over and recharge your air supply then jump back to the top of the metal tower and get ready.
Jump across the three moving platforms and land on the ledge next to the moon with the flame geysers. You don't have time to
wait for the fire to stop so jump over the fire and the gaps in a single leap and go from ledge to ledge until you are on the
backside of the moon. Charge up on air then begin the last series of jumps up the spinning spiral of platforms. These don't
sink so take your time. When you reach the last platform wait for it to get close to the final ledge then jump to the EXIT TV.
Destroy Five Crystal Power Cells
Follow Mission #1 instructions to get to the tower platform before continuing.
Head for the center elevator you used for Mission #1. Ride down and get some air then jump down to the ledge with
Crystal Power Cell #1 before hopping onto the elevator and riding back up to the circular path
around the tower. If you look towards the tower you should see Crystal Power Cell #2 hiding on
a small ledge behind the tower. Take the walkway around and stick to the tower so you can crawl around to get it. Then take
the tower to the top and ride the elevator to the circular walkway.
Charge your air and smack the Alien and jump into the Stargate to get Crystal Power Cell #3 and
Crystal Power Cell #4. Return through the Stargate and charge up on air. Now take the platform
which is moving back and forth and ride it over to another Air Booth. Walk out to the circular intersection and take a right
to get the TV Power-up then return to the Air Booth. When your meter is green hop on the
platform next to you and ride to the roof of this structure to whack the final Crystal Power Cell #5.
The walkway should swing around making a straight path to your next destination. Jump down or take the elevator and run across
the long walkway to the rock ledges. A series of sinking purple ledges forms the steps to your final destination. Jump them
quickly and use the EXIT TV. You have conquered the Asteroid Level!
Pangaea 90210 - Pre-History Channel
Assault the Lava Island
Climb the Volcano
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Dinosaurs

Assault the Lava Island
This is a fairly short mission so don't plan on getting the Silver Reward Remote unless you plan on
dying a few times - and we never plan on that. We'll do a quick and dirty run to the finish line on this one and save all the
good stuff for the next mission.
Hop the lava river and head for that rack of ribs to the left. Behind it is a TV Power-up so
grab it before continuing along the path. Whack the dino egg and jump the next lava flow and whack the flower. A giant mosquito
is buzzing around so wait for him to advance toward you then jump and whip him. Jump the bouncy flower and continue to the
large lava lake. Whack the dino egg then jump to the floating rocks to make your way across.
A Pterodactyl circles overhead but don't wait for him to screech and attack or it may be too late. Instead, run and jump at
him and whack him out of the sky. The rock columns are tied together so when one goes down the other goes up. Jump on the first
then stair step up to the ledge with the TV Power-up. Continue along the path and whack another
dino egg. You should now be at the lava waterfall. This is the branching point for the two missions so if you are working on
Mission #2 then click here otherwise keep reading.
Jump across the rocks until you are across the base of the falls. Head up the hill and whack the charging dino then jump up
the ledges to get another TV Power-up and "flame on". Drop down and whack the plant then continue
along the path until you reach the island. Turn right and take the narrow path to the area where you can jump over the lava to the
island. Kill another Pterodactyl either before or after you jump then make your way to the top of the island and use the EXIT TV.
Climb the Volcano
Follow the Mission #1 instructions until you are told to branch here. Remember that you are after the
Silver Reward Remote this time so get all items you encounter. Make sure to whack all the large
palm trees to release bonus items which will fall out of them and jump to all ledges to get extra items.
Instead of crossing the base of the falls, start making you way up the ledges. When you are on the top of the middle rock
formation, turn and begin to jump back to the higher ledge behind you. Follow the ledge and whack a dino egg and a large palm
tree. Grab the TV Power-up but SAVE IT (let it circle you). Then find the gray fossil on the
side of the mountain and stick to it. Take a left when the fossil splits and drop to the ledge where a rock slide is in progress.
Go past the falling rock and whack the tree to get some items then jump the gap and get ready to fight a BIG Dinosaur. Time
to flame on and take this guy out. Hold down the tail whip button and run around the dino to lay down a perimeter of deadly
fire. He will explode - much easier than whipping him to death. Return to the rock slide and get the timing down before jumping
down to where the rock is falling below. Make sure to get out of the way before the next one lands. Look around and you
should find the Silver Hidden Remote in this area. Grab it then drop off the side to arrive
back at the start of this level.
Time to retrace your steps back to the waterfall. Now you can either go across the bottom and take the path past the island
from Mission #1 (very difficult but lots of items) or you can go back up and stick to the fossil and this time take the
right split in the path. Either way will have you taking the right fossil path eventually so continue on.
Dodge the drops of lava as they drip from the holes above the fossil. Drop down to the path and whack the mosquito and another
charging dinosaur. As you arch around a long curving path you should see another fossil on the inside wall. Jump and stick
to it and follow it down for lots of goodies and a FREE LIFE TV Power-up. Return to the path
above and whip another fire spitting plant as you continue towards the top of the volcano. Jump a series of ledges and kill
another Pterodactyl.
Jump another series of rock columns which alternate up and down then whack another fireball plant and smash through another
rack of dino ribs. Dodge the rocks as they fall and roll towards you. Grab the TV Power-up then
start jumping the ledges to stock up on items. You should have that Silver Reward Remote by now.
Your final obstacle awaits. One big dino is all that stands between Gex and the EXIT TV. You can whack this guy about 5 times
to take him out but since you already have all the remotes and these guys are going to be extinct in a few years anyway, just
leave him alone and run right past him. Whack the final rib cage and dodge the flaming spouts to use the EXIT TV.
Poltergex - Scream TV
Ascend the Ghost Tower
Reach the Top of the Morgue
Smash Eight Blood Coolers
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Hockey Masks

