Crash Production 2002
[email protected]
A Lion is in the Streets
Chapter 1: Penumbra
Chapter 2: Through the Looking Glass
Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies
Chapter 4: Monsters
Chapter 5: There and Back Again
Chapter 6: The Storm of Chaos
Chapter 7: A Deep Blue Mirror
Chapter 8: Reunion
Chapter 9: Shadows
Chapter 10: Rebirth
Chapter 11: Kin
Chapter 12: Dreamland
Chapter 13: The Longest Journey
Epilogue: Thread
Prologue: A Lion is in the Streets
Goals: Talk with the Spirit Tree
Q: How can I put the big egg back to its nest?
A: You need to find help.
Pick up the twig from the old tree nearby. The spirit tree will talk to
you. He will help you returning the egg if you could help him with the
water problem.
Q: Where can I get the water for the tree?
A: There is a small stream on the
cliff nearby. You need to divert the stream so the water could reach the
soil under the tree. Get the nest behind the rock. Use the twig on the
stream then use the nest on it. Now the water will flow to the tree. Talk
to the spirit tree and he'll help you returning the egg to its nest.
Chapter 1: Penumbra
Goals: Meet Cortez, the key holder of the two
April wakes up from her strange dream. Who is the white dragon? What is
the connection between her and the dragon?
Q: What should I do first?
A: You need to go to the studio to
finish up your project. Get the diary and the photo on the desk. Read the
diary to learn more about yourself. You will find a time sheet from your
working place. Hmmrn.... April need to pick up her paycheck today. Open
the closet. Hey that's your favorite toy from home. Get the toy monkey.
Try to walk out from the door. April will remind herself to change the
clothes. She will grab the clothes and be ready to hit the street. Get out
from the room. Meet Zack outside the room. Talk with this snob and learn
how he likes April very much. Go downstairs after an interesting
conversation with Zack. Read the notice board on the wall. You will see a
pink note regarding your lost ring. Get it. Learn also about the French
cafe where you work.
Q: How can I get my ring back?
A: Talk with Fiona on the couch. Ask her
about the ring and show her the note. You will learn about the city and
your friend, Emma, from her. She is complaining about the broken pump. She
said that nobody could fix it. Too bad you do not have a time to help her
right now. You have something very important to do. Maybe later on you
could help her. Snatch the matches from the table before you leave. You
might need it later on.
Q: Who is this strange man sitting on the
A: You will meet Cortez for the first
time. A strange man indeed but with an interesting story. Talk with him
and he'll tell April about her nightmares. How can he know about it?
Q: Where is the studio?
A: It is inside the university, across
the park. Go right to the iron pathway where the town clock is. Take the
left path to the park. Go under the shuttle railway to go to the
university. When you enter the university you will see a yellow glove
sitting on the trash bin. Pick it up for later use. Climb the stair to
your studio.
Q: Where is my tools to finish the painting?
A: Get the palette on the workbench.
Use it on the easel. Emma will show up and bring the message from Cortez.
She told you that Cortez would like to meet at the place "Where
the kid visualize their dreams". An interesting message. Talk
with her. Regardless on what you tell her, she would think that you were
dreaming. She tells you that she would like to meet you in the French cafe
later on today. Am I dreaming again? The statue suddenly turn into a
Q: Where is the French cafe?
A: It is to the north of the city
clock tower. Get in and talk with you best friend, Charlie. You will have
a long but interesting conversation with him. He will tell you that Cortez
stood still in front of a poster inside the cafe for quite a while before
he left. Go left to the tables.
Q: Where is the poster that Charlie has
A: It is beside the jukebox. Look
closely at it and notice that there is a complimentary ticket below the
poster of Growing Pains Exhibition. Pick it up and read it (your map
should be updated with the new place by now). It is the ticket to enter
the Roma Gallery, downtown. This gallery has a show on child's artwork.
Hmmm.. maybe this is the place where Cortez wanted to meet. I need money
to ride a subway to downtown.
Q: Where can I get money?
A: Talk with your manager, Stanley and
keep on asking him to give your paycheck. Threaten him to quit when he
does not want to pay you. Show him the time sheet when he asked for a
proof. During the conversation, you will be given 2 choices: accept the
night shift tonight or reject it. Both options will give different
cinematic animations. Talk to Emma on the couch before you leave. Go to
the subway station after the conversation. It is located to the left of
the city park.
Q: How can I go pass the sensor door?
A: Buy a subway ticket first. Use the
gene scanner on the wall. Choose weekly ticket. Use your cash card on the
card reader (it is the eye shape on the machine). Receive the subway
ticket and now you could walk through sensor. Wait until the next subway
arrive. Get inside the subway. Look at the subway map and select Watertown
Q: Where is Cortez?
A: Go inside the gallery. The usher is sleeping. April will put
the ticket on the bowl. Go to the far end comer and talk to Cortez. The
answers of his questions are 'Art' and 'Truth'. He'll tell you to meet him
again tomorrow. After this conversations you could head back to your
apartment if you reject the night shift offer from your work or go to the
French Cafe for the night shift. If you choose to reject the night shift,
go home and talk with Fiona. This will trigger the ending of chapter 1.
Chapter 2: Through the Looking Glass
Goals: Find a way to visit Arcadia and seek
Brian Westhouse
Q: Where can I find Cortez?
A: Ask Fiona about it and you will
realize that Zack is the only one who knows about Cortez hangout place. Go
back upstairs and knock on Zack's door.
Q: How can I make this sleazy Zack tell me
about Cortez hangout place?
A: The only way to convince him is by
accepting his date request. I know it is pretty lame but that is the only
way to do it. Zack told you to seek Cortez inside the Mercury Theatre at
Metro Circle. Go there using the subway.
Q: How can I get into the theatre?
A: Talk to the caretaker. Apparently he
has problem with the neon and he will not help you until he fix the
problem. This is great. Now I need to help him fixing the neon. Look at
the fuse box. Seems that this is the source of the problem. There is a
small problem though. There is a fat guy standing in front of the box and
he refuse to go away.
Q: What should I do to make this fat guy go
A: Keep on talking to him until he said
that he likes to have sweets for desert. Now you need to find something to
fill his stomach. How about the candy at the French bar? Go back there and
pick up the candy on the bar. Come back and offer him the candy. Seems
that this is not enough for him. Lets do some trick here. Push the trash
can on the sidewalk in front of him. You will see a green ooze under it.
