Sirduck's Wheel of Time Walkthrough
c Tim Warren 1999- 2000
Ver 2.1
NOTE: This walkthrough is for posting at certain sites under my
discresion. ANY copying and posting of this FAQ without my permission
is illegal, and you can get in big trouble. So be nice, Thanks.
NOTE: I know my Walkthrough is in demand, and I know of all people
that it is not done yet. Don't email me to say this, i know! If you
want to post it on your site, EMAIL ME FIRST as I want to keep track on
who's giving credit and who's not, I've had like 20 requests, and if
you ask nicely, I'll say yes, no prob. NO POSTING WITHOUT PERMISSION.
Thanx. [email protected] is my adress again.
1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough of the Missions
2.1 Bank of the Manetherendrelle
2.2 Streets if Shadar Logoth
2.3 Bowels of Shadar Logoth
2.4 Escape from Shadar Logoth
2.5 Saving the White Tower
2.6 The Vault
2.7 The Ways
2.8 The Excavation
2.9 The Fortress of The Light
2.10 The Fortress of the Forsaken
2.11 The Dungeons of the Forsaken
3. Ter' Angreal Guide
4. Multiplay Strategies
5. Credits, End
Version 1.00 Introduction and Bank of Manetherenedrelle added.
Version 1.01 Streets of Shadar Logoth Added
Version 1.02 Mission Objectives Bowels of Shadar Logoth, and Escape
from Shadar Logoth added
Version 1.03 Saving the White Tower added
Version 1.04 finished Saving the White Tower
Version 1.05 Fixed some errors, added Mission Difficulty Ratings
Version 1.06 Added The Vault
Version 1.07 Added The Ways
Version 1.08 Added The Excavation
Version 1.09 Added the Fortress of the Light
Version 2.0 Added The Fortress of the Forsaken
Version 2.1
1. Introduction
Being a very big Jordan reader myself, when I first heard of this game,
I bought it. And i like it. It is not just a conventional 1st person
shooter. It is a first person shooter with the world of the Wheel of
Time books by Robert Jordan, which are excellent. This game does a
good job of emersing the player into that unique, intriguing world.
Although the game takes place before the novels, the storyline is
accurate to Jordan's history of the WOT world, so I cant critisize
that. The game itself gets frustrating sometimes, but this guide
should be all you need to get past that and truly enjoy the game. So,
off we go into the World of Wheel of Time.....
2. Walkthrough of Missions
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am presuming you know how to use ter' angreal and
know the controls, as they are not covered anywhere here, thanks. Also,
this walkthrough is all you need to get from point A to point B, i dont
know all the secrets. It will cover how to get over obstavles and how
to get the Ter' angreal of the level.
MISSION OBJECTIVES: What you are supposed to do in order to win
Enemies: Enemies found in this level
TA: Ter'Angreal found in this level
Mission Difficulty
Enemies: *-*****, * being easy and ***** being hard
Puzzles/frustration: *-*****, * being easy and ***** being hard
2.1 Mission 1: Bank of the Manetherenedrelle
-Try to track down the assasin before he can reach Shadar Logoth.
-In doing so, learn to use your Ter'Angreal to defend yourself against
his protectors, the Trollocs.
-Research what you carry by selecting an artifact and then pressing the
f2 key.
-Gather any Ter' Angreal you can find among the remains of the Tinker
wagons; some caravans are suspected to carry such artifacts
Enemies- Trollocs
TA: Heal, Personal Shield, Dart, Fireball
Mission Difficulty:
You start facing a path. Follow that path. Soon the path will
lead you to a large stone by a pine tree. Continue to follow the path
but on the other side of the stone, encircle it and you will find your
first Heal Ter'Angreal. Now, back on the path until you reach the
entrance to a cave. Go inside. At a curve in the cave you will meet
your first trolloc. With air pulse, attack the trolloc, then when he
tries to attack back off. Continue to attack him while running backing
off until he dies. Yay! you killed your first trolloc! This is the
strategy against trollocs, to attack while backing off, because they
tend to avoid long distance TA and to stand still is death. Now go
through the cave, make sure to pick up another Heal TA where the
trolloc was. After the cave, turn left and follow the cart tracks
until you see a Tinker wagon. Two trollocs jump out of it when they
see you, one runs away, one attacks you. Kill it. In the Wagon you will
find the Dart TA. Equip it.
Now follow the tracks beyond the wagon until it comes to a
clearing. Two trollocs will jump off the far cliff and attack you, but
back off because the assasin will throw fire at you until he runs from
the far cliff. Use dart to kill both trollocs, be careful! One of
them can throw axes. Shoot him with dart and then strafe left and
right to avoid his axe.
Turn left at the fork in the road where the clearing starts.
Enter the wagon to get a Personal Shield TA. Go back to the fork.
This time go right. Go around the large rock, and there will be
a Heal TA on the dead body. Follow the path, but watch out! An
Axethrower Trolloc jumps of a nearby hill to attack you. Kill him,
then go straight and find the ramp up the hill the trolloc jumped off
of(its a sharp right turn) On the body there will be a dart TA. Go
back down and continue forward. There will be another Dart TA in the
wagon with the hanging body (yuck).
Go past the wagon and two trollocs at a camp site will see
you and attack you. Kill them. There is nothing at their camp site
besides a trolloc cookpot (yummy).
Take the right path from the camp site, and continue until you
see a tree. When you reach the tree, strafe facing the tree and fire on
the axethrower trolloc not far behind it, gaurding the entrance to a
cave. Kill him, then go through the cave. When the cave curves and you
see the end of the tunnel, two trollocs will see you also. Dispatch
them. At their camp site you will recieve your first Fireball TA.
Turn around and face the cave you just exited. There is a path right
by it leading downward. Follow it until you pass a teal- colored
mountainside. Then turn and face right. You should be facing the Cursed
City of Shadar Logoth. There are two trollocs gaurding it, fireball
them. They will charge you, back off and shoot them with fireball but
dont back off to far or you will fall into the Manetherendrelle. After
the blighters are dead, face the bridge to the city. Now face right of
that, and go all the way towards the mountain closest to the gates. You
will see a cave entrance. Looks like this was a campsite, but no-ones
home, so the Fireball TA is yours without a fight. Go back and enter
the city gates
2.2 Mission 2: Streets of Shadar Logoth
-Track the assasin through the city however you can.
-Shadar Logoth is ancient. The city may hold artifacts that could help
to keep you alive.
Enemies- Trolloc, Minion, Mashadar Tentacle
TA: Dart, Heal, Seeker, Shift, Personal Shield, Fireball
Mission Difficulty:
Enemies: **
You start in a dark hallway. Go down the hallway, turn right at
it's end, and follow the next hallway.( This level is basically a damn
confusing system of tunnels, dont get turned around.) Go up the stairs
at the end. You should hear a trolloc die as... something.... kills it.
Continue your ascent through the next flight. At the third flight,
halfway up there is a window-shaped doorway. Enter it, and jump across
the pit for a Fireball TA.Jump back over and get out.
At the top of the stairs, follow the hallway and climb the short
staircase. At the top, go right throught the broken wall for a Seeker
TA and a Dart TA. Go back the other way from the small staircase.
