Cheat Codes:
Here is a list of cheat options that are available throughout the game.
Press F10 during gameplay to open up the Indiana Jones and the
Infernal Machine console. You'll notice a prompt at the top of the screen.
Type in the following to activate the various codes.
taklit_marion on:
Toggles invincibility.
Gives Indy all weapons.
Provides Indy with health items.
Allows the player to gain free hints without hurting score.
Displays the framerate and some other debug information.
If you get stuck in the environment, such as between a rock and a wall, type this to free yourself.
Level Walk-Throughs
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine spans 16 levels of adventure and combat, and you'll find walk-throughs for all of them below. While the walk-throughs presented in this section don't represent the only path through the game, they do offer a proven strategy. Follow the guide, and you'll also snag enough hidden treasure to purchase ammunition, health power-ups, and the secret map that takes you to the hidden level: Return to Peru (the walk-through is provided at the end of this section).
Make your way through the Canyonlands, performing a wide variety of walking, running, jumping, climbing, and combat maneuvers. Collect some treasure along the way, then meet up with Sophia Hapgood and embark on an intriguing mission.
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine's first level works as a training ground for the various maneuvers and combat techniques you'll have to pull off during the adventure. Indy begins looking over an expansive cliff with a glorious waterfall flowing in the distance. Turn to the right and spot the short jump ahead of you. Approach the jump (don't worry about falling off - Indy will never walk off a cliff unless you force him to by jumping or running) and press the Alt key to make the leap. Walk up to the short ledge and pull yourself up.
Walk to the edge of the next cliff overlooking a medium-sized recess. Either jump down into the recess or turn Indy around and hit the down button, and Indy will climb down the ledge. Approach the block with the bird engraving. Press the Ctrl key while in front of the block, and Indy will get into his block-moving pose. While holding down the Ctrl key, press the back button, and Indy will pull the block back. Pull the block back until a hole in the wall is revealed. Walk around the block and through the new entrance.
Continue walking until you spot a very small crawling area on the left. Turn to the left and hit the crouch button to toggle crawl mode. Work your way through the crawl space and stand up on the other side (hit the crouch button again). The next two jumps are tough and will test your "superjump" ability. Use the Shift key to run quickly ahead, and hit the jump key at the last second to leap. Jump to the next ledge, then position yourself for another superjump to the next. Perform another running jump; the jump is so long, however, that you must grab hold of the opposite ledge and pull yourself up. After jumping, hold down the Alt key so Indy will grab hold of the ledge, and use the arrow key to pull yourself up.
Continue forward, and Indiana will spot what he calls a "whippable beam." You'll be using these throughout the adventure. Walk until you're underneath the beam and pull out your whip (the "1" key is the default). Use your whip (the Ctrl key is the default) and Indiana will crack the whip up to the beam, wrapping it around so he can pull himself up. Press the up arrow and climb to the top of the whip. Use the directional buttons to face the ledge, and press jump to leap across.
Head into the next courtyard and prepare for your first combat test. A snake slithers around the small area. Take out your pistol (the "2" key is the default) and approach the snake; Indy will auto-aim at the slithering beast. Fire a few times, and you should easily dispatch the reptile. Holster your pistol and turn to the right of the courtyard's
Approach the short ledge and climb up. Run and leap across to the opposite ledge and turn to the left. Look upward and spot another whippable beam. Walk to the middle of the very edge of the block you're standing on and pull out your whip. Use your whip and, if you're in the correct spot, you'll witness a short cutscene of Indy whipping his way across to the other side.
Inside the underground tunnels, locate the green-tinted pit and grab the treasure located at the bottom. Don't jump in from the top, or you'll suffer the same fate as that poor guy.
After landing on the other side, you'll immediately fall down two stories (and spot some treasure) into a rushing stream. Swim downstream until you reach the waterfall. Don't worry, there's no danger here. Let Indy fall down the waterfall and land in the small pool below. Before hopping out, let's go back and pick up some treasure.
At the bottom of this small pool are two tiny crawl spaces. Search one to enter a small room with some treasure. Swim into the other tiny area and emerge on the other side in a circular room with a pit in the center and a series of ladders to Indy's right. Approach the pit and look down to spot a skeleton and some treasure. Follow the edge of the pit until you see the opening where you can leap down to some ledges inside the pit. Don't drop down all the way to the bottom, or you'll suffer damage.
Climb down a few ledges and grab the treasure inside the pit. Head back up and locate the ladders on the far side of the room. Use the Alt key in front of the ladder and climb up. You'll transfer over to another system of ladders. Keep going across the ledges and up ladders until you emerge inside a previously visited area. This is the area where you just used the whip on the whippable beam and landed on the other side, only to fall into the stream.
Spot the destroyed whippable beam on the ground and leap on the ledge just to its left. Turn right and locate the ladder leading to a small room below. Climb down and grab the treasure inside the room. Leap down the hole that returns you to the stream. Swim down the waterfall again, and instead of swimming into the crawl spaces, leap out of the water onto another piece of land.
Watch the short cutscene of the helicopter flying overhead as well as Indiana checking out the artifact from the small dig site. Indiana comments that he needs to find out where the helicopter just landed. Run past the dig site and turn at the first right; you'll spot two small ledges. Pull yourself up on the first and then climb up on the next. Leap across to the next ledge and pull yourself up again. Ahead of your position you'll spot a treasure and a skeleton. Run and grab the loot and return to this position.
In the final canyon you'll spot the camp ahead. Perform a running superjump and grab onto the ledge on the opposite side.
At the top of the ledge turn right and grab onto the small wall handles. As Indiana hangs off the side, use the directional keys to shimmy Indy to the left. When you reach the center of the ledge, press the up arrow key and pull yourself up. Turn around 180 degrees and spot the ledge across the chasm. Back up some and perform a running superjump. Pull Indiana up and climb up the ladder.
Turn around again and spot another ledge across the chasm. Run and perform a superjump to reach the other side. Turn to the left and pull yourself up on the ledge. There's a snake up here slithering around, so pull out your pistol and eliminate the snake. Locate a small entrance that you must crawl through and grab another treasure inside. Once finished, turn around and face the chasm. Run and perform a superjump across. You'll spot your landing point in the distance. As you approach, a cutscene takes over and the level completes.
Infiltrate the Soviet camp and discover more about their plans. Meet Simon Turner and venture down into the depths of an underground dig site to learn the location of the Infernal Machine parts.
Indiana enters Babylon just outside the Soviet camp. Turn right and climb up on the small ledge. Approach the higher ledge and pull yourself up on top. Turn around and superjump over to the far ledge. Continue around the corner and locate a crate on the left side of the area. Pull yourself up on top of the crate and turn around to face the Soviet camp building. Run and superjump and grab the side of the building and pull yourself up.
 Don't attempt to enter the Soviet outpost. Instead, look for a way over the roof.
Watch the cutscene of Indiana eavesdropping on the conversation inside the building. Face the two ledges ahead and perform a running jump to the first ledge and then to the second. Turn right and climb a small ledge and follow the tunnel into a rectangular room. Follow the ledge to the left and turn Indy around so his back faces the central area of the room. Move backwards and drop down, holding onto the ledge.
Shimmy to the right until you're underneath the next niche. When you're there, push the up key and pull yourself onto the ledge. Turn around and back up. Perform a running jump to the far ledge. Once again, turn Indy so his back is to the central area of the room and drop down two ledges. Be sure to hold down the Alt key so Indy will hold onto the second ledge. Pull yourself up, but don't run into the dark room just yet. Stay on the ledge and pull out your pistol.
Inside this dark room there are two spiders scurrying about. Stay on the small ledge and kill the spiders from a safe location. Once you've dispatched both spiders, drop down and head to the right. Follow the ledge until you're overlooking the room and the water in front of you. Perform a running jump to leap to the ledge across from you. There are additional spiders in this area (they drop down on webs from the ceiling), so be prepared with your pistol.
The room winds around to the left. Move very cautiously here - there's a guard just around the corner standing next to two explosive barrels. Strafe carefully around the corner and shoot the barrels. This causes an explosion sufficient to incapacitate the guard but also alerts additional guards! Stay in this small cave until some guards pop out in the open. Shoot them quickly. Pick up their ammunition and the poison medicine from the ground.
Move slowly and dispatch all remaining guards in the area. From the cave entrance, head right and down to the courtyard. Head into the tent and snag some medical supplies. Go to the right side of the area and slide down the decline into the underground room. Turn right and climb over two ledges just in front of a ladder; once you're there, ascend the ladder.
Head down the hallway, and you'll eventually emerge at an overlook with a tent and a guard below. The best way to dispatch the guard is to immediately charge forward and take cover beside the tent. Wait for the guard to pop out, and then take him down with your pistol. Head inside the tent, but beware of the scorpion. Take it out with your pistol, and then grab the medical kit inside. Before heading onward, locate the small room near the tent and grab two first-aid kits. Locate the lever nearby and use the action button to pull the crank. Once done, the gate ahead opens.
Go to the crate inside on the left so it's underneath the opening in the roof Climb onto the crate and then onto the roof. Watch the cutscene showing how to get inside the compound. You must wait for a truck to drive by, then leap on top of it when it passes underneath your position. Perform a superjump to the ledge across from and below your position. If you want, you can head across into a small room and collect a poison medicine kit. Once you're on the small ledge, wait for a truck to pass by, then perform a standing forward jump when the truck moves in front of your position, and leap on top.
Watch the cutscene of Indy entering the compound. When the truck stops, you'll almost immediately be under fire. A few guards stand ahead, but some gas containers flank them. Try to shoot the containers to incapacitate the guards. Leap off the truck, and turn right all the way around and back to the left. You should see a short hall with a gate on the left and two items on the right. Collect the first-aid kit and medicine from on top of the crates. Turn around and walk back toward the stairs. If there are any guards left up there, they'll likely have followed you in. Take them out, using wall corners for cover.
Ascend the stairs and eliminate any guards that get in your path. Once you're upstairs, you'll have returned to the main room. Look out for any guards remaining, especially one up high. Quickly scamper into the alcove on the far side of the room (opposite side from where the truck stopped). Grab the medicine packs on the left. Jump on top of the block on the left and pull yourself up onto the roof of the room. Grab the treasure here.
Turn left and descend some stairs. A guard waits here, so take him out before charging down. Follow the path to the right and continue down additional stairs until you reach a ledge. Pull out your whip and locate the whippable beam ahead. Use the whip and watch Indy reach the other side. Back down the ladder and fall down onto the ledge below. Turn left and jump up onto the small ledge. Get ready quickly for combat. Take out the guard who appears in the far room.
Your goal in this large room is to land on that switch in the center of the room. Let's hope Indy wore his jumping shoes.
Move forward and to the right for some treasure. From the entrance, go right and make your way into a large room. Locate a lever in the back area inside a small alcove. Pull the lever to turn on the lights, open a closed gate, and, unfortunately, alert two guards to your whereabouts. Take cover against the walls and eliminate the two guards.
Head through the opened gate and pull the crate; you'll expose a tunnel. Crawl through the tunnel and jump into the water. This series of underground water tunnels includes ample treasure as well as one exit. Take the time to seek out the treasure, then locate the exit that leads into a new area. Pull yourself up on the ledge and out of the water. Exit this room and turn right, spotting a closed door and a keyhole on the right. Examine the keyhole by approaching close and pressing the Ctrl key.
You don't have the key yet, so head back up the stairs. A guard approaches and takes aim, but fortunately Simon Turner, Sophia Hapgood's CIA boss, takes him out. Watch the cutscene and grab the key. Loot the dead guard for his ammunition and look out for two additional guards emerging from the right. Eliminate them, and then head back down to the closed door and the keyhole. Approach the keyhole and open your inventory. Select the key and use it to open the door. Inside the room is a stack of TNT boxes as well as some explosive barrels. Go back to the stairs and shoot the barrels; the resulting explosion opens a large hole in the floor. Enter the room and jump down the hole.
Indy lands in a large pool of water. Locate the ledge sticking out and pull yourself up. Follow the ledges to the left; you'll have to pull yourself up and perform a few jumps. When you reach the top, follow the path to the right into a small alcove. Snag the treasure found here. Locate the picture block on the left; pull out the block, then climb on top. Leap up into the room above.
Explore this area and locate an unusual mechanism on the left, a locked door ahead, and a weird symbol on the right. Use the contraption that Sophia handed you during your last mission while you're up against the machine. This lowers the elevator and the block. Jump back onto the block and pull yourself up into the room above. Watch the cutscene depicting the large room that awaits you.
Look down, then leap down to the ledge and then to the floor below. Several spiders roam the floor, so take time to eliminate them before continuing. Locate the ladder to the right and on the opposite side of the room. Press the Alt key while standing against the ladder and climb up. When you reach the top, continue moving to the right on the climbable surface. Pull yourself up onto the ledge. Turn left and locate the picture block on the left. Push the block out as far as you can. Look inside the area to the right of the block for a small treasure.
Head back to the climbable wall and to the long ladder. Ascend the ladder to its peak and pull yourself up into a small niche. Leap down onto the block you just pushed out. Look up and spot the whippable beam. Pull out your whip and use it on the underside of the beam. Ascend the whip with the up key until you reach the top. Jump forward and pick up the first tablet piece. Exit this area and turn left, locating a stone bridge with a gap in its center.
Run across and leap over the gap. On the other side you'll find the second piece of the tablet. Watch the cutscene of the bridge falling. You're now standing on the last block. Facing the center of the room, turn left and look down to spot a small block below you. At the block's edge, perform a standing forward jump and land on the small block Grab the treasure here before continuing. Turn around to face the center of the room and look down once again. You'll spot a pillar in the center of the room with what looks like a switch on top. At the ledge's edge, perform a standing forward jump and fall onto the switch, opening a crawl space to your right.
On this contraption, use the gear part given to you by Sophia, to jump-start the elevator.
Fall down onto the ground and crawl into the space. Inside you'll find the statue. Crawl back out into the main room. Straight ahead of you is a small block that fell from the bridge. Up above the block you'll notice a new hallway. Jump onto the block and then head into the hallway. Be sure to crawl through the hallway; there's a spike trap about midway through, activated by a ground panel. Grab the final tablet piece at the end of the hall. Head back out and don't forget to crawl (or run really fast).
Turn left and climb up the ledge you see. This is the first ledge you fell down on as you entered this area. Face the wall and leap up to the ledge and go back out to the elevator. Return to the room where you noticed the strange puzzle-like symbol across from the mechanism. While standing in front of the puzzle area, put each tablet piece into place. Watch the cutscene and the new area opening across from the current room.
Head into the new room and grab some treasure. Return to the elevator and push the block into the new room until it's off the elevator. Use the action key on the elevator switch and watch Indiana ride up. At the top, locate the ledge and pull yourself up. You'll spot Indy's jeep as well as Simon Turner. Watch the closing cutscene and get ready for the next level!
Tian Shan River
