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Welcome to DEATHTRAP Dungeon. Prepare to embark on a great adventure as you explore vast dungeons and battle over 50 kinds of fierce creatures and monsters.

You will have to use every weapon and spell at your disposal just to stay alive. You can use this walkthrough to WIN!

This Survival Guide provides complete detailed instructions for completing all 38 zones in the 9 challenging levels of DEATHTRAP Dungeon. It also reveals the locations for every item, secret, monster and trap in this game. We've also included some maps of the more difficult areas for you to reference. Links to these maps will be scattered throughout the walkthrough when appropriate. You will also find a complete listing of maps in our MAP ARCHIVES. You can use these maps as a visual Table of Contents by clicking on certain areas of the map to link you back to the main walkthrough text. I wish I could have offered maps of ALL the levels. The 9 maps I did use were sent to me by a friend and required several hours of touch-up work. The interactive maps in this strategy guide were more of an experiment, but I will be using this concept on future walkthroughs.

Please keep in mind that this walkthrough is based on actual game play, so when I give directions like "left" or "right", those directions are based on the direction I was facing when I wrote it down. If you are following my directions and things start to vary from the text, you probably went the opposite way I intended. It's easy to get turned around in this game.

If you are simply consulting this guide to find a missing secret or two, you will find our Secret Area Index a valuable tool in finding those hidden areas. So prepare yourself and enter DEATHTRAP Dungeon.

Level 1: Spire

Spire 1

You start your adventure outside a pair of large wooden doors. Head through the doors and time your run through the fireball trap in the next hall. Climb up the blocks at the end of the hall to obtain the 3 Razor Spells. A switch at the other end of this ledge activates a transporter. Jump over to the 2 Fireballs and take the transporter to the window up above. Grab the other Fireball then return to the exit at the end of the hall. Flip the switch to open the door and enter. The floor will collapse beneath you sending you down a ramp to your next encounter.

Spire 2

Two Orcs attack when you enter the large room. They are easily slain and one will produce a Silver Key when he falls to the floor. Use this key to open the door on the left, but not before climbing up to the ledge and jumping over to get the War Pig and Razor Spell.

Head through the door and take care of the Imps. Ignore the lever for now and continue across the room and go through the gate. Continue around to the left to get a surprise attack on two Orcs. Flip the switch to move the wall then use the lever on the right to summon the elevator in the outer chamber. Ride the lift up to another lever which you can flip before retrieving the Arc of Power at the end of the ledge.

Now return to the main room and kill another Orc. Your efforts are rewarded with a Healing Potion. Head across the room and ride the elevator up. A Save Game Marker is nearby - use it if you aren't feeling lucky. Ride the elevator up to the floating platforms and flip the lever to obtain 2 Fireballs.

Return to the floor and start climbing the columns until you reach the ledge where you can eliminate an Imp. Enter the chamber and flip the lever to kill the Orc and summon the elevator all in one spectacular explosion. Ride it down and follow the hall. Make sure to stay to one side to avoid the fire trap at the end of the hall. Find the switch in the alcove to reveal another alcove and switch back down the hall behind you.

Flip this switch to open a wall section into another passage. Follow it to the second lever and 3 Healing Potions. Flip the lever to raise the cage back in the central chamber then return to the elevator. Kill the Orc as you make your way back to the central room with the now-exposed lever. Kill another Orc then flip that lever to convert one of the columns into a curved staircase.

When the stairs are created a room will become accessible from the main chamber. Inside is the Flamelance and a hidden wall which conceals a switch. Flip this switch to unlock that gate back by the lift. Several Imps are summoned to the main chamber as you do this so get ready for some combat.

This secret is accessible by the switch from the above secret area and contains lots of useful items. Take the Bombshot, 3 Coins, and 2 Healing Potions before returning to the main room and climbing the spiral stairs. Take the Antidote and enter the next room. Approach the lift and try to act surprised when a pair of Giant Spiders drop from the ceiling. Use the Flamelance and attack from the sides to avoid their deadly fangs and spit attacks. If you do take a hit, make sure to use the Antidote to cure the poison.

Ride the elevator up to the moving platforms and proceed to make your way across to the exit. Several Antidotes and a Healing Potion are lying about up here. Get them if you need/want to, then kill the pair of Orcs who guard the exit.

Spire 3

Keep along the center wall while avoiding the Knackerer and enter the shaft and ride the elevator up to the next level. Avoid the fire trap and activate the bridge to reach the next elevator. You will find some Bombs near the corner which will come in useful almost immediately on the Minor Automaton who is waiting in the hall around the corner.

Use the Save Game Marker then go get the Venom Sword to the left. The sword is in the large central structure in this next room. Drop down the ledges to the floor then flip the switches on either side of the structure to lower some blocks which will allow you to reach the top of the central platform. Once on top, pull the lever to obtain the sword and unlock the exit to this area. Stash this weapon away for later use.

After getting the sword you should see a block which opens to reveal a hole containing 3 Fireballs.

Find the alcove in the hall with the elevator which will take you up to a chest containing; 2 Bombs, Healing Potion, and a Coin.

Return to the Save Marker and take the elevator across from it. You will arrive in a room with Imps who are on a pivoting beam. They control the fire which blocks your path so kill them to clear your escape.

Spire 4 - (map available)

A deadly pair of females await you in the pendulum room. These girls are very fast and the first one will jump and roll right towards you while the other will stay back and throw knives. While you can kill both of these women with some skilled combat, it is much more fun to force them into the deadly pendulum. Another pair of women wait for you beneath the ledge but unless you fall down there by accident, I wouldn't worry about them.

Equip your Venom Sword before entering the next room. Snake Girls start appearing from each of the walls. You can attack with your sword or use a Razor Spell for even more damage. Of course smashing the slithering females with the thumping columns is perhaps the most fun way to get rid of these pests. When all the Snake Girls are dead the exit will open.

Enter this hall to find the treasure room which is heavily guarded by lots of females. They will jump you from the alcove on the left so be ready. The chests in this room contain a Warhammer in one and 3 Razor Spells and 3 Firebombs in the other. A sliding wall leads to more deadly females and a switch in the hallway opens a hidden door leading back to the vine-covered room.

Take the elevator across from the treasure room to the Upper Level where you can equip the Silver Sword and begin to battle several hostile females. Once you defeat their leader you can flip the switch to open the exit back off of the vine-covered room. Some 3 Healing Potions should also be near the exit.

This tricky secret area is in the bottom of the elevator shaft. The elevator must be at the top of the shaft and you have to jump down to the lower level. You can then retrieve the Strength Potion from the bottom of the shaft.

Level 2: Labyrinth

Labyrinth 1 - (map available)

Use the Save Game Marker then enter the large room. Your immediate destination is the door to the right. Don't even try to go to the left door until you have deactivated the firejets. Get the timing down for the bursts of flames then run up to the door and open it. Quickly run back into the room to avoid the fire as the door opens. Now time the fire once more and run into the next room.

There is a lot to do in this room. A pair of Imps wait for you in the small alcove to the left. To the right is a valve for turning off the flamejets in the previous room. Opening the steel door on the opposite wall reveals another pair of Imps. A door further down the hall conceals one last pair of Imps and a chest which contains a 2 Healing Potions, 2 Razor Spells and 2 Bombs. You should also find a Warding Charm on the third pair of slain Imps.

You can now return to the main room and check out the door to the left which is now safe to pass through. Flip the first switch to access the next room which has a Minotaur guarding another switch. When he is dead, flip that switch to open a section of wall which conceals some Rockets. The other switch opens up into another room with a Minotaur guarding a Bombshot.

In the next room a Minotaur waits below. He guards a chest with a Healing Potion and a switch which is on the column. The switch summons the lift back in the main room. Use the hallway switch to get back there and keep close to the walls to avoid the deadly firejets.

Flip the switch in the alcove then kill the Imp and take his Blunderbuss shot. Proceed to the next door and open it. Several Imps will appear which you must fight. Once they are dead even more Imps come streaming in through the door. Kill them, then take a ride on the two lifts to reach 3 Healing Potions and even more Imps hiding in the back.

The next lift deposits you next to the Gold Switch which moves the plank-bridge over the pit. More Imps arrive on the scene so kill them then head downstairs. Watch out for the area of the floor which has mysteriously vanished.

Run across the wooden plank to the lift. A section of wall opens to reveal the Magic Warhammer. Get it fast and get out before the wall seals itself otherwise you are forced to fight your way through several Minotaurs down below.

Head across the plank to the Gold Switch to gain access to the Blunderbuss and the exit over to the left. Leave the Disarming switch alone as it will collapse the floor. Instead, keep your eye on the arch to the left as Minotaurs will attack from there and the steel door. Battle these beasts and make use of the Warding Charm to minimize the effects of their attack.

A Gold Switch is hidden behind a panel to the right. Flip it to fix the floor beyond the metal door up ahead. Past these doors is an Imp which guards a switch which extends a bridge across the chasm. Jump from the bridge over to the ledge to obtain the Gold Key. There is also a chest and a switch here. The chest contains 2 Healing Potions and a Strength Potion. Use the Gold Key to exit this part of the Labyrinth.

Labyrinth 2

Kill the Imp in this area before raiding the chests to the left and right. You should obtain a Healing Potions from one and a Blunderbuss Shot from the other. The Imps behind the door on the right guard a switch. Kill them then flip the switch then go kill the next two Imps behind the door behind you.

The switch on the left open the door behind you which leads to the Gold Key. This key opens the gate on the left which allows you to obtain the Silver Sword and a much needed Healing Potion. When you have secured your new items, take the gold door into the next passage and do battle with the Minotaur.