Ascend the Ghost Tower
We are only after the red remote on this mission so don't worry about items. You can keep an
eye out for the Blood Coolers scattered around the house. You will be need those for the final
Go through the door on the ground floor and enter the next room and run to the safety of the red/green light. When the ghosts
circle behind you make a dash for the double doors and enter the next room. Whack the Zombie and get the TV Power-up
from the table then stick to the metal portion of the wall and climb up. Dash past the knights and whip Huckie a few times
to get rid of that pest then climb up and over the ceiling and drop down to get a TV Power-up.
Return to the floor and take the other exit from this room down the hall with all the falling axes.
The next dark room is full of ghosts and those red/green lights. Your objective is the smooth wall ahead and slightly to the
left of you. Use the light for safety as you make your way across. Climb the smooth wall to the balcony above and whack the
bouncing Pumpkin then make your way around the perimeter jumping the gaps. Take out the skull blowing hot air then head through
the door.
Stick to either wall surface to get to the other side then enter either door to enter the crypt room. This room has three
Zombies trapped in cages and six coffins out in the middle of the room. Start pushing the coffins back into their holes in
the wall to open the various gates. Take out the Zombies as they are released and when all are dead and the gates in the middle
opening are both up, leave this place.
Take a ride on any of the floating items to get to the ledge above where you can whack a Pumpkin and exit through the door he
was guarding. One of those skull tossing ghosts is waiting upstairs so dodge his attacks and whack him as you pass by. A FREE
LIFE TV Power-up is just a jump away at this point so grab it before continuing. The next room
offers two ways to get across the room so start jumping across the chandeliers because it doesn't really matter which route you
take. Exit this room through the double doors on the other side.
Huckie is playing too close to the fireplace so whip his butt (and then his head) with your tail and grab a FREE LIFE TV Power-up
while your warm yourself by the fire. Now start the climb up the Ghost Tower stairs. A pair of ghosts are tossing skulls again
so dodge them as you head up the stairs and whack the ghosts as you run by. The EXIT TV awaits at the top.
Reach the Top of the Morgue
Head upstairs and take the left door out of here. Jump the chandelier and kill the flaming skull before leaving this room.
Drop into the glowing pit to get the TV Power-up then run up the stairs past the faces coming
out of the wall and jump the chandeliers. Kill the Pumpkin and exit the room.
The Silver Hidden Remote is hiding out of sight below us in this room. Jump off the balcony to the
floor below and take a ride on any of the floating objects to get across the room. Drop off where the two coffins are and push
them back into their crypts to trigger a couple of gates back where you came from. Take the "furniture express" back to the other
side of the room and push the coffin back in to open the gate behind you leading to the Silver Hidden Remote.
One more trip across the room on your favorite piece of furniture should land you on the top ledge or at least on the smooth
wall so you can stick and climb up to the ledge and exit through the door.
A pair of Zombie lurks in the library so take them out then jump on the desk, then the clock then onto the bookcase to get the
TV Power-up. Drop back down and head through the door across from the clock and go down the long
stairs to the Morgue. Jump the retracting slabs to stair step your way to the first level where another Zombie is waiting for
the tail treatment. Jump the next set of slabs - up twice on the left then over to the right and up three times then back
over to the left and finally jump to the EXIT TV.
Smash Eight Blood Coolers
This mission is a big scavenger hunt. You're looking for eight Blood Coolers and 120 items to get
that Silver Reward Remote. Open every door you find. Many are just one room dead ends but they
usually have something worthwhile inside.
Head up the stairs and whack Blood Cooler #1 in the right corner. Jump down to the main floor
and head out the door into the dark room. Run to the red/green light and when it's safe - make a dash for the double doors.
Take out the Zombie and crawl up the wall and jump back across the chandelier to get the TV Power-up
on the ledge. Return to the other side of the room and exit.
Dash past the guards and take care of Huckie again then stick to the wall and head up, and across to the alcove and get another
TV Power-up and smash Blood Cooler #2. Drop down and head back a few
rooms to the stairs at the start of this level. Go up and left and through the door and smash Blood Cooler #3.
Jump the chandeliers and take out Mr. Skull as you exit this room.
Drop into the glowing pit and get the TV Power-up and smash Blood Cooler #4
before you run back upstairs and jump across the chandeliers and smash the Pumpkin. Exit into the next room and drop through
the broken railing to the floor below to get Blood Cooler #5. Ride the furniture across and exit
through the door at the top right.
Back in the library, the two Zombies are back to tease your tail so let them have it then check out that door in the corner.
It doesn't go anywhere but you could easily miss Blood Cooler #6 if you didn't take a peek.
Since you are also looking for items make sure to duck and look in that dark hole with the eyes staring back at you to
release some extra goodies.
Jump back to the top of the bookcase to get the TV Power-up then hop to the vanishing platform
and over to the balcony. Take care of Mr. Pumpkin and smash Blood Cooler #7 then exit through
the door behind you and into the dark room with all the red/green lights. Turn left and head toward the next red/green light
then turn right and run to the next and finally run to the alcove with Blood Cooler #8. If you haven't
gotten the Silver Reward Remote yet then there are some more items in the adjoining alcove; otherwise
you can now head for the exit.
Retrace your steps back to the balcony above the library and take the door next to where Blood Cooler #7
used to be. Smack the skull around before jumping over to get the FREE LIFE TV Power-up. If you don't
have that Silver Reward Remote by now then you will have to backtrack into the house to find some
more items otherwise run down the hall with the faces coming out of the walls and use the EXIT TV.
Samurai Night Fever - Kung-Fu Theater
Navigate the Great Spinner
Ride the Swinging Platforms
Climb the Towering Temple
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Chinese Theater Masks