Survive several trips down the raging rapids and locate four candles. Find a way to open the gate leading to Shambala Sanctuary.
After watching the cutscene of Indy parachuting into the canyon, immediately turn around and spot the ledge ahead. Hop inside the cave and grab the treasure and the medicinal herb. Turn back around and proceed forward, past your opened chute, and follow the path to the right. You'll come to a ravine and spot a bridge down below. Hop down into the ravine.
Turn and face the wooden bridge. Continue under it and leap up on the small ledge on the other side. Turn around and face the bridge again. Perform a running jump and grab onto the bridge. Turn left and follow the road until you come to a path on your left. This path is narrow and sprinkled with a few trees. Proceed down this tight path and avoid the wolf wandering around in this area.
Approaching the Soviet outpost from the gated entrance is suicide. Look for a ledge where you'll have leaping access to that tower.
Continue around to the right and approach the high ledge. When up against the ledge, press the Alt key and Indy will leap up and grab hold. Pull yourself up with the up directional key. You should spot the Soviet camp ahead. As you approach, the game switches to a brief cutscene depicting the expansive camp.
Spot the guard tower ahead and do a running superjump to grab onto its ledge. Pull yourself up quickly and pull out a weapon; there's a guard wandering around on this ledge, and he'll take some shots at you if you don't quickly eliminate him. Once the guard is eliminated, walk to the ladder in the center of the tower. Turn around and go back down the ladder. Continue going down into the hatch and into an underground room.
Once inside the room, hop off the ladder. Search the room until you find another hatch with a ladder leading down. There's a door in this room with a button adjacent to it; don't open this door or you'll alert additional guards. Just descend the ladder. You'll enter a room with a pool of water on the left, a door on the right, and a hallway ahead (with a few crates). There's a guard waiting to the right of the hallway, so prepare a weapon. Once you've taken him out, approach the door he guarded and press the button to open it.
Another guard waits in this room; keep your weapon out and eliminate him. In this room you'll find a few doors, but the boxes scattered around the room are more interesting. Turn right after entering the room and notice the single stack of boxes. Hop onto the boxes and look up to locate the entrance into the ventilation system. This isn't the hole above the double stack of boxes; it's the entrance above the single stack. Perform a standing jump and grab onto the edge of the vent. Use the directional key to pull yourself up.
Head through the vent moving forward and taking two rights. You'll emerge just in front of a hole in the bottom of the vent. Jump down into a new room. Inside you'll spot three lockers. Stand in front of each and press the action button to open and investigate inside. Search each locker and grab the raft, a raft repair kit, and a medical kit. Look just to the right of the lockers and locate a button with a Russian word on top. Press the button and watch the cutscene of the fence opening. Next, to open the door, hit the button to the right of the button you just pressed. Head through the door.
Approach the river (where the fence just opened) and open your inventory. Select the raft. Indiana will blow up the raft and hop inside. Controlling the raft is a bit tricky, but just stay to the right as much as possible and avoid any rocks. You can use the back key to paddle backwards; use it simultaneously with the left or right directional keys to stick on one side of the river. Head to the right and stay to the right.
Keep going along the river until you see some structures on your left and a short bank way up ahead (with two trees just next to it). Approach the bank and hit the Ctrl key to dock and hop back onto land. Indy will automatically grab the raft. Turn left and follow the twisting valley path. Take time to search the rocks to the right of the path and locate some treasure.
Navigating the rapids can be tricky. Stay away from the jagged rocks, or you'll need to use a raft repair kit to plug the small leak.
Continue down the path moving over a bridge and under a small archway. You'll end up at an intersection leading left (through a tunnel) and right (through more mountain paths). Turn right and continue. Keep running until you spot a small outpost ahead. There are two guards waiting for you. Approach and get their attention, then go back up to the mountain path. Take out the two guards, collect their weapons and ammunition, and head into the outpost. Search the lockers in the outpost to get two more raft repair kits and another medical kit. Go back outside and continue past the shack until you spot another riverbank on the left. There's a wolf in this area, so just run to avoid it. Stand in front of the river and prepare your raft.
You need to make a minimum of two trips down the river to grab four different candles. If you snagged three raft repair kits, you should have no trouble keeping the raft afloat and traveling down the river, even if you do smash into a few jagged rocks. After placing the raft in the water, head down the river until you see a fork in the path (two structures lie ahead). Take the left path. The river will fork again in a few moments; again, keep to the left.
Keep going until you emerge in an alcove with a small tower ahead of you. Locate the dock and paddle up to it. Press the Ctrl key to dock and pick up the raft. Head inside the small tower, up either the left or right staircase. At the top you'll find the first candle - the green candle. Pick up the candle with the action key, and look out for two spiders that float down from the ceiling. Eliminate them with your pistol or just run back out to the dock. Use the raft near the water again and prepare for another trip.
Return down the river, and you'll spot a batch of pine trees. Continue staying to the right, and you'll come to another fork, leading forward and to the right; forward leads to a tunnel-type area, and right goes underneath a bridge. You want to head under the bridge. Paddle your way under the bridge and locate the shoreline on the right. Press the Ctrl key when you are up against the shore and hop out of your raft.
Head into the cavern and up the stairs as the path curves around to the right. Look left to find a short ledge. Hop up and grab the medicinal herb and the treasure. Continue down the path over the bridge and down some stairs until you reach a large room with unusual smashing mechanisms. Turn right and locate the first mechanism. Jump on the wooden plank, then onto the smashing mechanism when it's at its lowest point. Next, jump across to the ledge and pull yourself up. Perform a running jump to land on the third smashing mechanism. After landing on top of it, turn around and leap to the ledge to the right of the tunnel entrance.
Turn left and leap over the gap. The tunnel entrance lies to your right. Go forward first and snag the treasure from the small niche. Return to the tunnel and head inside. Continue up the path until you reach the second candle - a violet candle. You can't go forward any longer, so head back into the mechanism room and get to the lowest floor by leaping onto the smashing mechanisms again. Head back to your raft by going through the tunnels and across the bridge once again.
Use the raft you left at the river and hop inside. Head into that tunnel area you passed up before. You'll pass underneath the bridge as you go. The tunnel area will be to the right. Keep going forward through the cavern until you spot some machinery on the left. Dock at the shoreline and get out. You'll spot what looks like an elevator and a lever. Walk up to the lever and use the action key; this makes the elevator operational. Hop inside the elevator and watch the cutscene of Indy riding up.
When the elevator stops, you'll find yourself at the point where you entered the river in search of the first candle. It's now time for your second trip. Approach the river and use the raft to hop inside. Continue down the same river path you took before. At the first fork, take a left, and take a right at the second. You'll enter another alcove and another tower. Locate the shore on the left and hop out of your raft.
Ascend the winding staircase as it goes to the right, and turn to face the tower. You'll spot a stained-glass window. Pull out your pistol and shoot at the window; the window will break apart. Back up a bit and perform a running jump through the broken window. There's a lever just in front of you; use the action key and pull the lever. Watch the cutscene of the door opening, giving access to the third candle. Turn around and hop on the window ledge. Perform a standing jump back to the pathway. Turn right and continue walking. At the medium sized ledge, press the Alt key to pull yourself up. Follow the path to the right and head through the door and pick up the third candle - the red candle.
To reveal a lever, shoot out the stained-glass window with a pistol.
Return to the raft and hop inside and continue to the left. Spot the tunnel ahead and paddle through it. As the tunnel ends, locate some trees on your left as well as a small riverbank. Paddle to the bank and hop out of the raft. Before grabbing the fourth candle from inside the tree stump, walk around the stump and find a small treasure in the back. Grab the final candle, the yellow candle, and return to your raft. Continue along the river through a long tunnel. Watch out for some rocks on your left as you arrive back in the elevator room.
Climb on the shore and pull the lever again to activate the elevator. Hop on the lift and watch the cutscene of Indy heading upward. You're back again at where you first entered the river in search of the candles. Head back to the structure where you dispatched the two guards and return to the intersection where you headed right. Pass under the archway as it goes forward, and you'll enter a small structure with four holders. Ahead of you are a windmill and a bridge that is turned perpendicular to your path.
Place all four candles in the four holders. It doesn't matter which candle is placed where. Once all four are in place, open your inventory and select Indiana's lighter. Walk in front of each candle and use the action key with lighter in hand. After lighting each wick, watch the cutscene of the windmill activating and the bridge turning. Cross the bridge to watch the final cutscene and the level's completion.
 Shambala Sanctuary
Study the clock, bell, and bell ringer mechanism, and ring the bell summoning the holy woman. Complete her mission and locate the sacred object somewhere in the sanctuary's treasury. Grab the first part of the Infernal Machine and eliminate the ice guardian.
You begin just inside the first room of the sanctuary. Ahead of you is a broken elevator, so don't bother attempting to hop onboard. There's also a nasty spider lurking in the left corner of the room, so pull out your gun and be ready if it scurries your way. Turn to the right and move around the elevator to the high ledge. Use the Alt key to leap up and grab hold. Pull yourself up with the directional key. Spot the button and get over to it. Press the button and a ladder lowers just next to your position. Climb the ladder. Head outside and follow the path around the structure to the right. Continue across the bridge and into the courtyard. Watch the brief cutscene.
There's a wolf in the courtyard to the left, so just run and avoid it. Head to the left back wall and locate the medium-height ledge. Use the Alt key to leap up and grab hold. Continue to the next ledge and climb on up. Seek out the wall on the left and the bricks. Though they might not appear so at first, these bricks are a climbing surface, similar to the ladders you've ascended during the game. Press Alt at the bottom and begin your ascent. The goal here is to simply make it to the top. You might have to shimmy from side to side and even retreat back down some to find a path to the top.
Raise the bell into position before using the bell ringer.
At the top of the roof, run around to the right side and locate the ladder fitted inside the structure. Step on the ladder and watch the cutscene of Indiana falling inside the building. Turn left and locate the ladder. Go down the ladder and head down to the next level. Walk over to the bench and turn right until you spot the ledge ahead. Leap off the ledge to another ledge down below. Again spot a ledge ahead and continue down. Turn around on the next ledge and run off again all the way to the floor. Watch the cutscene of Indy examining the skeletons.
You're still actually on some ledges, so continue to make your way down. After falling off a few ledges, you'll watch a cutscene showing off some unusual ice creature inhabiting this level. Don't worry, the first one won't bother you, but there are more nasty ones to come. After the brief cutscene, continue down the hall until you reach a doorway on the right. Head inside to check out the clock gears.
After the cutscene, enter the room about halfway, until you spot a moveable block on the right. Use the Ctrl key to grab hold of the block. Pull the block back once to move it into its correct position. Turn left and head through the door. Spot the ladder and descend by backing up against it. Turn around and head down the hall as it winds to the left. Walk until you've reached a ledge overlooking a large room. The way down is a sliding surface to your right. Jump on the sliding surface until you reach the bottom of the room. If you can, try to leap off after the first slide; you'll land on a small platform that contains some medicinal herbs.
After reaching the bottom of the room, you'll be immediately under attack from two ice creatures. A third creature waits to pounce after you've investigated part of the room. Take out these creatures from a safe distance with your projectile weaponry. Don't get too close as they die, because they create a painful explosion upon death - and you don't want to be inside that shrapnel field! Once you've taken out all three creatures, walk to the back right area of the room and find a small set of stairs leading to the left. Head down the stairs, and you'll stand in front of a moveable block. Use the Ctrl key to hold the block and move forward to push the block. Doing so activates the waterwheel and supplies power to the mechanisms inside the room.
Turn around and walk back. Stay to the left of the mechanism in the center of the room. With the mechanism just on your right, turn around and face the left wall. Walk forward to this ledge, and use the Alt key to hop on up. When at the top, turn around completely and look up; you'll spot a ledge just above you. Jump up and use the Alt key to grab hold and then pull yourself up. Stand in the center of this ledge and look up - there's a whippable beam just above you. Pull out your whip and move until Indy looks up. Strike the whip and then pull yourself up on the whip.
At the top, swing off onto the ledge. Turn around to face the center of the room. You'll notice a swinging platform in the room's center. Wait until the platform moves directly in front of your ledge, then perform a running jump to land safely on it. Once on the platform, turn completely around and locate the ledge to the right of the one you were just standing on. Wait until the platform is in front of the ledge, then perform a running jump to grab hold of the ledge. Pull yourself up. Walk to the back of the ledge and leap up to the next ledge. On top of it, turn around and jump straight up to grab hold of another ledge. Once up here, you'll spot another moving platform ahead in the room's center.
When the platform is in front of your current ledge, leap and land safely on it. Turn to the left and spot the hallway ahead. Wait until the ledge is as close to the hallway as possible and perform a running jump to land safely. Follow the hallway to a ladder. Ascend the ladder. Follow the path to the right and through a room to another ladder. Ascend and follow the path left to the giant clock.
At the clock, turn left and walk to the wall. Turn right and walk forward. Look up and locate the whippable beam. Draw Indy's whip and walk forward until he looks up at the beam. Use the whip and ascend. Use the Alt key to swing from your whip onto the ledge. Walk forward until you're just under the small square-shaped ledge. Jump and pull yourself on top of it. After you reach the top, turn around completely and leap to the ledge. Again, pull out Indy's whip and locate the whippable beam ahead. Climb up and use the whip to swing to the ledge. Continue walking until you reach the button - don't bother pushing it. Turn left and jump to the next ledge. There's a lever across from you. Pull the lever and watch the cutscene of the gate opening.
Head to your right and ascend the ladder and go through the newly opened gate. You'll emerge on some tracks on top of a bridge. Continue walking and look for the window to the right and just a bit below the bridge. Pull out a projectile weapon and aim for the window. Fire and destroy the glass. Walk to the end of the bridge and turn left. Look down and spot the ledge just in front of the broken window. Leap down with a standing jump. Go through the broken window. On this first floor you'll encounter another ice creature. Dispatch it with your pistol. Turn to the right and jump off the ledge to a floor just below. Turn around again and jump off the next ledge. At the bottom of the room, locate the lever next to the steps on the right and use the Ctrl key to pull it. Watch the ensuing cutscene showing the ladder dropping to your right.
Approach the ladder and ascend. Follow along the small girders to another ladder and ascend. Do the same until you reach the top floor and another lever. Pull the lever and watch the cutscene of the bell rising. Once completed, head back to the bridge you crossed to get back inside to the clock area.
In this section, your goal is to cause the bell ringer, the statue ahead of you, to ring the raised bell to summon "the master." Accomplishing this task requires setting the "alarm" clock and pulling a lever back near the bell. As you approach the bell ringer, turn to the right and jump down to the ledge below. Follow the next level to the right and run off another ledge. There's a lever on your right; pull the lever to observe another cutscene showing the clock's alarm being set. You need to pull the lever a few times to give yourself ample time to return to the bell area. Set the alarm for about two "hours" ahead of the current displayed time. For instance, if the hour hand is at 12:00, set the alarm for 2:00, or even 3:00. Don't worry, it will get there quickly enough.
