True Love '95 Guide v1.9
By Incinerator ([email protected])
COPYRIGHT 1999,2000,2001

This IS NOT a walkthrough.  It is designed to give pointers for the game
and present the main areas where you can score 'points' with the girls.
Think of this as a 'recipe' for getting the girl you're interest in =).
If you want a walkthrough, see Vendetta's True Love Walkthrough for a
step-by-step, day-by-day procedure to get nine of the ten girls in one
run (available on my website, since I don't have permission from him
directly to submit it).  Personally, I think it's more fun with the guide,
replay the game over and over, but that's my opinion :).

This game is SO complex!  You could see smoke coming out of my head trying
to put together this guide!  Being complex, the information in this guide
may not be 100% correct.  Please send comments and corrections to the above
address.  Note that this information was mainly ripped from the game and
later tested.  However, due to complexity, it's extremely difficult to
test every single possibility (hence, the high replay value).

First revision was completed early morning June 28, 1999.  'Debugged' early
morning June 30, 1999.  Uploaded early morning July 1 (Happy Canada Day!).

Previous revision uploaded late evening April 2, 2000 (first update of the

Current revision uploaded late evening March 16, 2001 (first update of the
year! x2).

Want to find the H-stuff quick?  Search for '(lay)' (not the potato chips!).
(lay) doesn't always mean it's automatic, though.

0. Table of Contents
0.5 Quick Questions FAQ
1. General
2. Notes
3. Characters
4. Character 'Affiliations'
5. Character Events
6. Character Type
7. Items
8. Fortune Teller
9. Locations
10. Key Dates
11. Frequently Missing Pics
12. Advanced Tips
13. Tidbits
13.5 Making A Difference

0.5 Quick Questions FAQ
* you CAN'T get Akane (the girl in front of the hotel)
* you CAN'T walk around the festival with anyone else but Mikae
* ALL characters appear to be available in ALL modes... just that it may be
  more easy or difficult to get that particular character, since the amount
  of attributes you get in each mode differs with the mode.

1. General
* the girl(s) you lay during the game will be the ones which you can
  successfully choose at the end (except Anze if your passion isn't high
  enough and Yumi if you didn't keep your scholarship up?)
* always say 'I don't regret it' after being laid if you're chasing that
  particular girl.
* although it's not always necessary, make sure you have a gift for the end
  of the game to give to your True Love.  It's added to the 'points' that
  girl has.

2. Notes
* default name is Daisuke if you don't punch in a name....
* dai suki {- Jap expression for "I love you" ^_^'
* the first time you WORK, you'll see Remi's father.
* the next time you WORK (or a few times after), Toshio'll drop by to bother
* Gods of education, strength, art, beauty, and pleasure will visit you in
  your dreams if you work hard in their disciplines (ie: do that particular
  thing all day for a few days).  Some may not appear in character types
  outside normal or particular ones.
* Gods of education, strength, art, beauty, and pleasure appear only ONCE or
  not at all during the game.
* Gods generally give you a stats boost of about 20 and reduce fatigue.
* maxing out your stats (ie: putting the same thing two or three times)
  sometimes isn't a good idea, since it takes time and after the god's
  visited you, it's back to the normal 2-3 pts per time spent.
* God of luck leaves you an envelope on the ground of 10000 yen, which is
  the first out-of-the-way step needed to pursue Arisa.
* God of games will visit in your dreams if you played the game at the PC
  club during the festival.
* the type of character you have from that beginning affects the way that
  points come to you, as well as your max limits.
* the unusual things you find during shopping can help increase your stats
  (see Items section).
* don't play BlackJack.  It's rigged so you'll usually lose when you double
* Red Bracelet unusual object 'unrigs' the games for the most part (you win
  2nd in the lotto if you buy a ticket).  [get a lotto on the June 26th
  with red bracelet and you'll win First Prize.  I did this and it won 6
  out of 7 times, the 7th time being Second Prize.  --Onieros].
* fourth slot in the unusual items shop changes each month (see Items section)
* fortune teller shows up after shopping if you spend a lot of time in the
  back streets (browsing or otherwise).
* it's only possible to get the following grades: no.1, no.13, no.131,
  no.185, no.194.
* lottery first place is 50000 yen, second is 10000 yen, third is 5000 yen,
  fourth is 1000 yen, and fifth is 100 yen.
* try to avoid doing something two or three times in a row as it may cause
  events to not occur.  Also, events may not occur if some other unrelated
  event hasn't yet occured.
* BREAK and PLEASURE do not affect passion (except for neglecting it, which
  may cause it to go down).
* [ on July 8th and can win up to 32K on the double up, if
  starting with 10K or more yen.  --Onieros]
* [once a player's "specialty" area is maxed at 160, can go as low as 156
  before reupping.  When reupping, get 4 points instead of usual 2-3!  If
  max out one area early in the game, then this allows for more points
  overall, because you don't have to pick that area as often.  --Cevn

