Star Trek - The Next Generation : A Final Unity

By: Terry Bowyer 100442,[email protected]
A TerryScope Production WARNING>>>>>>>>>>>>THIS IS THE FULL SOLUTION<<<<<<<<<<<< Encounter With Garidian Warbird and Scout After Picard completes log entry TALK TO DATA Data will assess situation and suggests breaking tractor beam between Garidian Warbird and Scout. PICARD - WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE THAT RISK. MAKE IT SO. >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<<< Hail from Warbird. PICARD - ON SCREEN After Captain of Warbird has spoken..... PICARD - YOUR PRESENCE HERE HAS GIVEN ME THE RIGHT...... PICARD - OUR GARIDIAN GUESTS....... PICARD - I SYMPATHIZE WITH YOUR CONCERN..... Warbird Leaves. PICARD - I SHOULD LIKE TO CONSIDER THE SITUATION...... Click on conference lounge. Speak to T'Bak. PICARD - WHAT IS THE 5TH SCROLL..... PICARD - WHAT MAKES YOU THINK SHANOK...... PICARD - WHY ARE YOU SO INTERESTED...... PICARD - WHO IS THE LAWGIVER? PICARD - I HAVE DECIDED TO VISIT SHANOK PICARD - UNDERSTOOD.WE WILL BE UNDERWAY...... Picard sets a course for Horst III. Heading:Horst III On arrival in the sector a message will be recieved from Cymkoe IV. PICARD - ON SCREEN Picard is told about an attack on Mertens Orbital Station. Picard will decide to head for the station. >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< Picard studies the station and discusses the situation with the crew. Data discovers a way to locate transporter co-ordinates on the station. Go to the transporter room. Away Team consists of: Items to be taken: Riker Phaser Worf Tricorder Dr. Crusher Medical Tricorder La Forge Medi-Kit The mission objective is to eject or repair station power core. 3/ Mertens Orbital Station Transporter Room Leave room via door on left. Station Core Walk to woman under cable. Injured Woman Use Phaser on cable (lowest setting) Talk To Dr. Crusher Talk To La Forge La Forge uses tricorder on cable to get cable co-ordinates. Return to transporter room. Transporter Room Get La Forge to use transporter. At transporter control panel, press blue "Lock On" button Select "Data Cable" target. Press yellow "Transporter Energize" button. Cable will appear in transporter. Return to injured woman. Injured Woman Get Dr. Crusher to use med-kit on woman. Get Riker to talk to woman. RIKER - WHAT HAPPENED HERE? RIKER - WHAT DID YOU MEAN...... RIKER - WHERE ARE THE REST..... RIKER - WE'LL BE BACK..... Walk to next room (right) Walk to turbolift. Select "Administration" level. Administration Level Get La Forge to use control panel on right. Press "Emergency Systems" button. La Forge will be advised that he needs an access code. Exit control panel. Get La Forge to activate holotable. He will need a "Flux Router" to repair table. Walk to Turbolift. Select "Crew Deck 2" Return to injured woman. Injured Woman (Dr. Benyt) Get La Forge to talk to Dr. Benyt LA FORGE - DOCTOR, WE NEED YOUR HELP..... Dr. Benyt will give you access code. LA FORGE - WE'LL COME BACK..... Return to admin level via turbolift. Administration Level Get La Forge to use control panel on right. Press "Emergency Systems" button. Press "Power Redirect" button. Exit control panel. Walk to turbolift. Select Engineering level. Engineering Level Get La Forge to use tricorder on strange machine. Press "Resume" on tricorder. La Forge will discover that the machine generates a field to disguise itself (Chameleon Field). He will re-calibrate tricorder and use it on machine again. Press "Resume" on tricorder. Walk to Engineering Lab 4 Engineering Lab 4 Get LaForge to talk to Riker. Wait a few moments and La Forge will suggest switching off power to conduit. Get La Forge to use control panel near door. Press "Initiate Temporary Shutdown" button. Press "Shut Down Group 3" button. >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< After La Forge has spoken to Enterprise...... LA FORGE - I'D LIKE TO CHASE IT DOWN..... Get La Forge to pick up "Flux Router" from equipment cart. Return to Engineering. Use Turbolift. Select Administration Level. Administration Level Get La Forge to use Flux Router on Holotable. Get La Forge to look at hologram. Return to Engineering via