By Microids
Walkthrough by MaGtRo November, 2002
Gameplay: The main menu has new game, load game, credits, cinematic, options, and quit. The options menu has the adjustments for sound, music, subtitles, bit depth, anti-alias, gamma correction and screen adjustments. Post Mortem is a mouse driven point and click game. Press ESC to skip the cinematic. Right click to access the bottom inventory bar. The notebook accesses the main menu. The map of Paris enables one to jump from one place to another. At bottom right is the return arrow to go back to a previous screen or out of a close up view. To save game, use the notebook, choose save game and click on a blank frame.
The game has several paths that it can take depending on the choice of dialogues or actions. Save the game before starting a dialogue so as to restart the conversation if the choice of dialogue ends up abruptly. There are only few points of differences between the paths but for continuity, I separated them into path 1 and path 2. The common path is described at the beginning and at the end of the walkthrough.
Paris: You see a car arrive in front of Hotel Orphee in the chic part of Paris, an open hotel window and a couple in bed. The hotel room door opens. A man wearing a mask with a long nose and carrying a knife enters. In another place, a knock on the door, a man opens the door and screams. The couple in the hotel room is now seen sitting naked in bed, both holding their heads.
Notes: Check notepad labeled Sophia Blake's calling card often for the summary of reports obtained. Check the main menu options accessed by clicking on notebook and check documents, suspects and conversation to get a better feel for the progress of the game.
Studio: Gus MacPherson wakes from his psychic vision and opens the door. A beautiful lady is there. Invite her in. Sophia Blake asks that you take the case of her sister and her husband's death. Ask about more details on the case. Find out that Spooky is MacPherson’s nickname and there is suspicion surrounding him in New York. Ruby and Regis Whyte were decapitated and they are in Paris to meet Sophia. That Inspector Lebrun is in charge of the investigation and the hotel is in the 8th district, a chic part of Paris. Sophia gives 500 down and 500 per day. The Whytes travel in luxury and with their family heirloom but none was found in their room. Sophia says that the 'family heirloom' is an old relic of no value whatsoever. Sophia wants you to be discreet. She gives you her card and leaves. (Hotel Orphee and Police Station appear in map).
Use the phone on the wall and call the post office to send a telegram. Send a telegram to your contact at Pinkerton agency to check up on Sophia Blake. In the bedroom, pick up the sketchbook from the desk. In inventory, look close at calling card and the sketchbook. Use the arrows at the bottom of screen to flip through the drawings. Open the cabinet and take the camera. Exit the door or just use the map.
Hotel Orphee: The doorman says that the suitcase is heavy and the manager mentions that the elevator is still out of order.
Nicolas, Cafe waiter at Nantis Cafe: Turn right and enter the cafe. Talk to the barman. Ask for a bottle of red first. Start with introducing yourself as a PI. Talk to him by appealing to his wanting to be a detective, be his assistant, atmosphere, unusual customer (a man alone by the window the whole evening), what do you mean?, wine turns to vinegar, hunch and premonition. The receptionist Petit had a chummy talk with Inspector Lebrun.
Path 1 - As Insurance Agent
Isidore Petit, Reception desk: The phone is at left of desk. Talk to the receptionist-manager, Isidore Petit. Several paths can lead from the dialogue used.
Use the WAI insurance agent dialogue and Isidore will be happy because of the bill left by the Whytes. Continue the dialogue that will get his profit minded receptive - using the come clean about a possible rich American lady client. Find out that the Whytes did not go out and Petit refuse to give their number to a man who asks to see them. Have a visit in room 507. It is not available but room 505 is identical.
Room 505: Just after opening room 505, Isidore has to check a noise and you are left alone. Go forward to the window, turn right to the connecting door and see that it is locked. Look close at the keyhole. The key is still on the other side. Gus wants to push it out. There is also a gap at the bottom of the door.
Mrs. Loiseau, eccentric at Room 506: Go out, go forward but Mrs. Loiseau from room 506 invites you to her room. On her left are a cylinder phonograph that can be used and a table with tarot cards on the left. Talk to her about knowing you as a detective, as a fellow seer and about the Whytes. Talk to her until she needs a rest. Go outside and look close at the door knob of room 507. Needs something to get in.
Hotel foyer: Go down the stairs and to the right is a sofa. Take the newspaper. Read the report of the Clarion about the murders in Sophia Blake calling card. Ask Isidore about Mrs. Loiseau.