3. Characters
Characters as they are listed in the CG ROOM:
Mikae Morikawa
Remi Himekawa
Miyuki Tanaka
Mayumi Kamijo
Chiemi Fujimoto
Misako Sayama
Ryoko Shimazaki
Arisa Miyoshi
Yumi Matsumiya

n.b. names do not appear until you've met and spoken to the characters.
Anze's name doesn't show up until the end since you don't remember.  I had
a 90% completion her and STILL didn't have her name I chose her at the end.

4. Character 'Affiliations'
Each girl appears to have some sort of stat or hobby that interests them
that you have to keep up.

Mikae Morikawa  -}  NOT Scholarship.
Remi Himekawa   -}  Scholarship (do lots of STUDY).
Miyuki Tanaka   -}  Art (do lots of ART LEARNING)
Mayumi Kamijo   -}  Appearance (do lots of FASHION)
Chiemi Fujimoto -}  Physical Strength (do lots of SPORTS)
Misako Sayama   -}  no stat requirement (do lots of PLEASURE)
Ryoko Shimazaki -}  no stat requirement (you need lots of key events, though)
Arisa Miyoshi   -}  no stat requirement (do lots of PLEASURE)
Yumi Matsumiya  -}  save Mayumi from Mikisaki AND Scholarship (do lots of
Anze            -}  Passion

5. Character Events
Okay, this part's not like a tip sheet in the above section.  Continue
reading if you want to know when you need to do things to get a particular

n.b. save often.  Sometimes events occur randomly or may not appear at all
(reload and try again).

* next to the name denotes probably has some other stats requirement, since
I couldn't always follow the directions and get it.

Mikae Morikawa
* one of the more straight-forward characters, extremely easy to get.
* keep all your promises (okay, you might be able to get away with missing
  one or two, but not the last one)
* be nice to her and always try to go home with her
* July 9:  chance to go home with Mikae after school.  Go home with Mikae.
* July 14 to July 16:  it'll be raining after school.  Share umbrella with
* August 3 to August 14:  run in with Mikae in front of flat during daytime
  if you chose PLEASURE any time of day.  She'll set up a date.
* August 15:  date with Mikae during daytime (DON'T FORGET, could still get,
  but why chance it? ^_^').
* August 26:  Toshio trying to pick up Mikae at school.  Go after Mikae
  (this might have an impact, I'm not sure).
* NOTE:  Mikae's birthday is on September 28th.
* September 22:  after the exam, Mikae'll set a date during the evening of
  the 28th.
* IMPORTANT:  if your grades are too high, Remi'll also ask you for a date.
  [if you set Remi's date on the 27th and forget Remi's date, you can still
  get Mikae. --DarkHawk].  If you set it up on the 28th, she'll walk in on
  you and Mikae and Mikae's pts'll drop bigtime.
* NOTE:  Get a gift for Mikae!
* September 28:  get together with Mikae during the evening (DON'T FORGET).
* Mikae Morikawa and Remi Himekawa are opposites (ie: you could only get
  one but not the other in one run... then again, there's Vendetta's
  walkthrough, which is really well prepared so you can get both... ^_^).