turbolift. Engineering Walk to Core Control Room (left) Core Control Room Get La Forge to talk to Dr. Griems. LA FORGE - THERE WAS A LARGE MACHINE..... LA FORGE - IT WAS BIG..... Talk to Dr. Griems again. LA FORGE - DR. GRIEMS, I'M CHIEF ENGINEER..... LA FORGE - MANUALLY, THAT'S VERY IMPRESSIVE. Return to Lab 4. Engineering Lab 4 Get "Invertor Coupling" from equipment cart. Get "Wave Convertor" from equipment cart. Return to Engineering. Engineering Use Invertor Coupling on Hole In Casing. Use Wave Convertor on Hole In Casing. MISSION OVER - away team will be transported back to Enterprise. Enterprise PICARD - SET COURSE FOR HORST III. WARP 5. Horst III On arrival ar Horst III..... Select "Comms" button (Picards lapel badge) Select "Shanok" PICARD - SHANOK, WE HAVE SEVERAL GARADIAN...... PICARD - WHAT BRINGS AN ARCHAEOLOGIST..... PICARD - WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND..... PICARD - I'M AFRAID WE'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS..... PICARD - I'D BE MOST EAGER..... End of conversation with Shanok. PICARD - I SHOULD LIKE TO CONSIDER..... Select "Comms" button. Select " Chancellor Daenub" After converstation with the Chancellor wait a few moments and you will recieve a communication from Starfleet. PICARD - ON SCREEN PICARD - A LAMB? PICARD - WHO EXACTLY..... PICARD - VERY WELL..... Picard will set course for Morassia. Morassia Mission On arrival at Morassia..... >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< Picard has conversation with Constable Lliksze PICARD - WE WILL RESPECT YOR LAWS End of conversation. Go to Transporter Room. Away Team: Inventory: Data Tricorder Worf Med-Kit Dr. Crusher Medical Tricorder Troi Constables Office Data will talk to the constable. DATA - WHO WERE THE LAST PEOPLE..... DATA - YOUR TONE SUGGESTS..... DATA - I WOULD LIKE TO INVESTIGATE..... DATA - A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION..... DATA - THE PRESERVE CLEARLY EMBODIES..... Walk to doorway on left. Walk to Laboratory. Laboratory Pick up Bioprobe (on Biotable) Pick up three Field Units (A, B and C) Pick up any carcass. Use carcass on Biotable. Take carcass from Biotable after analysis and place under sonic scope. Put carcass back in original location. Repeat above process with the other two carcasses. Use Tricorder on Comm Port (found near computer on right) Open a channel to Tracker Melas. DATA - WE FOUND YOUR NAME..... DATA - YOU MENTIONED POWER OUTAGES..... DATA - WITHOUT THE GENERATOR..... DATA - I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS..... DATA - THE BOAR'S IDENTITY TAG..... DATA - A CREATURE TAGGED..... DATA - A CREATURE TAGGED..... DATA - ONE CREATURE EXPERIENCED..... DATA - IT'S CAUSE OF DEATH..... DATA - THIS "BLOWUP"..... DATA - WHAT EXACTLY..... DATA - SMUGGLING IS A SERIOUS OFFENCE..... Walk to entrance. Walk to Constables Office. Constables Office Talk to constable. DATA - CONSTABLE, I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW..... DATA - I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS..... DATA - A CREATURE TAGGED..... DATA - A CREATURE TAGGED..... DATA - A MYECORDAE MOLE..... DATA - I'D LIKE TO KNOW..... DATA - BUT DR. HYUNH-FOERTSCH..... Walk to entrance. Walk to Crossroads (Under Atol Tree) Walk to Shuttle Dock. Shuttle Dock Get Microgenerator. Walk to path. Walk to Bogforest Biotope (front right path). Bogforest Use Microgenerator on power port (below screen on right) * Sample collection process: Use Field Unit B on Tunnel 1. When field Unit returns pick it up. Use Bioprobe on Field Unit B. A sample will appear in inventory. * Repeat this process for Tunnels 2, 3 and 4. You will now have 4 samples in inventory. Get Microgenerator. Walk to path. Walk to Shuttle Dock. Shuttle Dock Use Microgenerator on Charging Unit to charge it. Walk to path. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Laboratory. Laboratory Use each of the 4 samples under Sonic Scope. Walk to entrance. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Shuttle Dock. Shuttle Dock Get Microgenerator (now fully charged). Walk to path. Walk to Marine Biotope (middle path, right). Marine Biotope Follow same procedure as in Bogforest. Use field Unit C on the 4 Jellycorals (2 left, 2 right). You will now have 4 samples in inventory. Get Microgenerator. Walk to path. Walk to Shuttle Dock. Shuttle Dock Use microgenerator on Charging Unit to charge it. Walk to path. