Culpa Innata

by Momentum AS

Guide by MaGtRo    July 2006



Gameplay:    This game is a third person point and click adventure game. The main menu has Start Game, Options, Credits and Quit. The Start game has a choice of new game or load. The Options has video (resolution and anti aliasing), audio (voice, music and FX levels) and Caption selections.

Right click of mouse brings the in game menu. The in game menu has the save, load, graphics, sound and exit to main selections. Another right click of mouse closes the in game menu and brings the game screen back. Right click toggles back to the gameplay screen.

Once the PA is picked up, right mouse click opens up the PA. The PA has the contact list, inventory, navigation map, diary and game controls. The middle scroll mouse button can also be used to scroll through the PA. Right click again to disable the PA. The contact list has the phone numbers and description of the characters that Phoenix has been in contact with during gameplay. The inventory shows the items picked up. In inventory, select the item and it will be placed on right frame. Click the gear icon to use that item or click the +i icon to look closer on some items.

The navigation map once updated shows the map of Adrianopolis. All active locations will be seen and when clicked can automatically go to that location. Some locations are accessed only during the night. The diary has Phoenix' thoughts. The Game Controls has the in game menu. There are 48 saved game slots.

Double left mouse click makes Phoenix run. Right click skips phone conversations.

Culpa Innata means inherent guilt or original sin. The democratic countries have united to form the World Union. The World Union lasted for 27 years. It ended on May 19, 2052 - The first day of Devolution.

This is 2047. Listen to Mr. Hamilton describe what is happening to our blue planet. This is reality. He transports himself to a meeting of the World Union with use of a rainbow butterfly.

At Adrianopolis, Dagmar Morssen's address to the Immigration Academy graduates explains the World Union's principle - The most selfish, the most determined and strongest shall inherit the world. Phoenix Wallis is introduced to the graduates. The Almighty Sage!


Global Peace and Security Network (GPSN)

Phoenix' Office:  Located on the Third floor of the GPSN building left of Exit sign. Look around the room. Check the computer, pink make up kit, cabinet and Human Development Index (HDI) certificate on wall.


Chief Morssen's office:  Located across from Phoenix' office. During the game, Chief Morssen will call Phoenix to a meeting or Phoenix will automatically report her findings.

Locate Julius and Personal Assistant (PA) - Use the elevator left of third floor Exit sign. Go to second floor.

From the elevators, go to bottom screen and then right screen. Go forward and see Julius sweeping the floor at far corridor. Talk to Julius, who will speak about dead bodies. Maybe the cemetery should be checked? Talk to Julius now and then to learn more about the background of the Union. 

PA:    Pick up the blinking PA from the floor behind Julius & Phoenix (bottom screen). The cabinet key is still not found. Right mouse click brings up the PA. The PA has the contact list, inventory, navigation map, diary and game controls. Right click again to disable the PA. The contact list has the description of the characters that Phoenix has been in contact with during gameplay. The inventory has the GPSN Rules.

The navigation map is disabled and needs to be updated. The diary has Phoenix' thoughts. The Game Controls has the in game menu.

Cabinet puzzle - Take the pink makeup kit and social security card from desk.

Look close at the cabinet under the left HDI frame behind the desk. See a close up of the lock. The security pass is in there. Open the makeup kit in inventory (use the “i” icon) and take out a hairpin.

Insert the hairpin in the lock. Move it up, down right and left and listen for the different sound each time.

Listen for the sharp click sound and not the clunk sound. Find the correct sequence that produces all click sounds.

Click to move the hairpin:  2 up, 1 down, 1 left and 1 up. Ha, it worked! Take the security pass. Back out of close up.


Floor 1:   

History of the Union:  Exit the office and go to the elevators, left of the EXIT sign. Take the elevator to floor 1. Go right of screen and look at the 2 wall panels that described the conditions that led to the present day situation. Go right and look close at the third wall panel to see what supposedly this Utopia has done to date.

Auditorium:    Enter the door at right under the beautiful stained glass. Go down to front row and take the ID card of Talay Talayman. Look around Check out the stage, flags and podium. There is a full version of Chief Morssen’s speech there. After you have looked at everything, exit the auditorium.

Exit:     Go to left screen, pass the elevators and go to the EXIT at intersecting corridor. Use security pass on EXIT door.


GPSN Exterior:  See a cutscene of a man sneaking towards the building. Chase is on. Wow - he went thorough the graveyard gate. Look at the plaque on the right. It is the Pater Noster.

Textured plaque:  Look at the plaque left of the gate. click it while in close up. There's a shape here but the carving is too fine.

Open the makeup kit in inventory. Take the Desiree hand lotion and apply it on the plaque. Take a cotton ball from makeup kit and apply it on the lotion on the plaque. This needs to be scanned. A camera icon appears. Click the camera icon to get recovered image 3.

Graveyard gate:  Look at the gate and see that it has a lock.

The lever on top left resets the puzzle. The 4 buttons pulls back different bars at center of the lock.

The object of the puzzle is to press the buttons to remove all the bars at the center.

Check what bars each button affects. Note that a second click on some buttons shows another set of affected bars.

One solution: Click (top to bottom 1-4): 4 4 3.

Graveyard:  See a digital disk on the ground. Use camera to take a picture of the butterfly image on the disc to get recovered image 4. Take the graveyard CD. We can check all the items collected so far later on Phoenix' computer.


Station Omega 10

Follow the path to the left, cross the bridge and then click the signs on either side of the path. The blue one is the mighty Union flag.

Metro:   Enter the Metro area. Look around and check the different active places. Go down the front stairs on either side of the balcony to get to Platform A. Look at the posters on the wall. Note that one has a rainbow butterfly. Go to extreme left of the rail tracks under the left stairs. It is an entry to the tunnels.

Go back up to the top level. Go to either right or left side of the main floor and turn the corner. Go pass the green Station Omega 10 sign and then to Platform B. See an energy field that blocks the stairs. Click energy field and learn that you need to renew metro pass. Turn back and go to the right side hall where you see the brown Metro Pass machine.

Metro pass machine - Click the machine and buy metro credit.

Enter the social security number seen on the social security card in inventory: 293-72-4925-2.

100 credits are added to your account.

Metro Car:  Go forward, right, forward and through the energy field of Platform B. Go down the stairs to see Phoenix ride the metro.

PA - Right click mouse to access the PA but the PA has reset.

Click OK on the first 2 frames seen. The last reminder showed unidentified binary data.

Click to 'Save' the unidentified binary data to get Data Dump from PA crash.

The Navigation Map has expired. We need to update the map. Exit the PA and look close at the white map on the wall inside the metro car. See the Adrianopolis Metro Map. Take a picture of the map to update the navigation map. Phoenix will say that the map is now updated.


