Short Review
The first adventure game in years since The Last Express that is really a
non-linear adventure game. The order of your action and the conversation
path you choose will determine the way Gus solved the case. There is no
dead-end at all within this game. Each problem will have at least two ways
to solve it. Do not worry if suddenly an inventory item, that you thought
will help you solving a problem, disappeared after doing an act. You will be
able to find different way to solve that problem. This is a brilliant
approach on solving a puzzle. Hopefully more developers will do the same
thing for their future adventure games.
There is one very tough Pixel Hunting puzzle in the game. You need to
have patience to solve this one since a walkthrough is not good enough to
solve it. Beside that tough puzzle, all the puzzles in the game are easy or
The graphics in the game are a top notch graphic (even though is not as
good as Syberia, the previous game from Microids). There is only one bugs of
the game that I encountered when I played this game. The voice of the
characters overlapped each other during the conversation. I don't know if I
could considered this as a bug though, since it only applied to gamer that
play this game on a laptop (specially on any Dell laptop). You need to set
your graphic bit into 16-bit and TURN OFF all other applications on the
background, such as screen saver or any other program. Sometime, you still
have to restart the laptop even though you have done all the things
mentioned above.
Overall this is an A rated adventure game that will stick on the back of
your mind for a long time.
You play as Gus Mc Pherson, a American Private Investigator, who has been
living in Paris as an artist. Sophia Blake asked him to investigate the
murder of Ruby and Regis Whyte, a mysterious American couple, who were found
dead in their hotel room, at Hotel Orphee.
As usual, I will give freedom to you to choose your path since I only
tell you the solution based on the question not by step-by-step walkthrough.
Even though I try to place these questions in certain order so that you
could understand how the story unfold. All important clues needed for a
perfect ending will be marked with green color.
You need to collect or at least know about this clue to be able to provide a
complete evidence to Inspector LeBreun for the final conversation with him.
This will determine how the ending will be.
Q: What should he do with Sophia's request?
A: He could either accept the offer at his
studio right now or at the Chez Alexandre restaurant later on. No matter what he does, he
will accept the offer in the end. The only different is that he will have
access to the restaurant earlier. In any case, he will learn that Inspector
Le Breun is
the person in charge of the case and will gain access to the Police Station. Call
Pinkerton agency, his former New York office, after she walked out of
the door to do background check. The result will come later on. Make sure
you check the door mat every time he enter his studio.
Q: What kind of information could Gus collect at
Hotel Orphee?
A: Not much at this time. Depends on which
character you choose to tell Petit, the front desk, Gus could have an early
access to the second floor. He could immediately talk his way to the second
floor as an Insurance Agent or he has to squeeze his brain to sneak to the
second floor as other professions. As for information, he will learn a
little bit about the night of the murder from Nicolas (the bartender) and
Q: It is time to go to the police station. How
could Gus get a hand on the murder report?
A: Pay attention to the conversation
between the police and the woman. She asked about her missing son, Hellouin.
Gus needs to bribe the police. As a PI, Gus will learn that the police needs
something to quench his thirst. Buy a red wine
from Nicolas, the bartender at Hotel Orphee. Give the wine to the police and
he'll give Gus the police report. Gus will learn about the witnesses' words and the mysterious person's description from the report.
There is one key witness, a woman who stay in the room across from the room 507.
Gus needs to have a special item to be able to talk to Inspector LeBreun.
Q: Where could he find more information on the
mysterious person on the police report?
A: Go inside the hotel's cafe and talk to
Nicolas, the waiter. He will mention about a stranger who sat near the
window before the murder happened. He will also tell Gus that Malet, the
hotel porter, had a brief conversation with him. From his information, Gus
will have access to Alambic Bistro, a local club in Paris where Malet used
to hang around. Nicolas and Petit will give additional character description
of the stranger.
What does the mysterious person look like?
A: He has boxer nose, short straight hair,
thick moustache, square face, flat ears, large mouth with thin lips and
small sharp eyes. Look at the picture on the right to help you. Show this
picture to Nicolas for confirmation.
Q: Where could he find Malet?
A: Use the map to go to Alambic Bistro. He
could find Malet talking with Hulot, the owner of the club, near the bar.
Show the picture to Malet. The suspect will walk into the club. Malet will
run away and so does the suspect. Gus will chase him out. Unfortunately he
could not catch him.
Q: Who is this mysterious person?
