realMYST 3D
By Brian Urtz (TempestBreak)


Revision History:

1.0 - First version
1.1 - Added more info on the voltage for the Power Plant, and made some 
minor specifications.
1.2 - Corrected some mistakes in the Selenitic and Mechanical Ages. Also 
corrected some spelling mistakes.
1.3 - Corrected some mistakes in Channelwood and Rime (submitted by 
1.4 - Just a minor change with the Roman Numerals.
1.5 - Due to a couple e-mails concerning the Mechanical Age elevator, I've 
added more info on that.
1.6 - A couple more changes brought to light by Ian.
1.7 - Made a lot of additions, corrections, and changes here and there. Also 
a new FAQ section.
1.8 - Added more FAQs, made some corrections, and added some stuff in the 
e-mail section.

Table of Contents:

I.       Story
II.      Controls
III.     Basics
IV.      Myst Island
V.       Stoneship Age
VI.      Channelwood Age
VII.     Mechanical Age
VIII.    Selenitic Age
IX.      Rime Age
X.       HELP!
XI.      FAQs
XII.     Extra
XIII.    Copyright


READ THIS! - The point of this guide is to not only tell you how to beat it, 
but let you understand what you are doing and why. I am also giving you the 
option to partially figure the game out by yourself (just never look at the 
help section). And, if you still don't want to use the strategy guide, just 
look at the tip at the beginning of the section for the Age you're having 
trouble with.

P.S. This guide can also be used for the original Myst, but you cannot 
access Rime in that version. (If the frequencies in Selenitic are wrong see 
the FAQs section.)

I. Story

Myst's story line can be  very confusing if you don't have the basic plot 
down correctly. Here is the story line up to the very beginning of the game:
In the Age of Myst Island, Atrus lives with his wife, Catherine (Katrin), 
and his two sons, Sirrus and Achenar. Supposedly, one of the two sons has 
destroyed all of Atrus's books. These books are actually links to other 
worlds, and it took Atrus a very long time to write each of them. The two 
sons trapped their father in an Age without a linking book...a book needed 
to get back to where he started, which would be Myst Island. Somehow, the 
brothers each got trapped in separate books, and pages from those books were 
scattered throughout the remaining Ages.
In order to get out of the Ages they are trapped in, the books must have 
every page, and that is where you come in. Here is something found in the 
game manual that explains how you got into the story:

	"You have stumbled upon a most intriguing book: a book titled Myst. You 
have no idea where it came from, who wrote it, or how old it is. Its pages 
contain only a superbly crafted description of an island world. But it's 
just a book, isn't it?
	As you open the book, you are startled by a picture of an island. The 
picture seems a little too real; in fact, the picture seems to be moving. In 
disbelief, you place your hand on the picture. Suddenly...your own world 
dissolves into blackness, replaced with the island world the pages 
described. Now you're here, wherever here is, with no option but to 

To fill in gaps and questions, you can read the following books:

Myst: The Book of Atrus (the best one to read for information, but out of 
print, so try the library or a used book store)
Myst: The Book of Ti'ana
Myst: The Book of D'ni

or the following games:

Riven: The Sequel to Myst
Myst III: Exile


II. Controls

For the most part, the controls for realMYST and the original version of 
Myst are very different. The original Myst was a point-and-click game, this 
version gives you 360 degrees of movement, the ability to look up and down 
whenever you want, and the option to wander of the path and explore areas 
previously restricted. For instance, if you go off into the forest on Myst 
island, you can find the grave of Ti'ana. I would tell who that was...but it 
would ruin "Myst: The Book of Atrus" if you are or will be reading it. The 
basic controls are right mouse click to go forward, left to go backward, and 
you can use the arrow keys for movement as well...which is much easier in my 
opinion, since you don't have to be fast in this game.