Remi Himekawa
* one of the more straight-forward characters.  More work involved.
* July 8: run into Remi at school
* July 10: run into Remi at school, get ranted at by Kameo
* Around July 12: run into Remi at school (rock scissors paper) (I got this
  one on July 11 for some reason).
* July 16: run into Remi during daytime (~5pm)
* July 21 to July 23: talk with Remi after school, choose walk home together.
* August 11 to August 15: Remi'll drop by.  If you have the rabbit pendant,
  she'll ask about the pendant.  Give her the pendant.  In any case, she'll
  set a date.
* August 17: date with Remi (at library) during daytime (DON'T FORGET).
  Say 'don't worry, I've just arrived too' and DON'T say 'love hotel' in
  the next choice.
* IMPORTANT: keep your scholarship HIGH (ie: 160!)
* September 17: you ask for a date with Remi, but she says only if your
  marks are good (ie: no.1).  You'll need a 160 in Scholarship and study
  the day before the exam to make no.1.
* IMPORTANT: keep studying!
* September 22: Remi'll ask you for a date if you got no.1. in class.
  Choose 27th unless you want trouble with Mikae (not a factor if you
  shun Mikae, though).
* September 26 or September 27: if you chose to date Remi on 27th, then
  she'll be kidnapped.  Choose the LEFT road for the shortcut (doesn't
  matter, really).
* choose her in the end.
* Mikae Morikawa and Remi Himekawa are opposites (ie: you could only get
  one but not the other in one run... then again, there's Vendetta's
  walkthrough, which is really well prepared so you can get both... ^_^).

Miyuki Tanaka
* not too difficult to get her.  Keeping your art level high is essential.
* July 8 to July 23:  max out your ART so that Miyuki'll notice you (I
  think you need about 100 [I got her second time with art around 70.
* July 28 to August 22:  run into Miyuki in front of park during daytime
  or evening (NOT night).  She'll ask you if she was a bother, say 'of
  course not'.
* August 17 to August 23:  run in with Miyuki at central park (if doing
  ART) during daytime or evening and set up date
* August 24:  date with Miyuki during daytime (DON'T FORGET)
* August 25:  Miyuki'll set another date for the daytime of the 31st
* August 31:  second appointment with Miyuki during daytime (lay)
* choose her in the end.

Mayumi Kamijo *
* one of the tougher characters to get in the game.  The game seems to be
* July 6: if doing FASHION at NIGHT, run in with Mayumi at the train station
  at night (almost mistake her for a hooker)
* July 14 to July 16:  it's raining.  Turn down Mikae's offer to share her
  umbrella and Mayumi'll turn up and walk home with you.
* July 17 to July 31:  go out for PLEASURE or FASHION during the evening and
  you'll go on a date/meal with Mayumi.
* July 29 to August 15:  choose PLEASURE or FASHION at night to run into
  Mayumi in the back streets (hotel).
* NOTE: the following step is CRUCIAL.  I had to double FASHION just to get
  it, and I can't always get it.
* August 16 to August 29:  choose FASHION at evening? night? and Mayumi'll
  run into you and drop her underwear.
* August 31:  run in with Mayumi about her sold clothes if you got her
  underwear.  Give it back and she'll set up a date on September 7th.
* September 2:  save Mayumi from Mikisaki (if you got Mayumi's underwear
* September 7:  run in with Mayumi (lay) at the train station during
  evening.  Say that you're lovers and go to a love hotel.
* choose her in the end.

Chiemi Fujimoto
* pretty easy to get.  Keep high appearance and high physical strength.
* be generally nice to her.
* keep your physical strength and appearance high.  She'll call you a hunk.
* [ point difference if you say "masc" or "fem" during encounter
  in park.  At the swim meet, no point diff between 'great body' or 'nice
  suit', although her reaction to nice suit is better.  If you don't
  compliment her on jogging "10K", no further meetings.  --Onieros]
* July 13 :  run into Chiemi at central park if you do SPORTS during
* July 25 to August 15:  run into Chiemi during daytime in central park
* July 27:  opportunity to compliment Chiemi.  Tell her that 'she has a
  great body'.
* August 1 to August 15:  run in with Chiemi in central park if you do
  SPORTS during the daytime (catapiller?)
* August 17 to August 28:  run in with Chiemi at the beach (if doing sports)
* August 18 to August 30:  run in with Chiemi (lay) at beach if doing sports
  during evening.
* choose her in the end.

Misako Sayama
* pretty easy to get.
* July 2 to July 20:  choose PLEASURE at night to run into Misako at the
* July 8 to July 30:  choose PLEASURE at night.  If it's the second time
  you run into Misako, she'll take you to a bar.  Say 'I can't believe he
  dumped you'.
* September 3:  Misako shows up at the college.
* September 4:  Choose to help Remi with the festival.  Kameo will drop a
  box on your foot and you'll need to see Misako.  Say that you're used to
  it, you don't have anyone else special in your life and 'going to woo her'.
* choose her in the end.

