Gems of
H +
Walkthrough by
March 15, 2001
Prof. Bandham welcomes us, the
new archeologists to the excavation site of pre-Sumerian
civilization that lived 9000 years ago. He gives a copy of his
journal (top left of the screen) that contains explanations about
the different puzzles. Read the journal before doing each puzzles.
He also asks us to take a token box (yellow box at top center of the
screen) to place tokens after finishing each puzzle and a map of the
site (top right of screen). The site consists of 3 floors. The
ultimate goal is to decipher the Cipher Table, (located on the right
hallway by the Professor's desk) using the tokens collected and thus
opening the door to the Treasure of the Kavi.
The puzzles are done in Hard
mode. Clicking on gold bird at the bottom of the screen restarts the
puzzle. A jewel will light up on the token box when a puzzle is
solved and the room cipher token will be found inside the box. The
room cipher token can be obtained by doing only one puzzle but in
most rooms, there is more than one puzzle available for added
gaming. Clicking on a cipher on the map automatically brings you to
that room or you can walk and explore the site. Move forward and let
us start on the first room on the left. Easter eggs are found in
some rooms.

Sequential Movement - The object of the puzzle is to move all
the sun to the exit on the extreme middle left bin and all the dots
to the extreme middle right bin. Click/hold to slide dots or sun and
click on or close to rods to turn them. Move sun or dots to their
bin as soon as you can to free space. Easter egg - clicking on the
right side of the entrance to the room shows a
Puzzles - The object of the puzzle is to arrange a picture
that is face down and cut up in 35 pieces. Clicking on a piece
turns it around and click/hold moves it from one place to another.
Pulling the lever in front of the frame changes the picture. This is
a memory puzzle. Try to recall positions of drawings, distortions,
position of stars above and frames on top or bottom. Easter egg -
one of the jugs in the room turns around on duck's
Polyominoes - These are pentominoe puzzles. The
object of the puzzle is to fit the pieces inside the prescribed
area. Clicking rotates a piece (puzzle 1 and 7 only). Solved puzzles
shown are from bottom drawer (1) going up to top drawer (7). Easter
egg - a large boulder on the side of the room lifts
Exchange - The object of the puzzle is to move the
balls to similar colored tiles (blue to blue and yellow to yellow).
In the graphic solution below, move the balls that are in position
at the site at that time. Move forward and click on stacked
triangular stones to access the puzzle. Easter Egg - boulder on
right of puzzle will cause a snake to slither across the
Arithmetic - The object of the puzzle is to have one
specific pattern on all 6 panels at one time. The clues to which
patterns are needed for this puzzle are seen in the Maze puzzle on
the second floor and the Logic Passage puzzle on the third floor.
Pulling the big lever on the right after the pattern is obtained
produces a disk. To get the token, 3 specific patterns should be
arranged . 1) Click on lever 6 (rotates all 6 panels) until one of
the needed pattern is seen on panel 6. 2) Click on lever 5 (rotates
panels 1-5) until the needed pattern is obtained on panel 5. 3)
Continue on lever 4/panel 4 to lever 1/panel 1 until all panels have
the same pattern. 4). Pull big lever on the right to get a disk. 5)
Click on lever 6 to get the next needed patterns until the 3 disks
are obtained. Easter egg - a rock on the wall at the back of the
pool reveals a gold pyramid.
Mazes - The object of the puzzle is to move the blue
box from first maze (#1) to the end maze (#9) and join a green box.
Look at all the mazes and examine the entry and exit to see which
ones match. There is more than one way to do this puzzle. Here is an
example - Pull lever 1 (left), do the maze, jump to maze 3 (lever
3), to maze 6 (lever 6) and to maze 9 (lever 9). Easter egg - a
stringed instrument is seen on the left of the room that lights up
red, green and blue.
Grid - The object of the puzzle is to arrange the tiles in an
intricate pattern. Each tile can be moved (click/hold) and rotated
(click). The best way to match tiles in this puzzle is to study the
background pattern. Easter egg - the rock facing the stairs will
start a toy car to drive by.
Series - The object of the puzzle is to fill the blank area
on the right side with a correlated tile from the left side. Example
of correlations - 1. 1x2=2, 2x2=4, 2x4=8, 2. Square with dot on top
row and blank square at bottom, 3. 4 geometric shapes on top and 3
different at bottom, 5. Different mirror images 7. Rows 1, 2, 3 on
top becomes rows 2, 3, 1 at bottom. Easter egg - a rock beside a
column will rise.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Moving across the room, on the
opposite side of the professor's desk are steps behind a white rock
that will lead to the second floor - CD 2.