General Gameplay Tips After Activating Navigational Map

1. Witnesses are interviewed only once a day and are questioned a minimum of 2 visits depending on any previous actions and dialogues chosen.

2. Once locations are opened within the map the gameplay becomes highly non-linear and events, people, locations will be revealed or can be resolved in different orders. This guide will try to describe by characters or locations and is but one pathway through this game. Visit the characters or locations at your discretion.


Hints:     This is NOT a walkthrough.

1. Check the map which characters can be visited. It would help to cross off the actions already taken from the guide below.

2. Check locations than can be visited earlier. The Thing Store is usually the earliest place to visit.

3. Visit other places like the Pyramid, go to the gym, or complete any puzzles that can be progressed or solved using Phoenix’s office PA to use up time while waiting for news or reports. A check of the in game diary or a visit with Sandra can provide valuable tips if you are not sure what to do next in the game. Goals or things to do are written in red ink in the diary, once completed they turn to black ink.


Bogdanov's house

Right click to show the PA. Click the navigation map tab and see Vassily Bogdanov's house in delta quadrant. Click Bogdanov's home. Go right of elevator and click room 3105.

First visit:  The home security program does not let Phoenix in. Select Access Case# response for a more diplomatic approach.

Look around at the different items in the apartment. Go to bottom screen to see a wide window. Take a close look at the items on the coffee table on the left. See an old fashioned business card. Bogdanov is the owner of The Thing Store at The Pyramid. The PA adds the Thing Store to the map. Look close at the magnetic card on the bar. Take the swipe card.

Bogdanov's bedroom:  Enter the room on the left. Look around. Take a look at the 'Arrivee in 21 Days' on the side table. Look close (click twice) on the Mata Hari picture above the bed. There's a colored lock safe. We need more data to do this puzzle.

Note: The player can access and solve the safe puzzle before getting the hints. The solution is to replicate the colors of the Russian Flag in exact order, so a player may intuitively guess this or by sheer brute force end up with the right solve. Once the player opens the safe, an unknown sculpture will appear in Phoenix’s inventory, but its purpose until later in the gameplay, in visits to the Thing Store after Piper appears.

Second visit:  To be done after visit to Bogdanov's Office and Rubik's cube puzzle completed.

Safe puzzle:  Go to the bedroom and click Mata Hari's picture above the bed. See the safe.

Change the colors of the safe buttons to the pattern on the Rubik's cube completed puzzle at Bogdanov's office.

Top row is white, middle row is blue and bottom row is red.

Take the unknown sculpture.

Thing Store

Anti Chaos Poster and kiosk:  Click Pyramid and then Thing Store in the map. Exit the Thing store and go across the street. Look close at the Anti Chaos poster and the kiosk beside it. The poster has #505 on it. Look at kiosk and enter the number 505. See the fourth line change to Truth is never linear. Note: Later in the gameplay, all the Anti Chaos poster/kiosk locations appear on the Navigation map. They can be visited by walking out of locations nearby, once those locales open or by directly going to each kiosk icon on the map.


Alicia Cordoba:   

First visit:  Click Pyramid and then Thing Store in the map. Walk to the left screen and up the stairs. Talk to the female sales clerk in blue-gray uniform, Alicia Cordoba. Learn about Harry Callahan, a Peace Officer impersonator.

Suspect modeling comparison - See a face. Click a feature of the face and then click 'compare'. Alicia will say if is not or is a match. Once that part of the face matches, go to another feature of the face.

Do the hair, eyes, nose, mouth and chin comparison. Alicia's answer will progress to: Slightly like him, moderately like him, more like him, very much like him and when all features are correctly done she will say 'that is exactly him'.

When Alicia says: "That is exactly like him", click 'reconstruct' button to see a picture of the impersonator. The picture is added to your inventory.

Continue to ask Alicia about Bogdanov's death and learn about the other sales clerk, Piper and Monica. Ask her anything pertaining to Bogdanov. You are allowed only one visit per day in interrogating witnesses. Check Bogdanov's office.

Second or third visit:  Talk to Alicia at left side of the store about Bogdanov and about his business venture. Learn about art consultancy and the club that Bogdanov frequents. Talk again about Bogdanov's business. At last visit with Alicia, Monica will be at the other side of the store. Visit Monica.

Go down the steps and walk to right screen. Check the Thing Store elevator. Use the swipe card taken from the bar at the apartment. Note: this can be done before speaking with Alicia.

Bogdanov's office:   

First Visit:  Look around the room. Bogdanov's HDI score is 70. Take note of the Russian newspaper.

Rubik's cube:  Look close at the one sided Rubik's cube at side table. Solve the puzzle by making all the squares yellow similar to the center one.

Note that the colors of allouter squares cycles to 6 different colors of same sequence. The center square also cycles to 6 colors but in reverse sequence as the outer squares. Clicking a square changes the last square clicked to the next color. However, clicking the upper right square does not reset the last square clicked.

This is one possible way to solve this puzzle:

1. Change one outer square to green. Click the top right square after change of an outer square to green.

2. Do all outer squares like step 1.

3. Click the top right square to green.

4. Once all the surrounding squares are one color, the center square will automatically cycle to the next color in its series. Since this would be green, all squares will now be the same color and the puzzle is solved.

This is a longer solution:

1. Click one of the outer square until it turns yellow. Then click top Right Square until it turns yellow.

2. Do another outer side square and then click top Right Square until it turns yellow. Do the rest of the outer squares in similar fashion.

3. Click top right corner square (~20+xs) until the top right and the central squares are both yellow.

Phoenix will look at the completed Rubik's cube again and note that there's a familiar pattern to the cube. The top row is all white squares, middle row is all blue squares and the bottom row is all red squares. This is a duplicate of the Russian Flag.

Photo album:  Take a look at the old book on the table - an album of 2D photographs. Click arrow at bottom of screen to flip through the album. Note the picture of the older couple with a baby and the building with 657.

Computer:    Look close at the computer and see that it needs a password. Enter the number seen on the building picture in the old photo album - 657. Read the new e-mail. A meeting was set up with Douglas Anderson. A new destination is added to your map.

Second visit:  This visit is triggered when Larissa Lukin mentions Bogdanov's grandparents. Use the elevator to go to Bogdanov's office. Look at the photo album. Take photo of the grandparents with the baby. Click the picture to turn the photo over. Use camera on back of photo to get Cyrillic handwritten text and 3865959.


First visit:    Go across the floor and up to the right side of the store. Talk to Monica Lacour about Bogdanov.

Second visit:    Talk to Monica at right side of the store about Bogdanov and her job description. Close working relationship...

