by Briareos Kerensky ([email protected], briareos_CWE), ver 2.X 15/11/2003

Table of Contents
2-Update History
3-History Briefing
4-Weapons Briefing
5-'Mechs Briefing
6-Vehicles Briefing
7-Formation Briefing
8-How to costumize a 'Mech
9-General Tactics
10-Multiplayer Tactics
11-Planets Briefing
14-Credits and misc


Activision produced three BattleTech-related videogames, and they aren't so
different from each other. This is the first walthrough of a series of three,
and most parts will be the same, especially weapons, costumization, tactics and
'Mechs sections. The other two documents of this series are MW2: Ghost Bear's
Legacy (MW2's expansion pack) and MW2: Mercenaries (not exactly an expansion
pack, but very similar, though it is a stnad alone product...).
If someone is going to write me a mail about why wasting time doing
walkthroughs for such old games, I can point out that they are the best
reproduction of the standard BattleTech board game, they are great videogames
and most sites lacks MW2: GBL and MW2: Mercs FAQs. I did MW2 walkthrough
beacuse the series started from this game.
Note that this walkthrough can be used for the bundled version of the games,
especially the Voodoo 1 version (which I own). I play to the old DOS only
version, though I think the Pentium and Win 9x versions wont' be very different.
Other walkhroughs speaking of BT-related games are MechCommander, MechWarrior 3
and MechWarrior 4: Vengeance.


15/11/2003-version 2.X. Looks like someone is still playing this great game.
So, more submissions. Unfortunately I've lost the submitter's name and e-mail
address as I'm changing e-mail address, and as the mails where sent to the old
mail, I just forwarded them to the new account, realizing only when addind
submissions to the document that I had no name or e-mail address. All
submissions with no direct credit are his. Hails to you anyway.

23/7/2002-version 2.X. Submissions only.

5/2/2001-version 2.0. All sections completed.

3/2/2001-version 1.7. First missions of the Wolf campaign.

1/2/2001-version 1.6. Jade Falcon campaign completed.

28/1/2001-version 1.4. First Jade Falcon missions plus some updates to all
other sections.

9/1/2001-version 1.2. Planet Briefing online, first Falcon missions.

3/1/2001-version 1.0+. General Tactics online.

21/12/2000-version 1.0. History, Weapons, 'Mechsand Vehicle Briefing, Formation
Briefing, Cheats, Multiplayer tactics, How to costumize a 'Mech, Cheats and
Credit section completed.


In 3050, the Clans returned to the Inner Sphere and conquered more than 200
planets in few than one year. The ilKhan, the Khan of the Khans, died after an
Inner Sphere pilot crashed is Shilone on the Clan Wolf flagship, the Dire Wolf.
Ulric Kerensky, Khan of the Wolves, the leader of the Warden faction, Clanners
thinking that the invasion of the Inner Sphere was a mistake, was elected
ilKhan. He bergained with ComStar the final battle for Terra. If Comstar won,
the Clans would have ceased hostilities for 15, if the Clans won, ComStar would
gave them Terra and the Inner Sphere. ComStar won, and the Crusaders, charged
Ulric of treason. Clan Wolf  won the right to defend its old Khan, while
Falcons will defend the charge. MW2 tells how this Trial of Refusal, dubbed
Refusal War beacuse it involved the whole Clans and not only Stars, went.


Before the description of every single weapon and equipment, here is a brief
description of the categories.
+ Energy weapons: energy weapons uses massive amounts of electricty produced by
the 'Mech's reactor, and they can be fired without ammunition problems. This
advantage is balanced by the large amounts of waste heat that they produce: the
only way to dissipate this heat is to mount extra heat sinks, which compensates
for their relatively light mass and compactness. Range are firepower increases
in proportion.
+ Balistic weapons: these weapons must be fed by ammunition: this limits the
times the weapon can be fired, and ammunitions explode when struck by weapon
fire. They do not produce large amounts of heat, but are bulky and weight a
lot. Lighter models have a longer range but less firepower; heavier models have
more firepower than range, and carries less ammo.
+ Missile weapons: like balistic weapons they use ammunitions, and each
launcher fire a specified number of missiles in a single salvo.
Missiles are explosive, and they produce moderate amounts of heat. Damage is
spread among the whole target, and not concentrated like other weapons.
+ Equipment: this category contains the larger variety of accessories a 'Mech
can mount. They include alternative type of armors, heat sinks and EW
(Electronic Warfare) suites.


ER LASERS: ER means Extended Range, ad all Lasers (Light Amplificated through
Stimulated Emission of Radiations) belonging to this category have a longer
range than other types. They fire a single beam of colored light (blue=large
laser, green=medium laser, red=small laser), and the should be the basic weapon
of any 'Mechs. There is a bug about Lasers (both ER and Pulse versions): if you
fire them before the previous Laser beam finished its animation (a small smoke
cloud on the impact point), the lasers will miss. You can fire them once every
4/5 seconds without warning (heat excepted: for this you'll need heat sinks)

PULSE LASERS: Pulse Lasers fire two Laser beams, each one capable of dealing
amounts of damage equal to the ER Lasers' ones. However, if the first beam
hits, the second won't allocate damage (this represents the to-hit bonus of the
board game). They weight and take more space than the ER Lasers, have a faster
rite of fire but they can produce great amounts of heat if overused.

ER PPCS: the best weapon of the game. The PPC (Particle Projection Cannon)
fires a blue ball of particles subtracted directly from the 'Mech's fusion
reactor, producing great amounts of waste heat, but a PPC hit deals more damage
than any other energy weapon in the game. The range written in the istruction
booklet is wrong; a PPC can hit targets up to 1000 meters away.


MACHINE GUNS: fast-firing ballistic weapons. They have a very short range and
large amounts of shells per ton, do moderate damges and produces no heat.
Basically useless, however.

LB-X AUTOCANNONS: shotgun-like ACs: the LB-X AC fires a series of projectiles
that separates themselves into smaller pellets to increase the to-hit
probabilities and to spread damage on the whole 'Mech. All ACs suffers of the
same bug that affects Laser fire, though this seems to be worst: some shots
will miss entirely even if shot in your enemies' chests.

ULTRA AUTOCANNONS: Ultra AC fires two rounds at once. They eat ammo with an
amazing rate, and in most cases the second round will miss for the bug I
written above.

GAUSS RIFLES: a balistic version of the PPC, though it doesn't produce
significant amounts of heat and fires further. The AC bug seems to affects the
Gauss Rifles less than the other ACs, however.
Gauss Rifle's ammo aren't explosive, but the Rifle itself is: when the Rifle is
truck by weapon fire it explodes in a smilar way to ammunition.


LONG RANGE MISSILES (LRM): all missiles in battletech are fired in salvos, and
LRMs come in 5, 10, 15 and 20 racks. Each ton of LRM ammo contains 120
missiles, and larger it's the launcher, shorter will be the lifespan of the
ammo bin: LRM-5 can be fired 24 times, LRM-10 12 times, LRM-15 8 times and
LRM-20 only six times. LRMs will lock on targets more than 75 meters away:
under this distance you'll have to manually aim them.

SHORT RANGE MISSILES (SRM): these missiles are fired "on iron sights", and
doesn't require a radar lock to be fires. Use them only if you are a good
gunner: missiles are slower than ACs and energy beams and have the same speed
of PPCs. SRMs come in 2, 4 and 6 missiles per salvo and each ton contains 100

STREAK SRMS: advance SRMs. They have the same tracking equipment of LRMs, and
comes in the same dimensions of standard SRMs. They haven't the "75 meters"
problems of LRMs, though their range is max 497 meters against the LRMs' full


JUMP JETS: jump jets give the ability to jump and do quick turns to 'Mechs
mounting them.One jump jet occupies one critical slot, but the weight depends
on the 'Mech total tonnage: 0.5 tons for 20-55 tons 'Mechs, 1 for 60-85 tons
'Mechs and 2 tons for other 'Mechs. The number of installable jump jets equal
to the walking MP (to know the walking and running MP of a 'Mech, watch the
first numberof the walking/running speed; for example, a standard Firemoth has
a walking/running MP of 10/15 -the 162 kph is an approximation-, and a Nova a

HEAT SINKS: one heat sink weights 1 ton and occupies one critical slot, and
dissipate one heat point.

DOUBLE HEAT SINKS: a Double Heat Sink weights one ton and occupies 2 criticals,
but dissipates 2 heat points. One of the greatest assets in 'Mech construction.
Numbers of Double Heat Sinks and standard Heat Sinks contained by an engine are
the same.

ENDO STEEL INTERNAL: it takes 7 criticals everywhere in the 'Mech, but cut in
half the internal structure of the 'Mech.

FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR: the ferro-fibrous armor provides 19 armor point per 1 ton
ton of armor instead of the standard 16 points. It weights less but takes up 7
criticals everywhere in the 'Mech.

XL ENGINE: the standard engine takes only 6 criticals in the center torso, but
weights a lot. XL engine weights half than a standard engine of the same rating
but occupies 2 crtical slots in each lateral torso. Most of your configurations
will be cenetered around an XL engine. Number of heat sinks contained by the
engine doesn't change.

MASC: MASC (Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry) is used to put short bursts of
extra top speed when needed. The MASC's weight is based on 'Mechs weight. It
allows to have a top speed twice the standard walking MP (the normal runinng MP
is 1.5 times the walking MP) for about 15 seconds. After this period the MASC
automatically disengages itself for malfunction. You can re-use it, however,
and malfunction won't freeze your legs (as the MASC does in the board game)

CASE: Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment. It is automatically loaded where
ammunition or explosive equipment are. Usually an explosion damages all
internal parts of the 'Mech, and finishes it efects when the 'mech is destroyed
or the explosion has no force left, and spreads to other 'Mech locations. CASE
stops the explosion to the location where it originated. It doesn' occupy
critical space nor weights a kilogram.

ARM ACTUATORS: Useless. They take only critical space in the arms and do not
give nothing in exchange. In BattleTech they would be used for physical
attacks, and MW2 has only a strange version of the DFA to allocate physical


I divided this section into Omni and Battle 'Mechs, though there was no real
need to do this. Just for fun ;P. "Special 'Mechs" section contains the three
'Mechs you won't be able to pilot in the game.
The word "fragile" in a description means that I've found the 'Mech very
susceptible to lose its arms or other limbs; dunno why, maybe coders did it for
maximizing differencies between 'Mechs of the same tonnage.



