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Guide information | Update Information | Introduction | Special Thanks | Freespace 2 System Requirements

Guide information

This HTML guide is best viewed in a resolution of 800x600 or higher. Your browser should support frames and stylesheets. I tested the guide (functionality and design) in IE 5.0 at a resolution of 1024x768 in 32-bit color mode.

The author is the webmaster of  The Cheat Empire, where you can find the latest cheats & walkthroughs for PC Games. Including the latest version of this guide.

Note: You can also find a text version of this guide on his website.

Update information

Version 1.00 - (25/12/1999 - 17/01/2000): Version 1.01 - (18/01/2000): Version 1.50 - (18/01/2000 - 19/01/2000): Version 2.00 - (21/01/2000 - 26/01/2000): Version 2.10 - (01/02/2000 - 02/02/2000): Version 2.11 - (06/06/2000 - 06/06/2000):


I've been playing space sims since I was a small boy. When I think about space sims, I think about the legendary series like Wing Commander (Including Privateer) and X-Wing. No space sim could rival these titles ... up till now.

Although the first Freespace couldn't appeal me, Freespace 2 turned out to be a magnificent piece of art. The story is dragging you to the finish line and has a lot of (unsuspected) plots. The sound creates just the right atmosphere: music, voices and effects are all high quality. But probably the most stunning feature are the graphics ... that is, if you have a "mean machine". I was able to run Freespace 2 at a very high detail level in 1024x768. Words cannot describe the magic Volition created.

On top of the superb single player campaign, you also have a lot of multiplayer options. Team vs. Team, Dogfight and co-operative. On top of that we have the squad wars, which sounds very attractive to me. I say sounds, since I have never tried the on-line multiplayer capabilities (yet). I hope to test them out at my friends house, who has cable connection with the internet.

I wrote this guide because I like to help people. I don't pretend to know everything there is to know about the game and I'm certainly not the best pilot out there. I would like to label myself an "average" pilot, who has tons of single player experience, but with minor multiplayer experience. I also believe a guide is never complete, so you can always help me by sending tips (don't add them yourself).

Special Thanks

Special thanks to the following persons:

Zarathud [Descent Chronicles] - Detailed weapon and ship information.
Starfire - Detailed weapon and ship information.
Fran�ois Chiarelli - Extra tips for some missions.
Duncan Bradley - Pointing out the GVF Ptah and GVB Bakha mixup.

Volition and Interplay for the game.

Freespace 2 System requirements



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