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        '$r            T H E    U N O F F I C I A L    Q U A K E    F A Q
         $             By Toby Goldstone

The Unofficial Quake FAQ - version 2.0 (First full release)
By Toby Goldstone        - [email protected]
Nickname on IRC          - DarkSpike

Temporary FAQ homepage   - http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~inferno/index.htm

Submissions to the FAQ   - [email protected]

Additions/updates in this version of the UQFAQ
 - Out of beta! The UQFAQ is now at version 2.0. Thanks to everyone who
   helped me get this off the ground, and to everyone who sent me
   corrections. Also thanks to all the contributors to the FAQ.
   Thank you to Tom Wheely for letting me use his FAQ, and to Joost Schuur
   for letting me use sections of his (now dead) www site 'Aftershock' in
   this FAQ. Thanks to Kyle R. Hofmann for his 'Quake Shareware secrets
   FAQ', the people of Stomped for the registered Quake secrets, Michael
   Montgomery for his console commands list, and Nathan Rice for his
   'Guide to excellent Quakematch'. Thanks also to the people of the
   rec.computer.games.quake.support mailing list for lots of help on lots
   of stuff.
 - Decided to nuke the entire files section. This section took me ages to
   compile, but in the long run I have a feeling that its going to be more
   trouble than it's worth. I can see myself listing every QuakeC patch out
   there... I don't want to do that as you can probably imagine.
 - Multiplayer information. One of the biggest (and possibly the most
   important) sections in the FAQ.

     This FAQ is for the use of people who play Quake by id Software. The
author of this FAQ (and all contributors) can in no way be responsible for
anything you do after reading this FAQ. This FAQ guarantees *nothing* at
all. All of the information in this FAQ could be complete crap. You decide.

     Quake and DOOM are trademarks of id software
     Windows is a trademark of Microsoft corporation
     OS/2 is a trademark of IBM
     Pentium is a trademark of Intel
     Duke Nukem 3D is a trademark of 3D Realms
     Terminator: Future Shock is a trademark of Betheseda Software Works
     Myst is a trademark of Broderbund Software

     NOTE: If a trademark isn't here please email me so it can be added.
All trademarks (shown and not shown) are acknowledged.

     The Unofficial Quake FAQ is Copyright 1996 by Toby Goldstone. All
rights reserved. You are granted the following rights:

I.   To make copies of this FAQ in original form, as long as
      (a) the copies are complete and are unaltered by anyone other than
	    Toby Goldstone;
      (b) the copies are in electronic form;
      (c) they give credit to the author, Toby Goldstone.
II.  To distribute this work, under the provisions above, as long as
      (a) the copies are complete and are unaltered by anyone other than
	    Toby Goldstone;
      (b) no fee is charged;
      (c) they give credit to the author, Toby Goldstone, in any
      (d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within
	    computer software;
      (e) the distributed form is the newest version of the FAQ (email the
	    author to find the latest version number);
      (f) the distributed form is electronic.

     You may NOT distribute this FAQ in *any* non-electronic media.
     You may NOT distribute this FAQ in any electronic magazine.
     You may NOT distribute this FAQ within computer software.

     NOTE: These rights are temporary, and may be revoked upon written,
     oral, or other notice by Toby Goldstone. If you wish to distribute
     this FAQ within a magazine or electronic magazine, get in touch with
     the author.

     NOTE: Yes, I know this copyright is long-winded. Err, so there.


[1] Introduction

    The Unofficial Quake FAQ
    [1-1] Foreword by the author
    [1-2] About the Unofficial Quake FAQ
	  [1-2-1] UK/US spelling issues
    [1-3] Getting the Unofficial Quake FAQ
	  [1-3-1] Via Usenet
	  [1-3-2] Via WWW
	  [1-3-3] Via FTP
	  [1-3-4] Via BBS
    [1-4] Submitting stuff to the Unofficial Quake FAQ
    [1-5] Who did the UQFAQ logo?
    [1-6] Acknowledgements

    Quake - the game
    [1-10] How can I get Quake?
    [1-11] Where can I get Quake?
    [1-12] Where can I get the registered version of Quake?
	   [1-12-1] In the US
	   [1-12-2] In the rest of the world
    [1-13] How do I install Quake?
    [1-14] Where do people discuss Quake?
	   [1-13-1] Newsgroups
	   [1-13-2] Internet Relay Chat
    [1-15] Are there any Quake WWW pages?
    [1-16] What does Quake need to run?
	   [1-16-1] What about non-Intel processors?

[2] What's new?
    [2-1] Fully three-dimensional environment
    [2-2] You can move your head! And jump!
    [2-3] No action button
    [2-4] No map
    [2-5] Better network play
    [2-6] Internet play
    [2-7] More than two players over a modem
    [2-8] Traps and things...
    [2-9] Swimming
    [2-10] Better AI
    [2-11] New Weapons!

[3] Quake basics
    [3-1] The story so far...
    [3-2] The aim of the game
    [3-3] How do I select a skill level?
    [3-4] How do I select a dimension?
    [3-5] How do I move around in Quake?
	  [3-5-1] Can I use my mouse?
	  [3-5-2] Can I use my joystick?
	  [3-5-3] How do I walk around?
	  [3-5-4] How do I run?
	  [3-5-5] How do I shoot?
	  [3-5-6] How do I jump?
	  [3-5-7] How do I look up and down?
	  [3-5-8] How do I swim?
	  [3-5-9] How do I use stuff?
	  [3-5-10] How do I pick stuff up?
	  [3-5-11] How do I kill myself?
    [3-6] Finding things
	  [3-6-1] Switches and Floorplates
	  [3-6-2] Doors
	  [3-6-3] Secret Doors
	  [3-6-4] Platforms or Lifts
	  [3-6-5] Pressure Plates and Motion Detectors
    [3-7] Environmental hazards
	  [3-7-1] Explosions
	  [3-7-2] Water
	  [3-7-3] Slime
	  [3-7-4] Lave
	  [3-7-5] Traps
	  [3-7-6] Teleporters
    [3-8] What are the default Quake controls?
    [3-9] The Screen
	  [3-9-1] The View area
	  [3-9-2] The Inventory bar
	  [3-9-3] The Status bar
	  [3-9-4] The Score bar
    [3-10] How do I change the screen resolution?
    [3-11] Messages
    [3-12] Ending a level
    [3-13] Ending an episode

[4] The Main Menu
    [4-1] Single Player
        [4-1-1] New Game
        [4-1-2] Load
        [4-1-3] Save
    [4-2] Multiplayer
        [4-2-1] Join a Game
              [4-2-1-1] Modem
              [4-2-1-2] Direct Connect
              [4-2-1-3] IPX
              [4-2-1-4] TCP/IP
        [4-2-2] New Game
              [4-2-2-1] Modem
              [4-2-2-2] Direct Connect
              [4-2-2-3] IPX
              [4-2-2-4] TCP/IP
              [4-2-2-5] The OK bit
                      [4-2-2-5-1] Begin Game
                      [4-2-2-5-2] Maximum Players
                      [4-2-2-5-3] Game Type
                      [4-2-2-5-4] Teamplay
                      [4-2-2-5-5] Skill
                      [4-2-2-5-6] Frag Limit
                      [4-2-2-5-7] Time Limit
                      [4-2-2-5-8] Episode
                      [4-2-2-5-9] Level
        [4-2-3] Setup
    [4-3] Options
        [4-3-1] Customise keys...
        [4-3-2] Go to Console
        [4-3-3] Reset to defaults
        [4-3-4] Screen Size
        [4-3-5] Brightness
        [4-3-6] Mouse Speed
        [4-3-7] CD Music Volume
        [4-3-8] Sound Effects Volume
        [4-3-9] Always Run
        [4-3-10] Invert Mouse up/down
        [4-3-11] Lookspring
        [4-3-12] Lookstrafe
        [4-3-13] Video Options
    [4-4] Help/Ordering
    [4-5] Quit

Game Elements
[5] Weapons
    [5-1] Axe
    [5-2] Shotgun
    [5-3] Double barrelled shotgun
    [5-4] Nailgun
    [5-5] Perferator
    [5-6] Grenade Launcher
    [5-7] Rocket Launcher
    [5-8] Thunderbolt

[6] Ammo and Power-ups
    [6-1] Shells
    [6-2] Flechettes
    [6-3] Grenades
    [6-4] Cells
    [6-5] Armour
    [6-6] Megahealth
    [6-7] Biosuit
    [6-8] Ring of Shadows
    [6-9] Pentagram of Protection
    [6-10] Quad Damage

[7] Monsters in Quake
    [7-1] Rottweiler
    [7-2] Grunt
    [7-3] *Enforcer
    [7-4] Knight
    [7-5] *Death Knight
    [7-6] *Rotfish
    [7-7] Zombie
    [7-8] Scrag
    [7-9] Ogre
    [7-10] *Spawn
    [7-11] Fiend
    [7-12] *Vore
    [7-13] Shambler

I need help playing Quake!
[8] Tables and Things
    [8-1] How much does it take to kill a certain Quake monster?
	  [8-1-1] Short Range
	  [8-1-2] Long Range
    [8-2] Weapon damage table

[9] What are the secret areas in Quake?
    [9-1] START: Introduction
    [9-2] E1M1: The Slipgate Complex
    [9-3] E1M2: Castle of the Damned
    [9-4] E1M3: The Necropolis
    [9-5] E1M4: The Grisly Grotto
    [9-6] E1M5: Gloom Keep
    [9-7] E1M6: The Door to Chthon
    [9-8] E1M7: The House of Chthon
    [9-9] E1M8: Ziggurat Vertigo
    [9-10] Contributors to section [9-1 to 9-9]
    [9-11] E2M1: The Installation
    [9-12] E2M2: The Ogre Citadel
    [9-13] E2M3: The Crypt of Decay
    [9-14] E2M7: Underearth (Secret Level)
    [9-15] E2M4: The Ebon Fortress
    [9-16] E2M5: The Wizard's Manse
    [9-17] E2M6: The Dismal Oubliette
    [9-18] E3M1: Termination Central
    [9-19] E3M2: Vaults of Zin
    [9-20] E3M3: The Tomb of Terror
    [9-21] E3M4: Satan's Dark Delight
    [9-22] E3M7: The Haunted Halls (Secret Level)
    [9-23] E3M5: Wind Tunnels
    [9-24] E3M6: Chambers of Torment
    [9-25] E4M1: The Sewage System
    [9-26] E4M2: The Tower of Despair
    [9-27] E4M3: The Elder God Shrine
    [9-28] E4M4: The Palace of Hate
    [9-29] E4M5: Hell's Atrium
    [9-30] E4M8: The Nameless City (Secret Level)
    [9-31] E4M6: The Pain Maze
    [9-32] E4M7: Azure Agony

[10] Hints and Tips
     [10-1] How do I kill the boss on episode one?
     [10-2] How do I cheat?
     [10-3] How do I kill Shamblers?
     [10-4] Problems killing Scrags...

[11] Deathmatch tactics
     [11-1] Don't walk!
     [11-2] Don't taunt your opponent before hand
     [11-3] Develop Routine
     [11-4] Take up a good firing position before attacking
     [11-5] Know your opponent

[12] Cooperative tactics
     [12-1] Work together
     [12-2] Carnage!

[13] Zer0's guide to excellent Quakematch V.1
     [13-1] Llamah Stuff
     [13-2] The Weapons
     [13-3] The Artifacts
     [13-4] Player Archetypes
     [13-5] The Levels
     [13-6] Your Config
     [13-7] Who to look out for
     [13-8] Teams
     [13-9] Reach out and frag someone
     [13-10] Outro

Technical Stuff
[14] Quake Commands - The Console and Command Line (MephistoX)
     [14-1] Factors
     [14-2] Command Line Parameters
     [14-3] Console Commands
     [14-4] Actions

[15] Key binding, aliases and config files
     [15-1] Binding keys
	    [15-1-1] Bindable keys
     [15-2] Aliases
     [15-3] Config files

[16] Multiplayer: Modem & Direct Connect
     [16-1] System Requirements
     [16-2] Starting a game of Quake
     [16-3] Joining a game of Quake
     [16-4] Modem INIT strings

[17] Multiplayer: Internet
     [17-1] System Requirements
     [17-2] Starting a game of Quake
     [17-3] Joining a game of Quake

[18] Multiplayer: Network
     [18-1] System Requirements
     [18-2] Starting a game of Quake
     [18-3] Joining a game of Quake

[19] Multiplayer: Troubleshooting
     [19-1] Unable to connect
     [19-2] No response
     [19-3] Server Full
     [19-4] Phone jack appears on screen
     [19-5] Frag count freeze
     [19-6] Packet drivers with PDIPX
     [19-7] SLIST sees no servers
     [19-8] "BW_OpenSocket failed: 5"
     [19-9] Severe lag using TCP/IP under Win95

[20] Quake C

[25] Level Editors
     [25-1] THRED
     [25-2] MUQE - Multi User Quake Editor
     [25-3] SpoogEd
     [25-4] QPED
     [25-5] Tremor
     [25-6] AutoQuake
     [25-7] QuakeStudio
     [25-8] QuakeEd
     [25-9] QEU - Quake Editor Utilities
     [25-10] Quest
     [25-11] QMAPhack
     [25-12] Shaker
     [25-13] EdQuake

[26] Quake resources on the internet
     [26-1] WWW sites
     [26-2] FTP sites
     [26-3] Newsgroups
     [26-4] IRC channels

[30] Version History


[1] Introduction

The Unofficial Quake FAQ

[1-1] Foreword by the author
     At last! It's finished. Ummmm, I'm fed up with typing, so no more
foreward for now. Enjoy the FAQ.

Toby Goldstone - 17:03:37 7th September 1996

PS: One thing that didn't make it into this FAQ is good punctuation. Expect
it in the next release... I want to get this FAQ out onto the net,
punctuation can wait a few more days {g}.

[1-2] About the Unofficial Quake FAQ
     The Unofficial Quake FAQ. For the rest of this FAQ, I will refer to it
as the (U)noffical (Q)uake (F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestions - UQFAQ. The
UQFAQ is in no way related to id Software or its employees, hence the name.
This FAQ is not meant to be in competition with any official Quake (or id)

     The UQFAQs version number will increase by 0.1 every time a few things
have been added/altered, increase by 0.5 every time lots of things have
been added/altered, and increase by 1.0 every time the UQFAQ has had lots
of new information added, or every time a substantial amount of information
has been altered/corrected. Alternatively I will just increase the version
by 1.0 if I feel like the FAQ needs it :)

     Chapter enclosure system (eh?). Chapters are either enclosed with []'s
or **'s. The reasons for this are below:

     [] - Chapters enclosed in small brackets means the information
	  contained in that chapter has not been updated/altered since the
	  last version of the UQFAQ.
     ** - Chapters enclosed in asterisks means the information contained in
	  that chapter is new, or has been updated since the last version
	  of the UQFAQ.

[1-2-1] UK/US spelling issues
     In order to make the UQFAQ look the same each time, I have, as of this
version, decided to use UK spellings of all words. This mainly because of
the email I received from disgruntled Brits.... It also makes spell
checking a lot easier. If its a problem for anyone let me know, I'm sure we
can work something out.
     NOTE: All console commands will be in US spelling... ie 'COLOR' and

[1-3] Getting the Unofficial Quake FAQ

[1-3-1] Via Usenet
     New versions of the UQFAQ will be posted as soon as they are
completed. If a new version is not completed for a whole month (or more)
the FAQ will be posted in its unaltered form.
     The following newsgroup is the *only* newsgroup I will be posting the


[1-3-2] Via WWW
     I am currently working on a WWW site for the UQFAQ.... You can also
find the FAQ on many of the Quake pages around. Refer [INCOMPLETE] for more

[1-3-3] Via FTP
     This section not done yet.... an FTP site is forthcoming...

[1-3-4] Via BBS
     The author does not at the time of writing intend to upload the UQFAQ
to any BBS. This may change within time. You may upload the UQFAQ to a bbs,
as long as you follow the copyright information at the beginning of the
UQFAQ. The file_id.diz or information file for the FAQ must included the
version number.

[1-4] Submitting stuff to the Unofficial Quake FAQ
     If you have some information you want to share with everyone else then
email it to me at: [email protected]
     All submissions will be checked, and may be altered for reasons of
space or clarity. The author is under no obligation to include any
information submitted to him. All submissions also become the property of
the author.

[1-5] Who did the UQFAQ logo?
     It was created by Frans P. de Vries ([email protected]).
     Heres what he did to make it:

     'I took quakelo.jpg from id's imagery/qgraphcs.zip, converted it to
     monochrome .gif, reduced it to 25% and converted it to ASCII using

     So now you know.

[1-6] Acknowledgements
     I started out by listing what everyone had done regarding the FAQ...
this proved to be a huge undertaking, so I'm just listing all the peoples
names instead.

     id Software for DOOM and for Quake

     Everyone on the newsgroups: rec.games.computer.quake.*

     People on #Quake for answering some of my dumb questions

     Tom Wheeley          ([email protected])
     Kyle R. Hofmann      ([email protected])
     Joost Schuur         ([email protected])
     Michael Montgomery   ([email protected])
     'Sex Object'         ([email protected])
     Oliver Lines         ([email protected])
     Chris Hubbard        ([email protected])
     Andrew Tristan       ([email protected])
     Wilson Seto          ([email protected])

Quake - the game

[1-10] How can I get Quake?
     Quake v1.01 is the lastest version of Quake. Download this version,
not 1.00, or 0.91 or 0.92.

Quake is available in 7 disk sized .zip files:


or alternatively one big 9Mb file:


*1-11* Where can I get Quake?
     Below is a list of ftp sites where you can download the shareware
version of Quake. You will need an FTP client (such as CuteFTP or WS_FTP)
to access these sites. Just type the address in the 'connect to' or 'host
name' areas.
     If you do not have an FTP client then you can download Quake using a
WWW browser... You need to add the text 'ftp://' to the start of the
address though. For example:


     would become


ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake/                       (California, USA)

ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/idstuff/quake                 (California, USA)
quake.best.com/mirrors/idsoftware/                      (California, USA)
ftp.gamesdomain.com/pub/companies/id/quake/             (Tennesee, USA)
ftp.cssweb.com/pub/games/idstuff/quake/                 (Kentuky, USA)
sparky.bright.net/quake/                                (Ohio, USA)
ftp.stomped.com/pub/idstuff/quake/                      (Minesota, USA)
www.pht.com/pub/gamehead/id/                            (USA)
ftp.technomancer.com/pub/idstuff/quake/                 (Virginia, USA)
ftp.infomagic.com/pub/mirrors/doom/idstuff/quake/       (Arizona, USA)
ftp.feist.com/pub/pc/games/quake/                       (Kansas, USA)
ftp.ameritel.net/idsoftware/quake/                      (Maryland, USA)
ftp.getquake.com/pub/quake/                             (Kansas, USA)
quake.osiriscorp.com/pub/idstuff/quake/                 (New York, USA)
iclass.com/pub/quake/                                   (Utah, USA)
ftp.islandnet.com/mirrors/idsoftware/                   (Victoria, Canada)
ftp.orst.edu/pub/doom/idstuff/quake/                    (Oregon, USA)
ftp.ais.net/pub/idgames/idstuff/quake/                  (Illinois, USA)
ftp.gamers.org/pub/games/idgames/idstuff/quake/         (New York, USA)
mirrors.aol.com/pub/pc_games/doom/idstuff/quake/        (Virginia, USA)

garfield.sch.bme.hu/pub/idstuff/quake/                  (Budapest, Hungary)
idmirror.netvision.be/idstuff/quake/                    (Heverlee, Belgium)
ftp.flexnet.net/pub/quake/                              (England)
ftp.passagen.se/pub/idstuff/                            (Sweden)
ftp.pk.edu.pl/pub/games/id/idstuff/quake/               (Cracow, Poland)
camel.frtk-campus.mipt.ru/pub/idstuss/quake             (Moscow, Russia)
rulhmpc49.LeidenUniv.nl/pub/mirrors/idsoft/             (Leiden, Holland)
ftp.gig.nl/pub/idstuff/quake/                           (Amsterdam Holland)
ftp.volftp.vol.it/pub2/idstuff/quake/                   (Cagliari, Italy)
ftp.origo.telenor.no/pub/quake/                         (Oslo, Norway)
ftp.spel.postnet.se/pub/games/id/                       (Sweden)
ftp.bnd.de/pub/quake/                                   (Berlin, Germany)
ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/pc/msdos/games/doom/idstuff/quake/ (Berlin, Germany)
ftp.luth.se/pub/games/doom/idstuff/quake/               (Sweden)
ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames/idstuff/quake/        (Sweden)
flinux.tu-graz.ac.at/pub/idsoftware/idstuff/quake/      (Austria)
ftp.calvacom.fr/pub/pc/doom/idstuff/quake/              (France)

hyperactive.com.au/pub/games/idstuff/quake/             (Sydney, Australia)
ftp.powerup.com.au/pub/games/doom/idstuff/quake/        (Australia)

ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/msdos/idgames/idstuff/quake/          (South Africa)

[1-12] Where can I get the registered version of Quake?

[1-12-1] In the US
     Quake is currently only available direct from id.  The retail version
of Quake (the one that will be sold by mail order and in stores) will be
released soon.

[1-12-2] In the rest of the world
     Quake is *not* available direct from id. Quake is due to go on
worldwide release in early September. It will be available from mail order
outlets and stores.

[1-13] How do I install Quake?
     Firstly you will need to unzip either the 9Mb file or the 7 disk sized
files using PKUNZIP.
     If you do not have a copy of pkunzip, then first try looking at any
old magazine coverdisks you might have, as these often have PKUNZIP.EXE on
them. If this fails you can get a copy from:



    http://www.winzip.com/     (for the windows version)

    After unzipping all the .ZIP files, type `install' and follow the
instructions on screen.

[1-14] Where do people discuss Quake?
     On the internet, there are several places where Quake discussion takes

[1-14-1]  Newsgroups
     There are currently five newsgroups dedicated to the discussion of
Quake, and one binaries group for the distribution of maps and utilities.

These are:

    rec.games.computer.quake.announce (moderated announcement group)
    rec.games.computer.quake.misc     (general discussion)
    rec.games.computer.quake.editing  (for issues related to Quake editing)
    rec.games.computer.quake.playing  (discussing tactics and deathmatches)
    rec.games.computer.quake.servers  (regarding large scale Quake servers)

    All posts to the .announce group are moderated for content, and is a
    low-traffic group for people wanting information about Quake.

as well as:

    alt.binaries.games.quake  (for posting of Quake maps and utilities)

     Binaries should *not* be posted to the rec.. groups as they can be
expensive for some people who read those groups, but not a.b.g.q.

     Should your newsserver not carry these groups, ask your newsadmin to
add them.  Until then, Quake can also be discussed on the groups
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action and rec.games.computer.doom.misc.

     Please note that alt.games.quake (a.g.q) is now obsolete, and all
Quake discussion should be within the rec.games.computer.quake hierarchy.
For some of the more general discussion typical of a.g.q, a new newsgroup,
alt.games.upcoming-3d, has been created.

     For more information on why alt.games.quake is obsolete (and why
alt.games.quake cannot just be left alone), read:


[1-14-2] Internet Relay Chat
     A very popular meeting place for live chat regarding Quake is on IRC
in the channel #quake. Both the undernet and EFnet host this channel

[1-15]  Are there any Quake WWW pages?
     Of course! Check out sectiom [26-1] for a full list.

[1-16] What does Quake need to run?
     Currently, Quake is available for DOS, Windows 95, and Linux.

     Below is the recommended Quake System for a PC:
     .  Pentium 75Mhz Processor
     .  16 Mb RAM
     .  25 Mb of Hard disk Space
     .  A fast graphics card

     This system should provide you with a good frame rate, and an
enjoyable game of Quake. If you want to play over the internet you will
need the following:
     .  A 28800bps modem

     Windows 95 is also recommended, as this makes internet games that much
easier to play.

     You do not really want to play Quake on a 486, although a 486DX4/100
may *just* be able to hack it if you have enough RAM and a fast video card.

