The Egyptian Prophecy


(A Walkthrough by ZSZUBAIRIE)


Copyright © 2008.  All rights reserved.


Please, note that this walkthrough is copyrighted.

Hence, any attempt to reproduce anything from this walkthrough

will be severely punished to the maximum extent of the law.


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The Walkthrough




            This is a very easy and pleasant point-and-click game.  It is also what I would call a "fair" game.  I have played a lot of games where the developers introduce puzzles with "counter-intuitive" solutions.  They don't seem to realize that the use of such "techniques" might make the puzzle hard, but only because the "solutions" would never work in real life.  Thus, instead of being fascinated by the developers' ingenuity, the gamers are only aggravated by the trickery.  I am happy to tell you that The Egyptian Prophecy is not such a game.


            With that, let's begin the game!


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Chapter 1: Pi-Ramses


            As the opening cutscene ends, take a step forward and listen to Maya's comment.  At that point, turn left and step forward.  The camera will automatically pan to your left.  Speak to Djer, the supervisor of the construction.  When he asks for proof of your identity, bring out Pharaoh's Seal from your inventory and click on him to show him the seal.  At the end of the conversation, turn right and go out of the temple.


            You will see a door to your right.  That door leads to the Storehouse Courtyard.  Ignore it for now and step to your right.  You will find another door on your left.  This is the Courtyard of the Priests' Houses.  Go in that courtyard.  Take two steps to your right to approach the FIFTH door (right of the large white urn on the ground).  Look up to see a fine etching in the slab above the door.  This is Paser's house.


            Enter the house and go through the second door.  You will see Paser lying on the floor against the wall in front of you.  Go and talk to him, exhausting all the topics and sub-topics to gain the fullest possible account of the situation.  Leave the house and step out of the Priests' Courtyard.  Approach the two brick-layers working on your left.  You will be able to speak only to the one who is standing.  We will call him the Dreamer (because that is what the heroine calls him later in the game).  Talk to him.  Show him Pharaoh's Seal and he will agree to answer your questions.  Exhaust all topics of conversation.


Go through the door on your right to arrive in what we will call the Temple Courtyard.  Enter the temple through the door on your right.  Maya will comment.  Take a step to your left, and the camera will automatically pan down to the floor.  "What's this?"  Pick up the "Piece of a Cartouche" from the left of the base of the floor lamp.


            Turn right and take three steps.  Turn right again and take FIVE steps.  Turn right yet again and approach Djer.  Talk to him and he will give you a Second Piece of a Cartouche.  We need to put these two pieces together now.  So step out of the temple again, through the door on your right, and approach the Dreamer on your right.  Give him the two pieces of the cartouche, one by one, and he will return them to you glued together as the Mysterious Cartouche.


Go to Paser.  Ask him about the Mysterious Cartouche and then, show it to him, but he will not be able to identify it.  Go through the door on your right to enter Paser's workshop.  Approach the corner of the room left of the door in front of you.  Look down on your left and pick up the Torch (from the raised stone platform left of the floor lamp in that corner).


            Go back to the Temple Courtyard through the door on the Dreamer's right.  Enter the temple through that entrance.  Turn left and take three steps.  Turn right and take two steps.  Turn left and take three steps.  Click on the brown cabinet-like door in front of you and Maya will tell you that "it's the naos," and that you are in the heart of the temple.


            Note the empty cartouche-socket left of the cabinet.  Click on the three other cartouches on either side of the cabinet to learn about the gods they depict.  Approach the wall on your left and click.  There seems to be a secret passage behind that wall.  Step back to the cabinet and place the Mysterious Cartouche in the empty socket.  Bring out the Torch from your inventory, light it on the floor lamp left of the cabinet, and enter the secret passage.


            The camera will automatically pan around to the door as it closes behind you.  Turn back around, step forward and pick up the Cartouche of Amun-Re from the floor.  Turn left and step towards that wall.  Look down and remove the broken piece of the floor.  Pick up the Foundation Deposits.  A cutscene follows.


The Cartouche Puzzle


            Return to the locked door.  Close up on the hieroglyphs etched in the wall left of the door.  The inventory menu will pop up with the book icon ("Documentary Database") flashing.  Click on that icon to read about "The Cartouche of Ramses II."  More importantly, however, note the two cartouches shown on your right.  It is the cartouche on the right (shown below) of the two that we must reproduce.  But first, we must activate the puzzle.  So bring out Pharaoh's Seal and click on the oval symbol around which the tiny white dots are floating.  The puzzle begins, indicated by the dots now floating around both the heads and the bases of the two snakes on either side of the cartouche in the middle.  These dots mark the controls for rearranging the various parts of the cartouche itself.  Use the four controls to produce the following image.




Note:  I don't think that the computer randomly generates the starting positions of the movable parts of the cartouche.  If that is true, then the following is the simplest possible solution I could find to this puzzle.


Click ONCE at the BASE of the Left snake.

Click ONCE on the HEAD of the Left snake.

Click THREE times at the BASE of the Left snake.


            The door opens.  Go upstairs and out of the naos.  A cutscene will show the Torch going out, but don't worry about that because we don't need it now.  Leave the temple and go to Paser.  Talk to him, exhausting all topics.  Show him the Foundation Deposits, and exhaust all topics of conversation again.  He will give you the Purification Vase.  [Note: you can click on Paser again and talk to him about how "The Temple is cursed."  If you then exhaust that line of conversation, Paser will tell you exactly what you must do next.]


