FAQ/Walkthrough for
AUTHOR : Tom Hayes
E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com
UPDATED : 22nd May, 2004
1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright Information
VERSION 2.0 : 22nd May, 2004
Updated the format.
VERSION 1.0 : 1st May, 2003
First version.
1. Introduction
While the first game in the series was full of adult humour and jokes, Leisure
Suit Larry 2 features less of an adult theme and more of an excellent plot.
Near the start of the game, Larry manages to win the lottery, a cruise on a
ship, and a million dollars. It all seems like things are turning out well for
Larry, until he is mistaken for a spy and is given a mysterious instrument
known as the onklunk. From there on, he is tracked by agents that are trying to
retrieve the onklunk from Larry and return it to the evil doctor Nonookee in
his secret base on Nontoonyt island.
2. Walkthrough
The game starts outside Eve's house. Enter the garage and "get dollar". North.
North. North. East. East. Walk to the hole in the fence and "look hole". East.
Enter the quikie mart. "Buy ticket" and choose any numbers for the six choices.
Exit the quikie mart. West. West. West. Enter the studio. "Give ticket" to the
receptionist. Remember the numbers that she tells you, and enter them as the
six choices to win. "Sit" on the bench until the man enters the green room.
"Stand". Walk through the left door.
Type any answer for the two questions that Barbara asks to win the holiday on
the cruise ship. "Sit" on the bench until the woman enters the green room.
"Stand". Walk through the right door to enter the lottery room. Exit the studio
after winning the million dollar bill. East. South. Enter Molto Lira. Walk to
the back of the shop and "get swimsuit". Walk to the desk and "buy swimsuit".
Exit Molto Lira. South. Wait until the jogger appears on the path in the
background and "look jogger". West. South. Walk over to the trash and "get
passport". East. East.
Enter the barber shop and "sit" on the chair. Exit the barber shop. North.
North. East. Enter the drugstore. Walk to the left side of the left shelf and
"get sunscreen". "Buy sunscreen" at the counter, and then exit the drugstore.
North. Enter the quikie mart and "fill cup". "Pay woman". Exit the quikie mart.
West. West. West. South. Enter the music shop and "talk woman". After the
cutscene, walk east, south and then east to arrive at the harbor. Walk to the
man and "show ticket". Walk East to board the cruise ship.
On the map, walk to the bottom-right corner of the ship to enter the cabin.
"Open door" at the right side of the cabin to meet Barbara's mother. Exit and
enter the cabin to find that she has gone. "Open drawer" at the left side of
the bed and "get kit". West. "Get fruit" from the nightstand. Walk behind the
closet and "wear swimsuit". Exit the cabin. On the map, walk to the right side
of the ship to arrive at the pool.
"Use sunscreen". "Lie" on the empty deck chair. "Stand". Walk into the pool and
"swim". "Dive". Swim down to the bottom of the pool and "get bikini". Swim to
the surface of the pool and "climb out". "Use sunscreen". On the map, walk to
the bottom-right corner of the ship to enter the cabin. Walk behind the closet
and "wear suit". Exit the cabin. On the map, walk to the restaurant at the top
of the ship. "Get dip" from the left side of the bar.
Exit the restaurant. Walk to the left side of the ship to enter the barber
shop. "Sit" on the chair to receive the wig. On the map, walk to the top-left
corner of the ship to enter the bridge. Walk to the panel behind the captain
and "move switch". Exit the bridge. On the map, walk left along the green
platform on the way up the steps leading to the restaurant to arrive on the
upper deck. "Jump in lifeboat". "Use wig". "Throw dip".
South. "Get flower". In the restaurant, "talk man" at the podium. "Sit" in the
chair. "Get knife" from the buffet and exit the restaurant. "Exit" the forest
to enter the hotel room. "Get matches" from the nightstand. "Get soap" from the
restroom, and then exit the hotel room. "Exit" the forest to enter the barber
shop. "Sit" on the chair, and then exit the barber shop. "Exit" the forest to
return to the beach. West. "Get bikini". East. South.
