The Unofficial Walkthrough of Phantasmagoria II: A Puzzle Of Flesh
by D. Melanson

0.} Okay, first off: if you are under 17, return this game now.  It's
NOT for you.  Sure, Sierra put in a "Less Intense" version of some of
the scenes...but if you actually watch them, you are a.) too young to
be playing this, b.) too squeamish to be playing this, or c.) just
plain crazy to have bought it in the first place with that big 
"WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT!" sticker.  Secondly, this walkthrough
contains a lot of "unnecessary" stuff (you don't really have to talk
to the rat every day or look at certain things or call certain people)
but given that this is a psychologically-based game, I figured...why 
not throw in just about every piece of psych-out stuff I could find?
That said, on with the show...

1.} Click on the mirror, then go right, and click on the
nightstand next to the bed.  Click on the drawer.  Take the 
screwdriver, granola bar (in the wrapper), and the photo.  Exit and
go left.  Click the left slanted arrow direction to go to the living
room.  Click on the photo on the coffee table, then take it, and exit
the close-up.  Go left, then click on the square cage in the middle of
the case on the right.  Click on the bottom of the screen (down-
pointing arrow).  Click on the bookshelf.  If you want (not necessary),
take a look at the picture to the left of the bookshelf; that's 
Sierra's design crew for the game.  Exit that close-up, then go left
and head off on the angled direction (up & left) to the front door.
Click on the basket on the door.  Click the up & right direction
to go back to the living room.  Use "Today's Mail" on yourself.  Look
at the postcard in inventory & click on the magnifying glass to read
the other side...hmmm.  Verrrry interrresting.  Exit that & go back to
the front door.  Click on the front door.  Go back to the living room.
Click on the couch.  Well, there's your wallet.  Bloody rat...  Go 
left and click on Blob's cage again.  Go right, then use Blob on the
couch.  Use the granola bar on the couch.  Go back to the front hall
and click on the door again.  (Note: Blob's not on your shoulder as 
you stand in front of the door, but she IS in the movie when you
walk up to the door.  Strange...)  Travel to Wyntech (click on the
word Wyntech on the map...duh.)  Open the door on the right.  Click
in the up & right direction.  Click on the boxes, then on the monitor
to move them out of the way.  Click on the door, then on the keyhole.
Exit (down-pointing arrow) and Curtis puts the boxes back.  Go right,
then through the door to exit to the hallway.  Examine your wallet
in inventory.  Take the keycard out and click it on the sensor (the
box with the light) next to the first door on the left.  Click the
water cooler.  Go right, and click on the door you see to the left side
of the screen in the little hallway (Curtis's right).  Click the
right-angled directional.  Then click the left-angled directional.
Click on Tom, then click the wallet on him, then click the key card on
him, then click the back arrow to exit.  Click the right-angled
directional.  Click on Jocilyn twice (hmmmm....also interrrrresting).
Click the parent photo on her, then the Christmas party photo on her, 
then the postcard on her...not from her.  Strange.  Okay, click "down"
to exit, then go right.  Click the right directional, then the right
directional again.  Talk to Bob.  Ahh, no wonder Curtis said he was
a rat.  Click on him again to give him the ol' one-finger salute.
Click down, then click the left directional.  Click on Therese, then
click the postcard on her. down, then go left.  Click
the left directional.  Click on the chair.  Exit the closeup, exit
your cubicle, take the right directional.  Click on Trevor, then
click the Christmas party picture on him, then the postcard, then
the key card, then the parent photo.  Go back to your cubicle.  Sit
in the chair.  If you like rodentia, click on the picture of Blob.
Click on the notepad that's sitting left of the keyboard.  Exit that
and click on the phone.  To dial extensions, press the actual button
keys.  Strange how the same key makes different tones sometimes...oh
well.  Call Jocilyn (6992) twice.  You can also call Trevor (6125),
Tom (6120), Therese (3038), or Paul Allen Warner (6996).  If you try
to call Bob, Curtis refuses.  You can also call yourself for a good
little jest at Ed McMahon.  Click on the computer.  Type in BLOB
and press the LOGIN button, after which you get punched by something
invisible.  And a voice calls you "FREAK!"  Just like in the opening
movie.  Weird...