            Return to the naos.  Use the Purification Vase on the mysterious cartouche you had placed earlier, to now destroy it.  Then, place the Cartouche of Amun-Re in the empty socket to reseal the crypt.  Return to Paser and talk to him.  At the end of the conversation, he will give you a Black Stone and fall unconscious.  Go to his workshop on your right.  Approach the small brown wooden statue, under the wall cabinet, on your left.  Close up on the statue and place the Black Stone in the triangular slot at the base of the statue.  Pick up the Quarry Documents.


            Leave Paser's house and the Priest's Courtyard.  Step forward and use the temple entrance on your right to enter the temple.  Go and talk to Djer, exhausting all topics, to tell him about your accomplishment and also to gain some information.  Then, use the door on your right to step out of the temple again.  Approach the boatman sitting in front of a door on your left.  Click on him, and the cutscene that follows will take you to the next chapter.


Chapter 2: Aswan


            Take four steps forward.  Turn right and take another step.  Now look to your left to find a man holding his head as he sits on a rock in front of a house.  This is Ouni.  Talk to him.  Give him the Quarry Documents.  Another dialog will follow.


            Take one step left of Ouni, turn around and look down on the ground to your right.  Pick up a Dolerite Ball.  Bring it back out of your inventory and click on the rock (right of the dolerite balls), to see it break against the rock.  Pick up the Damaged Dolerite Ball and return to Ouni.  Talk to him again, and exhaust all topics.


            Turn right and enter Ouni's house.  Go through the next three doors to arrive in what we will call the Kitchen area.  Tuya is sitting against the wall on your left.  Approach her, and a cutscene will follow.  Exhaust all topics.  Tuya will give you the Transfer Handkerchief (thus teaching you the Transfer spell).


Go back outside the house, bring out the Transfer Handkerchief and click on Ouni.  The handkerchief in the upper-left corner of the screen will turn red, indicating that it has absorbed the ailment.  But we are not done yet.  We must now transfer that ailment on to another living creature in order to complete the transference.  Click on the donkey standing just left of Ouni.  (Poor thing!)  Ouni will announce that he is cured.


            Return to Tuya inside the house and talk to her again.  Before the end of the conversation, she will give you the Cobra of Hypnosis (thus teaching you the Hypnosis spell).


            This is a good time to explore the house and note a few things that will come in really handy in the up-coming timed sequence!  So go to the first room that you enter when you first step into the house.  As you enter the room, step to your right, along the wall.  Turn right towards that wall, look down and click on "A bitter apple."


Go to the door on your right and enter the second room.  Just as you enter, click on the little pile of yellow powder on a small brown crate to your right, to note "A bit of ocher."


There are two doors in front of you.  The one to your right takes you to the kitchen.  Go to the door on your left.  Look down on your left and close up on the papers (left of the pink jar on the ground, right of the cup holding the fire).  Click to flip through the "pages," and note the three remedies: (1) Remedy to kill a worm; (2) Remedy for the interior of the body, when in pain; and (3) Remedy to cure a man who has been bitten by a snake.


The door now on your right leads to a small store room, but we don't need to go there just yet.  Instead, go through the second door on your right (the one that leads to the kitchen area).  Cross the little dark corridor and go through the third door to arrive in the kitchen area.  Just as you enter, look down on the left and click to note "A jar."


            Approach Tuya in the kitchen and look down on her left.  Click on the clump of tiny white balls to note "Some gum."  Then, click to note "A knife" left of the gum.


            Turn right and approach the door left of the large grayish tree.  Click to note "Some terebinth" in the basket hanging from the wall left of this door.  Then, go through the door, to find yourself in the Store Room.  Look down on your left to see a reddish brown basket in front of a stack of jars.  Click on the basket, and a cutscene will begin the timed sequence!


            Step out of the store room to find that Tuya is gone, meaning you must prepare the remedy yourself.  Recall that the remedy for snake bites that we had found in the second room called for the following ingredients:


1. Dried Donkey Droppings

2. Gum

3. Ocher

4. Dried Terebinth

5. Piece of a Broken Jar

6. Bitter Apple Seeds


             As you step out of the store room (and Maya finishes her comment about Tuya), pick up the Dried Leaves of Terebinth from the basket hanging on your right (left of the store room door).  Go to where Tuya was sitting earlier and pick up the Gum and the Knife.


            Go to the door leading outside the kitchen and look down at the jar on your right.  Use the Damaged Dolerite Ball to break the jar, and pick up the Fragment of a Jar.  Go through the door out of the kitchen area and then the one leading to the second room.  Pick up the Ocher from the brown crate on your left.


            Go to the first room and approach the Bitter Apple on your right.  Use the Knife to cut it, and pick up the Bitter Apple Seeds inside.


            Step out of the house.  Maya will look to her right and wail that Ouni is also gone.  Look to your extreme LEFT and step forward.  "Hmmm… What's this?"  Pick up the Dried Donkey Droppings from the ground.