     Below is the recommended Quake System for a computer running Linux:
     .  A Linux capable computer
     .  Kernel version 1.3.88 or above.
     .  Libraries: You need an ELF system, I think the latest stable libc
	is v5.2.18.
     .  X: There are two binaries: (1) xquake will run under any fairly
	new version of X.  I use 3.1.2, and it works fine.  Unfortunately
	there is no mouse support. (2) The other binary (xf86quake) only
	runs under beta 3.1.2E. This version of X supports DGA, which
	allows direct access to the video frame buffer, mouse support, and
	so on.  I've not been able to get xf86quake working.
     .  General Stuff: You need to get the binary distribution (version
	0.92), which can be got from ftp://ftp.lek.net/pub/linux/quake.
	I'm sure that there are other places.  You then need to get the pak
	file from the dos version.  You have to get it from quake091.zip,
	the binary will choke on the 1.00 (or 1.01) pak file.

     Big thanks to Andrew Tristan ([email protected]) for all
of the above information. I myself have not had the pleasure (?) of trying
Linux Quake out. Mail me and let me know what you think of it.

[1-16-1] What about non-Intel processors?
     Quake generally works fine with non-Intel processors, although there
are some important considerations, generally concerned with the Floating
Point Unit (FPU) or Math Coprocessor.
     Even though at comparable speeds Cyrix processors run faster than
the equivalent Intel, this is not the case for Quake, as the FPU on these
devices is inferior to the Intel one.
     NexGen owners should be even more careful, as these chips do not have
an FPU!  This means that Quake *will not run*.  It is possible to use an
FPU emulator, but the performance is poor.

[2] Whats new?
     Lots. I can't possibly remember all of the changes, but I'll try to
mention them all... In the months that I have been playing quake everything
now seems natural and second nature...

[2-1] Fully three-dimensional environment
     Levels in Quake are in true 3D. It is possible to have one player
stand on another players head, for example. This system allows much more
complex and entertaining levels to be created. In deathmatch this change
really stands out, with people hiding in places that would have been
impossible in doom.
     Sprites have also been removed. Quake uses 3D models with textures
mapped onto them. The only exceptions to this are explosions, air bubbles
whilst underwater, and the sky.
     Note: Duke 3D and Terminator: Future Shock also implement this to a

[2-2] You can move your head! And jump!
     In Quake you can look up and down. Doesn't sound like much, but id
have designed the levels so well that you must take advantage of this
feature. Another feature that id have added is jumping. Again this feature
is well implemented in the levels.
     Note: When looking up and down your view does not distort. This is a
major advancement over games such as Duke Nukem 3D.

[2-3] No action button
     The action button in DOOM, used to open doors and move lifts, has been
removed. Now you walk into switches or shoot them to activate them.
Generally speaking, you only have to shoot a switch if you can't reach it.
     There is also a +use command that can be bound to a key, but it is
unused in Quake.  See chapter [13-2] for more details on key binding.

[2-4] No map
     Having no map is a bit of a pain when you start out, but thinking
about it, would you really have time to draw a map whilst battling with
Shamblers? I think not.... Anyway, after a few plays you learn the levels
off by heart, so there is no real need for a map. How the hell would you be
able to *easily* use a map anyway? Remember Quake is a 3D game....

[2-5] Better network play
     Network play is *still* a great laugh in DOOM, but now with Quake
you can play 16 player!!

[2-6] Internet Play
     Quake allows you to play with up to 16(!!!) players over the internet.
Make sure you have a fast modem though (ISDN recommended if you're gonna be
playing against 15 other people).
     In Quake you can also join games which have already started, and can
leave games without the game ending (unless you are playing on the server).

[2-7] More than two players over a modem
     If you can get modem play to work (hahaha) then, in theory, you can
play against 4 or so friends over a modem. From what I gather, you can also
connect some *more* friends with direct links! I must try this! Email me if
you have tried this out...

[2-8] Traps and things...
     Big bits of metal fly out of walls and smash you, ceilings fall to
crush you, nail traps perforate you... Quake is trap-ridden, not surprising
when you consider one of the level designers like roleplaying games like

[2-9] Swimming
     Nearly forgot this bit! That's how much I am used to it... You can now
swim around in water, slime, and lava. After about 10 seconds you start to
choke.... :) Oh, its not recommended that you go swimming in slime or lava
without the necessary protection.
     Duke 3D also allows you to swim, but the way it does this is
different. In Quake you 'aim' yourself in the way you want to go, and press
forward. Duke 3D implements swimming as walking but underwater... you use
up and down keys, rather than swimming up and down. The method Quake uses
is more realistic than Duke Nukem 3D's, in other words.

[2-10] Better AI
     id have made some radical new advancements to the computers AI.
Monsters now use their weapons much more effectively, with the more weedy
monsters staying back and letting the tougher ones take the damage.
Monsters now also seem more prone to fighting amongst themselves. In some
cases you can stand back and watch them all slaughter each other.

[2-11] New Weapons!
     The Shotgun and Double barrelled Shotgun are still there, but id have
added the Nailgun, Supernailgun (my favourite gun), Grenade Launcher,
Rocket Launcher and the Thunderbolt. Note: The thunderbolt is in the
shareware version! Read the cheats section for more info. Another great
weapon is the Axe...

[3] Quake basics

[3-1] The story so far...
     Note: I just ripped this straight from the quake manual...

     You get the phone call at 4 a.m. By 5:30 you're in the secret
  installation. The commander explains tersely, "It's about the Slipgate
  device. Once we perfect these, we'll be able to use them to transport
  people and cargo from one place to another instantly.

      "An enemy codenamed Quake, is using his own slipgates to insert death
  squads inside our bases to kill, steal, and kidnap..

      "The hell of it is we have no idea where he's from. Our top scientists
  think Quake's not from Earth, but another dimension. They say Quake's
  preparing to unleash his real army, whatever that is.

      "You're our best man. This is Operation Counterstrike and you're in
  charge. Find Quake, and stop him ... or it ... You have full authority
  to requisition anything you need. If the eggheads are right, all our
  lives are expendable.."

Prelude to Destruction
     While scouting the neighborhood, you hear shots back at the base Damn,
  that Quake bastard works fast! He heard about Operation Counterstrike,
  and hit first. Racing back, you see the place is overrun. You are almost
  certainly the only survivor. Operation Counterstrike is over. Except for

     You know that the heart of the installation holds a slipgate.
  Since Quake's killers came through, it is still set to his dimension.
  You can use it to get loose in his hometown. Maybe you can get to the
  asshole personally. You pump a round into your shotgun, and get moving.

[3-2] The aim of the game
     Same as DOOM really. Stay alive and finish the level you're in. When
you complete an entire dimension, you'll find a rune and another slipgate,
which takes you to the start.

[3-3] How do I select a skill level?
     When you start Quake and select New Game, you are presented with three
hallways. The one on the left selects easy skill, the one in the middle
selects medium skill, and the one on the right selects hard skill. Walk
down one of the hallways and into the slipgate. There is also a hidden
"nightmare" level skill level.  Its location is revealed in [9-1].

[3-4] How do I select a dimension?
     After selecting a skill level you are teleported into a room with four
exits. Walk down one of them and into the slipgate to start playing (you
can only play dimension 1, 'The Doomed Dimension' at the time of writing).
The Doomed Dimension is the hallway to the left when you step off the

[3-5] How do I move around in Quake?
     NOTE: All of the following key references refer to the default Quake
keys. You may prefer changes them to something more suitable, especially if
(like me) you have a Windows 95 keyboard.

[3-5-1] Can I use my mouse?
     Yes. Using a mouse is recommended way to play. Although it takes some
getting used to, a player using a mixture of the keyboard and mouse, will
almost always beat a keyboard only player.

[3-5-2] Can I use my joystick?
     As long as you have the 0.92 patch. Joystick play is not favoured by
most Quake players, although I have seen one player who plays a good game
of Quake using it. NOTE: Using the joystick slows game play by a few
percent! This is a serious disadvantage. If you intend playing with other
people, learn to use the keys or mouse, so as not to slow the game down. If
you want to leave your joystick plugged in, but not use it, then type
joystick 0 in the console, or start Quake with the -nojoy command line
parameter. See section [13-1] and [13-2] for more information on this.

[3-5-3] How do I walk around?
     Easy. Just use the arrow keys, the joystick, or the mouse. To rotate
your view press either the left or right arrow keys, move the mouse to the
left or right, or move the joystick to the left or right.
     To stay alive in Quake you will also need to dodge left or right to
avoid the monsters. This can be done by pressing the strafe key [ALT]. Hold
the key down and move left or right in the normal way, to dodge incoming
fire. Try it. You can also use the [{] and [}] keys to sidestep left and

[3-5-4] How do I run?
     Press the [SHIFT] key whilst moving. You may also like to go to the
main menu, then go to options and select 'Always Run'. This means you that
you will move around at running speed by default.

[3-5-5] How do I shoot?
     Press the [CTRL] key, left mouse button, or joystick button #1 to
fire. Hold it down to release even more shots. Remember to watch your ammo.

[3-5-6] How do I jump?
     Press the [SPACE BAR] or [ENTER] key to jump. If you are moving and
then jump, you jump further. If you are moving up a slope and jump, you
jump higher. Its possible to reach some otherwise hidden areas with the
jump key. Combine running and jumping to leap great distances. It is also
possible to jump right over some of the smaller monsters, escaping damage.

[3-5-7] How do I look up and down?
     To look up, press the [A] or [PgDn] key. To look down, press the [X]
or [DEL] key. To center your view, press the [X] or [END] key.

[3-5-8] How do I swim?
     When you jump into the water moving around is similar to moving around
on land. Aim yourself in the direction you want to travel, and press
forward. To move up or down, use the look up and look down keys. To go
straight to the surface, press the [SPACE BAR] key. You can also use the
[SPACE BAR] to tread water whilst on the surface.

[3-5-9] How do I use stuff?
     If you are a DOOM player, you may miss the use key. You now have to
walk into switches, or maybe shoot them, to use a feature. Some items, such
as lifts, are activated when you walk onto them. Other items are time
delayed, like some lifts (again) are.

[3-5-10] How do I pick stuff up?
     To pick up items, weapons and power-ups, just walk over them. If this
doesn't work, then you probably have the maximum amount of that thing. If
the item you are trying to pick up is armour, and you can't pick it up,
then the armour you are already wearing is better.

[3-5-11] How do I kill myself?
     If you get stuck and can't move, or are too scared to continue, type
'KILL' in the console [~] to kill yourself. I prefer to fire a grenade at
the wall i am standing next to though. Messy and fun :) Note: When you
kill yourself you start at the beginning of the level with only the shotgun
and axe. Your health and armour is set at the default values.

[3-6] Finding things

[3-6-1] Switches and Floorplates
     All switches will activate when you touch them. If you see a switch
which you cannot reach, or doesn't do anything when you touch it, it is
probably a shootable switch. Fire at these types of switch to activate
them. All switches may trigger a trap or a monster, but they usually do
more good than bad. In other words, activate every switch you encounter.

[3-6-2] Doors
     Most doors in Quake will open on approach. If one doesn't, look around
for a switch or a floor plate. A switch may need a key. You can tell which
doors need which key because they have a coloured key symbol on them.

[3-6-3] Secret Doors
     Some doors are hidden. These doors will often be textured with a
slightly different graphic than the rest of a wall, so they are easier to
spot. Most secret doors open when hit (with the axe) or shot. If they
don't, look for a switch or pressure plate.

[3-6-4] Platforms or Lifts
     In the shareware version of Quake, all the platforms ascend and
descend. In the registered version of Quake, platforms follow tracks around
an area or a level. To activate a platform, walk on it, or press a nearby
switch. Most platforms will not reset until you step off of them.
Note: In Quake all platforms can follow arbitrarily defined paths.  In the
shareware version, this capability is not used to it's full extent, and
platforms only move up and down. Maybe in the deluge of new levels that
follow this feature will be used.

[3-6-5] Pressure Plates and Motion Detectors
     These come in two forms, visible and hidden. They may open a door,
start a trap, warn of danger, or do something else...

[3-7] Environmental Hazards

[3-7-1] Explosions
     Some careless person has left radioactive containers around some
military bases, just waiting to be shot. When these *are* shot, they
explode, killing (or severely hurting) everything in the near vicinity.
     Grenades that you fire also work in this way, but are less powerful.
Remember your own grenades *will* cause damage to you if you stand too

[3-7-2] Water
     Water is just water. Safe enough for a quick swim, but don't stay
underwater for more than ten seconds, as you start to choke from lack of
     Remember to come up for a breather every so often.

[3-7-3] Slime
     Hurts you a lot. Don't hang around in this stuff. Get a biosuit to
save yourself from certain doom.

[3-7-4] Lava
     Do not touch the lava. It'll kill you in two seconds. The Pentagram of
Protection is your only hope of survival in this stuff.

[3-7-5] Traps
     Traps in Quake come in many different flavours (yum). Some of the
traps you will encounter are: spike shooters, ambushes, trapdoors and
crushing ceilings. Don't worry though. The traps in Quake are usually few
and far between.... but all are deadly.

[3-7-6] Teleporters
     These are the gates you walk through to select a skill level. Jump
into them to be transported to another place on the same level.
     This is a really cool way of killing people in deathmatch. Wait for
them to go through, then follow them straight away. If you're lucky, you
will teleport directly on that person, and kill them instantly. This is
known as telefragging.

[3-8] What are the default Quake controls?
     Note: The following information was ripped from the Quake manual, and
reformatted to look nice.
     By using the key configuration option from the Main Menu, you can
customise the keyboard to suit your fancy, except for the Function keys,
the [ESCAPE] key, and the [~] (tilde) key.

FUNCTION KEYS                        |   WEAPONS
Help                            F1   |   Axe                           1
Save Game                       F2   |   Shotgun                       2
Load Game                       F3   |   Double Barrelled Shotgun      3
Options Menu                    F4   |   Nailgun                       4
Multiplayer Menu                F5   |   Supernailgun                  5
Quicksave                       F6   |   Grenade Launcher              6
Quickload                       F9   |   Rocket                        7
Quit to operating system       F10   |   Thunderbolt                   8
Screenshot                     F12   |   Change to next weapon         /
MOVEMENT                             |   OTHER CONTROLS
Move / Turn     arrow keys           |   Main Menu             Escape
Jump / Swim     Space bar or Enter   |   Console               ~ (tilde)
Run             Shift                |   Look Up                 A or PgDn
Sidestep Left   . or }               |   Look Down             Z or Del
Sidestep Right  , or {               |   Center View           X or End
Strafe *        Alt                  |   Mouse Look **         \ or center
				     |                         mouse button
				     |   Keyboard Look ***     Ins
				     |   Increase view area    +
				     |   Decrease view area    -

   * Turning right or left sidesteps instead while the Strafe key is
  ** Sliding your mouse forward and back looks up and down while the Mouse
     Look key is pressed.
 *** The walk forward/backpedal arrows will look up and down while the
     Keyboard Look key is pressed.

[3-9] The Screen

[3-9-1] The View area
     The view area is where all the action takes place. This is what you
can see. Anything in the view area is part off the Quake level you are on.
You can use the [+] and [-] keys to resize this view.

[3-9-1] The Inventory Bar
     Lists ammo, weapons, deathmatch scores, and power-ups. The active
weapon is lit up. Each weapon has a number by it -- type the appropriate
number key to switch to that weapon. In addition, this gives the amount of
ammo you have for each type of weapon, any keys you possess, and any
power-ups currently active. Plus it shows how many and which of the four
Runes you possess.
     In Deathmatch, it shows the top four scores in the game.

[3-9-2] The Status bar
     A vital part of the screen. When your armour, hit points, or ammo get
low, the number turns red.
     From left to right, the big numbers represent: Armour Points, Health,
and Ammo (of the current weapon). Icons show the Armour Type (green,
yellow, or red), your adorable face, and your Ammo Type).

[3-9-3] The Score bar
     Hold down the Tab key to replace the Status Bar with the Score Bar.
This lists the proportion of monsters you've killed, secrets you've found,
and time you've spent, along with the level name.
     In Deathmatch, the Score bar lists the top six scorers, along with
their names.

[3-10] How do I change the screen resolution?
     To change your screen resolution, press the [~] key and type the
following: 'vid_describemodes'. This will list 10 video modes which you can
select. You start on the lowest video mode by default. To change to a
higher screen resolution, type the following: 'vid_mode x', where x is the
number of the video mode you wish to change to, ie: 'vid_mode 10'.
     You can also go to the Main Menu, then to Options, then to Video
Options to achieve the same result.
     To access the high resolution graphics modes you will need a copy of
SciTech DisplayDoctor, which is available at:


     This TSR allows you to use SVGA modes. Display Doctor is shareware.

[3-11] Messages
     Every time you pick up some ammo, a gun or some other non-special item,
Quake will inform you by playing a sound and placing a message at the top
of the screen. You can ignore these, their only purpose is to let you know
you got that object.
     Other messages will appear in the middle of the screen. These messages
are important. And you should read them. On the first few levels, these
messages are used to help you get used to Quake, whilst on harder levels
you will find less messages, and maybe more cryptic ones.

[3-12] Ending a level
     When you get to the end of a level you will find a slipgate or large
archway. Walk through these to start the next level.
     You start the new level with the same armour, weapons, and ammo you
had at the end of the previous one. If a power-up was active at the end of
the previous level, it is now, sadly, gone. Make the best of it. If your
hit points were over 100 or under 50, they are altered to 100 or 50
respectively. Otherwise, your hit points are unchanged.

[3-13] Ending an episode
     When you have finished the last level on a particular episode, walk
through the large slipgate to return to the starting hall. When you start a
new dimension, you start from scratch. The only weapons you get are the Axe
and the Shotgun.

[4] The Main Menu
     To access the main menu press the [ESCAPE] key at any time whilst
Quake is running. Whilst you are using the menu system, Quake is paused. To
select an item from a menu, move up or down it using the up and down arrows
keys. To go back to the previous menu, press [ESCAPE]. To return to the
game, press [ESCAPE] whilst on the main menu.

[4-1] Single Player
     Use this menu to start, load and save single player games.

[4-1-1] New Game
     This starts a new game of Quake. It will either stop the demo
currently playing, or end the game currently in progress. You will start in
the skill selection hall. Check out '[3-3] How do I select a skill level?'
for more information on starting a game of Quake.

[4-1-2] Load
     Lets you load a saved Quake level. You restart in exactly the same
place you saved at, with all the same weapons and power-ups.

[4-1-3] Save
     Allows you to save the current Quake game in one of twelve save game
slots. When you save a game, the level name and kills will be displayed, so
when loading you know roughly where you are in a level (the more the kills
the nearer to the end, generally speaking).

[4-2] Multiplayer
     Another huge update in v1.0 of Quake. Use this menu to setup and run
all aspects of multiplayer Quake.
     Note: I am not going into details here of how to start and play
multiplayer games. That's in sections [16] to [19] of the FAQ. This is just
so you know how and where you setup these details.

[4-2-1] Join a Game
     This is the menu you use to setup and play a multiplayer of Quake.

[4-2-1-1] Modem
     Port - Select the COM port you have your modem connected to.
     IRQ  - This will automatically change when you change your 'Port'
setting. Do not alter it by hand unless you know what you are doing.
     Baud - The baud rate of your COM port or less. Higher baud rates are
not always the best. The minimum baud rate is 9600, the maximum 57600.
     Modem Setup... - This is where you set your modems init strings. You
can also select either tone or pulse dialing. Tone dialing is the standard
in most parts of the UK and America, as well as in the rest of the world.
     Phone number   - The phone number of the person who you are going to
call in order to play Quake. Remember to put in the area code if the call
isn't local to you.
     Connect - Select this to dial the phone number and start a game of

[4-2-1-2] Direct Connect
     Port - Select the COM port you have your modem connected to.
     IRQ  - This will automatically change when you change your 'Port'
setting. Do not alter it by hand unless you know what you are doing.
     Baud - The baud rate of your COM port or less. Higher baud rates are
not always the best. The minimum baud rate is 9600, the maximum 57600.
     Connect - Select this to connect to the other computer via a direct

[4-2-1-3] IPX
     Address - You address on the network. Note: You cannot manually change
this option, Quake sets it for you.
     Port    - The port at which you will connect to the server. This is
fine as it is, so just leave it as the default unless you know what you are
     Search for local games... - Causes Quake to search the network for
multiplayer games. It will return a list of the games of Quake running on a
server. Select the game you want to join and press enter. If no games can
be found Quake will give the message 'No Quake servers found'.
     Join a game at... - Type in the ip address of the quake server you
want to connect to.

[4-2-1-4] TCP/IP
     Address - You address on the network. Note: You cannot manually change
this option, Quake sets it for you.
     Port    - The port at which you will connect to the server. This is
fine as it is, so just leave it as the default unless you know what you are
     Search for local games... - Causes Quake to search the internet for
multiplayer games. It will return a list of the games of Quake running on a
server. Select the game you want to join and press enter. If no games can
be found Quake will give the message 'No Quake servers found'.
     Join a game at... - Type in the ip address of the quake server you
want to connect to.

[4-2-2] New Game
     This menu allows you to setup and play a multiplayer game of Quake.
     If you want to setup a game of Quake you wait to be called, you do not
dial out yourself. The person dialing you is the client, you are the
     NOTE: When you select OK, another menu will come up, describing the
game options. This is documented in section [4-2-2-5].

[4-2-2-1] Modem
     Port - Select the COM port you have your modem connected to.
     IRQ  - This will automatically change when you change your 'Port'
setting. Do not alter it by hand unless you know what you are doing.
     Baud - The baud rate of your COM port or less. Higher baud rates are
not always the best. The minimum baud rate is 9600, the maximum 57600.
     Modem Setup... - This is where you set your modems init strings. You
can also select either tone or pulse dialing. Tone dialing is the standard
in most parts of the UK and America, as well as in the rest of the world.
     OK - Waits for an incoming call.

[4-2-2-2] Direct Connect
     Port - Select the COM port you have your modem connected to.
     IRQ  - This will automatically change when you change your 'Port'
setting. Do not alter it by hand unless you know what you are doing.
     Baud - The baud rate of your COM port or less. Higher baud rates are
not always the best. The minimum baud rate is 9600, the maximum 57600.
     OK - Waits for an incoming connection.

[4-2-2-3] IPX
     Address - You address on the network. Note: You cannot manually change
this option, Quake sets it for you.
     Port    - The port at which you clients will connect to you. This is
fine as it is, so just leave it as the default unless you know what you are
     OK - Waits for an incoming connection.

[4-2-2-4] TCP/IP
     Address - You address on the network. Note: You cannot manually change
this option, Quake sets it for you.
     Port    - The port at which you clients will connect to you. This is
fine as it is, so just leave it as the default unless you know what you are
     OK - Waits for an incoming connection.

     The OK bit... Sorry for the long section titles here... you think of a
better way :)

[4-2-2-5-1] Begin Game
     Starts a multiplayer game of Quake. You may want to setup some of the
options below though.

[4-2-2-5-2] Maximum Players
     The total number of players you want to be in your game. Note: You can
only have a maximum of 4 players, unless you are running a dedicated

[4-2-2-5-3] Game Type
     Selects with Deathmatch or Cooperative. Deathmatch is where you have
to kill your friends, cooperative is you and your friends versus the

[4-2-2-5-4] Teamplay
     Here you can select if your team members will be affected from
friendly fire. This is great if you want to let rip in a packed room, and
not worry about hitting your friends. Note: Armour will still decrease if
you shoot someone on your side, just not health.

[4-2-2-5-5] Skill
     Increases the amount of pain you cause in Quake. Easy means a shotgun
is not too powerful, nightmare means a shotgun is very powerful, for

[4-2-2-5-6] Frag Limit
     Selectable in 10 Frag increments. A frag is one kill. You can set this
figure from none to 100. A game of, say, a 50 frag limit, won't end until
the 50th frag has happened, or the time limit is reached. When the frag
limit is reached, the game ends. A frag limit of none means the game is not
restricted, and will only end when someone ends the level.

[4-2-2-5-7] Time Limit
     Selectable in 10 minute increments. You can set this figure from none
to 60. A game of, say, a 30 minute limit, won't end until the game reaches
30 minutes, or the frag limit is reached. When the time limit is reached,
the game ends. A time limit of none means the game is not restricted, and
will only end when someone ends the level.

[4-2-2-5-8] Episode
     Select the episode you wish to start in.

[4-2-2-5-9] Level
     Select the level you wish to start on.

