
                               FAQ/Walkthrough for



AUTHOR  : Tom Hayes
E-MAIL  : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com
UPDATED : 22nd May, 2004


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright Information


VERSION 2.0 : 22nd May, 2004
  Updated the format.

VERSION 1.0 : 27th April, 2003
  First version.


1.                                Introduction


Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards is an adult adventure 
game made by Sierra in 1987. The game is based in the town of Lost Wages, where 
players control a character named Larry Laffer as he searches the city looking 
for love. The popularity of this game inspired Sierra to create sequels, 
although many players still regard the first as the best of the series.


2.                                Walkthrough



The game starts outside Lefty's bar. "Open door" to enter the bar. "Sit" at the 
bar. "Buy whiskey". Walk through the doorway at the top-left corner of the bar. 
In the hallway, "give whiskey" to the man to receive a TV remote control. "Get 
rose" from the table, and "open door" on the right to enter the bathroom. "Get 
ring" from the sink. "Read graffiti" four times to discover the password. "Sit" 
on the toilet. "Stand". Exit the bathroom. South.

"Knock door" at the right side of the bar, and say "Ken sent me" as the 
password. In the storage room, "use remote control" and "change channel" seven 
times to distract the man. Up. "Get candy" from the table at the bottom-right 
corner of the room. "Open window". "Climb through window". Walk left to drop 
into the trash bin. "Get hammer". "Climb out". West. "Call taxi". "Open door" 
to enter the taxi and "go to casino".


"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. Enter the casino. North. "Get 
pass" from the ashtray. East. "Sit" on the chair at the bottom-right corner of 
the lounge. "Stand". Exit the lounge. South. Walk to one of the slot machines 
at the right side of the room and "put money in machine". Play the slot machine 
until you win $250. Exit the casino. "Buy apple" from the man. "Call taxi". 
"Open door" to enter the taxi and "go to shop".

| SHOP |

"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. "Look phone". "Use phone" and 
dial "209-683-6858". "Use phone" and dial "555-6969". Type any answer for the 
five questions. Enter the shop. "Get magazine" from the bottom-left shelf. 
"Read magazine". "Get wine" from the top-left shelf. "Buy protection" from the 
man at the counter, and choose either answer for the five questions he asks. 
Exit the shop. "Get phone". "Give wine" to the man to receive the knife. "Call 
taxi". "Open door" to enter the taxi and "go to disco".


"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. "Show pass" to the bouncer. 
Enter the disco. "Sit" on the chair near Fawn. "Look Fawn". "Look Fawn". "Give 
candy". "Give ring". "Give rose". "Ask Fawn to dance". Walk onto the dance 
floor. After the dance, "sit" on the chair near Fawn. "Give money". "Stand". 
Exit the disco. "Call taxi". "Open door" to enter the taxi and "go to casino".


"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. Enter the casino. North. Walk to 
one of the slot machines at the right side of the room and "put money in 
machine". Play the slot machine until you win at least $150. "Exit". Exit the 
casino. East.


Walk to the man standing by the post and "talk man". "Open door" to enter the 
chapel. "Marry Fawn". Exit the chapel. West.


"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. Enter the casino. North. Enter 
the elevator and "push four". Walk to the door with the heart on it at the left 
side of the room and "knock". "Turn on radio". "Open door" to exit the suite. 
Enter the elevator and "push one". South. Exit the casino. "Call taxi". "Open 
door" to enter the taxi and "go to shop".

| SHOP |

"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. "Use phone" and dial "555-8039". 
"Wine". "Suite". "Call taxi". "Open door" to enter the taxi and "go to casino".


"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. Enter the casino. North. Enter 
the elevator and "push four". Walk to the door with the heart on it at the left 
side of the room and "knock". "Pour wine". "Get in bed". "Cut rope with knife". 
"Get rope". "Open door" to exit the suite. Enter the elevator and "push one". 
South. Walk to one of the slot machines at the right side of the room and "put 
money in machine". Play the slot machine until you win at least $40. "Exit". 
Exit the casino. "Call taxi". "Open door" to enter the taxi and "go to bar".


"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. "Open door" to enter the bar. 
"Knock door" at the right side of the bar, and say "Ken sent me" as the 
password. In the storage room, walk up the steps to the bedroom. Walk to the 
south side of the bed and "remove clothes". "Use protection". "Get in bed". 
"Remove protection". "Climb through window". Walk to the right side of the fire 
escape and "tie rope to Larry". "Tie rope to rail". "Climb over rail". "Hit 
window". "Get pills". "Climb back". "Untie rope". Walk left to drop into the 
trash bin. "Climb out". West. "Call taxi". "Open door" to enter the taxi and 
"go to casino".