Third visit:    Talk to Monica about other business ventures and relationship with others. Learn about Piper.

Display:    This is triggered by having opened Bogdanov's safe in his bedroom.

Go to the very back display wall at left side of the store (where Piper is standing). See 3 items on display. Click the middle one that looks like the item taken from Bogdanov's safe. Click the unknown sculpture from Bogdanov's safe on the center display. A secret drawer opens. Take Bogdanov's e-diary. Chief Morssen will have the e-diary analyzed.

Piper:     Go to the back area of the left side of the store and talk to Piper.

First visit:    Oh My! Approach her harshly.

Second Visit:    Talk to Piper.

Third visit:    Talk to Piper about Bogdanov's visit to Russia and his last visit to Russia. Learn about Bogdanov's visitor. Get a call for another interview. This interview gets cut when Phoenix reports to Chief Morssen.

Fourth visit:    Talk to Piper especially about Bogdanov's other ventures. Learn about boxes brought by his friends to his office and 'renting the contents'.

The Pyramid

If you want, look around the Pyramid. You can also use time by checking the different place. It is a good place to wait for news or reports. You can use the map of the Pyramid and see the street layout and where the known buildings are located. See Fallen Soldier's monument, the NGO poster by the WVS (World Vegetarian Society), NGO kiosk, Metro entrances and GreenPeas poster. Phoenix can do her exercise at her favorite gym. At night, you can see Cafe Rose, Stardust Club and Carpe Diem.


Douglas Anderson's Law Office

Anderson Law Office is triggered by the completion of the computer puzzle in Bogdanov's office. Select the Anderson's Law Offices on the Navigation Map. Walk down the hallway and click to read the Directory of the Building Occupants. Douglas Anderson is on the 7th floor. Go right to the elevators. Exit elevator and go to left screen. Go down the hallway and enter the first door right of the wall with the eye. Talk to the door security program.

First Visit:    Enter the office and look at the frame left of door. Douglas Anderson has an HDI of 82. Go down the screen and talk to Anderson. Continue the discussion in a formal manner. The people Bogdanov mentioned are Larissa Lukin his sexual partner, Ms. Capello the therapist and Roger Arnett the image maker. New destinations are added to the map.

Second or third visit:    In one replay, I had 3 visits. On another replay; I had only 2 visits with Anderson. Talk to Anderson about other things and business venture. Learn about Pierre DeVille, an artist. Anderson interview is now done.

Immigrant Interviews

GPSN Offices:    Talk to Ingrid, head of the Immigration Academy in blue standing on the left.

Click the different panels on the table (Computer Interview System). The one the right is the neuro-impulse locator which shows if the person is thinking one thing and telling another. The one on the left is the security coefficient indicator; it detects lies and reduces points. If the score goes below 70, the applicant fails.

Interview Raj Patel:    Talk to the candidate. Watch the graph and the bar of the computer system. Ask about his past and plans. Scrutinize his past. Ask him about his participation in the riots and about his acts during the riots. Raj Patel failed. (If the question asked is his action after the riots, Patel will pass. It is best that he fails and is weeded out.)

Interview Al Hayari:    Talk to Ingrid. Talk to Al Hayari aka Shakira. You can lead questions to either accept or reject her. Lead questions to learn more about her shopping, career and then her work plans. She is rejected. Lead questions about her family and her need to be away, she is accepted.

Phoenix was called for a third interview but the process was cut by a call from Chief Morssen.

Larissa Lukin's house

This location is triggered after Anderson mentions Larissa's name. Use the map to go to Larissa Lukin's House. Talk to the security program at room 2108. Go down the room and talk to Larissa sitting by the window.

First Home Visit:    Select 'Approach her nicely' dialogue. After small talk, concentrate on asking about Bogdanov.

Phone Call:    Use the PA, click contact list and select Larissa Lukin. Click the antenna at top right of frame. Ask for an appt. Hmm... Maybe invite her to a place where she'll be more comfortable.

Second Phone call:    Use the PA, click contact list and select Larissa Lukin. Click the antenna at top right of frame. Ask for an appointment to meet at Cafe Rose.

Cafe Rose:    Meet Larissa automatically and make small talk with her at the Cafe. Agree to meet her tomorrow. After the small talk, ask about Bogdanov.

Second Home Visit:   Talk to her about everything or if her relation with Bogdanov is steady. Learn that Bogdanov's memories of Russia are about his grandparent's who took care of him. Automatically report to Chief Morssen.

Third Home visit:    Talk to Larissa.

Another Home visit:    After learning about the relationship with Bogdanov, talk to Larissa harshly and learn about the Gambino crime family. Report the findings to Chief Morssen.

Phoenix's home

Look around the apartment. Check the delivery tube. Go close to the window and click the round projector on the floor by the sofa. Watch the news and learn about the death of Dr. Melvyn Spencer, a Professor of the Adrianopolis University by use of unauthorized device during the first day or court case in subsequent times. Go to the bedroom and check the bathroom. Open the closet and select an outfit for Phoenix if-when she goes out. Go to bed.

Nightmares:    First nightmare of Phoenix young days alone is triggered by talk with Fabian at the Stardust Club. The graphic nightmare should be triggered by seeing Spencer but right now is randomly triggered.

Alessandra Pescara

Get calls from Sandra, Phoenix' best friend to meet at Cafe Rose. They meet at 8 PM at the Cafe. Go home, change clothes and click the map to meet with Sandra automatically. You can gossip with her or ask to go home.


Sophia Capello's office

This location is triggered by Anderson. Use the map to go to Capello's office.

Fix the security program - Go down the hallway and click to note that the security program on her door is malfunctioning.

Click the door and Phoenix says 'there seems to be no power'.

Go back towards the elevator. See 2 metal panels on the wall before the office doors.

Click the top electrical control panel and click again to open it. Make all the tubes on top right (section A) all red by clicking to red the bottom tube. Exit panel.

Click the bottom fuse panel and see that one fuse is off. Click to make complete fuse connection. Exit panel. Click the top electrical control panel again and turn back to green the bottom of the 3 tubes of section A. Exit panel. Yes, got it!

First visit:    Go back to Capello's office and talk to security door program. Inside the office look around and see that her HDI is 78. Talk to Dr. Capello. Approach her in a formal manner. Learn about the affair with a teacher, Katina Stavropoulos at the Child Development Center (CDC).

Second visit:   Talk to Dr. Capello about Bogdanov and later his free time. Learn about some irrational behavior, Stardust, a chic club and Mata Hari. New destination is added to map. This is the last visit with Dr. Capello.

Child Development Center

This location is triggered by Dr. Capello. Read the CDC essay paper on the end of the bulletin board. Talk to the obnoxious young girl in pink working on the computer.

