K  K    I   N N   N G     S        Q   Q U   U E     S       T       I    I
KKK     I   N  N  N G GGG SSSSS    Q   Q U   U EEEEE SSSSS   T       I    I
K  K    I   N   N N G   G     S    Q Q Q U   U E         S   T       I    I

(Romancing the throne)

[email protected]

There are a few things to know, this faq is written in story form and at the end i will tell you
how to quickly solve it, just like always. kings quest 2 plays like kings quest 1 old version,
this one i beleive is funner becasue it shows the new king in his glory. At the bottom as always
there is a list of thank you's, and one more thing this faq is protected under copyright law 1998
Joey Rowland, (o.k.) and you must be careful on this game especially on the bridge, after a while
it gets unstable and soon breaks on you.
I must find that woman you say aloud as you kick a rock. I'll travel to any location to find this
beauty that catches my heart no matter what the price. You decide to calm down, becasue you know
that the fates will test you any way they can. You begin to walk into a territroy that is unkown
to you, but you always keep in mind that true love conquers all.
As you stand on the beach thinking to yourself of the troubles you will face you see on the other
side of you a trident, hmmm you think as you pick up the trident and hold it in your hands. This 
will come in handy for my troubles ahead of me. You stand up with your head clear for now and 
continue walking. (o.k. when you frist start off go right,up,left,up. than stand in front of the
trident and type "TAKE TRIDENT".)
As you stop to catch your breath you notice a clamshell lying on the beach. Hmmm you think to
yourself, I will be hungry later so i better pack up on some food. You bend down and grab the
clam, you look at it and put it in your pouch. Whats this you say out loud as you look down to
where the clam was lying. A bracelet? You pick up the braclet and examine it. The perfect gift 
you think to yourself as you put it into your pouch. The next queen of daventry will be wearing
this on her wrist. (o.k. now when you get the trident go up twice. stand in front of the clam
and type "TAKE CLAMSHELL", than there should be a braclet where the clamshell was, type "TAKE
As you continue on your journey you see a stake lying underneath a tree. Hmmm you think to your
self, I may encounter a vampire or another dangerous creature in my travels so it is always good
to be prepared. You bend down and pick up the stake. o.k. you say onward to true love. (o.k. when
you get the clamshell and braclet go right, now stand in front of the stake and type "TAKE STAKE"
thats all you have to do)
Wow you say as you reach your hand in the tree stump and pull out a necklace. I cant beleive I
found this in a treestump. You think to yourself, hmmmmmm i found a sling and a pouch full of
diamonds in a treestump and now this, i think this is a pattern. shaking your head from thought
you put the necklace in your pouch and continue on your way. (o.k. now when you get the stake go
right once and down twice. stand in front of the log and type "LOOK IN LOG" you should find a 
necklace, type "TAKE NECKLACE".)
Hello little girl you say as you wave to a child. Hello sir she says as she begins telling you 
her troubles. Hmmm you say outloud, you lost your goodies, well ill help you find them. Oh thank
you she says excited to have help. Your welcome you say as you begin looking. (o.k. when you get
the necklace head down twice and left, wait for a few seconds and a girl should show up, if not
leave and come back to the spot and wait again. when you see the girl stand in front of her and
type "TALK TO GIRL", she will tell you her problem.)
Here they are you yell out as you close the mailbox. I have them right here you yell out as you
go back to where little girl was standing. Oh thank you she says as she takes the basket of
goodies. Here you say as you smile. She smiles back and hands you a handful of flowers. Here take
this i owe you one sir. You smile and begin to giggle, thank you little girl you say as you take
the flowers and wave her goodbye. (o.k. when you find out the girls problem head right and stand
in front of the mailbox. type "OPEN MAILBOX" then you should find goodies, type "TAKE GOODIES".
now head back to the left and wait for the girl, if she doesnt show up just leave and come back.
now go in front of her and type "GIVE GIRL FLOWERS", then you should get the flowers.)
Oh no you say as you see a dwarf with red firey eyes glaring at you hungirly. I better get out of
here, you say as you run back over to the ladder you decended down from. but to your suprize the
dwarf did not follow you. hmmm you say as you walk back into the dwarfs home. no one is home? How
can this be you say to yourself as you look around. mmmmmm.. you say as you smell what is cooking
in the pot over the fireplace. its chicken soup you say as you take it, ill be hungry later, it
may be stealing but hey im on a journey. You walk over by the chest with the thought in your head
that you are on a journey and you need all you can get, so you open the chest and take out the 
earrings. I better get out of here you think to yourself, before that dwarf gets back and has me
for dinner. (o.k. when you get the flowers go up once and right twice you should be in front of a
door way, stand in front of it and type "OPEN DOOR" now go in, there should be a ladder just go
down it, but be careful you could fall to your death. when you get to the bottom go to the right.
if there is a dwarf leave and come back until he is gone, when he is gone go in front of the fire
place and type "TAKE POT", than walk over to the chest and type "OPEN CHEST" than type "TAKE EARR
INGS". now when you are done leave.)