[4-2-3] Setup
     Hostname:    Name of the Quake game you wish to start up.
     Your Name:   This is your name, and the name people will see as you in
the game.
     Shirt Color: Select the colour of your shirt.
     Pants Color: Select the colour of your pants/trousers.

[4-3] Options
     Brings up Quake's options menu.

[4-3-1] Customise keys...
     Allows you to change most of the keys you can use in Quake. How to do
this is self explanatory, and not worth me describing.
     You can also use the 'bind' command in the console to do this. Check
out [14-2] for info on how to do this.

[4-3-2] Go to Console
     Brings the console up. Note: Pressing the [~] key also does this.

[4-3-3] Reset to defaults
     Resets everything to its default.

[4-3-4] Screen Size
     Alters the size of the screen. Pressing the [+] and [-] keys whilst in
play also have the same effect.

[4-3-5] Brightness
     Adjusts the brightness of the display. Usefull if you don't want to
mess with your monitor settings, or need it *even* brighter. Note: Turning
brightness up to its highest level and putting your monitor brightness to
its highest level, just to see things that are in the dark, is considered
to be a little lame. Dark is good. You don't know whats going to jump you.
     You can also do this by using the 'gamma' console command. Check out
[14-2] for info on how to do this.

[4-3-6] Mouse Speed
     Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse.
     Console command 'sensitivity' also changes this. Read [14-2] for info
on how to do this.

[4-3-7] CD Music Volume
     Adjusts the music volume.

[4-3-8] Sound Effects Volume
     Adjusts the volume of the sound effects.

[4-3-9] Always Run
     If you turn this on, when you move you will automatically move at
running speed. I turned this option on ever since I started playing Quake,
and haven't turned if off since...

[4-3-10] Invert Mouse up/down
     This gives your mouse "airplane-style" controls. This means that
pushing the mouse forward "noses down", and pulling it back "noses up".
Some people prefer this control technique. If you're not sure what I mean,
then play a flight sim and find out!

[4-3-11] Lookspring
     Returns your view immediately to straight ahead when you release the
look up / down key. Otherwise, you must move forward for a step or two
before your view snaps back. Lookspring does not work while you are

[4-3-12] Lookstrafe
     If you are using the look up / down key, then this option causes you
to sidestep instead of turn when you try to move left or right.

[4-3-13] Video Options
     Here you can select which video mode you would like to play Quake in.
It is a good idea to play in the highest and smoothest video mode possible.
     Press [ENTER] to select a video mode.
     Press [T] to test a video mode out for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds
Quake will change back to your previous video mode.
     Press [D] to make the currently selected video mode the default for
Quake. This means that when Quake starts up it will automatically use the
selected video mode.

[4-4] Help/Ordering
     Displays Quakes (less than helpful) in game help menu. Also provides
details of how to order Quake (if you live in the USA).

[4-5] Quit
     Quits Quake. Obviously.

Game Elements
[5] Weapons and Monsters

[5-1] Axe
     I love this weapon. It's just as powerful as the normal shotgun (on
grunts at least)... two hits and they are down. It's also a good way to
relieve stress when you're mad. Turn god mode on for some *real*
     Another benefit of this weapon is that it doesn't eat (any) ammo.

[5-2] Shotgun
     Not very good really. Get a new weapon quick. This is not a good thing
for killing the Quake nasties with.
     Uses up 1 shotgun shell per shot.

[5-3] Double barrelled shotgun
     An ok weapon for the first few levels of Quake. It is, however, slow
to reload and has a very loose shot pattern at long range (the further away
the target, the less damage it causes).
     This weapon takes up two shells per shot.

[5-4] Nailgun
     This weapon looks really cool... It's also very good. It chucks out
nails through its two barrels at an alarming rate. Excellent against
Knights, Grunts, Spawns and Ogres. Useful (but less effective) on the more
powerful creatures.
     Uses up lots of ammo in a short time.

[5-5] Perforator
     Same as the above but with *four* barrels! This is the weapon of
choice for killing most of the quake monsters. Watch your friends get mowed
down in deathmatch.
     You can fire this gun for about 5 seconds before it runs out of ammo.
Watch that ammo counter carefully... Save this gun for when you need it.

[5-6] Grenade Launcher
     Another cool new gun. This one fires a grenade, which either kills on
impact, or bounces around the room till it explodes. Grenade blasts can be
used to switch switches. Note that bouncing a grenade off of a switch does
not switch it. This is the best weapon for killing Zombies.
     Uses 1 grenade per shot. Not very accurate

[5-7] Rocket Launcher
     This weapon also uses grenades, but is much more precise than the
grenade laucher. Fires a grenade at top speed towards an enemy. Certain
death for all of the smaller bad guys (Grunts, Dogs, Knights, Zombies). 2
hits will kill an ogre.
     Takes 1 grenade per shot.

[5-8] Thunderbolt
     This weapon *is* in the shareware version! id decided to leave it in
for some reason or another (ie they forgot to take it out). To use it, type
IMPULSE 9 in the console. This also gives you all the other weapons. Check
out the cheats section for more info.
     This gun is cool. It sounds and looks good. When you fire it a jagged
beam of white/blue energy fires out, which cuts up anything in its path.
Great fun for slicing up grunts and knights. It's also a great help against
the larger monster, though I still prefer to grenade them.
     This weapon kicks ass in deathmatch. Get this and the Rocket Launcher
and you can dish out some serious pain.
     Don't fire this underwater either, it's nasty.

[6] Ammo and Power-ups

[6-1] Shells
     Shotguns and double barrelled shotguns use these. The shotgun uses one
per shot, whilst the double barrelled shotgun uses two per shot.
     A small box holds 20.

[6-2] Flechettes
     For the nailgun and supernailgun.
     A small box holds only 25.

[6-3] Grenades
     For grenade launchers and rocket launchers.
     A small crate holds 5.

[6-4] Cells
     The thunderbolt uses these.
     A small battery has 6 charges, lasting a little over a second

[6-5] Armour
     There are three types of armour available: Green, Yellow and Red.
Green is weak armour, whilst Red is good armour. Yellow is, er, in the
middle. Look at this list for more info:

Kyle Hofmann ([email protected])
     Green absorbs 25% of the damage you take and gives you a 100% armour
level. Yellow absorbs 50% of the damage you take and gives you a 150%
armour level. Red Absorbs 75% of the damage you take and gives you a 200%
armour level.

[6-6] Megahealth
     Gives you 100 extra hit points. Very useful. After a couple of
seconds, all hitpoints over 100 start to drain away, until your hitpoints
reach 100. Enjoy it while it lasts.

[6-7] Biosuit
     Gives you an increased air supply in water and slime, and also has the
added bonus of letting you travel in slime without being hurt. Lasts about
15 seconds. Lava is still deadly, even if you are wearing a biosuit.

[6-8] Ring of Shadows
     Makes you almost totally invisible. Only your eyes can be seen
(spooky). Monsters can't see you unless you shoot at them, at which point
they fire everything they have (remember the movie 'Predator').

[6-9] Pentagram of Protection
     Makes you completely invulnerable. Lasts for only a short time. Use it
to scare your opponent in deathmatch. Watch his face when he shoots a
rocket at you and you just shrug it off...

[6-10] Quad Damage
     Everytime you fire you unleash four times the damage. Certain death
for most monsters with just a few hits! Use the axe for some *real* fun!

[7] Monsters in Quake

[7-1] Rottweiler
     Annoying little dogs. Can cause a fair bit of damage if not dealt with
quickly. Can take two hits with the normal shotgun. Many grunts get lonely
and have rottweilers around to keep them company. This mainly happens on
the first few levels, so watch out.

[7-2] Grunt
     God, are these guys *ugly*! Get up close and look at their faces!
Yuck! They can also dish out quite a bit of pain if you don't get them
quick. Can take two shotgun hits at close range. Hard to hit at long range,
so don't waste shots trying to get them if they are far away.

[7-3] *Enforcer
     Grunts with lasers. Nasty... kill em fast. Note: Registered version

[7-4] Knight
     Evil looking things. They run *very* fast, considering they are
supposed to be wearing heavy armour. Take this out at long range. If they
get close then you are in trouble. Their swords cut big chunks out of you.

[7-5] *Death Knight
     A very mean version of the Knight. Deal with them *before* they get
near you. Note: Registered version only.

[7-6] *Rotfish
     Those disgusting fish things from the Deathmatch Test. Easy to kill,
but hard to target. Don't get surrounded by them. Note: Registered version

[7-7] Zombie
     These are weird. They make a kind of groaning, moaning sound. They
also look like decomposing corpses (which is what they are supposed to be,
so that's ok). These guys are already dead, and have been re-animated by
Quake. Conventional weapons don't work on them, only the grenade and rocket
launchers do.
     Although conventional weapons don't actually kill these, they do slow
them down, and force them to fall over.... A grenade is a much better idea

[7-8] Scrag
     Possibly the worst looking things ever. Take one fish, one ugly face,
mix, and you have a Scrag. These guys fly around and throw green stuff at
you. Watch out. The nailguns work best on these guys, remember the
Cacodemons of DOOM? Get them with the chainsaw and they can't fire back.
Same applies to Scrags in Quake.

[7-9] Ogre
     You'll learn to respect these guys fast. They have a chainsaw *in* one
arm, and a grenade launcher in the other. Keep dodging to avoid the
grenades, but don't get too close to them, or they'll tear you apart.

[7-10] *Spawn
     Big blue things that float around and ram into you. Don't get near
them. Note: Registered version only.

[7-11] Fiend
     Scary. BIG dog like things with horns. Can take about 4 grenades. Most
of the levels pack them in groups of two or more. Dishing out 8 grenades in
a few seconds, without getting hurt yourself, is no easy task.

[7-12] *Vore
     Spider things with people stuck on.... like that head thing in 'Toy
Story'... Looks spooky. It can also dish some pain out, so kill them fast.
Note: Registered version only.

[7-13] Shambler
     These are simply amazing! I thought this was a boss when I first saw
it! These guys can *really* hurt you, and, much to my dismay, take lots of
punishment too. When I first saw one of these I ran. Turn off the lights
and play on nightmare skill setting. These guys crop up *real* soon in the
game... The best tactic is to circle round and round them firing the super
nailgun in their general direction.
     I once killed *two* of these guys when I was on 3% health, and had no
armour (I think it was E1M3)! The secret is to keep sidestepping. They
can't 'lock on' to you. They use an organic version of the thunderbolt to
hurt you.

I need help playing Quake!
[8] Tables and Things...

[8-1] How much does it take to kill a certain Quake monster?
     Thanks to Kyle Hofmann for the new table design.

[8-1-1] Short Range
     Short range means bloody close, to six or seven meters away. Scary.
     Thanks to Andrew Tristan ([email protected]) for some of
the Shambler stuff.
     Thanks also to Wilson Seto ([email protected]) for all of the number of
nails needed to kill eack monster.

A = Axe, S = Shotgun, DS = Double Barreled Shotgun, NG = Nailgun,
P = Perforator, GL = Grenade Launcher, RL = Rocket Launcher,
T = Thunderbolt

|           |            |        |        Shots to Kill         |
| Monster   | Hit points | To gib +---+---+---+---+---+--+---+---+
|           |            |        | A | S |DS |NG | P |GL|RL | T |
| Dog       |     25     |  -35   | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |1 | 1 | 1 |
| Rotfish   |     25     |  N/A   | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |1 | 1 | 1 |
| Grunt     |     30     |  -35   | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 2 |1 | 1 | 1 |
| Zombie*   |     60     |    0   |N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|1 | 1 |N/A|
| Knight    |     75     |  -40   | 4 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 5 |1 | 1 | 3 |
| Enforcer  |     80     |  -35   | 4 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 5 |1 | 1 | 3 |
| Scrag     |     80     |  -40   | 4 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 5 |1 | 1 | 3 |
| Spawn     |     80     |  N/A   | 4 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 5 |1 | 1 | 3 |
| Ogre      |    200     |  -80   |10 | 9 | 4 |23 |12 |2 | 2 | 7 |
| D. Knight |    250     |  -40   |13 |11 | 5 |28 |14 |3 | 3 | 9 |
| Fiend     |    300     |  -80   |15 |13 | 6 |34 |17 |3 | 3 |10 |
| Vore      |    400     |  -90   |20 |17 | 8 |45 |23 |4 | 4 |14 |
| Shambler**|    600     |  -60   |30 |25 |11 |67 |34 |10|10 |20 |

* After being hurt, a zombie will heal back to 60 hit points unless it's
  at 0, so you must kill it in one hit.  Zombies are knocked down
  consistently when they reach 35 hit points, and sometimes at 50 or less.
** Shamblers take only half damage from explosives.

[8-1-2] Long Range
     Long range is pretty much the same as short range, because Quake
doesn't work any of this complicated stuff out. Aiming at long range is
more harder though, so it is likely that you will use more shots killing a

[8-2] Weapon damage table
| Weapon                   | Damage |
| Axe                      |   20   |
| Shotgun*                 |   4/6  |
| Double barreled shotgun* |  4/14  |
| Nailgun                  |    9   |
| Perforator               |   18   |
| Grenade Launcher**       |   120  |
| Rocket Launcher**        | 100-120|
| Thunderbolt              |   30   |

* The first number is the number of damage per bullet, the second the
  number of bullets.
** Shamblers take only half damage from explosives.

[9] What are the secret areas in Quake?
     NOTE: [9-1] to [9-10] are the work of Kyle R Hofmann, sections [9-11]
to [9-32] are the collective efforts of the users of The Quake Stomping
Grounds (http://www.stomped.com). Thanks goes to both Kyle and Stomped for
use their documents.
     Heres what Kyle has to say...
     If you have a comment, suggestion, or addition, e-mail me at
     Note: You may also like to check out the HTML version of this list of
secrets at: http://www.crl.com/~rhofmann/secrets.html

[9-1] START: Introduction
#1 - From the start of the level: Enter one of the difficulty selection
slipgates.  Walk towards episode 4.  There will be a pool of water.
Jump into the pool and duck underneath the platform you were just
standing on.  Drop through the water.   You will land on a beam of wood
above the floor.  Walk along the beam into an archway (on your left
looking in the direction you walk down the hall to reach episode 4).
Walk through the archway and through another slipgate to reach Nightmare

#2 - The 'Super Secret' (also known as the 'Dopefish Secret') talked
about by one of the beta testers.  It has been moved from its previous
location in the Introduction.  For now, the only clue comes from
shooting a box on the wall on the way to the Nightmare skill level: "The
Well of Wishes awaits in the Crypt of Decay!"  Note that this is NOT the
staircase underneath the episode selection area.

[9-2] E1M1: The Slipgate Complex
#1 - Forward and to the right of the start is a ledge with flashing
lights.  Shoot the wall nearest the start on that ledge (the one with the
red design on it).  There will be a box of shells behind it.  Also, the
guys at id are nice enough to tell you to shoot this one if you try to
use it.

#2 - Underneath the first bridge you come to is a river.  It flows into a
cavern.  Enter this cavern and walk through it.  As you pass by a set of
steps containing a 100 health item and a door to the end of the level
(which cannot be opened from this side), the game will register a
secret.  At the end of the cavern is a lift taking you back up to the
blue armor at the start.

This secret can also be accessed at the end of the level.  Climb up
the ramp to the room right before the slipgate out of the complex.  Turn
to the right.  There should be a column on the wall. Shoot it.  Shoot the
wall to the right of the column.  It will open, revealing the river and
100 health box.

#3 - Past the first bridge is a door.  Enter the door and kill the
monsters.  To the right of the entrance is a column and a ledge.  Go to
the corner between the ledge and the column.  Shoot the globe texture
high up on the column.  A platform will rise and you will be on the
ledge.  Turn to your right and shoot the globe texture on the ledge.  The
wall behind the globe will open, leading to a quad damage item.

This secret can also be accessed from hall after the platform that
extends over the pool of slime (See secret #4).  Walk to the end of that
hall, right before the walkway with the three buttons.  To the right
should be a red wall.  Shoot it.  It will open, allowing access to the
quad damage.

#4 - To the left of the door past the bridge is a large hall.  Follow it
to the right.  There will be a large, shallow pool of slime and a button
on the wall.  Push the button and a platform will slide out from the
wall.  Halfway across the platform, turn to your left.  There will
be a red target in a depression slightly above your the level of
your head.  Shoot it and turn to your left.  A door in a wall will
open, revealing a double barreled shotgun.

#5 - Past the platform over the pool is a hall.  Walk down the hall.  You
will reach a walkway.  Go down the walkway and turn left.  Go down the
walkway again and turn left.  There will be a button and a light in front
of you.  Jump onto the bannister.  Jump onto the light.  Either step or
jump onto the button (sometimes you fall off when you step, but jumping
is very difficult).  Look at the wall in front of you.  There will be a
ledge and two blocks jutting out.  Jump to the lowest block.  Jump up to
the next block and to the ledge.  Inside is a 100 health item.

#6 - Go all the way down the walkway.  There will be a door.  To the
right and behind a column will be a biosuit.  Take it.  Don't dawdle now,
as the biosuit doesn't give you much more time than you need.  Jump into
the slime.  Swim underneath the door.  Follow the tunnel to where it
opens into a slightly larger area.  There will be a platform overhead.
You won't be able to see it unless you try to surface.  There will be a
boxed in area of the platform that you can see, however.  Swim up that
opening.  If you are running low on air, you can swim up to the platform
from the tunnel, but you must step over the opening before the game
registers the secret.  There should yellow armor and some health on the
platform.  There is also a slipgate to the area over the door past the
bridge (back around secret #3)

[9-3] E1M2: Castle of the Damned
#1 - At the start, walk down the stairs and jump off to the right into
the water.  There should be a green, lit wall in front of you.  Shoot it
and it will open.  Walk along the passage until you surface.

This secret can also be accessed by the area near the bridge with the big
red symbol over it.  Jump off the bridge and swim underneath it, going away
from the symbol.  You will swim under an arch and come into a small room.
There will be a ramp on the left.  Walk up the ramp.

#2 - From the start, go forward until you reach the wall.  Turn right.
Forward again.  Turn left.  There will be a bridge over a pool of
water.  There will also be a large red symbol on an archway over the
bridge.  Go onto the bridge.  To the left, there will be a double
barrelled shotgun.  Jump off and swim underneath the area of the
gun.  Swim under an arch and to the right.  Follow the passage.
There will be a bridge above you all the way.  You will eventually
reach a pool.  To the left of the entrance will be a wall with a
symbol high up on it.  Walk in front of it and it will open up.
There will be 25 health, a box of nails, and a slipgate to the ledge
opposite the one containg the double barreled shotgun.

#3 - Cross the bridge with the red symbol.  Turn to the right and walk
through the door.  Turn to the left.  Climb the staircase.  There
will be a column to your right and midway across the room.  Go to
the side of the column facing outward.  A small plate of stone is on
the column.  Push it.  A door to the right will open to give you a
quad damage item.

[9-4] E1M3: The Necropolis
#1 - From the start: Forward and to the left.  Get the grenade launcher.
Turn to the left. There will be an ogre behind a set of bars and a
couple of other monsters.  There will be two paths: one through the
door to the left and a set of steps leading down and to the right.  Take the
steps.  Go along the passage until you reach a bridge.  Jump down.  To
the left of the bridge and behind where you came from is an alcove.
Shoot the back of the alcove and the wall will open.  There will be rockets
and health inside.

#2 - Starting from the same bridge from which you jumped down in #1, cross
the bridge and turn right.  There will be a short passage, two sets of
stairs, and a platform down.  Go down and turn to face the left wall of
the passage you just went down.  There will be a short corridor there.  Go
down the corridor until you reach a shallow lake.  To your left will be
the gold key.  Take it.  Turn slightly to the left.  There will be an
area of the wall darker and with a slightly different texture from the
rest.  Go right up to it.  You will fall beneath the water.  Ahead is a
short passage.  Swim through it and up to land.  There will be a ring of
the shadows there.

#3 - From the area with the ogre behind bars (described in secret #1),
take the door.  Get the nailgun and shoot the symbol.  Go down the
steps and follow the passage.  There will be a series of platforms.
Go across the platforms.  You will reach a locked door.  Open it (it
uses the key described in secret #2).  Follow the passage.  Jump
down to a set of tunnels filled with slime.  Go forward, turn left,
forward again, left, first tunnel on the right, and up the ramp.
Open the door.  Above you will be two ogres on platforms.  To your right
is a yellow armor blocked by two sets of two bars each.  Killing the
ogres above removes the bars.  Shoot the wall behind the armor.  A wall
will open, revealing a slipgate.  Go through the slipgate.  You will be
on the platforms that the ogres were standing on.  There are rockets here.

[9-5] E1M4: The Grisly Grotto
#1 - Through the door at the start there is a set of spiral stairs.  On
the left and right at the top are two red symbols.  Shoot them.  The
celing will fall, revealing a yellow suit of armor.  The knight below is
sometimes crushed by the celing.

#2 - From the bottom of the stairs, go through the passage.  You will come
upon a deep lake.  Get the biosuit.  Dive into the water.  Directly to
your right should be a small ledge where you can surface.  Go up and you
will get a box of rockets.

#3 - From the pier with the silver key:  Jump off and swim in the
direction of the pier.  Surface on the other side.  Go through the
silver key door and to the left.  Follow the passage.  You should reach a
small body of blue slime with a bridge over it.  Go to the end of the
bridge and ride the platform up.  Step on all the touchplates.  Two
doors wil open in the walls.  Enter both and press the buttons.  The
game should tell you that a secret cave has opened.  Jump onto the
bridge and head back out to the deep pool where you got the silver
key.  Along the right wall of the cave will be a large, bright
circular opening.  Enter it.  Swim up.  Inside a little room is a
grenade launcher, health, and a slipgate to the secret level.

[9-6] E1M5: Gloom Keep
#1 - Jump to the right and off the bridge you start on.  There will be an
area sticking out of the wall, almost like a column.  Beneath the water
is an opening to a ledge with a box of nails and 100 health.

#2 - Cross the bridge at the start and turn right.  Follow the walkway and
pass through the gate.  There should be a stairway forward and to the
right.  Jump onto the bannister of the stairway.  Jump across to a ledge
that juts out from the wall.  Run along the ledge to the platform with
an ogre.  Jump across.  There are rockets and armor on the platform.

#3 - Cross the bridge at the start and go through the gate.  Walk along
the passageway until you reach a room where you are standing on a
Y-shaped platform.  From there, take the right fork.  Follow the passage
and you will come into a large room.  Forward and to the left is a
staircase.  On the right will be a square area with a column in the
center.  Walk up to the column.  Jump up and hit the torch with your
head.  Behind the column, a door will open in the wall, revealing yellow
armor and a touchplate to open the wall if it closes on you.

#4 - From the same large room described in secret #3, climb the
staircase.  To the right is another set of stairs and an octogonal room
with a slipgate to the gold key.  Go behind the slipgate and step
through.  You will end up near the start on top of the building you
enter.  There is a quad damage nearby.

#5 - When you fall down the passage to the exit slipgate, turn around.
The wall will look turned --- it has roll added to it.  Shoot the wall.
The wall will open, leading to a slipgate back to the gold key doors.

[9-7] E1M6: The Door to Chthon
#1 - From the start, jump down.  To the left will be a corridor.  At the
end is a design suspended over lava.  Ahead of that is a door which opens
as you walk down the corridor, and to the left is another door. Enter the
door ahead of you.  Turn to the right.  There should be an obvious, but
still hidden door ahead and a room forward and to the right.  Walk in
front of that room.  Turn to face away from the room and look up.  There
will be a red Q symbol.  Shoot it.  The hidden door, now to your right,
will open.  Ride the lift up onto the air ducts.  Walk to the edge and
look down and to your left.  You should see the celing of the room
below.  Jump onto the ceiling.  There will be a quad damage powerup there.

#2 - Go to the room to the left of the design suspended over lava.  Push
the button with the Q.  Fall into the pit that opens behind you.  Wait
for the stairs to form and then walk down them.  There is a passage with
useful 100 health item at one end and a spiked wall at the other.  As you
walk down the hall, bars come down and block your exit, a wall opens,
revealing several ogres, and the spiked wall begins to come towards you.
Kill the ogres and escape using a lift that becomes unbarred with their
death.  Jump down onto the stairs into the middle of the lava.  These are
the same stairs you just went down.  The bars will go up at some point and
you will be able to enter.  This time, the bars will not go down, and
the spiked wall will move as soon as you enter.  Trigger the wall and go
back.  Wait for the wall to pass and go behind it.  There will be a slipgate
which leads to a super nailgun and a box of nails.  You will also be able
to jump to a landing with a 100 health box.