Take a right, then take a left. Walk through the open path (you should
see the sky if you look up.) Go through the arch. You will see red
eyes in the shadows in the next area. Launch two fireballs at it and
it will die. That is usually the strategy with Minions. From there,
go right (facing where the Minion was) and go down the small steps,
take a left and then a right. You should be in a hallway/bridge with
little windows. There is another Minion here, kill it with fireballs.
Grab the Dart and Heal Ter'Angreal, then go back to the spot where you
first fought the first legion, then go through the left passage you
havent been before. Go left up the small stairs for a Heal TA. Go
back down and go forward, the way you were going. Go straight through
the arch, right through another arch, and go left at the end of the
short hallway. Follow the hallway, then turn right. Then you should
arrive at a passage with crumbled rocks on the floor. Go through it
and go left at the end. You will be at a balcony-like structure. Step
out one step, then back off. The assasin is there, and he throws
a fireball at you and says, "Lie down and DIE." and then flees. Creep
on to the balcony and follow the hallway on the other side. Go left at
the end of the hallway, then down the curving stairs. At the end of the
curving steps, strafe right and you will catch a Minion facing the
other way. Quickly shoot fireballs to kill that one, and another will
come. Kill that one with Dart, as it will be a close range fight.
Curve around the basin of the steps and you will find a Seeker TA and a
Heal TA. Nothing else here, go back up the steps and back to the
balcony. Jump carefully on to the small window sill against the wall
to the left, then onto the other side, where the assasin disapeared.
Climb the small staircase, go through the hall. You will find yourself
on a precipice. Close your eyes, and jump off the edge. It will hurt,
especially if you fall on the Minion's head. Dont do that, it's bad.
Kill the Minion and heal. Watch out for Mashadar Tentacles from this
point on, they are lines of white mist and they hurt bad. Now, face
right (if you are facing the far wall, opposite of where you jumped
from.) You should see a pile of rubble. Jump over it, then go
straight. The way is blocked by more rubble, but you can jump in the
hole in the brick wall. There is a Seeker TA in there. Jump on the
other side of the Seeker TA, it should be a green floor area. Go
right, but watch out for Mashadar Tentacles. Get the Seeker and the
Dart by the Trolloc bodies, and kill any Minions by means of Seeker.
Then go back to where you got the seeker and go left instead. Grab the
Personal Shield TA and use it, its useful. Go down the hallway and go
right, up the stairs. Grab the Shift TA and use it on the grating on
the right wall. Dont go too far out or you will fall in a pit and have
to go waaaay back. Edge along the side. then go down the hallway. At
the end there will be a precipice. Don't fall down because of the
earthquakes. Ok, this is tricky. Get some jumping space, then jump
far from the precipice onto a small ledge to the diagonal down-left of
the large cylinder that is in the middle. Get on the highest point on
that ledge, then jump to the next step.
Enter the next hallway, the floor should be blue. Kill the
Minion, then go left down the small staircases. Enter the courtyard
with the statue. Be VERY carefull of Mashadar tentacles. Go into the
room directly across from where you are standing for a Fireball TA. go
back out and enter the doorway on the far wall facing the back of the
statue. Go up the stairs, then left in the arch. Go left from there
for a Seeker TA. Turn around and go right, you should pass over a
grating. Kill all Minions with Dart, it's prettey close quarters for
fireball. Go down the staircase to the left, then go right. Go
through the hallway. You should be in yet another statue courtyard
(the statue is high up.) Go straight across and kill the Minion, and
grab the Seeker TA. Go back to the middle and up the stairs. The
floor will fall apart under you in this hallway, revealing a Minion.
Kill it, then jump out of the rubble. Go straight and up the small
staircase. Kill yet another Minion (my those things are annoying.)
Grab the Heal TA on the steps and then enter the far side entrance.
Continue straight through the arch, and then left up four flights of
stairs. Make a u-turn right and go throught that passage. Go left at
the end of the hallway and kill the Minion with Seeker. Go straight,
down the stairs. Turn right and go up the stairs there. (ALMOST
DONE!!!! YAY!!!!) Go straight to grab a Fireball TA. Go back to
towards the stairs, but make a left before you get there, enter the
arch, and go towards the small arch-shaped window-balcony thing. You
are done.
2.3 Mission 3: The Bowels of Shadar Logoth
-The longer the assasin evades you, the greater chance he will die
before you regain the Ter'Angreal that he carries. Find him quickly.
-Get the Amyrlin's Ter'Angreal back
Enemies: Mashadar Tentacle, Minion, Legion, Assasin
TA: Dart, Heal, Seeker, Fireball, Personal Shield, Swap Places, Water
Shield, Decay
Mission Difficulty:
I hate this mission. It's hard to write, and hard to play, but it must
be done. Have fun.
You start the mission falling into the water. Once you fall in,
climb up onto the nearest platform: there should be a Dart Ter'
Angreal on it. There are four platforms on every corner of this room,
surrounded by water. Jump over to the one on your left: it has a
Personal Shield Ter' Angreal. Then go ahead and fall in the water to
the right of your platform. follow the water tunnel straight ahead and
you will find a Personal Sheild Ter' Angreal. Turn around and go back
but halfway through go up and emerge to find a Fireball TA on the left
wall. Go back in the tunnel and go straight, stay underwater past the
platforms. There will be grating blocking your way in the far tunnel.
Once again, halfway through emerge and on the left wall above the water
there will be a switch. Pull it, then go back down and the grating
will lift for you. Go down where the grating was and swim through. In
the next room there is a large cylinder thing surrounded "moat like"
by water. On the outside of the water there is a path encircling it.
When you first enter the room, emerge from the water and climb up onto
the encircling path to the left. Follow it all the way around and
clear off the Minion on it. Then fall in the water and go around the
pedestal thing in the middle for a Fireball TA. Now go back to the
entrance underwater where the grating was and again climb the
encircling path on the left side. Go around it but take the first left
passage you see. Follow it for a Dart Ter' Angreal. Go back to the
encircling path and take the next left passage. You should end up on a
bridge. Look left. You should see the Heal TA in the distance on a
platform. There are several platforms leading to the platform on which
heal lies. Jump on them, get heal, and jump back. Now look to your
right. There is a Decay TA and a Dart TA farther back. Get them both
in the same manner that you got the Heal TA. After you get Dart, you
can fall into the space below. A Minion should attack you, kill it.
Find the end of the chasm-like place that you are in that has a
passageway to the left under an arch, it's one of the ends. You should
be in a room with a pool and a large grate on the right wall. On the
left wall, underwater, is a subterrian staircase with a water dam
contraption above it. Also, there are four switches in this room, one
in every corner. Here's how you do this. Every time you hit a switch,
the water level lowers and the dam thing raises. You need to hit three
switches in order to get acces to the staircase. If you hit four, you
wint be able to reach the staircase, as it is not all the way on the
Hit the switch to your left, then hit the one on your right. The
dam thing extends whenever you hit a switch, so jump on it to reach the
other side. Hit one more switch, then fall in the water, get the Decay
TA at the bottom, go under the dam thing and up the staircase. BLAH!
done with that!
