"Finally, Lara has reached the heart of the tomb complex and the reliquary of the Osiris Codex. She has not been expecting this final chamber to be easy - and it seems it will not disappoint her." Climb up and go right. Jump over and pull the lever (1). It will move the brick by the ladder. Jump back and climb down. Kill the two soldiers. Pick up the Medi-Pack and pull the lever (2) (cut scene: bricks by the entrance will move). Go back to the start and enter the new passage. Pull the lever (3) (cut scene: a brick will move revealing a lever at the end of the corridor where you killed the soldiers). Go and pull the first lever (1) to move the brick by the ladder. Go to the end of the corridor and pull the lever (4). The brick you stand on will move down. When it reaches the bottom, drop down and walk right. Drop down until you reach the ground floor. Kill the three soldiers and the three snakes. Walk all the way to the right. On the way you will see some Medi-Packs (5). Move the bricks if you need health. Otherwise save them for later needs. In the right end of the ground floor youīll find a narrow opening. Jump up until you reach the top. Jump straight up to slide down the rope. Press DOWN to drop by the second statue (6). According to the Parchment Fragment (found in previous level) you need to place the items in the following order: second statue, third, first and then the fourth statue. Stand by the stue and make sure the action indicator (questionmark) appears before pressing ACTION. Place the Golden Feathers (found in level 10) on the statue (cut scene: a stone wall will move, but not yet enough for you to enter). Drop down on the left side of the statue. Climb down the ladder. When you reach the ground floor, go right and climb back up to the slide. Slide down and drop down by the third statue (7). Place the Golden Eye (found in level 5) on it (cut scene: the stone wall will move more). |
Drop down on the left side of the statue. Climb down and go back to the slide. Slide down and drop down by the first statue (8). Place the Golden Beetle (found in level 4) on the statue (cut scene: the stone wall will move more). Drop down on the left side of the statue and climb down. Now itīs time to take a Medi-Pack (5), because you will soon hurt yourself a little bit. Climb up to the slide. On your way up, donīt try to jump to the ledge on the right. Slide down and drop down by the fourth statue (9). Place the Golden fang (found in level 8) on the statue (cut scene: the stone will move enough for you to enter). Drop down on the left side of the statue. There's no ladder, but press down anyway and grab the edge. Drop down untill you reach the ground floor (hopefully you took the Medi-Packs earlier). Go to the opening (10) you passed on your way up last time. Jump and haul yourself in to it. Donīt pull the two levers! They will make the statues upstairs to shoot arrows and the spears to appear from the floor. Climb up and pick up the Osiris Codex. Climb down the ladder. If you did pull the two levers, be careful when walking past the spears that appear from the floor. Drop down and pull the lever (11) (cut scene: a brick moves revealing a passage to the exit). Take the Medi-Pack and walk past the stairs. If you pulled the two levers earlier, spears will appear from these stairs. Climb down the ladder. Walk all the way to the left. Pick up all Medi-Packs (5) if there are any left. Enter the new passage. Go through the door and end this level.
Next: Level 12 - The Escape » |
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