Chris van Zyl
                         From South Africa

King's Quest 8: Mask Of Eternity

The game starts in front of Sarah's house. You are Connor. Everyone in Daventry 
has turned to stone except monsters and one wizard. Always run when you're 
outside and walk when you're in a place. Make sure your Connor's eyes. Only eat 
the mushrooms when you really get damaged. Kill the spriggans and the goblins. 
Take the monsters things when his dead. Always unequip your weapon first before 
doing something. Click on Sarah and the raven. On the backside on the right of 
the house is a goblin, fight it and take his things and the gold. Go to the path 
and turn right. Go up to the house and enter it. The kitchen is in the back of 
the house and has your knife stuck into the table. Get the knife and click on 
the pot. Turn around and get the money in the pot from the shelf. Leave the 
house. The raven will land on a fence post outside your house. Go click on the 
raven and he will fly away. Go into Sarah's house and get the mushrooms in the 
basket and the bottle at the back shelf. Click on the statue. Leave the house 
and go down the road. On your left is a graveyard with a church and Farmer simms 
house on the right. A spriggan will fire its bow at you from within the 
graveyard. Ignore it for now. Continue down to the lake until you see a wizard 
near a stump and partly encased in stone. Click on him and he will give you a 
magic map. Go back up the hill toward Sarah's house. Turn right until you see a 
small path up the cliff. Go up that path and go to the edge of the road. Save 
the game. You will need to back up to the mountain wall and take a running jump. 
Walk to the front of the mausoleum where the spriggan is. Jump down on the 
spriggan and a short cut-scene will appear. Quickly look down and get the 
crossbow. Turn right and get out of the graveyard to the left. At the road turn 
left and go down the path to the statue. Click on it and enter the house. Inside 
the house there is a pair of leather boots. Get the boots near the bed and click 
on the two statues. Get the mushrooms in the basket and take the money on the 
shelf and in the small chest. Leave the house and go to the shed across the 
street. Get the mushrooms in the baskets and turn around. Go to the statue at 
the wagon and click on it. Go fight the spriggan and the zombie with your 
dagger. Go back to the road and turn right. Go down the road and you will see a 
water mill on your immediate left. Get the two mushrooms on the ground. Go to 
the fountain. There is a Tavern in front and a bridge on the upper left side. Go 
around the Tavern and break the barrels with your dagger. Get the mushrooms and 
the crystals. Go inside the Tavern and get the gloves and gold behind the bar. 
Click on the statues and go upstairs. Take the crystal from the chest. Leave the 
Tavern and go right. Click on the statue and go kill the spriggin with your 
dagger. Cross the bridge and go up the road. You will come to a house on your 
right and a windmill on your left. Click on the statue and go on the backside of 
the house. Click on the rope and open the toilet door. Fight the spriggin with 
your dagger and go up the road to the windmill. You will find two spriggins 
outside the windmill. Kill them with your dagger while backing up. When they're 
dead, go to the windmill and open the door. Kill the spriggin with your dagger 
and go inside. Push the hay bale under the axe stuck in the wall high up. Jump 
up on the bale and get the axe. Save the game here. A henchman will attack you 
when you leave. Fight the henchman and take his things when his dead. Go back to 
the water mill and just on the right side of the front door is a tree. Equip 
your axe and chop it down. This will stop the grindstone inside the mill from 
turning. Go in the mill. Jump up to the loft and retrieve the grapnel. Leave the 
house and go back to the bridge. Go right. When you hear the waterfall turn 
left. Take out your axe and fight the spriggan. Click on the waterfall. Use the 
grapnel to climb the waterfall from the left wall of it. Push the bricks into 
the water so that they block the fall of the water. This will uncover the tunnel 
under the waterfall that leads to a secret passage into the throne room of 
castle daventry. Click on the statue. Climb down the wall with the grapnel and 
enter the tunnel.

Castle Daventry

Follow the secret passage through to a dead end. Click on the hidden switch 
disguised as a candleholder on the wall and it will open the passage into the 
castle. You enter the dining area where a picture of king graham and the queen 
are. Click on the pictures and walk into the picture of king graham. The picture 
will slide back revealing a key in a compartment below. Get the key and click on 
the picture. Go left and get the torch ashes, you will need them later. Go into 
the throne room. Click on Graham and the minister. Click on the magic mirror. 
Later, go click on the guards. Go back to the secret passage and go outside. Go 
left of the waterfall and go to the road. Go left to the daventry road sign and 
go right up the road. Equip your axe. You will encounter many zombies, fight 
them. Go up the road and you will find another castle on your right. Go in 
there. Here are two spriggans. Go right and kill them both with your axe. Now in 
this small hall is a chain ring. Pull it. Go to the other small hall past the 
gateway and pull the two chain rings. Next to the stairway platform is a statue. 
Click on the statue and click on the wall. Go through and open the chest. Get 
the gold and go up the stairway path. Equip your axe and kill the spriggan. Go 
in the small room. Click on the crack at the floor and go up the other stairway 
path. Equip your axe and kill the spriggan. Go down the paths. Inside the castle 
in a corridor rigged with three arrow traps is the locked door to the 
dimensional teleporter. Use the key to open this door. This is where you will 
return to when you come back to daventry from the other worlds you will visit. 
Unfortunately the teleporter pad will not take you anywhere until you find 
another pad to teleport to. Outside the castle you will find a spriggan guarding 
a crypt. This is the hero's crypt. Take out your crossbow and kill the spriggan. 
Later after the cut scene break the door to the hero's tomb by using your axe on 
it. Push the lid off the coffin and get the silver hero's ring. Leave the tomb. 
Go left and you will find a beast near a poisoned lake. Do not go into the lake 
or you will be damaged. Talk to the beast 3X and you will find out that a witch 
stole her horn. Turn right. Go down the path and go to the door of the house. 
Take out your axe and kill the spriggan. Chop down the planks. Click on the 
statue and click on the door. Enter the shop. Get the two bottles at the back 
shelf and the paper on the desk. Click on the paper to read it. Leave the house. 
Go left down the road and equip your axe. Kill the goblin. Continue down the 
path and go to the church. Just left of the door, you will find an area where 
you can use your grapnel to climb to the roof of the church. The church roof has 
a hole in it. Walk around the hole until you find a place to climb down with 
your grapnel. Take the candle from the table and put a coin in the box. Click on 
the statue and go to the urn. Push the large urn. You will see an animated 
sequence where the door opens in the crypt just outside. Leave the church and go 
around the right side into the graveyard and kill all the zombies with your axe. 
Take all the mushrooms. Go into the tomb and enter the dimensional portal. You 
will see an animated sequence. Later, Go back to the wizard by the lake and 
click on him. The wizard will tell you that he can make a ring of light spell. 
Give him the ring, candle and ash. Go kill the Goblin on your left with your 
axe. Turn an inch right and cross the lake to the wizard's tower. Use the 
grapnel and climb the wall. Open the door and go in. Look at the celestial globe 
near the door. Click on the quill near the book. The page talks about revealing 
hidden items. Click the page on the celestial globe and get the reveal potion 
inside the globe. Drink the reveal potion and it will reveal an invisible chest 
just to the right of the book. Open the chest and take the bell. Take the potion 
under the shelf. Exit and climb down the wizard's tower with the grapnel. Use 
the bell on the stand and hit the bell three times with your axe. There will be 
an animated sequence where the lady of the lake will bestow upon you a sword of 
great power: the lake sword. Click on it and do not pick up the axe, the sword 
is a better weapon. Go to the crypt in the graveyard and enter the dimension of 

