1st October 2000: Ok this is my first Faq so forgive me if there are 
any mistakes
3rd October 2000: Added Characters and Bios
8th October 2000: Not much done, Just touching up a little loose 


1: Walkthrough
Part one – Toronto
Part two - Jirinaar
Part three - Gratogel
Part four - Maini
Part five - The Island of the Dji Cantos
Part six - Umajo
Part seven - The Toronto (part 2)
Part eight - Dji Cantos
Part nine – The Kenget Kamulos
Part ten - Umajo
Part eleven – Dji Cantos
Part twelve -Toronto (The Final Confrontation)

2: Secrets

3: Main monsters in the game

4:Playable characters 

5: Locations and descriptions of cool items

1: Walkthrough

Part 1 – TORONTO
In Tom's room, go to the cupboard in the bottom left corner and take 
everything out of the cupboard. Take off the shoes and put the boots 
on. Leave the room and talk to Tom's girlfriend, after you've 
finished talking to her head east and go into the first room on the 
south side. Go into the cupboard that's to the left of the door and 
take the stim drink. Leave the room and go into the next room on the 
south side go into the bathroom and you'll find some rations in the 
drawers. Leave this room, walk past the news console and head north. 
You'll soon come across the mess, which is situated in the northeast. 
Go into the mess and talk to anyone you see in there, after talking 
to everyone go to the counter and talk to Anne, ask her specifically 
for some chocolate bars. Leave the mess and head west, go past the 
crossroads and into the first room on the north side. Look in the top 
cupboard and collect the cartridges then open the left cupboard and 
collect the rations. Leave the room and head east again, go past the 
mess and into the second storage room; you will find a cupboard in 
the northwest corner of the room, manipulate it and take the lock 
picks. Leave the storage room and open the door to the next storage 
room in the east. Enter the storage room, and go to the right hand 
side of the room. In the north part of the room you will find some 
drawers, open them and take the lock pick. Leave the storage room, 
head west and keep walking until you pass three pillars. Head north 
at the pillars and follow the corridor around, walk past the COM then 
keep walking eastwards until you come to the room with Joe in. Go 
into the room and talk to Joe, tell him you want to see the COM room. 
After he's given you the codes ask him about the service ducts, leave 
Joe's room and go into the room opposite, go to the door in the north 
east corner and enter the code 1042.Walk straight ahead and the door 
will open, go through the door and step on all four floor plates in 
the corners of the room. Go through the door that opens and turn left 
go around the corner and manipulate the switch. Go to the opposite 
corner and manipulate that switch. Walk through the door that opens 
on the west wall and follow the robot around until you walk through 
the north door. In this room you will find a switch in the northwest 
corner of the room, push the switch and follow the robot through the 
east door. Walk through the open east door and follow the corridor 
around, walk past the cupboard on the wall and open the door with 
either switch. Follow the corridor around again until you come across 
a door with a keypad, use the code 1042 again then walk through the 
door and go up the ladder. In the COM room look at the console and 
you will find a gun and some ammo, put this in the cupboard you 
walked past in the service ducts, making sure you leave all ammo in 
there as well. Go back to the COM room and leave through the guarded 
door. Go back to where you originally entered the service ducts and 
go back to the cupboard, collect the gun and ammo and return the way 
you just came. Go back to Joe and talk to him, show him the gun then 
leave. Go back to the mess and ask for some more supplies then the 
next time you hear the launch request over the tannoy, say yes. You 
will automatically be taken to the take off.

