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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ
Version 1.4

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. FAQ
3. Basics
   3A. Controls
   3B. Menus/Displays
   3C. The Sea and Sailing
   3D. Miscellaneous
4. Walkthrough
   4A. Outset from Outset (Outset Island and Forsaken Fortress)
   4B. Setting Sail (Windfall Island and Dragon Roost Island)
   4C. Familiar Forest Faces (Forest Haven and Forbidden Woods)
   4D. The Hero's Trial (The Last Pearl and the Tower of the Gods)
   4E. Return to the Forsaken (Forsaken Fortress)
   4F. Gearing Up (Fire Mountain and Ice Ring Isle)
   4G. Power of the Stone (Earth Temple)
   4H. Fury of the Gales (Wind Temple)
   4I. Shards of Courage (Finding the Triforce Pieces)
   4J. The Return of the Hero (Ganon's Tower)
5. The Islands of the Great Sea
   5A. The Map
   5B. Outset Island
   5C. Windfall Island
   5D. The Dungeon Islands
   5E. And THE REST
6. Items
   6A. XYZ Items
   6B. Quest Items
   6C. Bags
   6D. Bottled Goods
7. Pieces of Heart
   7A. Island Hearts
   7B. Sea Hearts
   7C. How Many Should I Have?
8. Charts Etc.
   8A. Treasure Charts
   8B. Triforce Charts
   8C. Miscellaneous Charts
   8D. How Many Should I Have?
9. Enemies
   9A. Fighters
   9B. Crawlers
   9C. Fliers
   9D. Swimmers
10. Sea-Wide Sidequests
   10A. Upgrades
   10B. Forest Revival
   10C. Merchant Oaths
   10D. Pictography
   10E. Nintendo Gallery List
   10F. The Second Quest
11. Tingle
12. Standard Guide Stuff
   12A. Legal
   12B. E-mail Guidelines
   12C. Credits
   12D. Version Updates
   12E. The Final Word


Hello and Konnichi wa, etc!  Welcome to my guide for the latest Zelda 
masterpiece from those godlike peoples at Nintendo!  That's right!  It's the 
Wind Waker, baby!  This is the, what... ninth Zelda game now?  And only the 
first one for GameCube, as in there may be more!  Waaaah!

Anyway, in this here game, Link takes to the high seas in search of adventure 
and treasure!  Arrrrr!!  So, come on in and pour yourself a mug of grog and 
I'll see if I can help ya landlubbers through this game!

2. FAQ

Q: What exactly is Zelda: The Wind Waker?

A: Why, it's the latest installment of one of the finest gaming series ever 
created, of course.  Take control of Link once again as you set out to 
fulfill your destiny, and stuff!

Q: How many blocks does this game take up?

A: This game takes up 12 (that's twelve) Memory Card Blocks.

Q: When does it take place in the Zelda timeline?

A: Officially, the word from Nintendo is that it takes place hundreds of years 
after Ocarina of Time.  At this point in history, the events of OoT are now 

Q: What's the deal with the graphics?

A: They're cel-shaded.  It actually looks really nice.  Screenshots don't do 
it justice.  You have to see it in motion to appreciate it...


A: You're the kid if you feel you have to avoid this game to preserve your 

Q: So, is this game set up like Ocarina of Time?

A: Actually, they're very similar in play styles.  The A Button is still the 
action button, B swings the sword, etc.  If you played the GameCube version of 
OoT, you already have a good jump on the controls...

Q: I'm missing one item in my Item Subscreen!  What is it?

A: Most probably the Magic Armor.  Check out how to get it in the Items 


All right.  In this section, I outline the eponymous "basics".  This is mostly 
stuff you can read in the manual, which I know you're not going to read 
anyway, because no one ever does anymore...

3A. Controls =

Basic Link Controls - 

Control Stick: Moves Link in the desired direction.  Up moves Link away from 
 the camera.  Down moves him towards it.  Some things can be done automatically 
 using just the Stick, such as climbing ladders, or leaping over small gaps.
A Button: Primary Action Button (see below)
B Button: Attack with the sword (see below)
X, Y, Z Buttons: Use Items selected from the Item Subscreen.
R Button: Secondary Action Button (see below)
L Button: Used for L-Targeting (see below)
C Stick: Controls the camera.  When you're moving or indisposed, it rotates 
 the camera around Link or pans it towards or away from him.  If you tap L 
 first, you can use Up C to switch to a first person view.
Control Pad: Used for maps.  Up brings up your Sea Chart or Dungeon Map on the 
 screen and Down removes it.  Right brings up your Area Map and changes its 
 size.  Left puts the Area Map away.
START Button: Go to the Subscreens.

Advanced Link Controls -

Primary Action Button (A): This does maaaaany things.  When moving or 
 L-Targeting, it can perform evasive maneuvers, like rolls, jumps, or flips.  
 When standing still, you can talk to people, read stuff, open doors, pick up 
 objects on the ground, and some other stuff...

Secondary Action Button (R): When standing still, this button makes Link 
 crouch.  Holding it down and moving will make him crawl, which can allow him 
 to fit into tight spaces.  When L-Targeting, Link will pull out his Shield 
 to defend himself.  It's also used for a couple other actions when multiple 
 actions can be performed with an object.  For example, R will allow you to 
 grab a nearby block, as opposed to A being used to climb it.

L-Targeting (L): Any object you can L-Target will have a red arrow above it 
 when you get close.  Holding L (or just pressing it, depending on how you set 
 up the options) will let you focus on your target.  Using the Control Stick 
 will move you in relation to the target.  Use this for combat, and you will 
 find it a lot easier.

Combat: When in combat, you'll mainly use B for attacking.  While not 
 L-Targeting, your attack will be a standard horizontal slash.  When 
 L-Targeting, you can direct your sword based on how you hold the Control Stick, 
 to the side for slashing, and up for thrusting.  Also, while L-Targeting, 
 press A with the sword out to perform a jumping slash that does double 
 damage.  Also, like past Zelda games, hold down B and release to perform a 
 spinning slash.  Finally, there's a special move, called "Parry", which can 
 be done in certain situations.  While in combat, you may see and hear a 
 flashing green "A".  Hit A at that point to counter your enemy's attack with 
 one of your own automatically.

Ropes: A new aspect of Zelda introduced in this game is the art of rope-
 swinging.  To grab onto a rope, simply leap out over a gap at it and you'll 
 grab it.  Pushing Up and Down on the Control Stick will make you swing back 
 and forth, and pressing A will let go of the rope.  If you want to stop 
 swinging, hold R.  While holding R, pressing Up and Down will make you climb 
 the rope in that direction, and pressing Left and Right will rotate you on 
 the rope.  Also, when you get the Grappling Hook, using it will cause it to 
 act like any other rope.

3B. Menus/Displays =

Main Menu: Press START on the Title Screen to access the Main Menu.  From 
 there, pick a Quest Log, then choose to Start, Copy the file to another, 
 Erase the file, 

Main Display: 
- Upper Left Corner: Displays your Hearts and Magic Power
- Upper Right Corner: Displays your various buttons and what each one would do 
  if you pushed them.
- Lower Left Corner: Displays the Area Map if on dry land or the Compass and 
  Clock if you're sailing.
- Lower Right Corner: Displays the number of Rupees you have.

Subscreens: Pressing START during gameplay will allow you to access these 
screens.  Use L or R to flip between them.
- Items: Allows you to view the XYZ items you have.  Press A to see short 
  descriptions of the items.  Press X, Y, or Z to assign the item to that 
  particular button.
- Quest Status: This screen shows more or less every other kind of item etc. 
  you've obtained.  You can't manipulate these items, but you can view 
  descriptions.  Also on this menu, you can access Options, whereby you can 
  change your Targeting Style, Rumble, and Sound...
On both subscreens you can save your game.  It's suggested that you do this 
as often as possible.  

3C. The Sea and Sailing =

An integral part of the game is in getting around in your fancy boat, the 
King of Red Lions.  After you give it a Sail, the open seas are available to 

Boat Controls:

Pressing the A Button while the boat is stopped will make you get in and out 
of it.  You have very limited swimming capabilities, so if there's anything 
involving water, make sure you use the boat.  With no sail up, hold down R and 
you can cruise the boat VERY slowly.  It's good for precise positioning of the 
boat, but not much for anything else.

Sail: Set the sail using whatever item button you set it for.  Once it's up, 
the wind will become a factor.  A yellow arrow points in the direction that 
the wind's blowing.  You get the most speed by going with the wind, naturally.  
Going against the wind, you can barely reach cruising speed.  Use the Control 
Stick to move the rudder while sailing.  At top speed, you can get about a 
kilometer a minute, which is an entire square, straight across, in one minute.
Naturally, if you want to go a different direction at a good speed, it's best 
to use the Wind Waker to change the wind's direction.  You can only do this 
after you learn the Wind Requiem on Dragon Roost Island.  Press R while 
sailing to leap in your boat.  It's really cool...

Crane: Once you obtain the Grappling Hook, you also, technically, have a crane 
you can use on the boat.  Equip it to an item button and use it to drop the 
crane to the sea depths.  If there's anything to find, you'll go into a 
cutscene as it's pulled up.

The Sea: The Great Sea is split up into a 7X7 large grid.  Each square is more 
or less its own "area".  The Sea Chart shows each square as "1000 X 1000", 
which could more or less be termed a square kilometer.

Islands: Most squares in the game have an island or some sort of, well, 
anything to land on.  In the case of major islands, keep a lookout for fish 
hopping around near the shore of the island.  Spread some All-Purpose Bait 
near these fish and they will offer to draw you a chart of the square you're 
currently at.  They'll only include major islands on that chart, but they'll 
also give you information on them.

Treasure: If you're near treasure, you'll hear a chorus that gets louder as 
you get closer.  Of course, to even hear the chorus, you have to be within 
about five meters of the treasure.  It helps to know where it is, of course.  
Once you find the treasure and the chorus is at its loudest, use the crane to 
pull it up.

Treasure Charts: This is the real way to find treasure.  Once you find these 
charts, which are scattered all over the land, bring them up and you'll see a 
100 X 100 view of an island or system of islands.  X marks the spot.  It's up 
to you, of course, to actually find said island or system of islands, but once 
you do, you can use the Treasure Chart to follow yourself to the X.

Tingle: If you have Tingle activated, he can also find and mark treasure for 
you.  You'll find that there are a LOT more sunken chests than you have 
Charts for.  Fortunately, you'll also find that there's nothing truly good in 
those chests that you can't find by chart.

Compass: The compass in the lower left corner of the screen points where north 
is.  If it's pointing up, you're heading north.  If it's pointing to the left, 
that means north is to your left and you're heading east.

Clock: Time only flows on squares that aren't major islands.  If there's a 
half-sun, half-moon, time is flowing.  If there's just a sun or moon, time is 
standing still.  Some islands (particularly inhabited ones) are different at 
night and day.

Etc.: Barrels, platforms, watchtowers, and buoys are scattered all over the 
sea.  Most of these are relatively useless to you, except for maybe some quick 

3D. Miscellaneous =

Rupees - 

As always, Rupees are the currency of this Zelda game.  Rupees are worth more 
depending on their color:

Green: 1 Rupee
Blue: 5 Rupees
Yellow: 10 Rupees
Red: 20 Rupees
Purple: 50 Rupees
Orange: 100 Rupees
Silver: 200 Rupees

You'll start by only be able to carry 200.  Opportunities may arise for 
increasing your wallet size.

Enemy Drops -

When you destroy enemies, they can drop items to replenish you.  Here's 
what they can drop.

Rupees: Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red, depending on the enemy.
A Heart: Replenishes one heart
Magic Jars: The small kind will refill your magic gauge by 1/4 and the large 
 one will refill half your magic.  If your magic is doubled, it'll only be 
 1/8 and 1/4, respectively.
Bombs: 5 each pickup
Arrows: 10 for a "single", 30 for a "triple"
Vortex Balls: Large enemies can drop these multi-colored swirly balls.  Hit 
 them with a weapon and they'll explode into a bunch of drops.

Dungeon Items - 

Most of the dungeons of this game have a set of items to help you get 
around in it.

Dungeon Map: By pressing Up on the Control Pad, you can view a full map of 
the dungeon.  Areas you haven't visited yet are black.  Areas you have 
visited are green.  The flashing room is your current position.

Compass: When you view your map, you can see the locations of chests and 
the boss of the dungeon.  Also, on the main game screen's minimap, you can 
see yourself move around and where you entered the room (in case you get 
turned around).  Also, if you have a friend helping you in the dungeon, 
they'll appear as a purple dot on the map.

Small Key: When you get one of these keys, simply use them on a locked door.  
The key will disappear once used.

Big Key: This is found in a pretty blue and gold chest.   With it, you can 
enter the final room of the dungeon and face off against its evil master.


BIG NOTE: This walkthrough will only cover important and story-specific 
 stuff.  If you want the side-questy stuff, head to the sections further on 
 that makes the most sense about what you want.

4A. Outset from Outset (Outset Island and Forsaken Fortress) =

Outset Island -

After enjoying the recap at the opening, you'll find we begin with Link 
asleep (seems to be a pattern in Zelda games).  Little sis Aryll wakes him 
up and tells him that Grandma is looking for him.

You can explore Outset Island for a bit and talk to various people.  Poke 
around in some houses if you wish or in the field, as there are Rupees to be 
found.  If you wish, grab three pigs and carry them up to the pen for more 
Rupees (to grab them, crawl up to them slowly, then stand up and pick them 
up).  Now, to spend some of your new-found Rupees.  Head to the shore.  Note 
the weird-looking ship in the water.  Swim inside.  This is Beedle's Shop 
Ship.  Something you should really get your hands on in there is a BAIT BAG.  
Also, buy a serving of All-Purpose Bait and a Hyoi Pear.

After you're done goofing around, go and talk to Grandma and she'll give you 
the outfit all boys your age receive when they come of age.  After you're done 
your little chat, head out.  If you haven't already, go to the two floor 
house and speak to each of the brothers.  One has several tips for the game 
on the walls, and the other will teach you basic sword practice.

Now, go and speak to Aryll and she'll give you the TELESCOPE as your birthday 
present.  Use it as she instructs and you'll see a postman dropping letters 
off at the postbox.  Then, she'll instruct you to look up, so do so, and 
you'll see a real big bird carrying a girl in its claws.  The two are being 
pursued by a ship firing cannon shot.  The bird takes a hit and ends up 
dropping the girl in the nearby mountain summit.  Being the helpful type you 
are, you'll want to go and see what the commotion is about.  Aryll will 
mention defense.

Head to Orca the trainer, and he'll teach you all the sword techniques you'll 
need for now.  Once that's done, he'll let you keep the HERO SWORD, feeling 
you've earned it.  Now, you can fool around chopping grass, small trees, and 
bushes, or you head up the mountain path on the left side of the island.  
Climb up, chopping down anything in your way, then hop across the gap in the 
suspension bridge, and head into the Faerie Forest.

Fairy Forest -

This is rather basic.  Head straight through the brush and circle around the 
back.  Note the weird-looking rock sitting in this area.  Anyway, you'll also 
want to note the Bokoblin opposite you.  Show him you've been practicing your 
sword skills.  Once he's kaput, climb up the stump to the higher ground and 
you'll eventually reach the girl, who turns out to be the leader of a group of 
pirates.  Her name is Tetra, and she doesn't seem to think much of you.

Anyway, one of her cronies will show up to escort the both of you out.  As you 
leave, you'll find Aryll on the opposite side of the bridge waiting for you.  
Then, things get pear-shaped.  Aryll gets carted off by that big bird thing.  
You and the pirates regroup down by their ship and you'll meet that weird 
postman you saw earlier.  He'll explain that several girls with pointed ears 
have been kidnapped recently, and that it would behoove you to head to the 
Forsaken Fortress to find your sister, and Tetra will begrudgingly agree to 
take you on as a swabbie...

You need to say goodbye to Grandma now.  Head up the ladder to find the family 
shield is missing.  Head back down and you'll say your farewells to Grandma 
and she'll give you the HERO SHIELD.  Now, talk to Tetra to get movin'.

Tetra's Ship - 

So, you can converse with the scurvy dogs, but to get ahead, head below decks 
and speak with Niko, who's quite relieved to no longer be the bottom of the 
pirate food chain.  Niko will present you with a little challenge.  Here's the 
basic gist: Step on the switch and some platforms will pop up.  You have to 
swing from rope to platform and so on to reach the other side.  Use this time 
to get a feel of ropes.  The platforms aren't very big, so make sure you're 
facing the proper direction, and press A to let go at the height of your 
swing, NOT at the bottom, because if you do, your momentum will carry you over 
the platform.

Once you make it to the other side, Niko will let you have the SPOILS BAG.  
Nifty.  Now, head back above deck and speak to Tetra, who's in the crow's 
nest.  She'll point out Forsaken Fortress, and you'll be just about on your 
way there, in a rather unorthodox manner...

Forsaken Fortress - 

You'll find yourself smack in the middle of the fortress.  You'll soon find 
that Tetra can speak to you through a charm you're now carrying.  This area 
isn't a true "dungeon" of sorts, but there is a Map and Compass to find, as 
well as a Piece of Heart...

Oh, and you lost your sword.  Smooth...

So, I can't really give a standard "walkthrough" of this area, because it's 
quite open-ended.  You can get around in several ways.  I will, however, lay 
down some key points.

Here's the lowdown.  You'll notice outside are several searchlights scouting 
around.  Avoid those if you don't want to be thrown in a cell.  Those are the 
only problems outside, except for the problems of actually getting around and 

Inside, things are a little more complicated.  There are two basic floors to 
this area.  The lower floor has multiple Moblins patrolling.  Unfortunately, 
without a sword, you cannot fight these guys at all.  If they see you, they'll 
toss you in the cell.  To avoid them, pick up a barrel and you'll drop it over 
yourself.  Move slowly behind the patrolling Moblins to get past them.  If 
they "notice" a moving barrel, stop moving immediately and they'll soon lose 

Now, in the odd chance you get thrown behind bars, it's not hard to get out, 
just a bit time-consuming.  Climb up on the table and hop onto the shelves.  
Pick up the pot to reveal a little passage.  Crawl into it (use R to crouch) 
and pop out the other side.

Now, there is a Map and a Compass on the upper floor in the two sections in 
the southeast.  They're not terribly important, but there they are.

What IS rather important is the PIECE OF HEART.  It's in the southwestern 
room on the first floor, which is just below the room with your cell.  If you 
get there, you'll have to sneak behind Moblins to get out.  The room has a 
cell, which you can open by a nearby switch hidden behind some pots.  You'll 
find the PoH in the chest inside.

Now, about those searchlights.  Making your way around the upper floor, you 
can find ladders that lead up to the three searchlight stations in three 
locations, which are the southernmost outside path, then the ones directly 
east and west of them.  Although you have no weapon, you can take out the 
operators.  With no sword, you'll need to use their own weapons against them.  
Either block their attacks until you knock the weapon out of their hands, or 
toss and break the nearby pot.  Either way, press A to grab a Boko Stick 
weapon.  Pretty cheap model, really.  Use B to swing and A to toss it.  Knock 
out the bad guy to stop the searchlight for good.  The one you really want to 
stop you can only access from the west side, because it turns off the 
searchlight which looks at the upper ledges.  The others just monitor the 

Anyway, another key point to remember is on the north side.  You'll find a box 
sitting on an upper ledge.  Push it down to the plaza and you have a quick way 
up to the upper floor.  Handy.

The big important room is to the west of the aforementioned box.  You'll find 
Moblins wandering around on the upper floor here.  Now you know it's 
important.  Get in a barrel and sneak over to the far double door.  Open it 
up to get on the upper ledges.  Sneak past the Moblin up here and continue 
climbing.  You'll eventually reach an area with a largely missing floor.  
To get across the broken floor, you have to push yourself up against the wall 
and press to sidle along it.  Once you reach the end, keep moving up the wall, 
sidling a little more, and you'll finally reach the top, where you'll find 
your sword (go you), as well as a peeved Bokoblin.  Teach him the meaning of 
pain and you'll be able to enter the room where Aryll is kept captive, along 
with several other girls...

Of course, things won't go as planned, thanks, once again, to the big bird.  
He'll take you before a large and mysterious-looking man.  This man will point 
out to sea, and the bird will give you a nice toss.  As you lie on the open 
sea, you'll be picked up by a strange boat...

4B. Setting Sail (Windfall Island and Dragon Roost Island) =

You'll eventually regain consciousness, and you'll find that it's the boat 
itself that saved you.  It calls itself the King of Red Lions, and it offers 
its services to you.  Unfortunately, it doesn't have a sail, so you'll need to 
find one on the island.

Windfall Island -

This island has quite a few people on it, and several shops, too.  There's a 
Bomb Shop near the water, but the prices are rather outrageous.  Go into the 
town itself and you'll find several buildings.  There's a potion shop that you 
can't buy anything from because you don't have a bottle.  Bummer.  There's a 
rather extravagant-looking red door which leads to a fancy house, where some 
guy will get very huffy if you bust his vases.  There's also a cafe, where you 
can get a bit of info.  There's a school, where the teacher wants you to go 
find a group of kids who goof off.  There's also a peddler who has your 
awesome sail for sale!  Only 80 Rupees!  If you don't have enough, poke 
around for pots hiding in bushes to find more Rupees.  Buy the SAIL.

Now, you could set sail, but there's one more thing to do here (or two).  Go 
around the south side of the island.  There's a little path near the beach 
leading up to a gravestone.  Sure, you can talk to Tott, who's hanging out 
there.  You can also go into a nearby door.  You'll find the jail, and who 
would be inside, but good ol' Tingle.  Find the switch to open the door behind 
some pots and he'll be so glad he's out that he'll give you the TINGLE TUNER.  
Check his section to find out what to do with Tingle.

But wait, there's more!  Pull the box in the back of Tingle's cell.  Enter 
the narrow passage.  Ready?  Turn right, left, go straight to the far wall, 
right, left, left, right, right, right.  You'll end up in a grotto with the 
PICTO BOX in it.  There's a big sidequest involving the Picto Box, so head to 
the section in "Sea-Wide Sidequests" for more information.

There's more stuff to do on Windfall, and if you want to learn about it, go 
to Windfall Island's section in "The Islands of the Great Sea".

You're all set here for now.  Go back to your boat and you'll set sail for 
Dragon Roost Island.  Set up your sail using the item button and just point 
yourself in the direction of the island (east), and get movin'!  Wheeee!
On the way, you may find some stopping points, with barrels and such, and some 
Bokoblins.  They're not big cash spots, so don't go nuts looking for them.

Once you're about halfway there, veer south towards a island dotted with palm 
trees.  You'll notice another boat here.  Talk to the divers, and you'll get 
yourself a TREASURE CHART.

Once you sail far enough east, you'll reach the shores of Dragon Roost.

Dragon Roost Island - 

Land and the King of Red Lions will give you "THE WIND WAKER", a baton which 
gives one the power of the gods, or so they say.  You'll practice with it for 
a bit, then you can head inland.  Head through the tunnel near the beach and 
you'll see a monument out in the distance.  Swim out to it and you'll see a 
stone with writing.  Oooo...  Pull out your Wind Waker in front of the stone 
and you'll pull up your first tune.  Once you finish, the Wind God, Zephos, 
will have a bit of chat with you.  He'll tell you about his brother Cyclos, 
and how the smashed stone was once his.  You now know the Wind Requiem, which 
you can use to change the wind's direction.

If you neglected to buy a Bait Bag on Outset, Beedle's Shop Ship is here.  
He also shows up in many other places, too...

Note the large number of Bomb Flowers dotting the landscape.  How curious.  
Take this opportunity to be a demolitionist and clear out some of those pesky 
big rocks by throwing Bomb Flowers at them.  Climb up the hillside and find a 
ledge that you can sidle across.  Bust up a rock that has blocks sitting on 
top of it so they'll fill the gap and you'll be able to proceed through 
another cave after speaking with the postman from before.

Now, you'll find that you've entered the realm of the Rito bird people.  These 
folks specialize in flying and delivery.  They even have a post office right 
in their cave.  But first, you'll talk to their chieftain, in the middle of 
the room, who tells you about two problems: the dragon Valoo becoming very 
upset recently, and Prince Komali, who is reluctant to perform his "rite of 
passage" and get his wings.  You'll also be given a DELIVERY BAG.

First, head up to the upper floor and enter the first room to speak with Medli, 
and she'll give you the FATHER'S LETTER, which will be put in your Delivery 
BAG.  Go visit the Prince now.  He's on the first floor in the back.  Give the 
Prince the Letter from your bag and he'll explain that he doesn't want to go 
to the rite of passage.  Talk to him some more and he'll talk about his ball, 
the Din's Pearl.  There's nothing more you can do for him here, so head back to 
the main cave.

If you're strapped for Rupees, head up to the second floor and talk to the 
guy at the post office desk.  You can sort letters for him for Rupees.  The 
first time you do it, if you break 10 letters, you'll get a Rupee for every 
two letters.  The second time, if you pass 20 letters, you'll get a Rupee for 
every letter.  The third time, if you pass 25 letters, you'll get three Rupees 
for every letter.  It's fun, and a good test of your reflexes.

So, now that all the extra stuff is done, head down to the lower floor, and 
leave by the passage that the Rito guard is standing next to and you'll end 
up in front of Dragon Roost Cavern.  Drop down the hole and talk to Medli and 
she'll ask you to toss her up.  Pick her up, climb on the nearby stone, and 
wait until the wind is blowing towards the far end.  Toss her then and she'll 
give you your first EMPTY BOTTLE.  Fill it with water from the nearby spring, 
then climb up the broken bridge and dump the water on the dried-up plants and 
they'll grow into Bomb Flowers.  Pluck one and wait until its about to explode 
before tossing it on the big rock below (you don't want it fizzing out in the 
water).  Once the rock blows up, the pond will fill up again and you can 
swim across.  Now, there's a small pool of lava ahead of you.  Pick the nearby 
Bomb Flowers and toss them into the green pots on the statues so that they 
blow up on them.  Once both statues are knocked into the lava, cross them and 
enter your first dungeon.

