JIMMIE ROBB, 100331,1612

Visit the bar, brothel, alley, bikers’ hangout, quayside and both underground stations. The
perambulating man at the space port is a red herring. Talk to everyone, including taxi-drivers and
pick up everything you can.  The following items are the difficult ones to find :

Chewing gum on receptionist’s desk.
Wrapping paper in vase in pawn shop.
Pawn ticket in barfly’s back pocket.    *Get camera from pawnshop.  Charge up on chuckwagon wall.
All important coins in drunk’s hat           *Give booze can to drunk and use camera flash to
blind him.
                                        Take coins from hat which is henceforth of no use to you.
Neither                                 is the camera.

Sit on left barstool                    *Speak to barman, pay him with the coins & get drink.  This
                        starts a fixed sequence.
Collect change                          *Add to gum wrapper to make coin for underground.
Enter station near pawnshop             *Collect screwdriver by applying oil.  Pick up ghettoblaster.
Return to bar                           *Speak to robot barman, use screwdriver on him and place
                                        resultant circuitboard in the ghettoblaster.
Use screwdriver on robot                *get a PCB (printed circuit board)
Use PCB on radio                        *use device to overcome the ship guard robot.  You can now
                                        get hat from the ship’s rail
Give hat to pawnbroker                  *get magic carpet
Use aerosol+hose on piece of art             *run out of air but damage other statue.  NB aerosol
                                        the hard ball you collected from very first work of art.
Lay magic carpet before work of art          *Fire aerosol 3 times using the hard ball which you have
                                        collect and recollect.
Use screwdriver on child’s balloon           *get string
Use string with walking stick           *becomes improvised bow
Keep going back to ship                 *you will be transported to the aviary.
Use perfume spray on YOURSELF!          *Now you won’t have probs from the lizard.
Collect vine and stick
Pick-up straw                           *Reveals a grid.  Climbing down into slimy tunnel, brings you
                                        to East Neuk station via maintenance tunnel.
Use perfume on giant lizard
Use stick/vine to get a grappling hook
Fire bow at pinnacle                    *the software is difficult to trigger so keep trying.  I set
                                        scene unravels and the vine is fired across the ravine. Use
                                        the vine.  Give hotdog to maneating plant. Exchange your egg
                                        with the one in the nest.
Go to pawnbroker                        *put the vase in your swagbag and saunter out
Go to Paradise Club                     *give vase to madam and request reward. Take the hood or
                                        nament.  Make sure you collect chewing gum from reception.
Go to food stall                        *give hood ornament to biker - get reward of coin waistcoat.
Go to bank                              *speak to window, hand over coins to man in office by operat
                                        ing the bell.  Knock on door and ask for the bag back.  While
                                        door is open use chewing gum on the latch.  After door is
                                        shut, return to the door and enter the office.  Collect the
                                        bag, use screwdriver on filing cabinet(top left) and retrieve
                                        sewer map and account number.
Still outside bank                      *Collect hamburger from stall.  Use glass jar on stall and
                                        will fill with mayonnaise.
Go to police station                    *talk with sargeant will get you a bag of flour
Go down sewer from rail platform             *immediately finger the blueprint after the action
stops, Fin
                                        ger again and you will arrive at the nearest point to the
                                        bank vault.  Put down mushroom and finger the fly in the
                                        bottle.  Head for bonds.   Finger the bag of flour.  Collect
                                        plenocred its.
Go to Hill.                             *Show ring to security camera. Give ring to the boss and
                                        speak to him.  He will tell you what he wants.  Give all
                                        things to him.
Explore cell, finger the bed            *missile comes through the window.  Use as advised. Speak
                                        to Narm,pick up mat, open the grille, negotiate the maze.  Exit
                                        is ..... top right.  Finger the gun for a second time and your
                                        ensuing space trip takes you to a space ship.
Speak to FED                            *take bowl of flowers and book. Exit left from room is tricky.
                                        Use magnifying glass to identify exact point of exit on the
                                        left near TV set.
Give flowers to lovers                  :pickpocket the groom.  From the wallet extract passport &
                                        credit card. Ask bartender for booze, give over credit card,
                                        show passport, drink the booze and ... presto
Ask Narm to distract lady               *steal fur stole while Narm is talking to her.
Enter bar, speak to man                 *take his love letter
Enter shop                              *steal screwdriver and accept box of spare parts from shop
                                        keeper.  Use screwdriver on spare parts.  Add fur stole to the
                                        resultant clockwork mouse.  Keep talking to shopkeeper and
                                        he will give you a book on palace etiquette.
                                        Read etiquette book/learn password. You can now get past
                                        the 2 patrolling guards.  Take the path to the right
                                        immedi ately on entering the gates.  Clockwork mouse
                                        defeats the  dog.Climb rosebush.  Speak to Ruthie. Tear up
                                        love letter.  Jump off balcony and go to palace doors via
                                        the fountain.
                                        Speak to vizier, use the password, end up in torture
chamber but                             nothing to be collected.
Report to man in bar                    *Tell him you have delivered letter.  Get key in return.
                                        Return to arrival area   *Tell Narn to steal a uniform.
                                        Speak to attendant and exhaust all      subjects especially
                                        about curfew.  Tell Narm to meet you in bar. Tell him there
                                        that you have a plan. Go to research establishment and put
                                        on uniform by clicking on STATUS button and donning
                                        clothes. Enter building.
Look out of window                      *Narn appears.  Talk to him.  You end up in torture
Leave it and return to bar              *Speak to Ruthie.  She gets a travel warrant for you.
To Research Establishment               *Speak to Narn and tell him to find you a crate.
Return to Spaceport                     *Use warrant on crate.  Jump into it.  When you emerge go
                                        right through the yellow door.   Use the crate immediately to
                                        your left but DO NOT enter the door now exposed. Follow your
                                        nose till you meet Ruthie. Return to Narm, enter door, drop
                                        down.  Speak to Narm by placing lips on door above you.  He
                                        brings you a tool to open the crate. Find balloon and some
                                        helium.  Use together and escape.
Return to Ruthie, borrow key            *Return to hold and use pass key on storage unit.  Collect
                                        crystal. Get balloon from crate again and use gas to escape.
Return                                  to Ruthie *Put crystal on console but it doesn’t work.  Leave
room                                    and go for a walk before returning to Ruthie.
Speak to Ruthie’s father                *No effect, so speak to Ruthie and ask her to marry you.
Speak to Ruthie’s father                *Enjoy the fireworks and the bit of “handiwork” in the

3rd April 1995

The Spoiler Centre
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