Date: Thu, 21 October 1999 03:16:00

       ______    ______    ______    __    ______    ______    _    _    ______
      /      \  /      \  /      \  /  \  /      \  /      \  / \  / \  /      \
     /       / /     __/ /    ___/ /   / /  /\   / /     __/ /   \/  /  \_   _ /
    /     __/ /      \   \   \    /   / /  / /  / /      \  /       /    /  /
   /  __  \  /     __/  __\   \  /   / /  / /  / /     __/ /       /    /  /
  /  /  / / /      \  /       / /   / /  /_/  / /      \  /  /\   /    /  /
  \_/  /_/  \______/  \______/  \__/  \______/  \______/  \_/  \_/     \_/

                  ______    __  __    __    __         ______
                 /      \  /  \/  \  /  \  /  \       /      \
                /     __/ /       / /   / /   /       \___    \
               /      \   \      / /   / /   /            /   /
              /     __/    \    / /   / /   /_           /   /__
             /      \       \  / /   / /      \          \       \
             \______/        \/  \__/  \______/           \______/


                    RESIDENT EVIL 2 WALKTHROUGH v0.1 (US VERSION)
                              for Sony Playstation
                                by Stinger 3:16
                             [email protected]

This  FAQ  is  for  private  and  personal  use.  It  can  only  be   reproduced
electronically,  and if placed on a web page or site,  may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.  This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use
this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some
part or whole part of this walkthrough  and  put your names on it.  I don't made
this walkthrough for some damn plagiarist  put their names on it. I work hard on
making this walkthrough, so please don't rip-off my work.
Resident Evil 2 is (c) Capcom and (c) Sony Entertainment.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

02.  B A S I C  M O V E S

03.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

04.  W A L K T H R O U G H

05.  M A P S
     * MAP #01 : CITY AREA
     * MAP #02 : POLICE STATION 1F
     * MAP #03 : POLICE STATION 2F
     * MAP #04 : POLICE STATION 3F
     * MAP #05 : POLICE STATION B1
     * MAP #07 : SEWER B1
     * MAP #08 : SEWER B2
     * MAP #09 : VACANT FACTORY B1
     * MAP #10 : VACANT FACTORY 1F
     * MAP #11 : LABORATORY B4
     * MAP #12 : LABORATORY B5
     * MAP #13 : TRANSPORT

06.  E N D I N G S

07.  W E A P O N  L I S T

08.  I T E M  L I S T

09.  F I L E S

10.  L O S T  A N D  F O U N D

11.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

12.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

13.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

14.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

15.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

VERSION 0.1 (21 October 1999)
First release. This walkthrough is FAR from complete,  only walkthrough for Leon
Scenario A has been complete,  so right now please don't mail me about this game
(info, question, etc).

02.  B A S I C  M O V E S

  Up           Move forward
  Down         Move backward
  Right        Turn right
  Left         Turn left
  X            Action/Shoot (while holding R1)
  Square       Run (while holding forward)
  Circle       Open Character Menu
  Triangle     Cancel
  R1           Aim
  Start        Pause
  Select       Game Option

03.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

Just like  the previous series  of Resident Evil, you need an ink ribbon to save
your progress.  One  ink ribbon  for one save.  You  can  find  the  ink  ribbon
scattered  on the city of Raccoon,  usually  near a typewriter.  So, think first
before you save your progress  because maybe when you must save,  you don't have
ink ribbon anymore.

04.  W A L K T H R O U G H

You're now in the city area. There are many zombies here so don't waste you ammo
to kill  those damn thing.  Just  run  to the other side  and enter the gunshop.
Inside the shop,  there will be a scene. Exit through the south door.  You're in
an alley.  Move forward a little bit, and you will hear a shattered window sound
and a screaming.  If  you re-enter the shop,  you  will find that the shop owner
now  is a dinner for the zombies.  You can take  his weapon if you want.  In the
alley,  follow the path  until you see a court and some zombies inside. Continue
walks South, and the fence will open.  You must get past those zombies and enter
the court and enter the West door. Again, follow the path and ascend the stairs.
On the other end, descend the stairs. Hop into the garbage trash. There are many
zombies here. You can run and avoid them or you can kill them.  If you choose to
kill  them,  using  a knife  is  not  a bad idea  but  it will take a long time. 
Whatever you want to do,  now enter the South door. There are some zombies here,
they are eating so don't disturb them.  Never,  ever disturb a zombie while they
eat. Just run East and enter the bus. Inside the bus, there are two zombies. You
must kill them.  Exit  from  the bus through the other door.  Many, many zombies
here.  Avoid if you can,  or just slaughter them. E ner the North door.  You are
near  to the Police Station.  Walk forward  and if you don't take anything along
the way,  you will see Brad,  but unfortunately he's not Brad anymore. He's just
a damn zombie,  so kill him. After he's dead  check his body to take the Special
Key / Locker Key. After that continue the path. Then enter the Police Station.

You're in the Hall. Enter Room 1. A scene will occur. You will receive Blue Card
Key. Go to the computer on the Hall. Use the computer. This will unlock the Hall
side doors.  Now  go to  Room 2.  Six zombies  in this room.  Go to Room 3. Four
zombies in this room.  Enter Room 4.  Take the Small Key. Now go to Room 5. Five
zombies  in  this  room.  There's a safe in this room.  Open it. The combination
number is 2236. Take the Shotgun Shells and the Police Station Map.

Go back  to the Hall.  Go to  Room 6.  Open the desk in the corner of this room.
Take  the Spray  if you want.  Now enter Room 7. Follow the path until you see a
FMV.  Kill  that bastard  that  called  "Licker". Enter Room 8. Enter Room 9. No
zombies here. Go to the back room. Use lighter on the painting.  Take the Virgin
Heart.  Enter  Room 10.  4 zombies in this room.  Enter  the Dark Room.  Use the
Locker Key  to open  the locker.  Inside the locker,  there's two outfit you can
use.  Exit and go upstairs. You're now in Room 11. Follow the path until you see
3 statue.
                              ______  ______  ______ 
                             |gray  ||center||brown |          /|\
                             |statue||statue||statue|           | N

Now, take notice where are both statues looking at. You should see a brown tiles
on the floor. There are where you must move those statues.  But, if you read the
note on the center statue, which read "The god of sun and the god of moon. Their
gaze upon me is the only thing that can release the red soul".  So,  here's what
you must do.
                    |         ______  ______  __|___ 
                    |        |gray  ||center||brown |
                   \|/       |statue||statue||statue|      /|\
                             |______||______||______|       |

If you done correctly, the Virgin Heart will drop. Take it. Now enter Room 12. 3
zombies here.  Enter the S.T.A.R.S. Office. Walks forward and take Chris' Diary.
You will also receive  the Unicorn Medal.  Claire will enter the room. After the
scene, open the safe and take the Shotgun. Exit from this room.

Go back to the Hall.  Use the Unicorn Medal  on the statue on the center of this
room.  Take the Spade Key.  Now enter Room 13. Go to the other end of this room.
Push the ladder.  Ascend it. Take the Square Crank. Go back to the second floor.
Enter Room 14.  Four zombies. Enter Room 15. Ascend the stairs. Follow the path.
After you fall,  check the bronze plate on your right. Now walk forward and push
the red switch. Go back to Room 15. Right now, the shelf will have a red light.

                           ___     ___     ___     ___
                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                          | 1 |   | 2 |   | 3 |   | 4 |
                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                          |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|

1. Push the switch on shelf #1 and move it to the right
2. Push the switch on shelf #2 and move it to the right

Go back to the bronze plate.  Take the Bishop Plug. Exit to Room 16. There are 4
zombies  in this room.  Two  on each side. In the center of the path, there's an
emergency ladder.  Push  the emergency ladder.  Now enter the Waiting Room. Take
the Small Key.  Enter Room 17.  Two zombies here. Enter Room 18. Unlock the East
door.  Then run  to the other end  and open the door.  You're now  on  Room  19.
Descend the stairs.  Four zombies  down here.  Enter the door  in the other end.
Take the Valve Handle. Don't open the door unless you want to kick some zombies'

Go back to Room 19. Near the door, you should see a passageway. Go there and use
the Valve Handle.  That should put off the fire.  Go back to Room 17. Enter Room
20.  Use Virgin Heart on a woman relief.  After you put both jewel, the statue's
chest will open.  Take the King Plug. Then take the Diamond Key on your left. Go
back to Room 15. Ascend the stairs and enter Room 21. From there, go to Room 22.
In the North wall  of this room,  there's a square hole.  Use  the Square Crank.
Right now, there's nothing you can do in this room.

Go to Room 23.  Take the cord.  And take the Rook Plug on the shelf. When you're
trying to exit,  a Licker will shatter the window.  Kill it of just escape. Back
to Room 7.  Use the cord on the circuit box.  Now go to Room 10.  Enter Room 24.
Six zombies in this room.  Open the other door. You're back on Room 1. Enter the
small room.  You will see the black cop  turned into zombie  (Nice scene).  Kill
that poor bastard. Take the Heart Key.

Go to Room 25. Descend the stairs on the end of this room. You're now in Room 26
and there are 3 cereberus in this room.  Enter Room 27.  Take the B1 map. On the
North wall, there's a circuit box. Activate it. The combination is Up, Down, Up,
Up, Down.  Exit this room. Enter the Parking Area. Move forward and you will see
a scene that introduce Ada Wong. After the scene, push the truck. Enter Room 28.
Scene.  Enter Room 29.  After the scene, take the Manhole Opener. Go to Room 30.
Use the manhole opener on the lid. Descend the ladder.

You're in the Sewage Disposal. There are 2 spiders in this room. Go to the other
end. Ascend the stairs. You're now in Room 31. Enter Room 32. Across the bridge.
Hey,  if the e-mail address on the top of this faq isn't [email protected]
and the name of the author isn't Stinger 3:16, then, this is a faq that has been
plagiarized.  So  please  send  his  name  and  email  address  to  Stinger 3:16
([email protected]).  Now  you can continue reading this walkthrough.  You
will see  a door  and a panel on its right side. Use the King Plug on the panel.
Then use the Rock Plug, and the Bishop Plug. Exit from this room. Another scene.
You will meet with Ada.

Right now, you control Ada.  Exit from this room.  You're now in Room 33.  There
are two cereberus in this room.  Enter Room 34. Take the Sewage Disposal map. Go
down. Here's another puzzle.  What you must do is  to align  those crates so you
can across to the other side.

                     |1st    |
                     |   |   |                              /|\
                     |  \|/  |                               | N
                                        |3rd    |
                                        |   |   |
                                        |  \|/  |
                                    |2nd    |
                                    | /___  |
                                    | \     |

Go back up and activate the panel.  Across the crates and take the Club Key.  Go
back to Room 31.  There  will be  some more  scene. Now, you control Leon again.
Take the Club Key.  Go back to Room 26.  There's two licker in this room.  Enter
the Autopsy Room.  Take the Red Card Key on the shelf.  After you take the card,
all the corpse start to attacking you. Kill 'em all.

Now  enter  the Arms Storage / Weapon Storage  (use the Red Card Key on the card
reader).  Open the locker. You can take either the Machine Gun or the side pack.
Exit. Go to Room 36. Take the Film on the table. On the North wall of this room,
there are 3 statues  (from left to right) 11, 12, and 13.  On  the left side  of
statue 11,  there are some kind of furnace. Use your lighter. If you examine the
painting on the South wall, which read "Light the queen, the king and the jack..
then the carriage will start running".  If you're a card player,  then  you will
know that Jack is 11, Queen is 12, and King is 13.  So turn the faucet on statue
12, statue 13, and statue 11. take the G. Cogwheel.

Go back to Room 22. Ascend the stairs and use the G. Cogwheel on the wheel thing
then take the Knight Plug. Go down the ventilation. Another scene. Enter Room 29
and a scene will occur.  Go back to Room 32.  Ah hah, a new enemy.  Dispose that
creature.  Now use the Knight Plug.  Enter Room 37.  Scene. Enter Room 38. Go to
the Control Room 2. Use the elevator. Scene.

Now you control Ada again. Take the Sewer map. Enter Room 40. Walk left a little
and you will see a ladder. Ascend it. Quickly run forward and descend the ladder
to  trigger  another scene.  You're in Room 41.  Across the bridge  and down the
ladder. The control back to Leon.