There is a collapsing floor ahead so you need to jump over to the alcove on the right and get on the ledge to flip Switch #1. Take the Healing Potion before jumping across to flip Switch #2 which activates a series of moving platforms up ahead. Switch #3 activates a platform on the left. Rockets are firing down the length of the bridge and you will die if you go out too far. Start jumping across the platforms and make your way to the ledge with the Rocket Switch to turn off the trap. Proceed to the next area.

Deal with the four Imps and the charging Minotaur before checking out that switch on the right. When they are dead you should have added 2 Healing Potions and a Blunderbuss Shot to your inventory. Flip the first switch then head back to check out those chests. Both chests are trapped so use the Fire Jet Switch to disarm the trap before opening them. Add the Fireball, 2 Blunderbuss Shots and a Bomb to your growing arsenal. Now head for Switch #2 making sure to jump over the collapsing floor. Flip this switch to open the exit back behind you and around the corner.

If the floor didn't cave-in when you jumped over it, then force it to collapse now. Look down to see some ledges and lots of items. Jump in so you land on the highest ledge. You will still take some damage so make sure you are at full health. Grab up the Healing Potion, Icy Cool and the Red Key. You will need to use the switch behind the metal door to access the ledge with the Red Key. This switch is guarded by Imps. Jump from ledge to ledge until you have everything. Make sure to get the Healing Potion, Razor Spell and Fireball which are located next to the transporter leading out of here.

You reappear on the other side of the bridge with the rockets firing at you. To make matters even worse - you can't turn them off this time. Head back to the beginning of this level and use the two switches to access a new hall with the Save Game Marker, elevator and teleporter exit. Save your game then take a ride on the elevator.

As soon as you open the door, duck into the small alcove to avoid the deadly arrow trap. The room on the right has a Greater Razor Spell hidden in a concealed niche. Activate the wall just to the right of the door to the abyss then run and jump over to the ledge. Fight the Minor Automaton then go inside that room to activate the switch for the a section of bridge over the abyss.

At the opposite end of this hall is a large treasure room guarded by the Alchemist of Chaos. Defeat him and his Minor Automaton buddy who is hiding behind the concealed wall then raid his treasures. You should get Silver Key, Warding Spell and 3 Coins and find a lever which lowers the remaining section of the bridge over the abyss.

The steel door on the other side of the bridge won't open until the two fire-breathers are dead. Head to the large steel door on the right to find the switch for the smaller door. Battle the evil Alchemist and make sure to get the Bomb from his fallen corpse. It will come in handy when fighting the Minor Automaton which is waiting behind the small door.

Use the Red Key to get past the gate. Inside is a chest which contains lots of nice things including 2 Blundershots and 2 Arcs of Power.

Head across the bridge and do battle with the final Alchemist. Take his Bomb before getting on the elevator.

Level 3: Circus

Circus 1 - (map available)

Flip the switch on the right to open the gate on the left and retrieve the Venom Sword. Return to the previous room and use your new weapon on the snake women. Collect the 3 Healing Potions and 3 Fireballs from behind the door on the left. Use the Save Game Marker to save your progress.

Head out to the walkway above the circus tents and go straight past the crossroads. Drop down into the upper-left area which is spike-free and get the Healing Potions before flipping the switch and taking the teleporter back to the top.

Head back to the now-open gate and kill the Jesters then continue through the next gate. Ignore the advancing Imps and instead, fall off the ledge to obtain 2 Healing Potions and 3 Fireflies. Head back to the crossroads above the tents and head left. Get ready for a pair of nasty Jugglers as you near the door. They guard another Venom Sword which you can take after you defeat them. Use it to battle a pair of Snake Women who appear about this time.

This next area features a pair of door traps and a pair of switches which deactivates the entrance and exit doors. Enter using the left passage and exit on the right. You can collect a Red Key and 2 Star Spells from the Jack-in-the-Box. Return to the main crossroads and use the Red Key on the locked door.

Another pair of Jugglers wait behind this door. Take care of them and ignore the exploding Jack-in-the-Box. You can take the Healing and Speed Potions and the Warding. Continue along the brick passage until you reach the branch to the left. A Healing Potion is tucked away in a small alcove on the right. Get it before heading down the left branch to fight a pair of Snake Women who guard the exit.

Circus 2

Ride the elevator to the bottom and head through the gate to save your progress at the Save Game Marker. Turn right and follow the hall until you reach the switch which opens another gate. Behind this gate is a Knackerer which you need to avoid while pulling the lever which opens another game on a very short timer. Inside are 3 Coins which you can grab before heading around to the next passage with another Knackerer. You should arrive at a box and a switch. The box is another exploding Jack-in-the-Box so leave it alone. Flip the switch to open the gate then run into the room with the boxes when the Knackerer has passed by.

One box is a trap, but you can open the box on the right and get 3 Healing Potions, Blunderbuss Shot and Antidote. Return to the hall and follow the Knackerer until you can duck into the alcove and flip the switch the next time the Knackerer passes by. Quickly run across the hall and through the gate before it closes.

You should now be close to where you started. Follow the passage around and kill those annoying Jugglers. Take any Healing Potions they might leave behind then make use of the Save Game Marker. Follow the hall around to the door and enter to fight some more Jugglers then go over to the opening in the wall. Stay to the left to avoid the Knackerer. When it enters the left alcove you can flip the switch to trap it there. You should find the switch to turn off the firejet inside the Knackerer alcove.

When the firejet is off, go through the door and find the moving wall which hides a Jack-in-the-Box loaded with goodies. You should get 2 Healing Potions and 2 Fireballs before returning to the previous gate.

Go through the gate and head right to find another sliding wall which hides another Jack-in-the-Box containing Bombshot and 2 Healing Potions. Head back and continue down the hall killing all the Jugglers you encounter. Open the door and head down the hall going through the gate at the end. Go through the door at the end of this hall to find a pair of doors. You need the Gold Key to open the left door so go through the right and kill a pair of Jugglers before advancing to the next door.

The High Priestess waits behind this door so use your Warding and get the Fireballs ready then open the door and enter. If you get too close you will get poisoned and will have to use the Antidote. When she is dead another High Priestess appears in the door. Defeat her and you can clean-up all the treasure in this room. You should manage to find an Arc of Power, Gold Key and Healing Potion. Two switches open curtains which hide Fireballs and 3 Healing Potions. Flip the switches again to reveal a hidden area.

A second flip of the curtain switches move the curtains outside the High Priestess area to reveal a pair of Jack-in-the-Boxes containing; Healing Potion, Razor Spell and Antidote. The curtains only stay up for a short time and if they fall they will kill you so get all this stuff quickly.

Return to the previous door and use the Gold Key. Kill all the Jugglers that are waiting to ambush you behind this door then exit this part of the level.

Circus 3

Use the handy Save Game Marker then enter the door on the right and go left around the building. Fight or ignore the Snake Woman then open the gate on the far right. Follow the passage around to the right until you reach the brown wall which you can open to get the Red Key. Continue heading up the passage until you can drop off the ledge and get the Venom Sword. Use it to kill the Snake Women who are now attacking. When things have settled down you can flip the switch to open the gate which hold a chest containing Star Spells, 3 Fireflies and 2 Healing Potions. Do NOT open the doors opposite this location - it is a TRAP!

Return to your starting location and find the gate left of the entrance which leads to a secret area containing 4 Healing Potions and 2 Fireballs. All the other gates lead to more of those hostile Snake Women. Leave them alone unless you are looking for a fight.

You can save your game again then take the first elevator up. Watch out for the pair of Orcs who are up here. Kill them then take the second elevator up then jump down into the shaft for lots of items including; 2 Jet Spells, Arc of Power, 3 Healing Potions and 2 Fireballs. After you use the Save Game Marker head left down to the elevator and take it down to the locked door. Use the Red Key and head down the hall to find a chest which contains Healing Potion, Blunderbuss, and 3 Blunderbuss Shots. Enter the gate to arrive at the first of four Big Top Circus events.

Use a combination of sword attacks for the Orcs and Blunderbuss attacks for the Clowns coming out of the car. A door should eventually open letting you go right down the passage to a chest which contains Venom Sword, Ankh of Vitality, and 3 Fireballs. Use the Fireballs and Venom Sword on the Snake Girls in the next arena. Look for high ground such as a pedestal to launch your Fireballs from. When they are all dead you can gather up Warding, 2 War Pigs, and 3 Bombs.

The third tent in the circus has a large number of axe-throwing Orcs. Try to lead them all to the center of the room then launch your War Pigs on them. Use large circling strafing attacks to avoid their axes and hopefully even get them caught in their own crossfire. Go down the passage to get the 4 Healing Potions from the chest before entering the final tent.

The T-Rex isn't so bad when you know the secret and the secret is "distance" as in KEEP YOUR DISTANCE! Using Fireballs or Blunderbuss or any other range weapons you may have, enter this tent just far enough to get old Flame-breath to notice you. Use Razor Spells and Fireballs to keep him at a safe distance while pumping him full of Blunderbuss Shots. He should go down with ammo to spare and you probably won't even get close enough to see him all that well. If he does manage to sneak inside your attacks, you can hide behind the pillars. There is also a Warding in this area which will help out if you need it. When the T-Rex is dead, this level is over.

Level 4: The Pit

Pit 1

Enter the first room and prepare to do battle with some swimsuit models...err..I mean Priestesses. Take the 2 Healing Potions, Strength Charm and the Coin. SECRET AREA
Before you leave this area make sure to get the Antidote and the Rockets hidden behind the wall in the dark alcove.