#3 - Below the start is a completely dark room.  Once you get the silver
key, this room lights up.  Cross the pit in this room and go to the end
of the passage.  Turn left.  You should be facing a set of stairs with a
closed door at the top.  To the right of the stairs is a column and a
large chamber with a big switch in it.  Hit the switch.  Go to the side
of the column that points away from the chamber.  A red symbol will have
been uncovered.  Shoot it.  The stairs with the closed door will lower.
At the bottom is a box of rockets.

#4 - Stay at the bottom of the stairs in #3 until they rise again.  There
will be a slipgate down a small flight of stairs.  Walk through.  You will
be on a ledge.  On another ledge across from the one you are on is a 100
health box.

[9-8] E1M7: The House of Chthon
There are no secrets on this level.

[9-9] E1M8: Ziggurat Vertigo
#1 - At the start, you should see a Pentagram of Protection.  Get the
pentagram and dive into the lava by the bridge. Swim beneath the bridge
away from the ziggurat and you will emerge in a small room.  There is a
quad damage powerup, health, and a slipgate to the bridge in front of the

#2 - Behind the silver key door, there is a passage forward and to the
left and one to the right.  Take the one on the left.  Follow it to the
end.  On your right should be a wall with a dark border on one section.
Shoot that section.  A door in the wall will open, leading to two boxes
of nails.

[9-10] Contributors to section [9]
Author: Kyle R. Hofmann

  E1M1 #3
    Mike Simpson
    Matt Hudson
    Bryce E. Maryot
  E1M1 #4
    Bryce Maryot
  E1M2 #1
    Enigma from the Adrenaline Vault
  E1M2 #3
    Greg Wood
  E1M5 #3 & #4
    Jim Bucher
  E1M6 #1 & #3 & #4
    Jim Bucher

[9-11] E2M1: The Installation
#1 - Near the very beginning of the level, you come to a room with a
barracade, the way leading to the gold key door, and the way leading to a
huge room with lots of water and a bridge. Go to the bridge...and walk
across the bridges half-way. Turn left, and hop in. As you sink, you'll
notice a section where the celing is lower than the surface of the water.
Swim to the far corner of the area with the low celing, and look up. You
should see a tunnel leading up. Swim up it, and at the top will be a red
armor. - SirGarland

#2 - After you get the gold key, a door will open behind you, and one of
those plasma-shooting fellows will be there. Jump into the water right
under that opening, and follow the paths to a ramp. Climb the ramp, and
you'll be in a secret area (this one's not too hard to find). - SirGarland

#3 - Go back to the room where the gold key was. You'll notice 2 sets of
bars on opposite sides of the room. One set (the set to your right if
you're facing the back wall) has a small ledge at the top, and a small,
hard to see staircase to it's side. Climb the tiny stairs (you'll probably
have to jump), and jump on the ledge. Then just walk through the wall. It's
one of those fake walls. There's a +100 health inside if I remember
correctly - SirGarland

#4 - Go to where you get (or got) the silver key. From that room, go down
the stairs, and you'll be in a room with a left path, a right path, and
some water in the middle. Jump in the water...and swim until you reach a
grate on the floor. Shoot or chop that grate (you'll most likely have to
"look down" with the DELETE key), and go down in side it. At the bottom,
you'll see a path leading somewhere else, and another grate. Hit the grate
(this opens secret 5), and the follow the path. You'll end up in a room
with a few goodies and a teleporter. Don't leave yet... - SirGarland

#5 - In room you got to in secret 4, there is another hidden room branching
off the hidden room. If you hit the second grate, it should already be
open. If you didn't, go back and hit it. You'll find some invincibility
inside. - SirGarland

#6 - This one is in the room with the huge steel cage with a bunch of
boxes (?) inside. Hit the switch on one side of the cage, and it'll allow
you to get to a little elevator. Don't take the elevator up yet...just walk
right past it. You can shoot the wall to the left of you to reveal a room
with a Quad Damage. - SirGarland

#7 - This last one is in the huge cage. Once you are at the top, and you're
walking around the top of the cage, there is a section with some bars that
are farther apart, and you can squeeze through. Go to the bottom of the
cage, and you'll find a yellow armor. - SirGarland

[9-12] E2M2: The Ogre Citadel
#1 - Near the very beginning, right after you decend the first staircase,
jump into the river. Head to the left...and go into the little cave, and
walk to the back wall. An elevator will take you up to a +100 health
box. - SirGarland

#2 - From where you got the +100 health box in secret 1, continue into the
water. Exit the mini room you are in, and go to the left. Keep on going to
the left...along that path...under the bridge...and into the mini room on
the far wall. Go up the stairs to the grenade launcher. - SirGarland

#3 - At the end of secret 2, you will come out of the secret room into a
hallway. In this hallway...go a little to your right...and on the right
wall will be a window...and you'll be able to see an Ogre across from you.
Jump out this window, but stay close to the wall...so that you land on the
bridge. Follow the bridge, get the armor, and keep going to the +100 health
box - SirGarland

[9-13] E2M3: The Crypt of Decay
#1 - You know the very first bridge...the one with the armor and the fork
with the two paths? Well, sidestep off of the bridge while facing the
armor. Move forward, and under the bridge, you'll see an underwater
hallway. Go through this hallyway till you reach a bigger room. Turn left
and go in to the room with the arrows pointing to it's doorway. Then
continue on to the end of the room, and take the first right you see.
You'll go up some stairs, out of the water, and into a secret. - SirGarland

#2 - After you get the gold key, 3 doors will open (I think some enemies
pop out as well) revealing 3 tiny rooms. Go into the one to your right,
and shoot the back wall. It will open (duh). Go in, and pick up the +100
health box. If you jump into the water you'll notice two things. One, a
yellow armor, and two, a barricade. Keep this in mind later. - SirGarland

#3 - The very last intersection of the level has 2 ways...one leads to the
regular exit, and another to a room with five boxes, 2 stacks of 2 boxes,
and one in the middle. Go to the room with the boxes. On the ceiling will
be a red switch. Shoot it, and a door will open above the middle box. Go
through it, get the +100 health box...and hit the other switch. It will
open that barricade from secret 2. Go back to that barricade, go through
it, and up the ramp. You'll see a circle(ish) teleporter that will take you
to this episode's secret level, The Underearth. - SirGarland

#4 - At the room with the arched bridge that leads to the gold door, there
is a zombie way over on a platform who snipes at you. If you aim a grenade
really high you can nail him. When he dies, the wall will open immediately
to the left of the gold door, revealing a passage to the zombie's platform
and his goodies. - Branden Robinson

EXTRA - The Well of Wishes - After running through the hallway with spikes
and across the bridge turn around and look to the right. There is a poorly
lit ledge with a Quad damage. Jump to the ledge (easier if you jump more
towards the right from the exit of the spike area. If you look really
close, there is a tiny ledge you can follow. Follow it around until you see
a little area that you can jump up into. There it a water pit you can jump
into. Presto! You're into the well of wishes and DopeFish is there waiting
for you. - David Fagerland

[9-14] E2M7: Underearth (Secret Level)
#1 - To the left of the gold door is a brick sticking out of the wall. Push
it in, and you'll lower a near-by column to receive a Quad
Damage. - SirGarland

#2 - After going through the gold key door, you will come upon a room
that's basically a winding bridge over a slime pit. After getting across
the bridge, look back across the slime pit and underneath, you will see a
small opening that you can get through. Jump into the pit and go into the
area. There you'll pick up the Bio-suit. As you're leaving the bio-suit
alcove, you'll see 3 pillars. Just beyond the 3rd pillar is an area where
you can dive down below the slime and get the Red-Armor. Comeback up and
use the button on the wall to get out of the slime. - BraFish

[9-15] E2M4: The Ebon Fortress
#1- From the start, hop down and into the water, go right and go into the
cave entrance on the left next to the grenade launcher. Go through the
entrance and into the next room of water. Then take the entrance on the
left and turn left immediately after you go through the entrance. You will
see a platform with a set of steps in front of you and dragon windows to
the right and left of you up high. Go straight until you hit a wall and
turn left. Walk through the pasageway  until you hit an elevator, take that
up and go over the bridge to the next room, walk down the stairs and turn
around to the left and go into the inlet next to the stairs. Shoot the wall
and it will open to rockets and 200 life. - Matt McClure

#2 - From that point, go up the stairs and to the right where there is a
wooden floor that is slanted against the wall. Turn right and look to the
wall ahead. There should be a wooden section that you will shoot. It will
open and there is a tiny ledge along the wall to the left that will able u
to get there. - Matt McClure

#3 - In the room where you find the silver key, turn to the right when you
get off the moving platform and go into the gap where there is toxic slime
under you. Swim down and left there will be a secret area with red
armor. - Matt McClure

#4 - From the start go hop into the water and rub against the wall to the
right of the island with the grenade launcher. You will start to sink into
the secret area with Quake Damage and Yellow Armor. - Matt McClure

[9-16] E2M5: The Wizard's Manse
#1 - Near the very beginning is a bridge with a rock column by it. Jump
off the bridge and into the water...and swim around the rock column. You'll
eventually see an opening. Swim inside it, and an elevator will take you to
a secret area. - SirGarland

#2 - After getting the gold key, turn back around go back the way you came.
When you turn right, look to your right again and you will notice that the
texture of the wall doesn't continue in one section. Enter, and get the
Armor AND the Quad Damage! - BraFish

[9-17] E2M6: The Dismal Oubliette
#1 - On the "second floor" of the tower by the gold key barrier, there's an
intersection with 3 ways. If you're coming from the elevator, the path in
front of you, and to your left will take you to switches. The path behind
you will take you back to the elevator. To your right is a wall. Shoot the
wall, and go inside. That's the secret. - SirGarland

#2 - When you go into the room with water in front of two out post like
snipering cages up above to the right and the left, soon as you get the bar
open on the opening to the left after you have gone underwater and into the
structure, go past where the bar was and hop into the water. Then go down
and turn around under water. Head towards the wall and turn to see a Quake
Power. -Matt McClure

[9-18] E3M1: Termination Central
#1 - Go to the big platform that is over the toxic pool, and where you find
the Quake damage, and go to the other side and hop off into the toxic
sludge and swim straight down and you will see an opening in the wall near
the floor, go through it and it will have a teleporter and a lot of stuff
as it takes you to 200 life and other things. - Matt McClure

#2 - On that same platform, as you enter, just barely hop off the side
between the two stairs on the side of the platform where the inlets to a
pathway are. Then look around and there will be an elevator that will also
take you up to the top of the platform structure. - Matt McClure

#3 - With your back facing the Gold Door, go into the opening in the metal
boxes ahead and hop up to the highest point and shoot at the disfunctional
looking wall. - Matt McClure

#4 - With your back facing the Gold Door, go past the metal boxes, hop to
the left of the elevator and hop into the shadows ahead. There is a thin
ledge on the wall in the shadows, once you have gotten on it, turn left to
find the Quake Power. - Matt McClure

#5 - From the start, after you go down the elevator and down the first ramp
to the left, shoot the darkened part of the wall on the right. It will open
up, revealing the red armor. - BraFish

[9-19] E3M2: Vaults of Zin
#1 - Turn down the first passageway to the left. There will be a passageway
to the right where you have to jump to the Grenade Launcher. After getting
the weapon, turn around and look down. Just past the lava near your feet
are some zombies and a 100 Power-Up that you can grab. - BraFish

#2 - In the area at the same level of the Crucifiction wall, there is a
texture on the right that looks a little wrong. Shoot it and open up a
teleporter to the walkways above. - BraFish

#3 - Shoot the area of the wall just to the left of the Crucifiction. It
will reveal an area containing the invisibility ring. - BraFish

EXTRA - If you shoot the small skull on the wall in the room where you have
to drop down on the button surrounded by lava (you know the place) it will
give you a quad damage, but won't register a secret. - BraFish

[9-20] E3M3: The Tomb of Terror
#1 - After going up the staris that come out of the lava, look up and to
the right and you will see a big "Q" switch that you can shoot, opening up
a teleporter below. It takes you above the lava room to the awaiting red
armor. - BraFish

#2 - After going up the stairs that come out of the lava, turn right at the
4 way intersection. The room at the end of the short hall contains a small
strip of water. Dive in and collect the 100 health at the bottom. - BraFish

[9-21] E3M4: Satan's Dark Delight
#1 - After activating the bridge to get across to the rocket launcher,
continue going all the way across to the other side. After turning the
corner to the left, and down the ramp into the room, you'll notice a ledge
just above you. To get up there, go up the other ramp out of the room. On
the right side of the ramp on the wall, you'll notice what looks like
blocks that will come out and be stairs. Actually, you can walk right up
them as if they were stairs. There's a few goodies up there. - BraFish

#2 - While riding the platforms in the water chasm, it will go past several
ledges. One small ledge in particular is the last one to pass before the
moving platform goes to the "crushing" area where the button to raise the
bridge is. Jump on this small platform, and walls will open up that will
take you to a LARGE assortment of goodes. - BraFish

#3 - Inside the secret to area #2 shoot the light farthest to the left in
the base of the wall on the left side of the room. It will open a small
closet with a 666 Armor. - grifter

#4 - After riding the platforms and raising the bridge to get to the other
side of the water chasm, you'll enter a rising platform that will take you
to a small square room. You'll notice that one of the six lights is yellow,
not white. Shoot it, and it will open a door to the Invulnerability.
- BraFish

EXTRA - After going down the long stairway at the end of which is the
Lightning gun, turn around and look behind the stairs. There are two ledges
over looking a hole that will take you to the secret level.

[9-22] E3M7: The Haunted Halls (Secret Level)
#1 - Just past the area with the yellow armor, there is a lift that takes
you up to where a button opens the door to the "box" wth the vore in it. Go
up the lift, and then jump back off and walk into the hole underneath the
lift. You'll get a 100 Health. - BraFish

#2 - In the room right before the "box" with the vore in it, (where the
yellow armor is) there are two grates to the right. One of them has a small
landing in front of it. Shoot it and get the Quad Damage. You'll need it
for the vore. - BraFish

#3 - After running through the nail trap, there is button on the wall to
the left to lower the elevator. Look up above the ceiling there, and there
is a small Q button that you can shoot to open the door to some armor and
the Quad Damage. - BraFish

#4 - After running through the nail trap, press the button on the wall to
the left to lower the elevator. Go up to the bridge on the upper level and
look down to the right. You should see a cage. Jump on top of the cage and
a door will open in front of you leading you to the Invulnerability.
- BraFish

[9-23] E3M5: Wind Tunnels
#1 - After getting out of the first of the "three" tunnels, climb the
stairs and go through the passage way. In one of the corners of the
passage, you can drop through. The hole drops you into a small room with
goodies and a teleporter that will take you to the Quad Damage. - BraFish

#2 - When you are on the ledge above a second ledge above a pool (the whole
thing is like a ribbed funnel in a way), go to the far side of the ledge
from the entrance and face the entrance. On one of the girders overhead
there is a quake symbol. Shoot it and a door will open next to the
entrance. - William Shubert

#3 - In the room with stairs out, a small wind tunnel overhead, and a moat
around the edge of the room, jump in the moat and go under the room. The
pool here has two exits. One of them leads to a secret room. - William

#4 - At the very end of the level, when you are in the room with the exit
teleporter, shoot the floor in the center of the room and it will open up.
Jump in, but miss the teleporter under the hole that opened up, and there
are some boxes of nails. - William Shubert

[9-24] E3M6: Chambers of Torment
#1 - In the room next to the area with the silver key, there is a button on
the ceiling (which you must shoot) that will open the door leading to the
armor that you could see behind the mesh earlier, and to a Quad
Damage. - BraFish

#2 - In the area after the silver door, turn to the left and take the
elevator to the top. On the ceiling above the elevator is a button that
when shot will open up the bars behind you to allow you to jump on the
girders below. - BraFish

[9-25] E4M1: The Sewage System
#1 - At top of elevator, turn right and shoot the wall with computer
monitor, revealing yellow armor and quad damage. - Ron Crisco

#2 - In room with biosuit near exit slipgate, above the door is a (+) that
you shoot. This opens a wall just outside this room with a teleporter that
takes you to yellow floorplate near the gold key door. - Ron Crisco

#3 - Just beyond the gold key door, there is a ramp where behind you a wall
opens letting dogs out, a ledge with quad damage is to your left. Above you
are three hanging flourescent lights. Run up the ramp and jump into the 3rd
light. You won't be able to hit the light unless you're running up the ramp
towards it. It will open the way to the quad damage. - Ron Crisco, BraFish

#4 - In the last underwater room before getting to exit slipgate, look up
and to your left to see a secret room. - Ron Crisco

[9-26] E4M2: The Tower of Despair
#1 - In first room, shoot the large red window to reveal knife and push the
knife plate. This lowers bars around super shotgun in that room. - Ron

#2 - After the first room, turn right and go all the way to the end. Shoot
the wall at the end and find a room with Ring of Shadows and another knife
plate. - Ron Crisco

#3 - Push this knife plate, shoot the door to reopen it and a hole has
opened in the floor outside with armor, leading to the ledge in the first
room. - Ron Crisco

#4 - There is a suspended platform with an Ogre in front of another red
emblem which opens to reveal a passage. To get to this platform you must
either teleport from another location or jump and navigate some narrow
beams. If you are navigating these beams , and are in the position to run
and jump on the suspended platform, turn to your right instead to get to a
secret area. Jump onto the beam to get health. - Ron Crisco

#5 - After going through the red window from #4, you'll see another knife
plate. Turn right and shoot the wall to drop in on another secret
area. - Ron Crisco

[9-27] E4M3: The Elder God Shrine
#1 - After you get to the room with the Scrags up aboveand the small pool
of water around a lift, take the lift up to the higher level. The Scrags
came from rooms behind the Stained Glass - just walk through the Stained
Glass to get goodies. - Ron Crisco

#2 - Then take the door to the blue-walled maze. Stay to your right until
you find a gold star button on the wall. Push this button to lower you to
a secret room. - Ron Crisco

#3 - In this secret room, underneath the lift which takes you to second
button is a portal which leads to the red armor that you can see when in
the scrag room of secret #1. - Ron Crisco

[9-28] E4M4: The Palace of Hate
#1 - After going up ramp to first room, shoot the dagger/sun symbol above
the archway in front of the large red window, then turn around fast to kill
the demon who jumps out at you. Get the pentagram of protection where he
was hiding. - Ron Crisco

#2 - Through the archway you'll see a small pool of water. Jump into this
"Healing Pool" for great health and it counts as a secret. - Ron Crisco

#3 - In the maze of blue bricks you'll see a section of the wall lower than
the rest - knights everywhere! On the opposite wall is an identical section
which is still raised. Trigger it by running all the way to the end of the
hall, then toward that section. Ride up then jump off the other side to a
secret room with quad damage and super nailgun. Teleport from here to the
ring of shadows just beyond the guillotine. - Ron Crisco

#4 - There is a wooden platform that raises to take you to upper level.
Trigger that platform and then back up off it and go under it. This leads
you to red armor that you can see underneath stairs just past this
platform. - Ron Crisco

#5 - Near silver key is a portal which you can rocket jump into for this
secret. There is a switch somewhere that will raise a step into the portal,
but I haven't found it yet. - Ron Crisco

[9-29] E4M5: Hell's Atrium
#1 - In the maze of Zombies you'll see a Hell-Knight shooting you from one
level up. If you have pressed the right switch (I press em all!), you can
find the elevator which leads up to the level he's on very near where he
is standing. After going up there, jump in green slime to get pentagram of
protection. - Ron Crisco

#2 - From the Hell-Knight's position in secret 1, run across the ledges
you see to get to this secret. First, run left and jump over the break.
Then turn right and you'll see a wall - go to the left of this wall but
don't turn, just stay next to wall. Then turn left and jump over break to
get to secret area. This leads to the opening that you can see later in
room with wooden arches - from there you can jump on arches for more
goodies. - Ron Crisco

#3 - In the room behind gold door, step on floorplate in middle of room to
activate elevator, ride elevator up and shoot red sun symbol to activate
floor section in front of you. Jump across this to get to secret
room. - Ron Crisco

#4 - At the end of the level, you need to the silver key to lower a bridge
to get across to the exit. DON'T activate the bridge. Instead, hop across
on the sticks sticking out of the lava. (It ain't easy. Save early, save
often. I've only been able to actually do it once.) Once you're safely
across turn to your left and you'll see a gigantic door that you need the
silver key to open. (You did bring it with you after all that didn't you?)
It takes you to the Secret Level E4M8. - BraFish

[9-30] E4M8: The Nameless City (Secret Level)
#1 - Follow the passage that starts underneath the platform with the gold
key on it. Take the passage that goes to the right and follow it up the
small ramp. Just to the right, you'll see a button on a wall over a
passage. Run and jump to press the button. This will open up a wall with
zombies. Just past where the zombies are is a platform that will take you
up to a small room with a shambler. Jump down the small hole in the room,
and it will drop you onto a small ledge which leads you to the red armor.
Whew! - BraFish

#2 - In the room that the ramp leads to from #1, there is a large hole that
overlooks another hole with a small ledge around it. Jump to the ledge and
look down. You should see some water at the bottom, but a small ledge with
some health (and a Quad!) half-way down. Jump to the small ledge and get
the goodies. - BraFish

#3 - Jump down into the water after secret #2. Press the button on the
right side of the room to lower the walkway into an elevator. Ride the
walkway up to the rest of them. Jump into the square cage in the middle of
the room. Activate the button inside. The cage will lower into a room
filled with zombies. Shoot the switch on the wall to get out. Follow the
passageway out of the dark room and press the switch at the end to activate
the elevator. Ride the platform up to the top and jump through the window.
Follow the short passageway until you can see the gold key in front of you.
Jump to get the gold key. Hop down and go to the gold doors at the end of
the long hall. Go inside and collect. I know what you're thinking, all that
for that?? - BraFish

#4 - After entering the silver door, turn right and go up the ramp. Kill
the zombies below the mesh. To get under there, you can drop down through
one of the triangle shaped openings. Press the button to get out. - BraFish

EXTRA - At the ledge overlooking the hole from secret #2, shoot the wall
with the same texture as the floor. It opens to a room with a few odds and
ends. - BraFish

[9-31] E4M6: The Pain Maze
#1 - In room that you drop down into from beginning, look behind the blue
columns to find a star push plate. This reveals a room and elevator in
front of you. - Ron Crisco

#2 - After leaving the altar room, jump into the little pool just outside
of the "church". If you keep an eye on the ceiling as you wander down the
passageway underwater. There is a small strip where you can go up to not
only take a breather, but also pick up the biosuit and some other
items. - BraFish

#3 - In the room with portal at top of room, wooden beams in middle and
moat all around, there is red armor near the top on a ledge. Pushing the
right star plate in one of the hallways leading to this room activates the
elevator up to the portal. The portal takes you to the highest wooden beam
in this room where you can jump over to get the armor (which is the
secret). - Ron Crisco

#4 - In the same room as secret #3, underneath the main elevator (activated
by the gold key) is a secret room. To get there, shoot the greenish colored
wall underneath the water. - BraFish

[9-32] E4M7: Azure Agony
#1 - You'll run after a Quad Damage and be dropped into slime. You'll see a
portal as exit, but run to the right instead to find a second portal. This
takes you to red armor. - Ron Crisco

#2 - In the big room with the cross of land, and water at the sides, go
into the water and shoot the wall underneath the area where the 666 Armor
was, it will open a section where a small stash is kept. - BraFish

#3 - Also in that same area under water, shoot the wall underneath the area
where the Quad damage was. It will open a portal. - Ron Crisco, BraFish

#4 - Getting to the area through portal from #3 is counted as another
secret. - Ron Crisco

#5 - From the ledge in #4, look down and to the left, you'll see a slot
that you can see through. (And hear a vore on the other side). Shoot inside
to kill the vore and activate a button, to let you in. - BraFish

#6 - Jumping down from #4 counts again. It can also be accessed by shooting
a switch underneath a staircase nearby, which then raises to that
ledge. - Ron Crisco

#7 - There is a button underneath the water that opens a secret area near
the biosuit in the area of "red bricks". - Ron Crisco

#8 - The same area as #6 has a darkened area just ahead of secret #4. There
are two brightened spots there. Shoot one of them to open a door. - BraFish

#9 - Shoot the other as secret #8 to open a symetric door. - BraFish

[10] Hints and Tips

[10-1] How do I kill the boss on episode one?
     Fry the son of a bitch! Shooting him/her/it is a waste of time, I'm
sure that it doesn't take damage in this way. Instead, catch the lift to
the top platforms, and run around, making sure you run over the
floorplates. If you run over both of them, two large columns will descend
to the height of the boss. Press the central floorplate to electrocute him.
     Note: On easy skill level, one electrocution will kill it. On normal,
hard, and nightmare skill levels, three electrocutions will do it.
     You should also remember that as you increase skill levels, the bosses
'lava balls' (hmmmmmmm) get closer and closer. In other words, on hard
skill level the boss will hit you more times.