Dip the candy in the ooze. Yuck!! Now give this sticky candy to him. This
will do the trick. He will spit the candy to the caretaker and the
caretaker will chase him with the stick. Now you will be able to open the
fuse box ........ NOT. It is locked.
Q: Where is the key to this fuse box?
A: Okay, believe me. This is the only
puzzle that does not make any sense at all. You will find the key in
subway station near your boarding house, on the left rail. See that
glittering light on the railroad? How can the fuse box key stuck in there
is beyond my weirdest imagination. Anyway, it is too far to be reached
with your bare hand. You need something long to help you.
Q: How can I get the key?
A: Maybe there is something I could find
in the boarding house to help me. Go back there. Remember about the broken
pump? If you look at it, you will see a clamp stuck on it. If you could
get this clamp and combine it with something like a rope, you will have a
home-made 'fishing pole'. This useful tool will be adequate enough to help
Q: How can April fix the pump?
A: The pump does not work because
of the broken wire and the high pressure. There is a clamp stuck in the
pipe to close the hole on it. Use the gold ring to connect the wire. Now,
you need to manipulate the switch on the bottom right comer to start the
pump. Lets name them switch 1 - 4 from left to right. You need to push the
left switch to select the gauge and then the right switch once to move it.
So if I say 2 then you need to select the second gauge using the left
switch and then push the right switch to move it. This is the sequence: 2,
3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, and 2. You will see the light turn to green. This
will indicated that the pump has run. Now you need to lower the pressure
inside the pump. Turn the left valve to open the pipe and then turn the
wheel to release the pressure. The pump is working fine now. Get the clamp
and do not forget to take your ring back.
Q: Where can I find the rope?
A: Go inside your room and look outside
the window. You will see a rubber duck with something like clothes line
attach on it. Try to pull the chain. Hmm... it's stuck. If only I could
move that rubber duck. That seagull give me an idea. I just need to find
something to get its attention and it might be able to move the duck.
Q: How can I move the rubber duck?
A: Go to French Cafe and pick up the
bread on the table in front of the couch where Emma sat last night. Go
back to your room and throw the bread to the rubber duck. The seagull will
fly down and snatch it. At the same time the seagull move the rubber duck
also. Now April can pull up the chain and pick up the clothes line. Try to
attach it to the clamp. It doesn't work. I need something to hold the
clamp together. Hmm...... maybe I could use the rubber duck after all. If
only I could find it.
Q: Where is the rubber duck?
A: Go to the canal in front of the French
Cafe. You will see the rubber duck there. Get it. Look closely, and notice
the rubber band aid that covers the hole on it. Remove the band aid. The
rubber duck will be deflated. Blow the rubber duck and use it to hold the
clamp together. Attach the clothes line on it. Now, you have your own
homemade 'fishing pole'. Go back to the subway station and use it to get
the key. Now you could use the key to open the fuse box at the Metro
Note: If you are not quick enough
the duck will be deflated before you could reach the subway. You need to
release the rubber duck and blow it up again to hold the clamp together.
Q: There is a spark on the wire. I do not want
to risk my life to fix it. What should I do?
A: Remember the yellow gloves from the
university. Patch the hole with the band aid from the rubber duck. Wear
the gloves and pull the wire. April, you're an electrician now This act
will break the neon. The caretaker will go through the back door to find a
ladder. Follow him to the alley. Darn, he goes inside the theater and lock
the back door. I need to find a way to make the caretaker come out again
so I could sneak in to the theater.
Q: What should I do now to make the caretaker
come out?
You need to build something that can distract his attention. Notice the
smoke detector on the top of the trash can. You could use that to get the
caretaker's attention. Open the trash can and burn the papers inside by
using the match from your Board House. The fire alarm will be triggered.
The caretaker will come out and put out the fire. Hmmm... you need
something else to scare him. Go to the Metro Circle and get the fedora hat
on the street. Seems that the fat guy drop it here while running away from
the wrath of the caretaker. Go back to the alley. Use the hat on the
garbage bag. Look closely at the toy monkey. Turn the key to play it. Put
the toy monkey on the garbage heap. This is starting to become
interesting. Finally, open the trash can and bum the papers inside using
the match. The fire alarm will be triggered. This time when the caretaker
comes out, he will be scared to death because of the voice from the toy
Now you will be able to sneak in and talk with Cortez. After another
long conversation, Cortez will open the gate to Arcadia. He told you to
find a guy called Brian Westhouse in Arcadia. He could tell you more
detail on the story. Step in and head to Arcadia.
Q: What should I do here?
A: Talk to Vestrum Tobias, the priest. At
first, you will not be able to understand anything he said. Keep on
listening and you will understand it eventually. He tells you to ask
around the city for additional information before he could tell you more
about the story. That's great. Be prepared now for a very long
conversations with the inhabitants of Arcadia. First, of all go to the
market stalls and speak both to the map vendor and the merchant with a
cute talking bird in front of it. You will learn some of the history of
Arcadians. Head to the gate. Go to the small pier and talk to the old
sailor. Another long story but it is worth it. Notice his old chest. You
will learn about his companion, the talking bird. Finally, go to the dock
and talk with Captain Nevebay. He will tell you that he needs to get the
wind back for his boat. When you have learn about all of these
information, go back to Tobias and have another long story about Arcadia.
This time, however, he will tell you that the map vendor knows about Brian
Q: What should I do to make the map vendor
tell me about Brian Westhouse?
A: You need to do some errand for him
first before he could tell you about Brian. Notice that the errand boy has
quit the job. It is not strange because of the way this map vendor speak.
Ask him for the job and receive his first task. Deliver the map to captain
Nevebay at the dock. The map vendor will give you a delivery list to be
signed by the customer.
Q: I went to the dock and deliver the map but
he refused to sign the list. What should I do?
A: At least he gave you a coin. Okay, the
reason he does not want to sign because he thought that you will be able
to do bad things to him if he gave you his signature. He said that music
could block the 'black magic' while he gave away his signature. So you
need to play music for him. Go to the gate and talk with the left
merchant. Use the coin to the flute from the instrument merchant. Go back
to Nevebay and give him the list again. Go to map vendor and show him your
list. The next task is to deliver the map to the Rolling Man, or you know
him as Brian Westhouse.
Go to Brian Westhouse's hut near the cliff. Give the map and ask him to
sign the delivery list. Ask him about Cortez and he will explain about
their long time friendship, and how he ends up in Arcadia. He told you
that he could not help you to go back to Stark. Oh great, after all this
effort Brian just told you that he could not help you at all. Oh well,
maybe Arcadia is your faith. As soon as you're ready to leave the place,
Brian calls you back and gives you the broken watch from Cortez. He said
that it might be useful for you if you could fix it.
