comments First of all, I want to tell you that this is not a
screen by screen walkthrough. The way I design this walkthrough will make
you understand the flow of the story while finishing the game itself. You
will not be bothered by questions like: "Why do I have to do this?",
"Why should I take this objects?", etc. So you might think, for
example, that this walkthrough will not tell you to take an object in a
certain place at the first time. Eventually you'll take that object after
I'll tell you the reason behind those actions. So you won't collecting all
items first and wondering about the uses later on.
There are few bugs in the game that will make you stuck for
good. You don't have to worry about it because I'll tell you about the
bugs before you experience it. Not all objects are obvious so sometime you
have to figure it out by yourself.
Big thanks for Gayle Banks for all her notes to make this
hint complete.
Now for the game.....
The Story Criss,
Ithena, and Tiche are long time friends. In her last letter to Criss and
Ithena, Tiche invite them to visit her in the town of Azeretus. Criss know
that Azeretus is the land of Darts, an ancient mysterious civilization.
One thing he doesn't know that the ink to write that letter had dried 300
years ago. Azeretus has big problem with time. It doesn't settled with the
time on the outside world. Criss and Ithena arrive in Azeretus through a
path that will never take them back again to the lake where they put the
boat. This could happen because of this strange time wrapping. Both Criss
and Ithena don't know about this. Meanwhile, Tiche was forced to exile.
Before leaving she write a note to them and hide it outside the city.
Tiche stays in the forest and waits for Criss and Ithena ......
The Beginning
Q: What should I do
now? A: Just walk out from the screen to
the bottom right corner. A guard will appear and take you to see the major
of the city. He doesn't like you obviously so he'll put you in the
Q: How can I
escape? A: Use the Unlock Spell.
The daughter of the major, Tillvana, comes in and says that his father
means well but makes a mistake. She shows him the way under the castle to
King’s base. Open the trunk there and pick some items inside : Map-old map
of Azeriliana (this is for your transportation means later on) and note
from Hermit Ernie. Read the note. He is not happy with Temple of Fire as
safe place for key and is either going to take it to his new shelter or
the old graves.... hmmmm ... what key ? This sounds interesting ..
Q: How can I go to the other
side of this broken bridge? A: Use Illusion Spell. The
bridge being gone was an illusion. Go out from this cave.
The Town of
Q: Who should I
met? A: Talk to Thor (The Magic Shop
owner), Greg (The Innkeeper), and Leenah (The Librarian). You will gain
lots of information regarding the city and some of the problems they have.
The innkeeper having lots of trouble to get rid off the ghost from his
inn. There is a ghost floating around and Greg tells you that it is a
ghost from the ship and still thinks it is a ship and won’t admit anyone
it doesn’t like and even made old Dorian go away. The Governor won’t let
him renting rooms until ghost is exorcised. Leenah won't let you in if you
don't have a library card.
Q: Where could I get a library
card? A: Dorian should have it because he
often visit the library. You won't be able to visit him until you've visit
Tiche. Go to the city gate. Ithena will meet you there and take you
directly to Tiche's place. Hmm... nobody here. Head back to the city and
go straight to Dorian house (it's on the top left corner of the big
statuette in the middle of the city). He'll tell you that the town build
by an ancient mysterious civilization called DARTHS and very little was
left as if someone wanted to erase them. Dorian wants to know about
Command of Secret Lore and what caused Darths demise. He used to be a
clandestine Darth Guild in the Library basement but he can’t find them.
Dorian will give you his card if you could translate his manuscript.
Q: How can I translate the
manuscript? A: You need a translator. Go to
Tiche's lab and look on the left shelf. Take the translator. Too bad it
doesn't have any battery in it. Go to the magic shop. Get the poker by the
side of the fireplace. Go over to the shelf and use the poker to grab the
magic recharger battery. Too bad it's empty....
Q: How could I recharge the
battery? A: There's an Electrical Cannon
inside Tiche's lab. You can use it to recharge the battery. There is a
power switch and a coolant machine but there is no noise or sounds of
water in tower.You need to turn on the power generator first before you
could use the cannon. Go to the Water Tower. Use Water Elemental
spell to fill the tank with water. Water starts to flow and turns on the
power. Go back to the lab and turn on both the Water Coolant and the Power
Switch. Go in and use the battery on the cannon. Insert the battery to the
translator. Use it to read the manuscript. You'll be awarded with a
Dark Vision spell. Bring the manuscript to Dorian and receive a
library card.
Q: What should I do
now? A: Go to the library and show the
card to Leenah. She'll let you use the library now. Go inside through the
left passage.