Ryoko Shimazaki
* complicated to get.  You have to get ALL of these events or it WON'T work
  (I lucked out the first time, then had TONS of trouble trying to get it
  the next time).
* NOTE: the following event is key, or you won't get past the part that uses
  that info later.
* August 1 to August 3:  If your (art?  passion?) is high enough if you're
  out doing art, you'll see run into Ryoko's brother in the backstreets and
  Akane'll think he's a porn movie producer.
* August 10 to August 20:  Choose SHOPPING or PLEASURE during daytime.
  Ryoko's brother asks you what you think of Sonoko Takahashi.  Say that you
  like her.
* September 1:  Ryoko's introduction
* September 3:  Run in with Ryoko on the roof.  Say that OK about being her
* September 8 to September 10:  Kazuhiko shows you Sonoko Takahashi's CD and
  you find infer her secret.  You'll run into her again and be all thumbs.
  She'll run after the bus.
* September 9 to September 13:  Ryoko meets Mikae.  Mikae leaves.  In class,
  Ryoko'll notice you're acting funny.  She'll later admit her secret.  Tell
  her that you like her and that your opinion of her won't change if she
  were Sonoko Takahashi.
* September 13 to September 17:  Run into Ryoko's brother during the morning.
* September 17 to September 19:  Ryoko and her brother will be talking.
  You'll think he's trying to convince her into doing a porn movie.  The
  truth'll come out, Ryoko'll get pissed and she'll run away with you.
  DON'T kiss her.  Walk her home instead.
* September 18 to September 20:  The next day she won't be in class.
* September 18 to September 26:  Ryoko (lay) shows up to your flat after
  running away from home if doing SPORTS at NIGHT.  Tell her that you love
* September 19 to September 27:  Following the previous day, Ryoko tells
  you what happened with her brother.
* choose her in the end.

Arisa Miyoshi
* complicated to get.  Time-critical.
* July 28 to August 3:  run into Arisa at beach if doing SPORTS at any time
  of day
* August 1 to August 8:  choose PLEASURE during the evening to pick up an
  envelope (from God of Luck) at train station.  Arisa'll pop up.  Say 'Ok,
  I'll hang out with you'.  She'll later ask if there's something you like.
  Say 'Yes'.  Choose to go home together.  (I had to study during daytime
  first to get this to work for some reason)
* August 9:  Kazuhiko gives you back the money you lent him if you're
  seeing Arisa and on the right track.
* August 10 to August 20:  STUDY at home.  Arisa shows up if you picked up
  the envelope.  Say 'you look better with a smile on your face'.
* August 20:  if you do sports on this day, Kazuhiko'll come on to you.
* August 21:  Kazuhiko comes back for his game he lent you.
* August 27 to August 30:  do PLEASURE during the daytime.  You'll run into
  Arisa at the train station (lay).
* September 30:  if you went to the beach on August 20th, Kazuhiko'll come
  over and profess his love.
* choose her in the end.

Yumi Matsumiya *
* probably the toughest character in the game to get.
* you have to get ALL of Mayumi's plot, plus:
* maintain a high scholarship
* September 13 to September 18:  PLEASURE at night.  She'll be drunk and
  take you back to her place after you get hurt.  Say 'I don't think so',
  and hug her.
* choose her in the end.

* not too complicated to get but somewhat elusive.
* to have her come back, you have to have HIGH passion (I usually kept it
  from 90-99.  It's important to have it high by September 30 if it drops,
* August 1 to August 5:  Anze-neko (neko = cat) shows up if you do SHOPPING
  during the evening and if you have the wings of an angel (up August 5).
  Take the kitten in.
* August 10:  Anze'll transform if you do FASHION during the evening and
  if you've taken in the kitten that showed up.
* choose her in the end.  If you don't remember her, then your passion
  wasn't high enough.

6. Character Type
All types have the following max stats:
Passion 99
Appearance 160
Scholarship 160
Physical Strength 160
Art 160

- different characteristics are about equal

- difficult to maintain a high art level?
- easier to get scholarship

- difficult to maintain a good appearance
- easier to get physical strength

- difficult to maintain a high physical strength
- easier to get appearance

7. Items
You can usually buy the stuff for yourself often.  Unusual items generally
don't generally restock if you own one (though I managed to get two wings
for some reason).