2.} Call Trevor (6125) again.  Then call yourself again (6100) and
NOT quite have as much fun this time...(heh heh!)  Go out of your
cubicle and go to Trevor's.  Click on him, then exit & go over to
Therese's cubicle.  Click on her, then exit and go back to your own
cubicle.  Sit in the chair, click on the computer.  Open the CurtisC
folder, open the "Venimen-Sagawa" file.  Read the documentation (do 
NOT click on the actual file text, just use the scrollbar to read it)
Click on the Archive folder, click the Cancel button, open the other
folders...and read the Venimen documents in there.  Read the Employees
files.  Then click the E-mai (mailbox) icon on the lower left.  Read
your mail and answer when appropriate (Trevor's jokes & Therese's
little mush-note).  You can reply however you like to them (doesn't 
matter).  You'll also get responses to your e-mails if you hang around
a couple minutes.  Anyway, click on the leftmost icon at the bottom of
your screen.  Open the Venimen file again in your own folder, and 
click on the document itself three times.  Uh-oh.  Now to get REALLY
confused, click on the monitor again.  Pick up the phone & call 6125.
Go out of your cubicle and go into Trevor's.  Click on him.  Hmmm...
isn't that strange?  He just told you to get over to his cubicle post 
haste, and he acts like he's surprised to see you! (Small Sierra goof, 
maybe?  Or a sign that Curtis is really going nuts?)  Click on the
waiter, then click on Trevor three times.  Click on the door on the
right (Network room again).  Exit to the right & out, then click on
the water cooler again...hmmmm.  Nice toss, huh?  Go to her cubicle and
click on her.  Go to your own cubicle, and sit in the chair.  Click on
the monitor, open your folder, and click on the Venimen file.  Exit
the closeup, exit the cubicle, go to Bob's cubicle and click on Bob.
What a jerk.  Go to Trevor's cubicle and talk to Trevor.  Hmmm, that
promotion thing again.  Go to your own cubicle, and sit in the chair.
Click on the monitor.  As the letters cycle through, click on each when
it's on the appropriate letter to freeze it in place.  You want the
word to spell out "RATBOY", which unlocks the file...Bob's nickname for
Curtis.  Exit the computer, then the cubicle.  Go to Bob's cubicle and
click on him.  JERK.  Leave the cubicle and go right.  Click on 
Warner's door, then go left and look at the small plaque on the wall
at far left.  Click on the desktop, then on the family picture, then
on the desk drawer.  Go back to your cubicle, sit in the chair, click
on the document for the Venimen file, then exit the cubicle, and exit
out to the hallway (this is weird; you can't click on the door directly
behind you; you have to actually turn around by first facing the
cubicles, then turning again!  Strange...)  Click on the door on the
right; you wind up back outside again after an interesting clip with
the cables coming to life.  Click "down" to exit Wyntech.  Go to the
Dreaming Tree.  Click on Jocilyn.  Click on Max the waiter, then click
on Jocilyn three more times.  Use your wallet on the check that's on
the table.  Back at the apartment, examine the business card in
inventory for a flashback and some info.  Exit the inventory closeup.
Now get any kids out of the room and click on Jocilyn for the end-of-
chapter movie. the guy playing Curtis really objected to
this scene, now didn't he?  Neat ending, though...rather gruesome.  
Then we're off to CD #2...

3.} Speaking of gruesome...bye, Bob.  Good riddance. Go into the
front hall and check the mailbox.  Go into the living room and click
the mail on yourself.  Look at the "greeting card."  Click Dr. 
Harburg's card onthe phone.  Go left.  Click on the rat cage.  Exit
the apartment and go to WynTech.  Talk to Jocilyn, then Trevor, then
Therese.  Hmmm...not much conversation here.  Click on the main office
door, then on the door past the main office door (on the left)...