Police Station: See Mrs. Hellouin asks about her lost son. Mr. Beauvais, the police sergeant likes a bottle of red, hmm. Say that you're a PI. It's baking in here - just one for the road, eh! Talk to him again and Gus will give him the bottle of wine. Read the report and other documents in 'calling card'. Talk to Beauvais again about the Inspector, Kaufner, the case and courtesy. Lebrun won't see you unless you have a picture of the mysterious guest.
Autopsy report - use of sharp blade and traces of opium derivative in respiratory tract.
Witness statement: Isidore Petit - Mrs. Loiseau reports door 507 was left opened around midnight. 2 striking facts about that evening - a man wants to see the Whytes that evening before death and On Duty bellboy resigned that evening (Theo Malet). Description of suspect - no glasses, small dark eyes, large mouth, thin lips and boxer's nose. Mrs. Loiseau: Description of suspect - square face, short straight hair, flat medium sized ears.
Inspector Aristide Lebrun' details - Ancient gold coin found in each mouth. Regis and Ruby Whytes reserved their room more than a month before arrival, been there for only 4 days and a search of room showed distinct lack of valuables. On the ground a fine purple power was noted. No documents to identify the victims to contact next of kin. Theft is recorded motive. The Pathologist, Dr. Frank Kaufner of Salpetriere Hospital was asked to draw a psychological profile of the killer.
Dr. Frank Kaufner's Office: See Dr. Kaufner put back a decorative egg on the desk. Talk to Dr Kaufner.
Hotel Orphee: Nicolas, Cafe waiter at Nantis Cafe: Talk to Nicolas about suspect. Malet hangs out at the Alambic Bistro (appears in map). Suspect sat by window and dashed off around 11 PM. Malet was given money by the mysterious man. Description of suspect: Tall, heavy, black moustache, square face, dreadful eyes, tough guy.
Drawing of the suspect: Take the sketchbook from inventory. Based on the descriptions of Isidore, Mrs. Loiseau and Nicholas draw the suspect's face by cycling through the different features. No glasses, small dark eyes, large mouth, thin lips, boxer's nose, square face, short straight hair, flat medium sized ears, black moustache, square face and dreadful eyes. Then click sketch portrait. Talk to Nicholas to show the picture. If it is correct, Nicholas will verify it. Show the sketch to Petit also but he will just get outraged even if it is wrong or right. Show it also to Mrs. Loiseau - there is a resemblance but no evil in him.
Alambic Bistro: Gus is greeted by Berenice aka Bebe. Turn left and go to Hulot, the manager and Malet (enhanced color) playing cards by the bar. After introductions, talk to Malet and then give him money. After showing the picture, Malet turns his head and runs in fear. Gus stands up and sees a man that fit the description of the suspect enter the bistro. He starts to chase the suspect but was blocked momentarily by a man that looks like Dr. Kaufner running the other way.
After a night with Bebe, it is time to check the suspect.
Alambic Bistro: Talk to Albert Hulot, the manager and patron of the Arts at the bar about Malet and suspect. Try to ask for help to get through a locked door, it is for a friend and Hulot will ask for a small favor - to see differences between 2 paintings.
Differences between 2 identical paintings - Look in inventory at 2 identical paintings. Click at bottom arrows and study both paintings. Click the blue circle on the site of differences. There are 5 differences.
When done, talk to show the painting to Hulot and he will give Gus lock picking tools.
Police station: Talk to Beauvais about everything and then show suspect face. It is Jacques Hellouin. Enter first door on left and talk to Inspector Lebrun. Tell him about the mysterious visitor, trying to help and ask about portrait of known criminal. Hellouin is a PI, ex cop, lives in 11th district and is in big trouble. Malet was killed last night.
The lock picking tools are one time use only and will disappear in the inventory after being used. The choice is whether to use it on room 507 or Hellouin's office.
Hellouin's office - Go to the end of the hall and look at lock-doorknob of last door.
Lock picking puzzle: There are 5 picks but the middle one is not used. The keyhole has 4 places to insert the picks. The picks can be moved up-down or left-right. The correct pick at correct place is seen when the door knob is clicked and the pick stays still. To know which pick is what, place the hand icon on lock pick's bright brown pack - the pick in the lock will light up at its original position in the pack. 4 picks have to be in the keyhole for the detection of the right pick to work.
Place 4 picks except the middle one in the keyhole. Click door knob. Click each shaky pick to move them (up down, left, right) and then click the door knob. If the pick shakes wildly, it is in the wrong place, if the pick shakes slightly, it is in the right place but wrong position. If the click stays still, it is placed correctly.
