1 ... West Tamir


How can I get Pan to stop dancing?  He won't listen to me!
There's only one thing that will stop Pan from listening to his
music...and that's listening to YOUR music.
You need to find a way to play music around Pan.
How about a lute!  He might like lute music!
If you can get the lute from the minstrel, play it around Pan.
He'll stop and listen to your music.  You might even GIVE
him the lute.

I want the fisherman's fishing pole, but he won't give it to me!

You can't just TAKE the fishing pole; it's not yours!  If you
want it, you have to buy it or trade for it.
The fisherman is very poor.  Don't you have anything of value
that you could give in trade for the fishing pole?
Since his fishing pole is the fisherman's sole means of survival,
it is precious to him.  The only thing that would cause him
to give up his fishing pole is to give him the pouch of
diamonds in trade.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

Will the fisherman's wife do anything for me?

Not really.  She's kind of a grouch.
You can give the diamond pouch to either her or her husband, but
that's about all.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
All the minstrel does is play these bad songs for me!  Can I take his

No, you can't TAKE his lute.  But you might be able to give him
something else in return for it.
The minstrel is not very good at being a minstrel.  Maybe he
needs to take up a new line of work.  How about being an
Since the minstrel is not a very good musician, he might be more
interested in taking up acting.  Give him the Shakespeare
book in trade for his lute.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

Where does Genesta live?  I can't find her.

Genesta lives on an island in the ocean.
If you swim in the ocean a couple of screens, you will run into
Genesta's island.  Be careful of the sharks, though.  It
would be wise to save your game before venturing into the

All right!  I give up!  The unicorn is no longer afraid of me...but
it won't follow me.  Is there a bridle somewhere?

You're absolutely correct; there IS a bridle somewhere!
Oh, you want to know where?  Well, this answer gets rather
complicated.  You will find the bridle on the desert island
(not Genesta's island).
First, you need to get swallowed by the whale.  But before you
do that, make SURE you have the peacock feather and the dead
Once you get swallowed by the whale, you need to climb its tongue
and then "tickle" its throat with the peacock feather.  The
whale will sneeze you out into the ocean again.  You will
then see a small desert island.  Swim to the small island.
The bridle is inside the wrecked rowboat.  Feed the fish
to the pelican to be able to leave the island and get
back to the mainland of Tamir.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
2 ... East Tamir

I want to enter the ogres' house, but it's locked!

Be patient.  Eventually you will be able to enter the house.
There are some things you need to do before you can enter the
ogres' house.
The ogres' house will not be unlocked until Lolotte asks for the
magic hen.  Lolotte will not ask for the magic hen until you
have taken the unicorn to her.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

Now that I'm able to enter the ogres' house, a big ferocious dog
chases me out again!  What do I do with him?!

Do something nice for the dog.  Think about what dogs like best.
How about giving the dog a bone?
You'll find a bone to give to the dog behind the waterfall.
Getting behind the waterfall is another question.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

I know the magic hen is supposed to be in the ogres' house, but I
can't find her!

You don't need to find her.  If you do the right things, her
presence will be made known.
When you're in the ogres' house you don't need to find the hen.
Just make sure you avoid the ogre and the ogress.  Hide
from the ogre when he comes home.
Hide in the closet when you know the ogre is coming home.
You'll notice that there is a keyhole that you can look
through.  Look through it.  You'll see a cartoon sequence
showing the hen being brought to the ogre.  When the cartoon
sequence is finished, you can then leave the closet and get
the hen.  Be quick about it, though.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

How can I get through the scary forest without being caught by the
awful trees?

There's only one way to do it; you need to get something that
will scare the wits out of them.  Think about what might
scare a tree.
There is something in the ogres' house that you need to get.
This object will scare the trees so badly they will let you
pass unharmed.
There is an axe in the ogres' bedroom that you can get.  When
you are in the scary forest say "Swing the axe." Your axe
will scare the trees so much they will then leave you alone.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I keep getting killed by the three witches in the skull cave!!

There are two ways that you can get caught by the witches.  One,
is when you're trying to GET the glass eye, and, two, is
when you're trying to avoid the one witch who continually
chases you.  Most importantly, SAVE YOUR GAME when you
first enter this cave!  Then, to get the eye, maneuver the
chasing witch to the front of the cauldron before attempting
to go after it.  You want the chasing witch as far away from
you and the other witches as possible.  Now, go toward the
other witches.  Go right up to where they are passing the eye
back and forth and VERY QUICKLY type in "Get the eye." (On
some versions of this game you can have "Get the eye"
pre-typed-in.  In this case, just press "enter" when you
get close to the glass eye.)  Once you have the glass eye,
the witches can no longer harm you.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

Now that I got the glass eye from the blind witches; what do I do
with it?  Should I give it back to them?

