by Knut Mueller
Walkthrough by MaGtRo July 2005
Gameplay: RHEM 2 is a point and click game. The main menu has the new game, load, credits, options and quit. The information bar on the gameplay screen is accessed when the cursor is moved to the bottom of the screen.
The box on the left is the inventory; the compass is at center and the wheel on the right access gameplay menu. When inventory items are clicked, the cursor changes to that item and can be clicked on active spots.
The points of the compass is highlighted to show the direction that is viewed: top lit arrow - the player looks to North, right lit arrow - the player looks to West, bottom lit arrow - the player looks to South and left lit arrow - the player looks to East.
The gameplay menu has save, load, return, quit, options and new game. The options menu has the transition control. The bottom of the menu screen has a back or return arrow.
There are 10 saved game slots and the saved games can be deleted to make room for new ones.
Zetais gives you an item that you need to take for your travel at RHEM 2. Click new game, travel on a rail car through a tunnel and down one level to a cavern. Look in inventory and see that Zetais has given you the first piece of a key.
Railcar: Turn right and take the code card with 3 red stripes. Turn around and use the code card on the slot at right of door.
NOTE: You can explore this world anyway you want to. This walkthrough is described by sections and as far as I can make it to have the least walking around. Make drawings of the clues you see, note the color of pipes and explore.
Why are we here?
0. Railcar 1. Arrival building A. Monitor room B. Thermometer-9 square puzzle room C. Camera room D. Moon and house picture room E. Clock Room 2. Manhole 3. Water Cavern entrance F. Moon room 4. Hydroelectric - Water Pipes entrance G. Window H. Moon picture clues |
Arrival building:
Go forward 2xs, left and climb the metal ladder. Go forward and note the power cable strung from the building to a generator at the ground level on the left beside the left rail car. Pan left and see another railway above the rail car. Enter the arrival building.
Monitor room: Click on the red button and listen to Kales, Zetais' brother and the reason you are here. You were given the first piece of a 3-piece key by Zetais. The complete key when the 3 parts are combined is a 7-point star. The second piece of the key was hidden by Kales together with a message. The third piece is lost and you must find it within the caves. The completed key is to open the entryway to a hidden part of the cave. At the hidden part of the cave is a secret artifact that you need to take a picture of for Zetais. Now, you know why you are here adventuring...
Turn right from monitor and see a picture that shows the railcar can be lifted on an elevator to a higher level. No power on red button. Turn around and see a picture of a disk that is inserted on a monitor. Note the wallpaper in all this rooms.
Thermometer room-9
square puzzle room:
See a non-activated 9-square puzzle. Turn left and look out the window and see
the ground - rail area and the thermometer beside it. Note the thermometer's
units are 1:1.5 ratios to each other - 10 of unit to 15 of the
unit. Turn around, go to the next room and then right to another room.
Camera room: See a window with hanging camera that shows a passage outside the building. Beside the window is the picture of the 3 keys that you need. On the other walls are the camera mount and another non-activated 3-square puzzle left of the entryway.
Look at the table and look close at the ruler. Note that the ruler has
2 units that are 1:3.5 ratio to each other - 1 of the
unit and 3.5 of
. Look close at the pictures of the moon. Move the cursor to
the edge of the pictures until it changes to a hand cursor. Click to look at the
back of the pictures: the moon at top left - ro and the moon at top right - gwa.
There's a locked cabinet above the table.
Moon & house picture room: Go to next room. See a picture of 3 houses with 4 windows in each house. Look close at the moon pictures on the tack board. Look at the back of the pictures for the word connected with that moon: Top middle - pa, bottom middle - nek, bottom right - jok, center - lim, bottom left - su, no moon - mi and middle right - tu. There's no middle left moon picture.
Clock room - Go to the other room and see a clock that shows 5 colored squares when the red button is pushed. On the left is a closed rollup window. Note that the pipes of the clock and this window connect to the 9-square puzzle outside. The other side has another closed rollup window.
Time to look for clues. Exit the building and go down to the railcar.
Manhole: Follow the rail tracks to an opening on the right and a manhole on the left. See a manhole with 12 outside buttons and a central blue button. To the right is picture similar to the 3 house - 4 windows each at the arrival building. Note the numbers of the center squares: 2, 5 (top) and 3, 9 (bottom).
Water-walkway cavern: Turn right, forward and enter the opening on the wall. The path splits right and left.
Moon room & Roll up door: Turn left and go forward until you see a roll up door. Turn left and see another 3 sets of 4 squares like the one outside - the numbers on the right squares: 8, 12 (top) and 4, 10 (bottom). Pull down the lever and see that the opposite roll up door closes when this one opens. Turn left and see the moon picture. Press the red button and hear a roll up window open. Note the rabbit looking slot right of the door.
We will check this area later. Exit and go back to the entryway to this cavern. Go forward on the rail track, right to the metal door at the end.
Hydroelectric-Water pipes area:
Window: Press the red button to enter. Go forward and look down at the water. Turn right and go forward to the window on the right wall. Press the red button and see the numbers 5 3 9 written on it. To save time later - Be sure to press the button again to close the window.
Moon Picture Clues: Turn right, forward, left, forward and see a closed roll up window on the left. Go forward to the black squares at the end of the path. This is the roll up window opened by the red button under the moon picture in the moon room.
Moon picture clues: Click on each square to see a moon and the corresponding number at the bottom. The placement of the squares correlates to the moon pictures seen at the Arrival building.
Moon placement on picture and squares Word found in the back of the pictures Number that corresponds to the moon placements no moon mi 0 center lim 1 top left ro 2 bottom middle nek 3 top right gwa 4 bottom left su 5 middle left ? 6 bottom right jok 7 top middle pa 8 middle right tu 9
Turn right, forward 2xs and left. Press button to exit.
Go back to the manhole area by going left on the rail tracks and enter the opening in the cavern wall across the manhole. The path splits to left and right.
Rotating Passages, Pegs and Locked Doors
1. Rotating passage - lower level. 2. Hall going to side rooms 3. Chest 4. Wall box 5. Lava pit thermometer 6. Screened door |
Water-walkway cavern:
Rotating passage area:
Take the other path and go forward until you're inside the building. Look left and see a screened door that has a tube picture with a mostly hidden red outline. Turn around and go forward to the rotating passage.
Rotating passage - lower level: There is a ladder that is blocked from above. Press the red round button to bring down the square button that turns the rotating passage. Press the square button to turn the turntable and to have a path to the other side. To save time later - Press the round button to bring the square button up again.
Go forward to the very end and see another 3 sets of 4 squares like the one outside - the numbers on the right squares: 6, 11 (top) and 1, 7 (bottom). Let's check this area now.
Side room 1: Turn left and enter the farthest side room. The blue door is locked. Any locked door should be opened by adventurers, right? On one wall is a round panel with drawings of lined circles with arrows. Graphic seen later in the walkthrough. On the other wall is panel that will open the door - note that the tubes that comes out of the panels are 2 above and 3 below. Exit the room and enter the middle side room.
Middle side room 2: Turn right and see the tubes that are connected to the panel for the locked door at the other room. They are connected to pegged boards. One has a hanging letter E. Hmm...
Side room 3: This room also has that panel to open the locked door and the pegged boards. It's time to look for the clues to those pegs.
Exit and turn right. Turn right to look through the window and see another path on the other side of this area. Go forward until just before the rotating passage and turn right to see one of those closed rollup windows.
Rotating passage - lower level: You are now on this side of the rotating passage and if you still have not raised the square button on the other side - do so now. Then push on the red button to turn the passage until you see the ladder. Climb up.
Rotating passage - upper level: Turn left and see a red button - press the button, the red light turns green and a roll up closing sound is heard. Wonder what opened! Look down and see 4 openings on the floor; two of which is barred and one is blocked.
Turn right and go forward to the red button at end of the hallway. Press the red button and see that the screened door from below moves up.
Turn around and press the red button (formerly at the lower level) until the metal cover is on the far opening at other side of the room. Look down, open the metal cover and see a torn note with: 4. 10:00, 5. 2:00 and 6. 5:00. Go back to the red square button and press it until the opening is on the left opening. Go down the ladder.
Hidden area of the rotating passage area:
Chest: Turn around. This is the area seen through the window by the side rooms with locked doors. Go forward to the chest.
Open the chest: The 3 glyphs are similar to the glyphs on the round panel at side room 1. Each glyph is surrounded by squares.
Find the corresponding glyphs on the round panel at side room 1 and note where the arrow points at.
Press central glyph on the chest until the square corresponding to the arrow on the round panel is lit up.
Press left glyph to light up the square at NW position, the middle glyph to East position and right to West position.