*** LEVEL 1 *** Dragon Roost Cavern -

Entrance Room: Pull the blue statues out of the way to the next room.  Defeat 
 the two Bokoblins.  To leave the room, take one of their sticks, light it on 
 the torch, if it's not already lit, and use it to light the other torches.  
 You'll earn a Small Key and you can open the door.  That pot with mist in the 
 room is a Magic Pot which you can use to warp once you find others.
Lava Pit: Toss a rock at the boarded-up door, then head left.  Drop off the 
 planks to a ledge, and pull a block out.  Climb on it, then continue on the 
 wood planks.  Head across the suspension bridge and try to ignore the Keeses, 
 because you're not exactly on stable ground.  Toss a Bomb Flower at the rock 
 to head to the next room.
Watering Hole: To cross the little pit here, toss a water jar into the lava 
 to harden it.  Hop over to the left side to get the DUNGEON MAP.  After that, 
 you can cross over to the far end.  Climb up the ladder and watch out for the 
 Red ChuChu.  Defeat him and proceed up to the next room.
Boarded Room: Head over to the far wall and defeat the Bokoblin.  Use his 
 sword to start hacking down the boarded walls.  Behind the second wall, 
 you'll find a Small Key.  Watch out for Red ChuChus.  Exit by the other door.
Lava Pit: Toss a pot at the Bomb Flowers on the wall to blow the rock, then 
 cross over to the locked door.
West Room 1F: Head towards the boards on the left to fight a Bokoblin.  Defeat 
 him, and use his stick to light the other boards on fire.  Step on the 
 switch and head through the door.
Western Cliff: Cross the suspension bridge and quickly deal with the Bokoblin 
 so the bridge doesn't get cut.  Climb the ladder and take out the Kargaroc to 
 get a Golden Feather.  Now, carefully sidle past the gap, avoiding the fire 
 jet.  Next, hang onto the wooden ledge and edge across it.  Climb up the 
 rocks and toss the Bomb Flower up here on the big rock to open the way to the 
 next room.
Stacked Block Room: Pull on the middle block so that the stack drops, then 
 pull it left.  Then, pull on the middle block again so that the stack drops 
 once more.  Climb up on the stacks to the doorway.  Watch out for Rats.  
 You'll get a call from the pirates, so answer it.  Pull out the block and 
 hop up to the treasure chest to get the COMPASS.  Break the nearby pot with 
 sticks in it.  Grab one, light it on the torch, and throw it at the far 
 boards to burn them.  Get the Small Key in the chest.  Unlock the door and 
Northern Cliff: Climb the stairs.  Take out the Karbaroo and take the Small 
 Key in its nest.  Unlock the door.
Dark Room: First, take out the Keeses a ways into the room.  Then, smash one 
 of the pots with sticks.  Light the stick, then start lighting torches and 
 burning down boards.  Once you light them all, the door at the far end will 
 open.  Oh, and there's a Joy Pendant in a treasure chest nearby.
Lava Pit: You can bomb the rock off this pot.  Climb in and you'll warp back 
 to the green pot at the entrance.  Cross the bridge to the next room.
Table Room: Defeat the Bokoblin.  Climb up to the wooden ledge.  Get the 
 sticks from the pot up here and use them to light the other torch and find a 
 TREASURE CHART.  There's also a Joy Pendant in the pot on the shelf.  Roll 
 into the wall to knock it down.  To leave this room, you have to defeat two 
 more Bokoblins, and they're sleeping in pots.  One on a shelf on the lower 
 floor, and one in the series of pots on low table along the wall.  Defeating 
 them will open the doors.
Magtail Room: That little worm across the way is the eponymous Magtail.  Toss 
 a water jar at it to cause it to roll up in a ball.  Hop across to the 
 platform and give it heck while it's curled up.  After it's toast, toss 
 another water jar onto the flame jet nearby.  Hop onto the platform created 
 and you'll get carried up to the next floor.
Boss Door Room: Yeah, but it's across a big pool of lava, so you're not 
 getting there yet.  Use the Bomb Flower to blow both rocks.  One has another 
 Magic Pot, and the other has the door to the next area.
Southern Cliff: You'll get a shot of Valoo from here, looking rather miffed.  
 Climb up the disentegrating steps along the outside and enter the door.  
 Defeat the two Bokoblins, and then the big Moblin (which has your first 
 Skull Necklace), to free Medli.  She'll give you the GRAPPLING HOOK as a 
 reward.  Use it as she describes to escape this cage area, then swing across 
 to the boards, which you can chop down with your sword.  Drop down back to the 
 entry point and face left to find more points where you can grapple.  Cross 
 all these points and you'll reach the next door.
Bridge Room: Cross the bridge and defeat the two Bokoblin to make a chest with 
 a Joy Pendant appear at the bottom of the room.  To get to the bottom safely, 
 take the stick lying nearby, light it, then burn all the ropes on the bridge.  
 Stand in the middle and you'll drop down to the path below.  Leave by the door 
 down here.
Lava Pit: We're back here again.  Climb up the steps and into the cage.  Stand 
 in the center and use a spin attack (charge up B) to cut all three ropes at 
 once so the platform drops onto the lava below.  Head through the passage and 
 jump across the platforms and climb up the ladder.  To open this door, look 
 up and find a hanging switch.  Use your Hook to hang from it and the door will 
 open.  Hop back and enter.
Lava Passage: If you have Tingle, use the Tingle Bomb on the far side of the 
 room to uncover the DRAGON TINGLE STATUE.  Latch to the hook above and grab 
 it, and then turn on the hook to drop to the other passage.  Cross to the 
 other side.
Big Key Room: There's a Magtail here, and no water.  To stun it, it's best to 
 use your Grappling Hook on its face just as its jaws open.  It'll curl up and 
 you can pick it up and drop it on the switch, which needs constant weight.  
 Open the chest and take the BIG KEY.  Leave and head back to the Lava Pit.  
 You may want to go after the boss now, but let's take a little side trip, 
 first.  From the first floor Lava Pit area, go to the West Room 1F, which 
 had Red ChuChus and a Bokoblin.
West Room 1F: Take out the Bokoblin and grab his stick again.  Burn the stick, 
 and this time, throw it at the boards across the lava pit.  Use the Hook to 
 get across and take the TREASURE CHART.  Now, make your way, using Magic Pots 
 back up to the Boss Door Room.
Boss Door Room: Cross the room with the Hook, defeat the Magtail.  Open the 
 chests to receive Rupees and a Knight's Crest.  Enter the Boss Door.
*GOHMA*: This is what's been giving Valoo such a pain the rear.  The Gohma can 
 attack you with its claws or with fire breath.  You'd be wise to act before 
 he can unleash these attacks.  This fight takes place in two stages.  In the 
 first stage, use your Hook to latch onto Valoo's tail.  Let go as soon as 
 you find safe ground.  Valoo will knock down the ceiling onto Gohma, who's 
 armor will crack.  Do this three more times to completely destroy the armor.  
 At this point, just use the Hook on Gohma's eye (L-Target it).  Once he's 
 pulled to you, slash with the sword.  Repeat until Gohma blows up.

Take the Heart Container and step into the wind funnel.  You'll find yourself 
at the foot of the mountain.  Medli and Komali will congratulate you and 
Komali will give you Din's Pearl.  Now, your destination is south.  If you've 
already earned the Wind Requiem, use it to point the wind south, otherwise 
head to the monument that the two Rito point out to get it.

On your way out, you'll find a fish, and he'll offer to draw you a map of the 
island on your chart, and he'll tell you about his friends, too, who will do 
the same.  Just find them splashing near major islands and spread some All-
Purpose Bait in the area.

While we're in the area, let's head back to Windfall Island (use the Wind 
Requiem to point west).  Once you're back there, show your Wind Waker to the 
guy dancing out in front of the grave and he'll show you the Song of Passing, 
which you can use to change day into night into day.  Sounds just like the 
old Sun Song, too.  Also, you can return some Red Chu Jellies for a free Red 
Potion, if you wish, but there's not much else to do.

If you're up to it, head back to Dragon Roost Island and south to the Forest 
Haven.  On your way, it'd be a good idea to mark Pawprint Island, which is 
between Windfall and Dragon Roost, and the three islands between Dragon Roost 
and Forest Haven: Fire Mountain, East Triangle Island, and Bomb Island.

In the same square as Bomb Island, look for something near the western part 
of the square.  It's a submarine.  Destroy its occupants (mostly Bokoblins) 
and you'll earn your second EMPTY BOTTLE.

4C. Familiar Forest Faces (Forest Haven and Forbidden Woods) =

Forest Haven Island -

Now, head south all the way and you'll find Forest Haven.  The KoRL will 
drop you off near the shore.  So, start climbing up the hillside.  Take out 
the Boku Babas and you'll earn some Boku Baba Seeds.  When you reach the end 
of the path, use a branch to swing across, and make sure you land on solid 
ground, as the water will sweep you away.  There are Octoroks up here, which 
you can defeat by blocking their shots back at them.  Hop from land spot to 
land spot to reach another branch.  Swing across it to a pool and enter the 
Forest Haven.

Forest Haven -

Head up and around the back of the massive tree in this area, and you'll find 
that it's, in fact, the Deku Tree, with a whole bunch of Chuchus on its face.  
Take this opportunity to get some Green Chu Jelly.  Roll into the Deku Tree 
to knock them off and clean house.  You'll then have a long dialog with the 
Deku Tree, which culminates in the task to find Makar, a Korok, and with 
retrieving a leaf from the Deku Tree's branches.

So, run around the left side and hop into a Baba Bud.  They send you flying.  
Push forward to move forward as you fly.  Hop from one Bud to the next.  After 
the fourth bud, hop onto a set of upper branches.  Use the Hook to hop to the 
next set of Buds.  Fly up to the DEKU LEAF and claim it for your own.  Use it 
to float across to where one of the Koroks point you.  Once you reach the 
ledge, head out the door.  

You'll need to point the wind to the SW to coast over to the platform sticking 
out of the water to the left.  After that, point the wind to the NW.  To get 
over to the Forbidden Woods, you'll have to get caught in the updraft circling 
the platform.  It's actually pretty far out, so coast out a good distance 
before it gets between you and the Forbidden Woods, let it catch you and float 
towards the tree.  Watch out for the Peahats and enter the dungeon.

*** LEVEL 2 *** Forbidden Woods -

Entry Room: Deal with all the Green ChuChus in the area.  Head to the right 
 side of the room to take the DUNGEON MAP.  Head to the left side and grab 
 the Boko Nut.  Toss it at the plant covering the door to destroy it.  Open 
 the door.
Tendril Room: Down in the basement is a Knight's Crest.  Bash up the Boku 
 Babas to take their sticks, then throw them at the plant on the chest.  To 
 get back out, and to the other side, you'll need to use both the Baba Buds 
 and the Deku Leaf.  As you get boosted up, float over to the next highest 
 Baba Bud.  Try to avoid the swinging tendrils so you don't get busted up.  
 Find a way to the highest point in the northeast to find a Joy Pendant in a 
 pot.  Note that there's a chest to the southwest.  Unfortunately, you have 
 nothing to remove the plant on it with.  Head through the exit to the north.
Gondola Room: Flap the Deku Leaf at the switch on your left to get the 
 gondola over to your side, then flap in the opposite direction to move it 
 back to the other side.  Exit by the north door.
Buds'N'Gondola Room: Take out the Peahats by flapping at them with the Leaf, 
 then slashing them, and take out the Boku Babas.  One Baba leaves behind a 
 Bud.  Hop in and leap up next to the door.  Alternatively, you can hop up to 
 a nearby hole in the tree for a chest with 20 Rupees.  Call the gondola with 
 the swtich and head over to the other side.  Break the boards with your sword 
 and grab the Boku Nut.  DROP it on the Gondola (using R) and head back to the
 other side.  Toss the nut at the plant on the door to get to the next room.
Surprise Room: Don't get too close to the Boku Nut, because tendrils burst 
 out of the floor.  Use the Deku Leaf to flap the Nut off its plant, then use 
 it on the plant on the door.
Korok House Room: Walk around the east side.  Hook across the gap over the 
 tendril.  Cross to the north side on the moving vines.  Take the Boku Nut 
 and walk over to the west door.  Toss the Nut on the door to open it.  Also, 
 keep climbing up using moving vines and you'll reach your second Magic 
3F West Passage: There are Morths across the gap in this room.  Use Spin 
 Attacks to dust them off quickly.  The chest below contains 10 Rupees.  
 Leave by the west exit.
Tendril Maze Room: As the name suggests, tendrils burst out of the ground to 
 form a psuedo-maze.  Make your way over to the left (south) side.  Use the 
 Bomb Flower to blow both the nearby boards, and the one in the far corner 
 (toss it over the tendrils).  The chest next to you has the COMPASS.  Make 
 your way around the maze to the other corner to get a Small Key.  You can 
 use the Baba Bud to get up to the platforms, one of which has a Joy Pendant.  
 Leave this room and head back to the...
Korok House Room: Head to the north part and open the locked door.
North Passage: Flap the Gondola over to your side, and cross.  Avoid the 
 Peahat, as it'll be tough to kill with water all over the floor.
Hanging Pod Room: Take out the Mothula, Peahat, and Boku Babas.  You can use 
 the sticks to break up the hanging pods for some items.  Use the Baba Bud to 
 float up one level of trees, then another.  There's a chest high above you.  
 To get there, use the Hook on the nearby stick, then climb all the way up 
 the Hook and onto the stick.  Hook to the next stick and drop onto the 
 platform.  Ride the moving vines up to the top and grab the Joy Pendant in 
 the chest.  Watch out for Peahats, and leave by the north door.
Mothula Room: Mini boss time in this room, in the form of a full-grown Mothula.  
 You can either swat it with the sword when it gets low enough, or flap it 
 with the Leaf to stun it and then swat it.  Each swat removes one of its four 
 wings.  Watch out for its diving attack and Morth deployment.  When you clip 
 all its wings, it switches to ground mode, where it's basically a normal 
 Mothula that can take quite a few more hits.  Eventually, it'll go down and 
 the north door will open.  Open the chest and claim the BOOMERANG.  Look 
 above the south door and target both switches.  Toss it and the door will 
Hanging Pod Room: Use the Boomerang on the two plants on the door and pass 
North Passage: Use the Boomerang to remove all the pods in your way, then use 
 the Deku Leaf to cross the pit.  Take the Joy Pendant and leave through the 
 south door.
Korok House Room: Use the Boomerang on the five cables holding up the house 
 and it will make a nice big hole in the floor.  You can follow it down, or 
 you can take this opportunity to go back to...
Tendril Room: The second room of the dungeon.  Float all the way up the chest 
 in the southwest corner.  Boomerang the plant and take the TREASURE CHART.
Korok House Room: Drop down into the basement.  Enter the door down here.
Basement Passage: Boomerang the Peahat and the Morths.  Hop over to the right.  
 Take out the Green ChuChus and avoid the grabbing vines and head to the 
 next room.
Big Flower Room: Cross the flower and grab the 10 Rupees in the chest.  Cut 
 the flower's four strands with the Boomerang and drop down.  Grab the Bomb 
 Flower down here and blow open the boards.
Treasure Room: To the right, in the corner, is Tingle's second statue, the 
 FORBIDDEN TINGLE STATUE.  Have him set a bomb to make it appear.  Now, start 
 crossing the platforms to the center.  Kill all the Boku Baba until one 
 becomes a Baba Bud.  Hop in and drift over to the upper platform.  Fan the 
 gondola switch to bring it over, then ride it to the other side.  Once there, 
 grab the Bomb Flower and toss it down the hole in the ceiling.  It'll blow 
 the plant on the chest and you're free to drop down and collect the 
 TREASURE CHART. Head back to the Big Flower Room.
Big Flower Room: Drop the flower again, and this time we're going to ride it 
 down the river.  Use the Deku Leaf to fan yourself in the opposite direction.  
 Use your Shield to bounce back the Octorok attack and climb up to the 
 opposite side.  Enter the door.
Big Key Room: Climb up the slope to the top.  Use the Boomerang to hit all 
 five switches.  To do this, start with one of the switches next to the tree 
 and work your way around.  If you don't, you might not get them all.  Get the 
 BIG KEY and prepare for attack by Moblins.  Take out the two Moblins.  To 
 leave this room, use the Hook to attach to the branch above and swing up to 
 the door.
Basement Passage: Proceed back to the...
Korok House Room: Fan the rotating switch to start an updraft.  Hop in the 
 Baba Bud and ride the updraft with the Deku Leaf.  Use the Boomerang on the 
 two plants on the door down here and head through.
2F Passage: Take out the two Mothulas in this room.  Take the Joy Pendant 
 in the chest and press on east.
Boss Door Room: You're best just leaving all these pods alone, as they have 
 Green ChuChus.  You can use the sticks in the pot to light the covering of 
 the Magic Pot on fire to open it up, or you could just head through the Boss 
*KALLE DEMOS*: This mutated plant has Makar captive.  It has two main 
 attacks, slamming its tendrils on the ground and burrowing them under the 
 ground to come up and attack from underneath.  What you need to do is cut 
 down all the tendrils attached the ceiling with the Boomerang.  As you can 
 only target five at a time, this isn't going to be easy.  Keep targeting and 
 throwing the Rang.  Once all tendrils are down, the plant will fall, 
 exposing the puny little central plant.  You have two options.  Either 
 whack it repeatedly nonstop and take some damage when the plant closes, or 
 hit a couple of times and retreat.  The option is yours.  Hit the central 
 plant enough times and you'll have successfully committed herbicide.

The Great Deku Tree will thank you for your efforts and give you Farore's 
 Pearl.  You can now leave the Forest Haven island system.

4D. The Hero's Trial (The Last Pearl and the Tower of the Gods) =

All righty!  Now, nearly the entirety of the Great Sea is open to you.  
Hooray!  You can take this time to explore EVERYWHERE and mark the entirety 
of the map using the fishees.  Check Section 5: The Islands of the Great Sea, 
to find out what you can get at each of the islands.  I won't bring up all 
that stuff here...

However, I will mention stuff to get on the sea that will be indispensible.

For instance, head to coordinates A3, the Northern Fairy Island.  Speak to the 
fairy and your wallet size will be increased so you can hold 1000 Rupees.

Next, go to coordinates G4 (yeah, I know it's a long way).  At the south end, 
you'll see some seagulls in the middle of the water.  Float towards them and 
a Big Octo will leap out.  To defeat it, target its eyes with the Boomerang.  
Several hits on all of them will remove the threat and release a Great Fairy 
who will double your Magic Meter.

Also, look for some wiggling postboxes.  The first one you find will have a 
PIECE OF HEART in it.  Keep checking postboxes in other locations, and you 
may get more mail.

Okay, head for Greatfish Isle, where the King of Red Lions points you.  Once 
you get there, you'll find it's a complete mess.  The water spirit, Jabun, 
has fled from his home.  The Rito postman will come and explain about the 
pirates that were here recently.  You'll have to head back to Windfall Island 
to find them.

Now, with the storminess that just set in, it'll be perpetually night until 
you do something about it.  Sail back to Windfall Island you'll find Tetra's 
ship has docked.  The KoRL will suggest looking for them quietly.

Windfall Island - 

Get onshore.  Notice that there's a light on in the Bomb Shop.  It's locked, 
though.  Sneak around the back by sidling along the wall and climbing up the 
vines.  Once you enter the shop, you'll see Tetra and her crew stealing bombs 
from the owner.  Tetra will notice you, but won't say anything.  The crew 
will take off, but not before you hear the password for sneaking into the 
ship.  It changes every game, but if you forget, just ask your boat.  

Hop on the ship and say the password for Niko.  Once you get into the hold, 
he'll have another rope course for you.  This one's tougher.  Stepping on the 
switch gives you roughly two minutes to make it to the other side.  Make sure 
you aim your jumps for the center of the swinging ropes.  In the case of the 
moving ropes, it's advisable to wait until they stop moving to jump.  It's 
quite difficult, but that's about all the help I can give.  Once you reach 
the other side, Niko will let you take the BOMBS.  Tetra will tell you that 
she's gonna head for the island the next morning.  Fortunately, time's 
stopped, so you don't have to worry about that.  Your mission is now to head 
back to Outset Island so you can find Jabun, so set sail.

Outset Island - 

Have chats with everyone on the island.  You'll notice that poor Grandma has 
taken ill...  If you want, you can train in combat with Orca.  Getting lots of 
hits will get you prizes, such as a PIECE OF HEART.

Also, head up to the summit of the island.  Turn the wind west, hop up on the 
very top of the broken bridge, and float over to the other side using the 
Deku Leaf.  Now, enter the Fairy Forest again.  Use a Bomb on the big rock 
and drop into the Fairy Fountain.  Speak to the Great Fairy to get the 
second Wallet upgrade, which can hold 5000 Rupees.

Also, grab a Fairy while you're here.  Go to your house and give it to your 
poor sick grandma.  She'll be all cured and give you Elixir Soup, which is a 
super potion...

Your objective here, though, is to head around the back of the island.  You'll 
get swept up in a big whirlpool.  Don't panic.  Take out your Bombs and you'll 
pull out the ship's cannon.  Start firing away at that big stone door.  First, 
bust up the top part, then the middle part, then the bottom part, and you'll 
be able to enter.

Jabun and the KoRL will chat for a bit, and then you'll get the Nayru's Pearl.  
The KoRL will now tell you to place the pearls on the Triangle Islands.  There 
are three of them, and their coordinates are marked on the Sea Chart.  Go to 
each island and walk up to the small statue there.  Once all three are in 
place, a big familiar shape will appear in the sea and a really big tower will 
rise up out of the sea.  That's the Tower of the Gods, and you gotta go in.

Now, I suggest a few things before heading in there.  Obviously, you may want 
to look for some more Pieces of Heart, but there are a few real important 
things, too.

Go to Eastern Fairy Island (C5) and Southern Fairy Island (F4).  Use Bombs to 
blow open their doors.  At each of these locations, you'll find a Bomb 
carrying upgrade, which will increase your stockpile to 60, then 99.

Go to Rock Spire Isle (C2) and you'll find a special Shop Ship.  This one has 
an EMPTY BOTTLE, a TREASURE CHART, and a PIECE OF HEART for sale.  They're all 
quite expensive, but worth it.

All right, once you feel you're decked out, head into the Tower of the Gods 
for some destiny-related action!

*** LEVEL 3 *** Tower of the Gods - 

Key point about the Tower: There's a rising and falling tide throughout the 
place.  Every twenty seconds or so, the water changes levels, from high to 
low.  This will make for some tricky puzzling and getting around.

Main Lobby: Drift the KoRL over to the southeast corner, and hop off near the 
 submerged platform.  When the tide's up, swim under the canopy and head 
 through the door.
SE Room 1F: Take out the Yellow ChuChu using the Boomerang to stun it.  There 
 are three bombable walls here on the high wall.  When the tide rises, climb 
 up to the middle walls and drop Bombs next to the cracked walls.  One has the 
 DUNGEON MAP behind it.  Getting the third wall's a bit trickier.  When the 
 tide's down, push a box near (but not quite next to) the wall and let the 
 tide rise up.  Toss a Bomb just as it's about to explode at the wall and you 
 can get the Joy Pendant behind it.
Main Lobby: Go to the west side of the room and fire Bombs at the wall.  Cross 
 the wall when the tide's up.  Break open the pot of sticks and light one.  
 Wait until the tide goes down and light the two torches by the lower door.  
 This makes a chest with a Joy Pendant appear.  Now, head through the 
 northwest door.
NW Room 1F: Defeat the Red Bubble by fanning it with the Deku Leaf, then 
 slashing it.  Take the COMPASS.
Main Lobby: Now, head to the northeast corner of the lobby.  Climb up to 
 the platform and place either a pot or a statue on the lit button to enter 
 the next room.
NE Room 1F: Wait until the tide is low and drop down to the pit.  Pick up 
 the box and drop it on the button.  Ride the tide up and climb out.  While 
 the tide's low and the box is on the button, there's a light bridge.  Cross 
 and pick up the statue.  Cross the bridge back and exit the door.
Main Lobby: Place the statue on the cross indent outside and the gate nearby 
 will open.  Ride the KoRL through the gate and to the door.  Place both 
 statues on both buttons.
SE Room 1F: Wait unti lthe tide lowers and drop down to the floor.  Push one 
 of the blocks so that it fits in the line with the others all the way to the 
 unlit torches.  Now, climb up, break the pot with the sticks, light one, and 
 hop across as the tide goes up.  Light both torches and you'll get a Small 
 Key.  Avoid the Yellow ChuChus on your way out.
Main Lobby: Head for the southwest corner of the lobby and unlock the door.
SW Room 1F: Take out all Yellow ChuChus in this room to make a staircase 
 appear.  Walk up and pick up the statue.  Leave the room with it in tow.
Main Lobby: Walk up the stairs to the indent and place the statue.  The water 
 will now recede and you can go through the door in the center.
North Room 1F: There's a Beamos in the center of this room.  For now, avoid 
 its roving eye so you don't get zapped.  Carry each of the statues on this 
 side across to the buttons on the far side.  Once both are placed, the 
 elevators start moving.  Jump from one to the next.  Once you reach the 
 top, if you have Tingle, make him bomb the platform behind you and you can 
 get the GODDESS TINGLE STATUE.  Head through the north door.
2F Lobby: Not much to do here except head east.
East Passage 2F: Mind the Yellow ChuChus.  Hop onto the moving platform and 
 continue east.
East Statue Room: Climb the staircase and drop off the other side.  Read the 
 little message.  Press R to call the statue.  It will follow you close 
 behind.  Lead him around the twisty path.  When you reach the end, pick him 
 up and jump the gap.
East Passage 2F: Continue carrying the statue across the moving platform.
2F Lobby: The statue will hop over to a platform of its own accord.  Climb 
 the steps to the center dais and pull out your Wind Waker.  Pull left on the 
 stick to change to 4/4 rhythm and conduct left, middle, right, middle to 
 learn the Command Melody.  Now, the door to the west is open.
West Passage 2F: Use the Grappling Hook to cross the pit and head through the 
West Statue Room: Use the Hook to cross.  Call the statue to get it active.  
 Now, stand on the button.  A bridge!  But how to cross with the statue?  
 Play the Command Melody and the answer will become clear.  Hop the statue 
 across the bridge, then break control (R Button) and swing across yourself.  
 Pick up the statue and head through the door.
West Passage 2F: Drop the statue on the button.  Either use the Grappling Hook 
 or the Deku Leaf to swing across to the right side (south room).
Darknut Room: Aw yeah!  Time for some smackdown!  The way to beat Darknuts is 
 to use the Parry counter move just as it's about to swing.  That way, you'll 
 knock off its armor.  Once it's off, it's best to keep Parrying, because 
 Darknuts are quite good combatants otherwise.  Once it's dead, open the 
 treasure chest and claim the HERO'S BOW.  Leave the room.
West Passage 2F: Shoot the eye across the way to start some platforms.  Get 
 rid of the Red Bubbles again.  Use the Deku Leaf to get back over to where 
 you left the statue.  Hop across the platforms with it.
2F Lobby: The statue will return to its pedestal and open the gate to the 
 north.  Before we do that, though, let's go back to.
East Passage 2F: Take out the Red Wizzrobe with arrows, then hop on the 
 platform.  Shoot the eye and ride the new platform up to the next room.
Armos Knight Room: To beat an Armos Knight, shoot an arrow in its eye, then 
 drop a Bomb in its mouth.  Watch out for the results.  Beat both and you'll 
 find a Joy Pendant here.  Now, head back to the 2F Lobby, then to the Main 
Main Lobby: Head to the northwest room.
NW Room 1F: Shoot the eye on the wall and collect the TREASURE CHART.  Now, 
 head back to the second floor.
2F Lobby: Leave by the north door.
North Room 2F: Take out the Keeses near the platforms if you wish.  Jump on 
 the left platform to drop down to the water.  Pull out a Bomb and toss it at 
 the wall just as it's about to explode.  Head through the door.
Wind Room 2F: Play the Wind's Requiem on the platform.  Take out the two 
 Armos Knights and open the chest to get a TREASURE CHART.
North Room 2F: Head through the door to the east.
Big Pit Room: There are several moving platforms here.  Jump on the one 
 before you, then on the one across from that.  Shoot an arrow at the eye 
 nearby to start that platform moving, and hop on.  Ride up and take the 
 Small Key.  If you're in the mood for a Joy Pendant, look across from you and 
 shoot the eye up there.  Another platform on your right rides up, and you 
 can hop to another platform, from which you can get to the eye platform.  
 Now, look out over to the door and fire an arrow at the eye above it.  The 
 chest with the Joy Pendant will appear.  Make your way back to the entrance 
 of the room.
North Room 2F: To cross to the north side of this room, take two of the 
 statues and toss them one of the platforms.  Hop onto the other one yourself, 
 and unlock the door at the end.
North Statue Room: Nasty laser beams.  First, hop on top of the block.  Jump 
 and float over the beams using your Deku Leaf.  Call the statue with the R 
 button.  Now, take control of him with the Command Melody and have him hold 
 on the button (he can hop right through the beams).  Once through, pick him 
 up and leave.
North Room 2F: Toss your statue on one of the platforms.  Now, hop over to 
 the other side.  Grab three of the statues and toss them on the other 
 platform to raise it up and keep it raised while you go jump back and grab 
 the blue statue.  Carry it to the next room.
2F Lobby: The statue will hop to its pedestal and the three will activate a 
 beam of light.  Not scared, are ya?  Hop in.
3F Laser Room: Now, you have to grab pots sitting next to the Beamos'.  Get 
 close and quickly fire an arrow at the Beamos as soon as it starts firing 
 it laser to defeat it.  Once the three are in place on the buttons, take the 
 BIG KEY.  Now, shoot the Armoses in the eye with arrows and slash their bums 
 to baleet them.  Pass through the door to the north.
Outer Terrace: Destroy both the Beamos' and Kargarocs with arrows, and make 
 your way to the Boss Door.
*GOHDAN*: This boss consists of a giant head and two hands.  The hands 
 will attempt to interfere with your life with punches, swipes, and grabs.  
 The head will breathe a series of fireballs at you which you should roll to 
 avoid.  The outer ring of the arena is electrified, so stay off it.  Shoot 
 the hands a couple of times to fend them off.  After that, his eyes will 
 open and you need to shoot those.  Two arrows each.  Once both eyes are 
 closed, the head will drop to the ground.  Toss a Bomb into it mouth.  Three 
 Bombs will defeat the Gohdan.  If you run out of arrows, the head will 
 snort out some extras.  Once the rock is down, take the Heart Container and 
 step into the column of light.