*10-2* How do I cheat?
As hinted by id in the quake manual, you can cheat in Quake. As of now the
known cheats are:

     GOD         - makes you invincible
     NOTARGET    - makes monster oblivious to you unless you shoot at them.
     FLY         - lets you fly through the levels
     NOCLIP      - Same as DOOM. Lets you walk through walls. Good for
		   finding secrets. Use the [D] and [C] keys to move up and
     IMPULSE 9   - All weapons (including the thunderbolt, which *is* in
		   the shareware version!) and full ammo.
     IMPULSE 255 - Quad Damage upgrade
     GIVE #      - Give weapon #
     GIVE H #    - Give # of health
     GIVE S #    - Give # of shells
     GIVE R #    - Give # of rockets
     GIVE C #    - Give # of cells
     GIVE N #    - Give # of nails

     You type all of the above cheats directly into the console [~].

[10-3] How do I kill Shamblers?
     The best way to kill these is to run round them in circles, or strafe
left and right non-stop. The shambler won't be able to get a clear shot at
you. I personally prefer to hide behide a big stone (not in real life!) and
then jump out and fire a few rockets off, before jumping back behind the
     Another, safer way to kill these is to use the SuperNailgun. It can
kill them fast, and also makes it harder for them to shoot you.

[10-4] Problems killing Scrags...
     If you're new to Quake, or have played Duke Nukem 3D, then this won't
be a problem for you... but if you have come from playing DOOM to playing
Quake, then you could be in for some learning difficulties. Many DOOM
players forget about the look up and down keys [A] and [Z], and get killed
by Scrags. The best way to combat this is to experiment in the skill
selection hall, or to turn a cheat on and practice moving around and
shooting whilst looking up and down.

[11] Deathmatch tactics
     NOTE: Please, please, please send me your multiplayer stories, tips
and tactics. I want this section to be BIG.

[11-1] Don't walk!
     Argh!!! I can't believe the number of people who just *walk* around
the levels in Quake!!! Walking speed in Quake is slower than walking speed
in DOOM, and I never walked in deathmatch DOOM, so walking in Quake is
really dumb! I really laugh when I see someone walking along... its as if
they're out for a walk or something, not out to kill... {sigh}

[11-2] Don't taunt your opponent before hand
     This 'tactic' is the same for all multiplayer games. Consider the
following scenario between three players about to play deathmatch:

     Bill: Ahh man, I'm gonna kick *both* your asses!
     Fred: Dream on, I finished Quake on Nightmare without dying once!
     Mike: Ok, well lets just play guys...
     Bill: Sure... hahha... prepare to die!
     Fred: In your dreams, punk!

One hour later:

     Mike: Hahhaha, I won...
     Fred: Next time...
     Bill: I wan't my mummy...

     See what I mean? It makes you look *really* lame! Boasting then
getting your ass kicked is just pathetic! If you are the best player in the
world at Quake, then keep it yourself... the others in the game will think
you are a newbie and go for you straight away... Surprise them :)
     Winning after not boasting is cool. Do it. Surprisingly, I have seen
less people boast about their Quake playing abilities, than people did
about their Duke Nukem 3D playing abilities... surprising, as I did
actually find Duke (shareware version) harder than Quake (shareware
version). Maybe Quake players got their asses kicked in Duke, and want to
keep quiet {g}. Then again, maybe not.....

[11-3] Develop Routine
Dragon Slayer ([email protected])
     I always memorize the location of the good items in a level then
develop a quickest route to gather them all up (eg. E1M2, get the yellow
armour, jump into the water below, teleport, jump into water, go get the
rocket launcher), in a mater of few seconds I have all the good stuff on
the level. An effective soldier need effective tools ... quick.

[11-4] Take up a good firing position before attacking
Dragon Slayer {[email protected])
     When I spot an opponent I always check if there's any health around
and run near it, THEN I turn and fire. Most of time the extra 25% health
can make you win the dual. Also if you are powerfully equiped, it's a good
time to set an ambush around yellow armour, Quad damage, or rocket
launchers. You can't imagine how many players rush into your gunsight right
after they respawn, poorly armed and unarmoured of course :) I used to take
out 5 players in a row like this. (... am I contradicting myself with the
point I mentioned in [11-3]?) :)

[11-5] Know your opponent
Dragon Slayer {[email protected])
     Always take note to those deathmatch GODs, if you see a 56 kills guy
on the scoreboard, and everyone else has only 10 kills ... don't fight
him... he might be the owner of the server and run smoothly while you are
playing at a frame rate of Myst...
     Note from Toby: Not playing someone because they are good is a bit
lame. If their ping is the same as yours and they are winning, they *are*
better. If their ping is much less, they have an advantage. Type 'PING' at
the console whilst in a multiplayer game to list everyones ping times.

[12] Cooperative tactics

[12-1] Work together
     Remember, you *are* on the same side! Share ammo and power-ups. Don't
rush forward and grab all the power-ups, and leave all your allies on 10
health. Thats really lame. You should also remember that these guys *are*
your friends. Its easy to fall out with a friend over a game of Quake, it
happened to me in DOOM a few times.
     When attacking monsters don't cower behind the other players, run up
front and get involved. Laying back till everyone dies, then finishing the
level, is really stupid. It also makes you look like a lame player (which
you are if you do that). The exception to this rule is if you have very low
health (40% or less) or/and only the axe.
     If you and your friends *do* rush up and attack, killing monsters is a
lot easier. Four players should have no problem killing a shambler, and
even two players will be able to do well. Make sure you are on opposite
sides of the creature, each blasting inwards. Note: Don't be silly and
stand opposite each other with, say, a grunt in the middle, firing rockets
at it. You will all die.

[12-2] Carnage!
     MephistoX gave me this idea, kind of. He said on that he and his
friends play four (or so) player coop on Quake, each not caring about their
own lives. Ie, running around blasting the hell out of everything with
rockets. Note: everything *includes* your coop allies! Remember to ask
everyone if this how you want to play, before doing this!
     I remember well the days I spent on coop DOOM, playing against each
other! We would start out playing together, but half way through would say,
sod it, all against all. The cool thing is you always started in the same
place! There was bodies everywhere... that was *fun*! A couple of days
later I told him that if you press F12 then you can see through your allies
eyes. God was he mad... :) Note: I know I just contradicted what I said. I
said don't cheat but did in DOOM. Heres my defence: a) I was young(er),
b) It was fun, and most importantly c) We agreed it in advance (er,
probably). Thank you :).

[13] Zer0's guide to excellent Quakematch V.1
     Zer0 (Nathan Rice) has made this rather good guide to deathmatching in
Quake... Well worth a read before embarking on a deathmatch session.
     Note: Section [13] is a US spelling zone... watch out.

[13-1] Llamah Stuff
     If you are a seasoned Quake player, you should not need this
section, but you might want to take a quick look anyway...

A.[What controller should I use for quake?]

     Mouse, mouse, mouse... you keyboarders think you have the
time to slowly turn/look up and down, but you really don't.  Besides the
fact that the keyticks in quake are very large, making keyboard turning
very choppy(you can remedy this by setting cl_yawspeed to some
lower number like 60, though turning will be SLOW), you also lose
valuable time.  While you are taking in your surroundings, the mouse
player has already taken in his surroundings, and is laying his sites
down on you.  the mousetics in quake are very accurate compared to the
keyboard, and the mouser can flick, and circlestrafe.  The mouser can
circle around the keyboarder faster than the keyboarder can turn.  The
keyboard has *no* advantages over the mouse.
	All of this also applies to users of the joystick, gamepad,
steering wheel(god forbid), though the trackball is a good controller,
second only to the mouse.

B.[I never even come close to winning a game of Quake over the
Internet.  Do I suck?]

	Probably yes, but maybe not as much as you think.  If the other
players in the game just seem to always hit, or if they Dodge around
like Emmit Smith, they may have lower latency than you.  To determine
this, type "ping" at the console... It will show a list of the ping times
for each player.  if theirs are much lower than yours, they have good
connections, and you just might not suck.  If yours are above 350ms,
you should switch to a different server, as the one you are on now is
causing you to lag.  If most of the other players have similar pings,
then you suck, and need to play quake more :).

C.[What video mode should I play Quake at?]

	A low vesa or x mode.  On a P60-100, this is vesa mode 1 or
mode 0.  On a p120-166, You can get by on modes 1-3, and a few
low vesa modes.  The important thing is to get over 35 frames a
second, without reducing the size of your screen.  the increased
smoothness of play is well worth the loss of resolution.

D.[I have a 14.4.  Can I play Quake over the internet?]

	Yes.  It isn't really "playing" Because you will never get a
good game.  A 14.4 just can't handle all of the data that quake sends
out under sys_ticrate .05.  I believe that a 14.4 will get much better
games under sys_ticrate .1 or higher, if you are able to find a server
that uses it.

[13-2] The Weapons
A.[The Axe]
     Rating:*  This is your fallback weapon, and a pretty crappy one
at that. I feel sorry for you if you are stuck with it.
     The only way to use this is to circle in on your opponent, and
when you are close, axe him once or twice, then dodge away, and start
circling in again. If your opponent has the Nailgun, don't even bother.
Run away like a good boy.  There is no way in hell you are going to kill

B.[The Shotgun]
     Rating:***  This is actually one of the best long distance guns,
although it lacks a real bite.  It is an excellent sniping weapon, and
it is
     If you start taking shots from a distance, your opponent is
going to move to close the distance.  You have to outmove him or you are
going to be dead meat.  most opponents will just charge you blindly.
the best thing to do in situations like this is to strafe one direction
till he turns to follow you, at which point you  start strafing in the
opposite direction. that will give you some distance, and you can start
taking shots at him again.

C.[The Super Shotgun]
     Rating:***1/2  This weapon packs quite a punch, and very
effective against all of the other weapons.  It is extremely effective
in close range, but loses it's punch quickly as the range increases.
Thus, you should always engage at close range.  Don't waste your
surprise trying to get a long distance hit off.
     The best tactic with this gun is to circle in on an opponent,
and hit him as you are circling.  If he is too elusive to get a good
shot on, try and bump into him, shoot him, then dodge away quickly.
This tactic works well against all guns, except the Super Nailgun.  The
only tactic against the Super Nailgun is to be elusive till he runs out
of ammo, taking an occasional potshot when you have the chance.

E.[The Nailgun]
     Rating:***  This weapon functions much like the Chaingun in
Doom.  it is stronger than the shotgun, but it is still no match for
most of the other weapons.  It is good against elusive opponents,
however, and is great for doing that last little but of damage.
The best tactic with this weapon is to strafe left and right from about
10-20 feet away while spraying nails.  You should be able to kill your
opponent even if he is elusive, as long as you have to 150-200 nails.
     If  your opponent has a Shotgun or Axe, your best bet is to
charge your opponent and nail them point blank.  You should kill them
very quickly.  This method costs a little life, but it is very ammo

E.[The Super Nailgun]
     Rating:****1/2  This is an excellent weapon.  It eats ammo fast
and kills faster.  If  you have played Doom deathmatch, use this sucker
just like you did the Plasma gun.
     The best tactic with this weapon is to charge the opponent, and
when you get close enough, unload on him.  This kills people real quick,
and is ammo conserving, though you will take a little damage.
     Another good tactic with this weapon is to start shooting nails,
and strafe left and right in a tight pattern.  This makes the nails
impossible to dodge completely, and will kill your opponent with
minimal damage to you, but will empty your nail reserve completely.
     This weapon, like the rocket launcher, is quite effective as
suppressing fire.  Turn a corner and fire it back the way you came.  The
opponent will stomp, not waning to be hosed down.  Fire a few shots
ever once in a while to keep the opponent sitting there.  then charge
your opponent quickly.  He will likely be completely off guard, so he
will be dumbfounded when you turn the corner and run him over.

F.[Grenade Launcher]
     Rating:****1/2  This is one hell of a cool weapon, and it will
do you well to learn how to use it right.  This is the most versatile
weapon in the game.  This weapon is even better at corner fishing than
the rocket launcher.
    Ever play pool (snooker for the British out there)?  Yes?  Then
you have the idea already.  The quake grenades act just like a Cue Ball.
you can use this weapon  to get rid of people on higher/lower platforms
with almost no risk, and you can remove people from their corner hiding
     If somebody charges you, trying to make you eat your own
explosion, the best tactic is to lay a few grenades on the ground just
far away from you not to hurt.  The charging guy will run right into the
blast 99.9% of the time.
     If somebody is picking you off at long range, feel free to run
around a corner.  The idiot WILL follow you, unless he was almost out
of ammo or health.  If he does follow, serve some pineapple.  Boy, will
he feel stupid.
G.[Rocket Launcher]
     Rating:*****  This is easily the best weapon in shareware
Quake. Obviously, this weapon is best used at long range, due to it's
large blast radius, though it can be VERY effective close in too.  The
trick is knowing how to use it.
     Realize that, unlike doom, you can look up and down now.
This means that you can aim missiles at their feet...This makes them
VERY hard to dodge.  I play a lot of people who are about 15 feet
away and they aim it directly at me.  They should aim it at
my feet, or the ceiling if it is low enough. This is especially
applicable if somebody is rushing you, trying to get you to suicide.
people can dodge a missile well enough, but most people will walk right
into an explosion if you set it at their feet.
     Most people don't realize that the rocket launcher can hit
enemies that are out of your range of site.  It is actually very good at
this.  Say for example an enemy is hiding around a corner, launch
missiles at the wall near that corner continuously till he is dead.  He
will not be able to get away because the blast will knock him into the
corner.  Dead Duck.
     The missile launcher makes a great chance killer too.  unless
you are almost out of ammo, shooting a missile or two into an area that
is passed through frequently passed through is a great way to net
yourself a lot of free frags
     Most people never realize this, but the missile launcher makes
great suppressing fire.  If somebody with the Quad damage powerup is
chasing you, round a corner, then turn a quick 180 and toss some
rockets at the corner.  If the fool doesn't walk into them
thinking he's invincible, he will either sit there or go away.  launch a
missile off every once in a while till you know the quad damage has
worn off, or you think he is gone.  Then round the corner.  If the fool
is still there, make him pay for wasting your precious ammo.

[13-3] The Artifacts
     Just some strategies for use with the artifacts.

A.[Ring of Shadows]
     This sucker is kind of lame... the floating eyes stand out more
than a player with a brown uniform does.  If you have this item, don't
think that people don't see you... they do. you are easy to see.  the
only use is to have it in the middle of a frag fest.  People will be so
busy fragging, they might not notice you (hopefully).

B.[Quake Power]
     This thing is totally fucking insane!  If you get this sucker,
first thing you should do is switch from an explosive weapon to a
Nailgun if you have one, shotgun if not. With a Nailgun, prepare for
frags galore! Be careful not to think you are invincible with this thing,
     You can tell if somebody has this, because the aura of light
they emit will be blue.

C.[Pentagram of Protection]
     This is pretty good, though people tend to run away from you
when you have it.  the idea is to use it to kill that guy hoarding the
ammo so you can become that guy. also, if you have a missile launcher
and a lot of ammo, just get in the middle of the action and
spray missiles everywhere...you will get a shit load of frags.  As a
general rule, you should not sit around when you have this thing.
nothing can hurt you...Take advantage of that.
     You can tell if somebody has this by the fact that the aura of
light they emit is yellow.

     This sucker has almost no use in deathmatch, Except maybe
some neat water stalking.

[13-4] Player Archetypes
     In this chapter, I will discuss the various player archetypes
and how to exploit their weaknesses.

A.[The Lurker]
     This annoying fellow will generally sit near a big cache of
weapons, armor or health, kill anybody who comes looking for them.
He is usually pretty tough to kill, seeing as he's been sitting on a
load of something.  You are in trouble if you happen on him unready.  If
he is in the lead (which is unusual for a lurker) then you are in for a
real treat.
     The best way to kill off a lurker is to get some firepower, then
find a subject, and either chase him or let him chase you into the
lurker's area.  If you are chasing, stop persuing after your prey has
entered the lurkers area.  as soon as you hear signs of a conflict, run
in and unload on the lurker.  He will knuckle under the pressure of two
opponents, either running away, or chewing on a boomstick..  now you can
make short work of the guy you chased in.  If you got chased in, as soon
as you get the lurker after you, turn around and run strait at the guy
that was chasing you, circle around him and scramble off into the
shadows as quickly as possible.  the lurker and the guy that chased you
will get into it, and you can start shooting whoever you think is going
to win. One will die, and the other will be easy pickings, even for a
shotgun bravado.
     If you are all alone with this guy, your are probably not having
very much fun.  Tell him to stop lurking and come out and fight.  If he
refuses, put him in his place.  Run around the level collecting all the
health and armor you can, and get an explosive weapon, preferable the
grenade launcher(it's corner rounding abilities are invaluable against
lurkers).  Find a spot where you can bounce a grenade or 10 on top of
him without being in his field of site.  he will come out and attack
you. Switch to super/Nailgun and get ready to dodge some missiles at
point blank.  At worst you will die, but he will be low on health.  You
should be able to kill him though, if any of your grenades hit.

B.[Pattern Runner]
     This is the guy who runs in a preset pattern around the level,
trying to collect all the choice goodies as he goes.
     This guy usually has the spawning of the items timed so that he
gets them almost as soon as they respawn.  This guy can be almost
impossible if he has the pattern perfected.  The only way to break him
out of the patter is to grab the most important item in the cycle, and
kill him before he recovers from you breaking his pattern.  This is
difficult though, because he has usually gotten quite powerful from all
of the other items in the pattern.  If he is getting to the items a
while after they resawn, you can try and jump ahead of him in the
pattern.  This always works, but a good pattern runner won't be late to
get the items.  A good pattern runner has the timing down to a matter of

     This is the type of player who grabs the nearest good weapon
upon respawning, and goes on a killing rampage, trying to annihilate
anything that moves, getting better weapons and ammo from victims.
The best way to take care of this guy is to stalk him till he attacks
somebody else, then pounce on him quickly, while he's busy.  He will
fall quickly, as Frag-a-thoners don't tend to stock up on armor if it is
out of their way.  If you are with this guy by yourself, get him to
chase you to an area where he can't dodge around, then unload on him
with whatever you have.

     These guys main strategy is to get an explosive weapons and
camp in a hard to hit spot raining grenades or missiles down on your
head. These guys are annoying.  I find the best strategy against them is
to ignore them, or wait them out.  They have to come out for more
ammo sooner or later, and when they do,  load them full of buckshot.
Snipers tend to have very poor engagement skills, which is the main
reason that they snipe in the first place.

E.[Cautious Type]
     This type is similar to a frag-a-thoner, but he retreats from
battles if he takes too much damage, and runs off to find health.  Also,
the cautious type is more likely to run halfway across the level to get
armor. Although these guys are not normally too hard, if you are having
trouble you can kill this guy the same way you kill a frag-a-thoner, by
stalking him till he gets in a fight, then backstabbing him.
     By yourself, lead this guy by pretending to be hurt and not
having any ammo.  Run away, then as soon as you turn a corner, switch
to rocket and as you see him, unload.

     These guys are pretty easy, usually.  They just sit near
deathmatch respawn spots with a weapon, and try to kill whoever
respawns there.  Usually you can sneak up on these guys, because they
don't pay attention surroundings.  Not only that, but they will rarely
get many frags, because they don't hunt people, get armor or ammo...They
just sit there.

[13-5] The Levels
     These are deathmatch strategies for all of the shareware levels.
They are the best I know of.  This section will be updated with
registered levels after the full release, barring time constraints.
**notice**Please feel free to ignore the cheese factor if You are
playing old-style deathmatch.  I highly recommend old style deathmatch,
because it ensures a more fair game.  You are free to play any way you
wish. **end of notice**

     Cheese Factor:  Refers to how abusable a level is.  A level that
scores high in this category has poorly placed weapons/items, allowing
one person to rack up large amounts of frags unfairly using
artifacts/weapons, or get excessive health/armor repeatedly.

     Fun Factor:  Refers to how good I think a level is for
deathmatch.  Personal tastes vary, so you may enjoy a level more than I
and my compatriots do.

     Cheese Factor:****  This level is insanely cheesy.  There is a
disgusting loop.  All you have to do is get the 200% armor in the water
in the empisode 4 pathway, then teleport through the nightmare gate and
get the +100% health and  Quad damage, and you are sitting pretty for
as long as you keep anybody else from getting it.  Nobody else will
even come close.

     Fun Factor:**1/2  This level is intense and fun, though the
missile launcher and grenade launcher do spoil it a bit.  It is VERY
intense in the inner area, and the outer area usually has one or two
people in it, so you do get some variety.

B.[The Slipgate Complex]
     Cheese Factor:****  Any level where one person can have the
Quad damage and Pentagram of protection is broken.  Aside from that,
there are 2 very good sniping spots, one being the area with the
Pentagram of protection, the other being  the doorway to the
rocket launcher room.  Also, being able to get +100% health and 100%
armor makes you very
hard to kill.

     Fun Factor:***1/2  This level is very crazy...with anything over
8 people, this level is nonstop carnage.  It isn't as mindless as e1m6
though, so I find it fun.

C.[The Castle of the Damned]

     Cheese Factor:****  This level is very cheesy, though the
powerups are distributed enough to prevent one person from hoarding
all of them.  There are two ways of cheesing this level, though if you
are fast, you can do them both at the same time.
     One way of cheesing the level is to get the +100% health and
super Nailgun, then run up and get the quad damage and frag the hell
out of everybody.  you can just keep going back and forth and getting
all of the health and Nailgun ammo.  With the Quad damage powerup,
nothing can stand up to you.
     The other way is to get the 150% armor and grenade launcher,
then get the quake power.  BE VERY CAREFUL.  if you walk
anywhere near the blast from one of your grenades, you are gonna eat a
big 'ole plate of  pineapple.  NOTHING stands up to a Quad damage
grenade though, so you should be able to get some hefty frags in.

     Fun Factor:****  This level is pretty darn fun.  There is a nice
flow to the action, and the underwater play is neat.  There are not
enough traps, but there are some nice ambush points, and some nice
pileups occur in the Quad damage area, the grenade launcher
room and the area with the 2 teleporters.  Some of the respawn spots
are not as ideal as I would like, though all of them have something good

     Cheese Factor:*1/2  This is a very balanced level, except for
one loop, which is kind of separated from the rest of the level, making
it hard to get repeatedly.
     First, get the 150% armor near the end of the
level, then teleport to the Super Nailgun and ammo.  Get those, then
drop down and either take the teleporter to the end of the level, or
ride the elevator up.  When you get to the top, teleport to the
beginning of the level and frag away!
     Also, If there is nobody already there, drop down and get the
rocket launcher.  There is ample health in the hallway at the north end
of the pit to keep you alive as long as the action doesn't get too

     Fun Factor:*****  This level is a real rush.  The action comes
anyway you like it, hot and heavy or slow and suspenseful.  The watery
pit hosts the most intense moshes I have ever been in, and there are not
many spots where a sniper can sit and ruin your day.  The level is just
linear enough to keep the action coming, but not enough to make it a
slaughter.  The weapons are evenly distributed so that you should
always be able to get a weapon, if you don't mind running away from a
fight.  The respawn areas are all within quick distance of  pileup
spots, and most of them have a weapon situated nearby.