Take either passage into the next area. There is a High Priestess and a bunch of her bikini babes waiting for you. Lead the Priestesses back out into the hall and kill them one by one so you can avoid the attacks of the High Priestess. When her escorts are all dead, then return to the next room and kill the High Priestess. Use your Antidote if she poisons you. She should leave you Healing Potions and a Fireball upon her death.

The altar activates a lift which will take you up to this secret area with an Ankh of Vitality and chances are, you probably need it.

A hidden wall beside the previous secret area leads to a Venom Sword. Take it before returning to the room below.

Left of the stained glass is a moving wall which conceals a Blnuderbuss and extra ammo. A second moving wall hides a Save Game Marker but it is trapped. Shoot and destroy the barrels so you can access a concealed switch to disarm the trap and save your progress.

Head left into the next room and kill the Priestess near the door. More are waiting inside, so enter and kill them all. Grab the Coin by the altar then return to the previous hall to find a small alcove which contains 3 Star Spells and an Antidote, all guarded by more Priestesses. Return through the gate and head through the gate on the right to enter the Chapel.

Ahead on the right is the elevator out of here but it's not working yet. Advance to the stone lift and kill any Priestesses who try and stop you. You should find a Healing Potion and Blunderbuss Shot on the left and the Warhammer and a Coin behind the pillars on the right.

Advancing further triggers a small army of Priestesses. Kill them all, but save your big weapons for the 4-armed Demonwitches who start appearing near the second half of the battle. When you have killed everybody, the steel door opens revealing a Flamelance and a switch which unlocks the elevator you passed moments ago. Return to the elevator and take it to the next area.

Pit 2

As you head towards the locked gate the gate on the right will open granting your access to a lift. Ride it to the bottom and take the passage to the right until you reach a room with more Priestesses who want to challenge your combat skills. When you have shown them who is "boss" you can take the 2 Fireballs and Healing Potion then head to the alcove with the arch and find the wheel hidden behind the wall. Turn the wheel to turn off the flames which were blocking your way to the stone lift.

Kill the next wave of Priestesses who arrive on the scene, then find and use the switch around the corner from the stone lift. The gate back by the wooden lift is now open so head back to that lift killing even more Priestesses. A chest in this area contains a Healing Potion and a Blunderbuss is also in this vicinity. You should also find a coffin with Warding inside.

Moving on to the next room triggers another army of bikini warriors. Kill them all and take the Healing Potion from the alcove and get the 3 Anti-Magic Charms from behind the moving wall. Climb up to the ledge and ring the bell to summon the Demonwitch. Kill her, then flip the switch to unlock the steel door back upstairs. Return to this door and enter.

When you reach the first corner in this hall you can open the moving wall. Kill the Priestesses who are guarding the switch behind this wall. When they are dead you can flip the switch to access the Secret Area up ahead. On the ledge on left are 3 Coins you can add to your inventory before going through the gate and killing the Priestess in this room. Open the wall on the right and pull the lever then go to the corner and collect the 3 Healing Potions, 2 Fireballs, Razor Spell and Venom Sword.

Another hidden wall in this area hides an Ankh of Vitality. Kill any Priestesses who might show up then leave this room.

Head left towards the gate and go through the door on the right to find a chest with a Coin and Healing Potion. A secret Save Game Marker is on the ledge opposite this door provided you flipped the switch behind that corner hidden wall earlier. Save your progress then head through the gate and go through the door opposite the locked silver gate.

Kill more Priestesses and take their Coin and Razorspell. Go through the next gate and kill the Priestess and take the Healing Potion from the alcove. Go through the door on the right and kill more Priestesses then open the wall to the left of the entrance and get the Silver Sword. Finally, go pull the lever over to the right to open the silver gate.

Return to the silver gate and enter. Get the Healing Potion on the left and continue along the passage. Use your new Silver Sword to battle the Skeleton guards Get another Healing Potion and use the Save Game Marker. Continue until you reach the bell. Ring it to summon a High Priestess who you will encounter shortly. Follow the passage until you exit by the first bell where you can drop down and do battle with the High Priestess you just summoned.

A combination of Venom Sword attacks and Anti-Magic Charms defense should end this battle in record time. A Red Key is all that remains after the battle, so use it on the red gate which is now easily accessible through a newly opened section of wall.

Follow the ramps and jump to the platform then over to the moving platform. Ride it until you can open the wall on the right to find a secret area which contains 2 Crowns, Bombshot and Strength. Ride the platform back to the other side and flip the switch to open the door.

A running leap will put you on the opposite ledge near the pair of gates. Turn the valve to shut off the flame trap then take the 2 Fireballs, Flamethrower and Gold Key. You can now jump over to a small ledge with a Demonwitch who is guarding a switch. Kill her, then flip the switch to extend a bridge to the exit. You can do a diagonal jump from the bridge to get a Healing Potion and Blunderbuss Shot then proceed to the exit.

Pit 3

Gather up the Bomb Shot, Strength and Warding from the alcoves and kill the Warrior Priestess by the door. Enter the large chamber and get ambushed by more bikini-clad Priestesses. When they are dead you can get the Healing Potion and Antidote then get on the stone block and raise it up so you can jump to the block with the Blunderbuss and extra ammo.

Take the hall to the left of this room's entrance and enter the chapel. Open opposite wall and flip the switch to disable a trap then take the Healing Potion and Silver Sword from the chest. Head back to the previous room and take the other passage. Again, open the opposite wall and flip the switch to disable another trap. Climb onto the red slab and flip the switch to unlock a door back upstairs.

Return to that room and enter the right curtain. Kill the axe-wielding Zombies and take the Healing Potion and Coin. Get your Silver Sword ready for a huge army of Skeleton warriors who are massing outside. Kill them all and kill the Zombie who arrives late to this party. He will leave you a key which activates the remaining elevating platform.

When all enemies are dead you can go stand on the light floor panel to access the secret area which contains the Ankh of Vitality, Warding and a Blunderbuss Shot.

Continue to the end of the hall and kill more Zombies to your left, then head down the right passage past the spear trap where you will find an Antidote and a switch in need of flipping. Head back along the hall and take the left passage this time where a High Priestess awaits. Avoid the trap when taking the Silver Sword and use the Save Game Marker which is hiding behind a moveable wall on the right.

Continue down the hall and kill the Skeletons you will encounter. Accessing the wall on the left will summon a High Priestess to the right. Defeat her to actually open the left wall which conceals a switch which activates the elevator at the top of this passage. Head back and ride the elevator to the next level.

Around the corner is an Antidote then go left until you reach the room with the pentagram and take the Healing Potion. Return to the left and jump to the alcove on the left and get the Silver Sword before opening the red gate. Go down the right hall avoiding the trapped skeletons and get the Antidote on the left side of the next room.

A running jump over the gap should put you in battle range of a pair of High Priestesses. When they are dead, head around to the gap and jump over to flip the switch in the alcove. A platform should descend from the ceiling and another pair of High Priestess will arrive. Kill them then go for this area's final secret before exiting this area using the now-accessible lift.

Around the wall from the lowered platform is a panel you can activate to take you to a secret hall. Open the left wall then head down the hall until the far wall opens and a bunch of blades fly at you. Turn and dodge into the alcove you just opened and the blades will sail past. Now you can go to the end of the hall and get your prize; a Flamelance and Magic Warhammer. Now you can leave.

Pit 4

Continue forward and smash those skeletons to bone dust before taking the Silver Sword. Get the Antidote, Healing Potions and Blunderbuss from the various alcoves in this area, then drop down to the left to fight some Zombies who guard two levers. One lever opens the gate up ahead and there is a trapped chest with 2 Razor Spells and Healing Potion inside so open it carefully.

A lever in the next room opens the gates which releases a Skeleton and a Ghost. You will get the Red Key and Silver Sword when they are dead. Go through the gate and get the Healing Potion and flip the lever to activate the teleporter which takes you to the top. More Skeletons await your Silver Sword before you can use the Red Key to disarm the rock traps. Run past the inactive rocks and kill the Skeletons on the stairs as you approach the gold arch.

Go through the arch and head left to get the Warhammer, and open the chest to get the Strength. Flip the switch to open the wooden door and release a pair of Giant Spiders. Use that new Warhammer on them and don't forget the Antidote if you get poisoned. When things have settled down you can enter the wooden door and get the Gold Key from the alcove and the Warding and Silver Sword.

Head back to the previous room and use the lift to go down then back up to the ledge above. Lots of axe throwing Zombies are up here so kill them all then enter the gold arch to teleport to the start.

Near the starting location where you fought the first batch of Zombies is a teleporter which will take you to a secret room with 2 Arcs of Power, Healing Potion and a Greater Razor Spell.

Drop down to the lower area and use the Save Game Marker. Drop down to the step then to the bottom ledge and kill another Zombie. Open the wall in the step and ride the lift down where more Zombies are waiting. Exit the pit and jump over to the left ledge to flip the switch that raises the gate and the lift inside the pit. Cross over and get the Coin then look for the lever. Flip the lever and leap through the gate to avoid the arrow trap. Continue along the passage killing the skeletons and taking the 3 Crowns and Icy Cool.

Open the gate and get the Coins then go to the right and flip the yellow switch to activate the platform outside. Ignore the levers, or you will be dodging lots of arrow traps. Head back outside and ride the new platform over to Save Game Marker then drop down to the left and get on the stone lift and ride it to the next area.

Pit 5

When the stone lift comes to a complete stop you can get off and drop down to the ledge on the right and enter the passage. Continue past the hidden door on the left and avoid the arrow trap. Open the door and dodge the second arrow trap then flip the switch to open the opposite door. Enter this door and stay along the right wall. Duck into the alcove to avoid the fireball trap. Then open the chest and take the 2 Blunderbuss Shots, 2 Coins, Fireball and Healing Potion then flip the switch to open the next door. Dodge the fireballs if they didn't already fire at you and exit.