            Go back in the house and return to the kitchen area where Tuya had been sitting earlier.  Close up on the mortar and the pestle.  Pick up the Pestle, and put the above-listed six ingredients of the remedy into the mortar, one by one.  Bring out the Pestle from your inventory and click on the mortar.  A cutscene follows.  "Just in time…"


            Step out of the close up and go back into the Store Room.  Look down on your left at the basket that had had the snake in it, and pick up The Dolerite Papyrus.  Go out of the house, and a cutscene/dialog will follow.  During the dialog, Ouni will also give you a Dried Snake to help you protect yourself from future snakebites.  Exhaust all topics of the conversation.  Then, step left of Ouni, turn left and take four steps forward to return to the boatman.  Click on him and a cutscene will take us to the next chapter.


Chapter 3: Memphis


            Approach the guard at the gate on your left.  Talk to him, trying all topics, but he will not let you see the High Priest.  We need to find out his name so we can hypnotize him.  Turn around and enter the other gate in front of you.


            Step to the right of the pool.  Turn left and take two steps along the pool.  The camera will pan down to the pebbles on the ground, and Maya will point out that they might be useful.  So pick up a few Pebbles.  Step forward and approach the basket-weaver on your left.  Talk to him, exhausting all topics.  But he will not tell you anything but how to get to the High Priest's chapel.  Try to pick up the white object in the basket down in front of you, but the man will not let you do so.  Bring out the Pebbles from your inventory and throw them in the pool, just left of the man.  As he turns to look, pick up the white object ("Ostracon") from the basket.  Talk to the man again.  Give him the Ostracon and he will tell you the name of the guard.


            Go to the right of the man.  Take two steps forward along the pool.  Take a step to your left and approach the rope on the ground on your right.  Pick up the rope ("String").  Return to the pool.  Take three steps forward.  Click on the bird sitting on the wall in front of you -- it is a falcon holding a shiny object.  Pick up some Pebbles from the ground on your right, bring them back out of the inventory and throw them at the falcon.  A cutscene follows.  Pick up the object dropped by the bird -- it is a piece of copper.  Maya will automatically attach it to the "string" to make a Grappling Hook.


            Go back out to the guard standing at the other gate.  [Feel free to use the "Wedjat-Eye of Clairvoyance" spell on him, just for fun.]  Use the Cobra of Hypnosis spell on him.  Talk to him.  He will still ask you for a pass, but he will now let you pass if you show him any object in the LEFT part of your inventory.            Go through the gate and into the chapel.


Approach the High Priest on your right.  A dialog will follow.  Give the Dolerite Papyrus to the priest.  Exhaust all topics.  Give him the Foundation Deposits.  Open the cabinet on your right.  Use the Wedjat-Eye spell on the close-up icon.  Use the Knife to remove the broken piece of stone.  Pick up the Dried Scorpion, bring it out of the inventory and give it to the High Priest.  He will give you the Banner for Controlling the Wind (thus teaching you the Wind spell).  Step to the altar on your left and pick up the Key from its top.  Return to the cabinet on your right, and use the Key on the coffer down on your right to start a puzzle.


The Coffer Puzzle


We must set the six disks so that all the green buttons on the right side of the coffer will pop up.  In the following picture, I have numbered these disks 1 through 6, Right to Left, i.e., in the order that the key ("the white shadow" in the puzzle) enters the disks.  Note: in the following directions, I have asked you to click only on the TOP directional arrow (the one that moves clockwise).  I set up the solution this way because I thought that most gamers might find it easier to work with just one arrow throughout the puzzle.  But feel free to try something else.  For example, note that you can click on either the Top or the Bottom arrow any time I have asked you to click twice on the Top arrow; and that you can click only once on the Bottom arrow any time that I have asked you to click three times on the Top arrow.


            With all this in mind, let's unlock the coffer!



  1.  Click 3 times on the Top arrow BEFORE moving the key into the first disk.


  2.  Push the key into the SECOND disk and click twice on the Top arrow.


  3.  Push the key into the SIXTH disk and click twice on the Top arrow, to set Disk 6.


  4.  Pull the key back into the FIFTH disk and click once on the Top arrow.


  5.  Pull the key back into the SECOND disk and click 3 times on the Top arrow.


  6.  Pull the key all the way OUT OF THE COFFER and click once on the Top arrow.


  7.  Push the key into the FIFTH disk and click 3 times on the Top arrow, to set Disk 5.


  8.  Pull the key back into the FOURTH disk and click twice on the Top arrow, to set Disk 4.


  9.  Pull the key back into the THIRD disk and click once on the Top arrow, to set Disks 1 & 3.


10.  Pull the key back into the SECOND disk and click 3 times on the Top arrow, to set Disk 2.


            The coffer will open.  Pick up the Kyphi.  Talk to the priest.  Give him the Kyphi, to find that it is not enough.  We need some fragrant rush.  Go to the basket-weaver by the pool in the other courtyard and talk to him.  Exhaust the conversation. 


Look at the pool, just left of the basket-weaver.  Note the dark brown speck on a water-lily pad closest to the edge of the pool in front of you.  Click on the gear icon appearing on that pad to learn that there is something shining on it.  Use the Grappling Hook from your inventory on that shiny object on the lily pad, to bring the pad closer to you.  [Note:  Be sure to place the triangular tip (i.e., "<") of your cursor on the lily pad, completely covering the brown object on the pad, in order to succeed in moving the lily pad in the very first try.]  A cutscene follows.  Pick up the Gouge from the lily pad.  Give the Gouge to the basket-weaver.  He will give you some Fragrant Rush and also some Water Lily Seeds as a gift.