Now, climb up and use the Grappling Hook on the bell...

???? Castle -

You're now in a very monochrome castle...  Enter, and you'll see the forms of 
many Moblins and Darknuts frozen in time.  As you walk in front of the statue 
of that familiar-looking fellow, the KoRL will call you through your charm 
and tell you about the seal on the special item you need to find.  To solve 
this puzzle, walk in front of the statue.  See those blocks?  You need to 
place them on the three triangles in the middle of floor.  To move the blocks, 
you need to pull and push them by their corners so they rotate.  Once all three 
are set, they sink into the ground and the statue moves.  Enter the basement.  
Take the blade.

Congratulations, you've earned the MASTER SWORD, the blade of evil's bane!

Color and time now return to Hyrule Castle.  Look around this little area to 
see some familiar faces rendered in stained glass.  Head back to the main 
castle hall.  Test out your new blade on the many Moblins and Darknuts that 
have just awakened.  Be sure to collect as many Knight's Crests from Darknuts 
as you can.  If you knock off both pieces of their armor, use the Grappling 
Hook to grab it.  Anyway, once you've made a gruesome example of this place.  
Leave the way you came in (you can leave by the other door if you want a 
glimpse at the land of Hyrule).  The KoRL will tell you that it's time to 
return to the Forsaken Fortress and rescue your sister.

4E. Return to the Forsaken (Forsaken Fortress =

First thing's first.  Now that you have a Bow, head to Shark Island (F3).  
You should see a mad spinning cyclone.  Get close to it and Zephos' brother, 
Cyclos, will pop out.  Shoot him with arrows as he tries to suck you in.  
Once you hit him three times, he'll calm down and teach you the BALLAD OF 
GALES.  Now, you can warp around the Great Sea without having to sail the 
whole way!

Now, sail to the Forsaken Fortress.  You have to Bomb open the gate to get 
inside.  If you feel it makes it easier, you can also try to take out some of 
the cannons that are firing on you.  Once inside, the KoRL will drop you off.

Head to the main door and you'll be greeted by an evil laugh.

*PHANTOM GANON* - This spirit floats around and flings energy balls at you.  
 Once he throws one, use the Master Sword to reflect it back.  The two of you  
 will knock the ball back and forth for a bit until one of you goofs.  If he 
 gets it, rush up and start slashing him.  Unlike previous incarnations of 
 this kind of boss, this one can also appear right next to you and slash with 
 his sword, so be alert.  Enough slashes will cause the ghost to retreat.

Open the chest that appeared to get the SKULL HAMMER.  Now, it's time to 
proceed to the top of the fortress again.  You should know how.  There are 
less ways to get up now, though.  The eastern room, while having a lot of 
Miniblins, also has a ladder you can climb to get up.  There's nothing new 
down here, so there's no need to dawdle.  There are no more ropes, either, so 
use the Deku Leaf to cross gaps, and use the Skull Hammer to pound down stakes.  
Climb to the very top of the fortress and slam the stake with the Hammer.  
Enter the door.

You'll have a reunion with Aryll.  Soon, Tetra and her crew show up.  Tetra 
takes particular note of the Master Sword, and promises to get all the girls 
back to their homes.  Now, it's time for you to deal with some super bad guys.

That giant bird will fly back into the room and the tower will start filling 
with water.  Now, it's a race to the top.  Run up the ramps quickly.  Don't 
stop to fight any Bokoblins.  Often, the bird will peck away at a ledge to 
remove it, but you're usually far enough across that you can jump the last 
few feet.  If you do miss, there are grappling points around most of these to 
get you across.  Once you make it to the top, the bird will slam its head in 
your path to block you.  Whip out your Hammer and smack him one.  He'll fall 
back into the water, and you can proceed to the top.  The hatch at the top 
will close, and the bird will make it through at the last second.  Looks like 
he wants a rematch...

*HELMAROC KING* - The bird will go for a long flight, then come in and land.  
 He'll shuffle up close to you and slam his beak into the ground.  At that 
 point, whack him with the Hammer.  You need to do that five times to remove 
 his head-covering.  He has other attack besides the peck.  Sometimes he'll 
 dive and rake his talons across the floor of the tower, and sometimes he'll 
 attempt to flap you into the spikes encircling the platform.  Once you hit 
 him five times, the head-covering will break and he'll be vulnerable to the 
 sword.  Hit him about ten or so times with the Master Sword and he'll be 
 roast turkey...

Take the Heart Container.  Climb up the stairs and enter the door.  Let this 
little scene play out, where some interesting facts are revealed...

You'll be back underwater.  Bring your guest to the basement of the castle.  

So, now you basically get the gist of the entire story.  You have to save 
Hyrule, or what's left of it.  To do this, you need to power up the Master 
Sword.  This is done by awakening two Sages and finding the eight pieces of 
the Triforce of Courage.

4F. Gearing Up (Fire Mountain and Ice Ring Isle) =

Okay, first thing to do is to get the Ballad of the Gales if you haven't 
already (go to Shark Island, get close to the cyclone, and shoot Cyclos 
three times).  Use it to teleport to Mother & Child Isles.  You'll land in 
the middle of the Mother island and meet the Queen of Faires.  She'll give 

Now, we'll go to four locations, which can be done in any order...

Ice Ring Isle (F5) -

Aim a Fire Arrow at the ice-breathing dragon statue on the top to shut down 
the island for five minutes.  On the east side of the island is a TREASURE 
CHART if you're interested.  Disembark on the west side of the island and 
climb up to the upper ice ring.  Watch your step here.  Make your way counter-
clockwise around the island until you reach some floating platforms.  Hop 
onto the first one, then onto the moving one, then hop off onto the last 
one, then to the dragon mouth.  Enter.

In this cave, make your way across the narrow ice slides.  Watch out for 
Keeses, and follow the path all the way around to the chest.  Open it to 
receive the IRON BOOTS.  The island's now permanently "off".  Put the Boots 
on and walk past the wind blast to the exit.

NOTE: If you fall, use the Grappling Hook on the two pegs to climb up (climb 
to the top of the hook to get on them).

Fire Mountain (C6) - 

Aim an Ice Arrow at the flaming fire coming out the mountain to freeze it for 
five minutes.  From the north side, start climbing the mountain.  There's a 
point about halfway up where the path splits.  Take the right path and keep 
climbing.  Eventually, you'll reach a jump you can only make with the Deku 
Leaf (and favorable winds).  You'll soon be at the summit.

Inside the mountain, you'll find Fire Keeses and Magtails.  Hop across all 
the platforms quickly so they don't sink.  Destroy all the enemies to make a 
chest appear.  Open it to own the POWER BRACELET.  Lift the rock head and 
leave the mountain.

Western and Thorned Fairy Islands (C1, D7) - 

Both of these Fairy Islands have Arrow upgrades for you.  Land on them and 
use the Skull Hammer to remove the obstacles in the way and enter for your 

4G. Power of the Stone (Earth Temple =

All right.  Now that we're decked out with awesome stuff, let's go east from 
Outset Island to Headstone Island.  Enter on the south side and lift up the 
rock head.  Enter.  You'll see some marks on the stone.  Play those marks 
with the Wind Waker (hold the Control Stick to the right for 6/4 time).  
You've now learned the EARTH GOD'S LYRIC.  Suddenly, a ghost appears, a Zora 
Sage named Laruto.  She tells you that Ganondorf destroyed the sages upon 
his return, and that another must be found to take the reins of Sage of Earth.  
You need to find the person who plays the harp.  If you've been paying 
attention, that's young Medli of the Rito people.

Go to Dragon Roost Island and find Medli.  She's outside on the cliffs high 
up.  Enter the post office and leave by the second floor exit.  To the right, 
hook over to where she's playing.  Play the Earth God's Lyric for her and 
she'll remember.  Head back to Headstone Island.  Play the Earth God's Lyric 
once more in front of the stone and Medli will play along.  The door to the 
Earth Temple will open.

*** LEVEL 4 *** The Earth Temple -

Controlling Medli - If you pick up Medli and throw her, she'll fly a short 
 distance.  If you pick her up and jump with her, she'll carry you (farther 
 as she gets deeper into the dungeon).  Use the Command Melody to take 
 control of her.  While in control of her, press A to start flying (a little 
 meter will tell you how much you can do it).  If standing under a beam of 
 light, press A and she'll use her harp, which can reflect.  You can even 
 break control while holding the harp and it will stay in its current 
 position.  Otherwise, Medli cannot defend herself.  If you lose her somehow, 
 she'll end up in a cage in the statue room on the first floor, which she can 
 just fly out of.

Entry Room: Pick up Medli and jump across the gap.  Pick her up again and 
 carry her through the door (you must carry her through doors).  NOTE: If 
 you leave Medli in another room, you can still get across this with the 
 Deku Leaf.
First Hall: Leave Medli and take out the three Moblins in the area.  Call her
 and head up the stairs and ask to try flying.  Use the Command Melody to 
 take control of her and fly around for a bit.  Break contact and she'll 
 tell you that she can carry you further now.  Pick her up and jump across to 
 the pillar.  Drop her (not throw) and step on the switch.  Now, take 
 control of Medli again and fly over to the other switch.  The door will 
Ante Hall: Take care of all the ChuChus here.  The Dark ChuChus cannot be 
 harmed by any of your weapons.  Lure them into the beam of light and they'll 
 turn into stone and you can throw them.  Now, take control of Medli and put 
 her in the beam of light.  Press A and she'll pull out her shiny harp.  Use 
 it to reflect on the invisible chest and you can get the DUNGEON MAP.  Also, 
 use a Bomb on the Magic Pot nearby to open it.  Leave by the east door.
Grinning Statue Room: The gas down below will jinx you if you enter it (you 
 can walk, but can't use any items).  To get rid of its effects, get some 
 light on you.  There's a hammer switch down there.  Put Medli in the light 
 and have her point her harp at the switch.  Return to Link while still 
 pointing the harp and hit the switch.  Leave by the south door.
South Room 1F: Take out the two Red Bubbles here.  Climb up the ladder on the 
 left and pull the block to expose a light shaft.  Have Medli light up the 
 chest and take the Small Key.  Watch out for the Floor Masters and return 
Grinning Statue Room: Unlock the north door.
North Room 1F: Use a Fire Arrow on the tapestry to your left that has light 
 shining through.  Defeat all the regular ChuChus and lure the Dark ChuChus 
 to the light beam.  Once they become stone, place them on the buttons.  
 Climb the newly-formed stairs with Medli, then push the large block off the 
 ledge to open the door.
Northeast Room 1F: First, push the only movable block onto the marking to 
 open a light.  Now, take Medli and have her shine light on all the markings 
 on the walls, and the statue on the other block.  This breaks them all down 
 and you can access two more blocks and another Magic Pot.  Push the other 
 two blocks onto their markings to get the COMPASS.  Throw Medli up on the 
 ledge and exit the room by the south door.
Poe Room 1F: Take out the Moblins, then head back to the entrance.  Take 
 control of Medli and have her fly up to the ledge with the beam of light.  
 Use the beam from her harp on the two Poes to make them visible.  Now, use 
 Link to take out the Poes with the sword, which will lower a set of stairs.  
 If you want it, have Medli light up the statues to remove them and take a 
 Joy Pendant.  Leave by the southeast door.
Coffin Room 1F: Drop down and walk near the coffins to open them.  Don't get 
 crushed.  Three of them have ReDeads.  One has ten Rupees, and the last has 
 a Small Key.  Once all are open, a ladder drops, and you can leave.
Poe Room 1F: Unlock the south door.
Stalfos Room 1F: You are challenged by a Stalfos.  Defeat him to face two 
 others at once.  Take them out and you'll get the MIRROR SHIELD.  Now, pull 
 out your sword so you're holding your shield.  Use it to light up the sun 
 above the door to open it.
Poe Room 1F: Get rid of all the bad guys, then position Medli on the light 
 beam.  Have her shine her light on the floor below.  Now, stop her there and 
 take Link and have him shine the light beam she directs on the mark to open 
 it.  Proceed through the wall.  In this little passage, you can shine and 
 redirect light on the statue and mark on the wall to get some Rupees.  Leave 
 by the door in this passage.
Grinning Statue Room: Position Medli on one beam of light and shine her on the 
 eye.  Shine yourself on the other eye to open the staircase below.  If you 
 want a Joy Pendant, go back to...
South Room 1F: Drop Medli on the switch near the other door.  Enter.
Southwest Room 1F: Shine light on the two marks to get the Joy Pendant.
Grinning Statue Room: Head down the stairs.
Misty Room B1: Don't drop down, because there's lots of jinxing mist down 
 there, as well as two Floor Masters.  To take out the Blue Bubbles, fan 
 them with the Deku Leaf, then whack them.  If you have Tingle, have Medli 
 fly you over to the hanging platform, then jump to the end.  Have Tingle 
 bomb the area with skulls and pots.  Take the EARTH TINGLE STATUE.  Now, 
 take Medli to the monument and play the Earth God's Lyric with her nearby 
 and she'll open the monument.  Head through the door.
Crossroads Room B1: Take out the two ReDeads (you can stun them with light).  
 Use the light on the statue on the block, then on the two mirrors to get rid 
 of the bigger statues.  Take the west door.
Floor Master Room B1: Okay, walk across the mist on the floor, trying to 
 avoid the many Floor Masters.  If you reach the far end, you'll find a Small 
 Key, and the mist will disappear.  Defeat all the Floor Masters in this room 
 and you'll get a TREASURE CHART.
Crossroads Room B1: Take the east door with Medli.
Mirror Room B1: Take Medli and fly over the mist, past the Floor Masters.  
 On the other side, push the mirror statue into place, then use the Hammer on 
 the peg to start shining light.  Head back to the...
Crossroads Room B1: Push the block to the wall.  Toss Medli up.  Unlock the 
 south door.
Mirror Room B1: Take out all the enemies, then stand Medli in the beam of 
 light, pointing her harp back in the opposite direction.  Use the Shield 
 to aim the light at the three statues.  The one on the west wall has the 
Coffin Corridor B1: In the coffins, you'll find Rupees, other things, 
 two ReDeads, and a Stalfos.  Take all the bad guys out, and take the 20 
 Rupees in the chest if you wish, and play the Earth God's Lyric to open 
 the monument.
Boss Door Room: Take Medli down the stairs to the door down here.
Big Mirror Room B2: Control Medli and fly her to the button.  It drops a ray 
 of light.  Have Link move the mirror statue near it.  Now, stand on the 
 pedestal it shines on and remove the statue nearby.  Pull out that mirror 
 statue.  Now, have Medli stand on the pedestal and shine her light in a 
 southeasternly direction, onto the small pedestal with the harp marking.  
 Stand Link on that and burn down the markings to get another Mirror Statue.  
 Pull that out and you'll get the "chime".  Also, shine light on the 
 translucent chest for 50 Rupees.  Now, go to the southwest corner of the 
 room and pull that mirror statue.  Get on the pedestal and shine light on 
 both the statue and the chest.  Open the chest for a Joy Pendant.  Now, 
 pull on the mirror statue that was behind the big statue.  Put Medli on the 
 pedestal and have her shine her harp on the harp pedestal.  Put Link on it 
 and have him take down the four markings on the northwest wall, and one on 
 the west wall.  Pull out the last mirror statue and you'll get a "chime" 
 again.  Head through the west door you just uncovered.
Coffin Room B2: Shine light on the coffins to release Stalfoses.  You can 
 fight them one at a time, or all at once if you're feeling daring.  Take 
 them all out and take the TREASURE CHART that appears.
Big Mirror Room B2: Have Medli stand on one of the pedestals near the statue 
 and shine light on it, then have Link do the same on the other one.  Once 
 it opens, proceed through (you don't need Medli).
Big Key Room: First, take out the Blue Bubbles hidden nearby so they don't 
 curse you (use the Deku Leaf to put them out).  Now, take out the Darknut 
 and you can take the BIG KEY.  Head all the way back to...
Boss Door Room: You don't need Medli, so just leave her.  Climb up to top of 
 stairs and use the Deku Leaf to float over to the Boss Door.
*** JALHALLA *** - This big puffy bad guy is composed of several Poes.  He 
 can try to blow you into the spikes or fling fire on you from his lantern.  
 To beat him, stand in one of the beams of light and shine on his lard butt.  
 He'll become corporeal, after which you can pick him up and toss him into 
 one of the big spike barriers along the wall.  He'll split into his many 
 myriad Poe underlings.  Take them all out as fast as you can.  If you have 
 the Hurricane Spin, here's the time for it to shine.  After a short while, 
 they'll reform into Jalhalla.  Repeat.  As you deplete his Poe supply, there 
 will be fewer lights to use for your Mirror Shield and they'll disappear at 
 random.  Once you defeat all the Poes, his mask will get a little worried 
 and run off into a beam of light.

Take the Heart Container and step into the light.  Medli will assume her 
position as the Sage of Earth and power up the Master Sword.

4H. Fury of the Gales (Wind Temple) =

Hope you have double magic for this part.  If you don't, get it now (check 
the Upgrades section).

Now, for the next Sage, head north from Windfall Island to Gale Isle.  Hop off 
at the shore and put on the Iron Boots.  Trudge up to the statue shooting out 
wind and bash it with the Hammer.  Enter.

Note the marks on the stone.  Play those marks on the Wind Waker (hold the 
Control Stick to the right for 6/4 time).  You've now learned the WIND GOD'S 
ARIA.  Fado, the ghost of a Kokiri sage, will tell you to find the sage that 
plays the same instrument as him.  A leaf cello/violin?  That would be Makar, 
the Korok from Forest Haven.  Head back there.

NOTE: Although it would seem like you can do these in either order, you have 
to do the Earth Temple first.  The new Wind Sage cannot be found until then.

At the Forest Haven, you should see notes coming out of a waterfall.  Attach 
the Grappling Hook to the branch above and swing towards that waterfall.  
Let go and you'll fly through it and find Makar.  Play the Wind God's Aria 
for him and he'll remember.  It's time to sail to the Wind Temple.

Head back to Gale Isle.  Enter and play the Wind God's Aria for Makar.

*** LEVEL 5 *** The Wind Temple -

Controlling Makar - If you pick up Makar and throw him, he'll glide for a 
distance, just like Medli.  If you take control of Makar, he can fly by using 
the A Button repeatedly.  If you find a patch of dirt, have Makar press A on 
it to plant a seed, which will cause a tree to sprout.

Entry Room: Exit through the north door.
First Wind Room 1F: Take control of Makar and have him plant seeds on the 
 patches of earth to make trees and a chest with 100 Rupees appear.  Now, 
 float over to the far ledge and stand on the switch to remove the wind blast.  
 Now, for Link.  Put on the Iron Boots and cllmb up on the spring.  While on 
 the spring, take off the boots and you'll get shot into the air.  Pull out 
 the Deku Leaf and glide over to the other side.  Carry Makar into the next 
Gate Room 1F: Take out the Armoses and flap the rotating switch with the Deku 
 Leaf.  Have Makar plant seeds in both patches of dirt to open the door.
Ledge Room 1F: Have Makar fly up and plant seeds in all the patches.  After 
 he does so, he'll be captured by Floor Masters (jerks).  If you have Tingle, 
 drop down to the lowest floor and use a Tingle Bomb in the center of the 
 low ground to get the WIND TINGLE STATUE.  Leave by the east door.
Central Gate Room: You'll see Makar behind a cage.  Poor little guy.  There's 
 nothing you can do for him right now, so head east and take out the Armos 
 Knights and Peahats, then go through the door.
Gate Corridor 1F: Take out the two Peahats, then either drop down the hole in 
 the floor, or just use the Iron Boots on the other one to crash through.  
 Flap the switch to raise the gate, then head to the other side and flap it 
 back down.  Leap off the spring with the Boots and land on the upper ledge.  
 Flap the gate back up using the switch up here.  Take the Joy Pendant in 
 the chest nearby.  Head out by the south door.
Updraft Room 1F: Use your Deku Leaf to coast over to the button on the ledge.  
 Hit it and the gate on the wall will fall.  Cross over to it.  Now, use the 
 updrafts to make your way further south to a chest with the DUNGEON MAP in 
 it.  Now, ride the updrafts to the west all the way, watching out for 
 Peahats and Red Wizzrobes, and you'll reach the far door.
Central Gate Room: Use the Iron Boots to slam on the switch, which will open 
 up the gate to the basement.  While you're up here, toss a Bomb on the Magic 
 Pot to open it.  Drop down to the basement and exit by the south door.
Spiky Room B1: Use the Iron Boots to drop down one of the cracked floors.  
 Push the spring block to the mark at the far end of the room, and the other 
 block next to it.  Spring up to the upper floor and grab the Small Key.  
 Don't leave just yet.  Now, go back down to the lower floor through each of 
 the other four cracked floors.  You'll face bad guys once you drop, such as 
 Floor Masters, Armoses, Red and Green ChuChus.  Once all five holes have 
 been made, a chest with a TREASURE CHART will appear.
Central Gate Room: Unlock the north door.
Wizzrobe Room: You've got a nasty Wizzrobe battle here.  This Wizzrobe can 
 summon enemies, in addition to the usual fireball attacks.  Just take him 
 out like any other Wizzrobe, slash or arrow, and you'll receive the 
 HOOKSHOT.  Use it on the north wall and use the Hammer on the peg up here.  
 Exit the room.
Central Gate Room: Use the Hookshot to start climbing out the pit.  About 
 halfway up, float over to the other side with the Deku Leaf and get the 
 COMPASS.  Hookshot the rest of the way up, and over to where Makar is stuck.  
 Stand to the side of the statue, pull out your Hookshot, put on your Iron 
 Boots, and use it on the statue to pull it down and free Makar.  Take the 
 Joy Pendant in the chest, as well.  Now, make Makar fall down to the B1 and 
 plant two seeds in the dirt patches, and the giant fan starts up.  Float to 
 the east door with the Deku Leaf and have Makar float over, as well.
Gate Corridor 1F: Do the same method as before to get to the other side, 
 then take Makar over.  Play the Wind God's Aria for him and the stone will 
 be busted.  Head through the door.
Darknut Room 1F: Defeat all three Darknuts here to open the gate to the BIG 
Gate Corridor 1F: Flap the switch and head back to...
Central Gate Room: Cross to the west side using the Deku Leaf and Hookshot 
 with Link, and Makar's little propellor thing.
Ledge Room 1F: First, take out the Yellow Wizzrobe in this area.
Pillar Stairway: Take out all the Blue Bubbles up here by using the Hookshot 
 to drag them to you, and then slashing them.  Next, have Makar plant seeds 
 on all the pillars and the top.  Now, Hookshot up and take out the Floor 
 Master up here.
Central Gate Room: Now, have both Makar and yourself step on the two switches 
 and the fan will be exposed.  Ride the fan over to the chest on the left for 
 a Joy Pendant, and ride to the door on the south.  Enter the room.
South Room 2F: Defeat the seven Armoses and take the Small Key here.
Central Gate Room: Drop down to the bottom of the room and past the fan.  
 Unlock the door down here.
Face Room B1: This is a tough fight room.  Take out the two Stalfoses and 
 the Yellow Wizzrobe.  After the messing, you need to pull down four stone 
 faces off the wall.  Use the Hookshot to get up there using the targets, and 
 use the Iron Boots to anchor yourself so you can pull the faces down.  Some 
 faces have Bokobilns in them.  Once the Bokoblins are down, a chest with a 
 TREASURE CHART will appear.  To leave this room, float over to the highest 
 point and Iron Boot the switch.  Leave by the east door.
Wind Wall Room B1: Defeat the three Bokoblins and the two Armos Knights.  
 Take Makar and have him float over the wind wall and have him plant a seed 
 in the patch.  Now, use the Hookshot to attach to the tree and defeat the 
 Floor Master and Peahats.  Leave by the door.
Boss Door Room: There are three blocks here, and you need them to prevent 
 yourself for getting sliced.  Put your Iron Boots on so you can stand against 
 the wind.  Push the first block so that it blocks the first blade, then 
 likewise for the second.  The third block will be dropped into a little 
 ditch before it can get to the third blade, so go back and get the second 
 block, and pull/push it over the third block and in front of the third 
 blade.  Now you're across.  To get Makar across, have him fly up as high as
 he can, over the wind gusts, and all the way to the end in the center, and 
 he'll drop right onto the threshold and not get blown back.  Take him to the 
 stone and play the Wind God's Aria and you'll be able to access the last 
 Magic Pot and enter the Boss Door.
*MOLGERA* - This is a very cool boss.  When the sand turns dark around you, 
 MOVE, because he's gonna pop up right there.  His tongue will stick out, 
 so Hookshot it.  When you drag it to you, slash the tongue repeatedly.  When 
 he pulls back, he'll spit out some young.  You can slash them, or tug on 
 them with the Hookshot to stun them, and then slash them.  Continue hooking 
 and slashing the tongue.  Eventually, it'll start leaping out of the sand 
 to attack you.  Keep on with the tongue-lashing and he'll give in.

