Walk Through Structure:
I have written this walk through with the speed of game completion in mind.
Each section will lead you to key items, magical items, and non-player
characters. However, after you get the items in each section, save the game.
Wander around, look for trouble, get into fights to develop your characters.
Map Coordinates:
In this walk through, you will find coordinate markers shown as (map 10,2).
These markers are for ease of navigation and locations through the various parts
of the game. Your current position is shown on the right center of the movement
screen, unless a certain part of the game does not allow such navigation aids.
Object of the Game:
Bane has claimed all of the realms for his own and placed them under his 3
Lieutenants. As heroes, you must defeat the plans of bane by defeating his
Starting the Game:
TIP: Don't depend on the roll (of the dice) to get high attributes for your
characters. After generating your own characters with first roll attributes,
place them in the party and manually change the attributes to their highest
level (usually 18) before you start playing the game. Bring the hit points to
their highest level as well. It gives your characters survivability. Do this
before you enter the game After your characters have entered the game, you can't
change the attributes. If you wish to be challenged, either leave the
characters as you roll them or increase the game play level. You start as
Veteran in the game play level which is the middle of the range. The higher
levels seem to increase the number of missed hits. I once increased the level
to Champion Level and put all my characters on quick (automatic operation). One
combat took 5 long, boring minutes, listening to the swish of a miss instead of
a hit.
You can use the pre-generated characters that come with the game or create your
own. I always create my own characters and I have had success with a Human
Fighter, Human Ranger, Human Paladin, Human Cleric, Dwarven Fighter/Thief, and a
Female Mage. Why these characters? The Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, and the
Dwarven Fighter constitute the front line of the party. The humans and dwarves
can use any weapon and armor in the game, but the Dwarf get a +2 hit factor if
they are equipped with an axe of any kind. The Paladin is an excellent fighter
and 1 time per day medic. By HEALing an injured character within touching
distance, even during battle, the injured character recovers some hit points.
The Cleric is the party's medic as he can cast HEALing spells during battle and
is the (encamp) healer. The mage uses magic to hit attacking characters from a
distance. Dispite the slowness of dual class characters advancement, I have
made my Dwarf a dual class Fighter/Thief. He is useful for traps, crawling
through small spaces, fighting, and back stabbing (a powerful, devastating
attack on the enemy).
Fighting Strategies (General):
Keep an eye on your front line characters during combat. If you see a character
getting low on hit points, use the Paladin to HEAL a wounded character if he is
close enough to lay his hands on him, or the Cleric to cast a HEALing spell on
the injured person during combat. Fatigue, loss of blood, shock, etc. are not
factors in this game. ALL characters (friendly and enemy) hit just as hard with
1 hit point as with 100 hit points. Many times I have walked away from a
battle with just 1 hit point.
If you are facing magic users of any kind, hit them with spells (Magic Missile
is best early in the game because they are immediate use and guaranteed to hit)
and arrows (if available). Hitting spellcasters with spells or arrows disturbs
the casting of a spell. The spell is lost and they have to start over. Include
spreading your characters out if possible. A single area spell like a fireball
or Ice Storm can kill or severely injure all of your characters at once if they
are bunched up and it disturbs your own spellcasters. If you have locked into
close combat at the start of a battle, don't turn to try to move. A hit from
behind drops your hit points faster than if you stand toe-to-toe with the enemy.
In an outdoor encounter, you are generally facing the enemy but they can come
from behind as a split force. Use AIM to determine who, what, and where the
enemy is, then arrange your characters accordingly. Wait for the enemy to come
to you (unless the enemy has spell casters, then hit them first). While you are
waiting for the enemy to charge, have front rank characters select GUARD during
the turn. When the enemy arrives, the enemy is automatically attacked by your
party members before the enemy can attack.
Search Mode seems to attract enemy encounters faster when it is turned on. When
walking outdoors, if you want to gain experience, turn on the search mode and
wander around but stay near a town where you can go and heal.
Clerics and Paladins have the ability to "TURN" attacking undead characters.
TURN forces some undead characters to disintegrate or flee. The higher the
characters level, the more effective it is.
Don't give a non-player character (NPC) anything you want back. An NPC cannot
trade items. The only way to get something back is to let him get killed (or
kill him), strip him of items, then kick him to the curb (DROP).
A character whose name has turned purple is ready for advancement. Before you
take a character to the Training Hall, make sure that he is fully healed. You
will not get a full measure of new hit points if you don't.
Save the game frequently. If your party is wiped out in an encounter, you can
reload the game and learn from your mistakes. Have the cleric cast Bless and
Prayer prior to a battle to raise the party's attacking ability and have the
enemy miss more often.
Character Advancement:
Most of the characters can advance beyond level 36. You start with a powerful
party, already well equipped. You will not need much from the stores when you
Game Play Level:
You start as Veteran, the middle of the difficulty range. All of the encounters
are based on this level.
You arrive by boat and are given a tour of the city. After the tour, go East to
(map 12,7) where the town hall is located. Meet Council member Sasha then go
West to Kuto's Gate where She will be waiting for you. She will give you 3
Cleric Scrolls containing 2 Restoration and 1 Resurrection each. After leaving
Phlan, Bane makes a great speech and scoops out Phlan, leaving only a crater.
Then Limbo opens and you meet Elminster, a powerful Mage. His speech in the
Adventurers Journal basically outlines the situation with Bane and he has
arranged for your party to travel through Limbo at various points in the game.
Then you are found elsewhere, away from the Crater of Phlan.
Go North to the a cave entrance and enter. You are greeted by a Hill Giant who
tells you to go through the North door to see the Silver Lady. You are greeted
by Vala, a member of the Silver Blades. She says that you need to get 4 items,
Worldstone, Tyrants Flame, Lindenwood Staff, and the Oakwood Staff. She gives
the party a Silver Shield as a gift. It is useful against Medusa as it reflects
their gaze and it's a +4 Shield.
After Vala joins your party, go North then East down the hall to (map 9,1) and
enter the North door to fight 3 Hill giants for the Worldstone. After the
battle Encamp, Fix, Save the game. Exit the room and go through the South door
that is 1 step East.
After entering, giants burst from the room to the South East. Prepare the party
with Bless and Prayer and go though the door to fight 6 Fire Elementals for the
Tyrants Flame. Ice Storm works well here, but to fight fire with fire (ball)
does not. You can't rest here because of the noise of digging. If you leave
the room turn South through the door there, you can Rest, Fix, Memorize, and
Save the game.
Exit which ever room you are in, turn North, then West down the hall to (map
5,2). Enter this room to face 6 Vassan Fighters and 3 Drow Warriors. Drow
warriors cast the cleric Hold spells and the Drow are naturally resistant to
magic spells so toe-to-toe combat is necessary to keep them from casting their
hold spells.
After the combat, go South to the end of the hall and turn West to a door. When
you search the coffins, you get gems, jewelry, a Battle-ax +4, 10 Crossbow Bolts
+3, a Hammer +1, Helm +1 and the Lindenwood Staff. When you have taken and
arranged the treasure, a Split force, of 10 Skeletal Warriors, 3 Wraiths, and 1
Litch appear to defend the coffins. Use TURN on these undead characters to make
the fight easier. An attack by Wraiths, Litchs', and Vampires can drain a
characters levels and hit points. If an character has been drained by such
characters, use the Scrolls given by Sasha to Restore the levels. After the
combat, go to the South West room to Rest, Fix, Memorize, and Save the game.
Exit through the East door and turn South at the first hallway. When you enter
the room, either turn on SEARCH Mode and take a step or select LOOK to find the
Oakwood Staff. When it has been secured to your pack, you are attacked by 5
Earth Elementals. The Fireball works well.
After the combat, return to the room to the West to Rest, Fix, Memorize, and
Save the game. Have the Mage memorize Haste and Minor Globe of Invulnerability,
and be sure that the Cleric has Bless and Prayer. These will be needed for the
final combat in this section of the game.
When finished in the room, exit East, then turn North to the crossroads (map
6,8) and turn East. When Sasha wants to enter the fight (as you pass between
the 2 pillars supporting the ceiling), Encamp, Save the game, then cast Haste,
Bless and Prayer. Then move into the combat. You face a split force of 12
Vassan Warriors and 7 Vassan Mages. This is a tough fight and you can expect to
lose at least half your party, if you're lucky. Have the cleric cast Hold
Person Spells and the mage cast Fireballs on the 4 maji to the South. When
combat is done, collect the treasure, especially the Helms (+1), Cloaks of
Protection (+1), and Bracers (AC 4).
TIP: There are several small adventures along the way that you can enter into
to clear out the evil located there and gain party experience. Some of them are
dangerous and bypassing them has no effect on the game. I recommend that you
pass Taydomes Keep (1st Stockade) and enter the Steading at Dragonhorn Gap (2d
Stockade) to get to the training hall and shops to identify the magic items you
have collected on the way. After that, return the Steading at Dragonhorn Gap
and clear it.
The crater is located due South of Taydomes Keep (1st Stockade West of the
Silver Blades Cave). You will be greeted by Priam, a high level fighter. He
joins the party when you agree to accompany him into the temple and locate
weapons inside. After you enter the temple, pursue someone who sprints
upstairs. You will face a large force containing 12 Swordsmen, 3 Banite
Clerics, 2 Black Mages, and 1 Vampire Cleric. Use Fireballs to attack the Mages
and Vampire. There are several magical items to be taken from the Vampires body
including a Wand of Lightning. If you go into the bell tower, don't ring the
bell yet. It will bring down a Banshee named Laurellin and 4 specters. You
need her alive. In the 4 corners of this floor are 4 braziers. You can't light
them yet. Return downstairs and proceed North to the Altar of Tyr. Remove the
black hand and receive the blessing of Tyr which is a -2 to Armor Class, and +1
to hit while in the temple. Go down the stairs to the East to the 1st Basement.
While you are here, you can look through the various rooms and get advice from
the friendly spirits. Follow the hallway around until you see another hallway
to the North. Enter the West door, go through another door to the stairs down
to the second basement. Follow the hallway around until you see a door in front
of you. Entering this door starts a fight with 4 Neo-Otyughs. After this
fight, a spirit who was trapped in one of the creatures is freed and you are
rewarded with magical items. Continue to follow the hallway to a North facing
door. Inside you meet the Specter of Brimwulf. Avoid killing him. Allow
yourselves to be tested. Proceed on to the first encounter where there are 3
Earth Elementals. After the fight you will receive the Vessel of Purity, be
sure to take it. Go on to the next room where you fight 3 Fire Elementals.