Warner's office.  Click on the Post-It note on the floor behind you
for a close-up.  Take it.  Exit through the door behind you.  Ooh,
boy, Bob REALLY got it, didn't he?  Click on Detective Powell (bitch
of the first order, as you will find out later).  Now just wait until
she asks about Bob, then when you've got a free moment (when she's
not asking you anything), click on the left side of the aisle to see
our wonderful buddy eating...something.  Do it again just to see
this guy eating an eyeball...lovely.  Now, in the Dreaming Tree (where
you wind up), talk to Jocilyn (on the right) twice...oops.  Now talk
to Therese three times...this woman is WEIRD.  Go to the living room
in your apartment.  Click on the rat cage...oh, great, now your RAT
is cursing you!  Click on the bookcase.  Go into the bedroom, then
click on the mirror.  Go back to WynTech.  Click on Warner's door in
the main hallway, then go into the main office area.  Go BACK into the
main office area and go into TOM's cubicle.  Pick up the phone and 
dial 6996.  Leave Tom's cubicle and go into Warner's office from
the main office area door.  Click on the desktop, then on the computer.
Read the document.  Exit the computer and click on the family portrait.
Open the desk drawer and grab the key.  Exit the close-up.  Go to Bob's
cubicle.  Click under Bob's desk on the left.  Take the button.  Exit
the close-up.  Exit the office area and go into the Network Room.
Diagonal right.  Move the stack of boxes, then the monitor.  Use the 
key on the lock.  Click on the bottom of the screen (there's a file 
cabinet there in the dark) to open it.  Take the toolbox, then click 
on it.  Hmmm...not good.  Exit the storage room and go back to your 
apartment.  Go into the living room.  Click the toolbox (in inventory)
on yourself.  Take the dress (on the right).  Take the file folder.
Examine the file in inventory to read it.  Click the tool tray.  Bolted
in, huh?  You could try the screwdriver, but it doesn't work.  Go to
Doc Harburg's office.  Click on Dr. Harburg, then use Bob's button on
her.  Click on the paperweight on her desk on the left.  Now click
the following objects on the Doc: Christmas party photo (Uh-oh...
homosexuality alert!  Rate it NC-17!), photo of your parents,
Threshold file, lace twice, postcard, greeting card, then her own
business card.  Go to the Dreaming Tree.  Talk to the waiter twice,
then click on the menu twice.  Go to the Borderline.  Talking to the
bouncer does no good, and neither does the him the
greeting card to get past him.  Talk to the patron at the bar...that's
a GUY?  (Sorry, I shouldn't have told you to do that...won't hurt you,
but it IS funny...) Click diagonal left.  Click on the left door.
Uh...yeah.  Now there's something you don't see every you?
Click to go back.  Go diagonal up & right.  You can try to go ahead,
but the bouncer will stop you.  Click back to get back to the bar.
Go left.  Talk to Therese three times...and get a drink from the
waiter at the Dreaming Tree.  Odd coincidence, don't you think?  Click
on the drink, then click on the guy onstage.  After that wonderful
experience (and a subsequent...well, more interesting experience),
you wind up lying on your back at home.  To end the chapter, click
on the ring in your belly button.  AAAUUUUGHH!  Not only is this gross,
but the sudden "slimy tentacle coming out from the bandages to grab 
the little kid's face" is actually fairly unsettling (just because you
don't expect the thing to come from THERE...)  Welcome to CD #3 (things
get faster until we get to the last chapter.)

4.} When you wake up, the phone's ringing.  Go into the living room
and click on the phone.  Click on the drop box to get the mail, then
go to the living room and click the mail on yourself.  Hmmm, a book
signing...Adrienne Delaney's "How To Cope With Loss," huh?  Wonder
what she talks about losing...couldn't have anything to do with her
accidentally releasing a demon that possessed her husband so that she
had to kill him, COULD IT NOW? (For those of you who haven't played
the first Phantasmagoria game...yes, this is an "inside joke.")  Walk
over to the rat cage and talk to Blob.  Now exit and go to WynTech.
Go into the Network Room, go right diagonal, click on the plastered
door.  Back up, and there's a desk to the left side of the screen...
click on it and take the hammer.  Go back to the main hallway, then
click on the Network Room again...ah-ha.  Ooh, what NICE eyes you have,
Mr. Demonic Entity Thingy...NOW go to the main office area.  Well, we
know Warner's a jerk, but this sequence is further proof of just how
much fun Detective Powell is to be around.  Click on your computer.