Q: How can I fix the watch?
A: Use the push pin from the pink
note to wind the watch. Hey, April open the gateway to Stark. Step inside
and meet Cortez again. He will tell you that you need to do four main
tasks to fix the chaos: find the stone disc, find the guardian, collect the four
jewels and defeat the vanguard. Seems simple enough. Cortez ask you to
find Father Raul at Hope Street tomorrow. Father Raul will be able to help
you more on this matter.
Q: What should I do to end Chapter 2?
A: Go to the French Cafe and talk with
Charlie. Sit on the sofa and wait for Emma. You will be given two choices
here: go for a date with Zack or ignore Zack and go straight home. This
choice will trigger different conversation topic with Zack on the next
morning but it will not affect the story.
Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies
Goals: Find a way to go to the Vanguard
Q: Where is Father Raul?
A: You could find him at the cathedral on
Hope Street. As soon as you come out from your room, you will meet Zack.
The way he speak is depend on whether you went out with him for a date
last night or not. Either way he still talk trash to you, so just ignore
him for good. Go to Hope Street and walk inside the cathedral. Go inside
the confessional booth to speak with Father Raul. He told you to seek
Warren at House no. 87 outside. He will be able to help you locating the
Q: Where is House no. 87?
A: It is on the left side of the street.
Step inside and talk with the little boy who sit on the staircase. He will
connect you to his friend if you are able to do a small task for him:
BREAK INTO the police station and look for his sister files. Right, he
think that it is an easy job!!! Oh well, we have no choice, haven't we. Go
to Metro West and speak with the police who stand outside the station. He
will tell you that there are only three means that can let you go inside
the police station right now because of the broken door: police, prisoner,
and the garbage truck
Q: How can I break into the police station?
A: Since you do not want to do any crime,
the garbage truck is the only mean for you to go inside the station. Look
at the dumpster outside the station (right on the intersection) and the
road block in front of it. If only you could make the road block move then
the truck could pick up the trash inside the dumpster behind the road
block. You will be able to hide inside it and sneak into the police
station. Not really a 'clean' idea but, need to do it. Look at the road
block. There is a panel that you can punch in a code to move the road
block to an appropriate intersection so that the truck could not go pass
it. Look at the intersection number on the street lamp. Punch in the
intersection number and the road block will block the other street. Climb
in the dumpster. The truck will come from the other direction and pick up
the trash from dumpster on its way to the station.
Q: How can I get inside the file room?
A: First, you need to make the workers
fix the door and second, you need to sneak past the sergeant behind the
counter to enter the door.
Q: What should I do to make this workers to continue their work?
A: Speak with the sergeant behind the
counter. Learn about the broken door. Talk with the workers. They need an appropriate
requisition form to go back to work. These guys have taken a very
long lunch hour. Open their tool box and pick up the form. Read it. Hey.. this
is the form. Show it to the worker. Darn, it's the form from last week, You
need to get a new one. Talk with the woman behind the counter and ask for
Requisition Form number 09042. Try to give the new form to them. April
will fill the form according to the old form. Give the form to the worker. Now this fat lazy man
will ask for a
Requisition Form number 09042-A. What a jerk..... Go back to the sergeant and ask for the form.
This time the worker have no choice but to continue the
Q: Why it took them so long just to fix the door?
A: You need to take
care this business by yourself. Look at the left video phone and notice the
number. Go the other video phone and dial the number. Tell the fat worker
that there is a phone call for him. He will leave the job and go to the
video phone.
Do the same thing with the slim worker. By the way, you could call home
too using this video phone. It's nice to hear your mother voice again. Try
to fix the wire inside the circuit box beside the door. The door
will open. But when you want to enter it, the sergeant will ask you to
step back. You need something to
distract this woman.
Q: How can I distract the woman behind the counter?
A: Ask her to pick
up the most difficult form to get from the shelf. Look at the image above
to help you locating that form. It is the complaining form on indecent
behavior. When she try to get the form for you the wire and walk through
the open door.
Q: How can I get into the file room? The eye
scanner does not recognize me.
A: You need an appropriate eye to do that. Go inside the locker
room. You will hear someone is using one of the stall there. Talk to
He will not talk with a stranger. So examine all the lockers and notice
the Sgt. Hernandez name on locker 4 door. Hmm... she's the only female here.
This might work. Tell him that you are Hernandez. He will ask you to pick up
the medicine and give you his locker key. Open the locker and pick up the
medicine. Notice that he has some kind of synthetic eyes. Hmmm... maybe I
need to switch this eye with something else. Look at the crack on the
mirror also. Pick up the mirror shard. You will see a note there. Pick it
up and read it. Hmmm... someone's birthday. Go back to the old theater at
Metro West. Get the toy monkey from the heap. Look carefully on it. Get
its wooden eye. Go back to police station and head back to the locker
room. Give the medicine to Minelli and ask about his wife's birthday. He'll sneeze and his
synthetic eye will pop out and fall to the
Q: Every time I try to pick up the eye, Minelli will shout and ask
his eye back. What should I do?
A: Turn off the fight so
he could not see it by flipping the switch beside the door. When Minelli sneeze, snatch his synthetic eyes on
the floor and change it with the wooden eye. Since it is dark, he could not
see it. Go out and use the eye on the scanner. Now you could use the
terminal. April will type up Minelli's wife birthday as the password.
Q: What should I look for on the files?
A: Look for Warren Hughes
information. Look at his sister's name and code number. You need to edit Warren's
information and print it out. Just for the sake of Warren, delete his
record. Now he will have a very clean record. View Erika's file from the
main menu by selecting her code number. Print it
out. Next look for Church of Voltec information from the main screen.
Click on Jacob McAllen
name. Search his file from the main screen. You will see a strange code on the bottom right comer. Memorize it.
Print the file. Now log off the computer and look at the control panel across
the room. Enter Jacob's secret code. Get
his folder. Look it up and you
will discover a Vanguard Data cube. It is time to go out from the police
station. Return to Warren Hughes and give him all the print out. He will
be grateful and tell you about his friend, Bum Flipper at the Newport
warehouse along the secret code to enter his Bum's place.
Q: What should I do to enter the secret place?
A: Knock on the door
three times. He will allow you to enter after you convince him with a
lengthy conversation. Look at the pit on the floor and enter the secret room. Ask
Bums about the Vanguard and give him the data cube. If you keep on talking with
him about the fake ID, he will eventually ask you to get him an AG unit in exchange for a
fake ID.
