Law & Order (3) : Justice is Served
Len Green 1st October 2004 [email protected]
( Particularly for those who have played previous L&O games ! )
I would like to thank Legacy Interactive, and in particular Christina Oliver for their cooperation and assistance.
L&O-3 is considerably different from the previous 2 games of the series. IMHO, it has been greatly improved in many ways (this is not to imply that the previous versions were not good games! Each one of the series has been a great improvement on the previous game. Several justified criticisms from players have been absorbed & corrected by the Developers, to their credit … not every Company is so considerate !).
It is VERY much longer and hence more complex. There are around a dozen and a half actual ‘traditional’ puzzles of varying degrees of difficulty … mostly not all that hard.
The interface and general game mechanisms are substantially the same, but have been altered, streamlined, and improved greatly. I shall not describe any of these improvements, or their functioning, since these are ALL explained in the manual.
Please note that this walkthrough may be subject to slight changes if the game is updated !
{A} This walkthrough describes the absolute MINIMUM actions only which you must take in order to succeed … 1 or 2 non-essentials may have crept in by mistake!
However, please don’t use this walkthrough unless you absolutely have to. Many items, actions, and conversation topics which are not absolutely essential have been omitted. A lot of these are interesting and provide much of the background story to the game.
“Warning” :- The main purpose of this game is to examine clues, interview witnesses & suspects, etc. Some of these actions are essential, but many are fruitless or even red herrings … as in real life investigations.
If you simply take this walkthrough in your hand and follow exactly what to do & not to do, you can probably finish the game relatively quickly. This would completely defeat its whole purpose!
{B} The object of the first part of L&O_3 is for you to assist the detectives (Lennie Briscoe & Ed Green [no relative J] ) to arrest the correct suspect. Until you succeed in this you cannot advance to the second part of the game … the trial.
In the second part of L&O_3, you help the Assistant District Attorney (A.D.A. … Serena Southerlyn) to obtain a “Guilty” verdict at the subsequent trial of your suspect. This part is more complex since it consists of several watertight consecutive sections which will be described fully at the beginning of part-2.
Incidentally, you CAN get scores of 100% … but this is not essential to complete the game fully and successfully !
{C} At some stage(s) in the game you may need to review exactly what you have done (&/or not done). All essential actions which have been performed are recorded in your log book.
{D} You should NOT have to follow the identical order of interviewing characters or accessing locations as described in this walkthrough. Some locations of course will not appear on the map until you have completed certain tasks, and so a particular order is sometimes essential.
{E} In order to see the whole map, don’t forget to scroll it down or up (see the right hand side of the map !)
{F} The inventory structure of L&O-3 is quite a bit different from the previous 2 L&O games.
In particular, please note the following :-
Your inventory is present all the time near the bottom of the screen. It is actually FOUR separate inventories :- from left to right, and using my personal terminology ……….
‘persons-inventory’; ‘objects-inventory’; ‘documents-inventory; & ‘reports-inventory’.
When you PICK UP any object (hand icon), it is automatically placed into the appropriate one of the abovementioned inventories (which glows for a short while whilst it is entered). If you do NOT deliberately pick it up, it will not be there of course.
{G} You very frequently have to obtain assistance from the various police departments. To do this, you have to drag an appropriate item from one of the aforementioned inventories (at the bottom of the screen) into one of 4 ‘submission’ folders and then submit. These folders are (from top to bottom) :- (i) Lab(oratory) ; (ii) Research ; (iii) Surveillance ; (iv) Psych.(ological) Eval.(uation).
To access these 4 folders you have to travel on the map to the “27th Precinct” in part-1 of the game, and to the “District Attorney” in part-2 of the game.
Results for (ii) & (iii) above are obtained from the “27th Precinct”, (i) from the “Crime Lab”) and (iv) from the Psychiatrist.
{H} From time to time, particularly if you’re stuck, access the cell phone for voice mail, phone calls you can make, and assistance from your Supervisors. If you wish to know whether you are ready to obtain a warrant or subpoena etc., access your cell-phone and ask your Supervisor who will tell you ( generally correctly J ).
If the voice mail contains any incoming calls, it means that you should go to the appropriate place to receive info that you asked for earlier.
After you have requested help (from ‘Records & Research’, ‘Surveillance’, ‘Crime Lab’, or ‘Psychiatrist’), the results will not be available instantaneously, but generally after you have visited only one (usually, ANY) location.
*** denotes ‘actions’ of various types.
+++ denotes puzzles.
+++ The solutions of all puzzles will be given in graduated form [1], [2], [3], etc., so that the player who is stuck may quite probably only need to read the first one or two hints, rather than an immediate final spoiler (… which will be printed so that it is less easy to read !).
As far as possible, the puzzle solutions will be described textually so as not to provide immediate spoilers. But in some cases this is impossible due to randomization, or insufficient accuracy.
Therefore quite a number of graphics have been added to some puzzles. These graphics are ALL concentrated at the very end of this walkthrough.
Wherever a graphic is available, it is (internally) linked to its appropriate puzzle (generally at its end).
{J} In general, SAVE FREQUENTLY. It is very easy to make a wrong or redundant move!
You have 11 save-slots. If you like, you can save batches of up to 11 ‘permanently’ (zipping if you like) before overwriting … for the next batch of 11.
Watch the cut scenes displaying the discovery of the body, etc.
Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green arrive at the crime scene
Crime Scene.
*** Start your game here.
*** Search all the 3 ‘areas’ in the players’ locker rooms.
*** View the sports journal on the bench.
*** Look at & pick up the syringe.
*** Go to the bathroom.
*** Look at & pick up the access card from the floor.
*** Look at & pick up the button.
*** Look at Elena Kusarova’s (the vic[tim]’s) locker.
*** Look at the padlock … locked !
+++ [1] Look around all areas of the crime scene.
[2] See anything with words on it ?
[3] See any word consisting of 3 letters ?
[4] Did you read the front page of the sports journal carefully?
[5] An ‘appropriate’ word for the vic to remember easily ?
[6] From top to bottom set the word “ACE”.
*** The locker is open now.
*** Look at & take Elena’s key (from her tennis bag, below)
*** Look at & take the holiday photograph (from the locker door).
*** Look at the phone number on the locker door.
*** Look at & take the pills.
Choose the map and go to Nicole Beaumont.
*** Question Nicole.
(A) Did you know the victim?
(B) When did you last see her alive?
(C) What time did you find her body in the locker room?
(D) Did anyone come with her to practice?
(E) Do you think Elena was worried about her match?
(F) Did you see her with anyone before practice?
Choose the map and go to the M.E.’s Office (Medical Examiner).
*** Talk to the M.E., Dr. Sharon Rutledge. ( I think that the choice of subjects here is arbitrary, and none is essential !).
(A) Is the head trauma what killed her?
(B) Aren’t performance drugs like that easily detectable?
(C) Could it be just a routine accidental overdose?
(D) So what have we got here?
*** View the vic’s corpse … hand and head.
*** Look at & pick up the blood sample.
*** Look at & pick up the hairs.
*** Look at & pick up the embryonic cells.
*** Look at & take the autopsy report.
*** Look at & take the pregnancy test.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag the embryonic cells from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the pills from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the blood sample from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the hairs from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the access card from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Choose the map and go to Svetlana Kusarova.
*** Question Svetlana.
(A) Do you know anyone who would want to hurt her?
(B) Did her opponents like Elena?
(C) Was there any reason she would be worried about playing the Open?
(D) Had Elena’s ranking slipped lately?
(E) Had she competed in fewer tournaments this last year?
*** Drag the pregnancy report (… the sheet you took from the M.E.’s office) from the ‘documents-inventory’ and show it to Svetlana.
Choose the map and go to Frank Morelli.
*** Question Frank.
(A) You weren’t angry that Elena’s new coach was going to get the credit for all your hard work?
(B) Did you ever see Elena and her mother argue?
(C) Is Mark the one who negotiated Elena’s deals?
(D) Don’t coaches usually manage a player’s strokes and their agents manage their careers?
(E) Are you talking about endorsements?
(F) Want to tell us where you were that morning?