            Return to the chapel and give the Fragrant Rush to the High Priest.  A cutscene will follow, taking you to the next chapter.


Chapter 4: World of Ptah


            Take two steps forward and click on the rock down on your right, to learn that it is used as an anvil.  Return to your starting point, which looks like a cave entrance.  Before going in, however, turn right, step forward and pick up the Pincers from the ground in front of you.  Go back to the cave entrance and enter, to find yourself in what we will call the "room."


            Try to step out of the exits on your left and right, one by one, to find yourself returning to the same spot with the anvil rock.  The place is enchanted.  Return to the room and approach the statue in the center.  Click on its right hand (the one on your left), to learn that a piece of the key it is holding is missing.  Click on the jar at the statue's feet, to learn that the head of Thot on the canopic jar is stuck.  Use your Pincers to loosen Thot's head.


            Click once on Thot's head.  Step out of the room through any one of the three exits.  A cutscene will follow.  Maya informs us that the turning of Thot's head has opened a passage into another part of the first hall.  Approach the dwarf on your left.  Talk to him, exhausting all topics of the conversation.  The menu at the bottom of the screen will pop up, with the Book icon (i.e., the "Documentary Database") flashing.  Click on that icon to learn about the Sistrum.


            Return to the room.  Click once on Thot's head.  Step out of the room, take a step forward and pick up the Bronze Strip down on your right.  Then, take a step to your right and pick up the Handle.  Go through the cave-like entrance on your right to return to the room.


            Click once on Thot's head again.  Step out of the room and note the two objects on your left: a long rope and some kind of a conic object on the ground.  Step to your left and pick up the Mallet.  Use your Knife to cut a Length of Rope.  Return to the room.


            Click once on Thot's head.  Step out of the room and approach the anvil on your right.  Bring out the Bronze Strip and click on the lava on your left to heat the strip.  Place the heated strip on the anvil and use the Mallet to "fashion" it.  Attach the Handle to the strip and pick up the Mute Sistrum.  Return to the room.


            Click once on Thot's head.  Step out of the room.  Approach and talk to the dwarf on your left.  Attach the Length of Rope from your inventory to the rope dangling above and to the left of the dwarf's head.  Click on the dwarf, and a dialog will follow.  He will give you the rods (which will be automatically attached to the Mute Sistrum, completing the instrument) and also tell you how to invoke Ptah.


            Return to the room and click three times on Thot's head.  Step out of the room and approach the anvil.  A cutscene will follow.  Feel free to exhaust all topics of the conversation, but Ptah will give you only the information concerning the immediate tasks.




Return to the Room and click once on Thot's head.  Step outside and talk to the dwarf, to get an Empty Mold from him.  Return to the Room and click three times on Thot's head.  Step outside and approach the anvil.  Fill the Empty Mold with lava from your left.  Place the contents of the mold on the anvil.  Pick up the Lava Object (after it has turned from a bright red to a dark gray).  Return to the Room and attach the Lava Object to the key in the statue's hand.  A golden scepter appears in a wall alcove on your left.  Go and click on the scepter.  Step out of the Room to find yourself in another room, almost identical to the first one.




            Approach the statue.  Place the Damaged Dolerite Ball on the white slab down in front of the statue.  A compartment opens at the base of the statue, and the inventory menu also pops up with the Book icon ("Documentary Database") flashing.  Read the book to learn "The Rite of the Four Balls."  Pick up the four balls from the compartment.  Note the four alcoves (depicting different pictures) in the wall around the room.  Place the balls in the alcoves, as follows.



            Step outside to find yourself in yet another but almost identical room.




            Approach the statue in the center of the room and click on it.


Question: "What did Ptah accomplish with his heart and tongue?"


Answer: "He created… the world."


A kind of music will begin, which you must now replicate.  Use the Purification Vase on the bowl down at the statue's feet.  Pick up the Bowl of Lava.


            Note that there are four alcoves in this room as well, with water dripping in three of them.  After finishing your conversation with the statue, turn around to face the entrance you had used to come into this room.  Go to the alcove LEFT of this entrance, to find a small pool of water inside but no water is actually dripping.  Step to the alcove on your RIGHT, bring out the Water Lily Seeds from your inventory and place them inside the alcove.  A Water Lily Pad will appear.  Leave the pad there and go over to the alcove on your right.  Bring out the Sistrum from your inventory and place it inside the alcove.  Step to the alcove on your right, bring out the Bowl of Lava from your inventory and place it inside the alcove.  Step out of the room to enter the one with the dolerite tools.




            Note the three objects in the center of the room: Cube, Ball, and (upside-down) Pyramid.  (See Picture Below)  Starting from the pillar in front of you and going LEFT, note the following symbols on the pillars around the room:  a square, a circle, a triangle, and another square.  (See Picture Below)  The object of the puzzle is to place the Ball on the pillar with the Circle because you can pick up the ball only when you do so.



As Maya finishes her comment about the magical wind, bring out the Banner for Controlling the Wind.  [Note: you have to bring it out only once and it will stay active through the rest of the puzzle.] 