Mass: 20 tons

The fastest and less versatile 'Mech in its standard configurations, the
Firemoth is used for recon duties. It can be destroy by medium and heavier
'Mechs in one salvo, and its head section is quite large (though smaller of the
Jenner's one).  Aim to the torso, destroy limbs is useless (if you want to


Mass: 30 tons

The Kitfox is a good light 'Mech with speed, firepower and armor. Not a big
threat however. The Kitfox has limited torso twist abilities (about 60° total)


Mass: 50 tons

Things begin to get serious now. The Nova is jump-capable, with a good engine
and has 10 Medium Lasers and enough heat sinks to alternate their use in large
groups. It has limited torso twist ability, however (IMO less than 60° total).
It low profile also allow the 'Mech to hide with more efficiency behind hills
and buildings,


Mass: 55 tons

An other damned good 'Mech. Faster than the Nova and with more rude firepower,
the Stormcrow can use all of its weapons without risking overheat. Other
variants are mainly missile boats with large missile racks and plenty of
ammunition. Very small head section, but full torso twist capability.


Mass: 60 tons

The Mad Dog is a dedicated fire-support OmniMech. It cannot uses all of its
weapons in one salvo, however, in cannot handle heat in a very efficent way.
Primary config is the most flexible, but with limited ammo supplies for its


Mass: 65 tons

The Hellbringer has a flexible array of weapons in all of its configs, though
every config generate too much heat for the heat sinks mounted. Normally it is
faster than the Rifleman IIC, though it is more fragile.


Mass: 70 tons

The Summoner is the main Omni of Clan Jade Falcon. Every configuration is
specialized in one type of combat, and eveyone uses jump jets to obtain a bonus
in agility. Destroy ASAP.


Mass: 75 tons

The TimberWolf became the symbol of the invading Clans. Agile, excellent armor
protection, and ample firepower, the TimberWolf can be used in a variery of
roles in its primary config. Alternative versions are more specialized than the
standard version, but keep an edge over most 'Mechs.


Mass: 80 tons

The Gargoyle is fast as the TimberWolf, though it is 5 tons heavier. Such a
large engine limits the payload of this 'Mech however. A good choice for fast


Mass: 85 tons

Aaah, the Warhawk. A 85 tons assault machine with 4 PPCs and an LRM-10 in its
standard configuration, and with 2 PPCs and 2 Large Pulse Lasers in the C
config. Unfortunately MW2 doesn't simulate the Targeting Computer, but the
unfilled space is used by Double Heat Sinks. A deadly machine, second only to
the Marauder IIC.


Mass: 100 tons

Slow (too slow for me) but heavily armed, the Dire Wolf (or Daishi, great
death, for the Inner Sphere) features an huge array of weapon system neraly
comparable to two Atlases, the most powerful Inner Sphere assault 'Mech. Its
weak point is its lack of maneuverability: faster 'Mechs can run to its back to
destroy the 'Mech in few well-placed salvos.



Mass: 35 tons

A fast missile boat, this Clan version of the popular Jenner is very fragile.
It has a large head section and if you have some experience you should be able
to take it out with one direct hit. Dangerous only if you pilot a standard


Mass: 65 tons

This 'Mech is slow, but has full jump capacity, and its four Large Pulse Lasers
are a threat even for assault 'Mechs. It is a solid 'Mech, better than the
relatively fragile Hellbringer. Its weapons are only-arm mounted, and a
Rifleman IIC without arms will try to escape.


Mass: 80 tons

A good all-around 'Mech, the Clan version of the WarHammer has a relatively
fragile structure when compared to the Gargoyle.


Mass: 85 tons

Maybe the best standard 'Mech in the game: it has 3 ER PPCs and a pletora of ER
Small and Medium Pulse Lasers a back up weapons, has enough Double Heat Sinks
to handle massed PPC fire, heavy armor and its standard engine drives it up to
60 kph. Maybe less versatile than a Warhawk, but it hasn't to worry for
ammunition explosions, while it standard engine increases surviability.



Mass: 1 ton

Though it is a battle armor, Clans consider Elementals  better than vehicles
and in groups can destroy 'Mechs. They are armed with one small laser and one
SRM 2. The best way to destroy them is to use long-range missiles or PPCs. Do
not let them close distances, they are very manueverable and diffulct to fire


Mass: 25 tons

The only four-legged 'Mech in the game. The destruction of one or both forward
legs won't make the 'Mech fall, however. It is a quite good alternative to the
Firemoth, and in single player you'll have to defend it.


Mass: 85 tons

The second Inner Sphere 'Mech in the game (the Tarantula is the first). This
time it will be against you (only in the Jade Falcon campain), and will pose
troubles even for a Dire Wolf. It has a Streak SRM 6, one ER PPC and four
Medium Pulse Lasers. Though its head section is clearly visible, it is not to
destroy it.



The MBT uses a large array of weapons, mostly Gauss rifles and medium lasers
combined with SRM launchers. Take out the cannon's barrel will destroy its main
weapon, and without a threads t won't be able to move.


A lighter version of the MBT. It usually armed with lasers, Streak SRMs or
small-caliber ACs. Very light armor. Usually attacks in groups of three or four.


A copter with a spot light, no weapons an d light armor. Take them out just for
fun (¬_¬...)


A copter with two Medium Pulse Lasers mounted on stern turrets. Not heavily
armed, they can be easily destroyed by aiming at their tails or their main


Aerofighters won't be a problem: they will fly on you in formations without
firing, or they will be landed, without trying to take off. The model
represented is the Avar, a 35 tons OmniFighter.


Dropships are used to take 'Mechs from space to planet's atmosphere. You can
see two types of dropships in MW2: the spheroid (Union-C and Overlord-C class)
won't pose a problem, as they won't fire back, but the aerodyne dropships
(Broadsword class) are heavily armed and armored. The have one or two PPCs and
one LRM-20 on a turret capable of 360° turns, and can fire them freely, without
risking dangerous heat buildup. Useless to say that 'Mechs may be near them.
Try to avoid them.


I know they aren't vehicles, but I'm putting them there. They come in a large
variety of shapes, tough every kind of turret is armed with an ER Medium Laser.
Very thin armor.



This formation puts the leader (you) in the middle of an horizontal line: this
formation is the best for slow, secure advances and for maximizing firepower.
It also allows you cover side area without relative effort


This formation puts the leader in the center of a vertical line. Basically a
good formation if you want to get killed by your starmates (the AI of your
starmates isn't good enough to tell them to do not fire when you are in front
of them...)


This formation forms a diagonal line with the leader on the left and the last
starmate on the right, slighty behind it. I've never used Eschelon formations,


A copy of the Eschelon Left, though the leader is on the right.


An other formation ideal to get killed by your starmates, especially if you
order to engage at will. Your stamates will position themselves into your right
and left rear targets, leaving you to freely direct their movements.


The best formation. You are behind your lancemates, and this will allow you to
direct them with great efficiency and to do not get killed by their shots.


In this section I won't explain how to use the 'Mech Lab (the istruction
booklet exists for this), but some guidelines to create a powerful 'Mech.

First of all you need to choose the chassis; keep in mind that light 'Mechs
will be faster then heavy ones because you won't be able to mount large amounts
of armor and weapons due to weight limitations. Ideal speed for a light 'Mech
should be 6 or 7 (60/70 kph) for its walking speed, 5/6 for medium 'Mechs and 4
for heavy and assualt 'Mechs, though 70 and 75 tons 'Mech can have walk at 5.
Always choose an XL engine: though this will spread engine critical in the
lateral torsos, the XL engine saves enough tonnage for any kind of weapon; if
you are able to save enough tonnage for a standard engine, be sure to mount at
least the Endo-Steel internal, especially on heavy 'Mechs. Remeber that an XL
engine weights half of a standard engine, and you can increase the rating
(faster movement rate) with these four critical slots; unfortunately enough,
MW2 doesn't support critical division, and bulky weapons like Ultra and LB-X
AC/20s must be mounted in a single location, and for doing this you'll need a
standard engine or now lower arm and hand actuators. If you are using XL
engines, position ammos in the arms, this will save engine slots and other
torso-mounted equipment from dangerous explosions.
Now let's examine armor. Always assign the maximum armor points possible for a
single 'Mech, first in standard mixture and if you need more tonnage and you
have enough criticals left, switch to Ferro Fibrous. Note that if you assign
more armor points than a 'Mech can support (for example a 55 tons 'Mech can
support 12 tons of standard armor, but 7 points cannot be allocated for space
restrictions; read below), the computer will decrease the armor quantity to the
nearest tonnage allowing full allocation (usually a decrease of 0.5 tons only;
this means that our 55 tons 'Mech will find itself with 11.5 tons of armor;
however, point from the missing half ton have been used, and the computer
subtracted them to match armor weight and points: this subtractions is not
"clever" as the computer decreases the armor points of the first location it
encounters -head-, leaving only few armor points, then switch to the other
location and so one until all points have been subtracted). The maximum amount
of armor depends on the strenght of the internal structure: for example, 10
internal points means that you can assign up to 20 armor points. Head is the
only exception to this rule, and its internal structure has always three points
and can support 9 armor points; if the location is one of the three torso
sections, you have to spread armor points (always up to twice the internal
structure) from front and rear. I usually do not assign armor to rear areas (I
keep only 1 or 2 points) for single player missions, but having your back
unprotected during a multiplayer melee would be fatal...
Internal structure: always Endo-Steel. It cuts in half the weight of the
standard structure by keeping its original strenght; if you need weight, use
Endo-Steel before Ferro-Fibrous.
The equipment table shows four actuators (two for each arm): as they do not
give any bonus but they occupy critical slots, so remove them: You'll gain
critical space, but not tonnage. MASC can be useful, but using it and jump jets
is a waste of space. Jump jets are better as they give an higher movement
Jump Jets and heat sinks: if you use jump jets, mount them. If you do not use
them, you should try to use them. I doubt that MW2 assigns heat points to
movement actions, so jumping could be heat-free, not a bad thing after all.
Always use Double Heat Sinks. The standard 10 heat sinks provided with the
engine will cool down 20 heat points for free (provided they are inside the
engine; read below), and any other extra heat sink will dissipate 2 heat point.
An engine can contain a determinated number of single/double heat sinks: to
know it, divide the engine rating for 25, and round down. This means that
engines with a rating equal or superior to 250 will contain at least the 10
standard heat sinks; if you are using a smaller engine, the uncontained heat
sinks have to be allocated inside the 'Mech. You must have at least 10 heat
sinks, even if double heat sinks dissipate 20 heat point as standard. I am for
a number of heat sinks that equals or surpass the total number of heat points
generated by the 'Mech firing all of its weapons and moving at maximum speed
(again, I don't know if MW2 allocates heat points for movement, but...): add
the heat values for all weapons and add 2(heat for running speed) or a number
equal to the number of jump jets mounted on your 'Mech, then assign an equal
number of heat sinks. Remember that double heat sinks dissipate two heat points
each, and you should watch the second number (inside square brackets), not the
Weapons. I can suggest to mount 3 PPCs, one LRM 10 with two tons of ammo and
fill the remainig space with heat sinks, but this subject is strictly personal
(IHMO). Missile boats can work, though you should mount at least an ER Large
Laser or four ER Medium Laser as back up weapon. Continuosly firing the missile
launcher will deplete ammo suppli in few minutes. Ballistic weapons, except the
Gauss Rifle, eats ammo at a very fast pace, and their usefulness is limited to
the first minutes of battle. If you use energy weapons, be sure to mount enough
heat sinks and to hold fire for a while when you are overheated; shutting down
in the midst of a battle isn't a good tactic.