Q: Where can I get an AG unit?
A: Remember the crash site in front of
the police station. I bet that big ship will have an AG unit on it. Go
back there and talk with the guard. He will eventually tell you that he is thirsty.
Go inside the police station and use your cash card on the vending machine
beside the file room to get a soda. Go back to Newport warehouse. Use the
soda can in the paint shaker machine outside the warehouse. This soda can
is ready to blow out. Go back to the crash site and give the
soda can to the guard. It will blow out and ruins his robot suit. The guard will leave.
Use the mirror shard on the electrical fence. Now you could step in. The
flashing object on the ship is the AG unit.
Q: How can I get the AG unit?
A: You need an additional tool to get it. Go back to the police
station. Pick up the
screwdriver on the floor just beside the counter. Use the screwdriver to
grab the AG unit. Bring this to Bum Flippers. He will tell
you to go back again after several days for the ID.
Q: What should I do now?
A: Go back to the cathedral and speak with
Cortez. Return home to take a sleep. You need a rest after this long day.
Since that weird adventure in Arcadia, April always having a nightmare. She will wake up and
step into the glowing portal, back to Arcadia again.
Chapter 4: Monsters
Goals: Speak with elder spirit in Banta village
Q: Where am I?
A: You're stranded in front of "The Journey
Man" inn, Arcadia. Step inside and talk to the owner of the inn. After a
while, a strange looking fellow will come inside. His name is Abnaxus. He
will invite you to come to his house on the next morning. When April feel tired,
lie down on the comfy chair. The innkeeper will wake her up in the morning.
It's time to continue your journey. When you're ready to step out, she
will offer you an outfit. Accept her offer by helping her doing dome dishes
work. In return, you will receive several Arcadian coins.
Q: What should I do first?
A: Stop by at the map vendor and show him the list.
He will ask you to get Westhouse signature before he will give you a new
task. Go to Westhouse house and talk with him. Ask for his signature. Go
back to the map vendor. Your next order is to deliver the
map to Tun Luiec at 'The Journey Man' inn. It is an easy job, why don't we do it
before we continue our investigation. Go to the inn and ask the innkeeper
about this person. She went out already. Learn about her
occupation as a navigator and how she is so desperate to find a new job. Oh well,
we could come back again later on.
Q: Where can I get additional information on
the four discs and the dragon?
A: Go talk with Vestrurn Tobias in the temple.
He advises you to go to the Sentinel Enclave and talk to Minstrum Yerin
for additional information on a book called Scripture.
Visit Abnaxus in his tree house. Ask him about the dragon. He will tell
you the story of the God who fell from the sky and the book called
"Silver Spear of Gorimon". He said that this book hold the key
to that God. Visit
Brian Westhouse and ask about the God who fell from the sky. You will
learn the story of the winged people. Now it's time to visit
Sentinel Enclave. Climb down the ladder and enter the underground library.
Talk with Minstrum Yerin. Ask him to give you some books to read,
especially "Silver Spear of Gorimon", a book on flying people, a
book on stone discs of the balance (The Scripture), and a book on Draic
Kin. You will learn about an island called Alais from "Silver Spear
of Gorimon". The Scripture will tell you that the four discs have
been distributed to four different people: The gentle souls who sing
to the soil, The watcher of the wood, The person who make one of air and
sea, and The keeper of the dark flame. You need to find these four
interesting character for the discs.
Q: Who should I ask about Alais island?
A: The sailors should know something about
this island. Go to the dock and talk to Captain Nevebay at the White Dragon
ship. Ask him about the winged people and Alais island. Go to the small
dock and tell the old man about Captain Nevebay refusal to help. He
agrees to help you if you could bring his bird back. He said that Captain
Nevebay owed him his life so he could ask him to take you there.
Q: How can I get the bird back?
A: Go to the market stall and try to
play the cup game. You need to guess which cup contains the coin after they're
being scrambled by the merchant. If you could beat the merchant on this
game then you could get the bird back. This is a very hard game if you do not
know how to trick the merchant. Look at the coin and notice that they're made
of iron. Look inside your inventory and examine the screwdriver. It is
magnetized. That's perfect. Magnet and iron is a good combination. Challenge
the vendor again to play the cup game. Before you choose the
correct cup, use the magnetized screwdriver on the cups. You will be able
to guess which cup contains the coins. The merchant will become angry and accused you as a
magician. He will give you a calculator as a reward instead of the free
choice of gift. Wait a minute! This guy is screwing you.
Q: How can I make the merchant to give me the bird?
A: Offer him the
'magic' screwdriver in exchange of the bird. He will agree and hand you
the talking bird bird will talk to you. He asked you not to give him to
the old sailor. Sorry birdie, I need him to help me going to the Alais island.
It is a very important task. Go to the old sailor and give him the bird.
He told you to tell Nevebay about his debt. Go to Captain Nevebay and tell him
about the debt. He will eventually agree to take you to Alais island except
there are two minor problems. He needs a wind and a navigator before the
ship could sail again. An evil alchemist called Roper Klakks has captured
the wind and hide it inside the North Tower.
Q: Where could I find Roper Klakks?
A: Take the Road North and enter
the forest. You will be accompanied by the talking bird. April will give
him a
name: Crow. Keep on walking until you meet a strange creature. His name
is Bandu something. You could call him Ben Bandu. He is the mole
people, the one who sing to the soil. Hmmm... he must have one of the
discs. If only I could help him. He will ask you to find
out about his lost brother. Continue your journey until you reach a broken bridge.
Darn, there is nothing you could do about it.
Q: Where could I find Ben Bandu's brother?
A: Go back to the
edge of the forest. You will see an old woman standing there. Talk to her. She
will ask you to follow her to her house. Help her to stand up and follow the old woman to her hut. Great, she
lock you up in her house. You will hear a strange noise. It comes from inside the chained
cabinet on the corner. Someone is trapped there. Try to talk with the
person. Hey, it is Bandu's lost brother.
Q: How can I free him?
A: Pick up the broom and use it to break the
chain on the cabinet. Talk to him. Now you need to find a way to get him out
of this hut. Get the skull on the table and throw it to the small window.
Push Bandu's brother through the smashed window. The old woman is back and
changes into a monster.
Q: How can I defeat this monster?
A: Notice that one of the board on
the floor is loosen and it is connected to the pillar of the hut. Do your
timing right and use the loosen board to knock her out. Get out from this
horrible hut. You will meet Ben Bandu again. He will invite you to his
Q: What should I do
now since the bridge is broken?