The Dimension of Death
Only eat mushrooms when you really get damaged. Kill the skeletons, zombies and 
weepers. Turn around and look at the symbols above the portal. Write them down 
and turn around. Go on until you come to a group of skeletons with bows and 
swords. They are quite deadly. Kill them all with your sword and go down the 
left side past the big door. There is an altar with a statue of Lord Azrael. 
Click on the obilisque and read the message. Get the key off the statue. There 
are four small thin pillars with a flame coming out of the top. Use the key on 
the small pillar and push the pillar with the key by walking into it. The pillar 
with the key will turn click, drop and the flame will go out. Do this to all 
four pillars and the doors will open. Save your game. Remember the symbols over 
the portal, the tiles have symbols on them. When you step on the symbols in 
order you will solve the puzzle. Watch an animated sequence where Lord Azrael 
will tell you about the damaged heart to the land of death that needs to be 
healed and gives you a key to the gate out of this area. Later back at the first 
area, are wooden boxes that can be broken with your sword. The boxes contain 
skeletons, healing items and potions. Break them and wait until the skeletons 
appear and kill them quickly. Click on the dead guard and take the shield piece. 
Avoid the blood pools and search the entire area. Also click on the obilisques. 
Go to the gate in the north center of this area and shoot the skeletons with 
your crossbow. Use the key to open the gate and save your game. Shoot the boxes 
with your crossbow and get the things. Turn right and take out your sword. Go 
forward and fight all the skeletons. Go back to the broken boxes. Watch out for 
skeletal archers standing on top of the walls and shoot them with your crossbow 
when you can. Go right and take out your crossbow. Shoot the three skeletons. Go 
forward but be careful of the lava puddles. When you see an obilisque click on 
it and go on. Turn left at the first corner. Take out your sword and fight the 
skeleton. Continue forward. Here are two ways to go but keep going forward. Take 
out your sword and fight the skeleton. Keep going forward. Again there are two 
ways to go, turn left and you will pass a door. Keep going and kill the weeper 
with your sword. Go on and you will come to a right turn and boxes in front. 
Take out your sword and break the boxes and kill the three skeletons at your 
left. Continue left from the skeletons and you will come to a large open area. 
Turn an inch left and go forward. Pick up the rock and take out your map. Push 
the metal box off the metal plate. Now from this box, go forward and push 
another metal box off the metal plate. Turn left and push another metal box off 
the metal plate. Turn left again and push another metal box off the metal plate. 
Look at your map and you will see an angel picture. That's the Sylph of ultimate 
beauty. Go to that picture and put away your map. Four sets of magical animal 
statues are near the healing pool. Go talk to her 2X and she will tell you of a 
magical shield spell that she can make with rust and mold. The pool in the 
center of this open area is a healing pool. Go forward past the pool and turn a 
bit right. Go on until you see a wall. Use your grapnel on the wall and climb 
up. Climb down on the other side. Turn around. On your left is a metal box and 
in front of you are boxes. Go forward until you hear a weeping child. Talk to 
her and go back to the metal box. Push away the metal box and the girl will be 
free. Break all the boxes and collect the items. Leave the area and go left. 
Turn a bit left and go forward. Go to the skeletons you killed earlier and go to 
the path with the lava pools. Kill the skeleton with your sword and go left. 
Click on the obilisque and go forward to the river of death. Save your game and 
use the shield on the river. The shield will become rusted. Go in the building 
next of you and talk to the boatman 3X for clues. Leave the building and go 
left. Go forward along the river until you cannot go any longer. Fight the 
skeletons with your sword and go up the path on your right. Here is a tower that 
can be climbed with the grapnel to yield one reveal invisible potion and three 
healing crystals. Take them and go back to the skeletons, but keep going 
forward. Fight the skeleton with your sword. Past the gate take the first left. 
Watch out for the skeletons at the top of the walls and shoot them with your 
crossbow. Go on and you will end up at the river styx. Continue east along the 
river until you reach another wall, turn right. Go fight the skeletons with your 
sword. Go right through the upper passage. At the end of this path shoot the 
skeleton above the wall with your crossbow. Go left down the path. Leave the 
boxes and go fight the skeleton on the left with your sword. Go right down this 
path until you reach a tower. Save the game. Use your grapnel to climb to the 
top of the tower. Fight the skeleton to the back of the tower until it falls. 
Climb down the tower and the armor will be there where he fell. Get the armor 
and go down the path until you're back at the dead skeleton. There is a tower in 
the center of the map with four plates where the Sylph is. Go left to the 
spitting firewall and turn right from it. Go left and continue on until you 
reach the river styx. Go left and when you turn left again, go forward down the 
road and go right and left again between two pillars. Go strait on and ignore 
the skeletons. Go left and you will see another left turn. Take out your sword 
and kill the zombies and skeletons. Go in this left turn. This is another 