Click on CurtisC, type in "BLOB" and Log In.  Now, if you're working
on the computer, you may notice that occasionally, your "arrow" cursor
turns back into the WynTech Logo cursor.  When this happens, watch
folder and file names...they start changing (briefly) to words like
"MURDER" or "DIE" or "CANNIBAL" or a couple dozen more.  How nice...
Click on the e-mail icon and read all your mail (reply to those that
allow you to).  Also notice the wonderfully friendly messages from
"your father" and from "Hell" (that one will appear shortly), not to
mention the message "from you" with the title "ME" sent to all 
employees.  This should all add up to one thing...Mr. Demonic Entity
is somehow tied into the computer system.  That's what they get for
going to Windows 95, I guess...  Click on the document icon, open the
CurtisC folder, and open the Alotharia9.doc file.  Click on the
document.  Open the Archive folder and type in "CARPE DIEM" then hit
the OK button.  Open the Threshold.doc file.  Open the Memos folder,
and read the three documents.  The passwords are the words you found
on the memo in Warner's open Access.doc, type INFECTION.
To open Energy.doc, type REVELATION.  To open Curtis.doc, type
DESECRATION.  Leave your computer, and use the phone to call 6125, 
6992, then 6114...uh, Bob?  Aren't you supposed to be dead?  The phone
will ring in a couple seconds.  Click on it to answer it...BOB, I TOLD
YOU, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!  Call 3038 twice...uh...yeah.  Then
call 6100...great.  Okay, leave the cubicle and go to Trevor's.  Talk
to him three times, then go to Therese's cubicle.  Talk to her twice.
Uh...yeah. more, huh?  Great.  Exit her cubicle
and go to Bob's cubicle.  Click on the box.  Ah, goody...more blood.
This game's got more blood than your average WHALE has.  Go to
Jocilyn's cubicle and talk to her twice...typical male.  Exit her
cubicle and click on Warner's door.  Go to your own cubicle.  Crazy
hallucinations.  Exit the cubicle and click on Warner's door again.
Uh-oh.  Flashback...and now you're in a loony bin.  I love the "music"
for this bugs the hell out of me.  Click on the nurse,
then on the two patients rolling the ball back and forth.  Talk to the
woman under the table towards the bottom on the right twice.  Uh,
yeah...would you mind NOT biting your own wrists, thank you?  All right
now click on Curtis, then on the strap buckle.  When the two nuts in
front of you roll the ball back and forth, click on the ball.  Click
on Curtis, then on the buckle, go right, and hit the right diagonal to
close out this nightmare...go to the Dreaming Tree and talk to Trevor
four times.  Go to your apartment and go into the living room.  Click
the toolbox on yourself, then examine the hammer in inventory.  With
the hammer close-up still open, grab the screwdriver from inventory
and click it on the hammer to make "combined tools."  Click the "close"
button on the inventory window and click the "combined tools" on the
toolbox tray.  Take the letter and read it...whoa.  Not good.  Exit
the letter, then exit the toolbox, click the letter on yourself.
Go over to Blob's cage and click on it...gee, thanks, Blob.  Go to
the bookshelf and click on it...nice library, huh?  Go to the bedroom
and look in the mirror.  Lovely go to Doc Harburg's
office.  Click on the Doc, then click the following objects on her:
Photo of parents, Christmas party photo, postcard, greeting card,
Threshold file, letter from your father twice, lace, and finally Bob's
button.  Go to the Borderline.  Talk to the guy at the bar...hmmm,
Curtis's attitude certainly is changing, isn't it?  Right diagonal, 
then straight ahead...note again Curtis's changing attitude.  Exit
the Borderline and go to your apartment.  Click on Therese three times
to close out this chapter...and get not only a weird hallucination
of your father as a zombie going to bite your neck, but a view of
the rather tragic death of Tom that sucks.  I LIKED him!
On to CD #4, I guess...