*** Drag the pregnancy report (see just above) from the ‘documents-inventory’ and show it to Frank.
*** He volunteers a DNA test.
*** Frank gives the detective his saliva swab.
*** Take it.
Choose the map and go to Mark Greenfield.
*** Question Mark.
(A) Is that why you fired her old coach, Frank Morelli?
(B) How long had she been a client of yours?
(C) Were you in the stadium the morning she was murdered?
(D) Does that mean you were sure this was her big comeback?
(E) Do you think Elena had any other problems that were getting in the way of her game?
(F) Wouldn’t she have come to you for advice with a problem?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag Frank Morelli’s saliva swab from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the graphic of Mark Greenfield from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Choose the map and go to Patrick McEnroe.
*** Question Patrick.
(A) Were you here the whole time during Elena’s practice?
(B) Know anyone who’d want to murder her?
(C) How long have you been her coach?
(D) What were her chances at the Open?
(E) Had Elena’s game slipped?
(F) Was she unfocused with anyone in particular?
Choose the map and go to Rodrigo Silva.
*** Question Rodrigo.
(A) How long were you and Elena together?
(B) When did your relationship end?
*** After this, he refuses to continue answering until he’s been given a tangible reason to do so !
*** Drag onto Rodrigo the photo of him on vacation with Elena (from the ‘objects-inventory’ … the photo taken from Elena’s locker) … and he will continue.
*** Continue to question Rodrigo.
(C) So where did you and Elena get cozy?
(D) Anyone else know about her apartment?
(E) What did you think of her chances at the Open?
(F) Just in case, where were you the morning of the murder?
(G) Have you got the address of yours and Elena’s love nest?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to Records & Research (Tony Jefferson).
*** View the research report on the access card.
*** View the research report on Mark Greenfield and take it (i.e. it will be added to the ‘reports-inventory’).
Choose the map and go to Jimmy Russo.
*** Question Jimmy.
(A) What time did you leave the stadium?
(B) Did you see or hear anything unusual?
(C) Where’d you go after you left the stadium?
(D) How many cameras are in the stadium?
(E) Where are the security tapes kept?
*** He voluntarily hands you a batch of stadium tapes.
*** Take them !
(E) Why should we believe you weren’t still at the stadium when the murder occurred?
*** Hand Jimmy the access card (from the ‘objects-inventory’) … but {automatically} take it back.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag the access card (WITH Jimmy’s fingerprints on it) from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
Access your cell-phone.
*** Look at the name added … Howard Cragen. He is the owner of the phone number which was on Elena’s locker door.
*** Speak to Cragen … he is Elena’s lawyer.
(A) When was the last time you met with her?
(B) Wasn’t Elena a little young to be thinking about the hereafter?
(C) Was Elena’s mother in on the creation of the will?
(D) When was the last time you spoke with her?
(E) Who are the beneficiaries?
*** Cragen replies … “Legally I can’t disclose that until probate. I really can’t help you further until after Elena’s will has been read”………..…
……….…. and he can’t & won’t say anything more !
Choose the map and go to the Crime Lab (Elizabeth Hernandez).
*** View the lab report on the access card and take it (i.e. it will be added to the ‘reports-inventory’).
*** View the lab report on the embryonic cells and take it.
*** View the lab report on the hairs and take it.
*** View the lab report on the pills.
*** View the lab report on Frank Morelli’s saliva swab.
*** View the lab report on the blood sample.
*** The lab reports above reveal fingerprints on the access card showing that Jimmy Russo is an assumed name. His real name is Peter Hamlin.
*** The lab reports above also show that Frank Morelli is not the father of Elena’s unborn child.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag the graphic of Peter Hamlin from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Choose the map and go to the victim’s residence.
*** Drag Elena’s key (from the ‘objects-inventory’) onto her front door.
*** Enter Elena’s apartment and search both ‘areas’ there.
*** Look at & pick up the hate-mail from the table.
*** Look at & pick up the crackers from the table.
*** Look at & pick up the family photo from one of the walls.
*** Look at & pick up the wine glass from near the telephone (and the sofa).
*** View, and take the torn-up letter from the floor !
*** Assemble the torn-up letter.
+++ [1] Separate the 12 pieces … which are arranged differently each time, randomly.
[2] See if you can assemble the letter (… the pieces do not have
to fit exceptionally closely).
[3] If you have not succeeded, double click the pieces to flip them
[4] It transpires that there is more than one note … or maybe the
two sides of the same note ??
[5] Concentrate on one side (or note) ONLY ! (Only one of the 2 sides is described below … you can just as well assemble the other side instead if you prefer !)
[6] The width (horizontal) is only roughly 80% the length of the
‘height’ (vertical).
[7] ‘Isolate’ the 4 corners, and start with them.
[8] The top left hand corner contains the word “Elena”.
[9] The top right hand corner contains the words “about this”.
[10] The bottom right hand corner contains the words, one beneath
the other, “have” & “all”.
[11] The bottom left hand corner contains the word “to” … N.B. its
flip (‘incorrect’) side consists of the word “Rodrigo”.
[12] Isolate the (only) 2 pieces which have a horizontal straight
[13] The one containing the words “be nice” fills the gap at the top
… the other, containing the word “and”, fills the gap at the bottom.
[14] If you’ve got this far, your letter should look like ‘Graphic-1’ … link to the end of this walkthrough.
[15] It should now be easy to complete the whole letter (both pages)
which should read as in the link to ‘Graphic-2’ at the end of this walkthrough.
*** Read the assembled (2 page) letter, and ‘take’ it (i.e. add it to the ‘documents-inventory’).
*** View the locked music box … a keepsake from back home.
*** Play some notes and notice the musical note-letters appearing above (A; B; D~sharp; etc., etc.)
*** Look at the parrot. It squawks something (different ‘phrases’ each time you try).
*** But there is an icon indicating that it wants something.
+++ [1] What would a parrot want (that you can supply)?
[2] Something to eat maybe?
[3] Give the parrot some crackers (drag them from your ‘objects-inventory’).
*** It now squawks a (Russian) tune … you can get it to repeat the tune as often as you want.
*** Open the locked music box.
+++ [1] Have you memorized the tune that the parrot squawked?
[2] If not, get the parrot to repeat the tune as often as you need.
[3] Play the melody that the parrot squawked.
[4] It only consists of 9 notes.
[5] I found that the difficult part was in determining the pitch of the first note only.
[6] This first note is ‘C-sharp’.
[7] If you have troubles with musical puzzles for any reason, look at the musical note-letters appearing above the keys after you have entered all 9 notes.
[8] Observe the background colors of these musical note-letters.
[9] If they are green, those notes are correct. If they are mauve, those notes are incorrect, and next time you must change these (only).
[10] The correct tune (from left to right is … C~sharp; C~sharp; C~sharp; B; C~sharp; D; E; D; C~sharp.
*** Listen to the pleasant Russian melody.
*** View the postcard inside the open music box, and take it.
*** Exit (by the front door of) the victim’s residence.
*** You find yourself in the hall.
*** Access the front door of Elena’s next door neighbor.
*** Enter her apartment.
*** Interview Sophie Marguilies.
(A) Did you ever see her with anyone here?
(B) Did you hear anything from Elena’s apartment the night before she died?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to (Records &) Research.
*** View the research report on Peter Hamlin and take it (i.e. it will be added to the ‘reports-inventory’).
*** Apparently he was arrested 3 years ago for stalking & assaulting Elena with a knife.
*** He is also a nutcase fan of another female tennis competitor, Claire Thomas
*** Access the folders.
*** Drag the wine glass from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the hate mail from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the postcard from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Choose the map and go to Jimmy Russo/Peter Hamlin.
*** He says he’s too busy to talk right now !
*** Drag the research report on Peter Hamlin from the ‘reports-inventory’, onto Jimmy/Peter.
*** Question Peter Hamlin.
(A) Want to tell us how you got this job?
(B) Did anyone see you clock out that morning?
(C) Who saw you walk to the subway?
(D) And then you happened to turn around, sneak back into the locker room and wait for Elena, right?
(E) C’mon, you knew Elena was playing at the Open so you arranged to be there to give her a warm welcome?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to (Records &) Research.