Go to Banda village and talk with the elder and then crow. The elder will
tell you to sleep inside the Spirit Dig. Talk with Ben Bandu about the
Spirit Dig. Enter the Spirit Dig and sleep on the bed. You will have a
strange conversation with the elder spirit. You will meet Bak-Baar and
will be given the name April Bandu Embanta.
Chapter 5: There and
Back Again
Goals: Make
the White Dragon ship sails again
You wake up from your strange dreams. Talk to the elder and tell
him about the dream. He will give you the first disc: The Bandu Stone. It
is time to continue your journey. Take the path to the swamp. When you
walk through the swamp, you will lost the delivery list. Continue walking
until you meet the stoned man.
Q: How can I help this cursed stone man?
A: Go back to the screen after you crossing the bridge and pick
up the wild purple flower on the ground. Use this on the stone statue.
Hmmm... it is too dry. You need to mix it with something else to make a moisturizer. How about
the wild berries on the bushes. Try to pick it up. It's too far.
Q: How can I pick up the berries?
A: Use the flute to call crow. Ask
him to pick up the berries for you. He is such a lovely bird except he talks
too much. Mix the berries with the flower to make a moisturizing cream.
Use it on the stone statue. It works. Now you could enter the castle.
Q: How can I pass this strange maze?
A: There is a short cut for this
maze. Look at the statue with a hand stretched out on the bottom right
corner. Put the coin on the hand. Blow both candles on its hands. This
will invoke the door on the middle of the screen. The statue will move
again and turn into the one with a hand stretched out. Put another gold
coin. Voila, another statue will appear. Get the salt and pepper from its hand.
Now turn the hourglass on the big statue on the left and quickly run pass
the bridge that shows up before it disappears again. You will hear a
strange sound from the door beside
the mirror. Knock and try to open the door. Another hourglass will appear.
Turn the hourglass and run quickly pass the platform to the left
door. Open the door and enter. You will stand in front of a gargoyle statue.

Q: What should I do with this gargoyle?
A: Use the pepper on it. When
it sneezes, go enter the tower. Try to climb the staircase and the evil
alchemist will appear. Talk to him.
Q: How can I beat Roper Klacks?
A: Challenge him in several different
games. At least you could try something different though you will lost
since you could
only beat him in one game only. Use the calculator on him to beat this
alchemist. So long Roper Klacks!!!!
Q: What should do inside the tower?
A: Basically, you need to create 5
different magic vials using 5 different reagents. You could find four of
them reachable within the room. The other reagent is kept high on the roof.
There is a big brown book on alchemist on the pedestal. Use this
book on the pedestal to mix the reagents. The problem is that the reagents
page has
been torn apart. You need to find the missing piece first. As for now you
could only create one vial: The Invisibility Vial.
Q: Where are the four reagents?
A: You could find the green reagent on
the floor behind the red curtain. Move the curtain so you could get the green
reagent. The white reagent is kept on the bookshelf. Look at the reagent
table. Move the skull and you will find the blue reagent. The yellow
reagent is kept inside the
cauldron on the right side of the table. You could recognize these reagents
by smelling and hearing it. The green reagent is the spider web, the white
one is the cloud, the blue one is the catalyst, and the yellow one is the
Q: Where is the torn page?
A: It is in front of the mirror inside the
tower maze. You need to create the invisibility vial first before you could
pick it up, since there is a guardian that can see you through the mirror
reflection. Mix the white, green and the blue reagents in the cauldron to
create Invisibility Vial. Use the empty vial on the tap to hold it.
Go out
to the maze and drink the vial in front of the mirror. When you become
invisible, get the parchment on the floor in front of the mirror. Return to the tower
and put the parchment inside the book. The page will be restored.

Q: How can I get the last reagent, the Fire reagent?
A: Mix the yellow,
white, and the blue reagents to create Light as Leaf Vial. Use the empty
vial to hold it. Now drink the vial and grab that fire reagent on the roof.
You could also use the flute to call crow and ask him to pick up the fire
reagent but it is too heavy for him.
Q: How can I free the wind?
A: Mix the green, yellow, and the blue
reagents to create Bind Magic Vial. Then create the Big Bang
Vial by mixing the
red, red, and blue reagents. Use the Bind Magic vial on the soul stone
(the wind). Next, use the Big Bang vial to create a big explosion to free
the wind.
Q: How can I deliver the wind to Captain Nevebay?
A: Create a Wind Vial
by mixing the white, red, and the blue reagents. Use the flute to call
crow. Give the Wind vial and ask him to spread it on the cloud up there.
Now you need to go back to the dock and tell Captain Nevebay about it. Tell him about
the alchemist and show the Wind vial to convince him. Now you only need to
a navigator for him.
Q: Where could I find the navigator?
A: Remember about Tun Luiec in The
Journey Man inn? She might be back at this moment. Go there and try to find
her. Show her the map and speak with her. Tell her that Captain Nevebay
needs a navigator immediately. She will agree to help and meet you at the
dock. Go to the temple and meet Vestrum Tobias at the back room. He will give
you a sacred talisman. Go to the dock and speak with Captain Nevebay. You are
set to sail to Alais island.
Chapter 6: The Storm of Chaos
Goals: Sail to Alais island
Q: Where could I find Captain Nevebay?
A: Go to the upper deck. You will see him along with Tun Luiec.
Talk with both of them. They will tell you that the ship will arrive in
Alais on the next day.... Good, seems that everything is in order now.
What could go wrong? Shhhhh.... do not be so sure yet April. It is still
too early to be sure. Look at the orbs. It is a compass. Ask Tun Luiec
about the compass. She will tell you that it is a spirit compass. Go down
to the lower deck. As soon as you step down on the lower deck, one of the
crew shout to warn about the storm. Great, now what? Go back up to the
upper deck and try to persuade the captain to go back to Alais. Does not
work. You need to find another way. Talk with Tun Luiec about the compass.
She will tell you that the compass can only be affected by a strong magic
Q: How can I make the ship to sail back to Alais island?
A: Go to the lower
deck and pick up the apple from inside the barrel. Now go down to the
cargo room. Approach the flour sack. Notice that there is a worm who shows
up once a while. Eat the candy inside your inventory. Use the sticky candy
the flour sack to trap the worm. Pick it up and put it inside the apple. Yuck,
go to
upper deck and tell Captain Nevebay that the apple in the barrel has been
contaminated by the worm. Show him the apple. He will go down to
investigate this urgent matter. Now tell Tun Luiec to take a break for a
while. Tell her that you could look after the wheel. She agrees and walks
to the lower deck. It is the perfect time to change the course back to
Alais. Use the talisman on the compass to change the direction of the
needle. Tell her that you have been accidentally change the course (which
you didn't do). She will look at the compass and notice the change of the direction.
