This set of instructions is the minimum list of actions that you must
perform to get through the game. Be warned that if you follow this list,
you will finish the game, but you will miss out on most of the fun!
Select Navigation Screen
Select Pollux IV
Beam Down to Planet
Talk to Priest
Enter Souther Building
Talk to Settlers
Exit Building
Exit North
Shoot all Klingons with stun phaser, get Klingons hand that falls off,
and exit north.
Pick Berries
Take berries to northern building at beam site
Use berries on synthesizer
Take Hypotoxin
Use Hypotoxin on sick settler in southern building
Take Klingon hand to lab in north building
Use hand on workbench
Get skull & key from glass case
Go north to cave-in
Use kill phaser until rocks are cleared
Use McCoy on colonist
Use Klingon hand on panel next to the door
Enter Tunnel
Use panel under artwork
Set all levers to center position
Greet the alien in the name of the Federation
Use Items from glass case above on alien
Fight Pirates
Hail Masada
Talk Spock
Use Computer
Use Uhura(send prefix code) 293391-197736-3829
Beam to Masada
Use McCoy on crewmember
Exit East
Get Junk in Hall
Look at Doors
Goto brig door
Use Stun Phaser on guards
Use Spock on wires under control panel & take wires
User Spock on Brig Controls
Exit back to corridor
Use Red Phaser on Phaser Welder
Use Phaser Welder to the left of the bridge door
Exit South
Transporter Room:
Use Phaser Welder on Metal Bits(Makes Transmogrifier Bit)
Use Transmogrifier Bit on Transmogrifier
Use Transmogrifier w/ Bit on Transporter Controls
Use Wire from Brig Cointrols on Transporter Controls
Use Spock on Transporter Controls(Beam to room 4)
Masada Bridge(room 4)
Talk with Elasi Cereth
Response 1
Beam Back to U.S.S. Enterprise
Fight Romulin Ship
Beam to ARK7
Use Spock on Central Computer
Use McCoy on Central Computer
Use Medical Tricorder on room & on Spock
Use Mccoy on central computer & read information
Exit North Door
Synthesizer Lab (Room 2)
Use Kirk on left cabinet
Take Anti-Grav Unit
Exit East Door
Research Lab(Room 3)
Exit North Door
Fusion Reactor Room(Room 4)
Take Wrench
Use Kirk on right closet
Use Wrench on N2 Tank Valve
Use Anti-Grav Unit on N2 Tank
Use Wrench on Lower Panel on Far Left
of Computer Console
Use Sci Tricorder on Insulation
Take Insulation
Exit south
Research Lab (Room 3)
Use Insulation in Distillator(south-most machine)
, makes polyberylcarbonate.
Use Kirk on Freezer Unit
Take Orborus Virus culture
Exit North-West Door
Synthesizer Lab
Use Wrench on Top of Gas Tanks(open gas feeds)
Use Spock on synthesizer controls
Take Water Canister
Use Polyberylcarbonate in Synthesizer Red Chamber
Use Spock on synthesizer controls
Take TLTDH Gas Canister
Use Wrench on top of Gas Tanks(close gas feed)
Use Anti-Grav unit on O2 Tank
Use N2 Tank on Vacant Valve
Use wrench on top of gas tanks(open gas feed)
Use Spock on synthesizer controls
Take Ammonia canister
Exit East Door
Research Lab(Room 3)
Look viral accelerator (Machine between NW & N doors)
Use Orborus Virus Culture in Viral Accel. Grey Chamber
Use Ammonia Canister in Viral Accel. Green Chamber
Use McCoy on Viral Accelerator
Take Orborus cure from Viral Accel. Grey Chamber
Exit North-West Door
Synthesizer Lab(Room 2)
Use Orborus Cure in Synthesizer Red Chamber
Use Spock or McCoy on Synthesizer Controls
Take Orborus Cure Serum
Use Orborus Cure Serum on Spock
Exit East Door
Research Lab(Room 3)
Exit North Door
Fusion Reactor Room (Room 4)
