Broken Sword II

"The Smoking Mirror"


By Erik Gos
(E-mail: [email protected])

Created October 15, 1997
Last Update November 30, 1997

Table Of Contents






Professor Oubier's House


Glease's Gallery

Marseille: The Docks
(Also applicable to the playable demo)

Marseille: The Warehouse


The Treehouse: First Time

The Village As George

The Treehouse: Second Time

The Carribean: At The Beach

London: The British Museum

The Carribean: The Pirate Museum

Zombie Island: Arrival Point

London: The Subway

Zombie Island: The Jungle

London: The Docks

Zombie Island: The Film Set

The Village As Nico

At The Pyramid

Inside The Pyramid As Nico

Inside The Pyramid As George

Enjoy The Ending Sequence!!!


"Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror" is created by Revolution Software and
distributed by Virgin Interactive Entertainment.

This walkthrough is written by Erik Gos (E-mail: [email protected]).
Feel free to report any comments you have or errors/omissions you find.

This file may be distributed to non-profit websites and BBS's accessible to
the general public as long as the content and the layout of the file remain
unaltered. Explicit permission is required to include the file on any media
that are not freely available to the general public. All Rights Reserved.

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© 1992-1997, EGOS ProductionsTM

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