Click on handle to open the chest. Look close at each number. Turn the number by moving the cursor to the side and see pegs on each back. Take note of each number's peg's position. Graphics s seen later in the walkthrough.
Turn right from chest and go forward once. Turn right and see a tube picture like the one on the screened door. Press red button to turn the red light to green - hear a sound of a roll up closing. This is the same wall as the roll up window at the rotating passage hallway. Back up and turn around.
Wall box: See red metal box with a word on it and above are numbers.
Open the wall box: The word 'gwalimwessu' is written on the box. Based on the moon picture clues correlated at the hydroelectric-water pipes area: gwa - 4, lim - 1, wes - must be 6 (the one picture not seen) and su - 5.
Enter 4 1 6 5 by clicking on the top area arrows. Press red button.
The box opens. Take a blue piece.
Turn right, forward and see the window that looks to the locked door passage. Turn around and go to the end of the hallway.
Lava pit thermometer:
Look through the window to the lava pit and see a temperature probe hanging from
a beam over the lava hole. The graphics on the right shows the unit on top is the
unit seen on the thermometer at the
Arrival building and the bottom unit is the
unit seen on the ruler.
Go back to the chest area. On the way, see a woman in red shirt walk by the window. You are not alone! Face the rotating passage and press the red button to show a path to the other side. Go forward and climb up the ladder on the right.
First formula room: See a formula on a card at an opened roll up window. If this is closed, go back to the top level of the rotating passage and press the button on the wall. Turn around and look at 2 red buttons on the wall similar to that of the Arrival building. Press the 2 red buttons, the right one will open the roll up window at the clock room as clued in by the sound and the left button had a beep sound. Go down the metal ladder.
Hallway: Go left and down the other metal ladder. Go forward and see through another window to a closed cabinet. Turn right and note the colors of the dots and their position on the body shaped indentation on a metal door.
Go back to the rotating passage - chest area. Turn around and press the red button to turn the rotating passage to show the ladder. Climb up. Press the red button to turn the opening of the floor to the far side. Climb down to the lower level of the rotating passage.
Rotating passage area - lower level:
Roll up window: Go forward and turn left. See the roll up window is now open. See a drawing similar to that of the picture across the metal wall box on the other side. Flip the lever up to the hook and this will raise the insert of the drawing on the other side.
Open the locked door in Side room 1: Go down the hallway to the middle side room 2.
Middle side room 2:
1. Learn the placement of the peg board in relation to the control panel on the other side of the wall.
Study the position of the small blue pipes that comes out of the peg boards and enter the wall. The pipes that enter the wall are the position of the squares on control panel on the other side of the wall.
Going from right to left of the peg board: the tube on far right goes to square 1 on the other side (which reads left to right) of the wall, then to square 4, square 2, square 5 and square 3.
2. Learn the number that correlates to each of the peg boards based on the numbers seen on the chest.
Study the placement of the 2 pegs on each board and deduce the number based on the holes in the back of the numbers in the chest. Note that the placement of peg holes in numbers 2 and 8 are the same. In the deduction, take into account that you are looking at the mirror image of the holes on the numbers to that of the pegs position.
0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
From right to left Number based on pegs 3 9 8 or 2 6 8 or 2 Position of pipes that goes to other side of wall 1 4 2 5 3 Side room 1: Go to the room at end of hallway.
Face the control panel and enter the numbers in the order from left to right (By trial and error on the 8 or 2 numbers): 3 8 2 9 6. Turn right to the door and click door knob. Door opens.
Power-Generator Room: Turn around to entryway and see that the gauge shows power is at 0% and a b=4 note.
Turn left and study the chart. It shows that the pit should be at a
temperature of 412 deg of units for the coils (hanging overhead on a beam) to get full power.
Turn left and look out the window.
The window across the area is the one at the hidden passage. See the temperature
probe hanging over the lava pit. The coil is on one side of the beam. Study the chart on
the side and note that the coil reading is in units as seen in the
ruler. Exit the room and go down to side room 3 down the hall.
Open the locked door in Side room 3: Same procedure as that of side room 1.
1. Learn the placement of the peg board in relation to the control panel on the other side of the wall.
Follow the small pipes that come out of the peg boards to the control panel on the other side of the room.
Going from left to right of the peg board: the tube on far left goes to square 3 on the other side of the wall, then to square 2, square 5, square 1 and square 4.
2. Learn the number that correlates to each of the peg boards based on the numbers seen on the chest.
Study the placement of the 2 pegs on each board and deduce the number based on the holes in the back of the numbers in the chest. Note that the placement of pegs in number 2 and 8 are the same. In the deduction, take into account that you are looking at the mirror image of the holes on the numbers to that of the pegs position.
From left to right Number based on pegs 4 1 0 7 5 Position pipes goes to control panel 3 2 5 1 4 Face the control panel and enter the numbers in the order from left to right: 7 1 4 5 0. Turn right to the door and click door knob. Door opens.
Beam control room: See another formula on the chalk board on the left and view generator room through the window on the right. Look close at middle window. See that this is the control panel to move the temperature probe and the power coil on the beam outside. If you clicked on the arrows, be sure to leave the temperature probe over the lava pit.
To get to 100% power: The aim is to find the depth of the pit that has a temperature of 412 deg of
units and to heat the coil to that temperature.
1. Go to the hidden passage window to get a temperature of 412
units in the lava pit.
Go to top level of the rotating passage and turn the opening to the left side on the floor. Go down the ladder, go to chest, turn right and forward to the lava thermometer window.
We need to get to the depth of the lava pit that has 412
units but the units shown on the lava thermometer is in
Based on the thermometer at arrival building, 1
unit equals 1.5 of
units. That is 412
units = 618
Lower the temperature probe into the lava pit by clicking on the down button. Click-hold the down arrow until a temperature of 618 is obtained on the top
unit. Note that 618 is equivalent to 106
Once the correct temperature is measured, raise the temperature probe up and out of the lava pit by clicking on the very top up arrow.
2. Lower the coils to harness the 412 deg temperature.
Go back to beam control room at rotating passage hallway. Go to the control panel and move the temperature probe away from the lava pit using the left arrow. Move the coil over the lava pit.
Go to generator room. Go to the control panel.
We need the
unit equivalent of 412
units. The ruler showed that 1 of the
unit = 3.5 of the
unit. We now know that 412
units = 618
units = 106
units. So, 106
units x 3.5 = 371
Click-hold the down arrow on the control panel until 371
units is reached.
3. Turn on the generator.
Turn right to the generator. Look close and click on the yellow line inside the green framed black square to connect the pipe. Hear the sound of power on. Turn right and see that the dial is now on 100% power. Whoopee! Take note of the yellow pipe that goes through this power box. We will look out where it passes through the area in our travels later.
Screened door: Time to check on all the buttons pressed and the roll up windows we opened. Turn and go through the rotating the passage to get to the other side, forward and see that the screened door is up when we raised it using the red button outside the top level of the rotating passage. Go in and turn left. See and take note of a familiar body picture with red and green squares on the arm. We will tackle the stairs here later. Exit, turn right, forward, left and out to the rail tracks. Go left back and up to the Arrival building.
Search for the second fragment of the key
Arrival Building:
Clock room: Go the clock room. See that the roll up window we opened by pressing the button on the other side of the wall (First formula room) is now opened. Note: 1. 8:00, 2. 7:00 and 3. 1:00. The other button we pushed on the other side of the wall connects to the brown pipe below. Follow where that brown pipe leads to.
Houses - The brown pipe passed through and lit 3 windows on the picture. Since this window configuration is similar to the 3 sets of 4 squares we saw around. The lit windows are the ones numbered 10, 2 and 11.
Seen by the roll up door | Seen by rail tracks - manhole | Seen at end of rotating passage |
Camera room: Enter the room on the right to continue following the brown pipe. The brown pipe goes to the 3 square puzzle by the entryway. Enter the number of the lit windows of the houses picture - 10, 2 and 11. Now, follow the pipe from here to the red button of the key picture at the other room.
Key picture: Press the red button. Take the key and look at the missing wes picture from the opened cabinet. Go back to the camera room.
Camera room: There's the black haired, red shirted woman again. Wonder who that guy is? Use the key on the locked cabinet and then click on handle. Take note of the second formula. Look close at the drawing with 9 squares with colors and numbers. It looks familiar.
9 squares puzzle:
1. Study the picture and note that (L-R) the numbers in the squares are marked 1 and the colors are marked 2.
2. The sequence to press must be the one with the numbers. So we know 1-4 positions. But what is the sequence of the colors - yellow, red, blue, green and purple?
3. Go to the clock room and press the red button by the big round plate. Note the sequence of the colors shown. This is a random appearance of colors. Do not click the red button again or if you do take note of the new sequence. The puzzle next door is now programmed.