Use wrench on Air Vent(Upper right corner)
Use TLTDH Gas in Air Vent
Exit South
Research Lab(Room 3)
Use Kirk on Ladder(NE area of room)
Crew Quarters(Room 5)
Use Orborus Cure Serum on Romulans
Use Water on Romulans
Use Kirk on ladder
Research Lab(Room 3)
Exit North-West Door
Synthesizer Lab (Room 2)
Use Wrench on top of gas tanks(close gas feed)
Use Anti-Grav unit on N2 tank
Use O2 Tank on vacant valve
Use Wrench on Top of gas Tanks(open gas feed)
Use Spock on Synthesizer Controls
Take water canister
Exit East Door
Research Lab (Room 3)
Use Kirk on ladder
Crew Quarters(Room 5)
Exit North Door
Genesis Lab (Room 6)
Use Orborus Cure serum on romulan Preax
Use Water on Preax
Untie Prisoners
Talk to Preax
Response 1
Beam Back to U.S.S. Enterprise
Fight Pirates
Navigate to Harrapa System
Talk Spock, Hail Harry Mudd, Beam to Derelict
Cargo Hold:(Room 1)
Talk to Harry Mudd
Use Sci. Tricorder on Box behind Harry(Orange Orbs)
Use Sci. Tricorder on Box south or Orb Box
Use Med. Tricorder on Broken Box(White Specs on floor)
Take Orange Orb(Box behind harry)
Take De-Grimer
Take Lens
Use lens on de-grimer(makes new device)
Use new device on anything
Exit South
Engineering(Room 6)
Use Sci. Tricorder on Columns
Look Columns
Use Sci. Tricorder on Sav-a-ship
Use Sci. Tricorder on Hatch
Exit North Door
Cargo Hold(Room 1)
Exit North Door
Weapons Room(Room 2)
Use Sci. Tricorder on left Canisters
Use Sci. Tricorder on Control Panel(Red, Yellow, Blue buttons)
Use Spock on Blue Buttons
Use Spock on Red Button
Dialogue Response 2
Exit North-East Door
Sickbay(Room 3)
Exit North Door
Bridge (Room 5)
Use Spock on Controls
Take Doover (white device in black triangle)
Exit South-West
Computer Library (Room 4)
Use Spock on Large Orange Spheroid
Use Med. & Sci Tricorder on Large Orange Spheroid
Use Spock on Large Orange Spheroid
Use Small Orange Orb on Large Orange Spheroid
Exit East Door
Weapons Room (Room 2)
Exit South
Cargo Hold (Room 1)
Exit South
Engineering (Room 6)
Harry Talks to Kirk (Automatic)
Response 1 or 2
Use Doover on Sav-A-Ship
Exit North Door
Cargo Hold (Room 1)
Exit North Door
Weapons Room (Room 2)
Exit North-East Door
Sickbay (Room 3)
Use Spock on Harry Mudd
Take Vial from Dispensary (Center Panel)
Use Green Vial on Console below Dispensary
Use Medical Bag on Harry Mudd
Exit North Door
P.Bridge (Room 5)
Use Spock on Left Control Chair
a. Read Sensors
b. Read Navigation
c. Read Engineering
d. Done
Use Kirk on Right Control Chair
a. Read Viewscreen
b. Read Communications
1. Response 3
Harry Talks to Kirk (Automatic)
Response 2
Beam Back To U.S.S. Enterprise
A. On U.S.S. Enterprise--Klingon Cruiser
1. Cruiser Hails U.S.S. Enterprise (Automatic)
a. Response 2,1
2. Orbit Planet
3. Talk to Spock
4. Beam Down to Digifal
B. Meet Quetzecoatl (Room 1)
1. Use Sci. Tricorder on Quetzecoatl
2. Use Med. Tricorder on Quetzecoatl
3. Talk to Quetzecoatl
a. Response 1,1,1
C. In Pit (Room 2)
1. Use Sci Tricorder on Pit Area
2. Get Rocks (Behind Kirk)
3. Use Rock on Snake Hole
4. Take Snake
5. Use Rock on Vine Loop (Top Left)
6. Use Rock on Vine Loop (Middle)
7. Use Kirk on Vine
8. Exit West
D. Jungle (Room 3)
1. Exit West
E. Txolac's Place (Room 4)
1. Use Snake on Txolac
2. Use Snake on Kirk
3. Take Knife
4. Exit West
F. Jungle Path (Room 5)
1. Exit North
G. River with Log (Room 6)
1. Use Knife on Fern (near river bank)
2. Use Fern Leaf in River
3. Exit West (across log)
H. Cavern (Room 7)
1. Use Sci. Tricorder on Stalagmites