Take the Heart Container and step into the light on the Triforce mark.  Makar 
will power up the Master Sword to its true power.

4I. Shards of Courage (The Triforce Pieces) =

Now that your sword is maxed out, it's time to find the eight pieces of the 
Triforce of Courage.  You should have the IN-credible Chart by now from a 
postbox (if not, visit one and it should be there), which points out the 
locations of all the Triforce Charts in the game.  Finding the charts is all 
well and good, but then you need to bring them to Tingle so he can decipher 
them (for a rather hefty fee).  Once that's done, just go to the marked place 
on the chart and pull up the piece, just like you would any treasure.

Triforce Chart #1 -

Take a trip to the Islet of Steel (E2).  Note the several Cannon Ship 
patrolling the area.  Use the Bomb Cannon to bust them all up and enter the 
Islet.  The Chart is just inside.  Play the Wind Requiem on the wind spot.

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location of the piece is on Greatfish 
Isle (B4).

Triforce Chart #2 -

If you haven't already, give 21 Joy Pendants to Miss Marie on Windfall Island 
and you'll get the Cabana Deed.  Go to the Private Oasis (E5) and enter the 
building.   Use the Grappling Hook on the structure in the ceiling of the 
cabana to open a mini-dungeon.  

Inside this mini-dungeon, make your way around the walls to the right and 
drop down the hole (or climb down the ladder).  There's a small crawling maze 
here.  If you want to head straight for the next area, enter the left hole, 
turn right, and follow the path all the way to the end, and turn right.  
However, you can take some side paths to get Rupees.  Once you reach the 
second ladder, climb up.  There are two hammer pegs here.  Pound the right 
one to open a gate back to the exit.  Pound the left one to continue on.  
Drop down this hole.  The left crawl-hole leads to 100 Rupees, and the right 
hole leads on to another ladder.  Climb up.  Pound the hammer peg up here to 
open another gate leading back to the exit.  Drop down the hole with no 
ladder.  Defeat the two ReDeads.  Behind the pots is another crawl-hole.  
Crawl to the end and climb out the ladder.  You'll find the wind and Triforce 
platforms here.  Play the Wind's Requiem to reveal the chart.  Now, pound 
the hammer peg, and you can leave without doing any crawling.

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location of this piece is Gale Isle (A4).

Triforce Chart #3 -

Sail to Bird's Peak Rock (E7).  On this island, shoot down as many Kargarocs 
as you can with the Bow, then use a Hyoi Pear (which you can buy from Beedle 
the Shop Ship guy).  Once you use it, you'll attract a seagull.  Use it to 
fly around and hit all six switches on the nests on the pointy rocks, which 
will open the cave nearby.  Play the Wind's Requiem on the wind platform.

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location of this piece is Stone Watcher 
Island (E3).

Triforce Chart #4 -

One of the few complicated charts to find.  First, go to Diamond Steppe 
Island (F1) and use the Hookshot on the lowest palm tree (from the boat).  
Hookshot from tree to tree up the island.  Drop in the hole at the top.  In 
this area, enter the pot ahead of you.  Use sticks to burn the tops of the 
pots in the next room.  Enter the pot that's on the wall opposite the pot you 
entered.  In the third area, burn the covers with sticks, then look for two 
pots close to each other and enter the one on the right.  In the fourth area, 
look for two pots close to each other and enter the one on the right.  Take 
the GHOST SHIP CHART.  Looking at this chart, you can see where the Ghost 
Ship will appear on nights of a particular phase of the moon.  You cannot 
enter the Ghost Ship until you find this.  Also, the Ghost Ship will appear 
on your Sea Chart when you open it at night.

Now, at any night, open the chart and warp/sail to the spot where the ship is.  
Sail into it to enter it.  Inside, you'll find a Yellow Wizzrobe and some 
Poes, as well as (I believe) a Stalfos.  Defeat them all and take the Triforce 

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location for this piece is Outset Island (G2).

Triforce Chart #5 -

Sail to Needle Rock Isle (E1).  Just west of the island are two Cannon Ships, 
and one's colored gold.  Blast that one and take the treasure it leaves 
behind on the ocean floor.

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location for this piece is Cliff Plateau 
Isles (F7).

Triforce Chart #6 -

Sail to Outset Island.  Climb up the eastern hill.  Point the wind west, then 
float over from the east hill over to the stone head on right side of the west 
hill to enter the Savage Labyrinth.  Now, THIS is a fight.  In the Savage 
Labyrinth, you'll face a new set of enemies on each of its floors.  Nearly 
every minor enemy you've fought will represent here.  Oh, and the enemies 
don't drop anything after you've beat them, so you're only chance for 
"replenishment" is anything you bring in Bottles as well as the tenth and 
twentieth floor, which will give you a few hearts and some arrows or bombs.  
The thirtieth and fortieth floors only have Rupees (albeit a LOT).

Here's how the floors break down:

Floor 1: 10 or so Keeses
Floor 2: 6 Miniblins
Floor 3: 4 Bokoblins w/ Boko Sticks
Floor 4: 6 Red ChuChus
Floor 5: 4 Magtails
Floor 6: 4 Keeses, 4 Miniblins
Floor 7: 4 Fire Keeses, 2 Magtails
Floor 8: 2 Fire Keeses, 4 Bokoblins w/ Burning Boko Sticks
Floor 9: 2 Moblins
Floor 10: An exit and some pots
Floor 11: 6 Peahats
Floor 12: 4 Green ChuChus
Floor 13: 5 Boko Babas
Floor 14: 4 Bokoblins w/ Burning Boko Sticks and shields
Floor 15: 5 Mothulas
Floor 16: 3 Peahats, 3 Boko Babas
Floor 17: 4 Green ChuChus, 4 Bokoblins w/ swords (in the pots)
Floor 18: 3 Mothulas, 2 Bokoblins w/ swords and shields
Floor 19: 2 Mothulas (flying)
Floor 20: An exit and some pots
Floor 21: 3 Red Wizzrobes
Floor 22: 4 Armoses
Floor 23: 2 Armos Knights
Floor 24: 6 Yellow ChuChus (in the pots)
Floor 25: 4 Red Bubbles
Floor 26: 2 Bokoblins w/ swords and shields, 1 Darknut
Floor 27: 3 Armoses, 1 Red Wizzrobe
Floor 28: 2 Red Bubbles, 2 Armos Knights
Floor 29: 2 Darknuts
Floor 30: Exit, pots, and the TRIFORCE CHART #6 .  At this point, you don't 
 HAVE to continue, but you can use the Mirror Shield under the beam of light 
 to crumble the statue and continue on.
Floor 31: 6 ReDeads (beam of light)
Floor 32: 5 Blue Bubbles
Floor 33: 6 Dark ChuChus (beam of light)
Floor 34: 5 Poes (beam of light)
Floor 35: 3 Mothulas (flying)
Floor 36: 3 ReDeads, 2 Moblins (beam of light)
Floor 37: 5 Dark ChuChus (beam of light), 1 Mothula (flying) 
Floor 38: 5 Poes w/ lanterns, 2 Moblins w/ lanterns
Floor 39: 4 Blue Bubbles, 2 Stalfoses
Floor 40: An exit and some pots (just Rupees)
Floor 41: 25 Miniblins
Floor 42: 10 Red ChuChus, 10 Green ChuChus, 10 Yellow ChuChus, all in a circle
Floor 43: Hit the peg with the Hammer, 5 Red Wizzrobes
Floor 44: Dark room, 15 Bokoblins w/ various weapons
Floor 45: 4 ReDeads, 2 Stalfoses (no light beam) 
Floor 46: 3 Moblins, 2 Darknuts
Floor 47: 2 Darknuts, 3 Red Wizzrobes, and electric barriers on the walls
Floor 48: 3 Stalfoses and lots of Bomb Flowers (use them)
Floor 49: 4 Darknuts and flame-shooting statues on the walls

So, you survive thirty floors and you get the chart.  Fifty gets you the PoH.  
You can re-enter this area any time to reclaim the Piece of Heart at your 

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location of this piece is at Southern Triangle 
Island (E4).

Triforce Chart #7 -

Sail to Stone Watcher Island (E3).  You need the Power Bracelet.  Lift up the 
stone on this island and enter the hole.  Enter each of the four doors and 
defeat the enemies (Bokoblins, Wizzrobes, Armoses, Moblins).  After that's 
done, defeat the two Darknuts in the center room to open the barred door to 
the chart.

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location of this piece is the Seven-Star 
Isles (A6).

Triforce Chart #8 -

Sail to Overlook Island (A7). You'll need the Hookshot.  Use it from the boat 
to attach to the lowest tree (it helps if there are waves in the sea), then 
continue using the Hookshot to climb up.  Enter the hole.  In this cave, 
enter each of the four rooms and defeat the enemies: Armos Knights, 
Stalfoses, Bokoblins, and Yellow Wizzrobes.  Then, defeat the four Darknuts 
in the center room to open the barred door.

Take the chart to Tingle.  The location of this piece is Two-Eye Reef (G4).

Good job.  You've assembled the Triforce of Courage.  Now would be a good 
time to complete any remaining sidequests you've been putting off.  Head to 
the Tower of the Gods and you'll be transported to Hyrule.

4J. The Return of the Hero (Ganon's Tower) =

Head to the basement of the castle and you'll find Zelda kidnapped.  Defeat 
the two Mighty Darknuts that challenge you.  Head back to the main hall and 
leave by the main exit.  Strike the magical barrier that separates the castle 
from the rest of Hyrule.  Make your way along the path and use the Hookshot 
to cross the broken bridge to Ganon's Tower.

Ganon's Tower -

Enter and be awed.  Cross over to the center of the room.  Note the huge 
door ahead of you, and how it has inscriptions of four beasts on it.  You 
must defeat four beasts from your past once again.  You can take these in 
any order.

Southwest Path: Enter the southwest door.  Don't worry about the water 
 bottles.  Just use the Grappling Hook to swing across to the platforms in 
 the lava.  Once you reach the third hook, climb up to the top and float 
 over with the Deku Leaf.  Pass through the door and your inventory will we 
 reduced.  Defeat Gohma again.

Northwest Path: Enter the northwest door.  Fan the switch with your Deku 
 Leaf to get the gondola over, then jump onto it.  Float onto the moving 
 vine, then fan the switch when the vine reaches its lower position to get 
 the second gondola over.  Float over to it and move the gondola.  Float over 
 to the lower moving vine, then jump to the upper one, then over to the 
 ledge and enter the door.  Defeat Kalle Demos again.

Northeast Path: Enter the northeast door.  You have a gauntlet of coffins 
 before you.  Two have ReDeads and two have Red Bubbles.  In the next 
 gauntlet, there are four Dark ChuChus and two Poes.  You need to freeze one 
 of the Dark ChuChus with light and drop him on the button to keep the stairs 
 down on the other end.  Head up to the next gauntlet.  There are six Dark 
 ChuChus and a Stalfos at the end.  Take out the Stalfos, then use the 
 light beam next to these stairs to freeze a Dark ChuChu.  Carry him all the 
 way back to the switch at the beginning and drop him there, then run like 
 mad back to the staircase to enter the door.  Defeat Jalhalla again.
 NOTE: An easier way to weigh down the switches is with the pots at the 
 beginning of the area.

Southeast Path: Enter the southeast door.  There's a Wizzrobe here that 
 will make life annoying for you if you give him the chance, so take him 
 out with whatever you wish to use.  Hop on the spring and spring off it 
 using your Iron Boots, and float past the spikes.  Spring off the next  
 spring, only this time, float around to the left or the right of the two 
 wind jets (you can try the middle if you're bold).  After that, dispatch 
 the two Bokoblins and Hookshot up to the door and enter.  Defeat Molgera 

Now, the door to the next area will collapse.  Enter.

In this hallway, you have two choices, left and right.  Head right and make 
note of the torches on the walls above.  Note the number of flames on each 
wall-hanging.  Go back and take the left door now.  Use your Boomerang on 
the switches 1, 2, 3, 4, the same order that the torches were in.  Doing 
that will create a portal back to the Great Sea, the one that Ganon 
originally used.  You can use this to return and get anything you want.  

But, what you have to do is drop down the hole in the room on the right.  
You'll fight Phantom Ganon in this area again.  Once you strike him once, 
he'll disappear, leaving his sword behind, which will fall to the ground.  
The sword's hilt is pointing towards a door.  Enter that door.  Do the same 
thing several more times.  If the Phantom starts using giant purple balls 
against you, you have to hit all the parts it splits into to avoid damage 
and send it back at him.  At the end of this maze, you'll be granted the 

You'll be transported back to the main room of this area, and Phantom Ganon 
will be here.  Show him your new Light Arrows and he'll be erased for good, 
leaving his sword behind.  Use it on the wall on the north end and you'll be 
granted access to the final stairway.  Begin your climb.  Take out the 
Moblin, then the Darknut, then the two Moblins, then the two Mighty Darknuts, 
and the final door will open.

You will enter a watery room, and will find Zelda on a bed, and Ganondorf 
next to her.  He will spin a rather believable tale about what really 
happened to Hyrule.  He'll turn into (can you believe it) a giant blue pig 

*PUPPET GANON* - A giant blue pig monster, with strings!  For his first form, 
use the Boomerang to cut down the five blue strings supporting him.  The 
hardest one to get is the tail, which stinks because that's the one you want.  
Shoot his glowing blue tail with a Light Arrow whenever you get an opening.  
Hit it with three and it'll be down.

*PUPPET GANON: SPIDER* - Now he's a spider thing.  You, again, have to hit 
him in the shining blue tail.  This form's probably the easiest.  The trick 
is to pan the camera up as high as possible, which will allow you to see his 
reflection from the ceiling.  When he drops down, he'll release Keeses, but 
if you've been watching, you'd know to go over to where his tail is and to 
shoot it with a Light Arrow.  Three arrows beat this form.

*PUPPET GANON: SNAKE* - Form #3 is arguably the most difficult.  It'll slither 
around very fast and drop Morths, which you can use for powerups.  Hitting 
it with the sword or a Light Arrow in the face will stun it, but only very 
briefly.  There are two good ways to stun it.  One way is to use a simple Spin 
Attack, which will freeze it for a good three seconds.  Also, try blasting a 
Bomb in its face.  At that opening, fire a Light Arrow to the tail.  Also, 
it's harder, but where the head goes, the tail must follow, so just aim for 
the head and the tail will be in that same spot seconds later.  It's tough, 
but three Light Arrows will destroy the puppet.

Ganondorf will applaud your efforts and beckon you follow him to the roof.  
Hop on the rope and climb up.  Once you reach the top, find a grappling point 
and use your Grappling Hook.  Climb on top of it, then keep climbing using 
the Hook, stopping for pots if you need them.  If you're afraid you'll fall, 
bomb open the Magic Pot, which connects to the bottom, so you have a route 
back.  Hookshot over to the door and exit into the blue.

Ganondorf reflects on his homeland, then decides to remove your Triforce from 
you.  Some other stuff happens, which I won't spoil for you.  Bottom line, 
Ganondorf wants a piece of you...

*GANONDORF* - The King of Evil will draw his two swords and attack.  He's by 
far the finest combatant in the game.  Simple strikes will just be blocked 
by his superior technique.  The only way you'll get a decent shot on him is 
to Parry one of his movements.  Zelda says she'll cover you with the bow, so 
keep him busy so she can get a clean shot.  After a few of those, Ganondorf 
will get miffed and swat her to the ground.  Keep your match up with him.  
Parry his attacks then repeatedly slash him while he's stunned.  Eventually, 
Zelda will get back up.  Speak to her and she'll get the idea of reflecting 
the Light Arrow off your shield.  Put up your shield when she fires and 
Ganondorf will take some serious damage and stum him greatly.  Take advantage 
of this and press A and you'll score a Parry attack that will put your enemy 
out of his misery.

Congratulations!  You've completed The Wind Waker!  Now, start a new file and 
play the Second Quest!

And now, some white space...

This white space was brought to you by a grant from the Not-Spoiling Last 
Boss Foundation.  Now, you're quite free to read these info sections ahead.


So, here's an island by island lowdown on the locations in the game.  
Naturally, there will be no walkthroughs here, just basic info, unless there's 
secret stuff to find.

5A. The Map =

The sea is a 7X7 square grid.  Each square is an area with one island or 
point of interest.

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
A |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
B |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
C |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
D |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
E |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
F |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
G |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 

Here are all the points of interest, by list of coordinate:

NOTE: Places marked with a "*" are places where time doesn't pass as normal.
      Places marked with a "$" have Beedle's Shop Ship floating around.
      Places marked with a "%" have an enemy submarine at that location that 
       may have something good.
      Places marked with a "P" followed by a number have that many enemy 
       platforms, which may have good stuff.
      Places marked with a "F" have a Great Fairy, or the Queen of Fairies.
      Places marked with a "O" have a Big Octo, with a number following 
       dictating the # of eyes on the Octo
      Places marked with a "C" have a Secret Cave, or two, in the case of 
       Pawprint Island.

A1 - Forsaken Fortress         *. . .  . .   .
A2 - Star Island                . . .P1. .   .C
A3 - Northern Fairy Island      . .%.  .F.   .
A4 - Gale Isle                 *. . .  . .   .
A5 - Crescent Moon Island       . .%.  . .   .
A6 - Seven-Star Isles           . . .P3. .O12.
A7 - Overlook Island            . . .  . .   .C

B1 - Four-Eye Reef              . . .  . .   .
B2 - Mother & Child Isles       . . .  .F.   .
B3 - Spectacle Island           .$. .  . .   .
B4 - Windfall Island           *.$. .  . .   .
B5 - Pawprint Isle              .$. .P1. .   .Cx2
B6 - Dragon Roost Island       *.$. .  . .   .C
B7 - Flight Control Platform    . .%.  . .   .

C1 - Western Fairy Island       . . .P1.F.   .
C2 - Rock Spire Isle            .$. .P3. .   .C
C3 - Tingle Island              . . .  . .O12.
C4 - Northern Triangle Isle     . . .  . .   .
C5 - Eastern Fairy Island       . . .P1.F.   .
C6 - Fire Mountain              . . .P1. .O-8.C
C7 - Star Belt Archipelago      . . .P1. .   .

D1 - Three-Eye Reef             . . .  . .   .
D2 - Greatfish Isle            *.$. .  . .   .
D3 - Cyclops Reef               . . .P1. .   .
D4 - Six-Eye Reef               . .%.P1. .   .
D5 - Tower of the Gods         *.$. .  . .   .
D6 - Eastern Triangle Island    .$. .  . .   .
D7 - Thorned Fairy Island       . . .  .F.   .

E1 - Needle Rock Isle           . . .  . .   .C
E2 - Islet of Steel             . . .P1. .   .
E3 - Stone Watcher Island       . . .P1. .   .C
E4 - Southern Triangle Island   .$. .  . .   .
E5 - Private Oasis              . . .  . .O-8.C
E6 - Bomb Island                . .%.P1. .   .C
E7 - Bird's Peak Rock           . . .  . .   .C

F1 - Diamond Steppe Island      . . .  . .O-8.C
F2 - Five-Eye Reef              . . .P1. .   .
F3 - Shark Island               .$. .  . .   .C
F4 - Southern Fairy Island      . . .P3.F.   .
F5 - Ice Ring Isle              . . .  . .   .C
F6 - Forest Haven              *.$. .  . .   .
F7 - Cliff Plateau Isles        . . .P1. .   .C

G1 - Horseshoe Island           . . .P2. .   .C
G2 - Outset Island             *.$. .  .F.   .C
G3 - Headstone Island          *. .%.  . .   .
G4 - Two-Eye Reef               . . .P1.F.O-4.
G5 - Angular Isles              . . .  . .   .C
G6 - Boating Course             . . .  . .   .C
G7 - Five-Star Isles            . .%.P1. .   .

5B. Outset Island =

Home sweet home.  This is where the game starts.  Not a heckuva lot happens 
here that's not absolutely required to happen in the game.  There are a few 
things, though, to keep you interested.

Orca's Dojo - After leaving the island and coming back on the King of Red 
 Lions, you can go up against Orca for some serious sparring.  He's actually 
 rather predictable.  You have some open time to get several hits in.  After 
 which he'll take a shot.  He'll automatically take a shot if he blocks one 
 of your swings.  You have the option of parrying his swing, but it's risky, 
 because it needs to be timed well.  You're better off just defending when 
 he attacks.  If you take three hits, Orca will call a stop to the session.  
 Hit him 100 times or 300 times to get Rupee prizes.  Hit him 500 times to 
 get a PIECE OF HEART.  Hit him 1000 times and he'll call the session off 
 (and give you the PoH if you didn't get it already).
 Thing #2 to do with Orca is find and bring him Knight's Crests.  You get 
 them from Darknuts.  Give Orca ten of them and he'll teach you the awesome 
 Hurricane Spin technique.

Lost Fairy Fountain - Not really lost, just unclaimed, or something.  After 
 returning to the island with Bombs, climb up to the summit.  The bridge is 
 out, but climb up to the very top of the bridge support and point the wind 
 west.  Float over with the Deku Leaf and enter the Fairy Forest.  Blast the 
 rock with a Bomb and enter the Fairy Fountain to get a Wallet Upgrade.

Poor Sick Grandma - Take a Fairy (like, from the aforementioned fountain) 
 over to Grandma.  She's been feeling ill ever since you left.  Use the Fairy 
 near here and she'll heal right up.  She'll also give you the Elixir Soup, a 
 super potion that restores, hearts and magic, doubles attack power until you 
 take damage, and comes in two doses.  Just return whenever you use up what 
 you have.

Link the Big Pig - Toss any pig into Rose's pen and you'll come back to 
 later to find it enormous.  If you have the Power Bracelets, pick up the 
 pig and start carrying him around the island.  Tossing All-Purpose Bait near 
 gray patches of earth will make him dig in them.  It's mostly Rupees, except 
 for the patch just across the water, near Mesa's house.  It has a PIECE OF 

The Savage Labyrinth - Once you get the Power Bracelet (and preferably the 
 Mirror Shield as well), go to the top of the east hill, point the wind west, 
 and float over to the right side (from your point of view) of the west hill.  
 Pick up the stone head and enter.  This labryinth consists of fifty floors, 
 each having their own monsters.  It's a tough endurance match.  Survive 
 thirty floors for a TRIFORCE CHART and survive all fifty for a PIECE OF 

5C. Windfall Island =

This is where the action is on the Great Sea.  Most of the human population 
lives here.

The Bomb Shop - Early in the game, this guy will be very miserly and won't 
 want to sell you anything, except at seriously blown prices.  After the 
 pirates come for a visit, he'll be much more accommodating, selling Bombs 
 at far more reasonable prices.

The Chu Jelly Juice Shop - This guys starts out selling just Red Potions.  
 Give him Chu Jelly of different colors (15 of them, specifically) and he'll 
 have Green and Blue Potions later on.

The House of Wealth - At night, you can go to this house (it has a red door) 
 and speak to Zunari, and he'll start up an auction.  Here's how the auction 
 works.  The auction lasts a minute (a timer which stops when people speak).  
 During this minute, people will throw out bids on the item.  To bid yourself, 
 push A repeatedly until your gauge at the bottom fills.  Make your bid.  
 The secret to success is to increase the bid by a LOT when you get your 
 turn, as it will completely faze the rest of the group.  Depending on how 
 much you overbid, the crowd will be fazed for longer.  Learning when and how 
 much to overbid is the trick to smart bidding.  Here are the prizes.  They 
 come up in a random order.  If you lose an auction, the same item will be up 

Zunari's Stand - Zunari's a parka-wearing entrepenuer from far off lands.  
 He'll start off with nothing but a Sail to sell (80 Rupees).  After you get a 
 Delivery Bag, come back to him and he'll start you on a mad trading side 
 quest (See the Sea-Wide Sidequests section of the guide).  Once you start 
 delivering items for him, they'll be on sale at his stand.  If you deliver 
 enough items for him, he'll give you the MAGIC ARMOR.

The Cafe - This is a hangout and a place to get information.  Not much more 
 (that I've seen).

The Game Room - This is the lower floor of the Ferris Wheel/Windmill building.  
 Play the Squid game for fab prizes and overracting from the proprietor!  The 
 game is all luck, so DON'T ASK ME HOW TO WIN!  If you've ever played 
 Battleship, you should have no problem figuring out the rules.  For the rest 
 of you poor saps, what you have to do is pick a spot to fire on.  If you hit 
 part of a squid, you'll know the rest of the squid is in a line.  There's a 
 two-square-long squid, a three, and a four.  Hit them all to win!  The first 
 time you win, you'll get a PIECE OF HEART.  The second time you win, you'll 
 get a TREASURE CHART.  If you break the record of 20 Cannonballs, you'll get 
 50 Rupees and another TREASURE CHART.  After that, winning will just give you 
 50 Rupees.

The Picto Shop - Lenzo runs this place.  Before he'll even speak to you, 
 though, you'll have to bring him a Picto Box.  For information on how to find 
 the Picto Box, and what to do with Lenzo after you show it to him, go to the 
 section "Sea-Wide Sidequests".

Miss Marie's School - Miss Marie is just obsessed with teaching children, and 
 jewelry.  There's not much to do with here except give her Joy Pendants.  
 Giving her one will get you twenty Rupees.  Give her twenty-one, and she'll 
 give you the deed to her cabana way down south.  Give her forty-one, and 
 she'll give you the HERO'S CHARM, which you can use to see enemy life meters.

Dancing Tott - He's spends night and day out dancing by a gravestone.  Show 
 him the Wind Waker and he'll teach you the Song of Passing.

Town Jail - This is on the west edge of town, set into the stone.  Enter it to 
 find everyone's wannabe fairy, Tingle.  Push the button hidden behind the 
 nearby pots to release him and he'll give you the Tingle Tuner.  After you 
 do that, pull on the box and navigate the maze behind.  Turn right, left, go 
 straight to the far wall, right, left, left, right, right, right.  You'll end 
 up in a grotto with the Picto Box in it.  See "Sea-Wide Sidequests" for more 
 info on using the Picto Box.