Enter the office and go to the desk. Open bottom drawer and see locked safe box. Open top drawer and take a document 'Appointment from Gregoire de Allepin. See and talk to Mrs. Hellouin, you first saw at the police station. She is carrying a tray of food. She opens the hideaway ladder to the attic. Go up and Gus arrests Helloin. Watch and listen to Hellouin's story.
As Hellouin: Read the letter from G. de Allepin in inventory. Allepin asks him to find the employees that swindled him - Paul and Gracie Eaton (Eaton's apartment in map). There is a tin can of biscuits in the secret attic. Take it if you're hungry.
Eaton's Apartment - Talk to Mrs. Evelyne, the janitor as a PI. They have been gone for 3 days. Paul goes with the Alambic crowd. She would not move out of the way. Go out the left door, pick up the red ball of the rascals. Throw the ball on the pot on the window ledge on the right of the open doorway. Mrs. Evelyne stands up to pick up her broken pot of flowers. Go in and up to the Eaton's apartment.
Inside the apartment - Go the first bedroom and open the closet. There is a locked small chest - 'probably got the key with them'. Go to the other bedroom and take boat ticket for New York to Le Havre trip on the dresser. Go out and take Dr. Frank Kaufner's calling card and 'Notes on the Brotherhood' from the desk. Read about Allepin, Kaufner and Dumoulin, doorman of the Brotherhood's meeting place. How Fay acted as Adeline and Baphomet. Look at Kaufner's calling card (appears in map). Look at the poster of Hulot's Exposition at Alambic Bistro.
Meeting Hall of the BSORC - Talk to Dumoulin and try to get in. Learn that Gracie never left GdA's side and only members and visitors with letters from members can get admitted.
Dr. Kaufner's Office - Talk to the psychiatrist. By doing so, learn about the Brotherhood, Gracie and Allepin but he also knows you are looking for Gracie because they stole from GdA.
Alambic Bistro - Have a nice talk with Berenice. Learn that Paul and his wife is on a scam of the century, Hulot knows about it and about a treasure hidden in GdA's place. Ask for intro with Hulot. Hulot scribbled the address of the restaurant that Paul will go to. Go to the bar and see a pencil and a notepad. Use the pencil on the notepad to reveal the address of the restaurant - Chez Alexandre Restaurant (placed in map).
Chez Alexandre Restaurant - (cutscene of Gus and Hellouin in the attic). Talk to the Maitre 'D about your friends. Learn that they have been arguing the whole night, they go by the name of Whytes, they are staying at Hotel Orphee, the woman has been there with Mr. Allepin and a well dressed gentleman (Hulot) has joined them.
Hotel Orphee - Talk to Petit but he is not helpful and yet learn that the Whytes are staying in the hotel. Malet comes and tells Hellouin to wait at the Nantes for more info on the Whytes.
Nantes Cafe - Talk to the barman and ask for a bottle. Go to the table by the window and Malet arrives. Talk to Malet about the Whytes. Learn that they have been here for 3 days, they are in room 507 and are not here. Watch the cutscene.
Hellouin gets arrested because Gus was followed by the police. Gus realizes that he has been tricked like a sucker but by whom.
Studio: Check the floor mat and pick up the telegram from J. Wells. Read it in inventory. Go to the phone and ask Sylvia Blake for an appointment.
Chez Alexandre Restaurant: Talk to Blake and learn about Fay and Jerome Johnson and head of Baphomet.
Alambic Bistro: Talk to Bebe about everything. Meeting Hall of the BSORC: Talk to the doorman and will not let you in. Learn that GdA is not the head anymore and that K has taken his place. Gracie Eaton is now not allowed in through the orders of K. Alambic Bistro: Talk to Berenice-Bebe about forging a letter based on the letter of Allepin hiring Hellouin. Leave the bistro to some other place and then come back to Bebe. She gives the fake letter of introduction. Meeting Hall of the BSORC: Show the fake letter of introduction to the doorman. Hmm. Nothing happens - That didn't get us in. Wonder what is wrong with that letter.
Hotel Orphee - Take the pencil from the reception desk. Talk to Petit and to Nicholas, the barman for more info. They both talk about Malet. Go up. Talk to Mrs. Loiseau about everything and learn about the BSORC and K. She might give you a magic talisman if you didn't get the pencil.