"Exit" the forest to enter the restaurant. Exit the restaurant and "exit" the
forest to enter the hotel room. Walk to the dressing area at the top-right
corner of the room and "wear bikini". "Put soap in bikini". Exit the hotel room
and "exit" the forest to enter the barber shop. "Sit" on the chair, and then
exit the barber shop. East. East. Walk down the cliff path and "wear suit" at
the end of the path to arrive at the airport.
"Give flower" to the agents near the door and enter the airport. West. Enter
the barber shop. "Look woman". "Sit" in the chair, and then exit the barber
shop. East. East. "Show passport" to the passport agent behind the counter.
East. Stand near the conveyer belt and watch the luggage that passes the
screen. When the green luggage appears, "get luggage". After the cutscene, "buy
ticket" from the ticket agent.
East. "Show passport" to the agent behind the counter. East. East. "Buy food".
"Get pin". "Buy parachute" from the red machine at the right side of the room.
Walk onto the right path at the top of the room to enter the waiting room. Walk
to the left side of the desk and "get pamphlet". "Show ticket" to the flight
attendant and walk along the jetway to the plane.
"Get bag". "Give pamphlet to Ken". "Stand". East. Walk to the bottom-right
corner of the plane and "use pin on door". "Move handle". "Wear parachute".
"Open door". "Use parachute" to land in a tree on Nontoonyt island.
"Use knife on rope" to land in the jungle. "Get stick". "Crawl" under the bush
near the bottom-left corner of the area to avoid the bees. South. Walk under
the branch and quickly "use stick" as the snake appears. East. Walk carefully
across the light path to the other side of the quicksand. Walk near the right
side of the bank and "reach vine" After swinging on the first vine, "swing on
vine" to land on the second vine.
"Swing on vine" to reach the third vine and land on the other side of the
river. "Get vine". East. After the cutscene, walk south, east and south to
arrive on the beach. "Get sand". West. "Get ashes". West. North. Walk to the
edge of the chasm and "use vine on branch". North. "Use ashes on ice". North.
Walk to the crack and "put bag in bottle". "Use matches on bag". "Drop bottle
in crack" and enter the elevator to complete the game.
3. Item List
Bought from the ticket agent in the airport after the crowd have gone. It is
shown to the flight attendant in the waiting room.
Found in the plane. It is put in the bottle of hair rejuvenator at the top of
the volcano on Nontoonyt island.
Found on the campfire in the village on Nontoonyt island. They can be used to
melt the ice at the bottom of the volcano.
Found on the rock at the left side of the resort beach. It is worn in the
resort hotel room.
Found at the bottom of the pool on the cruise ship. It is worn in the resort
hotel room.
Found in the food ordered from the airport. It is used to open the door at
the bottom-right corner of the plane.
Won from The Dating Connection show in the studio. It is given to the man at
the harbor.
Found at the right side of the garage at the start of the game. It is used to
buy a lottery ticket in the quikie mart.
Found in the resort forest. It is given to the agents outside the airport.
Found on the nightstand in Larry's cabin on the cruise ship. It is not used.
Found by filling the cup in the quikie mart. It is used on the lifeboat ride
to the resort.
Rosella will give Larry the hair rejuvenator in the airport barber shop. It
is used with the airsick bag at the top of the volcano on Nontoonyt island.
Found on the buffet in the resort restaurant. It is used to cut the parachute
rope after landing in the tree on Nontoonyt island.
Bought from the quikie mart. It is given to the receptionist in the studio.
Found on the nightstand in the resort hotel room. They are used on the bag in
the bottle at the top of the volcano on Nontoonyt island.
Won from the Lucky Life Lottery show in the studio. It is given to the woman
in Molto Lira for the wad o'dough.
Found at the left side of the desk in the airport waiting room. It is given
to Ken in the plane.
Found in the red vending machine in the airport. It is worn before jumping
out of the plane.
Found in the trash outside Eve's house. It is shown to the man at the harbor
and the passport agent in the airport.
Found on the beach on Nontoonyt island. It can be used to melt the ice at the
bottom of the volcano.
Found in the drawer in the cabin on the cruise ship. It is used on the
lifeboat ride to the resort.
Found in the restroom in the resort hotel room. It is put in the bikini top
in the resort hotel room.