For yourself:
Energy Drink (3000 yen)
- reduces fatigue by 20
- increases physical strength by 20

Study Book (3000 yen)
- increases scholarship by 10

Art Book (3000 yen)
- increases art by 10

Adult Magazine (3000 yen)
- increases passion by 5
- reduces fatigue by 20

For girlfriend:
Accessory (6000 yen)
Cuddly Toy (6000 yen)
Flowers (9000 yen)

Unusual items:
Rabbit pendant (500 yen)
- increases appearance and art by 5
- give to Remi

Misanga of passion (3000 yen)
- increases passion by 20

Wisemans jeans (12000 yen)
- increases passion, appearance, scholarship, physical strength, and art by

Wings of an angel (10000 yen)
- appears only in JULY.
- increases passion by 20
- required for Anze to appear

Red Bracelet (10000 yen)
- appears only in AUGUST.
- does not appear to do anything immediately
- increases luck.  Buy a lotto ticket and win.

Golden Frog (20000 yen)
- appears only in SEPTEMBER.
- does not appear to do anything but waste money
- clean a man of all sins?  Maybe increases all girls pts?

8. Fortune Teller
The 9 subjects that the fortune teller will talk to you about are:

"You may find luck if you get bad test results on purpose...  Or something
good may happen if you keep your grades up, it depends on you..."
This refers to being able to get Remi or Mikae.  You can't get both in one
run.  If you get high enough marks to date Remi, Mikae'll dump you (only
way around it is if you set Remi's date on the 27th and forget your promise).

"You will have trouble with water..."
This refers to Arisa and the swimming competition.

"I see ears...a tail...this animal looks like, no! It's something
This refers to Anze.

"Do not pursue one matter but concern yourself with many matters, you will
have more chance meeting women if you do so."
This refers to Miyuki and Chiemi, who you run into only if you pursue their

"Also, if you make a promise with a girl never break it, you may never be
able to make up for it."
This refers to all girls in general.  If you fail to show up for a date,
it is nearly impossible to make up for it (except Mikae's and Remi's FIRST

"This is serious...a girl is in need of help in the student counsel room..."
This refers to Mayumi and Mikisaki's attempt to rape her.

"A female teacher... I see a female teacher... A female teacher... (could it
be Miss Yumi)"
This refers to Yumi after Mikisaki leaves school.

"This time it's for real...hum, I see 2 college girls... it's important to
keep a promise with a girl..."
This refers to Mikae's and/or Remi's date in September.

"By the way, do you like cats?"
This probably refers to Anze AFTER she's wiped your memory.

9. Locations
SPORTS -} central park, beach, in front of flat
ART LEARNING -} central park, school
STUDY, BREAK -} at home
FASHION -} train station, at home
SHOPPING -} train station, love hotel
WORK -} train station

10. Key Dates
This listing provides a rough date as to when events occur in the game.  Not
all of them are correct for each girl, though.

n.b. some lines have another date included.  This is the 'up to' date.  I
haven't figured it out yet, but it means that the even can either happen
a) from the date to that date, or b) specifically on that date.
n.b. most things 'at school' will be part of the daytime
n.b. some dates are approximate, dependent on other events
n.b. save often.  Sometimes events occur randomly
n.b. some events are dependent on your stats.  I haven't worked those out
yet, though, so try to keep your stats as high as possible.
n.b. try to avoid doing something two or three times in a row as it may
cause events to not occur.  Also, events may not occur if some other
unrelated event hasn't yet occured.

* means automatic
- means in a specific place
+ means automatic if another previous event occurred

* Mikae will drool over you if your appearance is high, be disgusted with
  you if your appearance is really low.
* Yumi'll be happy if your grades are high.
* Chiemi'll want to walk home with you if you have a high appearance.