After the fight, you get the Spirit Flame that jumps into the Vessel of Purity.
Go on to the next room where you see the Lamp of Vigilance. The Spirit Flame
lights the lamp and Brimwulf appears (if you were not forced to kill him) and he
gives you instructions to light the 4 braziers on the top floor and ring the
bell in the bell tower. After he fades away, take the magical treasures that
are one step in front of you. Back track to the beginning of the testing ground
and turn East to follow the hallway back to the stairs. Follow the hallway back
East to a South facing door and take the looted treasure that contains several
magical items. Follow the hallway to the stairs up. In the temple, go North to
the Altar to be healed as needed. When you have saved the game, go South out of
the temple and go back to the Steading at Dragonhorn Gap to have your magical
items identified and rest at the inn.
TAYDOMES KEEP (1st Stockade West of the Silver Blades Cave)
When you enter this stockade, you are attacked by glassy eyed Hill Giants that
say they must kill you. They are being controlled. There are 6 Ogres, 2 Ogre
Shaman, 4 Cloud Giants, 2 Cloud Giant Shaman. The Shaman cast Hold spells, so
quick action by your fighters and your mage to hit them before they can cast is
important. Treasure includes a Cloak of Protection +1, Mage Scroll w/3 Spells
and a Hammer +1. Go North through a door where you meet Ruoln. It is best to
evade him because you can't rest anywhere when he is in the party. Go West to
the intersection (map 4,6) then turn North, East, then North where you meet
Kimmarr. He is unhappy that the party is not helping to find Quill. You face 6
Drow Priests and 2 Drow Priestesses. Remember that Drow are resistant to most
magic spells so this is a dangerous slugfest. After combat, turn East and
follow the hall until you come to 2 doors facing East (map 11,4 and 11,5).
Enter either of these closets to Rest, Fix and Save the game. Leave the closet
and turn South where you hear voices next to a door. When you go through the
door, you face 2 Fire Giants and 3 Hill Giants. Treasure includes a Hammer and
10 Crossbow Bolts +1. Before you go through the door facing West, stop and cast
Haste, Bless and Prayer, then step through the door which is Kimmars quarters.
You will face 6 Cloud Giant Mages, 5 Fire Giant Mages, and Kimmar who changes
into a Blue Dragon who casts Lightning Bolts. This is another dangerous
slugfest with these spell casters. part of the treasure includes a Magic User
Scroll w/3 Spells, Ring (of Electrical Immunity), a Longsword +3, and 10 Arrows
STEADING AT DRAGONHORN GAP (2d Stockade West of the Silver Blades Cave)
As you enter, you are greeted by Hill Giants. If you attack or insult the
Giants, you are bombarded by boulders from the stockade wall causing a lot of
damage to the party. Choose talk and proceeded North where you are attacked by
a group of 10 Hill Giants in a split attack. After the fight, go North where
there is a battle in progress between 8 Ettens, 8 Hill Giants and 1 Ogre Shaman.
If you attack either group, both sides become insulted and all attack the party.
If you chose to Duck, you are attacked by the winning side of the battle you
ducked out of. The Inn is to the East of the battle scene. When you enter the
Inn, you are greeted by the innkeeper who warns you about your behavior in her
Inn. You meet Kardal, a person trying to gain information about the Steading.
He advises that if you attack the Cloud Giants in the room to the North, you
will gain a reputation and be brought to the Hill Giant Shaman in charge of the
mercenaries. You will face 5 Cloud Giants, 2 Cloud Giant Mages, and 2 Cloud
Giant Shaman. The Mages and Shaman are dangerous spell casters. Before you
enter the room, encamp outside the door and cast Bless, Prayer, and Haste.
After you clear the private room, you can rest safely at any time. By now, the
party is ready for advancement. The training hall is across from the Inn and it
is free (if you get grabbed by Giants inside the Steading as you pass to the
Training hall, simply exit and you can return later). After training, turn
North through a door and stop at the second door on the right, cast Detect Magic
then enter the Adventurers Shop. Here you can identify all the magic items you
have collected on the way. After the Shop, encamp and save. From here you can
go down the 2 hallways that run East/West and enter the rooms that say stay out.
This is good for experience, but they can be dangerous fights. You can encamp
after you clear each room. If you don't need the experience, return to the
Steading where you got pulled in (map 7,8). There is only 1 place where you can
rest while in the Steading, so watch the hit points and magic spells carefully.
After entering, turn North West through the door. Enter the left door, turn
North, then West through another door. Follow the hall and go through another
door where you find Kardal's bloody dagger. Keep the dagger, it is a magical
+4. Go to the second door on the left and stop to cast Bless and Prayer, then
go through the door where 4 Swordsmen, 5 Ettins, and 4 Hill Giants are
questioning Kardal. After the fight, go West and South through doors where
there are several Hill Giants. If you use an authoritarian attitude, they let
you pass in confusion. Go West and turn North through the 2d door on the right.
Stop at the door in front of you. You can turn East and go through 2 doors
where you will face 3 White Dragons and one Red Dragon. They are guarding a
Long Sword Vs Giants +2, Arrows +2, Shield +3, Light Crossbow +3 and Crossbow
Bolts +4. A tempting treasure to be sure. After you make your choice, go North
and follow the only path you can take through 3 doors to a 4th door. Through
that door are 7 Hill Giants, 5 Ogre Shamans, 7 Ettins in a split attack. After
the fight, go through the North East door and stop at the next door. In this
room are 1 Black Dragon and 1 White Dragon. Use up any spells you have left
(Bless, Prayer) before you enter the room. After entry, The mage can use up what
he has left. After the fight, you can Rest, Fix, Save the game. Before
entering the door to the East, cast Bless, Prayer, Haste, if the mage has a
Minor Globe of Invulnerability, use it. When you enter the room, you will face
6 Ogre Mages, 10 Hill Giants, 1 Hill Giant Shaman, and 4 Ogres. As you enter
the room, the Head Shaman will cast a spell that drops the characters hits
points by 1/3 or more, you can't stop it. Cast Fireballs, have the party attack
at will, especially the Shaman. The Haste spell will help make short work of
the enemy. After the battle, turn back East to Rest, Fix, and Save the game.
When done, return to the room and turn North, then West through a door into a
closet where the Shamans treasure is located that contains a Cleric scroll, a
Ring of Fire resistance, and a Scimitar +3.
There is only on way to get here, through the Steading at Dragonhorn Gap after
the last battle with the Shaman. The cave entrance is located in the same room
at (map 15,0). This can be a confusing section because of the spinning traps
and teleporters that are here. As you enter the cave, a man bursts from the
door in front of you screaming that the cave is bewitched. Step through the
door and as you enter the intersection, you will spin around. Turn East and go
through the door. You will be met by Unglow, a Fire Giant Mage and his guards.
He will parlay with and give you a bag of gold and a ring if you go away. The
ring is a Ring of Vulnerability (-3) so get rid of it. Go through the South
door then East down the hall. The hall is a magical trap. You can walk for
miles and get nowhere. The answer is to take several steps East, then turn
around and go West until you see a skull with a ring in it. Throw the skull
down and the spell is broken. Turn East to an arch and follow the hall West
until you meet 8 Fire Giants. Destroy them and go West into the room in front
of you. There are 2 Hill Giants here but they are harmless. Go West through
the door and across the hall is another room. Here you can Rest, Fix, and Save
the game in this dusty room. When you leave the room, turn North West and go
through 2 doors then turn East to another spinning trap. After your spin, turn
East and take the North door and follow the hall West until you meet Unglow
again. This time he has 6 Assassins and 6 Fire Giants with him, but he escapes
down the hall when the fight starts. After the fight, continue West to 2 doors.
Turn North to the last spinning trap and after your spin, turn East where you
hear the clank of a sword being dropped. If you turn North and go through the
door you face 6 Fire Giants and 4 Fire Elementals. If you go North East through
the door there, you can Rest, Fix, and Save the game. This is the last place
you can rest and save the game. When done, go East then North to a wall, it is
a secret, one way door, not turning back when you pass through it. As you turn
West down the hall, watch you map coordinates. When you reach (map 4,0), turn
South through another secret, one way door. As soon as you step through, turn
West through a door where you will meet an assassin who wants to parlay. When
you have finished with him, proceed South through the door where you will meet
Unglow for the last time. You will have to fight 6 Fire Giants and 6 Swordsmen.
This is a tough fight, but there is an even tougher fight further on. When you
have finished with this fight, you should save the game as another letter then
have your spell casters cast HEALing spells on the hurt party members. Then
turn North through a door into a hall. Stop here and cast Bless, Prayer, and
Haste then go through the next door to fight 2 Red Dragons and 1 Green Dragon.
The Green Dragon seems to hurt the party more than the Red Dragons so
concentrate on getting him first. When you are finished with the fight, exit
West where the cave collapses behind you. You will find yourself outside the
Steading at Dragonhorn Gap. Go inside the Steading to the Inn and Rest, Fix,
Save the game, and Train characters who need it. Give the Ring of Electrical
Immunity and Ring of Resistance to Cold to your most powerful fighter and have
him wear them. They are important for survivability in the next section of the
TIP: Combat in this section is very tough. Before you enter any room where
there are dragons, stop before the door and cast Bless, Haste, and Prayer then
proceed to the battle.