Tell her that the storm seems getting closer to the ship.
The ship will sail toward the storm. It is a very dangerous situation.
Better take back the talisman so nobody will notice that YOU ARE the one
who causing this big mess. Take the Talisman back from the compass.
Oooopps, the captain sees your act and become extremely angry. He grabs
the talisman and take it down to the lower deck.
Q: Where does Captain Nevebay hide the talisman?
A: Go down to the
cargo room. You will see a locked small chest. I can assure you that this
chest is not locked before. So this is where he hides the talisman.
Q: Where is the key to this chest?
A: You do not have time to find the
key now. Get the axe on the floor and use it to break the lock.
Accidentally, you hit the floor and create a big hole. There you go
April!!! The ship sink.
Chapter 7: A Deep Blue Mirror
Goals: Convince the Maerum that April is The Waterstiller
Q: What should I do now? I'm in the middle of nowhere
A: Use the flute
to call crow. Ask him to check for a way out. Promise him that you
will stay here and wait for him. After a while, you will see some kind of sea
creature show up on the surface. Try to talk with them. Touch their head. Oh noooo.... they pull you
down into the deep blue sea. You realize that you are in
some kind of an isolated cave with lots of writing on the wall. From the
ritual writings, you will learn that you need to mix three ingredients to create
some kind of a pill that allow you to speak with the maerum, the sea
creature. The three ingredients are the black pearl, a green stuff, and your blood. Yeah right,
now I have to spill my blood for this journey.

Q: How can I breath under the water?
A: From the other writings you will also
learn that you could use a special animal to breath under the water. Use
your mouth on the wall to learn that the strange creature on the wall produces oxygen.
Take the bubble-like animal from the wall and use it on you. Now you can breath
under the water. Dive into the water.
Q: Where could I find the black pearl?
A: Open the big shell on the
seabed to your left. Pick up the black pearl inside.
Q: Where could I find the green stuff?
A: Swim to the city. Try to talk
to the Maerum. You will not be able to understand a single bit of their
word. Maybe after you create the pill you will be able to understand them.
Get the green stuff from the cave wall. Swim back to the air bubble cave.
Q: How can I draw my blood?
A: Use the push pin to draw your blood.
Q: What should I do with this ingredients?
A: Now
mix the green stuff and the blood. Dip the black pearl in the bloody green
stuff. You will have a golden
pearl. Eat it. Hopefully this can help you to speak with them. Now you could go back to the city and speak with the
Maerum. Try to
take the harpoon. They said that you need to reveal part of the prophecy so
convinced that you are the Waterstiller before you can use it. The Waterstiller is supposed
to uncover an ancient shrine, bring light to the darkness, reveal the
ancient stone, and reunite the Maerum. So far you just the Gatherer.
Q: Where is the Ancient Shrine?
A: Get the crystal from the wall and
show it to her. She will tell you to look for more near the seaweed
outside the city. Swim outside the city and search behind the seaweed.
Push it and you will find the second crystal. Move the seaweed again to
reveal a small entrance behind it. Step inside and you will see a big
pedestal and two crystals on the cave floor. Is this the shrine?

Q: What should I do with the strange pedestal?
A: You need to place the
crystals on their appropriate places. Look at the pictures above to help
you. You need to turn the crystal around until the face of the crystals
facing the appropriate direction. Each crystal has three faces with a symbol
drawn on it. You need to position the crystals so their face should match
the images on the side of the pedestal (just below the crystals). Next move the middle rings so that the Fire goes
with Water, Bird with Fish, Maerum with Pyramid-Eye, and Pottery with the
Harpoon. Once you do this, the cave will be brighten and you can see the
story of the Maerum on the wall. It turn out to be that the Alatien
(Wingmen) and
the Maerum were friends before. Go back to the city and tell the Maerum
about the ancient story. She will give you the harpoon to provide a help
for your third prophecy. Q: Where could I find
the ancient stone?
A: Go to the shipwreck to the
right of the air bubble cave. When you try to enter the ship, a giant
snapjaw will show up and block the way. Use the harpoon to kill it. Pick up
its teeth as a proof. Go inside the ship and grab the
talisman. Bring both back to the Maerum and show them. She will ask you
to bring the Maerium Stone to her. Go to the ancient shrine and use the
talisman on the symbol. Pick up half of the ancient stone from the
niche. Take it back to the Maerum. Although you have help the Maerum to
discover their ancient shrine, she will not take you to see the Sleeping
God (The Blue Draic Kin) until you fulfill the final
prophecy: Reunite the Maerum with the Alatien.
Chapter 8: Reunion
Goals: Reunite the Wingmen and the Maerum
Q: Where could I find the Wingmen?
A: The inhabitants of this island
should know where to find the Wingmen. Use the flute to call crow. Ask him to
investigate the island. After a while, he will come back with some
information about the forest. Go to the volcano and look at the Giant
Tree. Go to the Giant
Tree. I'm pretty sure that there are voices here, where could they hide?
Approach the big tree in the middle and some stick figures will show up. They are the stick men. Talk with Stickman Wick
since he is the leader of the people. Ask about the Wingmen. He said that
they live high up on the mountain. Go to the top of the tree and look at the
giant crossbow. Go back down again and ask him about the crossbow. He said
that they will continue to work as soon as you could make the giant Q'aman
stop his snoring. That crossbow is your ticket to see the Wingmen.
Q: How can I find this Q'aman?
A: Stickman Wick told you that you need
to use the 'telephony' system in order to speak with him. There is one
small problem though. You need some kind of
a key to operate the idols. There is a special way to
communicate between the idols. Each idol could act as a transmitter and a
receiver. The problem is some of this idols have been damaged so they
could not work properly. You need to establish a special configuration so that Q'aman can hear your
voice through this idols.
Q: Where is the key to operate these idols?
A: Go back to the beach.
Pick up the rope from the debris near the water. Go to your left to the ruin. You will
see a big hole on the ground beside the tree. Tie the rope to the tree and
climb down the hole using the rope. Go to the bottom of the underground
cave. You will see a special place where the Wingmen and the Maerum used
to meet. You will find the key among the debris. Go back up and climb
the rope. Do not forget to take the rope back.