Congratulations on getting the eye!  That's not easy to do.
Actually, you don't DO anything with the glass eye.  It's
not useful to you, only to the witches; and they want it
back desperately.
You can't DO anything with the glass eye.  Only the witches can
use it.  The witches will give you something in return for
their glass eye; but being nasty and selfish witches, they
won't indicate that at first.  It will be a mistake to give
them back their eye right away. You need to scare them a
little first.
DON'T give the witches back their glass eye right away.  They
will give you something in return for their eye if you scare
them a little, first.  They are completely helpless without
it, but they are also nasty and selfish.  If they feel that
you would really walk off with their eye, they will give in
to you.  Walk out of the cave with the eye.  The next time
you enter the cave the witches will throw something to you,
and will then beg for the return of their eye.  You can get
this object.  As to whether you EVER give the eye back to the
witches, that's up to you.
I am inside, now what?
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I love the epitaphs on the tombstones in the cemetery!...but do they
mean anything?

Yes, some do.  They're not all just for show.
It won't be apparent at first that some of the epitaphs are
useful.  After nightfall, it will become more obvious.
Some of these epitaphs have to do with the haunted house; and the
inhabitants of the house.
After nightfall, you will encounter five ghosts in the haunted
house.  Each of these ghosts wants something that is buried
in the cemetery.  The epitaphs indicate which is THEIR
particular grave.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I dug some holes in the cemetery and then my shovel broke!  Now what
do I do?!

Now you're out of luck!
You can only dig FIVE holes in the cemetery before the shovel breaks.
There are FIVE ghosts that you will meet in the haunted house,
and there are only FIVE holes that you can dig in the
cemetery.  Just be sure that you dig in the right place for
the right reasons before you start indiscriminately digging
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
How do I go inside the crypt?

If you do the right things you eventually will be able to enter
the crypt, but not until near the end of the game.
You will not be able to enter the crypt until after nightfall;
and after Lolotte has asked for Pandora's Box.
There is a key that you can get which is inside the haunted
house.  This key will unlock the crypt door.  You can't
get the key, though, until after nightfall, after you have
dealt with the witches, and after exorcising all five ghosts.
(It's in the organ.)
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
Okay, I got the pouch of diamonds.  What do I do with it?

Is it YOURS to do something with?...did the dwarfs specifically
GIVE it to you?...or did they just leave it behind?
If the dwarfs just left the diamond pouch in the house, then it
is not really YOURS to do something with.  If you were an
honest person, and somebody left behind a valued object,
what would you do with it?
If the dwarfs just left the diamond pouch in the house, then it
is not really YOURS.  You need to RETURN the forgotten
diamond pouch to them.  Take it to the diamond mine and
give it back to one of the dwarfs.  He will be touched by
your kindness and honesty and will let you KEEP the diamond
pouch PLUS give you something else (a lantern). Now you may
give the diamonds to the fisherman in trade for his pole.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I want to enter the haunted house at night, but each time I try a
zombie gets me!  Help!
You have to scare off the zombie first.
You need to carry something that scares the zombies.
The witches have something that will scare the zombies.
The witches have a scarab that will ward off the undead.  Once
you have that, the zombies will no longer bother you.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
3 ... Out In the Ocean

Will the shark ever help me in any way?

Absolutely not!  Stay away from the shark!

The wale swallowed me.  Is this supposed to happen?

Yes, you are.  But not until the right time.
Yes, you are supposed to be swallowed by the whale, but you need
a couple of items, first.
You are supposed to get swallowed by the whale, but make sure
you have the peacock feather and the dead fish before you do.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

Can I do anything with the peacock?

No.  The peacock is there only for show and for a hint that there
may be a peacock feather that you can get.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
After escaping the whale I found myself on a desert island.  How do I
get back to Tamir?

You need help from a fine-feathered friend.
If you're nice to the pelican, the pelican will be nice to you.
That pelican sure looks hungry!
I hope you have the dead fish.  Throw it to the pelican.  The
pelican will then drop a silver whistle from its mouth.  Use
this whistle to summon a friendly dolphin.  The dolphin will
help you back to Tamir.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
4 ... Haunted House

How can I open the trap door in the ceiling of the upstairs bedroom?