teleport circle for your map. Leave and go left. Take out your sword and go kill 
the three skeletons. Go on and kill another skeleton with your sword. Kill two 
more skeletons on your right and continue down the road. Kill another skeleton 
with your sword and continue down the road until you reach the tower. Save the 
game before you enter this area and take out your sword. If you are clever you 
can position yourself so that the zombies will die and fall on the plates. 
Tripping the four pressure plates will open a portal at the magical statues near 
the healing pool. Now use your grapnel and climb up the tower. Click on the 
obilisque and cross the bridge. Turn right and take the rock next of you. 
Continue forward until you see a couple of pots on your left. Shoot them with 
your crossbow. Go to the healing pool and drink the water. Turn around and go 
through the left portal. Save the game. Here are two bow-men to kill you, kill 
them with your crossbow. If you touch the river you will die. Click on the 
obilisque and jump on the small block then over to the large one. Save the game. 
Back up to the edge and take a running jump. Go to the left shelf. Take the 
seventh skull from the left on the bottom 3rd shelf. There is a pillar with a 
crack on your left. Push the pillar into the river and save the game. Jump up on 
the pillar and make a running jump to the other side of the river styx. Save 
your game if you make it. Leave and go into the north portal. Kill the skeletal 
archers with your crossbow. Save your game and click on the obilisque. Go on the 
railing area of the bridge and jump off the edge to the other edge to get over 
the lethal waters below. Put the head on the statue and get the golden feather 
that falls from it. Take the feather and the potion. Save your game. Jump back 
over the holes in the bridge and leave. Go to the portal in front but turn left 
and go forward into that portal. The heart area has a potion of reveal, get it. 
Click on the obilisque and click on the heart. Leave and go through the north 
portal. Click on the obilisque and take the potion. The scales area requires 
that you put the feather on one side of the scales and you jump up onto the 
other side. You will be judged as having balanced against the feather of truth. 
This will heal the heart and drain all the blood pools on the level. Leave 
through the portal. Go right until you see the wall. Go right again and go at 
the left turn. Go on until you see the door and go right. Ignore this left turn 
and go forward at the next left turn. Take out your crossbow and shoot the pots 
and the weepers and the two skeletal archers. Take everything and leave. Go 
right and right again and right again. Go down this path until you reach the 
drained blood pool. Take out your sword and kill the skeleton. Pick up the green 
mold and the other things. Go down the same path you just came and go left. Go 
right to the door and left down the path. Go right and return the mold and the 
rusted iron shield to the Sylph and she will cast her protective spell on you. 
Go forward past the well and continue on past the statue. Now when you're near 
the metal box go left in this area. Take out your sword and break the boxes and 
kill the skeletons. Click on the obilisque and Leave this area. Go left. Go left 
past the broken pillars and go left through this path. Turn right through this 
path and go left again. Kill the weeper with your crossbow. Go right through 
this path and pick up the rock. Continue on until you see the dying brother of 
the weeping child you saved before. Talk to him and go right. Continue forward 
and you will see a blue door. Use your key on the lock and watch the cut scene. 
The skeletons are fighting and betting on the fights. Kill all of them with your 
sword and take what they've dropped. Leave and go right to the dead man and 
continue on until you come to the dead weeper. Go left then right. In the open 
area go forward until you see the wall. Go right and go forward until you see 
the next right turn. Go through this path past the broken pillars until you see 
another door. Open the jail area with your key and save your game. Take out your 
sword. Clear the room by breaking the boxes and killing the skeletons. Do not 
touch the switches yet. The door you see here is illusory. Drink the illusion 
potion and save your game. Walk through this door and kill the skeletal 
commander beyond. Drink the strength potion and go get Azrael's hammer from the 
altar. This is a better weapon then the one you have. Leave this area and pull 
the second switch from the right and turn around. Pull the last three switches 
from the left. Turn right and go pull all those switches. This should allow you 
to walk down the cages and kill all the weepers with your sword and take what 
they have. Go back to the switch room. Go to the switch at the illusion door and 
pull the second switch from the door. Turn around and pull the last switch. Go 
right and pull the switches up, down, up, down. Go through the hall and pull the 
big switch in the last jail. Turn around and go left. Go left from the obilsque 
and continue forward to the pillar. Turn right and you will see the opened door. 
Save the game and take out your sword. Go through the gate and when the animated 
cut scene is over, drink a strength potion and a shield potion. Also be ready to 
use the healing crystals. Once they're dead, take everything they've dropped and 
get the general's sword. It's a better weapon than the sword of the lake. Go 
forward to the open drawbridge. Hit the switch to the left of the bridge on the 
other side with the hammer and the bridge will drop revealing the portal to the 
next region.