Q: How can I operate the idols?
A: Go to the volcanic cave to the north
of the forest. Enter the mouth of the big statue. Look through the eye of
the statue. You will see the symbol on the circle above the eye and its correspondent
idol through the eye. Use the key to activate the button. You could
scroll the mechanism to check out different symbols. Basically, there
are four idols in the island. You need to set up so that the idol at the
Giant Tree could reach the idol near the Q'aman. The only possible way to
wake up the Q'aman is by setting up this connection: Giant Tree -- Cliff
-- Ruin -- Q'aman. Use the ancient key to unlock the mechanism at the base
of each idol,
then use the arrow to set up the wheels (turn right for ear and turn left for
mouth). Look the images below to help you. Once everything set, talk
through the ear of the idol at the Giant Tree. The Q'aman will hear your
voice. Talk with him and set up a meeting place.
The smart telephony system of Alatien |
Q: How can I convince Q'aman to wake up and do his daily activity
A: Go to the Orlowol's village. You will see one
giant crab lying upside
down on the beach. Try to help it. Darn, you are not strong enough. Maybe if
you ask Q'aman, then this crab will be free again. Go back to Q'aman and tell him about the poor
crab. He will
agree to help you. Now, Q'aman will be fishing at the crab's village
Q: I went back to the big tree and asked the stick men to work again.
Now they need some kind of line to operate the crossbow. Where could I get
A: Talk with Q'aman at the cliff. He will tell you that he needs a
colorful bait to catch the fish. He will lend you the fishing pole after
he catch the fish. Then April can use the fishing line for the crossbow.
Q: What should I give him for the bait?
A: Give him the candy wrapper.
Leave him for a while and return for the fishing pole.
Q: What should I do with the string and the
A: Get the fishing
string and the fishbone from the ground. Take them both to the big tree. Give string to stick
men Wick.
Use the fishbone with the rope and attach it to the giant crossbow. Tell
Wick that you are ready to fly to the top of the
mountain. Move the lever. April will use the rope to go to the mountain.
Q: How can I cross the deep chasm?
A: Use the Wind vial on the chasm.
This will create a turbulence. Drink the Light as Leaf Vial and April will
over the chasm. Now you could ask the wingmen about the hidden city.
Isaam will tell you to go the city gate and ask the guard there to take you to see the sheer. Tell
the guard at the city gate that you're the Windbringer.
Q: The guard ask me about the 4 tales. Where can I get information on
A: Talk to the Alatiens. You will hear 4 different tales from 4
different Alatiens. The young girl (Sa'ena) will tell you The Tale of
Stars, the merchant (Neema) will tell you the Tale of Homecoming, the old man,
will tell you The Tale of Sea and Isaam will tell you the Tale of Winds. Now you will be able to answer all the
questions for the tales. Believe me it's easy. If you do not believe me
just the third option all the time. Enter the castle and talk to the sheer. After brief Reunion process,
you will
receive the Alatien Stone (the other half of the Maerum stone). The Maerum
will take you to the deep sea to see the ancient dragon or The Sleeping
Notes: You could reunite the two
lover also if you talk back and forth between Isaam and Neema before your
final conversation with the sheer.
Q: How can I enter this strange object?
A: Dig the sand and touch the large rock
on the left of the small orifice.
Look at the small orifice and talk through the sensor. Enter the big
orifice above it.
Touch the circular object. Oh my God, it is the Dragon Eye. Talk with the
Sleeping God and retrieve the dragon eye jewel. The dragon will take you
to the surface and board the Dark People vessel. Talk to the cloaked
figure. You will received a map and The Dark People Stone (the third
stone) from The keeper of the dark flame.
Chapter 9: Shadows
Goals: Escape from the Vanguard's men
Q: Once April walk back to the city, the giant cloud start attacking
her again. She will step into the gate and end up in the cathedral. What
should I do now?
A: Talk to the minister. Go back to the
boarding house after the long conversation. You will get a big surprise
Q: They shoot Emma. Where can I hide?
A: Run to the second floor. You
will meet Zack. The Vanguard will chase you and shoot Zack. Go straight to
Q: How can I escape from my room?
A: Look through the window (open it if
you have not done so) and jump to the canal
Q: There is a guard in front of the boarding house. How can I avoid
A: Drink the Invisibility Vial and walk to the right to the City
Q: Where is the way out from this Arcadia?
A: Go the French Cafe. You will see that the
door to the strange building beside it is open. Step through You will end
up at the Granny house. I think you can guess who is this strange old
woman by now.
Chapter 10: Rebirth
Goals: Retrieve the Stone Disc
Q: Where is the last ancient stone?
A: Visit Brian Westhouse and talk with him.
He will tell you a little bit more about this whole strange situation. Find
Abnaxus at his house. He is the one who hold the last stone, the Venar
Stone. All this time, he kept the stone from me!!!!!
Q: What should I do with the 4 ancient stones?
A: Go to the library (the
Enclave). Put all four stones on their appropriate hollows: Alatien stone
on the top hollow, Banda stone on the right hollow, Dark People stone on
the bottom hollow, and Venar stone on the left hollow. This will
trigger something on the dragon head. Dam.... it stuck.
Q: What should I do with the dragon head?
A: Pretty much you can't do
anything. Use the flute to call crow. Ask him to clean the bird crap from
the top of the dragon head. His deed will help the Stone Disc's creation
process. The disc will fall to the opening and straight to the pond below. Why
is this so difficult?
Q: How can I empty the pond so I can get the disc from the bottom of
the pond?
A: Try to turn the wheel on the wall down stair. No use. It is
locked. Talk with the librarian. He will unlock the wheel. Turn the wheel
again to drain the pond. Pick up the disc from the floor. Go back out from
the library and try to step into the city. There are enemies everywhere.
Luckily, the dimension gate appear again. Step into the dimension gate. You will be standing inside your
Chapter 11: Kin
Goals: Find a way to go to the colony
Q: Lady Alvane told me to use my talent to
open the gate. What does it mean?
A: Your talent is painting. Get the palette and the brush. Use them on
the canvas. You will eventually meet the other ancient dragon. Receive the
White Jewel. Now you got the stone disc, the star map and two of the
jewels. You need to find the entrance to the guardian realm.
Q: How can I go to the Vanguard Headquarters?
A: You could go there by using the
Vanguard Space Shuttle and if your ID ready. Go to Bum Flipper at the dock.