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Laboratory. Laboratory Use each of the 4 samples under Sonic Scope. Walk to entrance. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Shuttle Dock. Shuttle Dock Get Microgenerator (now fully charged). Walk to path. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Canyon Biotope (front left). Canyon Biotope Follow same procedure as in Bogforest. Use Field Unit A on three locations: caverns, pit and crater. You will now have 3 samples in inventory. Walk to path. Walk to Laboratory. Laboratory Use each of the 3 samples under Sonic Scope. Use Tricorder on Comms Port. Open a channel to Healer Zzolis. DATA - TRACKER MELAS INDICATED..... DATA - ON SEVERAL OCCASSIONS..... DATA - DID THE OTHER WATCHERS..... Walk to entrance. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Quarantine Shelter (top right path) Quarantine Shelter Talk to Watcher Tzudan DATA - WHAT CREATURE..... DATA - I HAVE EXAMINED..... DATA - WHEN DID YOU LAST SEE..... DATA - WERE YOU THE ONE..... DATA - DID YOU NOT ASK..... Walk to path. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Constables Office. Constables Office Talk to the constable. Constable will leave, wait for her return. She will use computer. Dr. Hyunh-Foertsch appears. After conversation with her, Data will need to go to Power Grid. Walk to doorway. Walk to crossroads. Walk to Shuttle Dock. Shuttle Dock Enter Shuttle Dock and Away Team will be taken to Power Grid. Power Grid Use "Utilities Trunk" (near screen). Walk to exit (front left) Quarantine Shelter Talk to Doctor HF. She will instruct you as to how to use consoles. Use Console 2. Talk to Doctor HF. Use Console 1. Talk to Doctor HF. Use Console 3. Creature is captured. MISSION COMPLETED - Away Team will be transported to Enterprise. Enterprise Conversation between T'Bak and Picard will provide a lead to the location of 5th scroll. Picard will set course for Joward III in pursuit of Ferengi Trader. Joward III When Enterprise has reached specified co-ordinates..... Picard will set course for Nigold System on advice from crew. Nigold When Enterprise has reached specified co-ordinates..... PICARD - SHIELDS UP, MR. WORF..... PICARD - THIS IS CAPTAIN JEAN LUC-PICARD OF THE STARSHIP ENTERPRISE. WE ARE REQUESTING ASSISTANCE IN A SEARCH. Ferengi Trader Aramut will negotiate a deal for information regarding the Romulans (boo, hiss). Picard will set course for Shonoisho Epsilon VI. Shonoisho Epsilon VI (Frigis) On arrival at Shonoisho Epsilon VI...... >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< Talk to Troi. Select Conference Lounge. Talk To T'Bak. After T'Bak has recited the "Lawgivers Lament" wait for communication from Frigis. PICARD - WE HAVE SEVERAL GARIDIAN REFUGEES..... After conversation await response from Chancellor Laraq. After talking to Chancellor Laraq go to Transporter Room. Away Team: Inventory: Riker Phaser Troi Tricorder La Forge Data First Pyramid (Landing Site) On arrival Riker will talk to Laraq. RIKER - WE'RE LOOKING FOR INFORMATION..... RIKER - IT'S ONLY BEEN A THOUSAND YEARS..... RIKER - WHAT ARE THESE PYRAMIDS? Enter doorway to First Pyramid. Chanters Hall Talk to Stamblyr. RIKER - CAN YOU HELP US..... RIKER - THAT'S A VERY GENEROUS OFFER..... Riker will be given an Orchestrion by Stamblyr. Talk to Stamblyr. RIKER - WHAT IS THIS PLACE? RIKER - WHY DO YOU CALL YOURSELF THE CHANTERS? RIKER - LOVELY TEMPLE YOU HAVE HERE. RIKER - YOU'RE INSTRUMENT SEEMS TO BE BROKEN..... RIKER - WHY IS THERE ONE HOLE..... Walk to doorway (bottom of screen) First Pyramid Walk to desert (right). Walk to desert pyramid. Seekers Building Talk to Nachyl. RIKER - CAN YOU HELP US..... RIKER - WHY IS YOUR GROUP CALLED THE SEEKERS? RIKER - WHAT IS THIS PLACE? RIKER - WHY IS THIS NORMALLY CALLED..... RIKER - WHEN DID THIS START BEING CALLED..... RIKER - ISN'T IT POSSIBLE..... RIKER - WHAT IS THE GATEKEEPER LIKE? RIKER - LOVELY TEMPLE YOU HAVE HERE. Walk to Arch. Walk to door. The Gatekeeper