
                             An FAQ/Walkthrough for
                                Space Quest III


Guide Information
  Author: Tom Hayes
  E-mail: tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com
  System: PC
  Updated: 18th April, 2004
  Version: 2.0

  1. Introduction
  2. Walkthrough
  3. Item List
  4. Point List
  5. Copyright Information

Version History
  2.0 - 18th April, 2004: Updated the format.
  1.0 - 4th March, 2000: First version.


1.                                Introduction


At the end of Space Quest II, Roger Wilco blasts off from Vohaul's asteroid in 
a pod. In the pod was a sleep chamber, which Roger quickly stepped inside. 
Space Quest III starts some time after Space Quest II, where Roger's pod has 
been picked up by a humongous robot controlled garbage freighter. As the pod 
lands hard on the debris in the junk freighter, the sleep chamber opens, which 
awakens Roger from his deep sleep.


2.                                Walkthrough



South. East. Stand near the bucket conveyor and you will be taken up. "Stand". 
"Jump". West. West. West. "Get in grabber". Move the grabber above the middle 
chute. "Get out of grabber". Slide down the chute. Walk over to the west wall. 
"Get reactor". Walk over to the ladder. "Climb ladder". North. East. East. A 
rat will fall down from the ceiling and will steal the reactor. West. West. 
South. East. Ride up in the bucket conveyor.

"Stand". "Jump". West. West. West. "Get in grabber". Move west in the grabber 
and go around the bend, continuing on into the next screen. Move about half-way 
across this screen and type "push button". A claw should come out of the 
grabber which will pick up the green object. If the claw doesn't come out, keep 
trying until you get it. East. East. East. Follow the rail around the big 
machine, but stop as soon as you get around the corner. "Push button". The 
green object should be dropped into a ship. West. West. West. West.

"Get out of grabber". Slide down the middle chute. Walk over to the west wall. 
"Get reactor". Walk over to the ladder. "Climb ladder". "Get ladder". North. 
East. East. East. Walk over to the robot head. "Climb into head". Walk around 
to the other side of the big ship (the ship where the green object was 
dropped). "Put ladder down". "Climb ladder". "Open hatch". "Put reactor in 
hole". "Put wires in hole". "Sit". "Search seat". "Look computer". "2". "1". 
"1". "2". "5". The Arnoid will appear. "3".


"Stand". "Get out". North. East. North. East. Enter World o' wonders. "Sell 
gem". Answer 'no' until the alien offers 425 buckazoids. When he offers it for 
this amount, answer "yes". "Buy orat". "Buy underwear". "Buy hat". "Leave". The 
Arnoid will show up. Luckily, he is in a good mood and will give you a small 
amount of time to run away. Save the game. West. South. West. South. West. You 
will be in an area with some hanging pods.

If the Arnoid is following you, quickly walk behind the rock and the Arnoid 
will be captured by the pods. If the Arnoid is not following you, walk east to 
your ship and wait around here for a moment to see if he shows up. When he 
does, quickly rush back to the west and get him caught in the pods. Walk close 
to (but not under) the left side of the pods. "Use orat". You should get the 
Arnoid's belt. East. Enter the ship. "Sit". "Look comp". "1". "3". "Look comp". 
"2". "1". "1". "2". "5".


Enter Monolith Burger. West. Walk up to the clerk. "Look menu". "7". "Q". "Pay 
bill". East. Walk over to the empty seat. "Sit". "Eat". "Stand". West. Walk 
over to the arcade machine. "Play machine". "Put money in machine". Complete 
Astro Chicken. "Decode message". East. Enter the airlock that leads to the 
ship. "Enter ship". "Look comp". "1". "2". "1". "1". "1". "1". "2". "5". "3".


"Stand". "Wear underwear". "Get out". South. West. South. Walk behind the 
boulder and wait for the men to leave. "Look in telescope". "Get detonator". 
"Get pole". East. East. North. Walk around the rocks to the north, and go down 
the hidden path. Walk down the steps. East. "Climb ladder". Walk near the hole. 
"Throw detonator". "Climb down ladder". The planet's going to explode!. West. 
South. South. South. West. West. North. "Use pole". East. North. Enter the 
ship. "Sit". "Look comp". "1". "3". "Look comp". "2". "1". "1". "1". "1". "2". 
"5". "3".