4. The sequence of the colors shown will be the sequence of the last 5 squares in the 9-square puzzle. Example: in my game it was clockwise - green, blue, purple, red and yellow.
5. Go to the 9-square puzzle room. Press the buttons in the sequence shown by the picture from the cabinet and then the sequence shown by the clock next door.
L-R: 6th button, 5th button, 9th button, 4th button followed by the color sequence seen at the clock next door.
If done correctly, hear a sound of a roll up window opening. Go next door to clock room and see that the roll window is now open. Take the other blue piece and study the map. The red dot shows where you are.
Go out of the building and go to the opening of the Water-walkway cavern across the manhole.
To gain access to other rooms:
Moon room: From the rail track, turn right to cave wall, turn left and go to the roll up door. If the door is closed, pull down the lever and see that the opposite roll up door closes when this one opens. Turn left and see the moon picture. Place the 2 blue pieces on the rabbit looking slot right of the door.
Hallway: Go down the ladder. Turn left and walk to the end. See the now familiar body shaped indentation with colored dots. Note the color and placements of the dots on the body shaped indentation. This door is the other side of the door seen with similar indentation on the hallway accessed by the lower ladder across the chest area. Be sure to pull up the lever to unlatch the door. Now let's find a way to open this metal door.
Go back up to the moon room. Exit through the roll up door. Be sure to - turn around and pull the lever to close this door. This way, the other door is rolled up-open. Exit the cavern and go to the rail track outside.
Manhole: Go forward to the manhole and look close.
Open the manhole: Recall the time notations written on the 2 pieces of paper: one found under the metal door on the floor of the top level rotating passage and the other one on the rolled up window in the clock room.
Press buttons at clock positions: 8:00, 7:00, 1:00, 10:00, 2:00 and 5:00. Press the center button.
The manhole opens. Climb down the stairs.
Underground room: Go forward, press red button and enter the door. This is the room we saw at the window when we unlatched the door with the colored dots on the body shaped indentation.
Colored dots puzzle: Open the cabinet and see the familiar body shape of the indented circle.
1. Press the squares to show the colors seen on the clues seen at: latched door on passage under the moon room, the other side of that latched door accessed via the lower ladder across the passage to the chest and the picture on the wall at the screened door -room.
Blue on the head, green on right upper arm, red on left arm, green at center, 2 greens on right leg and blue - red on left leg.
2. Turn left to the door. Press the red button to close the door. Click to slide the tube and make a complete connection.
3. Turn around and press the red button to slide the door on the right. This opens the passage from under the moon room to the passage going to the chest via the ladder behind the rotating passage.
Exit through the door and out the manhole. Now we can reach the moon room through another path other than the roll up door. Go to the upper level rotating passage. Turn the opening to the left and climb down to the chest area. Press the button to make a passage to the other side. Go forward and down the ladder. Go forward to the end and see that the metal door is now open. Go forward until the end and up the ladder to the moon room.
Moon room: Press the red button on the wall across the doorway. A roll up sound is heard. There's also a familiar tube picture except it is hiding a white circle.
Roll up door room 2: Go to next room. Turn left and press the red button. Hear another roll up sound. Another of the tube picture with a hint of red circle is seen here. Turn right and raise the red window. See a mirror image of -1 +5 -5. If you don't see any number, the window on the wall of the hydroelectric area was not lowered.
Blue door: Turn right and see the blue metal door. The panel on the left needs 3 numbers.
Calculate to get the number to enter on the door based on the number seen on the window at the hydroelectric area and the number just now seen on the other side of that same window.
5 3 9 -1 +5 -5 --- --- --- 4 8 4 Enter 4 8 4 on the panel on the left of door. The door opens.
Kales' room: Turn right and look through the window to see another room that goes out to the water area. Turn the knob on the left to get power to the monitor. Turn left and press the button. Listen to Kales. He describes the missing artifact - it is a disk with an engraved symbol. He wants you to take a picture of the disk. He also mentions the stranger we have seen around.
Turn left and press the red button. Take the second piece of the key.
1. Moon Room 2. Roll up door room 2 3. Kales' room 4. Diagram room 5. Elevator A 6. Elevator B 7. Angle puzzle 8. Elevator C 9. 3 key pieces door |
Search for the third piece of the key
Tube circles - angles search:
Time to check the tube pictures and see what they show. Exit the room and be sure that the button is green on the tube picture here at the roll up door room 2.
135 deg. angle: Turn left and go to the moon room, check if the button is green on the tube picture here at the moon room. Turn around and go down the ladder. Go forward, climb the ladder and go to the chest area. Turn right, forward and right to the red rimmed blue circle. This is the picture that is shown when you raised the lever on the roll up window by the lower level rotating passage at the other side of the wall. Take note of the angle made by the lines - 135 degrees.
45 deg angle: Go back to the chest area and turn the passage. Climb up to top level of the rotating passage. Turn the opening to the far one and climb down. Turn the passage and go forward. Go forward to the area formerly closed by the screened door. Turn right and up the ladder. Press the red button on right wall to lower the screen door that is on the other side of the wall. Go down the ladder and turn right to the screen door. Raise the lever. Go up the ladder again and press the button to raise the screened door back up. Let's see what picture is shown. Climb down and go forward to the rotating passage. Go to top level of the rotating passage. Turn right and forward to the screened door. See that this one red rimmed blue circle has a 45 degree angle.
270 deg. angle: Go down to lower level and turn the passage. Go forward and left to exit the water cavern. Go to the rail track, turn right and forward to the Hydroelectric -water pipes area behind the metal door. Go forward, right, forward, right, forward and right to the window. Raise the lever to see the circle in the tube picture at the roll up room 2. Exit this area and go back to the rotating passage at the water cavern. Turn the rotating passage and climb up to the top level, then turn the passage to the left opening, climb down, turn passage, forward to ladder, down and walk far to the other ladder. Climb up the ladder and go to the room left of the moon room. Look at left wall and see the 270 angled picture. One more to go.
225 deg. angle: Exit the room and another long trip by going down the ladder off the moon room. Go forward until the other ladder, forward to chest, turn the passage, climb up, turn the passage to far opening, climb down and turn passage. Go forward, right, forward to the other room (formerly screened door) and climb ladder. Turn around and see a room at the other end of the cavern. Let's go there. Go forward pass a right exit to the elevator area and enter the room. This is the room seen through the window off Kales' room. Turn left and raise the lever to see the picture in the rollup- moon room on the other side of the wall. Exit, forward back to the room across the cavern, go down the ladder, right, forward, right and forward to the roll up door. Pull the lever, enter and turn right. This picture showed a 225 degree angle. Let's rest for a bit. All that running around tired me.
Fun time with elevators:
Go back to the other side of the wall by exiting the Moon room, forward to the other side to the screened room, climb ladder, turn around, forward to the other room, pass a right exit to the elevator area and enter the room. Turn right and study the diagrams on the right.
Diagrams: The diagram on the right showed that elevator A is a platform with a wall between 2 sides and that the entire platform with the wall can be raised or lowered to 2 levels leaving an empty area either above or below it. While elevator B + C is also a platform with a wall between 2 sides and that the platform can be raised or lowered to 2 levels but the wall still separates the 2 sides.
Elevator A: Go forward to elevator A and enter. See that there is no wall here that separates the platform. The elevator must be below us. Exit through the door on the right.
Elevator B: Go forward and left on the 'No person allowed' sign. Enter the elevator. If the elevator is closed, press the up arrow. Go down and out to see a panel with a big red circular puzzle.
Red circles puzzle: The circle is familiar; we just saw 4 of them. Enter the angles seen on the 4 red rimmed blue circles we saw based on the position of the red circles in those 4 pictures.
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Seen at Moon room | Seen at chest area | Seen at Blue door room | Seen at screened door |
225 for top | 135 for right | 270 for below | 45 for left |
Press the central blue button and a tok-ding is heard.
Turn right and close the door of elevator B. Since elevator B is an elevator that retains the wall partition, be sure to press the elevator up arrow. Turn right, forward and right to elevator C.
Elevator C: Press the arrow, enter the elevator, go up and exit.
Other side of elevator B: Go forward and enter the other door of elevator B. If it is closed, go down and press elevator B's up arrow without entering the elevator. Press the down arrow. Exit and go forward passing a closed side door to elevator A.
Other side of elevator A: Enter the other door of elevator A. Press the up arrow and exit. Go forward to elevator B.
Elevator B: Bring up the elevator, enter and press down arrow. Go to elevator C.
Elevator C: Press the down arrow BUT do not enter. Go back to elevator B.
Elevator B: Go up and exit on top level.
Now, go forward to the main path outside this area and turn right to the room with the diagram. Exit the room and enter elevator A.