Hello m'lady you say as you see an old woman lying in her bed. Hello she says through couphing. 
You look to be sick m'lady how may i help. The old woman smiled as she begins telling you what 
she wants. All i want is some soup, she tells you hoping you could get it for her, that is all.
o.k. you say as you hand her your newly found soup. hmmmm she says as she takes it and starts eat
ing it, here look under the bed dear and the stuff is your's. O.K. you say as you bend down and
reach for the two items, they are a ruby ring and a black cloak. ahhh excelent you say as you put
the ring and cloak on. Looks good on you the old woman says between bites. Thank you m'lady you
say as you exit her cottage in hopes that you can leave in peace. (o.k. as soon as you leave the
dwarfs house go down and left, you should be at a house. stand in front of the door and type "OPE
N DOOR", go in, if there is a wolf here leave and come back, there should be an old woman lying 
in bed. walk up to her and type "GIVE WOMAN SOUP" she should thank you and have you look under 
the bed, you should get the ring and cloak now leave.)
10. SMASH!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! you scream as you hit the ground as hard as you can. What the heck triped me
you yell out as you stand up brushing yourself off. Oh you say out loud getting more calm. A hole
you think as you check it. what you say as you pick up a mallet that was sitting in the hole. som
eone has hidden a mallet in this hole, first a dagger, and now a mallet, this is a pattern. (o.k.
when you leave grandmas house go right,up,right,up and go behind the tree. type "LOOK IN HOLE" an
d it should say you found a mallet, now type "TAKE MALLET". on your way be careful there is a
theif that steals things so just restore your game and save often.)
You lift up your head as you finish saying your prayers, the monk looks at you, what is your name
my child? You clear your throat, my name is graham. good, he says as he smiles. here he says as
he takes the cross necklace off his neck and hands it to you. I want you to have this in case you
run into any trouble. You take the cross and put it around your neck. Thank you, you say as you
walk out of the monestary. Your welcome my child the monk says as he turns around and begins to
pray again. (o.k. when you get the mallet go down twice and right once, you should be in front of
a church, stand in front of the door and type "OPEN DOOR", now enter and stand next to the monk.
type "PRAY" you should pray and after a couple of seconds the monk should ask you what your name
is, type "GRAHAM" and he should give you the cross.)
Whats this you say as you reach your hand into the hole in the rock and pull out a brooch. I can
not beleive my luck you say aloud as you put the brooch in your pouch. I hope my luck doesn't
change you say as you continue on your journey in hopes that things will stay the same. (o.k. now
when you leave the church walk down, you should see a rock near the water with a hole in it, get
close to it and type "LOOK IN HOLE" it should say you see a brooch, now type "TAKE BROOCH".)
What is this supposed to be, a sick joke? you say getting angry as you pull at the door. This 
door is locked you say as you keep trying to open it, but with all your might you can't. hmmmm 
you think to yourself as you notice something written on the door. What the heck does that mean
you say as you walk back pondering the meaning of this riddle, man you say just when i thought
i was getting lucky. (o.k. when you get the brooch go up twice and cross the bridge, now go up. 
you should see a door, now stand in front of it and type "OPEN DOOR" it should say you cant, now
type "LOOK AT DOOR" it should say there is writting on it, now type "READ DOOR" it should tell 
you something about a big splash.)
I can't belevie it you say as you stand on the beach frozen with curiosity. that is the first 
mermaid i have ever seen. You look at the mermaid as she splashes her tail against the rock. That
is it you yell out as you jump into the water, you begin talking to the mermaid but she seems un-
interested in what you have to say. Here you say as you hand her some flowers as a peace offering
why thank you the mermaid says as she summons her sea horse. You look at the mermaid and get on
the back of the sea horse thinking if that is what the mermaid wanted. it must have been you say
to yourself as you whip through the sea. (o.k. when you check out the door head down and left and
cross the bridge. now go left 3 times and down twice now go left again and down, there thats done
you should see a mermaid, go into the water and type "SWIM" now type "TALK TO MERMAID" she should
ignore you, now type "GIVE MERMAID FLOWERS", she should summon a seahorse, now go in front of the
sea horse and type "RIDE SEAHORSE".)