July 1
* run into Mikae at school in the morning
* lend Kazuhiko 3000 yen for game (no choice)
* peep and get into trouble with Chiemi in the afternoon at school
* deal with Yumi about marks in classroom
* run in with Misako in the park in evening

July 2
* run in with Mayumi at school
- run in with Misako in the park at night (choose PLEASURE) (up to July 20)

July 3
* pick up Miyuki's handkerchief at school

July 4
* first day of second term exams

July 5
* second day of second term exams
* run in with Mayumi at the train station during day

July 6
- if doing FASHION at NIGHT, run in with Mayumi at the train station at night
  (almost mistake her for a hooker)

July 7
* talk to Yumi about exams, drop papers

July 8
* run into Remi at school
* see Yumi get into Mikisaki's car (up to July 12)
* sought out by Miyuki and Mikae (if art high enough? or after being visited
  by the God of Art?) (up to July 23)
- run in with Misako in the park at night and go to bar (if chose PLEASURE
  and ran into her before at night) (up to July 30)

July 9
* chance to go home with Mikae after school

July 10
* run into Remi at school, get ranted at by Kameo
- run into Yumi at night who's patrolling the streets (if chose PLEASURE
  at night) (up to July 18)

July 11
* run into Mayumi at school

July 12
* run into Remi at school (rock scissors paper) (I got this one on July 11
  for some reason).

July 13
- run into Chiemi at central park if you do SPORTS during daytime (I got
  this on the 20th?)

July 14
* raining.  Choice to walk home with Mikae after school.  If you turn her
  down, Mayumi's around... (up to July 16).

July 16
* run into Remi during daytime (~5pm)

July 17
* glimpse of Anze before school
* Mikae and Mayumi arguing during school (up to July 19)
* talk with Mayumi about Yumi and rumours (up to July 19)
- date/meal with Mayumi if out for PLEASURE during evening (up to July 31)

July 21
* talk with Remi after school, choice to walk home together (up to July 23)

July 25
- run into Chiemi during daytime in central park (up to August 15)

July 26
* dad sneaks into the flat, talks about Mikae (that 'I'm gonna marry Mikae!'
  bit... aww... isn't that touching? :)

July 27
* swimming contest
* opportunity to compliment Chiemi (say that she has a great body)
- Miyuki gets ill (if impressed before else not present)
* save Arisa at sea (no choice)

July 28
- run into Arisa at beach if doing SPORTS at any time of day (up August 3)
- run into Miyuki in front of park during daytime or evening (NOT night)
  (up to August 22 (Aug 8))
- Yumi visits you in your flat if you're studying (during the daytime)
  (up to August 23)

July 29
- run into Mayumi in the back streets (hotel) if you chose PLEASURE at night
  (up to August 15).

August 1
- Akane cameo (if out shopping or backstreets?  You need this for Ryouko's
  plot) (up to August 3)
- 'kitten' (Anze) shows up if you do SHOPPING during the evening and if you
  have the wings of an angel (up August 5)
- pick up an envelope (from God of Luck) at train station (shopping?
  pleasure?), meet with Arisa (up to August 8)
- run in with Chiemi in central park if you do SPORTS during the daytime
  (up to August 15)
- run in with Yumi at night at the train station (PLEASURE at night) (up to
  August 29)

August 3
- run in with Mikae in front of flat during daytime if you chose PLEASURE
  any time of day, sets up a date (up to August 14)

August 9
- Kazuhiko gives you back the money you lent him if you're seeing Arisa.

August 10
- Anze shows up if you do FASHION during the evening and if you've taken
  in the kitten that showed up.
+ Arisa shows up if you picked up the envelope (or August 20)
- Kazuhiko tells you about Sonoko Takahashi's retirement if you go SHOPPING
  or PLEASURE during daytime, Ryoko's brother asks you what you think of
  Sonoko Takahashi (up to August 20).

August 11
- if you have the rabbit pendant, Remi will drop by (and set a date if you
  give her the pendant) (up to August 15).

August 15
- date with Mikae during daytime.

August 16
+ Mikae gets really pissed (lose major points here) if you forgot your
  promise on the 15th.
- if you do SPORTS during the evening, Kazuhiko harasses you (if you've
  been dating Arisa?)  Chiemi shows up (up to August 25).
- Mayumi possibly selling her used clothes in back street (if you chose
  PLEASURE or FASHION during evening) (up to August 29)

August 17
- date with Remi (at library) during daytime.
* run in with Miyuki at central park (if doing ART) during daytime or
  evening (if art high enough?) set up date (up to August 23)
- run in with Chiemi at the beach (if doing sports) (up to August 28)

August 18
+ Remi gets really pissed (lose major points here) if you forgot your
  promise on the 17th.
- run in with Mikae in front of flat in morning (up to August 25)
- run in with Chiemi (lay) at beach if doing sports and if her pts high
  enough (up to August 30)

August 20
- Mikisaki in front of love hotel (shopping?) (up to August 31)

August 21
+ Kazuhiko comes back for his game if you visited him before

August 24
- appointment with Miyuki if made on 17th.