After pulling the lever enough times to set the alarm, turn right and run forward. There's a small ledge ahead of you; leap to the ledge. Turn right again and leap to the far ledge. Take out Indy's whip and look upward. You'll spot a whippable beam. Use the whip and ascend. You can't leap forward; instead, use the directional keys to rotate around 180 degrees. Leap to the ledge that was formerly behind you. Head to the button and press it. Turn left and walk along the new walkway. Climb the ladder at the end of the pathway and locate the bridge back to the bell tower on your right. Once near the bell, turn around and observe the bell ringer. It should be stationary. The bell ringer will start to spin once the alarm is ready. As soon as you see it spin, pull the lever to the right of the entrance. Watch the cutscene of the bell ringer ringing the bell and summoning the master.
The holy woman has a little mission for Indy. Follow her instructions and locate the sanctuary's treasury.
After speaking with the little master and gaining his key, walk back over the bridge to the bell ringer. Fall off the right ledge and continue down until you're on the room's floor. Locate a previously unvisited hallway in the back right corner of the room. You'll end up at a keyhole on your right; open your inventory and use the master's key to open the door. Enter and immediately turn to your right and locate the hall. Follow the hall into a new room. Turn to your right and climb the ledge and then the ladder. Locate the bed in the center of the room and stand on top of it. Turn around and stand under the ceiling beam. Leap up and grab hold; use the up key to pull yourself up.
Walk down the beam until you reach the crawling area. Use the crawl toggle and head into the next room. Grab the treasure, then run off the ledge, falling into a new room. Turn to your right and grab the Monastic Seal off the podium. Watch the cutscene of the Russians.
Walk through the door on your right and back to the bed and return down the ladder on the left side of the room. Enter the room on your left and eliminate the guard. Continue down the hall until you emerge inside a large room with a statue in its center. You'll have to dispatch three more guards here, so move cautiously as you head forward. After you've eliminated the guards, head forward and go around the right side of the statue. There's a ladder at the end just to the left of the waterfall. Approach the ladder and press the Alt key to ascend.
Turn around at the top and approach the statue. Notice the two poles jutting out the sides of the statue. Approach the left pole and go around to the other side. Face the pole and press the Ctrl key to push the pole and turn the statue. Perform this action twice and watch two cutscenes. Head down to the door that opened on the second pole shove and then enter. Back down the ladder and head down the hallway (beware of the spider lurking here). Indy will comment that something seems odd. Toggle the crouch key and crawl over the tiles and avoid the log trap.
Stand up on the other side and kill two small ice creatures. Run to the ladder on the far side of the room and ascend. Look to the left and find the elevator and ascend. Watch the cutscene. After you get to the top, approach the door and open your inventory. Select the Monastic Seal and use it on the niche on the door. Enter the treasury.
Turn to the right and jump to the first beam on the right side of the room (it's below your current position). Leap to the next ledge. Superjump to the next ledge. The next beam, the fourth, will collapse soon after you land on it, so quickly leap to the last ledge. Turn right and head into the small room and grab the key. Note: If you fall down in this area, you'll land in water and return to the statue room you were just in a moment ago.
After snagging the key, turn left and jump to the beam. Turn right and use the Alt key to pull yourself up on the end point of the beam. Turn left and jump to the next beam and its end point. Notice the railing above the entrance door and leap to it, grabbing hold of the ledge. Shimmy your way to the right until you spot a ledge underneath you. Fall down onto the ledge.
Turn around and face the next set of beams. Jump to the second beam. Turn around and back off the beam so you'll grab hold. Drop down safely to the beam below. Run forward to another beam below your position, then leap to the beam adjacent to the wall ahead. Turn to the left and spot the whippable beam up ahead. Take out your whip and cross to the other side. Turn to the left and head to the last beam in this room. You'll have to cross one gap by using a whippable beam again.
On the last beam, turn to the left and use the Alt key while standing against the ledge at the end to pull yourself up. Turn to your left again and jump to the beam. Perform the same action on this beam by ascending its ledge. Locate the beam up above this position and leap up. Turn to the left and locate the moveable block shoved into the wall. Use the Ctrl key next to the block and yank the block out one time. Leap onto the block and turn around. Jump to the ledge and finally pull yourself up on the platform.
Approach the alcove and watch the gate slam down in front of you. Turn to the keyhole on the left and use the metal key to open the gate. Walk inside the alcove and pick up the plant bulb. As soon as you do, Russians enter across the way. Don't bother trying to attack them; simply run and leap into the water. Follow the water back into the statue area you were just in.
Climb out of the water and walk past the statue on the right. Jump up to the ceiling girder and pull yourself up. Ahead of you are two ledges; the ledge on the left has a ladder and the ledge on the right has a button. Superjump to the ledge on the right and press the button. Watch the cutscene of the ladder rising, then superjump back to the girder. Now, leap to the platform with the ladder and ascend.
Continue down the hall, up some stairs, and around to the left. You'll watch a brief cutscene of Indiana commenting on a breakable window. Take out your pistol and shoot the window through the grate. Return to the button you passed to get up in this area, and press the button; it opens the door ahead of you. Head down the hall, and you'll notice another breakable window on your right. Shoot the window and look out. There's a guard waiting on the opposite side of a chasm. Shoot him quickly.
Place the plant bud in the golden candle to lower and prepare it for some high-power sunlight action.
Move through the window onto the ledge and back off. Shimmy to the right until you're underneath the window you broke through the grate. Pull yourself into the room. Locate the golden candle to the left and use the plant bulb on the candle. On the right side of the room you'll find some medicinal herbs.
Head back to the room with the statue and leap back to the girder. Walk to the middle of the girder and face the closed window; you'll notice a whippable beam ahead of you. Pull out the whip and use it to cross to the platform. Watch the cutscene of the window opening and the sun shining on the plant bulb. Jump down and grab the new plant from inside the candleholder.
Next you need to return to the master and bring back the treasure - the plant. On your way back, you'll face three guards inside the clock room and another guard just in front of the ladder leading to the bridge to the bell room. Take your time with the guards and use some of the medicinal herbs if you're running out of health. When you return to the master, open up your inventory and hand him (or her?) the plant and watch the ensuing cutscene. Sounds like you're about to do battle with the ice guardian. Head through the door the master opened and continue forward until you slide down into the room and watch the ice guardian leap from the ceiling.
Don't worry about trying to kill the ice guardian yet. Your bullets and whip will have no effect, and there's no way to defeat the beast until you've acquired Urgon's part, located inside these small temple structures. At the entrance, turn left and enter the structure. Hop up the ramp to the right and ascend until you reach a moveable block on the right. Use the Ctrl key to grab hold of the block and pull it out one time. Leap over the block and go forward down a slide, back down to this structure's ground floor.
Exit and return to the central area of the large room and follow the path to the opposite side of your position, to two entrances - one on the left and one on right. Enter the left entrance. Ascend the ledge at the back of the room and head up the ramp. This ramp crumbles under your feet, so move quickly. If you happen to fall, there are other ledges you can leap to that will take you to the same place. Continue along the path across the bridge into the next building.
Follow the path as it winds to the left. Again, it will crumble under your feet, so move quickly. Once you're on stable ground, perform a running superjump across the chasm to the ledge on the other side, leading into another building. Cross another bridge and move until you can't continue. Turn right and hop up on the ledge. Turn to the left and hop along the ledges. You'll eventually arrive at a huge gap with a whippable beam in its center. Walk to the edge, take out your whip, and use it to cross via the beam.
Eliminating the ice guardian isn't so tough - but you need to snag the machine part first!
Perform a running jump to the door ahead of you. Press the button on the left side of the door and enter. Inside this workshop, you'll find Urgon's part on a podium located on the right side of the room. Snag the part, then head to the far side of the room and slide down the decline until you reach the bottom. You're now prepared to take on the ice guardian!
Stand in the center of the large room and wait until the ice guardian approaches to attack. To defeat the beast, you must fire Urgon's part three times while standing just next to the ice guardian. If done correctly, you'll witness a short cutscene of the ice guardian convulsing and appearing in pain. Remember, Urgon's part must be recharged (watch the meter in the lower right-hand corner of the screen), so after hitting the creature once, escape into a structure and take cover from its claws and ice shards while the device recharges. If you fire Urgon's part before it's recharged, you'll take damage.
After you hit the ice guardian three times, he can't take any more blows and he explodes. You'll see a cutscene of the ice block cracking apart as well. Walk over to the ice block, wait for Urgon's part to recharge, and use the device on the block to bust it apart. Walk through the door at the end and observe the level's final cutscene.
Palawan Lagoon
Find a way into Palawan Volcano by using the sunken ship in the center of the lagoon as a bridge. But first you'll need to find a way into the sunken ship.
You begin on the lagoon's beach facing the ocean. Turn around and head toward the cave. Continue through the cave until you reach the spiked pit. Take out your whip and spot the whippable beam up above. Use the whip and safely carry Indy over the pit of spikes.
Take care of the lizard crawling around the tent. Locate some treasure and a medical kit inside the tent, then grab the machete lying in front of the tent next to the skeleton. With the machete in hand, go back over the spiked pit using your whip and head to the beach shore. As you exit, head to the right, and you'll find another dirt path entrance. A dense spider web will soon impede your progress. Press the default "6" key to take out your machete and hack through the web. Not long after, a spider hangs down from a strand and attacks. Pull out a pistol and eliminate the spider.
Locate the machete inside the abandoned camp. It comes in handy against those sticky spider webs.
Continue forward and climb up two medium-sized ledges. You'll emerge inside a small courtyard with some rocks to the left and a vine-covered entrance to the right. Approach the vines and use the machete to cut through them. Back up immediately and pull out a pistol; a lizard charges out of the cave. Don't shoot the lizard while it's still inside the cave or you'll cause an explosion, because a barrel sits inside.
After taking care of the lizard, head inside the cave and use your lighter to have a look around. Notice the shovel on the left side of the cave. Approach and use the Ctrl key to pick the tool up. Exit the cave. Before heading back to the beach, look to the right and notice the patch of dirt amongst the green grass. If you approach, Indy should say something like "There's something here...." Stand on the dirt and use the shovel; Indiana will dig up a treasure.
Return to the beach and approach the water. You want to swim straight across to the far shore. The water is littered with dangerous floating mines; avoid them at all costs. You'll also find dangerous sharks lurking around. Avoiding sharks is difficult, and it's almost easier to simply swim quickly to the other shore than to attempt to kill them with your machete.
Once you reach the other shoreline, hop out and head to the left. Proceed toward the cave on the left. As you approach, you'll spot a lizard to the right. Eliminate the lizard and search behind the rock there for some treasure. Continue through the cave and approach a new shoreline. Indy spots a sunken ship. Turn to the right and walk along the shore and spot the torpedo. You can't do anything with it now, but remember its location.
Indiana can board the sunken ship from the back end, so leap out into the water and swim that way. Again, avoid the mines and attempt to avoid the sharks. You can hack them up with the machete if you wish, but you're likely to take damage whether you chop at them or not. Climb up onto the ship at its end and walk on the deck, staying to the right. At the end of the deck you'll find a collection of boxes. Look down into the smallest box and grab the torpedo-arming device located inside.
Retreat back to the end of the boat and dive into the water, returning to the shore you were just on. Walk over to the torpedo and open your inventory. Select the arming device and use it on the torpedo. Watch the cutscene of the torpedo heading toward the boat and creating a large hole in its hull. Dive back in the water and swim to the hole.
The sunken vessel can be boarded from the rear - or through the hole you make via the torpedo!
When you enter the hole you'll find a collection of smaller, yet equally irritating fish. Take these little critters out with your machete, because they only require about two hits. Once completed, surface and take a breath. Dive back down and locate the open room, to the left of the hole, that contains a box. Swim inside and hit the action key next to the box to pick up the hammer. Swim to the surface and take another breath; your next trip is a long one.
Head toward the open door at the opposite side of the room (to the right of the entrance hole). You'll want to swim quickly through these corridors; don't worry about hacking up the fish because you don't have much time before you air runs out. >From the door's entrance, take the first right, then swim to the wall and take the next left. Keep swimming forward until you spot the door hanging on its hinges. Take a left into this hall. When you reach a wall, turn right and spot a doorway to your immediate right. Swim inside and take your first left and go up to the top. The hatch here is locked. Open your inventory and use the hammer to bust the lock. After the hatch opens, take a breath of fresh air.
Dive back down and head right. Swim forward and locate the hatch leading down. Swim down into this large portion of the ship all the way to the far end. There's a box here with a key inside; take the key. Return to the hatch you opened a moment ago. Climb out onto the ship's deck. Turn left and head to the back of the ship. Locate the stairs on your left and ascend. At the top is a locked door. Use the steel key on the door and proceed inside.
Immediately after entering, look to your left and grab the crank. Exit the room and head back to the front of the boat where you picked up the torpedo-arming device. Spot the crane in the center of the area. Go around the right side and locate a hole for the crank. Open your inventory and put the crank in the hole.[QUERY; check for accuracy] Operate the crank with the action key.
 Turn to your left and get on the stack of boxes by climbing up the ramp. Turn toward the land on your left and pull out the whip. Use the whip to cross via the crane onto the patch of land. Locate the dirt area near the totems and pull out the shovel. Use the shovel to dig in the dirt and expose a button. Stand on the button to open an underwater entrance. Turn right to the water and jump in. Again, avoid mines and sharks.
Continue swimming until you pass the entrance you exposed on your left. Keep going as the canal curves to the right, until you reach a downed plane you probably spotted before. Swim to the plane's propeller and pull out your hammer. Use the hammer to break off the propeller. Head to the surface for some air, then turn around and return down the canal and look for the exposed entrance on your right.
Swim to the front doors and use the propeller on the doors to pry them open. Swim inside and locate a button on the right near the bottom of the room. There's a shark lurking about, so work quickly (air also becomes a problem). There's a treasure located on the left side of the room if you want to risk snagging the extra dough.
After tugging the underwater switch, look for the door to open above you, and swim out. Look out for that shark!
The button opens a hatch located in the back upper portion of this chamber. Swim up and emerge in a new canal area. Take a deep breath and continue forward until you spot a door on your left and a broken column on your right. Head to the right. Pull yourself up next to the column.
Proceed inside and dispatch the lizard wandering around. Approach the staircase and the ramp. Leap up on the ramp and ascend to the top. A ledge hangs above you. Jump up and shimmy as far right as you can go. Pull yourself up and turn to your right and hop up on another ledge. Jump up again and shimmy as far right as you can go. Pull yourself up and follow the stairs up to some grass and a totem. Press the button on the totem to open the door near the broken column.
Return back down to the broken column and jump into the water. Swim over to the door, pull yourself up, and enter to complete the level.
Palawan Volcano