Navigate the Great Spinner
This is a tricky TV World. You must complete the first two missions before you can even start Mission #3. Gex will be
retrieving the Silver Hidden Remote on this level and it is probably the hardest one to find
in the entire game. None of these levels are really long enough to get the 120 items you need for the Silver Reward Remote
so I'm afraid you will have to kill yourself and replay a level (assuming you don't die enough on your own). I recommend this level.
Time to get started so head toward the pool and jump and whack that dragonfly - ok, it's probably a mosquito but dragonfly
sounded better since we are in the Orient. Head around the left side of the building and smash all the vases and kill the
Ninja. Try not to kick him off the edge or you will lose the items he leaves behind. Around the corner is a gold surface
you can stick to. Climb around and get the items. Make a note of the gong - you will be using it on a future mission.
Climb back up and go around to the front of the building and enter. Get all the items and admire the handsome statue of the
Gecko then take the TV Power-up on your way out. Cross over the two arched bridges and duck under
the spiked beam which is rocking back and forth. Super-jump to the block above and take care of the Ninja up there then head
down the stairs and take out another Ninja and a mosquito. Smash the vases and also crash through the door of the store selling
Sub-Titles to get lots of goodies.
Jump the lava using the wooden platforms before they slide into the wall out from under you. Break and get everything then
smack the gong to raise the stone block. It's on a short timer so quickly jump to it then to the roof for a FREE LIFE
TV Power-up.
Go to the corner where you smashed the 2 vases a minute ago and get up on the wall. Using your LOOK feature, take a peek over
the side until you can see a gold surface below that you can stick to. Jump off and press in the direction of the surface. You should
stick to the wall as you fall and now you can crawl to where the Silver Hidden Remote awaits! Once
you have retrieved the remote you can take the teleporter back to the top and resume your adventure.
Now go and stick to the gold wall on your left and crawl around - run across the spike area when it's flat - and climb to the
top. Whack the Ninja and get the TV Power-up then run across the collapsing bridge to whack
the gong and open the doors back behind you. The bridge should be rebuilt by now so run back across and go through the doors.
Super-jump across and tail whip the trapdoor to fall into a cage with some items. Climb out and continue the super-jumps
until you arrive at a flaming head. Whack that thing before continuing the super-jumps until you reach the rotating platforms.
Ride the spinner around to the ledge with the gong and whack it to lower a ramp. Cross the ramp and get on the elevator to
ride down to another ledge. Whip the gong to lower the ramp then cross over and whack the Samurai twice in the head to get
him out of your way. Jump to the spinner again and get the items on top. This is probably a good place to kill yourself
and start over. Once more replay of this level should get you the necessary items for the Silver Reward Remote
If you already have the remote then jump to the next ledge with the EXIT TV and hit the gong before you leave this mission. The gong
opens one of two doors blocking your way to Mission #3.
Ride the Swinging Platforms
This starts off much like the first mission - kill the mosquito, get the TV Power-up out of
the house and circle around the house and climb down the gold wall to whack the gong. This opens the gate to the rest of this
mission so return to the pool and go through newly opened gate. Run across the bridge and get the stuff on the next ledge then
begin the series of jumps across the rising green platforms.
You should now be on an island with two spinning platforms. Jump to the lowest then over to the next highest then back across
to the highest and finally to the ledge with the Ninja waiting to kick your butt. Teach him the power of the tail then follow
the path around and run through the three swinging blades. Jump on the swinging platform and jump off at the end of its swing
to land on the roof. Whack the mosquito and take the TV Power-up and continue the swinging
until you reach the next firm ground.
Another Ninja lurks by some moving wood platforms so whack him a couple of times then jump those platforms to find a gold
Samurai waiting for his judo lesson. Give him a good one and enter the open gate. Run across the bridge and avoid the swinging
blade then ride the spinning platform over to a flaming head who needs a good tail whack. Avoid the gold spikes by carefully
walking along the wall then dart through the swinging blade.
Get all the stuff on the other side and eliminate the Samurai then whack the gong to lower the bridge. Run across and whack
the gong to open the second of two doors leading to Mission #3 then jump into the EXIT TV.
Climb the Towering Temple - Requires Completion of Missions 1 & 2
This must be some special level to be protected by two security doors. Actually its very hard and very frustrating so let's
get started by killing the mosquito and getting the TV Power-up out of the house. Now go
through the two gates and head to the right and super-jump to the next level.
Time your run past the blade with the arrival of the swing. Jump on and ride to the other side where you can jump to another
swing which should be arriving from the left. Ride this swing to the stone walkway and jump off. Run between the next two blades
and whack the Ninja before jumping into the cage and taking a short ride. Jump out of the cage and get the TV Power-up
before jumping the lava to the ledge with the flaming head. Unless you are going for items on this level I would just run
past this guy and the Samurai on the next ledge. When you have either killed them or avoided them, stick to the gold wall and
climb up and over (avoiding spikes) to the top of the next level.
Head to the top of the arched bridge and jump onto one of the wood paddles then when you are close to the other spinner, jump
to one of its paddles and finally to the gold wall where you can stick and climb to the next level. Time your jumps to the
wooden platforms floating over the lava. When you are on the last platform wait for it to start to go back under the curving
walkway and jump up to that walkway. Follow it around until you are facing another pair of spinners.
Jump to the nearest paddle and time your jump to the next spinner. The rotation is off just enough that it works best if you
jump off the right corner towards the approaching paddle on the second spinner. Ride it around and jump into the waiting cage
which takes you to the rooftop. The EXIT TV is up here along with a Ninja and two flaming heads. You can sprint for the exit
or kill the enemies, but be careful! The roof is slippery and falling off is not recommended this close to the end.
Smellraiser - Scream TV
Survive the Haunted Mansion
Smash Five Blood Coolers
Ride the Haunted Elevator
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Hockey Masks

Survive the Haunted Mansion
We can cover ALL 3 MISSIONS and both of the Silver Remotes in one section. Since you
will be exploring the entire mansion on the first time through this level, I will simply call out each of the
5 Blood Coolers and the Haunted Elevator as you find them.
Then you can replay the level two more times and know where everything is so you can get the 2 remaining Red Remotes.
This mission covers the entire mansion so make sure you get your 120 items to earn your Silver Reward Remote.
If you don't, you can always get it on the second mission which covers almost all of the same territory. I won't be
pointing out "collectibles" so make sure to pick up any you see.
Head down the hall and up the stairs. Hop over the gap and enter the first creaking door. Whack the bouncing
Pumpkin then ride the floating table to the top and jump off. Another platform is moving back and forth so jump to
it and ride to the next ledge where you can whack your first TV Power-up and also score
Blood Cooler #1. Avoid the face coming out of the wall and jump down and head for the
HINT GEM. Climb the wall and avoid the next face-in-the-wall as you jump over the gap and enter the door.
Whack the Zombie until he goes down then whack him some more to get extra goodies. Jump up and over the short wall
to get the items by the Knights with the axes then return to the top of the wall. Jump up to the left and then
to the right and follow the balcony around to get a TV Power-up. Return to the wall
and run along the top and climb the smooth stone at the end.
Jump to the chandelier and then again to the opposite ledge. NOTE: Chandeliers will fall if you stay on for
more than a few seconds. Duck down by the hole in the wall to get some goodies then turn and jump to the next
chandelier and then again to the opposite ledge. Off to the side is Blood Cooler #2 and
a bookcase. Push the bookcase to reveal a secret room with a switch. Whack the switch to activate the Haunted Elevator
which awaits deeper inside the mansion.
Enter the door and read the cryptic sign before going down the stair and whacking that Checkpoint TV.
Grab everything you can around the perimeter of this room including Blood Cooler #3 and another
TV Power-up in one of the corners. Now run for the center of this room with the
floating Red Lantern. When you enter the circle of light it will turn Green and the evil spirit cannot harm you.
Whack the TV Power-up for a FREE LIFE then run for safety when the spirit is behind you.
The EXIT TV in this room is for the Blood Cooler Mission so make a note of its location
for future reference. For now, head up the stairs and whack that fire-breathing skull, then hop over the gap and enter
the door. Concealed behind the door you just opened is Blood Cooler #4. Continue down
the slope until you reach the flooded room.
Somebody call a plumber! Grab everything you can then hop to the wooden platform with the missing railing. Whack the
TV Power-up then jump to the middle platform and then the next before entering the
door to the next terrifying room.
Run past those axe-wielding Knights and whack the TV Power-up to the left. Turn to
spot another bouncing Pumpkin which awaits your deadly tail. After he is gone climb the bookcase and defeat the
skull with the flaming bad breath. Jump to the chandelier then to the next area to fight Huckie. Your first whack
will decapitate him but his body just keeps on coming. Find and whack the head to kill it (and the body) once and for all.
You should have your Silver Reward Remote by now unless you've really been slacking off.
Head across the walkway and run into the Red Light to change it Green. Wait in the safety of its glow until you
get the timing of the platform which is phasing in and out of existence. When you are ready - jump to the platform
then immediately to the next ledge with two doors. The door straight ahead leads to the room with Blood Cooler #5
, a FREE LIFE TV Power-up, and the final exit for this mission. Depending on which mission you are playing you can either enter and exit this
level, or enter and get the final Blood Cooler then head back to the previous EXIT TV.
If you are completing the Haunted Elevator then enter the door to the left. As soon
as you enter the art gallery the room begins to drop (assuming you flipped that switch behind the bookcase earlier).
When it hits the bottom you can exit towards the EXIT TV but don't leave yet.
Turn left and drop down to get a FREE LIFE TV Power-up and keep on going until you
reach the underground river - or is it the sewer. No matter, at the end of the river is the cleverly concealed
Silver Hidden Remote. Take your prize then retrace your steps back to the TV and return
to the Media Dimension.
The Umpire Strikes Out - Rocket Channel
Ride the Rocket
Enter the Battle Dome
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Alien Dolls