The Killer Bees - These four guys wander around outside the school in town, 
 looking all cool.  If you've found the Picto Box (or before learning about 
 it), they'll challenge you to a hide and seek game.  They'll hide in town and 
 you have to find them.  One is behind the grave out by the jail.  One is 
 behind the Bomb Shop.  One is in a tree near the town gate (roll into it), and 
 the last is behind a bush near the top of the town gate.  Find them all to 

Shop Ship - The SS only comes by Windfall at night.  Beedle sells arrows and 
 bait at this location.

Despondent Kamo - On the steps outside the House of Wealth is a young man 
 not looking happy.  He'll tell you he wants something perfectly round and 
 pale.  Use the Deluxe Picto Box to take a color pic of the moon when it's 
 full (use the Song of Passing until you get to a full moon night), and give 
 the pic to him and you'll get a TREASURE CHART.

Vain Minenco - Take a picture of the lady who stands outside the Chu Jelly 
 Juice Shop and show it to her.  She'll give you a TREASURE CHART.

Spreading the Joy - This can be done after doing some trading with the 
 Travelling Salesmen in the Great Sea (see the Merchant Oaths sidequest in 
 "Sea-Wide Sidequests".  Joy Pedestals will appear all over the island.  Buy 
 those little stand items from Zunari's stand and you can place them on the 
 Pedestals.  There are pedestals in the Chu Jelly Juice Shop, the House of 
 Wealth (both upstairs and down), the Game Room, Miss Marie's classroom, the 
 Picto Shop, as well as outside in front of Zunari's Stand, near the bench 
 looking at the sea, between the Potion Shop and House of Wealth, on a little 
 ledge across from the House of Wealth, and on top of the town gate.  Once you 
 place thing-a-ma-bobs in all of those pedestals, talk to the guy on the 
 bench for a PIECE OF HEART.

The Happy Couple - The first thing you have to do for this little quest is 
 to complete Lenzo's Pictography challenges (see the Pictography section in 
 "Sea-Wide Sidequests").  Once you do that, Anton and Linda will start 
 talking about the other.  Go back and forth talking to these two for a bit, 
 and eventually, Linda will mention taking a picture of her for Anton.  Get 
 a good one of her and give it to Anton.  He'll be overjoyed and will decide 
 to ask Linda out.  Go ahead a day and go to the cafe the next day.  The 
 two will be at the cafe.  Talk to them to get a PIECE OF HEART.

Poor Little Rich Girl - You can only do this after rescuing the girls from 
 Forsaken Fortress.  At night, you'll see Mila standing outside the House of 
 Wealth.  Talk to her and she'll shoo you away.  She'll now begin a course 
 which will take her around to Zunari's Stand.  Stay out of sight, or she'll 
 call off the "job" for the night.  It's best to just hide behind the tree she 
 was originally standing near.  Keep an eye on the road behind the windmill 
 for her to show up.  Once you moves from there, break cover and tail her to 
 Zunari's Stand.  She'll rush to his safe and spend about five seconds 
 trying to open it.  Talk to her while she has that little balloon above 
 her head and she'll begin a dialog.  Pick the top answer all six times and 
 she'll give you an EMPTY BOTTLE.

A Moblin's Love - You can only do this after rescuing the girls from Forsaken 
 Fortress.  Go to the House of Wealth to find Maggie fawning about her 
 sweetie, Moe.  She'll give you MAGGIE'S LETTER.  Mail it.  Come back later 
 to find her father arguing with a postman.  He'll tell the postman to 
 leave, so follow the Rito to the cafe.  He'll give you the letter if you 
 agree to give it to Maggie.  Do so, and you'll get a PIECE OF HEART.

The Windfall Lighthouse - You can only do this after getting Fire Arrows, 
 which is after the second trip to the Forsaken Fortress.  Make it nighttime.
 Climb up the back of the windmill and step on the switch to turn on 
 the ferris wheel.  Enter the Game Room and leave out the upper door.  Hop 
 on the ferris wheel car and ride up.  If it's night, the lighthouse will be 
 spinning.  Fire a Fire Arrow into its torch in the middle and the lighthouse 
 will be activated, and a chest will appear off on a little plot of land.  
 You need to use the Deku Leaf and favorable winds to get there.  Inside the 
 chest is a PIECE OF HEART.  Oh, and while you're at it, speak to the fellow 
 in the hat near the ferris wheel cars and he'll give you a PIECE OF HEART 
 as well.

5D. The Dungeon Islands =

The only islands that REALLY have anything going on are Dragon Roost and 
Forest Haven.  Most of the rest have little things or just quest-related 

Dragon Roost Island - There's a mail-sorting game to get involved in for 
 Rupees up in the Rito caves.  It's basically a matter of being fast on the 
 draw and matching up the pictures.  After becoming the champion by sorting 
 25 letters, come back later to find a part-timer.  Show him how it's done and 
 you'll get a LETTER TO MOM.  Mail it in any postbox and you'll get a reply 

 There's a guard outside the Chieftain's room who's looking for Golden 
 Feathers for his girlfriend.  Take out Kargarocs (the flying evil birds) to 
 get them.  Give 20 of them to him for 100 Rupees.  After that, you'll have 
 mail in a postbox, which is from his girlfriend, which will have a PIECE OF 
 HEART in it.

 There's a respectable treasure to be had once you return here with Bombs.  
 Near the wind shrine is a rock on the beach.  Bust it open, then enter the 
 cave.  Head through each of the four doors and take out all the enemies to 
 earn a prize of 50 Rupees.

 Once you have the Deku Leaf, head to the platforms outside the second floor 
 of the cave.  Point the wind east and hop towards the rock platform in the 
 distance.  Then, point the wind north and do the same to the next one.  
 Finally, point the wind west and hop into a cave where you can get 100 

 There's also a nice fancy treasure here once you get the Bow.  On the 
 northwestern wall is a rock high up near a chain of Bomb Flowers.  Shoot an 
 arrow at one of the Bomb Flower to set them all off, which will drop a 
 chest with 200 Rupees.  Alternatively, this can also be done by using a Hyoi 
 Pear and flying a seagull into the Bomb Flower chain.  Also, it's a tough 
 shot, but the Bomb Cannon can also hit it.

Forest Haven - After getting the Deku Leaf, and after purhcasing a Myoi Pear, 
 go the Forest Haven and use the Baba Buds to fly up to the top.  Instead of 
 going the way to Forbidden Woods, keep riding a Baba Bud up another exit.  
 From there, change the wind, and float all the way to a strange island with a 
 hatch.  Use the Myoi Pear to grab a seagull and flap him all the way over to 
 the switch on the Forest Haven structure.  After that, you'll have access to 
 the Nintendo Gallery (see the Pictography section in "Sea-Wide Sidequests".

 Also, if you have any Boko Baba Seeds, give four to Hollo the potion Korok 
 and he'll give you a free Blue Potion.

 There's a TREASURE CHART to be had.  Exit the Forest Haven the way you 
 normally would to go to the Forbidden Woods.  After that, point the wind 
 southeast and float to the island in the direction.  Your prize is there.

5E. And THE REST =

Okay, here's some stuff that can be done at all the remaining islands.  If I 
haven't found anything to do here yet, I haven't listed the island.  Remember 
that you won't have full access to all the islands until after beating the 
second major dungeon.

Star Island - 
 The lower left big rock has a hole underneath it.  Use Bombs to remove the 
 rock.  Inside, defeat the Magtails, Bokoblins, and Moblins to earn a PIECE 

Northern Fairy Island - 
 Enter the island structure to find a Great Fairy will give you a Wallet 
 Upgrade.  Also, there's a sub in the north end of this area.  Make your way 
 across the rope course and you'll find a TREASURE CHART.

Crescent Moon Island - 
 There's a sub in the area north of the island.  Hold off the Miniblins 
 inside as they attack you and torches will start lighting up.  Once all four 
 torches are lit, you'll earn a PIECE OF HEART.

Seven-Star Isles - 
 South of the isle chain are three platforms.  Use projectiles to defeat all 
 the Red Wizzrobes to find a TREASURE CHART.

 Also, sail west of the isles to find a Big Octo.  Use projectile weapons to 
 destroy its twelve eyes and it'll cough up a PIECE OF HEART.

Overlook Island - 
 You need the Hookshot.  Attach to the lowest tree and continue using the 
 Hookshot to get up the island.  Enter the hole at the top.  Defeat all 
 enemies in here for a TRIFORCE CHART.

Four-Eye Reef - 
 After rescuing those trapped in the Forsaken Fortress, sail into the reef and 
 destroy all the wall cannons with your Bomb Cannon to make a chest appear.  
 Climb up the outside of the reef and float over to the rock with the chest to 

Mother & Child Isles - 
 There's a travelling salesman on this island.  If you have any trading 
 items, show them to him.

Spectacle Island - 
 This spec-shaped rock houses the Cannon Game.  Fire your shots out to the 
 barrels to destroy them.  You get ten shots to destroy five barrels.  Blow 
 them all to get a PIECE OF HEART.  Win a second time for a TREASURE CHART.  
 All subsequent times will get you 100 Rupees.

Pawprint Island - 
 On your first trip past here, you'll find divers in a boat searching for 
 treasure.  Speak to them to get a TREASURE CHART.
 Crawl inside the blue and white structure and drop down the hole.  Proceed 
 through the cave and collect a PIECE OF HEART.  If you have Bombs, you can 
 also get a Joy Pendant.

 There a funny-shaped tree on one of the "fingers" of this island.  Hookshot 
 to one of the palm trees near it and float over with the Deku Leaf.  Drop 
 down the hole.  Fight the Wizzrobes and whatever they throw at you for 200 

Flight Control Platform - 
 Once you get double magic, speak to the gentlemen here for a flying 
 challenge.  Point the wind northwest, then leap into the air and pull out 
 your Deku Leaf.  Float over to the opposite banner.  You'll need to hit at 
 least one updraft to make it to the goal.  I usually hit the first big one.  
 Pass the banner and you'll get a PIECE OF HEART.

 Also, just southeast of the platform is a submarine.  Enter (once you have a
 Bow) and destroy all the Red Wizzrobes to get the PLATFORM CHART.

Western Fairy Island - 
 You need the Skull Hammer.  Bash the peg here to remove the fire and you can 
 get an Arrow upgrade.

Rock Spire Island - 
 There's a special Shop Ship near this island.  It sells an EMPTY BOTTLE for 
 500 Rupees, a PIECE OF HEART for 950 Rupees, and a TREASURE CHART for 900 
 Rupees.  He threatens to close, but he's really just bluffing.  

 Also, blow the rocks off the path on the island with Bombs, throwing them 
 just at the right time, then drop down the hole.  Light the torches, then 
 fight off the jillion Keeses for a TREASURE CHART.

 South of the island are two Cannon Ships.  Destroy them with your Bomb 
 Cannon.  One of them drops a PIECE OF HEART.

Tingle Island - 
 Your pal Tingle makes his home here along with his brothers.  Any Tingle 
 Statues you find in your adventure will be put here.  Talk to Tingle's 
 brother Ankle after returning Tingle Statues to get 50 Rupees for each one 
 and 500 if you find them all.  When you start searching for Triforce pieces, 
 find some Triforce Charts and show them to Tingle and he'll decipher them 
 for 398 Rupees each (Ouch).

 Also, sail due north of Tingle Island to find some circling seagulls.  
 There's a Big Octo amidst them.  Defeat it using projectiles to get a PIECE 

Eastern Fairy Island - 
 Once you get Bombs, use them to blow open the rock here and the Great Fairy 
 will give you a Bomb carrying upgrade.

Fire Mountain - 
 Sail out looking for seagulls and you can find a Big Octo.  Destroy it with 
 projectiles to find 100 Rupees.

Three-Eye Reef - 
 After rescuing those trapped in the Forsaken Fortress, sail into the reef and 
 destroy all the wall cannons.  A chest will appear on one of the rocks.  
 Climb up the outside of the reef, jump from the highest point over to the 
 rock and take the TREASURE CHART.

Greatfish Isle -
 Although Jabun has left the isle, there are still things to do.  For one, a
 Travelling Salesman has taken up residency here.  Give him items you've 
 found through trading and you may get something better.

 On the southeast end is a patch of land that spirals up.  Climb it and point 
 the wind to the northwest.  Float over to the shallow cave across the way 
 to get a PIECE OF HEART.

Cyclops Reef - 
 After rescuing those trapped in the Forsaken Fortress, sail into the reef and 
 destroy all the wall cannons.  A chest will appear on the rock.  Climb up the 
 outside of the reef and float over to the TREASURE CHART.

Six-Eye Reef - 
 After rescuing those trapped in the Forsaken Fortress, sail into the reef and 
 destroy all the wall cannons.  A chest will appear on one of the rocks.  
 Climb up the outside of the reef and float over to the TREASURE CHART.

 Southwest of the reef is a submarine.  Enter and defeat all enemies for a 

Thorned Fairy Island - 
 You need the Skull Hammer.  Knock down all three pegs to remove the thorns 
 and you can get an Arrow upgrade.

Needle Rock Island - 
 First, buy yourself a Hyoi Pear from Beedle's Shop Ship.  Head near the 
 flaming treasure chest on this island and use it to get control of a 
 seagull.  Fly the seagull to the very top of the needle and hit the switch 
 up there (avoid the Kargarocs).  The fire around the chest will recede and 
 you can take the PIECE OF HEART.

 Also, return here with Fire Arrows and use them to melt the ice covering the 
 hole.  Drop down.  You need to light six torches down here with Fire Arrows.  
 The first is quite obviously right in front of you.  Look up on the wreck 
 to your left to find the second one.  The third is on the wreck to your 
 right, a bit further away.  The fourth is through the little bars straight 
 ahead of you.  The fifth is also through the bars, but it's on a wreck that's 
 rather far from you and a bit to the left.  The sixth is high up on a 
 crow's nest off the left and quite far away.  If you have trouble seeing 
 these, just pull out the Telescope to look for them.  Hit them all and 
 you'll receive 100 Rupees.

Islet of Steel - 
 Use your Bomb Cannon to blast your way into the building for access to a 

Stone Watcher Island - 
 Use the Power Bracelet to lift the stone here and enter a secret cave.  
 Inside the cave, defeat all enemies for a TRIFORCE CHART.

 Sail due east of the island to find a pirate platform.  Use your Bomb 
 Cannon to shoot down all the cannons on the outside of the platform and 
 a chest will appear.  It contains a PIECE OF HEART.

Private Oasis - 
 If you get the Cabana Deed from Miss Marie on Windfall, this has its name 
 changed to Link's Oasis (or whatever your name is).  Show the deed to the 
 butler door.  Inside, there's a puzzle picture on the wall, which you can 
 play for Rupees, but that's about it.  For each picture, you get 50 Rupees, 
 except for the sixteenth one, which gives you 200.  After that, you start 
 back at the beginning.

 However, use your Grappling Hook to start breaking vases, and you'll find a 
 good ton of Rupees in them.

 Also, on the ceiling is a point you can use the Grappling Hook on.  Do 
 so and you'll open a secret cave in the fireplace.  Navigate the maze down 
 here to earn a TRIFORCE CHART.
 In the southwest part of this area is a Big Octo.  Defeat it with projectiles 
 to get 100 Rupees.

 Also, once you get the Hookshot, go around the back of the cabana and use 
 it to grapple to a palm tree on the upper ledge.  Take the TREASURE CHART 
 that's in the chest up here.

Bomb Island - 
 This island's shaped like a bomb, hence its name.  You can find a Travelling 
 Salesman on this island, who you can give any trading items you've found to.
 Also, if you have Bombs, bust open the rock on the top of the island.  
 Inside the cave, hit the Magtails until they curl up, then drop one on the 
 switch to open the door.  In the next room, walk the path on the left and 
 hit the switch, then head up to the central platform.  Hit the Magtails here 
 until they roll up and toss them on the switches with fire around them.  This 
 will open the way to a PIECE OF HEART.  
 Also, there's a submarine southwest of the island.  Enter and defeat all the 
 enemies for an EMPTY BOTTLE.

Bird's Peak Rock - 
 Use a Hyoi Pear on the island to attract a seagull.  Fly the seagull into all 
 six switches on the nests to open the cave to a TRIFORCE CHART.

Diamond Steppe Island - 
 You need the Hookshot.  Attach to the lowest tree and keep Hookshotting up 
 to the top.  Drop down the hole.  In this cave, navigate the pot jumping 
 course to find the GHOST SHIP CHART.

 Sail out looking for seagulls.  Once you find some, you'll find a Big Octo.  
 Defeat it with projectiles and you'll find 100 Rupees.

Five Eye Reef - 
 After rescuing those trapped in the Forsaken Fortress, sail into the reef and 
 use your Bomb Cannon to destroy all the cannons inside the reef.  A chest 
 will appear on top of the center reef.  Climb up the outside and float 
 towards it with the Deku Leaf.  Inside is a TREASURE CHART.

Shark Island - 
 You need the Iron Boots before you can attempt this.  There are four buttons 
 on this island, and you need to hit them all quickly to get rid of the fire 
 around the hole.  First, go for the Iron Boot switch on the far end, then 
 run back quickly and Boomerang the crystal switch off to your left.  Next, 
 take out your Skull Hammer and smash the peg on the right, and finally, run 
 up to the button and step on it.  You should be able to do it in a few 
 tries and if you remove the bushes and other obstacles.  Inside the hole, 
 you'll fight a huge combat against Miniblins, Bokoblins, Moblins, and 
 Darknuts.  This is a good place to get Knight's Crests if you need them.  
 Defeat all the enemies to get a chest with 200 Rupees.

Southern Fairy Island - 
 Once you have Bombs, use them on the door of the structure here to enter and 
 get a Bomb carrying upgrade.

 Also, southeast of the island are three pirate platforms.  Two have ladders.  
 Destroy all the cannons on those platforms to make two chests appear.  One 
 has a Skull Necklace, the other has a TREASURE CHART.

Ice Ring Isle - 
 Once you get Fire Arrows, thaw the ice wind, and land on the east side of 
 the island to find a TREASURE CHART.

Cliff Plateau Isles - 
 Hop across the rocks and enter the hole here.  There's a Joy Pendant in the 
 chest down here.  To progress further down here, take a Boko Stick and light 
 it on the torch.  Hop into the Baba Bud and jump up to the upper platforms.  
 Throw the stick at the boards to burn them.  Alternatively, you can use a 
 Fire Arrow to burn them down.  Use the Deku Leaf to float over to where 
 the boards were and step in the light column.  You're now on top of the 
 highest island.  There's a TREASURE CHART and a Korok up here.

Horseshoe Island - 
 This aptly-named island has a cute little Boko Nut course.  What you have to 
 do is get the Boko Nuts into the holes by any means possible.  For the first 
 two holes.  You can just pick up and toss the nuts.  For the last one, 
 you'll have to use the Deku Leaf to fan it there.  Once you get all three a 
 chest with a TREASURE CHART will appear that you can float to with the Leaf.  
 Before you do that, though, drop down the hole and defeat the Mothulas 
 inside for another TREASURE CHART.

Headstone Island - 
 Sail northwest of the island to find a submarine.  Inside defeat all the 
 rats while avoiding the Bombs they throw at you.  After they're all 
 destroyed, a chest with a TREASURE CHART will appear.

 Also, use a Hyoi Pear while on the island to attract a seagull.  Have the 
 seagull fly to the very top of the island to find a PIECE OF HEART.

Two-Eye Reef - 
 In the southern part of this area is a Big Octo near some seagulls.  Defeat 
 it with projectiles to rescue a Great Fairy who will double your magic 

 After rescuing those trapped in the Forsaken Fortress, sail into the reef and 
 use your Bomb Cannon to destroy all the cannons on the walls to make a chest 
 appear.  Climb up the outside of the reef and float towards the patch of land 
 to find a TREASURE CHART.

Angular Isles - 
 These blocky islands can be climbed by pulling on special blocks.  Climb up 
 to the top of the larger island and you'll find a PIECE OF HEART.

 Once you get the Mirror Shield, either float with the Deku Leaf or Hookshot 
 over to the other island here.  Fall down the hole.  You'll happen upon an 
 interesting block structure.  Pull the leftmost block and move it around to 
 the right side of the structure.  Climb up and pull on the block on the 
 second tier once, then hop down and pull on the lowest block out ONCE.  
 Then, climb up and pull the second tier block out once, to drop a bunch of 
 them, then hop up to the third tier and pull that block out once, then 
 climb up to the fifth tier and pull that block once.  Climb up to the top 
 and shine light over onto the chest to make it appear.  Float over with the 
 Deku Leaf and take the 200 Rupees.

Boating Course - 
 Disembark on the south side of this island.  Speak to Loot to learn how to 
 play.  Basically, you'll have a roped-off course to sail in, and there are 
 Rupees on barrels.   If the barrels are on their sides, just sail over them 
 to collect them.  If the barrels are upright, you need to jump over them or 
 you'll get knocked off.  To end the course, you need to cross the banner 
 again.  The wind will always stay behind you, so don't worry about changing 
 its direction.  Once you cross the finish line, you keep all the Rupees you 
 take.  The max is 150.

 Also, point the wind north and float across to the other side of the 
 banner.  Enter the hole.  Avoid the Miniblins and shoot all three crystals 
 with your Bow or Boomerang.  That will cause a chest to appear with the 
 Submarine Chart, which will point the locations of the enemy submarines.

Five-Star Isles - 
 There's a sub in this area.  Defeat all enemies in it to earn a PIECE OF 


As with any Zelda quest, Link has ten bajillion items at his disposal, 
including plenty of all new ones.

6A. XYZ Items =

The following items can be set from the Items Subscreen.

Telescope -
Your little sis Aryll will give you this after you change into your spiffy 
outfit as a birthday present.  Once you use it, use the Control Stick to 
look around through it and use the C Stick to zoom in and out.  As you may 
expect, it's great for scouting the high seas or getting a closer look at 
bad guys.

Sail -
Once you make it to Windfall Island, buy this from the peddler in the parka 
for 80 Rupees.  Once you have it, you can set sail on your boat, the King of 
Red Lions.

Tingle Tuner -
"Tingle owns you!!!"  That's what my friend said as he assumed the role of 
Link's fellow "fairy"...  To get this item, go to Windfall Village's jail and 
release Tingle.  If you hook up a GameBoy Advance to your Cube, you can 
control Tingle through the GBA.  I have a whole section detailing it, so 
check it out.

Picto Box - 
Once you free Tingle, pull out the box in the jail cell to reveal a crawl 
passage.  Once inside, turn right, left, back to the far wall, right, left, 
left, right, right, and right.  You'll find a treasure chest with the Picto 
Box.  Use it to take pictures of various objects for various reasons, which I 
have a section for in my guide.  You can only store three photographs at a 

Deluxe Picto Box -
After becoming Lenzo's assistant on Windfall Island, and giving him a Forest 
Firefly, you'll earn this better Picto Box, with which you can take color 
photos.  To do those things, check the Pictography section of Sea-Wide 
Sidequests (coming soon).

Wind Waker -
After landing on Dragon Roost Island, your boat will give you the Wind Waker 
baton.  To use it, activate it with the XYZ button, then conduct with the C 
Stick.  To change the rhythm, use the Control Stick.  Pulling left will give 
you a 4/4 time, pulling right will give you 6/4 time, and neutral position 
will give you 3/4.  As the metronome at the top of the screen passes the 
center, a note will be registered depending on where you're holding the baton.  
To register a note, you don't have to tap the C Stick at the EXACT time.  It 
just has to be there when the metronome reaches the center.
- Wind Requiem: 3/4 Up, Left, Right - Use this to change the direction the 
  wind blows.  You can learn this at Dragon Roost Island, at the monument in 
  the water.
- Song of Passing: 3/4 Right, Left, Down - Use this to change the time to 
  sunrise or sunset.  You can learn this on Windfall Island from the guy 
  dancing in front of the grave, Tott.
- Command Melody: 4/4 Left, Middle, Right, Middle - This can be used to 
  possess certain objects and control them.  You'll find it in the Tower of 
  the Gods dungeon.
- Ballad of Gales: 4/4 Down, Right, Left, Up - After you find the Hero's Bow 
  in the Tower of the Gods, find Cyclos, Zephos' brother.  You can easily find 
  him spinning up cyclones on Shark Island (F3).  Once you get close to the 
  cyclone, he'll pop out.  Shoot him three times and he'll give you the tune.  
  Use this tune while on the open sea, and you can warp to one of several key 
  locations in the game.  Almost every sea spot is one square away with this 
- Earth God's Lyric: 6/4 Down, Down, Middle, Right, Left, Middle - After you 
  find the Power Bracelets, go to Headstone Isle.  Pick up the giant stone 
  and enter.  This song will awaken the Sage of Earth.
- Wind God's Aria: 6/4 Up, Up, Down, Right, Left, Right - After you find the 
  Iron Boots, go to Gale Isle.  Wear the Iron Boots and walk up to the 
  statue.  Bash it with the Skull Hammer.  This song will awaken the Sage of 

Empty Bottle -
As in past adventures, Link can carry many things in these Bottles.
- The first Bottle is given to you by Medli after you help her into Dragon 
  Roost Cavern.
- The second Bottle can be found on your way to Forest Haven, just a square 
  above it, at Bomb Island area.  Look for a sub in the water.  Enter and 
  defeat all the enemies and you'll receive the Bottle as your prize.
- The third Bottle is on sale at Rock Spire Island's (C2) Ship Shop for 500 
- You can only get the fourth Bottle after rescuing the girls from Forsaken 
  Fortress.  At night, you'll see Mila standing outside the House of Wealth.  
  Talk to her and she'll shoo you away.  She'll now begin a course which will 
  take her around to Zunari's Stand.  Stay out of sight, or she'll call off 
  the "job" for the night.  It's best to just hide behind the tree she was 
  originally standing near.  Keep an eye on the road behind the windmill for 
  her to show up.  Once you moves from there, break cover and tail her to 
  Zunari's Stand.  She'll rush to his safe and spend about five seconds 
  trying to open it.  Talk to her while she has that little balloon above 
  her head and she'll begin a dialog.  Pick the top answer all six times and 
  she'll give you the Bottle.

Grappling Hook -
This is given to you by Medli for freeing her from capture in the Dragon Roost 
Cavern.  To use it, hold the item button, then let go when you find something 
to latch onto, which looks like a yellow mark.  After that, it's just like 
any other hanging rope.  You can also use it as an impromptu weapon.  When 
you hook an enemy, you can lift an item right off them.

Deku Leaf - 
This is given to you by the Deku Tree after you agree to help out Makar in 
the Forest Haven.  There are two ways to use it.  If on the ground, it will 
release a puff of air.  If you're in the air, it will allow you to float very 
slowly to the ground.  While it's open, it will consume magic power, so watch 
your Magic Meter.  Be careful if outside, because the wind will carry.  You 
can use it to your advantage if pointed the right way, of course.

Boomerang -
You'll find this in the back room of the fourth floor of the Forbidden Woods, 
the room with the big Mothula mini-boss.  Use it to hit targets at a distance.  
Once in targeting mode, you can select up to five targets to hit in 
succession.  It's really freakin' cool...  Oh, and you can also use this 
while on the King of Red Lions as a light, but accurate weapon.  On most 
enemies, it will either cause light damage or simply stun them.