In the next room climb the staircase to the right and pass under
the arch. Look right quickly, a minion pops out. Kill it. Turn
around, go through the room and up the staircase on the left. Run
through the sewer-like pipe entrance, RUN, because there are lots and
lots of Mashadar Tentacles round these here parts. At the end of the
sewer pipe thing go to the end of the next room and turn right. Fall
into the pool in this room immediatly and look up when you get to the
bottom. Kill the poor Minion who cant swim and is frollocing around in
the water.:)
Next go left through the submerged arch and take another left. Go
up the ramp, grab the Heal TA, then go down the next one. Turn left
and get the Water Shield TA, it's very useful later on. Ascend from
the water and climb up onto the platform. Enter the passageway
straight ahead. Try to climb the stairs in the next room, but the
assasin will scream "Burn, Aes Sedai!" and destroyed the stairs. Turn
around and you will see a passageway blocked by rubble. Make your way
over the rubble by means of the collapsed column. Hit the switch on
the other side, then go back to the room. Notice the grating on the
floor is gone, and water is revealed. Time to go swimming! Dive in!
Fall onto the underwater bridge and go straight: you should see
the way in front of you covered with bars. There is a switch on the
right wall near the bars. Press it and the other side of the bridge
will open up to reveal an underwater tunnel. Use your Water Shield, as
it will fight the current and keep you from drowning. follow the
underwater tunnel until you see a little window opening on the left
wall. Go through it and follow the tunnel for a Dart TA, Go back to
the main tunnel and keep on following it until you reach a fork in the
tunnel. Go right and grab the Water Shield TA, then continue to follow
the tunnel until you reach a pool that has a large round tower thing in
the middle, its the end. Here is where you ascend out of the water.
Make your way up to the top and you will be standing in a room with
four little vault-like openings, two ladders and four switchs above the
vaults that opens them. Hear out the assasin's speech about mercy,
then climb the ladder nearest to where you emerged and hit the first
switch on the left. Fall into the matching vault and there will be a
Swap Places TA. Get out, then re-climb the same ladder. This time,
hit the second switch on the right and fall into the vault. There will
be grating, and a minion on the other side of it. Cast Swap Places on
the Minion and laugh as you get back on the other side while the minion
looks real stupid in that small vault. Then continue down the
passageway. There is a ladder on the end on the left wall, climb it.
Go into the next room. There is an obvious next entrance on the
small stairs but notice the crumbling wall in the right corner. Kill
the Minion, then throw a fireball at the wall. It will give way to a
secret passage, explore back there, there is 2 fireballs, a heal, a
dart, and a seeker. Now go back and climb the stairs to the next
entrance. Go through the arches and kill the Minion on the other side.
Look left and notice the blue flame. Go towards it, down the stairs
(get the decay TA) and turn right at the fork. Follow the passageway
to get a DArt TA. Turn around and go the other way. Notice the little
white things flying around the altar. Go towards it, but stay back a
room. Your in for some fun.
OH BOY! A BOSS! Bust out with seeker as soon as you see it materialize
on the altar. He stays still for a minute so you should be able to get
of 10 or so seekers. He likes to make a wierd noise and then a valcano
erupts under you so watch out. When he charges you change to dart and
open fire. Hes not that hard.
As soon as he dies, run to where he was created, then look left. There
is a Dart TA, get it and folow the loop to get a Spirit Shield,
Fireball, Seeker, and another Spirit Shield, which should leave you
well stocked for...
He is pretty easy. He likes Fireballs, so just strafe and hit him with
rapidfire darts. When you see a fireball coming, strafe and open fire.
You can do it, try your best.
END OF MISSION (whew! Finally!)
2.4 Mission 4: Escape from Shadar Logoth
-Stay alive until dawn when the citie's forces retreat. Then you can
-In the process, you can defend yourself and your troops, attempt to
gather more Ter' Angreal, or search for the missing sisters and
Enemies: Minion, Legion
TA: Chain Lightning, Seeker, Dart, Heal, Spirit Shield, Personal
Shield, Earth Tremor, Decay
Mission Difficulty:
Enemies: ***
Im not giving you a walkthrough on this mission. It's very fun, and
you can do whatever you want. There are so many different things you
can do that I can't give you them all. Keep Spirit Sheild up to defend
against Mashadar Tentacles, and have fun! Dawn comes very quickly.
2.5 Mission 5: Saving the White Tower
- The main gate is not near, in fact, it is at the base of an adjoining
tower. The bridge to this tower extends from the Gallery.
-Fight your way through the Library, gain entrance to the Gallery, the
cross to the adjoining tower. Descend to the courtyard and make your
way to the front gate.
- Activate the mechanism in a chamber above. It will close the Inner
Enemies: Trolloc, Mydraal
TA: Seeker, Fireball, Dart, Heal, Swap Places, Find Target, Chain
Lightning, Personal Shield, Fire Shield, WhirlWind, Freeze, Explosive
Ward, Levitate
Mission Difficulty:
You start the mission facing the fireplace. Turn around and grab the
Fireball TA on the desk. Go through the door on the left, not the one
with the warders guarding it, and explore the room. You should find the
Chain Lightning, Personal Shield, and Dart Ter'Angreals. Go back into
the room you came from. This time, take the other entrance, the one
guarded by warders. Grab The Dart Ter'Angreal on the desk, and then go
straight through the door. Take a right, then a left. Enter the
library through the broken door. Go all the way forward and help the
warder kill the two trollocs. This part is hard to write, so bear with
me. Make sure to grab the Chain Lightning Ter'Angreal by the Aes Sedai
body. Go back to the entrance of the room. Look forward, you should
see a ruined staircase. Climb it for a Heal Ter'Angreal. Now go back
to the entrance again. Turn right at the first bookshelf. Go around
it, and you should see a stairway in the back of the bookcase, but do
not climb it yet. Go over to the second row of bookcases. Notice that
the back three are collapsed. Jump on them and get the Seeker
Ter'Angreal. Now go back and climb the stairs. Kill the two trollocs
waiting for you, then go left. Take another sharp, immediate left for
a Decay Ter'Angreal. Go straight, then take a right between the
shelves and kill the trolloc. Go down between the shelves and trun
left, there should be a hole in the floor. Jump down it, then go
straightt for a Seeker TA in the middle of the room, an Andilay Root to
the the left, and a Dart TA behind the box to the right. When you are
done, climb over the collapsed bookshelf to get back to the 1st floor
proper, where you started. Go back up the stairs and back to the
second floor.
This time at the top of the stairs go right. It may not look like
much here, but this is the way. Edge over on the left side, all the
way, be careful not to fall. Now see that the floor/platform in from
of you by a bookcase with the Heal TA on in? Notice that the floor is
glowing red. Those are Explosive Wards, and they hurt if you step on
them. Throw a fireball at them to make them blow up, then leap to the
other side. Pick up the Heal TA, then look to the far side. You
should see a trolloc body and more Explosive Wards. Throw a Fireball
at the explosive wards, then jump on the small railing that hangs out
on your platform, it's very small. now run on this and jump across to
where the wards were. There is an explosive ward Ter' Angreal, pick it
up. Go straight, then right. Now you are about to fight your first
Mydraal. You hear him say "Look at me and know fear!" or "The Dark One
Knows." Before you actually see him. Mydraals have the power to warp
wherever they want, so watch out. I like to dispatch them with Chain
Lightning. Dont let him get too close, dodge his darts from his
crossbow, and Cahin Lightning should eventually kill him. Once he's
gone, grab the Dart Ter'Angreal. Take the second right for a Decay
Ter'Angreal. Take the third right and go up the staircase. There is
one trolloc patrolling here, kill him. Go left, and get the Find
Target and Swap Places Ter'Angreal. Now go to the collapsed door. You
should hear a trolloc fight a warder and then begin to snack on him.
