Space Quest 1 - old version
                               +5 points list

   1  Type: 'take keycard'
   2  Type: 'help man'.
   5  Type: 'take cartridge'.
   2  Type: 'press open'.
   2  Type: 'use card'.
   2  Type: 'take suit'.
   2  Type: 'take gadget'.
   1  Type: 'press platform'.
  15  Leave ship.
   2  Type: 'press autonav'.
   2  Type: 'take kit'.
 (+2) Type: 'open kit' and then 'take kit' again.
      Thanks to: Hevard Nilsen.
      Note: Works in version 1.0X, doesn't work in version 1.1a
   3  Type: 'take glass'.
   5  Type: 'push rock' (and hit droid).
   5  Type: 'cast water'.
   2  Type: 'take part'.
   2  Go down elevator.
   4  Type: 'put rock in hole'.
   5  Type: 'use glass'.
   3  Pass drops.
  10  Type: 'drop part'.
   5  Type: 'insert cartridge in slot'.
   5  Type: 'take cartridge'.
  25  Get to city.
   5  Type: 'yes' (2nd offer).
   5  Type: 'dink beer'.
   4  Type: 'buy droid'.
   4  Type: 'buy ship'.
  25  Type: 'HH'.
   1  Get in ship (follow robot).
 (+2) Type: 'get in vent'.
   3  Type: 'get in case'.
 (+1) Get out of hole.
   5  Type: 'get in machine'.
   1  Type: 'talk man'.
   5  Type: 'yes'.
   1  Type: 'kiss guard'.
   1  Type: 'take bomb'.
   3  Get gun.
   5  Type: 'throw bomb'.
   1  Type: 'take bomb'.
   3  Type: 'search body'.
   3  Type: 'press button'.
  10  Input 6858.
   3  Shoot a guard.
   1  Get to escape pod.
   3  Type: 'press button'.

 207  Total, Out of
 202  Possible
               This File have been written by Avi Machness.
          for corrections / additions / comments please contact
                    me at: [email protected]
	      Note: if you have points lists for any quest, 
	        or can give me more points for this one, 
	             please contact me ASAP.
		          Thanks, Avi

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