*** View the report on the postcard (that you took from the opened music
*** It is written in Russian and some fragments have flaked off.
*** You have to ‘repair’ the damaged postcard before it can be translated into English.
+++ [1] There are 10 fragments which have peeled off leaving 10 spaces
on the written side of the postcard.
[2] You have to fill in these 10 to complete the postcard.
[3] The writing is in Cyrillic script and unless you know Russian,
you will have to fill them in by pattern recognition … it is not difficult.
[4] The arrangement of the 10 fragments is random and
differs each time … so no purely written solution can be supplied.
[5] If you have difficulty, link through to ‘Graphic-3’.
[6] One (random) set of fragments is marked 01 thro’ 10. Their
appropriate places on the postcard are signified by 01 thro’ 10. Identify your particular fragments and set them in place accordingly.
[7] The repaired postcard is shown in the link to ‘Graphic-4’.
Choose the map and go to the Crime Lab.
*** View the lab report on the hate mail.
*** View the lab report on the wine glass.
Choose the map and go to Claire Thomas.
*** Question Claire.
(A) Were there rumors that connected you to the assault on Elena three years ago?
(B) Weren’t you angry about the rumors?
(C) Isn’t that around the time Elena became Greenfield’s client?
(D) Where were you when Elena’s murder took place?
(E) Were you worried she might defeat you in the Open?
(F) Wasn’t this supposed to be her big comeback?
Choose the map and go to Kaya Talib.
*** Question Kaya.
(A) Since you and Elena spent a lot of time together did you talk about personal things?
(B) Was Elena having problems with her mother?
(C) Is there anything you can think of that she may have been depressed about?
(D) Did Elena ever know her father?
(E) Are you still going to play doubles in the Open?
(F) Were there any endorsement deals lined up for you and Elena as a team?
Choose the map and go to Svetlana Kusarova.
*** Question Svetlana.
(A) Do you know if Elena had some reason to be concerned about her father?
(B) Did he die before or after you left your country?
(C) He never contacted you once Elena became a big star?
*** Obtain a search warrant on Peter Hamlin.
(A) Access the six folders and click on the search warrant tab.
(B) Drag your suspicious person into the “Suspect” window.
(C) Drag into the box marked “Supporting Evidence & Witnesses”, whatever icons you think are necessary.
(D) Click on “Submit” … If you want to repeat, click on “Clear”.
*** (B) Should be Peter Hamlin.
*** (C) Should be {i} Peter Hamlin’s background check {ii} Access card lab test (after Hamlin’s prints are on it !).
*** If correct, you are inside Peter Hamlin’s residence.
*** It is dark in his living room.
*** There is a flashlight. Look at it; but its battery is dead.
*** Enter the adjoining room.
*** Get Briscoe to move boxes so that he can get to the middle of the other (right) side of the room to grab the battery.
+++ [1] This is not an easy puzzle but not a terribly difficult one either.
If you get stuck, follow the instructions below. ( N.B. There are MANY other solutions … & most probably, better, much shorter and more efficient ones!). The following is just one possible procedure.
[2] Draw a grid of 7 squares width, & 5 squares height, representing the area concerned. Each box is represented by one square, but 3 crates occupy 2 squares each & 2 large crates occupy 3 squares each.
Label the squares from the left bottom corner upwards ‘A’ thro’ ‘E’, and from the left bottom corner to the right ‘1’ thro’ ‘7’.
Briscoe starts in the empty square “B1”.
[3] Most of the time you will be dragging boxes and in the ONLY
DIRECTION that they can move. This will be denoted simply as “C3” for example … meaning that you drag the box standing on the square C3 (in the only direction that the box on C3 can move). Crates (double or triple squares) will be designated for example as “A5+B5+C5”.
Occasionally, a box or crate can be moved in 2 directions. This will be marked as U(p), D(own), R(ight), or L(eft) :- e.g. “C4~R” would mean … move the box on C4 to the right (and not to any other ‘accessible’ direction).
[4] From time to time Briscoe can move, and a circular icon
indicates the square where you want him to move TO. As an example {B4} means that you want Briscoe to move ONTO square B4.
[5] From Briscoe’s starting position, make the following moves …....
“D5”; “A5+B5+C5”; “D2”; “D3”; “B3+C3”; “B2”; “A2”; “A3+A4~L”; “B4”; “A4~R”; “B3”; “B2”; {B2}; “A1”; “A2+A3~L”; “B3”; {B3}; “B4”; {B4}; “A3”; “A4”; “B3”; “A3”.
Link through to ‘Graphic-5’.
[6] “A5”; “A4~L”; “A6”; “A5~L”; “A7”; “A6~L”; “B6”; “B7~D”;
“C6+C7”; “D6”; “E6”; “E5”.
Link through to ‘Graphic-6’.
[7] “B5+C5+D5”; “B6+B7”; “A7”; “B7~U”; “A6”; “A5”; “A7”;
“A6~R”; “B5+B6”; {B5}; “A4”; “A5+ A6”; “A7”; “B7~D”; “{B6}”; “{B7}”; “C6”; “C7”; “{C7}”.
Link through to ‘Graphic-7’.
*** View & take the battery.
*** Exit the location. (To do this, click on the semi circular exit arrow at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. However, if you so wish, you can return by moving the boxes in the same sort of way to that in which you arrived. But this is completely unnecessary !).
*** You are back in the dark living room.
*** Look at the flashlight again and drag the battery onto it.
*** Take the flashlight … now you can see other items in the room.
*** View the article (A cut out from a newspaper … about the assault on Elena Kusarova.).
*** View & take the bottles.
*** Move into the adjoining room.
*** View the fan pictures of Claire Thomas on the wall.
*** View & take the typewriter.
*** Return to the living room.
*** Look at the cabinet … it’s locked.
*** Open the cabinet.
+++ [1] Click on any 2 letters and they interchange positions.
[2] There are 12 letters and 2 blanks.
[3] Presumably this is an anagram ……
[4] …… probably of something easy for Peter Hamlin to remember.
[5] Suppose you only ‘use’ ONE of the blanks i.e. making only 2 words instead of 3 ?
[6] The superfluous blank can go at the beginning, the end, or
between the 2 words … but there must be (at least) 1 blank between them.
[7] What is Peter constantly fantasizing about ?
[8] The 2 words are … CLAIRE THOMAS .
*** View the videotapes in the opened cabinet & take them.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag the typewriter from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the bottles from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag the videotapes from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Access your cell-phone.
*** Look at the name added … Ben Winters. He is the person who wrote the newspaper article which was in Peter Hamlin’s apartment.
*** Speak to Ben.
(A) Do you think Elena Kusarova could have committed suicide?
(B) Did her mother push her especially hard?
(C) How were her earnings?
(D) Doesn’t the WTF have rules that govern the development of their careers?
(E) What about steroids and performance drugs?
(F) How about their friendships with the other players?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to (Records &) Research.
*** View and take the report on the videotapes (that you took from Peter Hamlin’s apartment).
*** Go to the cell and access voice-mail. Receive a message from ‘Records & Research’ concerning the videotapes found at Peter’s apartment, together with some info concerning Yuri Zaliski, Elena’s father.
{[ You may possibly have some hassle here. If you do, try visiting various characters or even stopping & restarting the game ! ]}
Choose the map and go to Yuri Zaliski.
*** Ask Yuri about his daughter. He says he has no daughter.
*** Drag the family photograph from the ‘objects-inventory’ onto Yuri. That makes him talk !
*** Question Yuri.
(A) Didn’t you know Elena thought you had died?
(B) You didn’t know she had become a tennis star?
(C) How did Svetlana feel about it when you showed up at the stadium?
(D) Where were you on the morning she died?
Choose the map and go to Svetlana Kusarova.
*** Question Svetlana.
(A) How come you didn’t tell us about Yuri’s sudden appearance before?
(B) What made you think Yuri was dead?
(C) Did Elena know about her father’s past?
(D) Did anyone else know about Yuri’s past?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag the graphic of Svetlana from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the Surveillance folder.
Choose the map and go to Omar Talib.
