This is a complete overview of all actions you can score points
by performing in Return to Zork.
Made by Odd Ogreid
2 Throw rock at vulture
1 Dig up bonding plant
2 Tie vines to planks
2 Raft to West Shanbar
2 Strike bell at school house
2 Get notebook from Ms. Peepers
2 Remove chock from water wheel
1 Open door to store with key
2 Give tickets to Waif
1 First toast with Boos
1 Second toast with Boos
1 Third toast with Boos
2 Ask Boos for his keys after third toast
1 Fourth toast with Boos
2 Use Boos' keys to get to second mill
1 Get bra box after Pugney allows you
1 Turn silo latch clockwise with crank
1 Get mirror
1 Get thermozz
1 Get soap
2 Burn hay
2 Warm hands
5 Milk cow with thermozz
2 Burn bra in incinerator
2 Cool wire with water
2 Shake cereal box twice
2 Beat Moodock at Survivor
2 Give sword to blacksmith
15 Solve slide puzzle
5 Threaten blacksmith to get true dwarven sword back
2 Feed carrots to cow
5 Drink milk the third time
1 Put soap in sink and turn on water
2 Wash Waif's gift
2 Pay for a room
2 Put illuminyte on nightstand
2 First dream about Morpheus in bed at inn
2 Second dream about Morpheus in bed at inn
2 Third dream about Morpheus in bed at inn
1 Strike metal tree with sword
2 Give thermozz with milk to bowman
2 Get fairy dust
2 Get letter from Ben
2 Learn cow hitch from Ben
2 Rent boat
2 Put rats into motor
101 points in total so far
2 Show Witch Itah picture of cow
2 Give letter from Ben to Witch Itah
5 Exit creeping bog
2 Remove bats from cage
1 Summon ferryman
2 Show coin to ferryman
2 Read scroll for duck
2 Open safe
5 Reflect Canuk's spell with mirror
1 Summon ferryman to get back
1 Get frozen meat
1 When meat starts rotting
2 Sprinkle fairy dust on rotting meat
2 Throw rotting meat to vultures
2 Tie rope to tree
2 Tell first joke at comedy club
2 Tell second joke at comedy club
2 Tell third joke at comedy club
2 Tell fourth joke at comedy club
1 When Cliff gives you a disc piece
1 Blow whistle with magnet to summon a vluture
2 Give illuminyte to lighthouse keeper
2 Ask lighthouse keeper about disc pieces
1 Tie rope to rail with cow hitch
2 Tie talon to rope
2 Throw rope
10 Get through mine tunnel
1 Kill first troll guard
1 Kill second troll guard
1 Kill third troll guard
2 Get necklace from troll leader
1 Setting off the trap under the pile of leaves
1 Cut trap open with sword
1 Strike boar three times with sword
1 Pick out a disc piece from the boar
2 Show necklace to spider
1 Cut spider web
2 Put bat guano in flask
2 Fill flask with water from backside of waterfall
2 Put disc pieces into trencher
20 Forge disc
200 points in total so far
15 Throw frobozz disc at wall of illusion
5 Play recording of Alexis to orc guard
5 Meeting Morpheus
225 points out of a total of 225 points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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