The Swamp

Only eat mushrooms when you really get damaged. Kill the scavenger slime, 
carnivorous plant, mandrigor trees, bubble monsters and swamp fiends. Avoid the 
green poisonous water. The first thing you will notice is that there are 
millions of small mushrooms. First leave them till later. On this level keep 
your weapon armed. Now lets get going. See that scavenger slime to your left. 
Take out your hammer and kill it. Go off the slope and go left. Kill the bubble 
monster and also the two swamp fiends with your hammer. Go to the left to the 
whispering weeds and click on them. Turn around and go forward. Continue forward 
killing another swamp fiend with your hammer. On your left is the swamp witches 
tower. Ignore this and go right killing another swamp fiend with your hammer. Go 
right through the giant mushrooms and kill another swamp fiend with your hammer. 
You will come to a cove with a golden mushroom at the back. Kill the swamp fiend 
with your hammer. Go to the back of the cove and hack off a piece. Pick up the 
piece and turn around. Now just go forward while going a bit right and you will 
see a platform with a pump and a bucket. This is the healing spring for this 
level. Get on the platform and take out your hammer. Kill the swamp fiends and 
the scavenger slimes that surround's you. Drink the water when they're dead. Now 
when you enter the water again, turn left and take out your sword. Now kill all 
the tree monsters and take the bow on your way. Go back to the platform and turn 
left. Now go forward until you reach the portal. Turn right and go down the 
river path on the upper right. Kill the water bubbles and the scavenger slimes 
with your bow. When you reach the prophet tree, click on it for hints. The tree 
will charge you for every information you want. Give 11 gold pieces to him. Turn 
around and go forward a bit left until you reach the tower. Go right and kill 
the swamp fiend with your bow. Go forward over the small cliff and go left to 
the huts. Enter the first hut and click on the statues. Take the armor gloves 
and take the gold in the chest. Leave the hut and enter the boarded up shack by 
using your sword on the doors. Take the gold in the chest. Use your sword on the 
boarded up room and take the horn and the gold in the chest. Leave the hut and 
take out your bow. Kill all the swamp fiends in this area. Now go forward 
through the water until you reach the prophet tree. Turn a bit right and go on 
until you reach the whispering weeds. Listen to what they say by clicking the 
hearing horn on them. Turn around and go back to the prophet tree. Now pass him 
to your left and go right. Kill the five swamp fiends and the scavenger slimes 
with your bow. Now you will see a tower, ignore this first and go right. Kill 
another scavenger slime with your bow and start going left. Kill another 
scavenger slime with your bow and you will see a tower on the way. This is the 
teleport tower, where you can go back to the previous places. Kill the three 
scavenger slimes with your bow and climb the tower with your grapnel to put the 
teleporter on your map. Climb down again and go forward. Hundreds of carnivorous 
plants will be in your way. Take out your sword and hack them while going. When 
you see a mount, go right. Now just keep to the right and you will see the swamp 
wisps. Click on them 2X. You will see an animated sequence where they give you 
the flower antidote to the poisonous swamp water. Click on them for one more 
secret and eat the flower. Take out your sword and turn around. Fight your way 
along the left wall of the level until you come to the tower. Walk strait 
through the green poison water until you see a mount. Go left around the mount 
until you see the platform. Go right and when you see another mount go a bit 
left and go on until you see the witches tower. Now go past the mandragor tree 
and go around the left side of the tower and you will be in range of the swamp 
witch. Take out your bow and fire quickly while healing yourself with healing 
crystals. When you killed her, go to the door and shoot through the door at the 
ropes holding the sandbags. Go in the left room. Take the rock in the corner and 
click on the skeleton. Now go to the other room with a dead swamp fiend, a 
cauldron, and a recipe book. Click on them all and take the unicorn horn. This 
is the horn that the unicorn has lost. Find the ramp up to the second floor. 
Notice the arrow traps set into the right hand wall as you go up the ramp. Swing 
your sword in front of the traps to spring them, then walk by safely. Save your 
game. Break the barrels at the back get the stuff. Now leave through that 
doorway and walk around the tower to get healing crystals and a potion. When you 
enter the tower again, throw a rock on the ramp on your right to spring the 
trap. Proceed up to the third floor. Go to the right tower and take the chain 
mail armor. Go to the other side of the tower and click on the chest. You will 
find a piece of the mask. After the animated sequence you will find yourself in 
a battle with the henchman. Kill him and get his hand. Leave the tower and go 
right. Now when you see the mountain. Go along the left side while sticking to 
the wall. Now go on forward past the left turn until you come to the two level 
platforms. Climb the platforms with the grapnel and approach the door. Use the 
hand on the door and save your game. You will enter into the first of the 
ridiculous matrix puzzles. Drink the illusion potion and jump on the red spots 
until you reach the door. The animated sequence will carry you into the building 
where there are two swamp fiends to fight. Kill them and open the chest and get 
the golden ladle. Click on the two chain switches and throw the switch that 
appears to the left of the door. The stumps are now harmless. Leave the platform 
area and turn around. Now go forward around the left side to the tower with the 
teleport circle. Return to daventry. Leave the castle and go right to the 
unicorn. Give the horn to the unicorn and she will give you a red pyramid. Go 
down to the road and turn right. Go on until you reach the fountain. Continue 
forward and cross the bridge. Kill the goblin with your sword and continue 
forward to the house. Check on the little girl inside the house. Click on her 2X 
and take the gold on the table. Take the mushrooms on the back shelf and leave 
the house. Go left across the bridge and go left again. Go right up the path 
near the daventry sign and go to the old castle and teleport back to the swamp. 
In the tower, climb down with the grapnel and turn right. Now go forward until 
you reach the giant mushrooms. See all the mushrooms go get them. Go back to the 
witches tower and use the golden ladle on the evil cauldron. Witness the cut-
scene animation with mudge the king of the swamp. Enter the gnome realm by 
stepping into the whirlpool.