You are guaranteed to lose at least half your party right at the entrance to the
Aerie. There is a portal deep inside where you have to go. But first, you must
find the 4 keys to open the portal to get to Thorn's Cave. Thorne is a Red
Dragon and one of Bane's Lieutenants who holds the Horn of Doom. This Horn
controls the storms that are battering the Realms. To get to the Aerie. leave
the Steading at Dragonhorn Gap to the outdoor map and turn North to the Crater
of Verdigris. Turn West to the Dragons Aerie. Don't bother with encamping and
trying to cast Bless, Prayer and Haste before entering the Aerie. Their effects
are all gone before you get there (remember, this is the outdoor map. Distances
and times are longer). When you enter the Aerie, you will face 3 Black Dragons,
3 Green Dragons, 1 Blue Dragon, and 1 White Dragon. After you enter, everyone
is terrified, but you have the first move. Have your Cleric retreat to the room
to the South East 2 steps behind the wall. Have your Mage retreat to the room
to the South West one step behind the wall and cast Fireballs from that
position. Everyone else is to charge the Dragons and distract them while the
mage Fireballs the dragons from his position of safety and the Cleric bandages
downed fighters from his position of safety. The fighter you equipped with the
rings is resistant to the Cold from the White Dragon and the Lightning Bolts
from the Blue Dragon. Have him and the rest of the fighters work on the green
dragons that breathe deadly gas. All this time, the mage continues to cast
fireballs and when he runs out, cast Ice Storms, then Magic Missiles. When (not
If) the dragons get past the fighters, have the Cleric cast Blade Barriers on
the dragons near or at the entrance to his room. When the fighting is done, go
North toward 2 doors, then turn West into 1 of the safe rooms where you can
Rest. Leave the room and turn North through 2 sets of double doors where there
will be dragons fighting. Don't look for trouble here, you will find enough
later. Just watch the fight and when it is done, you will be left alone in the
central hall. Go West through the left door and follow the wall on your right
through an arch and 5 doors to fight 5 Blue Dragons in a split attack.
Tip: When the battle is joined, have the fighters attack the 3 Blue Dragons to
the South East. Have the Mage and Cleric move North West away from the dragons
and have the Mage cast Fireballs on the 3 Blue Dragons.
When the fights done (and if you survive, this is the toughest fight after the
entrance), take the treasure which contains a Mace +4, Scimitar +4, Crossbow
Bolts +2, and a Hammer +2. Take the Steel Key. A safe room to rest is located
at (map 1,12). Leave the room and turn North through 3 doors, 1 arch and 1
door. This leads to the central hall where you watched the dragons battle.
Every time I played this section I was attacked by random dragons. When the
fighting is done, move East through the right hand door, through 1 arch and turn
South. Before you go through the next arch, turn East and walk into the wall
where there is a secret room where you can rest safely. Leave the room and turn
South through the arch, then follow the wall on your right and go through a
secret door (map 13,11) and turn South. There is a door that sticks out into
the hall. You can enter here and LOOK or SEARCH for random treasure (remember
to turn off SEARCH when you leave the room). Turn South and follow the wall on
your right until you reach a door. Stop, Save the game, and cast Haste, Bless
and Prayer. Enter the room and fight 4 Green Dragons. They will be located
across the large room. Have your fighters go halfway across the room, stop and
Guard. Have your Mage can cast Fireballs until the dragons charge your
fighters. Then carefully cast more fireballs and Ice Storms until the fight is
over. The treasure includes a Cloak of Protection +2, and a Flail +4. Take the
Copper Key. Return to the Secret room (map 12,9) to Rest, Fix and Save the
game. Leave the secret room and go North West through the arch and stop at the
door. Cast Haste, Bless and Prayer then step into the hall where you are
attacked by 2 White Dragons, 2 Green Dragons and 2 Black Dragons. After the
fight, turn around and go through the left hand door. Follow the hallway until
you are attacked by 8 Zhentil Mages. Follow the hallway and turn West through
an arch and go through the South Facing Door where you can Rest, Fix, and Save
the game. Leave the room and go North then West through 3 doors to fight 6
Black Dragons.
Tip: Have your Mage and Cleric retreat East for safety and have the fighters
charge the dragons while the Mage casts Fireballs.
After the fight, treasure includes a Mace +4, and a Cloak of Protection +2.
Take the Iron Key. Leave the room and backtrack 3 doors and go though the 4th
door to rest. When done, turn East through the arch and follow the hallway and
back into the central hall. Whenever I entered the central hall, I was always
attacked by 2 or 3 dragons of different types. When the fight is ended, go West
across the central hall through the right door, through an arch and turn North,
through the second door and follow the hall though another door into a safe
room. Go through the West door, through the arch to face 2 White Dragons.
After the fight, you can return to the safe room to rest, then turn East through
a door to fight 4 White Dragons. The treasure includes Wand of Ice Storm and a
Longsword +4. Take the Silver Key. You now have the 4 keys needed to open the
portal. Return to the safe room to Rest, Fix and Save the game then backtrack
to the central hall. Turn North through either door. Turn East and see 2
doors. You can rest through the left door then go through the right door to
fight 6 Giant snakes which is the path to the teleporter. After the fight with
the snakes, take the North East door to a chamber. Turn North and use the right
hand door and use the 4 keys. When you enter this room, you will fight a
Dracolitch (a magically animated dead dragon of very high hit points that uses
claws and teeth for weapons) and Modthryth, a high level Wizard, whom you've
seen now and again in your travels in the Aerie. Use one of your fighters to
attack Modthryth because he is resistant to magic spells and he is a dangerous
spell caster. The Dracolitch is also immune to magic spells so a direct attack
is necessary on him as well. When this fight is finished, the Dragon Aerie is
cleared and you can wander freely without attacks. Go through the portal and
meet Elminster who will heal and train the party.
TIP: Combat in this section is very tough. Before you enter any room where
there are dragons, stop before the door and cast Bless, Haste, Prayer, save the
game, then proceed into battle.
When you go into Thorne's Cave through the portal, you will be in limbo and will
meet Elminster again. He will warn you that if you try to take your weapons
through the other side of the portal, your equipment will be destroyed. This is
true. You will be offered the chance to leave your weapons in storage before
you go through the other side of the portal. Leave ALL of them there because
none will survive the passage, not even Drow Weapons. After you pass through
the portal, you will face 2 Red Dragons bare handed. Have the Fighters charge
the dragons to keep them at a distance from your spell casters. Move the Cleric
behind the wall far away from the dragons and their fireball attack. Move the
mage slightly behind the wall but still be visible enough to cast fireballs at
the dragons. There are only 2 places where you can rest safely in thorn's cave
and none are nearby. After the fight, go back through the portal to have
Elminster revive the party, then return to Thorn's cave. Go through 2 doors to
an intersection and turn West and go through a door where you will find several
weapons and armor. Leave the room and go East where you will meet a thief named
Raizel. Free the prisoners and she joins the party but ignore her requests to
find treasure. Continue East then South through 2 doors to fight 1 Red Dragon.
The dragon is guarding a treasure of weapons and armor. Go North to (map 14,7)
turn West, then South through 1 door, then West to (map 11,9) a door. There is
a light glowing inside. You can rest safely here. Leave the room, turn North
through 2 doors, then turn West to a secret door (map 11,5). Go through the
next door and meet an old man who gives you a treasure of a Trident and Helm.
Go through the South then West door. Go North West through a door and follow
the wall to a secret door (map 6,1). Through the secret door are 2 Red Dragons
and 2 Green Dragons. After the fight go West to (map 2,2) and go through the
West door to Rest, Fix, and Save the game. Exit the room and turn South through
the door to 2 East facing doors where there are 3 Red Dragons. Keep the Cleric
clear, the Mage is to back away and cast fireballs. After the fight, don't go
South through the 2 doors yet. That is where Thorn is. Return to the safe room
at (map 2,2). Return to the 2 South doors. This is a very tough fight against
6 Red Dragons and Thorn who is a Giant Red Dragon and is immune to magic spells.
Tip: You need 1 survivor to clear this section. After several attempts, I have
found the best strategy is to have 2 fighters go 1 on 1 with the 2 dragons to
the West and have the rest go South East with 2 fighters engaging Thorn. Have
the cleric move in to cast Blade Barrier on as many dragons as possible but stay
as far away from the dragons as possible. Have the mage cast fireballs on the 4
dragons to the South West. If the Cleric survives his attacks with the Blade
Barrier, move around and cast Healing spells on the remaining fighters.
After the fight, Thorn's treasure is gold, gems, and jewelry and there are no
more attacks by dragons. Return to the portal where everyone who needs it can
be resurrected and healed by Elminster. Your accumulated weapons and armor from
Thorns cave will disappear when you return through the portal so make sure that
you pick up your equipment from storage before you return to the Dragons Aerie,
not the realms. Pass through the Aerie and back to the Inn in the Steading at
Dragonhorn Gap to Rest, Fix, Train characters that need it and Save the game.
Leave the Steading at Dragonhorn Gap and go South West to Zhentil Keep. There
is little to do here, but it is the entrance to Manshoon's Tower. On arrival,
bluff to avoid a fight, and go North then East then South to an Inn. You can
rest safely here if you didn't start a fight along the way. By now, all of your
party should be getting old. Haste ages the party by 1 year every time it is
cast. Go to the magic shop you passed on the way to the Inn. You will find
many magic items including Elixir of Youth. You should be carrying a lot of
gold, gems, and jewelry. Use some of it to buy some the Elixirs and bring the
party back to under 25 years old. There is a Training Hall at (map 3,3) and
they will not train anyone unless you bribe the clerk with 10 gems. At (map
7,0) is the entrance to Manshoon's Tower.
The tower has 5 levels. Enter through the front double doors (map 7,0). After
you pass through the next door, there will be a door on the right. This is
where you can safely Rest after a fight. Follow the hall and you will face 7
Banite Clerics and 5 Earth Elementals who want to question you. You can't
answer their questions correctly so just fight. Through the next set of doors
are 10 Litches who want to examine you. Again, select fight and after the
Litches turn into 10 Minions of Bane cast Ice Storms, fireballs do not work.
