Main Goal : Solve the final puzzle

Q : How could I solve the final puzzle ?
A : You have to form the picture like the one on the top left corner. You could rotate the artifact or you could turn on/off it. This time I let you solve the final puzzle by yourself. It's not difficult. You only need a little patience for it ..... Clue : Form the bottom artifacts first (turn off the top one), then add the top one.

Once again you save the world. Will Agent 3 be back again ??? Only time will tell .........



Shrine Location Offering
The Shrine of Asiris Realm In front of Khan's tent Khan's sword
The Shrine of God's Realm Inside the Temple of Gods Solve the gong puzzle
The Shrine of Animal Realm Near the carving on the cliff wall The Book of Knowledge
The Shrine of Pretas Realm Inside the green house The Magic Fruit
The Shrine of Human Realm Inside the main temple Beggar's bowl
The Shrine of Hell Realm Inside the secret cave in steam tunnel Solve the steam tunnel puzzle


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