Ride the Rocket
The two missions on this level branch from the very start. This mission will have you dropping down and doing a quick U-turn
to get started, but before you do hop up the metal platforms and start smashing things and getting items. Depending on how often
you die, you can get the Silver Reward Remote on either mission.
Head down the curving narrow walkway to the first ledge then climb up the angled metal platform and stand on the flat one while
you wait for the rotating platforms to work their way around the purple energy tube. Jump to each of the platforms being careful
not to let purple energy knock you off. Jump up several more steps to arrive at the top. Stock up on air and items on this
island then whack the tower to reveal a spaceship on the other side. Climb aboard and take a ride.
He will take you to another level with some goodies and a spider. Jump off and get clear of the saucer before he blows it up.
Charge your air as you make your way up the various ledges. You should soon arrive at the Silver Hidden Remote
so grab it and hop in the Stargate. Don't even worry about the guys guarding it - just jump in to return to the start of this
level. Make your way all the way back to the island where you got on the spaceship then continue.
Head up the ramp and jump to the moving platform after it clears the purple energy barrier. Continue up and jump to one of
the ledges to get air and a TV Power-up. Then jump back to the moving platforms when they are
in range and continue up the steps until you arrive at a sign. The rocket is just a few more jumps away. Charge up your air
supply and hop on.
After the crash you need to get some air from the booth behind you then continue on. Get all the items and kill the robot
then advance down the trench. Avoid the incoming laser fire by snaking your way through the gaps in the beams. Jump into the
large hole to arrive near the EXIT TV. Whack the Alien and the robot to clear the path to the EXIT TV.
Enter the Battle Dome
If you didn't get the Silver Reward Remote on the previous mission then now is the time. There
are plenty of items to get and enemies to whip around. You can even venture into the Mission #1 area to retrieve some items
if you want to play it safe.
Head off toward the long metal bridge and drop off the end to fight an Alien. Take out the tower and get everything then jump
on the floating platform to ride back to the beginning. Charge your air and head back across the bridge. Jump on the moving
platform and ride it to the next island. Whack all the worms that pop out of the holes when you get too close. Grab the
air tank then hop over to the small island to destroy a tower.
A sinking purple platform lowers you to a new area with more items and an elevator that takes you to a TV Power-up.
Jump back to the main island and start dodging the bouncing asteroids. Then jump across several floating platforms and charge
your air. Jump across the spinning platforms when they are flat and you will come to a small island with air and another
TV Power-up. Drop down to the long narrow ledge beneath the spinning metal walkway to get
more items and make your way back to the previous island.
You are now facing a tall purple energy tower which is also smooth enough for you to climb. Hope on and take it to the top making
sure to avoid the blue energy rings as they pulse up the tower. You are safe on the metal surfaces and you can also get some
items while you are waiting. Jump from the top to the metal walkway and get some air and all the items then begin the run
down the curving path jumping the blue lasers as they move towards you. You are safe on any of the elevated platforms while
you are making this run. Finally jump to the small metal platform then make one last big jump to the next glowing tower.
Climb this tower getting the items from the metal surfaces. On top you can whack the signs for even more items then load up
on air before riding the platform over to whip another Alien. Jump on the rotating platforms then to the flat walkway for
more air and items. Drop down to the platform below and whack the Checkpoint TV then jump to
the rock ledges to get items before hopping on the elevator.
At the bottom of your ride you can get more items and air before continuing to a tall series of alternating ledges. You will
need to jump and zigzag up these ledges making sure to get all the items and air on the various levels. An Air Booth is on
the top level so charge up then begin the jumps across the rotating platforms then to the curved walkway with more lasers which
need to be jumped. Get more air at the end of the run then climb the next tower.
Whip the spider and whack the signs for more items and you should have the Silver Reward Remote by
now if you haven't gotten it already. Jump over the four spinning platforms and arrive on the final platform. Charge your
air supply then whack the Alien and at least one of the droids to lower the force field protecting the EXIT TV.
This Old Cave - Pre-History Channel
Watch for Falling Lava
Dodge the Steam Vents
Bounce Up the Flowers
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Dinosaurs

Watch for Falling Lava
This first mission is just a run to the finish line. None of the missions are long enough to get enough items for the
Silver Reward Remote, so pick your favorite mission and make sure to die before exiting so you
can run through again until you get the required 120 items. All three missions share a common beginning so lets get started.
Head down the path and whack the mosquito then jump the lava and whack the lizard. You will also need to whack his tail or
it will attack you. Jump onto the large flower and super jump to the ledge with the TV Power-up.
Then jump to the lower ledge then stick to the textured wall surface and crawl around and jump to the flower then super jump
over to the cave. Whack the dino egg then jump to another textured surface and crawl along the wall avoiding the dripping lava.
Whip the TV Power-up then stick to yet another surface and crawl to a narrow ledge with an Ogg Poster
and another textured surface which you can stick to and continue along the wall. Avoid even more lava drops and you will soon reach
the EXIT TV.
Dodge the Steam Vents
Whack the mosquito and kill the lizard and his tail. Jump to the large flower and super-jump to the ledge with the
TV Power-up then jump to the lower ledge then jump to the flower and then jump and stick to
the wall. Follow it around dodging the dripping lava until you arrive at a narrow ledge leading into another chamber. Whack
the Pterodactyl then use the flower to jump to the center island with the stone tower. Use the tallest flower to jump to a
small ledge with another TV Power-up then return to the center island. Jump to the top of the
tower to whack the Checkpoint TV just to be safe.
This tower is the branching point for Missions #2 and #3. If you are working on Mission #3 then click here
otherwise head through the arch in the tower until you arrive a flames spouting out of the wall. When the flames cease you
can dart through and start dropping down to the lower ledges. Whack another Pterodactyl along the way then cross over the lava
using the stone ledges.
A flat rock should be around here which is being shot into the air by a steam vent. Hop on and ride it to the top for a FREE
LIFE TV Power-up then return to the ground and follow the path along the left wall deeper into
the cavern. Whack another Pterodactyl and his lizard friend then jump to another rising platform. Jump up a long series of
rising platforms and you should find the Silver Hidden Remote waiting on a small ledge. Jump around
to retrieve it.
After you get the remote you can jump back one ledge to the left and exit through the lava cave. Jump from left to right
using the ledges along the river and dodging the flame spouts and you will arrive at the EXIT TV.
Bounce Up the Flowers
Follow Mission #2 instructions to reach the stone tower then use the flowers to jump to the top of the
tower and continue along that path after whacking that Checkpoint TV. In the next cave you can
stick to the wall and crawl along get items and dodging lava drops. Whip that Pterodactyl before you jump to the first flower
otherwise he may give you trouble later.
Begin the series of jumps across the flowers until you reach the top where you must whack a lizard and another Pterodactyl before
you can continue. Jump down to the flower below and finally super-jump to the ledge with the EXIT TV.
www.dotcom.com - Circuit Central
Scale the Bionic Launch Tower
Cross the Data Bus Bridges
Hidden Remote Location
REWARD for 50 Atoms