Continue down this passage and dodge some more fireballs then open the next chest to get 2 Healing Potions and a Coin. When you arrive at the end of the passage, flip the switch to open the last gate. Continue on and open the wall at the end to find and flip another switch to open the passage back outside. Exit this area and use the Save Game Marker on your way out.

Go to the edge and drop down to the ledge and kill the Skeletons then get the 2 Antidotes from the left alcove. Continue on through the arches and kill some more skeletons then open the wall on the left to find the long-awaited Infernal Device (Rocket Launcher). A Healing Potion is in the arch on the right and it's guarded by a Skeleton hiding in the shadows. Exit through the door on the right.

Open the wall in the middle alcove on the left and flip the switch to open the gate on the far right. Kill the Spider and the Skeletons then go up to the ledge using the ramp on the right. Kill the skeleton on the next ledge before you jump over to it. Take the Silver Key and use it on the lock.

Jump back to the previous ledge and drop down to the right to another ledge. Flip the furthest switch then the near one then get on the lift and ride it over to the ledge on the left. Drop down into the pit. You will take a bit of damage but you can get a Healing Potion and Firefly for your effort. Take the teleporter back to the top.

Take the steps down to the Save Game Marker and use it. Take the Healing Potion, Coin, Rocket Launcher Shot and Blunderbuss Shot before flipping the switch to teleport out of here. Open the chest on the right to get a Firefly and Speed then flip the switch and go through the door to the ledge. Go through the gate and kill some Skeletons then open the chest to get Healing Potion and 2 Coins. Pass through the arch and run past the flame traps.

Drop down to the right and open the wall at the end of the trench for the 3 Arcs of Power. Use the teleporter to return to the top then run back past the flame traps and go around the corner.

Jump over to the sandstone block and open the wall for a secret chest which contains Warding and a Greater Razor Spell. Jump back to the previous ledge and enter the passage to ride the lift to the final area of the Pit.

Pit 6 - (map available)

Exit the lift onto the walkway above a pit with a pair of Pit Fiends down below. Ignore them for now and gather up all the items that are waiting for you on this upper level. Go forward to the crossroads and continue straight then head left around the corner to get the 2 Healing Potions and Strength from the chest at the end of the hall.

Return to the intersection and take a left toward the sliding wall then take a right and run past another sliding wall to get 2 Anti-Magic Charms. Keep away from the walls and stay in the middle of the walkway for the safest path past these walls. Head back and turn right to get the Speed Potion beyond the next sliding wall. Continue around and flip the switch to open a wall back behind you.

Return to and go straight through the intersection and then through the newly opened wall to arrive on a ledge. Jump over to the next intersection the jump again to the area with the rough floor to get the Crown and flip the switch. Jump back to previous intersection and continue up and around to get the Fireball, Bomb Shot, and Arc of Power.

Return to the intersection and head right and go around to find a chest with Warding and a Greater Razor Spell. Some ammo for your Rocket Launcher is also here but it is heavily trapped. Run past it to trigger/disarm the trap then take the Rocket Launcher Shots. Ride the elevator down to the lower level.

Exit the lift and use the Save Game Marker before heading off to kill the Pit Fiends. The best way to get rid of these guys is to use the provided fire traps. Get them to chase you (use Speed Potions if necessary) then flip the switches to lower them into the traps.

The first fiend is easily killed by running through the first gate and continuing down the hall to the switch. Make sure the Pit Fiend is following and flip the switch to lower him into the pit. Head through the opening in the end of the passage and get the 3 Healing Potions then return to the elevator trap which should be back at the top by now.

A hidden area beside the fire trap elevator contains an Arc of Power and the Red Spirit Sword.

Repeat the above procedure of teasing the Pit Fiend into following you then lower him into the trap. When he is dead you should be able to get the Red Key. With those guys out of the way you can now search the area. Many items are contained in the arches and various passages.

Around the corner to the right of the nicely decorated hall is a moving wall which contains Speed, Warding and Icy Cool.

You should also find a chest containing a Healing Potion and another chest with Speed Potion and Venom Sword. One of the alcoves contains a Jet and Razor Spell and near the vine-covered area you can find Anti-Magic Charm and a Coin.

Use the red Save Game Marker and get the 2 Crowns nearby then open the red gate and get your Venom Sword ready for the Demonwitch who waits up ahead. When she is dead you can flip the switch to open the gate to the lift. Get a Warding and Venom Sword ready as you take the lift to the final battle.

The battle begins with some Demonwitches which you should take down quite easily with your Venom Sword. When they are dead Agrash will appear. He is considerably more difficult to kill, so get your Red Spirit Sword out and do battle. Dodge his fireball and flame attacks and hack at him as best you can. He will often teleport out of harms way so you will have to use the stone lifts to catch-up to him. Save your spells and fire-based ammo as Agrash is immune to all those kinds of attacks. A good blast from the Arc of Power will do considerable damage, and your Icy Cool is a good defensive item to use during this battle. When Agrash is dead you will have completed the Pit. Sorry - no T-Rex in this level. Hope the picture didn't scare you!

A moving wall in this area contains an Ankh of Vitality which you can probably use by the time this battle is over.

Level 5: Belfry

Belfry 1

When the elevator stops at the bottom you can get off and flip the lever by the wall that doesn't have the skull markings on it. The one by the skull wall is trapped. Get back on the lift and quickly go up and over the drawbridge before it's gone. Kill the Black and Dragonsbreath Knights in the next room then take the lift down.

This lift down to this next room is on a very short timer. The 4 chests contain NW-Magic Warhammer, NE-Silver Sword & 3 Bombshots, SE-Razor Spells & 3 Fireballs, and SW-Ankh of Vitality, but you only have time to open 2 chests before the lift goes back up leaving you to die in the flames which will fill the room. Of course you can use an Icy Cool to protect yourself and open all 4 chests then teleport back up using the teleporter which appears when the fire subsides. Note: Compass directions are given assuming you enter from the South and are facing the upper gate (North).

Continue through the gate and head across the bridge fighting the Knights along the way. They will try to push you over the edge so keep your back to the wall and fight them until they are dead. When the last one falls the next gate will open and you can enter the next room to kill some more Knights who guard the chest containing the Gold Key along with 2 Antidotes and 2 Healing Potions.

Open the left gate and head across the bridge and kill the Knight guarding the entrance to the next room. Kill a couple more Knights then open the gate on the right and enter. Kill another Knight then move the block in the corner to teleport to the secret area.

After teleporting into this room you can get the Venom Sword then ride the lift down to the Save Game Marker and record your progress.

Take the gate into the next room and kill more Knights then flip the switch to open the gate allowing you to go outside. Go out and around to the right and kill the Spiders with your Venom Sword. If you are running low on Antidote and don't want to risk getting poisoned you can always avoid this fight. Go through the Gold gate and get the Silver Key then return to the shaft with the 4 gates.

Take the lift up to the Red Key then cross the bridge, killing the Knights along the way, then open the gate to the right of the chest. Fight another Knight who blocks your way to the Red gate then enter when he is dead. Get the 3 Healing Potions and exit this area.

Belfry 2

There are two secret areas to access before you head through those gates so use the Save Game Marker then head right to the pit with the Pit Fiend. Press the gold switch to lower the elevator.

Take the elevator up to this secret area which has the Warding. Ride the elevator back down and go down the passage to the doorway and head right.

Open the wall at the end of the passage to access the secret area with the Strength and 3 Coins.

You can now run back past the Pit Fiend who should start chasing you. Run and jump over the collapsing floor and the pursuing Pit Fiend should soon fall to his death on the spikes below. Try to go right down the middle of the crumbling floor for the safest escape and take a quick right onto the safe area at the end.

Open the main doors and enter the Castle. Kill the Knights and go to the switch. This should trigger a Red Knight which you need to kill before flipping the switch to open the next set of doors. Enter the courtyard and kill another Knight then head off to the left. War Pigs will start falling from above and another Knight will attack. You will find War Pigs which you can add to your inventory from behind various walls.

Open the gate to get the Ankh of Vitality and Healing Potion which is protected by collapsing floor panels. Stay on the dark panels and avoid the lighter colored ones. Run to the left to exit this room as the rest of the floor falls away. The attacking Black and Red Knights will hopefully fall to their death when this happens.

To the right you should be able to open the wall to reveal a passage to the red gate. There is a trapped chest opposite this gate with the Red Key and Blunderbuss Shot inside. Use the key to open the gate and enter. Kill the Knights and avoid the pit in the middle under the collapsing panel. Chests in this area contain Strength and 2 Healing Potions.

A checkered panel will take you up to the next area where you get to fight more Black Knights and open more chests which have 3 Star Spells, Magic Warhammer, and 3 Healing Potions. Up ahead at the end of the hall are 2 Healing Potions you can add to your inventory as well. Open the gate to the battlements and kill the next Knight. Open the gate after him to face a pair of Knights. Kill them without falling back to where you started this level then head to the opposite gate onto another battlement where you can use the Save Game Marker.

Open the next gate and enter the room with the rotating checkerboard. Jump onto it as it goes flat then quickly jump to the left ledge and flip the switch. Jump back to the checkerboard before the ledge collapses then jump over to the other ledge and flip that switch. Again, quickly jump back to the checkerboard and jump to the final ledge with the opened passage which leads through the gate and to the lift out of this area.