Part 2 – Jirinaar
Search the bureau, chest and cabinet in the West Side of the room and 
take everything out of them. Leave the room; go over the bridge and 
head west. Walk over the next bridge and you'll be taken to see the 
Sebai. Talk to the Sebai and find out everything you can, when he 
asks if he can keep the wreckage say "yes". Leave the room and go 
down into the basement/sickroom located in the room to the west of 
the Sebai's room. Once down in the sickroom go into the first western 
room and open the chest. Take all the gold out of it then leave the 
sickroom. Head south and go over the three parallel bridges into the 
kitchen. Take the purple fruits from the kitchen and head south 
again. Go into the next room you come to that contains some chests 
and bureaus. Open the chest and bureau that are usable and take 
everything out of them. Leave the room and head south again, the next 
room that you come to will be locked. Use the hunter-clan key to open 
the lock then enter the room and open the chest in the top right 
corner. Leave everything you have in the chest, except for the 
weapons you want Rainer and Tom to use (hint - keep Tom's gun and 
ammo as it is very powerful). You should also keep any armor you can 
equip them with and take plenty of torches (these are already in the 
chest). Once everyone is equipped, head down into the supply 
chambers. Go into your backpack and use the torch, then look in the 
north west corner of the room and get the rations out the small pot, 
head to the south wall and open the pot nearest to the south passage, 
take the rations out of it then go into the east chamber. Look in the 
trash heap in the northwest corner and take all the weapons from it. 
Open the chest on the east wall and take all the weapons out of it, 
then walk to the two chests by the south wall. Open the chest 
furthest away from the wall and take the weapons and the gold. Leave 
the chamber and head south until you come across some wreckage, 
search the pots on the east wall and take the rations out of one of 
them, then search the wreckage nearest the south exit (in the middle 
of the room) and take the clock. Leave the chamber and follow the 
passage around until you come across some more wreckage. Search the 
first piece of wreckage and get the cartridges (ammo for the gun). 
Search all the chests in this chamber and take all the weapons, 
armor, rations and gold that you find. Make sure that you find the 
pickaxe, as you will need this later on. Once you have searched 
everything, check your character screens and make sure your weapons 
and armor are 'equipped' i.e. so that you are ready for battle. Leave 
the chamber and start walking along the corridor. A wall will 
suddenly collapse and you will be attacked, fight the Skrinns and go 
through the gap that has appeared. Follow the corridor around then 
travel southwards into the furthest southern chamber, fighting all 
the Skrinns that you come across. Use the pickaxe on the west wall 
and on the south wall (you'll see some cracks in the wall were you 
are supposed to use the axe), from now on you'll start coming across 
more Skrinns so fight them whenever you come across them. Go through 
the gap that has appeared in the west wall and head west. You'll find 
another weak point on the west wall, again use the pickaxe on this 
wall and go through the gap that appears. Search all the trash heaps 
and pick up all weapons, gold and rations. Go back to the chamber 
where you broke the south and the east wall, and go through the gap 
in the south wall. Follow the passage around and use the pickaxe on 
the wall at the end of the passage. Fight the Krondir that is behind 
the wall then search the trash heaps in the chamber. Pick up the fire 
ring, the gold and the healing potions then make your way back to 
where the first wall originally collapsed and you were attacked. Look 
for a weak point in the wall and use the pickaxe on it, go through 
the gap and make your way to the exit. Talk to the Sebai and tell him 
you were injured, take the healing potion off him and then take the 
fruits and any other items you left in the chest. Leave the room (if 
you are carrying too much then leave some of the lesser items in the 
chest as you can always come back later to collect them) and head 
south again, follow the corridor around until you come to a door on 
the east wall. Use the hunter clan key on the door and head out in to 
the city. Accept the offer of the Iskai who offers to take you to see 
the Sebainah. Talk to the Sebainah then leave her room. Go in an 
easterly direction and go into the room just before the exit. Search 
the cabinet and take the gold then leave the room and go out the 
exit. Go back to the house of the South Wind Clan but don't go in, 
instead talk to the people who are walking about in this area. Find 
Rabir who tells you he helps Wania find her wares. Sell all the 
weapons and anything else he'll buy to him (the things you'll want to 
keep are an Iskai weapon and some armor for Drirr, an Iskai warrior 
who will be joining your party soon, as well as the lock picks, some 
rope and Tom's and Rainer's weapons). Talk to some more people until 
you come across a traveler who will sell you some fruits. Buy the 
purple fruits off him then walk southwards. Stay on the east side of 
the city and you'll come across the battle trainer's house just 
before you reach the bridge. Go in and train Tom and Rainer to their 
full potential, you can decide if you want to do close or long range 
combat or a combination of both. Leave the battle trainer and head 
south again, walk over the bridge and go to the mixed goods store in 
the southeast area of the city. Look at the chest when you walk in 
and tell Wania that you will buy the items. Take everything out of 
the chest then talk to Wania. Tell her you are interested in her 
wares, when she shows you what she's got buy the music crystal, some 
lock picks and the compass (very handy for the 3D areas). Leave the 
store. At around this point you will have to go to the party, watch 
and read everything very carefully. Search the founders building and 
take all the potions that you find. Leave the building and go to the 
council building, talk to Frill and again watch and read carefully 
everything that happens. Leave the building and then leave the city 
via the city gate. Talk to the cattle breeder and ask him how to get 
to the building, follow the instructions he gives you and make your 
way to the building. Enter the building and use a torch. Go into the 
western chamber and take everything from the trash heap. Follow the 
passage around and fight the Skrinn, use the purple fruit on the trap 
then follow the passage around. Use the lock pick on the chest and 
take everything. Leave the alcove and keep following the passage 
round until you come to a room that lights up under your feet. Go to 
the first rainbow plant then walk in straight line to the other one. 
Walk through the gap that appears in the wall and walk right to the 
end of the corridor (touching the plant that blocks your way will 
move it). Manipulate the two luminous shapes that you find at the end 
of the corridor. Walk back through the corridor and look closely at 
the brown south wall, you will see a green panel with cracks in it. 
Use the pickaxe on the panel and walk to the end of the corridor that 
has appeared. You will find another luminous shape, manipulate it 
then go back to the room that glows under your feet. Go east and 
fight the Skrinn. Manipulate the two plants blocking the way to south 
and walk through the opening that has appeared. Fight the Krondirs 
and make sure that you get the meat off them. Keep going south and 
follow the corridor around, fight the Skrinn and head to the furthest 
western chamber. Take everything from the trash heap and head back to 
the chamber where you pushed the plants away. Go north into the room 
with the mouths then go through the southeast passage. Use the meat 
on the mouths that block your way (if you don't have enough meat then 
look down and maneuver between the mouths). Go north and take 
everything out of the trash heap in the east. Leave the chamber and 
head south, using the meat on the mouth blocking the entrance to the 
southern chamber. Follow the corridor around in an easterly 
direction, using the purple fruits on the traps that you come across. 
After passing through the last trap fight the Skrinn then take 
everything from the trash heap in the middle of the chamber. Enter 
the 'life like' passage way and follow it around until you come to 
some moving orange lights. Make murderer is leading the party and 
dodge the orange lights. Get Drirr to manipulate the Blue Trii 
(Argim) and talk to him. Agree to find the music crystal then get 
Drirr to give Argim the music crystal that you bought in Jirinaar. 
Walk through the gap that appeared when Argim moved and take 
everything from the assassin's belongings and remains. Make sure you 
picked up the Iskai dagger from the remains; this is a very important 
piece of equipment. Use the meat on the mouth in the middle of the 
room and follow the passage around. Fight the Krondir and use another 
piece of meat on the mouth. Go into the alcove in the southeast 
corner of the room and take everything from the trash heap. Leave the 
alcove and fight the Skrinn/Krondir then head south and use the lock 
pick on the chest next to the far southern wall. Take everything out 
of the chest. Use your Automap and make your way back to the first 
chamber where you entered the building. Head south and fight the 
Skrinn, take everything out of the trash heap then continue to follow 
the passage around. Fight the two sets of monsters you come across 
then take everything out of the first trash heap. Use your Automap 
again and make your way to the buildings exit. Leave the building and 
head to back to Jirinaar. When you get back to Jirinaar find Rabir 
again and sell the weapons all the weapons you don't want or need 
(it's best to keep a short range weapon for everyone and a long range 
weapon for everyone). When you've done this go to the Former's 
building and find Bradir in the north part of the building. Ask him 
what he knows about the dagger you found in the murderers remains. 
He'll attack you, once you've defeated him watch the cut-scene then 
go into the Sebainah room and tell her you're ready to leave. 

