Space Quest 6 Interactive Demo
First, when Roger is in the shuttle bay, go to the Starcon Shuttle near the bottom right and use the HAND icon to open the door. Once inside, open the glove compartment near the front and take the roll of duct tape and the pair of clamps then exit the shuttle. Go to the control panel near the top of the screen and go into the database. Go to the entity database then go to known races. Look up the Bjorn and find the Mr.Soylent number for Bjorn Chow. Write down the number.
Go to Roger's quarters and take the hand clapper from his desk. Go into inventory and put the duct tape and clamps together. Use the clamp to take the part of plug sitting in the socket of the wall. Go into inventory and put the part of the plug and the hand clapper together. Go to the control panel beside Roger's closet and go to the 8-Rear.
After getting to the 8-Rear, go to the Mr. Soylent food machine and put in the Bjorn Chow code. After the food appears, take and go to the control panel and go to the bridge.
After getting to the bridge, put the Bjorn Chow on the Captain's chair/scratching post and wait for the Bjorn to come. After the Bjorn starts eating the food, take the hand clapper and plug it into the Bjorn's head. After the Bjorn dies, take his belt. Go into inventory and use the HAND icon on the belt to turn the crew back to normal.
Walkthrough By Nathaniel Basque