Police Quest 4
                         points list (NOT COMPLETE)

                 4 Take kit from trunk.
                 3 Use notebook on body.
                 3 Use notebook on cigarette.
                 5 Open bin.
                 2 Use notebook on boy.
                 3 Use notebook on graffitti.
                 3 Get diary.
                 4 Use chalk on body.
                 4 Use chalk on cigarette.

                 2 Take message.
                 2 Take picture.
                 2 Read message.
                 2 Use notebook on form.
                 3 88326.
                 2 Use form on partner.
                 2 Use diary on partner.
                 4 Click hand icon on jurnalist.
                 4 Take envelope.
                 4 Take envelope.
                 3 Talk to child.
                 7 Take pills.
                 2 Fill form.
                 1 Pay.
                 1 Where ears protector.
                 4 Shoot.
                 3 Put ID on.
                 1 Give pills to SID.
                 2 Look picture.
                32 Take bullets.
                 2 Use notebook on graffitti.
                 2 Show ID to boy.
                 4 Talk to boys.
                 2 Pay man.
                 2 Take glue.
                 2 Pay.
                 2 Show ID to girl.
                 2 Show ID to woman.
                 3 Give envelope to woman.
                 1 Give bullets to SID.
                 1 Give glue to SID.
                 5 Give bullets to Tedi.
                 2 Take apple.
                 2 Pay.
                 2 Give apple to girl.
                10 Start computer.
                 5 Talk to girl.
                 2 Use notebook on saleswoman.
                 2 Answer phone.
                 3 Wear vest.
                 5 Take shoot gun.
                 5 Win.

                 2 Fill form.
                 3 Get weapon.
                 2 Use notebook on drawing.
                 4 Take shoe.
                 2 Get in house.
                 3 Show shoe to woman.
                 6 Talk with people.
                 4 Take cigarette.
                 3 Show shoe to man.
                 2 Show shoe to guard.
                 2 Take form.
                 1 Pay.
                 1 Where ears protector.
                 4 Shoot.
                 2 Give form to partner.
                 2 Use computer (Walker Strauss).
                 2 Get in appartment,
                 3 Turn down music.
                 3 Draw gun.
                 4 Talk woman.
                 4 Talk woman.
                 3 Use cuffs on woman.
                 2 Take memo.
                 2 Fill form.
                 2 Read memo.
                 2 Give form to partner.

                 3 Draw gun.
                 4 Talk man.
                 4 Talk man.
                 3 Use cuffs on man.
                 2 Fill form.
                 2 Give form to partner.
                 2 Take form.
                 1 Where ears protector.
                 4 Shoot.
                 2 Show ID to window.
                 2 Talk man.
                 4 Take newspaper.
                 4 Talk woman.
                 2 Show ID to woman.
                 3 Show shoe to woman.
                 4 Take lighter.
                 4 Take mirror.
                 2 Show ID to woman.
                 2 Show shoe to woman.
                 2 Give baygel to dog.
                 5 Dig.
                 3 Use bag on bone.
                 2 Fill form.
                 2 Give form to partner.
                 1 Give bone to laborant.
                 2 Give bone to man.

               (4) Yes.
                 5 No.
                 8 Look plates.
                 2 Use computer.
                 1 Show ID to woman.
                 2 Take files.
                 2 Take tape.
                ?2 Look files.
                ?2 Look tape.
                 2 Take stick.
                 2 Show ID to ticket seller.
                 3 Take cup.
                ?3 Go to movie.
                ?3 Take rope.
                 4 Take stick.
                 5 Use rope on dog.
                 3 Use stick on door,
                 2 Use knife on lock.
                 3 Use glue on mirror.
                 3 Use glue on stick.
                 5 Use stick on mirror.
                 3 Use mirror on door.
                 2 Open fridge.
                 3 Open closet.
                 3 Move rug.
                 4 Open trapdoor.
                 4 Take can.
                ?3 Click hand on can.
                ?3 Use key on door.
                 3 Use flashlight on darkness.
                 2 Take ball.
                 2 Take can.
                 3 Take lighter.

               424 Total, Out of
               ??? Possible
I know I am missing a lot of points in this one, I'm currently working on updating it.
               This File have been written by Avi Machness.
          for corrections / additions / comments please contact
                    me at: [email protected]
	      Note: if you have points lists for any quest, 
	        or can give me more points for this one, 
	             please contact me ASAP.
		          Thanks, Avi

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