Part Three - Gratogel 
Enter the hut next to the pigs, and buy any rations that you need. 
Leave the provisions hut and go in to the big hut that is situated in 
front of the dog pen. Talk to Tharnos and ask him about the Toronto, 
he'll then set you a mission. Find out as much as you can about the 
mission and the island. Leave the hut and travel to the southern tip 
of the island to Aballon (a village like Klouta). Visit the hut that 
is most northerly and talk to the female warrior in there, if you 
have enough gold and training points, she can train you. Leave the 
trainers hut and visit the merchants hut (" I buy and sell most 
things"). Purchase the monster eye and depending on how much gold you 
have, the fire blade, Dreamshield or protection amulet as well as 
they will come in handy throughout the whole of the game. Leave the 
village and go over the bridge and towards the mountains. Walk 
through the gap in-between the mountains and negotiate your way 
through the mountain path (you can hear the wind whistling while you 
are in it). When you come out at the other side you'll be in Vanello. 
Talk to some of the villagers and talk tithe king. Make sure you have 
plenty of lock picks before you leave the village, and then follow 
the northern path to Arjano. Enter the Arjano and talk to the Druids, 
after you've been told your mission look around the rooms. Take all 
the healing potions you find and talk to all of the Druids. Make sure 
you talk to the healer in the first room you come to and heal any of 
your party who have got diseases or are injured (the healer will do 
it for free!), also pick up some buckets as you'll need them later 
on. Find the stairs and go down into the library. If you have enough 
gold then buy some spell scrolls when you get offered them. Banish 
Demon and Demon Exodus are very useful for this dungeon. Once you've 
looked around the library open the door in the northeast corner and 
go down the stairs. Fill up the buckets with water from the bowl then 
follow the corridor around. Push the top floor plate down and use the 
water on the flames. Head south and follow the corridor around until 
you come across the flame barrier (fire bowls). Use the water on the 
fire bowls to make a clear passage through. Follow the corridor 
around then head north. Go through the door and step on the three 
floor plates from left to right then pull the lever on the wall. Go 
through the gap in the knives that has appeared and pull the lever in 
front of you. Go back to where the three lines of fire bowls were and 
go through the gap in the north wall. Extinguish the flames and go 
into the alcove. Take everything you want (you can open both chests, 
the right one has loads of potions and antidotes). Leave the alcoves 
and head east, walk past the cross of fire bowls to the end of the 
corridor then go north. Extinguish the fire bowl and pick up the 
broken lever in the corner. Go back to the cross-shaped fire bowls 
and follow the passage, so that you are heading in a southeasterly 
direction. You will come to a square consisting of nine floor plates. 
Walk on the floor plates so there is a cross shape on the floor, then 
step on the floor plate around the corner. Walk through the gap that 
has appeared in the knives and pull the lever. Go back around the 
corner and into the alcove, pick up anything that you want then go 
back to the single floor plate again and go through the gap in the 
knives. Walk to the end of the corridor and use the broken lever in 
the slot in the wall. Go through the door that opens and then go down 
the stairs. Head north towards the closed portcullis and push the 
button on the east wall. Go through the passage that appears in the 
wall and fight the Warniak then search the trash heap at the end of 
the passage. Pull the lever on the wall and leave the passage. Head 
south so you are moving away from the locked portcullis and go 
through the passage heading off to the west. Follow it around and go 
through the open portcullis. Keep following the corridor around until 
you come to a large room with floor plates and moving flames. Avoid 
the flames and step on all nine of the floor plates. Go into the room 
that opens on the south wall and search the trash heap. Take the lock 
pick then go to the southwest corner of the room. Use the lock pick 
on the chest and take everything out of it. Leave the room and head 
north, go out of the northern exit of the large room and follow the 
corridor around. Fight the Warniaks and keep following the passage 
around until you come to a large room with a fountain. Fill up your 
empty buckets and fight the Warniaks. Leave the room by the east exit 
and follow the corridor until you come to a junction where you can go 
north or south. Go north and fight the Warniak. Use the water on the 
flames and pull all three of the switches. Go through the door that 
opened and find the chest. Use a lock pick on the chest and take 
everything. Go back to the room with the fountain (make sure you 
leave with a bucket of water) and head south and then west. Open the 
door at the end of the west corridor and fight the Warniak. Maneuver 
between the flames then search the trash heaps, take everything then 
leave the room and head east. Go down the south passage and use the 
water on the flame then follow the passage around and open the door. 
Fight the Warniaks that come out then go down the stairs. Head south 
and step on the floor plate in the center of the room twice avoid the 
flames and move to the gap in the green wall. Push the button that is 
there and go into the room that appears on the east wall. Use a lock 
pick on the chest and take everything then go back to the floor plate 
and press it until the missing piece is in the southwest corner. 
Walkthrough the gap and step on the floor plate on your right. Fill 
up your buckets at the fountain and then use the rope on the hole in 
the floor. Ignore the door and follow the passage round. Open the 
first portcullis with the Warniaks in. Fight them then pull the lever 
at the end of the passage. Leave the passage and fight the Fear. Open 
the third portcullis, fight the Warniaks then pick up the sword from 
the trash. Go into the north room and open the chest, take the key 
from it then head back to the hole you dropped down from. Open the 
door next to it and go up the stairs. Use the key in the door and 
head south. Use the key in the south door and follow the corridor 
around until you come to the north passage (make sure you dodge the 
fireball). Go north into the room and push the button in the 
southwest corner of the room. Go through the passage that has opened 
and pull the lever then leave the passage. Leave the room and keep 
heading east, follow the corridor around and head north. Search the 
trash heap in the third alcove and take everything. Keep heading 
north until you get to the end of the corridor then take the east 
passage and follow it round to the end. Go through the door and open 
the north door. Pull the lever and go through the passage that has 
appeared in the north wall. Follow the passage around and run over 
the brass disks. Go through the door on the east wall and fight the 
Animal. Once he is defeated go down the stairs follow the passage 
around until you come to the floor plates. Step on the green plate 
then go into the next room. Look down then carefully walk on all the 
green plates. Go through the passage that has appeared in the 
northeast of the room and follow the passage around until you come to 
a red and a green floor plate. Push the green plate and open the 
chest. Take the rings then leave the room and follow the passage 
around until you come to a room with a blue floor plate. Drirr will 
push the plate and you'll fall to the next level. Use a bucket of 
water on the flame and push the button behind it. Follow the passage 
around and open the portcullis. Use a bucket of water on the flame 
then head west and follow the corridor around. Go up the stairs and 
use a bucket of water on the middle flame. Pull the lever and follow 
the corridor around to the end and go down the stairs. Head south and 
maneuver diagonally between the alcoves to dodge the fireballs. When 
you reach the end of the corridor head west and go through the north 
door. Fight the Fear and take the potions from the trash heap behind 
the pillars. Leave the room and go through the south door. Fight the 
Warniaks, use the lock pick on the chest then take the potions and 
leave the room. Head west and follow the corridor around. Fill up the 
buckets from the fountain and use the pickaxe on the cracked part of 
the east wall. Go into the room and search the trash heap. Take the 
sword then use the pickaxe on the north wall. Leave the room by the 
north exit you've just created then head east. Pull the two levers 
and continue heading east. Use a bucket of water on the flame and use 
the pickaxe on the north wall behind where the flame was. Go into the 
passage that has appeared and use the pickaxe on the east wall. Go 
into the alcove and push the button on the south wall. Go back to 
where the flame was and go into the large room. Leave the room 
through the south exit then head east. Search the trash heap then 
head west back to the closed portcullis. Open it with the lever then 
step on the green floor plate in the north of the room. Open the 
chest and take the blue staffs. Turn round very carefully and face 
the portcullis you came through. Run through the portcullis, quickly 
turn around and pull the lever to close it (alternatively, if you 
feel brave you can fight all the monsters, if you survive search the 
chests and trash heaps and you'll become quite rich). Head east and 
follow the corridor around until you come to a room filled with 
holes. Look down and maneuver through them, if you happen to fall 
down just use a rope to climb back up. Use the blue staffs on the 
force fields and push the button at the end of the east corridor. Go 
into the room and take everything from the chest. Leave the room and 
head south, again using the blue staffs on the force fields. Once at 
the end of the corridor go down the stairs. Head in a north/north 
easterly direction and fight the Warniaks and Fear. Go through the 
north door and watch the cut scenes. When you are back at the school 
find Ouktero, the master of Druid magic (he's near the exit) and 
learn some new spells for Mellthas as he's got a higher level rating 
now Leave the school and go to the village. Sell some of the items 
that you found in the village then walk down the river (don't cross 
the bridge), follow the river downstream and cross the bridge that 
you come to. Head west into Klouta and go to Tharnos's hut and give 
him the amulet. Leave Tharnos's hut and go in the hut nearest the 
sea. Ask Garris to take you to Maini, when he asks you if you the 
gold and permission tell him that you have and you would like to set 
sail now.