Your fake
ID should be ready by now. Now you have an access to the upper level of Stark. Give
him the star map from the ancient people so he could analyze the map for you.
Go to Metro Circle using the subway and enter the elevator on the left tower
to visit the upper level.
Q: I can not board the space shuttle because
of my appearance. What should I do?
A: You need a decent clothes to present
yourself. Go to the clothes shop. You will come out with a neat outfit.
Now they will allow to board the shuttle.
Q: How can I pass this front desk person?
A: You need something to trick him. Go to the pizza
machine. The pizza is one of the worst pizza in the whole planet. Get one in
the garbage. Bring this rotten pizza and tell him that
you have a special delivery for McAllen by showing it to him. He will open
the elevator for you when you insist to deliver it by yourself.
Q: Where is Jacob Mc Allen?
A: Search the desk for more clues. This guy has every information on
you. Jacob will appear immediately. I guess there is no escape for you
now. Follow him to the upper level and keep on insisting not to give up
the jewels. Eventually he will leave you in this computer room. Not alone,
but with this hideous beast .....

Q: How can I escape this monster?
A: Look at the computer and use it to
open the door. Get out. Go to the edge of the roof (on the bottom right
corner). Cortez will show up and
help you fighting the monster. Jacob Mc Allen will appear also and having
a conversation with Cortez. So they're the other Draic Kin. This is so
unbelievable. After the fight, go back inside and use the computer to
retrieve the stone disc back.
Q: Where is the entrance to the Guardian
A: Remember about the star map? Go back
to Burn Flipper in the Newport Dock. Oh My God !!!! He is badly wounded.
Gordon Halloway shot him to get the map. Fortunately, Burn has a copy of
the map in his computer. April will look at the monitor and memorize the
location of the entrance.
Q: How can I reach the entrance? It is high
above the sky.
A: Go back to the upper level of Stark.
Enter the tube station. Register yourself as a colonist. Ride the tube to
your destination.
Chapter 12: Dreamland
Goals: Entering the Guardian Realm
Q: What should I do now?
A: Try to use the ladies room. It is
locked. Now try the men's room instead. Move over the trash under the left
sink. You will see a grate behind it. Use your coin to open the grate.
Enter the hole. Look at the screen on your left. Click on 1 to go to the
security room. If you like inside this security room, you will see the
security panel on the left wall. This basically control the guard rotation
in four spots: Cell, Airlock, Cargo, and Rest Area.
Q: How can I get my hand on that security
A: Notice that mug on the table and how
the guard occasionally drink from it. If only you could find some kind of
drugs to put into that mug. Go back to the toilet and look at the
dispenser on the left wall. Hmm.. this is interesting. An instant heat
pills for men. Use your cash card on the dispenser. Go back to the
ventilation path. This time take exit number 2. Look at the camera on the
ceiling. Pull out the cable and quickly go back to the ventilation. Go out
through exit number 1 as quick as possible. Put the pills into the mug. Go
back to ventilation system and immediately go back to exit number 1. Wait
for a while until the guard drink from the mug. The reaction from the
pills will occur almost immediately.
Q: What should I find here?
A: Look at the computer below the
security panel. Learn that there is an important prisoner, Adrian the Twelfth
Guardian, inside cell number 5.
Q: How can I reach this prisoner?
A: Look at the security panel. Order
the guard at the cell to take a break in the rest area. Search the jacket
on the seat. You will get the cell key. Go out from the office through the
door and head straight to the cell in the far exit. Open the key box in
front of cell number 5. Use the cell key to unlock the cell. Talk with
Q: Where is the way out from this colony?
A: Go back to the security office and
look at the panel again. Tell the guard in the rest area to go back on
duty and the guard in front of the airlock to take a break. Bring Adrian
to the airlock. Operate the red button the panel at the bottom right
corner area. This will open the pod container. This pod is your way out
from this colony. Try to operate the yellow button. Darn ... it is stuck.
Look carefully at the panel on the pod. The oxygen filter is missing. No
wonder .....
Q: Where could I find the oxygen filter for
this pod?
A: Go back to the security office and
look at the panel again. The cargo room should have something. Order the
guard at the rest area to go back on duty and the guard in front of the
cargo room to take a break. Head to the cargo room through the path on the
left wall in front of the security office. Operate the terminal on the
right wall. The oxygen filter is kept inside box L10-9. This box is
located at far left corner of this room. Get the filter and go back to the
security office again. Operate the security panel. Order the guard at the
rest area to go back on duty and the guard in front of the airlock to take
a break. Attach the filter on the pod and push the yellow/launch button.
Watch how April reach the Guardian Realm.
Chapter 13: The Longest Journey
Goals: Pass the Three Trials to become the
Thirteenth Guardian
Q: What should I do now?
A: Walk toward the tower in the
distance and face the first trial, The Trial of Might.
Q: How can I pass the Trial of Might?
A: Apply the Bind Magic Vial on the
Talisman of Balance. Use it to defeat the Chaos Cloud. Walk to the other
side of the chasm once you defeat the cloud.
Q: How can I pass the Trial of Spirit?
A: You will face your own worst enemy,
your stepfather. Show him that you still care about him no matter what he
has done to you by showing him the gold ring. That will overcome the
second trial.
Q: How can I pass the Trial of Matter?
A: Use the flute to call crow. Ask him
to investigate the area below the fog. He will return to you and said that
there is NOTHING down there. Ask him again to investigate the tower. He
will come back with the information on Well of Making. Ask him one more
time to investigate the Well and bring some water from it. The water from
Well of Making will make something out of NOTHING below the fog. Ask him
to drop the water on the fog and voila, there is a bridge connecting the
edge and the tower. Step into the tower.
Q: What should I do now to open the door to
the tower?
A: Look into the Well of Making. There
is water down there. Drop the Talisman of Balance in the well. You will
see a reflection of a hand. Touch the hand and you will open the door. The
twelfth guardian will show up and help you entering the tower. Gordon
Halloway will show up and start a fight with Adrian.
Q: How can I help Adrian?
A: Throw the Talisman of Balance to
Gordon Halloway. It will clean his soul and balance the anger within him.
It turn out to be that Gordon is the Thirteen Guardian. How can it be? Who
is April then?
Epilogue: Thread
The old lady on the rocking chair talked with her long time companion,
Crow. You all guessing right, she's April Ryan. Wrapping up her stories,
she is giving the hint to continue her tales in other times. Maybe soon
we'll experience her next incredible journey. Until then we'll just sit
and hope that we'll be able to see The Longest Journey part Two rising
from the horizon.