Enter Room 40.  Go South  and take the Wolf Medal on the corpse.  Enter Room 41.
There are 2 spiders in this room. Enter the South door. You're now in the  Water
Pool. Use the valve handle to lower the bridge. Across the bridge and again, use
the valve handle to raise the bridge.  Enter  Room 42.  Follow the path. Another
scene. On the East wall, there is a gas cylinder. Release it. When the alligator
eat the cylinder,  the shoot it.  BOOM, the alligator is history. Enter Room 43.
Go across and meet Ada. Scene.

You're now in  Room 41.  Across  the bridge and go to your left.  Take the Eagle
Medal. Go back to Room 41.  Near the waterfall there is a panel. Use  Wolf Medal
and Eagle Medal.  Enter Room 44.  Enter Room 45.  Turn on  the power for the sky
tram. Enter the sky tram. Scene again. Shoot that filthy hand.

Exit  from the tram.  You're in  Room 46.  Enter Room 47. There are 4 zombies in
this room.  Turn left at the conjuction.  Ascend the ladder.  You're now  in the
Factory. Enter Room 49. Enter the train. Inside the train walks forward and take
the C. Panel Key. Go back outside. Use the key on the panel. Another scene.

Go outside  and fight the boss.  After you defeated that scum,  go back  inside.
Scene.  You're now  in the Security Room. Go outside. Enter Room 50. Continue to
Room 51.  Enter Room 52.  Activate the computer.  Go to Room 53.  Enter Room 54.
Take the Fuse Case. Use the Fuse Case on the computer. You will get Main Fuse.

Go back to Room 50. Use the Main Fuse on the machine in the center of this room.
go back to Room 52. Use lighter on oil near the plant.  Enter the shaft.  You're
now in Room 55. Two creatures in this room. Go back to Room 51. Open the shutter
and inside there are two creatures. Enter Room 56. Descend the ladder.

Enter Room 57. Three creatures here. Enter the Monitor Room. Take the Laboratory
Map. Enter Room 58.  Enter Room 59. Five zombies in this room. Take the Lab Card
Key on the table.  Enter Room 60.  There is one giant bug in this room.  Operate
the computer on the end of this room. The user name is GUEST.

Go back to B4.  Enter Room 61.  Five zombies.  Push the red switch.  Take the MO
disk . Exit from this room and a scene will take over. You will receive G-virus.
Exit to Room 50. Scene.

Now  go back  to B5.  Enter  Room 57.  Five zombies here. Use the MO disk on the
panel  near  the East door. Enter Room 62.  Enter Room 63.  Walk forward and the
countdown will begin.  Continue walk forward and activate the elevator. You must
fight  this creature  for the last time.  After you kill that bastard, enter the
elevator. Just follow the path and you will see the ending FMV. THE END.

05.  M A P S

                       M A P  # 0 1  :  C I T Y  A R E A
                            |                   |
                            |                   |
                            |    _______________|
                            |   |
                            |   |
                            |   |
                            |   |
                            |   |
                            |   |
                            |   |
                     _______|   |
                    |     |     |
                    |Gun   \    |
                    |Shop |     |
                    |          |
                  __|______    |
                 |  |      |   |
      ______     |_  \      \  |
     |      |_     ||______|   |
     |       _|    ||      |   |
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     |   |  |      ||      |   |
     |   |  |      ||      |   |                               _/_
     |   |  |      ||      |   |              ________________|   |________
     |   |  |______||      |   |             |                             |
     |   |__________|      |   |             |                             |
     |   |                 |   |             |                             |
     |_/_|_________________|___|_____________|__/_                         |
      |               |     Bus       |           |\                       |
      |               |_/___________/_|           | \______________________|
      |                   |       |               |
      |___________________|       |_______________|

               M A P  # 0 2  :  P O L I C E  S T A T I O N  1 F
  __________________     _________
 |   ____    ____   |   |         |
 |8 |    |/_|    |  |   |   10    |                      _______________________
 |  |            |  |   |         |                     |     \  ____ 3 |       |
 |  |            |  |___|   ____/_|                  ___|    |  |    |  |_/__   |
 |  |            |       \ |      |                 |        |  |    |  |    |  |
 |  |     9      |______|  | Dark |_________________|   23   |  |    |  |    |  |
 |  |__        __|      |  | Room |                 |________|  |    |  |    |  |
 |     |      |     24   \ |      |                 |        |  |    |  |    |  |
 |__/__|      |___/_____|__|______|                 |   4    |  |    |  |    |  |
 |     |      |                 |_                  |         \ |    |  |    |  |
 |     |      |      1            |                 |________|  |    |  |    |  |
 |     |______|                   |                 |        |   \   |  |____|  |
 |     |      |        ___________|      Hall       |   2    |__|____|_/|    25 |
 |      \ 13  |       |          _|                 |      _____________|_/_____|
 |     |      |       |         |                   |     |                |
 |  7  |______|_______|    6     \                  |     |                |
 |                     \        |_                  |__    \      5        |
 |____________________|___________|                    |  |                |____
                                  |                     \ |                 \   |

            M A P  # 0 3  :  P O L I C E  S T A T I O N  2 F
                     |      |__________________                  _______________
                     |      |  ______  ______  |                |               |
     ________________|      | |      \/      | |                |               |
    |           11          | |              | |                |    19        _|
  __|       ________________| |              | |                |         ____|
 |   \     | |              | |              | |                |         \   |
 |  |______| |             _| |              | |         _______|__      |_   |
 |  | S O  | |     15      \ 16\            /  |        | 17       |       |  |
 |12| T f  | |            |_   /            \  |        |   _____/_|_______|  |
 |   \A f  | |              | |              | |        |  |       |   _______|
 |  | R i  | |_____/________| |              | |________|  |   20  |  |
 |  | S c  | 14  ____|      | |              | |_ Waiting\ |       |18|_______
 |  |___e__|    |           |  \            /   _|Room  |  |_______|   \      |
 |__________\___|           |___\          /___|________|___\_________|_______|

             M A P  # 0 4  :  P O L I C E  S T A T I O N  3 F
                          ___________| |
                         |_________   \|
                                   | | |
                                   | | |
                                   | | |
                              _____| | |
                             |_______| |
                               |     | |
                               | 22   \|
                               |     |_|

              M A P  # 0 5  :  P O L I C E  S T A T I O N  B 1
                                                                 _________|_____   |
                              ________                          |         |  ___|  |
                    _________|        |                         |         | |   |  |
                   |         |        |                         |         | |   |  |
                   |    30   |        |                     ____|   27    | |   |  |
                   |         |        |_________________   |Arms|         | |   |  |
 __________________|_/_      |                          |  |Str |         |2|   |_/|
|                      |     |                          |  |_/__|____/____|6|___|  |
|_/________________    |     |                          |  |  ________________/____|
|   \    |         |   |_____|          Parking         |  | |              |    |
|29|_____|         | 28       \          Area           |__| |              |    |
|   \    |         |_________|                           __\_|              |____|
|__|_____|                   |                          |
                             |                          |

               M A P  # 0 6  :  S E W A G E  D I S P O S A L
               ___________        ______________
              |           |      |              |
              |     37    |_/_   |     34       |
              |               |  |              |
              |____    ____|                 |  |
              |    |32|    |_________________|  |
              |____|  |____|         33         |
              |_/__________|   ______________   |
              | 31   |      \ |              |  |__________
         _____|   ___|_____|__|______________|__________ \ |
        |Store|  |                                      |  |
        |Room |  |                                      |  |
        |_____|  |                                      |  |_________
              |  |                                      |__|______   |
              |/_|                                            |   |  |
              |  |                                            |    \ |
       _______|  |                                            |___|  |
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      |   _______|                                                |/_|
      |  |
      |  |
      |  |
      |  |
      |  |____

                       M A P  # 0 7  :  S E W E R  B 1
                                                 |        |
                                                 |Control |
                                                _|Room 2  |__
                                               |_      _/_|  |
                                                 |    |   38 |
         _________________                       |____|___   |
        |                 |                               |  |
        |                 |                               |  |
        |                 |                               |  |
        |      41         |                               |  |
        |                 |                               |_/|
      __|                 |
     |________     _______|
        ______|   |________________

                     M A P  # 0 8  :  S E W E R  B 2
       |           ____/__|
       | 45  __   |__
       |    |  |_____|
       |    |                                                    ____________
       |__/_|                                                   |            |
        |  |                                                   _|            |
        |  |                                                  |_             |
        |  |            ____________________________________    |            |
        |44|___________|                    |               |   |      ______|
        |______________|      41             \      40      |   |__   |
                       |___      ___________|_______    ____|   |  |__|
                     ______|_/__|_______            |  |        |  |
                    |                   |           |  |        |  |
                    |   Water Pool      |           |  |________|  |
    ________________|                   |           |   __|_____ 39|
   |     ______|________________________|           |  |        |  |
   |    /                                           |  |        |  |
   |   |            ___                             |  |__      |  |
   |   |           |   |                            |_____|     |  |
   |42 |           |   |____                                    |__|
   |   |           |        |
   |   |           |   43   |
   |   |           |        |
   |    \__________|_/______|
   |                   |

             M A P  # 0 9  :  V A C A N T  F A C T O R Y  B 1
               ___________          |  _____|   _
              |      46   |         | |        | |
              |__/____    |         | |        | |
              |       |   |_________|4|        |4|       _
              |_______|____\________ 7|        |8|      | |
                                    | |        | |______| |
                                    | |        |__   _____|
                                    | |           | |
                                    | |___________| |

             M A P  # 1 0  :  V A C A N T  F A C T O R Y  1 F
                                   /             \
                                  /               \
                    _____________/                 \
                   |                               |
                   |                    49         |
                   |______/______                  |
                      |Factory|  \                 /
                      |_______|   \               /

                M A P  # 1 1  :  L A B O R A T O R Y  B 4
                            ______      ________
                           |Sec   |    /        \
                           |Room  |   /          \
                           |     _|__/            \
                     ______|____|  |              |
                     \             |              |
                    |___________   |__            |
                                |  |  \           /
                              __|/_|__ \         /
                             /  |  |  \ \_______/
                            /   |  |   \
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                          /     |  |     \
                         /      |  |      \
                        /       |  |       \
            ______     |        |__|        |
           |      |__  |        /  \        |
           |  52     | |       | 50 |       |
           |         | |       /\__/\       |  _______
           |__/__/___| |      / /  \ \      | |       |
          _|    \ |     \    / /    \ \    /  |54  ___|
         |      | |      \  / /      \ \  /   |___\ |
         |  55  | |       \/ /        \ \/       / /
         |______|\ \      /\/          \/\      / /
                  \ \    / /\          /\ \    / /
                   \5\  / /  \________/  \5\  / /
                    \1\/ /   ___ _____    \3\/ /
                     \  /   |   |     |    \  \_________
                      \/\   |   |     |    /\/|         |
                       \ \  |_  |     |   / / |         |
                        \ \_|5| |     |__/ /  |   61    |
                         \__\6| |     \___/___|         |
                            |_| |             |_________|
                            |   |             |

                M A P  #  1 2  :  L A B O R A T O R Y  B 5
          |  |              |
          |   \    60       |
          |  |              |
          |  |______________|     __________
          |  |                   / Monitor  \
          |  |__________________/ Room__     \
          |        58          |     /  \     |
          |   _________________|_____|__/     |
          |  |_________________      |       /
          |  |    |            \     |      /                ____
          |   \   |             \    |_/___/           _____|    |_____
          |  |____|              \   |  |             |   __      __   |
          |  |    |               \  |  |             |  |  |    |  |  |
          |  |    |     59        |  |  |             |  |  | 63 |  |  |
          |__|    |               |  |  |             |  |  |    |  |  |
             |    |               |  |  |             |  |__|    |__|  |
             |____|_______________|__|  |_____________|___/____________|
                               |     |      \     62        |
                               |___  | 57  |________________|
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                            |   \  |    |  |
                            |  |___|    |  |
                            |  |        |  |
                            |  |________|  |

                   M A P  # 1 3  :  T R A N S P O R T
                           |        |____
                           |             |
                           |_________    |
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                                     |   |
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                                     |   |
                     ________________|   |___
                    |                        |


/ or \     =  Door
Red Area   =  your current area
Blue Area  =  Area you have explore
Blank Area =  Area you haven't explore