You take the key as you slap your seahorse in order to leave, you wave at the king in thanks, you
do not try to get too excited, because you know your air supply is short. the king waves at you
with his newly found trident and smiles. After a while you are back on land, you turn around and
look but the sea horse is gone. You take the key out of your pouch and look at it, hmmm you say,
lets go unlock that door. (the seahorse should take you to a king, now type "GIVE TRIDENT" and
he should give you a bottle and open up a clam for you that reveals a key, now go over there 
and type "TAKE KEY". now leave to the shore.)
Here we go you say as you put the key into the door, it magicaly opens only to reveal yet another
door. another one you say outloud as you try to open the second door. locked just like the first
you say as you look for an inscription on the door. hmmm you think to yourself as you read it, i
wonder if that means the mountains. (o.k. when you get on the shore walk back to the magic door 
and stand in front of it, type "UNLOCK DOOR" after a few seconds it should open to reveal another
door, type "OPEN DOOR", then type "LOOK AT DOOR", then type "READ DOOR", it should say something
about seeking high.)
How beutifal you say as you put your finger in the nightingales cage. it starts to tweet when you
pull your finger out. You take out the cloth that was in the bottle that the king of the sea gave
you and put it over the cage. after a while the bird sits quietly. Now's my chance you say as you
take the bird and leave the cave in a hurry, if that witch gets back im dead. (o.k. when you read
the door leave and go across the bridge and go left 3 times, enter the cave, if there is a witch
leave and come back. now stand in front of the bird and type "GET CLOTH" now type "PUT CLOTH OVER
THE BIRD CAGE" now when that is done type "TAKE CAGE".)
I need to give this bird a better home you say to yourself as you walk into the antique dealers
house. Here you say as you sit the cage down on the counter. The woman behind the counter smiles
as she grabs the cage and hands you an oil lamp. she thanks you and hurridly shows you the way
out. Gee thanks you say as you look at the lamp, i wonder what use this has. (o.k. when you exit
the cave head right 4 times down,down,right,down, and left. go in front of the door and type 
"OPEN DOOR", now go in front of the counter and type "GIVE CAGE TO WOMAN", you should get an oil
lamp. now leave the house.)
Hmmm. you say as you see a speck of grease on your newly aquired oil lamp, you decide to rub it
of and as you do magic smoke fills the air, and a voice booms. You will have this magic carpet
master as the smoke vanishes. You look down to find a magic carpet on the ground. Wow you say as
you stand on it, you look up and command the carpet to rise. (o.k. when you leave the house type
"RUB LAMP" now type "RIDE CARPET".)
As you rub the lamp again as you stand over the cliff the genie comes out and gives you a sword.
Thank you genie you say as you holster the sword on your belt. (o.k. just type "RUB LAMP" when 
you land)
My third wish you say as you rub the lamp and the magical genie appears. I give you this bridle.
and as he says that him and the lamp vanishes. hmmm you say as you hold the bridle in your hands,
my third and final wish...(o.k. just type "RUB LAMP")
As you continue your journey you come upon a large snake blocking your way. in panic you throw 
the bridle on the snake to try to crush it. You think it works but to your suprize you just made
a white steer. wow you think to yourself as you begin to introduce yourself. The steer begins to
tell the story of how it ended up like it did. in thanks it gives you a sugar cube protecting you
from any poisions. Thank you, you say as it flys off. you clear your throat and see a cave ahead
of you. (o.k. when you get your bridle walk right and stand a ways from the snake now type "USE
BRIDLE ON THE SNAKE", you should get a sugar cube. now walk right and into the cave.)
As you pick up the key you sit it into your pouch. You rest against the rock and begin to smile.
finally you say to yourself, my journey is almost over. you exit the cave and throw down your
magic carpet. (o.k. when your in the cave stand in front of the key and type "GET KEY" now exit
the cave and type "RIDE CARPET".)