1.  Click on the Ball in the center of the room, to move it to the pillar across the room.

2.  Go left and click on the Cube, to move it to the center of the centerpiece.

3.  Go left and click on the Cube again, to move it to the pillar across the room.

4.  Go RIGHT and click on the Pyramid, to move it to the pillar across the room.

5.  Go left and click on the Ball, to bring it back to the center of the room.

6.  Go left and click on the Ball, to move it to the pillar across the room.


            Now "turn off" the Wind spell, go across the room and pick up the Magical Ball of Dolerite from the top of the pillar.  A cutscene follows.  Step out of the room, to find yourself back in the hall with the anvil.  Approach the anvil, and a dialog will follow.  Exhaust all topics of the conversation.  Ptah will give you the Bee of the Magical Wax (thus teaching you the Magical Wax spell).  Drop the Magical ball of dolerite into the lava on your left, to return to the High Priest in the temple.  A dialog follows.  Step out of the temple and approach the boatman on your right.  Click on him, to proceed to the next chapter.


Chapter 5: Aswan


            A dialog follows.  Exhaust all topics of the conversation.  Go to Ouni's house.  You will find Tuya sitting in the far left corner of the second room (where you had found the formula for curing the snake bite earlier).  Approach her and a dialog will follow.  Exhaust the conversation.  Give the Dried Scorpion to Tuya and another dialog will follow.


            Turn around and approach the far right corner of the room.  Pick up the Blank Sheets of Papyrus from the rolls of papyrus on your right (left of the large pink jar).  Close up on your left and place the Blank Sheets of Papyrus to the right of the pen ("Calamus").  Pick up the Calamus, bring it back out of the inventory and dip it in the white bottle filled with red ink on your left.  Since the calamus icon stays active, simply click on the blank sheet of papyrus you had just placed, to copy the healing formula.  Right-click, to turn off the calamus icon.  Pick up the Healing Formula.


            Return to Tuya and give her the Healing Formula.  She will give you an Unfired Figurine.  Pick up the Lighter lying on the rolls of papyrus left of Tuya.  Go to the door on your right and proceed to the kitchen.  As you enter, approach the gray tree in front of you.  The camera will automatically pan down to your right.  "Hmmm…What's this?"  Pick up the Twigs.  Turn left and step to the left of the kiln.  Turn right and place the Twigs in the hole at the base of the kiln.  Use the Lighter to light up these twigs.  Place the Unfired Figurine at the top of the kiln.  Wait for the figurine to turn dark; and then, pick up the Figurine of Paser.


            Return to Tuya and show her the figurine.  Feel free to exhaust the conversation, even though the topics have already been covered.  Go out of the house, to find Ouni standing there.  Exhaust the topics of the conversation.


            Turn left and take three steps.  Cutscene follows.  Take three steps towards the fire in the distance and pick up the Jar of Water down from your right.  Approach the fire now on your left.  Click on the fire, to learn that it is some kind of a magical fire feeding on itself.  Use the Jar of Water on the fire, but nothing happens.  We need a rug or a mat to smother it.


            Take a step to your left and pick up the Stick down from your right.  Turn left and take seven steps forward, going past Ouni to arrive at his house.  Enter the house.  After Maya's comment, go to the second room where Tuya was sitting a while ago.  She is not there anymore.  Go to the door left of where she had been sitting.  Pick up the Mat from the ground on your right.  Leave the house and go down the path (on your left) to the quarry.


            Approach the fire and use the Mat to smother it.  Close up.  Click on the mat to move it aside.  Use the Stick to move a knife out of the ashes.  [You will also get your stick back, as the Charred Stick.]  Pick up the Mysterious Knife.  Step out of the close up and go to Ouni (on your right).  A dialog will follow as you approach him.  Go left of Ouni and try to leave the quarry.  A cutscene follows.  Turn left and take two steps forward; turn left again and take two more steps to reach the boatman.  Click on him, to proceed to the next chapter.


Chapter 6



            Approach and talk to the guard standing at the gate on your left.  Turn around and go through the other gate (the one facing the guard).  Step to the right of the pool, turn left and take a step forward.  The camera will automatically pan down to your right.  Pick up the Long Stick.  Approach and talk to the basket-weaver by the pool on your left.  Take a step to your right, turn left and take two steps forward.


            Note the little girl standing on your left.  Approach her, and a dialog will follow.  Exhaust all topics of the conversation.  Take a step to your left to return to the pool; then, take a step to your right along the pool.  Maya will point out the "nilometer" on your right.  Step towards it, turn right and close up on the rubbed-out drawing on the top edge ("coping") of the nilometer.  Feel free to click on the drawing, to gain some more information.  Then, place the Blank Sheets of Papyrus on the drawing and use the Charred Stick on the papyrus, to make a Tracing of the Design to be completed.


            Step out of the close up and go back to the basket-weaver by the pool.  Talk to him, exhausting all topics of the conversation.  Give him the Tracing of the Design to be completed.  He needs an egg to complete the drawing for you.  Turn right and note the blue plate lying on the ground left of a tree.  Step forward and pick up that Plate.