2. Use Knife on Red Crystal
3. Exit West
I. Quetzecoatl's Home (Room 8)
1. Quetzecoatl Talks to Kirk (Automatic)
a. Response 2,2,2
2. Beam back to Starship Enterprise
J. On U.S.S. Enterprise
1. Vlict Talks to Kirk (Automatic)
a. Response 1,2
2. U.S.S. Enterprise Warps to Hrakkour (Automatic)
K. Klingon Trial Room (Room 9)
1. Kirk Walk to Center of Room
2. Vlict Talks to Kirk (Automatic)
a. Response 2,2,2,1,1
L. Lightning Creature Room (Room 10)
1. Use Sci. Tricorder on Lightning Creature
2. Use Sci. Tricorder on Floor
3. Take Wood Rod
4. Use Kill Phaser on Floor
5. Use Wood Rod on Molten Metal (from phaser blast)
6. Use Metal Coated Rod on Lighting Creature
7. Use Sci. Tricorder on Door Lock
8. Use Communicator
a. Response 2,1
9. Use Spock on Door Lock
M. Gem Room (Room 11)
1. Take Three Green Gems
2. Use Three Green Gems on Pedestal (left side of room)
3. Kirk Walk in Yellow Light (right side of room)
4. Kirk Talks to Vlict (Automatic)
a. Response 3
5. Beam back to Starship Enterprise
(Spisode End)
A. On U.S.S. enterprise
1. Use Computer
a. Search Scythe
b. Search Lucrs
c. Search Sofs
d. Search Base 3
e. Search Base 4
2. Beam Down to Scythe
B. Scythe Surface (Room 1)
1. Use Sci. Tricorder on Ground
2. Take Rocks (on ground)
3. Use Sci. Tricorder on Head-Like (SE Corner)
4. Exit West Door (walk toward door)
C. Large Door (Room 2)
1. Use Spock on Door Lock
a. Input Code: 10200
2. Exit North (through door)
D. Security Lock (Room 3)
1. Use Spock on Left Console
2. Use Spock on door Lock
a. Input Code: 122
3. Exit North (through door)
E. Corridor (Room 4)
1. Use Sci. Tricorder on North Door Lock
2. Exit East Door
F. Laser Drill Room (Room 5)
1. Use Sci. Tricorder on Laser Drill Control Panel (far wall)
2. Use Spock on Laser Drill Control Panel
a. Power Setting: 100
3. Use Rocks on Keycard Template
4. Use Spock on Laser Drill Control Panel
a. Power Setting: 10
5. Take Keycard (created by laser)
6. Use Kirk on Box
7. Get Wire (in box)
8. Exit West Door
G. Corridor (Room 4)
1. Use Keycard on North Door Lock (door opens)
2. Exit North Door
H. Missle and Computer Room (Room 6)
1. Use Sci. Tricorder on Missiles
2. Use Spock on Left Computer
3. Use Spock on right Computer
4. Use Sci. Tricorder on Left Computer
5. Use Sci. Tricorder on Right Computer
6. Use Wire on Right Computer
7. Use Spock on Left Computer
8. Beam Back to U.S.S. Enterprise
(Episode End)
A. On U.S.S. Enterrprise
1. Uhura Response 1
B. Bridge of Republic (Room 1)
1. Use Med. Tricorder on Dead Man (right side of bridge)
2. Use Med. Tricorder on Dead Captain (by captain's chair)
3. Look Dead Captain
4. Use Sci. Tricorder on Captain's Chair
5. Use Sci. Tricorder on Computer Banks
(left/right side of bridge)
6. Exit South
C. Sickbay (Room 2)
1. Use Med. Tricorder on Dead Blue Shirt
2. Look Crew Woman
3. Use Med. Tricorder on Crew Woman
4. Use Medical Bag on Crew Woman
5. Talk oto Crew Woman
6. Use Communicator
a. Response 1
7. Beam back to U.S.S. Enterprise
D. On U.S.S. Enterprise
1. Use Intercept or Hail Choices
2. Fight Enterprise-2 and Two Elasi Ships
GAME END}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
NOTE: To win the game you must have a minimum of 18 commendation
points. Once ship is damaged during the Vengeance battle,
it must be repaired immediately, and the ship must be at full
speed when doing so(speed 0). Take out the Elasi's first and
then go after the Enterprise-2. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
The Spoiler Centre