Meet up with Sophia inside the active volcano, but also witness her being kidnapped by the Soviets. Rescue Sophia and continue into the Palawan Temple, seeking the machine part and the lava guardian.

After Indiana comments on the active volcano, move forward and hop down into the room's recess. Walk toward the door and turn left. Hop up on the ledge and spot the moveable block. Pull the block to the right and just next to the ledge on the right wall. Hop onto the block, then leap up to the ledge above. You'll notice the whippable beam ahead. Pull out your whip and use it to swing to the other side.

Turn left and face the cracked wall. Pull out Urgon's part and use it against the wall and watch it crumble. Head through. You'll come to a fork in the path; left leads into a dark tunnel, and right leads to a sand slide. Go left first and use your lighter to spot a piece of treasure. Go back right and slide down and make your way to the large room filled with water. You'll encounter a few scorpions along the way.
Run out and leap into the water. There are some small fish in here, so hack them up with the machete if you wish. Locate the hole in the ground and swim inside. Head down the tunnel until you locate a path leading to the right. Swim up the tunnel and pull yourself up at the new area. Walk along the path and spot the lava river ahead. Run down the slide ahead and press jump as you get near the bottom so you'll land on the other side.

Turn left and head along the walkway. You'll reach a distinctive moveable block. Pull the moveable block toward you until you can no longer move it. Climb over the block to the other side and turn around. Push the block until you no longer can. Turn around and resume your course along the walkway. Grab the next moveable block and pull it as far as possible. Jump up to the ledges above and make your way to the entrance high above your position. When inside, head up the ladder and shove the block out of the way. Enter the room at the top and look out for four poisonous spiders; eliminate them with your pistol.
Pull out your machete and hack the spider web to bits. Proceed inside and press the button inside. Watch the cutscene of the red gate opening. Run forward and leap out into the water. Swim to the left and back of the room, where you'll find a small ledge. Pull yourself up and turn to the left. Jump over to the small island with the large hole. Fall down the hole into more water. Swim through the tunnels and walk down the hallway until you reach a lava-filled chamber.

Turn to the left. You need to time your jump to the next ledge when the burst of lava isn't firing. Just wait a moment; you'll soon notice the pattern. Perform a running leap to the ledge. Turn right and head across the collapsing bridge (run quickly). Turn left and leap to a few ledges. Pull out the whip and use it on the whippable beam. When you land, a boulder rolls from the left. Walk forward into the niche. The boulder's impact on the wall creates a new hole. Head inside.

Proceed down the hall and spot the hole in the floor. Leap down inside. Spot a small piece of treasure to the left. Once you grab it, a scorpion comes out from behind you, so be prepared. Head across until you reach a button. Press the button to lower the ship you likely saw earlier in the level. Pressing the button opens the door to your left but also unleashes two scorpions. Take out the scorpions and proceed through the door.

Head back into the water, and you'll notice two sharks lurking around. You can try to hack them up with the machete, but it's difficult to do without taking damage. Swim quickly and fight if necessary. Return to the short platform you climbed up a moment ago (where you fell into the hole). Walk down to the left and leap onto the ship, which has now moved into a new position. Grab the key off the seat. Jump back in the water and swim over to the door. Turn left and use the shell key in the keyhole. Proceed through the open door.

You'll enter a huge chamber with a lava river flowing in the center. Your first task is to push the moveable block near your position on the non-black tile. Once you move the first one, leap over to the other side by pulling yourself up the middle platform and leaping to the other side. Push this moveable block onto the non-black tile. Stay on this side of the room and ascend the ledges and ladders until you reach the top catwalk. Head toward the lava's source and locate a button. Press the button to cause lava to rise inside the room (a cutscene shows a bridge collapsing and a door opening).
Walk out the other side of this area and down the ledges (and use the whip to cross the whippable beams when necessary). Use the ladders on the wall and enter the tunnel. Walk around to the entrance on the other side; it'll be right in front of the moveable blocks you moved earlier, which are now almost covered with lava. Perform a running jump to the block, then to the central platform, then to the next block, and to the ledge. Climb up the ledges and ladders to the right and get up on the catwalk. Head inside the opened door.

Look out for two scorpions in here. Walk into the Russian camp and grab the machine gun and the medical kit. Climb the ladder ahead and find Sophia. Watch the cutscene where Sophia gets captured. It's time for an extended combat sequence. Take out the guard that immediately stands in front of you. Look out for four to five more guards lurking around both to the left and right of the entrance. Walk through the door and head to the right. Pick up the poison kit and the first-aid pack from the room. Head down the tunnel, killing any guards as you go; one waits around the corner.
The next room is tough. A sharpshooter with a rifle waits behind a box to the right. You want to move to the left, but another guard waits there. The best option is to charge to the left and avoid the sniper's fire. Have your gun out and eliminate the guard to the left. Once he's dispatched, turn around and take out the other guard from long range. Once you do, look behind his position for a moveable block behind the large gong. Grab the treasure inside.

Return to the left and locate the elevator switch just past the door. Press the switch and watch the cutscene of the elevator coming down with four guards! When you regain control, turn around and run to the left up the steps. Pull out your machine gun and turn around and rip into the three guards who approach. Don't forget the fourth, who hangs back near the elevator. Once the area is clear, get on the elevator and head up.
There are three guards ahead of your position. Spot the gas barrels to the right and shoot them with your rifle. That should take care of most of the guards. If any remain, eliminate them from a safe distance. Leap over the lava and collect their gear. If you wish, look to your right up the steps and spot the strange wall. Use Urgon's part on the wall to bust it apart. Walk inside and locate a small treasure.

Return over the lava flow and turn right. Locate the ladder and back down. Walk until you reach a new courtyard. Four guards wait inside. There are some gas barrels to the left; you can knock out several of the guards if you quickly blow the barrels apart. Stay back in the tunnel and eliminate the guards from a safe distance. Collect their gear and locate the table on the right. Grab the grenades, the machine gun, and the aluminum key hanging from the side of the table.

With the key in hand, go back inside the main room by standing on the elevator and heading down. Walk down the hall and turn left at the large statue. Approach on the right side and stand just in front of the ledge. Pull out your whip and use it; Indy will grab the arm and yank it, opening a door next to you. Walk inside.
Head into the next chamber. Don't bother with the button on the left. Walk to the ledge ahead and use the whip on the whippable beam to cross to the gate. At the gate, which won't open, turn left and jump to the ledge. Leap straight up and grab hold of the high niche. Shimmy to the left until you can pull yourself up. Walk straight down the lava river; you'll have to cross to the other side when you can no longer move forward. Locate a tunnel on the left side and a hole at the end. Ready your weapon and hop in. You'll slide down, and a guard will immediately attack. Eliminate the guard.

Look to the right and spot Sophia. Use the aluminum key and free Sophia. Follow her through the door and return to the room with the gate ahead and the button to the left - Sophia's standing next to the button. Speak with her. Use the whip on the beam and stand in front of the gate. Sophia will push the button and head through the gate.
Once through, locate the ledge over to the left. Ascend the next ledge and turn around to spot another ledge across a small gap. Leap over and use Urgon's Part on the wall crack. Inside the room beyond you'll spot several crates. Pull the outermost crates away from the center crate. You'll need to pull and push some crates down the tight spaces in the room. The center crate will open revealing a replacement pulley. Return back to the gate and continue down the ramp. At the end of the room you'll find a gondola to take you over to the other side. Push a crate next to the gondola and use the replacement pulley part. Doing so triggers an attack from the Russian guards. Use your sub machinegun to quickly eliminate them. Activate the button on the gondola to ride to the other side; enter the door to end the level.
Palawan Temple

Traverse the treacherous temple and confront the lava guardian. Grab Taklit's part from the chamber and find a way to eliminate the lava guardian and continue on.

Proceed forward and climb over the medium-sized bricks just to the left. Leap over the small patch of lava and continue on the other side. As you move, a lava-rock creature emerges from the left. You'll run into several of these things during the level. They move extremely slowly, so simply avoid them by running around and away from them. Leap over the lava, grabbing the far ledge on the right, and continue forward until you reach the large lava-filled room.

If you take a moment to observe the room, you'll see platforms rising out of and sinking down in the lava. There's a pattern to their movements. To leap to each pad, just walk to the edge of the one you're on and perform a standing jump when the next rises up. The first place you want to go is to the left. Continue around until you spot the climbable wall on your left. Ascend the wall.
Proceed forward until you're overlooking a pit. Hop down and avoid the two lava-rock creatures that flank the entrance. Head to the skeleton on the left and pick up the shark key resting next to the bones. Go back out of the pit via the ledges and return to the climbable wall and the lava-filled room.