            Turn right and take four steps to reach the wall left of the entrance gate.  Place the Plate on the ground in front of you.  Use the Long Stick on the nest in the wall above the plate.  Pick up the plate with the Smashed Egg.  Return to the man by the pool and give him the Smashed Egg.  He will ask for a calamus.  Give him your Inked Calamus.  A cutscene follows, as the man gives you the Finished Drawing.


            Go to the nilometer, close up on the coping and place the Finished Drawing on the rubbed-out drawing.  Pick up the Sacred Recipient.  Go over to the little girl now and give her the Sacred Recipient.  A cutscene will take you to the second part of the chapter, in the


World of Isis:


            A dialog follows.  Exhaust all topics.  Isis will give you the Magical Net (thus teaching you the Magic-Net spell).  Turn around and step forward, to reach the opposite end of this island.  Isis will now appear in the water on your left, indicating that you have reached the correct place.  Place the last of your Water Lily Seeds in the water down and left of Isis.  A water lily pad will appear.  You may now cross the water.  Step forward and a cutscene will show Maya getting on the lily pad.  Take another step, to reach the other bank.


The Altar Puzzle


            Approach the altar in front of you.  Isis will appear in the water on your right.  Note the three stones on the altar on your right.  (See picture below).  Each stone depicts the god of an "element."  Pick up one of these stones and Isis will explain the objective and rules of the puzzle.  Note that the bottom line is that Nut must not be left alone with either Shu or Geb on an altar.  Thus, the solution is as follows.



1.  Pick up Nut, turn left and take three steps to reach the altar on the other bank. 

2.  Place Nut on that altar and return to the first altar.

3.  Pick up either Shu or Geb and take it to the second altar.

4.  Place that god on that altar, pick up Nut and return to the first altar.

5.  Place Nut on the first altar and take the other god (Geb or Shu) to the second altar.

6.  Place that god on that altar and return to the first altar.

7.  Take Nut to the second altar and place it on that altar.


Note the green grass-like bridge that forms on your left, as Isis congratulates you on successfully completing the altar puzzle.


The Puzzle of the Five Islets


Approach and cross the green bridge.  Isis appears in the water on your right.  Go and ask her how you can reach the other bank (the first question), and she will explain the objective and rules of this puzzle.


            Imagine as if the five islets in front of you were numbered 1-5, as follows:


1     2     3     4     5


            Thus, the black bird (Horus) is flying in front of Islet 1 and the tortoise (Set) is swimming in front of Islet 4.  The object of the puzzle is to bring both the black bird and the tortoise in front of Islet 3.  Here is how to do it.


1.  Go to Islet 4 and wait.  The tortoise will move to the front of Islet 2.

2.  Go to Islet 2 and wait, for the tortoise to now move to the front of Islet 5.

3.  Go to Islet 5 and wait again, for the tortoise to finally move to the front of Islet 3.

4.  Go to Islet 1 and the black bird will also move to Islet 3.


            Isis will congratulate you on reconciling Set and Horus.  Go to the tortoise, step forward, and a cutscene will take you across the channel.  Take two steps to your right, towards a pile of white rocks on the ground.  Pick up some of these Rocks.  Take two steps to your left, to return to your starting point on this island.  Step to your right, towards what looks like a huge set of scales.  Click on the rope in the water on your left. "The gourd filled with water is too heavy.  A counterweight is needed."  Click on the basket hanging on your right.  "A counterweight is needed."  Put the Rocks in that basket, and click on the rope in the water on your left again.  A cutscene will take you to the next chapter.


Chapter 7


Book of the Dead:


            A monologue follows.  Step forward to face the first trial on your way to Osiris.


The First Door (Name of the Guardian)


            You must guess the name of the guardian sitting in the first door.  Note the drawing of a bee on the altar in front of you.  Use your Bee of the Magical Wax on this drawing.  A cloud will appear.  You can now press the six buttons, under the drawing of the bee, on the altar.  Imagine as if these buttons were numbered 1-6, as follows.


1     2     3     4     5     6


1.  Press the FIRST button ("Neg"), to replicate the guard's feet in the cloud in front of you.

2.  Press the SIXTH button ("a"), to replicate the midsection of the guard.

3.  Press the FOURTH button ("ou"), to replicate the guard's head.


            Maya will announce the guard's name ("Negaou") and he will disappear from the first door.  Go around the altar, through the door, and forward to proceed to the second trial.


The Second Door (Labyrinth)


            We are shown Maya's "ka" ("ethereal double") on our left.  Note that both you and she have a labyrinth in front, but hers is the mirror image of yours.  Thus, you must be careful not to let either of you step into the empty spaces in the labyrinth, or step off the labyrinth altogether, or you will fall off into the sky and fail the test.  [Note: Even if you fall out, there is no need to worry because the puzzle will simply start over.]  I think the following is the simplest possible solution to this puzzle.


Note that the different colors in the above diagram indicate the following:


1.  The black tiles are the dangerous empty spaces within the labyrinth.

2.  The portion of a tile shown in pink represents the wall on that side of the tile.

3.  The yellow tiles indicate the tiles used in this solution to cross the labyrinth.


Step-by-Step directions:


  1.  Enter the labyrinth.  Turn left and

  2.  Step forward.  Turn right and

  3.  Take three steps forward.

  4.  Click once on the (double cursor on the) wall on your LEFT. Turn left and

  5.  Step forward (to return to the tile you had come from, in Step 3).  Turn left and

  6.  Step forward.  Turn left and

  7.  Step forward.

  8.  Click once on the wall on your LEFT.

  9.  Click twice on the wall now on your RIGHT.  Turn right and

10.  Step forward.  Turn left and

11.  Step out of the labyrinth.


Go through the door in front of you and proceed to the next trial.