Part 4 – Maini 
Head north to the market place and go into the weapon smiths (it is 
the south building on the market place). Sell any weapons that you 
don't need or want. Talk to weapon smith and he'll give you a lot of 
information about the geography and history of Maini. Leave the 
weapon smiths and go into the north building on the market square 
(mixed goods store) and sell any potions, spheres, jewels etc. that 
you don't want (basically any mixed goods except weapons and armor). 
Leave the store and go into the northeast building on the market 
place (the residence). Talk to Kariah and to Khunag. Ask Khunag about 
'important' and tell him he looks like a scholar of magic. Let Khunag 
join your party then leave the residence. Leave the market by the 
northwest alley and keep heading west to the first south building 
that you come to (this is the Council House). Go into the southern 
most room in the building and talk to Perron and Herras then leave 
the Council House and go to the southwestern corner of the city. 
Visit the Armour Smith and sell any surplus armor that you may have. 
Go back to the market square and head east. Walk around the hotel 
building and go into the Inn. Talk to the old woman (Kryte) and to 
the drunken man in the middle of the Inn. Leave the Inn and go back 
to Kariah. Talk to her and say "yes" then go to the north of the city 
and leave through the city gates. Follow the path in a northerly 
direction until you come to a sign that says" To Srimalinar and 
Kounos via the mountain path to the west". Go west to the mountains 
and climb up the green plants hanging over the mountains. Keep going 
in a northerly direction and follow the remains of the path (the 
gravel patches on the ground). Walk along the west side of Kounos in 
a northerly direction then climb up the plant leading to the village. 
Go into the southeast hut and wait until 8-9 AM, a battle trainer 
will come into the hut. He will be able to train you in close, long 
and critical hit combat provided you have enough gold and training 
points. Go right to the bottom of the hut and talk to Nodd. There are 
2 ways to get past him you can either fight him (which is a good idea 
as he lots of equipment you can use) or you can talk your way out if 
the situation. To talk your way round him, use the following replies: 
"We don't need an invitation" "Nobody talks to us in that tone, 
understand" "That's not the point. We have to go through here" "You 
don't see the gravity of the situation" "It's a political affair 
"Once Nodd is out of the way go into the dungeon. Go through the west 
door and open the barrel on the west wall. Take the potions then 
leave the room and go to the Far East door and enter the room. Talk 
to Kontos then leave his room and head east. Go through the first 
north door that you come to then go through the door on the southwest 
wall of the room. Go through the next-door step on the first floor 
plate. Move back off it so the door in front is closed then walk over 
all three of the floor plates and go through the door. Go around the 
corner and fight the Rinrii then open the north door. Go into the 
room with the multi colored floor plates, the north doors from west 
to east need to be blue, blue, pink and south ones, from west to east 
need to amber, green, amber. Once the doors are open, search all the 
trash heaps and take all the gold then leave through the north door. 
Look at the west side of the corridor; you will see a small green 
wall. Walk through the wall into the room and open the chest. Take 
the amulet and leave by the way you came in and continue north, then 
go along the first passage coming off the west and go down the 
stairs. Fight the Rinrii that is in the room and then pull the lever 
that is in the northwest corner of the room. Leave the room by the 
gap that has appeared in the south wall and go through the southwest 
door. Fight the Rinrii and the Kizz (the Kizz are almost immune to 
magic) and open the chest then leave the room. Head east and go 
through the first south door. Fight the Kizz then go through the 
south door. Go through the next two south doors then through the west 
one and then the north one. Fight the Broggs and the Kizz then open 
the chest. Take the document part then head back to Kontos's room. 
Ask Kontos about the document part then leave Kounos all together. Go 
down the climbing plant next to the sign saying "Kounos" then head 
north. Follow the mountain around to the large climbing plant to the 
west of you and go down it. Head south and go down the two climbing 
plants to take you back to the ground. Head north until you come to 
the path and follow it northwards until you come to a sign saying " 
To Srimalinar - north over the bridge". Head north and go over the 
bridge then head west along the riverbank until you come to the city. 
Travel north to the cross shaped building in the center of the city 
and enter the building to the south of it (the Inn). Talk to the 
Barman called Edjirr and buy his information. Talk to Iskai sitting 
at the table in the south west corner and sell unwanted goods you may 
have. Leave the Inn and find the residence in the northwest part of 
the city. Go in and talk to Arrim then leave the residence then go 
back and talk to the barman again. Leave the Inn and go to the 
magician's guild, which is situated to the south west of the Inn. Buy 
some new spells for Sira then leave the City and head back to Kounos. 
Talk to Kontos and ask him about problems then leave Kontos's hut and 
let the woman outside talk to you. Go straight back to Kariah's house 
and talk to her. Leave the residence and go to the Council House. 
Talk to Perron and tell him he can talk to you. After talking to 
Perron talk to Herras and enter the word 'assassination' and tell 
Herras you have some important information for him. Leave the council 
building and then leave the city. Go to Kounos and enter the hut 
opposite Kontos's and talk to the man in red (he turns out to be an 
old friend of Mellthas's. Leave the hut and go and see Kontos. Talk 
to him about the council, and tell him you think he has allies on the 
council, then ask him about 'danger' and 'plan'. Once you have spoken 
to Kontos and got all the information you can out of him, leave 
Kounos and head back to Beloveno. Go to Kariah's house and talk to 
her then go and talk to Herras in the council house. Take the key 
from him and talk to Perron. Use Herras's key in the door in the 
north west of the room and use the key again on the chest. Leave the 
council house and go to the Inn. Talk to Frill and to the drunk 
standing in the middle of the room. Ask him about the map and tell 
him you're interested but not at that price. When he offers 175 gold 
coins, accept it then talk to him about Kontos. Find Kryte and talk 
to her then leave Beloveno and go to Srimalinar. Go to the Inn and 
talk to Edjirr (the Barman) and ask him about evidence. Use the 
second document part he gives you with the piece you already have 
then leave the city and go over the bridge. Go onto the path and 
follow it in a southwesterly until you come to the shrine. Fight all 
the Fears outside the shrine then talk to the crowd. After you have 
watched the cut scene go into the shrine to find Kontos. Go down the 
stairs and search all the chests in the rooms. When you have searched 
everything, go back up the stairs and fight Kontos. Make your way 
back to the bridge that takes you to Srimalinar but instead of 
heading west, follow the river around in an easterly direction until 
you come to a waterfall. Read the treasure map and use it to find the 
hidden treasure. When you have found it go back to the bridge and 
head back to Kounos. Stay on the mountain below Kounos and you will 
find an open cave entrance. Explore the cave and search all the 
chests and trash heaps that you find and take all the herbs from the 
plants. When you've finished, leave the caves and go back to 
Beloveno. Go to the Inn and talk to Frill and go with him.