Elevator A: Go down and exit through the right door.
Go forward and press the button. This door will open after doing the red circles puzzle. Go left and forward to the other door of elevator C.
Other door of elevator C: Since we lowered the other side of the elevator C, the door will now open. Press the up button and exit. That was some exercise!
3 key pieces door: Go to the door. Take note of the a=5 note and the wood cabinet left of door. The cabinet has the slots for the 3 pieces of the key we are collecting. Note that the yellow pipes seen coming out of the power gauge in the generator room passes through here. Press the red button and enter. Go down, turn around through 2 metal ladders and forward to another locked door.
XYZ door: The code to enter needs numbers for x, y, z.
XYZ puzzle: Based on the 2 notes seen, a=5 and b=4, calculate x, y and z using the 3 formulae seen at the closed cabinet at the arrival building, the room accessed by a ladder by the chest area and the chalkboard at the beam control room.
by the chest area closed cabinet at the arrival building chalkboard at the beam control room z=2 y=7 x =9
Press the lettered buttons to enter x =9, y=7 and z=2. Press the red button on the right of the puzzle. Turn right and press the button. Take the third key piece.
Go back up to the door above and open the wood cabinet on the left of the door. Place the 3 pieces of the key in the slots of the same shape and close the wood door. Go back down, press red button of the gold door and enter.
Search for the first blue fragment at hidden part of the cave
See a tower with 4 levels. Each level has 2 ramps each: one leading out on front side and one in the back. There's a building at the back of the tower connected by blue and pink cables. Look around and check the doors on the ramps at different levels. Climb to the top 4th level. The front (south compass point arrow) has a closed door at the end.
4th Level (North) back ramp area: Go to the back (north) ramp of the 4th level and press button to enter. Enter and see 3 areas to explore: left to balls-lights setup on the wall, ahead is the door to 3 rooms of switches and right to an elevator.
Balls -lights setup - Note the blue pipe that leads out of the balls-lights setup. Note the path of the balls - from top to the different holes makes 3 lines. The colored balls are red, green and blue. You will see several lines and colored numbers on plaques around the area. Take note of those lines and colored numbers. We will come back here later.
Switches room - Enter and see a room with switches on both sides and a green door. Press the button and the green door goes down. There are 2 more rooms with switches on either side of the room. The end room has a box that has a placement for an item.
Elevator - Enter the elevator and press button. Go down to level 3. Turn left and forward to metal ramp door. Unlatch the door. Go back to red button of elevator, press button and back to 4th level.
Forward and exit through the ramp door on the left.
3rd level (South) front ramp door: Go back inside tower, go down to 3rd level and go south. Enter the 3rd level ramp door. Go forward, climb down the ladder and left to a blue domed room.
Blue domed room (2nd level North): Look around and see lines and dots on the wall. It's dark in here. There are 4 exits from this room. One is the ladder from 3rd level you came down.
Lines-dots room - Note that the blue pipe from the ball-lights at 4th level comes down to the number panel on the left wall. Exit and go to the 4 square panel door on the left.
4 squares panel door - We need clues to get for this 4 squares puzzle. Exit the room via the 2nd ramp door across from this door. Unlatch the door and go back to press the red button to open the door. Go back to the 4th level back-north ramp door. Enter the elevator on the right hall and go down to 3rd level. Exit the 3rd level ramp door and go back down to the 2nd level back-north door. Enter blue domed room, right to ladder room and climb up. Note the 4 panel clue under the lowered elevator.
Go back to the 4 square door panel and press the pads in the sequence shown at the clues. Press red button and enter.
Climb ladder to 2 rooms that are under the switches room on the 4th level. If a green door blocks entry to the rear room, go back up to the 4th level north ramp and enter through the wooden door. Press the button to raise the green door.
See a panel with ? squares - this is a clue for a puzzle at a 3rd level's railcar stop room. Study the directions of the gold pipes on both walls in both rooms. These pipes are the clues for the switches on the room above.
Go back down and out of the blue domed room. Take note of the 2 plaques: 3 right bearing lines with red 23, blue 5 and green 19 plaque and the 3 left bearing lines with red 13, blue 16 and green 4. Exit the blue domed room.
3rd level back (north) ramp door: Climb up and go to the north third level exit. Press button of the ramp door, enter and turn right to the grill. Click on grill and take key. Turn left, forward to enter the tram and then right to see a diagram on the wall of the circular path of the railcar. Explore the different rooms in the area. Note the inner doors go to the crystal cave with black water. There are 3 ramps each of which leads to big crystal and a numbered (1, 2 and 3) stand. One ramp has a boarded door. Remember the different puzzle rooms on the left of the tram. We will come back here later, meantime exit and go down to 1st level of the tower.
1st level: Go down to the 1st level of the tower. The back-north ramp is blocked by an inner metal door. The wood cabinet across the stairwell is locked. Turn right and see a monitor at railing on the right. Go to the south ramp at end and note the Xed light bulb above the metal hatch. Turn around and see green pipe going to red button right of the entryway. Press the red button to unlock the wood cabinet.
Wood cabinet - Click on blue knob to open the cabinet. There are 6 switches. The 2 bottom right switches are attached to each other. Turn off the lit bulb by clicking on the 2 attached bottom right switches - it removed power from bulb.
Lowest level of tower: Go back to metal hatch and click on handle. Go down ladder and turn around. Note the plaque with lines, red 2, blue 24 and green 17. The left exit goes to a railcar and the right exit goes to a ladder. Climb the ladder.
Tower circuit room: Study the pipes going into the circuit panel which is the back of the switches of the wood cabinet on the other side of the wall (1st tower level). Turn left and see flesh colored pipes that go to the metal hatch we opened. The greenish pipes are the ones that go to the monitor and wood cabinet. Turn back to the circuit and look down - see the main power source. Turn right and see blue and pink pipes going to the circuit panel. These are the ones from the building behind the tower.
Turn the railing monitor on or make green pipe connections - The railing monitor is powered by the greenish pipes. Study the connections to lead from the greenish pipes to the power box below. Once you know the connections, go back to the other side wood cabinet and flip the switches to form a complete circuit for the green pipes. To go back to the other side - go down ladder, right, forward, right, forward, left, climb ladder and back to wood cabinet.
Study the path that will form a complete circuit of the 2 pipes from the power box and 2 green pipe connections.
Then go to the wood cabinet at first tower level and flip the switches to copy the MIRROR image of the connection at the back.
Flip switches at: Top left -lean to the right, top middle - right, top right - left, bottom left - left and bottom middle/right - lean to left.
Railing monitor clues - Go to monitor on the railing. Press-HOLD the red button. Take note of the numbers and their position on the 9 square grid. You will need it later.
Make pink pipes connections - Same way as the green connection - study the panel in the circuit room to make a complete path for the pink pipes. This is done to save time and get power to the next place we are going to. Remember that pink and blue cables go to the building outside the tower.
Study the path that will form a complete circuit from the 2 power box pipes and 2 red pipes.
Then go to the wood cabinet at first tower level and flip the switches to copy the MIRROR image of the connection at the back.
Flip switches at: Top left -lean to the left, top middle - right, top right - right, bottom left - left and bottom middle/right - lean to left.
Go down the metal hatch to the lowest level of the tower, left and ride the railcar.
Railcar Stops:
Railcar stop 1 - Ships Gallery: Press the up arrow button to drive forward and exit to right. See a locked cabinet and the grid similar to the monitor at 1st level at the tower. We will do this later. Turn right and see another plaque with lines, red 8, blue 20 and green 12. Climb up the ladder and see the blue cable from the tower is connected to yellow and the pink is connected to green. Look down through the window and see a tilted blue dumbbell shape below the tower.
Climb down and turn around. See a closed metal door on the left and the 7circles panel that can open it. Go to the other ladder and look up. See that the button to open the grill blocking access above is on green pipe. We saw that the pink pipe from tower is connected here to green. So we already activated this button - if not go back and activate the pink pipes connection at 1st tower level. Climb up and enter the ships gallery.
Ships gallery - Look around at the different ships pictured on the wall. At the center walls of the room, there are 4 monitors: 3 have connector bars that can be changed while the 4th is not activated. Note that 4th monitor is connected by pink pipes.
Check the pipe going through the portraits. The are yellow pipes are connected to the blue cable at the tower. Go down and see that the panel for the locked door is also connected by yellow pipes. Go back to the circuit room at the tower via the down arrow red button of the railcar. Exit, forward, left, up the ladder and study the blue connections.
Make blue pipe connections - Same way as the green and red connection - study the panel in the circuit room to make a complete path for the blue pipes.
Study the path that will form a complete circuit from the 2 power box pipes and 2 blue pipes.
Then go to the wood cabinet at first tower level and flip the switches to copy the MIRROR image of the connection at the back.