III. Basics

This is the section for things that aren't significant enough to have their 
own section, but should definitely be mentioned.
First of all, realMYST is an excellent enhancement to the original. Things 
like amazing graphics and 360° rotation add to the adventure, but the thing 
that makes it so different is the night/day and weather conditions. After 
walking around a bit, you'll notice that it does get darker, and it can rain 
or snow, depending on the Age you're in. Even if you have the original Myst, 
this will be a great investment. You won't be disappointed.
The next thing I wanted to mention is how to work the library tower rotator. 
All around the island are marker switches. Up is on, and down is off. In the 
library you will notice a map of Myst island. If a switch is on anywhere on 
the island, that area will be available to view in detail on this map. There 
are four special markers, one for each of the first four Ages. On the map, 
click on the circle, which represents the tower, and hold it. This rotates 
the tower to face wherever the line is pointing. If the line points to a 
special marker, it will turn red. Stop rotating the tower if it turns red. 
On another wall in the library, there is a picture of a doorway in the 
bookshelf. Click that picture to open the tower entrance. Go to where the 
bookcase was and head through the tunnel until you get to an elevator, take 
the elevator up to the tower. There will be two ladders. If the line on the 
map was red, these ladders will give you a clue on how to get into an Age. 
The ladder with the book icon will show you the entrance to the Age. The 
ladder with the key icon will lead you to a very important clue, such as the 
combination to a safe. To get out of the library, click on the picture of a 
doorway. Always remember these steps, it will help you get into each Age.


IV.  Myst Island

TIP: If you're stuck, remember that the library tower (behind the bookcase) 
will almost always give you the answer. If all else fails, look to the 

This section will help you get to the different Ages in the game. Most 
people give up too soon on this game to ever get to an Age. Stay with me 
here. I will separate this into sections on how to get into each Age...but, 
this walkthrough will not tell you exactly what to do. I will tell you how 
to figure out the puzzles, but I will not solve them for you. If you do get 
too frustrated, go to the Help section and I will solve the puzzles 
there...but I suggest that you use that section only as a last resort. Good 

The Video Portal:

In order to view the video in the cauldron in the room on the dock where you 
start out, find the letter on the ground by the planetarium. Read it and 
enter the number of marker switches in the panel in the cauldron room. When 
facing the cauldron, turn around and you will see the panel. Hit the green 
button to open it. Enter the number here, then hit the button. Go to the 
cauldron again and turn it on. Watch the video.

Stoneship Age:

This is definitely the most difficult Age to get into, but pretty easy once 
you get there. First of all, point the library tower so that it is pointing 
to the sunken ship where you first started. Go to the tower and go up the 
book, or locator ladder and make sure you can see the dock. Then go up the 
key, or clue ladder. You should see three dates engraved on a plate. Write 
them down. Next, head to the planetarium, the round building next to the 
library. Go inside and turn out the lights. The light switch is by the door. 
Sit down in the chair and put on the "star-finder". This is not a time 
machine, it just tells you what the stars look like on that specific date. 
Enter in the three dates and sketch the star patterns you see in the view 
screen. Head back to the library and find the Stoneship book in the 
bookcase. Find the patterns you sketched from the specific dates and 
memorize, or draw, the accompanying icons. Go outside and walk to the pillar 
yard. The pillars are at the entrance to the forest, around the sunken boat 
model. This boat represents the real boat at the dock. Light up the three 
pillar icons that accompanied the star patterns and there will be a draining 
sound. Look at the model ship, it should be surfaced. If not, make sure you 
copied the dates, star patterns, and icons correctly. Now go to the dock. If 
the model ship was resurfaced, so should the real one. Get on the ship and 
enter the cabin. There will be a book on a chair. Save your game, because 
once you enter an Age, you can't come back out until you've beaten it. Open 
the book and click on the portal.

Channelwood Age:

Getting into this Age can be very frustrating if not done exactly right. 
First line up the tower with the big tree in the middle of the forest. Go to 
the tower and go up the locator ladder to make sure you can see the tree. 
Then go to the clue ladder and write down the three-digit number. In the 
forest is a log cabin. Go inside, and by the door is a safe. Enter the 
three-digit number from the library tower into the safe and open it to find 
a matchbox. Strike a match against the box o light it, then light the 
furnace. Next to the furnace is a wheel. Turn the wheel all the way to the 
right and there will be a series of clanking sounds. Once the sounds stop, 
and I mean once all the clanks stop, not just one, turn the wheel back all 
the way to the left. Head out to the big tree. This is the only part in the 
game where you need to go fast, you have about ten seconds though, which is 
more than enough time. To get to the big tree fast, once out the door turn 
left and head to the back of the house. You should see it then. At the tree 
look up and you should see an elevator coming down. If you don't see the 
elevator, do the whole furnace thing again. You don't need a match though, I 
think it always stays lit from now on unless it is off, and it will light by 
itself when you turn it on again. Once on the elevator, it should keep going 
down. At the bottom is a small room with a book on the table. This book 
links to the Channelwood Age. Open the book and hop in! The wheel in the 
small room is just like the other one. Turn it left to bring it to the 
bottom, and right to bring it to the top. I suggest you don't touch the 
wheel in the small room, only in the log cabin. If there is no elevator when 
you are in the underground room though, turn the wheel all the way to the 
left. The button in the elevator will bring you to the surface, I think.