The Third Door (The Five Guards)


            You must determine which of the five guards has the heart of Feathers.  Imagine as if the five guards before you were numbered as follows.


1     2     3     4     5


            Note that Guard No. 2 is the smallest of the five.  Thus, this is the "small guard" that the riddle tells us has the "HEART OF STONE."  The clues also tell us:


1.  The heart of GOLD is to the RIGHT of the heart of STONE.

2.  The LAPIS-LAZULI heart is between the hearts of STONE and GOLD.

3.  The PAPYRUS heart is to the right of the heart of GOLD.


            Thus, the hearts of gold, lapis-lazuli, and papyrus are all to the right of the small guard with the heart of stone.  This takes care of all three guards to the right of the one with the heart of stone, leaving only one guard unaccounted for: Guard No. 1, the one to the LEFT of the one with the heart of stone.  Hence, Guard No. 1 is the one with the Heart of Feathers.


[Additional Note:  Since there are only three guards to the right of the small guard, Guard No. 4 has the heart of Gold – because, as the clues tell us, the Lapis-Lazuli heart comes between the hearts of stone and gold, and the Papyrus heart is to the right of the heart of gold.  Thus, Guard No. 3 has the Lapis-Lazuli heart, and Guard No. 5 has the Papyrus heart.]


So click on Guard No. 1 and proceed to the next (and final) trial.


The Fourth Door ("May the heavens guide thy steps")


            There are four mats, each with a different drawing, in front of you.  Look at the sky ("heavens") above the door in front of you, to see a cluster of bright stars.  Use your Wedjat-Eye of Clairvoyance on this cluster, and you will be shown an image matching the drawing on one of the mats in front of you.  Step on that mat, and look up at the stars again, to see another image.  Note: The particular order of these images is randomly generated by the computer.  A maximum of six images will be shown (unless you step on the wrong mat, in which case a set of another six will probably be shown).  So continue to follow these images in the sky until you are told that you have passed the trial.


            Step towards the door in front of you.  A cutscene and then, a dialog will follow.  Give the Mysterious Knife to Osiris.  Another dialog follows.  Exhaust all topics of the conversation.  Osiris will then give you a Soporific Incense ("Kyphi").  Look down on your left at the burnt drawing of a snake in the mat.  Bring out the Dried Snake from your inventory and place it on this drawing.  A magical stairway will appear above the dried snake.  Click on the stairway, and a cutscene will take you to the second portion of this chapter.




            Talk to the little girl.  Talk to her again, and she will give you back the Sacred Recipient.  Go to the basket-weaver by the pool.  Talk to the other man with him, a guard with a stammering problem.  He will give you some salt if you cure him.  So use your Transfer Handkerchief to transfer the affliction from the guard to the basket-weaver.  The guard is cured and gives you the Salt.  Talk to the basket-weaver…


I must say that I found this quite appalling.  It's true that the basket-weaver was not very polite.  But then, he sat in the midday heat, weaving those "bloody baskets," even though he was overqualified for such a task.  Still, he did help Maya finish that drawing on the coping, which she needed to meet Isis; and he even gave her those water-lily seeds, without which she could not have completed either Ptah or Isis's trials.  And she repaid him by giving him the other man's affliction -- and all for just a bowl of salt!  So talk about unfair indeed. L


            Go out of the courtyard and to the chapel guard.  Use the Cobra of Hypnosis on him.  Enter the gate, and approach the High Priest inside the chapel.  A dialog follows.  Give the Sacred Recipient and the Salt, one by one, to the High Priest.  A cutscene will follow.  Talk to the High Priest again.  Leave the chapel, go past the guard and approach the boatman on your right.  Click on him and a cutscene will take you to the next chapter.


Chapter 8: Pi-Ramses


            Take two steps forward, turn left and approach Djer, who is standing in the entrance to the Priests' Courtyard.  A dialog follows.  Enter the Courtyard, go to Paser in his house, and place the Figurine of Paser on him.  A cutscene and then, a dialog follow.  Exhaust all topics of the conversation.  Talk to Tuya, exhausting all topics again.


            Turn right and step over to the floor lamp behind Paser's headboard.  Put the Soporific Incense on the flame.  Some dialogs follow.  Leave Paser's house, to have a vision.  Go to your right, to find Djer standing in the doorway.  Approach him.  A dialog follows.  Exhaust all topics.  Step out of the Priests' Courtyard.


Follow Djer's instructions (step forward, then to your right, and then to your right again) to enter the Storehouse Courtyard.  Approach the High Priest, and a dialog follows.  Click on the High Priest, and he will teach you the Rain Spell.  Exhaust all topics and take advantage of the opportunity to practice countering three of the spells Tuya is likely to use against you:


1.  COBRA OF HYPNOSIS – use the Purification Vase.

2.  MAGICAL NET – use the Banner for Controlling the Wind.

3.  LOTUS TRANSFORMATION SPELL – use the Wedjat-Eye of Clairvoyance.


            Continue the training for as long as you like.  Then, suspend the training, turn off the last spell and step out of the Storehouse Courtyard.  Approach the Dreamer standing in the Temple entrance on your right.  A dialog follows.  Allow him to test you, and interpret the parts of his dream as follows.