06.  E N D I N G S

07.  W E A P O N  L I S T

|                   |                                                          |
|  Knife            |  A combat knife. It could come in handy...               |
|  Hand Gun         |  H&K VP70. Manufactured by H&K, Germany. It uses 9mm     |
|                   |  parabellum rounds.                                      |
|  Shotgun          |  Remington M1100-P. It uses 12 gauge rounds. Smaller     |
|                   |  than a standard M1100, as its barrel is cut.            |
|  Hand Gun Parts   |  They look like parts for a gun.                         |
|  Magnum           |  Desert Eagle 50 A.E. A high caliber magnum pistol. It   |
|                   |  uses powerful DOT50 A.E rounds. By IMI, Israel.         |
|  S. Machine Gun   |  MAC11. Manufactured by Military Armament CORP. It uses  |
|                   |  DOT380 rounds.                                          |
|  Custom Hand Gun  |  H&K VP70 Burst. VP70 with a stock holster. Capable      |
|                   |  of firing three round auto bursts.                      |

08.  I T E M  L I S T

|                  |                                                           |
| Locker Key       |  There must be an unopened locker somewhere.              |
| Blue Card Key    |  A plastic card. It reads : Hall electronic lock.         |
| Small Key        |  It looks like the key to a desk.                         |
| Virgin Heart     |  A blood-red jewel about the size of a fist.              |
| Unicorn Medal    |  Something is engraved on the back. "Please guide me to   |
|                  |  the beautiful maiden who turned into stone as she waited |
|                  |  for me".                                                 |
| Spade Key        |  It's in the shape of a spade.                            |
| Square Crank     |  The end is square-shaped.                                |
| Bishop Plug      |  A plug of some sort in the shape of a bishop.            |
| Valve Handle     |  I can open / close the valves with this.                 |
| King Plug        |  A plug of some sort in the shape of king.                |
| Diamond Key      |  It's in the shape of a diamond.                          |
| Cord             |  A cord to connect wires on small electric devices.       |
| Rook Plug        |  A plug of some sort in the shape of a rook.              |
| Heart Key        |  It's in the shape of a heart.                            |
| Manhole Opener   |  A tool to open the manhole lid.                          |
| Club Key         |  It's in the shape of a club.                             |
| Red Card Key     |  A plastic card. It reads : Weapon Storage.               |
| G. Cogwheel      |  It's gold-plated. It looks like a large clock cog.       |
| Knight Plug      |  A plug of some sort in the shape of a knight.            |
| Wolf Medal       |  A wolf is etched.                                        |
| Eagle Medal      |  An eagle is etched.                                      |
| C. Panel Key     |  A control panel key. The letter "D" is etched.           |
| Fuse Case        |  A case for industrial fuses. It's been designed for      |
|                  |  superconductor fuses.                                    |
| Main Fuse        |  I can restore the power to the lab with this.            |
| Lab Card Key     |  It looks like a card key for lab access.                 |
| MO disk          |  The label says "For Cargo Room verification.             |
| G-virus          |  A purple object in a gel-like state.                     |

09.  F I L E S

    This  letter  is  just  to  inform  everyone  about  the  recent movement of
    equipment that has happened during the precinct's rearrangement.
    The safe with  four digit lock  has been moved from the S.T.A.R.S. office on
    the second floor, to the eastern office on the first floor.
    Raccoon Police Liaison Dept.

                               -Operation Report-
                                                                  September 26th
    The Raccoon Police Dept was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been
    injured.  Even more were  killed.  During  the  attack,  our  communications
    equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside.
    We have  decides  to carry out  an operation with the intent of rescuing any
    possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond
    Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows :
    Security of armaments and ammunition.
    Chief Irons has voiced  concern  regarding  the issue  of terrorism due to a
    series of recent  unresolved incidents.  On the very day before the zombies'
    attack, he made the decision  to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals
    throughout the building  as a  temporary measure  to prevent  their possible
    seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult for us
    to locate all ammunition caches.  It has become our top priority  to recover
    these scattered ammunitions.
    To unlock the weapon storage.
    As  stated  earlier, it  will  be  extremely  difficult  to  secure  all the
    ammunition.  However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground
    weapon storage.  Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to
    access the weapon storage is missing  and we have been unable  to locate the
    key.One of the breakers went down during the battle and the electronic locks
    are not functioning in certain areas.It has become a top priority to restore
    the power in the power room and secure those locks.
                                                           Recorder : David Ford

                               -Operation Report-
                                                                  September 27th
    1:00 PM.  The west barricard has been  broken through  and  another exchange
    ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor
    temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle.
                                                           Recorder : David Ford

                               -Additional Report-
    Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as
    of yet unknown creature. This creature  is identified by missing patches  of
    skin  and  razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing characterictic
    is its lance-like tongue,  capable of  piercing a human torso in an instant.
    Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown.  We  have tentavely
    named this  creature  the  "licker"  and  are  currently  in  the process of
    developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat.

    August 8th
    I talked  to the chief today  once again,  but he refused to listen to me. I
    know  for certain  that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion.
    Anyone infected  turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that
    explosion; along with  any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so
    many people in town, no one  is willing to talk about the incident. It looks
    like I'm running out of options.
    August 17th
    We've been receiving a lot of local reports about strange monsters appearing
    at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella.
    August 24th
    With the help of Jill and Barry,I finally obtained information vital to this
    case.  Umbrella has begun research  on the new G-virus,  a variation  of the
    original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?!
    We talked it over,and have decides to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe.
    I won't tell  my sister  about this trip  because doing so  could put her in
    Please forgive me Claire.

                                 -Patrol Report-
                                                          September 20th 9:30 PM
                                                    Reporter : Sgt. Neil Carlsen
    We  received  a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers
    in  the outskirts  of Raccoon City.  I  searched the area  and  located  the
    individual but he ran away before I was able to question him.
    I recovered the following items :
    * A small amount of C4 plastic explosive.
    * An electronic detonator.
    * 9 X 19 parabellum rounds.
    * Infrared scope [broken].
                                                                   End of report

    April 6th
    I accidentally  moved  one of the stone statues  on the second floor  when I
    leaned against it.When the shief found out about it, he was furious. I swear
    the guy nearly  bit my head off , screaming at me  never to touch the statue
    again. If it's so important,  then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the
    open like that...
    April 7th
    I heard that  all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items,
    literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't know  which is the
    bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the
    money to pay for them.
    May 10th
    I wasn't  surprised  to see  the chief  come in today with yet another large
    picture frame in his hands.  This time it was  a really  disturbing painting
    depicting a nude person being hanged.  It was appalled  by the expression on
    the chief's face as he leered at that painting.  Why  anyone  would consider
    something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension...

    August 11th
    I finally  had the chance  to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but
    it did  little  to  lift my spirits.  I  was  reprimanded  by the chief  for
    neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower.
    There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more
    concerned about the fact  that I was up on the tower  rather than that I was
    neglecting my duties.
    Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway?
    September 5th
    I  recently  talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His
    name is Thomas.  He's  a quiet man  and really seems to enjoy chess. He even
    went so far  as to design  a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces
    on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard.
    We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good
    he is. One thing  that's been bothering me  about him  is  the way that he's
    always scratching himself... Does he have some sort of skin decease or he is
    just rude?
    September 9th
    Thomas  was  a much  better player  than  I had imagined. I used to think of
    myself as a fairly decent players, but he did a pretty good job  of humbling
    me. About the only thing  I imagine that could match his skills  in chess is
    his  appetite.  All  the guy did  was  talk about food throughout the entire
    He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right...
    I wonder if he's okay.
    September 12th
    I  was  supposed  to  play another game of chess  with Thomas, but we had to
    cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well.
    He  stopped by  to see me,  but  I told him  to go back  and  rest  since he
    literaly  looked like  the walking dead.  He insisted that he was just fine,
    but I could tell  he  was  really  having problems.  Come  to think of it, I
    haven't been feeling too good myself lately...

07. FILM B
    Pictured  in front  of the Arukas tailor. Regressed into a zombie within two
    Subject  repeatedly  complained  about  severe agitation of the epidermis in
    addition  to  feelings  of  nausea.  This happened  up to the moment he lost
                                                           Picture by R. Lambert

    To : Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.
    We have  lost  the mansion lab facility  due  to the actions of the renegade
    operative, Albert Wesker.
    Fortunately,  his  interference  will  have  no  lasting  effects  upon  our
    continued virus research.
    Our  only  present  concern  is  the presence  of  the  remaining S.T.A.R.S.
    members : Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers.
    If  it  comes  to  light  that  the  S.T.A.R.S.  have any evidence as to the
    activities  of our research,  dispose of them  in such a manner  that  would
    appear to be purely accidental.
    Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not
    go public.
    Annette will continue to be your contact throughout this affair.
                                                                  William Birkin
    To : Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.
    I  have  deposited the amount of US $10.000 to the account for your services
    this term as per our agreement.
    The  development  of  the  G-virus scheduled to replace the T-virus, is near
    completion.  Once  complete,  I am  certain that I will be appointed to be a
    member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc.
    It  is  imperative  that  we  proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the
    remaining  S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on
    the project.  Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to
    investigate the underground research facilities.
                                                                  William Birkin
    To : Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.
    We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ
    has sent  spies  to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown
    number of agents involved.  They  must not  be allowed  to take this project
    away from me as it represents my entire life's work.
    Search  the  city  thoroughly  for  any suspicious persons.  Detain any such
    individuals  by whatever means deemed necessary  and  contact me immediately
    through  Annette.  With  these precautions,  any  possible  threat should be
    I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. Not even Umbrella..
                                                                  William Birkin

                      -User List of the Connecting Facility-
    On the first and third Wednesdays of the month,  Angelica Margaret, chief of
    maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture
    levels in the facility by activating the fan,  as  the equipment she will be
    using is suspectible to the effects of water vapors.
    On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the
    facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile.
    Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport.
    On the 6th and 16th of every month,  police chief Brian Irons will visit the
    facility to attend the regular meetings that take place in the lab.
    On the  fourth Friday  of every other month,  William Birkin  will  use  the
    facility  to conduct  a training seminar  for the Chicago branch of Umbrella
    Inc.  As  the probability  of an attack  upon Dr. Birkin  will be high, take
    every measure  conceivable  to guard his life.  You  will be informed of all
    other potential  visitors  and  the times  they will arrive as needed. Guide
    these  individuals  to  their destination safely.  We expect nothing but the
    best from you.
                                                           Charles Coleman
                                                           Secretary Chief
                                                           Umbrella Headquarters

    June 28th
    It's been a while,  but  I saw Don today  and we talked after completing our
    work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday.
    It  really  doesn't  come  as much of a surprise  given  how long  he's been
    working here.
    He  was  sweating  like a horse  and  kept scratching his body while we were
    talking. I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong
    with him anyway?
    July 7th
    Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately.  I don't know what
    he's doing over there  but he always looks grim.  The expression on his face
    has been even more unsettling than usual...
    My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief
    has  my  sympathies  though.  After  all  he's done for the town, he doesn't
    deserve this.
    July 21st
    I  rarely  drink  because  I'm on the graveyard shift, but I don't suppose I
    have much to complain about since this is how I make my living.
    August 16th
    Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tried
    to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and
    threatened to shoot me!  I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have
    some serious problems.  He knows  he can't enter the lab without my help and
    my medal. This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!?
    August 21st
    William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation
    on Umbrella's affairs.  He said that the investigation  will be citywide and
    that there is a possibility they'll even search through the sewers. He asked
    me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation
    has concluded.  The sewer  will  still  be used for passage, but he stressed
    that  I  have to be extremely cautions  and  that  I'd lose my job if anyone
    finds out about this operation.

                    -Security measures in case of an emergency-
    In the instance  of an uncontainable  biohazardous  breakout,  all  security
    measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility.
    In the instance  that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit,
    all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the
    designated high-speed train.  At which point, all materials will be isolated
    and disposed of immediately.
    In the instance of a Class 1 emergency,  the entire train will be purged and
    disposed of without delay.
    In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated,  the northern most
    route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be
    designated as the emergency escape route.  This route will secure passage to
    the relay point outside the city limits.
    Disclosure about any information  regarding research conducted here,  or the
    existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited.
    Since it is top priority to keep all research classified,  escape access may
    be denied under certain extenuating circumstances.

    Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room.
    User Name : "GUEST"
    Password  : None
    Valid for 24 hours.

10.  L O S T  A N D  F O U N D

I made this section for those of you that already play the game and now you want
to play it again but you  stuck somewhere because  you don't find the proper key
or card.  So  rather  you read all my walkthrough, it's better for you read this
section. I hope this section is useful for someone out there.

                               LEON SCENARIO A
|                                        |                                     |
|                  NAME                  |       LOCATION (CHECK MY MAP)       |
|                                        |                                     |
| Locker Key                             | Brad Vickers' body                  |
| Blue Card Key                          | Room 1                              |
| Small Key                              | Room 4                              |
| Virgin Heart                           | Room 9                              |
| Virgin Heart                           | Room 11                             |
| Unicorn Medal                          | S.T.A.R.S. Office                   |
| Spade Key                              | Hall                                |
| Square Crank                           | Room 13                             |
| Bishop Plug                            | Room 15                             |
| Valve Handle                           | City Area                           |
| King Plug                              | Room 20                             |
| Diamond Key                            | Room 20                             |
| Cord                                   | Room 23                             |
| Rook Plug                              | Room 23                             |
| Heart Key                              | Room 1                              |
| Manhole Opener                         | Room 29                             |
| Club Key                               | Room 34                             |
| Red Card Key                           | Autopsy Room                        |
| G. Cogwheel                            | Room 36                             |
| Knight Plug                            | Room 22                             |
| Wolf Medal                             | Room 40                             |
| Eagle Medal                            | Room 41                             |
| C. Panel Key                           | Inside the train                    |
| Fuse Case                              | Room 54                             |
| Main Fuse                              | Room 54                             |
| Lab Card Key                           | Room 59                             |
| MO disk                                | Room 61                             |
| G-virus                                | Room 53                             |

11.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

I got these codes from Cheat Code Central ( and I have got their
permission to put these codes in my walkthrough.

                                  LEON CODES
    |                                                      |               |
    | ITEM MODIFIERS [NOTE 11]                             |               |
    |     1st Item Modifier                                | 800CCB68 ???? |
    |     2nd Item Modifier                                | 800CCB6C ???? |
    |     3rd Item Modifier                                | 800CCB70 ???? |
    |     4th Item Modifier                                | 800CCB74 ???? |
    |     5th Item Modifier                                | 800CCB78 ???? |
    |     6th Item Modifier                                | 800CCB7C ???? |
    |     7th Item Modifier                                | 800CCB80 ???? |
    |     8th Item Modifier                                | 800CCB84 ???? |
    |     9th Item Modifier [Note 6]                       | 800CCB88 ???? |
    |    10th Item Modifier [Note 6]                       | 800CCB8C ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Lighter Position Item Modifier                       | 800CCB90 ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | CHEST MODIFIERS [NOTE 11]                            |               |
    |     1st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCB94 ???? |
    |     2nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCB98 ???? |
    |     3rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCB9C ???? |
    |     4th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBA0 ???? |
    |     5th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBA4 ???? |
    |     6th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBA8 ???? |
    |     7th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBAC ???? |
    |     8th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBB0 ???? |
    |     9th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBB4 ???? |
    |    10th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBB8 ???? |
    |    11th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBBC ???? |
    |    12th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBC0 ???? |
    |    13th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBC4 ???? |
    |    14th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBC8 ???? |
    |    15th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBCC ???? |
    |    16th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBD0 ???? |
    |    17th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBD4 ???? |
    |    18th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBD8 ???? |
    |    19th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBDC ???? |
    |    20th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBE0 ???? |
    |    21st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBE4 ???? |
    |    22nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBE8 ???? |
    |    23rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBEC ???? |
    |    24th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBF0 ???? |
    |    25th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBF4 ???? |
    |    26th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBF8 ???? |
    |    27th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCBFC ???? |
    |    28th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC00 ???? |
    |    29th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC04 ???? |
    |    30th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC08 ???? |
    |    31st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC0C ???? |
    |    32nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC10 ???? |
    |    33rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC14 ???? |
    |    34th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC18 ???? |
    |    35th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC1C ???? |
    |    36th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC20 ???? |
    |    37th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC24 ???? |
    |    38th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC28 ???? |
    |    39th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC2C ???? |
    |    40th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC30 ???? |
    |    41st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC34 ???? |
    |    42nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC38 ???? |
    |    43rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC3C ???? |
    |    44th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC40 ???? |
    |    45th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC44 ???? |
    |    46th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC48 ???? |
    |    47th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC4C ???? |
    |    48th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC50 ???? |
    |    49th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC54 ???? |
    |    50th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC58 ???? |
    |    51st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC5C ???? |
    |    52nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC60 ???? |
    |    53rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC64 ???? |
    |    54th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC68 ???? |
    |    55th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC6C ???? |
    |    56th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC70 ???? |
    |    57th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC74 ???? |
    |    58th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC78 ???? |
    |    59th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC7C ???? |
    |    60th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC80 ???? |
    |    61st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC84 ???? |
    |    62nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC88 ???? |
    |    63rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCC8C ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | INFINITE ITEMS IN INVENTORY [NOTE 12]                |               |
    |     1st Item                                         | 300CCB69 00?? |
    |     2nd Item                                         | 300CCB6D 00?? |
    |     3rd Item                                         | 300CCB71 00?? |
    |     4th Item                                         | 300CCB75 00?? |
    |     5th Item                                         | 300CCB79 00?? |
    |     6th Item                                         | 300CCB7D 00?? |
    |     7th Item                                         | 300CCB81 00?? |
    |     8th Item                                         | 300CCB85 00?? |
    |     9th Item [Note 6]                                | 300CCB89 00?? |
    |    10th Item [Note 6]                                | 300CCB8D 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | HAVE FILE MODIFIERS                                  |               |
    |     1st File                                         | 300CCC94 00?? |
    |     2nd File                                         | 300CCC95 00?? |
    |     3rd File                                         | 300CCC96 00?? |
    |     4th File                                         | 300CCC97 00?? |
    |     5th File                                         | 300CCC98 00?? |
    |     6th File                                         | 300CCC99 00?? |
    |     7th File                                         | 300CCC9A 00?? |
    |     8th File                                         | 300CCC9B 00?? |
    |     9th File                                         | 300CCC9C 00?? |
    |    10th File                                         | 300CCC9D 00?? |
    |    11th File                                         | 300CCC9E 00?? |
    |    12th File                                         | 300CCC9F 00?? |
    |    13th File                                         | 300CCCA0 00?? |
    |    14th File                                         | 300CCCA1 00?? |
    |    15th File                                         | 300CCCA2 00?? |
    |    16th File                                         | 300CCCA3 00?? |
    |    17th File                                         | 300CCCA4 00?? |
    |    18th File                                         | 300CCCA5 00?? |
    |    19th File                                         | 300CCCA6 00?? |
    |    20th File                                         | 300CCCA7 00?? |
    |    21st File                                         | 300CCCA8 00?? |
    |    22nd File                                         | 300CCCA9 00?? |
    |    23rd File                                         | 300CCCAA 00?? |
    |    24th File                                         | 300CCCAB 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Infinite Items (All Positions) [Note 5]              | 30064D21 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | The 4th Survivor Mode Main Menu [Note 8]             | 800C7CE4 0048 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | The Tofu Survivor Mode Main Menu [Note 8]            | 800C7CE4 0049 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Play Bio Hazard 2 Mode [Note 14]                     | D000E3A4 0000 |
    |                                                      | 300C7CE4 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Start on 2nd Scenario From New Game                  | 300C7D07 0040 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Instant Reset [Note 16]                              | D00C646C 0900 |
    |                                                      | 300C7CE7 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Suicide [Note 15]                                    | D00C646C 000F |
    |                                                      | 300C7CE4 0045 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Infinite Health                                      | 800C7E7A 00C8 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Super Mega Rapid Fire (All Weapons) [Note 7]         | D00C646C 0048 |
    |                                                      | 800C7E70 000B |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Sub-Machine Rocket Launcher [Note 23]                | D00C7E32 000F |
    |                                                      | 300C7E32 0011 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Hyper Mode                                           | 800A3FE4 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Slow Motion                                          | 800A3FE4 FFFF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quickly Beat The Game [Note 3]                       | D00C646C 0001 |
    |                                                      | 8000E3A4 4AC8 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Makes Game Think You Havent Saved Before             | 800CC7F0 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Always Have Fine Condition                           | 800C7F3C 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Ada Has Invisible Body (Except For Lower Legs & Arms)| 800C7D2C 800E |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Character Modifier [Note 19]                         | 800CC958 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Walk Thru Walls [Note 2]                             | D00C646C 0001 |
    |                                                      | 800C7E2A 0C0F |
    |                                                      | D00C646C 0004 |
    |                                                      | 800C7E2A 1100 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Chest Access [Note 9]                          | D00C646C 0021 |
    |                                                      | 800CDC80 0001 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Map Access [Note 10]                           | D00C646C 0024 |
    |                                                      | 800CDC80 0003 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Item Access [Note 13]                          | D00C646C 0025 |
    |                                                      | 800CDC80 0002 |
    |                                                      | D00C646C 0025 |
    |                                                      | 300CC35D ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Save Access [Note 25]                          | D00C646C 0044 |
    |                                                      | 800CC5C8 E5B0 |
    |                                                      | D00C646C 0044 |
    |                                                      | 800CC5CA 8004 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Always Have Backpack Equipped [Note 4]               | 800CC9EC 0001 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Stop Clock When Fighting Lass Boss of The Game       | 800CC95E 012C |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Super Ridiculous Code I [Note 21]                    | D00C646C 0004 |
    |                                                      | 300C7E72 0009 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Super Ridiculous Code II [Note 22]                   | 300C7D04 0003 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Fun With The Calico 950 [Note 24]                    | D00C7E32 000D |
    |                                                      | 300C7E32 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Always Play FMV Modifier                             | 300CC366 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Location Modifier [Note 20]                          | D00C646C 000C |
    |                                                      | 300CC948 000? |
    |                                                      | D00C646C 000C |
    |                                                      | 300CC94A 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | COSTUME MODIFIERS                                    |               |
    |    Normal                                            | 800CC958 0000 |
    |                                                      | 800CCB5A 0000 |
    |    1st Outfit                                        | 800CC958 000A |
    |                                                      | 800CCB5A 0001 |
    |    2nd Outfit                                        | 800CC958 0008 |
    |                                                      | 800CCB5A 0400 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | EVENT CODES                                          |               |
    |    Costume Locker Open                               | 800CC996 0001 |
    |    Unlock Hallside Doors                             | 800CC98A 0200 |
    |    Raccoon City Alley Shortcut [Note 17]             | D00CC94A 0002 |
    |                                                      | 300CC94A 001D |
    |    Have All Events Done (1 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC95A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC95C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC95E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC960 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC962 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC964 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC966 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC968 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC96A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC96C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC96E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC970 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC972 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC974 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC976 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (2 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC978 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC97A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC97C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC97E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC980 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC982 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC984 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC986 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC988 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC98A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC98C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC98E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC990 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC992 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC994 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (3 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC996 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC998 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC99A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC99C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC99E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9A0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9A2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9A4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9A6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9A8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9AA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9AC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9AE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9B0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9B2 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (4 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC9B4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9B6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9B8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9BA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9BC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9BE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9C0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9C2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9C4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9C6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9C8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9CA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9CC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9CE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9D0 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (5 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC9D2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9D4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9D6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9D8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9DA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9DC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9DE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9E0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9E2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9E4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9E6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9E8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9EA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9EC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9EE FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (6 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC9F0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9F2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9F4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9F6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9F8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9FA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9FC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC9FE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA00 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA02 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA04 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA06 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA08 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA0A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA0C FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (7 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CCA0E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA10 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA12 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA14 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA16 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA18 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA1A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA1C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA1E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA20 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA22 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA24 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA26 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA28 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA2A FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (8 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CCA2C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA2E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA30 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA32 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA34 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA36 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA38 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA3A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA3C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA3E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA40 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA42 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA44 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA46 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA48 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (9 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CCA4A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA4C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA4E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA50 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CCA52 FFFF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | 00 - Leon [Note 18]                                  |               |
    | 02 - Leon with Sidepack [Note 18]                    |               |
    | 04 - Bandaged Leon                                   |               |
    | 06 - Bandaged Leon with Sidepack                     |               |
    | 08 - R.P.D. Cap Leon (Secret Costume 1)              |               |
    | 0A - Leather Jacket Leon (Secret Costume 2)          |               |
    | 0C - Hunk                                            |               |
    | 0D - Tofu                                            |               |
    | 0E - Ada                                             |               |
    |                                                      |               |
    | 00 - Capcom Intro                                    |               |
    | 01 - Fountain in 1F Hall / Part of Turntable         |               |
    | 02 - Same as Above                                   |               |
    | 03 - Leon's Intro (First Part)                       |               |
    | 04 - Statue in Art Storage Room                      |               |
    | 05 - Fountain in 1F Hall                             |               |
    | 06 - Turntable                                       |               |
    | 07 - Part of Turntable                               |               |
    | 08 - Helicopter Crash                                |               |
    | 09 - Appearance of T-103                             |               |
    | 0A - Appearance of Licker                            |               |
    | 0B - William Birkin's Lab                            |               |
    | 0C - 1st Scenario Ending                             |               |
    | 0D - 2nd Scenario Ending (First Part)                |               |
    | 0E - 2nd Scenario Ending (Second Part)               |               |
    | 0F - Leon's Intro (Second Part/1st Scenario)         |               |
    | 10 - Leon's Intro (Second Part/2nd Scenario)         |               |
    | 11 - Staff Roll                                      |               |