Mechanical Age:

This Age presents no problems whatsoever when trying to get in. First, point 
the library tower towards the giant gears by the dock. Go up the locator 
ladder to make sure you can see the gears, then go up the clue ladder and 
copy down the given time. Next head through the forest to the two wheels in 
front of the clock tower island. Figure out how the wheels work the clock 
(this is very simple) and set the clock to the correct time, the time you 
found in the library tower. Take the new bridge to the clock tower. Notice 
that there is one remaining switch here that was not accessible before. Hit 
this switch, and if you've hit all of the switches on the main island, the 
map in the library will now be complete. Inside the clock tower is a lever 
contraption. I don't remember where exactly you get the correct number to 
enter, maybe in the Mechanical book in the library, but mess around a little 
and you will find it. Figure out how the levers work the weight contraption 
and keep messing around with it until it drags both weights to the ground by 
it's self. Now head to the giant gears by the dock and go inside to find the 
Mechanical Age book.

Selenitic Age:

First off, line up the library tower with the spaceship on the far end of 
the island. As always, head up both ladders and mark down the number at the 
top of the clue ladder. Now go to the forest one more time. In the middle, 
take a right and go inside a brick building. Go all the way down to the 
bottom and wait for the lights to turn on, they will do this by themselves. 
Whatever you do, don't touch the buttons yet. Beside the door is a piece of 
paper that tells you the voltage value of each button. Figure out how to 
combine the buttons to equal the number you found in the library tower. If 
you accidentally go over the correct number, go outside behind the brick 
building and there is a ladder. Go up the ladder and hit the breaker switch 
to reset the voltage to 0. There is also a breaker switch to the left of the 
bridge leading to the spaceship. You may have to hit both breakers. Try one, 
and if it doesn't set back to zero, hit the other one as well. Once the 
voltage equals the right number, you can go inside the spaceship. But first 
go to the library and find the Selenitic book in the bookcase. Find the 
diagram of a piano and write down the order of keys to play. Once you have 
the right keys and the right order, go inside the spaceship. To the left are 
five meters. Now play the correct tunes on the piano on the right and match 
the meters to sound like the tune. To play the meters, pull the switch on 
the right. If you match the tunes perfectly, the Selenitic Age book will 
appear. Remember this is VERY hard, so if you get frustrated, just take a 
break. It's good to hold the note for a while and burn it into your mind.

Rime Age:

First, I think you should try to figure this out by yourself, it's not that 
hard. But if you are really lazy or just can't find out what to do next, by 
all means, read on. First of all, you must beat this game the "correct" way. 
Once you have done that, The Rime age book will be lying on the floor of the 
library. Go to the very last page for some added information (in blue ink). 
Write down what is in blue, and also quickly write down what the pictures 
"tell you". Go to the video portal room, the big cauldron in the room by the 
dock, and open the number panel on the wall (see the Video Portal section). 
Enter the number shown in the Rime book (also the hologram test number which 
is shown on the front of the number panel when it's closed). When you have 
entered this, a mountain should appear in the cauldron. Now press the button 
that was circled in blue in the Rime book. Go back to the panel and there 
should be a new screen. Rotate the bridge joint. Now go to the area where 
the joint now points and go inside. Enter the "blue" number and press the 
red button. Go back to the library and voila! The Age is now before you!


V. Stoneship Age

TIPS: Everything has a purpose. Survey the lighthouse.