This is funny. Cast Find Target, and step back from the door. Now
cast Swap Places. The trolloc will be warped out of his snack and into
the library, while you are home free. Go right, and you should be at a
very long catwalk. There is a trolloc on the other side. Kill it long
distance style with Seeker, then cross the bridge. At the end, go left
and noticed the locked door. Go left upon the next catwalk, descend
the stairs and kill the trolloc inside the room. Now back off and
shoot the bow for a fireworks display, but make sure it doesnt hurt
Go through the room and to the other side, climb down the winding
stairs. There are two trollocs and one Mydraal in this area, kill them
long distance via Seeker. Go down the winding stairs to the courtyard-
like area with a big circle tower thing in the middle. Go left to get
a Fireball TA by the body of the Aes Sedai, then go back and climb the
next set of winding stairs (make sure it's not the oone you just came
from.) Take a left and go up the small steps, and follow the chamber.
You end up in a room with an andilay root on the far side, ,a key on a
box, and the box over some Explosice Wards. Back off,, shoot the box,
the floor collapses into a lower room. go around the hole, get the
root, then fall in the hole. BE VERY CAREFUL!! This next room has tons
of goodies but it's full of fireworks and explosive wards, to touch one
is death. Go out of the room and kill the trolloc, take nothing from
the room! Now back off and shoot one fireball into the room. BANG!
See the perdy fireworks. Go back in the room and grab the Key to the
Gallery, a Seeker, two Fireballs, a Chain Lighning, a Personal Sheild,
and a Whirlwind TA. With your key, go back to the fisrt catwalk,
waaaay back there, and unlock the door.
First, go right under the staircase. The gallery is
essentially a huge spiralling tower. Under the staircase you will
find a Fireball TA. Go back, then begin to climb the circling ramp.
Get the Dart TA at the base of this. Keep ascending the ramp until you
get to the third floor. To the right is a Fireball TA, to the left is
a door. Open the door, kill the Trolloc inside, and grab the Whirwind
under the collapsed table. Go back out and continue up the ramp. On
the next floor, look up the ruined stairs and pick off the two trollocs
above. Go back and go into the door on the left. There is an Aes
Sedai and a Freeze Ter'Angreal on the table. Continue up the ramp and
get the Levitate TA on the ramp. Jump over the hole in the ramp and
use Levitate in mid air. Go to the door, walk out on the ruined
bridge, and grab the Explosive Ward TA on it. Go back and Levitate to
the opposite side. Continue up the ramp, and go into the next door on
the left. Kill the Trolloc and get the Chain Lightning on the bed. Go
back and continue to climb the ramp. The next door on the left is a
library, go up the ladder and get the Fireball TA, go back down the
ladder and under that is another Levitate TA. Exit the room, and use
the Levitate to cross the pit. Go through the entrance and onto the
catwalk. On the bridge is a Dart TA, dont miss it. Open the door on
the far side, then go right. Kill the trolloc and get the Andilay Root
and the Fireball. GO left for another Fireball at the end. Then go
back to the door and enter the hallway. Kill the trolloc patrolling
your ramp and the one patrolling the lower ramp. Go left for a Heal
TA, then go back and go right. There is a Chain Lightning TA and a
Mydraal's body??????
Anyway, go forward and down the stairs. Kill the trolloc at the base
of these stairs. Get the Fireball, then go down the next flight of
stairs. Go across the bridge, make sure to get the Personal Shield TA
on it. To through the arch at the end and right, down the stairs two
flights. Kill a trolloc if you encounter one, sometimes they patrol
here. Open the door and go to the center of the room. A mydraal and a
Trolloc attack you, kill the Trolloc first and then deal with the
Mydraal. There are several Andilay Roots in here in case you get in
trouble. When you are finished there, go through the door on the far
You are probably weak at this point from the previous part, so this
part is a little tough. There are two trollocs in this thin room, on on
either side of the doorway. Strafe right and try to take one out
quickly, then take out the next one. In this room, there is a Fireball
TA, a Dart TA, a Decay TA behind the table, and two andilay roots.
Once youare finished, go through the next door. Kill the trolloc in
the next room and grab the Fireball TA by the Aes Sedai body. Go
though the next door and go down the steps to get the Seeker TA in the
garden. There are also four andilay roots down there. WARNING! There
are three trollocs and a Mydraal above on the 2nd floor, and when they
see you, they will jump down and attack. This is very frustrating with
the Mydraal, but you can kill them off eventually. Go right when they
all choke, and get the Ter'Angreal in the middle of the path. Go
around to a very similar garden. Kill the trolloc, and there are four
more Andilay roots down there. When you are done, continue to encircle
the gardens, then turn right halfway down the next passage. Use the
elevator to climb to the second floor. From the elevator, go left and
get the Fireball TA, then use the wheel mechanism right where the
fireball was. Continue to encircle the top go get a Chain Lightning
and a Seeker TA. When you are done you can just fall back to the first
floor. The wheel mechanism you turned raised the grate that blocked
the door on the opposite garden( not the one you came from) so just
enter there. In the next room is a Dart TA, a Chain Lightning TA, and
an Explosive Ward TA. Get these, but turn around as a trolloc will
jump from the top floor and attack. Once that is done, enter the next
room through the large door. Go to the center of the room, a Mydraal
appears and summons some trollocs. Kill them all with the unique
strategy I hope you have developed by now, if you get in trouble there
are two Andilay roots in here. Once the Mydraal is dead a Trolloc
tears apart the door on the left. Kill him and enter there, don't
bother with the trollocs that come out the front as that is the front
gate and they are unlimited. Pull the switch to release one of the
locks on the gate, and get the Dart TA on the bench. Use the elevator
and go up. Go down the passage to your right, and kill the trolloc
there. At the end go right across the catwalk, go past the lighted
hallway in the middle for now. Kill the trolloc on the ramp to the
right, then get the Firball TA on the ledge. Go back to the lighted
hallway and cross it, snatch the Fireball in the middle. At the end
take a left and walk along the catwalk, then take a right under the
arch. Make sure to pick up the set of keys on the floor, then jump over
the flames ( i hope you have some life.) Go right, down the elevator,
and hit the switch. Go back up and enter the other passageway to the
left. Pull the switch and the gate will lower, the end and good night.
2.6 Mission 6: The Vault
-Invoke Tracer to discover the entrance to the vault. Use Trap
Detection, caution, and dexterity to keep from falling prey to the more
mundane traps along the way.
- The basements store many forgotten Ter'Angreal. This would be a
good time to build up your arsenal for later.
-Watch for traps that use the One Power. Ancient defences woven into
the White Tower could take any form.
-If you become lost, invoke Tracer to reveal the correct path.
-Find the Amyrlin and return the stolen Ter'Angreal to her.
Enemies: Yourself (reflection)
TA: Fireball, Shift, Levitate, Dart, Seeker, Chain Lightning, Sever,
Unravel, Heal, Decay, Fire Shield, Personal Shield
Mission Difficulty:
Enemies: *
Puzzles/Frustration: ****
This level is all brains and no fighting, and you can become very
easily lost in all the puzzles. That's where I come to the rescue, so
here we go.