Around the corner and through a door are 2 Red Mages, 2 Zhentil Mages, 5 Rogues,
and 2 Zhentil Warriors who want to tax you. Attack the spell casters with magic
and arrows. after the fight go down the hall to a door that leads to the
courtyard. If you turn East into the courtyard, you will fight 8 Zhentil
Warriors, 2 Evil Champions, 2 Red Mages and 2 Swordsmen. If you turn West,
follow the walls to the back door of the tower. Go through 2 doors where you
see a wall of gray gates. Turn East through another wall of gray gates then
turn North and follow the hall to a North door. Follow the corridor around to a
purple door that goes to the 2nd level. Turn North through a door to fight 7
Rogues, 2 Zhentil Mages, and 2 Banite Clerics. Through the South door is a
fight with 2 Evil Champions, 3 Zhentil Mages, 3 Evil Knights, and 6 Zhentil
Warriors. Go through the next North door and follow the hall around to a purple
door and go up to level 3, turn West through a door then go to the North door
where you should rest, cast Bless, Prayer, and Haste, save the game, then go
through the North door to fight 4 Black Dragon, 4 Green Dragons, and 1 Red
Dragon. After this fight, you should prepare as you did before the fight with
the dragons and go North through the gate where you fight 2 Fire Giants, 2
Salamanders, 3 Ettins, and 1 Beholder. The Beholder is a dangerous ball shaped
creature that casts multiple spells per turn, is immune to all spells, and can
cast spells despite being hit by direct attacks. You should have your fighters
move to and attack the Beholder as soon a possible to kill him first before he
can cast spells. After the fight, go through either the West or East door then
go through the North door and follow the hallway until you get a warning from
Manshoon about his Gelt. The Gelt is a creature whose gaze causes great harm to
the party and no-one is immune to it. As you turn toward the Gelt (but do not
take the first step), Encamp, rest and cast Invisibility (level 2 Mage spell) on
all characters. If you do not have the spell in your spell book, cast Stinking
Clouds until you run out and memorize Invisibility. If you don't have enough
for all characters, rest again and cast Invisibility on the rest of the party
(Invisibility spell lasts a long time). When everyone is invisible, proceed
past the Gelt to the purple door to level 5. Go through the gray gate where you
see a Necklace (of magic missiles) on a table. Take it. Even if you don't take
the necklace, the results are the same. When you take the Necklace, a spell
activates and you are trapped in a Crystal Walls spell with no escape. Attempt
to move into the walls for 4 steps and Manshoon appears. He intends to conjure
a monster inside the Crystal Walls with you. When the spell is finished, an old
woman (who is really a Harpy) appears and she is very upset because Manshoon
does not know her name. She offers one of your party to be transported outside
the Crystal Walls to attack Manshoon. When one of the party is transported, the
spell is broken and Manshoon panics when the Harpy goes after him. The roof
starts to collapse and starts to damage the party. Don't bother trying to
follow Manshoon through the next door because he has sealed the transporter
after he went through it and there is no treasure here. Retreat from the tower
to keep party damage to a minimum. This completes Manshoons Tower.
MANSHOON'S DUNGEON (Path to Silk and the Drow Caves)
TIP: Combat in this section is tough because the Drow are resistant to
spellcasting. Before you enter any room where there is a fight with the Drow,
stop before the door or arch and cast Bless, Haste, Prayer, save the game, then
proceed into battle.
There a couple of ways to get to the dungeon but this is the fastest. Go
through the double doors and proceed as if you are going to Manshoons tower.
After leaving the hallway, turn East then North through the double gates, turn
West through the gray gates, keeping the wall on your left, then descend into
the depths. Turn South then East through a door and sneak by the Wagon. Turn
South and follow the hallway through a South facing arch, then East to an North
arch. There is a tough fight against 5 Drow Priestess, 1 Drow Sorceress, 7 Drow
Priests, and 2 Drow Sorcerers through this arch. After the fight, you can take
a chance to encamp, rest and save the game, but there is a chance that you will
be attacked. Turn East then South through an arch, East down a ladder, South
then East through an arch where you are attacked by Drow Archers who engage in a
hit and run strategy. Go through the East door then turn South following the
hallway around through 2 doors to an ladder down that is pulled up out of reach
after you go down. Go North to the first Arch then turn East. There is a fight
against 5 Drow Priestesses, 5 Drow Priests, and 2 Drow Sorcerers, and 2 Giant
Spiders through this arch. After the fight, go East through a door, then turn
South through an arch then down a ladder. Turn East, down another ladder, then
turn North through an arch, turn East through an arch and through a door where
you fight 27 Carrion Crawlers and 7 Umberhulks. After the fight, you are facing
an arch and a door. The door is an area where you can rest. The arch is where
Silk and the Drow Caves are located.
After entering the caves, turn East then North to a door at map (9,12) and go
all the way in through another door where you meet Silk, a friendly Drow. She
wants to free her adventuring party from the prison. She should be allowed to
join your party. In this room is the only place where you can rest safely.
Leave the room and turn East to the guard post where you re attacked by 2 Drow
Sorceress, 2 Drow Priestess, 3 Driders, and 4 Drow Sorcerers. After the fight,
go through the East door, then turn South to another door where you fight 3 Drow
Sorceress, 3 Drow Priestess, and 4 Drow Sorcerers. The treasure here contains a
Cloak of Protection +4 and Boots of Speed. Leave the room turn North through an
arch to the prison guard post to fight 2 Drow Sorceress, 2 Drow priestess, and 4
Drow Sorcerers. After the fight, turn West through an arch and free the
prisoners. Take the treasure that Silk offers. Turn North and follow the
hallway to a door at Map (13,5) where there is a fight against 3 Pets of
Kalistes, 2 Stone Spiders, and 4 Drow Sorcerers. After the fight, Turn South
through a door and look in the 2 doors to find and take the Essence of Pure
Light. Return to the room at map (9,12) to rest. Leave the room and turn
South, then West to the next Guard Post where you will be waved through without
a fight. Go through the door and turn South to a door. Go in and go to the
closet and open a chest. Take a medallion that will be needed later. Leave the
room and turn North, then East, back through the guard post then turn North to
another guard post and fight 2 Drow Sorceress, 2 Drow Priestess, 3 Driders, and
4 Drow Sorcerers. Continue North and follow the room around through an East
facing door to a North door. Beyond the door is a fight with 3 Drow Sorcerers,
3 Drow Priests, 1 Drow Wizard, and 1 Gaze Spider. After the fight, go West
through the door at map (5,3), through a second door to 3 arches that have
flashing blue sparks. To avoid damage, turn South take 1 step, turn West take 1
step through 1 arch, turn North take 1 step, turn West take 1 step through 1
arch where you are safe. Turn North through the door, cross a bridge, turn East
through a door to a room with red glowing runes on the floor. Take 1 step
forward and be transported. Turn West take 2 steps and be transported. Turn
East and go through the door to a room with an Iron Golem. When you enter the
room, the Golem is held back by the medallion taken from a chest earlier. Go
through the East door and use the Essence of Pure Light on the Fountain of Fire
to destroy it. Beyond the destroyed fountain is a secret door that leads to
Kalistes Temple.
When you enter the temple, follow the wall, keeping the wall on your left to the
3d door on the left. Inside is a barracks and a fight with 6 Drow Priests and 6
Drow Priestesses. After the fight, this is the only place in the temple you can
safely rest. Leave the barracks through the South door and go to the door at
map (9,11). You must enter this room to enter the final fight in the temple.
Enter and listen to the Oracle. Leave the room and go North to the door at map
(8,7). Through this door is the final fight. Stop and cast Bless, Prayer,
Haste, Invisibility, and any other defensive spells you have available. You
will fight 8 Drow Priests, 4 Drow Sorceress, 2 Pets of Kalistes, and 2 Phase
Spiders. After this fight, take Drow long swords and Drow chain. You will need
them later. You will be asked to destroy something. Type in: HANDS. This
closes the portals to the realms. In this room, go to map (8,5) and enter the
portal to Kalistes land. In Limbo, you meet Elminster the Mage. He will help
you with training, healing, and weapons storage. Be sure to have your
characters rest to recover the spells used in the temple. Store all your
weapons except the Drow weapons and Drow Chain because equipment and weapons
from the Realms will be destroyed if you try to take them. Equip your
characters with the Drow items and go to Kalistes land.
A really nasty place full of spiders. There is no way to evaluate items in
Kalistes land so most of the items that are listed like Long Sword (+4) is a
best guess. Elminster can't evaluate anything. When you exit the portal, you
will be greeted by Cynthia. She is Silks sister who has been changed by
Kalistes. When she asks if you had help in the Temple, respond with: SILK. To
help you, she asks for 3 Favors, do them for her. Go East, North, West, South,
East to map (6,1) to the Cave of Fireflies and take the spiders. Leave the cave
and go South to the door where spiders are dragging something up a wall. Stop
them and fight 10 Giant Spiders, 2 Enormous Spiders, and 3 Phase Spiders. The
prize is a Long Sword (+4, I think). Go through the door and capture Drow
Warriors. Return to Cynthia at map (8,4) where she will take care of the Drow
Prisoners in a way that will help you then she will ask you to kill her. Do it
to keep Kalistes from discovering the deception. You should go back through the
portal to limbo and have Elminister heal and train the party and rest to regain
spells. When done, return to Kalistes lands. There are several places where
you can go to get better weapons and armor on the way to Kalistes castle. The
most important is the Drow Testing Area where you get the Ward of Safe Passage.
The easiest way to get there is to leave the temple and follow the path East,
then North. When the path turns East again, leave the path and go West until
you see the Lava Ramparts.
Enter and go through the East door, turn North and follow the wall on your left
until a thief steals some of your provisions. Turn South to map (1,4) then turn
East and help the thief who stole your equipment who is fighting 7 Giant
Spiders, 1 Enormous Spider, and 2 Phase Spiders. After the fight, allow Dennia
to return your items and join the party so she will show you where the secret
entrance to the Drow Testing Grounds is located (Dennia is a non-fighter, so
don't look for her in any fights you have, but she is needed to take the short
route to the testing grounds). Go North and follow the wall around until a
tumbleweed rolls by. Investigate the tumbleweed and find a Scale Mail (+4). Go
to the door in front of you and exit the Lava Ramparts.
Get weapons and armor first. You enter the testing grounds from the South.
Turn West to a door at map (3,14). Through the door are 3 Drow Priestess, 3
Drow Priest, and 1 Drow Sorcerer. After the fight, check the treasure list for
a Silver Shield (+4) and other items that are helpful. You can rest safely
here. Leave the room through the East door and go East to the door at map
(12,14). Inside are 3 Drow Priestess, 3 Drow Priest, and 1 Drow Sorcerer.
After the fight, check the treasure list for a Silver Shield (+4) and other
items that are helpful. You can rest safely here. Leave the room through the
West door and go North to the door at map (12,10). There are 2 Drow Guards.