Room 505 - Go to locked door, place newspaper under the door and use the pencil (or a magic talisman given by Mrs. Loiseau) on the keyhole. Use the key on keyhole and get a psychic vision!
Room 507 - Turn right and look close at fireplace. Take the ring of Fay. Go to bottom of bed and take slivers of glass with purple powder. Look close at drawer by the bed and take the key to strongbox. Go to the bathroom and see black dye on sink. (Isn't her hair red?)
Eaton's Apartment: Go up to the apartment. Use the strongbox key on the small chest in the first bedroom. Take Faye and Jerome Johnson's passports, sketch of strange sculpture and Sophia Blake's letter. Read them all at the 'calling card notebook'.
Continue on the common path below Path 2 Walkthrough
Path 2 - As Journalist or PI
Isidore Petit, Reception desk: The phone is at left of desk. Talk to the receptionist-manager, Isidore Petit. Several paths can lead from the dialogue used.
If you select the journalist, Isidore will get upset because of his dislike for the Clarion. Continue with being a freelance reporter and learn about Mrs. Loiseau on the fifth floor. Or if you select the PI dialogue, Isidore will get upset and take a defensive stance about the security of the hotel. In both cases, you will eventually be thrown out or no response from Petit anymore. Go to the sofa by the stairs and take the newspaper. Read the article in the 'calling card' in inventory. You cannot get up the stairs.
Police Station: See Mrs. Hellouin asks about her lost son. Mr. Beauvais, the police sergeant likes a bottle of red, hmm. Say that you're a PI. It's baking in here - just one for the road, eh! Talk to him again and Gus will give him the bottle of wine. Read the report and other documents in 'calling card'. Talk to Beauvais again about the Inspector, Kaufner, the case and courtesy. Lebrun won't see you unless you have a picture of the mysterious guest.
Autopsy report - use of sharp blade and traces of opium derivative in respiratory tract.
Witness statement: Isidore Petit - Mrs. Loiseau reports door 507 was left opened around midnight. 2 striking facts about that evening - a man wants to see the Whytes that evening before death and On Duty bellboy resigned that evening (Theo Malet). Description of suspect - no glasses, small dark eyes, large mouth, thin lips and boxer's nose. Mrs. Loiseau: Description of suspect - square face, short straight hair, flat medium sized ears.
Inspector Aristide Lebrun' details - Ancient gold coin found in each mouth. Regis and Ruby Whytes reserved their room more than a month before arrival, been there for only 4 days and a search of room showed distinct lack of valuables. On the ground a fine purple power was noted. No documents to identify the victims to contact next of kin. Theft is recorded motive. The Pathologist , Dr. Frank Kaufner of Salpetriere Hospital was asked to draw a psychological profile of the killer.
Dr. Frank Kaufner's Office: See Dr. Kaufner put back a decorative egg on the desk. Talk to Dr Kaufner.
Hotel Orphee: Nicolas, Cafe waiter at Nantis Cafe: Talk to Nicolas about suspect. Malet hangs out at the Alambic Bistro (appears in map). Suspect sat by window and dashed off around 11 PM. Malet was given money by the mysterious man. Description of suspect: Tall, heavy, black moustache, square face, dreadful eyes, tough guy.
Drawing of the suspect: Take the sketchbook from inventory. Based on the descriptions of Isidore, Mrs. Loiseau and Nicholas draw the suspect's face by cycling through the different features. No glasses, small dark eyes, large mouth, thin lips, boxer's nose, square face, short straight hair, flat medium sized ears, black moustache, square face and dreadful eyes. Then click sketch portrait. Talk to Nicholas to show the picture. If it is correct, Nicholas will verify it. Show the sketch to Petit also but he will just get outraged even if it is wrong or right. Show it also to Mrs. Loiseau - there is a resemblance but no evil in him.
Hotel foyer - See a large crate in the middle of the foyer. Click on it and Gus climbs in. OW!!! When on the second floor, see that room 505 and 507 are both locked. Knock on room 506 and talk to Mrs. Loiseau about everything until she says she needs to rest. She gives a magic talisman of Toth.
Alambic Bistro: Gus is greeted by Berenice aka Bebe. Turn left and go to Hulot, the manager and Malet (enhanced color) playing cards by the bar. After introductions, talk to Malet and then give him money. After showing the picture, Malet turns his head and runs in fear. Gus stands up and sees a man that fit the description of the suspect enter the bistro. He starts to chase the suspect but was blocked momentarily by a man that looks like Dr. Kaufner.