*** Question Omar Talib.
(A) Didn’t your daughter and Elena play together for the last two years?
(B) How come Elena was the one with the endorsement deals?
(C) Was there any jealousy between the two of them?
(D) Did Kaya mention anything that was bothering Elena?
(E) Who manages your daughter’s career?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to Surveillance (Jack Foster).
*** View and take the report on Svetlana Kusarova.
Choose the map and go to the Eastside Women’s Clinic.
*** Speak to the young women there.
*** None are of any assistance.
*** Question Eleanor Sullivan (the clinic’s director).
(A) Was anyone with Elena when she was here?
(B) Did you meet with Elena’s mother when she came here?
(C) How would you like to tell that to the judge who orders a subpoena?
*** It’s the clinic’s policy to reveal NOTHING confidential !
*** Look around and see if anybody else has entered the clinic.
*** Question one of the clinic’s weekend volunteers … Toki Yamamato.
*** Question Toki Yamamato.
(A) Do you know why Elena was here?
(B) Do you remember seeing if anyone came with her on the day of her appointment?
(C) How can you be sure Elena was pregnant?
*** Obtain a search warrant on Svetlana Kusarova.
(A) Access the six folders and click on the search warrant tab.
(B) Drag your suspicious person into the “Suspect” window.
(C) Drag into the box marked “Supporting Evidence & Witnesses”, whatever icons you think are necessary.
(D) Click on “Submit” … If you want to repeat, click on “Clear”.
*** (B) Should be Svetlana Kusarova.
*** (C) Should be {i} Toki Yamamato {ii} The research report on the videotapes {iii} The surveillance report on Svetlana.
*** If correct, you are inside Svetlana Kusarova’s residence.
*** Look at & take the bank statement.
*** Look at & take the frequent-flyer statement.
*** Look at & take the mirror.
*** View the wall tapestry.
*** Pull one of the side cords to open it … the right hand one.
*** Look at the safe hidden behind the tapestry.
*** Open the locked safe.
+++ [1] Look around the 2 areas of the apartment.
[2] See anything with numbers on it ?
[3] See anything consisting of 4 numerals ?
[4] Something extremely important to Svetlana and hence easy
to remember ?
[5] What about Elena’s great landmark first important tennis
success as a young teenager ?
[6] How about her first important win :- 6-4, 6-1. Enter 6461.
*** View the opened safe.
*** Look at and pick up Elena’s will.
Access your cell-phone.
*** Phone Howard Cragen, Elena’s lawyer, for the second time … he still can’t disclose details.
*** Drag Elena’s will onto the cell phone … now he’ll talk to you !
(A) Who is the executor of Elena’s estate?
(B) How well did Greenfield do?
(C) Can you think of a reason she didn’t make her mother the executor?
(D) Didn’t you say Elena wanted to make changes to her will in the days before she died?
(E) Do you think Elena was depressed enough to kill herself?
Choose the map and go to Mark Greenfield.
*** Question Mark … for the second time.
(A) $250,000 makes her death worth a lot of money to you, doesn’t it?
(B) How come you left out the fact of her father suddenly showing up?
(C) How much did you know about his criminal background?
(D) How did you plan to deal with Yuri?
(E) Were you aware Elena was on anti-depressants?
*** Mark volunteers a threatening photograph.
*** Take it !
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag the bank statement from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
*** Drag Elena’s will from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
*** Drag the threatening photo from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Visit one person (anybody !) just to give time for the Crime Lab to process the threatening photo.
Choose the map and go to the Crime Lab.
*** View the lab report on the bottles.
*** Look at and take the lab report on the threatening photograph.
*** View the lab report on the typewriter … as you try to do so, you are presented with a typeface identification puzzle.
*** Solve the typeface puzzle.
+++ [1] Click the edge of the note at the right side of the screen and
obtain the complete note. Click this, and you return to the typefaces.
[2] When you click on any of the 3 typefaces for each individual
character, it is highlighted with a circle.
[3] Identify correctly all of the 12 characters’ typefaces to solve
the puzzle.
[4] The top line, from left to right … the correct typeface is either 1, 2, or 3 from top to bottom.
[5] The correct choice is … 2; 3; 3; 1; 1; 3 .
[6] The bottom line (same ‘system’) is … 1; 2; 1; 2; 2; 3.
Choose the map and go to Jimmy Russo/Peter Hamlin.
*** Question Peter Hamlin … for the second time.
(A) Why should we believe you didn’t kill Elena?
*** Peter clams up … unless ‘prompted’ !
*** Drag the lab report on the threatening photograph from the ‘reports-inventory’ onto Peter Hamlin,
(A) Who was Elena fighting with?
(B) Did you see Claire leave the locker room?
(C) Had you ever seen Elena and Claire argue before?
Choose the map and go to Claire Thomas.
*** Question Claire … for the second time.
(A) What was your fight with her about?
(B) How did the fight escalate enough for you to slam her head against the bench?
(C) Any other lovely thoughts you just had to share with each other?
(D) Why did you forget to tell us about your fight when we questioned you earlier?
*** Claire hands you a newspaper article. It reports that Rodrigo Silva was banned from the ‘U.S. Open’ due to testing positive for DHA steroid, a banned performance-enhancing drug.
*** Take it.
Choose the map and go to Rodrigo Silva.
*** Question Rodrigo Silva … for the second time.
*** He is not in the mood to answer questions at the moment !
*** Drag the newspaper article about his DHA drug use from the ‘documents-inventory’ onto Rodrigo.
(A) What went wrong? You couldn’t read the dosage on the syringe?
(B) Where did you get the drug you were using?
(C) Is pushing a baby carriage not going to land you on tennis’ ten sexiest bachelors list?
(D) When she hit her head during your argument, did you decide you’d better help her not wake up?
(E) Did Elena know how chummy you were with Claire?
*** Rodrigo gives the detective his saliva swab.
*** Take it !
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to (Records &) Research.
*** View the research report on Svetlana’s bank statement.
*** View and take the research report on Elena’s will.
*** Drag Rodrigo Silva’s saliva swab from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
Access your cell-phone.
*** Go to your voice mail and receive a message from Tony Jefferson (Records & Research) informing you about some of Mark Greenfield’s financial affairs.
*** Obtain a search warrant for Mark Greenfield.
(A) Access the six folders and click on the search warrant tab.
(B) Drag your suspicious person into the “Suspect” window.
(C) Drag into the box marked “Supporting Evidence & Witnesses”, whatever icons you think are necessary.
(D) Click on “Submit” … If you want to repeat, click on “Clear”.
*** (B) Should be Mark Greenfield.
*** (C) Should be {i} Elena’s will. {ii} Svetlana Kusarova. {iii} Rodrigo Silva. {iv} Bank statement. {v} Mark Greenfield’s background check (from Research’).
*** If correct, you are inside Mark’s residence.
*** Fully explore the 3 ‘areas’ inside.
*** Look at & take the jacket.
*** Look at & take the key.
*** Open the bathroom cabinet.
*** Look at & take the syringes from there.
*** Look at the envelope on the dining room table.
*** Look closely at the fireplace.
*** There is apparently something up the chimney, out of reach.
*** Something is apparently needed !
*** Use the mirror (from Svetlana’s residence) to look up the chimney.
*** Seems there’s something up there, but Briscoe can’t reach it.
*** Apparently you need something else.
*** Stop trying, and instead look near to the fireplace.
*** To the left of it is a fireplace poker. Pick it up.
*** Use the poker to dislodge the object out of reach up the chimney.
*** It falls to the floor.
*** View & pick up the vehicle impound receipt.
*** Look at the locked “Pei Pei” box in the bathroom.
+++ [1] Note how clicking each of the 4 wheels causes the letters to
[2] You presumably must obtain a pair of ‘proper’ words ?
[3] Maybe the 2 words ‘make’ sense ?
[4] What might Mark Greenfield want that “Pei Pei” might be able
to supply?
[5] Remember the envelope on the dining room table.
[6] International “Follical Replacement Specialists”
[7] Something to do with ‘replacement’ of ‘Follicles’ ??
[8] Isn’t that something to do with people’s heads … particularly men’s ??