Flip switches at: Top left -lean to the left, top middle - left, top right - no change, bottom left - right and bottom middle/right - lean to left.
Go back to Ships gallery at railcar stop 1. Look at the 6th picture, see and take note of the 7 blinking lights on the ship. Go back down to the lower level and face the 7 circle door control panel.
7 circle door panel - This panel is powered by the blue tower cable. Enter the colors as seen on the 6th ship picture at the gallery. From left to right: yellow, dark pink, cyan, cyan, red, purple and green. The metal doors open automatically.
Ships gallery's 4 monitor circuits - Turn left and enter to stand on the lift. Turn right and see a monitor with yellow pipes. Press the green button stand to go to top level. Turn left and study each wall starting from the power connections. Each wall is connected to a monitor on the ships gallery on the other side of the wall. The connector bars on the monitors complete the circuit running through the walls and the 3 monitors. Complete connection will power the 4th monitor.
From the wall that has the switches, follow the pink pipes and then the yellow pipes. See the possible connection shapes that you can adjust the connector bars on the monitors at ships galleries. Be sure that you flipped the connection to contact the pink pipes on the 4th wall with the switches.
From first monitor by stairs to the 3rd monitor before the screened room:
The circuit study of each monitor with the deduced red line connections: From left of power switches:
Remember these are MIRROR images. Monitor connector bars arranged:
Go back to ships gallery and click on either buttons of each monitor to make the mirror image pattern to that of the deduced circuit connections on the other side of the wall.
Click on the button of the 4th monitor. If the circuit connections are done correctly and the switches on the other side of the wall are connected to the pink pipes, see and take note of the numbered diagram.
Go back to the other side of the wall via down the stairs, enter the metal door, up on the lift and now flip the switches to the yellow pipes. Go down the lift and turn right to the monitor. Press the button to see the other half of the numbered diagram seen on the 4th monitor at the ships gallery.
Exit and go back to the railcar. Press the up arrow, curve to the left, pass railcar stop 2, press up arrow and exit at railcar stop 3.
Railcar stop 3 - Decorated hall: Exit, right, forward and left. Look at the panel at left wall. Press arrows to see the different shapes. We will see them later in the game in another puzzle.
Enter through the double doors, see something decorated other than pipes and metal. Look around and note the gold and purple pipes that run through the building. The gold pipes hang across over the hallway from a window on one side of the hall to a 4 circled panel at other side of the hall. You can also check the other rooms using the key picked up from the 3rd level grill in inventory to open the doors.
Green pipes power room to activate gold pipes - Face the 1st door down the hall with the pink double doors on your left. Use the key taken from the grill at 3rd level tower back ramp on door.
Note green pipes that run through the room. Turn around and close the door to complete the connection. Push down the lever on wall left of door. Turn left and open the cellar door.
Climb down, right and note the different letters on the wall - this is a clue to a later puzzle at the end of the maze.
Go forward, up the ladder and see another of the numbered plaques - red 14, blue 1 and green 21. Note that this room has gold pipes. Pull down the lever to activate the gold pipes' power. Exit down and out through the door to the decorated hallway.
Riveted metal squares - Use the key to open the green door next to the green pipes room. Press the buttons above a metal squares and take note of the colors. Study the rivets on each metal panel under the buttons: the inner square has different numbers of rivets from the outer squares. Red button: 9 inner rivets and 4 outer rivets, blue button: 4 inner rivets and 8 outer rivets, green button: 9 inner rivets and 6 outer rivets. Exit and go back to the railcar.
Railcar stop 2 - 4 huts area:
Open the 4 huts doors - Press the down arrow of railcar and exit at next stop. Turn right, right and see the control panel to activate the door.
Sequentially press the triangular buttons based on the numbers seen on the combined diagram of the clues seen on the 2 monitors at railcar stop 1 - ships gallery.
Look around the 4 huts room and note that the huts are accessible by a series of walkways and ladders. Each hut has red buttons on all doors. The gold cable is attached to the back of the first bottom right hut. There's a blue beam that runs around on the edge of the ceiling. There are 2 metal doors: one on the far left and one at far back wall. There's a stand beside the top right hut. There's a metal panel on the metal towers that shows the paths of each hut. The lever on the right of this panel is not activated.
Access the metal door at far left wall - Open the metal hut rotation panel that shows the paths inside the huts. By studying the layout of the pathways and ladder in the room, turn the huts to gain access to the metal door on left wall.
1. Click-turn the top left to horizontal position to access the door. Turn the top right to a back slash (\) position to access the left hut. Turn bottom left hut to vertical position and the bottom right to forward slash (/) to gain access to ladder by right wall.
2. To save time, turn right and open the panel on the wall to power the far left wall door button at the top left hut.
3. Now that the layout is arranged, walk the path. Go through the bottom right hut, down the ladder at right, to bottom left hut, down the ladder at right, to top right hut, down the ladder and forward to top left hut.
4. Facing the metal door at far left wall, turn around and press the button on the left to open the metal door - activated by step 2 above.
Enter the room and see the plaque with red 6, blue 15, green 10 and lines on left wall.
Letter clues - Climb the ladder and look out the window. See that it is the decorated hallway at railcar stop 3 and across the hall is the 4 circles panel.
Press the top button to see the formation of letter on the 4 circles across the hallway. Press the bottom button to cycle the circle on the right to different clock positions.
Clock position of the circle (bottom button): Letters formed (top button): Clock position of the circle (bottom button): Letters formed (top button): 1:00 C 7:00 reversed Z 2:00 reversed N 8:00 reversed C 3:00 U 9:00 X with line above 4:00 upside down U 10:00 X with line at right side 5:00 X with line at left side 11:00 N 6:00 X with line below 12:00 Z Turn to right wall and pull lever to activate the metal door on back wall of the 4 huts room. Exit and go back to the hut rotation panel.
Power the lever beside the hut rotation panel - The lever on the right of the panel is attached to a gold cable that goes to the back of the bottom right hut. To reach that side of the hut - Open the metal hut rotation panel that shows the paths of the huts. Click-turn the top right to forward slash (/). Turn bottom left to vertical position and turn bottom right hut to forward slash (/). Top left hut is not used.
Walk the path until the back side of the first hut. Press the left red button that is attached to the gold cable. Go back to the hut rotation panel. Lower the lever at right side of the panel. Hear a sound.
Open panel and see a map of the room. Note the different points of interest and the green lines we already activated. Close the door and press the lever again.
Access the metal door at back wall - Open the metal hut rotation panel door that shows the paths of the huts. Click-turn the top left to vertical position to access the metal door. Top right hut is not used. Turn bottom left hut to horizontal position and the bottom right to back slash (\). Close the door and be sure to pull down the lever. This raises the panel to top of the tower. Walk the huts to the back wall ladder. Climb up and enter the door to the tram.
Access the stand by the top right hut - Press the button to move the tram forward to the top of the hut rotation tower. Turn right and open the raised hut rotation panel. Click-turn the top left to vertical position. Turn the top right to back slash (\) position. Turn bottom left hut to horizontal position and the bottom right to forward slash (/). Press the tram button to go back. Walk the huts until the stand at top right hut.
Press the button on stand and take the first blue fragment.
Back to entrance - Go back to the tram at top left hut. Ride the tram. Turn right and open the raised hut rotation panel. Click-turn the top left to vertical position. Turn bottom left hut to horizontal position and the bottom right to back slash (\) position. Press the tram button to go back. Walk the huts until the main door and then exit the room.
The second blue fragment
Railcar stop 3 - Decorated hall: Ride the railcar to the stop 3 - decorated hall. Before entering through the pink double doors turn right, forward and open the metal window on the wall. Look out and see a lit green half circle with a point glyph under the walkway at the 4 huts room. Turn right and see a locked metal door.
Activate the metal door - Note that green pipes power the control panel for the metal door. Enter through the pink double doors. Go forward to the stairs and turn to either side. Look at the 4 3-bulbs lamps. Note the position of the lit and unlit bulbs as well as the configuration of the wood that holds them to the wall.
Turn to face the pink double doors and enter the 2 doors on the left. Use the key and click on handle to open the door. Note that green pipes connect the panels. See 4 circled panel on the side walls. Click on circle to light up or unlit the 3 top circles to correspond to the lamps outside. Click the button to correspond to the shaped wood at base of the lamp. The shapes are unique to each puzzle so the 4 puzzles are not interchangeable. Do this to both puzzles in this room and to the room next door.
Left wall of left room Right wall of left room Left wall of right room Right wall of right room Exit through the double doors. Go back to the closed metal door on the left wall. Press the red button and enter the room. Pull down the levers on both sides of the room.