Return to the platforms and this time head right. As you turn right, you should see a breakable wall ahead of you (the kind that crumbles when you use Urgon's part). Reach this wall and pull out the machine part and use it to bust apart the wall. Move forward down the hall, avoiding any lava-rock creatures you trigger, and spot the crawl space to the right. Crouch and crawl inside.

Head forward and spot the large door on your left; there's a keyhole to the door's right. Take out the shark key recovered near the skeleton and use it to open the door. Move through it and turn right. Spot the tiki key on the podium. Walk up and grab it with the action button. As soon as you do, a boulder releases from behind you. You have two options. One is to look up and spot the whippable beam, then use the whip and climb up to avoid the rock. The second is to get as close as possible to the wall and avoid the rock as it rolls by.

After the rock passes, move through the chamber it appeared from. Turn left and climb over the middle area. Drop down near the lava-rock creatures and leap to the ladder. Ascend back into the lava-filled chamber. Use the platforms to leap to the large door in the room. Use the tiki key that's next to the niche in the ground, and the door will open.
Walk through the doorway and up the stairs. With your pistol, take out any spiders scurrying in this area and look for some treasure on your right. You'll eventually emerge outside. Use your pistol to take out the lizard and turn to the right and ascend the ladder. Turn right at the top and run across the broken bridge. At the first gap, leap to the boards dangling in the center. Look down and drop to the complete bridge below you. Head right and climb up the next ladder you reach. Keep moving until you reach the pond. There are several lizards running around here, so take time to eliminate them with your pistol.
Leap into the water and head into the cave and down several waterfalls. Look out for the fish swimming around. When you land in the lower area of the water, look for the small ledge on your right. Climb up the ladder and into the cave. Avoid the spiders here and grab some treasure behind a spider web. Head up the ladder on your left (next to the spikes) and approach the spike through the skeleton on your right. The ground here is littered with spikes that shoot out of the floor if you stand too close. Use your lighter and locate the holes in the ground. Avoid them as you move through this chamber.

Follow the path to the right and proceed outside over another pond. Turn right and use Indy's whip on the beam. Enter the cave to the right. You'll come to a fork in the path. If you take the path on the right, you'll slide down a surface and leap to a treasure. Either way, you'll end up at the bottom of the area. Look out for spike holes and proceed through the cavern.

Run across the broken bridge ahead of you and leap to grab onto the land on the other side. Once on the other side, turn around and use your machete to cut the thin rope holding the right side of the bridge in place. Watch the cutscene of the bridge falling. Take out any lizards up here and turn to the left and drop down to the hut. Locate the bridge and head across. Enter the hut ahead.

You've been here before. Locate the ladder to the left of the spikes and head up. Carefully cross the spike holes again and swing from the whippable beam. Go through the cave on the right, through the fork, and emerge in front of the bridge you just cut loose. Turn around and descend the bridge. Proceed into the cave and grab the monkey key on the podium. Exit the cave and leap into the water. Swim forward until you reach the small ledge and the ladder. Climb up.
At the top, locate another ladder and ascend. Head to the closed door ahead of you. Use the monkey key on the door. You'll emerge in a rectangular-shaped room with another tiki key at its center. There are four buttons in this room that must be pressed in a precise order. As you enter the room, press the first right button, then the first left button, then the second left button, then the second right button. Grab the green tiki key and watch the floor drop beneath you.

Head forward and avoid the lava-rock creature on your left. As you enter the next chamber, a rock seals the exit behind you. There are two platforms ahead. As soon as you jump to them, boulders come rolling from the left or right respectively. Leap to the first platform and run quickly, leaping to the next. When you hold onto the next ledge, don't pull yourself up. Hang there until the boulder passes.

Pull yourself up and continue forward. Look up and spot the whippable beam. Use the whip and ascend. Continue through the hallway and take out any spiders. Also, locate the treasure stashed here. Proceed forward across a broken bridge. At the middle, drop down onto the platform and turn left. Leap to the land and grab the treasure near the skeleton (look out for the lava-rock creature). Ascend the ladder and head to the large door. Insert both tiki keys into the grooves and go inside.
Walk down the ramp until you reach the lava. Watch the cutscene of the lava guardian emerging. You want to leap from platform to platform moving forward. The lava monster will come near you on occasion and drop explosive lava bits. Just keep moving. Go forward and grab a treasure near a skeleton. Head to the right until you reach land. Avoid the lava-rock creatures and proceed until you reach the next machine part, Taklit's part. Go back over the platforms to the start position with the stone bridge on your right.

Approach the bridge and notice that the guardian blocks your path. Pull out Taklit's part and use it; Indy turns invisible. The guardian will leave, and you can cross the bridge. Proceed out the exit ahead and locate the button on the right, outside the chamber. Press the button and watch the cutscene of the lava cooled by the flowing water. Go back inside and head left over the lava rocks and out the door. The level is concluded.
Jeep Trek

Hop in the jeep at your campsite and find a way off the island. Though you won't be able to head across any waterways, someone in a helicopter might see you as you're escaping from the Soviets.

Walk forward, look inside the tent, and grab some treasure and a medical kit. Hop into the jeep by using the action button next to the driver's entrance. Drive the jeep forward, following the tracks up the steep incline on your right. Head into the cave. Get out of the jeep and grab the treasure on your right.

Exit the cave, by climbing back in the jeep,[QUERY: according to the previous paragraph, the jeep's in the cave] and hitting the gas pedal by using the Shift key. Jump over the ramp ahead and follow the path to your left. You'll enter another cave (grab more treasure). Exit the cave and stay to the left over a rock face. Use the Shift key to move quickly and leap to the land across the ravine.
Proceed until you reach the next alcove. Turn left until you reach the fork. If you head right, you'll encounter three guards and some treasure inside a crawl space on the right (and a medicinal sprig on the left). Take the left fork. You'll approach a large cave. You must keep the jeep on the left side of the path and high up on the wall so you don't fall down. The path spirals down. When you reach the bottom, head outside.

In the next area you'll find a Russian jeep pursuing you. Follow the paths as they lead up the mountain. You'll also likely find some treasure behind a hut and a totem, so stop for them if you have the time. When you reach an area with two guards, head quickly up the incline and watch the level's closing cutscene.

Operate the gear mechanism to open the four doors leading to four idols. Place the idols in their appropriate positions to continue on to Olmec Valley.

Proceed down the long hall into the large room. Turn right after entering and press the button to the left of the door. Head through the open door. Continue through the hallway, cutting spider webs and killing spiders as you go. You'll come to some floor plates that trigger wall spikes. Leap over the plates or perform a forward roll to avoid them. At the end of the hall, grab the stone key. The floor will fall out from under you; if you can roll to the left, you can avoid the fall, but don't worry too much. If you do fall, kill the two scorpions and grab the treasure. Leap up and escape out of the hole.

Continue through the corridors until a door closes in front of you. Turn around and head back until you see the cutscene of the door opening. Kill the spider and slash the web. Push the button in this room. Head through the now-open door. You've entered the main hub of this level, a series of gears placed in the center of the room. Your goal is to get the gear machine working and use it to open the four doors on the four walls of the room.
To accomplish the task, you need the gears in the correct positions. Hop down into the room and locate the door with the green jaguar head. Push the gear in front of the door so it rests against the jaguar door. Move to the orange bird door. Push the gear in front of this door toward the central area of the room. Approach the door with the three symbols and approach the hole in the center of the room. Turn around and back down the hole so Indy hangs on to the ledge.

Drop down into another large room with three snake-head pillars and a large circular door. Stand in front of each pillar and pull them out one space so they rest on the icons on the floor. Watch the cutscene of the door opening. Locate the snake-head pillar positioned across from the circular door. Leap to the pillar and climb up. Turn left and leap over the catwalk and into the newly opened hallway.

Proceed up the ramp and step on the floor plate ahead. Back off the plate and a block will come down. Hop on the block and immediately turn and walk to the left until you walk off the block (if you're slow, you'll get crushed against the ceiling). Climb up a ledge and head down the hallway until you're at a door and a button. Press the button to exit back to where you were overlooking the gears. Turn to the left and spot the two wheel cranks.
Turn the wheel on the right (the one with spokes) once. Turn the wheel on the left once. Turn the wheel on the right twice. Turn the wheel on the left once. Turn the wheel on the right once. You've now successfully opened the fish and jaguar doors. Hop down to the floor and the gears.

Approach the fish door and pull the gear away from the wall once. Approach the triple-symbol door and push the gear against it. Approach the jaguar door and pull the gear all the way to the center (you'll have to change sides to get it all the way there). Approach the bird door and push the gear all the way against the door. Locate the elevator and use the button to ride back up to the wheels.

Approach the wheels and perform the following actions: Turn the wheel on the right (one with spokes) once. Turn the wheel on the left once. Turn the wheel on the right twice. Turn the wheel on the left once. Turn the wheel on the right once. You've now successfully opened the bird and triple-symbol doors. Hop down to the floor and the gears.

Head through the fish door. Leap into the water ahead and kill the fish if you want. Turn to the right and climb onto the ledge. Walk around the statue and find the keyhole. Use the stone key. Proceed through the opening and into the water. Swim all the way down and locate a hole at the bottom and to the right. Swim around the tower to the button on the other side. Use the action key on the button. Watch the cutscene.
Swim straight up out of the water and onto the ledge. Look out for two snakes slithering around the ledge. Locate the doorway and the climbable bricks. Head up. When you reach the top, turn left and perform a superjump to the top of the tower, and then leap to the ledge above. Head down the hall and leap up to another ledge and shimmy to the right. Climb up the new ledge and turn completely around. Do a running jump to the ledge across the gap. Locate more climbable bricks and head skyward. Hop off and do another running jump to a ledge.
Spot the alligator head on the left. Pull out your whip and use it to get across the gap. Turn to the right and locate more climbable bricks. Proceed upward and watch the cutscene of the Russians arriving. Grab the fish idol on the podium. Turn left and walk around the catwalk until you locate the silver mirror on your left; grab it. Return to the fish-idol podium, turn right, and leap down into the water below (it's a long fall, but you'll survive).

Guards now roam the rooms, especially the gear room. Run quickly through the bird door and deal with the guards if you must, but it's just as easy to avoid them. Watch for the floor panels and avoid them by jumping or rolling. Continue and locate the crumbling wall on the left. Use Urgon's part to destroy the wall. Head inside.

Walk around the platform to the left and locate the climbable bricks. Proceed up to the top and do a running jump to the far ledge. Climb up either set of bricks here and do another running jump to a far ledge. Grab the treasure located in this area. Proceed down the hallway and deal with any guards roaming around. You'll reach a door. Press the button to unlock the door. Head inside and drop down into the room and grab the bird idol. Look out for the guards and any spiders. Go back up to the ledge and leap down into the water below. Head back to the room with the gears.
Avoid any contact with the guards and run through the opened jaguar door. Leap over the floor plate and head up the ziggurat-like steps. Take out any guards in here (one guard is at the first turn and another hangs in an alcove to the right) and grab the jaguar idol. Head back into the gear room. A Russian guard stands in front of the three-symbol door. Take him out and head inside. Place the idols on the appropriate podiums (labeled with the symbols) and watch the cutscene.

Head down the hole in the center of the gear room by holding onto the edge and dropping down. Kill the guards here, especially the one carrying the shotgun, and grab their weaponry. Approach the statue in the center and use the silver mirror on its hands. Watch the cutscene and run through the newly opened circular doorway.
Olmec Valley

Activate the bridges by locating the Olmec head statues and placing them on the pressure plates located outside the main structure. Face the snakelike Quetzalcoatl and grab the third piece of the Infernal Machine.

Turn around at the start position and hop down the ledges. Cut through the vines at the end with your machete. Look out for snakes and a tiger roaming this area. Locate the waterway ahead and follow it to the right until you spot some vines on the right-hand mountain wall. Cut through the vines with your machete. Follow the passage as it winds around and ascend the steps ahead. Cut through more vines and enter the room. Look out for another tiger; simply scare it away with your pistol if it gets too close.
Ascend the steps in the back of the room and face the statue in the center. Use the whip on the beam and land on top of the statue. Leap across to the next walkway and head up the steps to the right. You'll spot a moveable block in the center of the far wall. Push the block until you plummet through the floor. Look up the slanted hall and spot the Olmec head at the top. Stand on the pressure plate located a few steps in front of the head. Turn around and run down the incline and hop into the alcove on your right. Watch the Olmec head fall out and land on the grass.

Follow the Olmec head and push it onto the pressure plate. Watch the cutscene of the bridge forming. Go back through the entrance behind you (where you cut the vines) and approach the first steps you come to. Turn left and hop over some columns to locate the bridge you just formed. Walk across.

Grab some treasure in this area to the left. Continue downward and to the right until you're outside once again and spot the new entrance. Walk through and leap into the water. Pull the switch near the bottom and watch the cutscene of the door opening. Hop out of the water and through the door. Push the moveable block back as far as it will go. You're on another Olmec head incline. Stand on the pressure plate, then turn around and run. You must get out of the tunnel, so don't leap to the niche ahead of you. Once out of the tunnel, run to the left or right.