5.} Talk to Detective Powell four times...see what I mean?  This woman
is a BITCH!  Look in the mirror; nice, Curtis.  Wonder what the doc'll
say about you flipping yourself off.  Go to the front hall and get
the mail.  Go to the living room and click the mail on yourself.
Invitation to the Borderline and a letter from Mom that turns into
a squished eyeball.  ACK!  Go over to Blob's cage and click on it
three times (the third time is just for cuteness' sake).  Go over to
the bookshelf and click on it...Curtis is REALLY losing it, isn't he?
Use the Doc's card on the phone, then go to WynTech.  Go into the main
office area and go to Tom's cubicle.  Oh great...more chewing-out, and
a zombified Tom.  How sweet.  Exit WynTech and go to the Dreaming Tree.
Talk to Trevor four times.  Go to Doctor Harburg's office.  Click on
the Doc once, then on the snow-globe twice, then twice more on the
Doc.  Hmm, "psychotic episode," huh?  Gee, that was a brilliant
observation...he only said he HATED being in the mental ward, so what
do you do?  Suggest they put him in one again, huh?  BRILLIANT!  
Where'd this woman get her psychiatry degree, Sally Struther's learn-
by-mail school?  Go back to your apartment.  Wait a few moments.
When the door is knocked on, open it.  Click on Jocilyn twice...oops.
Click on the mirror (NICE sequence with the "zombie" eyes and the
lightning bolts!), then go to the living room, and click on the hairpin
on the cofee table...take it, then go to WynTech.  Use the hairpin on
Warner's main hall office door.  Click on the desk, then the computer.
Select CurtisC, type "BLOB," click Log In, click on the E-mail icon,
and read Trevor's mail message that says "READ THIS!"  Hit the Log Out
button, exit the system, then click on the computer again, and pick
PWarner for the login name.  Type in CARPE DIEM and hit Log In.  Click
on the two-computer icon at the bottom of the screen.  Select CurtisC
and click the Up Arrow next to Security Level.  Type in BLACKLOTUS and
hit OK.  Exit the computer interface after you get done with our 
buddy, Mr. Entity.  Click on the desk drawer, then use the screwdriver
on the drawer.  Take the piece of paper on the left, then the book on
the right.  Examine both in inventory (open 'em).  Exit the desk 
close-up by going left.  Click on the door in view to go back to the
hall.  Go down the hall to the back door.  Use your key card on the
sensor to the right.  Use the key card on the sensor that's left of
the elevator doors.  Click on the double doors, then on the strait-
jacket on the floor...then on the second doorway, then on the toy
on the floor...then on the third doorway, then on the blanket on the
floor.  Apparently, Warner threw YOU into this Threshold thing when
you were a child...and SOMETHING happened to you there.  This is NOT
good.  Go to the door at the end of the hall on the right.  Click
on the door.  Save your game here, because this is a timing trick,
and if you don't do it fast enough, you die.  Click on the keypad
to the right of the door.  It has five buttons.  The timer starts as
soon as you touch one.  Clicking a button cycles the number on it 
down by one each time you click.  So, QUICKLY click the buttons so the
display reads "1" for the first number, ignore the second number (it
stays "0"), "9" for the third number, "5" for the fourth number, and
"8" for the last number. (October 9, go that from Warner's
speech).  If you make a mistake or don't do it FAST,
you're dead.  End of story.  Do it right, and you're in a computer
room.  Click on the Computer.  Type in the password "ROSETTA" (you
got that from the codebook).  When you get asked about the Twin,
click the "WHY" button, then "YES," then "WHY," then any button-the
aliens ask you to enter the Threshold chamber.  Press Exit, then click
on the little panel to the right of the big door.  Another key sensor?
But do NOT use your own card on it, or you're dead (found that one out
the hard way).  Exit the computer room and wander all the way back
to the elevator...then click on the buttons next to the elevator
to go back up to the upper floor.  Go down the corridor, exit WynTech,
and go to the Borderline.  Talk to the leather-woman at the bar.  For
an interesting sound, click diagonal left to get to the restroom door
closeup and try to go in...uh, nope.  Go back to the bar and turn left
to sit down with Therese.  Talk to her twice, then click on the drink
in front of you.  Diagonal right.  Try to go through the back door,
then click the invitation on him.  You go up to the door.  Click on
the puzzle below the door handles.  Clicking on any of the four pieces
will rotate it.  Clicking too MANY times will rotate ALL the pieces.