Magic Armor -
After completing the circuit of flower delivery at Windfall, Bomb Island, 
Greatfish Isle, and Mother and Child Isles (see Sea-Wide Sidequests), Zunari 
will give you this magical crystal.  Use it either on land or sea to encase 
yourself in a magical shield which will drain magic power.

Bombs -
After travelling to Greatfish Isle, go back to Windfall.  The pirates will be 
here.  Sneak into the Bomb Shop to witness the pirates capturing the Bombs, 
and you'll learn the password to get on the ship.  Say the password on the 
ship and complete Niko's second rope course to get the Bombs.  Use the Bombs 
to bust up rocks on land, and if you use them on the boat, you'll arm yourself 
with a sweet cannon for busting up bad guys on the waves.  There are also two 
upgrades to your Bombs, available right after you get them.  Go to both 
Eastern Fairy Island and Southern Fairy Island.  Bomb your way into both and 
you'll be given the bigger Bomb Bags, up to 60 the first time, then 99 the 
last time.

Hero's Bow - 
This is the treasure in the Tower of the Gods, in the western area of the 
second floor.  Equip it to shoot arrows, naturally.  Arrows cause decent 
damage, and are definitely good for flying enemies.  You start with 30 arrows 
in your quiver.  This can also be used on water as a light, quick, long-
distance weapon.
- Fire & Ice Arrows: Go to Mother & Child Isles by warping after going to the 
  Forsaken Fortress for a second time.  The first use raging fire, the second 
  chilling ice.  Both use up magic.
- Light Arrows: Solve the puzzle of the sword hilts in Ganon's Tower to be 
  granted one of the few weapons that can hurt the Evil King...
There are also two upgrades to your quiver.  For both, you'll need the 
Skull Hammer (below).  One is on Thorned Fairy Island, and the other's on 
Western Fairy Island.  The upgrades give you 60 Arrows for the first one and 
99 for the second one.

Skull Hammer -
Heavy weapon...  You'll earn this after your fight with Phantom Ganon at the 
Forsaken Fortress.  Use it to smash enemies, and drive large stakes into the 
ground.  Some enemies will also be stunned by the shockwave after you slam 
it into the ground.

Iron Boots - 
After getting the Fire Arrows, you'll find these on Ice Ring Isle.  Melt the 
ice and enter the cavern.  When using these, you will not be blown away by 
fierce winds, but you can't walk fast either.  When you put them on, you 
also make a little slam onto the ground, which can force down some switches, 
some platforms, and break through some weak floors.

Hookshot - 
This is the dungeon item of the Wind Temple.  A classic Zelda item.  Use it 
to attach to specific targets or most anything wood and draw yourself to it.  
It's also a decent weapon against certain enemies.  If you can attach to 
something, you'll see the red dot turn into a yellow sparkle.  It's also an 
effective weapon in some circumstances.

6B. Quest Items =

The following items can be seen on the Quest Status Subscreen.

Hero Sword -
Your favorite grass-cutting tool is available after you get the Telescope.  
Go to Orca's house and train with him completely, using all the techniques, 
and you'll be allowed to keep the sword.

Hero Shield -
The accompanying piece to the sword is only available after Aryll gets 
captured.  Climb up to its usual spot, then speak to Grandma to receive it.

Pirate's Charm -
After landing on the Forsaken Fortress, you'll find that Tetra has lent you 
this stone.  She'll use this to communicate with you while storming the 
fortress.  When your A button marker flashes, hit A to receive a message.  
The King of Red Lions can also talk to you with it.

Din's Pearl -
Your reward for saving Valoo on Dragon Roost Island.  The King of Red Lions 
will tell you where to place it when the time comes.

Farore's Pearl - 
Your reward for saving the Korok, Makar, from the Forbidden Woods on the 
Forest Haven Island.  The King of Red Lions will tell you where to place it 
when the time comes.

Nayru's Pearl - 
You're given this from Jabun at Outset Island.  The King of Red Lions will 
tell you where to place it when the time comes.

Master Sword - 
After completing the third dungeon, you will visit a special place and take 
this weapon.  It's stronger than your old sword in every way.

Power Bracelets - 
After getting the Ice Arrows, use them on Fire Mountain and enter to find 
this treasure.  With these, you'll be able to pick up very heavy objects.

Mirror Shield - 
This is the dungeon treasure of the Earth Temple, found on the first floor.  
It can reflect light onto objects.  To use it properly, remember to pull out 
your sword so you can move your shield around.

Master Sword (edged) -
After completing the Earth Temple, your Master Sword will be powered up.  
Its hilt will blossom.

Master Sword (true) - 
After completing the Wind Temple, you will have the True Master Sword's 
power.  It glows now! :-P

Hero's Charm -
Give forty-one Joy Pendants to Miss Marie the teacher to receive this.  When 
you wear it, you'll be able to see the life meters of your enemies.

The Triforce of Courage -
Broken into eight pieces, this is a third of the gift that the goddesses who 
created Hyrule left behind.  You need its power to go to a special place.

6C. Bags =

There are three bags in the game that can hold multiple items.  Here they are, 
where you can find them, and what they can hold.

Spoils Bag -
After finishing Niko's little rope test on Tetra's Ship, you'll be given this 
as a super prize!  Use it to hold items that enemies drop.
- Joy Pendant: You can find these in many locations, but the best way to get 
  them is to use the Grappling Hook on Bokoblins to snag one.  The teacher at 
  Windfall Island, Miss Marie, loves these.  Give her 1 and she'll answer 
  questions.  Give her 20 and she'll give you her Cabana Deed.
- Red Chu Jelly: An ingredient for Red Potions, which you can receive from 
  defeated Red ChuChus.  Give the guy at the Chu Jelly Juice Shop on Windfall 
  Island five of these to get a free Red Potion.
- Golden Feather: If you can find the winged fiends, Kargarocs, take them out 
  to win a Golden Feather.  There's a fellow on Dragon Roost Island that wants 
  these for his girl.
- Skull Necklace: A trophy from defeating a Moblin.  Bring them to Maggie's 
  Father after saving Maggie from the Forsaken Fortress (in the House of 
  Wealth) and you'll get a Treasure Chart.
- Knight's Crest: In addition to finding a few of these in dungeons, you can 
  collect them from defeated Darknuts.  Give ten of them to Orca the sword 
  master on Outset Island to receive the Hurricane Spin technique.
- Boku Baba Seed: Defeated Boku Babas may surrender these.  One of the Koroks 
  in Forest Haven wants these for potion making.  Give him four and he'll 
  make you a Blue Potion.
- Green Chu Jelly: An ingredient for Green Potions, which you can receive from 
  defeated Green ChuChus.  Give fifteen the Chu Jelly Juice Shop owner on 
  Windfall Island so he'll start selling Green Potions and give you a free 
  one.  In addition, giving him five afterwards will get you a free Green 
- Blue Chu Jelly: An ingredient for Blue Potions, which you can receive from 
  defeated Blue ChuChus.  Give fifteen to the Chu Jelly Juice Shop owner on 
  Windfall Island so he'll start selling Blue Potions and give you a free 
  one.  In addition, giving him five afterwards will get you a free Blue 
  Potion.  Here are the locations for finding Blue Chu Jelly.  After finding 
  one at a location, you can't find it again there: Rock Spire Island, 
  Horseshoe Island, Mother & Child Isles, Western Fairy Island, Crescent Moon 
  Island X2, Eastern Fairy Island, Northern Fairy Island, Angular Isles, 
  Southern Fairy Island, Cliff Plateau Isles, Thorned Fairy Island, Tingle 
  Island, Spectacle Island, Star Island, Outlook Island, Diamond Steppe Island

Bait Bag -
Floating around many islands (such as Outset Island), is a colorful ship, 
known as the Shop Ship.  Head inside and you can purchase this for 20 Rupees, 
along with two kinds of bait.
- All-Purpose Bait: Purchased from the Ship Shop for 10 Rupees for three 
  doses.  Use this to attract pigs on land.  Also, if you find jumping fish out 
  at sea, use the bait to get hints and your Sea Chart updated. 
- Hyoi Pear: Special fruit that you can use to control seagulls.  Use one on 
  land when you're near seagulls and you can use the Control Stick to fly 
  around and the A Button to flap your wings.

Delivery Bag - 
After speaking to the bird people of Dragon Roost Island, they'll give you 
this bag.  This bag is used to hold items that you can deliver to other 
people, hence its name:
- Father's Letter: Find Medli and she'll give you this to give to Prince 
- Cabana Deed: After giving 20 Joy Pendants to Miss Marie on Windfall 
  Island, you'll get this, which will give you ownership of the Private Oasis.
- Letter to Mom: Shelve more than 25 letters at the Rito post office, then 
  show the part-time how it's done to get this.  Mail it in any postbox.
- Maggie's Letter: After you save the girls from Forsaken Fortress, go to the 
  upper floor of the House of Wealth to find Maggie.  She'll give you a 
  letter to her sweetie, Moe.  Mail it.
- Moblin's Letter: After coming back to the House of Wealth after dropping 
  of Maggie's Letter, you'll find a postman trying to give a letter to her, 
  but her father won't allow it.  Follow him to the cafe to get it.  Give it 
  to Maggie.
- Complimentary ID: You get this from a postbox after buying 30 things from 
  Beedle's Shop Ship.  He'll tell you you're "really great" if you show it to 
- Fill-Up Coupon: You get this from a postbox after buying 60 things from 
  Beedle's Shop Ship.  Show it to him and he'll give you a free fill-up of 
  Bombs and Arrows.
- Town Flower, Sea Flower, Exotic Flower, Pinwheel, Sickle Moon Flag, Big 
  Catch Flag, Fountain Idol, Skull Tower Idol, Big Sale Flag, Hero Flag, 
  Postman Statue, Shop Guru Statue: These twelve items are used in a trading 
  sequence.  You get the first one from Zunari.  After which, hop to Bomb 
  Island, Greatfish Isle, and Mother & Child Isles to begin trading.  When 
  you get new items, try to trade those for something better.  Your pinnacle 
  item is the Shop Guru Statue.

6D. Bottled Goods =

You can keep many items in your Bottles.  Here's a list:

Red Potion - You can buy this both at the Chu Jelly Juice Shop for 20 Rupees 
 and at several Shop Ships for 30 Rupees.  Drinking it will completely restore 
 your hearts.

Green Potion - You can buy this from the Chu Jelly Juice Shop on Windfall 
 Island for 10 Rupees after giving 15 Green Chu Jellies to the owner.  Drink 
 it to restore your magic power.

Blue Potion - You can buy this from the Chu Jelly Juice Shop on Windfall 
 Island for 60 Rupees after giving 15 Blue Chu Jellies to the owner.  You can 
 also get one by giving four Boko Baba Seeds to Hollo the potion Korok in 
 Forest Haven.  Drink it to restore both your hearts and magic power.

Fairy - You can find lots of Fairies at Great Fairy Fountains, and there's 
 often one or two hanging out near the Boss Doors of most dungeons.  Use them 
 any time to restore ten hearts.  Also, if you get hurt and collapse, the 
 Fairy will revive you automatically.

Water - You can find this in any non-ocean body of water.  In pools, wells, 
 etc.  Sprinkle it on dry, withered plants.

Forest Water - The water of the Forest Haven has special properties.  It can 
 be used multiple times, but reverts to normal water after 20 minutes.  Use it 
 on the forest seeds that the Koroks have planted throughout the world.

Forest Firefly - You can find this bug floating around the back of the Forest 
 Haven.  Once you find it, give it to Lenzo and he'll make your Picto Box a 
 Deluxe Picto Box.

Elixir Soup - Best.  Stuff.  Evar.  Give your Grandma a Fairy when you come 
 back to Outset Island and she'll whip this up for you.  You can only carry 
 one bottle of it at time, but you can get free refills.  Drink this golden 
 liquid to restore your hearts and magic completely.  You'd think a free 
 psuedo-Blue Potion would be enough, but wait, there's more.  This soup also 
 doubles your attack power until you take a hit of damage.  Not only that, 
 but there's TWO helpings in the bottle!  You have the bestest grandma ever.


There are 33 Heart Pieces you can find on or around Islands, and 11 you can 
find by interpreting Treasure Charts and digging them up from the ocean 

7A. Island Hearts =

I've arranged these by island, starting with the Fortress, then Windfall, 
then Outset, then all the rest in order of coordinates.

Location: Forsaken Fortress
Items Required: None
Description: Make your way to the southwest part of the first floor.  Open 
 the cell door there by stepping on the switch, and you'll find the Piece of 
 Heart in a chest.

Location: Windfall Island
Items Required: None
Description: Go to the Game Room in the windmill and play the Squid Game.  
 Win once.

Location: Windfall Island
Items Required: None
Description: Talk to the Killer Bee gang so that they'll challenge you (you 
 may have to find the Picto Box first).  They'll play a game of hide and seek 
 with you.  One is behind the grave out by the jail.  One is behind the Bomb 
 Shop.  One is in a tree near the town gate (roll into it), and the last is 
 behind a bush near the top of the town gate.  Find them all to earn the 
 Heart Piece.

Location: Windfall Island
Items Required: Din's Pearl, Wind's Requiem
Description: One of the auctions at the House of Wealth at night randomly 
 has this as its prize.

Location: "Windfall Island"
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: I put this one in quotes because the Heart Piece isn't exactly 
 on Windfall, but the Island Hearts Chart describes it as being there.  
 Complete the "Merchant Oaths" sidequest, detailed under "Sea-Wide 

Location: Windfall Island 
Items Required: None, but you must have gone to the Forsaken Fortress a 
 second time.
Description: After rescuing the girls in the Forsaken Fortress, talk to 
 Maggie, who lives in the House of Wealth.  She'll give you a letter to her 
 boyfriend Moe.  Come back later and a postman will be trying to deliver a 
 letter back, but her father won't let him in.  The postman will go to the 
 cafe, so follow him there and take the letter for him.  Give it to Maggie.

Location: Windfall Island
Items Required: Fire Arrows
Description: Point the wind north and make it night on Windfall Island.  
 Climb up the back of the windmill and step on the switch to turn on the 
 ferris wheel.  Enter the Game Room and leave out the upper door.  Hop on the 
 ferris wheel car and ride up.  If it's night, the lighthouse will be 
 spinning.  Fire a Fire Arrow into its torch in the middle and the lighthouse 
 will be activated, and a chest will appear off on a little plot of land.  
 You need to use the Deku Leaf and favorable winds to get there.

Location: Windfall Island
Items Required: Fire Arrows
Description: Do everything as described in #7, then talk to the guy in the 
 hat who stands near the ferris wheel outside the second floor exit of the 
 Game Room/Windmill.

Location: Windfall Island
Items Required: None specifically, but you must have done some trading so 
 that Joy Pedestals appear all over Windfall.
Description: Place any kind of Flowers, Flags, whatever from Zunari's stand 
 all over Windfall Island.  When you cover all the pedestals with anything, 
 talk to the guy who sits on the bench.

Location: Windfall Island
Items Required: Deluxe Picto Box
Description: After completing Lenzo's challenges for becoming his assistant, 
 start talking to the "couple", Anton and Linda.  They'll mention their
 interest.  Eventually, Linda, will ask for a picture to give to him.  Do so 
 and give it to Anton.  Go to the cafe the next day and talk to them.

Location: Outset Island
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: On your return to Outset Island, face off against Orca the 
 combat master.  Hit him 500 times in a row.  Hints: Set your L-Targeting to 
 Switch so your finger doesn't die.  Don't use Parries.  If he attacks just 
 Defend and back out of the way.  He always attacks after blocking one of 
 your shots.

Location: Outset Island
Items Required: Power Bracelet, All-Purpose Bait
Description: If you brought Rose a pig of any kind, you'll come back to find 
 it's now really huge.  Pick it up and carry it to the black patch of dirt 
 across the water.  Toss some All-Purpose Bait on it and the pig will start 
 digging and find the Piece of Heart.

Location: Outset Island
Items Required: Mirror Shield
Description: Enter the Savage Labyrinth on Outset Island (float west from the 
 eastern hill towards the stone head) and survive all 50 floors.

Location: Star Island (A2)
Items Required: Bombs 
Description: Bomb the southwestern-most rock and drop down in the hole.  
 Defeat the Magtails, Bokoblins, and Moblins.

Location: Seven-Star Isles (A6)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Descriptoin: Sail due southwest from the isles to find some seagulls.  In the 
 midst of them is a Big Octo.  Shoot out all its eyes with the Boomerang or 
 Bow.  It will surrender the Heart Piece.

Location: Spectacle Island (B3)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: Beat the Cannon Game once.

Location: Pawprint Isle (B5)
Items Required: Sail
Description: Crawl into the blue-white structure on the island.  In the cave 
 below, make it through all the ChuChus to find a chest with the Heart 

Location: Dragon Roost Island (B6)
Items Required: Sail, 20 Golden Feathers
Description: As the requirement says, you need 20 Golden Feathers from 
 defeating Kargarocs.  Take them all to the guard outside the Chieftain's 
 cave.  Later, you'll find a wiggling postbox with the thank-you from the 
 guard's girlfriend.

Location: Dragon Roost Island (B6)
Items Required: Din's Pearl
Description: At the Rito post office, stack more than 25 letters.  When you 
 come back later, a part-timer will be there.  Show him how it's done and 
 he'll give you a Letter to Mom.  Mail it and you'll get the Piece of Heart 
 in the reply.

Location: Flight Control Platform (B7)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl, Double Magic Upgrade.  
Description: Pass the champion's mark on the flying test.  To win this, fly 
 as straight as possible, only turning to hit one updraft, which is all 
 you'll need to hit.

Location: Rock Spire Isle (C2) 
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: There's a Shop Ship floating around here.  Purchase the Piece 
 of Heart from the guy who's definitely not Beedle for 950 Rupees.  Don't 
 worry about him saying he'll leave.  He's bluffing.

Location: Rock Spire Isle (C2)
Items Required: Bombs
Description: South of Rock Spire Island are two Cannon Ships.  Destroy them 
 with the Bomb Cannon.  One will leave behind the Piece of Heart on the ocean 

Location: Tingle Island (C3)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Sail due north of the island to find some seagulls.  In the midst of them is 
 a Big Octo.  Shoot out all its eyes with the Boomerang or Bow.  It will 
 surrender the Heart Piece.

Location: Greatfish Isle (D2)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: In the southeastern part of the island system, climb up the 
 spiralled piece of land (it has a Korok on it).  Point the wind northwest 
 and float towards a shallow cave across from you.

Location: Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: In the southwest area of this square is a sub.  Defeat all 
 enemies in it.

Location: Needle Rock Isle (E1)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl, Hyoi Pear
Description: Use a Hyoi Pear near the seagulls.  Navigate one of them to the 
 top of the needle and hit the switch.  The fire around the chest will 

Location: Stone Watcher Island (E3)
Items Required: Bombs
Description: East of the island is a platform.  Use the Bomb Cannon to 
 destroy all eight cannons on the platform to reveal a chest.

Location: Bomb Island (E6)
Items Required: Bombs
Description: Blow up the boulder on top of the island.  Inside, use the 
 Magtails to weigh down the first switch.  In the next room, carefully make 
 your way to the switch using the narrow path, then head up to the platform 
 in the center.  Turn the Magtails into balls, then toss them on the 
 switches surrounded by fire on the left and right, which will put out the 
 fire around the chest.

Location: Headstone Island (G3)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl, Hyoi Pear
Description: Use a Hyoi Pear on the beach to call a seagull.  Have it fly to 
 the top of the island and snag the Piece of Heart.

Location: Angular Isles (G5) 
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: Reach the chest on the top of the island by pulling blocks and 

Location: Five Star Isles (G7)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl.  
Description: South of the isles is a submarine.  Enter and defeat all the 

Location: Variable Location
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: After clearing Forest Haven, look on most any island for a 
 wiggling post box.  Take the letter inside.

Location: Multiple Locations 
Items Required: Fire Arrows
Description: Go to the Forest Haven and collect Forest Water.  Water all 
 eight trees.  Go to the "Forest Revival" section in "Sea-Wide Sidequests" 
 to find out the best way to do this.

7B. Sea Hearts =

These Heart Pieces can be obtained by finding the corresponding Treasure 
Chart.  This part of the guide gives you the Chart Number, as well as the 
island/dungeon the chart and the Heart Piece are found on, and the items 
required.  If you need more info, go to the Charts section of the guide just 
below this one.

Treasure Chart #31
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Heart Location: Forest Haven (F5)
Items Required: Deluxe Picto Box, Din's Pearl

Treasure Chart #23
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Heart Location: Diamond Steppe Island (F1)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl

Treasure Chart #33
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Heart Location: Five-Star Isles (G7)
Items Required: Deluxe Picto Box, Farore's Pearl

Treasure Chart #38
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Heart Location: Three-Eye Reef (D1)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl, and at least one wallet upgrade

Treasure Chart #2
Chart Location: Windfall Island
Heart Location: Rock Spire Island (C2)
Items Required: 20 Skull Necklaces, and you must have beat the Forsaken 

Treasure Chart #11
Chart Location: Dragon Roost Cavern
Heart Location: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl

Treasure Chart #15
Chart Location: Forbidden Woods
Heart Location: Angular Isles (G5)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl

Treasure Chart #4
Chart Location: Rock Spire Island (C2)
Heart Location: Southern Fairy Island (F4)
Items Required: Bombs

Treasure Chart #30
Chart Location: Tower of the Gods
Heart Location: Pawprint Isle (B5)
Items Required: Hero Bow

Treasure Chart #20
Chart Location: Earth Temple
Heart Location: Bomb Island (E6)
Items Required: Power Bracelet

Treasure Chart #5
Chart Location: Wind Temple
Heart Location: Thorned Fairy Island (D7)
Items Required: Iron Boots

7C. How Many Should I Have? =

This seems to be a popular subject among the gamers who don't want to miss 
anything.  We'll, I'll humor you folks on this occasion.  Below are each 
of the dungeons or major events and how many total hearts and Heart Pieces 
you should have by that point.

Dragon Roost Cavern
Hearts: 4
Pieces you can get: #1, #2, #3, #17

Forest Haven
Hearts: 6
Pieces you can get: #10, #18, #19, #34

Tower of the Gods
Hearts: 13
Pieces you can get: #4, #5, #9, #11, #14, #15, #16, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, 
 #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #35, #36, #37, #39, #40, #41

Forsaken Fortress
Hearts: 14
Pieces you can get: #42

Earth Temple
Hearts: 17
Pieces you can get: #6, #7, #8, #12, #33, #38

Wind Temple
Hearts: 18
Pieces you can get: #13, #43

Ganon's Tower
Hearts: 20
Pieces you can get: #44

So, as you can see, there's a huge jump once the whole Great Sea opens up to 
you, and you get the Bombs.


8A. Treasure Charts =

Thar be plenty of booty on the ocean floor to snag, and these treasure 
charts are just the thing to find the best stuff.  Once you find them, open 
them up in the charts menu (press Up on Control Pad).  Each chart is numbered, 
so, I've ordered them as such.