Scale the Bionic Launch Tower
This is another one of those levels where neither mission is long enough for you to get all 120 items, so plan on dying a few
times just to get the Silver Reward Remote. Grab all the items you can lay your hands on then hit
the green pulse to charge up and make your way to the red bionic jump to get to the next ledge. One more bionic jump should
land you on a ledge with a TV Power-up. There are lots of health bonuses around here but unless
you are taking damage from the small enemies around this room don't waste your time. You can only take one fly with you, so
head for the Warp tunnel being guarded by the Capacitor
The light bridge in this room is the same as all the others so make sure to avoid the light pulses and run until you can jump
to the square elevator. Jump off and head to the T-intersection. You can head to the right for a FREE LIFE TV Power-up
but you will need to eventually head left jumping the light pulses and jump to the final platform then to the ledge by the Warp
where you can whack some electrical enemies before jumping in.
Charge up on the ground floor then head for the bionic jump to reach the next ledge. Circle around and get in one more jump
before the charge wears off. Whack the robot guarding the charge on this level then power-up and hit the next two bionic launch
pads to arrive two levels higher with more enemies to whack. Your next recharge is on a small ledge so you need to jump over
and get powered-up before jumping back. Take the bionic launch pad to the next level and whack the robot then you should spot
the Silver Hidden Remote on a small ledge. Jump across the series of small ledges to reach the
remote then drop back down to the last green charge on the ledge to restore your healthy green glow.
You now need to be VERY fast as you have to squeeze three bionic launch pads into this charge. Any mistakes or hesitations
and you will need to drop back down to this ledge and recharge. On the top ledge you will need to time your final jump to
an area the Sentry Droid is walking away from. This will give you time to get onto the ledge and whack him before you use
the EXIT TV.
Cross the Data Bus Bridges
The room you start in has two Warps - one on each side of the room. You are heading for the Warp you didn't take on your last
mission so use the green charges to make your way to that Warp using the data stream bridges and bionic launch pads. On the
other side of the Warp you will have to deal with some nasty electrical parts before you can begin the run across this light
bridge. Make sure to jump the light pulses and you will eventually arrive at the other side where a few more electronic parts
need some tail before you exit.
A Checkpoint TV is here so use it then whack all enemies and charge up with the green energy when
you are ready for the next sequence of events. Activate the first data stream bridge and head across then jump over the gap
to activate the second bridge and finally activate the third bridge to reach the Warp to the next room. Whack the enemies at
ground level then charge up and take the two bionic launch towers to reach a ledge where you can now prepare to jump onto the
rotating platform.
As you spin around on this platform you need to tail whip the connection to send the platform floating off towards the Warp on
the other side of the room. Use your judgement or trial and error to figure out the proper time to set the platform free.
Whip on the capacitors before entering the next area. Beat-up the Sentry Droid in this room before charging up. Then run to
the lowest elevator and ride it up and activate the data stream bridge. Run across and jump over to activate a second bridge
then head across that bridge to find a recharge waiting on a small dark ledge. Power up once more then jump to the final
data stream bridge which leads to a square floating platform. It will take you to the EXIT TV.
Channel Z - Rez - FINAL BOSS
Required for Access
Defeat Rez in the Final Battle

Defeat Rez...sure, sounds easy and you only have to hit him six times to win this battle. Good luck!
You also may want to go and complete the GOLD SECRET LEVELS before entering this final battle. That way when you win you
will get the PERFECT ENDING otherwise you will be returning to defeat Rez a second time if you want to see the Perfect Ending
Movie - and of course we all do.
Begin the level by hopping on the elevator for a long spiral ride to the top. Enjoy the insults and taunts that Rez dishes
out - you'll be sick of them by the tenth time you hear his smack. Do a careful jump to the TV Power-up
and let the bug orbit you - you need every extra health point you can carry since there are no more power-ups once you step
into that green de-atomizer booth in the center of this area.
Things start off pretty easy. Rez is buzzing around in his jet pack. He will charge at you but you can easily get out of his way.
When Rez misses you he will smack the wall and stun himself. You can then go up and jump and tail whip him to have him spin
off into the electrical field in the center of the room. He will get shocked and smacked against the wall. This counts as
one hit so repeat this process two more times. If you are quick you can try to put the electric field between you and Rez
before he charges and he will fly into the field and save you the trouble of a tail whip.
After each of the first two hits Rez will fire a series of missiles at you. The view changes to that of Rez and his laser
targeting system. You still control Gex so run around like crazy and jump the missiles and their explosions. You will have
to do this twice after the first two hits on Rez. After the third hit Rez will enter the center chamber and morph into Mega-Rez.
Now things get really fun.
From now on whenever I say "jump" I will be referring to the "high karate jump" since this is the only jump which will guarantee
success. Rez begins a pattern of attacks which you must learn and avoid. He will start off my swing his arm around. You can
jump this as long as you get the timing down. There are two shades of green on the floor and I recommend staying in the lighter
shade toward the center of the room. If you get too far near the outside he can clip you with his claw which is higher than just
his arm.
After you dodge the arm sweep he will fire lasers out of his eyes. Just run in one unchanging direction and he will never hit
you with these. You can do jumps to cover more ground and get further away from these deadly beams. After the lasers he will
try to smack you into the ground. You may have noticed after you dodged the arm sweep that a cylinder popped out of the ground
and a green light is coming out of it. You need to get to that cylinder sometime between the arm sweep and his final smack attack.
He will smack at you three times and you need to jump into the air just before his hand comes down. When you reach the glowing
cylinder hide behind it and wait for the hand to come down and jump at the last minute. Rez will smash the cylinder causing a
giant TV to fall on his head. This is your fourth hit on Rez so repeat this process two more times with a few slight variations.
On each of the subsequent attacks Rez will add an arm sweep and subtract a smack attack. This makes it nearly impossible to
get the third and final TV to fall since Rez is only going to smack at you once per attack pattern and you have to already be
hiding behind the glowing cylinder when he does. This means that while he is chasing you with eye lasers on the final run you
need to be ending your run at the glowing cylinder.
If the lasers are going to cause you to run past the cylinder and you have the health to spare I would highly recommend taking
the laser hit just so you can be ready for the smack attack by the cylinder. Otherwise you could be repeating his entire attack
pattern countless times until you just happen to synch up with the glowing cylinder.
After the third TV falls you can enjoy the closing movie while you bandage up your thumb. Congratulations!
Aztec 2 Step - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 50 Green Gems in 3 Minutes