will awaken and ask you his questions. Question/Answer (these may not be all the possible questions - if not answer as ambiguously as possible-this normally works!) Q/BY WHAT RIGHT ARE YOU HERE? A/FOR ALL I KNOW, WE MAY NOT HAVE ANY RIGHT TO BE HERE. Q/WHY ARE YOU HERE? A/I'M NOT SURE OF THAT MYSELF. Q/HOW DOES A PERSON REACH ENLIGHTENMENT? A/I DON'T KNOW. Q/WHO ARE YOU? A/EVERYONE PLAYS SO MANY ROLES IN LIFE...IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LABEL THEM. Q/HOW CAN THE SECTS BE MADE TO CO-OPERATE? A/I HAVE NO IDEA. THAT WOULD TAKE A BETTER DIPLOMAT THAN ME. After the Gatekeeper is satisfied with your answers the door will open. Enter temple. Inside Temple Get Riker to look at panel. Get Riker to look at sign. Get Data to look at Stasis Field. Get Data to look at panel. Get Data to look at sign. Get Riker to talk to Data. Leave Temple. Walk to Hall of Triumph. Walk to doorway (bottom of screen). Walk to Landing Area (First Pyramid). First Pyramid Get Riker to talk to Laraq. He will give you a means of translating language on panel in Temple. Return to Temple. Inside Temple Get Data to use Tricorder on sign. Get Data to use panel. Aelont will now be free of stasis field. Get Riker to talk to Aelont. RIKER - ARE YOU FEELING ALL RIGHT? RIKER - HOW COULD THE LAWGIVER..... RIKER - CAN YOU HELP US FIND..... RIKER - WHAT IS THIS PLACE? Aelont will give Riker two talimans and a key to the vault. Walk to doorway. Walk to Hall Of Triumph. Hall Of Triumph Use Thermacode Key on Vault. Take from vault the following three items:Golden Ring Device Staff (with white ball) Exit Vault. Walk to doorway (bottom of screen). Walk to Landing Area (First Pyramid). First Pyramid Enter doorway. Chanters Hall Use Gold Ring on hole. Stamblyr will give you a four pronged orchestrion which plays "Watch Your Step". Get La Forge to use Device on Instrument. Stamblyr will give you a two pronged orchestrion which plays "Travelling Music". Walk to doorway (bottom of screen). First Pyramid Walk to Pyramid near volcanoes (towards top of screen). Temple of Inner Strength Get Riker to talk to Madia. RIKER - CAN YOU HELP US FIND..... RIKER - WHAT IS THIS PLACE..... RIKER - WHY DO YOU CALL YOURSELVES..... RIKER - WHY DON'T YOU STILL HAVE..... RIKER - WHY DO YOU HAVE A FORCE FIELD..... RIKER - LOVELY TEMPLE YOU HAVE HERE. Use Staff on Madia. RIKER - WHAT'S BEHIND THIS FORCE FIELD? Madia will lower the force field. Use two pronged orchestrion on Device (transporter). Away team will be transported to Platform Room. Platform Room I have enclosed a map of the platforms with this text file to make things a little easier. The map was contibuted by Alexander Prettinger ([email protected]) ........ Thanks for the map, Alexander!.......... I have added numbers to the original map - I hope this makes it a little easier to follow. There are four orchestrions in this room that have to be collected in sequence. Using an orchestrion will play a tune which will make certain platforms appear and disappear. These platforms overlap in places so you have to stand on overlapping platforms before playing the next orchestrion to avoid falling into the abyss. However, if you do fall, you will reappear at the start, but with reduced energy. Either print or copy the map to a piece of paper and follow the instructions below: Use 4 pronged Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 2. Collect 3 pronged Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 3. Use 3 pronged Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 8. Collect 1 pronged (covered) Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 4. Use 1 pronged (covered) Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 14. Use 4 pronged Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 13. Collect 2 pronged (covered) Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 14. Use 1 pronged (covered) Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 11. Use 2 pronged (covered) Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 19. Collect 1 pronged Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 11. Use 1 pronged (covered) Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 14. Use 4 