Found at the left side of the bar in the restaurant on the cruise ship. It is
thrown off the lifeboat after leaving the cruise ship, and is also used on
the lifeboat ride to the resort.
Found after landing on Nontoonyt island. It is used on the snake.
Found at the left side of the left shelf in the drugstore. It is used before
and after swimming in the pool on the cruise ship, and is also used on the
lifeboat ride to the resort.
Found at the back of the Molto Lira shop. It is worn to swim in the pool on
the cruise ship.
Found after swinging to the other side of the river on Nontoonyt island. It
is used on the branch to cross the chasm.
The woman in the Molto Lira shop will give Larry the wad o'dough when she is
given the million dollar bill.
The barber will give Larry the wig in the cruise ship barber shop. It is worn
after leaving the cruise ship in the lifeboat.
4. Point List
| 500 POINTS |
3 : Get the dollar bill from the garage.
1 : Look through the hole in the fence.
3 : Buy the lottery ticket.
10 : Win the lottery at the studio.
1 : Sit on the bench in the green room.
20 : Win The Dating Connection show.
6 : Get the cruise ship ticket.
12 : Win the Lucky Life Lottery show.
7 : Get the million dollar bill.
5 : Get the swimsuit from Molto Lira.
3 : Buy the swimsuit from Molto Lira.
1 : Look at the jogger.
5 : Get the passport from the trash.
3 : Sit on the chair in the barber shop.
9 : Buy the sunscreen from the drugstore.
5 : Fill the cup in the quikie mart.
3 : Pay for the grotesque gulp.
7 : Get the onklunk from the music shop.
9 : Give the ticket to the man at the harbor.
6 : Get the sewing kit from the drawer.
3 : Get the fruit from the nightstand.
3 : Use the sunscreen before swimming.
3 : Lie on the deck chair.
7 : Get the bikini at the bottom of the pool.
3 : Use the sunscreen after swimming.
2 : Get the spinach dip from the restaurant.
3 : Sit on the chair in the barber shop.
8 : Move the switch in the bridge.
2 : Jump in the lifeboat.
5 : Ride away from the cruise ship.
5 : Wear the wig on the lifeboat.
2 : Throw the spinach dip off the lifeboat.
25 : Ride the lifeboat to the resort.
3 : Get the flower from the forest.
1 : Sit in the chair at the restaurant.
1 : Enter the restaurant.
3 : Get the knife from the buffet.
2 : Get the matches from the hotel room.
2 : Get the soap from the restroom.
3 : Sit on the chair in the barber shop.
4 : Get the bikini bottom from the rock.
5 : Wear the bikini in the hotel room.
12 : Put the soap in the bikini.
3 : Sit on the chair in the barber shop.
12 : Avoid the agents on the resort beach.
6 : Wear the suit at the bottom of the path.
7 : Give the flower to the agents.
3 : Look at Rosella in the barber shop.
3 : Sit on the chair in the barber shop.
5 : Show the passport to the passport agent.
5 : Get the green luggage in the airport.
15 : Clear the crowd from the airport.
5 : Buy the ticket from the ticket agent.
7 : Get the pin from the plate.
3 : Buy the parachute from the red machine.
11 : Get the pamphlet from the waiting room.
3 : Show the airline ticket to the attendant.
5 : Get the airsick bag from the plane.
8 : Give the pamphlet to Ken in the plane.
5 : Use the pin to open the plane door.
4 : Wear the parachute.
6 : Open the plane door.
8 : Use the knife to cut the parachute rope.
4 : Get the stick from the jungle.
6 : Crawl under the bush to avoid the bees.
10 : Use the stick on the snake.
5 : Walk to the other side of the quicksand.
6 : Swing to the other side of the river.
4 : Get the vine from the branch.
10 : Talk to Kalalau on the beach.
25 : Arrive at the chasm.
3 : Get the sand from the beach.
6 : Get the ashes from the campfire.
11 : Use the vine on the branch.
10 : Use the ashes to melt the ice.
5 : Put the airsick bag in the bottle.
5 : Use the matches on the bag.
10 : Drop the bottle in the crack.
30 : Enter the elevator to defeat Nonookee.
5. Copyright Information
This document is Copyright 2003-2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
The Spoiler Centre