A: Go to the police station and show the
picture to police. He will go to the back room and talk to LeBreun. Gus will
overheard the conversation about Hellouin. Gus could visit Hellouin's office
now. Too bad the door to his office is locked. Need to find a way to unlock
Q: How could Gus gain access to the second floor
of Hotel Orphee if he told Petit that he is a Journalist or Private
A: Isidore Petit will refuse to talk to
Gus if he lies as a Local or Foreign Journalist or if he tells the truth
as a Private Investigator because of the hotel's security policy.
Fortunately, he will be able to gain access to the
second floor by climbing into the big luggage cart close to the main
staircase. The bad news is that the door to room 507 is locked also. Now
we have two locked doors blocking the investigation.
Q: What should he do now?
A: He could either walk into Room 506 or he
could just start walking away toward the staircase. If he walk away, the
woman from Room 506 will call him back. So either choice will bring Gus to
Room 506 in the end. Choose any conversation you like, it will not affect
any investigation path. The information from the woman will add the
complexity of the case. She will give Gus a magic talisman.
Special Note: If you choose to
investigate Hellouin's office first and do
Hellouin's Act before going to the second floor of
Hotel Orphee, Gus will have an opportunity to pick up a pencil from the
reception desk down stair. If he does that then Mrs. Louiseau will not give
him a magic talisman. Since both the pencil and the magic talisman will have
the same function on this game.
Q: Where could Gus find a lock pick?
A: Try Hulot, the manager of Alambic
Bistro. He knows a lot of people from the underground, so finding a lock
pick will not be a problem for him. Hulot will give Gus a lock pick in
return for his service. Gus needs to find the differences between the
original and the duplicate painting.

Q: Gus now has a lock pick. The bad news is that
he could only use it once. Which door needs to be unlocked with the lock
A: Both locked doors (Hellouin's office and
Room 507) have two different ways to unlock them.
Q: How could Gus unlock Room 507?
A: There are 3 ways to do this act. All
profession could use the lock pick on Room 507 door. Use the picture below to help you
(lock pick 1- 5 is from left to right). If Gus used the lock pick to unlock Hellouin's door then there
are 2 ways to enter Room 507:
- Journalist or PI: The door to Room 505 will be found open after you
did Hellouin's part. Gus will be able to enter Room 507 through connecting
door between Room 505 and 507. Gus will be able to get the key through the
gap below the door. Slide the newspaper under the door. Use either the
pencil or the magic talisman to poke the key through the keyhole. The key
will fall on the newspaper. Grab the newspaper back. Use the key to unlock
the door.
- Insurance Agent: He will be able to enter Room 507 through the
connecting door between Room 505 and 507. Gus will be able to get the key
through the gap below the door. Slide the newspaper under the door. Use
either the pencil or the magic talisman to poke the key through the
keyhole. The key will fall to the floor. Grab the newspaper back. Use the
key to unlock the door.

Q: How could Gus unlock Hellouin's office?
A: First, he could unlock it using the lock
pick. Use the picture above to help you unlocking the door (lock pick 1- 5
is from left to right). If Gus used the
lock pick to unlock Room 507, he should be able to find a mallet near the
toolbox in front of the broken elevator at Hotel Orphee. Use the mallet to
break the glass above the door handle. Gus will be able to unlock the door
through the hole.
Q: What could Gus find inside Room 507?
A: He should be able to grab
the glass shard with strong ether smell on the
foot of the bed and a ring with a word
'Fay' imprinted on it inside the fireplace. Look at the lower left corner
of the fireplace to pick up the bracelet. Gus might be able to pick up a
strongbox key on the right nightstand beside the bed (depending on the
order of Gus' investigation - if you choose to do
Hellouin's Act below before entering Room 507). Enter the bathroom and notice
the black hair
dye on the sink. Strange, does not Mrs. Whytes have red hair not black?
Q: What could Gus find inside Hellouin's office?
A: He could find a locked safe on the
bottom drawer and
an appointment letter from Gregoire de Allepin inside the
top drawer. The bottom drawer will trigger the cutscene of Mrs. Hellouin
enter the room. Tell Mrs. Hellouin that Gus is a friend of Hellouin and he
just want to help Hellouin. She will take Gus to see Hellouin in the attic.
Hellouin's Act
Q: What should he do first?
A: Try to make an inquiry call to Gregoire
de Allepin about the contract. Too bad there is no answer. Visit Eaton's
apartment. There is an old lady working on the floor. Try to get Eaton's
apartment number from her. Hellouin could get some valuable information from
her. If you choose the correct conversation path, Hellouin will be able to
have access to Alambic Bistro. Do not worry about it though since he could
have access to his place through other mean later on.