Foyer - Exit the room and go through the opening across the double door. Turn left to the sliding window. Press button and take a mathematical disk fragment.
Railcar stop 2 - 4 huts area: Exit to the car and go back to Railcar stop 2 - 4 huts area. Exit and turn left. Press button and take another mathematical disk fragment. Exit and ride the railcar.
Railcar stop 1 - Ships Gallery:
To get to right side rail stop - Exit the railcar at stop 1 and go forward to the 9 squares panel. Click on the squares sequentially following the clues seen on the monitor by the railing at first tower level.
Turn left, press red button and the box opens. Flip the switch to change the path of the railcar to the right.
Enter the railcar and go forward to right rails until the blockage on the rail tracks. Turn left and open the roll up window. See numbers in a circle. Go back to stop 1-ships gallery and open the box on left wall. Flip the switch to change the path of the railcar to the left again. Enter the railcar again and go forward to last stop on the left rail tracks.
Railcar stop 4 - Squares puzzle: See a familiar circle - we just saw this clue. Press the circle parts sequentially as shown by the clue at the window at right rail track. Press red button and the door on the right opens.
Square within a square color puzzle to activate the riveted metal panels at decorated hall - Face a square within a square picture. The squares have lines that go to either the inner or the outer squares. The end of the lines has an up and down arrow. Turn right and see a circle above a switch. When the switch is turned, the color of the light above it changes. On the left wall see a colored diagram that has numbered squares for the inner or outer colored squares.
The clue here is from the riveted metal squares at railcar stop 3-decorated hall. The total numbers of rivets on the metal box under the red, blue and green buttons are the numbers to enter.
On right wall, flip the switch to red. Turn left to squares and enter 4 for the left outer square and 9 for the right inner square. Verify the numbers at bottom of the left side panel.
On right wall, flip the switch to green. Turn left to squares and enter 6 for the left outer square and 9 for the right inner square. Verify the numbers at the second from bottom right side of panel on the left wall.
On right wall, flip the switch to light blue. Turn left to squares and enter 8 for the left outer square and 4 for the right inner square. Verify the numbers at the second from top at left side of panel on the left wall.
We have now activated the riveted metal panels at decorated hall. We need more information for that puzzle.
Tram circular drive at 3rd level back (north) tower:
Ride the railcar and proceed to railcars top 1. Exit and turn right. Climb up to tower area and go to 3rd level back (north) ramp door.
Tram stop 1 - Entry: Go forward and be on the tram with a door ahead. Turn right and see a map of the circular path of the tram. There are 3 inner stops through doors that lead to ramps with numbered stand in the crystal cave with black water. Go through door and see right stop with stand #3. Go back to tram and go forward.
Tram stop 2: See 3 panels that need more info. Go back to tram.
Tram stop 3 - Shaped puzzle: See 4 panels on the walls. 3 of the panels have the 8 pointed circle, 4 pointed square and a cross.
Get the code for the squares - One panel does not have a shape above it. Press the button once and see a cross shape. Press twice and see 2 curved lines: one on top right and other at bottom left. Press 3 times and see 2 curved lines: one at top left and another at bottom right.
Tram stop 4 - Mathematical disk puzzles: Go back to tram and go forward. On left wall is a simulation panel, middle wall has a cabinet and on right wall is the panel that shows the glyphs seen at left wall before the double doors at decorated hall earlier.
Simulation - Note the pipes entering at top left and another from below. Press a square once, twice and thrice to see the 3 shapes we saw at railcar stop 3.
The object of the simulation is to make a unbroken connection between the 2 pipes: one on top left and one at bottom right. Press button. When correctly done, the bulb at left will turn yellow.
1 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 Number of clicks on light brown squares.
Click the blue squares to connect the brown squares.
This panel is similar to the ? panel at the 4 square room at the 2nd floor blue domed room. Now we know the numbers that corresponds to the ? on that clue panel.
Mathematical disk - Turn right and open cabinet. Place the 2 mathematical disk fragments taken from decorated hallway's foyer area and 4 huts' area on the circle.
Study the chart and note that the 3 shapes we saw at tram stop 2 room is at bottom left of the map. At top left is a 9-square setup similar to the brown part of the simulation clue at left wall and the ? panel at the blue domed room.
Follow the lines backwards from shapes at bottom right to top right's circle mathematical process. These processes in turn are result of another set of diamond math process at bottom left which takes their number from the top left squares we are familiar with.
Using the number of clicks of the brown squares at the simulation chart, calculate the numbers for the diamonds.
After calculations, follow the diamond lines down to bottom left diamonds.
1 x 3 x 3 = 9 + + + 2 x 3 x 2 = 12 + + + 1 x 1 x 2 = 2 = = = 4
Top left square math processes
Using the numbers of the top left square math processes, calculate the numbers for the circles.
After calculations, follow the circle lines up to top right circles.
12 - 4 = 8 + + 9 - 7 = 2 + + 7 - 2 = 5 = = 28
Bottom left diamond math processes
Using the number of clicks of the bottom left diamond math processes, calculate the numbers for the big circles.
After calculations, follow the big circle lines to bottom right shapes.
28 - 8 - 13 = 7 - 5 - 2 = 3 =
Top right circle math processes
Follow the big circle lines down to the 3 shapes seen in railcar stop 3.
4 pointed square = 7
8 pointed circle = 3
cross = 8
Tram stop 3 - Shaped puzzle: Ride the tram to stop 3. Enter the data taken from the mathematical disk on their respective panels: 4 pointed square = 7, 8 pointed circle = 3 and cross = 8. Enter the door to the glass maze.
Thanks to Knut for the maze help.
Glass maze - Turn right and make a copy of the map of the maze. To reset the maze - press the button on the opposite wall to get the maze touched doors back to the starting positions.
The graphic above shows the start of the maze at I. The cardinal directions are based on the manual's compass directions: The points of the compass is highlighted to show the direction that is viewed: top lit arrow - the player looks to North, right lit arrow - the player looks to West, bottom lit arrow - the player looks to South and left lit arrow - the player looks to East. The red circles are the door buttons.
Hint - Make a copy of the map and label it like the graphic. Turn it around as you follow-walk the directions below.
At I, go forward to H. Press button and door opens. Go to G, K, O.
At O, turn left-east, press button and door closes. Go back to K and then J.
At J, turn around-east, press button and door closes. Go to N, R, S (with colored numbers and dented grill), T (with grill that leads to ladder), U (with arrow), Q (with brown door), P, L, K and O.
At O, turn left-east, press button and door opens. Go forward to P.
At P, turn left-north, press button and door closes. Go back to P, O, K, G and H.
At H, turn around-west, press button and door closes. Go to L, K, G and F.
At F, note the lines at left of door and purple button. Go to A (with barred window).
At A, turn left-east, press button and door opens. Go forward to B and see symbols on the door and colored numbers on the wall - red nine, blue 22 and green 3. Go back to A, F, G, K, L, H and C.
At C, turn left-west, study the code with yellow squares and then turn around-east.
Door at Room C:
Open door D - Based on the clue seen on opposite wall, press the square buttons in sequence.
Press top red button. Press the squares in sequence shown by clue: bottom, bottom, top, bottom, middle, top and top square. Press bottom red button. Door opens. Enter room D.
Room D:
Open the box on left wall - Turn right and see an octagon with different dot configurations for each wedge. The blue pipe connected to a closed compartment goes around to the opposite wall.
Turn left and see a cylinder with a geometric shape. Pull down the lever on the right once to get the octagon seen on the right wall. Pulling the lever more will show other configurations.
Press the red button to see a series of lights for each wedge of the octagon. Take note of the sequence.
Turn left and see the different dot configurations seen on the picture on the opposite wall.
Correlate the sequence of the 8 lights from the middle wall to the different dot configurations on the other wall.
Press the buttons of dots in the sequence correlated. If correctly done, hear an opening sound. Turn around and take the safety device from the opened compartment.
Go back to C, H, L, K, G, F and A.
In A, turn around-south, press button and door closes. Go to B.
In B, press the button at center of door. Go to C, H, L, K, G, F, J, N, R, S, T and U.
In U, press button and door closes. Go to T, S, R, N, J, F, G, K, O and P.
In P, turn left-north, press door and door opens (don't go in). Go to O.
In O, turn around-east, press button and door closes. Go back to K, L, P, Q and M.
Room M: There are 4 squares at middle wall and the 2 side walls have each 2 cylinders with lines.
Activate door E - Note the 4 squares with gold pipes leading out of each square. Follow each pipe to see which of the lined cylinders are positioned from top to bottom. Right wall: Top cylinder is connected to top square and bottom cylinder is second from bottom square. Left wall: Top cylinder is second from top square and the bottom cylinder is lowest square.
Arrange the lines to copy the lines seen left of the door at room F.