Part 5 - The Island of the Dji Cantos
Talk to everybody who has just split up from the meeting; especially 
talk to Drannagh (he will restore your magic items and teach Harriet 
some new spells) and to Birrgh (who is a healer). Wander around the 
house and find Althea in the southwest kitchen. You should have quite 
a large amount of gold now so buy all the spell scrolls that haven't 
been learnt yet and get the particular magician to learn them. Go to 
the north part of the meeting hall and find the entrance to the 
transport caves. Rainer will leave the party so take any items you 
want off him (especially his rations and gold). Walk into the light 
at the end of the cave and make your way to the hot desert land of 

Part 6 – Umajo
Make your way though the rocks and go into the city. Go to the Inn 
and talk to the Innkeeper. Find Konny, (she's sitting down at a table 
in the north part of the Inn) and talk to her about your adventures 
and your plans. Find out about a guide and about the heat. Go to the 
miner's guild in the northwest of the city and wait for Ohl. When he 
appears talk to him and tell him that Konny sent you. When he asks 
for a jewel tell him that you accept. If you have a jewel in your 
backpack don't worry. If you don't, then leave the guild and find the 
diamond polishers guild in the south of the city. Buy a jewel in the 
building then leave the city gates. When Ohl arrives he'll ask if he 
can look in your rucksack for a jewel, say yes. When Ohl leaves you, 
enter the cave and follow the path in a southerly direction until you 
come to a large cavern with rocks in the center. There is an exit to 
the east. Ignore it and carry on south. Keep an eye on the west wall; 
you will see a chest behind some rock. Use the pickaxe on the rock 
and squeeze through the gap. Leave the alcove with the chest in it 
the leave the cave through the south exit. 

Part 7 - The Toronto (part 2)
Just wait for a while and Joe will come to rescue to you. Leave the 
room and head east to the end of the corridor then go south. Enter 
the cabin on the east side of the corridor and search the cupboard in 
the northeast corner. Leave the cabin and head south, follow the 
corridor around and enter the code from the note in the first door 
you come to. Go into the room and search the chest of drawers next to 
the service tunnel door then go down into the service tunnel. Head 
south down the corridor towards the door with the flashing plate in 
front of it. Go north, up the corridor opposite the door and find the 
service robot in the north east corner of the room. Turn the robot on 
and go back to the flashing plate and stand on it. When the service 
robot stands on the plate, go through the door. Look at the switch on 
the plexi-glass door, when the red light behind it turns green, push 
the switch in front of you. Go east and then up the north passage, 
follow it around until you come to some red control lights, push the 
switch in the corner then go back to where the plexi-glass wall was. 
Go west and up the north passage and push the switch in the corner. 
Go into the passage that has appeared, open the cabinet and take the 
code note. Leave the passage and head south to the end of the 
passage. Push the switch on the west wall and run to the switch on 
the east wall and push it (you have to be quick and do it before the 
lights run out). Follow the corridor around and ignore the first 
north passage coming off it. Go to the end of the corridor and go 
north, follow the corridor around and go down the first south passage 
leading off it. Go east as soon as you can and follow the south 
corridor around (ignoring the north passage you pass). Head in a 
northerly direction and follow the corridor around until you come to 
a room with nine floor plates. Push the button that you can see and 
the floor plates will light up. Go back along the corridors to the 
first north passage that you ignored and go up it. Look on your auto 
map and you will see that floor plates from the last room are still 
lit. Copy the pattern of them onto the floor plates in this room and 
push the switch on the plexi-glass supports, then go to the north 
east side of the room. Push the switch on the wall and run along the 
gap on the north wall and push all four switches. The door will open. 
Go back to far-east switch on the north wall (it is unlit) and push 
it. Go into the room that has appeared and open the cupboard. Take 
the code note then leave the room and go out of the east door that 
you just opened. Follow the corridor around until you come into a 
large room with service robots behind plexi-glass doors. Open the 
third door and step on the floor plate behind the service robot. Go 
into the room and open the cupboard on the wall. Take the code note 
then leave the room and open all the other doors. Eventually the door 
will open when the robots have stepped on the floor plates. Go 
through the door to the end of the corridor and enter the code 4312. 
Go through the door and enter the reactor core. Go straight up north 
to the console and let Joe examine it, then watch the cut scene.

Part 8 - Dji Cantos
Walk into the light and go to the north of Maini.