Belfry 3 - (map available)

Use the handy Save Game Marker before you venture out onto the rafters. Jumping across the rafters is easy when you do the jumps diagonally at the corners. This makes it much easier to land on the next rafter. Keep jumping right until you reach the passage. Head down the passage and get the Silver Sword from around the corner. Use it to kill the Red Knight who is sneaking up behind you at this very minute!

Now run across the collapsing floor panels to the left until you reach the Bomb Shots. Get into the corner to dodge the fire trap protecting the ammo then continue on. A sharp left turn from the Bomb Shots will lead you to a Blunderbuss Shot. Keep running as you take it to avoid the collapsing floor.

The wall ahead will open and a Black Knight will attack. Continue down the passage when he is dead and use your Silver Sword to kill the Ghosts in the crypt area. Take the Firefly and Magic Warhammer before hopping on the elevator to the main floor. As the lift is going down you can hop off onto a ledge for a Healing Potions.

When you arrive at the bottom a giant Green Hand will attack. Kill it with the Warhammer or if you want you can lead it over to the collapsing floor panels and dispose of him there. You need to find and press 3 buttons to open the exit out of this level. Head to the gate to the left of the red lift and go through and use the Save Game Marker. Now take the lift to the upper tier.

Kill the Knights who are waiting for you when you exit the lift. Go behind the arches and flip the switch to open the gate releasing more Knights for you to battle. Flip the switch behind that gate and get the 2 Healing Potions off to the right. Use the step to climb up then turn and jump over to the valve to disarm the flame trap. Follow the path up to the Gold Button and press it - only 2 more to go. Head back to the opening to the first room and drop down.

Head to the gate opposite the red lift and open it to kill some more Knights. Open the right wall and kill even more Knights then flip the switch. Return to the room and go to the picture of the demon and find the hidden passage behind it where you will find the next Gold Button.

Now go to the courtyard and open the left gate. Avoid the spikes as you go to the lift which will take you up to an Ankh of Vitality. Go back down and go to the next gate to the left and kill the Knights who wait beyond.

A Magic Warhammer is waiting for you behind the wall at the left end of this room.

Climb up the wall on the right (near the secret area) and follow the passage until you can climb up to the right again. Kill more Knights then continue on and around the end of this room. Press the final Gold Button the go down the lift. Run to the exit jumping over the collapsing floor panel outside the door. 2 Healing Potions are just over to the right of the exit. Grab them then leave this level.

Level 6: Sewers

Sewer 1

Use the Save Game Marker then head down the unlocked corridor to the right. Climb up onto the ledge by the green slime then follow the rocky passage until you reach the Bomb Shot. Toss the bomb into the room below to take care of the Orcs. Enter the gate and kill any Orcs who get in your way, then take the Healing Potion in the alcove to the left then go through the opposite gate to enter the maze.

Kill the attacking Orc, then take the Bomb Shot over to the left. Use the "Right Wall Rule" to get out of the maze. If you don't know what that is, you basically just stay long the right wall until you reach the doors with the banners. Avoid the archers above and kill the Orcs who attack you in the maze. An Archer may drop down into the maze from above so kill them too. Collect any Health Potions the Orcs may drop. You will need them.

If you hug the right wall you should come to some wooden gates and to the left of those gates is a floor panel which will collapse and let you fall down to where you can find a teleporter out of the maze.

Go through the door with the banners and cross the room and enter the opposite door where you can take the lift up. Kill the Archer and take his Red Key. Another Archer will try to sniper you through the window so be careful. Take the lift back down and return to the maze. This time use the "Left Wall Rule" to get out. Return to the starting area and save your progress before going over and opening the door with the Red Key.

Archers are up ahead so use the Blunderbuss to take them out quickly. Continue on into the next room and kill another Archer then jump off the side of the bridge to one of the Archer ledges and take the lift down to get the Grenade Launcher and Bomb Shot. Go through the door and take the lift up to the corridor where you can kill more Orcs who attack from the right.

Kill another Archer who protects the Gold Key. Return to the beginning of this level and use the Gold Key to open the gate and take the lift to the next area.

Sewer 2 - (map available)

Go to the octagonal elevator/room and ride it down to the bottom. Climb up and head left and use the Save Game Marker at the end of the hall. Return to the elevator and go right this time. At the corner you will find a Healing Potion in the alcove along the right wall. It is guarded by Orcs and their commander. A well-aimed grenade will disperse the crowd and you can mop up what's left with your favorite weapon.

Continue up the passage and climb up to the stone ledge. The doors mysteriously open, so go ahead and enter and kill the Archers before getting the Silver Sword. Flip the two switches that open the gates on either side of the exit on the lower level.

Leaving the previous room, take the first right into the crypt area. Kill all the Ghosts and get all the items which consist of Silver Sword, Strength, 2 Healing Potions, Blunderbuss, and Blunderbuss Shot. The ramp leads to the lower level but there is still more to get on this level first so exit the crypt area and make a U-turn to the right.

Head down this long hall killing the Orcs and their commander at the intersection. You should find Healing Potion, 2 Blunderbuss Shots and a Fireball scatter amongst the dead bodies and various alcoves. You will find a hole leading to the lower sewer which blocks your path leading to the secret area. You need to do a long jump across this pit or go around and do a shorter diagonal jump to the left.

Crossing the pit and entering the next room triggers a pair of Orcs. Kill them then get the Blunderbuss Shot next to the lift. Flip the switch and kill another Orc before riding the lift down to the lower level. Flip the switch down here to open the wooden door. Behind the door is a chest guarded by another Orc. Kill the Orc and claim the 2 Anti-Magic Charms for your trouble. The passage out of this area leads to the exit.

No matter which route you take to the lower level (ramp, lift, or hole) you will need to make your way to the large room leading to the exit. Inside are all sorts of Orcs and Archers which need to be killed before you can leave this area. Flip the switches on either side of the exit hall to open the final gate. Head down the hall and the floor will fall out from under you sending you falling to the next area.

Sewer 3

Your fall should land you inside a giant insect hatchery and the eggs are just ready to hatch - oh joy! Get the Warhammer ready and start beating on the red Insect Warriors as they emerge from their pods. An alcove in this area holds the deadly Flamethrower and some extra ammo for it. This is a great weapon when the bugs start to swarm you. With the insects all dead, the force field should now be gone allowing you access to the next room.

Kill the Gold Ants and be careful of the Red Dragonflies which will poison you. Slide down the slope and kill the Red Ant that attacks then get the Healing Potion and the Antidote. Continue down the passage to the right and kill the Gold Ant sneaking in behind you. Use the Save Game Marker then slide down some more slopes to arrive at the Swarming Grounds.

Kill all the Gold Ants then go to the opposite wall and open it to find Antidote, Blunderbuss and ammo. Move into the purple caves and get the flamethrower ready. Gold Ant's pour out of the wall openings. Torch them all and the exit will open. Run through the door and get the Healing Potion from the other side then fall through the collapsing floor.

Use the Warhammer on the spider who is now in your face. When he is dead, go to the right and push on the left wall and enter. Pods in the next room along both walls contain 3 Fireballs, Firefly, 3 Blunderbuss Shots, Rocket Launcher and 5 Rockets. Return to the intersection and head left. Climb the block and enter the passage to kill another Spider.

Just before you reach the two chests is a block that you can push to access the secret area which contains 2 Antidotes and a patch which leads to 2 Blunderbuss Shots.

Continue down the passage and kill the Dragonflies. When you reach the circular walkway make sure to get the Razor Spells and Rockets. Gold Flies will attack and when they are dead you can get another Rocket from one of the bodies.

Now use a combination of Razor Spells and rockets to break off the stalactites and send them falling onto the Queen below. The Queen should die by the time the last chunk of rock smashes into her. If for some reason she is still alive, then drop down and finish her off yourself. Her death will open the exit out of this area. Make sure to grab the 3 Healing Potions on your way out.

Sewer 4

Use the Save Game Marker before entering the Medusa Chamber. There are 3 of these nasty snake-headed females in here and fighting them hand-to-hand is next to impossible. Use the Flamethrower, Blunderbuss, or any other missile weapon you have at your disposal. Their attacks are toxic but there are plenty of Antidotes scattered around the room to the left and right of the entrance.

The first two Medusa attack at once but the third is hiding further back in the room. She will turn you to stone if her gaze hits you. All you can do is run and run fast until it fades away. Kill the third Medusa that same as you did the first two or if you are fast enough you can run around and attack from behind and decapitate her. This is very risky as you are in grave danger of her vision weapons. Use an Anti-Magic Charm to avoid turning to stone just in case you are unable to run away in time.

When all three of these nasty women are dead, two red gates will open allowing access to the treasure vaults. Enter the room on the left to find three chests containing; 5 Razor Spells, 3 Healing Potions, 2 Bombs and a Fireball. The treasure room on the right contains chests with 2 Fireballs, Grenade Launcher with 2 Grenades, and a War Pig. SECRET AREA
A secret treasure room is behind the rear wall. Inside are 3 Rockets, Rocket Launcher, and Ankh of Vitality.

I highly recommend saving your game at this point assuming you haven't already done so. You wouldn't want to fight all those Medusa again...would you? Return to the main room and head around to the right to the double doors. Enter and take the lift to the top where some Orcs offer minor resistance. Continue forward and up some stairs where you can eliminate some Archers, then head to the right towards the wall which will open.

Go through the room with the pillars and drop down on the right side where you will find a switch which opens a gate back up in the pillar room. The other switch activates a flame trap so leave it alone! Climb back up to the room above and kill the Orc and take his Grenade Launcher. Go through the gate and into the next room Kill the Orcs in here until the Shaman appears. Protect yourself with Anti-Magic Charms and beat on him with your sword. He is immune to missile and magic attacks, so kill him in close-range combat then take his Healing Potion and go through the exit. Press the Gold Button to end this level.