I think the most important thing is to have an effective weapon loads you can
use at 100%. Mounting various systems which wouldn't be used is a waste of
space and tonnage.
Keep you 'Mech moving. In MW2 enemies will usually outnumbers you, when not,
the enemies are usually elite pilots, able to hit even a jumping 'Mech straight
in the head (OK, this in exageration...). To improve you mobility, install jump
jets (at least three); use them to do quick lateral shifts and to evade an
obstacle when engaging something. You can also use them to perform DFA (Death
From Above) attacks, but it is very difficult to hit an other moving target and
won't allocate too much damage; it also possible to hit targets with weapons
while jumping: Streak SRMs, LRMs and other "quick" energy weapons (primary
lasers; PPCs are slow and ACs eat ammo too quickly) are the best weapons for
this maneuver; by performing this attack the target will be harder to hit (your
and its movement, plus a smaller target silouhette), but nearly every you'll
score will be on torso sections: legs will be covered by the upper body and
arms are usually too small to be hit by fire; it is also possible to score more
head shots if you are a good gunner.
Now let's speak about your torso and eyes: rather than redirecting the whole
'Mech toward the enemy, it is better to twist your upper body; this will make
you harder to hit, and your foes too, but only at the first times; when you're
engaging moving targets with your torso twisted, and the terrain has mountains,
mesas, trees, buildings and whatever else may block your way, spend one second
to watch where you're walking, with the eye control buttons: just keep it down
until you realize where your legs are pointing, then release it and keep firing
on you enemy. Recenter Torso to Legs and Recenter Legs to Troso are important
button, especially if performing maneuvers in narrow space, like cities; if you
haven't jump jets, the quickest way to rediret the whole 'Mech is to use the
Recenter Leg to Torso Button; remember that this button sometimes doesn't work,
as you torso will keep moving right and left try to center with the leg: just
avoid directional buttons after pushing it.
When you're fighting in particular environments, light amplification and image
enhacement will provide a better visual of the sorroundings. Image Enhacement
is the best, as it excludes vis-light datas and shows enemies and structures as
blue wireframe objects, while terrain as brown wireframe polygons. Light
Amplification will turn the area into a green-shaded visual; it is nearly
useless, especially because it is disabled afte one sensor critical hit.
Critical hits: engine hits will make you move slower, like gyro hits. Sensor
hits will disable light amplification and will make your radar slower in
recognizing targets, and your cockpit instruments may show wrong values. Leg
and arm hits will usually resul it the limb blown off; it an arm has blown off
isn't a big problem (provided you have you weapons in the torso), but a leg
will immobilize you. You won't fall and you'll be able to turn on yourself, but
you'll be a stationary target for the rest of the mission; if you have jump
jets this is a minor drawback, however; yuo'll just have to keep your jets on
for the rest of the game. Other critical hits are about equipment: if a weapon
is disabled, you won't be able to fire the weapon, if it is a heat sink you
capacity to recycle heat will be lowered and if it is a critical containing
ammo, the location where the ammo slot was is completely destroyed, armor,
internal structure and components. The damage won't spread as the Clans
automatically include CASE in any location with explosive equipment.
Enemies tend to hit the left side of your 'Mech, especially the arm. MW2 patch
1.2 and GBL partially resolve this flaw, and it is better to position weapons
and important equipment in the center and right torso, then switching to right
arm or left torso, and this is your choice as these locations tend to attract
enemy fire in the same proportion.
It is possible to avoid enemy fire: most of the long-range unguided weapons
(anithing except LRMs) won't hit in most cases if you move slightly to the
sides. PPC fire can be easily avoided by a quick side step (jump jets) or by
turning you 'Mech toward one side. LRMs can be avoided by simply positioning
you sight (and the whole 'Mech) at the sides of the firing enemy indicator: the
missiles will bypass you, and when they'll try to turn to reestablish a lock,
they'll usually end their run over terrain features or will splash directly
into the terrain.
Be sure to use every hill, building and whatever else to cover your 'Mech from
enemy fire, and to get near the enemy as closest as possible: enemy vehicles
tend to fire less and  will try to disengage; this tactic works best with 'Mech
with long arm like the Rifleman IIC and the Warhawk, as their arm-mopunted
weapons aren't able to hit near targets.


I haven't NetMech, the addon for net play, and the 3DFX version has a very
limited distribution, so I've never played in multiplayer. I think that
missiles and lasers are the best weapons in multiplayer missions, as they the
lag has only a partial influence on them; use at least a 4/6 engine (an engine
capable of powering a 'Mech at least to 40 kph), and if someone wants to submit
his tactics, my email ([email protected]) is always open.



Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal
Terrain: mesa desert
Visibility: good

A mesa desert with normal specs. The terrain here is a combination of mesas,
hills and plains, ideal for star fights and long-range fightin.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal
Terrain: sparse urban
Visibility: low

A city with lots of buildings (¬_¬...BTW, you can find Activision building out
there...) whihch greatly limits visibility and mobility;
as other "crowded" places buildings can be used as cover, but remember thay can
be destroyed; you'll fight by night: this will make enemy 'Mechs even harder to
spot without sensor help.

Temperature: normal/high
Gravity: normal/high
Terrain: canyon
Visibility: good

An other desertic planet, but this time the terrain is filled with canyons; the
temperature tend to be higher than normal, like the gravity; good visibility.

Temperature: low
Gravity: normal
Terrain: ice mesa desert
Visibility: excellent

A planet with excellent visibility and low temperature and gravity; it features
several hills and rims with can be used as cover; very large area; enemy
formations tend to be some kilometers away from each other.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal/low
Terrain: rolling hills
Visibility: good/excellent

I think that MW2 coders fell in love with desertic planets; this time the
terrain is flat, with some rolling hills somewhat obstructing the line of
sight; very good visibility, though the 'Mech's camouflage is very effective.

Temperature: normal/low
Gravity: normal/high
Terrain: ice desert
Visibility: poor

An other icy planet, this time with rolling hills obstructing our sight; the
fog reduces visibility, though Image Enhacement  makes things better. Somewhat
high gravity, and heat is mitigated by the low temperatures.

Temperature: very low
Gravity: very low
Terrain: cratered vacuum
Visibility: high

Fighting in space or absence of atmosphere will almost cancel heat buildup,
thoguh you must pay attention to other things: every time you'll fight in space
your 'Mech will have special thrusters to create a partial gravity. With such
low gravity your 'Mech will be able to run at respectable speeds (60/70 kph)
even with a minimum engine; this means alos that you'll need a large portion of
terrain to decelarate, and your turns will be a pain if you have a speed
superior to 10 kph. The terrain features craters of various size, even capable
of masking 'Mechs; no hills at all.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal
Terrain: rocky highlands
Visibility: very poor

I think this planet looks pretty similar to Mars; its atmosphere is red, like
the terrain, and everyhing else is colored with shades of this color; the
terrain is flat, with only few hills; the particular atmosphere greatly limits
visibility, though you should be able to damage most 'Mechs at long range.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal
Terrain: enclosed arena
Visibility: medium

A small Trial arena where the Jade Falcons usually set Trials. It has no
particular atmosphere or temperature, but has a lot of destroyable building
which can be used as cover and circle slower 'Mechs to take advantage of the
thinner rear armor; this is why I've put medium visibility...aside of obstacles
you can usually see to whole arena from any part.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: medium/high
Terrain: enclosed trial arena
Visibility: high/medium

A larger Trial arena, this time has few hills and some building, enclosed by
high walls; the gravity is somewhat higher than normal, limited jump jet
usefulness; 'Mechs have a camouflage that really blen them with the landscape.


Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal/high
Terrain: rocky plains
Visibility: low/good

The first planet of the Jade Falcon campaing, and probably the first planet
you'll land on. The gravity is somewhat high; the terrain has some hills and
mountains, though the terrain is generally flat.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal/low
Terrain: pasture lans
Visibility: good/excellent

A planet similar to Terra for its green terrain; there is a small canyon and a
city in the area where you'll fight; the remaining terrain is a flat plain with
excelletn visibility during day.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal
Terrain: low hills
Visibility: good

A desertic planets covered by hills; nothing else to say, all other parameters
are within standard levels.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal/low
Terrain: rocky highland
Visibility: good/excellent

A planet with few hills and good visibility even at the longest ranges. Normal
temperature and gravity; the firebase where you'll fight obstructs your sight,
though provides a good place where to stage surprise attacks.

Temperature: normal/low
Gravity: low
Terrain: cratered
Visibility: excellent

Ohh, space fighting; I love fighting in space; there is virtually no gravity,
which means that a small engine can power your 'Mech to resspectable speeds and
ambiental heat is very low, making energy weapons very efficent. The terrain is
flat with few craters capable of masking 'Mechs.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal/high
Terrain: iron oxide rift
Visibility: good/low

The iron oxide gives Evciler as soft-red color on all of its surface; ground
vehicles and structures are of the same color of the ground, making long-range
fighting hard; 'Mech tend to be darker, and can be easily seen at medium
ranges; the gravity is somewhat high but the temperature is within standard

Temperature: normal/high
Gravity: normal/low
Terrain: canyon
Visibility: excellent

Twycross is a strange planet, with high temperatures and low gravity, and it is
enterely covered by deserts; the canyon area where you'll fight isn't too
close, and the flatness of the terrain allows you to see distant targets.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal
Terrain: plains with few obstacles
Visibility: excellent or poor

You'll visit two places on Wotan, a suburb and a plain covered by large crystal
formations; the terrain is flat, but the buildings or the smoke columns raising
from it will obstruct it a bit, like the crystal formations in the second area;
the first area has an excellent visibility, but the second a very poor one.
Gravity and temperature within standard levels.

Temperature: normal or low
Gravity: normal
Terrain: various
Visibility: various

Morges will be the last planet of the Jade Falcon campaign; you'll fight on a
terrain covered by low hills with poor visibilty, in a city with excellent
visibility but a lot of buildings and in a ice desert; all temperatures except
the city one are low.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal/low
Terrain: steppe
Visibility: medium/low

Karetah is Morge's moon, and is in a terraforming stage; there is atmosphere
though the terraforming process made the visibility very poor. Only two hills
to use as cover.


Temperature: normal
Gravity: normal
Terrain: enclosed arena
Visibility: good

Refer to Bjarred's description for this terrain.

Temperature: normal
Gravity: medium/high
Terrain: enclosed trial arena
Visibility: high/medium

Refer to Port Arthur's description for this terrain.