August 25
+ run in with Miyuki, make another appointment on the 31st (automatic if
  you made an appointment before).

August 26
* self assessment test
* Toshio trying to pick up Mikae at school
* day is wasted, so no other events occur on this day

August 27
- if doing PLEASURE during daytime or evening, run in with Arisa (lay)
  (up to August 30).

August 31
- second appointment with Miyuki (lay)
+ run in with Mayumi about her sold clothes.

September 1
- Miyuki gets really pissed (lose major points here) if you forgot your
  promise on the 31st.
* Ryoko introduction

September 2
+ save Mayumi from Mikisaki (if you got Mayumi's underwear before).

September 3
+ Misako shows up at the college (if you slept with her)
+ Mikisaki leaves if incident occurred on the 2nd.
+ run in with Ryoko on the roof (if you saw Sonoko Takahashi in August?
  [run into Ryoko on roof regardless of meeting her before in August.

September 4
- visit to Misako (lay) if you chose to help with the festival and Kameo
  dropped the box on your foot and you laid Misako before.

September 5
+ Misako leaves (only if she came)

September 6
* go around the festival with Mikae (you CANNOT go around with anyone else).
* panty snatcher (Remi's kidnapper) shows up again
* God of Games helps you

September 7
- date with Mayumi (lay). (Onieros suggests you have cash, I never
  tested it without cash)

September 8
+ Mayumi pissed off if you forget your date with her (up to September 9)
* Kazuhiko shows you Sonoko Takahashi's CD and you find infer her secret
  and run into her again (up to September 10)
+ run in with Mayumi (if you saved her from Mikisaki) (up to September 12)
- run in with Mikae at the park if doing ART in evening (up to September 26)

September 9
+ Ryoko meets Mikae.  Later admits her secret (if you got this far in
  Ryoko's plot) (up to September 13)

September 13
- Yumi'll be at the train station drunk.  If you saved.  If you saved Mayumi
  from Mikisaki -} (lay) (up to September 18).

September 16
* Mikae insists that you do well on exams and arranges a date on her birthday
  September 28th (if her pts are high enough?).
+ run into Ryoko's brother (if you know Ryoko's secret?) (up to September 17)

September 17
* you ask for a date with Remi, but she says only if your marks are good.
+ if you know Ryoko's secret, she'll be talking to her brother and later run
  away with you (up to September 19)

September 18
* Yumi tells you that your exams are important.
+ if you ran away with Ryoko the day before, she won't be in class (up to
  September 20)
- Ryoko (lay) shows up to your flat after running away from home if doing
  SPORTS at NIGHT (up to September 26)

September 19
* first day of exams
* Yumi tells you to keep on your toes
+ Ryoko tells you what happened with her brother (up to September 27)

September 20
* second day of exams
* Kameo annoys you with his superiority complex

September 22
* Mikae's response'll vary depending on your grades (no.1 or not no.1), though
  she'll still set a date during the evening of the 28th even if you have
  education 0!
* NOTE: if your grades are no.1, you'll have to shun Remi to get Mikae.
+ Remi'll ask you for a date if your grades are HIGH (ie: no.1).  Choose
  27th unless you want trouble with Mikae.

September 27
+ if you have a date with Mikae on the 28th, Toshio'll be hitting on Mikae.
  Mikae'll remind you about your date on the 28th.
+ if you chose to date Remi on 27th and remember your promise, then she'll
  be kidnapped.  Choose the LEFT road (doesn't really matter).

September 28
* if you had a date with Remi on the 27th and forgot, she won't phone, since
  she's been kidnapped... =|  You'll be able to go after Mikae now, though...
  feeling guilty yet? =|
+ if you chose to date Mikae, and you're in good standing with her -} (lay).
+ if you chose to date Mikae, but you went on a date with Remi days earlier,
  she'll pop up, call you a bastard, get pissed off and leave (man, she
  seems to know all, eh?).
+ if you chose to date Remi on 28th, then she'll be kidnapped.  Choose the
  LEFT road (doesn't really matter).
+ if you chose to date Mikae and Remi, Remi'll walk in on you and Mikae
  after (lay) and both'll leave.

