by Evan Dickens (
Version 1.3 (updated 3/19/97)
Here's a list of the points you can get in Sierra's epic Robin Hood:
Conquests of the Longbow. This is one of the greatest adventure games of
all time, and one of my favorites. It's not all that popular, but if you
happen to find it in a clearance bin somewhere, don't pass it up.
if you need any help at all with this game, or need more information on
of the things listed below, I would love to help you. My e-mail address
Thanks to Avi Machness and Alexandre Pinto for helping me in getting the
entire 7325 points.
*NOTE* If used as a walkthrough, this will just confuse you. This is
intended to be used for someone who's already beaten the game and is
because they missed some points, so they can go back and check what
missed. If you need hints, please send e-mail, I'd dearly love to help
50 Get horn from cave
50 Get coins from money pouch
10 Give money to Simon at Glade
100 Kill Sheriff's man and save peasant
50 Give money to peasant
260 pointcheck
100 Kill monk and save Marian
100 Get slipper after Marian leaves
460 pointcheck
100 Give beggar money and buy clothes
25 Give slipper to Lobb in town
25 Get silver comb from Lobb
610 pointcheck
100 Kill Sheriff's man and save poacher
50 Give money to poacher
50 Give silver comb to Marian
50 Give heart emerald to Marian
860 pointcheck
**NOTE** You can switch Day 5 and Day 6. Both days start by going to
Watling Street. The day is decided by which monk you stop. If you stop
fens monk (black robe), skip to Day 6 now, and for the next day, use the
Day 5 list. If you stop the abbot monk (brown robe), continue with Day 5
normal. My advice? Stop the abbot monk first. The Widow, the boys, and
men will all be happier with it. But this has no bearing on your score.
75 Take monk's robe from monk
50 Bribe castle guard to see prisoners
10 Enter monastery
50 Get extra robes from laundry room
10 Enter hedge maze
100 Find Witch's Court in hedge maze
25 Take cask from Abbot's table
50 Win amethyst from Harry at pub
*10 Look at lowered cask in pub
25 Give cask to bartender
100 Go through secret entrance in pub
50 Put amethyst in drink during drinking contest
25 Keep talking to Abbot to get information while drinking
10 Search Abbot and get money after he passes out
25 Find puzzle box under Abbot's pillow
10 Replace pillow in Abbot's room
20 Pay Abbot's bill in full at pub
10 Give cask to bartender
75 Put money on table when guards leave
*100 Watch Sheriff's men leave after giving them money
150 Rescue boys from castle pit
50 Decide to escape through the pub
10 "Bless" Sheriff in pub
300 Escape Nottingham with boys
50 Get golden net from Widow
2250 pointcheck
100 Kill monk in staff duel
25 Blow flute by river to call raft
100 Pass gemstone test and gain entrance
100 Free Fulk in dungeon
150 Get Fulk's scroll from study
100 Get Marian's scroll from study
300 Give Fulk's scroll to Fulk
10 Go through secret wall
25 Give Fulk money
100 Raise gate and escape
25 Get Ring that Commands Water from Fulk
3285 pointcheck
200 Give hand scroll to Marian
50 Give heart emerald to Marian
10 Capture pixie with golden net
200 Pass Green Man's test
3745 pointcheck
100 Buy clothes from yeoman
10 Give money to first beggar at fair
10 Give money to second beggar
25 Buy oil from apothecary
*25 Buy silk scarf from merchant
25 Pay two farthings to get fortune told
100 Choose correct Coat of Arms from scholar
50 Give hand scroll to scholar
200 Win Golden Arrow in tournament
4290 pointcheck
75 Change into tree to escape from guards
100 Buy disguise from jeweler (by clicking Hand on him twice)
25 Rub rouge on beard to complete disguise
10 Gain entrance to castle
300 Persuade Sheriff to follow you into forest
4800 pointcheck
DAY 10
100 Get Ring that Commands Fire from puzzle box
50 Convince bartender to let you into tunnels
500 Save Marian from fire
300 Use emerald on Marian to revive her
5750 pointcheck
DAY 11
500 Choose Friar Tuck's plan to capture treasure
500 Capture treasure
6750 pointcheck
DAY 12
75 Change into tree to escape from guards
50 Spell password to false knight
50 Kill false knight
50 Search false knight and find letter
*50 Show letter to Little John
7025 pointcheck
DAY 13
25 Use hand code to increase ivy thickness
25 Enter prison tower
100 Give letter from false knight to real knight
50 Spell secret password
100 Safely climb down tower and escape in boat
7325 final score
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