Q: There's nothing here. What
should I find here? A: There is one book written by
Kondor, the magician long time ago about magical stuff. Cast the Dark
Vision to make the room bright. Now you could see another passage on the
bottom left corner. Go there and take Kondor's book. It will explain lots
of magical stuff. Read the book. On the first page you'll a way to make
magic talisman. You could banish the ghost at Greg Inn !!! But first you
need to find all the reagents to make it.
The Spectre Talisman
Q: Where can I find the reagents
to make the Talisman? A: Go to Tiche's house and ask Tiche
about them. She'll tell you about the Azthemus Curse and some places where
you could find reagents. You could access several new places. She tells
you about time difference and some religious freaks who came to town and
cause the magic went out of order. She told him that she did not send
letter asking him to come (Hmmmmm) because she knew if he came he would
get in same trouble as she was in. The reagents for the talisman are:
Silver Plate, Lump of Wax, Needle, Pot of Acid, Silk scarf, and Jeve's
Water. You'll receive a Light Step spell also.
Q: Where can I find a silver
plate? A: Go to the Smithy and give him
your silver coins. He'll tell you to come back later to pick it up.
Q: Where can I find a needle,
acid, and lump of wax? A: Go back to the town and enter
Tiche's lab. Look on the left shelf. Pick up needle, pot of acid, and the
candle. Use the candle on the flamer. You got your wax now.
Q: Where can I find silk
scarf? A: This is a little bit tricky. Go
to Tiche's House. Examine her bed closely. You'll find an ark stone. It
could uncover all the secret inside someone heart. Go to the library and
show it to Leenah. She'll tell you the story about her and her sister,
Miranda. She's cursed into a statuette in the middle of the city.

Q: Where can I find Jeve's
Water? A: Go to Jeve's lake. Use Light
Step spell to get to the island in the middle of the lake. Use the
flask in your inventory get the Jeve's water (it's under the tree). Now
you could go back again to the Smithy and take the unfinished talisman and
silver strip.
Notes: Smithy
will tell you a tale of warrior who wanted a magical sword. He went
walking and talked with a very old hag who he later found out was Coganna
the Witch. She almost got him by tricks but he managed to ran away. He
found out from others that she was evil and killed others to make her live
longer. The warrior never came back for sword. Talking with the smithy
will open Coganna Place in your map.
Q: How can I make the
talisman? A: Follow this steps:
- Use Lump of Wax to the Talisman. The Talisman will now have a
coating of wax on it
- Use Waxed Talisman Medal with Needle. You should have the markings
needed now on the Talisman.
- Put the Talisman into your Pot of Acid to seal or set the markings.
- Wipe the Talisman with the silk scarf you picked up at the library
- Put the Talisman in the Flask of Jeva Water to complete the magic.
Now you could bring the talisman to Greg's inn. Give it to him and the ghost
will disappear. He tells you to come back later on if you want to rent a
room there.
Q: What happened with Miranda, Leenah
sister? A: Go to the statuette in the middle
of the city. Change your personal setting into night. Use the Dispel spell
on the statuette. It's alive. She'll thank you and give you a shell horn.
She told you to contact her anytime you need a help.
Notes: If you walk to the
inn during night, you'll see the spirit fly away from the inn.
The Temple of Fire
Q: What should I do
now? A: It's time to visit Kondor, the
magician and lighthouse keeper. He knows about the Secret Lore. On
Initiation-Krondo tells Criss to find Attana, the former Temple of Fire
leader. Attana will tell you lots of things about the initiation. Kondor
said that Adella grew angry with humans and destroyed as many as possible
she didn’t like. The remaining ones becam dark and evil. Adella said that
until the evil was uprooted the land would not have her mercy. The Darths
forsaw the downfall and espersed knowledge throughout the temples. An evil
presence (not a Darth) grew to oppose and he would change the world. Try
to visit Temple of Fire. The guard will not allow you to come inside the
temple before you could return The Key of Fire on its place.
Q: Where could I find The Key of
Fire? A: Remember the note from Ernie, the
Hermit. Now it's time to find his hideout. Visit the swamp. Ernie's
hideout is at the other side of the swamp.
Q: How can I cross the
swamp? A: You need a special magic for
that. Visit Coganna the witch. Enter her hut and talk with her. She'll get
furious and kick you out. Notice how she could transport you with a magic.
You'll need that kind of spell to visit the swamp. You need a container to
trap that magic. Go to Ticke's lab in town and take the Spelltrap Ring on
the floor. Go back to Coganna and enter her hut one more time. This time
as soon as she kicks you out, use the Spelltrap ring to trap her
Teleportation Magic. Go back to the swamp and use the ring to teleport to
the small island in the middle of the swamp.