E.[Grisly Grotto]
     Cheese factor:1/2  This level is almost cheese free.  The only
cheesy thing about this level is the two 150% armors, which could be

     Fun Factor:***  This level is fun, the architecture is nifty, and it
is well balanced.  There is some neat underwater killing, and the big
outdoor area near the exit has some nice pileups.  This level isn't
extremely exciting though, mainly because all of the fun weapons are
nowhere near the fighting.  Also, a lot of the respawn spots are very
separated from the action, so it isn't as constant as it should be.

F.[Gloom Keep]
     Cheese Factor:*****  This level brings a new meaning to
cheese.  There are two techniques to totally dominate this level
     The first is to go to area with the super Nailgun, 150% armor
and health and get all of it, then go get the Quad damage.  From there,
run around like a madman with the Super Nailgun, fragging the hell out
of people.  when the Quad damage wears off, go back to the area
where you got the Super Nailgun and armor, and start all over again.
     The other is to get a cache of explosives and ride the elevator
to the top level of the three tiered room.  any time you hear or see
somebody on a lower tier, lob some grenades their way. If somebody
gets brave enough to ride the elevator up your way, drop a few
grenades down the chute...nobody will be stupid enough to try it a
second time...If the missile launcher spawns, jump down and pick it up,
then ride the elevator back up.  you do take some damage from people
trying to pick you off with shotgun and Nailgun, so every once and a
while drop down to the exit and get the health and green armor, then
teleport to the bottom of the pit and grab the health, then ride the
elevator back to the top.

     Fun Factor:****  Despite the cheese, this level is quite fun.
This level offers great variety.  The pit hosts some fantastic pileups,
while there is enough room to stalk, lurk, snipe or whatever fills your
heart with joy.  I especially enjoy how you can lure other players into
traps.  The respawn spots in this one are all good, and some of them
drop you right into the middle of a warzone.

G.[Door to Cthon]
     Cheese Factor:*1/2  There is no way of heavily cheesing this
level.  The only really cheesy thing you can do in this level  is to
keep running back to the end room with the 150% armor, Super Nailgun,
nails and 25% health.  That is not extremely unfair though.

     Fun Factor:***1/2  This level is very cramped, and makes for
and intense frag fest.  I do enjoy it, but it can be annoying because a
lot of times it seems like you kill a guy. another guy respawns right in
front of you, and kills you. You respawn and kill another guy you just
missed telefragging.  That is fun, but a bit TOO mindless for me.

H.[House of Cthon]
     Cheese Factor:*****  This level is ridiculously unfair.  There
is a ledge with 4 health boxes, a missile launcher, a grenade launcher
and 2 boxes of missiles.  If  you happen to gain control of this ledge,
you are set.  there are 3 ways to get to this ledge...2 narrow walkways
and an elevator.  Anybody attempting to cross the ledges is dead meat if
you have a decent missile hand, as there is no room to dodge. even if
you don't kill them, you have a 50/50 chance of knocking them into the
lava.  The elevator makes an obvious noise which alerts you the fact
that somebody is coming up to get you.  Take that noise as a cue to lob
4 or 5 grenades down the chute.  The only thing you have to worry about
is people respawning on a higher ledge and jumping down at you.  If this
happens, my advice is to hit them with a missile quickly, even if it
means eating some backlash, because while you are trying to get a clean
shot off, other people will be coming to get you.

     Fun Factor:*1/2  Besides the fact that this level is extremely
cheesable, it is also very, VERY repetitive.  It is NOT my idea of fun
to run around a big circle for 100 frags.  I do like some suspense and
stalking.  Also, in internet play,  this level seems to cause a lot of
people to lag severely, which is no fun.

I.[Ziggurat Vertigo]
     Cheese Factor:***1/2  This level is fairly cheesable.  There
are 2 pentagrams of protection, which reduce the problem somewhat, but
the level is still unfair at times.  There are 2 main ways of  cheesing
this level.
     The first way is to ride the elevator to the top section of the
level, where the yellow armor, health and the rocket launcher are.  Get
all of those things, then drop down to the ledge with the Pentagram of
protection is.  from here you have a nice spot to snipe if that is your
thing.  I  recommend dropping down and fragging the hell out of
whoever you see though...that is more fun, and people tend to react
violently to snipers.  Don't be surprised if the whole server gangs
up on you if you do this too much.
     The second way is to lurk in the corner near the elevator, on
the ledge with the rocket launcher, and frag anybody who passes you by.
There is adequate health on the ledge and nearby areas to keep your
health up if you are a good shot, and a Pentagram of protection on a
ledge across the room which you should be able to pick up each time it
spawns. This spot will draw a lot of fire to you though, as people
realize where you are, and it really isn't very protected.  Eventually
several people WILL gang up and kill you.

     Fun Factor:***  This level is fun, but the slow play due to the
low gravity makes it somewhat less exciting than normal play.  also, the
architecture tends to prevent pile-ups, which I don't like...I like 8
person mosh pits.

[13-6] Your Config
     Your config file is an integral part of your deathmatch.  The
better your setup and aliases, the faster your character will move, and
the better you will do.  Put a lot of work into your config... it will
separate you from the rest of the pack... learn to script in quake
console.  It helps a lot.
     This is my config, for anybody who wants it... I think it is very
good.  notice that mlook is permanently bound.  I see no need to waste
a key on something  that will work perfectly well locked.  Also of note
is snap180, a buggy little alias that allows you to do an instant near
180, an alias, pw, that will allow you to cycle weapons in reverse
order, and an extensive server alias list.


bind alt wideview
bind ctrl pw
bind a sniper
bind s ax
bind d ml
bind 1 weapon1
bind 2 weapon2
bind 3 weapon3
bind 4 weapon4
bind 5 weapon5
bind 6 weapon6
bind 7 weapon7
bind 8 weapon8
bind 9 "impulse 9"
bind 0 god
bind q "impulse 255"
bind f snap180

alias bigmac "connect"
alias quake101 "connect"
alias quaker "connect"
alias fiction "connect"
alias alien "connect"
alias yevaud "connect"
alias pit_o_death "connect"
alias nano "connect"
alias netertainment "connect"
alias widget "connect"
alias maglnxquake "connect"
alias phaedo "connect"
alias disruptor "connect"
alias sage "connect"
alias freebsd "connect"
alias majestic "connect"
alias crenshaw "connect"
alias the_world_ship "connect"
alias brain "connect"
alias xray "connect"
alias sgeertgens "connect"
alias aftershock "connect"
alias cytrix "connect"
alias hansolo "connect"
alias deathstar ""
alias singe "connect"
alias quake1 "connect"
alias quake2 "connect"

alias ax ax2
alias ml ml2
alias sniper sniper1
alias pw pw1
alias pw1 weapon1
alias pw2 weapon2
alias pw3 weapon3
alias pw4 weapon4
alias pw5 weapon5
alias pw6 weapon6
alias pw7 weapon7
alias pw8 weapon8

alias snap180 "cl_yawspeed
2900;wait;+left;wait;wait;wait;-left;cl_yawspeed 140"
alias sniper0 "fov 10;wait;fov 20;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 40;wait;fov
50;wait;fov 60;wait;fov
70;wait;fov 80;wait;fov 90;sensitivity 10;alias sniper sniper1"
alias sniper1 "fov 85;wait;fov 80;wait;fov 75;wait;fov 70;wait;fov
65;wait;fov 60;wait;fov
55;wait;fov 50;sensitivity 5;alias sniper sniper2"
alias sniper2 "fov 45;wait;fov 40;wait;fov 35;wait;fov 30;wait;fov
25;wait;fov 20;wait;fov
15;wait;fov 10;sensitivity 2.5;alias sniper sniper0"

alias weaponload "impulse 1;impulse 8;impulse 7;impulse 6;impulse
5;impulse 4;impulse 3;impulse 2"
alias weapon1 "impulse 1;alias ml ml1;alias pw pw8"
alias weapon2 "impulse 2;alias ml ml2;alias ax ax2;alias pw pw1"
alias weapon3 "impulse 3;alias ml ml3;alias ax ax3;alias pw pw2"
alias weapon4 "impulse 4;alias ml ml4;alias ax ax4;alias pw pw3"
alias weapon5 "impulse 5;alias ml ml5;alias ax ax5;alias pw pw4"
alias weapon6 "impulse 6;alias ml ml6;alias ax ax6;alias pw pw5"
alias weapon7 "impulse 7;alias ax ax7;alias pw pw6"
alias weapon8 "impulse 8;alias ml ml8;alias ax ax8;alias pw pw7"

alias wideview fovout
alias fovout "fov 130;alias wideview fovin"
alias fovin "fov 90;alias wideview fovout"

alias ml1 "impulse 7;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 1"
alias ml2 "impulse 7;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 2"
alias ml3 "impulse 7;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 3"
alias ml4 "impulse 7;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 4"
alias ml5 "impulse 7;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 5"
alias ml6 "impulse 7;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 6"
alias ml8 "impulse 7;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 8"
alias ax2 "impulse 1;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 2"
alias ax3 "impulse 1;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 3"
alias ax4 "impulse 1;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 4"
alias ax5 "impulse 1;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 5"
alias ax6 "impulse 1;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 6"
alias ax7 "impulse 1;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 7"
alias ax8 "impulse 1;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 8"

[13-7] Who to look out for
     This section is dedicated to recognizing good modem players,
who play on the internet. Note: US players only mentioned here... for now.

[Zer0]:Hey, it's me?  what can I say?  I kick ass  ;)
[Novak]:This guy is really tough...he is a fantastic pattern
[The_Brain]:He is a good, aggressive player...can rack up a bunch of
frags if you don't keep tabs on him.
[Shostakov]:This guy is a potshot.  He is really aggressive too.
Similar playing style to The_Brain, though Shostakov is better.
[^Dragon^]:A good player, and a friend of mine...He is a sneaky bum,
and you have to keep a sharp eye out for him.  He will attempt to
surprise you if he can.
[Mynx]:The only girl on the servers, and a damn good one at that...she
is tough, though I don't know exactly how good she is, because she is
always teamed up with someone whenever I see her...
[RIP]:He is a decent player, and he makes the servers a bit more
challenging. He is getting good very quick.
[Gooseman]:A good player with a taste for missiles...Expect gibs galore
if you are on a server with him.  I haven't played him enough yet to
give a strategy.
[SwanSong]:Another good all around player, he is fun to frag, and
occasionally he beats me.
[RomeovioD]:I had to include him just because he is the only quake
player with an ego bigger than mine.  If you are reading this (which you
probably aren't, cause you are already the best darn 28.8 deathmatcher
out there, right? ;P ), I am still looking to play you.
[Kill-9]:Good player, very good on Zigguruat Vertigo.

[13-8] Teams
     As of right now, there are 2 main teams, the DSoC and the U|A.  My
team is the DSoC(which I founded to put the U|A in it's place :) ).

DSoC: A team devoted to frags, frags and more frags.  We impose no
rules or restrictions on our players.  You may join or quit freely, as
long as you are not a member of the U|A.  We will periodically try and
get 16 player games together, 8 of our best and 8 of U|A's best.
     Founded by: Zer0, ^Dragon^.
For more info: Right now, just on IRC.  I am working on a page though,
and it should be ready for the world soon.  Look for the url in a newer
version this text.

U|A: Another frag minded team.  They have thier own various rules, and
since I am not a member, I don't know them.  However, I do have thier
Web page, If you are interested and want more info.
     Founded by:Robs, The_Brain, Kill-9, LorD.
For more info, see http://www.gti.net/rob/alliance.htm.  It's not up
yet, but it will be in a few weeks.

[13-9] Reach out and frag someone
     Right now, the best source of info is Undernet/EFnet IRC.  I
recommend Undernet, because the channel operators on EFnet tend to
be jerks, but there are a few helpful people over there.  If you want to
contact me specifically, I am usually on Undernet #quake around 9-11
PST.  I will be happy to answer any questions or comments you have
about this guide.  If you do not use IRC, send questions or comments to
the creator of this FAQ, and he will pass them on to me in IRC.

[13-10] Outro
     This version of Zer0's guide to excellent Quakematch is to be
distributed only with the Unofficial Quake FAQ.  I plan on updating the
player list as well as providing strategy for each person on the list,
adding to my config as necessary, updating the teams section, doing
guides for all of the new levels, and adding the Lightning Gun to the
weapons list.

Technical Stuff
[14] Quake Commands - The Console and Command Line
     Once again I am letting a keen Quake player, MephistoX, take control
of the FAQ for a bit. He has gone through all the console commands and
listed them all. If you find any errors (not likely) then email either me
(see the top of the FAQ) or him:

		   MephistoX - [email protected]

     Oh, something I should I also you let you know is that MephistoX goes
by the name of Michael Montgomery...

This list was compiled by Michael Montgomery (me).  This version was
written on July 11th and tested under Quake Shareware version 0.92.

E-Mail me with corrections/additions at [email protected] or talk
to me on the Undernet in #quake...my nick is MephistoX.  Please only send
me information regarding the current version of Quake.

Much thanks to id Software for creating Quake, Josh Pieper for letting me
test this list out on his computer, and everyone who has contributed to the
list.  Special thanks to Toby Goldstone for including this list in the
Unofficial Quake FAQ, which is available in
rec.games.computer.quake.announce on the Usenet.

The command line parameters were taken from the Quake docs.  They should
all work, but they are difficult to test.  There are probably some more
obscure ones that I do not know yet.

The console commands all do something, although in some cases I could not
figure out exactly what.  There are still quite a few more that I have not
had the time to find yet.

The actions are all in working order (except +use), and I should have all
of them.

[14-1] Format
You should always type the commands EXACTLY as I have typed them with the
following exceptions:

# indicates you should enter a numeric value, decimal values are acceptable
  in some cases
$ indicates you should enter a string (letters/symbols/sometimes numbers)
... indicates you can enter a list of values

A # or $ with a number following it (#1 or $1) simply allows me to identify
multiple #s or $s separately.

Some examples...

color #1 #2

You should type color, a space, a number, a space, and another number.

alias $1 "$2;$3:$4..."

You should type alias, a space, a string, a space, a quotation mark, a
series of strings separated by semicolons, and finally a quotation mark.

name $

Nothing special, except that as with other Quake commands, if you want to
enter a string with spaces, you must enclose it in quotation marks.  So if
your name was Michael Montgomery, you would type name "Michael Montgomery".

[14-2] Command Line Parameters
These can only be run from the command line.

    Quake will periodically check to see if you have changed the CD in the
    CD-ROM drive.  This is very slow on some CD players and unnecessary
    under Windows 95.  Unless you are frequently changing CDs while playing
    Quake there is no reason to enable this option.

    Quake will log all console events to qconsole.log in the id1 directory.

-dedicated #
    Quake starts as a dedicated server.  It's only job is to receive and
    transfer data to and from the clients.  It will not draw graphics or
    perform any other kind of operation.  However, it will run the console,
    which allows you to customize the game.  # is the maximum number of
    players allowed, up to 16 (exception: the B&W TCP/IP stack only allows
    8 players).  A 486/66 (or above) makes a good dedicated server.

-ipxport #
    Specifies a IPX port to be used.  The default is 26000.

-listen #
    Quake starts as a listen server.  Quake will perform normally as if you
    were playing single-player, but will also perform as a server to which
    others can connect.  Note that the person on the listen server always
    starts first and gets network updates the fastest, so they have a
    definite advantage over slow connections.  # is the maximum number of
    players allowed, up to 16 (exception: the B&W TCP/IP stack only allows
    9 players).  A Pentium 90 or higher will make a good listen server.

    Enables support for code to use Win95's TCP/IP stack.  Do NOT use this
    under DOS!

    Disables CD audio support.

    Disables support for IPX.

    Disables IPX and TCP/IP support.

    Disables network card support.

    Disable serial support.

    Disables sound card support.

    Disables support for TCP/IP.

    -stdvid, -nosound, -nonet, -nocdaudio combined into one.

    Displays information on your current Sound Blaster configuration.

-sspeed #
    Sets Quake's playback speed to # Hz.  The default is 11025 Hz (11 KHz).
    Increasing # above 11025 will degrade CPU performance and will not
    increase sound quality because Quake's sound samples are only 11025 Hz
    to begin with.  Decreasing # below 11025 will increase CPU performance
    and save memory, but will degrade sound quality.

    Disables VESA video modes.

-udpport #
    Specifies a UDP port to be used.  The default is 26000.

    Windows 95 only.  Quake will not share memory with other applications
    and will not allow other applications to take memory from itself.
    Useful on machines with low memory where background applications have
    to unload parts of Quake in order to load some of their own code.

    Windows 95 only.  Quake will load all of itself possible, but will not
    disk cache and will share memory with other applications.

-winmem #
    Windows 95 only.  Quake will allocate # megabytes of memory for itself.
    Note that if # is greater than the amount of free RAM you have, Quake
    will disk-cache the remaining amount of specified megs, which will
    degrade performance.  The default is 8.

[14-3] Console Commands
These can be entered from the console, run from the command line if they
are preceded with a + sign, bound or aliased to a key with bind or alias,
or run from a config file.  For most commands which have parameters,
entering the command by itself without parameters will display its current

A command whose description is unknown means that I know the command exists
but either do not know what it does or have an idea what it does but am not
very sure.

Also, Quake IS case-sensitive with regard to console commands.  It will
only accept lowercase entries.

_cl_color #
    Sets the player's colors to #.  # is equal to the color of the shirt
    multiplied by 16 and then adding the color of the pants ($1 and $2 from
    the color commmand, respectively).  The maximum value is 221.  Note
    that if you change _cl_color, the values of the color command are not

_cl_name $
    Sets the player's name to $.

_com_baud #
    Unknown.  Does not seem to be affected by the com# command settings.

_com_init $
    Seems to set the modem init string to $, but is not affected by the
    com# command settings.

_com_type #
    Unknown.  Does not seem to be affected by the com# command settings.

alias $1 "$2;$3;$4..."
    Alias creates a new Quake command named $1, which is actually a
    collection of already existing Quake commands ($2,$3,$4,etc.).  Note
    that the commands being aliased to $1 must be enclosed in quotation
    marks and separated with semi-colons.  Once you have aliased a command
    you can bind it to a key.  For example, typing the commands

    alias net_game "hostname my_server ; fraglimit 15 ; timelimit 15"
    bind INS net_game

    would cause Quake to set the hostname, frag limit, and time limit every
    time you hit the INSERT key.

ambient_fade #
    Unknown.  The default is 500.

ambient_level #
    Controls the volume of ambient sounds.  The default is .3

    Unknown.  Is not valid from the console.

    Quake performs a background flash identical to the one you see when you
    pick up an item.  This will also cause Quake to reset the palette,
    which can fix erratic colors under Windows 95.

bgmbuffer #
    Sets the music buffer to # bytes.  The default is 4096 (4K).

bgmvolume #
    Changes the music volume to #, where # is from 0.0 to 1.0.  Not all
    CD-ROM drives support variable volume.  0 is off.

bind $1 $2
    Binds the key $1 to the action $2.  To make the j key the jump key you
    would type "bind j +jump" (without the quotations) and press enter.
    You can also bind keys to perform console commands.  For example,
    bind r "color 4 4" would cause your character to turn red whenever you
    pressed r.  Whenever the bound action/command contains any spaces, you
    must enclose it in quotation marks.

    The following keys can be bound:

    A-Z                     0-9
   *F1-F12                 *TAB
    ENTER                   SPACE
    BACKSPACE               UPARROW
    DOWNARROW               LEFTARROW
    RIGHTARROW              ALT
    CTRL                    SHIFT
    INS                     DEL
    PGDN                    PGUP
    HOME                    END
    PAUSE                   SEMICOLON

    MOUSE1 (mouse button 1)
    MOUSE2 (mouse button 2)
    MOUSE3 (mouse button 3)

   *~ (tilde)

  * Can only be bound on the command line or in a .cfg file.

    The ESC key cannot be bound.

    Centers your view.

cd $

    off: turns off the CD audio system.  No more music will be played.
    on: turns on the CD audio system.  Quake will now play music.
    reset: re-initializes the CD audio system.  Useful when you change CDs or
	   insert a CD after you have already started Quake.
    play #: plays track # once.
    loop #: plays track #.  When done it plays the track again.
    stop: stop playing the current track.
    resumre: resume playing the current track.
    eject: ejects the CD.  For CD players without a manual eject button.
    remap #1 #2 #3...: remaps the tracks on the current cd.  Typing
		       remap 1 2 2 5 6 7 8 9 9 on a CD with 9 tracks would
		       end up with a CD mapped like this:

		       Actual track number   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
		       Remapped to           1 2 2 5 6 7 8 9 9

		       So when Quake is instructed to play track 4, it will
		       actually play track 5.

    info: reports information on the CD-ROM and the CD currently playing.

changelevel $
    Servers only.  Changes the level to $.  See the map $ command for valid

cl_anglespeedkey #
    The speed at which the player pitches and turns.  The default is 1.5.

cl_backspeed #
    Sets the player's backward movement speed.  The default is 160.

cl_bob #
    Sets how much the weapon bobs.  The default is 0.02

cl_bobcycle #
    The weapon will cycle through a complete bob in # seconds.  Do not set
    to 0 even if cl_bob is set to 0.  The default is 0.6.

cl_bobup #
    Defines the topmost point of the bob cycle.  The default is 0.5.

cl_forwardspeed #
    How fast the player walks forward.  The default is 200.

cl_movespeedkey #
    When +speed is activated, all normal movement rates are multiplied
    by #.
    The default is 2.0

cl_nolerp #

cl_pitchspeed #
    The speed at which the player's pitch is changed when +lookup and
    +lookdown are activated.  Keyboard only.  The default is 100.

cl_rollangle #
    Controls the angle that the player leans when making fast turns.  The
    default is 2.0.

cl_rollspeed #
    Controls the speed at which the player leans on turns.  The default is

cl_shownet #

    0: Quake will not display numbers.
    1: Quake will display numbers.

    The meaning of the numbers is unknown, but I think it is related to the
    amount of client-server traffic as it increases whenever you do

cl_sidespeed #
    Controls the strafing speed of the player.  The default is 350.

cl_upspeed #
    The speed at which the player floats using +moveup.  The default is

cl_yawspeed #
    The speed at which the player turns using +left and +right.  The
    default is 140.

    Clears the console buffer.

    Unknown.  Cannot be used while not connected to a server.

color #1 #2
    Sets your player's shirt color to #1 and your pants color to #2.
    Values are from 1 to 13.  The colors are as follows:

    1:  White
    2:  Brown
    3:  Sky Blue
    4:  Olive Green
    5:  Red
    6:  Gold
    7:  Salmon
    8:  Lavender
    9:  Purple
    10: Tan
    11: Forest Green
    12: Yellow
    13: Blue

com# $
    # is the number of the com port you wish to set up.  Typing com#
    without a parameter will list the currents settings.  Note that com by
    itself is not a command, it must have a 1 or 2 immediately following

    enable:  initializes the com port.  You cannot change the settings on
	     an enabled port.
    disable: disables the com port.  You can now change the settings.  All
	     com ports are disabled by default.
    modem:   tells Quake that com port # is a modem.
    direct:  tells Quake that com port # is a direct connection (serial
    dial:   sets modem for dial-up operation.
    answer: sets modem to answer incoming calls.
    reset:  resets the com port to the default settings.
    port #: sets the hex address of the com port (COM1=0x3f8 COM2=0x2f8)
    irq #:  sets the IRQ of the com port (COM1=4 COM2=3)
    baud #: sets the UART baud rate.  This is the speed of the computer
	    talking to the modem, not the modem talking to the remote
	    modem. Valid values are 9600, 14400, 28800, 57600, 115200.
	    57600 is the default.
    8250:   sets the UART type to 8250.
    16550:  sets the UART type to 16550.  This is the default.
    startup $:  $ is the init string for your modem (ATZ).
    shutdown $: $ is the hangup string for your modem (ATH).
    +cts:   Quake will honor the "clear to send" signal.
    -cts:   Quake will ignore the "clear to send" signal.
    +dsr:   Quake will honor the "data set ready" signal.
    -dsr:   Quake will ignore the "data set ready" signal.
    +cd:    Quake will honor the "carrier detect" signal.
    -cd:    Quake will ignore the "carrier detect" signal.

con_notifytime #
    Quake will display messages for # seconds before clearing them from the
    top of the screen.  Setting # to 0 will eliminate all messages.  The
    default is 3.

connect "$"
    Quake will attempt to connect to a Quake server at $.  If $ is a phone
    number (5551212), Quake will dial the number (providing the modem is
    properly set up).  If $ is an IPX address (00FADE23:00aa00b9b5b2),
    Quake will search the network for this address.  If $ is a server name
    (My_Server), it will search the network for this server.  If $ is an IP
    address ( and you are connected to the Internet, Quake
    will connect to this address.  Note that on networks Quake will not
    cross routers.

coop #

    0: This is not a cooperative game.
    1: This is a cooperative game.

d_mipcap #
    Controls the detail level.  The maximum is 3, the default is 0.

d_mipscale #
    Controls the distance at which objects and walls become blurry.  The
    default is 1.

d_subdiv16 #
    Tells Quake how often to perform a certain type of texture error
    checking.  This is only noticeable on textures viewed from extreme

    0: Quake performs corrections on every pixel.
    1: Quake performs corrections on every 16th pixel.