1.  "The beginning of your dream indicates that in three summers, the harvest

       will be particularly good."


2.  "You will lose your parents."


3.  "You will have the support of the gods, and because of that, you will rise

       above common folk."


4.  "You will live an honest life."


5.  "You will gain authority over people."


            As the Dreamer steps aside, try to go past him.  Another dialog will follow as he gives you a Magic Coffer.  Go past him and enter the Temple, to find three workers inside.  You must reach the other end of the hall without attracting anyone's attention.


Take a moment to study the patterns of the workers' movement.  The worker on your left is dozing on and off.  The two workers on your right are busy working at their respective pillars, but each moves after a while to get something from his stuff further on your right.  You must wait for all three workers to look away from the central path before making your move, i.e., for the worker on your left to doze off, for the one in the front (right) to lean over his stuff and for the one in the back (right) to walk over to his stuff.  As soon as the three do this, all at the same time, take three QUICK steps forward.  Maya's comment will indicate that you made it.  Turn left and approach Tuya standing in front of the Naos, to begin the final chapter.


Chapter 9:  Pi-Ramses


            A dialog follows and Tuya will immediately start casting spells on you.  In all, she will cast six spells.  While I am quite certain that the last spell will call for the "attendants of the cords," I cannot predict the order of the five spells before it because the computer will randomly generate that order.  Rest assured, however, that no single spell will be repeated and all six will come from the list below.


Note also that you will get very little time to choose and then cast a counter-spell after Tuya has finished casting her spell on you.  So instead of giving you a list of long phrases to remember, I have given some "catch phrases" from the spells she will use.  As soon as you hear those words, check the list below for the correct counter-spell.  That way you can bring out and cast that spell as soon as Tuya finishes casting hers.  [Note:  Don't worry if you run out of time, however, because the puzzle will simply start over.]


1.  "I AM THE LOTUS …" – use the Wedjat-Eye of Clairvoyance.


2.  "STAY, MAYA …" – use the Purification Vase.


3.  "MAY THE SHADOW OF YOUR KA…" – use the Magical Net.


4.  "COME YE, COME YE…" – use the Cobra of Hypnosis.


5.  "I OBEY MAGIC: BURN…" – use the Rain Spell.


6.  "ATTENDANTS OF THE CORDS…" – use the Banner for Controlling the Wind.


            Tuya will turn into a snake and flee to the Naos (straight in front of you).  Right-click (to turn off the last spell) and go after her (take five steps forward, going around the sarcophagus in the center of the chamber before the Naos).  A dialog will lead to a second confrontation, but don't worry – this one is not timed.


The Snake Puzzle


General Information:  If you would like to solve this puzzle on your own,


Note the following about the Snake:

·        It will usually "fortify" a square (turn it red) before moving into it.

·        It may move into an unfortified (neither red nor blue) square sometimes, either to gain some tactical advantage or to avoid being attacked.

·        I have played this puzzle dozens of times now and I never saw it move into a blue (Maya's fortified) square.


Mind the following in making your moves:

·        Be sure to FORTIFY a square (right-click to turn it blue) before moving into it.

·        Do NOT step into any red squares because that means instant death.

·        Avoid stepping into any one of the five squares around the snake's head without first fortifying it, because the snake can immediately attack you there.

·        Build a solid defense before you go on the offensive.

·        Try to attack the snake close to its tail, so it won't be able to attack you right back.

·        Remember:  It will take 4 attacks for you to defeat the snake, but it will take the snake only one to finish you off.


Step by Step Directions:  (See diagram below.)



      Blue Tile = Your/Maya's starting point.

      Red Tiles = the five squares initially occupied by the Snake.

      Yellow Tiles = the only squares you need to use in this particular solution.


  1.  FORTIFY (right-click on) squares 19, 20, 14, 8, and 7.

  2.  Move into (click on) square 8.

  3.  FORTIFY squares 13, 1, and 2.

  4.  Move into square 2.

  5.  FORTIFY square 3.

  6.  Move into square 1, then 2, then 7.

  7.  Neutralize (right-click on the red) square 14.

  8.  FORTIFY square 14, and then MOVE into it.

  9.  ATTACK (right-click on) the snake twice in square 21.

10.  Neutralize square 15, and then ATTACK (the part of) the snake in it.

11.  Move into square 15.

12.  Neutralize square 8 and then, launch your final ATTACK on (the part of) the snake in it.


            A cutscene follows, as the Closed Magic Coffer is deposited in your inventory.  Turn around and take three steps forward (going either way around the sarcophagus again) to leave the chamber.  Take two more steps forward, to hear Maya's comment.  Take four steps forward then, to hear another comment from her.  Turn right and go out of the temple.  Go right, turn left and approach Djer.  A dialog will follow.  Exhaust all topics of the conversation.  Enter the Priests' Courtyard and go to Paser in his house.  Click on the figurine, now lying below his right hand.  Use the Mysterious Knife on the figurine and then,


Sit back and enjoy the ending…


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