Q: How could Hellouin enter Eaton's apartment
with this lady blocking the way?
A: Enter the yard and pick up the red ball
on the ground. Throw the ball to the red vase on the window. This act will
trigger a cut scene showing the old lady walking toward the yard. Sneak up
to the second floor and enter Eaton's apartment.
Q: What could be found inside this apartment?
A: He could find several important things
here. The boat ticket from New York to Le Havre
on the dresser and a locked strong box inside the closet inside the bedroom,
Dr. Kauffner's business card and also the note from
Brotherhood of the Secret Order of the Rose Chapter on the cabinet
inside the dining room. The note will explain the role of Fay as Adeline,
the long lost love of Gregoire DeAllepin. Notice Hulot's exposition poster
above the cabinet. He will gain access to Alambic Bistro by looking at the
poster. You will not be able to find the key to this box until later on.
Q: Where could Hellouin find the Eaton?
A: Visit Dr. Kaufner in his office.
Hellouin could gain several important information
about the Brotherhood, Gregoire de Allepin, and the Eaton. Ask the
police at the police station about the Eaton. Visit Alambic Bistro and talk
to Berenice. She will tell him that the Eaton are trying to make a scam of
the century with Hulot's help. Hulot scribbled the address of the meeting
place with the Eaton. There are 2 ways to find te address: go to the bar
counter and use the pencil on the note to reveal Chez Alexandre address or
visit the Hall of BSORC and choose any conversation path. In the end, the
door man will give Chez Alexandre's address to Hellouin. He said that the
restaurant is the place in Paris to find the Eaton.
Q: The Maitre D at the restaurant does not
recognize the Eaton. How could it be?
A: The only American couple on the
reservation list is the Whytes. Choose any conversation path as you like. In
the end, the waiter will refer him to Hotel Orphee. Ask Petit about the
couple. He will refuse to tell Hellouin about them because of the hotel's
policy. As soon as Hellouin start to walk away from the hotel, one of the
porter tapped his shoulder. Walk to the cafe Nantis. He could talk to the
bartender if he like. Walk to the table near the window. Theo Malet, the
porter, will walk inside and sit in front of him. Ask Malet about the Eaton.
Watch the cut scene on how Hellouin discovered the gruesome murder of the
Eaton. Inspector LeBreun will show up and arrest Hellouin. Back to Gus.
Gus McPherson
Q: What should he do now?
A: If you have not visit
Room 507, do so now. Gus could talk with Petit and
Nicolas at Hotel Orphee to learn that Malet has been murdered. Visit the Eaton's apartment. Go
inside the bedroom and notice the locked strong box in the closet.
Q: Where is the key to unlock this strong box?
A: If you choose to unlock Room 507 before
doing Hellouin's Act, Gus will be able to find
the key behind the bottom left corner of Hulot's exposition poster. Other
wise, Gus will be able to find the key on the
nightstand in Room 507. Unlock the box and pick up
the passports,
picture of
the Baphomet, and
Sophia's Blake letter. What is this? Is Sophia Blake try
to take advantage on Gus? Q: Who is Sophia Blake?
A: Go back to the studio. Pick up the
telegram on the door mat. Hmm.... Blake only has one daughter. Sophia has lied to Gus
about the Whytes. Use the phone to call Sophia and agree to meet at Chez Alexandre. Learn
more about the couple and the head of the Baphomet story. So
this is the main subject of the murder: the Head of the Baphomet. Gus will
have an access to the Meeting Hall of BSORC. Now, Gus will have multiple
options, he could go to Meeting Hall of BSORC or DeAllepin's house.
BSORC Path (Optional)
Q: Gus went to the Meeting Hall of BSORC but the door man did not allowed
him to enter. What should he do?
A: He needs to have an introduction letter
from the member of the organization. Visit Alambic Bistro. Ask Berenice to
forge you a fake introduction letter based on the letter from Hellouin's
office. Unfortunately, the door man at BSORC does not recognize the
hand-writing of the letter. He needs to find another hand-writing of a
member to forge. It is time to visit our friend: Gregoire DeAllepin. Unfortunately, his house is locked
tied with a strange lock. Once he found out the
DeAllepin's monetary reports,
quickly go back to Berenice before doing anything else. Once Hulot found
dead, Berenice will refuse to forge another false document for Gus.