Let a thief in your party creep up on them and kill them. If you go into the
door, you will meet Driders who will offer cryptic secrets to the Drow Testing
Grounds but you can't fight them. Leave the room and continue North following
the wall to your left where you meet 2 more Drow Guards. As before, let a thief
sneak up and kill them. There are more Driders inside the door if you want to
deal with them like before. Continue North to map (12,1) where inside are 3
Drow Priestess, 3 Drow Priest, and 1 Drow Sorcerer. After the fight, check the
treasure list for a Silver Shield (+4) and other items that are helpful. You
can rest safely here. Leave the room through the West door and go West to the
door at map (3,1). Inside are 3 Drow Priestess, 3 Drow Priest, and 1 Drow
Sorcerer. After the fight, check the treasure list for a Silver Shield (+4) and
other items that are helpful. You can rest safely here. Leave the room through
the South door and proceed South to a door where there are 2 more Drow Guards.
As before, let a thief sneak up and kill them. There are more Driders inside
the door if you want to deal with them like before. Continue South to another
door where there are 2 more Drow Guards. As before, let a thief sneak up and
kill them. There are more Driders inside the door if you want to deal with them
like before. You have made the full circle of the Drow Resting Grounds. Now it
is time to go into the inner sanctum, and the Test itself. Proceed South, then
East to map (8,14) where there is a secret door. This begins the test. You can
rest safely after any test. Be sure that you check the treasure lists after
each fight. There is a lot of special weapons and armor.
Test 1: Strength. After you enter the secret door, turn East and step toward
the wall. Have the strongest character push the wall. Test 2: Bravery.
Simply walk forward. Test 3: Fight with 10 Driders. Test 4: Fight with 3
Drow Priestess, 3 Drow Priest, and 3 Drow Champions. Test 5: A Riddle. The
answer is BANE. Test 6: An illusion of fire. Walk through it even though you
will take damage. Test 7: Fight against 10 Driders. The tests are over.
Through the next door there is a fight against 4 Drow Priests, 5 Driders, and 5
Gaze Spiders. After the fight, have each character take 1 dagger. Proceed to
the next door where there is the final fight in 2 parts that you must win to get
the Ward of Safe Passage to enter Kalistes Castle. The first fight is against 8
Driders, 6 Drow Priests, and 4 Giant Spiders. The second fight is against 5
Enormous Spiders and Bane's Lieutenant, Shest, who appears as a Pet of Kalistes.
You also see Daris being changed into a Drider, punishment for failing Bane.
After the fight, be sure to pick up the Ward of Safe Passage. Leave the Testing
Grounds. Proceed back through the testing rooms and out the secret entrance.
Go South then West to map (5,15) where the secret door is where you came in.
After you leave the testing grounds, head for the path and go North to a bridge.
Cross the bridge and enter the Roadside Village near Kalistes Parlor. Go
through the door and go to map (0,4) and turn East. You see Locaste trying to
enter the parlor but is swarmed by spiders. Go East where the Ward of Safe
Passage protects you while you enter the door to Kalistes Parlor. Depending on
the condition of your party when you arrive, I suggest that you go North through
the door, turn West and go to the door at map (2,14). Inside is a guard
barracks where you fight 4 Drow Priestess and 4 Drow Priests. Here is the only
place that you can rest safely. After this area there is no where else to rest.
When you are prepared, go back through the door at map (8,11), then go to map
(9,14). There is a hole here where spiders try to come out at you. After
sensing the Ward of Safe Passage, it is safe to drop into the hole. This is a
dangerous place where Kalistes pets run around. Go East then North to a door
and exit the area. Go through the door in front of you then turn West through
another door. When you come to the intersection at map (8,8), turn South and
follow the hallway around until you meet 7 Driders. After the fight go North 1
step, then turn West and take 2 steps. Encamp and save the game. Beyond this
area is the final battle in this section, in 2 separate attacks.
TIP: The first battle is impossible at the veteran level. After you have saved
the game, you should alter the level of the game to NOVICE. I have never
succeeded in getting through this section of the game without going to the
novice level, and despite all the defensive spells cast on my party, even the
Novice level is hard. You fight 6 Drow Wizards, 5 Drow Champions, 5 Pets of
Kalistes, and Kalises herself. This group casts spells like they are going out
of style (especially Hold Spells) and the Pets of Kalistes are especially
accurate at poisoning (and killing) characters. I have used every defensive
spell in the spell book and every fighting formation possible and I still get
wiped out. Try it at the Veteran level for yourself and when you have reached a
level of frustration I have (many times), you will go to the Novice level if you
want to get past this section.
After the fight, pick up the treasure, then be ready for part 2 of the final
fight. A slave walks in and demands the Crystal Ring that the party claimed
after the first fight. A fight against 6 Bits of Moander, 2 Poisonous Snakes,
and 1 Earth Elemental is started. It is much easier than the first fight
(mostly because of the Novice level and the Haste spell that you, hopefully,
cast earlier). After the fight, you can rest safely, and if you want, change
the level back to the Veteran level . After you rest there is only one way out.
Back track to the intersection at map (13,8) and turn North. You may be jumped
by a Drow Patrol at anytime after you pass through the North door. Go generally
West and through a door at map (3,2). Turn North and go up the stairs under a
trap door. Go through the East door and turn North to another door where you
can exit to the overland map. Follow the path back to the Ruined Temple and go
to limbo and meet Elminster. This completes Kalistes Land. When you are ready
to go back through limbo to the material plane, don't worry about the equipment
that you accumulated in Kalistes land. It will be destroyed. Be sure to pickup
your equipment in storage, rest and ready it before going back to the Realms.
After you arrive South of Zhentil Keep, go to the keep and go to the Magic Shop
at map (14,5). If you make frequent use of the Haste spells, your party is
getting old by now. Appraise some of your gems and jewelry and buy as many
Potions of Youth as needed to get your characters back to a reasonable age.
After you have rested and saved the game, leave Zhentil Keep and go South to the
rounded building in the South West part of the overland map.
The Rakshasa that you will face in battle are dangerous because, like the Drow,
they are immune to magical attacks. Their only vulnerability are Blessed
crossbow Bolts that kill them instantly. The Rakshasas' spell of choice is the
Fireball. When you enter this area, you will be met by the Princess Nacacia,
leader of the Knights of Myth Drannor. Allow her to join the party because she
is a good fighter being Thief/Ranger and she will bring additional Knights who
will also fight with the party. at various times. After she give the party
some magical archery equipment, enter Myth Drannor. Turn South-West through an
arch at map (13,7) and stop at a tunnel entrance at map (14,9), turn on the
Search mode and enter the tunnel. You will find magical archery equipment.
Turn off the search mode and leave the room through the tunnel and continue East
to a door at map (8,10). Through this door is 1 of 3 places where you can rest
safely. When you have rested and saved the game, leave the room and go West
through a tunnel where you will fight 6 Specters. Use TURN to get rid of them
quickly. After the fight take the treasure from the long dead Elf which
contains magical archery supplies and a Girdle of Giant Strength. Leave the
room and go South to a door at map (3,13). Through this door is a difficult
fight against 10 Banite Clerics and 7 Rakshasa. After the fight, leave the room
the way you came and turn East to a door at map (6,14) where you can rest safely
in the room. Return to the room at map (3,13) ant go generally North through a
tunnel at map (0,7). Turn East and go through another tunnel where you will
meet a Knight. If you select detect magic, the Knight is revealed as a Rakshasa
who gives information. If not, you can approach and fight the single Rakshasa.
Turn North and either have a thief climb over the door or have the strongest
character bash down the door. follow the hallway around to a door at map (0,4)
where you can rest and save the game. Return to the door at map (0,5), stop and
cast your defensive spells. When you enter the room, smash the globes and fight
a difficult battle against 7 Rakshasa, 3 Rakshasa Rukh, 2 Rakshasa Rajah, and 1
Rakshasa Mah. This fight completes Myth Drannor. When you leave, Nacacia will
reward you with a treasure. Return to the Hill Giant Steading to train those
who are ready and Identify your equipment.
Located South East of Zhentil Keep. Resting in closets is generally safe. You
can be attacked at any time by a variety of evil characters, so it is a good
idea to use the closets frequently. When you get to levels 9 through 11, follow
the directions carefully. Fail to get all the encounters completed up there
will result in confusion because you cannot leave the tower unless all
encounters are completed. Enter the tower and turn North West to the Main Gate
Portico where you are jumped by 8 Enormous Spiders, 5 Electric Spiders, 12 Giant
Spiders, 2 Banite Clerics. After the fight, enter the door and go East through
an arch and turn South to a door where there is a closet where you can rest.
You are met by Warriors from Phlan who tell you that they are looking for Shal,
a warrior who is imprisoned in the tower. Leave the closet, turn North through
the arch, turn West to stairs down. When you are at level 0, turn North to the
intersection at map (12,10), turn East to the intersection and a door at map
(12,10). Inside you will fight 8 Swordsmen, 2 Evil Knights, 2 Margoyles, and 1
Banite Cleric. After the fight, turn West to map (10,9) where you release Shal.
She will join and fight for the party and if you have extra weapons, give them
to her. Keep Shal alive during the climb up the tower. She is a good fighter
but she is needed up in the tower to get through the Wizards Gate. When you
leave the room you will fight 8 Swordsmen, 4 Evil Knights and 2 Banite Clerics.
After the fight, return to map (9,0) and go upstairs to level 1. After you
arrive at level 1, go straight to the stairs to level 2. On arrival, follow the
wall on your right around to a door at map (9,2) then through the arch to the
stairs to level 3. Follow the corridor through a door to 2 arches. Go East to
2 more arches where you meet a Drow patrol who do not attack. You can talk to
them and avoid a fight if you do not tell them about Shal. Turn North then West
to map (2,4) and go up to level 4. After arrival, follow the wall on your right
until you go through a door. Turn North to the outline of a door and go through
it. Follow the corridor until you see a door at map (6,0). Go through the door
and follow the corridor until you go up to level 5. After arrival, follow the
wall, keeping it on your right through 5 arches until you go through a door at
map (10,6). Follow the corridor until you go up to level 6. After arrival,
follow the wall keeping it on your right, through 7 arches to map (8,2). Turn
East through the arch then South through a door. Follow the corridor until you
get into a 2 part fight. First you fight 2 Bits of Moander and 1 Red Moander.