Right wall -Top cylinder - turn once to arrow pointing left, bottom cylinder - turn once to arrow pointing left. Left wall - Bottom cylinder - turn twice to arrow pointing right. Top cylinder - no change (vertical line)
Go back to room F by going to Q, P, L, K, G and F.
In F, if the lines are done correctly in room M, press the purple button and the door opens. Go to E.
In E, turn right and forward to the circular hole on the wall. See a series of laser barred openings.
Force fielded-letter openings: Each side hall has 3 force fielded openings. Enter the inner hall and note the letters at the side of the openings.
Room E
Z X N |
L H U |
C |
Circular cover
Beside the H opening, see a red button that when pressed moves the dial to 7 position of a clock face. At the end of the sequence, the circular cover at the other room opens. Make note of the sequence since it is randomly generated.
After noting the sequence of clock positions of the dial, correlate the clock position to the letters seen at the 4 huts area clue.
Then adjust those letters to the letters seen on the opposite wall accessed at the cellar-underground after completion of 'green pipes power room to activate gold pipes puzzle' at the railcar stop 3 - decorated hall.
Then exit the inner hall through the first correlated letter. Enter the inner hall through the second correlated letter opening and exit through the third letter opening, etc...
Clock position of the dial | Letters formed from 4 huts area | Opposite letters at decorated hall |
1:00 | C | L |
2:00 | reversed N | N |
3:00 | U | U |
9:00 | X with line above | X |
10:00 | X with line at right side | Z |
11:00 | N | H |
12:00 | Z | C |
When correctly done, the circular covering remains open to allow the pick up of the second blue fragment. If done incorrectly - circular covering does not stay open, press the red button again to get a new sequence of clock positions.
Exit and go back to room E. Go to F, J, N, R, S and T.
In T, turn right-south and open the grill to go to V.
Cab ride: Go forward, up the ladder and turn left. Press the button and a cab moves closer. Enter the cab, press the green button and travel through the tunnel. Do not exit, turn around in the cab and press the other green button to go back the tunnel. See the F9 sign on the side of the opening. Turn around again and press the button to go to the end of the tunnel.
Exit the cab and turn right. See the pipe that goes to the hydroelectric area and a ladder on the left.
Balcony: Go down the ladder on the left and turn right to see a letter and number panel. Click the arrows to enter F9. Turn left and press button. The bottom part of the ladder swings open.
Go forward and see that you are now on a balcony at the back part of the elevator area. Press the red button and it turns green. Hear a clink sound and this will open the closed door between back entrances of elevators A and B.
Look down and see a red concave shape.
Go back to the ladder. Press button to close the ladder-gate. Climb up, turn right and climb the ladder to the pipe. Climb in and slide down - Weeee!
Go back to the Tower:
Exit the hydroelectric area, forward and left to the water-walkway cavern. Turn right, forward, enter building and left to the former screen door. Climb up, turn around, exit and turn right to the elevator area.
Elevator area reprise: Enter elevator B and go down. Exit, turn around, close the door and press red button to bring elevator B up. Turn right and go to elevator C. Press button, enter and go up. Exit and go forward to the back of elevator B. Enter elevator B and go down. Exit to the ramp. We just opened the door on the right by pressing the balcony button to green but we need more data.
Go forward to elevator A. Go up elevator A, exit and go to elevator B. Press button, enter elevator B and go down. Go to elevator C and press button to bring it down. Do not enter elevator C but go back to elevator B. Go up elevator B, exit and go forward to the water-walkway cavern. Turn right and enter the room on the right. Exit to go to elevator A. Go down elevator A and exit on the right. Go forward to the door. Press button and forward to elevator C. Enter elevator C, go up, exit and forward-enter the door. Climb down the 2 ladders and forward to the tower area.
Tower Again
We left a lot of unfinished places to explore and things to do here at the tower.
Power to the Crystal Cave:
3rd level back (north) ramp door:
Open the 1st level tower door - Enter and see the flashing button. Do not touch it yet. Go forward and see that the tram is not here. Look down and see a ladder. Go down the ladder and turn right. Go to the window. Press the button and see the door inside the 1st level north ramp door is opened. Go back up and note the metal door by the ladder. Exit through the door.
Go forward, to exit door, turn around and press the flashing button to call the tram. Exit the area to go back to the tower.
1st level back (north) ramp door: Go down to 1st level north ramp and enter. See that the metal door is now gone. Go forward and ride the rail car. Turn left and pull the metal hook to go forward. Exit to the left and climb up the ladder.
Crystal cave: Push the metal hatch and exit to the crystal cave. This must be the ramp that was boarded shut at the tram's circular path at the 3rd level. Look around and see the other 3 inner ramps across the black water. There's a console on the railing. When the buttons are pushed, see a series of lights move across the screen and the lines below changes. We will do this later. Turn right to go back to the metal hatch. Close the hatch and see a diagram with 12 wedges and geometric shapes. A piece is torn off. Take note of the diagram. It is one of the clues for another puzzle later. Open the metal hatch and go down. Ride the railcar to the other end. Exit to the left.
Second 12 wedges clue: Turn right, forward, left and push red button to open the metal door. This is the area accessed earlier at the 3rd level. Climb the ladder, look up to view the bottom of the tram above and see another of the 12 wedges with a power sign at the center, similar to the one on the metal hatch by the crystal cave. Climb down, go back to the railcar and exit through the door.
3rd level back (north) ramp door:
Circular map - Enter the tram. Turn right and note the 12 wedges of the route and the 3 inner ramps to the crystal cave. Note the triangle in a square by one of the wedges.
Crystals cave puzzles:
Power to the crystal cave puzzle - Go forward to tram first stop and exit to the left. Three walls have a setup for entering a shape and numbers for each of the crystals at ramps in the cave.
Based on the 3 12 wedges clues just seen, correlate the shape needed and the numbers to enter.
Shapes - Study the different shapes available by pressing the left button. The shapes seen on the clue from the metal cover plus the tram diagram shows only 6 shapes. The wedges in between the ones with the shapes have the combination of the shapes on either side. So the triangle inside the square of the tram diagram is situated between the square and the triangle of the metal cover diagram.
Numbers - The numbers from the ladder clue can be correlated to the shapes by positioning the power symbol similar to that of the metal cover clue.
Crystal ramps 1, 2 and 3 - Using the tram diagram that shows the inner ramps and the boarded up door position learned driving around the tram circuit, you can identify which one is the shape and numbers for the setups.
Enter the shape and then the number.
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Pictures are rotated to allow for easier correlation. |
Solution: Enter the shape and numbers on the setup. Crystal 1 = hourglass in hexagon (X in hexagon), 8.2. Crystal 2 = square, 2.4. Crystal 3 = triangle, 1.9.
Press the button right of the opening. When done correctly, the bottom light turns green and the horizontal lines on the left turn vertical showing that the pipes are now connected. Also, a thunk sound is heard.
Crystal activations - Go back to the tram and go forward. Exit to the right and enter the inner Crystal cave. See the crystals of different colors are now powered around the black water.
Press the number on the panel in front of the crystal and see circle(s) appear at points of an inverted Y. Wait a few seconds after each press of the number. Listen for the sound of the crystals tuned - humming sound. Go back to the tram and ride to the other inner doors to do the other 2 crystals.
Solution: Crystal 1 - Blue (cyan), top and bottom right circles on inverted Y. Crystal 2 - Red, circles on all points of the inverted Y. Crystal 3 = Green, circle at bottom left of inverted Y.
Exit the cave.
Crystal codes - Go to 1st level north ramp door. Ride the railcar to the end by pulling on the hook. Turn left and climb the ladder to the boarded up ramp. Look close at the console on the railing.
See that there are now vertical lines at the center. Press the red buttons continuously until a crystal is between the lines. Take note of the shape formed by and position of perimeter lines around the spokes. These data usage will be later on
Go back to the tram and ride to exit at 1st level ramp door. .
Blue Domed Room puzzles
4th Level (North) back ramp area: Go to 4th level north door. Go forward and enter the wood door. There are 3 rooms after the wood door with switches on both side walls.
Power to blue domed room - Based on the clues of the gold pipes seen earlier at the room below (above 2nd level) accessed by the 4 squares panel door, move the switches to get a flow of power from the main box at the last room to exit the first room.
First room left-north switch - left. First room right-south switch - right.
Second room left-north switch - left. Second room right-south switch - left.
Third room left-north switch - left. Third room right-south switch - left.
Open the cabinet door under the red button on the power setup at middle wall.
Insert the safety device taken from Room D at the glass maze. Press red button. If done correctly, a thunk sound is heard.
Balls -lights setup - Go to the balls-lights setup across the elevator. Note the blue pipe leading off it to the floor below.