You start on a downward spiralling staircase, follow it down halfway
and go in the first floor to emerge on the second floor. Go right and
blow up the boxes to get a Seeker TA. Continue on the bridge and when
you get to the next room blow up the barrel for a Seeker and a Heal on
the shelf. When you are ready, fall off to the first floor and find a
staircase/ladder leading up to the top of one of the bookshelves near
the front of the room. Go to the edge and jump onto the next bookshelf
to the left. Jump on to the box on the end. From there, jump left
onto the lamp-post, then jump onto the second floor. Go left, jump on
the tilted bookshelf to collapse it, get the Decay TA. Go back to
where you climbed up and go the other way. Get the Seeker TA in the
barrel, then activate your first Tracer. Immediatly hit the switch on
the wall and blow up the stained glasss window, and follow the tracker.
Get the Explosive Ward, then look on the wall where there seems to be a
lining. It's a spinning wall/door, and the switch you pulled rotated
it. Wait for it to turn back and squeeze in before it shuts.
First get the Trap Detector on the bench. From now on, that should
almost always be up. Blow up the boxes on the far side for a Seeker and
a Chain Lighting. Go left, down the staircase, but be careful, as the
staris will collapse and there is a Trapdoor in the middle of the room.
With this in mind, skirt the edges and go to the archway on the
oppostie side. There is a Spear Trap on the door, step in then
retreat, and run in as it retracts. Blow up the boxes for a Chain
Lightning TA. Exit the room, remember the Spear Trap, and go down the
staircase on the other side. Get the Levitae and Heal on the shealf,
and blow up the boxes for a Personal Shield TA. DO NOT GO DOWN THE
STAIRS!!! Jump over them, then use levitate, do NOT touch them at any
point as they will retract and throw you into the spears and explosive
wards at the bottom. Go over theses, then land. At the base, go
straight and ignore the rest of the room for now, go through the door.
Go straight and blow up the boxes for a Sever TA, and the Personal
Shield on the shelf to the right. In the next room, go right but there
is a large pit trap, find it and skirt the edges. Blow up the
makeshift wall with Air Pulse. The next hallway is a dead in with five
alcoves with TA, three to the right and two to the left. The first one
to the right has a Heal TA, the first room on the left has an Andilay
root. The second room on the right has a Seeker TA in the boxes, there
is no second left door. The third door on the right has a Trap
Detector on the shelf. The third door on the right has a Fire Shield
TA, which you need. Go back and go to the other side of the pit where
you came from. Blow up the boxes for an Explosive Ward. Go left and
Fireballs start coming out of the far wall. Use Fire Shield and get to
the far side, hit the switch and go through the grating it opened. You
are back in the room with the Explosive Wards and the spears. Feel
free to look around, when you are done enter the far archway. This is
the Room from Hell. You have to make your way in between explosive
wards, pit traps, and spears. Save, then keep trying until you reach
the far side, always have trap detector up. At the far side, open the
door. This is the Room of the Dancing Fireballs. Go past where the
fireballs are, time it carefully and go to the other side. In one of
the rooms is a Fireball TA you need. Cross back to the other side,
watch out for a pit trap. Go to the next room, and destoy all the
explosiive wards with fireball. Now it's just a matter of corssing to
the other side while avoiding Spears and Pitfalls. In the next
chamber, go down the small staircase and get Sever in the boxes and a
Tracer on the table, take the second right and get the Levitate TA.
Now you go ALLLLL The Way Back to the room where you levitated over
the spears. This time stand as high as you can on the ramp in the
front and use levitate to cross to the bookshelf, then jump to the
other side with stained glass windows. Go right and in that room there
is a Sever and a Fireball. Exit and go the other way, get the Shift.
Step on the staircase and it collapses, there is a pit at the base,
jump quickly. Your back in the room with the Levitate, oh yay. Go
down the staircase and shift through the grating.
Go right, but the fireballs start in the hallway you are on. No
Fire Shield needed, just dodge them and duck into the alcoves. The
first one has a Heal TA in the boxes and a Soul Barb on the shelf. The
next one has Fire Shield, but save it. Go to the end of the hallway
and duck into the bookshelf, destroy the wall with Dart. Use Fire
Shield to cross the flames and go right. In the boxes there is a Heal.
In the next room the door closes behind you, collect the TA around
here. When you are ready, grab the Fireball in front of the mirror on
the first floor. You have to fight an image of yourself here.
Immediatly use Sould Barb and Decay, then finish her with dart. When
she falls, the mirror breaks and you can walk through, go right to see
the Amyrlin.
END OF MISSION (that wasnt so hard was it?)
2.7 Mission 7: The Ways
-There is a waygate at the excavation site in the borderlands, but it
is distant. The Black Wind would find you long before you reached it.
-Use the Waygates along the path as safehouses. Exit the ways through
them, and wait as long as you can on the other side so that Machin Shin
will drift away, then reenter and run to the next. By skipping from
Waygate to Waygate, you may avoid the touch of Machin Shin.
-Keep watch for fleeing Black Ajah traitors or any other shadowspawn.
Remeber that Machin Shin doesn't discriminate.
-Who knows what artifacts you might find left behind by some unlucky
-Travel to the Waygate that leads to the Borderlands and stay alive.
Enemies: Trolloc, BA Trolloc, Black Sister, Minion, Legion
TA: Heal, Freeze, Dart, Seeker, Decay, Chain Lightning, Fireball,
Earth Tremor, Personal Shield, Spirit Shield, Fire Shield, Light Sphere
Mission Difficulty:
You start facing three gratings, pull the switch on the right to
open the grating on the right. Go through and get the Heal TA on the
shelf, then climb the laddder backwards and jump onto the drawer for a
Freeze TA. Jump down and go back up the ladder. At the top, go right
and on the shelf there is a pouch containing a Seeker TA and a Decay
TA. Turn around and blow up the first set of boxes for an Explosive
Ward TA and a Fireball TA. Blow up the boxes on the far end of the
room for a Fork TA. Descend the next ladder. Blow up the boxes for a
Personal Shield Ter'Angreal, the next set of boxes for Chain Lightning,
Earth Tremor, and Fire Shield TAs. Go all they way back to the first
room via the ladders. This time go forward and hit the switch to open
the grate. To the left is a garden with two Andilay roots at the top
of the hill, to the right is a garden with the Waygate. Enter the
Waygate to enter the Ways.
If you get lost in here, the key is to follow the white lines on
the floor. I'll help you through.
Go straight and follow the white line a while until you hear a lady
scream "You'll never leave the Ways!" and attack you. This is your
first Dark Sister. Fire several Decays at her, then avoid her
completely and you will hear her die. Find her body and take the Light
Sphere TA, it should ALWAYS be up from now on. Go past where you
killed the Black Sister and find the next white line at a post. When
you come to a hole in the path, go right and use the small platform to
jump to the other side. Continue up the stairs, then down the next
stairway. Jump over the rubble and go around the hole to the right,
find a post with a dead trolloc by it. Follow the line and go down the
spiralling ramp that it leads to. The Wind is coming at this point, so
run. Find the post and follow the line that leads left. Run on it,
stay close as there are many holes, and break through the next Waygate
before Machin Shin claims your soul.