Level 7: Trench

Trench 1

Go through the first gate and kill the pair of Rat Guards. The best way to accomplish this is to go into either of the dead ends and face them. This way they can't gang up on you. Head for the next trench and avoid the mines. Enter the trench and kill the Rat Guards to cease the cannon fire from above. Climb out of the trench and up to the next level and head for the next trench.

Kill more of the Rat Guards and take the lift on the left down to the room with a Rat Ogre and his big club who is guarding a chest with the Red Key and 2 Healing Potions. Head back up and take the right lift down this time and kill the waiting Rat Guards.

Across from this lift you can open the wall to access a secret area with 2 Healing Potions and a Coin.

Move off to the right and kill the Rat Ogres who attack from the left. Continue around the passage until you reach the gates. The right gate is a trigger to a fire trap, so go through the left gate and ride the lift up. Jump off to the right before you get impaled on the spike above your head. Another lift will take you up to a ledge where you can use your favorite projectile weapon on the Rat Guards below. Then you can safely drop down to collect the Silver Key.

Head over to the wall and take out the Rat Guards in the foxholes then get the Grenade Launcher and ammo. Climb out and head for the turrets. Take out the guards manning the turrets while avoiding the flame traps. More Rat Guards are in the trench ahead and when they are dead you can get the Gold Key from under the bridge.

A Save Game Marker is in the corner across from the exit. Use it before heading over to the tombstones. Rat Guards will arrive on the lifts. Kill them, then open the last gate and take the lift up and out of this area.

Trench 2

Use the Save Game Marker then get on the lift. The lift is actually a teleporter disguised as a lift so activate it to warp over to a secret area where you can take the Warding. Now go kill all the Rat Guards inside the bunkers using grenades or your Blunderbuss. The only way into the bunkers is to come in from below, so go down the platform in the middle of this area to get inside. When everyone is dead you can head to the exit avoiding the mines and take the lift up to the next passage.

As you go down this hall you should hear wall opening up. More Rat Guards are sneaking in behind you. Kill them all then kill the Rat Ogre in the next room. Keep on going killing the next Rat Guard and you should soon reach an intersection. Kill another Rat Guard and use the Save Game Marker before heading down the opposite passage. Another Rat Guard blocks your way to the lift. Kill him, then ride the lift up to the Command Center and flip the Gold Switch to lower a wall back outside.

Return to the intersection and go left to exit the maze. Jump over the elevator shaft which has deadly mines in the bottom and make your way to the first lift and ride it down. Head past the Command Center and over to the wall you lowered to find a Control Center. Kill the Rat Guards inside and use your Grenade Launcher to take out the snipers firing the rockets at you from above.

Go around to the rear and climb some steps until you can drop through a hole to get inside. You should find a chest which contains Strength and 3 Razor Spells and a second chest with a Healing Potion. The lift inside this room takes you out of this area.

Trench 3 - (map available)

Use the handy Save Game Marker to record your progress then kill the Rat Ogre. Pull all four of the levers to open the exit above the gray wall. Climb up there to get 4 Healing Potions then take the lower ledge out of this area and into a large room. When you enter this room you can go over to the far wall to lower yourself down to the floor with the exit to the maze.

Over to the left is a collapsing floor which will send you falling to the only secret in the area. If you really want this secret you will take about 50 points of damage from the fall, and you will have to get the Speed quickly and exit using the teleporter before the flame trap torches you.

You will need to kill a pair of Giant Rats before the red gates will open. You can either kill them directly or lead them into the maze and use the levers to trap them with the collapsing floor. Use the "Right Wall Rule" and you will soon find the entrance to the Rat King.

Enter this room and circle the room to avoid the sniper fire from the Rat Guards on the ledges above. An opening will appear in the opposite side and you can also use the Save Game Marker before you begin the final encounter with the Rat King.

Take either ramp up to the gray gate and open it. Kill the Rat Guards inside and take the Red Key More Rat Guards are behind the wooden doors. You can kill them if you want but it isn't necessary to completing the mission at hand. Head back down the ramp and go through the red gate.

Grab the Warding over near the right corner and kill all of the Rat Guards. When the last one dies the door to the King's chamber will open. Inside are the King and his two bodyguards. The Rat King is slow so you can easily circle him and get in deadly side and back attacks. When the King is dead you can collect the 3 Healing Potions and flip the Gold Switch inside the opening to exit this level.

Level 8: Inversion

Inversion 1

Circle the top of this first area and kill all the Rat Guards. They should leave behind Blunderbuss and ammo. The elevator in the center will take you down to the Save Game Marker then you can go through the gate and kill some more Rat Guards. Pick up the Coin from one of the fallen guards then shoot the barrels to find a chest containing 3 Fire Spells. A Rat Ogre is hiding behind one of the pillars. Kill him if you haven't already.

Open the wall to the left of the door to find Blunderbuss Shot and Red Key. The key is behind a second hidden wall at the end of the passage. Go through the wooden door by the barrels and head down the hall killing any Rat Guards you encounter. The final guard with the grenades will give up a Healing Potion and many Blunderbuss Shots when you finally kill him.

Go to the red gate and fight your way across the bridge. Dodge the exploding grenades and make your way to the larger gate where you will find Healing Potions and the Grenade Launcher. Avoid the next gate with the ammo on the other side. It is a trap and the floor will collapse sending you to your death! Pull the lever on the right to open a section of wall. Kill the Rat Guards, then go through the opening.

Continue down the passage and kill more Rat Guards and their Ogre leader. Skip the first gate on your right which leads back to that floor trap. Continue to the intersection and pull the lever on the right to disable the trap, then you can safely go through the gate and get the Grenade Shot. Head back through the gate and go to the gate on the left to exit this area.

Inversion 2

Flame traps greet you on this area. You can either run through them and take the damage, or you can use an Icy Cool spell to negate the fire damage. Your third option is to trigger each flame jet then backup until it stops then run through. Cross the bridge and go through the gate and use the Save Game Marker. Enter the doors and greet/kill the pair of Rat Ogres who guard the chests containing Healing Potion, Bomb Shot, Star Spell, and Fireball.

A large army of Rat Guards wait for you in this next room. More appear after you kill the first 3 and even more appear as you approach the opposite door. Running down the hall and leaving a trail of bombs behind you is a good way to get rid of a lot of these guys.

Go through the opposite door and kill another Rat Guard then open the wall on the right to find the secret area containing Healing Potion and the Silver Key. Exit through the gray gate and take the checkerboard lift up to some doors.

Go through the door and down the hall. The left wall opens to reveal 2 Bombs, 3 Coins and Blunderbuss Shot but this also triggers other opens which let loose several Rat Guards. When you've killed everyone and taken everything, head around to the right into the crypt. Open the door on the right and walk into the room to get the Silver Sword and trigger the arrow trap. Open the chests to get 3 Star Spells and 3 Fireballs then return to the crypt.

Open the coffin to the right of the eye-wall and get the Bomb Shot, Strength and Speed. Kill all the Ghosts with your new Silver Sword and a door will open when you are done. Exit the room and go across the bridge. Open and enter the gate and kill more Rat Guards in the next room. The checkerboard lift will take you down to where you can get the Flamelance from behind the silver gate. Jump back after you take it because the floor will drop out from beneath you. Head to the middle door and kill a pair of Rat Ogres. Then go to the left door and get the 3 Healing Potions and Warding and leave this area..

Inversion 3

Head across the bridge and kill the Rat Guard. You can shoot them through the gate. Open the gate and kill some more Rat Guards who decide to show up late. There are four wall sections that open in this next passage. The two on the right contain more pesky Rat Guards waiting to ambush you, and the ones on the left contain Healing Potion and Flamethrower ammo. Shoot the Rat Guard through the window and flip the switch to open the wall to kill another Rat Guard. Watch out for the barrels which will explode if they are hit.

The forth wall section should open and the last Rat Guard will attack. When he is dead you can flip the switch to open the exit gate. Go through and take the lift up to the Save Game Marker. Turn left then go through the gate on the right to get the 3 Healing Potions, War Pig, and Arc of Power. The Gold Key is in the left window but an Imp in a Giant Boot is also trying to kick you out that window. You cannot kill the Giant Boots so you must avoid it while trying to get the key. You may have to retreat to the previous hall and come back.

Open the left wall and return to where the lift dropped you off, or you can drop down for a fast escape and ride the lift back up. This time go right (from the save point) and jump over the floor as it falls away beneath you. A lift will take you up to a large room where you can find Warding and Star Spells in the middle alcove. Taking these items triggers a large attack force of Rat Guards which you will need to kill before you can go through the Gold gate.

The secret crypt behind the Gold gate has coffins and a chest. Make sure to have your Silver Sword ready when the Ghosts appear - and you know they will. The coffin on the right contains 2 Razor and 2 Jet Spells and the chest contains 2 Fireballs and 2 rounds of Flamethrower ammo. Kill the Ghost that appears to defend the items. That is all the items to be had. If you open up anything else you will just have to fight more Ghosts and there will be no reward.

Exit out to the large room and head through the double doors to kill more Rat Guards. Pass through the next gate and kill the Rat Guard on the opposite side of the bridge. Cross over and go through the last gate to leave this area.

Inversion 4 - (map available)

To the left of your starting location is a Warding and some Healing Potions. A hall full of Rat Guards blocks your path to the lift down. Use the Warding to minimize their damage and slice your way through the rats until you reach the lift. Take the lift down to the dining room and get the Flamethrower ammo then go through the gate and out onto the walkway.