[9] Rotate the wheels until you obtain … the top word “MORE” and the bottom word “HAIR” .
*** The box is open. Look inside & take the toupee.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Drag Mark’s toupee from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag Mark’s syringes from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the (Crime) Lab folder.
*** Drag Mark’s vehicle impound receipt from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Choose the map and go to the Crime Lab.
*** View the lab report on Rodrigo’s saliva swab.
*** The above lab report shows that Rodrigo Silva is not the father of Elena’s unborn child.
Choose the map and go to Mark Greenfield.
*** Question Mark … for the third time.
(A) Have you got a good reason for lying to us?
*** Mark indignantly refuses to cooperate.
*** Drag Mark’s syringes from the ‘objects-inventory’ onto Mark … and obtain his reaction(s).
*** Drag Mark’s toupee from the ‘objects-inventory’ onto Mark … and obtain his reaction(s).
*** Drag Mark’s jacket from the ‘objects-inventory’ onto Mark … and obtain his reaction(s).
*** Drag the vehicle impound receipt from the ‘documents-inventory’ onto Mark … and obtain his reaction(s).
Choose the map and go to the Crime Lab.
*** View the lab report on the syringes.
*** View and take the lab report on Mark’s toupee.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to (Records &) Research.
*** View the research report on the vehicle impound receipt.
Choose the map and go to Sophie Marguilies.
*** Question Sophie … for the second time.
(A) Are you sure you couldn’t hear what the argument in the next apartment was about?
(B) Did you see anything on the street?
(C) See anything unusual?
(D) Could you recognize the man you saw?
(F) Was the fight next door still going on while he was waiting on the street?
Choose the map and go to “City Serve Car Service”.
*** Question Jesus Gonzalez.
(A) Where did you drop the man off?
(B) Did you take the same man to Flushing Meadows stadium?
(C) You think you could identify this man?
(C) What time did you get there?
*** Jesus gives the detective the car service log book.
*** Take it !
Access your cell-phone.
*** Access the voice-mail and listen to any outstanding messages (There should be one from the Crime Lab concerning a DNA match, proving that Mark Greenfield is the father of Elena’s unborn child).
*** Obtain an arrest warrant for Mark Greenfield.
(A) Access the six folders and click on the arrest warrant tab.
(B) Drag your suspicious person into the “Suspect” window.
(C) Drag into the box marked “Supporting Evidence & Witnesses”, whatever icons you think are necessary.
(D) Click on “Submit” … If you want to repeat, click on “Clear”.
*** (B) should be Mark Greenfield.
*** (C) Should be {i) Elena’s will. {ii} The lab test on the hairs. {iii} The jacket. {iv} The background check (‘Research’) on Mark Greenfield {v} Toki Yamamato {vi} The button {vii} The lab test on the toupee
{viii} The lab test on the embryonic cells. {ix} Either Jesus Gonzalez or the Car Service Log.
*** If you’ve submitted suitable items, the District Attorney will agree to send Mark Greenfield for trial. Watch the cut-scenes which will lead you to part-2 (Lawyer) of the game.
If not, you will have to repeat with an improved selection of items.
If you’ve done EVERYTHING ‘correctly’ in part-1, you will obtain :-
“Detective Score: ………..…. 100%”.
But don’t worry if you got less than this!
So long as you’ve succeeded in progressing to part-2 (the trial), the “Detective Score” will have no influence (one way or the other) upon your finishing the game successfully.
The object of the second part of L&O is for you to help the Prosecution’s Assistant District Attorney (ADA … Serena Southerlyn) to obtain a trial verdict of “Guilty”. She is guided from time to time by her supervisor, the District Attorney (DA … Charles Northcutt).
This half is actually divided into 7 watertight sections. They are in a fixed order … if/when you succeed in one section, you can proceed to the next. …….. So keep Saving; frequently!
N.B. Remember to “Object” VERY QUICKLY whenever the Defense (Hershel Morton) is out of line!
PART-2A :- The Prosecution investigates before the actual trial itself begins.
PART-2B :- The trial begins:-
The Prosecution selects its witnesses & items of evidence.
The ADA questions all its witnesses and presents its evidence. The Defense Attorney cross examines some of the Prosecution’s witnesses. Then the ADA rests its case.
If you have not presented your case well enough, it will be summarily dismissed … FAILURE.
If however you have presented your case satisfactorily, you’ll have further time for investigation … SUCCESS.
PART-2C :- The Prosecution carries out further investigation before the Defense presents its case.
PART-2D :- The trial continues:-
The Defense questions all its witnesses and then rests its case.
PART-2E :- The Prosecution carries out a final investigation before presenting its Rebuttal Subpoena.
PART-2F :- The trial continues:-
The Prosecution again selects its witnesses & items of evidence.
The ADA presents its Rebuttal Subpoena.
Then the Prosecution rests its final case.
PART-2G :- Cut-scenes :-
The Prosecution and the Defense make their closing summaries.
The jury retires and then delivers its judgment of “Not Guilty” (BAD) or “Guilty” (YOU’VE “WON”!) … you will also be given your %age score.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
*** Watch the cut scenes displaying the trial preliminaries. You finish up (interactive again) in the …….. Assistant District Attorney’s office.
*** If you haven’t done so already, drag the graphic of Mark Greenfield from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the ‘Psychological Evaluation’ folder.
Choose the map and go to Mark Greenfield’s office.
*** Fully explore both ‘areas’ inside.
*** Look at & take the checks.
*** Look at & take the Emergency Room bill.
*** Look at & take the plane ticket.
*** View & take Greenfield’s passport.
*** Look at & take the financial document.
*** Look at the signed baseball.
*** Look at the locked drawer underneath the cigars. It “needs” something !
*** Open it with the key you obtained from Mark’s residence.
*** Look at the gift shop receipt from inside the opened drawer, and take it.
*** Look at the computer. You can’t do anything with it due to the glare.
*** Go to the window … nice view !
*** But it’s the light coming in from there which causes the glare on the computer.
*** Click on the cord which closes the window-blind … that’s better.
*** Look at the computer again … now you can see that you have to enter a password.
+++ [1] Look around the 2 areas of the apartment.
[2] See anything with letters on it ?
[3] See anything consisting of 4 letters ?
[4] Something of importance to Mark, and hence easy
to remember ?
[5] He’s a baseball fan.
[6] What about (maybe) the most famous player ever ?
[7] Did you look at his precious baseball?
[8] Enter BABE (N.B. not Ruth !).
*** It’s the correct password … but there’s a printer error.
*** Look at the printer … it ‘needs’ something.
*** It seems pretty ‘empty’ ?!
*** Below & to the right of the printer is some paper.
*** Help yourself to some.
*** Drag the computer paper from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the printer.
*** It prints a foreign (Costa Rica) account.
*** View & take the foreign account document.
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Drag the passport from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
*** Drag the ER bill from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
*** Drag the checks from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
*** Drag the financial document from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
*** Drag the foreign account from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Choose the map and go to Kaya Talib.
*** Question Kaya Talib … for the second time.
(A) Who would Elena have told about her pregnancy?
(B) Did Elena tell you who her major new endorsement deal was with?
(C) Were you and your father unhappy that all those sponsors liked to throw their money at Elena and not you?
(D) How’s your new partner working out?
Choose the map and go to the Odessa Gift Shop.
*** Have a brief word with the owner … Dmitri Petrov.
*** Click on the computer … and obtain a puzzle !
*** Solve the computer color-shapes Puzzle.
+++ [1] Look at the puzzle and see if you can solve it.
[2] The right hand column contains the 3 shapes you need to
[3] Click on each one (in turn), and notice the black square around
it … that is the row which is being dealt with !
[4] Going from left to right :- The left hand column determines
whether you obtain a circle, a triangle, or a square.
[5] The next column determines whether you get a red, blue or
yellow figure.
[6] The next column fixes whether your shape will be small,
medium or large in size.
[7] The last (right hand) column shows your completed shapes.
[8] If you’ve forgotten, look again at your receipt (Double left mouse click on the receipt in the ‘documents-inventory’).
[9] Arrange the 3 shapes to be as illustrated.