It throws you in the Blight, probably the worst of all places they
could have thrown you. Follow the pathway, don't touch any of the
trees. Kill all of the trollocs and follow the path until you see a
trolloc fort. Enter it and kill all the trollocs, then go to the upper
right passageways and a staircase up. There are several of these, find
the one with a Levitate TA and a key on the floor. Go back to the main
room, but WATCH OUT as there is a BA Trolloc there now. These things
just don't die, kill it with Decay and stay away from it until it
finally drops. Go to the passage on the left side of the main chamber,
it should be elevated. Open the door on the end with a key, and follow
the hallways until you see a switch, pull it, then re-enter the main
chambers. A wall would have lifted, go through it and follow the path
until you reach a bridge that has collapsed. Levitate over it, then
re-enter the waygate.
Find your way back to the post you turned at and go straight on the
white line, make sure your not going backwards. Go over the hill.
When you reach a gap in the ways, use the rubble bridge to jump over
it, then jump off the high ledge.
Go straight, follow the white line until you reach a post with a
mutilated trolloc. Run at this point straight, with the white line.
Machin Shin is coming again. Enter the waygate that you find, it will
dump you in Shadar Logoth.
Just Great! This level has dumped you into the three Worst Places
on Earth. Legion is back and badder than ever, you can't kill him.
Get Spirit shield and wait till the tentacles stop, watch out for
Minions that may attack you from nowhere. You must get the Levitate on
the step in front of you. To surviive, just shoot the skulls Legion
throws three times each with dart and they dissapear. Do this until
Machin Shin leaves and re-enter the waygate.
Once back inside, find the post again and follow the white line
leading left, you should be facing platforms with Explosive Wards.
Shoot them with fireball to get rid of them, then Levitate over to the
other side. Keep following the line, get the Heal and the Swap Places
TA. Keep going, and guarding the final waygate is none other than
another Black Ajah Sister and her trollocs. Deal with the trollocs
quick if you can, but if you hear the wind coming, cast Swap Places on
the Black sister as she stands in front of the Waygate and does not
move. Go through the door and leave the sister and her trollocs to the
mercy of the Black Wind (yeah right.)
2.8 Mission 8: The Excavation
-The Whitecloaks have a fortress nearby. If any Aes Sedai remain alive
as prisoners, this is their likely location.
- The excavation site may hold some ancient Ter'Angreal. Find them and
use them to enter the Whitecloak fortress.
-Search for the dungeons inside to discover what happened to the
Enemies: WhiteCloak footman, WhiteCloak archer
TA: Fireball, Seeker, Dart, Heal, Air Shield, Swap Places, Levitate,
Chain Lightning, Personal Shield.
Mission Diffuculty:
Ok, you start facing a cliffside, turn around and blow up the boxes
behind the tent for a Chain Lightning and a Fireball. Go in that tent
for a Dart TA. Go back to where you started and face left, you should
see the start of a path leading into the green. Do not climb the ramp,
as that is actually nearer the end of the level. Follow the path, you
should soon encounter a WhiteCloak guard facing the other way.
Whitecloaks aren't much harder than Trollocs, just dont stand still and
open fire. After he is dead continue to follow the path, dont fall in
the water under the bridge as there is absolutely nothing down there.
Continue to follow the path through a narrow canyon, there is a
waterfall on the next side. There is absolutely nothing here, keep
walking and find the next path. At the fork, keep straight as there is
nothing useful to the left. Enter the tunnel and hear the WhiteCloak's
conversation, then turn the corner and dsipatch them both. Go back to
the ruined wall structure and blow up the box for a Heal TA. Go back
to where you dispatched the Whitecloaks and try to cross the bridge,
the wind should blow you off. You fall in the water, nothing here so
find a hole in the tower in the middle and emerge from the water.
Enter the archway to the left, get the Seeker TA. Go through the other
archyway and climb the winding stairs until you see a hole in the wall,
back off and jump into it. The next part is fairly linear, use the
junk and rubble as steps to climb to the top, and use the fallen
columns as ramps until you get to a place where the wall is crumbling.
Shoot it clear with dart and kill the Whitecloak patrol standing right
at it. Then go right, and right again at the tunnel. Follow the
tunnel. In the next room, climb the stairs and dispatch the Whitecloak
Archer, they are pretty easy as you can open fire on them before they
draw their arrows, and drawing takes a while. Blow the boxes for a
Fireball TA. Go back down and shoot the box under the stairs on the
elevator, then stand on the platform on the right, pull the switch and
it will take you up. In the next room, blow the boxes for a Dart TA
and grab the Air Shield TA. The first part of this mission is done.
Go back to the room where you blew away the wall, and go the other
way. Use the plywood as a bridge to cross to the next tower, and climb
the winding staircase. At the top, go through the SECOND entrance to
the left, as you have been on the other side of the first one.
Activate Air Shield and cross, it will protect you from the wind.
Enter the tunnel, then kill the two guards on the hill. Cross the
bridge annd follow the path. Kill the Whitecloak at the fork, and keep
on going. Descend into the ruins area via the pillar ramp and enter
the building, get the Levitate. Now go back out and climb the higher
ramp. Follow the tunnel and destroy the two guards, then, at the end,
look down and kill the whitecloak below, he is helpless. Blow up the
boxes beside you for the Seeker, Fireball, Chain Lightning, and Heal.
Go across the wooden bridge, be sure to collapse the plywood and it
will be a ramp back up to this position if you fall. Hear the
conversation, then ring the gong and an archer will appear on the far
platform, kill him them use Levitate to cross. Strafe right and take
out the guard in the corner, then go down to the bottom via ladders or
falling. Go into the passageway and out into the open gardens, turn
around and climb the ladder, then climb the next one. Jump over to the
cave, enter, go left and kill the Whitecloak. Get the Heal TA at the
end, then go all the way out to the other edge, get the Fireball at the
cave entrance and the Explosive Ward and Dart TA on the edge, then go
back and enter the cave. Barge in on the Whitecloak campsite and
destroy all resistance, then blow up the boxes for a Swap Places, which
you need. Go into the other cave on the other side, as there is
nothing to the open area to the left. Follow the cave and kill the
Whitecloak Archer in the middle of the base. Enter the small gate base
and look out from one of the windows in several of the doors in this
room, you should see the Fortress and a gong on the wall. Shoot the
gong and the guard investigates, cast swap places on him and you are in
the fortress. Go through the door and fall into the hole, then look in
any of the dungeon cells to end the level.
END OF MISSION( perdy easy!)
2.9 Mission 9: The Fortress of The Light
-The Whitecloaks have been gathering Ter'Angreal from the excavation
site for some time. Obtain as many as you can to defend yourself.
-Find the hidden cache of Ter'Angreal that Cerist reffered to, in a
secret chapel off the throne room.
-With these artifacts, fight your way free of the Whitecloak fortress
and make your way to the portal stone in hope that you can follow the
path of the lost expedition's surviving members.