pronged Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 13. Use 1 pronged Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 17. Use 2 pronged (covered) Orchestrion. Walk to Platform 18. Phew! - You should now be standing beneath the Niche. Use blue Talisman on Niche. You will now be transported to the Scroll Room. Scroll Room Pick up Manuscript. MISSION OVER - Away Team will be transported to the Enterprise. Enterprise Laraq will now contact Picard. Garidian Warbird will arrive. Captain Pentara will contact Picard. Picard will talk to Lukana. Garidian Warbird wil depart with refugees in board. PICARD - I SHOULD LIKE TO CONSIDER..... Wait for a few moments. >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< (This cut scene indicates the star of a Romulan War. This will mean that, on occasion, the Enterprise will be attacked by Romulan Warships - I have detailed some of the sorties in the following text. However, these attacks may occur almost anywhere - be warned!) The Enterprise recieves an emergency transmission from Starfleet. The Romulans have declared war (boo, hiss!). Contact Starfleet - this attempt will be unsuccessful. Worf will eventually contact Starfleet. Picard will be advised to go to Outpost 543. Picard sets course as ordered. Outpost 543 On arrival at outpost use Comms. to contact Commander Chan. You will be instructed to go to the aid of a Communications Relay Station. PICARD - WE'RE ON OUR WAY. Picard will set course, as instructed. On arrival Worf will detect three Romulan Warbirds (boo, hiss!). PICARD - PREPARE TO ENGAGE, MR. WORF. The Warbirds will retreat (hooray). PICARD - CHANGE COURSE TO INTERCEPT. One Warbird will break-off to attack the Enterprise. On attacking the Warbird, it will initiate self-destruct. PICARD - WHY DID YOUR SHIPS..... PICARD - MR.DATA, LOCK ON..... After Warbird self-destructs Picard will scan sector. Contact Commander Chan via Comms. Picard will be given another assignment. PICARD - WE'RE IN NEED OF REPAIRS..... This request will be turned down. Picard is ordered to help the Klingons against an attack by three Warbirds. Picard will set course for system. On arrival Worf will detect a Romulan vessel (boo, hiss!!). PICARD - INTERCEPT THE TARGET. After successfully destroying Warbird the Enterprise will reach Goldur Epsilon. Picard will recieve a message from the Klingon Vessel. PICARD - WHAT EXACTLY DID YOU LEARN..... PICARD - CAN YOU TELL US ANYTHING ELSE..... PICARD - I TRUST THAT YOU..... Picard will then discuss situation with crew. Contact Commander Chan via Comms. Picard will give his report. After his report he will recieve a signal from Starfleet. PICARD - ON SCREEN After conversation with Starfleet Picard will need to go to Shonoisho Epsilon 6. PICARD - LAY IN A COURSE FOR SHONOISHO..... On arrival you will recieve a message from Chancellor Laraq. Continue on course to Frigis. On arrival you will encounter A Romulan Warbird (BOO!!!HISSS!!!) After destroying Wardbird Picard will want to beam down to Frigis. Away Team: Inventory: Picard Phaser Data Tricorder Worf Troi Frigis Get Picard to speak to Laraq. PICARD - THE ANCIENT CHODAK..... PICARD - WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CHODAK TECHNOLOGY? Laraq will give Picard three items: Isolinear (Encryption) Rod Programming Tool for Rod Chodak Data Crystal Picard will then transport back to Enterprise. Enterprise PICARD - SET COURSE FOR HORST III Horst III Data will complete analysis of crystal. On arrival at Horst III..... >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< Picard will recieve an automatic message transmitted by Shalok. Picard will beam down to Horst III. Away Team: Inventory: Picard Tricorder Troi Phaser Data Rod La Forge Programming Tool Horst III Fire Phaser at rubble - highest setting. A passageway will be revealed. Walk to passageway. Use Screen. Use Isolinear Rod on Aperture. Use Programmer on Rod. Use Tricorder on Screen. Use Rod. Exit Screen. Walk to Rear of Site (left). Use Tricorder on Instrument. Use Tricorder on Instrument Housing. Walk to Main Area (right). Walk to Access Shaft (right). Hail Ship via Comm Badge. MISSION COMPLETED-Away team will be transported back to Enterprise. Enterprise