After a night with Bebe, time to check the suspect.
Alambic Bistro: Talk to Albert Hulot, the manager and patron of the Arts at the bar about Malet and suspect. Try to ask for help to get through a locked door, it is for a friend and Hulot will ask for a small favor - to see a difference between 2 paintings.
Difference between 2 identical paintings - Look in inventory at 2 identical paintings. Click at bottom arrows and study both paintings.. Click the blue circle on the site of differences. There are 5 differences.
When done talk to show the painting to Hulot and he will give Gus lock picking tools.
Police station: Talk to Beauvais about everything and then show suspect face. It is Jacques Hellouin. Enter first door on left and talk to Inspector Lebrun. Tell him about the mysterious visitor, trying to help and ask about portrait of known criminal. Hellouin is PI, ex cop, lives in 11th district and is in big trouble. Malet is killed last night.
The lock picking tools are one time use only and will disappear in the inventory. The choice is whether to use it on room 507 or Hellouin's office.
Hotel Room 507:
Lock picking puzzle: There are 5 picks but the middle one is not used. The keyhole has 4 places to insert the picks. The picks can be moved up-down or left-right. The correct pick at correct place is seen when the door knob is clicked and the pick stays still. To know which pick is what place the hand icon on lock pick bright brown pack - the pick in the lock will light up at its original position in the pack.
Place 4 picks except the middle one in the keyhole. Click door knob. Click each shaky pick to move them (up down, left, right) and then click the door knob. If the pick shakes wildly, it is in the wrong place, if the pick shakes slightly, it is in the right place but wrong position. If the click stays still, it is placed correctly.
The solve picture shown above in path 1 differs only in that #4 pick is positioned up and #2 is positioned down.
Gus gets a psychic vision. Go forward, turn left and look close at fireplace. Take the ring of Fay. Go to bottom of bed and take slivers of glass with purple powder. Look close at drawer by the bed and take the key to strongbox. Go to the bathroom and see black dye on sink. (Isn't her hair red?)
Hellouin's Office: Look at the lock of far end door. Listen to Gus say he needs to find a way to get in. Hotel Orphee: Go to the broken elevator and look down at the tool box. Take the hammer that miraculously appeared.
Hellouin's Office: Use the hammer on the door. Gus breaks the glass, enter the office and go to the desk. Open bottom drawer and see locked safe box. Open top drawer and take a document 'Appointment from Gregoire de Allepin. See and talk to Mrs. Hellouin, you first saw at the police station. She is carrying a tray of food. She opens the hideaway ladder to the attic. Go up and Gus arrests Helloin. Watch and listen to Hellouin's story.
As Hellouin: Read the letter from G. de Allepin in inventory. Allepin asks him to find the employees that swindled him - Paul and Gracie Eaton (Eaton's apartment in map). There is a tin can of biscuits in the secret attic. Take it if you're hungry.
Eaton's Apartment - Talk to Mrs. Evelyne, the janitor as a PI. They have been gone for 3 days. Paul goes with the Alambic crowd. She would not move out of the way. Go out the left door, pick up the red ball of the rascals. Throw the ball on the pot on the window ledge on the right of the open doorway. Mrs. Evelyne stands up to pick up her broken pot of flowers. Go in and up to the Eaton's apartment.
Inside the apartment - Go the first bedroom and open the closet. There is a locked small chest - 'probably got the key with them'. Go to the other bedroom and take boat ticket for New York to Le Havre trip on the dresser. Go out and take Dr. Frank Kaufner's calling card and 'Notes on the Brotherhood' from the desk. Read about Allepin, Kaufner and Dumoulin, doorman of the Brotherhood's meeting place. How Fay acted as Adeline and Baphomet. Look at Kaufner's calling card (appears in map). Look at the poster of Hulot's Exposition at Alambic Bistro.
Meeting Hall of the BSORC - Talk to Dumoulin and try to get in. Learn that Gracie never left GdA's side and only members and visitors with letters from members can get admitted.
Dr. Kaufner's Office - Talk to the psychiatrist. By doing so, learn about the Brotherhood, Gracie and Allepin but he also knows you are looking for Gracie because they stole from GdA.
Alambic Bistro - Have a nice talk with Berenice. Learn that Paul and his wife is on a scam of the century, Hulot knows about it and about a treasure hidden in GdA's place. Ask for intro with Hulot. Hulot scribbled the address of the restaurant that Paul will go to. Go to the bar and see a pencil and a notepad. Use the pencil on the notepad to reveal the address of the restaurant - Chez Alexandre Restaurant (placed in map).