YOU can't.  You will NEVER open the trap door.  Later, someone
else will.
The trap door cannot be opened until nighttime.  Then, the little
boy ghost will open it for you.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

I "played" the organ, but nothing happened.  I think there's more to
the organ than this!

You're right, there is.  It's just not time to know what it is,
Later on, you'll be able to "play" another song on the organ.
This time, something WILL happen!
You need to deal with the ghosts before you can do anything of
importance with the organ.
You won't be able to do anything with the organ until AFTER you
have met all the ghosts.  The little boy ghost will lead
you to the attic where you will discover some sheet music.
If you "play" the song from the sheet music on the organ,
you will discover a skeleton key!
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

How do I stop the baby ghost from crying?  I've tried everything!

The baby ghost WANTS something!
The baby ghost wants something that is in the cemetery.
Look in the cemetery for a baby's grave.  Dig there.  (Hopefully,
you have the shovel.)
Read the epitaphs on the tombstones in the cemetery.  One of the
graves is a baby's.  If you have the shovel, you can dig
there.  You will find a silver rattle.  Give it to the baby
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
What does the miser ghost want?!

Remember Jacob Marley?  What do you THINK he wants?!
Locate the miser's grave in the cemetery.  You will find what you
need there...IF you have the shovel.
Read the epitaphs in the cemetery.  One of the graves is a
miser's.  If you have the shovel, you can dig there.  You
will find a gold bag.  Give it to the miser ghost.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

How can I help the poor lady ghost?

There is something that the lady ghost wants.  It's in the
Find a grave of a young lady, who died under very sad
circumstances, in the cemetery.  If you have a shovel, you
will find what you need there.
Read the epitaphs in the cemetery.  One, is for a young lady who
died under sad circumstances.  If you have the shovel, you
can dig there. You will find a lovely locket.  Give it to the
lady ghost.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

What is the Lord of the Manor ghost looking for?

He is looking for something that he lost a long time ago.
Find a grave of a "Lord" in the cemetery. If you have a shovel,
you will find what you need there.
Read the epitaphs in the cemetery.  A "Lord" is buried in one of
the graves.  If you have the shovel, you can dig there.  You
will find a medal of honor.  Give it to the ghost.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

The little boy ghost won't budge from the top of the chest!  How do I
get rid of him?!

You need to give something to the little boy ghost.
Find a grave of a little boy in the cemetery.  If you have a
shovel, you will find what you need there.
Read the epitaphs in the cemetery.  A little boy is buried in one
of the graves.  If you have the shovel, you can dig there.
You will find a toy horse.  Give it to the boy ghost.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

What do I do with the sheet music?

If you found the secret door in the parlor, you SHOULD know what to
do with the sheet music.  Think about it.
Remember the ORGAN...
Play the sheet music on the organ.  When you do this, you will
discover a secret drawer in the organ.  There is a skeleton
key in the drawer.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

I found a skeleton key!  What does it unlock?!

Have you discovered the crypt, yet?
The crypt is in the mountainside, in the cemetery.
The skeleton key unlocks the crypt, which is located in the
mountainside, in the cemetery.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
5 ... Troll Cave and Swamp

It's DARK in this cave!  How can I see in here?!

You need a light source.
You can get a lantern from the Seven Dwarfs.
If you're nice, and honest, with the Seven Dwarfs, they will be
nice back and give you a lantern.
If you "clean" the Seven Dwarfs house, they will accidentally leave
behind a pouch of diamonds on the table.  However, you need
to try to "return" the forgotten pouch of diamonds to them
in their mine. If you do, they will let you keep the diamonds
PLUS give you a lantern.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
The troll keeps getting me!!  How can I avoid him?!

First of all, you need a lantern (you get that from the Seven
Not only do you need a lantern, but you need to save your game
OFTEN!  I recommend saving your game each time you safely
enter a new section of the troll cave.  If you do this, you
will eventually get through the cave unharmed.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I found a bone in the cave.  What do I do with it?

There is someone in this game who would just LOVE to chew on a
The ogres' have a pet.
The ogres' pet is a big dog.  This dog would really appreciate a
You won't be able to enter the ogres' house without giving the
dog the bone.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I keep falling down the chasm!!  How do I go across it?