    0 will result in perfectly drawn walls, but slows performance.  1 will
    result in hardly-noticeable defects, but increases performance.  The
    default setting is 1.

deathmatch #

    0: This is not a deathmatch game.
    1: This is a deathmatch game.
    2: Old style (DOOM) deathmatch game.

    The default is 0.

    If Quake is not currently playing demos, it will start playing them
    when you enter this command.  If Quake is currently playing demos, it
    will stop playing the current demo and being playing the next one.

developer #

    0: Unknown
    1: Unknown

    I think it enables developer mode, but what developer mode does I have
    no clue.  The default is 0.

    Disconnects client from server.

echo $
    Displays $ for this station only, will not broadcast $ to other
    Useful with aliases and bindings.

edict #
    An edict is similar to a 'thing' in Doom.  Displays information on
    edict number #.

    Gives a summary on the types and numbers of edicts in the current game.

    Displays information on all edicts.

    Gives a list of every model in the game (item, player, monster, etc.)

exec $
    Quake will search the ID1 subdirectory for the file $.  It will then
    execute the commands in the file line-by-line, just as if you had typed
    them individually in the console.

    Unknown.  Causes Quake to load some data.

    Toggles flight mode.

fov #
    Determines the size of the field of view.  This tells Quake to distort
    the image so that you may sit at different distances from the monitor
    and have it look OK.  The minimum is 5, the maximum is 80, the default
    is 20. This change will not take effect until the video mode is changed
    or the screen size is altered.

fraglimit #
    In Deathmatch, Quake will end the game after someone scores # frags.
    The default is 20.

gamma #

    { 1: Brightens the display.
    1: Sets display brightness to normal.
    } 1: Darkens the display.

give #
    Gives the player weapon number #.

    1: Axe
    2: Shotgun
    3: Double Barreled Shotgun
    4: Nailgun
    5: Supernailgun
    6: Grenade Launcher
    7: Rocket Launcher
    8: Thunderbolt

give $

    c #: You get # cells.
    h #: You get # health.  Without parameters you will die, but Quake will
	 not recognize that you are dead (this is bad).
    n #: You get # flechettes (nails).
    r #: You get # grenades (rockets).
    s #: You get # shells.

    Toggles god mode.

    Displays the help screen.

host_framerate #


hostname "$"
    When someone searches the network for a Quake game using the slist
    command, this is the name that will show up for your server.  The
    default is "unnamed".

impulse #

    1: Axe
    2: Shotgun
    3: Double Barreled Shotgun
    4: Nailgun
    5: Supernailgun
    6: Grenade Launcher
    7: Rocket Launcher
    8: Lightning Gun
    9: All ammo, guns, and keys.
    10: Switch to next available weapon.
    255: Quad Damage Power-Up

joybuttons #
    Unknown.  The default is 4.

joystick #
    Unknown.  The default is 1.

kick $
    Server only.  Kicks the player named $ off of the server.

    Player commits suicide.  Useful for when you become stuck in a wall or
    something odd happens.

    On a server, this causes Quake to stop acting as a server, effectively
    disconnecting any clients.

listen #
    Unknown.  Can be 0 or 1.  Default is 0.

load $
    Quake will load the savegame $.sav.

lookspring #

    0: When you release the mlook key your view will not center.
    1: When you release the mlook key your view automatically centers.

lookstrafe #

    0: +mlook behaves as normal.
    1: +mlook causes the mouse to strafe left and right instead of turning
       left and right.

    The default is 0.

m_filter #
    Controls how far the mouse must move before Quake will take it's input.
    The default is 1.

m_forward #
    Controls the forward and backward sensitivity of the mouse.  The
    default is 1.

m_pitch #
    Controls the look up and down sensitivity of the mouse while mlook is
    on. The default is 0.022.

m_side #
    Controls the mouse's strafing sensitivity while lookstrafe is 1.  The
    default is 0.8.

m_yaw #
    Controls the turning speed of the mouse.  The default is 0.022.

maxplayers #
    Sets the maximum number of players to #.  Cannot be changed while a
    server is running.

map $
    Begins a new game at map $.  Valid entries are as follows:

    start: Introduction

    Dimension of the Doomed
    e1m1: The Slipgate Complex
    e1m2: Castle of the Damned
    e1m3: The Necropolis
    e1m4: The Grisly Grotto
    e1m5: Gloom Keep
    e1m6: The Door to Chthon
    e1m7: The House of Chthon
    e1m8: Ziggurat Vertigo

    Realm of Black Magic
    e2m1: The Installation
    e2m2: Ogre Citadel
    e2m3: Crypt of Decay
    e2m4: The Ebon Fortress
    e2m5: The Wizard's Manse
    e2m6: The Dismal Oubliette
    e2m7: Underearth

    e3m1: Termination Central
    e3m2: The Vaults of Zin
    e3m3: The Tomb of Terror
    e3m4: Satan's Dark Delight
    e3m5: Wind Tunnels
    e3m6: Chambers of Torment
    e3m7: The Haunted Halls -- by American McGee

    The Elder World
    e4m1: The Sewage System
    e4m2: The Tower of Despair
    e4m3: The Elder God Shrine
    e4m4: The Palace of Hate
    e4m5: Hell's Atrium
    e4m6: The Pain Maze
    e4m7: Azure Agony
    e4m8: The Nameless City

    end: Shub-Niggurath's Pit

    Note that anything beyond Dimension of the Doomed is only in the
    registered version.

    Brings up the customize keys menu.

    Brings up the load game menu.

    Brings up the main menu.

    Brings up the network menu.

    Brings up the options menu.

    Brings up the load game menu.

    Starts a say command, which is then broadcast to all connected

name $
    Sets your player name to $.

net_messagetimeout #
    Quake will wait # seconds for a message to arrive before deciding the
    connection has died.  The default is 3 minutes (180).  Messages usually
    arrive at 20 per second.

    Displays network statistics.

    Toggles no clipping mode.


    0: Quake will load and play sound effects.
    1: Quake will not load or play further sound effects.

    The default is 0.

    Toggles no targeting mode.  Monsters will not attack or notice you
    unless they have already seen you or you attack them.

    Displays Quake's search paths where it looks for files.


    0: the game cannot be paused.
    1: the game can be paused.

    Toggles whether Quake is paused or not.

    Pings the clients and returns the response time.

play $
    Quake will play the sound file $ (must be WAV(RIFF) or AIFF format) at
    100% volume at the player's location.

playdemo $
    Plays the demo $ in the ID1 directory or the PAK0.PAK file.

playvol $ #
    Quake will play sound file $ (must be WAV(RIFF) or AIFF format) at #
    percent volume.  If you specify more than one $, Quake will play both
    sounds simultaneously.

    Used in the creation of new levels to find leaks.  Quake will draw a
    line from the leak to the nearest entity.  Described in more detail in
    the readme to the qbsp, vis, and light sources.

    Unknown.  The default is 1.

    Unknown.  Not valid from the console.

    Quake will display its internal diagnostics.  Crashes Quake when you
    are not connected.

    Quits Quake to the OS.

r_aliastransadj #
    Unknown.  The default is 100.

r_aliastransbase #
    Unknown.  The default is 200

r_aliasstats #

    0: Quake will not display information about currently visible models.
    1: Quake will display information about currently visible models.

    The default is 0.

r_ambient #
    Unknown.  The default is 0.

r_clearcolor #
    The color of the space outside the map.

r_drawentities #

    0: Quake will not draw any entities.
    1: Quake will draw entities.

    The default is 1.

r_drawflat #

    0: Quake will draw walls as normal.
    1: Quake will draw walls filled with colors instead of textures.

    The default is 0.

r_draworder #

    0: Quake will draw walls in normal order, closest in front.
    1: Quake will draw walls in reverse order, farthest in front.

    The default is 0.

r_drawviewmodel #

    0: Quake will not draw your weapons on-screen.
    1: Quake will draw your weapons on-screen.

    The default is 1.

r_dspeeds #

    0: Quake will not display timing information.
    1: Quake will display timing information.

    The default is 0.

r_fullbight #

     0: Quake will draw shadows and dark areas.
     1: Quake will ignore shadows and draw everything at full brightness.

r_graphheight #
    Controls the height in pixels of the graph drawn when r_timegraph is
    The default is 10.

r_maxedges #
    Unknown.  The default is 2000.

r_maxsurfs #
    Unknown.  The default is 1000.

r_polymodelstats #

    0: Quake will not report the number of on-screen polygon models.
    1: Quake will report the number of on-screen polygon models.

    The default is 0.

r_reportedgeout #
    Unknown.  The default is 0.

r_reportsurfout #
    Unknown.  The default is 0.

r_speeds #

    0: Quake will not display basic timing data.
    1: Qauke will display basic timing data.

    The default is 0.

r_timegraph #

    0: Quake will not draw a graph.
    1: Quake will draw a graph depicting something.  The height of the
       graph is determined by r_graphheight.

    The default is 0.

r_waterwarp #

    0: Underwater scenes are not wavy.
    1: Underwater scenes are wavy.

    The default is 1.

    Unknown.  It doesn't seem to reconnect anything.

record $1 $2 #
    Quake will record a demo named $1.dem on map $2.  Optionally, it will
    play music track number # when the demo is replayed.

registered #

    0: Quake will think you are playing the shareware version.
    1: Quake will think you are playing the registered version.

    This does not give you the registered levels or alter the shareware
    game in any way.  It does, however, remove the bars blocking the other
    episodes on the start level, but you still can't play them.

    Quake will reload the current map, starting the level over.

samelevel #

    0: When a level is exited you will proceed to the next level.
    1: When a level is exited you will restart at the beginning of the same

    This is very useful for deathmatch games.  The default is 0.

save $
    Saves the game to $.sav

say $
    Quake will broadcast $ to all connected stations.

say_team $
    Quake will broadcast $ to all members of your team.

    Displays information on your current Sound Blaster configuration.

scr_centertime #
    Quake will display the special messages that appear at the center of
    the screen for # seconds before clearing them.  The default is 8.

scr_conspeed #
    Sets the speed of the console raising/lowering to #.  The default is

scr_ofsx #
    Offsets your viewpoint by # pixels on the X-axis.  The default is 0.

scr_ofsy #
    Offsets your viewpoint by # pixels on the Y-axis.  The default is 0.

scr_ofsz #
    Offsets your viewpoint by # pixels on the Z-axis.  The default is 0.

scr_printspeed #
    Unknown.  The default is 8.

    Quake takes the current screen and saves it in PCX format in the file
    quake##.pcx, where ## is the next available screenshot number.  If you
    took 3 screenshots, you would have quake01.pcx, quake02.pcx, and
    quake03.pcx.  If you deleted quake02.pcx, the next screenshot you took
    would be quake02.pcx, because 02 is the next available screenshot

sensitivity #
    Sets the mouse sensitivity to #.  If # is negative, the mouse controls
    are reversed.  The default is 3.

showpause #

    0: Quake will not display the pause plaque when the game is paused.
    1: Quake will display the pause plaque when the game is paused.

    The default is 1.

showram #

    0: Quake will not display the RAM icon when it is running low on
    1: Quake will display the RAM icon when it is running low on memory.

    The default is 1.

showturtle #

    0: Quake will not display the turtle when your frames-per-second are
       less than 10.
    1: Quake will display the turtle when your frames-per-second are less
       than 10.

    The default is 0.

    Decreases viewsize by 10.

    Increases viewsize by 10.

skill #
    Sets the skill level to #.  Valid entries are:

    0: Easy
    1: Normal
    2: Hard
    3: Nightmare

    Searches the LAN or null modem connection for Quake servers and
    displays any that it finds.  It will not cross routers.  The names of
    the servers found are specified by the hostname command.

snd_noextraupdate #
    Unknown.  The default is 0.

snd_show #

    0: Quake will not display the number of sounds currently playing and
       their names.
    1: Quake will display the number of sounds currently playing and their

    Lists information on your current sound setup within Quake.

    Will list all the sounds Quake currently has cached into memory, along
    with additional information on each sound.

    Unknown.  Is not valid from the console.

    Gives information on the state of the current game.

    Halts all currently playing sounds.

    Quake will process command line arguments.  Should only be used in
    the initialization file QUAKE.RC, which is found in PAK0.PAK in the ID1

sv_accelerate #
    Sets the acceleration rate for players.  The default is 10.

sv_aim #
    Controls how far from a target you must be aiming before Quake will
    automatically target it for you.  0 means you can't miss, 1 means you
    fire exactly where you aim.  The default is 0.93

sv_friction #
    Controls the ground friction.  Low values cause the player to behave as
    if he were on ice.  The default is 4.

sv_gravity #
    Controls the gravity.  Negative values cause things to float upwards.
    The default is 800.

sv_idealpitchscale #
    Controls how much the player's vertical pitch changes when look up/down
    stairs or inclines.  The default is 0.8.

sv_maxspeed #
    Sets the maximum possible speed of a player to #.  The default is 320.

sv_maxvelocity #
    Limits the velocity of any projectile/object to #.  The default is

sv_nostep #

    0: Players can walk up steps.
    1: Players cannot walk up steps without jumping.

    The default is 0.

sv_stopspeed #
    Controls how fast players decelerate.  The default is 100.

sys_ticrate #
    Only used by servers.  Quake will send out an update every # seconds.
    The default is 0.05 (20 per second).  For modem or internet play, or on
    a network with limited bandwidth, changing # to 0.1 (10 updates per
    second) will half the amount of data being received by the clients,
    which will result in very slightly reduced responsiveness, but much
    faster gameplay.

teamplay #
    Deathmatch only.

    0: Players with same-colored pants can hurt each other.
    1: players with same-colored pants cannot hurt each other.

    Note that they can still take away armor, just not health.  The default
    is 0.


temp1 #


timelimit #
    Quake will quit the current level and start a new one after # minutes.

    Quake will spin the character around once and display the average
    number of frames per second.

    Toggles the console on and off.

    Brings up the main menu if there are no menus on screen, or exits all
    menus if there are menus on screen.

    Unbinds all keys.

v_centerspeed #
    Controls how fast your view centers after you release mlook.  The
    default is 500.

v_idlescale #
    Controls how wavy your view is.  The wavy effect on the intermission
    screen is generated using this command.  The default is 0.

v_kickpitch #
    Sets how far the player's viewpoint is temporarily thrown off when they
    are wounded.  The default is 0.6.

v_kickroll #
    Controls how much the player leans when wounded.  The default is 0.6.

v_kicktime #
    Controls how long the player shakes after being wounded.  The default
    is 0.5.

    Displays information on your current version of Quake.

    Describes the current video mode.

vid_describemode #
    Describes video mode #.  # is the number of the mode reported by

    Lists all available video modes, built-in and VESA.

vid_mode #
    Switches the video mode to mode #.  Quake has 11 built-in modes:

    0:  320x200
    1:  320x200
    2:  360x200
    3:  320x240
    4:  360x240
    5:  320x350
    6:  360x350
    7:  320x400
    8:  360x400
    9:  320x480
    10: 360x480

    0 is the default mode.  Modes above 10 are not built in, but are VESA
    modes which may be supported by Quake and your hardware.  Use
    vid_describemodes to see the available VESA modes.

    Affects VESA modes only.

    0: Page flipping is disabled on all VESA modes.
    1: Page flipping is enabled on all VESA modes that support it.

    1 will increase video speed and quality depending on the amount of
    available video memory.  0 will degrade quality significantly and
    should be avoided except in the case of hardware problems.  1 is the

    Reports the total number of video modes available.

vid_testmode #
    Switches Quake to mode # for 5 seconds, then switches back to the
    current mode.  This allows you to test modes that may be incompatible
    (black screen, garbage all over screen) and return to the current mode
    so that you are not permanently stuck with a garbled screen.  However,
    in some situations hardware incompatibilities may cause the system to
    hang anyway.

vid_wait #
    Sets the type of waiting that the video adapter should do.

    0: no waiting
    1: wait for vertical sync
    2: wait for display enable

    0 tells Quake to update the screen whenever Quake is ready.  1 tells
    Quake to update the screen whenever the monitor is ready.  2 tells
    Quake to update the screen whenever the video card is ready.  0 is
    slightly faster than 2, which is much faster than 1.  However, 0 and 2
    will result in more shearing/tearing than 1, but at high speeds this is
    hardly noticeable.

viewsize #
    Sets the size of the viewing area on the screen.  The minimum is 20,
    the maximum is 130.  The default is 100 (full screen with status bars).

[14-4] Actions
These can be bound or aliased from the console or a config file, or entered
in the console.  If you enter a + action in the console your player will
perform that action until you somehow stop him from doing so.  The + in
front of the action tells Quake you wish to begin the action.  If you were
to precede the action with a - it would cease that action.  - actions are
only used with aliases or when using actions from the console, Quake will
automatically perform the - action whenever you release a key bound to a +
action.  For example,

alias rambo "+attack"

would cause the player to constantly attack because a -attack was not put
in the alias.  To have the player only attack once or twice you could use

alias conserve_ammo "+attack;wait;-attack"


    Move backward.

    Move forward.


    Affects keyboard controls only.  +forward and +back become +lookup and
    +lookdown, respectively.

    Turn left.

    Look down.

    Look up.

    The mouse controls your view rather than your movement.

    When flying or no clipping, the character will float downwards.

    Strafe left.

    Strafe right.

    When flying or not clipping, the character will float upwards.

    Turn right.

    Shows the Deathmatch scores in deathmatch or the current monster/item/
    secret/time total in cooperative/single player modes.

    Your movement speed is doubled (you run).

    +left and +right will cause the player to step left or right instead of


[15] Key binding, aliases and config files

[15-1] Binding keys
     Key binding is a really useful function that allows you assign a
commonly used function to a key (ie bind a function to a key).
     The format used for key binding is very simple:

     bind {key} {command}

     For example, press the [~] key and type the following:

     bind enter +showscores

     This will bind the [ENTER] key to the 'showscores' item, which
displays the frag count in deathmatch. So start up a game of deathmatch
and press [ENTER] to check it out.
     Binding the echo command is also useful, as it provides the player
with some information to whats going on. For example:

     bind Q "echo You pressed the Q key!"

     Note: Key bindings to the character keys *are* case-sensitive. It's
best to stick to non capitals, and keep [CAPS] *off*.

[15-1-1] Bindable keys
A-Z                     0-9
*F1-F12                 *TAB
ENTER                   SPACE
RIGHTARROW              ALT
CTRL                    SHIFT
INS                     DEL
PGDN                    PGUP
HOME                    END
PAUSE                   SEMICOLON

MOUSE1 (mouse button 1)
MOUSE2 (mouse button 2)
MOUSE3 (mouse button 3)

*~ (tilde)

* Can only be bound on the command line or in a .cfg file.

The ESC key cannot be bound.

[15-2] Aliases
     Aliases are commands that you type in (or bind to a key) to perform a
longer task. For example:

     alias coolserver "connect"

     This creats an alias called coolserver. Now all you need to do is go
to the console [~] and type 'coolserver' to connect to that server. Note:
The ip address above is an example, not a real Quake server, so don't
bother trying to connect to it

     Another good alias to use if you like map E1M8 (Zigguart Vertigo)
would be:

     alias zigg "map e1m8"

     All you have to do now is type 'zigg' at the console to play the

[15-3] Config files
     Typing all your bindings and aliases in every time you play Quake
would be a real pain, so Quake lets you use a personal config file.
     Load up EDIT, notepad or whatever text editor you prefer, and type in
all of your bindings and aliases. Save the file as 'myconfig.cfg' in the
/id1/ directory. Quake will automatically load ot for you everytime you
start quake.
     For an example of a good config, check out section [13-6].

*16* Multiplayer: Modem & Direct Connect
     When playing over a modem I prefer to use the console to set up and
join a game. Its easier and more prone to work.

[16-1] System Requirements
     Quake - newest version available. This is necessary to ensure both you
and your opponents versions of Quake are compatible.
     DOS or Windows 95. I recommend DOS for modem games, as it tends to be
slightly faster.
     8mb RAM. Generally speaking, the more the better.
     14.4k modem or better. 14.4k is *very* dodgy... I'd recommend a 28.8k
modem if you intend on modeming a lot.
     A Null Modem cable. These cost about £15 ($25) from a computer shop.

[16-2] Starting a game of Quake
1.   Change to you Quake dir (default c:\quake_sw) and type the following:
'Quake -listen'.
2.   Go to the multiplayer/modem/start game menu and setup your game. Look
at section [4-2-5] for information on how to do this.
3.   Press the [~] key.
4.   Type the following: 'COMX baud X modem startup (INIT string) enable',
for example: 'COM1 baud 28800 modem startup ATZ enable'. For a list of
modem init strings check out section [15-4]. For direct connect games do
*not* bother typing in an INIT string, you don't need it.
5.   Type the following: 'Hostname X', where X is what you want to call
your game of Quake.
6.   You are now ready to accept incoming calls through your modem or null
modem cable.

[16-3] Joining a game of Quake
1.   Change to you Quake dir (default c:\quake_sw) and load Quake in the
normal way (type 'Quake').
2.   Press the [~] key.
3.   Type the following: 'COMX baud X modem startup (INIT string) enable',
for example: 'COM1 baud 28800 modem startup ATZ enable'. For a list of
modem INIT strings check out section [15-4]. For direct connect games do
*not* bother typing in an INIT string, you don't need it.
4.   Type the following: 'connect XXXXXXXXXX', where XXXXXXXXXX is the
servers telephone number. For direct connect games type 'connect #'
5.   Type the following: 'slist'. This will bring up a list of Quake games
on that server.
6.   Type the following: 'connect X', where X is the name of the Quake game
you wish to join.
7.   You should now be ready to play... have fun.

[16-4] Modem INIT strings
     These have been ripped from techinfo.txt, but have been included here
for your reference.