Enemies: WhiteCloak Footman, WhiteCloak Archer, WhiteCloak Questioner
TA: Air Pulse, Seeker, Personal Shield, Dart, Fire Shield, Balefire,
Freeze, Heal, Sever, Decay, Earth Tremor
Mission Difficulty:
Puzzles/ Frustration:**
This level is not too hard. You start in a cell with absolutely
no Ter'Angreal. Grab the keys by the Whitecloak's body and step
outside. The last cell on the left has a Personal Shield TA, grab it,
then go outside and get the Air Pulse and the Seeker TA on the table,
then open the door. Past the arch on the left there is a Whiteclaok
archer on duty, kill him, then encircle the big white pole thing and
find a small switch. After this is found, go into the door by the
switch, the spears are deactivated. Go inside for a Chain Lightning
and a Dart TA, then go back out and go through the other archway into
an outhouse structure (ewwww.) Blow up the barrels, then jump on the
sloping piece of wood. It will cause a "domino effect" with the other
stalls and make a big hole in the floor that leads to the sewers. Fall
Follow the next passageway, then go right, then left, then left
again at the fork, then yet another left. Follow the passageway until
it reaches a ladder, and climb that. Open the hatch on top and it will
lead you out into the gardens of the Fortress of the Light. The is a
Whitecloak here, dispatch him long range via Seeker, then follow the
garden path thing, except do not go in the door, go around the tower to
the left. There are two Andilay roots at the edge of the pond, then go
in the pond and climb the grated wall on the other side. Push in the
grating of the nearest window, then enter and hear the Whitecloaks
mumble. Blow up the boxes to make noise, then kill the guard that
investigates. Go where he was, through the door, then kill the next
guard to the left. Blow up the boxes for a Dart and more boxes for a
Personal Shield. Go back to the grated wall, then edge along the small
sill until you reach some stained glass windows. Break the window with
Air Pulse and scramble inside. Get the two Darts, the two Fireballs,
and the Heal and the Personal Shield. Exit through the door on the
other side. There are two guards at the end, they can't see you so
fire six seekers or so in their direction and they should never come
near you. Go to where the guards were standing and hit the gong on the
wall, two Whitecloak archers come out of the smaller doors to the left
and right, take them out. Enter the next room through either of the
smaller doors. On the far platforms there are a Heal and a Seeker and
one and a Dart and a Detect Traps on the other. Jump to reach them,
then fall off and enter the large door in the center. Turn right in
the next room and start to climb the staircase, destroying the guard at
the top of the stairs. Go to the center and walk down the hallway, get
the key on the key ring. Walk back out and fall, directly in the
center, into the small fountain for a Fireball TA. Jump out and re-
enter the previous room with the two smaller doors and go left, then
use the key you recieved to open the tall, thin door.
You will find yourself in an enormous room with a large round thing
in the middle, there are no enemies here so dont worry. Encircle the
big round thing to the right until you reach a small door on the right
wall, enter for a Seeker TA and an Explosive Ward TA. Exit and enter
the big round thing at the nearest entrance, then step on the elevator
thing in the middle of the pavillion thing to down to the crypt. Step
out into the room, there is a guard here, try to kill him without him
seeing you, quickly, as if he is hurt or if he sees you he will dash
for the switch on the end and open the door for two more Whitecloaks.
When you are done, find the grating in the floor and enter to descend
into more sewers. Go left when you get down there and jump into the
water, go down to the bottom for a Fireball TA. Emerge via wooden
ladder in water and climb over wooden thing until you reach a room with
plywood blocking the far wall. Go up on the right side and blow up the
boxes for Dart and Explosive Ward TAs, then throw a fireball at the
plywood. The water spills out and fills the level, go backdown
underwater and go left, swiim over the bars. Go right and you should
pass under some moss stuff above you. Go right, and climb the ladder
suspended halfway in midair.
Once you're up, turn around and collect the Seeker, Explosve Ward,
and Fireball TAs, then blow up the boxes for a Detect Traps TA. Trun
around again and go straight, then take a right to enter a bluish-
tinted room. Get the Heal, Dart, and Fireball TAs(watch out for
spears), then exit the room and go right. Turn left at the next
intersection, then take another left to storm the guard. After you do,
find the little switch on the wall to disable the spears and enter the
small room for two Andilay roots. Exit and continue the way you were
going before. You should find another little switch, hit it then enter
the next room. In here, grab the Heal, Dart, Fireball, and Explosive
Ward TAs, then exit. Go right in the hallway, then enter the open room
and prepare for battle. strafe in and start damaging the two guards,
they will run for the gong on the far wall and hit it. Dispatch them,
then deal with the archer that came with the gong, then enter his
chamber. Blow up the boxes for an Explosive Ward TA, then hit the
switch on the wall and go back out, a way should have opened in the
right wall. Follow it.
In the next room, get the Andilay root on the desk,then open the
door to the next room. There is a guard, kill him, then find the
archer on the ramps above you and take him out with Seeker. Look up,
there is a picture of Abe Lincoln???????? Climb the ramp, then go
left, Lots and Lots of TA here. Blow up boxes for a Fireball and a
Dart, and Whirlwind, Earthe Tremor, and Decay are on the table. Go
back down the ramp and enter the door on the right. Go left and get
the BaleFire(burn heehehehehehehehehehe) in the little crevice, do NOT
use these TA until I tell you. Turn around and go the other way,
follow the hallway, then go left. Kill the whitecloak, go right, then
take another right up the stairs. Use Seeker on the guards on the far
side to kill them, then go straight ahead to where they were and go
right at the archway, cross the outdoor bridge thing. Go straight and
you will find yourself in the Armory, go to the other side of the wall
and kill the guard, then investigate all of the chests at the bottom of
each bed for Fireball, Seeker, and Fire Shield. When you are done, go
to where the guard was standing and puch in the grate. Use Fire
Shield, then jump into the furnace and go outside. You find yourself
in a stable area, there is a Whitecloak archer on the ver last one, on
a perch. Kill him, then exit through the archway to the right, then go
right. Enter the little room on the left and nuke all of the boxes for
Explosvie Ward, Seeker, Unravel, Heal, Dart, and Fireball. Go outside
but do not open the big door, outside you will confront a great
Questioner of the Light, who knows how to use TA with deadly skill and
it takes several tries to beat him....... Unless you saved Balefire.
Charge it up by holding down the fire key, then open the door and
charge the central doorway across the courtyard and you should catch
the Questioner before he comes out. When you first see him, shoot him
once with charged Balefire and he should be instantly dead. If not,
shoot him with one more Balefire to finish him. When he falls, a door
across the courtyard opens up and you are free to leave.
2.10 Mission 10: The Fortress of the Forsaken
-Your expedition can't seem to stay out of trouble. Find the Fortress
of the Forsaken-their likely location- then look for a way in.
-Be wary of the Forsaken's forces, including many previous allies: the
powerful Black Ajah sisters.
-Once inside, search for the dungeons. Free your allies if you can.
Enemies: Trolloc, BA Trolloc, Mydraal, Black Sister
TA: Dart, Fireball, Heal, Seeker, Balefire, Freeze, Unravel, Aura of
Unraveling, Personal Shield, Fire Shield, Chain Lightning, Light
Sphere, Fork, Unravel
Mission Difficulty:
Ok, this mission if not too hard on the puzzles and is focused around
battle, so stay sharp, stay healed, and save often.