Next you have to fight 6 Moander Cultists and 4 Rogues. Follow the corridor
North to the stairs up to level 7. After arrival, follow the wall, keeping it
on your right, until you get to a door at map (6,6). Inside is a closet where
you can rest. Keep following the wall until you get to an arch at map (0,7).
Through the arch is a fight, sometimes. Each time I went through there was
someone different to fight, or nobody to fight. Turn South, then West through a
door and follow the corridor to map (6,9). You hear wizards coming from both
directions. You have a choice here, taunt and duck into a closet, or taunt and
fight 2 separate battles. You can taunt them and move into the closet and wait.
There will be a magical battle outside. When you step out of the closet,
blasted bodies will be everywhere. If you taunt and fight, you will first face
4 Black Mages, 1 Banite Cleric, and 5 Evil Knights. As soon a that fight is
over, you turn to fight 6 Red Mages, 4 F.K. Assassins, and 1 Master Thief.
After the fight, you can go into the closet and rest. When you leave the
closet, turn East until you see Otyughs diving through the arches. Keep the
wall on your right and turn North at the corner and continue until you go up to
level 8 at map (11,5). As soon as you step out of the stairs, stop and cast
defensive spells to face the Otyugh army consisting of 16 Otyughs, 2 Neo-
Otyughs, 2 Greater Otyughs, and 2 Dark Lords. After the fight go East to map
(13,11) and rest in the closet. Turn South through a double arch to fight 8
Swordsmen, 4 Evil Knights, and 2 Banite Clerics. After the fight, you can
return to the closet to heal or go West through the arch to a door. Sometimes
there is a fight against different characters here, sometimes there is not. Go
through the door and turn North through an arch and turn West 2 steps. Turn
South to a skull door. Enter, open the coffins and find treasure containing a
shield +4 and a Helm +4. There is other treasures but since the party is so
heavily armored already, these 2 treasures are the only items that will help.
Go through the door at map (5,14) and follow the arches around to map (3,12).
Here you have a choice. You can enter the arch and fight 4 Moander Cultists, 6
Great Margoyles, 3 Evil Champions and 2 Red Mages -- or -- you can answer no to
entry and Shal can bluff past the guards and get you to the Wizards Gate that
leads to level 9. When you get through the Wizards Gate, there is no going back
and there is no mapping. There are 3 levels to the upper tower. From the
Wizards Gate, follow the wall on your right through 9 arches. Turn East through
2 arches to a Skull Shrine. Cut down the people and fight 4 Moander Cultists, 2
Swordsmen, 2 Walking Trees, and 1 Bit of Moander. Turn West and go up to level
10. After arrival, turn South, take 1 step then turn East to the corner where
you should wait and listen. Remember the code word. Turn North through the
Arch and fight 2 Red Mages. Turn East to a door and rap on it. Say the code
word and step aside while 2 covens of Mages blast each other. When they are
done, take the treasure (the mage scroll is the only useful item). If needed go
through the door and rest. Leave the room and turn North through the arch and
follow the hall through 2 doors then turn South. Go through the first arch and
follow the line of doors on your right to an arch. where you fight 4 Black
Mages, 2 Bits of Moander, and 2 Banite Clerics. After the fight, go to the
corner where there are 2 Skull Shrines and get the treasure (the Boots of Speed
is the only useful item). Go through the East arch where you fight 7 Black
Mages, 3 Earth Elementals, 2 Evil Champions, and 2 Dark Lords. After the fight,
turn South and follow the hall to a closet to rest. After resting follow the
hall to the first arch on your right. Turn East through the 2d arch and turn
South following the hall to the stairs up to level 11. On arrival, turn North,
then East to a Manufactory of Moander (this is 1 of 3 Manufactory's) to fight 3
Black Mages, and 2 Bits of Moander. Leave the room through the East door and
turn North through the arch to fight a 2 part battle, first against 10 Moander
Cultists and 1 Banite Cleric. The second fight is against 3 Bits of Moander.
After the fight, turn South then East through a door then to an arch. Turn
South through the arch where on the right is a closet to rest in. Turn (or go)
East to another Manufactory of Moander where you fight 5 Bits of Moander. Turn
North through a door to the Temple of Transformation but do not go through any
arches. Turn West, following the wall on your left, then turn North and go
through a West facing door. Go straight to another Manufactory of Moander where
you fight a split attack against 2 Red Wizards, 2 Bits of Moander and 1 Banite
Cleric. After the fight leave the room and turn North, then West following the
wall on your right to a corner. Turn South and go through either one of 2 doors
and look for 2 arches. Do not go through the arches yet. Stop and cast
Defensive spells including Haste in preparation against 4 separate battles.
First is against 5 Specters and 1 Banshee, use turn to eliminate them quickly.
Second battle is a split attack against 4 Minions of Bane, 2 Banite Clerics, 1
Moander Cultist, and 1 Bit of Moander. Third battle is a split attack against 4
Evil Champions, 3 F.K. Assassins, 2 Red Mages, 1 Banite Cleric, and 1 Moander
Cultist. The fourth battle is a split attack against 3 Minions of Bane, 2 Black
Mages, and Marcus himself. Don't be fooled by the number of attackers here.
The Blue Minions strike against their attackers by returning half the damage
done to them against the attacker as well as casting Ice Storms. Marcus has
cast defensive spells that protect him from attack and he can cast offensive
spells that are dangerous to the weakened party. Send 1 strong party member
against him to keep him busy. After the battles, take all the treasure. You
can get it identified later. Go to the corner of the room where there are 2
arches between 2 Skull altars. Turn North through a door where there is an
illusionary wall in front of you. Encamp. If Shal is dead, cast resurrection
on her and any other party members who have been killed. Turn East and go to
the Temple of Transformation. Turn North into an alcove where there is a Skull
Altar and jump into the Vessel of Moander where you met Elminster. Take the
sword from Shal (it is a Vorpal Long Sword. This is a hard hitting blade that
has the ability to behead a character in one swing. However, It doesn't behead
an enemy character every the time). Rest, Fix, have Elminster train the party,
find out if any party members have received new spells. Then select move on, go
down the rope, and return to Zhentil Keep to have your equipment identified.
Among the equipment you will find a Ring of Protection +3, a Cloak of
Displacement, Bracers +2, and a Ring of Wizardry. Give the Ring of Wizardry to
the Mage. You may have to un-ready a ring already on the Mage (which drops his
protection to lower level) then ready the Ring of Wizardry. Have the mage
memorize spells. You will find that he can memorize more level 5 spells than
before. When you have finished with Zhentil Keep, return to the Tower Of Marcus
where you will be jumped by Warriors from Phlan. They ask if you will meet with
their leader. On the way, you will be attacked by 14 Black Mages and 4 White
Dragons. This is a tough fight. Black Mages cast Lightning Bolts from all
directions and bounce them off of walls for double hits, and the White Dragons
cast bolts of ice. Try to keep the Cleric as protected as possible because he
will be the one to Heal and Resurrect characters, If you have to Ring of
Lightning Resistance, he should have it readied. After the fight, go East
through Parkside Gate and continue East until you can't go anymore then to North
to map (12,8) to the Town Hall. As you turn North you pass an Inn. You may
want to rest and heal before going to the Town Hall. In the Town Hall, you meet
with Sasha who gives you a mission to stop the invading attacks that are coming
through the sewers. To make short work of this, leave the Town Hall and back
track through Parkside Gate. You may have to fight random battles on the way
after you pass through Parkside Gate. After you are through the gate, go to map
(1,9) and save the family being held by 10 Black Mages. Return to the Town Hall
to see if you have cleared enough of the random battles to be allowed to leave
Phlan. Before you leave, you may want to make use of Ohlo's Mystical Devices
just West of Parkside Gate at map (14,12) that has Wands of Magic Missiles and
Mage and Cleric Scrolls. When you are ready to leave, go West to the main gate.
Tanetal, one of Bane's lieutenants, has taken up residence in Moanders heart.
Your party must root him out. To defeat Bane's minions is to defeat Bane.
There are few places you can rest safely and heal except in limbo with
Elminster, in the arm wound, in the ear, and in the entrance to the heart. You
can encamp anywhere and try to Fix and Rest but you take a chance of being
jumped by wandering patrols. There are no shops to evaluate items in Moander so
the items that are listed here like Long Sword (+3) is a best guess. Elminster
can't evaluate weapons. When fighting Moander Cultists, their spells of choice
is Blade Barrier and Hold Person.
After leaving Phlan, leave the Tower area 1 step, then return to it and you are
given the option to go up the rope or underground. Go up the rope and enter
limbo to meet Elminster. Rest to be sure that your spellcasters have all
available spells and train as necessary. Be sure to leave your weapons in
storage except for the Vorpal Long Sword. This is the only weapon that will
survive the journey to Moander. When you arrive, you will be in a pit. Exit
the pit and remember this area. It is the only way in or out of Moanders
dimension. When traveling over Moander, you should attack every human patrol
every time. A patrol consists of a mix of Dark Lords, Banite Clerics, Red Mages
and Black Mages of different numbers. They have magical items at the bottom of
the treasure list so look carefully. Mage Scrolls, better armor, helms, and
shields are sometimes available. Take their equipment because you are
practically nude when you arrive.
Go North West from the pit toward Moanders big toe where you see an opening in
the wall of flesh. Once you enter the opening, a force field blocks the door
and you can't leave until you have finished with the encounter at the temple.
Enter the opening where you will have a choice of going with 13 Moander Cultists
you will have to eventually fight, or you can fight the 13 Moander Cultists at
the door. If you fought them at the door, turn South and follow the hall until
you meet 13 Moander Cultists in a split attack in the hall. After the fight,
continue down the hall to an opening where is a temple and a fight against 9
Moander Cultists in a split attack. After the fight, continue East to a room
where there is a treasure of mixed items including Boots of Speed, Shield (+2),
and Helm (+2). Cast Detect Magic to get the good stuff. Leave the room and
turn North and free the prisoners. Back track to the entrance and you can
Head for the pit and Elminster to rest and heal. When you return to Moander,
turn South towards the center wound on Moanders left arm. Here you will meet
Aeghwaet. He is disturbed by the monsters destroying his home. The monsters
differ each time you go into an area where they are encountered. There are 4
encounters that contain a mix of Earth Elementals, Minions of Bane, Bits of
Moander, and Red Mages of different numbers. You can wander around freely
because there are no random encounters. After you have cleared the 4
encounters, return to the entrance and you will be met again by Aeghwaet. He is
very happy and will reward the party with 2 Potions of Extra Healing, 2 Elixirs
of Youth, and 2 other potions that he gives instructions for use in the heart,
and he offers healing services at anytime. You can rest safely here at anytime.