Candy machine:    Look around the playroom on the right. Look close at the rabbit candy machine left side of the room. Press the red nose and take a candy. Give the candy to the obnoxious young girl. Kiwi flavored candy, oh my!

Go back to the Rabbit candy machine and press the hand to cycle the candy selection: cherry, peach, raspberry, orange and strawberry. No kiwi. Press the nose again and take another candy.

Kiwi candy:     Look around the playroom and see edible play dough at far side of the room. Look close and see different colors of play dough. Take (click-hold) a bit of blue and place on empty square. Take a bit of yellow and add to bit of blue to make green play dough.  Add a bit of white to make a kiwi colored play dough. Take the candy from inventory and use it on the kiwi colored play dough to get kiwi candy.

Give kiwi candy to the brat. She finally paged Kati.

First visit:    Talk to Kati and ask about something wrong between them.

Second or third visit:    Tell the receptionist you need to talk to Kati right away. Ask Kati if it were her choice to cool off the relationship and her career choice.

Roger Arnett Salon

This location is triggered by Anderson. Use the map to go to Arnett's Salon.

First visit:    Talk to Gladys, Arnett's Assistant. After learning about WIMA, make an appointment. Look to the desk on the right and take an epilaser flyer. Look at flyer in inventory. Take note of the homemade wax recipe.

Second visit:    Gladys gives Phoenix a complimentary makeover. Talk to Arnett about Bogdanov. He states that he is expecting that Bogdanov's next quarterly will show a rise in earnings. After the talk look around the office: mask, carpet and other decorations. Arnett has a high HDI of 83.

Third visit:    Talk to Gladys. Accept or decline a makeover. Talk to Arnett.

Fourth visit:    Talk to Arnett after passing through Gladys. Ask him about Bogdanov's NCO duties. Phoenix hears a different outlook in life.

Phoenix' Computer

Use the computer.

Search/Census database - Use the picture of the impersonator on the Census Database frame. Click search button. No record found.

Audio Visual Viewing - Use the graveyard CD on the frame and see a device. Click the arrow and that data was erased.

Data Processing/Text Processing - Use the data dump from PA crash on text processing frame. Select Analyze and see the result as unrecognized text.

Data Processing/Image Processing - Use the data dump from PA crash on image processing frame. See part of a picture and word.

Click-hold a gray square and drop it on another square to form a picture and name. The colored areas are already at the correct place.

Once a correct piece is at the correct place, spatial match is seen. When completed, a blinking image reconstructed of Iustitia (justice) appears.


Chief Dagmar Morssen's office

Once in a while, Phoenix will report her findings to Chief Morssen. Report pertinent information. Chief Morssen will approve or not a request for warrants. Evidence will be given to her also. She will also call you for updates on evidence or reports.

Reports and Request Warrants at the appropriate time:
Report about Anderson, impersonator, Kati, DeVille and Larissa's conversation. Chief Morssen stated that a warrant is available but to be careful in selecting the person to use it for. No need for a warrant yet. Before leaving, Phoenix reports about the ghost student at the cemetery. The guards have reported similar sightings also.

Report about the Cyrillic handwritten text, number and e-diary. Chief will have the e-diary checked.

Report about Bogdanov's name list.

Learn that Bogdanov brought 1.3 M when he emigrated and that Larissa Lukin was Bogdanov's nuptial partner in Russia. He was killed with a 9 mm handgun. Phoenix is asked to check the financial records and learn that Spencer, the dead Professor was in Bogdanov's list. Phoenix was asked to talk to DeVille about the matter.

Report about Larissa Lukin's info about the Gambino family.

Report about Piper's statement, Mata Hari and anything else you feel like.

Report about Piper's statement and Mikhailov. Thing Store Headquarters is added to the map.

Phoenix reports possible illegal trade-renting.

Phoenix reports the Impersonator. Request Questioning Warrant for the Impersonator.

Phoenix reports about DeVille's interview.  Request Financial Audit for Pierre DeVille.

Reports about DeVille's financial report and asks for a Search & Seizure warrant for Pierre DeVille.

Phoenix reports about DeVille's firearm. Chief will send it to the ballistics lab right away.

Get a call from Chief Morssen that the gun is not the one that is used to murder Bogdanov. The GPSN had apologized with a 6 digits sum to Pierre Deville.

The Warrant for the impersonator was approved. The Chief has requested a Special Forces Team to help in the apprehension of the underground people. Chief Executive Mr. Hamilton arrives and cancels the orders. The underground people are under his personal orders. Crystal clear!

Phoenix reports about the illegal tobacco.

Phoenix reports about Lena's device.

Julio Santo Dominguez

Julio is a co worker of Phoenix who wants to be the lead investigator. He will message Phoenix now and then to goad her.


Jean Michel Fremont

Jean Michel is Phoenix' boyfriend.

First call:    Get a message from Jean Michel for dinner at Chez Pierre. Select either formal or playful dialogue. If playful, Phoenix goes home with Jean Michel. If formal, Jean Michel leaves alone and you can talk to the pianist at the lower floor left side of the restaurant.

Second call:    Get a message from Jean Michel. They are on high alert with defense condition 4 - near at war.

Pierre DeVille's house

This location is triggered by Anderson.

First visit:    After getting pass the home security program; look around inside DeVille's home. Look at the firearm collection on the wall. Go down the screen and see that his HDI is 70. Talk to arrogant DeVille about Bogdanov.

Second visit:     Ask about business with Bogdanov.

Third Visit     Ask about other Business Venture and his firearms collection. After this visit, Pierre will not be available at his house.

Fourth visit:     Talk to the home security program and learn that DeVille is not in.

Stardust Club

This location is triggered by Dr. Capello. This location can only be visited at night.

First visit:    Talk to Fabian, the bartender about Bogdanov and about Fabian's past. Learn history of city, Phoenix' background and PSP. Exit the club through the door. Talk to the bouncer guarding the door of Stardust Club.

Anti Chaos poster and kiosk:    Go down the steps and to the right road. See Anti chaos poster with a kiosk beside it. The poster has the date June 11. Look close at the kiosk and enter 611 on the keypad. See third line change to Turbulence and Stability co exist.

Second visit:    Talk to Fabian. Be sure to give 25 dollars for the drink (with 13 dollars - Fabian will clam up and no info is taken). Learn about Bogdanov's devotee friends

Third visit:    Fabian the bartender is not around. Go up the stage and look at the wood relief on the back wall of the stage. Look closer and see the crack. Wood pieces fall off the wall.

Wood relief pieces - See broken pieces on the floor. Look closer on the pieces and see the puzzle.

Click-hold-drop the pieces to combine them. If the piece is in place, hear a click and the pieces cannot be separated anymore.