Run behind the Olmec head and push it out of the chamber. Follow it outside and shove it onto the pressure plate to form another bridge. Watch the scene of the Russians arriving. Locate the stream again and head to the right. There are tons of guards here, so be careful. Use the submachine gun if possible; it'll take them out much faster than your other weaponry. Head through the first entrance you used, with the cut vines, and head over the first bridge by turning left at the stairs.
Resume your course, but instead of going right, head forward and cut some vines with your machete. Stay to the right and spot the whippable beam. Use the whip and cross the gap. Head down the steps and spot a rock ahead you can't pass. Back off the ledge and shimmy to the right under that rock. Pull yourself up on the other side. Keep running until you reach a small waterfall inside a large room.

Dive into the water just in front of the waterfall. Swim inside the opening. Once inside, climb up the ledges by alternating left and right, jumping and climbing. Locate the switch at the top and press it to turn off the waterfall. Retreat to the bottom of the room and locate the Olmec head block that was obscured by the water before. Push the block into the hole in the wall.
Return to the waterfall's location and look to the left. Spot the moveable block. Push the block to the right underneath the climbable bricks. Ascend the bricks and flip the switch once again. Watch the cutscene of the Olmec head being pushed out and landing on the plate. Leap down into the water and locate the path out and to the left of the falls. Continue across a bridge and through a grassy area. Take out the snakes with your pistol.

Continue along the path, leaping across any gaps you come to. You'll also need to cut through some vines with your machete. Whip across the beam ahead and down the ledges into a large room with several ledges and statues. Look out for three or four snakes slithering in this area. There's also some treasure in a hut to the right. Enter and stay to the left until you come to a hut and a door. Press the button to open the door and head outside.

Immediately turn to the right and spot the button. Press this button; a door opens back in the chamber. The problem is that the door only stays open for a short amount of time, then you have to come press the button again and try to reach the door in time once more. As long as you work quickly, you'll have plenty of time. Turn around and head back into the chamber.

Locate the pillar straight ahead and jump up. Turn right and leap onto the surface. Run forward and leap toward the first statue you saw upon entering the room. Head toward the broken pillars and pull yourself up. Climb the ledges here, first to the left, then to the right. Spot the tongue ahead. Leap to the tongue and finally to the open door. Head inside.
Turn right and spot the top of a column. Push the column, which falls and forms a new bridge. Leap down and cross the new bridge. Continue forward, crossing the gap with your whip, and locate the crawl space ahead. Crawl through it. Continue into the large area with the pyramid. Kill any snakes here and avoid the tigers. Approach the base of the pyramid and pick up the medicinal herb at the steps.
Climb up to the top of the pyramid and pick up the idol. Drop down into the room below. There are four bowls, two by each door. Two of them unleash Quetzalcoatl, the next boss creature. The other two open a door. You need to light all four. Once Quetzalcoatl is released, avoid him by simply running around. Don't get caught near his head or tail, or you'll take damage. Make sure you light all four bowls so the other door opens as well. Head inside and stand on the pressure plate.

Still avoiding Quetzalcoatl (and the snakes he spits out), run into the chamber that he appeared from. Leap onto the block and grab the next machine part, Azerim's part. This device lets you levitate up to the second level of the main room. You must stand on the symbol tiles though; you'll find them at the center of each walkway. Use the device to reach the second level and run to either end. Stand next to the platforms at the end.

Once you walk on the platform, you'll be lowered, and a spike on the floor will rise. Time it so Quetzalcoatl is slithering across the spike hole when you stand on the platform. Repeat the process several times, and the boss will be destroyed. Shoot any snakes crowding the room and head to one of the symbols below the door opened by Quetzalcoatl's death. Use Azerim's machine part and levitate to the door. Watch the end cutscene and prepare for the next level.
V.I. Pudhovkin

Escape the ship's brig and discover a way off the ship and onto the island ahead. Fight your way from the bowels of the ship to the top deck and seek out a lifeboat.

You begin the level inside the ship's brig. Press the action button on the door ahead and knock to summon the guard. Turn around and to the left and climb up the bunk bed. Look at the grate lock and press the action button. The lock opens and falls off. Get back down off the bunk and knock on the door again, summoning the guard. Hop back on the bunk and climb into the open vent. Watch the cutscene of the guard searching for Indy. When the guard's in the other room, hop out and close the door, locking the guard inside.
Continue through the corridor with doors on either side. Press the button on the first door to the left and enter. Pull the lever, which distracts the guards in the other room. Exit the room and wait a few seconds. Go through the second door on the left. You'll notice the guards charging into the room inspecting the machinery you just started. After entering the room, turn to the right and spot the Infernal Machine part, Taklit's part, on the desk. Pick it up and place it in your inventory.

Turn left out of the hall and approach the door at the end. Inside you'll spot tons of crates. You can't head farther into the warehouse without being spotted (and you're currently without weapons). Pull out Taklit's part and use it; Indy will turn invisible. Walk to the left around the crates and enter the door at the end. Grab your weapons from the podium. Go back into the warehouse and watch the cutscene.

Stay to the right of the crates and turn to the left where you spot three barrels. Push the crate here forward against the blue crate. Climb up top and turn to the right. Pull the wooden crate here toward you once. Leap over the crate to the other side and push it away from you one time. Hop onto this crate and spot the whippable beam. Pull out your whip and swing over to the other side. Turn left and hop onto the second level of the warehouse.

Head to the side of the warehouse opposite the two doors. Look out for about three guards that emerge and attack. Enter the door ahead of you and head down the hallway. There's one room on your left and one on your right, both containing guards. Eliminate each guard and search the rooms for treasure. Proceed down the hall and ascend the ladder. At the top, enter the room on the left and knock out the guard. Pick up Urgon's Infernal Machine part.
Retreat back to the warehouse and to the two doors on the other side. Head through the right door and through another door straight ahead. Turn left to locate a crumbling wall. Pull out Urgon's part and use it on the wall. Walk through the opening in the wall and turn left to find another ladder (look out for the guard on the right). There are lots of options rooms around here to explore. Many contain treasures as well as guards. Take out the guards and pick up any goodies you find.

When you reach the top of the ladder, turn right and head down the hall to another ladder. Ascend to the top deck of the ship. Locate another crumbling wall and use Urgon's part to create an opening. Walk through the door ahead. Look out for guards here, especially one that sneaks up from behind. Head through this dining area and locate a ladder on the left. Climb the ladder and watch the cutscene.

After the scene, pick up Azerim's Infernal Machine part on the table behind you. Retrace your steps, heading out onto the deck, and find the ladder on the right. Proceed down the hall taking another ladder down at the end. Descend one more ladder until you're in an area with only one door. Proceed through into another warehouse with a crane and controls on the left.

Stand in front of the controls and press the leftmost button twice. Next, press the center button five times. Finally, press the rightmost button twice, and the crane will lift the box in the air. Stand on the spot underneath the levitated crate and use Azerim's machine part to float up to the top. Turn toward the boxes and jump on top. Climb up onto the second level of this warehouse.
Dispatch any guards here and go through either door ahead of you. You're now in what looks like an engine room. The guards in here are tough, so try to use the submachine gun. Don't attempt to shoot the guard on the catwalk below you. Locate the ladder down, then worry about eliminating the guard. Once all the guards are dispatched, find the lever on the bottom floor of the room. Watch the cutscene of the descending ladder. Retrace your steps up the catwalk and head up the ladder.

Head through the door and fight a tough guard on your left. He'll take several hits; once again the submachine gun works best. Grab the wheel crank on the left side of the room in a small niche. Exit through the door on the right. Turn left and proceed to the end of the ship until you locate the small motorboat. Knock out several guards here that approach from the sides and behind. Use the wheel crank on the mechanism beside the boat. Watch the level's final cutscene.

Investigate the pyramids and find four prism rooms. Activate each prism and find where each beam strikes the ground outside. Raise the four statues and use the eye gem to open a door leading to King Sol's mines.

Watch the opening cutscene and approach the pyramid ahead with the tracks leading into the broken entrance. Run to the pyramid's entrance. Tons of hyenas run around the area; these critters are difficult to kill and take plenty of abuse, even from the powerful submachine gun and shotgun. Unlike the tigers from previous levels, the hyenas aren't scared off by the loud sounds of your weapon. Walk into the pyramid ahead and listen to the Nubian boy beg for assistance against the pests.

Run around the entire area taking out all the hyenas. Keep searching and killing until you here the familiar Indiana Jones tune play - that signals you've killed all the creatures. You shouldn't bother returning to the Nubian boy, as he has already left. Locate the shed behind one of the pyramids. Look through the window and shoot the explosive boxes with your pistol. Walk through the entrance created by the explosion. Grab the bazooka and the medical kit resting on the table. Also get the bucket and the drive chain located inside the room.
Head down to the entrance of the mine. It's located by the tracks leading down an incline to a lift machine (you can drive down here in the jeep if you wish). Walk to the right side of the lift machine and use the drive chain. Pull the lever to switch on the lift machine. Leap on the lifts and ride down. Turn left and knock out the two scorpions. Locate the skeleton in the pit and grab the watch nearby. Go back to the right and locate the broken mine cart. Grab the wheel off the mine cart. Walk over to where the tracks break apart, just in front of the mine entrance.

Watch the cutscene with the Nubian boy (remember, for this cutscene to occur, you must have eliminated all the hyenas to gain the boy's trust). Indy gives the boy the watch found near the skeleton, and the boy retrieves the eye gem from the mine entrance. Return to the shed where you grabbed the bucket and drive chain. Before heading inside the pyramids, grab the gas can from the back of your jeep.
Face the pyramid next to the shed and spot the climbable bricks. Head up the bricks and follow the climbable areas to the right until you reach the top of the pyramid. Head through the corridor and deal with any spiders that appear. Walk to the pit and spot the crumbling wall. Take out Urgon's part and use it to break apart the wall.

Leap down to the block on the left. Drag the block to the climbable area. Hop up and push the button located here and watch the cutscene of the door opening. Return to this door and go along the corridor until you get to the fork in the path. Follow the left-hand corridor until you reach a small pool of water and the mechanism. Stand on the step behind the mechanism and use the action button so Indy will comment about the device. Open your inventory and use the bucket on the device.

Return to the fork in the path and go down the right corridor. At the next fork, leap onto the block on the right. Jump to the ledge opposite your position and follow the path to the staircase. If you go forward, you'll find some snakes and a treasure on the left. Climb the ladder to the left. Proceed down the corridor until you can go either left or right. Don't go left! It leads to an instantaneous death trap. Turn right and spot the crumbling wall. Use Urgon's part on the wall. Spot the two buttons inside. Press the button on the right side and watch the cutscene.

Leap to the block lowered by the button (you must grab onto the block; if you fall into the room you'll activate the death trap as if you walked into the room). Pull yourself up and locate the ladder. Continue down the path to the right until you reach a white-colored room. Walk to the wood in the center of the room and select your lighter. Use the lighter to ignite the wood. Watch the cutscene.

Exit the room and head to the right. At the first fork, take the right. Take out the snakes with your pistol. You'll reach a sarcophagus with a button on the top. Press the button and climb up some ledges on the right. You'll reach an expansive pit ahead. If you go to the left, you'll find some crumbling walls with some medicinal herbs and treasure. Approach the front of the pit and fall down the lower ledge ahead. Perform a running jump across the pit.
Press the button ahead. Watch the scene of the block dropping down. Quickly run back to that block and pull out the block underneath. Go back to the right out of the pit and jump to the skinny ledge above. Shimmy to the left to the other side. At the next fork, hang a right and emerge in the room with four coffins. Leap onto the middle coffins and locate the hole in the ceiling. Pull yourself up inside.

Open the door ahead and locate the ledges leading up to the upper area of this room. There are lots of snakes here, so take time to eliminate them all before venturing inside. Head up the ledges and follow the path to the right. You'll emerge in the second white-colored room with the bushel of wood in its center. Open your inventory and light the wood with your lighter. Watch the cutscene.

Retrace your steps to the room with the four open coffins. Follow the other path with the symbols at the end. To get past the eye symbol, you'll need to become invisible. Use Taklit's part to turn yourself invisible and walk past the eye. Enter the room with all the skeletons and small coffins. Walk around behind the central pole and spot the crumbling wall. Use Urgon's part to break apart the wall. Climb up the left side of the coffins.
At the top, head off to the right. You'll need to work quickly here. Press the button up ahead and climb up the ledge behind you. Head down the corridor to the next button and press it. Get down to the bottom of the main room and stand on the familiar symbol that activates Azerim's part. Use Azerim's part on the floor and rise to the top. If it doesn't work, you need to retrace your steps and press the button again. When you reach the top room, approach the wood and ignite it with your lighter.

Use Azerim's part to head back down. Return to the expansive pit you shimmied across moments ago (just keep following the path). Head to the other side and go to the right into the room with the crumbling walls and treasure. Use Urgon's part on the crumbling walls if you haven't done so already. In one alcove you'll find another crumbling wall to the right. Use Urgon's part again.
Proceed to the left and leap across the pit. Shimmy to your left to the next ledge. Look out for scorpions and spiders around here. Thorough searching will also reveal a few medicinal sprigs. Follow the path till you reach a block you can pull to the right. Pull the block. Jump up and shimmy left along the ledge. Drop off and find the ladder. Locate the wood bundle in the alcove ahead. Leap and shimmy over the area with the wood. Drop down and pull yourself up. Grab the wood.