Note 01 : With this code,  there may be stuff  that you might notice  that isnt
          really possible  in the game,  like  a section of the wall is missing
          where an enemy might have jumped out, etc!
Note 02 : With this code, be careful, you could get so far out of the wall that
          you  might lose  your coordinates and make it hard to get back in the
Note 03 : With this code,  press L2  once to go straight to the ending sequence,
          it will work from any game, saved or new!
Note 04 : With this code, it will give you 10 places in inventory instead of the
          usual eight.
Note 05 : With this code, it will work for all positions!
Note 06 : With these codes,  you must have  the backpack equipped  to be able to
          access them!
Note 07 : With this code, it is activated by the Joker Code, press R1 and 'X' to
          Super Rapidly Fire!
Note 08 : With this code,  it will take you  to the  Appropriate Mode Main Menu,
          when you first turn on the machine,  otherwise if you have exited that
          menu,  you  will  have to load a game,  but  it will not  load a game,
          instead it will save a game,  and then it will take you  into the game
          after some load time,  and then  you will die  almost instantly when a
          zombie  comes  up,  but  after that,  it  will  take you back  to  the
          Appropriate Mode Main Menu!
Note 09 : With this code, all you have to do to access the chest, is hold L2 and
          Press  Circle!  (Gliches  Graphics  Somewhat - But  Has  Full  Working
Note 10 : With this code,  all you have to do to access the map,  is hold L1 and
          Press Circle!
Note 11 : With these codes,  they give you the item and Infinite of it, however,
          you cant use that position in your inventory anymore, and if there was
          anything  in  that  position,  it  is  now  overwritten. Also, in your
          inventory,  you  have to use  all the modifiers before the one you are
          using, or all positions before the modifier you are using must be full
Note 12 : With these codes,  it will give you  99 of any item  in that position,
          they do not need to have items in them to have Infinite, Infinity Sign
          will be there, you will just have Infinite of nothing until an item is
          put in that position.
Note 13 : With this code,  Hold L1 & L2,  and press Circle  to get the item that
          you specify!
Note 14 : With this code,  the  game  will  become  Bio Hazard 2,  the  Japanese
          version  of Resident Evil 2!  This means  all text (except the text in
          files)  is in Japanese,  and all cinemas have Japanese subtitles. Note
          that  the title screen will still say Resident Evil 2. Important: This
          code  cannot be used  in combination  with the "Quickly Beat The Game"
Note 15 : With this code, Press L1+L2+R1+R2 during gameplay to blow yourself up!
          That's right... "You Died!"
Note 16 : With this code, press Select+Start to reset the game instantly.
Note 17 : With this code,  it removes the van  that blocks the alley outside the
          gun shop  at the beginning  of the game,  allowing you  to get  to the
          R.P.D.  much faster than normal. You may recognize this version of the
          alley  from  the RE2 demo disc. Important: Once you're outside the gun
          shop and in the alley, make sure to turn the GameShark switch off!
Note 18 : With this code,  add the code  300CC984 0022 to change 00 (Leon) or 02
          (Leon with Sidepack) into Bloody Leon.
Note 19 : With this code,  if  using this code  from a saved game, make sure the
          game  is  saved with  no  weapons  equipped, or a weapon the character
          you're going to change into can equip. Otherwise, the game will crash.
Note 20 : With this code, it has the first ever 2-part quantity digits, click on
          either  question mark  and  it will tell you the numbers to enter. The
          first one goes in place of the one ?, and after the hyphen, the next 2
          go in place of the next 2 ?'s! And this code needs to be used with the
          Walk Thru Walls code to get your character back on the screen!
Note 21 : With this code,  press and hold L1  at any time  for  some truly crazy
          stuff.  I  won't ruin what it does... you'll have to see for yourself.
          Try  alternating  speeds  of pressing L1, try it in various locations,
          and try it during events.  Only one word  can be used  to descibe this
          code's effects: ridiculous.
Note 22 : With this code,  can it be?!  A sequel  to the Super Ridiculous Code?!
          Yes!! Well, it's not quite as ridiculous as it predecessor, but still.
          .. er... interesting.
Note 23 : With this code,  equip the Sub Machine Gun with this code active,  and
          by holding down X  you can fire rockets  at an insane speed! You'll be
          able to kill bosses in literally seconds with this code.
Note 24 : With this code, if Leon equips the weapon "Colt S.A.A.," (You must use
          the Item Codes to get this weapon) he actually equips a weapon removed
          from RE2 called the Calico 950. If you equip it normally, it fires but
          does  no  damage.  You  can  make  it fire grenades, rapid-fire normal
          bullets, rockets, magnum bullets  or a huge Custom Shotgun-like blast.
          Important : Do  not  enter  the  item  box  menu  with  the Calico 950
          equipped. If you do, the game will crash. De-equip it first.
Note 25 : With this code, 1) Anytime, anywhere, press L1 and X at the same time.
          You'll get the standard typewriter text: "It's an old typewriter.  You
          can save your progress with this." Note that you must, of course, have
          an  ink ribbon  to save. 2) Choose  "Yes"  and  you'll be able to save
          normally.  Instead  of the location name,  your  save  file  will  say
          "Scenario 1st"  or  "Scenario 2nd."  3) When  you load your save file,
          you'll  have  to  skip  through  the intro, but when the game loads up
          you'll be exactly where you saved!