Q: Where is
Ernie? A: Climb that wooden ladder to the
top of the tree house. Pick up two notes on the floor. Those notes contain
two recepies for important spells:
- Teleportation Spell: 2 parts swamp root, 1
part Driade flower and 1 part spiral branch.
- Ernie’s Joke: 1 part swamp root, 2 parts
spider web, 1 part Jeve’s water.
But ... wait a minute ... maybe that cave with that ugly looking
serpent guarding it ... Yeah, maybe Ernie is hiding there.
Q: How could I get pass that
ugly serpent? A: You need to create spell called
Ernie's Joke. This will drive that serpent away. First, you need to create
your own magic staff, buy a magic pot and stick, and collect all the
Q: Where could I get the swamp
root? A: It's under the tree house. Use
Magic Hand spell to pick it up.
Q: Where could I get the Spider
Web? A: Go to Coganna house. You could
pick the web on the right side of the main door by using Magic
Hand spell.

Q: How could I create the Magic
Staff? A: Go to the lighthouse. You'll see
a branch in front of Kondor house. Use your knife to cut it then apply
silver on it. Your magic staff is ready.

Q: Where could I get the pot and
stick? A: Buy them at the magic shop in
town. Give the merchant some silver coins to pay for them.
Q: How could I create Erni's
Joke spell? A: First, take out your magic pot.
Put all the ingredients inside (1 part swamp root, 2 parts spider web, 1
part Jeve’s water). Stir it with your magic stick. Then apply the spell on
your magic stick to your magic staff (it will create some kind of symbol
on it). Every time you want to use this spell just examine your staff in
your inventory and click on the appropriate symbol on it. Use this spell
on the serpent and go in.
Q: Where is
Ernie? A: That poor guy didn't make it.
He's just lying dead there on the right corner. Pick up some kind of a key
on his body. Could it be ....
Q: What is this
key? A: You need to find Attana. He'll
tell you about the key. The bad news is he's dead already. You'll find his
coffin at the graveyard inside the city.
Q: How could I talk with him if
he's dead already? A: Open Kondor Book. There's recipe
to create Spirit Calling spell. Use that spell to invoke
Q: How could I make this
Spirit Calling
spell? A: You need spider web, swamp root,
Driade flower, and Jeve's water. You already have 3 of them. You need to
get Diadre flower. Go to Driade place. Use your Magic Hand spell
to pick up the flower on the bushes.
Bugs: Beware on
this ... On some game, you need to use the flute to call Driade first
before you pick up the flower. She'll give you a special gift: a special
mystical branch. Sometime it won't allow you to use the flute if you pick
up the flower first. You'll be stuck for good if this thing happen.
Now mix all the ingredients inside your pot, stir it with
your stick, and then apply it on your staff. Use this spell on Attana
coffin. It opens and Attana will sit up. Attana talks about how he used to
be a supreme Priest of the Temple of Fire and that he could have chosen
immortality liked Kondor but chose to be mortal. He also says that Criss
has one of the keys (The Key of Fire). You get your ritual card (remember
initiation need 5 keys and a ritual card). Now you could go to the Temple
of Fire and show the key to the guard. He'll allow you to enter the
Note: You could
create the teleportation spell also right now. Now you could use your
staff to travel to the island in the middle of the swamp instead of the
Spelltrap ring. Pick up the spiral branch near Smithy's house to complete
the ingredients.

Q: How could I do the
initiation? A: Go to the circular main chamber
with 4 doors on the wall. Doors (from Left to Right) 1, 2, 3 will open and
door 4 remains closed. There is nothing behind Door 1 and 3. Behind Door 2
you'll find a symbol (go in and take the symbol on the bottom right side
behind the metal column).
Q: How could I open Door
4? A: Use the poker on Door 4 to pry it
open. Go in and this time get another symbols on the left side and in the
middle back of room. Combined all of those three new symbols into one
(very forgiving game, after you do this, the individual symbols are there
plus the combined one). Put your new combined symbols on the Altar
followed by taking back your Ritual Card from the altar. You are now a
Darth!!!! You'll receive Destroy Matter spell.
Q: What should I do with the cog with a
hole outside this main room? A: You need something to help you
climb down the hole. Go back to the inn and rent a room. Open the trunk
inside and pick up the rope and the pick. Back at cog in Temple of Fire.
Use rope to climb down. You'll find an ugly worm inside the pipe.
Q: How could I kill this
worm? A: Use Destroy Matter Spell
on Worm, it disappears.
Q: How could I cross that rolling
bridge? A: Use Light Step on the
rolling bridge are and then go forward.
Q: How could I take that
crystal? A: Use the pick in inventory and
smash the middle group of crystals (the interface is picky in spots and I
had to be exactly right way facing crystal before the pick would work).
This is called Attana’s crystal (it could absorb large amounts of energy).