Leap back over to the other side, drop down, and head to the left. You'll come to an area with a whippable beam. Use the whip and climb up. Head to the right and up a few ledges into the final white-colored room. Open your inventory and place the bundle of wood in the center of the platform. Use your lighter to ignite the wood. Watch the cutscene.
Fall back down into the hallway. Locate the crumbling wall here and use Urgon's part. It's the pyramid exit. Proceed out and watch the cutscene of the Russians arriving. Deal with any Russians you bump into. The object now is to locate the beams of light you created in the white-colored rooms. Walk around the pyramids until you spot the beam heading out of the eye. Stand on the spot where the beam hits the ground. When you do, a statue rises from the sand below. Insert the eye gem into the statue's orifice and watch the scene. Once complete, grab the eye gem and locate the next beam.

There are four beams to find. The yellow beam lands inside a block formation. You'll need to move the blocks to raise the statue and to make sure the eye gem points back at the pyramid. Once you've used the eye gem on each statue, a door opens inside one of the pyramids. Locate this door (it's at the bottom of one of the pyramids) and head inside.

Stand next to the mine cart. Use the wheel you took from the broken mine cart to repair this mine cart. Use the gas can from your jeep to fill the tank on the mine cart. Hop inside and head inside the next area to complete the level.
King Sol's Mines

Make your way through the mines (using the switching station) and grab King Sol's three colored gems. Place them in their appropriate niche and continue onward.

Continue through the mines until you reach an area of crates on the right. During your trip through the mines, you'll likely encounter pipes running across the track just under the ceiling. Use the crouch key to avoid getting smacked by the pipes. In front of the crates you'll find a small cart with a box on top. Get out of the cart and use the action key next to the box to grab the fuse. Go back to the mine cart and continue into the mines until you locate a large building with a big window; if you look inside you can see numbers from one to five. Get out and head inside. Pick up the medical kit in here.

Locate the fuse box on the left-hand side of the room. Use the fuse to restart the power to the switching station. Walk to the levers and operate lever one and lever three. Return to the mine cart and ride until you pass switch number three. Stop at the door and back up. The mine cart will go through a door and into a room with a waterfall. Get out of the cart and cross the floating crates in the water. Use the whip to swing into the waterfall. Grab the key inside.
Around this time you'll see a cutscene of the Russians arriving - and they've got their own mine cart! Head back to the switching station. You'll likely take fire as you go, but don't worry. Stop at the switching station and eliminate the guards in the area. Head inside and operate lever number two. Go back to the mine cart and continue through the mines.

You'll pass through a blue-colored room where the Russians inadvertently opened a hole in a shed by using their grenades. Exit the mine cart and avoid the electricity coming off the light fixture. Enter the shed and grab the key on the table to the right. Get back into the mine cart and continue until you reach an area with a shed on the left. You'll find a few guards here. Eliminate them and head into the shed. Use the key to open a door on the right. Grab the oilcan from inside.

Get back in the mine cart again and head to switch four (not the switching station, but the actual switch). Use the oilcan on the switch. Drive back to the switching station and pull lever number four. Watch the scene of the Russians flying off the ramp. Return to the mine cart and proceed through the tunnels until you reach an area with two wooden platforms on the right. Jump onto the platform on the right. Find the moveable block on the left side of the platform. Move the block and head through the entrance.
Inside the room you'll find some barrels. Shoot them with your pistol to make them explode. Proceed through the opening. Look out for spiders in here. Grab the red gem at the end of the area. Make sure you pick up the gem from the front (a hole lies to the rear). Immediately after grabbing the gem, fall into the hole. If you're too slow, a block will crush you. Kill the snakes down in the hole (as well as spiders a few moments later). Follow the path back to the mine cart.

Head back to the switching station. Operate switches two and four. Head along the tracks until you see the cutscene of the Russians firing at you with the bazookas. They'll accidentally destroy part of the tracks. Hop out and eliminate the guards. Dive down into the water exposed by their weapons and follow the tunnels, taking a left at the fork into a underwater room with four bricks. Head up to the surface.

Climb up and leap on the blocks ahead. Make your way up the ledges, jumping a few gaps, until you're at the top ledge with the green gem. Grab the gem and retreat back to the mine cart by leaping through the holes in the wall. Proceed down the mines again until you reach switch five (you might need to flip some switches at the switching station to get there).

Get out of the mine cart and walk down to the area where the Russians flew off the track. Use the whip to swing to the other side. Locate the crumbling wall on the left and use Urgon's part. Grab the blue gem ahead (look out for the snakes). Head back into the mine cart and drive through the mines until you reach the area where you snagged the fuse.
Proceed through the entrance on the right platform. Take out any guards here. Continue to the left into a large room with a pyramid in the middle. Insert the key you got from the waterfall into the pyramid. The platform rises. Jump over to the red niche. Place the red gem inside here. Leap back to the platform and over to the green niche. Place the green gem inside here. Drop down to the floor below.

Use Azerim's part to rise up to the blue niche high above. Place the blue gem inside here. Watch the platform rise again and expose a lever. Drop down by jumping to the scaffolding and then to the ground. Use the lever and watch the cutscene. Head into the hall ahead to complete the level.
Nub's Tomb

Locate the final piece to the Infernal Machine and battle the robot guardian to escape the tomb and make your way to the location of the Infernal Machine..

Proceed straightforward leaping across the chasm ahead. A cutscene should play here. Continue through the area over gaps and up ledges. Follow the path to the left and then to the right. Leap to the ledge and shimmy across to the right until you're over a ledge. Drop to the ledge and pull yourself up. Hop down into the corridor and continue onward. Follow the passage, killing any snakes you come across, until you emerge into a new room with pillars. Run down the slope on the right side of the room.

Approach the rock face and climb up. Locate the slide to the left and head on down into a new tunnel. Crouch at the bottom and enter the tunnel. Look out for some scorpions wandering around. Approach the large door ahead flanked by the two unusual statues. Turn to the left and spot another animal statue. Push the statue forward and reveal the torn curtain. Take out your machete and tear apart the curtain revealing a passageway.

Continue through the corridor and down a slide until you reach a lever. Give the lever a pull and watch the cutscene. Head into the new area. Drop down to the bottom of the room until you reach an area with a grate floor. Run across the room (the first flooring will fall) and spot the curtain on the far wall. Pull out the machete again and hack the curtain to pieces. Proceed through.
Grab the moveable block and give it a yank three times so you can head into the passage it blocks. Run quickly over the flooring in the next room; the floor rotates, but as long as you're running, you won't have a problem. At the end of the room, climb the ledge to the left and hop over to the ledge on the other side. Head up the ladder and proceed into the large theater on your left.

Run behind the podium in the center of the room and press the button. Head through the door behind you and locate the whippable beam on the left side of the area. Climb up to the second level. Locate the ledges ahead and jump your way across to the right side of the area. Turn and hop up on the ledge in front of you. Make your way across the ledges again back in the direction you came from. Turn, climb up more ledges, and go across one final time to the left. Stand on the edge facing the room and look down to find the platform. Drop down by backing off the ledge.
Turn to the statue to your left and use the whip. Indy will snap the arm right off the statue. Hop down off the platform and snag the mechanical arm. Proceed through the hall you entered from and head to the left. Go through the corridor on your immediate right. Swing across the gap via the beam. Press the button on the other side. Proceed through the area that was exposed when you pressed the button and follow the hall to the right. You'll recognize the area. Keep going until you reach that large door you bypassed.

Look out for guards hanging around the area. Approach the door and the statue on its left side. Open your inventory and use the Anubis Arm on the statue. Yank the lever on the right side of the door. Proceed into the new corridor. When you approach the new room, look out for the spinning guard droid. Eliminate it with a projectile weapon (bazooka rockets kill them in one hit). Head to the left side of the room, hugging the wall until you locate a tile for Azerim's part. Use the part and float to the second level.

Face the center of the room and cross to the opposite ledge by leaping across the central area. Turn left and locate a button. Watch the Russians entering the door you just activated. Press the button again after the cutscene to reopen the door. Drop down to the floor and eliminate any guards roaming around. Proceed down the stairs and press the button at the bottom. Head into the next room.

You'll watch a cutscene of Volodnikov running off with some mechanism. You can chase him if you want, but you won't be able to catch the speedy guy. Instead, after the cutscene, turn left and spot the moveable block. Pull the block so it rests in the middle of the hall. Enter the hallway from the other side of the block and pull it so it covers the Azerim tile in the exact center.

Return to the top level of the room (on top of the block you just moved) and approach the room at the end. Pull one of the statues so it blocks one of the two entrances. Once complete, locate Volodnikov and chase him around. He'll end up in this room but will be blocked by your trap. Watch the cutscene and snag the gear part. Exit the area via the ladder (watch out for the guard at the top).

Return to the room you were in a few moments ago by exiting by way of the stairs. Look out for additional guards. Walk to the right of the screen door and slash the curtain with your machete. Go inside and pull out the moveable block. Hop over the block and into the exposed tunnel. Back down off the ladder. Pull the lever here. Go back out. Hop on the block outside, which you just moved, and leap into the adjacent area. Back down off the ladder and grab the bronze key located down here.
Head back into the main room and put the bronze key in the keyhole to the left of the screen. Walk inside this elevator-type contraption and use the bronze gear you snagged from Volodnikov on the turtle figure at the far side. Push the moveable block in the room's center onto the elevator.

Face the room and head to the right wall locating the Azerim tile. Head up to the second level via Azerim's part. Turn right and follow the path to the whippable beam. Use the whip and land on the platform, which lowers into a new area.

Deal with the droid guard here and leap off the platform. Walk to the far side of the room and hop up the red ledges on the left. Immediately turn around and jump the gap to another ledge to reach the corner of the room. Locate another far ledge and perform a running jump. Continue until you've reached a ledge you can shimmy across. Shimmy to the right and fall to the platform below. Proceed forward until you reach the far end of the area.

Follow the path to the right and you'll spot some water inside a tunnel on the left. Leap into the water. Look out for the dangerous fish inside. Swim down to the bottom and find the underwater tunnel. Pull the switch at the back of the tunnel to raise the statue in the center of the room. Exit the tunnel and hang a right to locate a ledge where you can pull yourself out of the water.
Turn to face the center of the room and the top of the statue. Two droid guards wait on the other side. To dispatch them easily, use the bazooka as soon as they're activated. Jump to the top of the statue and on to the platform on the other side. Head to the left and up the climbing surface. Enter the next room and watch the cutscene.

This area includes a nasty piece of electricity. If you are standing exposed, the device will put a small shock into you. You must try to avoid the device by ducking into the halls. Listen for the charging sound that signals when the device is about to fire. Exit into the room and take your first left into the hallway. Climb the stairs and spot the whippable beam. Take out the whip and use it to climb up to the next level. Follow until you reach another whippable beam. Cross using your whip.

At this point, there are two parallel walkways. Take the one closest to the electric device. Time your run so you aren't shocked. Go left on the walkway and follow it right and then left toward a platform. Perform a running jump to the platform. Follow the path, leaping up to new ledges and eventually down a slide and a jump until you spot a doorway just above you and to the left. Hop inside. At the end of the corridor, use Azerim's part to float up to the higher area.
Pull and push all the ram-head statues to the center of the room. When finished, push the button, raising the electric device. Two buttons flank the room, one gold and one silver. These operate the circuits that control the electric device. Your goal is to break the circuit so the device is no longer operable. Press the silver button until the top silver circuit is as far left as it will go. Head over to the gold button (stay away from the device at all times) and press the button until the top gold circuit separates from the silver. If done correctly, you'll watch a cutscene of the water lowering and the device shutting off.

Retreat to the main electric device room and look out for new guards. Jump down into the water below. Locate a ledge on the main structure and pull yourself up. Dispatch any guards roaming the area. Spot the ladder and climb up. At the top, turn around immediately and hop to the platform. Continue turning around and hopping to higher platforms until you reach the top. Grab Nub's machine part at the top. Jump off the top of this structure to the water far below.

Return to the ladder you just ascended and spot the strange brass niche to the left. Use Nub's machine part inside this niche. Follow the newly opened door until you reach the room with the elevator. Locate the two Nub switches and operate them with the machine part. If done correctly, you should hear the elevator power activated. Use the Azerim tile to float to the second level and enter the elevator. Press the button.
Proceed forward out of the elevator (grab the medical kit located in front of the door) and use Nub's part on the switch. Eliminate the droid guard waiting inside. You'll enter the level's boss room. Run to the center and operate the coffin. Get the gem left behind (Nub's eye). Next, you want to prepare the room for your battle with the robot guardian. Locate four Nub switches scattered around the room. Use Nub's part on each to activate the electric floor plates (don't stand on them!). When finished, approach the hole in one corner of the room and use Nub's eye. Watch the cutscene of the robot guardian arriving.

To knock out the guardian, you must lure him over the electric floor panels. Also, you might have to recharge the panels by reusing Nub's part on the switch. After you've shocked the guardian several times, he'll explode. Try to always stay out of his view or you'll get whacked by his laser beam. Just run around the corners quickly if he begins to come into view.

Once he's defeated, hop up onto the second level of the center structure and find a ledge up to the third. Leap over the broken robot guardian to the platform. Head to the button at the end of the catwalk and press it. Go through the door to complete the level.
Infernal Machine

Repair the Infernal Machine and summon Marduk.