So, start at the top left and rotate all four pieces so that the green
quarter-circles are facing the center...then click on the center of
the puzzle.  Click on the rack on the right.  The Gimp! (Sorry, that's
a Pulp Fiction joke...)  Now click on the curtains to end Chapter
Four...note (if you're able to) what you're lying on during
...experience with Therese.  Note the handle on the left (this will
come in handy later, believe it or not).  Curtis drops into bed and
finds the bondage hood, and then...well, let's just say that's all she
wrote for Therese, as she gets manacled up with an apple stuffed in
her mouth, then gets stabbed in the gut and electrocuted in her own THAT is cool!  Sick, but cool!  And we're on to the last
CD and the hardest part of the game...

6.} Click on Detective Powell...oh yeah, NICE woman.  Now click on the
rat cage.  Click on Powell twice more...ARRGH!  BITCH!  Look in the
mirror twice (once for the axe scene, once to relive Therese's death).
Go to the front hall and click on the drop box.  When something is
delivered a moment later, click the box again.  Go to the bedroom, go 
right, click on the nightstand, take the wallet, exit the closeup,
and go to the living room.  Go over to Blob's cage and click on it.
Click Dr. Harburg's card on the phone...after the sequence (uh-oh)
you wind up at her office.  Click on the phone.  The Doc's screaming
her head off.  Save your game here, then move the cursor across the
desk until you get a down-arrow cursor, then click.  This part takes
timing...the security guard shows up and holds you at gunpoint.  When
he looks at the melted Doc, click on the doorway to escape (wait too
long and you get shot).  Go to WynTech.  Go to the main office area.
Click on the water cooler...ick!  Now go to your cubicle and sit in
the chair.  Click on the computer...damn entities!  Exit your cubicle
and go to Bob's.  Click on the magnifying glass.  Exit that cubicle
and go to Tom's.  Click on his computer. (I know, I know, I shouldn't
be putting you through all this garbage, but isn't it EVIL?)  Go to
Warner's office, click on the desktop, then on the computer.  Choose
CurtisC, type "BLOB" and Log In.  Click on your E-Mail icon and read
it all...uh-oh.  Trevor's in trouble now...and the letter from your
dead mother is NOT nice.  Log Out, then click on the computer again,
select PWarner, and type "CARPE DIEM" to get in.  Open the PaulW
folder and open the goldmine.doc file.  Ah-ha...crazy bastard.  Click
on the "Graphic" button.  Click on the Print button.  Exit out to the
main hallway.  Go to the Network Room...and Trevor gets killed by the
Network Cables (gonna have to talk to MIS about that one), and you
finally meet Mr. Entity!  He's the Hecatomb, and he's just NOT a nice
guy, is he?  Click on Trevor to get his card key.  Go to the glass
doors, use Curtis's card on the sensor, then on the sensor at the
elevator.  Go through the first set of doors for another flashback...
hey, WHY are you covered with slime?  Hmmmm...go through the other
sets of doors to the underground computer room and click on the
computer.  Type in "ROSETTA" and hit random buttons until whoever's
on the other end suggests you enter the Threshold.  Click the Exit
button, click on the key sensor, then use TREVOR'S card on it (not
your own!)  Push the second button from the left.  Welcome to the
Threshold.  Click on the console...and Warner shows up and points
another gun at you (that's two so far this chapter).  Click on Warner;
now THIS man is an asshole!  Click on him again to find out some truly
fascinating information...YOU are an alien!  THEN, the Hecatomb 
shows on HIM to find out HE is the real Curtis Craig.