Leave (use Light Step again on rolling bridge) the temple.
Q: What should I do
now? A: Go to the Celestial Portal. Walk
in between the right archway. You'll be transported to the Temple of
Q: How could I re-activate this
altar? A: Use Enforce spell
followed by your Ritual Card. This will reactivate the altar. Use your
Charm spell (the spell says to use on the main altar at the
Temple Chaos on Sky Island). Now you could take the second key from the
Q: How could I enter the Elven
settlement? They won't let me
in... A: You need to be one of them or
worthy enough so they will accept you. Visit Coganna, the witch, again. Oh
my God, she caught Tillvana and cursed her into a statue !!
Q: How could I free
Tillvana? A: First, you have take care the
witch. Cast Energy spell on her. That will remove her for good. Then use
Dispell spell on the statue. You'll take her body to Driade tree.
Go to Kondor and ask his help to increase your power. Go back to the tree
and use Dispel spell on her. This will free her. You'll meet
Khekatt, the Governor (Tillvana’s father). He'll thank you and give you a
special place in the castle. Now you could visit the Elven settlement
without any problem. Go to the chief hut and talk to Tia and Tinos. They
tell you that Tillvana is in her hut. Go visit Tillvana's hut. Meet
Tillvana and the Nameless. After the speech, go out for a while and come
back again. Tia will be there and tell you that your fairy companion
(Ithena) is very ill and that she can cure her but needs a special
seed/grain. Tia says she will freeze the fairy until you return with the
cure. She will tell you to go to Jeve Island for the dry seed.
Q: How could I reach Jeve
island? A: You need a ship to do that. Go to
the dock. Too bad the sailor said that you couldn't use the ship without a
special permit.
Q: Where can I get the
permission? A: Go to Castle. Go to Throne Room
(no problem now on getting in). Tell Governor about your fairy and ask for
a Dock Permit. He is also going to tell you that his daughter Tillvana has
disappeared and ask you to find her.
Q: Where could I find
Tillvana? A: Open Kondor book. On one of the
page you'll see a Search Man spell. Hmmm.... you need to find
Tillvana's belonging. Go to her room on the left side (below the
observatory). Get her mirror on the bed. Now mix the ingredients in your
pot (1 swamp root, 1 Jeve water, 1 mirror, 1 curly branch, 1 silver
strip). Stir with Magic Stick and transfer to Magic Staff. Icon should
appear. Now click on the icon. You'll be transported to Adella's temple.
You'll see her vision and the Nameless one more time. Go back to the
castle and tell the governor about it. Some kind of meteor strikes the
castle and destroys it.... Walk out from the castle and see another cut
scene with The Nameless. He promises to help and protect him in the future
for a small favor. He asks Criss to meet him on Sky Island at Chaos
Temple. Go there through the Celestial Portal.
Q: Should I make a deal with
him? A: You got no choice. Give him the
Ritual Card. He'll tell you that your name is Liath and reward you with
two powerful dark spell: Shock and Zombie. Now you need to find the cure
for Ithena first before you could find Tillvana.
Q: I have the permission already
but the dock man still won't allow me to go. What should I
do? A: Use Shock spell on him.
That should knock him out for a while. Go to the pier and you'll see a
boat there.
Q: How could I use the
boat? A: You need some kind of device to
operate it. Go to Kondor place and take the Navigation device on the
floor. Go out and turn on the Lighthouse switch. This will help you
guiding your boat on the sea. Use the device on your boat. Go to Jeve

Q: The lady of the tree won't
help me. What should I do? A: Show her Driade's gift. She'll
give you the cure. Go back to your boat. No... your boat is sunk. Am I
stuck forever in this small island ??
Q: How can I get back to the
main land? A: Blow the shell to call Miranda
(use it on water). Ask her to show you the way to the main land. She'll
give you Morph spell. Use it to go back to mainland. Take the
cure back to the Elven Settlement and head straight to Tillvana hut. Give
the cure to Tia.
The Land of Midnight
Q: What should I do
now? A: Go back to the dock and use the
shell again to call Miranda. This time ask her about the key. She'll open
your way to The Land of Midnight Sun. At the entrance, use Attana's
crystal on the guard sensor. Talk with Sill.

Q: How can I make Sill to give
the third key? A: Use Ark stone on her. She'll
reveal her heart to you. Tell her that the guy she loved already dead.
You'll meet a man with a wooden mask. He ask you to meet his man near the
town gate. Go there (in front of the magic shop). You'll see his man
Q: How can I talk with this dead
messenger? A: Use Zombie spell on him.
He'll take you to Kron place. After the conversation choose to go to the
root of the world and face your destiny (click on the exit).
The End |