Chez Alexandre Restaurant - (cutscene of Gus and Hellouin in the attic). Talk to the Maitre 'D about your friends. Learn that they have been arguing the whole night, they go by the name of Whytes, they are staying at Hotel Orphee, the woman has been there with Mr. Allepin and a well dressed gentleman (Hulot) has joined them.
Hotel Orphee - Talk to Petit but he is not helpful, yet learn that the Whytes are staying in the hotel. Malet comes and tells Hellouin to wait at the Nantes for more info on the Whytes.
Nantes Cafe - Talk to the barman and ask for a bottle. Go to the table by the window and Malet arrives. Talk to Malet about the Whytes. Learn that they have been here for 3 days, they are in room 507 and are not here. Watch the cutscene.
Hellouin gets arrested because Gus was followed by the police. Gus realizes that he has been tricked like a sucker but by whom.
Studio: Check the floor mat and pick up the telegram from J. Wells. Read it in inventory. Go to the phone and ask Sylvia Blake for an appointment.
Chez Alexandre Restaurant: Talk to Blake and learn about Fay and Jerome Johnson and head of Baphomet.
Alambic Bistro: Talk to Bebe about everything. Meeting Hall of the BSORC: Talk to the doorman and will not let you in. Learn that GdA is not the head anymore and that K has taken his place. Gracie Eaton is now not allowed in through the orders of K. Alambic Bistro: Talk to Berenice-Bebe about forging a letter based on the letter of Allepin hiring Hellouin. Leave the bistro to some other place and then come back to Bebe. She gives the fake letter of introduction. Meeting Hall of the BSORC: Show the fake letter of introduction to the doorman. Hmm. Nothing happens - That didn't get us in. Wonder what is wrong with that letter.
Hotel Orphee: Talk to Petit and to Nicholas, the barman for more info. They both talk about Malet. Go up. Talk to Mrs. Loiseau about everything and learn about the BSORC and K.
Eaton's Apartment: Go up to the apartment. Go to the poster at left wall of the living room. Take the key from bottom left of the poster. Go to the bedroom close to the main door and use the strongbox key on the small chest in the cabinet. Take Faye and Jerome Johnson's passports, sketch of strange sculpture and Sophia Blake's letter. Read them all at the 'calling card notebook'.
Common Path
Hellouin's Office: Use the phone and send a telegram to Pinkerton Office about Fay and Jerome Johnson (might not get an answer in the game). Go up the secret room and take the flashlight.
Dr. Kaufner's Office: The map does not work inside the sanitarium.
To get to the office -
Go forward, turn left, A-1, forward through open grilled door, turn left on side hall and pull up the lever - the grilled door you just passed through closes.
Continue down the hall, E-2 and B-1 corner, forward through open grilled door, B2 and C-2 corner, turn right on side hall and pull up the lever - the grilled door you just passed through closes.
Forward through open grilled door, intersection at C-2, G-2 and D-2, turn left and see the door to the office behind a grilled door (Middle of Back Wing).
Turn right, continue down the hall, forward through open grilled door, turn right on side hall and pull up the lever - the grilled door you just passed through closes.
Continue down the hall, G1 and F-2 corner, forward through open grilled door, E-2 and F-1 corner, turn left on side hall and pull up the lever - the grilled door you just passed through closes.
Continue down the hall, forward through open grilled door,( you are back where you entered the building) turn right on side hall - D-1.
D-1, forward to end of hall and turn left (now backtracking) on C-2.
Forward, turn left on side hall and pull down the lever. Forward to next side hallway E-2 and pull down the lever.
Go forward, turn left at D-1 hallway to the end and enter the office.
Take the red, yellow and black triangular stones from the bookcase. Take the green stone and necklace (for hypnosis) from the corner table by the clock. Go to Kaufner's desk and take his green journal (never did get this read - maybe the content of the egg explains it all). Open the egg by pressing the small green button and take the phonograph wax cylinder. Go around the desk and take the medical files of Allepin and Gracie Eaton.
Hotel Orphee: Go to room 506 of Mrs. Loiseau, place the wax cylinder on the phonograph and turn the crank. Learn about the power of the use of the Head of Baphomet, transmutation, immortality, Gracie Eaton's Adeline and Kaufner's greed.