As you make your way back to the second door you unlock it and to your amazment, there is a third
(and you hope)  final door. you try to open it, but it is locked, you look at it then read the
inscription on the door. O.K. fine you say to yourself as you walk off. (o.k. make your way back
to the three doors, now stand in front of it and type "UNLOCK DOOR", now type these three things
I'm glad i made it you think to yourself as you get off the boat. You feel hungry so you check
your pouch and only find a sugar cube. hmmm that will do you say as you put it into your mouth
and begin to chew. You look ahead of you and enter through the door, as you enter you see two
ghosts gaurding the door, Uh oh you say as they begin to notice you, they take a quick look at
you and then leave. Hmm you say as you look at yourself, must be something im wearing. You shake
your head and clear your throught as you walk through the second door. As you go through the door
you see a spiral staircase you decide to sum up the courage to climb it. As you get to the top
you look around and discover a drawer, you decide to open it and take the candle that is inside
of it. I'm going to need this you say to yourself as you take one final look around and leave 
back down the stairs. As you stumble down the stairs you stop before you fall to your death, here
you say as you light the candle the torch gets lit, there you say as you make your way to the
bottom of the stairs now i can see. As you continue on your journey you stop for a minute to take
a peice of meat. hey you say, who is going to eat this in a dark dank place like this? As you 
continue your journey you see a cofin. Hmm you say as you open it up in wonder. wow you say as 
you see a vampire sleeping. You take out your stake knowing you must stop this evil and jammed it
in the vampires chest. the vampire yells out in defeat as you smile knowing you saved the world
from terror. You wipe your forehead and stop to catch your breath. (o.k. as soon as you leave the
door go down and left now cross the bridge and go left,left,up,up, if you didn't put on your 
cloak or your ring do it now just type "PUT ON RING" and "PUT ON CLOAK". now type "GET INTO BOAT"
and then when it is time type "GET OUT OF BOAT", now type "EAT SUGAR". now go to the door and 
type "OPEN DOOR" go through it, the next door should have ghosts in front of it but they will
leave you alone, when they do stand in front of the door and type "OPEN DOOR". now go right and
walk up the stairs. When your in the room, stand in front of the drawer and type "OPEN DRAWER" 
now type "TAKE CANDLE" now go back down the stairs and about halfway there is a torch, stop when
you get there and type "LIGHT CANDLE". now go right twice, stand in front of the meat and type
"TAKE MEAT". now continue to head right for about two screens. There should be a coffin, if the
lid is opened when you get there leave and come back. When the lid is closed stand in front of
it and type "OPEN COFFIN" now type "KILL DRACULA".)
Its time to go you say to yourself, but before i do that i need to help myself to some valuables.
You reach down and take the silver key and put it into your pouch. you look around and take a 
coushin and the gold key. o.k. you say, i got what i needed now its time to leave. (o.k. when you
kill dracula type "TAKE SILVER KEY" now type "TAKE CUSHION" and type "GET GOLDEN KEY", of course
you do have to stand in front of them, you should be good at that by now :)
You open up the chest and take out the tiara and put it into your pouch. O.K. you say now it is
time to leave. (O.K. when you get the items go right once and up twice now north, up. stand in 
front of the chest and type "UNLOCK CHEST" and type "OPEN CHEST" now type "TAKE TIARA". now go
down, keep heading down the steps and go down then left then down twice. type "GET IN BOAT" now
head back to the magical doors.)
As you unlock the door you wonder whats beyond, you walk through it. You stumble across a net on
your way and decide to pick it up, you sling it over your back and continue on your way. you make
your way back and sit to relax, hmmm you say as you decide some fish would sound good right now.
you spend a few tries and finaly you get a fish. wow you say as you look at it, its a golden fish
You decide to throw it back, but you examine it closley and a crazy idea pops into your head. Oh
you say as you jump on the fish. (o.k. as you unlock the door just as you do all the others, go
through it and head up, you should see a net, now type "TAKE NET", go down twice and stand by the
water, now type "FISH", you might need to try a few times but you will soon catch a giant golden
fish. now type these things "GET FISH" "THROW FISH" "RIDE FISH", ride the fish up two times and
As you get off the fish you bend over as you notice an amulet. you pick it up and put it into 
your pouch. You continue on your journey and come upon a door, you open it up and walk through,
not afraid of what you will face. You continue on your way as you come upon a lion, he notices
the smell of red blood in your pouch and begins looking at you hungirly. Here you say as you
take the meat out of your pouch and throw it in front of him, the lion totaly ignores you and 
focuses on the red meat. You walk in front of the door hoping this is where your true love is.
(stand in front of the amulet and type "TAKE AMULET" now head down and type "OPEN DOOR", now go
up three times. There should be a lion don't worry just type "GIVE MEAT TO LION" now go in front
of the door and type "OPEN DOOR",)
this is your part have fun
I would like to thank sega sages who can be reached at http://www.gamesages.com and also i would
like to give a big shout out to gamefaqs who can be reached at http://www.gamefaqs.com i would
also like to thank the fans that plays these games, the people that read these faqs, my family 
and above all else the people that take interest in wanting to post my faqs. (Thank you)

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