Part 9 - The Kenget Kamulos.
Leave the tunnel and head west until you come to a climbing plant. Go 
up the plant and head southwest to the large climbing plant. Head 
east and follow the path until you come to the sign for Srimalinar. 
Go back to the Inn in the city and get Sira and Mellthas to join the 
group again. Leave the city and go back to the transport cave. Go to 
Narikidaani and train everyone at the battle trainer in Jirinaar 
(this is the only place on Albion where Mellthas can be trained). Go 
to the Dji-Kas Guild and buy some Trii Falai seeds for Sira (you can 
buy them in the south of the building) then leave the city and go 
back to the transport cave. Transport back to the north of Maini and 
head east until you come to the Kenget Kamulos. Talk to the guard on 
the right and tell him that you have come to make a deal. Go out of 
the east door and open the door in the southeast corner of the room. 
Head west until Khunag tells you that you are in the cells of the 
novices. Head north until you come to the end of the corridor then 
head east again. Go into the first cell you come to (it has a torch 
in the northwest corner and a cupboard described as a beautiful 
amulet in the northeast). Wait for the novice to leave the room and 
open the cupboard. Take the amulet then manipulate the torch and go 
through the passage that has opened. Head west at the junction and 
take everything from the chest at the end of the corridor. Go back 
along the corridor and keep heading east until you are discovered. 
When asked if you surrender say "yes". Open the door and leave the 
cell. Head west until you come to junction going north or south. Head 
north and open the door. Fight the Warriors and Magicians (HINT - 
Take as many double battle axes and bolt throwers as you can from now 
on, they are effective in battle and worth a lot of gold) then open 
the chest in the south west corner of the room. Take the potions and 
the key then head south until you come to a locked door. Use the 
dungeon key on the door and keep heading south. Open and go through 
the next south door you come to and fight the Magicians. Once you 
have defeated them leave the room via the south door and fight the 
Magician. Follow the corridor around, go through the north door then 
go down the stairs. Head east into the room with a gold floor plate 
and a flame in it. Step on the floor plate in front of the flame then 
move onto the gold floor plate in front of the door. Go through the 
door and step on all the floor plates (be careful not to get hit by 
the fireballs). When the torches are lit, go through the door that 
has opened and head north. Fight the magician then carry on 
northwards to the end of the corridor. Head west and fight the 
warriors then walk around the edge of the curtains (don't go through 
as there are some fears and animals in there). Follow the corridor 
that you come to in the southwest corner and fight the magician, then 
go down the stairs on your left. Go south down the corridor and 
follow the corridor around to the west. Fight the animals then push 
the switch above the flag at the end of the corridor. Walk back 
around and follow the corridor around to the east. Fight the Plagues 
and push the switch above the flag at the end of the corridor. Walk 
back around to where the closed door was and go through the opening. 
Open the chest on the east side and take the ring and the light 
staffs. Open the chest on the west side with your luckiest character, 
as there is a trap in it. Take the spells and the potions then leave 
the room and go back up the stairs. Go down the other set of stairs 
and leave the room by going through the east exit. Fight the Kenget 
warriors (take note of the three different colored floor plates 
behind the portcullis's) then walk behind the cell holding the orange 
flames. Push the button on the wall, and then walk around to the 
floor plate in front of the cell with the orange flames in. Step on 
the floor plate then let the flames follow you to the orange floor 
plate that was behind the portcullis. Let the flames follow you over 
the floor plate, when they touch it they will extinguish. Do the same 
for the blue and green flames (push the button behind their cell, let 
them out then lead them to the floor plate). Once all the flames are 
extinguished, pull all the levers that are in the cells then leave 
the room through the door in the southeast corner. Go through the gap 
in the east wall and stand on the floor plate in the south for about 
10-15 seconds, the door will open. Go into the room and fight the 
Plague and the Animals. Search the trash heaps then leave the room. 
Go back to where the you came through the gap and go through the 
north curtain. Map out the room and go through the curtains that are 
in the middle of the room, but closest to the north wall. Open the 
chest and take everything that you want, then leave the curtains and 
go down the passage in the southeast. Follow the passage around then 
go down the stairs. Fight the Rinrii and the Krondirs then head 
south. Stand on the floor plate and keep standing on it until all the 
torches have lit up. When the last one lights up the door will open. 
Go through the door and then go through the door on the west wall. 
Head north and fight the magician then follow the corridor around 
until you come to a trash heap. Search the trash heap then go through 
the door. Go right to the end of the corridor and head south, and 
then go in the second door you come to. Fight everyone and take the 
key from the Beastmaster. Go all the way back to where you first went 
through the door on the west wall and use the key on the east door. 
Follow the corridor around and go down the stairs. Wait until the 
fireballs hit the torches then run southwards and go through the gap 
on the east wall. Negotiate your way through the hot floor plates and 
open the first door on the east wall. Fight the Storms then go into 
the room. Push the switches on the second half of the north wall then 
leave the room. Head north; negotiate your way through the hot floor 
plates and open the next door you come to on the east wall (just past 
the corridor with the blue traps). Fight the Fears and push the 
switches in the north and southwest corners of the room. Leave the 
room and go into the first room you come to in the north. Wait for 
the fireball to go over the hot floor plates then make your way along 
the path it makes. Step on the blue floor plate then leave the room. 
Go into the next room in the north and again, wait for the fireball 
to go over the hot floor plates and follow its path to the blue floor 
plate. Leave the room and go to the south rooms. Do the same here as 
you did in the north rooms. Go to the corridor where the blue traps 
were, they have disappeared. Go along the corridor and head south. 
Fight the Fears then move to the north east corner of the room 
(making sure to avoid the flame) and push the switch in the corner, 
then go down the stairs on the east side of the room. Head south and 
stand on the floor plate in front of the flame until it extinguishes. 
Follow the corridor around and stand on the next floor plate. As the 
flame is extinguishing you will notice a fireball coming towards you. 
As soon as the flame extinguishes, strafe to the right to avoid the 
fireball. Move forward and pull the switch at the end of the 
corridor. Leave here and go back up the stairs. Leave the room and 
head north to the end of the corridor. Fight the Animals and move 
towards the portcullises. Make your way through the portcullises by 
going south, south again, west and then south. Open the door to the 
east then go down the stairs. Move out of the passage with the stairs 
in and head south towards the flags. Go behind the flags and pull the 
switch on the east wall, then go back up the stairs. Go through the 
next three northern portcullises and search the trash heap. Then go 
through the next two western portcullises and search the trash heap 
you find there. Leave the portcullises and head back down the long 
passage. As you are heading south look on the west wall for a small 
switch, push it and go down the stairs that are in the room. Go down 
the passage and fight the magicians then go down the next set of 
stairs. Leave the room by the southeast exit and head east. Walk onto 
the big set of glass floor plates and let the flame move all the way 
to the south side. Head south until you come to another large set of 
glass floor plates. Walkover the floor plates in exactly the same 
pattern as the flame did on the previous set. If you happen to fall 
through the floor you can leave the arena through the doors in the 
northeast. Once over the floor plates head west to the end of the 
corridor and fight the magicians. Stand on the floor plate in front 
of the north exit for about twenty seconds then go into the room and 
fight the magician. Follow the corridor around and dodge the 
fireballs. Go to the end of the room and push the floor plate next to 
the big torch. It will start moving, when it gets to the other side 
of the room push the floor plate on that side of the room. Keep doing 
this until all the fireballs are extinguished. Once there are no more 
fireballs, make the torch move, but this time stand on one of the 
floor plates in the middle of the room. Keep standing on it until the 
torch reaches the other side of the room, it should now be a gray 
colour. Do this again with the other floor plate so that the north 
door opens, then go through the door and follow the corridor around 
until the floor collapses underneath you. Head north and fight the 
Fears then take the first east passage that you find. Walk through 
the east passage then go through the eastern door that is straight 
ahead of you and fight the Storms. Go through the east arches and 
head in a southeasterly direction (going through some of the smaller 
rooms/cells) to the south wall, fighting any monsters you come across 
on the way. Find the door on the east part of the south wall and go 
through it. Head east and go through the first north door that you 
come to. Follow the corridor around and walk through the open door, 
the door will then close behind you. Walk towards the brass plate at 
the end of a passage, a flame will appear and start coming towards 
you. Run backwards towards the door and stay there, the flame will 
disappear through a hole in the floor. Use apiece of rope on the 
floor and drop down. Go through the northwest door (Khunag will tell 
you it is the right door) and head north. Go through the north door 
and keep heading north until you come to a large room with unlit 
torches (the ones that look like totem poles). Fight the warriors 
then keep heading north until Khunag tells you that you are in the 
anteroom of where they keep the high knowledge. Fight the magicians 
then go through the north door behind the statue of Kamulos. Watch 
the cut scene then fight Kamulos himself. Take the High Knowledge 
once you have defeated him and watch the cut scene. When you are back 
outside tell Khunag he can stay and then head back to Umajo.