This level is divided into two main rooms with 25 Gems in each room. The objective here is to be FAST! Try not to
backtrack. Complete each room in a circular fashion and make sure to jump on any stones with spiral symbols. The
first 25 gems are pretty obvious and by the time you have them all the door should be open to the next room.
The next room has most of the gems hidden behind secret panels. Stepping on spiral stones will open these. When the
last gem is retrieved you need to drop into the center pit and jump across the floating platforms to retrieve the
Gold Remote.
Bugged Out - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 70 Radiation Symbols in 2 Minutes

This bonus level is pretty easy as long as you are quick. Whip the gear to get the robotic spiders to appear then whip the
spiders to get the Radiation Symbols. The spiders will usually come together at the top of the far stairs so get into the
pattern of coming down and whipping the gear then running up and whipping the spiders. Don't chase any stray spiders or you
will just waste precious time. Keep up the pattern and you should get your required symbols with time to spare. Grab the
Gold Remote from the top of the gear to end this level.
Chips & Dips - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 50 Batteries in 3 Minutes

There are lots more batteries on this level than the 50 you need, so don't backtrack too far in search of missed items.
Start the level by charging up and launching to the next level taking at least one of the batteries with you. Get more
batteries and recharge so you can super-jump to the ledge for more batteries then head down the "Info Superhighway" and get
all the batteries you can in the circle. Hit the super-jump pad before your charge wears off and stick to the yellow wall.
Spiral up the wall getting the line of batteries.
Get the batteries from the first room then stick to the wall and head up to the next higher ledge with the "Mouse Drivers" sign
and jump to the ledge along the wall. Charge up and vault to the ledge across the gap and continue down the "Nerd Jersey Turnpike".
You should arrive in a room with many ledges and batteries and a tall pyramid like structure with lots of super-jump pads.
You can really clean house in this room if you can get to the top of the pyramid and work your way down while you are NOT
glowing green. Recharge at the bottom and super-jump to the top to continue. You should have your 50 batteries by now or at
least be very close.
Pass through another charge-up and hit the super-jump to land on a ledge with another super-jump pad. Start spiraling to the
left as you make your way to the top where a square elevator awaits. You need to still be charged to activate this platform
so be quick. At the top you need to charge up one last time then super-jump to the ledge behind you where the
Gold Remote waits for you.
Gexzilla vs. Mecharez - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Defeat Mecharez

This is by far one of my favorite bonus levels. Mecharez has about triple the health you do so you must be very
cautious. The key to defeating Mecharez is to NEVER approach him from the front or the rear. Always whip him from the
side and rotate with him. Even better is when he is on top of a building and you can whip the building out from under
him and he will lie there stunned for several seconds. Use this time to whip some damage onto him.
Make sure that you are aware of the tanks and choppers around you. They will do damage if you don't whack them first.
The best source for power-up flies is near the coast. Whacking the oil tanks usually results in a fly to eat. Be careful
near the end as Mecharez gets very fast and ferocious as he nears death. Good luck!
Gilligex Island- BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Hit Blue Fireballs to Defeat the Tiki Brothers

The trick to this level is to always keep a Tiki Brother directly across the screen from you. When the three fireballs
come up out of the pot quickly identify the blue one and position yourself so you can whip it. The first two brothers go
down pretty quick but the third can be pretty elusive. Don't forget to be hopping over that wall of fire that is constantly
making its way around the walkway.
Required for Access
Collect 50 Badges in 3 Minutes

This level is very small but also very vertical. The key is the fire escape at the far corner which has two rope slides
coming down off of it. First, gather all the badges off of the street including the stuff on the ledge above the dumpster.
Then head for that fire escape and climb to the top. Take the slide which leads along the same building but to the lower
fire escape. Climb down getting all badges then climb up the last fire escape. Use the subway tracks to cross to the other
side and continue to collect the badges.
You can jump from the one fire escape to the next and continue to collect all the way down that side of the street. Finally,
climb that first fire escape one last time and this time slide across the street to get the last badges which are actually on
the rope itself. The train should pull in with the Gold Remote and all you need to do is hop to
the tracks on the right and claim it before the timer expires.
I've Got the Reruns - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 99 TV's in 3 Minutes

This level resembles the post-nuclear holocaust world of the Terminator movies. TV's are abundant and there are more of them
than you are required to get but don't get sloppy or you will be repeating this level so just keep moving and you should be
fine. A good checkpoint are the cart rides you take. When you ride the first cart you should have around 65 TV's left to
get. You should be at around 45 for the second cart ride. The next cart ride should have you at around 20 TV's left to get.
Near the last cart ride is a narrow ledge with 2 TV's. Grab those and take the cart to the Gold Remote.
Lizard in a China Shop - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 31 Boxes of Chinese Take-Out in 3 Minutes

Just finding this level is actually harder than completing it. Go to the area of the Media Dimension where the TV's for
Fine Tooning and Pangea 90210 are located. Find the column with the blue checkered pattern on it and jump and stick to it.
Follow it up and around to the top of this area to find the Bonus TV waiting just a careful walk away.
This level is pretty short but there are some fatal traps; with the easiest way of dying simply being to fall in any of the
water areas. Start off by turning around and running to the symbol and super-jumping to the arch over the water. Get the
boxes and drop down the other side to get some more before jumping on the boat. Ride the boat a short ways down the falls and
when it starts to turn hop off. Head to the building and super-jump to the roof. The best way to jump the spinning plates is
not to stay on them for more than a second. Just jump from one to the next without even thinking and you will be fine.
Collect all the food then slide down the rope to the floating wood platform. Jump to the next platform and then into the
passing boat. Ride down the next set of falls then jump off on the next available platform. Jump to another floating
platform then to the dock. Slide down this rope and jump across the spinning plates to get the final three boxes. The
Gold Remote is just a super-jump away..
Mooshoo Pork - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Throw the Switch to Defeat Mooshoo