De Allepin's house: Place the triangular stones on
the new fangled door lock. Enter and look at the lintels over both side doors.
The right door has the sign of Venus , the left door has the sign of Jupiter
. Go up the stairs and look at
the lintels over both side doors. The left door has sign of Mars
and the one above the bedroom
door is Saturn's sign
. Enter the bedroom and take a look around. Go out and look at the 3
stained glass window. Look close at the plaques under each window - 14 January
1128, 24 June 1305 and 18 March 1314. Enter the study under the sign of Mars.
Study - Turn right and look at the desk. Take the financial documents about Allepin. Look at the 'calling card' to read it. The handwriting doesn't match Hellouin's letter! That's why the faked documents made by Bebe didn't work with the doorman! Take the matches. Go to the other end of the room and look at the book case at right corner. Take the metal ring with letters of the alphabet. There is a planetary display with a panel of numbers and a lever. Let us go to Bebe for another fake document.
Alambic Bistro: Get Bebe to make another fake document. Go to another place and then come back to Bebe. Take the new fake letter of introduction.
Meeting Hall of the BSORC: Show the fake letter of introduction to the doorman (there will be 2 in inventory, use the right one). Enter the curtained door to the left. It is a chapel. Go to the 3 chairs and turn left. Enter to go to the library. Take the numismatic treatise from the table close to the door. Go to the other side and look close at the display cabinet. Take the 18th century copper coin at the center. Read abut the coin in the 'calling card' in inventory. Just like those found in the victim's mouth. Go to the 2 corner bookcase at far end of room. Look at the books and take the book on the Knight's Templar. Read abut the Templar's history in the 'calling card' in inventory. Note that the dates matches the ones in the stained glass at Allepin's house.
Mrs. Loiseau at Hotel Orphee: Talk to her about the Head of Baphomet, Templars and then about Alchemy.
De Allepin's house: Go up to the study and to the planetary display.
Planetary display - Look close at the panel. The top set of numbers is for the year. The middle set is for the month and the bottom one is for the day. We have 3 sets of numbers from the stained glass windows that are important to Templar's history. Enter any of the set of numbers to see which one works. (I used all 3 different sets of numbers in replays). 14 January 1128, 24 June 1305 and 18 March 1314. Pull the lever and see the planets move. If nothing happens after the first set of numbers, try another set until a secret door opens or there is an inventory or dialogue that must have been missed prior to this puzzle. Check and talk to everybody and then try again.
Alchemy Room - Go forward until the Alchemy room. Look around and note an alchemy table, 4 numbered panels on posts with drawings and a desk with a framed ring. Go to the next room.
Crypt - Go to next room. See the body of Gregory de Allepin and a stand in between the 2 slabs. Look close at Allepin and see a cutscene of the transmutation. So Allepin has transferred into a new body. Is this what happened the night Kaufner talked about meeting Allepin and Gracie-Adeline in the mansion? Take a picture using your camera to get a photograph of de Allepin's mortal remains. Look around and see all the tombs of past bodies Allepin has used over the centuries.
Alchemy puzzle - Go back to the Alchemy room. Look close at all the 4 numbered panels with drawings on 4 posts. The numbers on a panel when added horizontally, vertically and diagonally produces just one number. Calculate the one sum for each post and relate it to the 4 drawings on the same post. 15 for earth, 65 for fire, 34 for air and 175 for water.
Look close at alchemy table. There are 5 measuring spoons - 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1. There are several flasks of colored powder - which ones to use? Select the bottles with the 4 signs of the planets seen over the doors upstairs. How much for which powder? 15 for earth or Jupiter or black powder, 65 for fire or Mars or red powder, 34 for air or Saturn or blue powder and 175 for water or Venus or green powder. Click on a measuring spoon, then click on a bottle and then click on the flask to place the measured powder in flask. Add all the required amount of the 4 powder and the use the matches on the burner at the bottom of the flask to get purple gas vial. Take the 18th century gold coin beside the flask.
Numbered ring puzzle: Go to the table with the framed metal ring. Take the knife - murder weapon? Place the metal ring with letters of the alphabet taken from the book case upstairs on the middle circle. Click on clamps to close the 4 clamps around the rings. See a line that makes a path on 3 planets that circle the sun. The 3 planets are marked a on first ring, d on 3rd ring and n on 5th ring. Now, rotate the metal rings to place the letters A, D and N (top to bottom) to appear on the top clamp. Then rotate the numbered wheel at the bottom clamp to the number of the planetary ring that corresponds to the letters on top clamp - 5, 3 and 1 (top to bottom). Words will appear on the bottom - But he could not stop me from joining the Templars - to start the story of Gregory de Allepin's illegitimacy, initiation to immortality, his taking the body of the father of the one he falls in love with - Adeline, his seeing Adeline every time he transmute to another younger body to meeting Gracie the reincarnated Adeline.