Notes: the missions have been completed at hard dificulty level, for maximum
honor multiplayer. Easy level grant a 0.8 multiplier, medium 1.0 and hard 1.3.
You will describe three types of 'Mechs to finish the mission: Standard 'Mech
will describe the 'Mech indicated by the computer and its configuration;
Regular 'Mech will describe the 'Mech ideal for the mission (it could be
lighter or heavier than the standard 'Mech), but not the configuration, as I
think it is striclty personal; Elite 'Mech will describe the lighest 'Mech I've
ever used to complete the mission. If there are more than one 'Mech in the
line, assume it is the 'Mech for your starmate(s).


In the Jade Falcon campaign you will have to drive the Wolf forces from your
planets, plan a counter attack to defeat the main attack force and then try to
kill any fleeing Warden Wolf unit. This campaign is the simplest of the two and
it should be the first to be played. Trials of position are staged in a small
arena, and higher the rank you'll try to conquer, lighter will be the pilot
you'll pilot and heavier will be your opponents (one for every rank).


Planet: Colmar
Terrain: rocky planis
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Stormcrow A
Regular 'Mech: Kitfox
Elite 'Mech: Firemoth

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy HPG Uplink at Nav Point Alpha
+ Destroy Communications Array at Nav Point Beta
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy 'Mechs
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Gamma

The 12th Falcon Regulars are heading into Bright Basin, Marakaa Valley to
engage the Wolf 352nd Cluster; your first mission is to destroy two enemy
buildings to the west of our forces.
You'll powerup below a Broadsword-class Dropship, one kilometer from the HPG
uplink, which is beyond the hill at your back; a recon helicopter has been
dispatched to investigate what's going on; destroy it (a direct it to its tail
should blown it) and begin to climb the hill: a Kitfox is already trying to
intercept: try to destroy it without closing too much with the HPG building, or
a second Kitfox will power up; afterthe first Kitfox is no longer operational,
head toward the HPG and engage the last 'Mech guarding the facility, and then
destroy the building (the piramyd with the four rods; ignore the walls
sorrounding the complex).
Head toward Nav Beta to destroy the Communication Array: ths building is
protected by two turrets with one Medium Pulse Laser each. Before the Array
there is a small mining rig which represents the only target of opportunity of
this mission (the computer clearly states that all targets of opportunity have
been destroyed, but it won't register the completed objective...).
When you reach the Array, a Kitfox will powerup, behind the tall mountain
beyond the Array: kill it and destroy the array (you have to destroy the
central tower and the three support structures).
Now head to Nav Gamma for the dust-off.
Someone (sorry, I deleted your mail! Please forgive me!) has sent a message
telling that a possible tertiary objective is behind the HPG building. I still
have to check this, it is better to know it than not.

1 Silent Tunder Yes, there is some sort of powerplant hidden behind the
hills left to the HPG Uplink. Just walk around the hills, turn left and
you'll see two funnels like those in nuclear powerplants and five exhaust


Planet: Sudenten
Terrain: pasture land
Time of Day: dawn

Standard 'Mech: TimberWolf Primary
Regular 'Mech: Nova
Elite 'Mech: Firemoth

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy units
+ Defend the industrial plant at Nav Kappa
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Lambda

Clan Wolf Delta Galaxy has set down in Vesce Rift, Sudeten, and split its
forces in two. Task forces are heading to the Dargoth area, harrassing friendly
units. Sensors have picked up energy weapons signals in sector 709-010, west of
Webster city; if there are enemies in the area, they shouldn't reach the
industrial plant near the city.
Follow the Nav Point sequence and cross the canyon to reach the city, which is
under attack of Wolf forces, a Kitfox and a Stormcrow.
Destroy the Kitfox first, and then engage the Stormcrow. Be sure to destroy
these two 'Mechs before reaching the industrial plant.
The sun should be high in the sky now, rising the visibility level.
Two Kitfoxes are heading toward the plant: engage one of them at once, and
destroy the one you engaged, or the second won't stop to attack the plant; a
third Kitfox will join the party; destroy it and then reach the DropShip at Nav
Point Lambda to end this mission.


Planet: Zoetemeer
Terrain: low hills
Time of Day: dusk

Standard 'Mech: MadDog Primary
Regular 'Mech: Nova
Elite 'Mech: Kitfox

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy the DropShip at Nav Point Zeta
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all defending 'Mechs
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Eta

The Wolves staged two prolenged assaults on Zoetemeer, probably to capture the
orbiting Chemical Engineering facilites and the Nalon spaceport; the 2nd Wolf
Cavaliers are headind toward the city of Salyn, where friendly units are
succumbing; you have to perform a diversionary attack to lighten the pressure
on the units in the city.
The DropShip is at Nav Zeta, about 1.8 kilometers away from your actual
position; there's no sign of enemy 'Mechs in the area, but they are proabbly
powered down: begin to head toward the Bannockburn, the DropShip you have to
One Jenner IIC will power up on your right, beyond two hills; move immediately
to engage it, before other 'Mechs wil power up.
Oce the Jenner has been destroyed, return to your original path: one Kitfox and
one Firemoth will power up on your left, plus an other Jenner IIC relatively
far away and one other Kitfox plus a Stormcrow will move to protect the
DropShip; engage the first couple of 'Mechs and then head toward the DropShip;
destroy the 'Mechs guarding it (you'll have to swap targets a bit, especially
if you are using a Kitfox or a Nova) and then go for the DropShip itself: it is
capable of absorbing high amounts of damage, so keep firng on it.
As the DropShip blown, a friendly Broadsword will come to prelevate you; if you
want, destroy the three repair vehicles and finally head to Nav Point Eta.


Planet: Baker 3
Terrain: rocky highland
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: MadDog Primary
Regular 'Mech: Stormcrow
Elite 'Mech: Kitfox

Primary  Objectives:
+ Defend Firebase
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all attacking units
+ Base, Nav Point Gamma

The 205th Assault Cluster engaged the Wolf 341st in Lowa, Baker 3's southern
continent; near this area there is an abandoned Wolf firebase that the keshik
wants to rebuild to support the friendly units attacking the Wolf forces.
You'll start up at Nav Gamma, facing four small structures; immediately move
out the base without face changings to engage an Hellbringer, the first 'Mechs
will attack the base; it is possible to engage it within the base, but the
situation will be more difficult.
A Wolf DropShip will deploy two other 'Mechs, just outside the base: try to
take out the Jenner IIC before it lands, and then move to engage the Summoner;
the best way to neutralize this 'Mech is to hit it on its thin rear armor or to
destroy a single leg and to partially immobilize it; remember that the Summoner
carries jump jets and can constantly change its heading to aim you or the base,
so it's better to defenitevily destroy it before other enemy 'Mechs will arrive.
Four 'Mechs will power up on the left and on the right sides opf the bases; the
first two 'Mechs which will reach the base are a Kitfox and a Firemoth, from
the right; take them out before engaging the other two 'Mechs, coming from the
left, a Nova and a Stormcrow; engage the Nova first, as it is jump capable and
will pose a greater threat not only for you, but for the base too. As these two
'Mechs are no longer active, reach Nav Gamma for shutting down.


Planet: Bjarred
Terrain: enclosed arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Stormcrow Primary
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank (as
you are currently a simple MechWarrior, you'll become a Star Commander); if you
win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win, will
make you advance two ranks (to a Nova Commander rank). If you fell in any of
the two phases, you will lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a Stormcrow Primary, against an Hellbringer and a Timberwolf, if
you want to gain two ranks.


Planet: Devin's moon, MacDuff
Terrain: cratered/vacuum
Time of Day: dusk

Standard 'Mech: Nova Primary
Regular 'Mech: Nova
Elite 'Mech: Jenner IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy any/all opposition encountered
+ Escort friendly unit to Isotope Processor
+ Isotope Processor, Nav Point Phi

On Devin the enemy engagedthe 2nd Flacon Jaegers and the 1stStriker Cluster; on
its moon, MacDuff, vibro-sensors picked up unknown binary-level movements on
the south of an Isotope Processor; you have to stage a patrol around the
Processor to ensure its safety.
Follow the Nav sequence: first head to Nav Point Sigma and then to Tau; your
command will alert you of a friendly unit with nagivational problems at Nav
Upsilon; reach and escort it to the Isotope Processor; when you'll reach the
unit, an Hellbringer, a Star of Wolf 'Mechs will power up: 2 Jenner IICs and
one Mad Dog will power up on the left, and a Firemoth and a Stormcrow from the
right; the two Jenners will engage you, and the other enemies will engage the
friendly Hellbringer; destroy the Jenners and then engage the Mad Dog; leave
the Firemoth and the Stormcrow free to engage your ally, you'll need its help
later; the Hellbringer will begin to walk toward the Processor, and if it has
any enemies engaging it, it will shut down leaving you alone.
Reach the Isotope Processor, and engage the Rifleman IIC and the Nova attacking
it; these two 'Mechs will go after you, so engage the Rifleman first and
destroy its arms: this will destroy all its weapons, making it useless: its
pilot will begin to flee, but a direct salvo to its rear torso armor sould
blown it; now engage the Nova; if the Hellbringer destroyed the pursuing 'Mechs
or it is still active will help you with these two 'Mechs.
After all opposition has been destroyed, reach Nav Phi and shut down.


Planet: Evciler
Terrain: iron oxide rift
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Summoner C
Regular 'Mech: Mad Dog
Elite 'Mech: Nova

Primary  Objectives:
+ Escort the hovertrain to processor unit at Nav Point Omicron
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy any all attacking units
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Pi

Wolf Clan Tau Galaxy is on the surface; the Clan ordered the 73rd Striker, the
6th Provisiona Assault Cluster, the 51st and 9th Garrison to counter this
threat. The 1st Wolf Cavalry is heading north, toward Mare Ferris, to destroy a
friendly mining facility to hamper our capability in manufacturing heat sinks
in this sector; you must fend off the attack.
As soon as you power up, increase the range of your radar to 2 KMs, and move to
engage the two Gunships coming in from the left; the hovertrain will move after
about one minute after you powered up, and won't stop until it reaches the
processor or it is destroyed; the train can sustain some hits (5 or 7 ER Medium
Laser hits, IMO) and travels at 40 kph.
An other groupon gunships will attack the train from the left; this time the
group is composed of 4 Gunships; to destroy these VTOLs with few hit, target
the rotor inside or go for the cockpit; join the train, and wait that the last
two Gunships reach your weapon's range to attack.
Rejoin with the train, and zoom on the rift on your left: you should notice a
shutted down Jenner IIC; if you have LRMs or other long-range weapons destroy
it now or wait its powerup.
Now the train will enter a tunnel, too small for your 'Mech: you will have to
take an open passage on the right; do this ASAP, as two 'Mechs, a Dire Wolf and
a Stormcrow will power up between the processor and the tunnel's end. Engage
the Dire Wolf first, and destroy one of its leg to keep it immobyle, but do not
destroy it now: target the Stormcrow, which is targeting the hoevertrain and
destroy it beforeit can damage the train; the Dire Wolf wont engage the train
as it is targeting you; after the Stormcrow is gone, finish the 100 tons
machine off and reach the DropShip at Nav Point Pi.