[10] The correct solution, from top to bottom is … Large Blue Triangle;
Large Yellow Circle; & Small red square.
If necessary, link through to ‘Graphic-8’.
*** Note the Ukrainian doll and all its purchase & delivery details.
Choose the map and go to the Ukrainian Embassy.
*** Question Ivana Kirenikov.
(A) How do you identify promising Ukrainian players?
(B) Was Elena Kusarova one of your hand picked finds?
(C) Does your government help tennis players emigrate here?
(D) Why did Mr. Greenfield give you an expensive gift?
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Drag the graphic of Ivana Kirenikov from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the ‘Records & Research’ folder.
Choose the map and go to the Psychiatrist.
*** View and take the psychiatric report on Mark Greenfield.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to (Records &) Research.
*** View the research report on the passport.
*** View the research report on the financial document.
*** View the research report on Ivana Kirenikov.
*** View the research report on the ER bill.
*** View and take the research report on the checks.
*** View and take the research report on the foreign account.
*** View and take the research report on the vehicle impound receipt (if you didn’t do this in part-1 of the game !).
Choose the map and go to the Crime Lab.
{[ Only if you didn’t do this in part-1 of the game ……………… ]}
*** View the lab report on the blood sample and take it.
Part-2B :- THE TRIAL.
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
(A) Click on the (yellow) subpoena tab … on the right.
(B) Drag your witnesses into the “Prosecution Witness List” window.
(C) Drag into the box marked “Prosecution Evidence List”, whatever icons you think are necessary.
NOTE :- If you want to use more than 9 items (in either list), you can easily do so by utilizing the slider on the right side of the relevant panel!
(D) Click on “Go to Trial” and watch the cut-scene of the Prosecution’s opening case.
(E) Select your witnesses, one after the other for questioning.
{i} You can choose your witnesses in ANY order you like.
{ii} You should “Object” to any Defense’s unauthorized questioning during its cross examination … but it’s advisable to stick ONLY to the objections outlined below (which will be sustained and not overruled!). You should do this QUICKLY, before (or as soon as) the Counsel for Defense (Hershel Morton) has finished the offending sentence.
*** (B) Should be {i} Patrick McEnroe; {ii} Yuri Zaliski; {iii} Jesus Gonzalez; {iv} Sophie Marguilies.
*** (C) Should be {i} button; {ii} Elena’s Will; {iii} jacket; {iv} car service log; {v} autopsy report; {vi} pregnancy test; {vii} psychiatric report on Mark Greenfield; {viii} lab test on hairs; {ix} lab test on embryonic cells; {x} lab test on blood sample; {xi} research report on foreign account; {xii} research report on impound receipt; {xiii} research report on Mark Greenfield; {xiv} research report on checks.
*** Select Patrick McEnroe from the witness list.
*** Question Patrick McEnroe :-
(A) How long had you been training Elena Kusarova?
(B) During that time did you witness any evidence that she was using steroids?
(C) Had her playing become inconsistent enough to cause concern to those involved with her professional career?
(D) Did Elena ever tell you that she was taking anti-depressants?
(E) What are the pressures on some of these young players like?
(F) Is it difficult for the players to live up to the high expectations?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Why did Ms. Kusarova hire you as her new coach?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – And when it didn’t do the job, she recklessly increased her dosage and OD’d?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – The same drug Ms. Kusarova used to commit suicide to avoid her future as a sports has-been?
*** Select Elizabeth Hernandez (Crime Lab) from the witness list.
*** Select the lab test results on the blood sample.
*** Question Elizabeth Hernandez :-
(A) What were your findings in the victim’s blood?
(B) How would the steroid DHA affect her pregnancy?
*** Select the lab test results on the hairs (from under the vic’s nails).
(C) Were you able to identify the hairs found under the victim’s nails?
*** Select the lab test results on the embryonic cells..
(D) Can you tell the court who was the father of Elena Kusarova’s unborn child?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Can you estimate how long Ms. Kusarova had been abusing steroids prior to her overdose?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Was her death the accidental result of the combination of steroids, antidepressants and multivitamins she was taking?
*** Select Dr. Geoffrey Hoffman (Psychologist) from the witness
*** Select the psychiatric report on Mark Greenfield.
*** Question Dr. Geoffrey Hoffman :-
(A) Please tell the court your opinion of Mr. Greenfield’s mental state.
(B) Does he seem to have any compunction about his illicit affair with the victim?
(C) How does he view his relationship with his clients?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Isn’t it true that Ms. Kusarova, as immature and unstable as she was, spun out of control when my client, as he knew he should, tried to end their intimacy?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – But Ms. Kusarova never told him that she was pregnant, did she?
*** Select Dr. Sharon Rutledge (M.E.) from the witness list.
*** Select the pregnancy test.
*** Question Sharon Rutledge :-
(A) Can you please tell the jury how long the victim had been pregnant?
*** Select the autopsy report.
(B) Can you tell the jury the victim’s cause of death?
(C) How was the drug administered?
(D) Is this consistent with normal injection technique?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Isn’t it true that the self induced mixture of steroids, anti-depressants, hormonal fluctuations, anorexia and a strenuous workout caused the victim to pass out?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – How long did Ms. Kusarova know she was pregnant?
*** Select Lennie Briscoe (detective) from the witness list.
*** Select the car service log.
*** Question Lennie Briscoe :-
(A) Where did the defendant tell you he was on the morning of the murder?
*** Select the button.
(B) What can you tell the court about this item?
*** Select Mark’s jacket.
(C) What is the significance of this jacket to this case
*** Select Elena’s Will.
(D) What can you tell the court about this document?
Defense Cross Examination.
Do not object to ANY questions !
*** Select Tony Jefferson (Records & Research) from the witness list.
*** Select the research report on Mark Greenfield.
*** Question Tony Jefferson :-
(A) What did your research reveal about the defendant’s financial circumstances?
*** Select the research report on Greenfield’s foreign account.
(B) What did your research reveal about the defendant’s Costa Rican accounts?
*** Select the research report on the impound receipt.
(C) What were your findings about this document?
*** Select the research report on the checks.
(D) What were your findings about these checks?
Defense Cross Examination.
Do not object to ANY questions !
*** Select Yuri Zaliski from the witness list.
*** Question Yuri Zaliski :-
(A) How long had it been since you had seen your daughter?
(B) Why had it been so long since you saw your daughter?
(C) Why were you incarcerated back in the Ukraine?
(D) Do you mean torture them?
(E) Were you told that this information could be harmful to Elena’s marketing opportunities?
(F) What was your argument about with Svetlana Kusarova at the stadium the day before Elena’s death?
(G) Did you ever meet Mr. Greenfield?
(H) Did he tell you he didn’t want you to jeopardize your daughter’s career?
(I) Did Mr. Greenfield have a reaction to your refusal?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Mr. Zaliski, you came to this country with the sole intention of extorting money from my client, didn’t you?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Did your daughter ignore the postcard you sent to her because she knew you were a dangerous criminal?
*** Select Jesus Gonzalez from the witness list.
*** Question Jesus Gonzalez :-
(A) On the day of the murder, what time did you drop Mr. Greenfield off at the stadium?
(B) Is the man you drove to the stadium in the courtroom today?
Defense Cross Examination.
No questions from the Defense.
*** Select Sophie Marguilies from the witness list.
*** Question Sophie Marguilies :-
(A) Did you see a man from your window on the night before the murder?
(B) Did you hear a loud argument taking place between a man and a woman that night in the victim’s apartment?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Could you tell if the male voice you heard was one of Ms. Casanova’s many regular sexual partners?
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Drag the graphic of Svetlana Kusarova from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the Surveillance folder.
Access your cell-phone.
*** Go to your voice mail and receive a message from Tony Jefferson (Records & Research) informing you about the E.R. (emergency room) bill.
Choose the map and go to Gus Olsen.
*** Question Gus Olsen.
(A) What was your visit to Mr. Greenfield about?
(B) Did that disagreement that end in an assault?
(C) Who are you afraid of?
(D) Are you talking about gambling debts?
Access your cell-phone.
*** Select Charles Northcutt (District Attorney).
*** Speak to the DA.
(A) Can you help us convince Gus Olsen to talk?