Look close at the combined pieces on the floor and Phoenix says not to pick it up or it will scatter. Click the hole on the wall and Phoenix says to 'fix it fast'.

Go to the bar and click the right gate to enter the bar area. Phoenix can enter only if she says to fix the wall of the stage fast.

See a setup to make glue.

Prepare Glue - Look at the epilaser flyer taken from Arnett's Salon. Check the wax preparation procedure.

Click-hold 1 cup on water and then click measured water on bowl. Click-hold 1/2 cup on water and click measured water on bowl.

Click-hold 1/2 cup on sugar and then click the measured sugar on bowl.

Click 1 tablespoon on lemon and then click it on bowl. Repeat to get 2 tablespoon of lemon in bowl.

Take bowl and click it on microwave.

If correctly done, Phoenix will say 'I'm a mad scientist' and the sticky gel will be in inventory.

Fix the wood relief wall - Go back to the stage and click the sticky gel on the hole on the wall. Click the sticky gel on the combined pieces on the floor after trying to pick it up. Take the glued pieces from inventory and click it on the wall.

Fabian comes back to the bar. Talk to Fabian. Ask about Bogdanov's friends at the club. Learn about Mikhailov who is sitting in the room. The lady sitting with him is Mata Hari. See them leave when Phoenix notices them.

Fourth Visit:     Ask Fabian about Mata Hari.

Fifth Visit:    Ask Fabian about Mata Hari's strange behavior. Hmm....


Visit 1:    Talk to Mikhailov sitting alone in front of the stage. Ask for his help coldly. Learn that he was Bogdanov's childhood buddy. Watch Mata Hari dance. Continue to talk to Mikhailov.

Phoenix' Office and Computer:

After taking Bogdanov's photo

Ancient Library:    This is triggered after getting the Cyrillic text from the back of the grandparent's photo. Go to second floor of the GPSN building. Go to screen right and see Julius. Talk to Julius and learn about his being a student and the General's army. Go to screen right (hall left and side from where Julius and the black dirt on the floor are located) and see a door at the end of the hallway.

Enter the library. Look around. Go to the middle wall across the door. Take the red book from the book shelf. Take a picture of the dictionary to get Cyrillic Translation table. Exit the room and go bottom screen from the dirt on the floor. Go screen right and walk the corridor. At the middle of the hallway, go to the left and see the elevators.

Phoenix' Office after getting translation table:    Go to 3rd floor and enter the office. Use the computer.

Decryption - Place the Cyrillic handwritten text on right frame and the translation table on the left frame. Translate each letter by clicking the appropriate English letter on the left and click the Cyrillic letter on the right. Do this to all the letters even if they have similar letters in translation. After translation is completed, get Bogdanov's name list in inventory.

After exiting the computer, automatically report to Chief Morssen.

Phoenix' Computer: after first hacker

Get an urgent message on PA. Hackers got into the system and paid particular attention to Phoenix' folders.

Phoenix' office:    Check your PA and see an authorized data. It states 'Hey, Officer, I dare you to find out what I am'. Use the computer.

Data Processing/Image Processing - Click the authorized data on frame and get a File corrupted result.

Hexadecimal Editor - The editor appears after the File Corrupted result. See several red ? that are needed to be decoded. Based on the reference numbers-letters above the puzzle, find out the number or letter corresponding to the red (?).

This was done by trial and error. Start with a group of 4 that has one red question mark first. Click the question mark until they turn blue. Continue on until all the single red question marks set are decoded.

With the ones with 2 question marks, change one of the question mark once and then process or click through the other one until you hit the correct letter or number. If that first one doesn't work, change the first question mark to the next number or letter and process through the second question mark again.

Once all the red marks are changed to blue, see an image of Amor (love) to get recovered image 1. Yes, now we have the 4th image.

3D Processing/ Reconstruct Multiple Images - Take the CD recovered image 4 from inventory and use it on top wall of the frame. Place the recovered image 3 taken from left wall of graveyard gate on the bottom frame and the butterfly reconstructed from the data dump (recovered image 2 - Iustitia) on the left frame. Place the new image, recovered image 1 -  Amor on the right frame. click reconstruct and see a 3D butterfly image.

Station Omega 10:    Take the stairs and go down to the lower level. Look at the Butterfly ad poster on the wall. Take a picture to get Butterfly image. Go back to Phoenix' office.

3D Processing/ Reconstruct from Single Image - Take the butterfly ad image from inventory and use it on the frame. Click Extrude. Get 3D Butterfly ad.

3D Processing/ Object Compare puzzle - Place the 3D butterfly ad on a frame and the 3D butterfly image on the other. Click compare.

See a map of the metro system and an X that marks a spot. Exit the computer.

Phoenix states that a visit to the metro after hours would be best.

Phoenix' Office after Military database authorization:   

Phoenix is given authorization to access Military database since the military numbers are 7 digits and the numbers on the decrypted Cyrillic text is also 7 numbers. Use the computer.

Military database - Use the 7 digit number on the frame and do a search. Get a Military Captain, Juan Antonio Perez.

Military Corps is added to the navigational map.

Phoenix' Computer: Bogdanov's financial report

Chief Morssen's office:    Learn that Bogdanov brought 1.3 M when he emigrated and that Larissa Lukin was Bogdanov's nuptial partner in Russia. He was killed with a 9 mm handgun. Phoenix is asked to check the financial records and that Spencer, the dead Professor was in Bogdanov's list. Phoenix was asked to talk to DeVille about the matter.

Phoenix's Office:   

Bogdanov's financials - Access the PA and check the inventory for Bogdanov's financials. Check the other 2 pages using the arrow at bottom left. Bogdanov's bank list is in inventory. Phoenix will take note of Lena Vanderbilt.

Information Analysis - Use the computer and do an information analysis. Place Bogdanov's bank list and name list on the 2 frames. Click Analyze. The 2 names that are not common to 2 lists are Melvyn Spencer and Gillian Jones.

Lena Vanderbilt and Gillian Jones are added to the map.

Military Corps

This location is triggered by the Military database search. Go down the screen and talk to the guard at the desk.  At the personnel office, talk to Ashling Monaghan. Learn about Perez' death in a plane crash in Russia. Ask more info about Perez to be referred to Officer Thorrsen.

Find Officer Thorrsen:    Exit the personnel office and end at an intersection. Look close at the fire extinguisher by B1070 door and see Thorrsen's name on it. Look at the fire chart above the extinguisher and see her room number. Go to top screen corridor and be at Thorrsen's office.

First visit:  Talk to Officer Thorrsen.

Second visit:    Talk to Thorrsen about the last time she saw Capt. Perez. Her confession mentions that Perez exhibited similar irrational behavior as Bogdanov before he died.