Planet: Twycross
Terrain: canyon
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Mad Dog Primary
Regular 'Mech: Stormcrow
Elite 'Mech: Nova

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy the core heat sink array
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all defending units
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Tau

The battle on Twycross is not going well: the Wolf forces hit our flanks hard,
and the 6th Provisional is sorrounded by the 352nd and the 3rd Wolf Clusters;
you have to create a diversion to throw off the line these Clusters.
You'll power up near a friendly spheroid DropShip, with a bridge in front of
you; the bridge is the ony target of opportunity you'll encounter; destroy the
two Kitfoxes before going after the bridge to get points of a direct kill; two
Wolf tanks will also power up when you approach the bridge; take them out with
direct cockpit shots or aim to the turret before taking out the whole tank.
Pass the bridge (or what remains of it) and head right: if you use your zoom
you should be able to see two other Wolf tanks: take them out before proceeding
toward the heat sink array.
The array is protected by three 'Mechs: a Stormcrow and an Hellbringer in front
of it, plus a Nova hiding behind a mesa; destroy the Stormcrow first, followed
by the Hellbringer and then by the Nova. Before destroying the core heat sink
array, be sure to keep the maximum distance possible (the maximum range of your
weapons); when the array is destroyed quickly proceed toward the DropShip: if
you aren't fast enough, the shockwave will destroy you and your 'Mech; the
explosion has a range of roughly 1 kilometer.
Three Wolf tanks will power up, eventually directing you toward your dust-off
point: just go straight toward them, destroy them and head to the DropShip.


Planet: Bjarred
Terrain: enclosed arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Nova Primary
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank; if
you win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win,
will make you advance two ranks If you fell in any of the two phases, you will
lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a Nova Primary, against an Warhammer IIC and a Gargoyle, if you
want to gain two ranks.


Planet: Wotan
Terrain: farm land
Time of Day: dawn

Standard 'Mech: Timber Wolf Primary
Regular 'Mech: Summoner, Summoner
Elite 'Mech: Rifleman

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy all vehicles containing high command personnel
Secondary Objectives:
+ Inspect likely structures for enemy munitions
+ Defend all structures containing munitions
+ Destroy all enemy units encoutered
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any target of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Zeta

The Wolf attack at Borealtown has stalled; the Wolves are retrating through Den
Thehaman, a suburb to west. Key personnel is retreatin off world; you have to
kill them.
This mission will require a bit of tactic, plus a starmate if it is the first
time you play the mission or if you don't know the game too much.
The first thing to do is to destroy the Jenner IIC and the Stormcrow coming
toward you; the Jenner IIC is an easy target for a direct head-shot. Now head
toward the nearest landing Wolf DropShip: a Timber Wolf will power up and will
join the first convoy; this group will head toward the first DropShip: engage
the TimberWolf and destroy it before killing all six vehicles composign it;
while you're doing this a Summoner will power up to escort the second convoy;
this convoy will head toward the second DropShip. once the first convoy is
destroyed, head for the second, engaging the convoy first; if you have a
starmate with you, order him to take care of the TimberWolf while you destroy
the convoy, then go for the Summoner and the last eight vehicles; be sure to
destroy them all; the targets of opportunity are the two DropShips; it is
possible to blown them up, but you will have to split your star.
Now, if you have enough armor, proceed toward Nav Delta, where 2 other 'Mechs
are waiting, shutted won; it is possible to kill this Kitfox and this Nova from
afar, while you're shutted down.
A Nav Epsilon there is a Mad Dog guarding four warehouses containing munitions
and 'Mech parts.
Now head toward Nav Point Zeta: you'll find a Hellbringer 500 meters away from
it; this is the last enemy you'll encounter in this mission.

10 Plum Wine It's impossible to destroy both Wolf Dropships as targets of
opportunity without using cheat codes. There isn't enough time to destroy
either of them before the convoys get away. Both won't stay on the ground
for long, and once they take off, they'll be totally out of your range.
Furthermore, they are very heavily armoured and take a long time to destroy.
After completing all primary and secondary objectives, I used infinite
jumpjet and no-heat tracking codes to take down those two dropships. Imagine
jetting up and then hovering 2-3km in the air (yeap, they're just hovering
there)  and firing your lasers constantly for several minutes, what a bore.


Planet: Wotan
Terrain: geographic anomaly: crystalline forms
Time of Day: dawn

Standard 'Mech: Warhammer IIC
Regular 'Mech: Summoner, Summoner
Elite 'Mech: Rifleman IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Escort the convoy to firebase at Nav Point Epsilon
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy units encountered
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Dstroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Zeta

The Wolves are attempting to reenter Borealtown; they cut out supply lines, and
they must be rebuilt at all costs.
Proceed toward the first Nav Point: you'll meet the convoy and the Summoner
escorting it; now you'll be alone, or with you starmates, if any.
Proceed toward Nav Epsilon, the firebase: a couple of enemy 'Mechs will power
up on your right: order your starmate (if any) to engage the Nova while you
engage the Timber Wolf; the convoy will keep proceding toward the firebase, and
it will be under attack by an other couple of 'Mechs: this time there are a
Marauder IIC and a Stormcrow playing: engage the Stormcrow first and then the
Marauder IIC; if you experience troubles with the 55 tons 'Mech, destroy one of
its legs and then engage the Marauder; when the convoy reaches the firebase,
head for Nav Zeta.


Planet: Bjarred
Terrain: enclosed arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Kitfox Primary
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank; if
you win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win,
will make you advance two ranks If you fell in any of the two phases, you will
lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a Kit Fox Primary, against an Summoner and a Masakari, if you
want to gain two ranks. The best way to pass this Trial is to leg the Summoner
with whatever you have and using the buildings as cover, and then literally
close with the Masakari to leg this one too, and then finish it off.


Planet: Morges
Terrain: ice desert
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Warhammer IIC, Summoner
Regular 'Mech: Timber Wolf, Timber Wolf, Timber Wolf
Elite 'Mech: Rifleman IIC, Rifleman IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Defend the airbase
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all attacking 'Mechs
+ Base, Nav Point Upsilon

Clan Wolf and the Kell Hounds are overpowering our forces at Icegrief pass.
Many positions have been overrun, and many damaged units are retreating to the
airbase at Resnick Flats; you must hold the line until friendly 'Mechs arrive.
If you are going to use two starmates, this mission should be easy; with two
starmates will be somewhat harder and alone will be impossible.
The first couple of 'Mech to power up will be a Nova and a Stormcrow from the
north. Engage directly the Nova while your starmate do so with the Stormcrow;
destroyed the Nova head south to engage an other couple of 'Mechs; if you have
a third starmate, let him engage the Nova while you engage the Stormcrow (yes,
the same composition of the first); if you are playing with two starmates,
destroy directly both of them.
A third couple will power up on your current right, and they will go directly
for the control tower; your first starmate should have finished with the
Stormcrow, so direct him to engage the Mad Dog, while you take the Hellbringer;
your third starmate (if any) should be busy with the Nova.
After this couple an other couple of the same composition will power up; do the
same as you did before; this time your third starmate should have finished with
the Stormcrow: direct him to engage the Rifleman IIC while you engage the
Summoner; leave the second starmate alone, without orders. Destroy this couple
of 'Mechs and return to the airbase: friendly units are arriving.


Planet: Morges
Terrain: dense urban
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Warhammer IIC
Regular 'Mech: Warhawk/Marauder IIC
Elite 'Mech: Rifleman IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy 'Mechs in the city
+ 'Mech hangar, Nav Point Kappa

The city of Broken Hope has been taken by the 4th Wolf Guards and other Wolf
units cut our supply lines at Carson Rift. The Peregryne Galaxy is dying out in
the blizzard: we must retake the city.
This is the hardest Jade Falcon mission, IMO. You have to destroy nine 'Mechs
alone and most are heavies piloted by elite pilots; this mission is going to be
a pain, and if it is the first time you play it, it's better to use a Dire Wolf
instead the Regular 'Mech.
The 'Mechs in the city are a Firemoth, two Kitfoxes, one Rifleman IIC, one
Marauder IIC, one Hellbringer, one Nova, one Mad Dog and one Battlemaster.
The first 'Nech to fall will be the Firemoth; with whatever 'Mech you are going
to use, it should take a single salvo from your main weapons to destroy it;
then it's up to you. I usually take out the Battlemaster, then the Kitfox near
the Rifleman, the other Kitfox, the Hellbringer, the Nova, the Mad Dog, the
Rifleman and finally the Marauder.
The Kitfoxes, the Nova and the Hellbringer won't pose a big problem, as the AI
isn't smart enough to pilot them through the area they are; all other 'Mechs
are a pain, starting from the Battlemaster, probably the 'Mech with the best
pilot in this city; he will reduce your armor to debris in seconds if you do
not silence its PPC; remember that the Battlemaster can still use its Medium
Pulse Lasers. The Rifleman can be easily dispatched by destroying its arms; be
careful, the pilot usuallyy tends to walk toward you and overload the engine,
making the whole 'Mech explode. The Mad Dog can be silenced in the same way,
though it still has the LRMs; engage it at close range. The Marauder is usually
the last 'Mech I engage; I usually leg it as my armor is very thin by now, and
its PPCs can deal great damage to the fragile internal structure. All other
'Mechs shouldn't resist to direct strikes or their AI isn't good enough for you.


Planet: Morges
Terrain: ice rift
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: TimberWolf Primary, Hellbringer Primary
Regular 'Mech: Marauder IIC, Marauder IIC, Marauder IIC (or three Warhawks)
Elite 'Mech: Summoner

Primary  Objectives:
+ Identify and destroy Dwillt Radick's 'Mech
+ Identify and destroy staff vehicles
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all defending units
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Rho

The Wolf's 16th Battle Cluster retreated in their allies' underground base at
Mt. Canarfon. Our aerotechs pounded the base for our and eventually made the
'Mech bay collapsing; the Wolfves and the Kell Hounds are retreating off world;
you have been assigned for the task of destroying the fleeing enemies.
Immediately move out from your position, and ignore the friendly gunships
flying over you; they aren't under your control and will immediately shooted
down by your enemies; target the four tanks and engage them; aim to the turret
for faster resolution of the fighting; order your lancemates (if any) to engage
the 3 enemy Gunships or do it by yourself after all tanks are gone.
Now advance, and engage the Battlemaster on the right; completely destroy it
and head toward the Dire Wolf; wait to engage it until there are at least 500
meters of distance, then launch the first attack; do not destroy it unitl you
inspected the 'Mech, or you will fail the mission.
Now proceed toward the 12 staff vehicles: 6 of the are carrying VIPs, the ones
you have to destroy; the other six are here for escort duty.
You have to destroy them before they reach the enemy DropShip, or they will
flee. Near the DropShip you will find one other Battlemaster, one Jenner IIC
and two turrets, marked as "enemy Mech". Destroy the Jenner first, then go for
the turrets and finally for the Battlemaster: destroy both of its legs and then
INSPECT and destroy all twelve vehicles (6 for completing the mission and 6 for
fun). If you are using starmatesand LRMs for this part of the mission: use your
LRMs to take out the turrets and order your lancemates to engage the two 'Mechs
while you inspect and destroy the vehicles.
Now proceed to Nav Rho for the extraction. The destrouction of the enemy
DropShip will end the mission, but you won't be awarded with the honor points
for completing the mission.