                                  CLAIRE CODES
    |                                                      |               |
    | ITEM MODIFIERS [NOTE 11]                             |               |
    |     1st Item Modifier                                | 800CC930 ???? |
    |     2nd Item Modifier                                | 800CC934 ???? |
    |     3rd Item Modifier                                | 800CC938 ???? |
    |     4th Item Modifier                                | 800CC93C ???? |
    |     5th Item Modifier                                | 800CC940 ???? |
    |     6th Item Modifier                                | 800CC944 ???? |
    |     7th Item Modifier                                | 800CC948 ???? |
    |     8th Item Modifier                                | 800CC94C ???? |
    |     9th Item Modifier [Note 6]                       | 800CC950 ???? |
    |    10th Item Modifier [Note 6]                       | 800CC954 ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Lockpick Position Item Modifier                      | 800CC958 ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | CHEST MODIFIERS [NOTE 11]                            |               |
    |     1st Chest Modifier                               | 800CC95C ???? |
    |     2nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CC960 ???? |
    |     3rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CC964 ???? |
    |     4th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC968 ???? |
    |     5th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC96C ???? |
    |     6th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC970 ???? |
    |     7th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC974 ???? |
    |     8th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC978 ???? |
    |     9th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC97C ???? |
    |    10th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC980 ???? |
    |    11th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC984 ???? |
    |    12th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC988 ???? |
    |    13th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC98C ???? |
    |    14th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC990 ???? |
    |    15th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC994 ???? |
    |    16th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC998 ???? |
    |    17th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC99C ???? |
    |    18th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9A0 ???? |
    |    19th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9A4 ???? |
    |    20th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9A8 ???? |
    |    21st Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9AC ???? |
    |    22nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9B0 ???? |
    |    23rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9B4 ???? |
    |    24th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9B8 ???? |
    |    25th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9BC ???? |
    |    26th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9C0 ???? |
    |    27th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9C4 ???? |
    |    28th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9C8 ???? |
    |    29th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9CC ???? |
    |    30th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9D0 ???? |
    |    31st Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9D4 ???? |
    |    32nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9D8 ???? |
    |    33rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9DC ???? |
    |    34th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9E0 ???? |
    |    35th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9E4 ???? |
    |    36th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9E8 ???? |
    |    37th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9EC ???? |
    |    38th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9F0 ???? |
    |    39th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9F4 ???? |
    |    40th Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9F8 ???? |
    |    41st Chest Modifier                               | 800CC9FC ???? |
    |    42nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA00 ???? |
    |    43rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA04 ???? |
    |    44th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA08 ???? |
    |    45th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA0C ???? |
    |    46th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA10 ???? |
    |    47th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA14 ???? |
    |    48th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA18 ???? |
    |    49th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA1C ???? |
    |    50th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA20 ???? |
    |    51st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA24 ???? |
    |    52nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA28 ???? |
    |    53rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA2C ???? |
    |    54th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA30 ???? |
    |    55th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA34 ???? |
    |    56th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA38 ???? |
    |    57th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA3C ???? |
    |    58th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA40 ???? |
    |    59th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA44 ???? |
    |    60th Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA48 ???? |
    |    61st Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA4C ???? |
    |    62nd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA50 ???? |
    |    63rd Chest Modifier                               | 800CCA54 ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | INFINITE ITEMS IN INVENTORY [NOTE 12]                |               |
    |     1st Item                                         | 300CC931 00?? |
    |     2nd Item                                         | 300CC935 00?? |
    |     3rd Item                                         | 300CC939 00?? |
    |     4th Item                                         | 300CC93D 00?? |
    |     5th Item                                         | 300CC941 00?? |
    |     6th Item                                         | 300CC945 00?? |
    |     7th Item                                         | 300CC949 00?? |
    |     8th Item                                         | 300CC94D 00?? |
    |     9th Item [Note 6]                                | 300CC951 00?? |
    |    10th Item [Note 6]                                | 300CC955 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | HAVE FILE MODIFIERS                                  |               |
    |     1st File                                         | 300CCA5C 00?? |
    |     2nd File                                         | 300CCA5D 00?? |
    |     3rd File                                         | 300CCA5E 00?? |
    |     4th File                                         | 300CCA5F 00?? |
    |     5th File                                         | 300CCA60 00?? |
    |     6th File                                         | 300CCA61 00?? |
    |     7th File                                         | 300CCA62 00?? |
    |     8th File                                         | 300CCA63 00?? |
    |     9th File                                         | 300CCA64 00?? |
    |    10th File                                         | 300CCA65 00?? |
    |    11th File                                         | 300CCA66 00?? |
    |    12th File                                         | 300CCA67 00?? |
    |    13th File                                         | 300CCA68 00?? |
    |    14th File                                         | 300CCA69 00?? |
    |    15th File                                         | 300CCA6A 00?? |
    |    16th File                                         | 300CCA6B 00?? |
    |    17th File                                         | 300CCA6C 00?? |
    |    18th File                                         | 300CCA6D 00?? |
    |    19th File                                         | 300CCA6E 00?? |
    |    20th File                                         | 300CCA6F 00?? |
    |    21st File                                         | 300CCA70 00?? |
    |    22nd File                                         | 300CCA71 00?? |
    |    23rd File                                         | 300CCA72 00?? |
    |    24th File                                         | 300CCA73 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Infinite Items (All Positions) [Note 5]              | 30064CE9 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | The 4th Survivor Mode Main Menu [Note 8]             | 800C7AAC 0048 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | The Tofu Survivor Mode Main Menu [Note 8]            | 800C7AAC 0049 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Play Bio Hazard 2 Mode [Note 14]                     | D000E3A4 0000 |
    |                                                      | 300C7AAC 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Start on 2nd Scenario From New Game                  | 300C7ACF 00C0 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Instant Reset [Note 16]                              | D00C6234 0900 |
    |                                                      | 300C7AAF 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Suicide [Note 15]                                    | D00C6234 000F |
    |                                                      | 300C7AAC 0045 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Infinite Health                                      | 800C7C42 00C8 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Super Mega Rapid Fire (All Weapons) [Note 7]         | D00C6234 0048 |
    |                                                      | 800C7C38 000B |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Sub-Machine Rocket Launcher [Note 23]                | D00C7BFA 000F |
    |                                                      | 300C7BFA 0011 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Hyper Mode                                           | 800A3EAC 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Slow Motion                                          | 800A3EAC FFFF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quickly Beat The Game [Note 3]                       | D00C6234 0001 |
    |                                                      | 8000E3A4 4AC8 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Makes Game Think You Havent Saved Before             | 800CC5B8 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Always Have Fine Condition                           | 800C7D04 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Character Modifier [Note 19]                         | 800CC720 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Walk Thru Walls [Note 2]                             | D00C6234 0001 |
    |                                                      | 800C7BF2 0C0F |
    |                                                      | D00C6234 0004 |
    |                                                      | 800C7BF2 1100 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Chest Access [Note 9]                          | D00C6234 0021 |
    |                                                      | 800CDA48 0001 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Map Access [Note 10]                           | D00C6234 0024 |
    |                                                      | 800CDA48 0003 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Item Access [Note 13]                          | D00C6234 0025 |
    |                                                      | 800CDA48 0002 |
    |                                                      | D00C6234 0025 |
    |                                                      | 300CC125 ???? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quick Save Access [Note 25]                          | D00C6234 0044 |
    |                                                      | 800CC390 E534 |
    |                                                      | D00C6234 0044 |
    |                                                      | 800CC392 8004 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Always Have Backpack Equipped [Note 4]               | 800CC7B4 0001 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Stop Clock When Fighting Lass Boss of The Game       | 800CC726 012C |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Super Ridiculous Code I [Note 21]                    | D00C6234 0004 |
    |                                                      | 300C7C3A 0009 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Super Ridiculous Code II [Note 22]                   | 300C7ACC 0003 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Always Play FMV Modifier                             | 300CC12E 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Location Modifier [Note 20]                          | D00C6234 000C |
    |                                                      | 300CC710 000? |
    |                                                      | D00C6234 000C |
    |                                                      | 300CC712 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | COSTUME MODIFIERS                                    |               |
    |    Normal                                            | 800CC720 0000 |
    |                                                      | 800CCB5A 0000 |
    |    1st Outfit                                        | 800CC720 000A |
    |                                                      | 800CCB5A 0001 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | EVENT CODES                                          |               |
    |    Raccoon City Alley Shortcut [Note 17]             | D00CC712 0002 |
    |                                                      | 300CC712 001D |
    |    Have All Events Done (1 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC722 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC724 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC726 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC728 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC72A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC72C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC72E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC730 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC732 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC734 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC736 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC738 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC73A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC73C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC73E FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (2 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC740 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC742 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC744 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC746 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC748 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC74A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC74C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC74E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC750 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC752 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC754 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC756 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC758 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC75A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC75C FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (3 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC75E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC760 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC762 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC764 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC766 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC768 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC76A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC76C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC76E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC770 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC772 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC774 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC776 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC778 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC77A FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (4 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC77C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC77E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC780 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC782 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC784 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC786 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC788 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC78A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC78C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC78E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC790 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC792 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC794 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC796 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC798 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (5 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC79A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC79C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC79E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7A0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7A2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7A4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7A6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7A8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7AA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7AC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7AE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7B0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7B2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7B4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7B6 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (6 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC7B8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7BA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7BC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7BE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7C0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7C2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7C4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7C6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7C8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7CA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7CC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7CE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7D0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7D2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7D4 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (7 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC7D6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7D8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7DA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7DC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7DE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7E0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7E2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7E4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7E6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7E8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7EA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7EC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7EE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7F0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7F2 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (8 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC7F4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7F6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7F8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7FA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7FC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC7FE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC800 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC802 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC804 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC806 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC808 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC80A FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC80C FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC80E FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC810 FFFF |
    |    Have All Events Done (9 of 9) [Note 1]            | 800CC812 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC814 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC816 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC818 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800CC81A FFFF |
    |                                                      |               |
    |	01 - Claire                                          |               |
    | 03 - Claire with Sidepack                            |               |
    | 05 - No-Vest Claire                                  |               |
    | 07 - No-Vest Claire with Sidepack                    |               |
    | 09 - Cowgirl Claire (Hidden Costume)                 |               |
    | 0B - Bug/Short-Haired Claire                         |               |
    | 0C - Hunk                                            |               |
    | 0D - Tofu                                            |               |
    | 0F - Sherry		                                   |               |
    |                                                      |               |
    | 00-FE - 0 through 254                                |               |
    | FF    - Infinity Symbol (Infinite)		           |               |
    |                                                      |               |
    | 00 - Capcom Intro                                    |               |
    | 01 - Fountain in 1F Hall / Part of Turntable         |               |
    | 02 - Same as Above                                   |               |
    | 03 - Claire's Intro (First Part)                     |               |
    | 04 - Statue in Art Storage Room                      |               |
    | 05 - Fountain in 1F Hall                             |               |
    | 06 - Turntable                                       |               |
    | 07 - Part of Turntable                               |               |
    | 08 - Helicopter Crash                                |               |
    | 09 - Appearance of T-103                             |               |
    | 0A - Appearance of Licker                            |               |
    | 0B - William Birkin's Lab                            |               |
    | 0C - 1st Scenario Ending                             |               |
    | 0D - 2nd Scenario Ending (First Part)                |               |
    | 0E - 2nd Scenario Ending (Second Part)               |               |
    | 0F - Claire's Intro (Second Part/1st Scenario)       |               |
    | 10 - Claire's Intro (Second Part/2nd Scenario)       |               |
    | 11 - Staff Roll		                             |               |

Note 01 : With this code,  there may be stuff  that you might notice  that isnt
          really possible  in the game,  like  a section of the wall is missing
          where an enemy might have jumped out, etc!
Note 02 : With this code, be careful, you could get so far out of the wall that
          you  might lose  your coordinates and make it hard to get back in the
Note 03 : With this code,  press L2  once to go straight to the ending sequence,
          it will work from any game, saved or new!
Note 04 : With this code, it will give you 10 places in inventory instead of the
          usual eight.
Note 05 : With this code, it will work for all positions!
Note 06 : With these codes,  you must have  the backpack equipped  to be able to
          access them!
Note 07 : With this code, it is activated by the Joker Code, press R1 and 'X' to
          Super Rapidly Fire!
Note 08 : With this code,  it will take you  to the  Appropriate Mode Main Menu,
          when you first turn on the machine,  otherwise if you have exited that
          menu,  you  will  have to load a game,  but  it will not  load a game,
          instead it will save a game,  and then it will take you  into the game
          after some load time,  and then  you will die  almost instantly when a
          zombie  comes  up,  but  after that,  it  will  take you back  to  the
          Appropriate Mode Main Menu!
Note 09 : With this code, all you have to do to access the chest, is hold L2 and
          Press  Circle!  (Gliches  Graphics  Somewhat - But  Has  Full  Working
Note 10 : With this code,  all you have to do to access the map,  is hold L1 and
          Press Circle!
Note 11 : With these codes,  they give you the item and Infinite of it, however,
          you cant use that position in your inventory anymore, and if there was
          anything  in  that  position,  it  is  now  overwritten. Also, in your
          inventory,  you  have to use  all the modifiers before the one you are
          using, or all positions before the modifier you are using must be full
Note 12 : With these codes,  it will give you  99 of any item  in that position,
          they do not need to have items in them to have Infinite, Infinity Sign
          will be there, you will just have Infinite of nothing until an item is
          put in that position.
Note 13 : With this code,  Hold L1 & L2,  and press Circle  to get the item that
          you specify!
Note 14 : With this code,  the  game  will  become  Bio Hazard 2,  the  Japanese
          version  of Resident Evil 2!  This means  all text (except the text in
          files)  is in Japanese,  and all cinemas have Japanese subtitles. Note
          that  the title screen will still say Resident Evil 2. Important: This
          code  cannot be used  in combination  with the "Quickly Beat The Game"
Note 15 : With this code, Press L1+L2+R1+R2 during gameplay to blow yourself up!
          That's right... "You Died!"
Note 16 : With this code, press Select+Start to reset the game instantly.
Note 17 : With this code,  it removes the van  that blocks the alley outside the
          gun shop  at the beginning  of the game,  allowing you  to get  to the
          R.P.D.  much faster than normal. You may recognize this version of the
          alley  from  the RE2 demo disc. Important: Once you're outside the gun
          shop and in the alley, make sure to turn the GameShark switch off!
Note 19 : With this code,  if  using this code  from a saved game, make sure the
          game  is  saved with  no  weapons  equipped, or a weapon the character
          you're going to change into can equip. Otherwise, the game will crash.
Note 20 : With this code, it has the first ever 2-part quantity digits, click on
          either  question mark  and  it will tell you the numbers to enter. The
          first one goes in place of the one ?, and after the hyphen, the next 2
          go in place of the next 2 ?'s! And this code needs to be used with the
          Walk Thru Walls code to get your character back on the screen!
Note 21 : With this code,  press and hold L1  at any time  for  some truly crazy
          stuff.  I  won't ruin what it does... you'll have to see for yourself.
          Try  alternating  speeds  of pressing L1, try it in various locations,
          and try it during events.  Only one word  can be used  to descibe this
          code's effects: ridiculous.
Note 22 : With this code,  can it be?!  A sequel  to the Super Ridiculous Code?!
          Yes!! Well, it's not quite as ridiculous as it predecessor, but still.
          .. er... interesting.
Note 23 : With this code,  equip the Sub Machine Gun with this code active,  and
          by holding down X  you can fire rockets  at an insane speed! You'll be
          able to kill bosses in literally seconds with this code.
Note 25 : With this code, 1) Anytime, anywhere, press L1 and X at the same time.
          You'll get the standard typewriter text: "It's an old typewriter.  You
          can save your progress with this." Note that you must, of course, have
          an  ink ribbon  to save. 2) Choose  "Yes"  and  you'll be able to save
          normally.  Instead  of the location name,  your  save  file  will  say
          "Scenario 1st"  or  "Scenario 2nd."  3) When  you load your save file,
          you'll  have  to  skip  through  the intro, but when the game loads up
          you'll be exactly where you saved!