Third visit:    Talk to Thorrsen and ask if someone else asked about her relationship with Perez. Learn about Bryan Ainsworth of WXBG. The station is placed in the map.

Lena Vanderbilt's house

This location is triggered by Bogdanov's bank list. Enter the first door #712 and talk to the home security. Lena is at the Rehabilitation Center.

First visit:     Go to the windows, forward and right of the house. Talk to Lena Vanderbilt about last time she saw Bogdanov. She mentioned a device she was using caused her to go to rehab. Get an urgent call from Sandra to meet her at the Pyramid.

Second visit:   Talk to Lena and learn about the Virtual Reality device and Bogdanov's rentals. Get a virtual device sketch in inventory.

Melvyn Spencer's house

Go to the end of the hall and then right to the open door. Enter the bedroom with the round bed. Check the book on the floor beside the box. It is a book about Sir Thomas More. Look around and exit back to the living area. Look around and check the laptop on top of a box left of the window.

Laptop - The laptop needs a password. click the password area and a keyboard appears. Type in SirThomasMore. Click OK.

Check the www. Close the frame by clicking the x at top right. Check the garbage at bottom right. See Flyer and Draft files. Click-hold and drop them to the Documents folder. Close the garbage using the x at top right.

Open the Documents and read the flyer and drafts files. From the Flyer learn that Spencer taught at the Adrianopolis University. The drafts shows Spencer will talk about Discrepancies in History According to the Media. The Adrianopolis University is placed in the map.

Adrianopolis University

This location is triggered by the flyer in Spencer's laptop.

First visit:  Talk to Janka Gabor and learn the rumor about Spencer's death as told by Ivania.

Second visit:     Talk to Janka Gabor about the Professor and his research.

Third visit:     Talk to Janka Gabor about the Professor.

Ultimate Faithful

Anti Chaos Poster and kiosk:    Look close at the anti chaos poster and kiosk beside the Ultimate Faithful door. The poster has 026 in different color on it. Enter the number on the kiosk keypad and see that the fifth line has changed to Chaos is peace.

Ultimate Faithful:    Look close at the door of the shop.

Door lock - See 2 pendulums at top and 2 small doors at the bottom. 2 bars block the door. They need to be moved away from the center.

Open the 2 small doors. Turn the left knob to point West or turn 2xs clockwise. Turn the right knob to SE or 3 times counterclockwise.

Move the left pendulum to the left and move the right pendulum to the right.

Click the exposed blue button. Ha! Got it!

Smokey and sales pitch room - The room is full of incense smoke and the drone of the sales pitch is non stop. We need to remove the smoke. Look around the room.

Totems - There are totems on each corner by the door. Take the eyes - 2 purple gems from the right totem. Take eyes - 2 green gems from the left totem. Take the embroidered cloth from the table beside the green eyed totem.

Steam pipes - Look close at the pipes under the right shelf when facing the back of the room.

Turn the middle yellow handle to the right. The top wheel is hot. Use the cloth on the wheel. Turn the top wheel until steam comes out of the right pipe.

Turn the bottom left yellow handle to the left. Turn the left wheel until steam comes out of the left pipe.

Once steam is let out of the pipes, turn the 2 yellow handles to original position.

Pull the bottom chain to flush the room. Pull back to the now cleared room.

Office door - Go back to the rear of the room and see that the door is locked. There are 2 heads on both sides of the door.

Look close at the left one - winged bearded man and place the green gems on its eye sockets.

Look close at the right one - lion head and place the purple gems on its eye sockets.

Click or move the African shield left of the lion head. Pull the handle seen. Enter the office door.

First visit:    Talk to Gillian Jones. Look around the room after the talk. Gillian's HDI is 75.

Second visit:    Talk to Gillian in her office about renting.

Cafe Rose:    Gossip with Sandra. After discussing DeVille; the Carpe Diem, Zap (dress store) and Gary's (shoe store) will be available in the map.

Zap:    The location is triggered by Sandra. Talk to Theodora and get a call from Sandra.

Phoenix' house:    Pick up the dress at the delivery chute.

Gary's Shoes

The location is triggered by Sandra.

First visit:    Talk to the store clerk in white shirt, Al. He insults Phoenix. Phoenix exits the store and goes back in and talks to Al again. Go to the store counter by the door and look close at the purple frame at end of counter. Look close and complete the form: File Complaint, Complaint related to service quality and select the last choice - born loser...

Second Visit:     Talk to Habib, store clerk. Phoenix selected a 375 dollars shoe. Time to get credits.

Third visit:   Buy the shoes from the Habib you talked to earlier.

Allied Investor

This location is triggered by needing credits to buy shoes. Jump to Allied Investor at the Pyramid. Exit back out of the store.

Anti Chaos Poster and kiosk:    Exit the store and look at the poster on left wall. Look close at the Anti Chaos poster and the kiosk beside it. The poster has #802 highlighted at the center. Look at kiosk and enter the number 802 on the keypad. See second line change to Chaos can be calculated.

Allied Investor:    Enter the office and go left. Go to the terminal at the foreground. Click the Allied Investor name. Click Extended credit. Place 375 worth of coins from left to the right circle. Yellow coins are 100's, green are 50's and purple are 25's.

Thing Store Headquarters

After a report to Chief Morssen about Piper's statement, the Thing Store Headquarters is added to the map.

Business District 1:    Jump to Business District 1. Select Things Store Headquarters.

Anti Chaos Poster and kiosk:    Look at the poster on left wall outside the Things Store HQ. Look close at the Anti Chaos poster and the kiosk beside it. The poster has #s 2 4 6 prominent in the text. Look at kiosk and enter the number 246 on the keypad. See first line change to Fear not of chaos.

Combined Anti Chaos poster and kiosk puzzle - Look close at the kiosk. We now have 5 numbers and 5 changed lines from 5 kiosks.

Enter the numbers taken from 5 kiosks in any order:

1. Enter 246 on the keypad to get line 1 changed to Fear not of Chaos.

2. Enter 802 on the keypad to get line 2 changed to Chaos can be calculated.

3. Enter 611 on the keypad to get line 3 changed to Turbulence and Stability co-exists.

4. Enter 505 on the keypad to get line 4 changed to Truth is non-linear.

5. Enter 026 on the keypad to get line 5 changed to Chaos is peace.

If done correctly, new words and numbers appear on the screen. Chaos becomes Peace. 12814.

Thing Store Headquarters:   Enter the HQ and talk to the receptionist. Then talk to Richard Ackermann. There is no store rental policy.