"Stand". "Get out". South. "Wear belt". "Push button". "Enter door". Walk down 
the stairs. "Push button". Walk north and enter the first door on the left. 
"Get coveralls". Exit the door. Walk south and enter the first door on the 
right. Walk up to a bin and type "use vaporizer". Repeat this process for all 
of the bins that you come to. Take the first passage on the west. "Get 
picture". Walk to the photocopier. "Copy picture". Walk over to the wall where 
you got the picture. "Hang picture on wall". East.

There is an exit in the north-east part of this room. Negotiate your way around 
this maze until you get to the exit. North. You should see Elmo behind his 
desk. Walk behind his office and go east. West. Elmo should be gone. Walk into 
his office. "Get keycard". "South". Work your way through this maze of passages 
again and exit this place. Walk north and try to enter the first door that you 
come to on the right side. "Put keycard in slot". "Hold copy". Enter door. 
"Push button".

Walk up to the men. "Use vaporizer". Wait for a while and Elmo will show up to 
demand a fight. Get inside a giant robot and defeat Elmo by punching and 
blocking his robot. After Elmo has been defeated, Wilco will return to his 
ship. Listen to the two guys talk for a while, and suddenly a message will 
appear saying that enemy spaceships are approaching. "Look comp". "6". "8". 
Defend the ship by putting up the shields and then firing at the targets. 
Defeat the ships. "O". "F6" to complete the game.


3.                                Item List


  Dropped by the Arnoid after he gets caught by the pods on Phleebut. It is 
  used on Pestulon to avoid the guards.

  Found in the closet of the building on Pestulon. It is used to walk into the 
  offices on Pestulon.

  Found near the telescope on Ortega. It is thrown into the hole in the dome.

  Bought from the World o' wonders on Phleebut. It is not used.

  Found in Elmo's office on Pestulon. It is used with the slot outside the room 
  with the two guys from Andromeda.

  Found in the room after sliding down the middle chute in the junk freighter. 
  It is used to climb into the ship.

  Bought from the World o' wonders on Phleebut. It is used on the pods.

  Found on the wall on Pestulon. It is used on the photocopier to create the 
  picture copy.

Picture Copy
  Made by using the picture of Elmo on the photocopier. It is held up in front 
  of the scanner to enter the room with the two guys from Andromeda.

  Found near the telescope on Ortega. It is used to vault across the gap on 

  Found on the west wall after sliding down the middle chute in the junk 
  freighter. It is used on the hole inside the ship.

  Bought from the World o' wonders on Phleebut. It is used to walk on Ortega.

  Found in the closet of the building on Pestulon. It is used on the full bins 
  in the office. It is also used on the shields on the two guys from Andromeda.

  Found in the tunnel in the junk freighter. They are used in the hole inside 
  the ship.


4.                                Point List


                                - 738 points -

5    - Ride the bucket conveyor.

10   - Jump from the bucket conveyor.

5    - Slide down the middle chute.

15   - Get reactor.

-15  - Reactor gets stolen by rat.

15   - Get reactor again.

5    - Get wires.

15   - Collect the green object.

15   - Drop green object into ship.

10   - Get ladder.

5    - Climb into head.

5    - Put ladder down beside big ship.

10   - Open hatch on big ship.

5    - Put the reactor in the hole.

5    - Put the wires in the hole.

10   - Search seat.

25   - Escape from junk freighter.

8    - Sell the gem for 425 buckazoids.

5    - Buy the orat.

5    - But the hat.

5    - But the underwear.

45   - Get Arnoid captured by the pods.

35   - Get the belt.

10   - Pay for meal number 7.

10   - Eat meal number 7.

50   - Complete Astro Chicken.

70   - Decode message.

10   - On Ortega, wear the underwear.

10   - Look in telescope.

10   - Get detonator.

10   - Get pole.

20   - Throw detonator into hole.

20   - Pole vault across the gap.

25   - Enter the building on Pestulon.

5    - Get coveralls.

5    - Copy picture.

5    - Get keycard.

20   - Enter the door.

209  - Use vaporizer on guys.

-199 - Elmo appears to demand a fight.

100  - Defeat Elmo.

100  - Defeat the spaceships.


5.                          Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2000-2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in 
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is 
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of 
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.

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