September 29
+ if you (lay) Mikae on the 28th, she'll show up at school

September 30
* Last day of game.  You can save, but that's just about it.
+ if Kazuhiko came on to you before in August on the beach, Kazuhiko may
  show up and tell you he loves you (is he gay?!... ummm... flip the first
  two words...).

11. Frequently Missing Pics
- Mayumi -} on July 14 (up to 16th), if you go with Mikae, Mayumi'll show
  up and you'll go home with her.
- Mikae -} on July 14 (up to 16th), if you don't go with Mikae, she'll see
  you with Mayumi and run off.
- Arisa -} on August 27, choose 'I'm coming' or 'I can hold it' (whichever
  you didn't choose the first time round).

12. Advanced Tips
- MIDI is played through the default MIDI mapper.  If you've got a wavetable
  soundcard and it's set as default, you're in for a treat.
- pressing ALT-ENTER can get the game to run in a window.
- the file SAVE contains all the slots for your save games.  To back up the
  saves, just copy SAVE.
- the file END holds the information containing what's been completed and
  what's not.  00h means not completed, FFh means completed.
 To get all the pics, fill the file with FFh (or character 255).
 To do with in EDIT, create a new file, hold ALT, press the numbers 2 5 5
 on the NUMERIC pad, and release ALT.
 Repeat ALT 2 5 5 255 more times and save the file as SAVE in your TL
 Tada!  Instant fix.  Not too difficult.

13. Tidbits
* Toshio is dating Ayeka, Sasami, and Ryo-ohki?  What about Mishoshi and
  Ryoko?! (Tenchi Muyo reference)
* Akane in the game is making a cameo, probably from another game that
  hasn't been yet translated (Venus Select) (thanks to Orochi for pointing
  this out).
* if you don't run into Misako after the first time in July, you could still
  choose her in the end.  And she'll know you?  Is this right?  (thanks to
  Shooter for pointing this out).
* Urusei Yatsura reference (Sakura at Tomobiki) during intro of Misako as
  school nurse (thanks to Onieros for pointing this out).

13.5. Making A Difference
If you think about it, if you don't pursue particular girls, something bad
happens to them:

* Mayumi gets raped by Mikisaki (well, if Yumi doesn't happen to catch him,
  that is...)
* Remi gets kidnapped and raped by that panty snatcher.
* Anze (probably) doesn't find her wings and spends the rest of her life as
  a cat.

Version History
0.1  This guide was started June 24, 1999.
0.9  First revision was completed early morning June 28, 1999.
1.0 'Debugged' early morning June 30, 1999.
1.1  Uploaded early morning July 1 (Happy Canada Day!).
1.2  Current revision uploaded early morning July 6, 1999 (Vendetta).
1.3  July 11, 1999 (DarkHawk).
1.4  July 20, 1999 (Shooter).
1.5  July 24, 1999 (Incinerator).
1.6  July 28, 1999 (Vendetta, brian).
1.7  August 2, 1999 (DarkIncinerator).
1.8  April 2, 2000 (Onieros, Orochi).
1.8  March 16, 2001 (DarkIncinerator minor fixes, SuperS -} GameFAQs).

Feel free to distribute this file, just don't rip off my name from it or
start altering it adversely.  This represents a weeks worth of work in the
little spare time that I have which I could've spent doing something else.

* Kudos to Vendetta for pointing out that you don't need Art 100 for Miyuki.
* Kudos to DarkHawk for pointing out that you can get Mikae if your
  scholarship is high by intentionally forgeting the date with Remi
  (but that's 'cause she's been kidnapped!).
* Kudos to Shooter for pointing out mistakes in the guide that I neglected
  to fix after all this time!
* Kudos to Otaku and PARSLEY for releasing such a great game!
* Kudos to Vendetta and brian for catching the mistake with the girl item
* LOTS of kudos to Onieros for pointing out some mistakes and adding
  some tips.
* Kudos to Orochi for pointing out that Akane is from Venus Select, another
  PARSLEY game.
* Kudos to SuperS for reminding me to submit by Season of Sakura FAQ to
  GameFAQs... might as well submit this one too.

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