This is, in my opinion, the first Age you should go to, but any order is 
fine. The point of each Age is to find the page of  whichever brother you 
want. Achenar is the crazy, "blue" one, with all the freaky contraptions. 
Sirrus is the rich "red" one with all the fancy furniture. The brothers each 
have a room in every Age. Their page will be in their room. First of, 
explore the area and get to know the place. It has been a while since I 
played this Age, so I don't completely remember everything. First of all, go 
to the surveillance scope and find the lighthouse. Write down the degree 
that you find it at. Next go to the umbrella boat. Find the switch that 
drains the lighthouse. Also note what the other switches do. One 
drains/fills the lighthouse, one drains/fills the cave, and the other 
drains/fills the ship. Drain the lighthouse and go inside it. Go downstairs 
and flip the lever on the chest to empty all the water. Flip the lever again 
to close the valve back up to prevent water from getting back in. Go back to 
the umbrella boat and fill the lighthouse up again (by pressing a different 
button). At the lighthouse, the chest should be floating, now within reach 
of the chained key. Open the chest with the key to get another key, the key 
to the attic. Go to the attic and crank the battery up all the way. You 
should drain the cave now. As fast as you can, go to the cave outside before 
the generator runs out of energy. If the lights are still off, go back and 
do it again. Once the lights are on, go to each of the brother's rooms and 
look around. Copy the torn note in one of Achenar's drawers, actually the 
one second to the bottom, and get the page of whichever brother you chose. 
In the middle of the tunnel is a passage with a compass. Enter the direction 
closest to the number of degrees the lighthouse was at from the surveillance 
scope. This passage might also take you from one brother's room to the 
other's. Now once you have a page (choose carefully, this will be the 
brother you now "work for") and the compass is set right, drain the ship and 
go inside. Go to the bottom of the ship's cabin and the returning, or 
"Linking" book should be there. If not, the compass is set wrong. Once you 
get the linking book, take the page home with you and place it in the 
appropriate book in the library.


VI. Channelwood Age

TIPS: Water is the source of all power. Always use your eyes, but the bottom 
level, use your ears.

Ah, the Channelwood Age. This place was really worked on when they made 
realMYST. Take the time to look around while you're here, go exploring. Once 
you're done, let's start our adventure.
First thing's first. This entire level is run by hydroelectricity, so you're 
going to need water. First, you should start building a windmill...wait, 
that's already done for you (thank God), but you do have to turn the 
windmill on. Go to the windmill and turn on the valve, then hit the switch 
on the generator. No you should hear the sound of water going through the 
pipes. Follow the sound to figure out where the water is going. Hit the 
switches at the junctions to direct the water to the elevator generator 
(hey, it rhymes!). Take the elevator to the second floor (if you don't close 
the elevator door, like me, you'll be going no where fast). This is, in my 
opinion (and since I'm writing this guide my opinion counts), this is the 
hardest part of the game if you are too lazy to sketch the picture of the 
second floor back at Myst. If you're like me you'll be looking around for 
about a half-hour before you find the switch, but it's somewhere on a post 
in a round room. This opens the stair door. Takes the stairs and have the 
water directed to the elevator by the stairs. Now take the stairs back up 
and take the elevator to the THIRD floor (skydiving anyone?). Find the "page 
of your choice" and rest in the treetops for a while (my favorite place in 
the game). Before you go, check Sirrus's room. In the second bed drawer, the 
one on the right, is the second half of the note. Write this down. Sirrus's 
page is in the desk drawer and Achenar's is on the floor in the "recording" 
room. Now go back down to ground...or in this case water level and direct 
the water toward the "lone generator". Go across the steps and turn the 
crank to extend the pipe. Now direct the water, for the last time, toward 
the new extended pipe. Go back across to the other side of the pipe and go 
to the final elevator. Take the elevator to the linking book room and back 
to Myst.


VII. Mechanical Age

TIP: Practice makes perfect. Find the simulator.