(He promises to send you a plea-bargain fax).
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to Surveillance.
*** View the second surveillance report on Svetlana Kusarova.
*** Receive the speech fragments and assemble them into the proper coherent discussion.
+++ [1] You have to drag the 6 speech fragments, one by one, up to the ‘assembly line’ from left to right. You must get them into the right order so as to get the correct discussion when you click the play (right pointing) arrow.
[2] Turns out that this discussion is between Svetlana and her (ex ?) husband Yuri Kusarova.
[3] When you succeed, you get the full discussion, a red band at the top & bottom of the speech-line, Foster’s (Surveillance) report, and a graphic of Svetlana clipped to a folder.
[4] Svetlana speaks first.
[5] After that, Yuri then Svetlana again, and finally Yuri again.
[6] If you have hearing problems, it is not TOO difficult to see how one fragment fits fairly seamlessly onto the one before it.
[7] Note the piece which has a short ‘silence’ at the beginning, and another which has a short ‘silence’ at the end.
[8] If this is still problematic, arrange the fragments BELOW (i.e. in the area where they are first found) from left to right in order of length. Number them also from left to right 1 thro’ 6. (N.B. some are close in length but by moving them one under the other you can tell the differences … however small!).
If necessary, link through to ‘Graphic-9’.
[9] The first piece to place on the extreme left of the ‘assembly line’ is number ‘2’.
[10] After that, in order … 1; 4; 6; 5; 3.
[11] After you click the play arrow, the full line is as in the link to ‘Graphic-10’.
*** Take the graphic of Svetlana (This is not really essential).
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Look at the fax. It is a plea-bargain document for Gus Olsen.
*** Take it.
Choose the map and go to Gus Olsen.
*** Question Gus Olsen.
*** He won’t talk without a deal … “The food in this place stinks” !
*** Drag the plea document from the ‘documents-inventory’ onto Gus.
He tells the ADA that he collects debts for a bookie called Henry Hoskins a.k.a. Moid, who’s a regular at a bar down on Delancy !
Choose the map and go to Henry Haskins.
*** Question Henry Haskins.
(A) Does Greenfield have any outstanding debts?
(B) Did he place any bets on the Open?
(C) Greenfield bet on Kaya and Elena to win the doubles title?
(D) When did he place the bet?
(E) Did he ever bet on his client, Elena Kusarova?
(F) Greenfield bet against his own client?
Access your cell-phone.
*** Go to your voice mail and receive a message from Tony Jefferson (Records & Research) informing you about Greenfield’s shady Costa Rican bank accounts.
Choose the map and go to Svetlana Kusarova.
*** Question Svetlana Kusarova for the fourth time.
(A) Does your closeness extend to giving Yuri money?
(B) Why didn’t Elena tell you about the postcard Yuri sent her before he showed up on your doorstep?
(C) Did Greenfield want Yuri to stay away from Elena?
(D) Do you think Elena committed suicide?
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
It is time to resume the trial with the Defense Case.
Rodrigo Silva ~ Direct Examination (By Defense).
*** Object to Morton’s statement – And her obsession irritated you so much so that you wrote her that threatening note?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – So you injected Ms. Kusarova with a lethal dose of this drug to effectively conclude your annoying affair with her?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Ms. Kusarova was so humiliated by the end of your relationship that she committed suicide, didn’t she?
Rodrigo Silva ~ Cross Examination (By Prosecution).
*** Question Rodrigo Silva :-
(A) Had Elena ever mentioned using performance drugs to you?
(B) Did you ever give her any indication you were using performance-drugs?
(C) She never asked you to provide her with this drug in the weeks before her death?
Peter Hamlin ~ Direct Examination (By Defense).
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Of the many people you sold performances drugs to, was my client ever one of them?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Isn’t that when you saw Claire Thomas a tennis player with whom you have a perverse obsession, and Ms. Kusarova having a violent argument in the locker room?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – So when did you and Ms. Thomas conspire that morning to viciously eliminate Ms. Kusarova from competition?
Peter Hamlin ~ Cross Examination (By Prosecution).
*** Question Peter Hamlin :-
(A) Did you ever provide steroids to Elena?
(B) Had you ever seen Elena before that morning since you were arrested for the assault on her three years ago?
(C) If you had gone into the locker room that morning when you saw her fight with Claire you would have been in violation of your restraining order, correct?
(D) Since Claire was ranked higher than Elena in the Open, did you have any reason to kill her?
Claire Thomas ~ Direct Examination (By Defense).
*** Object to Morton’s statement – What did she say after you taunted her about the lover she refused to believe had rejected her?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Even after you shoved her head against the bench and injected her with the steroid?
Claire Thomas ~ Cross Examination (By Prosecution).
*** Question Claire Thomas :-
(A) Were you concerned about your chances at beating Elena in the Open?
(B) Have you ever been tested for using performance drugs?
(C) Weren’t you once a client of the defendant before he terminated your contract?
(D) Was it your desire to become a client of the defendant again?
(E) Have you ever spoken with Mr. Greenfield about being re-signed?
(F) Did he say he had plans to get rid of Elena first?
(G) Was this in fact what your disagreement with Elena was about that morning?
Kaya Talib ~ Direct Examination (By Defense).
*** Object to Morton’s statement –Was it difficult to have a professional relationship with someone as high-strung and immature as Ms. Kusarova?
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Your diplomacy is admirable. But wasn’t it because my client worked tirelessly on her behalf?
Kaya Talib ~ Cross Examination (By Prosecution).
*** Question Kaya Talib :-
(A) How did you and your new partner do in the Open?
(B) Was it after the murder of Elena that you and your new partner decided to play together?
(C) Had you and your new partner discussed the possibility of playing the Open together before Elena’s murder?
(D) Did Elena tell you why she wasn’t feeling well?
(E) Did you know about her pregnancy?
(F) What did Elena say to you about her pregnancy?
(G) Did she tell you who the father of her child was?
Svetlana Kusarova ~ Direct Examination (By Defense).
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Were you aware that the sociopath who nearly killed your daughter three years ago was a security guard at the stadium?
*** Object to Morton’s statement –Do you think your parenting was a factor in Elena’s suicide?
Svetlana Kusarova ~ Cross Examination (By Prosecution).
*** Question Svetlana Kusarova :-
(A) Were you stealing money from Elena’s accounts?
(B) Did you know the defendant was using Elena’s money to pay off his own debts?
(C) Is there any reason why your daughter would not want to see the father she believed to be dead?
(D) If Elena’s father’s past became known to the public how could it have affected her career?
Mark Greenfield ~ Direct Examination (By Defense).
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Rodrigo Silva says their relationship had ended but do you know if they might have been intimate while attempting to reconcile
Mark Greenfield ~ Cross Examination (By Prosecution).
*** Question Mark Greenfield :-
(A) Have you ever bet against your own client, Elena Kusarova, in tournaments she played?
(B) Did you use false names to place these bets?
(C) After Elena’s murder did you place a bet on Kaya Talib and her new doubles partner at the Open?
(D) Weren’t you afraid that Elena’s lucrative endorsement deal with LaCoste would be forfeited if her father’s past became public?
(E) Did Elena threaten you with revealing her pregnancy and when you realized what would happen when that news got out, you killed her?
(F) By murdering Elena you hoped your paternity would remain a secret and there would be no problem re-signing Claire Thomas as a client, right?
(G) Why did you lie to the police about your whereabouts on the morning of the murder?
(H) How much money did you lose on the doubles bet you placed after Elena’s murder?
Access your cell-phone.
*** Go to your voice mail and receive a message from Tony Jefferson (Records & Research) informing you about Svetlana’s & Greenfield’s visit to Kiev and meeting Ivana Kirenikov there.
*** This is followed automatically by another message from Tony Jefferson (Records & Research) informing you of a lot about Ivana Kirenikov.
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Drag the graphic of Omar Talib from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the ‘Surveillance’ folder.
*** Drag the graphic of Ivana Kirenikov from the ‘persons-inventory’ into the ‘Surveillance’ folder.
*** Visit one person (anybody !) just to give time to carry out and report on the two surveillances.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to Surveillance.
