Solution to Elvira - Mistress of the Dark

Combat tips
In this game, healing spells is very rare. So if possible try  to
win  all  combats  without injuring  yourself.  This  may  sounds
difficult  but  it  is possible. I did! The best  weapon  is  the
crusader's sword, followed by the longsword. So, when you started
playing,  get  the longsword as soon as possible, it  is  in  the
armoury.  The armoury has lots of weapons and armours  but  don't
take the armor unless you are carrying very little items, get the
shield  instead, choose the one which give the  best  protection.
Weapons   skill  improve  through  practice,  so  stick  to   the
longsword  at  the  beginning. Don't waste  your  spells  on  the
guards,  save  them for the gremlins that are inside  the  garden
maze.  Fight at the in until you reach the monster's  lair.  Cast
two spells into the cave to finish the monsters inside. Once  the
monsters in the lair is destroyed, none will appear anymore.  Get
Elvira's ring and then use it to get the crusader's sword.

Make a save before any fight. When in combat, try to guess  which
direction the enemy is attacking, prepare to block when they did.
If  you  are injured, carry on the fight but load  in  the  saved
game and try again until you have defeated the enemy without  any
injury.  At  first  it might be difficult, but once  you  have  a
weapon  skill  of 60 and above, combat is easy. So  in  the  mean
time, endure! Remember one thing though, monsters get lesser  and
lesser as you finish them off. So after a time, you don't have to
worry  about combat anymore. To block an enemy attack  correctly,
all you need is to block/parry at the correct timing, after a few
fights,  you should be able to judge when to block/parry. As  for
attacking,  you  can try any manner of attacking, but once  in  a
while change your combat style a bit to confuse the enemy.

Spell Ingredients
Ingredients  are  very limited. So try to collect them  when  you
came across them. Click on anything you see in the screen.  Click
on  trees  to get herb, click on plants to get  flowers,  leaves,
etc.  Click  on hole to look inside them. Click on skull  to  get
the  bottle inside. So, you can see that almost anything that  is
visible  is worth clicking. Try not to avoid those area you  have
been to, they might contains some useful items.

Six gold keys must be found to open the chest.

1.  Look  for bolts in the drawers or cupboard upstairs.  Find  a
silver crucifix. Go to the blacksmith place. Get the crucible  in
the  box and place it in the fire. Place the silver cross  inside
the crucible to melt it. Then put a bolt in the crucible to  make
a  silver  tipped crossbolt. Go to stable. Look at man,  when  he
transform  into  a wolf, use the silver bolt to kill it.  Now  go
inside and check out the stable closely. One of the iron ring can
be removed, behind it is a gold key.

2. Go to kitchen. Mix the light spell. Turn left and click on the
dumb waiter. When Elvira opens it, drag the glowing pride to  the
tunnel  to light it up. Elvira will then enter it and give you  a
gold key.

3.  You will need to practice your crossbow skill with the wooden 
target  some where in the garden, just opposite the  locked door.
Practice  a  few  time until you have master it. Now  go  to  the
falconer,  when he release the falcon, use the crossbow  to  kill
the falcon. There is a gold key on the dead falcom.

4.  Fight  you  way  in the jail until  you  reach  the  torturer
chamber.  You should see a fireplace with a pair of tongs.  Click
on the iron ring on the floor and drag it to your inventory, This
will reveal a skeleton and a gold key. Bring the skeleton to  the
catacomb to one of the empty coffin and let it rest in peace.

5. Kill the captain in the guardroom. Get the notice. There is  a
gold key behind it.

6.  Go to the knight which cannot be killed in close fight.  When
he  is  approaching,  use the crossbow. He  will  fall  down  the
castle.  You will need to find his body in order to get the  gold
key. His body lies beyond the gate under the well. You will  need
a iron key to open it. The key is guarded by the weretiger at the
catacombs.  You  will  need  the crusader's  sword  to  kill  it.
Before  you get the sword, you will need to find  Elvira's  ring.
The  ring is in the monster's lair in the garden maze. Fight  you
way  in until you reach the cave. Cast a few spell into the  cave
to  kill all the monsters that are hiding inside. Go in  and  get
the  ring. Go to the church. Go infront and click at  the  cross.
Now  drag the ring to the hollow in the cross. A passage will  be
revealed.  Go  inside and get the crown, go forward  to  see  the
painting.  Use your prayer scroll to open up the painting.  Place
the  crown on the king head and get the crusader's sword. Now  go
and  look for the weretiger. TIming is criticle, only hacking  at
the right moment will you destroy it (one good hit will kill it).
Go to the chamber it is guarding and you will find a iron key  in
the  coffin. Go under the well, unlock the gate and look for  the
knight's body. It is laying in the middle area, i.e. between  the
wall  and  the  vegetation. Remember, when you  see  the  message
saying that you don't have enough air, surface immediately.

The chest

Get  the pair of tongs in the torturer chamber. Remember, it  can
only be place in a container or the torturer will get you. Go  to
the  kitchen. Move tongs out of the container, click  on  burning
coal  and drag it to the inventory. The tongs will  automatically
grabs  the coal. If you enter water later on, the coal will  when
off,  and  you can ignite it by coming back to  the  kitchen  and
dropping  it into the oven. Now go and find the cannon.  Use  the
tongs with the lit coal to light the cannon. This will blow  part
of the tower off. The chest is in the blown off area. Go find it.
Remember, you will need 6 gold keys to open the locks. Take  only
the  scroll,  leave the dagger alone first. Now drag  the  dagger
outside  the  chest, so that it is not on the screen but  in  the
room.  Now click on the red 'R' to exit from the close  up  view.
Now  drop  your  backpack, click on the room icon  and  drag  the
dagger  into  the  backpack. Then drag  the  backpack  into  your
inventory.  You  might get killed if you try other  ways.  So  be
really careful.


She is hidding inside the catacombs. At exactly the middle of the 
catacombs is a small little hole in the floor. Click on it to see
a close up view. Drag the rune stone to the hole, this will  make
the  hole  bigger.  Make  sure  you  have  the  following  before
proceeding:  ceremonial dagger, scroll of spiritual mastery,  and
the  crusader's sword. Go down the hole and you will find  Emelda
draining your life force, so better act fast. First you must drag
the crusader's sword to the pentagram to weaken Emelda. Then  use
the  scroll of spiritual mastery to weaken her further. Then  use
the  ceremonial  dagger to go for the kill. With  this  you  have
completed the game. Congratulation !

Solution by : VOLUME
              [email protected]
Date        : 4/6/91
Time        : 2355

Thanks to TANGPENG, eet.holden

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