The Underground Realm of the Gnomes

Only eat the mushrooms when you really get damaged. Kill the bat manta, 
spriggans, zombies and the rock demons. Break every barrel you see and collect 
the healing items mushrooms and potions. Pick up rocks when you see one. First 
get the stuff in this room. Leave the room and use a rock on the plate to hold 
the door open. After exiting, go left then go left at the first intersection. 
This will take you down to a level and then around to the right. Keep going 
straight until you dead-end with a gnome and a armor shop on your right. Click 
on the gnome and enter the shop. The armor gnome has a bronze breastplate for 
sale and a plate mail breastplate. Buy the bronze breastplate and leave the 
shop. Go back to the pressure plate door but continue forward. Fight a rock 
demon on the way with your sword. You will find a rock where a gnome is trying 
to dig his way out. Pick up the rock and click on the gnome. Some of these 
gnomes will have rocks. Oh by the way, don't talk to these digging gnomes they 
all say the same. Return to the pressure plate door but keep going forward. Also 
kill a rock demon on the way with your sword and go east into the gnome weapon 
shop. The weapons gnome has a fine crossbow for 300 gold, buy this bow. There is 
also an hammer for 400 gold, buy that to. Go back to the armor shop but take the 
first passage on the left until you reach the spiral staircase. Kill the 
spriggan with the hammer, break barrels, and gather healing and other potions. 
Go up the staircase. You will reach an east west corridor. Go left and kill a 
rock demon and bat manta with your hammer. Go right and break the barrels with 
your hammer and take everything. Leave and go right. Fight 2 spriggans with your 
hammer on the way. As you turn east again, immediately turn right. Go down the 
staircase following the corridor. Eventually you will come to an area that 
appears to be a sheer drop into a deep pit. Be careful and look for the almost 
invisible bridge just to the left of the center. Walk on this bridge until you 
come into a room with an old man at a fire. Click on the old man and attack the 
crystal near him with your hammer to break off a piece. Put the piece in your 
inventory and cross the bridge. Take out your hammer and kill the zombies. Go 
back to the main corridor and continue east until you reach another 
intersection. Kill anther bat manta on the way with your hammer. At the 
intersection go east until you come to a pit that you will have to jump over 
kill the rock demon and zombies with your hammer on the way. Save the game and 
make a running jump. Keep going north until you reach a rectangular chamber with 
a patch of yellow glowing substance on the north wall. Kill the rock demon and 
bat mantas with your hammer. Use your hammer to chip off a piece of the 
substance. The substance is amber glow. Put it in your inventory. Go back to the 
intersection and go east. You will find the teleporter room. Go back to where 
the weapon shop is. Kill the bat mantas with your hammer and enter the turning 
bridge room. The turning bridge room has a bridge with two ends that go up and 
down and a center section that turns around. Put three rocks on the pressure 
plates starting with the one on the left middle and right until you have the 
bridge turned and extended allowing you passage to the north out of this room. 
You will save time if you go just a little further north and use your hammer on 
the lock on the doors. Take the lock and put it into your inventory. Turn around 
and take the passage on the right and you will go down and around to the 
apothecary shop. Kill the rock demon and the bat manta with your hammer. The 
apothecary gnome sells healing mushrooms, healing crystals, shield potions and 
invisibility potions. There is also one bottle of essence of sun tsu that 
permanently increases your offensive power and defensive strength for 250 gold. 
There is a catch. The gnome wants you to complete a task to search for three 
items before she will agree to sell you the essence. Click on the little statue 
on the pedestal. She wants amber glow, an object of iron and a tree root. You 
should have the amber glow and the object of iron at this time. Give her these 
items. You will get the tree root later. Go back to the main corridor with the 
door. Click on the door and kill the spriggan with your hammer. Go forward, but 
do not take the first corridor to the left that you come to, you cannot do 
anything there yet. Keep going forward until the passageway dead ends into the 
next intersection. Kill the bat manta with your hammer and go left. Kill the 
rock demon with your hammer and go down to another rock demon. Kill it with your 
hammer and go on down this road. Go in this first right turn and kill the bat 
manta with your hammer. Go forward and climb the wall with your grapnel. Go 
forward and kill two bat mantas with your hammer. Go left and you will find a 
chamber that has a root in it coming out of the wall. Kill the 3 bat mantas with 
your hammer and chop off the root and put it in your inventory. Climb down the 
wall with your grapnel and go left up the ramp. Go forward and go down a long 
path at another left turn Keep going forward after killing two rock demons with 
your hammer on the way. Go forward into the room that has a wall. Use your 
grapnel to climb up. You are in a square room with a large boulder in a circular 
depression that has a smaller circular hole in the floor. Notice the passageway 
at the left, that is a shortcut to the teleport pad. Ignore it for later. Push 
the boulder into the hole and jump down on top of it. Push the large boulder 
down the circular hall to a corridor that goes down. Follow the boulder down the 
ramp and notice the previously bricked-up door is now open. On the wall is a 
wall sconce. Put the crystal shard into the sconce. The shard will glow and the 
area will power up lighting the entire area with an electrical blue light. 
Follow the now open corridor and you will be facing a dragon wyrm. Save your 
game. Take out your hammer and attack the wyrm. After it's dead, get the black 
diamond heart and go forward. An animated cut-scene with the old man now starts. 
The old man turns to a young man, who talks about restoring faith and then 
disappears. Go left into the chamber of enlightenment. There is a pedestal with 
a clear crystal triangle of the same shape and size as the dark purple one 
you've got. Click on the triangle shaped stone switch to the right and an 
animated cut-scene message from the old man's people will result. Take the clear 
pyramid and put it in your inventory. Place the dark purple pyramid on the 
pedestal and listen to another animated cut-scene with lucreto. Take the dark 
pyramid and the lodestone from the high pedestal. Go back to the corridor that 
leads off to the left just beyond the door where you found the lock. Go down 
this corridor and kill two bat mantas with your hammer on the way. Save your 
game. The corridor has large boulders and you will need to time your movement 
across. Continue to the left after the boulders and kill a rock demon with your 
hammer on the way. Click on the door and you will meet the sage gnome and his 
celestial device. Talk to the sage until he tells you that he needs a lodestone 
to trick your magic map into taking you to another location. This new location 
is in the barren region. Give the sage gnome the loadstone and the gnome alters 
your map. Go to the apothecary gnome and give her the tree root. Click on your 
gold then click on the shopkeeper. Go back to the circular depression room and 
go in the left room. Kill the two zombies with your hammer and push the wall 
stone. A door will open. Go right and use the grapnel to climb down the cliff. 
Go to the teleporter pad and teleport to the barren region.