You start facing a tunnel, enter it and go forward, then left across
the field. Blow away the entrance to the mine with a Fireball, then
enter there and go forward, then right at the end. Blow away all of
the boxes in this area for a Decay TA, a Chain Lightning TA, and a
Light Sphere TA. Go left from there, past the spider web, go right,
then right again, between the two pole things. Face right and destroy
the trollocs, then get the Dart on the wall. Behind where the Dart
was, the wall is crumbling, blow it away and enter the passage for a
Fireball TA, a Seeker TA, and a Heal TA. Go back to the two poles
things and go right, there is a mine cart thing with a switch by it.
Hit the switch and stay out of the way of the cart, as if it hits you,
you are instantly dead. After it breaks the planks on the far side of
the water, fall into the water and get the Fireball Ter'Angreal, then
swim on over to the next side and emerge from there. Go right, a BA
trolloc is waiting in the field. Cast at least three Decays on it,
then use rapid-fire fireballs to make it bite the dust. Follow the
path in the field and go left under the natural arch-thing. Go left
from there, enter the building. Blow away the boxes for a Balefire TA
and an Earth Tremor Ter'Angreal. Only use Balefire under my discretion
as it is rare and needs to be saved for the many larger battles in the
future of this level. Climb up the staris and kill the trolloc at the
fireplace, then go over to the fireplace and get the Fireball, Earth
Tremor,and Decay Ter'Angreals. Leave the house, but a Mydraal
interrupts your passage. Destroy it with a charged Balefire. Exit the
house, and go back to the natural arch, except this time cross over it.
Edge around the mountainside, and launch an Earth Tremor at the Trolloc
campfire. They will all perish before they see you :). Go past where
their camp was and kill the trolloc that is waiting down the hill for
you. Go left and grab the Andilay Root under the natural arch, then go
left and destroy the trolloc. Follow the nice, quiet path under the
trees and then take a right under the bridge/arch. There is a sniper
Mydraal on the ledge above you, dispatch it via Decay and Seeker. When
it falls, go back and jump in the water. Find the boxes onthe bottom
of the lake,and blow them up for a Freeze and a Heal. You now have in
your possesion the awesomest TA combo in the entire game:
Freeze/Balefire. Hang on to both of them, as you will need them in the
near future. Emerge from the water, but make sure the trolloc on the
far side of the little house sees you, he will trip the weak platform
and the entranceway will collapse, leaving you a convenient ramp.
Thank him by sending him to meet his dark master, then use the ramp to
enter the house.
Immediatly, blow up the five barrels under the stairway for the
motherload: a Personal Shield, Balefire, Seeker, Reflect, and Fireball
set of Ter'Angreal. Go upstairs, but first select freeze. When
upstairs, turn around and freeze the Black Sister, then proceed to
charge a Balefire up real nice, and when she begins to thaw, smack her
in the head with it. Bye-Bye!!! Go over to the benches by the window,
break the glass, jump on the benches, and jump out the window and onto
the wall on the far side. Look down, and kill the trolloc below, then
charge up a Balefire for a long time. When it is charged, fall down
and a BA Trolloc will come out of the door on the right: Nuke it
several times, do not use more than three BaleFires. When he falls,
enter his cage for a Decay Ter'Angreal, then go back out and get the
cave. Follow it, go down the well, follow the tunnel and emerge via the
You are inside the Fortress. Kill the trolloc that attacks you,
then find the only passage not blocked by a porticullis. Enter and
climb the stairs, hear as a Mydrall and a Black Sister execute an
Excavation member. Go up to the grating wall you are facing, and go
left. Blow up the first set of boxes for Aura of Unraveling, Seeker,
Dart, and Fireball TAs. Using Fireball, blow up all the other boxes
ahead of you, then make a rush and get the BaleFire and Fire Shield
TAs. The Black Sister on top will see you and rush down to meet you,
face where you came from and prepare a Freeze. When she arrives, use
Freeze/Balefire on her and she drops. Mydraal appears below you, nuke
it with Seekers, then cross to the next side. Blow up the boxes over
there for a Fork, a Dart, and an Unravel. Fall below, but do NOT fall
in the water unless your bag is acidic death. When below, Go in the
nearest passage, then left. Another Black sister patrols this area,
Freeze/Nuke her. Blow up allthe boxes in the room she was gaurding for
the Dart, Personal Shield, Heal, and Chain Lightning Ter'Angreal. Go
right from where you entered and follow the hallway. You have entered
the dungeons. Go left at the torch and kill the Mydraal quickly and
quietly with a Balefire, then go back to the torch and go right. In
the far room there is a Black Sister, you know what to do with her.
She carries a key, pick up when she falls, then go back to the room
with the pool of acid. Unlock the gate, a Mydraal pops out of the cell
on the right. Nuke it, and grab the keys on the floor. Go back to the
dungeons (where you killed the sister with the key) and unlock the
nearest door to end the mission.
2.11 The Dungeons of the Forsaken
- You have a short time before the guards appear. Use it to look for
any artifacts that the survivors might have hidden in their cells, then
familiarize yourself with the surrounding area.
-Guards with orders to kill the wounded prisoners will arrive in
increasingly tougher waves and head for the dungeons using the most
direct open path. By closing the porticullisses in the rotunda, you can
limit their options.
-Don't rely on your offensive artifacts to defeat the guards. You must
use features of the environment to overcome the odds.
-Keep as many of the survivors alive as possible. If you lose five of
them, or the Sitter is killed, you will have failed.
Enemies: Trolloc, Mydraal, Black Sister
TA: Sever, Heal, Dart, Chain Lightning, Balefire, Whirlwind, Explosive
Mission Difficulty:
Enemies: ****
Puzzles: What Puzzles??
OK, this is really fun. You must start by closing the porticullises to
force the forces of the forsaken to take the longest path. There are
four you must close. Go left, check all the cells for TA, cross the
library and clost Porticullis number 1. Go back to the torch, go right,
check all the cells for TA, and go to the end to close Porticullis
number two. Go back to the torch, go straight, then in the next
chamber go in the near hallway and follow it to close Porticullis
number 3. Go in the acid chamber and go through the gate that was
locked in the last level to close Porticullis number Four.
There are four waves of enemies. Each one gets harder and harder
to deafeat. Here is the strategy: Go back to the acid roo, climb to
the very top and hit the switch, get the Whirlwind and BaleFire TAs.
Next, find the source of the trollocs in that tower thing you are
standing on, it's on the second floor. Line it with Explosive Wards.
Now climb to the very top. When you hear a BOOM, they are coming. When
you see the first one appear, Whirlwind it and throw it in the acid,
try to get the most powerful one. Do NOT try this on sisters. Once
all of the guards are either out of the room or in the acid, fall,
follow the survivors, and destroy (take sisters out with Balefire.)
This is a really cool level in my opinion. If you ever run out of
Whirlwind, the source on top is never ending, take some. Mydraals
should be your first priority when looking for targets to dump. The
enemies of each wave are as follows:
Wave 1: 5 Trollocs
Wave 2: 4 Trollocs 1 Mydraal
Wave 3: 3 Trollocs, 2 Mydraal, 1 Black Sister
Wave 4: 3 Mydraal, 2 Black Sisters
When a Balck Sister passes on by, sneak up behind her and nuke her via
Balefire. This level should really not give you much trouble, good
luck and have fun.
The Spoiler Centre