Leave the wound in Moanders Arm and go East to Moanders Ear. An old man lives
here who is not happy with your arrival and hobbles away on his cane. Follow
the hall around for your 1st of 2 encounters. Both encounters contain 4 Bits of
Moander in a split attack and you can rest after each attack. When you finish
the second encounter and have rested, continue following the hall around until
you meet the hermit again who wants to attack you with his cane. Talk to him,
but don't kill him or you will not get the goodies he has to offer, Trident
(+4), Plate Mail (+2), Shield (+3), Long Sword (+3), Leather Armor, and Ring
Mail. He also offers to train the party now and in the future.
Leave the ear and go East to Moanders hair on the top of his head. As you
approach, you hear screams coming from deep in the forest of Moanders hair. Be
sure to enter the area. If you do not, you can't come back later because the
encounter does not exist. Enter the area and follow the wall to the right until
you get to the first corner where you are attacked by 4 Umber Hulks in a split
attack. After the fight, continue along the wall to the opposite corner where
you are attacked by 4 more Umber Hulks. After the fight, wander around and
listen to where screams and shouting are coming from and follow them.
Eventually you will save a Priestess from being pushed toward a Fire Elemental.
The fight is against 9 Moander Cultists and 3 Fire Elementals. After the fight,
the Priestess thanks you and gives you advice. She asks that you find the
Amphora she dropped. Turn on Search Mode and look for the Amphora. When you
find it, leave Moanders hair and return to the ear for healing and training.
Leave the ear and head for Moanders mouth. Walk in and throw the Amphora down
Moanders throat. This slows Moanders heart. When done, leave the mouth and
head for the Heart located in a pit just West of Moanders fingers on his right
For ease of movement and visualizing the layout of the heart, turn on the AREA
map. There are random encounters that consist of 10 Bits of Moander, 4 Iron
Golems and 2 LG Iron Golems. You can rest and heal safely in the pit, outside
the heart area. You should avoid traveling in arteries unless it is necessary
because a Lub or Dub could flush you from the heart and you will get lost. When
you enter the pit that is beside Moanders heart, go East, South, then East and
mix the potions given to you by Aeghwaet and cut through into the heart. You
will be in an artery facing North. Turn East and step out of the artery. Turn
North and walk to map (1,4), turn South and go to map (1,15) and repeat this
until you see The Watcher. This person will resist your presence until you
convince him that you want to help. He tells you to mix the potions together to
clean up and get rid of the slimers that cling to you. Its a good idea.
TIP: you have to find The Watcher at strategic time and locations. This walk
through takes you to each one as it is needed. If you have to find The Watcher
because something is missing, he is found at the following map locations (1,8),
(7,5), (9,5), (15,7), and (10,13). Don't go to these locations immediately
because he is not always there. Instead, use the locations later.
Go to map (1,4) and turn East to map (6,4) that is inside the artery. Turn
North and follow the artery to map (11,1) and pickup the weapons making
equipment. Return to map (1,4) and turn South to map (1,15). Turn East to map
(11,15) then turn North to map (11,9). Pick up a mouth shaped something or
other, feed it, and keep it. It will warn you about Lubs and Dubs that can wash
you out of the heart. Go to map (4,5) where you see a magical metal arrow. Use
the weapons making tools to make 4 weapons of different types. Make only 4
weapons because the spear begins to glow and causes damage if you try to make
more. Turn East, cross the artery and find The Watcher who is fighting Bits of
Moander. He is upset because the heart has started beating faster and no
monsters have bothered him before now. He wants you to find the Gold Cornucopia
and the unguent he needs. The Cornucopia is at map (8,0). When you have it
turn South 2 steps, West 2 steps into the artery, turn South 2 steps then West
out of the artery. Go to map (1,9) where The Watcher will cast a spell and slow
Moanders Heart again. The unguent is located at map (15,3) To get the unguent,
start at map (1,12) enter the artery, turn North then West through a valve at
map (4,10), turn North at the valve at map (8,10), turn East at the
intersection. When you turn East, your weapons will be pulled from you by
Magnetic Golems. You charge to get them back, taking damage. A battle starts
against 4 Iron Golems and 4 LG Iron Golems. Continue East until you get the
TIP: In a restart of the game (after I was soundly defeated in a later, random,
encounter), I lost the unguent. I don't know where it went and the game did not
announce that I had lost it. If The Watcher demands that you get the unguent at
a later time in the game (with the phrase "get it"), simply follow the above
route and you will not have to fight the Magnetic Golems again.
Return the way you came and go to map (10,13) to find The Watcher (if he is not
there, find him at map (15,6)). When he discovers your weapons have been
magnetized, he develops a plan where you have to touch the heart walls to flush
Tanetal out of his domain in one of the heart chambers where he is too well
guarded and protected. When the plan is in place, leave the heart at map
(2,15). Follow the hall around until you get to the entrance of the pit. Turn
South to the wall. Cut through (mixing potions if necessary). Turn on the Area
Map. You should be facing South above 2 large squares. Go South until you
"squeeze under a valve" and you are offered the chance to shock the heart walls.
Do it and you will be flushed from the heart with Tanetal and his guards. In
the confusion, Tanetal disappears and you are located at map (9,0). Go South to
map (9,5) and find The Watcher who gives more instructions to help find Tanetal.
Find him at map (16,4). When he runs, follow him South (move slowly because The
Watcher will shout directions). When you are offered to shock the heart walls
again at map (2,15), do it and you will be flushed into a heart chamber with
Tanetal. Walk around until you find him and The Watcher. The Watcher will be
killed by Tanetal and a battle begins against 5 Moander Cultists, 4 Bits of
Moander, 1 LG Iron Golem, and Tanetal himself. This may not seem like a lot to
fight considering the survival of harder battles earlier, but the Moander
Cultists are highly proficient with their Hold and Blade Barrier Spells. The
Bits of Moander seem to be more able to poison and turn to stone party members.
After the fight, leave the heart and return to limbo and meet Elminster. After
his victory speech, rest. train, pickup your weapons and return to the realms.
From the remains of the Tower of Marcus, go East to the purple castle. There
are 2 mini adventures on the way but they are more of annoyances than anything
else. Enter Mulmaster and just walk in to avoid a fight with the guards. At
map (5,3) is the entrance to the First Justicars office. Enter and confess to
crimes. You want to be sent to the arena where you will fight 2 or 3 battles
against a variety, but limited number of monsters. When you have finished the
arena, go with the beholder into the Cave of the Beholder.
You must locate and destroy another of Bane's Lieutenants, Arcam an elder
Beholder. When you enter the cave, the ladder is pulled up, leaving you
trapped. If needed, go East into a closet at map (5,0) and rest. Go South to
the center of 3 arches where you see many mercenaries gathered.
You are questioned and you may be offered the chance to go on missions. Don't
bother, attack. The first of 2 waves of mercenaries consist of 6 Dark Warriors,
4 Rogues, 15 Master Thieves. The next wave consist of 6 Margoyles, 4 Great
Margoyles, 2 Iron Golems, and 1 Litch. Go South to the intersection at map
(5,15). Turn West and follow the hall to map (4,15) where you are met by a
messenger of Arcam. Refuse to parlay and you are attacked by 1 Red Mage and 4
Fire Elementals. Continue East to map (9,15) and turn North into the cell
blocks. In one cell you find a dying woman. She gives you a Silver Shield +4
and Ring Mail. Continue South East and proceed down. At the bottom of the
stairs, you will be in the Hall of Death where you are attacked by 6 Giant
Skeletons, 4 Giant Zombies, and 4 Specters. Continue South toward an exit where
you are ambushed by 6 Giant Skeletons, 6 Giant Zombies, and 6 Specters. Through
the exit door is the Labyrinth. If you remember the sergeants chant (Journal
Entry 46): After entry, turn left take 1 step, turn right take 3 steps, turn
left (no step), turn left again and exit the labyrinth. When you enter this
area from the Labyrinth, there is a closet to the East where you can rest. Go
North through the first arch to fight 3 Medusa, 2 Ettins, 2 Margoyles, and 1
Beholder. Continue North through 2 arches to fight Organized Resistance
consisting of 4 Medusa, 1 Banite Clerics, and 1 Beholder. To the North is a
closet where you can rest. Continue North through 2 arches to fight more
Organized Resistance consisting of 4 Specters, 2 Vampire Thieves, and 1
Beholder. After the fight, turn West where you see 2 doors through 2 arches.
Through the door at map (12,15) is Arcam's treasure, Potion of Healing, Eyes of
Charming, Scimitar (+3), and a Cloak of Displacement. Go to map (12,9) to fight
1 Death Tyrant and Arcam. Go West through arch into the next area. Turn North
to map (7,11) then turn East and approach the Dragon Sentinel. You will be
attacked by 4 White Dragons, 3 Blue Dragons, and 1 Red Dragon. Do not attempt
to go around the Sentinel near the walls because you will be attacked anyway and
the Blue Dragons will be able to bounce lightning bolts off the walls for double
hits. After the fight, continue East to 2 arches where there is a door where
you can rest. Continuing East there is a Spider Sentinel where you are attacked
by 8 Pyro Snakes, 7 Phase Spiders, 6 Enormous Spiders, and 2 Pets of Kalistes.
After the fight, continue East to 2 arches where there is a door where you can
rest. Continuing East there is a Giant Black Hand stretching from the wall.
Your approach triggers an attack by 6 Walking Trees and 2 Bits of Moander.
After this fight, the Pool of Darkness is open to you.
When you enter the Pool you are met by Elminster who will offer healing and a
safe resting place. Leave your items in storage before you go to Bane's Land.