Kill the Rat Guards on the walkway and don't let them push you over the side. You can jump off the left side of the bridge to find a Rocket Launcher Shot and a teleporter which will return you back to the walkway above. A Save Game Marker should also be around here. After you cross the walkway you will come to a T-Intersection. A secret area is down the left hall.

If you have a Silver Sword you can go down this hall and kill the Rat Guards and the Ghosts that come out of the coffins. The chest at the end of this passage contains 2 Healing Potions and Strength.

Avoid the teleporter for now and continue around until you reach the pair or locked gates. Kill the Rat Guards then open the wall between the gates to find a lift that will take you to the upper balcony.

Exit the lift and fight your way through the Rat Guards. Flip the lever on the right to open some door and enter the next area. You must now flip three switches in a specific order and do it quickly. The order is indicated by the number of torches (1,2,or 3) outside each door. The third switch is in a room with a collapsing floor so get out of here quickly after you flip the final switch. Head down the hall with curves back on itself and take the teleporter to the Gold Key.

The gate will open allowing you access to a Star Spell, Blunderbuss, and 2 Healing Potions. Head around to the left and take it down the lower level.

Go through the gold gate on the left then go through the next gate to find a chest with 4 Healing Potions and Warding. Head back to the left and enter the remaining gold gate then go left. A pair of Rock Monsters guard the exit. You can kill them with the Warhammer or trap them in the pit or just avoid them as you make a dash for the wooden door to exit this area.

If you really want to get the lamest secret in the entire game you can kill the first pair of Rock Monsters then flip the lever over by the collapsing floor. An alcove will open revealing a third Rock Monster who guards an empty chest.

Inversion 5

Find the chalk arrow on the walkway near the intersection and walk off the edge to get Rocket Shot, Warding, and Invisibility. Hop on the platform and activate it to return to the bridge above.

The gold gate is locked, so head through the other gate and into a nest of Rat Ogres. You can use a combination of Invisibility and Strength to kill these guys or you can lure them back out onto the bridge and try to push them off the side. When they are all dead you can flip the switch on the right pillar to strengthen the floor under the Gold Key. Open the gate and get the Gold Key then open the wall to the right of the entrance and follow the passage.

The left gold gate leads to an arrow trap so open the gold gate on the right instead. Open the next gate then spin around and kill the Rat Guards who are behind the descending wall. Their death opens a gate nearby. Enter and kill more Rat Guards and get the Flamelance and Ankh of Vitality. Flip the Gold Switch and return to the bridge.

Go through the gold gate which is no longer locked and use the Save Game Marker. The chests in this area will trigger the attack of four Rat Guards above who will start to throw grenades at you. Instead of opening the chests; take the elevator up and kill each of the four Rat Guards. You will have to jump to each of their alcoves and kill them. Each alcove has a Healing Potion in it.

Not that these vermin are dead you can drop back down and open those chests to get 2 Blunderbuss Shots, 3 Healing Potions, and 5 Fireballs. Ride the lift back up and get ready for another timed switch puzzle. Jump to the alcove with two torches and flip the switch. Jump back to the lift then over to the other switch and flip it to open the gate then jump back to the lift. A quick jump over to the left gate will get you 3 Rockets and a Strength. Repeat the procedure to open the other gate which is where you will find the Red Key and a lever to disarm the flame trap by the red gate. Return to the lift and ride it down then exit through the red gate.

Inversion 6

Walk to the end of the bridge and wait for the turtle. Jump on his back and ride into the next room shooting the Rat Guards along the way. Get off the turtle and open the left gate and kill the Rat Guard and Rat Ogre who emerge. When they are dead you can enter and get the 2 Fireflies from the ledge. Return to the previous room.

Activate the banner and teleport to the secret area in the bottom of the pit where you will find an Ankh of Vitality. Continue through the passage and use the Save Game Marker.

Follow the passage around and kill another Rat Guard and his Ogre companion, then head through the gate on the right to kill another pair of Rat Guards and take the 2 Healing Potions, Speed Potion, and Strength from the shelf. Exit through the doors.

Activate the red banner on the wall to open the chest and get the Fireball and Firefly. Don't forget the 2 Bombshots around the corner on the left.

Pass through the next set of doors and kill more Rat Ogres in the passage then open and go through the left wall at the end of the hall to return to the landing with the red banner. Activate the banner to open the doors and exit this area.

Inversion 7

Drop down from the middle of the upper bridge to the one below to get the Warding then teleport back up. Go through the gate and head right to use the Save Game Marker then flip the two switches and run around to the left and enter the teleporter. Do NOT go through the gate or you will die!

When you materialize in the next room you will need to start running to avoid the flame attacks from the Automaton. Open the gate and get on the turtle and ride him to the upper ledge with the open gate. Enter and open the right wall and follow the passage around to where you can go through another gate and get the 3 Bombs. Open another wall and follow it around to a Grenade Launcher and 3 Grenades then flip the switch and use the teleporter.

Get the Grenades from the ledge then use them to destroy the Automatons below you beyond the doors ahead of you and to the right. Now you can drop down and get the Flamethrower ammo and head through the gate. There are coffins in this next room which contain 3 Rockets, 3 Healing Potions, and Bombs but opening the coffins to get these items also releases several Ghosts. Use the teleporter to get out of here.

Go through the gate and open the wall on the right to find the secret area with the Flamelance and 2 Rockets. Continue around the passage and out through the door to end this area.

Inversion 8

Drop off the middle of the bridge to find a Save Game Marker and a Healing Potion. Use the teleporter to return to the bridge then fight the Automaton at the opposite end of the bridge. When he is dead you can go through the gate and kill the two snipers on the ledges. Ride the lift to the bottom and kill a pair of Rat Ogres before pillaging the chests for Grenade Launcher and ammo, Fireballs, Rockets, War Pig, and an Ankh of Vitality.

A pair of flame shooting Automatons should arrive on the scene. Use Fireballs or Flamethrower or Flamelance to get rid of these guys. When they are dead the red lift in the center of this area will start to descend. Go back UP on the lift and flip the switch to lower the red lift down. When it returns the Greater Automaton should be on it. Good thing you are up above. Now you can start shooting grenades, rockets, bombs or War Pigs at him until he is dead or at least hurt real bad. When he dies the red lift will start to descend again and this time you must be on it or get to it very quickly. If you fall too far you will die.

At the bottom you will find a turtle waiting to take you to the exit. Jump over to his back being careful not to miss and land on the spikes below. A simple standing jump from the left should put you right on and then you can leave this area.

Inversion 9

Quickly use the Save Game Marker before the turtle begins to move. His path will take you through a Grenade Launcher and ammo which you automatically pick-up. Use your First-Person Viewpoint for this next part and start killing the Rat Guards and Automatons on the various side ledges. Shoot 3 grenades at a time for maximum firepower. Use the Flamelance or Blunderbuss for the Turtle Riders. If you see the words "WATCH OUT", you have just a couple of seconds to jump to the next turtle before your turtle flies under a ledge and you are knocked off.

Continue the ride and kill more Rat Guards and an Automaton then take care of the Turtle Rider approaching on the right. After the next set of ledges you will have a pair of Turtle Riders - one on either side - to take care of. When your turtle finally reaches the ledge you will most definitely want to use the Save Game Marker before attempting to get the two hardest secrets in the entire game.

You have to be quick to get both of these secrets. Follow the passage and enter the next room and run over and drop down into the left elevator shaft to teleport to the area with Icy Cool and Ankh of Vitality.

As soon as you reappear back up top, turn and run and drop into the right elevator shaft to warp over to the area with Rockets, Grenades and Arc of Power. It's much harder than it sounds and you will probably need to try many times if you want to get all these items.

The left and right elevators will descend bring a pair of Minor Automatons with them. Back up into the hall and kill them with your best weapons. When they are dead you can take this time to stock up on the Healing Potions, Grenades, Bomb Shots, and War Pigs over in the left and right corners.

Next up are a pair of Major Automatons which are too big for their own good. Stay in the hall and when they get stuck trying to follow you, you can pelt them with grenades or whatever you want until they are dead. Re-enter the room one last time to summon a pair of Scorpion Automatons. Again, the safest place to fight is from the hall but be careful as these guys will fit into the door and chase you down. Use your biggest weapons to kill them quickly.

When they are dead, the purple force field will collapse allowing you access to the exit lift. Make sure to pick up any items you didn't have time to get earlier. You may even want to re-save your game after this major battle. When you are ready, take the left out of this level and into the final level of the game.

Level 9: Dragons

Dragon 1

Enter the first large room and get the Silver Sword around the corner to the right. Use it to kill all of the Knights, then find and open the hidden door to the right of the passage opposite where you entered. Take this new passage to the next area and kill more Knights. Open the next wall and dodge the flame trap then flip the switch and use the Save Game Marker. As you leave, make sure to dodge the flame trap on the left. More Knights await back in the previous room. Kill them all before getting on the elevator in the center of the room.

When the lift reaches the bottom you need to run through the flame trap. You could turn off the flames using the lever on the right, but doing so activates an even worse trap. Run around and collect the 2 Healing Potions, 4 Fireballs, and the Venom Sword (save sword for major battle coming soon) then open the chests to get Arc of Power, Speed, Warding, Strength and Rockets. Return to the lift and use the lever on the right to head back.

Back in the main room, go to the left of the exit gate and open the all to the left. Knights are waiting behind this door so dodge the volley of arrows they fire as you open the wall. Kill the Knights who are guarding the Gold Switch then go back out and through the exit gate.