This is by far one of the easiest Bonus Levels. All you have to do is flip the switch at the back of the room four times
to fry Mooshoo. First thing to do is get him to chase you - preferably in a counter-clockwise direction. Run around making
sure to jump the green slime and flip the switch for the first zap!
Now that you've got his attention he will start sending out electrical pulses. You can either jump these as they pass underneath
or stand on the steel grates where you are immune to the charges. Tease him into following you again and repeat the process
of zapping him. After his third zap he will destroy those steel grates so you will be forced to jump the electrical pulses.
With Mooshoo in hot pursuit, run around one final time and throw the switch to fry the pig and nab that Gold Remote.
The Spy Who Loved Himself - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 35 Briefcases in 3 Minutes

This level is fairly straight forward and relies on your speed. Quickly smash the computers and get everything before taking
off to the left. Stair step up the moving platforms until you reach the ledge with the railing then turn towards the center
of the room - watch out for a crafty camera angle change if you are on Automatic!
Jump to the middle elevator and ride up and hop off quickly making sure to get all briefcases on this level before you begin
to stair step up the conveyor belts to your right. On the final conveyor you will need to jump to the center platform and
ride it to the top and jump off quickly before it goes back down. Run forward and jump to the smooth wall and start scrambling
around picking up the briefcases and avoiding the rotating lasers. Work your way around to the left until you enter the door.
You should now only need a few more briefcases. Pick a side and run down fighting the conveyor belt's pull toward the pit.
Avoid the flying shark and make your way to the other end. If you need a couple more briefcases then backtrack up the other
side. When you have all 35 Briefcases hop to the platforms going up and down until you get to the ledge where you can whack
the switch to open the door.
Go through the long sequence of doors (Anybody remember GET SMART?) until you arrive in the final room. There are two red
sofas which can be used to super-jump you. The left sofa takes you to a ledge with a computer to smash and a few briefcases
if you need them. Since you should have all 35 by now head for the right and super-jump to the top and go behind the white
screen where the lever is. Whip the lever to lower the disco lights then exit back to the ledge. No time to dance - start
jumping across the tops of the lights. You will need to fight the spinning movement until you get all the way across where
that Gold Remote is waiting for you.
Thursday the 12th - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 50 Skulls in 3 Minutes

These will be the hardest 50 skulls you ever had to find. Actually it won't since I will tell you exactly which doors to
go in and in what order. That way you won't have to replay this level about 13 times like I did. I will reference all doors
by number starting from the left and I will assume you are picking up all the skulls.
Get the skulls on the ground floor then enter door #2 to go to the next level. The door on the far right takes you to the next
level. Jump the gap and enter the right door by the statue. Jump off the chandelier to the right and get the skulls then
jump back to the chandelier then to the ledge and enter door #1. Head up the stairs and enter door #3. Jump to the chandelier
then to the long ledge and enter the double doors.
Jump all the ledges and get the skulls on the right then jump back to the middle and enter door #3. Jump to the chandelier and
quickly get the skulls before it falls. Jump right and push up to land in the door and get the FREE LIFE TV Power-up
before return and jumping back to enter door #2. Grab two more skulls off the next chandelier then jump to the center platform
and enter the door.
You'll come out on a large ledge with a statue. Jump to the center door for a FREE LIFE TV Power-up
then come out and drop straight down to the ledge below. Jump to the chandelier on the left and get some more skulls before
entering the door behind that chandelier. Jump off the ledge to the chandelier to pick up some more skulls then jump back
and reenter that same door - its one of those trick multi-dimensional door that takes you to the top floor.
Jump to the middle and get the skulls then jump back to the right chandelier and let it fall taking you down a level so you
can get the final skulls on the middle chandelier. Go left and enter door #1. When you exit the next door turn around and
reenter to pop back to the top floor. Jump over the ledges and enter door #1 to arrive at the top of the house. Take either
ramp to go up to the ledge above where that Gold Remote is waiting for you.
Trouble in Uranus - BONUS LEVEL
Required for Access
Collect 50 UFO's in 3 Minutes

You need to be PERFECT on this run as there are only 50 UFO's possible and you need every last one of them. Start collecting
and jumping forward from rock to rock. When you pass the Handicap Alien sign you should have 35 remaining. At the green
rock you can go to the right for a FREE LIFE and come back or you can just go left to keep getting UFO's. You should arrive
at a warp field with 25 left to get.
Through the warp lies the rest of your UFO collection so get them all including that solo UFO on the rock to your right.
Continue across all the narrow bridges collecting along the way. Your final UFO rests on a rock behind two green mushrooms,
and when you get it a large flying saucer will appear with the Gold Remote.
Required for Access
Navigate the River of Fire
MOVIE BONUS - Find the Hidden Movie Marker

The TV which leads to this level as well as the other two TV's for the other secret levels are cleverly hidden. From your
original starting position in the Media Dimension you need to head forward to the first checkered archway. Stick to it and
climb up and over to the top then hop on the elevator to ride over to the roof above Gilligex Island. Your TV's should all
be standing by.
Begin this fiery level by getting on the lowest of the sinking platforms and using the others to step your way across to the
narrow stone ledge coming out of the far wall by the "Cave Club" sign. Enter and arrive at dual stone ramps with alternating
rolling boulders. You need to run up the ramps jumping back and forth to zigzag around the rolling boulders. You can also
duck below each of the small ramps and the boulder will fly over your head. Get the TV Power-up
at the top - you probably need it - then continue to the lake of lava.
Waste the dino egg then jump to the fossil on the wall and avoid the fire snake. Avoid the dripping lava and spiders (or whack
the spiders if you want) then when you are finally standing you can jump to the stone walkway below. Whack the lizard and his
tail which keeps attacking even when his owner is gone. Then stick to the wall and crawl around to the next ledge and kill
the spider. Head forward and jump to the small patch of fossil and climb up to the FREE LIFE TV Power-up
then head forward until you find the next patch of fossil to get on. It's behind you and to the right.
Follow this fossil around until you see the "Drop Zone" sign and jump off to land upright on a ledge. Turn and stick to a
new fossil and follow it to the cave. You should reach the lava river very soon and you will want to use that Checkpoint TV
so you don't have to do all that over again.
Time for some river rafting so hop on and start the ride. Smash the tusks so you can stay on the raft then as you approach
the three spouts of fire you will want to run and jump to the wall and stick to it. Follow the fossil to the other side of
the fire then drop to a raft as it passes below. Your raft will start to spin meaning it's time to get off before it sinks.
Jump to the nearest raft to continue your ride.
The next series of obstacles requires you to jump over and duck under several branches sticking out of the wall. A
TV Power-up ahead to your right is your next goal but it is guarded by a fire snake so be
careful. When the snake is dead and you are feeling better jump to the passing raft then over to the next rock ledge. Jump
across the next two ledges and you should spot a fossil running up the inside left wall of the falls. Jump and curve to the left
and stick to the fossil to climb up. Then jump the gap to the ledge behind the falls to find the secret cave with the
Movie Marker guarded by a fire breathing snake statue. Whack the snake when the fire dies down
then grab the marker. You'll get to see the movie when you finish the level so go beneath the snake to transport back to the
river and finish things up.
Jump across the next bunch of rafts to the small rock ledge with the TV Power-up then jump
across the next set of rafts to the ledge with another TV Power-up. Jump over the rack
of ribs and finally do a series of zigzag jumps up the sinking ledges to make your way to the top of the falls. One last
TV Power-up waits for you, then a short few jumps onto the advancing rafts will land you on the
Mazed and Confused - SECRET LEVEL
Required for Access
Pass the TV Forest
Cross the Blue Beams to the Rez Tower
MOVIE BONUS - Find the Hidden Movie Marker