"Pay driver" and "open door" to exit the taxi. Enter the casino. North. Enter 
the elevator and "push eight". Walk to the desk and "look Faith". "Give pills 
to Faith". "Press button" on the desk and walk into the elevator to enter the 
penthouse. Walk to the top-right corner of the room to enter the bedroom. "Open 
door" at the right side of the bedroom and "get doll". "Inflate doll". "Use 
doll". "Use doll". Exit the closet to walk outside. Walk to the pool and "get 
in pool". "Look Eve". "Give apple to Eve" to complete the game.


3.                                Item List


  Bought from the man outside the casino. It is given to Eve in the pool 
  outside the penthouse.

  Available at the start of the game. It is used at sections of the game when 
  messages appear about bad breath.

  Found on the table in the bedroom of Lefty's bar. It is given to Fawn.

  Found in the sink in the bathroom of Lefty's bar. It is given to Fawn.

  Found in the ashtray in the casino. It is shown to the bouncer at the disco.

  Found in the closet of the penthouse in the casino. It is used twice.

  Bought from Lefty's bar. It is given to the man in the hallway of the bar for 
  the remote control.

  Found in the trash bin outside Lefty's bar. It is used to hit the right 
  window outside Lefty's bar.

  Found on the bottom-left shelf in the shop. It is not used.

  Found in the right window outside Lefty's bar. They are given to Faith on 
  floor eight of the casino.

  The pocket lint is available at the start of the game. It is not used.

  The man outside the shop will give Larry the pocket knife for the wine. It is 
  used on the rope in the suite on floor four of the casino.

  Bought from the man in the shop. It is used in the bedroom of Lefty's bar.

  The man in the hallway of Lefty's bar will give Larry the remote control for 
  the glass of whiskey. It is used to turn on and change the channel of the TV 
  in the storage room of the bar.

  Found in the suite on floor four of the casino. It is tied to Larry and the 
  rail outside Lefty's bar.

  Found on the table in the hallway of Lefty's bar. It is given to Fawn.

  Available at the start of the game. It is used to pay for the apple, glass of 
  whiskey, marriage, suite, taxi and wine.

  Found on the top-left shelf in the shop. It is given to the man outside the 
  shop for the pocket knife.

  Available at the start of the game. It is not used.


4.                                Point List


| 222 POINTS |

1  : Buy the whiskey from Lefty's bar.

2  : Give the whiskey to the man.

1  : Get the rose from the table.

3  : Get the ring from the sink.

2  : Read the graffiti four times.

1  : Sit on the toilet.

1  : Arrive at the casino.

3  : Use the remote in the storage room.

8  : Change the channel seven times.

2  : Get the candy from the bedroom.

3  : Get the hammer from the trash bin.

1  : Arrive at the casino.

1  : Get the disco pass from the ashtray.

1  : Sit on the chair in the lounge.

3  : Buy the apple from the man.

1  : Look at the phone outside the shop.

5  : Use the phone to call Sierra.

2  : Use the phone to call the hotline.

1  : Get the magazine from the shop.

1  : Read the magazine.

1  : Get the wine from the shop.

4  : Get the protection from the shop.

5  : Get the phone outside the shop.

5  : Give the wine to the man.

5  : Show the disco pass to the bouncer.

1  : Sit on the chair near Fawn.

1  : Look at Fawn twice.

1  : Talk to Fawn.

5  : Give the box of candy to Fawn.

5  : Give the ring to Fawn.

5  : Give the rose to Fawn.

5  : Dance with Fawn.

7  : Give the money to Fawn.

1  : Talk to the man outside the chapel.

12 : Marry fawn in the chapel.

1  : Turn on the radio in the suite.

5  : Order wine for the suite.

10 : Cut the rope with the knife.

3  : Get the rope.

10 : Use the protection in the bedroom.

11 : Get in the bed.

1  : Remove the protection.

8  : Get the pills from the window.

5  : Give the pills to Faith.

5  : Enter the penthouse.

5  : Get the doll from the closet.

5  : Inflate the doll.

8  : Use the doll twice.

40 : Give the apple to Eve.


5.                          Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in 
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is 
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of 
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.

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