I accidentally went through with all my items and most were destroyed except for
the Vorpal Long Sword and most of the protective rings, including the Ring of
Wizardry. In this section of the game, save Sasha, disrupt Cordona's wedding
plans and eventually kill him. Note the location of where you came in from
Elminster's camp and limbo at map (13,0). You should always cast defensive
spells (Haste, Bless, and Prayer) before every major battle in this section and
you return to Elminster to train and heal after a major battle. When you get to
Bane's Land from limbo you are attacked by 3 Drow Priestess and 1 Drow
Sorceress. Drow are spell resistant and you are attacking bare handed except
for the Vorpal Long Sword. After the fight, take the treasure that includes
armor and weapons, a Quarterstaff +3, Cloak of Displacement, and archery
supplies. Return to Elminster to rest, heal, and distribute the treasure.
Return to Bane's land and exit through the South West door where you are swept
up by a mob of monsters on their way to the town hall where Cardona announces
his wedding plans to Sasha. After the announcement, the monsters wander off.
Go North West to map (7,3) where you fight 8 Swordsmen, 2 Evil Knights, 1 Evil
Champion. Treasure contains Scimitars, Helms +1, Banded Mail and Shields. Go
to the door at map (7,1) and fight 7 Minions of Bane and 1 Dark Lord. Treasure
is a Plate mail, Long Sword, and a Helm. Leave the rooms and go South East to
map (12,7). Enter the Town Hall and fight 14 Skeletons, 6 Dark Warriors, and 6
Minions of Bane. The door at map (9,7) is the Town Treasury. You fight 5
Vampires, 3 Vampire Mages, 3 Vampire Clerics. Treasure Includes Ring of
Protection +4, Bracers +4, and a Javelin of Lightning. In the same building,
through the double doors near map (7,7) is Cardona preparing for his wedding.
You fight a split attack against 14 Wights and 6 Bane Minions. After the fight,
leave this building and go to map (7,13) where you fight 4 Drow Priestess, 2
Drow Sorcerers, and 1 Drow Wizard. Treasure includes A cloak of Protection +4,
A Scimitar +3, and Plate Mail +3. When asked what to do with the Gown, Burn it.
You gain many experience points, most of my characters were able to advance to
the next level. It's time to disrupt Cordona's wedding. Go to the Wedding Hall
at map (2,2). Enter and fight 4 Banite Clerics, 4 Dark Lords, 2 Bane's Minions,
and Cordona. Sasha thanks you and gives you 2 Rings of Protection +2. It is
time to prepare to enter the Palace of Gothmenes. Go through the door at map
(0,4) and step toward the Iron Wall. You will be met by Gothmenes who threatens
you and 16 Minions of Bane attack you. After this fight, blow the Horn of Doom
6 times. Go through the crack in the wall to the Gothmenes Palace.
While you are in Limbo, rearrange your spells so you have Haste, Fireball,
Bless, Prayer, Enlarge, Strength, and Globe of Invulnerability. There is no
mapping available in the palace, so remember where you have been so you can
return to key points. After you arrive through the crack in the wall, there
appears to be no exit except where you came in. Go to the North East or South
West corner and LOOK. Distribute the 3 items listed and wear the ring. When
you are asked to distribute 3 items give the ring to your weakest fighter type
character (I gave mine to my thief) and have him wear it. It will become
important later on. Go either South or East through a secret door and follow it
around. You will be met by Sasha and warriors from Phlan (or so it seems).
Sasha wants you to tell her where Elminster is. Refuse to tell her. She and
the warriors turn into 7 Rakshash Rajah and 2 Rakshash Mah. Despite the small
number of attackers, this is a tough fight because the Rakshash are immune to
magic and your hits do only 4-7 hit points of damage to the Rakshash. After
this fight, return to limbo to rest and heal. You could go to the inn at map
(12,11) in Dark Phlan, but you could not get training if you needed it. Return
to spot where you fought the Rakshash and head East toward a door and stop.
Cast your defensive spells, go through the door where 19 Minions of Bane and 5
Pets of Kalistes wait for you to do something. LOOK and use the Talisman of
Bane. The monsters will recoil and be fearful and you can attack for 2 rounds
without a response from the Minions of Bane. If you decide to go through the
South door, you will face 5 Dracolitches, 4 Black Dragons, 4 Red Dragons, and 1
Blue Dragons. To weaken this bunch, blow the Horn of Doom. The preferred route
is East. After the fight, you can go North to a door where 4 Beholders, 8
Margoyles, and 4 Greater Margoyles wait for you. You can rest here but it is
not completely safe. Head South to a door and follow the hall to an arch. Once
you go through this arch, you cannot leave (endless numbers monsters will fight
you). You are met by Elminster (or so it seems). Decline his request to
accompany you and if he asks if he should return to Limbo, answer no. Turn East
and you hear the plans of Gothmenes and he winds the Tantalus Clock. Continue
East and follow the wall on your right around to the South then to a West facing
arch (the clock ticks every 2 steps). Go through the arch and go North West to
the Pool of Death. Have the character who is wearing the Crystal Ring reach
into the Pool and get the Crystal of Bane.
TIP: From this point, what follows is the only way that I have found to win
this game. There are 3 major battles that must be fought, no resting in
between, and the first fight is the toughest.
1st Battle: Turn East and head for a wall. Encamp and save the game, don't use
any spells yet. (Re-enter the game and take 1 step. Encamp and save the game
again. Repeat this step until you are "summoned" by Gothmenes.). Use the
Crystal Ring to stop the creatures coming from the pool, (the character will be
badly damaged and have between 2-22 hit points left) and the fight begins
against 10 Minions of Bane, 9 Pets of Kalistes, 4 Bits of Moander, and 6
Dracolitches. After your party has been wiped out, re-load the game. Encamp
and change the game level to NOVICE. Cast Haste, Bless, Prayer, Enlarge (on
your best fighter), Strength (on your best fighter), Globe of Invulnerability on
the Mage. Take the last step and fight again. Use the Crystal and your
character will be damaged (it is unavoidable). When the fight begins, have all
characters run to the North West and go through the opening and line up along
the wall toward the East. Have your best fighter station himself on the East
side of the opening (he's the door stop). Have the Mage take 2 steps North West
through the opening, stand there, and cast spells (Globe of Invulnerability
protects him from Lightning Bolts). When the Mage has his turn, have him use
Aim and Manual to find the greatest concentration of Blue Minions of Bane and
Pets of Kalistes and cast a Delayed Blast Fireball on them (they cast deadly
Bolts of Lightning, as do the Dracolitches). They will die on the spot and the
nearby Pets of Kalistes will either be damaged or killed. Have the Cleric cast
Heal on the damaged character that has the Crystal Ring and them move the Cleric
behind the Fighter by the door and cast healing spells on him as necessary. Let
the Mage do the fighting with magic (Ice Storms damages all enemy characters)
and when an enemy character tries to come through the door, the door stop takes
care of him. After the fight and all enemy characters have been destroyed,
continue the battle. Gather all characters around the Mage, Cleric and any
unconscious characters. Cast Healing spells on damaged characters (you cannot
resurrect dead characters), cast dispel magic because the Pets of Kalistes cast
a number of spells that will resist your efforts at healing and speed. Continue
the battle as many times as necessary until all characters have been healed.
Then cast Bless, Prayer, (Fire Shield, Strength, and Enlarge on your fighters),
Globe of Invulnerability on the Mage, and in a last continuation of the battle,
cast Haste. When this is done, on the 2d Battle
2d Battle: This is against 4 Beholders, 2 Death Tyrants, and Xoham the Elder
Beholder. Have the fighters charge in any direction and hit all enemy
characters as fast and hard as possible, especially Xoham. Spells against this
group are useless because they are Spell Resistant. When the fighting is
completed, as before, continue the battle. Gather all characters around any
unconscious characters. Cast Healing spells on damaged characters and continue
the battle as many times as necessary until all characters have been healed.
Then cast Bless, Prayer, (Fire Shield, Strength, and Enlarge on your fighters),
Globe of Invulnerability on the Mage, and in a last continuation of the battle,
cast Haste.
3d Battle: This is it, the final fight. To win, you need only 1 character to
survive. It's tough because Bane protects his Lieutenant by not allowing your
party to cast spells (the spells you cast prior to the battle are in full
effect). You fight 7 Blue Minions of Bane, 2 Green Dragons, 2 Bits of Moander,
and Gothmenes himself. Have everyone charge West and take out the Green Dragon,
and the 2 Blue Minions of Bane as fast as possible. Then have everyone head
south along the wall and have your best fighters stand by the opening to attack
anything that tries to come around. An archer can help against the Blue Minions
of Bane if he is stationed behind the fighters. After you have won, the finale
When you find yourself back in the restored Phlan, go to East Phlan (Phlan has 2
parts) and see Elminster in the library at map (9,8), located in the Town Hall.
He will make a speech about what happened. If you follow Elminsters advice, go
to the Docks located North of the Town Hall. There are 2 ships there. One is
old and this is The Challenge Ship. The other is a fine ship and will take you
home, ending the game. Go to the Hold and you will find the Weapons, Armor, and
Supplies you left behind in Elminster's storage before you went to limbo to
defeat Gothmenes. A comparison of what you are wearing and what is in the hold
will allow your characters to have an Armor Class over -10. Before taking The
Challenge Ship, go to Ohol's Mystic Devices in West Phlan at map (14,12) and
pickup as many Potions of Extra Healing as you can carry. Return to the docks
and take The Challenge Ship.
The Challenge is impossible. After several weeks of dedicated attempts, I could
not defeat it. My efforts to defeat The Challenge continue. After looking at
the hit points of the various enemy characters, the game is set on Champion
Level and you can't change it. In one area, you lose the magical properties of
your weapons. In another area, your spell casters lose the ability to cast
spells (but the Mage and Cleric can still use Scrolls and Wands). You are
drained by Vampires and Specters and cannot cast Restoration to bring them back.
There's no where to rest except when you get the "R", what ever that is and I
have yet to find it. Beholders are invulnerable to spells of any kind and there
are too many to fight in your battle weakened condition, if you can get to them
at all.
If you defeat The Challenge, send me the walk through. I will add your success
to this Pool of Darkness walk through and credit You for the effort.
Good Luck on The Challenge.
Ken Hart
21 April 1998
The Spoiler Centre