                                  SUPER CODES
    |                                                      |               |
    | ANY ITEM IN ANY SLOT DISC 1 (LEON) [NOTE 1]          |               |
    |    Set 1 of 6                                        | 8006617C 8000 |
    |                                                      | 8006617E 3C02 |
    |                                                      | 80066180 7690 |
    |                                                      | 80066182 3442 |
    |                                                      | 80066184 0008 |
    |                                                      | 80066186 0040 |
    |                                                      | 8006618A 2400 |
    |                                                      | 80007690 0018 |
    |                                                      | 80007692 AFB2 |
    |                                                      | 80007694 800C |
    |                                                      | 80007696 3C12 |
    |                                                      | 80007698 001C |
    |                                                      | 8000769A AFBF |
    |                                                      | 8000769C 0004 |
    |    Set 2 of 6                                        | 8000769E AC03 |
    |                                                      | 800076A0 0008 |
    |                                                      | 800076A2 AC08 |
    |                                                      | 800076A4 0010 |
    |                                                      | 800076A6 AC04 |
    |                                                      | 800076A8 0018 |
    |                                                      | 800076AA AC0A |
    |                                                      | 800076AC 000C |
    |                                                      | 800076AE 9204 |
    |                                                      | 800076B0 CB68 |
    |                                                      | 800076B2 3643 |
    |                                                      | 800076B6 9008 |
    |                                                      | 800076B8 1080 |
    |                                                      | 800076BA 0004 |
    |    Set 3 of 6                                        | 800076BC 0003 |
    |                                                      | 800076BE 1100 |
    |                                                      | 800076C0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800076C2 2508 |
    |                                                      | 800076C6 A008 |
    |                                                      | 800076C8 000F |
    |                                                      | 800076CA 1000 |
    |                                                      | 800076CC 646C |
    |                                                      | 800076CE 9648 |
    |                                                      | 800076D0 1820 |
    |                                                      | 800076D2 0062 |
    |                                                      | 800076D4 000F |
    |                                                      | 800076D6 3108 |
    |                                                      | 800076D8 7728 |
    |    Set 4 of 6                                        | 800076DA 3402 |
    |                                                      | 800076DC 1021 |
    |                                                      | 800076DE 0048 |
    |                                                      | 800076E0 0104 |
    |                                                      | 800076E2 340A |
    |                                                      | 800076E4 5006 |
    |                                                      | 800076E6 010A |
    |                                                      | 800076E8 0001 |
    |                                                      | 800076EA 314A |
    |                                                      | 800076EE 8044 |
    |                                                      | 800076F0 1821 |
    |                                                      | 800076F2 006A |
    |                                                      | 800076F6 8062 |
    |                                                      | 800076F8 000A |
    |    Set 5 of 6                                        | 800076FA 340A |
    |                                                      | 800076FC 2020 |
    |                                                      | 800076FE 0044 |
    |                                                      | 80007702 A064 |
    |                                                      | 80007706 A00A |
    |                                                      | 80007708 0004 |
    |                                                      | 8000770A 8C03 |
    |                                                      | 8000770C 0008 |
    |                                                      | 8000770E 8C08 |
    |                                                      | 80007710 0010 |
    |                                                      | 80007712 8C04 |
    |                                                      | 80007714 4358 |
    |                                                      | 80007716 2652 |
    |                                                      | 80007718 8006 |
    |    Set 6 of 6                                        | 8000771A 3C02 |
    |                                                      | 8000771C 618C |
    |                                                      | 8000771E 3442 |
    |                                                      | 80007720 0008 |
    |                                                      | 80007722 0040 |
    |                                                      | 80007724 0018 |
    |                                                      | 80007726 8C0A |
    |                                                      | 80007728 FF00 |
    |                                                      | 8000772A 00FF |
    |                                                      | 8000772C 0001 |
    |                                                      | 80007730 0001 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | ANY ITEM IN ANY SLOT DISC 2 (CLAIRE) [NOTE 1]        |               |
    |    Set 1 of 6                                        | 800660FC 8000 |
    |                                                      | 800660FE 3C02 |
    |                                                      | 80066100 7690 |
    |                                                      | 80066102 3442 |
    |                                                      | 80066104 0008 |
    |                                                      | 80066106 0040 |
    |                                                      | 8006610A 2400 |
    |                                                      | 80007690 0018 |
    |                                                      | 80007692 AFB2 |
    |                                                      | 80007694 800C |
    |                                                      | 80007696 3C12 |
    |                                                      | 80007698 001C |
    |                                                      | 8000769A AFBF |
    |                                                      | 8000769C 0004 |
    |    Set 2 of 6                                        | 8000769E AC03 |
    |                                                      | 800076A0 0008 |
    |                                                      | 800076A2 AC08 |
    |                                                      | 800076A4 0010 |
    |                                                      | 800076A6 AC04 |
    |                                                      | 800076A8 0018 |
    |                                                      | 800076AA AC0A |
    |                                                      | 800076AC 000C |
    |                                                      | 800076AE 9204 |
    |                                                      | 800076B0 C930 |
    |                                                      | 800076B2 3643 |
    |                                                      | 800076B6 9008 |
    |                                                      | 800076B8 1080 |
    |                                                      | 800076BA 0004 |
    |    Set 3 of 6                                        | 800076BC 0003 |
    |                                                      | 800076BE 1100 |
    |                                                      | 800076C0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800076C2 2508 |
    |                                                      | 800076C6 A008 |
    |                                                      | 800076C8 000F |
    |                                                      | 800076CA 1000 |
    |                                                      | 800076CC 6234 |
    |                                                      | 800076CE 9648 |
    |                                                      | 800076D0 1820 |
    |                                                      | 800076D2 0062 |
    |                                                      | 800076D4 000F |
    |                                                      | 800076D6 3108 |
    |                                                      | 800076D8 7728 |
    |    Set 4 of 6                                        | 800076DA 3402 |
    |                                                      | 800076DC 1021 |
    |                                                      | 800076DE 0048 |
    |                                                      | 800076E0 0104 |
    |                                                      | 800076E2 340A |
    |                                                      | 800076E4 5006 |
    |                                                      | 800076E6 010A |
    |                                                      | 800076E8 0001 |
    |                                                      | 800076EA 314A |
    |                                                      | 800076EE 8044 |
    |                                                      | 800076F0 1821 |
    |                                                      | 800076F2 006A |
    |                                                      | 800076F6 8062 |
    |                                                      | 800076F8 000A |
    |    Set 5 of 6                                        | 800076FA 340A |
    |                                                      | 800076FC 2020 |
    |                                                      | 800076FE 0044 |
    |                                                      | 80007702 A064 |
    |                                                      | 80007706 A00A |
    |                                                      | 80007708 0004 |
    |                                                      | 8000770A 8C03 |
    |                                                      | 8000770C 0008 |
    |                                                      | 8000770E 8C08 |
    |                                                      | 80007710 0010 |
    |                                                      | 80007712 8C04 |
    |                                                      | 80007714 4120 |
    |                                                      | 80007716 2652 |
    |                                                      | 80007718 8006 |
    |    Set 6 of 6                                        | 8000771A 3C02 |
    |                                                      | 8000771C 610C |
    |                                                      | 8000771E 3442 |
    |                                                      | 80007720 0008 |
    |                                                      | 80007722 0040 |
    |                                                      | 80007724 0018 |
    |                                                      | 80007726 8C0A |
    |                                                      | 80007728 FF00 |
    |                                                      | 8000772A 00FF |
    |                                                      | 8000772C 0001 |
    |                                                      | 80007730 0001 |

Note 01 : With these codes,  you must enter them all in to get it to work.  Now,
          after you have entered this MASS amount of codes, go to your inventory
          select screen and highlight any position in your inventory.  Then  you
          will notice that  if you press one of the top 4 buttons,  it will give
          various  results.  You  can change the item to whatever item you want,
          you  can also  change  the quantity  to whatever you want. (I will add
          what the buttond do exactly very soon).