Layers - The puzzle is
found by pulling a lever in the right hallway. The object of the
puzzle is to arrange the picture in an overlapping manner that
produces symmetrical lines on the picture. Click/hold moves the
pieces and clicking on each corner rotates the pieces. Easter egg -
at the left hallway, the pestle on a mortar moves. The lever on the
left side has no noticeable use.
(numerical) - The object of the puzzle is to reach from the
upper left start to the upper right exit. The vertical or horizontal
square moves depend on the number of triangles on the square you are
on. As in other mazes, going from the end and moving backwards to
the start might give a better perspective to the puzzle.
Solitaire - The object of the game is to remove all
the balls except one by jumping over another ball. Click/hold to
move the balls. There are several ways to solve this puzzle. Here is
an example - move ball in slot 1 to end in slot
Memory - The object of the puzzle is to
match symbols on the balls at the top row to the bottom row. There
are 10 changes of symbols of both top and bottom row. The left set
of white pegs cycles the top row and the right set of pegs cycles
the bottom balls. The best way is to write down the symbols by
cycling the balls and then matching them. In the table below, the
symbols are replaced by letters. Easter egg - a jug will pour an
igniter to make a bonfire.
Row |
Peg |
Row |
Left |
Middle |
Right |
Left |
Middle |
Right |
A |
B |
C |
1 |
H |
D |
P |
D |
E |
F |
2 |
B |
R |
G |
G |
H |
I |
3 |
N |
C |
M |
J |
K |
L |
4 |
A |
O |
F |
M |
N |
O |
5 |
Q |
E |
I |
P |
Q |
R |
6 |
K |
J |
L |
S |
T |
U |
7 |
CC |
AA |
V |
V |
W |
X |
8 |
DD |
BB |
T |
Y |
Z |
AA |
9 |
Z |
W |
X |
BB |
CC |
DD |
10 |
U |
S |
Y |
Dissection - This is a simple Tangram puzzle. The
object of the puzzle is to fit the pieces in the prescribed area.
Easter egg - left green bust winks.
Maze - The object of the puzzle is to move the flat
stick from the left bottom start area to the top right end area.
Click on the gold slotted screw head to position/slide the pivot,
then click on empty hole on the stick to move the stick on all
possible pivot areas.
Click on the bottom of the
table to reveal clues for first floor Arithmetic puzzle and third
floor Runes puzzle .
Adjacency - The object of the puzzle is to have all
the buttons pressed down. Determine which buttons are affected by
clicking/pressing on a button. The buttons that go down are
symmetrical and what one quadrant does is applicable to the other
quadrants. In the solution below, click (C) on the specified
Stars - The object of the puzzle is to place the 6 blue
spotted points/moon signs around the center pattern, 2 earth emblems
(donut-like) on the left points and 2 sun emblems (spider web-like)
on the right points. The emblems are found in the journal. Each
pattern's points can be rotated clockwise -C (click on right or top
of center) and counterclockwise - CC (click on left or bottom of
center). There are several ways to do this puzzle, here is one.
Easter egg - at the center of the room is an animated shell
: |
left |
C |
left |
CC |
right |
CC |
right |
CC |
Center |
CC |
right |
C |
Center |
CC |
right |
C |
right |
CC |
Center |
CC |
left |
C |
A ladder on the wall
beside Adjacency puzzle will lead to the third floor - CD
Passage - The object of the puzzle is to move all the disk on
the left side to the right side. You can have the same number of
black and whites on any island but not more black (B) than whites
(W). The transfer boats has to have a disk to turn around. The
journal has the solution to the puzzle.
Island |
Middle Island |
Island |
4 W -
4B |
- |
- |
3W -
3B |
1W -
1B |
- |
3W -
3B |
- |
1W -
1B |
3W -
3B |
1W |
1B |
4W -
3B |
- |
1B |
3W -
2B |
1W -
1B |
1B |
3W -
2B |
1W |
2B |
4W -
2B |
- |
2B |
2W -
2B |
2W |
2B |
2W -
2B |
2W -
1B |
1B |
2W -
2B |
1W -
1B |
1W -
1B |
3W -
2B |
1B |
1W -
1B |
3W |
3B |
1W -
1B |
3W -
1B |
2B |
1W -
1B |
1W -
1B |
2W -
2B |
1W -
1B |
1W -
1B |
3W -
2B |
1B |
2W -
1B |
2W -
2B |
1B |
1B |
4W -
2B |
1B |
1B |
2W -
2B |
2W -
1B |
1B |
3W -
2B |
1W -
1B |
2B |
3W -
1B |
1W -
1B |
2B |
1W -
1B |
3W -
1B |
2B |
2W -
1B |
2W -
1B |
2B |
1B |
4W -
1B |
2B |
2B |
4W |
- |
4B |
4W |
- |
2B |
4W -
2B |
- |
3B |
4W -
1B |
- |
1B |
4W -
3B |
- |
2B |
4W -
2B |
- |
- |
4W -
4B |
Inscribed in a chest by
one of the columns are clues for the Arithmetic puzzle on the first
Triangular Symmetry - The object of the puzzle is to fit the
"barrels" in the triangle - pentominoe-like puzzle. Clicking turns
each part. Easter egg - under the triangle that opens the puzzle is
an animated jug.