Wait a few moments. Worf will recieve a message from Starfleet. Picard is instructed to intercept an unknown alien vessel located in the Yajj system. Picard will set course as instructed. Yajj System You will have a difficult battle with alien vessel ( I suggest saving game before battle - this one is NOT easy!) After destroying alien vessel Picard will discuss encounter with crew. Get Picard to talk to Data. Picard will consequently set course for Allanor. On arrival at Allanor I suggest that you set course for nearest Starbase to replenish Photon Torpedoes. Starbase 131 is in sector 01-03-01. You will also see a very nice cut scene of Enterprise docking with Starbase. Once Photons are replenished (this occurs automatically) resume course for Allanor. Simply click on "Allanor" from scrolling list of destinations that appears at middle bottom of bridge screen. On arrival at Allanor..... >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< Data will find a Transporter point below surface of Allanor. Picard will head the Away Team. Go to Transporter Room. Away Team: Inventory: Picard Phaser La Forge Tricorder Data Med-Kit Carlstrom Rod Rod Programmer Allanor Use Tricorder on Schedule Screen (back of room). Use Phaser (highest setting) on each of the three Alloy Seals of the Ventilation Duct (front right). Ventilation Duct will open. Walk to Ventilation Duct. In the next room use Display Panels(top of stairs,right of screen). Use Rod on Port (bottom right). Use Programmer on Rod. Computer will display a menu (three options). Select "System Log". Select "More". Select "Done" when La Forge and Picard have finished studying info. You will be returned to Main Menu. Select "Initialise System". Select "OK". Wait for a menu displaying "Activate Facility" and "Exit". Select "Activate Facility". Wait - you will be returned to Main Menu. Select "Access Database". Select "OK". Wait. Select "Despatch Repair Unit". Wait - you will be returned to Main Menu. Use Isolinear Rod. You will leave Control Panel. Walk to Passage (right). You will now be in the Drone Repair Area. Use Sheet of Metal on right of screen. The Sheet of Metal and a Paperclip will appear in the inventory. You will witness a Drone being repaired. Data will discover how to deactivate the Drones. Return to Walkway on left. Return to Ventilation Duct on left. You will now be back at the Beaming Down point. Remove Foreign Object (Logic Inhibitor) from the deactivated drone. Drone will reactivate. Use Tricorder on Drone immediately to deactivate it - this is a Security Drone which will confiscate your weapons if not deactivated. You will now have Logic Inhibitor in inventory. Return to Drone Repair Area (right of screen twice). Walk to door at far rear of Drone Repair Area. You will now be in a location featuring a large, round door that automatically opens on Drone's approach - this door will close after Drone has gone through door. Get Data to use Tricorder on Alien Device just below Door. A schematic diagram of door mechanism will appear on Tricorder display indicating location of Logic Circuitry for door. Resume. Use Logic Inhibitor on Door Circuits to the left of door-this will stop door from automatically opening. When next Drone approaches it will stop. Use Tricorder on Drone. Select Deactivate. Remove Logic inhibitor from logic circuitry. Door will now open allowing access to next room. Walk to Door. The Logic Inhibitor will be replaced by a member of Away Team to prevent it from closing again. You are now in the Drone Charging Area. Get La Forge to use Display Panel (near Away Teams point of entry). Use Rod on Port. Use Programmer on Rod. Display will be activated. Two options offered - "Power Off" and "Station Offline". Select "Power Off" - "Power On" will now appear. Select "Station Offline" - "Station On Line" will now appear. Exit Panel. The Charging Unit will now be back in operation. Green lights will illuminate on the side of the Charging Capacitor. Use Display Panel again. Use Rod on Port. Use Programmer on Rod. Select "Power On" - "Power Off" will appear. Exit Panel. Drones will continue to be charged thus decreasing the charge in the Capacitor. When Capacitor is down to