I hope you found the board at the entrance to the cave.
You need the board to cross the chasm.  Put it across the chasm
and then VERY CAREFULLY walk over it.
Save your game when you enter this room.  Experiment to see how
close you can get to the chasm without falling in.  Then,
"Put the board across the chasm."  CAREFULLY walk across it.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

Every time I enter the swamp I sink and die.  There MUST be a way to
cross it!

Did you see the grass tufts in the swamp?
Try "jumping" on the grass tufts.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I can't seem to get from the last grass tuft to the little swamp

You have something in your inventory that will help.
What helped you cross the chasm in the troll cave?
That's right.  Use the board to cross to the little swamp island.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I can't get the magic fruit...the cobra always bites me!

The cobra likes music.
The cobra likes a certain kind of music.
The cobra likes flute music.
You need to get the flute from Pan.  Play it to the cobra.  You
will hypnotize it, for awhile.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
Is there anywhere else to go in the swamp besides the swamp island?

That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
6 ... Lolotte's Castle

Lolotte asks me to do things for her.  Should I do them?

Yes, you should.
You won't advance in the game unless you bring her the items she
asks for.
Lolotte wants the unicorn, the hen that lays the golden eggs, and
Pandora's Box.  You need to bring them to her if you want to
advance in the game.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I'm locked in a tower bedroom!  How can I escape?!

Be patient.  Help will come along.
Did you notice Edgar pushing something under the tower door...?
Edgar will help you by pushing a rose under the door.  Get the
rose and "look" at it; you will notice a gold key attached to
it.  This key will unlock the tower door.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I keep falling off the stairs!!

You may want to slow down and move very carefully.
It would be best to put Rosella in "slow mode" while trying to
negotiate these steps, or any other tricky areas.
Save your game before attempting to climb the stairs.  Then,
choose "Speed" from the menu bar and set the speed to a
slower level.  It is best to have your character go slower
when attempting to negotiate tricky areas.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
When I get too close to the sleeping goons they wake up and get me!!

Then don't get too close to the sleeping goons!
Actually, some goons will automatically wake up when you get too
close to them, but others will only RANDOMLY wake up when you
near them.
It is best to SAVE YOUR GAME at this point.  Those goons are
tricky little devils and you don't want to throw everything
away because you didn't anticipate being caught by one.
SAVE YOUR GAME before attempting to get around the goons.  Then,
try to stay as far away from them as you can.  However,
there are a couple of goons that may wake up RANDOMLY when
you pass by them, anyway.  All you can do is keep trying.
Eventually, that darn goon will stay asleep and let you pass.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
Where are my lost possessions?  I know they're around here someplace!

Your lost possessions are in the castle's kitchen.
Your possessions are in the castle's kitchen; but first, you need
to get past the goon!
Your possessions are in the castle's kitchen.  However, SAVE YOUR
GAME before attempting to pass by the sleeping goon.  This
goon RANDOMLY wakes up, and he seems to wake up more often
than not.  Just keep trying.  Eventually, he will stay asleep
and let you pass.  WARNING - Once you get the possessions from
the kitchen, save your game again before venturing out into the
dining room.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
How do I go into the east hallway?  Every time I try, a goon gets me!

You will NEVER be able to enter the east hallway until Lolotte is
disposed of.
Once Lolotte is "taken care of" the goons will have much more
respect for you, and you will be able to wander the castle
at will.  But NOT before then!
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I found Lolotte!  Now, how do I get the talisman without waking her?

Hopefully, you have your lost possessions with you....
You SHOULD BE carrying something that will deal with Lolotte.
Are you carrying something that "looks like" a weapon?
Do you have Cupid's bow and arrow...?
You should still have ONE golden arrow left (the first one you
used on the unicorn).  Shoot the arrow at Lolotte while she's
sleeping. Cupid's arrow will "do its trick" on Lolotte and
enable you to get the talisman.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
Where is Edgar?  I can't find him.

Edgar is very shy.  He only shows up when he wants to show up.
You can't FIND Edgar.  As he is very bashful, he will only show
up when he wants to.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
Is there anything to do in the cell?

Actually, no.
The cell is there only as part of the storyline.  There is
nothing to do, or get, in the cell.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
What do I do in the storage room?

Have you "looked" in the storage room?  Is there anything special
You should have noticed that the magic hen and Pandora's Box are
there.  Get them.
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!
I found the unicorn again!  Now, what do I do with it?

Being a nice, honest girl...what would be a nice thing to
do...especially considering the circumstances?
Free it!
That's all the hints for this problem, thanks for participating!

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