Metro Tunnels

Station Omega 10:    Jump to Station Omega 10. Use the front stairs, Platform A to get down the lower level (not the one with the energy field). Go to the left end of the ramp and see a closed gate. Click again to enter the Metro tunnels.

Metro Tunnels:    Walk to the left and check each door. Go pass room 10-1 and see a ramp between the rails. Cross to the other side.

Room 9-1 - Go left screen and enter room 9-1. Go to the open locker on the left. Take the proximity key hanging on the door. Take note of the number on the coat hanging in the locker - 143954. Look around and exit the room.

Cross the rail again to go to the other side.

Room 10-2 - Use the proximity card on the door. Look close at the terminal (monitor) right of the empty shelves. Use the proximity card on the terminal. It will ask for access number. Enter the number from the coat - 143954. Select key access. The terminal updated the proximity card. Look around and exit the room.

Room 10-3 - Enter the room and take the dirty cloth on top of crate on right side of the room. Look around the room and then exit.

Room 10-1 - Enter room and take Acme Rust Solvent bottle on right foreground on the table. Go to the rusty metal plate left of exit door and look close. Use the solvent on rusty plate and then use the cloth to wipe the plate. Read the word RATIO. Exit the room.

Cross the rail again to go to the other side. Room 9-2 is closed but has no visible locks.

Room 9-3 - Enter the room and see a room full of cables, laser lights and stands. Look around the room and see the word CHAOS on the wall. Look close at the center computer server. Look close at the panel across the CHAOS wall.

Letter puzzle - See letters on the panel. The bottom left red button turns every other letters starting from the left. While the red button on the right, flips every other letters starting from the second left.

The word needed is the one that is revealed on the rusty metal plaque in room 10-1.

Press the left button until you get (from left to right) the first letter to be R, third letter T and fifth letter O.

Press the right button until you form RATIO.

See that the CHAOS on the wall turns to PEACE. Exit the room.

Room 9-2 - See that the door is now opened. It opened after the completion of the puzzle in room 9-3. Look close on the back wall and see Anti Chaos writings.

Anti - Chaos letter puzzle - Go to the back wall and look close at the Anti-Chaos writings.

The clues from the kiosks are:  Chaos becomes Peace and 12814.

Click letters and see that certain letters on the wall can be pushed in. The letters are ACEP.

Try the letters until Phoenix says these words:  'wonder what the anti-chaos people say about this'. Then the correct word can be entered in the puzzle.

Push letters PEACE in the context of 12814.

From top to bottom find the first letter P (sPherical) on the wall. Push it in.

From top to bottom find the second letter E (nEither) on the wall. Push it in.

From top to bottom find the 8th letter A (equAtions) on the wall. Push it in.

From top to bottom find the first letter C (Cones) on the wall. Push it in.

From top to bottom find the fourth letter E (arE) on the wall. Push it in.

If done correctly, hear gears and the wall opens. See a room at the end of the corridor.

Unknown Underground Installation:    Go forward to the lit room at end of corridor. Look at the woman and see that it Rana Shah. Look at the man beside her and see that he is the Peace Impersonator. Talk to the Peace Impersonator and Phoenix is zapped with a butterfly ray that came out of the Impersonator's hand.

Phoenix' house:    Phoenix staggers to bed.

Business District I/WXBG 

This location is triggered by Officer Thorrsen. Look close at the Provo Tower directory on the wall. WXBG is on the 7th floor. Go to the red carpet on the right of the directory. Take the elevator at end of hallway.

Bryan Ainsworth's Office:    Talk to Bryan. Learn that there's a 2D video footage of the crash.  Accept his invitation. He will give it to you at dinner tonight at Cafe Rose.

Phoenix' house:    Change clothes and click map.

Cafe Rose:    Accept or decline his invitation. If accepted, Phoenix is at Ainsworth's' house. Go left to the hallway and then screen down to the living room. Pick up the audio-visual disc from the coffee table. If declined, the audio-visual disc is at Phoenix' office desk the next morning. (Thanks, Laura).


Phoenix' Computer: AV footage

Audio Visual Viewing - Place the AV disc on the frame. Click the arrow to view the footage. Need help on this footage. Exit the office.

Monitoring Room Part 1

Take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Go to right screen from elevator. At the hallway, go to top of hallway and see Julius on a side hall. Talk to Julius if you want to. He says he's 1500 yo. Enter the room left of Julius' hallway and be in the Monitoring room.

Go to back of room and talk to Beverly. She will eventually refer Phoenix to Harold. Click the AV disk on Harold.

Video Processing - Click the arrow and the machine will search, acquire and lose the frames. Processing error. The machine recovers the viable frames but they are separated.

Reconstruct the frames manually. The reset button is on top right. The big frame above is used to reconstruct the frames.

There are 2 steps to do here:

1. Make a focused colored frame. A focused frame is made up of 2 frames from the bottom bar. Take one frame from the bottom bar and place on the big frame.  One goes on top of the other to make a colored frame; the black lines are covered by the colored lines to form a complete frame.

The bottom bar has all the loose frames. Scroll the arrows right or left to view them. Locate a possible matching frame. See if there are any distinguishable features that might match: shapes, colors, blank areas...  The black lines will be covered by the focused colored lines to make a complete focused colored frame.

Take a bottom bar frame that might match the one on the big frame and click it over the one on the big frame. If they match, the screen will state 'Field Match' and if they don't match, the screen will state' Field does not match'.

Separate 2 mismatched frames on the top frame by clicking one off the other and placing it on a blank space on the big frame or it will go back to the bottom bar.



2. When all frames are matched and in color, arrange the frames to make a scene of the plane crash.

The computer will then analyze the picture frame by frame.

See a frame of illegal tobacco on the ground spilled from the crash. Click the cigarette frame to continue the scan until completed.


Chief Morssen's Office:    Phoenix reports about the illegal tobacco.

Monitoring Room Part 2

Phoenix' Office:    Check the PA's inventory and see that Lena's virtual reality device sketch is there.

Monitoring Room:    Go down to second floor, pass Julius' and enter the Monitoring Room. Give Lena's virtual reality device sketch to Harold. The search on the crash site finds pieces of a virtual reality device.

Chief Morssen's Office:    Phoenix reports about Lena's device.

Carpe Diem

This location is triggered by Sandra and accessible only at night.

DeVille visit 1:    Go to Pierre DeVille sitting on the left bar. He gets angry and leaves. Click the dance floor pedestal twice and see Phoenix dance.

DeVille visit 2:    Talk to Pierre DeVille about his money from art consultancy. Automatically report to Chief Morssen which results in a request for a financial audit for DeVille.

Pierre DeVille's House

After getting the Search and Seizure Warrant for Pierre DeVille, go to his house. Look at the firearm collection and realize you need to know which one is 9 mm gun.