Sequential Re-ordering - The object of the puzzle is to copy
the 4 columns of symbols on the left to the right side tiles, either
horizontally or vertically. Clicking on each triangle cycles the
symbol tiles. There are several solutions to this puzzle. 2 solved
puzzles are shown below. Easter egg - the golden bird statue
for resetting puzzles spread its wings.
Reasoning - The object of the puzzle is to arrange the pieces
on the triangular plate to produce a very symmetrical pattern - a
pattern that shows the left side as mirror of the right side and the
top side mirror to bottom side. The pieces to be added are in
correct angular positions already to give a head
Planning - The object of the puzzle is for the bug to drop
all the brown balls into the hole at the upper right. Easter
egg - the block on the right side of the wooden door produces an
Move balls to position ON the
head of the arrow (not beyond).
The bug's movement is
controlled by the computer's keyboard arrows
Push ball 9 to the left,
push ball 10 down, push ball 3 to
left. |
Push balls 1-8 in
hole. Push ball 10 up, push ball 9 in hole. Push ball 10 down
and to the
hole. |
Push ball 13 up, push
ball 12 onto head of blue arrow. Push ball 11 to hole. Push
ball 12 down and to the hole. Push ball 13 following pink
arrow to hole. Push balls 14 - 19 to
hole. |
Push ball A onto head of
blue arrow. Push ball B onto head of green arrow. Push ball C
down once. Push ball 20 to
hole. |
Start where the bug is. Move
ball 22 to the left 2x. Push balls 21 - 28 to hole. Push ball 29 up
2x and then push to hole. Push balls 30 and 31 to hole.
Push ball 37 1x to the left.
Push balls 32 - 33 to hole. Push ball 35 to the right. Push ball 34
-37 to hole.
Hexagonal - The object of the puzzle is to match the
geometric shapes on the sides of the plates to the adjacent plates.
Click/hold to move the pieces. Interchange the lettered plates for
the solution.
Runes - The object of the puzzle is to align vertically
the 6 triple symbols under the triangle pointer on top of the
screen, in the order seen on the clues in second floor Maze puzzle.
The first lever on the left (1) moves the outer ring clockwise and
the middle ring counterclockwise. The reverse of these movements is
done by the rightmost lever (4). The second lever from the left (2)
moves the middle ring clockwise and the inner ring counterclockwise.
The reverse of this movements is done by the second lever from the
right (3).

symbols |
1 |
Click Lever
4 |
times |
Lever 3 |
times |
2 |
Click Lever
1 |
times |
Lever 2 |
time |
3 |
Click Lever
1 |
times |
Lever 3 |
times |
4 |
Click Lever
1 |
times |
Lever 3 |
time |
5 |
Click Lever
4 |
times |
Lever 3 |
times |
6 |
Click Lever
4 |
times |
Lever 2 |
times |
- The object of the puzzle is to slide the pieces to produce
a design. Use the solved picture below as reference. It is best to
do the center first, leave 2 space in between the ends of the design
and then arrange the outer edge. Easter egg - an animated
This is one solution -
CD 1
On the right hallway by
the Professor's desk, is the final puzzle. After collecting all the
tokens, 6 pairs of ciphers will be shown on the door before
accessing the puzzle.
The object of the puzzle is to
find a cipher that match one of the pair of clues above. The
left panel, when turned over shows the token ciphers in the same
sequence as in the token box. The right panel consists of several
panels that can be cycled clicking the top left square. There will
be several ciphers that will match the clues but only one will have
one/similar cipher in both x and y grid.
Press the ciphers on the
left panel in order as shown by the clues.
And see the
treasure of the Kavi - true Gems of Darkness.
walkthrough will be updated frequently. This document may not be
distributed without express written permission of the author and the
content may not be altered in any
Copyright ©
3/2001 MaGtRo | GameBoomers
Walkthroughs and Solutions