Found: Forbidden Woods
Items Required: Boomerang
Description: In the second room, use the Baba Buds to float all the way up to 
 the southwest corner of the room.  Use the Boomerang on the plant on the 
Location: Private Oasis (E5)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: 20 Skull Necklaces, and you must have gone to the Forsaken 
 Fortress a second time.
Description: After saving the girls from Forsaken Fortress, bring twenty Skull 
 Necklaces to Maggie's Father, who's now in the House of Wealth.
Location: Rock Spire Island (C2)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Forest Haven (F6)
Items Required: Deku Leaf
Description: The chart is on an island in the southeast.  Point the wind in 
 that direction.  Climb up to the exit out of Forest Haven with the grassy 
 arrow.  Jump to the southeast and float over using the Deku Leaf.  The chest 
 is on that island.
Location: Eastern Fairy Island (C4)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Rock Spire Island (C2)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl, First Wallet Upgrade
Description: Purchase this chart from the helmeted guy in the special Shop 
 Ship for 900 Rupees.
Location: Southern Fairy Island (F4)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: The Wind Temple
Items Required: Hookshot
Description: In the room with two Stalfoses and a Yellow Wizzrobe (shortly 
 before the boss), defeat all the enemies and pull down all the stone faces on 
 the walls with the Hookshot.  Open the chest that appears.
Location: Thorned Fairy Island (D7)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Tower of the Gods
Items Required: Hero's Bow
Description: On the first floor, in the northwest room, use the Hero's Bow on 
 the eye.
Location: Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: None
Description: Play the Squid Game and beat the game once.
Location: Star Island (A2)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Horseshoe Island (G1)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: The chart's in a hole at the top of the island.  Using your 
 arms and the Deku Leaf, push the Boko Nuts into the holes to reach the top.  
 Defeat the Mothulas inside.
Location: Western Fairy Island (C1)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: North of the island is a sub.  Fight the Miniblins in the sub and 
 survive until all four torches light up.
Location: Horseshoe Island (G1)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: Sitting right on the island is the chest in plain sight.
Location: Tingle Island (C3)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Dragon Roost Cavern
Items Required: Grappling Hook
Description: This is found in a western room on the first floor with several 
 Red ChuChus.  Use a burning Boko Stick to remove the boards across a lava 
 pit, then swing over with your Grappling Hook.
Location: Crescent Moon Island (A5)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: The Earth Temple
Items Required: Mirror Shiled
Description: This is found in the second basement.  In the room with tons of 
 mirror statues, take the west door.  Shine light on the coffins and take 
 out the Stalfoses.
Location: Five-Eye Reef (F2)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Two Eye Reef (G4)
Items Required: None, but you must complete the Forsaken Fortress a second 
Description: Destroy all cannons on the walls of the reef to make a chest 
 appear which you can float to with the Deku Leaf.
Location: Overlook Island (A7)
Treasure: Secret Cave Chart (see Miscellaneous Charts)

Found: Headstone Island (G3)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: Northwest of the island is a submarine.  Destroy all the rats 
Location: Tower of the Gods (D5) (it may be advisable to wait until it has 
 surfaced to find this).
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Forbidden Woods
Items Required: Boomerang
Description: In the basement.  Head north of the room with the big flower and 
 Climb up the northwest side and destroy the Boko Baba to uncover a Baba Bud.  
 Use it to float up to the gondola.  Ride to the other side and toss the Bomb 
 Flower into the center of the hole.
Location: Angular Isles (G5)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Seven-Star Isles (A6)
Items Required: Bombs, but it's easier with the Hero's Bow
Description: South of the isles are three platforms.  Defeat all Wizzrobes on 
 the platforms.
Location: Shark Island (F3)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Spectacle Island (B3)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: Beat the Cannon Game twice.
Location: Ice Ring Isle (F5)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: None, except maybe a wallet upgrade
Description: One of the auctions at the House of Wealth at night will randomly 
 have this.
Location: Windfall Island, so you're right on top of it!  That's the only 
 good news.
Treasure: 1 stinkin' Rupee

Found: Four-Eye Reef (B1)
Items Required: None, but you must complete the Forsaken Fortress a second 
Description: Sail into the reef and destroy all the wall cannons with the Bomb 
 Cannon to make it appear on a rock.  Float to it with the Deku Leaf.
Location: Flight Control Platform (B7) 
Treasure: Island Hearts Chart (see Miscellaneous Charts)

Found: Earth Temple
Items Required: Mirror Shield
Description: In the first basement, in the room with a lot of mist on the 
 floor, a lot of Floor Masters, and a Small Key.  After taking the Key, kill 
 all the Floor Masters.
Location: Bomb Island (E6)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Cyclops Reef (D3)
Items Required: None, but you must complete the Forsaken Fortress a second 
Description: Sail into the reef and destroy all the wall cannons with the Bomb 
 Cannon to make it appear on the center rock.
Location: Cyclops Reef (D3)
Treasure: Light Ring Chart (see Miscellaneous Charts)

Found: Northern Fairy Island (A3)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: To the northwest of the island is a sub.  Swing across the ropes 
 to the other side.  You don't need to fight the Moblins.
Location: Spectacle Island (B3)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: None
Description: At the Squid Game Room, beat the record of 20 cannonballs
Location: Diamond Steppe Island (F1)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: Deku Leaf
Description: Climb onto the Ferris Wheel and use the Deku Leaf to float over 
 to the upper window on the Picto Shop.  Enter and crawl through the hole.  
 When you exit, walk over to the couple, but don't get too close.  Take a 
 picture of them, then show it to the gossips, Pompie and Vera.
Location: Northern Fairy Island (A3)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Cliff Plateau Isles (F7)
Items Required: Hero's Bow, but it's easier with Fire Arrows.
Description: Hop up the lower stones and drop into the cave.  Proceed through 
 the cave and burn the boards on the door.  To do this, light a Boko Stick on 
 fire, then hop into the Baba Bud.  It'll stay lit when you jump in, so you 
 can throw it on the boards.  Also, you can use a Fire Arrow.  Use the Deku 
 Leaf and Baba Bud to float over to it.  The chest is outside.
Location: Forsaken Fortress (A1)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Items Required: None, but you must complete the Forsaken Fortress a second 
Description: Sail into the reef and blast all the wall cannons with your Bomb 
 Cannon to make a chest appear.  Then, climb on the outside of the reef and 
 float to the rock.
Location: Northern Triangle Isle (C4)
Treasure: Octo Chart (see Miscellaneous Charts)

Found: Private Oasis (E5)
Items Required: Hookshot
Description: From the back of the cabana, Hookshot to the tree on the back 
 ledge.  The chest is up here.
Location: Star Belt Archipelago (C7)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Horseshoe Island (G1)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: The chart's at the center island.  Using your arms and the 
 Deku Leaf, get the Boko Nuts into the holes.  Direct the wind east or north-
 east, and float over to the chest.
Location: Needle Rock Isle (E1)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: Deku Leaf
Description: Go to the Picto Shop.  Climb onto the Ferris Wheel and use the 
 Deku Leaf to float over to the upper window.  It's inside.
Location: Mother & Child Isles (B2)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: The Tower of the Gods
Items Required: Hero's Bow
Description: The chart's on the second floor.  In the room with the two 
 balanced platforms suspended from ropes, bomb the west wall near the water.  
 In the next room, play the Wind's Requiem on the stand.
Location: Pawprint Isle (B5)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: Deluxe Picto Box
Description: Show a picture of a full color, full moon, to the despondent 
 young man sitting on the steps outside the House of Wealth.
Location: Forest Haven (F6)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Three-Eye Reef (D1)
Items Required: None, but you must complete the Forsaken Fortress a second 
Description: Sail into the reef and destroy all the wall cannons to uncover a 
 chest you need to float to with the Deku Leaf.
Location: Boating Course (G6)
Treasure: Sea Hearts Chart (see Miscellaneous Charts)

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: Deluxe Picto Box
Description: Take a picture of Minenco, the lady who stands outside the Chu 
 Jelly Juice Shop during the day.  Show her the picture of herself.
Location: Five-Star Isles (G7)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Pawprint Island (B5) (as well as other islands)
Items Required: Sail
Description: Speak to the divers hunting for treasure.
Location: Eastern Triangle Island (D6)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: The Wind Temple
Items Required: Iron Boots
Description: This chart's in the basement, in the room with the thrusting 
 spikes.  Drop through each of the five holes with the Iron Boots to make it 
Location: Islet of Steel (E2)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Ice Ring Isle (F5)
Items Required: Fire Arrows
Description: On the east side of the island.  You need Fire Arrows to get 
 close enough.
Location: Bird's Peak Rock (E7)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Rock Spire Island (C2)
Items Required: Bombs
Description: Blow the rocks off the path with Bombs, throwing them just at the 
 right time, then drop down the hole.  Light the torches, then fight off the 
 jillion Keeses.
Location: Fire Mountain (C6)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: One wallet upgrade would be helpful
Description: The auction at the House of Wealth at night randomly has this as 
 one of its prizes.
Location: Three-Eye Reef (D1)
Treasure: Piece of Heart

Found: Dragon Roost Cavern
Items Required: None
Description: This is found in the room on the second floor of the cavern with 
 several pots and a table.  Use a Boko Stick to light on one torch, then light 
 the other.
Location: Dragon Roost Island (B6)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Southern Fairy Island (F4)
Items Required: Bombs
Description: Sail southeast to the three platforms.  Destroy the cannons on 
 the westmost platform with Bombs to make this appear on the platform without 
 a ladder, which you must float to using the Deku Leaf.
Location: Headstone Island (G3)
Treasure: 200 Rupees

Found: Five-Eye Reef (F2)
Items Required: None, but you must complete the Forsaken Fortress a second 
Description: Sail into the reef and destroy all the cannons on the walls.  
 Climb up the outside of the reef and float over to the center rock to the 
 chest that appears.
Location: Four-Eye Reef (B1)
Treasure: Great Fairy Chart (see Miscellaneous Charts)

8B. Triforce Charts =

Once you find the location of a Triforce Chart, play the Wind's Requiem to 
reveal it.  Then, go to Tingle's Island and he'll translate the chart for a 
hefty fee.  This is only a quick list.  If you want heavy details on how to 
get the pieces, go to that section of the walkthrough.

Triforce Chart #1
Found: Islet of Steel (E2)
Items Required: Bombs
Description: Use the Bomb Cannon to bust your way into the Islet.
Location: Greatfish Isle (B4)

Triforce Chart #2
Found: Private Oasis (E5)
Items Required: Cabana Deed
Description: Use the Grappling Hook on the structure in the ceiling of the 
 cabana to open a mini-dungeon.  Navigate the crawling maze in the sewers.
Location: Gale Isle (A4)

Triforce Chart #3
Found: Bird's Peak Rock (E7)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl, Hyoi Pear
Description: On this island, shoot down as many Kargarocs as you can with the 
 Bow, then use a Hyoi Pear on a seagull to hit all six switches on the nests, 
 which will open the cave.
Location: Stone Watcher Island (E3)

Triforce Chart #4
Found: The Ghost Ship
Items Required: Hookshot
Description: First, find the Ghost Ship Chart, as detailed in miscellaneous 
 section below.  After that, at night, sail to the area where the Ghost Ship 
 inhabits (it'll be marked on your Sea Chart) and sail into it.  Defeat the 
 enemies inside.
Location: Outset Island (G2)

Triforce Chart #5
Found: Needle Rock Isle (E1)
Items Required: Bombs
Description: Just west of the island are two Cannon Ships, and one's colored 
 gold.  Blast that one and take the treasure it leaves behind.
Location: Cliff Plateau Isles (F7) 

Triforce Chart #6
Found: Outset Island
Items Required: Power Bracelet
Description: Point the wind west, then float over from the east hill over to 
 the stone head on the west hill to enter the Savage Labyrinth.  Survive 
 thirty floors to get the chart.
Location: Southern Triangle Island (E4)

Triforce Chart #7
Found: Stone Watcher Island (E3)
Items Required: Power Bracelet
Description: Lift up the stone on this island and enter.  Enter each of the 
 four doors and defeat the enemies (Bokoblins, Wizzrobes, Armoses, Moblins).  
 After that's done, defeat the two Darknuts in the center room.
Location: Seven-Star Isles (A6)

Triforce Chart #8
Found: Overlook Island (A7)
Items Required: Hookshot
Description: Use the Hookshot from the boat to attach to the lowest tree (it 
 helps if there are waves in the sea), then continue using the Hookshot to 
 climb up.  Enter the hole.  In this cave, enter each of the four rooms and 
 defeat the enemies: Armos Knights, Stalfoses, Bokoblins, and Yellow 
 Wizzrobes.  Then, defeat the four Darknuts in the center room to open the 
 barred door.
Location: Two-Eye Reef (G4)

8C. Miscellaneous Charts =

Ghost Ship Chart
Found: Diamond Steppe Island (F1)
Items Required: Hookshot
Description: Start Hookshotting up the island.  Drop in the hole at the top.  
 In this area, enter the pot ahead of you.  Use sticks to burn the tops of 
 these pots.  Enter the pot that's on the wall opposite the pot you entered.  
 In the third area, burn the covers with sticks, then look for two pots close 
 to each other and enter the one on the right.  In the fourth area, look for 
 two pots close to each other and enter the one on the right.  Take the chart.  
Use: Looking at this chart, you can see where the Ghost Ship will appear on 
 nights of a particular phase of the moon.  You cannot enter the Ghost Ship 
 until you find this.  Also, the Ghost Ship will appear on your Sea Chart when 
 you open it.

Tingle Chart
Found: Windfall Island
Items Required: None
Description: Free Tingle from Windfall Island Jail and he'll give you this 
Use: It shows the location of Tingle Island, Windfall Island, and two Great 
 Fairies who will increase your wallet size.

IN-credible Chart
Found: Any Island with a post box
Items Required: First Wallet Upgrade
Description: After rescuing the girls from Forsaken Fortress, Tingle will mail 
 this to you (cash on delivery, and it isn't cheap).
Use: It points out the locations of all the Triforce Charts.

Octo Chart
Treasure Chart #26, found at Six-Eye Reef (D4)
Use: This map points out the locations of Big Octos.  To find the Octos, look 
 for circling seagulls in the middle of the sea in the area marked.  The 
 number indicates the number of eyes that Big Octo has.  The four-eyed one has 
 a Great Fairy held prisoner.  The eight-eyed ones have 100 Rupees.  The 
 twelve-eyed ones have Pieces of Heart.

Great Fairy Chart
Treasure Chart #41, found at Five-Eye Reef (F2)  
Use: This map points out the islands that have either one of the seven Great 
 Faires or the Queen of Fairies.  Go to them for upgrades to your items.

Island Hearts Chart
Treasure Chart #19, found at Four-Eye Reef (B1)  
Use: This map points out the islands that have any of the 33 land-bound Pieces 
 of Heart on them.

Sea Hearts Chart
Treasure Chart #32, found at Three-Eye Reef (D1)  
Use: This map points out the islands that have Treasure Charts which point to 
 the 11 Pieces of Heart in the deep blue sea.

Secret Cave Chart
Treasure Chart #13, found at Two-Eye Reef (G4)
Use: This map points out the islands that have "holes" in the ground which 
 lead to underground riches, be they Rupees, Pieces of Heart, other charts, or 

Light Ring Chart
Treasure Chart #21, found at Cyclops Ree (D3)
Use: This map is a little vague, but if you go to the marked locations by the 
 light of the full moon (not just any moon) you should be able to find a 
 ring of several light rings indicating a decent amount of treasure.

Platform Chart
Found: Flight Control Platform (B7)
Items Required: Bombs, but it's easier with the Hero's Bow
Description: Southeast of the platform is a submarine.  Use the Bow or Bombs 
 to defeat all the Red Wizzrobes inside to earn this chart, which shows you 
 the location of all pirate platforms in the game.

Beedle's Chart
Found: Any wiggling postbox
Items Required: Bombs
Description: After finding Bombs, Beedle will mail this to you.  Check the 
Use: It points out the location of all Beedle's Shop Ships, including his 
 Special Shop Ship at Rock Spire Island.

Submarine Chart
Found: Boating Course (G6)
Items Required: Farore's Pearl
Description: Point the wind north and float over to the other side of the 
 banner with the Deku Leaf.  In this little cave, fend off the Miniblins if 
 you must, but your real objective is the three crystals in this room.  Use 
 the Boomerang or Bow to hit them to make the chest appear.  
Use: This chart maps out the locations of enemy submarines, which always have 
 something good in them.

8D. How Many Should I Have? =

This seems to be a popular subject.  Many gamers these days are obsessed 
with getting everything they can get before moving on.  So, for their 
benefit, here are the Charts you can get and before what dungeon you can 
get them.  Note that this may not mean you can get the actual treasures 
before the dungeon.  In the case of Dragon Roost Cavern, you can't get any 
of the treasures before going there (not that you'd want to, given your 
wallet size).

Dragon Roost Cavern: #7, #23, #34, Tingle Chart

Forbidden Woods: #11, #18, #31, #33, #39

Tower of the Gods: #1, #3, #4, #8, #9, #10, #14, #15, #17, #22, #24, #28, #29, 
 #40, Beedle's Chart, Platform Chart, Submarine Chart

Forsaken Fortress: #6, #16, #25, #30, #36, IN-credible Chart

Earth Temple: #2, #13, #19, #21, #26, #32, #41

Wind Temple: #5, #20

Ganon's Tower: #12, #27, #35, Ghost Ship Chart

Note that I haven't included the Triforce Charts, seeing as how you don't 
really need any of them until late in the game.  I also didn't include some 
of the Miscellaneous Charts, because you get six of them from other Treasure 


Here's a breakdown of the various enemies in the game and how to defeat them.

9A. Fighters =

These are the fun enemies, the ones that you can engage in some serious 
combat with.  The ones who've actually had some sort of training, as opposed 
to just being created and been told "Okay.  You're created.  Now go kill 

Bokoblin - 
Found: Many places, but most often in pirate-controlled locations.
Description: These short fellas aren't very tough in combat, even if they're 
 armed with weapons.  Simple repeated attacks will take them down.  They can 
 sometimes be found carrying sticks or small swords.  If hit enough, they 
 can drop their weapons, after which they may try a kick attack to fend you 
 off.  Some also carry shields to block some of your attacks.  They also 
 carry Joy Pendants.  Use the Grappling Hook on them to always hook the 

Moblin - 
Found: Several places, but most often in pirate-controlled areas.
Description: These large pig guys are quite good combatants.  You'll actually 
 have to use combat tactics to defeat them.  Have your shield up.  If they 
 jab with their spears, block it.  On any other attack, use a Parry move 
 once your sword lights up.  You can also just try straight attacks, but a 
 Moblin can block.  If you knock their weapons out of their hands, they'll 
 try a wild punch, which can hurt you good.  Moblins often give up Skull 
 Necklaces as spoils.

Darknut -
Found: The Tower of the Gods
Description: Now THIS is an opponent!  Darknuts are excellent combatants, and 
 they have armor besides.  To beat them, use the Parry counter manuever just 
 as they're about to swing their swords (A Button) to knock off their armor.  
 Once that's off, they're vulnerable, but no less skillful.  Continue using 
 Parries or just smart attacks to finish it off.  Their massive swords can 
 also be wielded if dropped.  When they drop, they give up a Knight's Crest.  
 There are two varieties of this Darknut.  The second one comes with an 
 added shield to block your attacks more effectively.  Same tactics apply.

Mighty Darknut -
Found: Hyrule Castle, Ganon's Tower
Description: These captains of Darknuts not only have the massive sword and 
 shield of regular Darknuts, but they also have a very suave cape as well.  
 This cape protects them from rear attacks.  Sometimes, a parry that knocks 
 of their helmet will remove the cape, but the cape can also just be cut 
 off straight or burned with fire.  After the cape's gone, they're just like 
 regular Darknuts, except for the strength increase...

Stalfos -
Found: The Earth Temple, among other places
Description: Another classic Zelda alumnus.  The bone-bags of this game have 
 giant clubs.  They're a little ungainly with them, though.  Once you hit 
 them, they'll either take a swing or spin around, so avoid them, unless 
 you're daring and want to continue fighting.  Once they're blown to bits, 
 you need to destroy their head so they won't come back.  Oh, and remember 
 how Bombs were necessary to destroy some Stalfos after you knocked them 
 down?  The reverse applies here.  A good way to shatter a Stalfos down to 
 his head is with a Bomb.  There also may be some instances where you can 
 sever the Stalfos' spine at the waist, whereby his arms and head will 
 crawl away while his legs chase after.  Also, if you take its club before it 
 forms together, the Stalfos will rip off its own arm to use against you.  
 Another good weapon against the Stalfos is the Skull Hammer, which can break 
 it apart in a few hits and finish off the skull in one.

9B. Crawlers =

These bad guys keep to the ground, like the common muck they are.  MUCK!

Miniblin -
Found: Several places, but monst often in pirate-controlled areas.
Description: These little impish guys are VERY annoying.  They only take one 
 hit to defeat, but they attack very quickly and always with a whole bunch of 
 them.  What's worse is that many rooms that have them have an INIFNITE 
 supply of them, so you may never get them all.  Since there are often many 
 of these, locking-on can prove relatively useless, so a better tactic is 
 standard slashes in their general direction.

Rat -
Found: Several dungeon-type areas
Description: These crawlies can't damage you, but they're very quick, can 
 climb walls, and will knock Rupees off your person if you come into contact.  
 They can be removed with a simple slash.  Sometimes, they can be found 
 carrying Bombs (known as Bombchus).  Keep clear when they start tossing.

Red ChuChu -
Found: Islands, Dragon Roost Cavern
Description: This red blob takes one hit, and may drop a Red Chu Jelly.

Green ChuChu -
Found: Islands, Forest Haven
Description: This green blob is a little more properly evasive than his red 
 cousin.  Two sword hits will take him out, and he may drop a Green Chu Jelly.

Blue ChuChu - 
Found: Several different out of the way islands
Description: Quite rare, this blue blob is electrified.  The way to 
 properly take it out is by stunning it with the Boomerang and then slashing 
 it twice.  It drops a Blue Chu Jelly.  And when I say rare, I mean that 
 when you find one, you'll never find it there again.  That's rare...
 Here are the locations of Blue Jelly: Rock Spire Island, Horseshoe Island, 
 Mother & Child Isles, Western Fairy Island, Crescent Moon Island X2, Eastern 
 Fairy Island, Northern Fairy Island, Angular Isles, Southern Fairy Island, 
 Cliff Plateau Isles, Thorned Fairy Island, Tingle Island, Spectacle Island, 
 Star Island, Outlook Island, Diamond Steppe Island

Yellow ChuChu - 
Found: Tower of the Gods
Description: This yellow blob is electrified, much like the Blue ChuChu.  Stun 
 it with the Boomerang and slash it once.  It often drops a Green Chu Jelly.

Dark ChuChu -
Found: Earth Temple
Description: This purplish ChuChu is impervious to weapons.  It only fears 
 light.  Reflect light upon it, or lure into a light beam, to turn it to 
 stone, which you can then throw, or even place.

Magtail - 
Found: Dragon Roost Cavern, among other fiery places.
Description: This fiery worm is roughly invincible when on fire.  You can 
 either put it out with water or hit it in the mouth a couple of times when 
 it rears back to bite you.  Either way, it'll then curl up in a ball.  You 
 can pick up and move this ball around, possibly using it to weigh down 
 switches, or you can just slash the ball to kill the Magtail.

Boku Baba -
Found: Forest Haven, among other woodsy locations.
Description: This plant aims to chomp on you.  Repeatedly hit it until it 
 straightens up, then slice it to separate it from its stalk.  It may drop a 
 Boku Baba Seed upon defeat.

Mothula -
Found: Forest Haven, among other woodsy locations.
Description: This bug has a charging attack and can release Morths to attack 
 you.  Slash with the sword to defeat it.  It takes a few hits.  There are 
 also flying versions who take their job much more seriously.  For these 
 guys, you can use the Deku Leaf to give them pause, and then slash their 
 wings off, after which they'll be an incredibly ticked normal Mothula.

Morths -
Found: Forest Haven, among other woodsy locations.
Description: These tiny Mothula eggs can latch onto you and cause damage 
 after a few seconds of being on you.  If they do attach to you, use a Spin 
 Attack or a roll to shake them off.

Armos - 
Found: The Tower of the Gods
Description: A living bouncing statue.  Use the Hero's Bow to shoot it in the 
 eye to stun it, then slash its glowing bum to make it do a death dance and 
 blow up.

Armos Knight - 
Found: The Tower of the Gods
Description: A LARGE living bouncing statue.  It can be destroyed, though.  
 Shoot it in the eye with an arrow, then toss a Bomb at its mouth.  Step back 
 a little bit so you don't get caught in the panicked bouncing...

Beamos -
Found: The Tower of the Gods
Description: The roving laser eye of this statue will zap you good.  Quickly 
 roll to get past it safely.  Once you get the bow, target the eye once it 
 appears and shoot an arrow quickly to break it before it zaps you.

Floor Master -
Found: The Earth Temple, among other places.
Description: These dark blobby hands are yet another member of Zelda alumni.  
 If they grab you or you walk on them, they will send you to a room, usually 
 back near the entrance of the dungeon.  They can also throw pots if near 
 them.  Repeated sword slashes will put paid to them.  There's also a neato 
 Parry counter you have for them.  If you Parry their grab, you'll stick 
 your sword in their hands and pin them to the ground.  Sweetness...

ReDead -
Found: The Earth Temple, among other places.
Description: Seriously freaky.  ReDeads will freeze you just by staring at 
 you, after which they'll slowly walk up and chomp on you.   Slap them 
 repeatedly to destroy them.  Reflecting light on them will stun them to 
 make for an easier kill.  It's very tough to get close to a ReDead without 
 being frozen, but using a jump-slash just as you can get a lock-on will 
 allow you to close the gap quick enough.

9C. Fliers =

These guys have some sort of hang-up with the ground.  They think they're so 
better than it...  I don't understand...

Keese -
Found: Several dungeon-type areas
Description: Everyone's favorite bats are still as wily and elusive as ever.  
 As always, one hit with most any weapon will take them down.  Projectiles 
 are often quicker.

Fire Keese -
Found: Dragon Roost Cavern
Description: When on fire, the Keeses are a bit faster and more daring, and 
 they'll set you on fire when attacking (which can repeatedly damage you if 
 you don't roll).  You'll need proper timing to connect hits.

Kargaroc - 
Found: Dragon Roost Island, as well as other rocky islands.
Description: This colorful winged bird can hound you both on land and sea.  
 The best way to take it out is with a ranged weapon, but swords work, too.  
 It drops a Golden Feather when defeated.

Peahat -
Found: Forest Haven
Description: Another Zelda alumnus, this fellow floats around, and is largely 
 invincible while doing so.  Fan him with a Deku Leaf or hit him with a ranged 
 weapon to stop his flying, then slice him up.  An arrow will put paid to it 
 in one shot.

Red Bubble - 
Found: The Tower of the Gods
Description: This is a flaming skull.  You can hit it with any weapon to 
 destroy it.  If you want to put out its fire, just fan it with a Deku Leaf.

Blue Bubble - 
Found: The Earth Temple
Description: This is another flaming skull, but if you hit it with your 
 sword, it will curse you and you won't be able to use weapons or items for 
 a short time.  So, fan it with the Deku Leaf to extinguish it, then hit the 
 extinguished skull.  Alternatively, you can also extinguish it with the 

Red Wizzrobe - 
Found: The Tower of the Gods, among other places.
Description: Annoying as ever.  Red Wizzrobes teleport around the room, 
 firing triple fireballs at you.  A few sword attacks when it's low or two 
 arrows can do the trick.

Yellow Wizzrobe -
Found: The Wind Temple
Description: Much like the Master Wizzrobe, this Wizzrobe can summon other 
 enemies, but not nearly on the scale of the Master.  They're a little 
 hardier than Red Wizzrobes, though.  Normal Wizzrobe tactics apply here.

Wizzrobe (Master) -
Found: The Wind Temple
Description: This mini-boss is a master of summoning and magic.  He can 
 summon Keeses, Peahats, ChuChus, Moblins, Darknuts, other Wizzrobes, and 
 probably more stuff.  He can also fire fireballs just like any other 
 Wizzrobe.  Normal Wizzrobe tactics still apply here.

Poe -
Found: The Earth Temple
Description: These ghosties are different from old Poes.  First, you need to 
 shine light on them with the Mirror Shield, or by luring them into the 
 light.  After that, they'll become corporeal.  Then, just whack them with 
 the sword.  For attacks, they can try to whack you with their lanterns, or, 
 if you they drop the lanterns, they'll try to possess you.  It destroys 
 them, but your controls will be messed up for a time.

9D. Swimmers =

And, finally, here are the big bad baddies in the big blue bea... er... sea...

Octorok -
Found: Forest Haven, Great Sea
Description: The famed adversary has returned once again.  Octoroks pop out 
 of water and fire spiked balls at you.  For the little ones, use your 
 Shield to deflect the balls back at the Octorok to defeat it.  There are 
 also bigger ones on the open waves that fire Bombs at you.  Any kind of 
 projectile can take them out.

Gyorg -
Found: The Great Sea
Description: This shark-like predator of the deep is more of an annoyance than 
 anything else.  Use a ranged weapon like the Boomerang, and it'll be chum in 
 two hits.  If you don't want to bother, just jump over them in the boat 
 as they come to attack you.

Seahat - 
Found: The Great Sea
Description: Basically just a big Peahat, and they like to divebomb you.  
 They're actually kinda creepy with their maniacal grins.  Hit repeatedly 
 with a ranged weapon, or with one shot from the Bomb Cannon.

Cannon Ship -
Found: The Great Sea
Description: These attacking vessels can only be taken out with three shots 
 from the Bomb Cannon.  Best way is to go toe to toe, since aiming the 
 Cannon isn't the easiest thing in the world.

Big Octo -
Found: The Great Sea
Description: There are six of these massive creatures on the sea.  To defeat 
 them, you need at least a Boomerang, but preferably a Bow.  Shoot at all of 
 their eyes to defeat them, and they'll cough up a nice treasure of some 


This is a repository for all those extra things you can do, but aren't 
required to do, and can't do on a single island.  These tend to encompass 
lots of travel.

10A. Upgrades =

As in past quests, Link can increase the amount of stuff he can carry.  This 
seems to be a popular subject for a lot of people, so here you go...

Wallet Upgrades:
The first wallet upgrade can be found on Northern Fairy Island (A3).  Simply 
enter the structure on the island and boom.  The second upgrade is found on 
Outset Island.  Use the Deku Leaf to cross the gap to the Fairy Forest on 
the summit (jump from a high point) and use Bombs on the rock inside.  The 
upgrades are 1000 and 5000, respectively.