Boca M1440i (internal):

Boca 14.4k (internal):

Boca 14.4 Fax/Modem
AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 &K4

Boca 14.4k (external):
AT &F S0=1 S36=0 &K0 &Q6N0S37=9 &D2

Boca 14.4k:
AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 &K0 %C0

Cardinal 14.4k v.32bis, v.42bis Fax/Modem:
AT &F N0 S37=9 &Q0 &D2 \N1

Digicom Systems (DSI) (softmodem):
AT Z \N0 &D2 &K0 S48=48

Digicom Systems Scout Plus:

Gateway Telepath:
AT &F S37=9 %C0 &K0 &Q6 \G0

Gateway Telepath 14.4k:
AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 &K0 %C0

Gateway Telepath I:
AT S0=1 &N6 &K0 &M0

Gateway Telepath II:
AT S0=1 S37=9 %C0 &Q0 &K0

Generic v.32bis 14.4k Fax/Modem:
AT \N0 %C0 B8

Generic 14.4k Fax/Modem:
AT S46=0 S37=9 N0 &Q0 &D2 %C0 \G0 &K0

GVC 14.4k (internal):
AT &F B8 \Q0

Hayes 28.8k V.FAST Modem:
AT &Q6 &K S37=9 N %C0 \N0

Infotel 144I:
AT&Q0 S37=9 N0 &D2

Infotel 14.4:
&F0 \N1 &D2 S37=F8

Intel 14.4k:
AT \N0 %C0 \Q0 B8

Intel 14.4k (internal):
AT Z B8 Q1 \C0 \N1 %C0 \V "H

Linelink 144e:
AT &F &D1 &K0 &Q6 S36=3 S46=136 %C0

Microcom AX:
&F \N1 \Q0 &D2

Microcom QX/4232bis:
AT %C0 \N0

Netcomm M7F:
AT &E &K0 B0 \V0 X4 &D2 \N1 \Q0 #J0 #Q9 %C0

Nokia ECM 4896M Trellis V.32:
AT Z %C0 /N0

Nuvotel IFX 14.4 (internal):
&F \N1 &D2

Practical Peripherals 14400FX v.32bis:
AT Z S46=0 &Q0 &D2

Practical Peripherals 14400FX v.32bis:
AT S46=0 &Q0 &K0 &D2

AT &F0 S46=136 %C0

Supra (external):
AT &K &Q &D \N1

Supra 14.4k v.32bis:
AT &F S46=136 &Q0 &D2

Supra 14.4k v.32bis:
AT &K &Q &D \N1

Supra Fax Modem 14.4K v.32 bis
AT &F %C0 S48=7 Q0 V1 W1

Telepath 14.4k:
AT &F&M0&K0&N6&H0 S0=1

Twincomm DFi 14.4:
AT&F &Q0 %C0 S37=9 &D2

UDS V.3223:
&F \N1 \Q &D2

UDS Fastalk 32BX:
&F0 \N1 &D2

USR Courier v.32bis:
ATS0=1 S7=60 E1 Q0 V1 &C1 &D2 &H0 &K0 &M0 &N6 &A3

USR Courier HST/DS 16.8k:
First reset the modem in a communication program with AT&F&W
AT X4 B0 &A0 &B0 &H2 &I0 &K0 &M0 &N6a

USR DS v.32bis v.42bis (external):

USR Sporster 9600:

USR Sportster V.34 28.8 (note: works best at 19200 baud):
AT &F &M0 &I0 &K0 &B0 &N0

USR Sportster 14.4k Fax/Modem USING ERROR CORRECTION:
AT S0=1 S7=60 E1 QO V1 &C1 &D2 &K0 &N6 &A3

USR Sportster 14.4k Fax/Modem (internal):
AT &F&M0&K0&N6&H0

USR Sportster 14.4k (internal):
AT &F &B1 &H0 &I0 &K0 &M0 &N6 &R1

USR Sportster 14.4k:

USR Sportster 14.4k:
AT &F0 &K0 &M0 &N6 &H0 &I0 &B1 &R1

USR Sportster 14,000 Fax Modem:
AT S0=2 &N6 &K0 &M0 &I0 &H0 &R1 &A0 V1 X4

USR 14.4k:
AT &F&A0&K0&M0

USR 14.4k
AT &K0 &H0 &D0 &I0 &R1

USR 14.4k Dual Standard

USR (model?):
&F E1 V1 X4 &C1 &D2 &N0

ViVa 14.4k:

ViVa modem (internal):

Zoltrix model 14/14 VE:
AT S0=Q0 V1 &C1 &D2 W2 &Q0

Zoom 14.4k VFX:

Zoom 14.4k VFX:

Zoom OEM Modem:

Zyxel U-1496E:
AT Z &N4 &K0

[17] Multiplayer: Internet
     _psychic_ (http://www.worldchat.com/public/ahazen) gave me some basic
stuff about this, which has been absorbed into my work. His original
document bears no resemblence to whats below, but he did let me use it, so
he gets a worthy mention in the FAQ.

[17-1] System Requirements
     Quake - newest version available. This is necessary to ensure both you
and your opponents versions of Quake are compatible.
     Windows 95. You *can* play Quake over the internet in DOS, but from
what I hear its a slow and painful task. Most people only want to play in
DOS because they don't have 16mb RAM, and with memory prices being what
they are, I expect everyone to have 16mb very soon. In other words, I don't
intend to support DOS Internet connections, unless someone wants to send me
the details.
     16mb RAM. If you don't have this, you can't play Quake in Windows 95.
     28.8k modem or better. I tried to play Quake over the internet on a
14.4k modem, and it just doesn't work. It freezes after a few seconds.
28.8k or better is the *only* way to play. Note: If you are setting up a
server, the person with the fastest line should be a server. Even a 28.8k
modem is too slow for a game with more than three to four people. ISDN (at
least) is recommended for a server.

[17-2] Starting a game of Quake
1.   Run Q95.BAT with the following command line parameters -NOIPX
-WINMEM 8 -WINPACK 12. Ie, bring up a dos box, go to your Quake dir (the
default is c:\quake_sw) and type the following: 'Q95.BAT -NOIPX -WINMEM 8
-WINPACK 12', without the quotes. This will start Quake and set up its
TCP/IP stuff. Make sure you have quit *all* other applications before
loading Quake, as it will make Quake slower, more jerky, and will probably
crash your machine when you quit Quake.

2.   Go to the 'Multiplayer' menu. Look at section [4-2-5] for information
on how to setup a game. That section gives you details of what each of the
options means.

3.   Thats it! Other players can now connect to your computer via the
internet. You will need to give them you ip address, so they can connect to
your game of Quake. A good place to find people to play is the channel
#quake on IRC.

[17-3] Joining a game of Quake
1.   Run Q95.BAT with the following command line parameters -NOIPX
-WINMEM 8 -WINPACK 12. Ie, bring up a dos box, go to your Quake dir (the
default is C:\quake_sw) and type the following: 'Q95.BAT -NOIPX -WINMEM 8
-WINPACK 12', without the quotes. This will start Quake and set up its
TCP/IP stuff. Make sure you have quit *all* other applications before
loading Quake, as it will make Quake slower, more jerky, and will probably
crash your machine when you quit Quake.

2.   Press the [~] key. This will bring the console up. You need to type a
in a few commands to connect to the server. Type 'CONNECT XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX',
where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the ip address. An example of this would be
'CONNECT 134.533.127.124'. Don't try that, I just made it up for an
example! Note: The ip address does not have to 12 digits long... for
example, some ip's are in the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XX.
     If that worked then you will see the following: 'TRYING...' on the
console. You can then expect to see the message 'STILL TRYING...' about two
or three more times.

4.    You should now, hopefully, be connected to the Quake server... happy

[18] Multiplayer: Network

[18-1] System Requirements
     Quake - newest version available. This is necessary to ensure both you
and your opponents versions of Quake are compatible.
     Windows 95. You can use DOS network drivers, but windows is quick and
easy for network games of Quake.
     16mb RAM. If you don't have this, you can't play Quake in Windows 95.
     NE2000 compatible network card. You can get these for around £25 ($45)
from a computer shop. You also need two terminators and some network cable.
Expect to pay around £75 ($135) for two network cards, cable, and

[18-2] Starting a game of Quake
1.   Run Q95.BAT with the following command line parameters -NOIPX
-WINMEM 8 -WINPACK 12. Ie, bring up a dos box, go to your Quake dir (the
default is c:\quake_sw) and type the following: 'Q95.BAT -NOIPX -WINMEM 8
-WINPACK 12', without the quotes. This will start Quake and set up its
TCP/IP stuff. Make sure you have quit *all* other applications before
loading Quake, as it will make Quake slower, more jerky, and will probably
crash your machine when you quit Quake.

2.   Go to the 'Multiplayer' menu. Look at section [4-2-5] for information
on how to setup a game. That section gives you details of what each of the
options means.

3.   Start the game and wait for people to connect.

[18-3] Joining a game of Quake
1.   Run Q95.BAT with the following command line parameters -NOIPX
-WINMEM 8 -WINPACK 12. Ie, bring up a dos box, go to your Quake dir (the
default is C:\quake_sw) and type the following: 'Q95.BAT -NOIPX -WINMEM 8
-WINPACK 12', without the quotes. This will start Quake and set up its
TCP/IP stuff. Make sure you have quit *all* other applications before
loading Quake, as it will make Quake slower, more jerky, and will probably
crash your machine when you quit Quake.

2.   Press the [~] key. This will bring the console up. Type 'CONNECT'.
Quake will hunt for games of Quake in progress. Type 'SLIST' for a list of
all the games. Select the game you wish to play in, and press enter.
     If that worked then you will see the following: 'TRYING...' on the
console. You can then expect to see the message 'STILL TRYING...' about two
or three more times.

3.   You should now be connected....

[19] Multiplayer: Troubleshooting
     LOTS and LOTS of things can, and do, go wrong with Multiplayer games
of Quake, and these are probably the most boring things in the world to
have to explain to people. So, for your multiplaying pleasure, I present
the top multiplayer Quake problems... and solve them (hopefully).

[19-1] Unable to connect
     'UNABLE TO CONNECT' - The ip you typed in is either incorrect or not
connected to the internet at the present time. It is also possible that
Quake can't find the ip... maybe the server is having problems. You may
also want to check that your connection to the internet hasn't died.
Sometimes you can get 'bumped' off the network in times of heavy usage (ie

[19-2] No response
     'NO RESPONSE' - Your machine can't find the server. Same as above
really. Your machine may also be so far away from the server (ie 1000's of
miles away) that it goes through so many routers your connection gets
'lost'. Try again...

[19-3] Server Full
     'SERVER FULL' - Either there is too many people on the server you are
trying to connect to, or the number of spaces available for that game has
run out. Ie, the server starts a four player game, four players connect, no
more people can log on to the server.

[19-4] Phone jack appears on screen
     Arghhhh. I *hate* this. A picture of a disconnected phone jack and
cable appears, and you have been disconnected from the server. Sometimes
(especially on direct connect) this will just keep on happening. Really,
really annoying.

[19-5] Frag count freeze
     Another annoying bug. When you finish the level and the frag counter
appears the game *can* freeze. In fact, everything freezes. Even Quake. You
have to restart the game and try to reconnect.

[19-6] Packet drivers with PDIPX
     There is a bug that stops a server running on this combination from
responding to the slist command.  Use the patched version of PDIPX included
with Quake to correct this problem.

[19-7] SLIST sees no servers
     Some PCMCIA ethernet cards and PPP drivers will not do the UDP
broadcasts needed for the SLIST command (search for local games from the
menu) to function correctly.  In these cases you must connect to a Quake
game using either its IP address or hostname (DNS resolvable hostname, not
the hostname variable in Quake).

[19-8] "BW_OpenSocket failed: 5"
     This error is specific to the Beame and Whitesdie TCP/IP stack.  This
stack uses DOS file handles as it's socket handles.  This error occurs when
DOS runs out of file handles. You need to increase the number specified by
"FILES=" in the DOS config.sys file.

[19-9] Severe lag using TCP/IP under Win95
     Occasionaly when you first connect in to a Quake game using Win95
TCP/IP you will experience severe lag and not be able to control your
player's actions.  This usually clears up in 10 to 15 seconds.
     There is apparently a strange limbo state for Microsoft's File and
Print sharing.  This has been seen when it was installed and then later
removed, but it still appears on the menus.  For some unknown reason
this causes severe lag for a Quake game.  You need to go back and make
sure that it is either completely installed or removed.

[20] Quake C
     If you want to send me some QuakeC stuff, please do so. A nice little
summary would be great.

[25] Level Editors
     No level editors have yet been released, but there are lots and lots
currently in development.... They are listed below.
     Thanks to Joost Schuur, maintainer of (the now dead) Aftershock, for
almost *all* of the level editor information.

[25-1] THRED
Jon Mavor ([email protected])
Homepage: (http://www.winternet.com/~jlowell/thred)
Operating System: Windows 95

     THRED Features:

     Edit mode preview that will include everything from wireframe to a
texture mapped & light sourced real-time updated map preview.
     Walkthrough & 'live' positioning of the viewpoint in all preview
     Support for concave brushes (see my description of brushes to find out
why this is cool). When exported to .MAP format, concave brushes are broken
up into multiple convex brushes.
     Load & save brushes.
     Initial brush shapes are cube, spheroid and cylinder, more will be
added as time goes on.
     Brushes can be rotated, scaled, translated and sheared on any axis.
     Dialogs will allow you to create stairs, rings, and other map elements
which you can then rotate, scale and place in your map.
     Realtime CSG allows you to truly preview your map as you build it
     Dynamic lighting in the editor will allow you to place lights for
dramatic effects without leaving THRED.
     Full perspective texture mapper, the user will be able to select a
polygon or groups of polygons while walking around in the world and change
the texture.
     They will also be able to align it etc (ala buildEd).
     Functions to assist aligning of brushes with parts of the world that
are  already there.
     Automatic scaling of complex objects down to elements that Quake can
     Undo system.

[25-2] MUQE - Multi User Quake Editor
John Edwards ([email protected])

     The author hopes to produce a winsock based server for Windows NT that
will enable multple users to edit the same level in real time over the
Internet (wow!). Planned is a server module and a corresponding API for all
programmers of other Quake editors to build into their own level editors.

[25-3] SpoogEd
([email protected])
Homepage: (http://news.wko.com:5555/)
Operating System: Windows 95

     A fully functional Quake level edit with 3D preview/etc. Possible
features (ie: in the works right now, but may not work out) are texture
mapping/lighting for the 3D preview, character 3D preview with ability to
use point and click to change textures.

[25-4] QPED
John 'Renaldo' Onarheim ([email protected])
Operating System: Windows 95

     Game style MAP file level editor written in MS Visual C++ 4, using

     Will include:

	  Switchable edit & preview modes
	  Wireframe, solid & texture preview modes
	  Sounds & music during edit/preview modes
	  Automatic maskot sprite level explorer during preview mode
	  Automatic maskot sprite level inspector during edit mode
	  Simple internal bsp file builder for QPED

     Will not include:

	  Quake bsp file builder for preprocessed data files.
	  Moving monsters or sprites

[25-5] Tremor
Chris Houserfile (http://www.tayloru.edu/~chouser)
Squirrel Eiserlohfile (http//www.css.tayloru.edu/~squirrel)
Operating System: X-Windows

     .MAP editor for Linux/X (without .BSP conversion):
	  Multiple user-defined editing "viewplane" windows, each
orientable either independantly or relatively dependant on other
	  Multiple 3D camera views, with togglable perspective
	  3D apparent depth aids, such as Z-dependant pointsize and

[25-6] AutoQuake
'Squid' (email unknown)

     A .MAP editor which runs in AutoCAD. It will:

	  plot levels
	  use all Acads 3d rendering for previews
	  create librarys of level parts, tricked out doorways, ceilings
etc as Wblocks
	  use Dxfout for rendering (with textures in 3d studio)
	  use the Acad stuff for those who have access to it (Arrays Copy
rotate scale stetch etc.)
	  feature Unprotected LISP code you can modify or expand upon

     Needs AutoCAD in order to run.

[25-7] Quake Studio
Richard Felkerfile ([email protected])
Homepage: Epicenter... where the Quake hits hardest
Operating System: Windows 3.1 and 3.11

     A Quake .MAP file editor with a good 3D interface and possibly a 3D
camera view.

[25-8] QuakeEd
John Carmack ([email protected])
b. ([email protected])
and others.
Homepage: Quake Developers Page (http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake/)
Operating System: NeXTstep

     John Carmack, head programmer of id released the source code to his
own editor, QuakeEd, which runs under NeXTstep to the general public. B.
later on began to clean up these sources and apply a set of patches to
them. QuakeEd is a GUI editor that produces .MAP files that need to be
processed with qbsp/light/vis.

[25-9] QEU - Quake Editor Utilities
Raphael Quinet ([email protected])
Homepage: (http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~quinet/games/QEU/)
Operating System: DOS

     Still only a set of command line tools to manipulate the .PAK file,
but considering Raphael practically started the Doom editing craze with
DEU (DOOM Editor Utilities), he's sure to produce a true editor soon.

[25-10] Quest
Chris Carollo ([email protected])
Homepage: (http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~carollo/quest.html)
Operating System: DOS and Windows 95

     Originally a tool to extract bits from the .PAK file, it has now grown
to an editor that displays wireframe views of maps.

[25-11] QMAPhack
Rob Shields ([email protected])
Homepage: (http://www.eve.net/~rshields/)
Operating System: Windows 95

     Originally just a tool to extract lumps from a .BSP file and repacking
it, QMapHack promises to be a full fledge editor with a GUI to create new
levels soon.

[25-12] Shaker
Matt Houser ([email protected])
Homepage: (http://www.canweb.net/~fisty/shaker/)
Operating System: X-Windows

     Formerly known as 'qed', this editor focuses on creating .MAP format
files that can later be processed by id's tools qbsp, light and vis.

[25-13] EdQuake
CircleA Entertainment ([email protected])
Homepage: http://www.netusa1.net/~smitting/edquake/
Operating System: DOS and Windows 95

     The first level editor made available to the public... It's a 2D
editor like DEU, but don't let that out you off too much. Here are the
authors reasons for making the editor 2D:

     'Our philosophy is ease of use, not a complicated editor. I know how
much easier it is to understand a 2d editor, and the general public will
want to have an easy, quick editor.  But others want detailed options. We
have both.  Other people will argue that 3d vector point graphics is the
better way to edit levels, but I believe they're wrong, and apparently id
software believes they are wrong; their screen shots are of a 2d editor.'

     If you liked DEU your like this. If not, it takes some getting used
to. It is, however, an editor. Go make some levels and send them to me!
[26] Quake resources on the internet
     In this section I hope to mention every major Quake resource on the
internet. By resource I mean World Wide Web (WWW) sites, File Transfer
Protocal (FTP) sites, newsgroups and IRC channels. Expect this section to
take a few months before it's complete...
     NOTE: If you resource isn't listed here, please send me an email and
tell me.

[26-1] WWW sites
   - id Software's site
     If you have problems accessing this site, then try:

   - The Quake Stomping Grounds
     Now the best and most complete source of Quake information available
     on the WWW. This site seems to have new information and gossip on
     Quake every day, and also boasts a large file area. Check it out

   - Blues Quake Rag
     I love this page. The best news page out there by far. Go look at it
     *right now*.

   - Aftershock, where Quake awakes
     Sadly, Aftershock is no more. Joost Schuur (the creator of Aftershock)
     is, however, continuing to maintain the files section and the popular
     Aftershock Quake server.

   - The Quake Development support pages
     If you are intrested in developing add-ons for Quake, then visit this
     page. It's also worth a look if you want to check out the newest
     information on any of the Quake add-ons in development.

   - Epicenter, where the Quake hits hardest...
     A nice little site, slanting towards development of Quake levels. The
     creator of this site is the same person who brought us the first
     Quake add-on level, Telix. Also contains the latest Quake news.

   - Quakeworld... the Quake planet
     A new site, which came to light a little before Aftershock went down.
     It's good, and worth bookmarking, although the news section looks a
     little unstructured. Has the potential to become one of the best Quake
     sites out there.

   - The Quake Clans
     The homepage of Quake Clans. Contains information on all the clans out
     there, and how to join them. After reading the stuff on this site you
     will want to join a clan immediately.

   - Redwood's Quake page
     This page has been around for a while, but what makes it good is the
     creators bluntness; check this out:
     'Next Generation On-line reports that id has identified the Quake
      pirate and has notified authorities. They reportedly have not decided
      to put anybody in jail yet, but can if they so desire. Burn baby
      burn! I hope this person(s) becomes a big fat guy named bubba's new
      girlfriend in the joint. I'm obviously not one to hide my opinions.'

   - Mr. Wolf's Quake Den
     This site has sadly closed down. A pity considering it was very good.

     This site is worth a look. Not too hot in the files department though.
     Easy to remember URL, too.

[26-2] FTP sites
     This list is a copy of section [1-11], but included here for quick

ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake/                       (California, USA)

ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/idstuff/quake                 (California, USA)
quake.best.com/mirrors/idsoftware/                      (California, USA)
ftp.gamesdomain.com/pub/companies/id/quake/             (Tennesee, USA)
ftp.cssweb.com/pub/games/idstuff/quake/                 (Kentuky, USA)
sparky.bright.net/quake/                                (Ohio, USA)
ftp.stomped.com/pub/idstuff/quake/                      (Minesota, USA)
www.pht.com/pub/gamehead/id/                            (USA)
ftp.technomancer.com/pub/idstuff/quake/                 (Virginia, USA)
ftp.infomagic.com/pub/mirrors/doom/idstuff/quake/       (Arizona, USA)
ftp.feist.com/pub/pc/games/quake/                       (Kansas, USA)
ftp.ameritel.net/idsoftware/quake/                      (Maryland, USA)
ftp.getquake.com/pub/quake/                             (Kansas, USA)
quake.osiriscorp.com/pub/idstuff/quake/                 (New York, USA)
iclass.com/pub/quake/                                   (Utah, USA)
ftp.islandnet.com/mirrors/idsoftware/                   (Victoria, Canada)
ftp.orst.edu/pub/doom/idstuff/quake/                    (Oregon, USA)
ftp.ais.net/pub/idgames/idstuff/quake/                  (Illinois, USA)
ftp.gamers.org/pub/games/idgames/idstuff/quake/         (New York, USA)
mirrors.aol.com/pub/pc_games/doom/idstuff/quake/        (Virginia, USA)

garfield.sch.bme.hu/pub/idstuff/quake/                  (Budapest, Hungary)
idmirror.netvision.be/idstuff/quake/                    (Heverlee, Belgium)
ftp.flexnet.net/pub/quake/                              (England)
ftp.passagen.se/pub/idstuff/                            (Sweden)
ftp.pk.edu.pl/pub/games/id/idstuff/quake/               (Cracow, Poland)
camel.frtk-campus.mipt.ru/pub/idstuss/quake             (Moscow, Russia)
rulhmpc49.LeidenUniv.nl/pub/mirrors/idsoft/             (Leiden, Holland)
ftp.gig.nl/pub/idstuff/quake/                           (Amsterdam Holland)
ftp.volftp.vol.it/pub2/idstuff/quake/                   (Cagliari, Italy)
ftp.origo.telenor.no/pub/quake/                         (Oslo, Norway)
ftp.spel.postnet.se/pub/games/id/                       (Sweden)
ftp.bnd.de/pub/quake/                                   (Berlin, Germany)
ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/pc/msdos/games/doom/idstuff/quake/ (Berlin, Germany)
ftp.luth.se/pub/games/doom/idstuff/quake/               (Sweden)
ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames/idstuff/quake/        (Sweden)
flinux.tu-graz.ac.at/pub/idsoftware/idstuff/quake/      (Austria)
ftp.calvacom.fr/pub/pc/doom/idstuff/quake/              (France)

hyperactive.com.au/pub/games/idstuff/quake/             (Sydney, Australia)
ftp.powerup.com.au/pub/games/doom/idstuff/quake/        (Australia)

ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/msdos/idgames/idstuff/quake/          (South Africa)

[26-3] Newsgroups
     This newsgroup is *dead*... do not post in it... It's surprising how
     many people do though.

     This newsgroup is used to post details of new events in the Quake
     world, such as new versions of Quake being released. The latest
     version of the FAQ is posted here

     All things to do with editing Quake, be it level editing, .mdl
     editing, texture editing or just hacking the game up. The combined
     thoughts of everyone in this group means that we can expect some
     really cool levels...

     Stuff that doesn't fit in anywhere else. Usually contains Quake
     hardware problems.

     Tips, cheats, ideas, deathmatch tactics. Everyone should read this

     New servers being announced and more. Also contains people whining
     about bad pings.

[26-4] IRC channels
     The best place to discuss Quake on the internet.

     The second best place to discuss Quake. Not quite as good as the
     undernet's version, but it's ok.

     Thats about it. I expect some of the Quake clans to start their own
channels. I'll give you details as and when it happens.

[30] Version History

1.0  First Beta. Released only on Usenet.
     Release date: Late June 1996

1.1  Second Beta. Released on irc only.
     Release date: Early July 1996

1.2  Third Beta. Released on irc only. FAQ now contains multiplayer info.
     Release date: Late July 1996

2.0  First full release. Lots and lots of information now stuffed into the
     FAQ. FAQ is now twice the size of the first beta, which was released
     two months ago.
     Release date: 7th September 1996

                           t  h  e    e  n  d

Well, that's it! I hope you found the FAQ helpful in whatever it was you
wanted to know about. If you have any comments, suggestions, additions or
complaints, email me at '[email protected]'

                                                             Toby Goldstone
Oh, and if you haven't registered Quake, do so NOW. Call 1-800-idgames in
North America to register shareware quake. In Europe buy Quake from your
favourite software retailer.

Do it now (unless it's night, of course).

The Spoiler Centre
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