one green light Use Phaser on Capacitor. Charging Machine will be destroyed thus allowing Away Team to continue. Wait. The Chodak will eventually appear. Follow the Chodak to next location when invited to do so. Picard will now be face-to-face with the Chodak. Get Picard to Talk To Alien on far right. PICARD - WE ARE ON AN ARCHEALOGICAL..... PICARD - WE ARE ON A PEACEFUL MISSION..... PICARD - TELL ME MORE ABOUT..... PICARD - WE OBTAINED THIS ROD..... PICARD - THERE'S NO NEED..... PICARD - WE WILL SURRENDER..... (Apparently, giving different responses to those provided will change the outcome and therefore the course of the game to some degree) The Away Team will be taken prisoner and made to wear Ocular Inhibitors- this will prevent them from memorising the route to the next location. When the Ocular Inhibitors are removed the Away Team will see the new location. The Chodak Admiral will introduce himself and use the Rod on the Computer. This will reveal valuable information concerning the Unity Device. >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< The Chodak will eventually leave. Look at Pedestal. The computer is stll active. Select "Exhibit 227" Select "View" Read Document. Select "Done" on completion. Select "Final Message". Select "View". Read Document. Select "Done" on completion. Select "Communique 763-r" Select "View" Select "Done" on completion. Exit Panel. Walk to back of location. At new location you will witness departure of Chodak. >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< Use Med-Kit on dead Optimator. Talk to injured Optimator. Data will synthesise a stimulant for Optimator. A Stimulant will appear in inventory. Use Stimulant on injured Optimator. Picard will talk to Optimator. Picard will be given a security code by Optimator. Use Security Panel (near injured Optimator). Insert Wire Loop (paperclip) into hole (left of rod). Security Rod will appear in Inventory. Use Security Rod on Port. Use all six buttons on the screen displayed - this will deactivate security system. Exit Panel. Walk to Stairs (top left). Walk Left. Walk to Hall (back of screen). The Away Team are now in Chodak Transporter Room. Use Panel. This is the Control Panel for Transporter. Use Middle Button Left. Use Right Button Top. Use Engage Button (bottom right). Transporter will activate and the three Away Team members displayed on screen will be transported. Use Bar Gauge (timer) on right of screen. Exit Panel. Walk to Transporter. Last member of Away Team will be transported. Entire Away Team will appear at new location. Walk to Door (front left). Away Team is back at location where Picard first met Chodak Admiral. Walk to Charging Station (left). Walk to passage (bottom left). Walk to Chamber (bottom left). Walk to Walkway (left). Walk to Ventilation Duct (left). Away Team has returned to "Beam In" location. Wait- one of the Away Team will study screen and Data will calculate possible location of Nebula. Hail Enterprise via Comms. Badge. END OF MISSION - Away Team will be transported back to Enterprise. Enterprise Picard will discuss the gathered information with rest of crew. PICARD - YOU'RE RIGHT, NUMBER ONE. TAKE US BACK INTO FEDERATION SPACE. Ruinore Sector Data will surmise information gathered so far. Talk to Troi. PICARD - LAY IN A COURSE FOR THE GAMBARA NEBULA. On arrival Data advises Picard that the Pulsar has collapsed into a Black Hole thirty years previously. Talk to Troi. She will suggest taking the Enterprise thirty light years from present location to view the light from the Pulsar. Select Astrogation. Select Sector Map (cube). Set a heading of 06-05-06 (Zephyrus Sector). Select Course. Engage. On arrival Enterprise will probably encounter Warbird at this location. On destroying any resistance..... Select Astrogation. Select Stellar Map (middle button). Set a Stellar Heading of 03-08-12. Engage. On arrival Data will detect a light reading from Pulsar, as planned. Data will tell Picard that the Unity Device is in Sector 03-01-03. Select Astrogation. Select Sector Map (cube). Set a heading of 03-01-03. Engage. On arrival in Thang Sector the Enterprise is likely to encounter heavy resistance before reaching