An other submission:
15 Bronze Anvil It is possible to destroy the enemy dropship and get the
honour points. Target Nav Rho, go around it, and then carefully position
yourself so that you're directly ahead of it (the green arrow should be
pointing at the bottom centre of the screen) and facing towards the enemy
dropship. Move slowly towards the target. Once in range of your longest
ranged weapons, stop and open fire. It may take a while to destroy it. The
moment it crumbles, put your Mech into full reverse and let it walk
backwards towards Nav Rho. Don't press any key to end the mission until
you've tagged Nav Rho. If your Mech is too slow and or you're too far away,
the screen will fade out after a while.


Planet: Bjarred
Terrain: enclosed arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Firemoth Primary
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank; if
you win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win,
will make you advance two ranks If you fell in any of the two phases, you will
lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a Firemoth Primary, against an Marauder IIC and a Dire Wolf, if
you want to gain two ranks.
The best way to destroy the Marauder IIC is to close with it and destroy one of
its leg, and then retreating to its rear side where it cannot fire and finish
it off. The Dire Wolf requires a more audacious tactic; it is possible to
destroy it in the same way as with the Marauder, but you will have more chances
by circling it and using the arena buildings as cover.

Congratulations, you defeated the Wolves in this Trial of Refusal, called
Refusal War of its large scale battles.

The maximum score I've ever reached is 200228 Honor Points.


The Wolf camapign is more complicate than the Falcon's one. You will have to
attack Falcon planets and then create diversionary attacks to allow the Warden
Wolves to escape. Missions are complex, with hit and run strikes, covert
operations and so on; this variety is counterbalanced by an harder difficulty
level, especially in the Trial of Positions, where you have to fight two 'Mechs
at once to gain one rank. Yor 'Mech will increase weight in every Trial, like
your opponents.


Planet: Colamr
Terrain: rolling hills
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Mad Dog Primary
Regular 'Mech: Nova
Elite 'Mech: Firemoth

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy the chemical plant at Nav Point Epsilon
+ Inspect firebase wreckage at Nav Point Zeta
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all surviving 'Mechs in the area
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy ant targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Eta

In a matter of hours the 352nd Assault Cluster will engage the 12th Falcon
Regular at the mouth of Marakaa Valley, Mare Requiem, Colmar. Aerospace
fighters staged several interdiction strikes in the zone, hoping to destroy the
firebase and then chemical plant in the area; the weather during the operation
turned foul and the fighters were able to strike only the firebase. Orbital
reconaissance is impossible; recon the area and destroy the chemical plant to
let the fighters turn their attention toward the 12th.
Nav Epsilon is guarded by a Firemoth and a Jenner IIC; engage the Firemoth
first, and then the Jenner: try to destroy these 'Mechs with direct shot to
their center torsos or head, and go to the chamical plant and destroy it; a
Firemoth will power up, but it is one and half kilometer away from your
position, so you have plenty of time to hide behind an hill for an ambush or
run toward it to strike.
Now head to Nav Zeta, the destroyed firebase; a Nova is the only 'Mech guarding
it, but you will see several 'Mech parts scattered everywhere. Destroy the Nova
and target the large burning structure in the center of the base and inspect
it; now head to Nav Eta for extraction.


Planet: Sudeten
Terrain: prairie
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Nova Primary
Regular 'Mech: Nova
Elite 'Mech: Firemoth

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy the pumping station at Nav Point Alpha
+ Destroy the hardened HQ at Nav point Beta
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all defending units
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Gamma

The plan for Sudeten is to strike the Falcons in 2 different zones, the Dargoth
plains and the city of Webster. Falcon garrison units, anticipating our attack
are performing training maneuvers in the west plains; satellite reconaissance
detected several 'Mechs with training configurations.
Move to Nav Alpha: you'll see three training 'Mechs (a Mad Dog, a Firemoth and
a Kit fox) escaping to their base: take out the Mad Dog and let the other two
'Mechs flee. A fourth 'Mech, a Nova will come from Nav Beta to intercept you.
Destroy it before turning your attention on the pumping station.
Now head to Nav Beta: the hardened HQ is protected by a Stormcrow and four
turrets: destroy the fixed emplacements first and then go for the Stormcrow;
after all resistance in the area has been destroyed, target the central
structure composing the HQ and destroy it;
now head to Nav Gamma, the extraction point: you'll notice small champ with the
tow training 'Mechs that you left alive; destroy them now; note that these
'Mechs will shoot at you, but their pilots haven't a great aim, so this will be
an easy work; destroy the trucks, the radar and the tent and then go to Nav
Gamma to end this mission.


Planet: Zoetermeer
Terrain: sparse urban
Time of Day: dusk

Standard 'Mech: Mad Dog Primary
Regular 'Mech: Rifleman IIC (or two Novas)
Elite 'Mech: Jenner IIC or Stormcrow

Primary  Objectives:
+ Inspect the power converter for cryo-plasmic conversion
+ Destroy the power converter after inspection
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Delta

Intel suspects that the Falcon 10th Provisional Garrison mved its HQ to an
hidden site in the city of Salyn, near the Nalon Spaceport. If the 10th's HQ
moved, they would have modified the local plasma converter to handle
This mission is going to be hard; you can have the support of one starmate, but
there are basically two ways to end this mission: run or fight; I used the
Jenner IIC to run, and the Stormcrow to fight; when I used a starmate, I made
him fight while I ran.
You will be dropped by a DropShip near Nav Alpha, which is protected by three
Kitfoxes; engage these 'Mechs with whatever you are piloting, they aren't a
great problem.
Proceed to Nav Beta: a recon helicopter is hovering there (this helicopter
seems survived several PPC strikes...let me know if you shooted
down it); as you close with the Nav Point, a Stormcrow and a Jenner IIC will
power up; destroy these 'Mechs too, and use your satellite uplink to locate a
long structure with circles on it: this is the plasma converter; it is so
strange that you should notice it at the first glance to the uplink. Your
computer will also warn you that other 'Mechs have been detected.
Close with the converter, inspect and destroy it; now it is time to run or
fight; the 'Mechs detected are four Summoners in their Primary configs; if you
are going to run, let them close with you, and when they enter the city, start
to run toward Nav Delta; use the buildings as cover, and the satellite uplink
to see what and where they are shooting; if you are going to fight, move out
from your position and engage one 'Mech at once; it is possible that the
Summoners will shoot at their allies' backs, so it won't be very hard; use the
buildings as cover here, too.
Now move to Nav Delta.

Clarence Fine ([email protected]) tells me that the helicopter isn't
It has come to my attention that you believe that the helicopter at Nav Beta is
invincible. It took me a long time to destroy it. I have found only one
full-proof way to destroy it. The Mad Dog, Rifleman, and Jenner 'Mechs might do
it, but I could only do it with my favorite 'Mech, Hellbringer. After I
selected it (with Jenner as my starmate) I destroyed the three Kitfoxes with
ease, then reported to Nav Beta. I destroyed the two Falcon 'Mechs there. I had
to work quick, since the four Summoners were coming. I sent my starmate to
engage them, then aimed for the chopper. It took three strikes in "Group Fire"
mode (switching from "Chain Fire" to "Group Fire" requires hitting  (above
Enter)). I do thank you for explaining where the plasma converter is. I never
had time to find it, because the Summoners always got there with lightning-fast
speed. Now, I can just destroy the converter and run.
still have to try, though (and, hell, a copter even more armored than a

Here's an other (unfortunately) nameless reader which spekas about the recon
3 Blade Splint The chopper isn't too hard to destroy. A few alpha strikes
of medium lasers will do the trick. I used a Nova with 8 medium lasers. And
I managed to finish off the four Summoners at the end by hiding and
ambushing amongst the buildings. PPCs shots are easy to avoid. At medium
range they seldom use their LRMs, and strangely enough the moment you're in
range of their LBXs they just keep firing away, whether you're behind a
building or not. Since they have only ten rounds to fire, you can help them
waste all their ammunition by cheerfully jetting out a little and then
jetting back behind a building. Just keep at least two buildings between
them and you in case the first gets destroyed, and in less than half a
minute you won't be hearing any more autocannon fire for the rest of the
mission. Now you can simply blow their PPCs arms off and pick them off one
by one.


Planet: Baker 3
Terrain: snowy pass
Time of Day: dawn

Standard 'Mech: Mad Dog Primary
Regular 'Mech: Nova
Elite 'Mech: Firemoth

Primary  Objectives:
+ Defend then escort the T5 unit to Nav Point Sigma
+ Defend the repair vehicle until repairs are complete
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all attacking units
+ Escort repair vehicle to dust-off site
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Sigma

The 305th Assault Cluster pushed far into the forests of Findley Province on
Lowa, Baker 3's southern continent. The 341st Assault engaged them. During the
enemy drop a modified Tarantula, T5 reconaissance variant, was able to
intercept and decode enemy datas containing the list of intended attack
corridors. The T5 was able to make it into cover of snow in the Donner Rift
area, it is damaged, and you will protect the T5 unit and the repair vehicle.
The program here makes many mistakes, starting from awful aiming capabilities
for you enemies or 'Mechs with permanently twisted torsos.
Move near the T5 unit: a Jenner IIC and 2 Kitfoxes are attacking it from the
south (assuming that south is toward the T5's back): destroy the Jenner first
then then the Kitfoxes; tow other 'Mechs will power up, in the east, this time:
these two Jenner IICs will try to attack the Tarantula, but they usually fire
at the hills or the building sorrounding the T5; take them out, however.
Now move near the Tarantula and wait until 3 Kitfoxes will power up in the
north; move out to engage them at once: one of these Kitfoxes should have its
torso twisted 90 degrees to its right, making it useless; if so, engage the
other first.
Now wait until the T5 is repaired and the repair vehicle reached Nav Sigma and
move to the Nav Point for being extracted.


Planet: Port Arthur
Terrain: enclosed trial arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Stormcrow A
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank (as
you are currently a simple MechWarrior, you'll become a Star Commander); if you
win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win, will
make you advance two ranks (to a Nova Commander rank). If you fell in any of
the two phases, you will lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a Stormcrow A, against two Firemoths and a group composed of a
Stormcrow and a Gargoyle, if you want to gain two ranks.