The plaques with lines and colored numbers seen all over the area are the codes for the gamer's choice on this set up.
Press the red button and take note of the path of the ball and the color lit up when the ball goes into the hole. This is then correlated to the corresponding line of a plaque. The gamer's number is then the corresponding colored number on the plaque. The number will be used in a later puzzle.
The path of the ball is made up 3 lines passing the dark brown wood of the setup.
Below is a list of the lines and colored numbers on the plaques in the area. L =left and R = right. For example: LLR means the drawing on the plaque and the ball's path are made up of 3 lines that looks like this -
3 lines path LLL LLR LRL LRR RLL RLR RRL RRR red # 13 9 6 14 11 2 23 8 blue # 16 22 15 1 18 24 5 20 green # 14 3 10 21 7 17 19 12 Press the button. Follow the path of the ball. Note the color of the light.
Look at chart above and see what number was selected based on the path and color of the ball. Do not press the button anymore. This will be your number for a later puzzle.
Exit and go to level 2 north ramp.
Blue domed room (2nd level North): Go down to the 2nd level-north door and enter. See that the blue domed room is now lit. Go forward and stand at the center of the room. Look up and take note of the lines on each of the 8 wedges. Look down at the lines-dots on the wall of the room and note which ones correlate to the lined wedges at the ceiling.
Exit and go to 3rd level north ramp door.
3rd level back (north) ramp door: Ride the tram to the second stop. Turn left, forward and enter through the metal door to the glass maze. Forward from room K to H, go right to C and face the door to D.
Get number for the lines-dots of the blue domed room - Enter the code to open door D: Press top red button. Press the squares in sequence: bottom, bottom, top, bottom, middle, top and top square. Press bottom red button. Door opens. Enter room D.
Pull down the lever to look for the pattern seen on the blue domed ceiling.
Press the red button and note the sequence of lights. These are the sequence of the lines-dots that correlates to the wedges of the pattern.
Go back to blue dome room at 2nd level north ramp by turning around, forward to C, left to H, left K and out to the tram. Ride out of the area.
Blue domed room (2nd level North):
Enter the room on the left of the entrance opening. There are 3 boxes on the walls.
See the lines dots puzzle is to the right and connected by gold pipes - same ones that brought power to the blue dome lights. The one to the left has blue pipes and is connected to the balls-lights setup at the 4th level rooms.
Lines-dots puzzle - The lines-dots here are the same ones on the wall of the blue domed room outside.
The object of the puzzle is to push the lines-dots buttons in sequence 1-8.
The wedge pattern on the ceiling is correlated with the lines-dots on the wall of the blue domed roof. The line-dots are numbered by the lights in room D at the glass maze.
Press the lines-dots in the deduced order.
Turn around to the number panel on the other wall.
Number panel - Enter the gamers chosen number deduced from the correlated lights-balls puzzle at 4th floor north level room and the plaques around the area.
When both puzzles are done correctly, press the red button at middle wall. The box opens. Take the third blue fragment. If it doesn't work, go back and select a new number from the lights balls puzzle at 4th floor north room.
Fourth and last blue fragment
Back to the elevator area: Go back out of the tower area via 2nd level walkway out to elevator C. Go down elevator C and go forward to elevator A. Go up elevator A, exit and go around to the other side of elevator A (enter room, left, forward, left back to elevator area and left to elevator A). Go down elevator A, exit, forward and left at the door that was close earlier. It should now be opened when the red button was pressed to green at the balcony accessed by ladder after riding the cab by the glass maze.
Turn the tumbler entrance to 4th level south tower door - Using the crystal data taken from the inner ramp at the circular tram ride at 3rd level north tower door; press the buttons to get color, perimeter lines on spokes and the circles on inverted Ys.
Turn to the exit, move forward 2xs and turn around. Press the button to turn the tumbler's entrance to the right.
Exit the room.
Back to the tower: Go to elevator A to the right. Go up elevator A, exit and go to the other side of elevator A via the room at the water-walkways area. Enter the front side of elevator A and go down. Exit to the right and go forward until elevator C. Go up elevator C, exit and go forward until the tower.
4th Level (south) front ramp area: Press the button and see that the tumbler's entrance is facing here now. Go forward and look through the crack on the wall to see the black water of the crystal cave. Click on the box and take the fourth-last blue fragment. Go out of the passage and down to the 1st level.
1st level (south) ramp: Go down the metal hatch and ride the railcar to railcar stop 3 - decorated hall.
The Disk!
Railcar stop 3 - Decorated hall: Exit railcar, right and forward through the double doors.
Riveted metal panels - 2nd door on the left: Enter the 2nd (green) door on the left. This is the clues for the square within a square puzzle earlier one stop down. The pipes here are lavender colored.
Colored lit shapes puzzle to bring power to the bridges - There are 3 closed panels. When pressed, the button on the left is red, middle is blue and right is green. When the panels are opened, see a circle depicted. Click on a segment of the circle and it will change shape.
The object of the puzzle is to make the colored shapes seen in 3 places around the area: Blue at the bottom of tower seen through the window at the ships gallery, green shape seen below the bridge at the 4 huts area seen through the window at the foyer of the decorated hall and red shape seen looking down the balcony by the ladder after the cab ride from the glass maze.
Click segments of the circle to make the shapes of the appropriate color: Red - click on bottom right segment, Blue - top left and bottom right and Green - click on top right and top left segment.
Exit the room and follow the lavender pipes to the large double doors to the end. Go through the double doors and use the now powered lever at right to swing the bridge to your side.
Blue disk room: Walk to the room at right. Turn around and place the 4 blue disk fragments on the left and right panels at side of the door. This then powers the right lever on the bridge. Go outside and pull lever at right. Walk to the room on the right.
Artifact room: Go forward and enter the room with a wooden floor. To the left is a metal door, ahead is a ladder to go down and to the right is a door with the Disk that Zetais needed. The disk is held by clamps.
Ladder: Go down the ladder and turn around. Pull the handle of the folding door and see that the opening is barred. There's a keyhole on the left. Climb up.
Disk room: Press the right button to raise the disk door. Turn left and see the map of the decorated hall, swing bridge and the Artifact area. Go down the ladder and see a closed metal door. Go back out and to the metal door.
Metal door: The metal door has light blue pipes leading inside from the inoperative button left of the disk door. Use the key on door. The light blue pipes leads to a 9 square puzzle. Click on it anyway you want and then go out and press the button left of the disk door.
Trap room: Oooops! You fall down through the wood floor. You are trapped! You are at the other side of the barred door. The woman in red opens the folding door and speaks to you in an alien language. She takes the railcar code card and gives you a gold coin. She then opens the door to the right. Climb up and press the door button to exit. Turn to the exit door and see the woman in red by the swing bridge. Exit the area by swinging the bridge using the left levers to go back to the railcar outside the decorated hall.
Back to Elevator A: Ride the railcar back to the tower. You can go back to elevator A by exiting through the 2nd level exit and back to elevator C or via the drain pipe by cab off room V of the Glass maze.
Coin slot - At elevator A using the elevator C route, go down elevator C, forward to elevator A. Go up elevator A, exit, forward and insert the gold coin on slot right of opening.
Go down elevator A again and exit using the opposite door from the buttons. Press the now green button and look through the pulsating glass. See the pattern needed for the 9 square panel at the metal door room by the Artifact room.
Go back to decorated hall via the railcar below the 1st level at the tower - Enter the elevator, exit to the right, forward to elevator C. Go up to elevator C, forward until the tower and railcar below the metal hatch at 1st level.
Artifact Room at Railcar stop 3 - Decorated hall: Go forward to Artifact room via the swing bridge.
To power the hinge of the disk - Enter the metal door room on the left.
Click on the 9 squares to form the pattern seen through the pulsating glass.
Exit the room and press the button left of the disk door to power the hinges.
Take the disk.
Go back to the camera room at the Arrival building via elevator C (or via the drain pipe off the glass maze - I just like sliding down that drain pipe), then elevator A and out of the water-walkway area. Go up to the Arrival building and to the camera room.
Camera room at Arrival building: Place the disk on the circle on the wall. Automatically take the picture. Take the photograph of the disk and the disk off the wall.
Monitor room: Go to the monitor room by the main exit door. Insert the photograph in the slot. Listen to Kales. Take the photograph. Turn right and press the button of the railcar lift. See the railcar get elevated.
Code card: Exit the building, forward and left of ramp. Enter the through the door and place the disk on the circle. Take the code card. Listen to the woman in red.
Exit and go to the railcar. Insert the code card on slot, enter, press button and ride out of RHEM 2.
Zetais takes the photograph and hopes that you can join him in the next adventure.
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Copyright © 7/2005 MaGtRo