*** View the surveillance report on Omar Talib.
*** View the surveillance report on Ivana Kirenikov.
Choose the map and go to Empire Storage.
*** Look at the ‘sign-in’ clipboard.
*** Go along the corridor to storeroom 106.
*** Enter the room … you can’t; it’s locked.
*** Open the padlock.
+++ [1] You need to enter a 3 letter code.
[2] It’s the storage room rented by Ivan Koromiko.
[3] Did you have a good look at the ‘sign-in’ clipboard.
[4] Somewhere near the middle is Ivan’s entry.
[5] Notice her initials.
[6] From top to bottom, enter IGK.
*** Look around the storeroom.
*** Only one set of items seems ‘available’ --- 3 shelves supporting 5 Russian dolls each … a puzzle apparently !
+++ [1] You have to click on all of the 15 dolls in the correct order.
[2] Each time you click on a doll, a soft ‘click’ is heard and that doll moves a bit outwards from the wall.
[3] Make a mistake and all the dolls return and you start again.
(In many puzzles this can be frustrating. But here it’s the opposite. If you note your previous correct dolls and make a mistake, you know EXACTLY which doll NOT to click next time!).
[4] To start with, it is essential to know which doll is the first one of the series!
[5] If you remember the doll which Mark Greenfield bought for Ivan Koromiko … that’s the one.
[6] If you don’t remember, it’s easy enough to fix it by using the method mentioned in [3]. By trial & error, you only need to click on 2 dolls each time to ascertain which is the correct ‘first’ one.
It is the one which starts the series in [8].
[7] Each doll is looking at another … right, left, up, or down. Once you have fixed the first doll, simply follow the direction each doll is looking at, to determine the next doll … and so on till the end.
[8] Imagine the dolls from the left bottom corner upwards ‘A’ thro’ ‘C’, and from the left bottom corner to the right ‘1’ thro’ ‘5’.
Then the correct order is … C3; C4; C5; B5; A5; A4 B4; B3; A3; A2; A1 B1; C1; C2; B2.
If necessary, link through to ‘Graphic-11’.
*** A panel in the wall slides open revealing a box (from the old country).
*** Open the box. You can’t ... the top is sealed with 5 vertical brown slats, each having a button above it. When you click any button, 2 or 3 slats upturn, each revealing a slice of a picture on the reverse side. If you click again, the identical slats reverse again (becoming plain brown).
+++ [1] You need to obtain a complete picture.
[2] Click each of the 5 buttons TWICE in order to ascertain which slats it ‘controls’.
[3] It is not difficult to see which buttons you need to click on in order to solve the puzzle.
[4] Click on the button on the extreme left, and that which is one before the end on the right.
*** The top of the box opens revealing a computer disc. Take it !
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Drag the computer disc from the ‘objects-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Access your cell-phone.
*** Choose David Benninger from the menu and talk to him.
(A) Can you tell us what your meeting with Omar Talib about?
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Go to the fax machine. View and pick up the fax of the ad agency company profile from ‘Evolution Marketing’.
*** Drag the company profile fax from the ‘documents-inventory’ into the Records & Research folder.
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to Records & Research.
*** View the research report on the computer disc.
Choose the map and go to Ivana Kirenikov.
*** Question Ivana Kirenikov … for the second time.
(A) Who exactly is Raisa, the other member of the Zaliski family?
(B) Where is Raisa now?
(C) What do you think has happened to Raisa?
(D) Why couldn’t you locate Raise?
(E) How do you explain the discrepancies in dates in the Kusarova documents that we recovered?
(F) So Svetlana lied about Elena’s age so she could compete more?
(G) How is it possible no one found out her true age?
(H) Did Greenfield know Elena falsified her age?
Choose the map and go to the 27th Precinct.
*** Go to Records & Research.
*** View and take the research report on the company profile.
Access your cell-phone.
*** Choose David Benninger from the menu and try to talk to him. He is uncooperative.
*** Drag the research report on his company profile from the ‘reports inventory’ onto the cell phone (with his graphic on display). Now he’ll talk!
(A) What was Omar Talib doing at your offices?
(B) When did Omar tell you this information?
(C) But Kaya and her new partner lost in the doubles finals so how does that help you?
Choose the map and go to Yuri Zaliski.
*** Question Yuri Zaliski for the second time :-
(A) Did Svetlana and Mark Greenfield pay you to keep quiet about Elena’s age?
(B) Did you know Svetlana gave Raisa up for adoption back home.
*** Give Yuri Zaliski Mark Greenfield’s plane ticket back to Russia (from the ‘objects-inventory’).
(C) So you kept silent even after Elena’s death?
Choose the map and go to Omar Talib.
*** Question Omar Talib for the second time :-
(A) How did you know Kaya and Elena wouldn’t be playing together at the Open?
(B) Was it Kaya who decided a lethal dose of DHA would ensure Elena would never step onto the court?
(C) Did you kill Elena?
Access your cell-phone.
*** Select Charles Northcutt (District Attorney).
*** Speak to the DA.
(A) Can you help us convince Omar to testify?
(He promises to send you an immunity fax).
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Look at the fax. It is an immunity document for Omar Talib.
*** Take it.
Choose the map and go to Omar Talib.
*** Give Omar Talib the immunity fax.
Choose the map and go to the DA’s office.
*** Talk to the DA and agree to return to trial.
The Prosecution proceeds with rebuttal.
(A) Click on the (yellow) rebuttal subpoena tab … on the right.
(B) Drag your witnesses into the “Prosecution Witness List” window.
(C) Drag into the box marked “Prosecution Evidence List”, whatever icons you think are necessary.
NOTE :- If you want to use more than 9 items, you can easily do so by utilizing the slider on the right side of the panel!
(D) Click on “Go to Trial” and watch the cut-scene of the judge opening the session.
(E) Select your witnesses, one after the other for questioning.
You should “Object” to any Defense’s unauthorized questioning, if any, during its cross examination … but it’s advisable to stick ONLY to the objections outlined below (which will be sustained and not overruled!). You should do this QUICKLY, before (or as soon as) the Counsel for Defense (Hershel Morton) has finished the offending sentence.
*** (B) Should be {i} Omar Talib; {ii} Yuri Zaliski; {iii} Ivana Kirenikov; {iv} Svetlana Kusarova.
*** (C) Should be … None!
*** Select Ivana Kirenikov from the witness list.
*** Question Ivana Kirenikov :-
(A) Who paid you to alter Elena Kusarova’s birth records?
(B) Did you ever receive money from the defendant?
(C) Did the defendant say why this was important?
(D) What would happen to Elena’s earnings if her true age was revealed?
Defense Cross Examination.
Do not object to ANY questions !
*** Select Omar Talib from the witness list.
*** Question Omar Talib :-
(A) Did Mr. Greenfield ask you to obtain the drug DHA for him?
(B) Where did you obtain the DHA?
(C) Why did you help the defendant?
(D) Did you and the defendant discuss Elena’s pregnancy?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – And you lied to the police about this so you and your daughter wouldn’t be implicated?
*** Select Svetlana Kusarova from the witness list.
*** Question Svetlana Kusarova :-
(A) Why were you paying the defendant extra money from Elena’s accounts?
(B) Why didn’t you help the police uncover his role in her murder?
Defense Cross Examination.
*** Object to Morton’s statement – Isn’t it true that everything you’ve told the court is a lie, and that you in fact acted as an accomplice in your own daughter’s murder?
*** Select Yuri Zaliski from the witness list.
*** Question Yuri Zaliski :-
(A) Did you receive money from the defendant in exchange for keeping quiet about Elena’s age?
(B) Did you know your youngest daughter had been given up for adoption before Svetlana brought Elena to this country?
Defense Cross Examination.
No questions from the Defense.
Part-2G :- Prosecution & Defense Closing Arguments
If you’ve done EVERYTHING ‘correctly’ in part-2, you will obtain :-
“Final Score: ………..…. 100%”.
But don’t worry if you got less than this!
So long as you’ve succeeded in obtaining a verdict of “GUILTY”, you’ve finished the game successfully. (YOU’VE “WON”!).