Note: As I mentioned above that there is
always more than one way to solve a puzzle. There is
another way to enter this BSORC Meeting Hall if Berenice refuse to forge
Gus another fake letter. DeAllepin Path Q: Where is the key to
DeAllepin's house?
A: Dr. Kaufner might have it. Visit his
office. Hmm.. nobody is here. Gus just need to find a way to enter his room.
Q: How could Gus find a way to enter Dr. Kaufner's office?
A: Notice the far end door in front of Gus.
That is Dr. Kaufner's office. Go through the left hallway. Pull up the level
on one of the corner. This act will close door behind him and open the one
in front. Continue down the hall and pull up another lever. Go through the
open hallway. Notice the door behind the locked grate on the left. That is
Dr. Kaufner's office. Continue down the hallway. Pull up another lever to
close the door behind him. Continue through the open hallway and pull up
another lever. This will open the hallway in front of Gus. Go down the
hallway and notice that Gus back at the starting point. Turn right and enter
the hallway. Gus will see Dr. Kaufner's office behind a locked grate in
front of him. Turn left and pull down the lever. Go forward and pull down
the next lever. This will open the grate in front of Dr. Kaufner's office.
Go to the starting point and turn left. Enter his office.
Q: What kind of stuff could Gus find inside
Kaufner's office?
A: Pick up Gregoire
and Gracie Eaton's medical reports from the bottom right drawer of
his desk. Get Kaufner's journey on the top of
his desk. There is an egg close to the journal. Click on the button to open
the egg. Pick up an interesting wax cylinder.
Check out the small table on the corner of the room. Get the
hypnotize necklace. Now for the key to De
Allepin's house. This key has 4 different parts with four different colored
diamond shapes. The first part is on the small table, near the necklace.
The other three parts of the key are on the three bookshelf in the room.
Q: Where could Gus play the wax cylinder from Kaufner's office?
A: Go to Hotel Orphee and visit our friend
in Room 506. She has a record player inside the room. Insert the voice
cylinder and play it. The wax cylinder contains Gregoire DeAllepin's
therapy session. The guy is a nut case. Q: Gus
unlock Allepin's house with the four keys. Where could he find a
hand-writing sample inside this big place?
A: On the second floor, he could find
frescos of the Knight of Templar story on the far end
of the wall. To the left of this
frescos is Allepin's study and to the right is his bedroom. Gus could find
Adeline photo inside the bedroom. Get
DeAlleppin's monetary report
on the desk. The hand-writing is difference. How can it be? Gus needs
to investigate this house thoroughly. There is a foul-play going on here. At
the other end of the room, Gus will find a strange planetary display with a
panel below it.
 Q: What
does this planetary display do?
A: It is a mechanism to open a secret
chamber in this house. Look closely to the writing below each
fresco in the hall. The date on the plate is the key
to operate the mechanism. Enter all three dates in any order you want. After
the last date entered, the wall on the left will be opened. Gus discovers
the secret pathway to the secret chamber. Enter the chamber and Gus will see
a set of alchemy apparatus and a strange book with a coin imprinted on it.
Gus could solve these two puzzles in any order, but beware though. Once he
solved the strange book puzzle, he will be transferred automatically back to
his studio by a cut scene. So make sure he has inspected every corner of
this secret chamber before tackling the book puzzle if you do not want to go
back and forth to this secret chamber.
 Q: What is the solution of the alchemy
A: First of all, get the matches on the
desk inside the study room (close to where Gus found the
monetary report earlier). Notice
the poster on the four columns. The posters represent Water, Earth, Air, and
Fire. These are the four basic elements. If you look at the numbers on the
squares, you will notice that the sum of the numbers in any direction
produce the same number. Water will produce 175, Earth will produce 15, Air
will produce 34, and Fire will produce 65. Get the scroll on the alchemy
table. Notice these four lines from the scroll:
From the brimstone that is in the house of Mars
From the lapis lazuli that is in the house of Jupiter
From the green coral that is in the house of Venus
From the mandrake root that is in the house of Saturn
Remember the four diamond shape lock? On each lock, there is a symbol
associate with it. Those symbol are the symbol of Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and
Saturn. These four symbols appear also on the colored vial on this table. We
could relate this symbol with the color mentioned on the four lines in the
scroll. So we could draw the conclusion that:
Fire = Brimstone = Red = Mars = 65
Air = Mandrake Root = Blue = Saturn = 34
Earth = Lapis Lazuli = Black = Jupiter = 15
Water = Green Coral = Green = Venus = 175
Use the measuring spoons to get the appropriate amount of the powder and
drop it on vial that sits on the top of the burner. Light the burner with
the matches. Gus should have a purple vial in
his possession if he did it correctly. Do not forget to pick up
the 18th Century Gold Coin on the table also.