Part 10 – Umajo
Go to the Equipment Makers guild and speak to Merdger, ask him about 
Zebenno and about the key. Leave the guild and go to the Miner's 
guild. Talk to Zebenno (he's found in the north of the building 
outside the mineshafts) and tell him you'd be happy to test the 
mechanisms out for him, and that you will be careful. He will then 
give you the equipment maker's key. Go into the mineshaft with two 
carts outside it (Tom will go in on his own) and sneak up on the 
ritual (use the alcoves to hide). When Tom comes and says he knows 
the magic word (Umajo Danu), leave the guild. Go to the house in the 
east of the city (there is no go-to point on it but if you look at it 
on your auto map it has an open door) and go and talk to Sojekos. 
Once he tells you about Kossotto and where to find him, leave this 
house and go back to the equipment maker's guild. Go to the north of 
the building where Merdger is and use the equipment maker's key in 
the north door. Go down the stairs and follow the corridor around 
until you come to a long row of knives on the floor. Ignore the 
switch and head north, following the corridor around until you come 
to a junction heading north or east. Carry on going north until you 
come to a room with a few knives on the floor. Take the hammer from 
the table and take the bucket of water. Go back the way you came 
until you come to the junction again. Head east this time and follow 
the corridor around until you come to central hall. Fight the 
Warniaks then leave central hall by the southwest exit and keep 
following the corridor until you come to the knives again. Follow the 
knives in a southerly direction until you to a room containing a 
large set of knives and a chest in the middle. Fight the Warniaks 
then use the hammer to make a path through the knives then open the 
chest. Take everything from the chest then follow the knives all the 
way around until you come to the first lever and door you came to 
when you first entered the cellar. Use the door key from the chest in 
the door on the east and go into the room. Fight the Skrinns then go 
to the levers on the wall. From left to right the switches want to be 
down, up, down. When they are in this position pull the lever on the 
north wall. Make your way back to central hall and leave it via the 
north exit. Follow the corridor around until you come to a junction. 
Head east at the junction until you come to a room with an open chest 
in it. Fight the Broggs then take everything from the chest. Go back 
to central hall and use the chest key on the chest. Take the door key 
then head north again. Go west at the junction this time and follow 
the corridor around until you come to a room with some floor plates 
and a fire. Fight the Skrinn then use the bucket of water on the fire 
and look closely at the floor plates. You'll notice that some are 
darker than others. Follow the path of the darker plates and step on 
the concrete plate in the corner. Take everything out of the chest 
that appears then head west. Follow the corridor until the east turn 
off then walk along the east corridor until you come to a door. Use 
the gold key that you found in the chest in central hall on the door, 
and wait until 8:00 am. When the switch appears pull it then leave 
the room. Head east to the end of the corridor then take the north 
passage. Follow the passage around until you come to a junction 
leading north or south. Head south and follow the corridor until you 
come to an open door. Pull the switch in the room then make your back 
along the passage. Keep heading north until you come to another open 
door, enter the room and go into mine tunnel in the corner. Go 
forward down the stairs, and then walk along the corridor to the 
south facing door (ignore the west door). Enter the room and fight 
the Fear. Follow the passage around and go through the first south 
door that you come to. Go down the passage and go through the west 
door. Walk along the passage and fight the Fears. Walk into the magic 
curtain and re-vitalise yourself then talk to Kossotto. When he asks 
if you know the magic word, say yes. He will then give you the scroll 
of metal magic. Make your way out of the dungeon and out of the 2D 
cellar then go back to the Dji Cantos.

Part 11 – Dji Cantos
Watch the cut scene and make your way back to the Toronto

Part 12 – Toronto (The Final Confrontation.)
Ask Mellthas and Sira to leave the party and get Joe to join your 
party, then make your way to Umajo (it is a good idea to equip your 
new member with armor before you go). Find your way to the tunnels 
again and come out of the south exit. You will automatically go to 
the Toronto. When on board, head south and open the large door you 
come to. Keep traveling south until you come to a room with a console 
and a table and chairs in it. Take the east exit and follow the 
corridor until you come to a large room. Tom will point out where the 
console is that you need to manipulate. Let Joe manipulate the 
console then fight the security forces that come through the door. 
Take the special screwdriver off the table then head south through 
the door that the security forces came through. Follow the corridor 
around until you come to a door with a keypad on it. Enter the code 
1712 and go down into the service tunnel. Head south towards the 
service robots and fight them. Take the west corridor and follow it 
around until you come to some laser beams. Use the screwdriver on the 
panel on the east wall and then manipulate the electrics that have 
been exposed (use Joe whenever you have to do this). Go to the door 
on the west wall. Stand as close to the door as can, making sure that 
you can see the green light. When the light comes on, push the switch 
in the middle of the door and quickly go through. Step on the blue 
floor plate around the corner and let the service robot see you. Run 
around to the other side of the laser barrier and let the robot come 
towards you. He will try to come straight to you and walk through the 
laser beam, shorting it out. Walk around to where the laser barrier 
was and walk through the door. Follow the corridor around right to 
the end and use the screwdriver on the panel. Manipulate the 
uncovered electrics and then walk back round to where you first 
fought the service robots. Head east and follow the south corridor. 
Fight the service robots and walk to the end of the corridor. Take 
note of the colored lights on the wall then go back along the 
corridor. Head north this and follow the corridor around. Walk past 
the disabled laser beams and keep following the corridor until you 
come to a very large room. Fight the four waves of attacking service 
robots then find the panel on the east wall. Use the screwdriver on 
it and rip the electrics out. Go in the room in the southeast corner 
and find the panel on the north wall. Use the screwdriver on it and 
then rip out the electrics. Leave the room and go to the closed south 
door. Let Joe repair the electrics next to it and go through the door 
when it opens. Go along to the end of the corridor and head north to 
the flashing laser beams. Carefully walk through the beams (timing is 
essential here, it is a good idea to save your game before attempting 
it) then head south through the other set of laser beams (observe the 
pattern here as it is different to the first set) and then follow the 
corridor until you come to Ned. Fight Ned then head east, follow the 
corridor and go through the next two northern doors. After the second 
north door, head west until you come to an extremely long laser beam. 
Walk down the side of it then travel all the way up the center of it 
to the wall. Use the screwdriver on the panel and rip out the 
electrics. Walk back down the middle of the laser beam and go through 
the gap that has appeared. Head north to the two U shaped blocks (one 
of them is upside-down) and make note of the colored light sequences. 
Head back to the long laser beams and make your way back along the 
corridor until you come to a door facing west. Go through the door 
and head north, take the east exit and you will come to a room with 
multi-colored floor plates. Push the green switch on the Plexi-glass 
wall and run into the alcove in the southeast corner. Make note of 
the colour sequence then leave the alcove and step on the floor 
plates so you make the following pattern (going from north to south): 
The O's mean that the plates are "off", the X's mean the plates are 
lit up.
When you have done this, push the switch on the plexi-glass and the 
main door will open. Go into the room and fight the AI's. When you 
have defeated them. Use the red code key card you got from one of the 
AI's in the south door and go to end of the corridor. Walk through 
the reactor hall into the reactor room. You will be confronted with 
Colonel Priver. It is a good idea to talk your way round this one. If 
however you fancy a really good fight, tell him does he think you 
would let him stop you. If however, you want to take the easy way, 
tell him the following: "Let's stay calm for a moment, Priver" "Did 
you see the documentary about this world on the video screens?" 
"Would you be so good as to look at my companions? Do they look as if 
they came from this ship? What other proof do you need? They are 
real. That's what the world we are destroying looks like!" "The 
documentary has been seen everywhere on board. Some probably don't 
believe it, some probably don't care. However, you know the 
personality profiles of the crew. Most of them are not ready to 
destroy a life-filled world. Aside from the fact that the crew was 
deceived by the company just as you and your men were." "Think about 
all the creatures you had to fight during the mining. How could there 
be such beings on a planet, which supposedly has no life? You and 
your people are being fooled by the company!" "Please, Priver, forget 
for a moment that we can't stand each other personally, and think 
about the situation. The truth about this world can't be suppressed 
forever. It's just a desperate act of the company, which has risked 
bankruptcy with this ship. We have the motivation to save this world 
from destruction. What motivation do you have now?" Tom and the 
others will now make their way to the reactor room. All you have to 
do now is defeat the AI and watch the end sequence.