This Age is very small and short, all you have to do is learn how to use the 
dome rotation device, which is hard at first, but with practice it gets 
easier. OK, head to the dome and grab one of the brother's page. Sirrus's 
page is in a hidden room to the right of the throne, behind the bottom left 
corner of the hanging quilt. In Achenar's room there is a simulator with two 
levers. This is the dome rotation simulator. Start it up and you will se a 
diagram of the dome. The left lever has several settings, which sets the 
speed of the rotation, the right level must be held in position and rotates 
the dome at the speed it is set at. The objective is to get the line to stop 
at the different islands, there is one every 90 degrees. Mess around with it 
until you are able to make the dome rotate 90 degrees and stop there. Note 
that once you let go of the right lever the dome rotates backwards, so you 
must be fast. If you can't get it to work, see the Help section to find the 
easiest way to rotate the dome 90 degrees. Now to find the REAL dome 
rotator. Go to the elevator in the center of the dome. Push the red button 
on the wall and go down stairs. Turn the elevator until it is facing you. Go 
back outside and push the red button again to get to the elevator. If you 
are having trouble with this, like I did, then try lining up the elevator, 
and then keep turning it so it's lined up again. Go to the top floor, but do 
not leave the elevator. You'll notice that there is a middle button. At the 
top floor hit the middle button and get out of the elevator as fast as you 
can. Once the elevator goes down, turn around and there is the real dome 
rotation device. Use your method that you used at the simulator to turn the 
dome 90 degrees(hint: You'll hear a different sound for each direction, try 
to remember what each sound for each direction is, you'll need this later.). 
Once you think you've rotated 90 degrees, leave the dome. You should see a 
very small island. If not try again. Go to the island and write down the 
symbols. Now go back and rotate the tower another 90 degrees. Write down the 
numbers on this island and rotate the tower two more times. There is no 
third island, just return to the main island. Once back, make sure you have 
a page and enter the symbols into the...whatever it is. Push the red button 
and use the Linking book.


VIII. Selenitic Age

TIP: Here, sound is everything.

I'm pretty sure this is the final Age, because it is the hardest. First 
wander around and turn all the microphones on, there are only five (fire, 
water, crystal, wind, clock). Also, the brother's pages are both somewhere 
lying around. After you've turned them all on, head to where the wind 
microphone is and take the tunnel to the radio tower. Match the sound with 
the icon for all five sounds and push the Z button. Write down (or memorize) 
the order the sounds play. Go back to the door near the beginning and put 
the meters with the sounds in the right order. Go inside and hop into the 
earth sub. Once you start it up, you will be in a maze of intersections. At 
each intersection you'll hear a sound (push the red button to hear it 
again), they are the same sounds used when rotating the dome in Mechanical, 
so if you hear the sound that meant you've rotated to the north, point the 
sub north. If you hear two sounds at a time, like north and west, point 
northwest. If you don't remember, or couldn't figure out the sound-direction 
pairs in Mechanical, there is an easy solution. I'm pretty sure that all of 
the wrong directions are closed off, so just try not to turn yourself 
around. It is still a good idea to figure out what the directions mean 
first, just in case I'm wrong. At the end of the maze, get out and head back 
to Myst with the Linking book.

Now that you have all the pages, put the two torn pages (that you've copied 
down) together and do what this says. Then go to the brother that has all 
five pages and he will tell you the correct diagram. The diagram book is the 
last book on the second shelf in the library. Find the diagram he told you 
about and sketch it down. Go into the fireplace and push the red button. The 
fireplace will close. Enter the diagram and push the red button again. If 
entered correctly the fireplace will turn around and there will be the two 
remaining pages and a green book (D'ni Age). If you have the yellow page, go 
into the green book. If not, get the yellow page. If you want to see a "bad" 
ending, enter D'ni without the yellow page, or return all 6 pages to a 
brother. (Achenar is the coolest...he's just plain crazy.)


IX. Rime Age

TIP: Look everywhere.

Now I'm sure the only reason you'd be reading this instead of a regular Myst 
guide is to find information on Rime. Well, there is no real trouble 
presented in this Age, but OK, here you go. First, on the side of the house 
is a gas valve. Turn this on and go inside to the furnace. Turn on the 
furnace, close the door to let the room heat up (thanks to Ian for realizing 
that), then go back and close the valve. Go inside and open the stone door. 
Enter the elevator and go up. Hit the lever to change the color you want and 
the switch to activate the aurora-maker. Once you finish watching that, go 
back into the elevator and push the RED button. Now go into the room and 
read the book if you want, it's just for extra info on Ages. Take the 
elevator down and there is a new room. On the table is a page written by 
Catharine. Write down (or memorize) the crystals' shape/color and enter that 
on the portal. (Click a crystal to change its shape and wave the mouse/hand 
over it to change its color.) Push the button to see a surprise! Well, 
sorry, that's it, hope ya had fun though!