                       ITEM AND CHEST MODIFIER DIGITS
    |                                                      |               |
    | 0101 - Knife                                         |               |
    | 6302 - Handgun                                       |               |
    | 6303 - Handgun Different                             |               |
    | 6304 - Custom Handgun                                |               |
    | 6305 - Magnum                                        |               |
    | 6306 - Custom Magnum                                 |               |
    | 6307 - Shotgun                                       |               |
    | 6308 - Custom Shotgun                                |               |
    | 6309 - Grenade Launcher                              |               |
    | 630A - Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds)               |               |
    | 630B - Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds)                |               |
    | 630C - Bowgun                                        |               |
    | 630D - Colt S.A.A.                                   |               |
    | 630E - Spark Shot                                    |               |
    | 630F - Sub Machine Gun                               |               |
    | 6310 - Flamethrower                                  |               |
    | 6311 - Rocket Launcher                               |               |
    | 6312 - Gatling Gun                                   |               |
    | 6313 - Machine Gun                                   |               |
    | 6314 - Handgun Bullets                               |               |
    | 6315 - Shotgun Shells                                |               |
    | 6316 - Magnum Bullets                                |               |
    | 6317 - Fuel                                          |               |
    | 6318 - Grenade Rounds                                |               |
    | 6319 - Flame Rounds                                  |               |
    | 631A - Acid Rounds                                   |               |
    | 631B - Machine Gun Bullets                           |               |
    | 631C - S. Shot Bullets                               |               |
    | 631D - Bow Gun Bolts                                 |               |
    | 631E - Ink Ribbon                                    |               |
    | 001F - Small Key                                     |               |
    | 0020 - Hand Gun Parts                                |               |
    | 0021 - Magnum Parts                                  |               |
    | 0022 - Shotgun Parts                                 |               |
    | 6323 - First Aid Spray                               |               |
    | 0024 - Chemical FR-W09                               |               |
    | 0025 - Chemical AC-W24                               |               |
    | 0026 - Green Herb                                    |               |
    | 0027 - Red Herb                                      |               |
    | 0028 - Blue Herb                                     |               |
    | 0029 - Mixed Herb (Green)                            |               |
    | 002A - Mixed Herb (Red&Green)                        |               |
    | 002B - Mixed Herb (Blue&Green)                       |               |
    | 002C - Mixed Herb (?)                                |               |
    | 002D - Mixed Herb (?)                                |               |
    | 002E - Mixed Herb (?)                                |               |
    | 002F - Lighter                                       |               |
    | 0030 - Lock Pick                                     |               |
    | 0031 - Picture                                       |               |
    | 0032 - Valve Handle                                  |               |
    | 0033 - Red Jewel                                     |               |
    | 0034 - Red Card Key                                  |               |
    | 0035 - Blue Card Key                                 |               |
    | 0036 - Serpent Stone                                 |               |
    | 0037 - Jaguar Stone                                  |               |
    | 0038 - Blue Stone                                    |               |
    | 0039 - Blue Stone (?)                                |               |
    | 003A - Eagle Stone                                   |               |
    | 003B - Bishop Plug                                   |               |
    | 003C - Rook Plug                                     |               |
    | 003D - Knight Plug                                   |               |
    | 003E - King Plug                                     |               |
    | 003F - W. Box Key                                    |               |
    | 0040 - Detonator                                     |               |
    | 0041 - Plastic Bomb                                  |               |
    | 0042 - Bomb&Detonator                                |               |
    | 0043 - Crank                                         |               |
    | 0044 - Film                                          |               |
    | 0045 - Film (?)                                      |               |
    | 0046 - Film (?)                                      |               |
    | 0047 - Unicorn Medal                                 |               |
    | 0048 - Eagle Medal                                   |               |
    | 0049 - Wolf Medal                                    |               |
    | 004A - G. Cogwheel                                   |               |
    | 004B - Manhole Opener                                |               |
    | 004C - Main Fuse                                     |               |
    | 004D - Fuse Case                                     |               |
    | 004E - Vaccine                                       |               |
    | 004F - Vaccine Cart.                                 |               |
    | 0050 - Film                                          |               |
    | 0051 - Base Vaccine                                  |               |
    | 0052 - G-Virus                                       |               |
    | 0053 - Special Key                                   |               |
    | 0054 - Joint S Plug                                  |               |
    | 0055 - Joint N Plug                                  |               |
    | 0056 - Cord                                          |               |
    | 0057 - Film                                          |               |
    | 0058 - Cabin Key                                     |               |
    | 0059 - Precinct Key (blue)                           |               |
    | 005A - Precinct Key (red)                            |               |
    | 005B - Precinct Key (?)                              |               |
    | 005C - Precinct Key (green)                          |               |
    | 005D - C. Panel Key (red)                            |               |
    | 005E - C. Panel Key (yellow)                         |               |
    | 005F - P. Room Key                                   |               |
    | 0060 - MO Disk                                       |               |
    | 0061 - Lab Card Key                                  |               |
    | 0062 - Master Key                                    |               |
    | 0063 - Platform Key                                  |               |
    | 0068 - Chris's Diary                                 |               |
    | 0069 - Mail to Chris                                 |               |
    | 006A - Memo to Leon                                  |               |
    | 006B - Police Memorandum                             |               |
    | 006C - Operation Report 1                            |               |
    | 006D - Mail to the Chief                             |               |
    | 006E - Mail to the Chief (?)                         |               |
    | 006F - Secretary's Diary A                           |               |
    | 0070 - Secretary's Diary B                           |               |
    | 0071 - Operation Report 2                            |               |
    | 0072 - User Registration                             |               |
    | 0073 - Film A                                        |               |
    | 0074 - Film B                                        |               |
    | 0075 - Film C                                        |               |
    | 0076 - Patrol Report                                 |               |
    | 0077 - Watchman's Diary                              |               |
    | 0078 - Chief's Diary                                 |               |
    | 0079 - Sewer Manager Diary                           |               |
    | 007A - Sewer Manager Fax                             |               |
    | 007B - Film D                                        |               |
    | 007C - Vaccine Synthesis                             |               |
    | 007D - Lab Security Manual                           |               |
    | 007E - P-Epsilon Report                              |               |
    | 007F - Rookie Files                                  |               |
    | 0080 - Rookie Files (?)                              |               |
    | 0081 - No Item                                       |               |
    | 0082 - Spade Key                                     |               |
    | 0083 - Diamond Key                                   |               |
    | 0084 - Desk Key                                      |               |
    | 0085 - Heart Key                                     |               |
    | 0086 - Club Key                                      |               |
    | 0087 - Virgin Heart                                  |               |
    | 0088 - Square Crank                                  |               |
    | 0089 - Down Key                                      |               |
    | 008A - Up Key                                        |               |
    | 008B - Locker Key                                    |               |
    |                                                      |               |
    | 04 - Rapid Fire                                      |               |
    | 06 - Magnum Blast                                    |               |
    | 08 - Custom Shotgun Blast                            |               |
    | 09 - Grenades                                        |               |
    | 0A - Fire Grenades                                   |               |
    | 0B - Acid Grenades                                   |               |
    | 10 - Rockets                                         |               |
    |                                                      |               |
    | QUANTITY DIGITS TO ACCOMPANY FILE MODIFIER           |               |
    | 00 - Chris's Diary                                   |               |
    | 01 - Mail to Chris                                   |               |
    | 02 - Memo to Leon                                    |               |
    | 03 - Police Memorandum                               |               |
    | 04 - Operation Report 1                              |               |
    | 05 - Mail to The Chief                               |               |
    | 06 - Mail to The Chief (2)                           |               |
    | 07 - Secretary's Diary A                             |               |
    | 08 - Secretary's Diary B                             |               |
    | 09 - Operation Report 2                              |               |
    | 0A - User Registration                               |               |
    | 0B - Film A                                          |               |
    | 0C - Film B                                          |               |
    | 0D - Film C                                          |               |
    | 0E - Patrol Report                                   |               |
    | 0F - Watchman's Diary                                |               |
    | 10 - Chief's Diary                                   |               |
    | 11 - Sewer Manager Diary                             |               |
    | 12 - Sewer Manager Fax                               |               |
    | 13 - Film D                                          |               |
    | 14 - Vaccine Synthesis                               |               |
    | 15 - Lab Security Manual                             |               |
    | 16 - P-Epsilon Report                                |               |
    | 17 - Rookie Files                                    |               |
    |                                                      |               |
    | 0-00 - Scenario 1 Start                              |               |
    | 0-01 - Gun Shop                                      |               |
    | 0-02 - Alley                                         |               |
    | 0-03 - Outside the R.P.D.                            |               |
    | 0-04 - Scenario 2 Start                              |               |
    | 0-05 - Outside the R.P.D. - Scenario 2               |               |
    | 0-06 - Cabin                                         |               |
    | 0-07 - Behind the R.P.D.                             |               |
    | 0-08 - Roof                                          |               |
    | 0-09 - 2F Rear Entrance                              |               |
    | 0-0A - Helicopter Hallway                            |               |
    | 0-0B - Art Storage Room                              |               |
    | 0-0C - 2F Stairs                                     |               |
    | 0-0D - Chief's Hallway                               |               |
    | 0-0E - Museum Room                                   |               |
    | 0-0F - 2F Save Room                                  |               |
    | 0-10 - Hall 2F                                       |               |
    | 0-11 - Clock Room                                    |               |
    | 0-12 - Library                                       |               |
    | 0-13 - Blue Coke Hallway                             |               |
    | 0-14 - S.T.A.R.S. Hallway                            |               |
    | 0-15 - S.T.A.R.S. Room                               |               |
    | 0-16 - Right Stairs                                  |               |
    | 0-17 - Hall 3F                                       |               |
    | 0-18 - Raccoon City 1                                |               |
    | 0-19 - Raccoon City 2                                |               |
    | 0-1A - Inside Bus                                    |               |
    | 0-1B - Raccoon City 3                                |               |
    | 0-1C - Nothing/Crash Bug                             |               |
    | 0-1D - Alley (RE2 Preview Disc Version-No Map)       |               |
    | 1-00 - Hall 1F                                       |               |
    | 1-01 - Waiting Room                                  |               |
    | 1-02 - West Office                                   |               |
    | 1-03 - Filing Room                                   |               |
    | 1-04 - Licker Hallway                                |               |
    | 1-05 - Boarded-Up Hallway                            |               |
    | 1-06 - Meeting Room                                  |               |
    | 1-07 - 1F Stairs Hallway                             |               |
    | 1-08 - Darkroom                                      |               |
    | 1-09 - Locker Room                                   |               |
    | 1-0A - Recess Hallway                                |               |
    | 1-0B - East Office                                   |               |
    | 1-0C - East Hallway                                  |               |
    | 1-0D - Press Conference Room                         |               |
    | 1-0E - Interrogation Room                            |               |
    | 1-0F - Right Stairs Hallway                          |               |
    | 1-10 - Night Duty Room                               |               |
    | 1-11 - Basement                                      |               |
    | 1-12 - Basement Trench                               |               |
    | 1-13 - Generator Room                                |               |
    | 1-14 - Weapons Cache                                 |               |
    | 1-15 - Autopsy Room                                  |               |
    | 1-16 - Basement Parking Lot                          |               |
    | 1-17 - Nothing/Crash Bug                             |               |
    | 1-18 - Nothing/Crash Bug                             |               |
    | 1-19 - Cellblock Hallway                             |               |
    | 1-1A - Kennel                                        |               |
    | 1-1B - Chief's Office                                |               |
    | 2-00 - Chief's Secret Room                           |               |
    | 2-01 - Cellblock                                     |               |
    | 2-02 - Sewage Disposal Hallway 1                     |               |
    | 2-03 - Leon's Boss Room (Chess Plug Room)            |               |
    | 2-04 - Leon's Sewer Entrance                         |               |
    | 2-05 - Sewage Disposal                               |               |
    | 2-06 - Sewage Disposal Tank Room                     |               |
    | 2-07 - Construction Hallway                          |               |
    | 2-08 - Hidden Corridor                               |               |
    | 2-09 - Claire's Boss Room                            |               |
    | 2-0A - Claire's Sewer Entrance                       |               |
    | 2-0B - Sewage Disposal Hallway 2                     |               |
    | 2-0C - Sewer Save Room West                          |               |
    | 2-0D - Sewer Save Room East                          |               |
    | 3-00 - Branching-Off Corridor                        |               |
    | 3-01 - Management Room South                         |               |
    | 3-02 - Sewer Hallway 1                               |               |
    | 3-03 - Management Room North                         |               |
    | 3-04 - Sewer Hallway 2                               |               |
    | 3-05 - Sewer Hallway 3                               |               |
    | 3-06 - Nothing/Crash Bug                             |               |
    | 3-07 - Sewer Hallway 4                               |               |
    | 3-08 - Bridge Chamber 1F                             |               |
    | 3-09 - Bridge Chamber 2F                             |               |
    | 3-0A - Crocodile Corridor                            |               |
    | 3-0B - Fan Corridor                                  |               |
    | 3-0C - Dust Chute                                    |               |
    | 3-0D - Cave                                          |               |
    | 3-0E - Sky Tram Platform - Sewer                     |               |
    | 3-0F - Air Vent                                      |               |
    | 3-10 - Garbage Room                                  |               |
    | 4-00 - Inside Sky Tram                               |               |
    | 4-01 - Sky Tram Platform - Factory                   |               |
    | 4-02 - Basement Corridor 1                           |               |
    | 4-03 - Panel Room                                    |               |
    | 4-04 - Turntable Platform (Turntable Up)             |               |
    | 4-05 - Inside Turntable                              |               |
    | 4-06 - Turntable Platform (Turntable Down)           |               |
    | 4-07 - Turntable Control Room                        |               |
    | 4-08 - Basement Coridoor 2                           |               |
    | 4-09 - Turntable Going Down                          |               |
    | 5-00 - Turntable (Laboratory 1)                      |               |
    | 5-01 - Elevator                                      |               |
    | 5-02 - Laboratory Corridor                           |               |
    | 5-03 - Pump Room                                     |               |
    | 5-04 - Power Room - Top                              |               |
    | 5-05 - Power Room - Bottom                           |               |
    | 5-06 - Turntable (Laboratory 2)                      |               |
    | 5-07 - Guardroom                                     |               |
    | 5-08 - Main Shaft A                                  |               |
    | 5-09 - Private Quarters 1                            |               |
    | 5-0A - Private Quarters 2                            |               |
    | 5-0B - Left Hallway                                  |               |
    | 5-0C - Right Hallway                                 |               |
    | 5-0D - Frozen Room                                   |               |
    | 5-0E - Plant Ladder Room                             |               |
    | 5-0F - G-Capsule Room                                |               |
    | 5-10 - VAM Room                                      |               |
    | 5-11 - Main Shaft B                                  |               |
    | 5-12 - Laboratory Control Room                       |               |
    | 5-13 - Computer Room                                 |               |
    | 5-14 - Laboratory Hallway                            |               |
    | 5-15 - William Birkin's Lab                          |               |
    | 5-16 - MO Disk Verification Hallway                  |               |
    | 5-17 - Scenario 1 Last Boss Room                     |               |
    | 6-00 - Train Platform Entrance                       |               |
    | 6-01 - Train Platform                                |               |
    | 6-02 - Scenario 2 Last Boss Room                     |               |
    | 6-03 - Inside Train                                  |               |
    | 6-04 - Train Storage Area                            |               |

12.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

1. GOD for everything
2. My family and my dogs
3. Game FAQs for publishing my faqs
4. Cheat Code Central for allowing me to use their GameShark Codes. Thanks Dave.
5. My computer
6. You for reading my FAQ

13.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

For now, I only discover one sucker. I hope this list isn't growing so fast.

1. Today,  I went to a game-shop,  and guess what?  I found that  my Dino Crisis
   walkthrough  has been published  without  my  permission.  That  sucker  only
   translate my walkthrough in Indonesian language and sell it for Rp. 12.500,-.
   That bastard  translate it words by words.  It’s title is GAME GUIDE Volume :
   9. And it has this statement on the back cover : "Anggota IKAPI 106/JBA/10-08
   -99". Some of my friends told me that it was made in Bandung by VEGA(the same
   store  that sell it). The  previous volume  of that magazine  is also ripping
   someone else's faq(especially from GameFAQs)and translate it into Indonesian.
   And I got some words for anyone that responsible for this :
   happen  to read my walkthrough prepare to be scared. I mean  VERY SCARED (No,
   don’t worry, I won’t take your pitiful soul from your brainless body,  I only
   make sure that you will  suffer till the rest of your life).
   And for you, dear readers, if you know anything,  anything about this asshole
   -person, please let me know about that. I will apreciate any infos about this
   animal.  His address, telephone, faxs, or e-mail.  I will  greatly appreciate

14.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

Hey,  faq-makers, you should read this section.  I just receive an e-mail and he
told me that  he has asking everybody  who made a walkthrough (including myself)
and  I'm the  ONLY  one that answered.  Have you all forgot the manner that your
father and mother taught you when you were kids? If someone asking for your help
and you can help him, then do so. If you don't want people to send you an e-mail
then said so  on your faq.  Don't let people disappointed.  I also have the same
experience.  I asked someone  and he didn't answered me.  I don't know if he's a
busy man or not,  but he didn't answered me. I'm very disappointed. Just because
you have made a great faq,  and a lot of people e-mail you,  it don't make you a
great man. What makes you a great man is your attitude.

And for myself, I guarantee that  I will answer  your questions, even if I can't
answer it.  And  if I haven't  answered your mail within a week , please mail me
back, because maybe I don't read your faq, or something like that.

15.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

For those of you who want to send comments,  questions, or information regarding
this FAQ, send them to : [email protected]

Feel free  to e-mail me  about any mistakes  or  additions  concerning this FAQ,
but don't forget to mention "RE2" in the "Subject" field.

If you read this FAQ not on these sites :
01) Game FAQs (
02) Console Gamer (
03) Absolute Playstation International (
04) Playstation Network (
05) Cheat Code Central (
06) Video Games Strategies (
07) Planet Web (
08) Hype.Se (
09) Game Revolution (
10) Game Core (
11) Xcheater (
12) PhatGames (
Please  tell  me where you read it.  And if you know someone who has rip-off my
work,  please  tell me his e-mail address  and where you read it,  we will take
care the rest.

Thanks  for  reading  my  FAQ  and  please send in any comments,  questions, or

This document copyright (c) 1999 Stinger 3:16

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