After completing the three journeys (EGYPT, SIBERIA and BAGHDAD) again enter the skull. The dolphin will have given you three sets of instructions to follow in the corridors: |
FIRST VISIT | Begin by passing through the first door on your left, then the third door on your right. | DURING THE SIBERIA JOURNEY | Next, pass through the fourth door on your left and the third door on your left. | AT THE END OF THE BAGHDAD JOURNEY | Finally, pass through the first door on your right and the third door on your left. |
Make your way through the skull maze to the corridor bubbles. Refer to the SKULL section for a detailed explanation of how to get there. Enter any of the corridor bubbles and follow the directions. Note that if you completed the BAGHDAD journey before SIBERIA, the directions must be followed according to the first word (underlined above) in the instructions and not in the order you got them. |
Note that the archaeologist also gives a clue to the order of the directions when talking to your captor in the skull room. She mentions the first three by saying: 'First left, third right, fourth left...'. |
If the directions are followed correctly, you arrive in Shambhala, which should be familiar from Beyond Atlantis I. To solve this puzzle you need to select the dialog topics in the correct sequence when speaking to either the old man or woman. |
CONVERSATION SEQUENCE | 1) Begin by approaching the woman | 2) Talk to the woman, selecting the second topic on the left (the man and woman) | 3) Approach the man, but don't talk to him - he talks about the secret in the skull | 4) Talk to the man, selecting the first topic on the right (skull) | 5) Again talk to him, selecting the second topic on the right (archaeologist) | 6) Talk to him a third time, selecting the third topic on the left (earth) | 7) Approach the woman before talking to her | 8) Talk to her, selecting the bottom topic on the left (network, earth and arrows) | 9) Talk to the woman again, selecting the first topic on the left (Omega) |
Enter the pool (at the point shown in the graphic below) to go underwater and get the Omega. |

Click the icon below to go to the ESCAPE section of the walkthrough. |

INDEX |  |