Whoa, MAJOR wackiness here, on the Hecatomb again to
get zapped with green lightning from your mom's severed head (no,
this guy is NOT nice).  Click on the Threshold control panel at the
center of the screen.  Welcome to the alien's dimension.  You've got
to move quickly, or a bunch of aliens show up and kill you.  Click on
the big stalks right in front of you.  Grab the red slime in the 
closeup.  Exit that closeup and go down.  Click on the creature to
your left.  Take it.  Go right twice and click on the creature behind
you.  Take it.  Go right.  Click on the starfish-shaped creature to
your right.  Click on the creatures on the left.  Take the fungus in
the closeup.  In inventory, look at the starfish-shaped creature, then
click the "D"-shaped creature on the starfish closeup to get a very
weird looking "combined creature."  Now turn right and go diagonal
left.  Click low on the electrical wall, save the game, click HIGH on 
the electrical wall (if you click low again, you're toast...almost 
literally).  Turn left.  Click on the bubble-thingys.  Click the pink 
fungus in inventory on the remaining bubble-thing.  Grab the bubble 
thing in the closeup.  Go back to the electrical wall and click the
"combined creatures" on it.  Click on the plume on the far right side
of the screen.  Welcome to "your" home.  Walk up to the encased body.
Save your game're about to go through a series of actions
that leave you little time to think...

7.} Click on the encased body.  Click on the surgical tray.  Click
on the syringe on the left of the tray.  When you wind up with Jocilyn,
click on the GUN (not on her!)  Now you're back at WynTech.  As soon as
you can, click "down," then grab the card key IMMEDIATELY, exit the 
closeup, then IMMEDIATELY click on the elevator door on the right, then
as fast as you can, use Curtis's card key on the sensor...if you don't
do this fast enough, the zombies of Bob, Trevor, and Tom kill you.
Now you're on that bondage rack again...remember how I mentioned the
handle on the left side of the screen?  Pull it NOW, and you wind up
in your back yard with Mommie Dearest.  Click on her, and you wind up
back in the Hecatomb room.  Click on the encased body twice, then
click on the gold slime, turn left, and click on the cave opening.
Go left, and click on the pipe to your right.  In inventory, examine
the "alien slime," then use the "alien glop" on the slime closeup to
get "alien ooze." (Great descriptions, huh?)  Use the ooze on the pipe.
Climb up back to the Threshold.  Click on the green globes to the 
left side of the gate.  Use the "electric alien" on the unlit globe.  
Back away from those and click on the circuitry hanging above you on
the right.  Click on the viewscreen in the middle of the console. 
Now for the weird part.  In the weird "control panel" you see, look at
the extreme lower right.  See the four disconnected plugs and the
"sockets" just above them?  Connect the purple plug to the green
socket, the orange plug to the blue socket, the green plug to the
purple socket, and the blue plug to the red socket.  Now look directly
up from that...see the three disconnected wires and three sockets?
Connect the orange plug to the purple socket, the green plug to the
red socket, and the purple plug to the green socket.  Now look up at
the left top corner.  See the spiky buttons to the right of the four-
plug arrangement?  Click on that.  This fires a laser into a ball
just below it.  Click on that ball.  Click on the spiky button again.
Click on the ball again.  Click on the spiky button again.  Now, look
right of the spiky button and right of the relatively large sphere.
See the circular knob almost directly over the "heart?"  Click on it.
Then click on it again.  Click on the spiky button one more time.
Note there are three switches that flash just down and to the left of
the "heart."  Push them in the order they flashed...first red, then
yellow, then blue.  Now then, see the triangular button on the left
side near the bottom?  Click twice on it.  NOW, just to the right of
the spiky button is a relatively large sphere.  Directly connected to
that (below and left) is a spherical button.  Push it.  You wind up
going through the Threshold device.  Save your game here if you like.
Now you've got two choices...stay as a human (click on Jocilyn) or
return through the Threshold and become an alien once more (click on
the Threshold).  It's your choice.  Personally, if you think about it,
you stand accused of murdering four people, your girlfriend will 
probably never accept the fact you're an alien, that detective hates
you, your job is gone, your best friend is dead...personally, I'd be
an alien and tell Jocilyn to go pound sand.  But, that's up to you.
Oh yeah, and be sure to watch all the way through the credits to

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