The Barren Region

You will need to save your game often here because you will quickly get sick of 
jumping lava pools and hearing your screams as you die in the fires. Use your 
bow to kill pyro demons as they emerge from the lava. Also use your hammer to 
kill the fire ants for one healing crystal per ant. Collect all the healing 
crystals near the location where you arrived and anywhere else they are lying on 
the ground. Do not even touch the lava near the shore, as it will kill you. Just 
west of where you are is a bridge. Cross the bridge and go north. You will find 
the weirdling village comprised of two huts. The hut on your right is the 
weapon's smith who is selling weapons, but will also tell you a tale of the 
basilisk. The weapon's smith will tell you that you need a shaft and a black 
diamond to make a weapon. You have the diamond, so give it to him. Ignore the 
two bows and the battle-axe, because they are worthless. When you leave the hut, 
you will see the healer hut across you, ignore that also. Go forward past the 
hut and go a bit to the right. Go up the mountain path across the bridge and 
click on the hill dwarf who is blowing the horn. He will tell you about the 
missing stone. Go back down the mountain to the bottom and go left around toward 
the bridge. Save your game before walking onto the bridge. When you step on 
seven of the blocks, they will be revealed as metal with symbols on the top and 
they will no longer go down into the lava. The metal blocks have symbols that 
represent numbers. If you have the blocks in the correct order the blocks will 
sound a drum for the correct number of beats corresponding to the prime number. 
Do the following to get across: (Go N\NW2X\N2X. Turn around. 
NW\W4X\E3X\E5X\E2X\N\E5X\W. Jump back 2 blocks then west) Once the last metal 
block chimes, a row straight up the middle will form to the other side. The 
bridge is now safe. Go north and east through the lava geysers. Do not get too 
close since the lava spray will damage you. Keep going north across the field 
until you can turn left and up the hill to a pyramid with a ramp. At the top of 
the pyramid take the fire gem and you will meet lucreto in a vision. Later, go 
down the path and head around to the west until you come to a group of broken 
bridges in the lava. Save your game. Be the camera and walk. Jump from one 
bridge to the next, saving your game after each successful jump and killing the 
pyro demons as they emerge from the lava with your crossbow until you reach the 
tower. Climb the tower with your grapnel and save the game. Step out onto the 
colorful platform and notice that seven gongs will turn to face you. Shoot the 
gongs in the correct order which is the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, 
yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and purple. Shoot the red gong first just 
behind the stone straight ahead and the small bridge will start to build. When 
you shoot the correct gong it glow's its color and makes a musical note. Shoot 
the orange gong on the middle left. Shoot the yellow gong witch is the first one 
on the back right. Shoot the green gong on the last right. Shoot the blue gong 
witch is the first one on the back left. Shoot the dark blue gong on the last 
left. Shoot the purple gong on the middle right. When the bridge has formed, 
take the stone of order. Climb down the tower. If you feel like taking the risk, 
a bridge goes off to the left and has many healing crystals. Go get them. Save 
your game and continue the process of jumping and saving until you are out of 
the lava. Be Connor's eyes and run. Return to the hill dwarves to give them back 
their stone of order. Go in the shop next of you. The hill dwarf smith will make 
you the shaft for the pike and all the dwarves will honor you. Go to the 
weirdling smith shopkeeper and give him the shaft and the gold. He will take the 
shaft and make you a pike to kill the basilisk. Leave the hut and go forward 
past the huts until you see two roads. Take the left road until you come to, yes 
you guessed it, another lava pool with rocks in it. Save your game and turn a 
bit left. Be the camera and walk. Jump from rock to rock until you reach the 
vertical cliff that rises above the back of the basilisk. Use your grapnel and 
climb the tower. On the top take out your pike. Go down on the basilisk and an 
animated cut-scene will show you killing the beast. Cut off the tongue with your 
fist and put it in your inventory. Be Connor's eyes and run. Move across the 
bridge that goes left from the dead basilisk area. Kill two pyro demons with 
your crossbow. Go right around the building and use your grapnel to climb to the 
roof of another tomb. Go down the hole in the roof. Notice the pattern of four 
symbols on the walls and the direction of the arrows below them. The correct 
order of the symbols is the weird sideways smiley face, triangle, circle and 
square. Get the sword from the sarcophagus. Push the symbols around the 
sarcophagus in the correct order and go to where the secret door opened and 
retrieve the newest suit of armor for this level. Click on two of the small 
walls to get two potions. Click on the dead warrior and a key will drop on the 
ground. Pick up the key. Go back near the huts and go right. Go straight ahead 
and go left. Cross the path at the lava and kill two pyro demons with your bow. 
Go left until you find the fire dwarf area. Kill the two bow-men with your 
crossbow and take one of they're bow and the stuff they dropped. Open the door 
with the key and kill another bow-men with your crossbow. Follow the ramp around 
until you find the area with three buttons, three ramps and three doors. Kill 
the two dwarves with the bow. Use the bow to fire at the buttons and extend all 
the ramps. Enter the first door on your left. Click on the switch on the wall 
and release the snow queen prisoner. An animated sequence will ensue where she 
opens a secret door and runs off. Get the steam valve cap from the cell on the 
left. Enter the secret room and kill the fire dwarf with your sword. There is a 
wall safe on the wall with a symbol lock. Press the symbols in the same order as 
in the crypt and the safe will open. Get the steam valve cap from the safe and 
save your game. Exit the room and enter the middle room and click on the chest 
to retrieve the next piece of the mask of eternity. One of lucreto's henchmen 
will attack you in a fight to the death. Take the potions. Exit the room and 
enter the third room on the left. Kill the fire dwarf with your sword. Put one 
pipe cap on one of the pipes and get on the elevator platform. Shoot the wall 
button with your fire bow. You may need to change the camera angle with your 
mouse to fire the bow at the button on the wall. When you arrive at the second 
level get the ice queen's scepter and a potion. Get back on the pad and shoot 
the wall button again with your bow. You will appear on level one. Put the 
second steam cap on the other pipe and fire the bow at the button and you will 
travel to the frozen reaches.