Studio: Blake is kidnapped and Allepin wants the Head of Baphomet in exchange.
Alambic Bistro: Talk to a grieving Bebe. Cutscene of Hulot murdered as the Whytes. Bebe talks about making a copy for Hulot of a grotesque bust. Gus shows the picture of the Baphomet. Hulot's fresco which he stares at every night. Go forward to the other end of the restaurant and see a picture of Hulot surrounded by candles. Take a lit candle, move a little to the right and look up and close at the fresco on the wall. (If you have not exhausted all conversation with Bebe, the candle will not make a light on the fresco).
Fresco puzzle: There are hidden drawings and letters on the fresco. Move the lit candle on the fresco very slowly. When the start of the hidden drawings starts to be seen, move the candle very slowly to highlight all the parts of the hidden drawing. At a certain spot in that drawing, the sketchbook will appear at bottom right of the page showing that Gus drew that particular hidden drawing and should not appear anymore. If the sketchbook does not appear move the candle over again very, very slowly and sometimes hold it in place to get Gus to draw it. Patience! The yellow X on the picture below is approximately where the sketchbook shows up.
When all the hidden drawings and letters have been sketched by Gus, the sketchbook will automatically appear on the screen. Now connect the drawings together by click hold drop. After the drawing is completed, move the drawing to fit the letters in the frame at the center. The Murat/Porte Molitor metro station is now in the map.
Murat/Porte Molitor metro Station: Be sure you have the flashlight from Hellouin's attic hideaway. Go forward and take the left tunnel. Train coming! Use flashlight, go down, left to a supply room and take the head of Baphomet from the shelf. Look down and left, open the box and take another head of Baphomet. This one caused a psychic vision.
Police Station: Go straight to the office of Inspector Lebrun. Here, we need to present all the evidence to him to 2 of 3 endings that I have seen so far. If Lebrun is not convinced and we go to the ending - 2 of the 3 other endings are seen (one different from the ending seen when all evidence is shown. Save Game here to get the right dialogues, in case of dead end result in conversation.
Talk to Inspector Lebrun and answer him based on his last word or statement: (some of this dialogue might not be present if you've already talked to Lebrun before this part).
1. .....little on Hellouin (sketch).
2. .....barking up the wrong tree. The Whytes never were Whytes.
3. .....The Whytes do not exist (Why?). Passport as evidence.
4. .....Ruby and Regis are not the real names..... Ring as evidence.
5. ..... A letter of Sophia Blake as evidence.
6. .....MO.... Head of Baphomet.
7. .....I am not sure.... monetary value.
8. .....If you have doubt about Allepin's movements.....gas vial.
9. .....Stop protecting de Allepin.
10. ...Here you are. Give gas vial as evidence.
11. ...Knife as evidence.
12. ...This is the murder weapon.
13. ...Allepin dead.
14. ...died peacefully. Photo as evidence.
15. ...If de Allepin has been dead for a week, he could not have hired Hellouin to investigate.
16. ...One gold, one brass.
17. ...That is too much! Face facts.....
18. ...A couple of anonymous sources....
19. ...With this you can investigate the true motives... Coins as evidence.
20. ...Your charge of murder hold water...Hulot.
21. ...Hulot and Malet never met.
22. Hope this clues ..Hellouin innocent.
I will speak with Hellouin and we shall see.
If all evidence is given, Lebrun will bring Hellouin in for questioning. You are sent out of the room.
De Allepin's house: Save Game here to see other endings. As soon as you enter, see Blake hanging upside down. Kaufner-de Allepin arrives. The ending depends on the answer given by Gus. I'll let you find out for yourself.
If incomplete evidence is given to Lebrun - 1. Gus and Hellouin end up dead. 2. Gus and Hellouin stay alive.
If complete evidence is given to Lebrun - 1. Gus and Hellouin stay alive. 2. Gus is saved by Hellouin.
See Berenice sell a head of Baphomet (fake? I think so!) to ...... Mrs. Loiseau.
What some people will do for power!
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Copyright © 11/2002 MaGtRo