Fight three Knights in the next area then take the Gold Key they leave behind. The key naturally opens the Gold Gate and beyond this gate is an elevator which takes you to the first major battle of this level; the fearsome Bloodbeast. The Bloodbeast is impervious to all attacks but your Venom Sword (the one I told you to save). A combination of Warding and Strength should let you get in close enough to defeat this worthy adversary. Watch out for the deadly tail attacks. Use the Antidote if you get poisoned.

When the Bloodbeast is dead, go through the two gates and open the chests to get Icy Cool, Ankh of Vitality, Blunderbuss Shot, 2 Grenades and the Silver Sword. Take the stairs down to the next room and kill the Knights who guard the lift out of this area. Don't miss the 3 Jet Spells you can get from the Knight hiding behind the hidden wall. Hop on the lift and ride it down to the next area.

Dragon 2

When the lift reaches the bottom you can go find the pillar switches. The left switch opens a wall revealing Rockets and a Grenade Launcher and a Gold Switch. The other pillar switch brings down a lift with a small army of High Priestesses. Take the lift activated by the gold switch up to the next area and pull the lever to open the timed door below. Return to the bottom and run into the passage behind the gate and through the door before it shuts.

Defend yourself with Warding or Anti-Magic Charm and start killing off all the High Priestesses around the ledge. Each corner has a lever that needs to be pulled to remove the teleport from the central lever. When all the levers have been pulled you can then go out on the center beam and flip this lever to open the door below. A flame trap awaits if you try to go back so just drop to the floor into the Hydra's lair.

Behind one of the walls you will find Strength and Speed Potions. Use the Speed Potion to quickly run around the room and flip each of the 6 Gold Switches to unlock the gate off to the side which allows you access to the Venom Sword.

An Antidote and 3 Healing Potions are in a chest beyond the open door off of the Hydra lair. When you are ready, begin the battle with the Hydra. Use the Venom Sword combined with a Strength and get in for some close attacks to finish him off quickly. Avoid the breath weapon of the middle head and use a Warding to minimize any damage you may take.

When the Hydra is defeated, return through the door and take the teleporter back to the ledge. Go through the open doors and get on the lift to descend to the next area.

Dragon 3 - (map available)

Use the Save Game Marker then enter the large arena. Inside the arena is the Purple Dragon, Vilefor who is guarding the only weapon which can destroy him - the big black sword in the center cage. There are 3 Gold Switches located around this level which you must flip to open the cage. You will need to move fast and keep dodging the flame and missile attacks of Vilefor.

Head left and open the gate and take the lift all the way to the top. Flip the switch to the right of the lift to open a panel in the elevator shaft. Behind the panel is a Flamelance and a switch. Flip the switch and quickly dodge the arrow trap then turn to find and flip the first of the Gold Switches.

Go back to the walkway and turn right and open the gate to get the Ankh of Vitality then flip the switch to open the path to the second Gold Switch. The floor will fall out from beneath you sending you back to the main floor. Run across to the opposite side of the room and take the lift to the top level. Flip the Gold Switch on the back of the elevator shaft and get the Warding while you are here.

Return to the main floor and head over to the right corner (NW on map) to flip the switch, open the wall, and take the lift up to get the Flamelance from the ledge above. Return to the main floor and go to the opposite corner and repeat the procedure to add an Ankh of Vitality to your collection. Make sure to flip the switch to allow access to the final Gold Switch.

Return to the floor and head to the lift along this same wall (East on map) and take it up to the middle floor and get another Ankh of Vitality and push the final Gold Switch. The black sword will rise out of the cage and you can take the lift to the top and use the walkways to get to the middle and claim the Black Spirit Sword.

The best way to beat Vilefor is to get him on the ground and beat on him with your new sword. You can use the cannons up on the top level to launch fireballs at him but the sword will do the most damage. When he is dead, the exit will open and you can head through the gate.

Off to the left of the small room beyond the gate is a secret area containing another Ankh of Vitality. Make sure to add this item to your inventory before leaving this area via the nearby lift.

Dragon 4

This is it - the final area of the game. Record your progress at the Save Game Marker then pull the lever on the left to open the wall. Run around the upper walkway and dodge the falling rocks. One hit from any rock and you are DEAD! Pull the lower lever then run back past the lift and around to the Silver Key. Head back to the other lever and use the Silver Key to unlock it then pull the lever to open the right wall. Go through the gate and ride the lift down.

Watch for the collapsing floorboards as you exit this passage. Make sure to jump over the lighter panels or you will get impaled on the spikes below. Enter the next room and the wall will close. Only the Gold Key is going to get it back open so go to the block and pull the lever and freeze. Two blocks crash down and one remains. You can climb up on this block to reach the lever which opens both gates in this room.

Go through the one gate and pull the lever on the right to disarm the trap then flip the switch to open the wall and get the Speed inside. Pull the lever to lower several trapped blocks back out in the other room. You can avoid the trap by climbing on the middle block then jumping back off as the blocks slide in to crush you. When the second block has slid by twice you can make your move towards the high block. Climb up and get the Flamelance and pull the lever to open a hidden door in the red room. Drop down and enter to get the Gold Key and an Icy Cool.

Now you can use the Gold Key to open the wall and cautiously proceed down the passage. Two floor panels will fall but you can get across these pits using a standing jump. Go through the gate to return to the middle floor/walkway of the arena. Use the teleporters to go between levels. Gather up all the items and the Red Key from the lower level.

Use the Red Key on the locked door and get the Rockets as you enter. Head down the passage until you arrive at a pit with a Red Sword on the other side. Climb up the left side and find a hidden door. Dodge the fireball trap as you open it then flip the switch inside to open another hidden door at the opposite end of the ledge. It's on a timer, so dodge the fireballs and get there quick. Inside is a Strength and a switch which opens another door on the right ledge.

When you enter this room the door shuts and a flame trap activates. Use the Icy Cool to minimize the damage then wait as the floor descends to a switch. Quickly pull the switch before the floor returns to its former position. The final door is also timed, so run past the fireballs and enter the final room to pull another lever which lowers a wall disabling the lighting trap which was blocking your way to the sword. Cross over and get the Red Spirit Sword, Warding and 2 Ankhs of Vitality.

You now have everything you need to fight Melkor. Use the Ankhs to get your health up to 300 or higher then go to the middle walkway and start shooting fireballs or Flamelance shots at him. When you have his attention, he should land on the central platform. Use the teleporter to warp to this platform and get ready for the final battle. Use Warding, Anti-Magic and Icy Cool for defense and Strength to enhance your attacks with the Red Spirit Sword. Watch out for his sharp teeth and take those critical belly shots whenever he rears back for an attack. Keep moving and slasing at him until he dies. And yes - it's much harder than it sounds.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
You have defeated Melkor and survived Deathtrap Dungon.
Enjoy the ending movie.

Map Archives

Here are a few detailed maps for some of the more difficult and confusing areas. You can click on the maps to link back to the specific part of the Walkthrough that explains that area.

Secret Area Index

Secret #1 - Flamelance and switch to open Secret #2
Secret #2 - Bombshot, Coins and Healing Potion
Secret #3 - Fireballs
Secret #4 - Bombs, Healing Potion and Coin
Secret #5 - Strength Potion

Secret #6 - Magic Warhammer
Secret #7 - Arc of Power and Blunderbuss Shots

Secret #8 - Gold Switch
Secret #9 - 2 Healing Potions and 2 Fireballs
Secret #10 - Bombshot and 2 Healing Potions
Secret #11 - Healing Potion, Razor Spell and Antidote
Secret #12 - 4 Healing Potions and 2 Fireballs

Secret #13 - Rockets and Antidote
Secret #14 - Ankh of Vitality
Secret #15 - Venom Sword
Secret #16 - Ankh of Vitality
Secret #17 - Save Game Marker
Secret #18 - 2 Crowns, Bombshot and Strength
Secret #19 - Ankh of Vitality, Warding and a Blunderbuss Shot
Secret #20 - Flamelance and Magic Warhammer
Secret #21 - 2 Arcs of Power, Healing Potion and a Greater Razor Spell
Secret #22 - Infernal Device (Rocket Launcher)
Secret #23 - Healing Potion and Firefly
Secret #24 - 3 Arcs of Power
Secret #25 - Warding and a Greater Razor Spell
Secret #26 - Arc of Power and the Red Spirit Sword
Secret #27 - Speed, Warding and Icy Cool
Secret #28 - Ankh of Vitality

Secret #29 - Venom Sword and Save Game Marker
Secret #30 - Warding
Secret #31 - Strength and 3 Coins
Secret #32 - Magic Warhammer

Secret #33 - Teleporter
Secret #34 - 2 Anti-Magic Charms
Secret #35 - 2 Antidotes and 2 Blunderbuss Shots
Secret #36 - 3 Rockets, Rocket Launcher, and Ankh of Vitality

Secret #37 - 2 Healing Potions and a Coin
Secret #38 - Warding
Secret #39 - Speed

Secret #40 - Red Key and Blunderbuss Shot
Secret #41 - Healing Potion and the Silver Key
Secret #42 - 2 Razor and 2 Jet Spells, 2 Fireballs and 2 Flamethrower rounds
Secret #43 - 2 Healing Potions and Strength
Secret #44 - Rock Monster and Empty Chest
Secret #45 - Rocket Shot, Warding, and Invisibility
Secret #46 - Ankh of Vitality
Secret #47 - Fireball and Firefly
Secret #48 - Flamelance and 2 Rockets
Secret #49 - Icy Cool and Ankh of Vitality
Secret #50 - Rockets, Grenades, and Arc of Power

Secret #51 - 2 Healing Potions, 4 Fireballs, and the Venom Sword
Secret #52 - Strength and Speed Potions

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