Pass the TV Forest
This mission is rather confusing so follow the directions carefully. Head forward and take out Flat Top then get the
TV Power-up then take the left passage. Head right at the next T-intersection and
get past the pinchers and blowing fans. Jump over the next gap and continue past the pinchers until you drop into a pit
to get lots of items.
Head up the ramp, jumping over the pit of static and turn right at the next intersection. Follow the passage around until
you reach the 3-button remote and activate it to ride to the top of the wall. Look around until you see a circle of arches
formed from tusks. Jump over to them and look around to find the Movie Marker. Now find the
ledge where you can jump to another ledge that doesn't have any fences. From this ledge you need to look over the edge until
you see a glowing blue wall surface near a sign selling "Rez One Cologne". Drop down and enter the tunnel.
In the next area you need to jump in the green pit. The elevator doesn't work so don't bother. Now you are in a room with a
Sentry Droid and a bunch of TV sculptures. Jump to the lowest TV and start jumping to the next highest one to step your way
to the top. You can whack the Sentry Droid before you begin or after your fall. Some TV's require tail-jumps or even the
"Karate Jump". Jump to the final ledge and prepare for the spinning satellite dishes.
The easiest way to jump this is quickly. Don't let the camera start spinning around or you will get dizzy and miss your jump.
Once on top you can easily whack the robot then head up the long ramp and jump over to the pipe. Make your way to the roof
of the building with the "Stuff to Buy" sign. Jump across to the tower and make your way up the narrow spiral ledge. At the
top you will need to jump a few more spinning dishes to arrive at the EXIT TV.
Cross the Blue Beams to the Rez Tower
You can blaze through this mission in under two minutes if you don't fall or die. Take a left at the first intersection after
grabbing that TV Power-up for insurance. You can take out Flat Top or just outrun him - he won't
follow you too far. Head past the pincher until you arrive at a long pit of static. Fortunately you can stick to that glowing
blue surface so climb on and crawl along the wall to get around it.
When you get off the wall head to the path on the right and follow it until your camera changes back to ground level. Dodge
the fan and the pincher and head up the ramp. Jump on the first moving walkway and let it take you to the first platform.
The first two walkways are easy rides, but the next two have missing sections which you need to jump over to continue. You
will then need to jump a series of satellite dishes which are rotating at difference speeds and directions. One of the
blue walkways ends in mid-air and you must jump to a parallel walkway to continue.
The remaining walkways are all solid so enjoy the ride smashing out the teeth that block the way on some ledges. On the final
platform you will need to dodge the jets of flame and knock out all of the teeth. When all the teeth are gone a giant brain
floats out of the opening to reveal the EXIT TV.
Texas Chainsaw Manicure - SECRET LEVEL
Required for Access
Ride the Floating Furniture
MOVIE BONUS - Find the Hidden Movie Marker

Will zip through this level pretty quick by not going out of our way for all the items scattered around. Jump to the top
balcony using two of the floating tables as steps. Take out a bouncing Pumpkin then head between the falling axes. Jump
up the three floating tables then to the ledge. Head to the end and jump from the table to the smooth wall and stick. Crawl
around and drop to the ledge. Jump to the floating table when it's level then hang a left into the door.
Start up the stairs then turn to find the smooth wall surface you can stick to. Crawl around and down to the floor where you
can whack the Zombie and get the Movie Marker for this level. Use the wall to return to the top
and continue up the stairs. Dodge the axes and jump to the ledge and head back along the narrow path jumping over the desks
and enter the door at the end.
Whack or dodge the skull in this next room which is blocking your way to the smooth wall. Stick and climb up to the top then
jump across the rotating tables and enter the next door. Head up the stairs and whack the bat and the Zombie. Make a note of
the bars with the Zombie behind them. Continue past them and up the stairs and take care of the flaming skull before entering
the door.
In this room you can take care of the skull then hop on the spinning table then to the elevator table to get to the top.
Dodge the next two sets of axes to get to the other side then ride the table across to the alcove with the switch you can
whip with your tail. It will glow and the bars from the previous room will rise. Walk to the ledge and get centered so you
are looking down to the walkway below and drop off. Make your way along the narrow path and return to the previous room.
Head down the stairs and take care of the Zombie who is now roaming freely. Exit through the door behind the now-open bars.
Huckie comes charging at you so whack him and his head then dodge the blades working your way to the floating table above the
red floor. Jump to it then to the wall and climb up and over to drop onto the narrow ledge. Jump up the three tables to
reach the next area. A TV Power-up is off to the right and you can access it via the sticky wall
but you will have to run past the axes again.
Head up the next flight of stairs whacking pumpkins and dodging axes and jump across some more tables. Then head up the stairs
in the next room and kill another Zombie before making your way across the spinning coffins. Wait for them to stop spinning
then quickly head for the door. Dodge some more axes and jump over some more tables to reach the high ledge. Huckie is lurking
around here so be ready when he appears. Jump across the spinning and rotating spiral of tables to reach the top ledge with
the EXIT TV.
Here are some links to the text above which will assist you in locating those hidden remotes.
Fine Tooning
Hidden Silver Remote 1
Hidden Silver Remote 2
Honey I Shrunk the Gecko
Hidden Silver Remote 3
Mao Tse Tongue
Hidden Silver Remote 4
No Weddings and a Funeral
Hidden Silver Remote 5
Out of Toon
Hidden Silver Remote 6
Pain in the Asteroids
Hidden Silver Remote 7
Pangaea 90210
Hidden Silver Remote 8
Hidden Silver Remote 9
Samurai Night Fever
Hidden Silver Remote 10
Hidden Silver Remote 11
The Umpire Strikes Out
Hidden Silver Remote 12
This Old Cave
Hidden Silver Remote 13
Hidden Silver Remote 14
Cheats & Codes

These codes are entered with the Playstation Controller thus they will not work on the PC or N64 versions.
PC Codes will be posted when they become available.
To enter the following codes, pause the game by hitting START then highlight the EXIT option and press and hold
L2 while entering any of the following button sequences:
Return to the game and press SELECT to view Level Stats.
Press the
on any of the level status screens for best times.