Planet: MacDuff
Terrain: cratered/vacuum
Time of Day: night

Standard 'Mech: Timber Wolf Primary
Regular 'Mech: Timber Wolf, Timber Wolf
Elite 'Mech: Riflema IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Capture and secure the sensor array dome
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all defending 'Mechs
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of oppurtunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Iota

Battle for the Devin system has begun. The Falcon 2nd Jaegers and the 1st
Strike Cluster set up defensive positions at strategix locations on the
surface. Our forces covertly landed on MacDuff and set up a sensor array dome.
The Flacon command landed multiple units at the site, taken the landing pads
and the operations staff bondsmen as hostage.
Follow the Nav Point sequance to Nav Theta, the dome; it is currently protected
by three 'Mechs, 2 Mad Dogs and one Hellbringer, shut down, behind the dome
itself; if you are playing alone, leg one 'Mech and destroy the others; if you
have starmate support, destroy all of them and prepare to fend off the next
The dome is sorrounded by two enemy Broadsowrd-class DropShip (they are active,
and will shoot at you if youe get too close; they also are the targets of
opportunity), each with two 'Mechs; the first couple to power up will be the
one on the right, a Stormcrow and a Hellbringer; order your starmate to take
the Hellbringer while you engage the Stormcrow; if you are playing alone, use
the "target under reticle" button to highlight one of the two 'Mechs and
engage; always keep moving, you'll be targeted by the Falcon DropShip.
The second and last couple to power up will be the one on the other side, a Mad
Dog and a Hellbringer this time; order your starmate to destroy the Hellbringer
while you take the Mad Dog; there will be an other DropShip, so keep moving.
Now if you are playing alone destroy the 'Mech you legged before and reach Nav
Iota for shutdown.

Addition by the nameless reader:
6 Sable Flame Another mission with an almost impossible tertiary objective.
Those two dropships take a long, long time to destroy. If you get within
1000m, say hello to salvoes and salvoes of LRMs and large lasers blasts. The
only weapons which outranges those are the Gauss and PPCs. If you have lots
of time to spare, feel free to complete all primary and secondary
objectives, find a nice spot to park and just blast away, though you'll
probably run out of time.


Planet: Evciler
Terrain: ice rift
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Stormcrow Primary
Regular 'Mech: Nova
Elite 'Mech: Jenner IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy the solar power array at Nav Point Tau
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy units in the rift
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Upsilon

Pup class probes detected the 7th Construction Binary setting up a solar power
array on messiah, the southern continet of Evciler; intelligence thinks that
the Falcons are going to turn the area into a large forward dropsite for the
entire Peregrine Galaxy.
Begin to move toward the high ice mesa in front of you: three Falcon aerospace
fighters will fly over you, but won't fire (it is possible that these fighters
are targets of opportunity, but I've never destroyed them). On the right two
Kitfoxes will power up: take them out and then turn toward the turrets
protecting the small mesa where the solar array is, and destroy one: a Summoner
will power up, just behind the rim. Destroy this 'Mech and then turn to engage
the Mad Dog on the other side of the rim; during this battle you should have
noticed a Broadsword-class DropShip, an other target of opportunity.
Now destroy all turrets protecting the solar array (4 on the site and 2 on the
rim in front of the mesa), climb the mesa (there's a ramp) and destroy the nine
solar panels.
Now descend and go to Nav Upsilon for extracton.

An other addition by the unfortunately nameless reader.
7 Burning Chrome Another mission with an almost impossible tertiaty
objective. It's very possible to destroy this dropship from afar, but it's
almost impossible to get back in time. The Falcons have no lack of dropships
to spare eh?


Planet: Twycross
Terrain: mesa desert
Time of Day: dawn

Standard 'Mech: Nova Primary
Regular 'Mech: Stormcrow
Elite 'Mech: Nova

Primary  Objectives:
+ Capture and secure enemy command vehicle
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all defending units
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, command vehicle site

The 352nd Assault Cluster, the 3rd Battle Cluster and the 13th Wolf Guards cut
off Falcon 6th Provisional Garrison's supply line in the Great Gash, The Falcon
5th Talon is assaulting the 13th's flank, attempting to break the line; probes
have located the 5th's mobile HQ hidden in the spires of the Plain of Curtains.
The Keshik has deemed necessary to capture the HQ and its crew for
You will begin on a mesa, with two Jenner IICs in front of you, but on an other
mesa; fall from it (you'll probably damage your legs if you haven't jump jets)
and engage these two 'Mechs.
Now move toward Nav Point Alpha: a Stormcrow will power up: destroy it and then
head to Nav Beta, which is protected by two Elementals.
Now continue straight, do not move to Nav Gamma. Destroy two of the four
turrets protecting the command vehicle and the circle the position to destroy
the other two turrets and the two assault vehicles protecting the HQ. Your
DropShip will arrive in two minutes, but a Rifleman IIC will power up on the
rim opposite of the command vehicle; you must engage and possibly destroy it
until the DropShip arrives, or it will destroy the mobile HQ.
After this 'Mech is gone, go near the command vehicle and wait for the DropShip.


Planet: Port Arthur
Terrain: enclosed trial arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Mad Dog Primary
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank; if
you win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win,
will make you advance two ranks. If you fell in any of the two phases, you will
lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a Mad Dog Primary, against two Jenner IICs and a group composed
of a Jenner IIC and a Rifleman IIC, if you want to gain two ranks.


Planet: Wotan
Terrain: industrial urban
Time of Day: dawn

Standard 'Mech: Timber Wolf Primary
Regular 'Mech: Riflem IIC, Rifleman IIC
Elite 'Mech: Rifleman IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy chemical plant an Nav Point Phi
+ Destroy airbase at Nav point Chi
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy industrial plant an Nav Psi
+ Destroy the HPG processor at Nav Omega (see text or this objective)
+ Inspect likely structures for munitions
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy units in the city
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Alpha

Our attack on Borealtown, capital of Wotan, has stalled. Intelligence reports
that enemy forces have their weak spot in the city's industrial sector, an area
used as load-off point for supplies. Your unit is going to stage a coordinated
strike with the 37th Strike Cluster. This will be a quick drop-and extracion
maneuver. If you aren't in the DropShip's bays within 15 minutes after your
drop, you'll be trapped in enemy territory.
The 37th will deploy three 'Mechs, a TimberWolf, a Marauder IIC and a Warhammer
IIC; they will attack the zone where the HPG processor and the industrial plant
are: the HPG objective is an odd one: the briefing reports its destruction as a
secondary objective, but you won't be awarded if you destroy it; if you have
time, however, destroy it (just for fun).
You'll begin behind a small hill: the first couple of 'Mech you'll encouter is
an assault one, with a Dire Wolf and a Gargoyle patrolling the chemical plant;
take out the Dire Wolf first, using the hills and the nearby structures as
cover, and then go for the Gargoyle; the small village you'll use as cover also
contain three warehouses which contain munitions.
Destroy the plant and go to the airbase: it is protected by a Stormcrow and a
Nova; take out the heaviest first and then the second, before destroying
everything at this site, even the grounded fighters.
Now you should have plenty of time for fulfilling your secondary objectives:
begin to destroy the remaining enemy 'Mechs in the area (a Marauder IIC and a
Rifleman IIC; both are engaging units from the 37th) and then destroying the
industrial plant and the HPG processor.
Head toward Nav Alpha and climb on the DropShip.


Planet: Wotan
Terrain: geographic anomaly: crystalline forms
Time of Day: dawn

Standard 'Mech: Summoner D
Regular 'Mech: Summoner, Summoner
Elite 'Mech: Rifleman IIC

Primary  Objectives:
+ Inspect DropShip wreckage to download data
+ Destroy DropShip wreckage after inspection
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy units in the area
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Kappa

We have remounted the assault on Borealtown and the drop is completed. Howeve,
one of our command ships, the Hermione, crashed. It contains highly sensitive
and necessary data stores that must not fall into the hands of the enemy.
As soon as you start your 'Mech, a Gargoyle and a Stormcrow will attack you;
destroy the latter first and then go after the Gargoyle.
Now follow the Nav sequence. Nav Zeta is clear, but Nav Eta is not: a
Hellbringer and a Rifleman IIC are waiting you; in this terrain you can easily
detect them with the "target under reticle" button and pummel them from long
range while they are inactive; use this tactic on the Dire Wolf and the
Marauder IIC protecting Nav Iota (Nav Theta is clear).
After yu have reached Nav Iota, walk toward the Hermione, which can be easily
detected with the satellite uplink or by heading 135 degrees; approach the
crahsed ship, inspect it and wait that the download is complete (about 20
seconds) to destroy the DropShip. Now head to Nav Kappa to end this mission.


Planet: Port Arthur
Terrain: enclosed trial arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Summoner D
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank; if
you win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win,
will make you advance two ranks If you fell in any of the two phases, you will
lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a Summoner D, against a Stormcrow and a Mad Dog and two
Gargoyles, if you want to gain two ranks.
The best way to win this trial is to use your missiles and taking cover; if you
destroy their arms, the Gargoyles will escape as they won't have no other
weapons to fight with.


Planet: Karetah, Morge's moon
Terrain: steppe
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Mad Dog Primary
Regular 'Mech: Mad Dog
Elite 'Mech: Nova

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy the main terraformer unit core
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Nu

The battle for the Icegrief Pass rages on the surface. Alsom the enemy is
terraforming Karetah, Morges' large moon. This satellite has enough untapped
natural resources to perhaps single-handedly support the enemy war machine
indefinitely. The Keshik ordered to sabotage the main terraforming unit on the
moon's Batista Flats. We have captured a Jade Falcon Mad Dog and loaded with
the current enemy IFF Code. You will engage and destroy a 'Mech identical to
yours as it enters a jammed zone and take its  identify to sneak in the unit
This is the best mission in MW2, and probably one of the best missions I've
ever played (along with HomeWorld and Cataclysm); not for its particular
gameplay, but for the background it has. If you want, you can use the Mad Dog
to fully immerse in this climax or use an other 'Mech; the program won't care.
Engage the Mad Dog (it will always be a Mad Dog, no matter what you choose) at
Nav Lambda and proceed toward the terraform unit.
At Nav Mu there is a Hellbringer, a Stormcrow, four turrets and one DropShip.
DO NOT engage them. Move past them and head toward the Summoner protecting the
gates of the terraforming unit's perimeter. This 'Mech won't engage you, and
the gates will open.
The two enemy 'Mechs (a Nova and a Rifleman IIC) inside the perimeter will read
your IFF code, but this will prove wrong and every 'Mech in the area will move
to engage you. Now decide if you want to fight them or to run; you will always
have to destroy the Nova and the Rifleman IIC. The other 'Mechs may or may not
enter the perimeter. If you are lucky enough you'll have to face only the to
'Mechs inside. Note that these 'Mechs outside the perimeter will chase you as
you exit the perimeter, especially the Stormcrow and the Summoner.
Now proceed right and destroy the exhaust to circle the terraformer (BTW,
haven't you noticed that this unit is pretty similar to Aliens' processor? And,
on a very OT note: I recently bought Aliens DVD, where there are 17 minutes of
excluded scenes; the Italian censorship cutted them in 1986, when the movie
came out here, and only after having seen it I understand why there are
automatic guns in Aliens versus Predator and many other scenes that gives an
other meaning to the film. Italian censorship: here to destroy good movies. End
of the OT.) unit, and destroy the vent that will eventually show the inner
core. Destroy it and exit the perimeter, and head toward Nav Nu for extraction.
Rememebr that the exploding terraformer will produce an huge shockwave that
will destroy anything in this radius.