The Frozen Reaches

Save your game. On this level are mundane monsters, frost demons, gryphs and ice 
orcs. Kill all of these from long range with your bow. When you get damaged, use 
the healing crystals. Special monsters on this level are the invisible snow-mane 
and a two-headed dragon. Cross your way to the ice palace and click on the ice 
queen. Give the ice scepter to the ice queen. The queen will inform you that the 
scepter controls the ice dragon found in the east which can carry you across the 
ice-lake. The queen will tell you to keep the scepter and implores you to save 
the king of the gryphs from the icelord who has imprisoned him in the keep. Go 
left just a bit and you will find a gryph who has grabbed an ice maiden. An 
animated sequence will ensue followed by a battle with the gryph. Next to the 
gryph is a portal to the previous realms. Go left and you will find the ice 
dragon, but the switch to the shutters is broken. Push the ice block under the 
broken chain on the roof and jump on the block. Once on top of the block, pull 
the chain to open the door. Use the ice scepter on the ice dragon. The dragon 
will fly you over the ice lake where it will remain until you need passage back. 
Turn right and go forward. Work your way to the far north of the map. On your 
way there, you will be attacked by frost demons. Shoot them with your fire bow 
and continue forward. You will be attacked by the invisible snow-mane. Use a 
reveal potion and kill the beast with your sword. Once the beast is dead, go 
forward to the ice-lake. Use your rock on the ice three times to crack it up. 
Then take the fire ruby and click it on the ice. Click on the flaming sword and 
it will replace the sword in your inventory. Go east until you find a tower 
guarded by two ice orcs. Kill them from the distance with your fire bow. Climb 
the tower with your grapnel and go through the other opening. Click on the lever 
on your left and go though the trap floor. Break the barrels with your fire bow 
and take the healing stuff on the ground and in the chest. Click on the lever on 
the door and go down the path from the tower. Another tower is guarded by two 
more ice orcs. Go down the path on your left and go through the right path on 
your right. Kill the frost demons with your fire bow. Now go forward a bit and 
you will see another ramp on your right. Go up that snow ramp in front until you 
reach the second tower. Kill the two ice orcs with your sword. Enter the tower 
on the right and take more healing stuff after breaking the barrels with your 
sword. Leave the tower and go down the path and go up the second snow ramp on 
your left. This is the icelord's fortress behind a lake. While you are here kill 
both of the two ice orcs with your fire bow. Go in the small room on your right 
and get more healing stuff after breaking the barrels with your sword. Leave and 
go around the lake to the fortress sticking to the wall. Work your way around 
the right side of the fortress and use your grapnel to climb up to the roof. 
Click on the grating in the roof and an animated cut-scene will begin showing 
lucreto ordering the icelord to kill you and the icelord ordering his general to 
go out and find you. Go forward to the cells and meet the gryph king. Go to the 
front of the castle and go off on top of the ice orc who has now moved to 
protect the front of the fortress. Get the key that the ice orc dropped and go 
around the right side and climb up to the roof again and free the gryph king. 
Save your game. As you walk out of the cell, an animated cut-scene will start. 
An ice orc will jump on you from above and knock both of you through the grating 
into the throne room. You will confront the icelord and when control returns, 
you will battle him to the death. The chest next to the icelord's throne 
contains a blue medallion that helps decipher ancient writing. Pick up the large 
ice rod that is on the floor near the grating. Go to the front door and pick up 
the rock on your left as you past by. Go to the door and click on it. Click on 
the gap between the door floor. Put the ice rod down in the gap. Use the sword 
to melt the ice rod into a pool of water and pick up your new ice crossbow. Use 
the ice crossbow to freeze the water into a long thin rod. Pick up the rod and 
return to the throne. Save your game. Put the rod into the slot of the locked 
jail door. Enter the small room and another cut-scene will show you hitting the 
statue. You open the chest to find the next mask piece. Then the pieces of the 
broken ice statue reform into one of lucreto's henchmen who attack's you. Kill 
the henchman. Once the henchman is dead, go back to the ice dragon and fly back 
to the south side of the lake. Go all the way to the north and speak with the 
gryph king 2X in his palace. The gryph king will give you a blue adamant 
gemstone. Return to the icelord's fortress and go on the right side and climb 
the wall of the building to get on the roof. Enter the cell room. Place the 
basilisk tongue, the blue adamant and the golden mushroom slice on the chair and 
activate the controls to the left of the chair. This will activate a permanent 
spell of strength that will increase your attack, damage and your defense 
strength. Climb down the fortress with your grapnel and go around to the right 
and kill the ice orc with your sword. Go right through the mountain path killing 
6 ice orcs with your sword. When you're down the snow ramp, go a sharp right and 
kill a frost demon with your ice crossbow. Use your blue amulet on the 
gravestone. Keep going down the road killing more frost demons with your ice 
crossbow. When you reach a wall, use your grapnel to climb the wall and save 
your game. You now face the two-headed dragon. Equip the flaming sword and fight 
the dragon by cutting off his two heads. Continue to the back of the chamber and 
go down through the hole onto the blocks and move forward into the next realm.