Q: Where is Gregoire De Allepin?
A: Go deeper to the crypt. Gus will see a
dead body lying on the tomb. Could it be .... Yeah, this is the dead body of
Gregoire De Allepin. Use the camera to take a
of his dead body. If Gregoire has been died all this time, who has
been acting as him lately? Dr. Kaufner!!!!!
Q: What
is the solution of the book puzzle?
A: Get the metal ring from the bookshelf
across the secret chamber entrance in the study room. Pick up
the knife beside the book. Look closely at the
book. Place the ring on the slot and clamp down all the four clamps. Set the
top clamp to display A, D, and N from top to bottom. Set the bottom clamp to
display 5, 3, and 1 from top to bottom. Leave the left clamp alone. Gus will
see be able to read the history of the Head of The Baphomet from the book.
Gus will end up back in his studio again. Pick up the ransom note that just
come on the door mat. Kaufner kidnapped Sophia Blake and wants the Head of
the Baphomet in exchange. Q: Where could I find
The Head of the Baphomet?
A: Visit Alambic Bistro. Berenice will tell
Gus that Hulot has been murdered. Learn that Berenice has made a imitation
of The Head of The Baphomet for Hulot. Dig more information from her until
she said that Hulot has been sitting in front of his fresco every night.
There should be something special about the fresco. Go to the back room of
the club and notice a set of candle has been lighted in the memory of Hulot.
Look closely at the picture and pick up the candle. Notice the arch behind
Hulot on the picture. Step to the right of the fresco on the wall and look
closely at it. If you has talked with Berenice up until the detail of the
Baphomet and Hulot's new habit at night, the candle should be lit at this
point. Welcome to the new breed of PIXEL HUNTING puzzle. Gus need to find
several hidden images on the fresco. Once he found all of those hidden
images, he will be transferred automatically to his notebook. He could form
the same arch from the Hulot's memoir picture on his notebook. Pay extra
attention on the bottom right and left area of the fresco because almost 70%
of the parts are there, including almost all the letter images.

 Q: Where
inside this train station that he could find the Head?
A: Go to the far end left tunnel. Gus will
be surprised by a train. He will jump through the left opening to a dark
passage way. Q: Where could he find a light to
proceed? It is too dark here
A: Use the candle or the flash light from
Hellouin's Attic (in his office) to light his way if the candle does not
work. Proceed to the end of the passage until he could pick the
false Head of Baphomet from the shelf and the
original Head of the Baphomet one from inside
the box on the floor. Q:
Berenice refuse to forge Gus another false document. How could he enter the
Meeting Hall of BSORC?
A: Use the purple vial from DeAllepin's
secret chamber to drugs the door man. Unfortunately, the door man does not
have anything valuable on him. Proceed to search the Hall. Q: What
could he find inside this Hall of BSORC?
A: Go to the inner library. Pick up
the journal on the table,
the book about the Knight of Templar inside the far right end
bookshelf, and the brass coin
from the left glass display. Q: What other
information he needs to help Hellouin?
A: Go to Hotel Orphee again and
talk to Nicolas about Hellouin and Malet. Go to
the second floor and exausts all the conversation topic with the lady in
Room 506. Gus will learn a lot about Knight of Templar, The Head of Baphomet,
and The Alchemy Knowledge. Q: How could Gus
convince LeBreun that Hellouin is innocent?
A: Gus needs to collect or know about all
of the items marked with green color above. Once he did that he could
exhausts all conversation topic with Lebreun until LeBreun called Hellouin
for a talk. Gus will provide information on Ring,
Passport (or
Sophia's Letter), The Murder of Malet and Hulot,
the letter from DeAllepin to
Hellouin, Nicolas testimony that he saw Hellouin
and Malet together on the night of the murder,
De Allepin's Photo, The
Knife, The Brass and The
Gold Coins and The Purple vial (if he did not
use it for something else). There will be an
option for Gus to say that he hoped all of these evidence are enough to
prove that Hellouin is innocent. Q: Where is
Sophia Blake?
A: Go to DeAllepin for the final
confrontation with Dr. Kaufner. Choose to destroy the Head of Baphomet (it's
a false one anyway) for a happy ending or return it to Dr. Kaufner for a sad
ending. Copyright:
Crash Production@2003
All images on this walkthrough are the property of Microids
Any comment or question could be sent to
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