Head forward until you reach the ladder and then head down. Turn to your left and grab the medical kit, first-aid kit, and rockets - you'll need them. Start walking forward until you trigger the trio of droid guards. Use the bazooka to eliminate them easily. Approach the alcove at the end of the hall.

Walking inside raises the floor. Once up, jump back down into the room and return to the alcove. Leap down and push the button. Walk down the ramp in the middle of the room. Hit the switch at the end of the hall to open the door. Watch the long cutscene revealing Turner and Sophia.

Still on this lower floor, walk to the right side of the ledges and spot the water below (if you're facing where Turner and Sophia first appeared). Leap down to the water, but be sure not to hit the side of the chasm or you'll suffer damage and likely die. Once in the water, pull yourself out to the left side of the entrance. Turn to the right and eliminate the strange caterpillar-like creature (look out, they're poisonous).
Proceed down the hall, leaping over some water and coming to a new doorway. Enter and drop down to the room below. Walk to the left and enter the first door. Watch the pattern of electricity in this hall. It flows from your position to the end. Simply walk forward after it's passed the start position and continue climbing up and over the ledges until you reach the end. At the end you'll find Nub's machine part. Pick it up and grab the treasures on the left and right side of the room.

Retreat into the recessed room you were in a moment ago and continue straightforward until you reach the switch. Use the switch and open the door, making sure to look out for the poisonous critters inside. Ahead of you is an unusual beam that you can float inside. Leap into the beam and float upward until you reach four platforms. Spot the platform with the robotic creature and hop to the one just to the right.

Head up the ladder on the left and drop down the hole that will appear on your left; you're now directly above and behind that robotic creature. Grab Azerim's part located just in front of you. Ascend the ladder on either side. Strafe onto the small platform facing the center of the room and the new whippable beam. Use the whip to get across. Press the switch on the other side.

Jump to the platform ahead of you. In this area you'll find some irritating floating electricity diamonds that pester you with jolts of lightning. You can eliminate them temporarily with your pistol. Turn left and leap across additional platforms. Turn left at the last platform and leap into the opening. Continue through some water into a new area. Climb up the ladder and spot Urgon's part inside a small alcove. Grab Urgon's part. Put Nub's part in the hole that Urgon's part occupied. Grab the treasures on the left and right side of the room.
Turn around and spot the rotating platforms. These platforms move in a pattern. Simply start running across when the platform nearest you is stationary. Walk into the elevator. Turn around at the bottom and place Urgon's part into the hole. Return to the elevator and press the up button three times. Spot a platform ahead and jump. Turn left and jump to the walkway with treasure on the left. More electricity diamonds roam this area, so look out for them and eliminate them with your pistol.

At the end of the walkway, jump to the last platform (it's a tough jump; perform a running jump, but leap well before the end of the walkway). Turn left and hop into the new hallway. Press the elevator call button on the right. Look out for the poisonous creatures both before you activate the elevator and after. Hop on the elevator and press the up button once (it's the right button).

When the elevator stops, head out and find Turner with his newfound invisibility toy. After the cutscene, chase him around the room and fire at him when he reveals himself. Eventually he'll die. Grab his equipment and Taklit's part. Search the room for an Azerim tile. Use Azerim's machine part to float to the next level.

Leap through the gap and stand directly in front of the electricity device. Open your inventory and use Taklit's part to turn invisible. Jump over the platforms until you reach the switch. Press the switch to deactivate the electricity device. Open your inventory and use Azerim's device while on this platform to float to the next level. Grab Marduk's head after the cutscene. Place Azerim's part on the hole that contained Marduk's head.
Retrace your steps and locate an elevator that automatically lowers. You'll recognize the area immediately. Leap over to the platform and climb the ladder until you reach above and behind the robot Marduk's body. Place Marduk's head in the hole. Head down the ladder on either far side of the corridor until you reach the first room of the level (you'll see Marduk ahead of you).

Walk up the ramp to the control switches and place Taklit's part in the hole. Operate the levers by immediately pressing the action key after you've regained control. Watch the closing level cutscene and prepare for Aetherium.

Defeat two incarnations of Marduk and survive the aetherium plane to return to the world and live to fight another day.

Glide through the aetherium straight ahead to the ledge. At the ledge, turn around and fall down into the lower area. Down here face the tunnel with the bright circular, glowing design. Notice the colored rings inside the room. These tunnels are all around this area - four of them - and each has different colored rings. Turn around and float out to the ledge. Leap to the ledge to the left. Float back into the aetherium.

Turn to the circular design and spot the green rings. Float inside and through the tunnel until you emerge in a room. Hop on the ledge to the right and walk over to the device at the end. Pick up the device; it's the Tool from Beyond.

Return to the aetherium and back down to the far ledge. Turn left and hop to the next ledge. Look into the circular design tunnel and spot the purple rings. Float inside the aetherium until you reach a force field you can't walk through. Take out the Tool from Beyond and use it just in front of the force field. Walk inside this newly opened reality and replenish your aetherium tolerance. Also, grab the poison kit and the treasure.

Retreat back through the aetherium and to the ledge. Turn left and hop to the next ledge. Face the circular design to spot the red rings. Float inside the aetherium tunnel until you reach another force field. Use the Tool from Beyond to pass through. Grab the medicinal herb and the treasure. Return to the ledge below.
Turn and face the next ledge. Leap to the ledge. Face the circular design and the blue rings. Float inside the aetherium until you reach the force field. Open it and continue onward until you drop into the next room. Proceed to the left into another aetherium area and float up until you drop into a circular arena - you'll face Marduk!

You can't defeat the beast with your current equipment. Locate the tunnel out of the room (not the ramp up); look for it behind you and to the left. Head down this aetherium shaft until you locate a series of halls. In one you'll find a force field protecting another reality area. Use the Tool from Beyond to open the force field and grab the mirror on the statue ahead. Return to the arena where you found Marduk.

Use the mirror when inside the room with Marduk. You must deflect his shots back at him. When Marduk attacks from the lower level, stand on the lower level. When he floats up high, you need to head up the ramps in the back of the room to the upper level. Hit Marduk with successive blasts before he energizes himself with the center electric device. Once he's eliminated, grab the medallion left behind. Insert the medallion into the switch inside the room.
Move to the center of the room and pull out your whip. Use the whip on the device to create the electrified whip. Head back to the reality where you found the mirror. You'll find a circular electric device to the left. Use the whip on it and watch the door open. Proceed down the shaft until you reach the next floor. Hop outside.

Turn toward the gear and then to the right. Looks like Marduk is back, now infesting the body of Sophia - not good. Spot the circular electric device here. Use the whip on the device. Approach the gear and head down the hall until you locate the aetherium shaft to the left. Look out for critters in this area. Head into the aetherium and use the Tool from Beyond on the force field at the end. Grab the gem located inside.

Return to the normal walkway and head left to the next gear. Find the electric device and use the whip. Face the gear and turn left to spot the aetherium shaft. Head inside to the force field and use the Tool from Beyond. Grab the gem.

Head left through the corridor to the third gear and use the whip on the electric device. Proceed down the tunnel and notice the aetherium shaft above you. It's the shaft you want, but you can't get up there. Proceed to the end and float up this aetherium shaft. Locate the tunnel leading back over the walkway and proceed. Continue through here until you reach a force field. Use the Tool from Beyond to grab the third gem.

Head back to the main aetherium shaft and float down to the very bottom of this area. There are three doors down here; each door has a colored strip around it. Use the appropriate gem in each door. After opening the door, head inside and use the Tool from Beyond on the force field. If any health pickups lie beyond the force field, pick them up.
Once you've opened all three doors with the gem and used the Tool from Beyond on each force field, go back up the main aetherium shaft several floors until you return to where you fought Marduk the first time (the circular arena). Approach the center of the room and use the whip on the electric device to create the electrified whip.

Go back down the shaft to the bottom and approach the structure in the center of the room. Locate a ramp up the side of one of the structures and hop up the ledges to the top platform. The Marduk/Sophia creature will charge. When she's close, use the electrified whip. Time it right to strike the beast. Look out - sometimes she'll try to dodge the whip by flying upward. Hit her three times (you might have to recharge your whip) and watch the cutscene.

When you regain control, just follow the path as the world shakes around you. Hop up ledges and leap gaps until you reach the end. Watch the final cutscene.
Secret Level- Return to Peru

Return to the scene of Indy's Raiders of the Lost Ark exploits and grab a second idol. But, just like the first time, you'll need to avoid the boulder trap in order to survive the underground temple.

You begin the level just outside the underground temple. Move forward from the start position and pick up the medicinal root (look out for the snake hiding nearby). Turn around and approach the passenger side of your jeep. Grab the raft located inside. Grabbing the raft triggers a tiger. If the tiger gets too close, take out your pistol and fire; the loud sound will scare the beast away. Take the raft to the edge of the river, use it, and Indy will hop inside.

Head down the river in the raft (you'll also find a repair kit in your inventory in case you smash into the jagged rocks). Proceed down the rapids and avoid the jagged rocks that jut out from the shorelines. When you reach the dark-blue calm water, stay to the right and flow down more rapids. You'll eventually fall off a waterfall and end up in a narrow stream. Locate the land on the left and use the action button to hop out of the raft.
You can't do anything on land here, so leap into the water and swim to the two entrances on the right. The left entrance takes you to some treasure (after a little jumping and climbing) and back to an earlier part of the river (just use the raft to get back here). The right side is where you want to go to complete the level. Head through the right tunnel and watch the cutscene of Indy falling over the waterfall.

Dive down in the water again and follow the tunnels to the right. Keep looking right after the first entrance and locate a very narrow tunnel heading straight away from you. Reach the end and climb out. Head up to the whippable beam and use the whip to get across. Light the fire bowl up here and leap back into the well-lit water and spot the vines at the bottom. Cut them with your machete and dive through the exposed hole.
Hop out of the water into the new area and spot the moveable block on the left. Push the block into the water, causing the room to flood. Swim up to the top of the room and hop out. Two entrances lie on either side of your position. Head through the entrance with the beam of light. The light, if you recall, was a trap from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Avoid the trap by hugging the wall on the right. Eliminate any spiders in the area with your pistol and continue onward.

You'll eventually arrive at a boulder blocking the path. Turn left and locate the crawl space near the ground. Head inside. Pick up the stone key ahead, turn around, and head back to the room with two exits. You'll need to avoid the beam of light again and also deal with more spiders. Proceed through the exit you ignored a moment ago.

Follow the path leading to a room booby-trapped with darts. Ignite your lighter and notice the black tiles on the ground. You can't step on a black tile or a dart fires from the wall and hurts you. Walk up to the pedestal ahead, again by avoiding the black tiles, and watch the cutscene. Hop onto the pedestal and jump straight through the opening ahead. Turn left and locate the keyhole. Open your inventory and use the stone key.

Drop down into the newly opened hole and continue until you reach a passage on the left filled with scorpions. Take out the scorpions and turn to the left. Light the torch here with your lighter to illuminate the room. You need to get near the top of this area, so continue leaping up the ledges and using the whip until you spot the bamboo spike on the left side of the room in a small coffin-like niche. Drop down into the niche and pick up the spike. Jump back down to the bottom of the room. Get out of the hole and locate the niche in the wall. Insert the bamboo spike into the niche to create a beam to whip from.

Return to the dart-trap room. Stand on the pedestal and leap to the left. Behind the rubble is a crawl space. Crouch and head inside. Proceed down the hall and use the whip to climb up to a higher ledge. You'll reach a hallway with three familiar looking tiles on the ground. Leap over the first two tiles, but stand directly on the third. You will lower into a new section littered with snakes. Take them out with your pistol and pick up the first-aid kit to the left.
Follow the hall to the right, jumping across a gap and using the whip to pass another gap. Spot the climbable rocks and head up. When you reach the top, push the moveable block over so you create a gap on the other side. Descend the climbable surface and head to the other side of the moveable block. Keep going to the right until you can climb up to a new ledge.

Turn around and perform a running jump to the ledge across. Shimmy to the left until you can pull yourself up, then head to the left around the rock. On the other side, back off the ledge and hang. You'll see the doorway behind you. Hang in such a position that you line up with the door. When you drop, you will slide down the rock face, and you must time the jump so you'll land at the doorway. Once inside, run and jump to another ledge. Drop off that ledge to the ledge below and shimmy to the left inside an alcove. Drop down and face the bird-head statue. Use the whip to yank the statue, causing a boulder to drop down below. Leap down to the floor and locate the new hallway. Leap up and proceed inside.

You'll enter a room with huge columns on the left side of the room. Leap to each column. After a few moments, a rock will push you off, so you must proceed quickly. Reach the end and turn around. You'll notice a brand-new set of columns on top of the ones you just traversed. Head back over and snag the treasure about halfway to the end. Enter the room at the top and approach the idol and the pedestal.
Pick up the idol and immediately run forward until you see the cutscene of Indy looking at the broken floor. Continue running forward until you spot the boulder coming straight at you. Turn around and run back into the idol room, stopping just under the curved ramp. After the boulder passes above, continue your first course until you reach the gap. Use the whip to swing across. When you reach the strip of tiles before the dead end, take out the whip and use it on a whippable beam high above. Move up quickly and avoid the boulder, and the level ends.
That’s All!
Compiled by Dusha 28.12.99
Happy Y2K!
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