2: Secrets

1: When you are in Jirinaar, go to the Healers house. Go up to the 
healer and talk to her. Immediately end the conversation. She will 
either say "Good bye" or "Oh wait, I believe I have a little present 
for you!" and she will give you a Blue Healing potion. Keep doing 
this over and over again and eventually you will have loads of 
healing potions. Then you can bring them to Rabir and sell them for 
loads of money. (Which comes in handy in part two when you want to 
buy the Monster eye, Fire blade, Protection amulet and the Dream 

2: When you buy the Blue music crystal, bring it to Argim in the 
former building and he will tell you a secret on how to build your 

3: If you buy the Red music crystal from Rifrakko, show it to the 
guardian of the grove and he will give you one of the best weapons in 
the game a "crystal-throwing axe".

4: When Mellthas is at a high enough level to cast demon exodus 
(Level 20), teach it to him and build it up fully. Now go to the 
Equipment maker's cellar and go to the room where the "Stone of 
Visions" is and step on the blue pressure plate. This will make 
Animal3's appear and when you fight them just get Mellthas to use 
Demon Exodus. When the fight is over you get something like 950exp 
points. This is an extremely easy way to build up levels.

5: (Glitch) when you are fighting the boss of the Kenget Kamulos, 
weaken him and cast Fungification on him. The spell will attack him 
and he will disappear. Because he disappears, you can't get the High 
knowledge off him, but you still get kicked out of the place and 
there is no way back in. Now you cant complete the game!!

3: Main monsters in the game

Krondir 1 = A large beast that poses a very large threat early on in 
the game
Krondir 2 = Even bigger than the Krondir 1, and twice as deadly!

Skrinn 1 = Resembles an Iskai. Fast but not powerful; these can be 
more of an annoyance than a threat.
Skrinn 2 = Very fast and slightly dangerous, these also are annoying 
because they can break your armor easily.

Warniak 1 = Early on in the game these monsters are very dangerous as 
they can poison you and make you ill.
Warniak 2 = These are the most deadly of the Warniaks, as they can 
cause every type of ailment (Except Intoxicated)
Warniak 3 = These aren't actually as dangerous as the Warniak 2, 
because they don't cause ailments as much as them.

Animal 1 = Very dangerous early on in the game, thankfully there 
aren't many on them in existence 
Animal 2 = A lot more dangerous than the Animal 1
Animal 3 = Probably the most dangerous monster in the game, hits 
three times and has a high 'critical hit' ratio.

Mellthas's Banish Demon, Banish Demons and Demon Exodus spells can 
kill some monsters. These monsters are:

Animal 1, 2 & 3
Storm 1, 2, & 3
Fear 1, 2, & 3
Plague 1, 2 & 3 

4: Playable Characters:
There are quite a few characters that you can have in your party:

This the main character in the game and you start off with him 

This is the second character you get in your party, pretty much of a 
scared cat, but highly intelligent.

One of the best characters in the game, highly skilled in fighting 
and once his level is high enough he can hit up to 5 times in one 

The First 'Magic casting' character you meet in the game. Once you 
build her up to level 12 you can teach her 'Thorn Snare' which can 
hold and enemy in place and render them unfit to move. **Very Handy 
on Bosses**

A druid that cant speak, his spells are pretty crap early on, but 
once he reaches level 20 and you teach him Demon Exodus, you can 
safely fight the harder monsters.

A Kenget Kamulos renegade, seeking revenge and double-crosses you in 
order to get it. Very skilled in Magic and has the hardest hitting 
spells in the game.

A very powerful 'Female' warrior, a very useful adversary! 

5: Locations & Descriptions of Cool Items

Crystal Helmet
Location: Found in the forbidden part of the druids, in the room 
where you have to press the floor plate repeatedly to move the Green 
wall, so you can get past. Press it two times and go to where the gap 
is and there will be a switch on the wall. Press it and a hole will 
appear on the far wall, inside the new room there is a treasure chest 
with the helmet in it.
Description: Light weight and has 15 points of protection, also 
protects you from Magic really well! Give this to Drirr.

Protection amulet
Location: There are quite a few of these! They are found: In 
Rifrakkos shop, In the diamond polishers guild (Buy it from the old 
guy), In Kontos's Cellar (When you blow a hole in the wall with the 
fire balls, its in a chest). After you kill Kontos, Its among the 
items left behind. 
Description: Light weight, Gives 10 protection points, and good magic 
resistance as well. You can give this to anyone except Harriet.

Danus Collar 
Location: In Kontos's Cellar (When you blow a hole in the wall with 
the fire balls, its in a chest).
Description: Mellthas is the only one who can wear this; it has NO 
protection Points but gives him Loads of life and spell points.

Danus Light
Location: In the weapon smith in Beloveno city.
Description: In my opinion it's the best sword in the game, once 
equipped it raises your Close range accuracy, Life points, and your 
speed. I'm not sure but I think it also increases your strength. The 
only drawback: There is only 4 of them and they cost around 2000gp.

Gaze of Kamulos
Location: In the Kenget Kamulos's hideout, (Once you break out of 
prison, search the North-east room.
Description: This is also a cool sword, although it's a 'Double-
hander' it hits for an amazing 25points. And casts on of the coolest 
spells in the game 'Kamulos's Gaze' 

Snake staff
Location: In the test cellars of the equipment makers (IN the same 
room as the stone of visions) there is a fake wall somewhere that you 
can walk through. Im not sure if its in a trash heap or a treasure 
Description: Looks like a staff, with a snake on top. What does it 
do? It gives you 10protection points, BUT!! When you are carrying a 
Two-Hander you can still equip it (as a shield). It also Casts 

*That is pretty much it for now, I'll update this soon but now I've 
got to get some sleep! *

Written by – Matthew Kenny

Thanks to –


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