So, you don't want to find the answers to the puzzles yourself? Fine, who am 
I to stop you?...Well actually I could stop you by not adding this section, 
but hey:
Stoneship Age

The three dates/icons are: Oct. 11, 1984 10:04 a.m. (snake); Jan. 17, 2107 
5:46 a.m. (leaf); Nov. 23, 9791 6:57 p.m. (bug)
Umbrella boat: Left button: Ship, Middle button: Tunnel, Right button: 
Compass Degrees: 135 degrees (the position the Lighthouse is in the 
surveying scope)
Channelwood Age

Safe combination: 724
Mechanical Age

Clock Tower time: 2:40
Weight number: 221
The symbols are: 1. The circle with no bottom - 2. Down arrow | Up arrow - 
3. Circle over water - 4. Half-Circle
Rotation: The easiest way to rotate the dome is to put the left lever up 1/3 
of the way, then hold the right one for 9 sec.
Selenitic Age

Power Plant Volts: 59 This can be added up with buttons 1,2,3,6,7,8,10 or 
These are the button voltages:
  1 = 10 volts
  2 = 7 volts
  3 = 8 volts
  4 = 16 volts
  5 = 5 volts
  6 = 1 volt
  7 = 2 volts
  8 = 22 volts
  9 = 19 volts
10 = 9 volts
Frequencies (in order): Crystal - 18.7, Water - 122.1, Wind 196.3, Fire 
99.4, Clock - 44.3
Earth-sub Maze: 
Rime Age

Hologram number: 40
Button location: Back of cauldron
Device under library number: 2735
Crystal Patterns: Oh come on, it's right there! Oh well - Twin-Red, 
Medium-Green, Multi-LightBlue, Short-Yellow, Fork-LightPurple
Torn Sheet:
            Marker Swit    ch Vault Access
                          Isl    and of Myst

     The vault is locat    ed in very plain view on
           the island of     Myst and access can be
   achieved very eas     ily if the simple
  instructions are fol     lowed. First, locate
  each of the marker    switches on the island.
     Turn every one o     f these switches to the
    "on" position. The    n go to the dock and,
    as a final step, tu     rn the marker switch
              there to th     e "off" position.

This instructs you on how to find the yellow page. By the way, there are 8 
marker switches. Here are the locations:

Switch 1: At the dock
Switch 2: By the big gear
Switch 3: In front of the planetarium
Switch 4: In the courtyard (the place with the sunken ship in a birdbath)
Switch 5: In front of the spaceship
Switch 6: Outside the cabin in the forest
Switch 7: Next to the generator entrance in the forest
Switch 8: Across the gear bridge at the clock-tower (must complete the clock 
Simple Solution:

So you just want to beat the game the easy way and get it over with? Oh come 
on you don't really want to read this do you? Okay, well, I'm warning you, 
think first before you use this solution...

This is your LAST chance! Turn back before it's too late!

Okay, so you want to use the simple solution? Fine, go ahead.

First, set all eight switches to the "on" (up) position. Next, go back to 
the dock and turn the switch there to the "off" (down) position. Inside the 
now-revealed vault is the yellow page. Take the yellow page and go back to 
the library. Go into the fireplace and turn around. Close the door (never 
lock yourself in a fireplace in real life!) and enter diagram 158 found in 
the far right side of the second shelf in the library. Make sure you have 
the yellow page and go into the green book. That's it, you beat the game!



Here are the answers to some things that you might be wondering:

Q: What is the difference between Myst and realMYST 3D?
A: realMYST, aside from having the extra Age, Rime, is made completely in 
Real 3D, which means you can move 360 degrees (including looking up and 
down)and wander off the path when you want to. It also has lighting 
(night/day and anything in between) and weather effects.

Q: Is it worth $30 if I already have Myst?
A: If you're a big Myst fan, yes, but it all depends on how much you really 
want it.

Q: I have the original Myst and the frequencies in the Selenitic Age don't 
work. Why?
A: From what I've seen, the frequencies are different. I don't know why, but 
they are on my game at least. Here are the frequencies for the original Myst 
Crystal - 15.0, Water - 153.4, Wind 212.2, Fire 130.3, Clock - 55.6

Q: In the forest there is a gravestone that says "Ti'ana". Who is Ti'ana?
A: Ti'ana is Atrus' grandmother (Atrus is the guy in D'ni).

Q: Are there codes for realMYST?
A: Other then the "simple solution", no.