Paradise Lost

This area is very simple and has no monsters. Walk north until you get to the 
temple with a pyramid like structure in the center. Place the clear pyramid on 
this pedestal and you will get a vision from the chief archon. He will teleport 
you to the realm of the sun.

The Realm of the Sun: Level 1 Feather of Truth

Save your game. Once in the realm of the sun there is no turning back. When you 
see a vase break them with your weapon. Always keep your weapon handy. When 
you're in a battle, only take a healing crystal when you get damage. When you 
see different panels on the floor, try to get past them or you will get into a 
battle with a shadow demon. There are water snakes, henchmen and shadow demons. 
The henchmen's guard nearly every corner of the hallways. Kill the water snake 
with your sword in the water room to the left of your entrance. Go to the corner 
of the room and use your grapnel to climb into a small room above the ceiling. 
Shoot the vase with your ice crossbow and look down to find the mask medallion. 
Pick up the medallion and climb down with your grapnel. Kill the shadow demon 
with your sword. Leave the water room and go left. Kill the henchmen with your 
sword and go up through the top doorway and kill two henchmen's with your sword. 
Click on the two wall panels on your left and get two potion bottles. Leave on 
your left and kill two water snakes with your sword. Continue on and go through 
the first left doorway then through the other left doorway with a room full of 
archons and a tablet on the holy sun altar. Listen to the whispering of the 
archons to get more clues and click on one statue. Take the holy tablet of 
knowledge. Leave the room and go left through two doorways. Kill the henchmen 
with your ice crossbow and go through the right doorway. Kill the henchmen with 
your sword and go left killing another henchmen with your sword. Go right and 
kill another henchmen with your sword and a bit further on kill two water snakes 
with your sword. Click on the pillar panels to get more potions. Click on the 
archon and he will let you into the hall of truth. The hall of truth has three 
doors on each. Walk in the left door and you will see a monster floating on thin 
air. Keep walking into the void and up to the monster and he will turn into a 
key. Take the key and leave the rooms. Go forward to the other room and go a 
little right to find a door with a keyhole. Use the key to open the door. 
Inside, take the temple sword and another animated cut-scene will show your 
tablet hit by a lightning bolt that inscribes the meaning of truth. Leave the 
room and go left through the doorway. Go right and go through the top doorway. 
Go right and keep going forward and go through the second doorway on your left 
after killing a henchmen with your sword. Go through the left doorway and go 
right through the doorway. Keep strait on until you reach the magic door. Click 
the tablet on the door and go to the next level. 

The Realm of the Sun: level 2 Hall of Light

Save your game. Leave the room to the hallway and kill the first henchmen with 
your ice crossbow. Kill the other two with your sword. Go right and kill another 
henchmen with your sword. Go through the long hallway and kill another henchmen 
with your sword. Go right and kill another henchmen with your sword. Continue 
forward and kill another henchmen with your sword. Go through the long hallway 
and kill another henchmen with your sword. Go forward and click on the archon. 
Enter the next room and push the pedestal to the center of the light and a key 
will appear. Take the key. Go back where you iced the henchmen and unlock the 
door on your right. Enter the room and take the temple armor. Your tablet will 
be inscribed with the passage of light. Leave the room and go right. Kill the 
henchmen with your sword. Break all the pots in this room and kill the two 
henchmen with your sword. Take the healing crystals and push the panel on the 
wall. Leave through the other doorway and click on the unlit candle on the wall. 
Turn around and go back to where you iced the henchmen. Go right and enter the 
room. Beyond the door is another chest with another mask piece. You now have the 
entire mask. Leave the room and kill the two henchmen with your sword. Go right 
and go left. Now go straight on through the long hallway and go right and left. 
Kill the henchmen with your sword and enter the cauldron room. This is the room 
where lucreto is using the cauldron to make his henchmen's. Wait for the cut 
scene and then use the mask medallion on the cauldron to purify it. The cauldron 
becomes a healing pool. Leave the room and go right. Kill the two henchmen with 
your sword and go left to the magic door. Use the tablet on the door and go to 
the third level.

The Realm of the Sun: level 3 Hall of Order

Save your game. This level is organized like a diamond with the rooms at the 
north center, south center and west center edges of the map. You arrive on the 
level at the west center edge of the map. Make your way to the W\N center 
following the winding corridor. Click on the archon and he will let you in. 
There are nine stones with a graphic of mask pieces on the top. Be the camera 
and you may need to change the camera angle with your mouse. The pieces are all 
mixed up. Push the nine mask pieces around until they form an entire mask. The 
mask must be in the center of the depression in the middle of the room and fully 
cover the grid shown under the stone pieces there. When you get the mask 
finished the door opens. Be connor's eyes. Step through and get the golden key. 
Make your way W\N through the winding corridor to the large room on the east 
center edge of the map. Save your game. This room has two zombies, two skeletal 
archers and an archer captain. Kill them all with your sword. Once killed move 
to the back of the room and open the door with the key. Get the chalice and your 
tablet inscribes with the last important message. Go to the magic door on the 
W\N and click the tablet on the door. Go through to the next level.

The Realm of the Sun: level 4 Altar Room

Save your game. Once you click on the archon, you will go though the door and be 
in the last battle with lucreto. Here's the thing. He will start spraying fire 
with his magic staff all around you. When you're in battle with him, fight him. 
Then when he disappears quickly press the 1 to 9 buttons to take your potions. 
Go to the altar and place a mask piece on it. Do the same routine until all the 
mask pieces are placed on the altar. When you've placed the last one, a portal 
behind lucreto will open. Fight him until he gets sucked in.

The end

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