destination. Select Astrogation. Select Stellar Map (middle button). Set a heading of 09-14-16. Engage. On arrival at Unity Device..... >>>>>>Cut Scene<<<<<< Picard will give the order to approach the Unity Device. Garidian Warbird arrives and hails the Enterprise. On completion of conversation with Garidian Captain wait..... Chodak Dreadnought arrives and hails the Enterprise. On completion of conversation Chodak Dreadnought prepares to attack. PICARD - EVASIVE MANEUVERS Wait. The Chodak Dreadnought will not attack. Both the Chodak and the Garidians send shuttles down to the surface of the Unity Device. Picard does the same. Away Team: Inventory: Picard Phaser Worf Tricorder Data Butler The Unity Device On arrival walk to Interior Bay (left). Get Worf to walk to circular platform in middle of screen - this is a transporter pad. Send Worf through transporter first. Each member of the away team must step onto transporter pad individually. Only Picard will arrive at new location. Get Picard to look at Glow (left). After being spoken to by alien..... PICARD - WHO ARE YOU? The alien does not respond. Walk to Left. At new location Picard meets Brodnack and Pentara. PICARD - WHAT DO YOU KNOW..... Walk to shuttle. >>>>>>Big Cut Scene<<<<<< At new location Pentara will suggest an alliance to Picard. PICARD - AGREED..... Walk to far Door. At new location Picard will be met by a Picard from the future. Picard is given a Device. Picard - YES, LETS GET ON WITH IT. Speak to Brodnack and you will be told of second Test. Picard will pick up the semi-circular blocks. Picard goes first with test. Use Table. Use Disk Half on Left Receptacle. Use Button. Pentara goes second. Brodnack goes third. Picard's turn. Use Table. Use Button. Pentara and Brodnack take their turns. Picard uses Table. Use Button. Pentara uses Table. Picard talks to Brodnack. PICARD - EVEN IF WE DEFEAT BRODNACK..... PICARD - NO. EVERYONE..... Brodnack decides to co-operate with Picard and Pentara. Get Picard to pick up Disk Half from Table Get Picard to examine Field Generator. Use Disk Half on Disk Half to create a complete Disk. Use Disk on (lower) air gap. Look at Field Emitter (top). Look at (upper) air gap. Look at Field Coil. Look at (lower) air gap. Exit Field Generator. Picard will ask for the other four Disk Halves from Pentara and Brodnack. Assemble two complete Disks. Examine Field Generator. Insert both Disks into lower air gap above Picards Disk. The Force Field will be deactivated. Exit Field Generator. Walk to Right. Get Picard to use Artifact. He will be transported across chasm. Use artifact twice more to transport Brodnack and Pentara. Pick up Symbol. Force Field in Doorway will be deactivated. Walk to Doorway. Use Symbol on First Door. Door will open. Walk to Open Door. Walk to Stasis Chamber. Look at Stasis Chamber. Use Panel to right of Stasis Chamber. The Judge will come out of stasis and talk to each of the candidates. PICARD - THE UNITY DEVICE SHOULD BE USED FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. The Judge will interrogate each of the candidates. Once he is satisfied he will open the Door. Walk to Right. Walk to Tower. This will take the candidates to the Unity Device Intelligence. The Unity Device wil claim all candidates have passed the tests. The Unity Device will detect a Borg Invasion Fleet and offers the candidates the opportunity to take action against the Borg. This is another test. A Control Panel will appear. Get Picard to deactivate Panel. ....Deactivate Panel without making choice?.... .....................YES!................... Picard will then explain his actions. Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the exciting end sequence! WILL PICARD DIE? WILL THE ENTERPRISE BE DESTROYED? WILL I STOP RAMBLING? ............................THE END........................... This was a TerryScope Pruduction, creators of the incredible: NORWEGIAN CHOPPER FORCE:THE FIJORDS OF DOOM! Freeware - Available from Compuserve, Action Games Form, Shooting Gallery Library. Probably the worst game ever written! E-mail me, sometime....... .........................REALLY THE END.......................
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