Go to the bench left of the easel. Look close and click things. Pick up the bullet (look at hand cursor) partly hidden on a fold right side of the cloth.

Go to the firearm collection and use the bullet on each gun to see which gun fits the bullet. It is #15.

Chief Morssen's Office:    Phoenix reports about DeVille's firearm. Chief will send it to the ballistics lab right away.


Rehabilitation Center

After getting the autopsy report on Dr. Spencer, the Rehab Center is placed in the map.

First Visit:    Check the Insurance Policy poster on the wall. Talk to receptionist.

Talk to Dr. Gisella Nemeth, the head of the Criminal Task Force. Get a message that hackers have entered with interest on Phoenix' files the network again.

Phoenix's Office:    Check the PA and look close at the pirate manifest in inventory using +i at top right. Read the Hacker's manifest.

Second visit:    Talk to the receptionist and then Dr. Nemeth. Learn about the hemorrhage, device and death of Spencer.

Morgue:    See the body of Spencer. He died 7:03 AM and body discovered at around 11 AM.

Metro Tunnel

After a call by Julio, automatically be at the Metro Tunnel.

Unknown Underground Installation:    Go forward to the lit room at end of corridor. See that the room is empty. Look around at the monitors, text and handwritten papers.

Land of the Renovators  

Enter the closed door of the elevator behind the desk. Go forward and talk to the young boy Konrad. He states that this is the Land of the Renovators. The elevator behind Phoenix does not have buttons. She is trapped here.

Go through the energy field and it triggered an alarm. Go down the tunnel and see that end of the tunnel is dark. Enter the door on the side wall.

Computer room: Look around.

Joshua - Check the Joshua monitor. Play chess with Joshua if you want by typing yes and clicking the enter key on the game keyboard.

Type 'no' and press the enter key on the game keyboard.

See a Main Menu selection: 1. Security Menus 2. Environmental Settings 3. User Administration 4. Network Settings 5. Play Games; and then Enter Choices.

Type in the number of the selection and press the enter key on the game keyboard.

Select and type 5.

3 Game Selections are seen. Select Tic Tac Toe. When the number of players is asked, type 0 and then click enter key. This will make the computer play against itself and a no win situation results. The computer has a system error. (Thanks, Laura.)

All other monitors are powered up. Check all the monitors and see the games introduction sun scene. Exit the room.

Hospital:    Go to right screen and down the tunnel. After the Joshua puzzle completion, the lights are now on at the dark tunnel. Enter the next room on the side wall. Talk to Wilma and hear about Phoenix' quest. Exit this area.

Grand Shaft:    Go to right screen and down the tunnel. Automatically be inside a tower like structure.

Follow the curving tracks to the right exit, find a locked door. Go back and go to left screen. Enter the tunnel and end up in a wood door.

Cafeteria - Enter through the door and see Phoenix again chase Talayman, the student that went through the graveyard gate. Go to right screen and take the circuit board beside a food tray. Look around if you want. Go back to the left and exit the cafeteria.

Go back to the shaft and right to the end of the straight rail track. It ends at a rail car in front of a dark opening. Go back to the Grand Shaft.

Fenced Area - Go right to the fenced in area and see a control panel on a stand.

Circuit board - Use the circuit board on the control panel. See the circuit board that has 5 leads on the left (green, red, blue, red and green) and 3 on the right (red, green and blue).

The aim of the puzzle is to have a connecting circuit of a color to the same color on the other end.

So the red on the right will connect to the 2 reds on the left. The blue on the right connects to the blue on the left and same goes for the green.

There are connectors at bottom left that can be used to make the circuit. Click hold and drop a connector on the blank space to connect 2 knobs (you might need to use a tweezers to pick up the connectors). The circles should be centered on the knobs to fit.

Once complete, press the green bar at right; then press large bug square on the left and if done correctly, it will light up. (Thanks, misa!)

Observatory:    Enter the tunnel left of the fenced in area. See that the dark opening behind the rail car is not dark anymore. Enter and see the galaxy. Talk to Konrad. Meet Grandmaster Magnus. Listen to and watch Grandmaster and Phoenix.

Mine:    Phoenix is transported to an abandoned mine. Look straight and click the ancient locomotive. Go beside it and take the lever. Go forward to the mine entrance and pick up the funnel on the ground right of the chimney. Go close to the mine entrance and see that it is dark in there. We need light.

Go back to the fence area, go right and see the sleeping barracks with a Russian sign. Go right of the sleeping barracks and pick up the wire by the destroyed stone wall. Go back left of the area by following the wire fence. Far behind another sleeping barracks is a destroyed building with exposed beams. Enter that destroyed building and pick up the full gas canister.

Exit this destroyed building and go right. Go right of the building with a collapsed roof and behind the warped building to see an archaic power generator.

Power generator - Remove the cap of the fuel tank at the center and use the funnel on the hole. Use gas on the funnel. Use the lever on the knob at lower right. Do not crank the lever yet. The red button stops the generator: by clicking it the number of times the lever was cranked. Look on the side wall of the generator and see dots and a line. Pull back.

Wire panel - Click wire panel right of the power generator. Take the wire from inventory, click one hole and then click the hole you want to attach the wire to. Based on the dots and a line seen on the side of the generator; place a wire connecting the left and the right bottom leads.  Since the other leads are opened, connect the top left to middle right and connect the middle left to top right to form an X. If done correctly, Phoenix will say 'I think I did it right this time'.

Power Generator - Crank the lever several times and hear the generator power up.

Inside the mine:    Enter the mine now that there is light. Go to the end and see that it blocked by boulders. Turn to the right and see a wall panel. Open the panel.

Power lines and lights - See lights on lines. There are big lights at top right and top left. At bottom right is a button with a green light showing that power comes through it.

The aim of the puzzle is to make connection from bottom right to top right and connection from bottom right to top left.

Press the button on the right to see how the power goes through the lines.

Click each small lights to determine where the power is directed by each color.

Blue directs the power down.

Red directs the power up.

Green directs the power right.

Yellow directs the power left.

If done correctly and the 2 large lights are on, see the boulder walls open up.

Elevator:     Press the button right of the elevator. Watch Phoenix go down in the unsafe elevator and back in her bed.

Stardust Club:    Talk to Mikhailov and learn that he is in Russia when Bogdanov died. He is Bogdanov's brother in law and Larissa's biological brother.

Chief Morssen's Office   Phoenix reports about Mikhailov.

Larissa Lukin:    Talk to Larissa.

Chief Morssen's Office:    Phoenix reports about what Larissa said about Mikhailov and Gambinos. Ask for a questioning warrant for Mikhailov.

Watch what happens.

Pass! or Failed!


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