Q: I can't get the crystal pattern to work in Rime. What am I doing wrong?
A: There are several different shapes that look alike, like the tall crystal 
and the medium crystal. And there are two shades of blue and purple, they 
are both the lighter shade. I'll describe it in more detail:

First crystal: The double crystal shape, red in color.
Second crystal: The medium single crystal shape, green in color.
Third crystal: The crystal shape that has several spikes sticking out, light 
blue in color.
Fourth crystal: The small single crystal shape, yellow in color.
Fifth crystal: The crystal shape that starts as a single but looks split 
from the top, light purple in color.

If you still can't get it after trying everything, I do have an autosave 
file with the correct crystal combination.

Q: What should I see in the portal if I get all of the crystal patterns 
A: I'm not going to spoil the surprise, but if you get it right, you will 
not at any time see stars. It will be a clear picture.

Q: When I play the game there are solid shapes and blank spots everwhere, 
what's going on?
A: It could be that you used minimum installment. Reinstall it full and that 
should fix it. Be warned, you will lose you save files if you do this.

Q: Is that all that's in Rime? The Aurora and the Crystal Machine?
A: Yup. Well, that and that book in that little room, but pretty much. Sorry 
there wasn't more, nothing I could do.

Q: My game freezes at, what can I do to fix this.
A: Wish I could help you but I'm not ttoo good at that stuff, sorry. I COULD 
give some advise but I won't because it would be plain guessing. But if it 
shuts down when you try to pause, then I think you need to delete your saved 
games and reinstall, because that's what I had to do. Was good for me while 
it lasted though. When I had to answer a question I didn't know the answer 
to I had to go through the whole game to find it because I couldn't 
load/save, so now I'm even better at the game...

Q: Is it supposed to be foggy in Mechanical?
A: I think so. I can't remember but I've gotten a few e-mails asking that so 
it's probably purposful.

If you have a good FAQ then send it in to me ([email protected]) and 
if I think it's interesting or important, I'll put it in!


XII. Extra

E-mail me at: [email protected]

E-mail that I accept:

Suggestions: If you think there is something I should add/correct, just tell 
Compliments: Go ahead, if you think this is good, thanks!
Requests: Still need help? Just e-mail me.
Myst Help: I have beaten all the Myst games, and I have read all of the 
books, so I can help with questions on those.
Post: If you want to post this walkthrough on your site, just tell me. You 
don't even have to ask, just tell me your web sites URL.
Complaints: Yes, I do exept complaints, but please state them nicely. I 
don't accept rude remarks or insults (see E-mail I don't accept).
Spelling or Minor Corrections: If you see a spelling mistake or something 
else and feel like it's too minor to mention, don't worry, I don't mind at 
all. Just let me know.

I've gotten a lot more e-mail than I ever expected (when the guide first 
came out I think I got about 1 or 2 a day, and fortunatly haven't gotten any 
"bad" e-mail), but I really enjoy answering the email. So no I'm not too 
busy to answer your e-mail, in fact, I encourage you to send one.

E-mail I don't accept:

Insults: If you don't like the guide, make a suggestion or just say so, but 
don't insult it (or me).
Major Suggestions: Though there are exceptions, I will not completely redo a 
section just because you don't like it.
Technical Help: I know nothing about that stuff, don't even ask, I have no 

Well, that's all I can think of. Hope you liked this guide!

Also, I'd like to thank Vincent for showing me a couple errors in the help 
page (the Channelwood safe combination and the numbers to enter into the 
device under the library), and I'd like to thank Hiryuu for pointing out 
that I had some of my Roman Numerals mixed up (just to be clear, I do know 
my roman numerals, hehe, just one of those mistakes you make when your 
lazy), and Ian for pointing out a couple mistakes (like having to close the 
door in Rime to let the room heat up and some clarification on how to get 
the yellow page.), Travis for finding a mistake in the Rime entrance code, 
and of course, Cyan and everyone else who was involved in creating the world 
of Myst.


XIII. Copyright

This guide was made completely by me, so please do not take any credit where 
credit is not due. Please do not distribute this for money. Do not post this 
on any web site without asking me first. Just tell me the URL for the web 
site and make sure I get credit. DO NOT submit this to a web site without my 

"Once forgotten, now known to one. Fallen from a distant time into the hands 
of a stranger, now upon his shoulders."
- From the K'jed Yah'im


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