Planet: Morges
Terrain: dense urban
Time of Day: night

Standard 'Mech: Marauder IIC
Regular 'Mech: Timber Wolf
Elite 'Mech: Nova

Primary  Objectives:
+ Rendez-vous with the hoverlimousine at Nav Point Xi
+ Escort the hover limousine to the opera plex
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all enemy units in the area
+ 'Mech Hangar, Nav Point Pi

Josel Fetladral, Aide-de-Camp, is attending the opera in Broken Hope, despite
the fact that the enemy has pushed back across the Po river, retaking the
suburbs. Not only Fetladral thinks that the new line will hold, he is also
confident that his escort (you) willbe able to dispacth any interlopers within
the city. Josel Fetladral loves the opera.
The best way to complete this mission is to play it lots of times to know the
hoverlimousine path and the enemy locations. You also have to reach ALL Nav
Points, or you will have to go around the city more times than requested.
Exit from the 'Mech Hangar and head to Nav Xi. A Hellbringer will power up
behind the limousine hangar. Destroy it and follow the limousine: the onboard
computer will inform you that the limousine has been deviated.
The next threat comes from a Mad Dog and a Nova hidden inside two different
buildings. You may want to leg both 'Mechs to follow or anticipate the
A Marauder IIC will power up at the beginning of the final corridor: destroy it
immediately and move toward Nav Omicron: in this ideal cooridor 2 couple of
Falcon tanks will power up: target first the tanks one the left, and then the
ones of the right. Reach Nav Omicron, destroy all 'Mechs you legged and return
to the 'Mech hangar.


Planet: Morges
Terrain: sparse urban
Time of Day: night

Standard 'Mech: War Hawk C
Regular 'Mech: War Hawk, War Hawk(or two Marauder IICs)
Elite 'Mech: Timber Wolf

Primary  Objectives:
+ Inspect the palace complex
+ Destroy the palace complex if in use as a comm station
+ Destroy the road blocks and turrets at Nav Omega
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy all defending units
Tertiary Objectives:
+ Destroy any targets of opportunity
+ Dust-off site, Nav Point Alpha

Little remains of the Falcons. The battle of Broken Hope is over and we are
busy hunting down the stragglers. However, the enemy is by no means broken.
They are willing to fight to the death, and we do not expect nothig lees.
Intelligence suspects that the enemy is using the Held Shrine north of Broken
Hope as cover comm station, hoping to direct reinforcements and what remains of
their forces. Destroy the complex if in use as suspected. If there is a shield
around the complex, friendly Kell Hound fighters will render it inoperative.
As soon as you power up two War Hawks will engage you (and your starmates if
any). Destroy these 'Mechs and destroy the two machine gun turrets and the
three roadblocks blocking the main road for the palace complex.
A third War Hawk is behind the complex; your computer will also warn you that
the strike against the shield generator is failed, as you can see; all shots
and objects (your 'Mech) will be blocked by this shield; take care of the third
War Hawk first, and then head toward the upper left angle of the area to find
the shield generator, protected by a Timber Wolf. Destroy this 'Mech and then
go after the blue grid to disable the shield; three 'Mechs will power up isnide
the complex perimeter:
to engage them you will hava to destroy one wall section to let them exit (or
let you go in); the only 'Mech capable of going out from the complex without
destroying a wall section is the Summoner; the other two 'Mechs, a Hellbringer
and a Mad Dog, will exit only if a wall section is destroyed; you should be
able to destroy them even if they are within the perimeter, by targeting the
upper torso of the 'Mechs. After all 'Mechs are gone, inspect the center
section of the large building in the perimeter and destroy it.
Now destroy all pagodas and all six stone staues and reach Nav Alpha (Pi? the
onboard computer tells that you reached Nav Pi...) and prepare for the last


Planet: Porth Arthur
Terrain: enclosed trial arena
Time of Day: day

Standard 'Mech: Timber Wolf Primary
Regular 'Mech:  PROTOCOL XO769-Q: Keshik to determine appropriate
Elite 'Mech:    'Mech for Trial

Primary  Objectives:
+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

After you performed so well in the battles you fought, the keshik proposed a
Trial of Position. Destruction of one 'Mech will make you advance one rank; if
you win, destroy the engagement sphere to initiate phase two, and if you win,
will make you advance two ranks If you fell in any of the two phases, you will
lose all gained ranks.
You will pilot a TimberWolf Primary, against a couple of 'Mechs (a War Hawk and
a Warhammer IIC) and group of three 'Mechs (two Marauder IICs and one Warhammer
IIC), if you want to gain two ranks.
As you pilot a Timber Wolf primary, take full advantage from your twin LRM 20
to destroy the first Warhammer, and then close with the War Hawk for killing it
(it is better to leg it, or you won't have enough armor to gain your second
rank). The last group of 'mech is frightening, though one Marauder will wait
that one of the two first 'Mechs is destroyed or you fire on it. As usual, take
out the Warhammer first, by legging it. Do the same with the Marauder nd the
leg the inactive Marauder and then destroy all 'Mechs. Do not go in the plain
where these 'Mechs are, but kepp hiding behind the hills in the area where you
engaged the first couple.

Congratulations, you defeated the Jade Falcons in this Trial of Refusal, called
Refusal War of its large scale battles.

The maximum score I've ever reached is 202339 Honor Points.


With this Trial, the Warden faction of Clan Wolf fled to the Inner Sphere led
by saKhan Phelan Kell, following an order of the former ilKhan Ulric Kerensky.
Natasha Kerensky, Khan of the Wolves, and Ulric died in battle, conducting what
remained of Clan Wolf; these warriors were Crusader, but fought valiantly
against the Falcons; however the Falcon saKhan tricked the Wolves into a trap,
and the Falcons called for an Absorption of all Wolf assets; in the same year,
Vladimir, a former Wolf warrior, bitter enemy of Phelan, killed the Falcon
saKhan and earned freedom for everithing reamined of Clan Wolf; this "new" Clan
was dubbed Jade Wolf. At the beginning of 3058, Vladimir kill the former Falcon
Khan, now ilKhan, and announces the birth of a new Clan Wolf. Vladimir took the
Ward bloodname he lost in the final Bloodright battle against Phelan and became
Khan of the Crusader faction of the Clan Wolf; the Warden faction is now part
of the Arc-Royal Defense Cordon (ARDC) and shares Arc-Royal with the Kell
Hounds, Phelan's father's mercenary unit.


During Combat press CTRL, ALT and SHIFT and type:
+ BLORB: invulnerability
+ CIA: unlimited ammo
+ COLDMISER: no heat tracking
+ FLYGIRL: adds jump capacity
+ MIGHTYMOUSE: unlimited jump capacity
+ ENOLAGAY: destroys everything (including you) on the map
+ GANKEM: destroys trageted enemy
+ ICANTHACKIT: skip mission
+ DORCS: credits
+ IDKFA: lose current mission
+ MEEPMEEP: time compression key on
+ UNMEEPMEEP: time compression key off
+ ANTIJOLT: time expansion on/off
+ WALKTHISWAY: leading reticle on/off
+ ZMAK: extra time
+ TLOFRONT: rear camera as main camera
+ MICHELIN: see bounching spheres on debris and 'Mech parts
+ XRAY: you can see through objects
+ TINKERBELL: free floating external cameras
+ WEDIDITAGAIN: more credits
+ LAIRDO: message "ATTENTION ENEMIES: Don't mess with the blimp."
+ DEI: message "F E I R"
+ SH*T or F*CK: message "Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated"

When creating a new pilot, type FREEBIRTHTOAD as its name for level selection.
Colors are levels, names are Trial of Positions

To pilot the BattleMaster, the Elemental battle armor or Tarantula:
(note that this requires a basic skill in handling files. Me, any authorized
site showing this FAQ, Activision and whoever else won't answer to damage done
by you.) In the Trial of Grievance menu change your Star Config name in:
+ Enzo (with capital E and normal letters) to add the Battlemaster between the
Tarantula and the Firemoth
+ Calvin to add the Elemental between the Dire Wolf and the Firemoth
+ Hobbes to add the Elemental and the Firemoth

If this doesn't work, modify the file MW2.PRJ with a exadecimal editor; Lines
to be modified are: byte offset 3206200 from 0X0B to 0x11 and byte offset
3206752 from 0x0B to 0x11. The modify the file MW2SHELL.EXE: search string
"btllmstr" and replace it with "bttlmstr". You may want to try changing byte
offset 537782 as described above. To costumize these 'Mechs, you have to use
them first in one mission.

There are Easter Eggs in the game: go to the Archive Holoprojectors (both
Clans) and click periods after heading numbers.


First credit? To Fasa for having created the whole BattleTech universe. Then to
me, Briareos Kerensky (Zone ID: briareos_CWE) and to all site showing this FAQ
with my permission; visit them at:
1) WolfArt (; it's my site.
Visit it and leave your sign on the guestbook, this will make me very happy)
2) GameFAQs (
3) Neoseeker (
4) The Cheat Empire (
5) Video Games Strategies (
6) Sjel's Walkthrough Page (
7) Cheat City (
8) Free Games ( or, translated in Italian and
9) Game's Over (
10) IGN FAQs (
an everyone who helped with this document.
Special thanks to:
all italian BT/MW players; all programs I used to do this FAQ; Dark Wolf
([email protected]) for having sent me the material for the cheat section; my
turtle and my dog (he's not died yet); my PC (asking every time to kill him
when I push any of its buttons); Dynamic Italia for having published
Evangelion's 10th Genesis and other tapes I and the italian otaku community
were waiting for; all soundtracks that accompained me during this long work
(nominally: all Eva OSTs, Cowboy Bebop OST, and everythign from Beethoven,
Back, Pachelbel, Wagner, Saint Saen, Orff and everyone I forgot); my still
trasparent and bodyless girlfriend.
To ask permission to post this document, just send a mail writing down the URL.
To contact me, write at [email protected]; ICQ UIN is 40534369; Odigo ID
is 264286. Write only about this FAQ or if you have a cute
(female)friend/sister to introduce.

Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2000/2001. Reproduction  and translation of
this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is
strictly forbidden.
All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.

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