Bomb Upgrades:
Naturally, you need bombs before doing either of these.  Bomb the stuff 
blocking the doors at the Eastern Fairy Island (C5) and Southern Fairy 
Island (F4) for Bomb upgrades to 60 and 99.

Magic Upgrade:
To double your magic power, go to Two-Eye Reef (G4).  Down in the south area 
is a Big Octo (look for seagulls).  Defeat the Big Octo to rescue a Great 
Fairy who will double your Magic Meter.

Arrow Upgrades:
You need the Skull Hammer for both of these.  Go to Western Fairy Island (C1), 
and Thorned Fairy Island (D7).  Use the hammer on the pegs in these regions 
and the structures will open up.  Claim your upgrades inside, which will give 
you 60 and 99 Arrows, respectively.

10B. Forest Revival =

Okay, this little quest can only be successfully completed after you earn 
the Hero's Bow and the Ballad of Gales.  The Deku Tree, after the little 
forest ceremony, sent out his Koroks around the sea to plant trees.  
Unfortunately, they don't sprout very well.  It's up to you to take some 
Forest Water in one of your Bottles and finish the job.  You have twenty 
minutes to go to eight islands and pour the water on the forest sprouts.

Talk to the Deku Tree, and as about Island Koroks and he'll mark on your Sea 
Chart where all the Koroks have flown to.  The islands are Cliff Plateau 
Isles, Private Oasis, Eastern Fairy Island, Shark Island, Greatfish Isle, 
Needle Rock Island, Mother & Child Isles, and Star Island.

Here's how to do it efficiently.  I usually start by sailing east to Cliff 
Plateau Isles, because it's the hardest to get to.  To get to the first one, 
you have to drop down the hole on the end of the first chain of isles.  In 
this little cave, cross over to the far side of the room from the platforms.  
Kill the Boko Baba in the middle of the thorns and it will turn into a Baba 
Bud.  Grab a Boko Stick and light it on fire.  Hop into the Baba Bud and jump 
to the platform in front of the boards.  Toss the burning stick onto the 
boards.  Float across and you'll end up on top of the island, near the 
sprout.  If you have about fourteen minutes left, you should still be fine 
(but you can potentially have a lot more).

The rest are easy by comparison.  Warp to Forest Haven and sail northwest to 
the Private Oasis (hop up by the south side and head to the north end).

Warp to The Tower of the Gods and sail north to Eastern Fairy Island.

Warp to Southern Fairy Island and sail west to Shark Island.

Warp to Greatfish Isle and sail west to the system.  The Korok is on top of 
the spiral tower you should see on the left when you sail to the isle.  Now, 
point the wind southwest and sail to Needle Rock Isle.  The Korok is at the 
south point.

Warp to Tingle Island and sail northwest to Mother & Child Isles.  Now, point 
the wind north and sail to Star Island.

Really, you can do the preceding six paragraphs in any order and you should 
be fine.  Once you water the last sprout, you'll receive a PIECE OF HEART 
for your troubles.

10C. Merchant Oaths =

NOTE: This may not necessarily be the same order every time.  If you go to 
an island and the Goron there doesn't want to give you a new item, go to the 
merchant on the third island.

NOTE #2: This is an expensive sidequest.  You'll want a good 700+ Rupees 
saved up for it.

Once you get the Delivery Bag from the Rito on Dragon Roost Island, return to 
Zunari the merchant on Windfall Island.  He'll ask you to open up trade with 
travelling merchants for him, and he'll give you a TOWN FLOWER.

Now, there are three Travelling Merchants to find.  One is on Bomb Island, 
coordinates (E6), Mother & Child Isles, coordinates (B2), and Greatfish Isle, 
coordinates (B4).

You have to give this flower to one of those merchants and you'll get a 
SEA FLOWER in return.

But, we're not done yet.  Oh no no no no...

Now, for the rest of this sidequest, every time you get a new item from a 
saleman, go to one of the other two islands and trade that new item, and 
you may get something better in return.  If you don't, just go to the other 
salesman.  Here's a list of what you can get.


And here is the list of each of the mercahnts, and what they will give you...

Greatfish Isle: 
 Town Flower -} Sea Flower
 Sea Flower -} Exotic Flower
 Exotic Flower -} Sea Flower
 Hero's Flag -} Postman Statue
 Big Catch Flag -} Fountain Idol
 Big Sale Flag -} Hero's Flag
 Pinwheel -} Exotic Flower
 Sickle Moon Flag -} Fountain Idol
 Skull Tower Idol -} Fountain Idol
 Fountain Idol -} Skull Tower Idol
 Postman Statue -} Fountain Idol
 Shop Guru Statue -} Piece of Heart

Mother & Child Isles: 
 Town Flower -} Sea Flower
 Sea Flower -} Town Flower
 Exotic Flower -} Pinwheel
 Hero's Flag -} Big Sale Flag
 Big Catch Flag -} Sickle Moon Flag
 Big Sale Flag -} Big Catch Flag
 Pinwheel -} Exotic Flower
 Sickle Moon Flag -} Big Catch Flag
 Skull Tower Idol -} Big Sale Flag
 Fountain Idol -} Big Sale Flag
 Postman Statue -} Shop Guru Statue
 Shop Guru Statue -} Postman Statue

Bomb Island: 
 Town Flower -} Sea Flower
 Sea Flower -} Town Flower
 Exotic Flower -} Sickle Moon Flag
 Hero's Flag -} Big Catch Flag
 Big Catch Flag -} Fountain Idol
 Big Sale Flag -} Hero's Flag
 Pinwheel -} Sickle Moon Flag
 Sickle Moon Flag -} Fountain Idol
 Skull Tower Idol -} Fountain Idol
 Fountain Idol -} Sickle Moon Flag
 Postman Statue -} Fountain idol
 Shop Guru Statue -} Postman Statue

Here's a trading order that gets you all the items with no "re-trading":
Town Flower -} Any island, Sea Flower -} Greatfish Isle, Exotic Flower -}
Mother & Child Isles, Pinwheel -} Bomb Island, Sickle Moon Flag -} 
Mother & Child Isles, Big Catch Flag -} Bomb Island, Fountain Idol -} 
Greatfish Isle, Skull Tower Idol -} Mother & Child Isles, Big Sale Flag -} 
Bomb Island, Hero's Flag -} Greatfish Isle, Postman Statue -} 
Mother & Child Isles, Shop Guru Statue

And here's the quickest possible order:
Town Flower -} Greatfish Isle, Sea Flower -} Greatfish Isle, Exotic Flower -}
Bomb Island, Sickle Moon Flag -} Bomb Island, Fountain Idol -} 
Mother & Child Isles, Big Sale Flag -} Bomb Island, Hero's Flag -} 
Greatfish Isle, Postman Statue -} Mother & Child Isles, Shop Guru Statue

Once you get the Shop Guru Statue, you may remember that one of the salesmen 
was harping on about that statue.  For me, it was the one on Greatfish Isle.  
It may or may not be different for you.  Anyway, go to that salesman, give 
him the statue, and, for free, you'll get a PIECE OF HEART in trade.

Every time you get a new item, Zunari will add it to his stand, and you can 
buy them and decorate the town with them.

Also, I don't know how many trades it takes (it took three trades for me), 
but go back to Zunari's Stand after several, and he'll thank you for helping 
him get set up by giving you the MAGIC ARMOR spell.

10D. Pictography =

Yes, you too can find traces of Pokémon Snap in this game!  This section 
details the entirety of what you can do with the Picto Boxes in the game.

Okay, first thing's first.  Lenzo won't even want to speak with you much 
until you find a Picto Box.  Go to the Windfall Jail, free Tingle, and pull on 
the box in his cell.  There's a small maze behind.  Once inside, turn right, 
left, back to the far wall, right, left, left, right, right, and right.  
You'll find a treasure chest with the Picto Box.

Okay, now that you're a shutterbug, head back to Lenzo's Shop.  He'll show 
you some of his work upstairs.  Leave and come back and he'll give you a 
little quest to become his assistant.  He needs three pictures from you.  You 
need to go out and find what he wants and bring them to him one at a time.

First Picture: Love Letter - During the day, wait by the postbox a respectful 
 distance away.  Eventually, you'll see a fellow in red overalls walk around 
 and up to it.  Get a shot of him just as he's putting the letter in the box.
Second Picture: Coward - Go to the cafe.  The guy sitting at the table is 
 the most cowardly person in town.  Roll into the wall or throw a pot at him 
 and he'll jump up in terror and be that way for a couple of seconds.  Quickly 
 snap a good shot of him while he's in that state.
Third Picture: Couple - This involves two people.  One's the young lady who 
 stands by the door to the windmill (wears an orange dress).  The other's the 
 young man who's always walking around town.  Wait by the young lady, and 
 eventually the young man will make his circuit up to her (from behind the 
 stairs).  He'll stop next to her and, for the barest second, the two will 
 exchange that special glance.  Take a shot of that, you stalker...

After bringing the third picture to Lenzo, he'll declare you his assistant.  
Come back to his place later and he'll mention taking pictures in color, and 
how he'll need the bright light of the forest.  Go to the Forest Haven and 
head to the back of the room.  You should see a small light floating around.  
Capture the Forest Firefly in a Bottle and bring it back to Lenzo.  He'll 
turn your Picto Box into a DELUXE PICTO BOX.  Now you can take some 
professional pics.

Despondent Kamo - On the steps outside the House of Wealth is a young man 
not looking happy.  He'll tell you he wants something perfectly round and 
pale.  Use the Deluxe Picto Box to take a color pic of the moon when it's 
full (use the Song of Passing until you get to a full moon night), and give 
the pic to him and you'll get a TREASURE CHART.

Vain Minenco - Take a picture of the lady who stands outside the Chu Jelly 
Juice Shop and show it to her.  She'll give you a TREASURE CHART.

Lenzo's Lady - After getting the Deku Leaf, go back to Windfall.  Climb up on 
the high town wall and float over to where the lowest ferris wheel car is on 
the windmill.  From there, float over to the upper door on the Picto Shop.  
Inside, in addition to Rupees and a Treasure Chart, you'll find a hole in the 
wall.  Sneak through it, and drop down once you reach the other end.  You'll 
find Lenzo talking with someone.  Move around the counter and take a decent 
picture of them, without getting too close.  Give this picture to Pompie and 
Vera, the gossips near Zunari's Stand, and they'll give you a TREASURE CHART.

The Nintendo Gallery - After you get the Deku Leaf, don't go down to where 
the Korok points you.  Instead, go to the Baba Bud behind you and float up to 
the exit back there.  Float all the way over to the far island (change the 
wind first) with the hatch on it.  Take out a Hyoi Pear and take control of a 
seagull with it.  Using A and the Control Stick, make it fly up to the switch 
on the Forest Haven structure.  Once it hits, the hatch opens and you can 
enter the gallery.  Inside, you'll find Carlov, who'll offer to make you 
figurines in exchange for pictures.  These pictures can be of any person in 
the game, or any monster, including bosses and important people.  Bring them 
to him and he'll take a day to make the figurine.  Either play the Song of 
Passing twice or just come back later and he'll have it done.  He can only 
make one figurine at a time.  So, this is just optional.  You get no awesome 
items by doing it, but it's fun to see info on everything and everyone in the 

Legendary Pictographs - After you start submitting stuff to the Nintendo 
Gallery, Lenzo will start carrying Legendary Pictographs.  You can buy but 
one a day.  The pictographs he offers you are of characters you cannot take 
Pictographs of any other way.  These you can use to give to Carlov for 
completing your figurine collection.  Which pictograph you get depends on 
what phase the moon is when you speak to him (or what phase it will be that 

10E. Nintendo Gallery List =

For information on accessing the Nintendo Gallery, look up at the Pictography 
section (10B).

BIG TIP: If you miss your chance to get someone's picture, do not panic.  
After you beat the game, you will be given access to a second quest.  In this 
quest, you will already be given the Deluxe Picto Box, and you will retain 
all the figurines you had in your first quest.  I have a "Limited Time" List 
at the bottom of the list, for those that you only get a limited time for a 

Here they are.  This is the list of all the figurines in the game.  The 
figurines are separated into galleries.  I've listed each gallery starting 
with the one on Carlov's right and so on around...

-- The Great Sea (people or things who are generally found on the open sea or 
   don't relate to any specific area).

Back Row (L to R): 
Fishman: Any of the fish hopping out of the water in the Sea.
King of Hyrule: Legendary Pictograph, buy from Lenzo
Princess Zelda: Comes free with King of Hyrule
Salvage Corp: The divers that can be seen on a boat in the Sea.  Most often 
 found near Pawprint Isle.

Left Column (F to B): 
Mako, Niko, Zuko, Nudge, Senza, Gonzo, Tetra: To get all the pirates, take a
 picture of Tetra at Hyrule Castle when she comes with you.  This is your 
 ONLY shot at Tetra until the Second Quest where you get a shot at her at the 

Middle Column (F to B): 
Fairy: Any life-restoring Fairy
Great Fairies: Legendary Pictograph, buy from Lenzo
Fairy Queen: Legendary Pictograph, buy from Lenzo
Travelling Merchants: Any of the three guys on Bomb Island, Greatfish Isle, or 
 Mother & Child Isles.
Old Man Ho Ho: The fellow on most any isle who's always got a telescope.

Right Column (F to B): 
Knuckle: See the Tingle section about Knuckle.  He ends up on Tingle Island.
David Jr: The white-clothed guy on Tingle Island 
Ankle: The pink-clothed guy on Tingle Island
Tingle: The green-clothed guy on Tingle Island (duh)
Beedle: The proprietor of the Shop Ships
Loot: The man who runs the Boating Course
Salvatore: The man who runs both Spectacle Island's Cannon Game and Windfall 
 Island's Squid game.

-- Windfall (people living on Windfall Island)

Left Front Column (F to B): 
Minenco: Orange-dressed lady who stands outside the Chu Jelly Juice Shop.
Missy: Old lady who stands down at the dock on the east end of Windfall.  
 Take a pic from the boat for best results.
Garrickson: Mustached guy in red overalls.

Right Front Column (F to B): 
Anton: Vested man who's always walking around town.
Kreeb: The man in the hat who hangs out outside the second floor of the 
Pompie & Vera: Two ladies who stand near Zunari's Stand gossipping all day.

Big Triangle (L to R, then F to B): 
Zunari: Gentleman always wearing a parka, found at his stand during the day.
Tott: The guy who's always dancing in front of the monument on the west side 
 of town.
Lenzo: Proprietor of the Picto Shop.  Oddly enough, it's tough to get a good 
 pic of him.  Best way to is to take a look at his photos so he'll move 
The Killer Bees: Those four boys wandering around the middle of town.
Miss Marie: The teacher with pink hair and an obsession for jewelry.
Potova & Joanna: The two little girls who seem to know a lot of rumors.
Maggie's Father: The old disheveled man standing by the town gate who always 
 bugs you.  After Maggie is rescued, he hangs out in the House of Wealth.
Maggie: Once she's rescued from the Forsaken Fortress, she hangs out in the 
 House of Wealth (upper floor). 
Mila: Once she's rescued from the Forsaken Fortress, she's the disheveled 
 blonde girl in front of Zunari's Stand.
Mila's Father: He starts in the House of Wealth (upper floor).  After his 
 daughter is rescued, he trades places with Maggie's Father.
Gummy the Sailor: Big guy with a yellow shirt and black vest.  Hangs out 
 on the town wall. 
Kane the Sailor: Big guy with a yellow shirt by the docks.
Dampa the Sailor: Guy with a blue shirt and a mustache that hangs out close 
 to the Bomb Shop.
Candy the Sailor: Big guy with a gray shirt by the docks.  Take a pic from 
 the boat for best results.
Linda: The lovely lady in the orange dress outside the windmill.
Sam: He's the fellow who sits on the bench outside near the cafe.  Tough to 
 get a decent pic, but just stand to his side so he faces you and get as much 
 of his body as you can.
Gillian: She's the lady who runs the cafe.
Gossack: This is the old man who hangs out in the cafe at daytime.  He's 
 very timid.
Bomb-Master Cannon: The proprietor of the Bomb Shop
The Potion Master Doc Bandam: He's the owner of the Chu Jelly Juice Shop.
Kamo: He's the depressed young man who sits on the steps outside the House of 

-- Outset (people living on Outset Island)

Along the walls from left to right: 
Crab: Any of the crawly crustaceans on beaches.
Mesa: The young man in the western house who neglects his lawn.
Jabun: Legendary Pictograph, buy from Lenzo.
Orca: The Weapon Master of Outset
Sturgeon: Orca's brainy brother who lives above him.
Sue-Belle: The lady who always has a jar on her head.
Seagull: Any of the winged sea rats.
Aryll: Comes free with Grandma
Grandma: She doesn't move much from your house...
Wild Pig: Big or small, pink or black, any pig will do.
Rose: The lady obsessed with pigs. 
Abe: Rose's husband.
Joel: How else can I put this? Booger Boy
Zill: Booger Boy's brother

-- Fortress (big bad guys)

Around the walls from the left: 
Darknut: This one's armed with only a sword
Darknut: This one has both a sword and shield
Mighty Darknut: The Mighty has a cape on his back.  You face two in Hyrule 
 Castle near the end of the game, and a few in Ganon's Tower.  Now, if you 
 take all of those out, there are still some in the Phantom Ganon maze.  Just 
 take some wrong turns and you'll fight enemies, some of which may be MDs...
Stalfos: Mr. Big Skeleton guy with club, Earth Temple and later on.
Puppet Ganon: The penultimate boss in Ganon's Tower.  To get a picture for 
 that save file, snap the pic, then save and quit the game.
Molgera: The boss of Wind Temple, and you get a second chance in Ganon's 
 Tower.  A pic of his mouth and tongue sticking out is more than enough.
Kalle Demos: The boss of the Forbidden Woods, and you get a second chance in 
 Ganon's Tower.  The pic that got mine accepted was a pic of the core.
Gohma: The boss of the Dragon Roost Cavern, and you get a second chance in 
 Ganon's Tower.  It may seem like a difficult pic to take.  Back up against 
 the wall and take your shot when he's "standing", not when he's close to you.
Big Octo: These aren't the normal Octoroks in the sea, but big huge three-
 story tall ones.  There are only six of these in the game.  Make sure you 
 take a picture of one before you defeat them all.
Mothula: Many of these bugs are in Forbidden Woods, but they show up several 
 times later in the game.
Wizzrobe: This is the miniboss from the Wind Temple with the crown/crest.  
 This is your only shot for it.
Wizzrobe: The normal flying wizards, wearing either red or yellow hoods.
Gohdan: The boss of the Tower of the Gods.  If you don't snap a pic while 
 fighting him, just go back to the Boss Room and he'll still be there on the 

Central Five (L to R, then F to B): 
Moblin: The big pig grunts with spears, can't miss 'em...
Phantom Ganon: The first boss of Forsaken Fortress.  You also get a second 
 chance on this one in Ganon's Tower.
Jalhalla: The boss of Earth Temple.  You get a second chance on this one in 
 Ganon's Tower.
Ganondorf: Legendary Pictograph, buy from Lenzo.
The Monstrous Helmaroc King: You get one and only one shot at this boss when 
 you face it atop the Forsaken Fortress.

-- Cave (minor bad guys)

First from left to right, then from front to back: 
Floor Master: These purplish hands are first seen in the Earth Temple, but 
 they also appear in the Wind Temple.
Magtail: The flaming worms are first in Dragon Roost Cavern, but they appear 
 in many other places.
Keese & Fire Keese: Both bats can be found in Dragon Roost Cavern, as well 
 as a ton of other places.
Bokoblin: The main rat-like grunts of Ganon's army, found everywhere
Red Bubble & Blue Bubble: The flying skulls of said colors, found in many 
Rat: It's tough to get a good pic of these guys.
Boko Baba: These nasty plants are found all over Forest Haven.
Miniblin: It's not easy to get a shot of these impish guys, as they can be 
 pretty fast.
ChuChu: Take a picture of any color of these little blobs to get one for all 
 five colors.
Peahat: These are the smaller variety, found in Forest Haven, along with many 
 other places.
Gyorg: For a good pic of the shark, the fin sticking out is enough.
Octorok: Either variety, shallow-based or deep-based, will work for this 
Seahat: The ocean-bound Seahats are found in many places.
Kargaroc: Get a nice shot of these colorful birds as they divebomb you.
Armos: Only shots of actual living Armoses will work, not just the inanimate 
Armos Knight: The big statues are always animate, so take a picture from a 
 safe distance.
Morth: The tiny little spike balls from Mothulas aren't too hard to find.
Poe: The ever-popular ghosties can be found in the Earth Temple, no sweat.
ReDead: The horrid, shrieking zombies are often found in the Earth Temple.

-- Dragon Roost (people and Rito near Dragon Roost Island)

Along the walls from left to right: 
Kogoli: This fellow is one of the Rito outside on the platforms near the 
 caves.  He's the one on the right.  He's got really wide eyes.  For some 
 reason, he disappears after the Earth Temple.
Pashli: This is one of the Rito walking around the cave with a clipboard.  
 This one has a crest of feathers sticking up.
Skett & Akoot: These are the Chieftain's guards.  They're found right behind 
Koboli: This fellow is the shut-eyed Rito who runs the post-office desk. 
Baito: After coming back to Dragon Roost, you'll find this human guy working 
Hoskit: This guard stands outside the Chieftain's quarters.  He's the one who 
 wants Golden Feathers.
Quill the Postman: You get this free with the Chieftain.
Valoo: If you sail a bit away from the north end of the island, you can get a 
 good head shot of the red dragon on the top.
Zephos & Cyclos: You need to take a picture of Cyclos when he's trying to 
 suck you up in a cyclone.  If you get a close enough pic up the underside of 
 his cloud, it'll count.  If you take out Cyclos before taking the pic, you 
 don't get another shot.
Ilari: He also stands outside on the platforms, near Kogoli.  The best way 
 to get a pic of him is to float over to the island out to the left side and 
 look back at him.
Namali: This is the other clipboard-carrying Rito, the one without the crest 
 of feathers.
Basht & Bisht: These are two guards in the caves.  One stands outside the 
 entrance to the Dragon Roost Cavern, the other stands on the high balcony 
 above the entrance.
Obli: He's on the Flight Control Platform.  He's the mustached one up on the 
 higher platform.
Willi: Also on the Flight Control Platform.  He runs the contest.

Central Four (clockwise from front): 
Medli: The cute attendant of Valoo.  If you wait until after the Earth Temple, 
 you can find her in the boss room of the Temple.
Laruto: Legendary Pictograph, buy from Lenzo
The Rito Chieftain: He's most often just standing right in his quarters.
Komali: After you beat the Earth Temple, you'll find the prince outside on 
 the cliffs.  He's a little taller now...

-- Forest (those that originate from Forest Haven)

First from left to right, then front to back: 
Makar: This is the little Korok playing the leaf string instrument.  If you 
 don't get his pic after the Wind Temple, just go back to the boss room to 
 find him.
Fado: Legendary Pictograph, buy from Lenzo.
Deku Tree: Just a face shot of the tree is enough.
Elma: Korok on Needle Rock Island.
Hollo: This is the Potion Shop Korok.
Olivio: Korok on Eastern Fairy Island.
Drona: Korok on Private Oasis.
Rown: Korok on Mother & Child Isles.
Irch: Korok on Shark Island.
Linder: Korok on Greatfish Isle.
Aldo: Korok on Cliff Plateau Isles.
Oakin: Korok on Star Island.
Carlov the Sculptor: Yeah, this is the guy who makes these...
Manny: The guy who annoyingly hangs out and bugs you about the figurines...

Your reward for getting all the figurines is a figurine of Link on the King 
of Red Lions.

*Limited Time List* - These are all the figurines that you only have one, or 
at best a few shots at.  I won't describe how to get them here.  Just go to 
their sections above where I give you skinny on when you have your limited 

Sea: Tetra and all her pirates.
Windfall: None...
Outset: None...
Fortress: Puppet Ganon, Big Octo, Wizzrobe (the miniboss), Phantom Ganon, 
 The Monstrous Helmaroc King
Cave: None...
Dragon Roost: Kogoli, Zephos & Cyclos
Forest: None...

There's also Knuckle, which is a bit of a special case.  If you get all 
figurines before getting Knuckle, Carlov will leave and you'll get the Link 
figurine.  Because Knuckle can only be received by using the GBA, it's not 
considered a normal figurine...

10F. The Second Quest =

That's right, people.  Beat the game, and you'll be given the option of 
starting a "second quest"!

You don't have to save over your old file.  The game will give you the option 
of saving your second quest on a different file, so you can go back to the 
original one if you wish...

Well, don't get too excited.  It's not the second quest of the original 
Legend of Zelda, or anything.  There are just a few changes made to this 

1. Link will wear his normal island clothes throughout the game.  Some 
people will respond differently to them, too.

2. Aryll will be in the cute little piratey costume you saw her in at the 
end of the game.

3. Any character that speaks ancient Hylian will now speak the Common tongue.  
This actually leads to some spoilers that you would only have learned later 
in the first quest.

4. You will automatically start with a Deluxe Picto Box in your inventory.  
Any pictures you had in your camera at the end of the last game remain in 
there.  Also, all the quests that led to you getting the Deluxe Picto Box are 
already completed.

5. Any figurines you collected in the first game are still there in the 
Nintendo Gallery.  I know you love to hear that... ^_^  Oh, and the Gallery is 
instantly accessible once you get to Forest Haven.

6. All treasures buried in the sea will have been moved.  Same island, just a
different spot near that island.  Actually, looking at the Treasure Maps is 
a bit more difficult, as the treasures are now further out from the islands, 
and you have less of the nearby island to use as a guide post.

Other than that, same old, same old...


Here's how it works.  Get a GBA (or GBA SP), and a GBA/GCN connecting cable.  
Plug the cable into the GBA and into controller socket 2, 3, or 4 of the 
GameCube.  Get the Tingle Tuner at Windfall Island jail from Tingle.  Now, 
turn on the GBA (don't touch anything else).  Use the Tingle Tuner and 
Tingle's interface will fire up in short order.

What the GCN sees: All that the player of the GCN will notice is a green 
marker on the screen.  Every so often, it may discover something or call for 
you.  That's about it.  The real info exchange comes from the two players.

What the GBA sees: If you're on the main overworld (sailing or on an island) 
or in a dungeon, you'll see the interface.  If you're in a building, in a 
non-dungeon enclosed area, or in a cutscene, you'll be given a "Please wait" 

The Interface: You'll see a map of the current dungeon room, island, or the 
sea, depending on where you are.  On the right side of the interface is 
Tingle's info window, where you'll see stuff he says.  Also here, you'll see 
your count of Rupees and what item you have under your B Button.

Control Pad: Move Tingle's little cursor.  Tingle can go anywhere Link 
 can, such as up short ledges.  He can also hover over water and air.  If a 
 ledge is too high, or there's a wall, Tingle will not be able to go there 
A Button: If Tingle's on an exclamation point on the map, you can check what 
 he's found.  If not, Tingle will shout out to Link and Link will 
 automatically look his way on the GCN.  Use this to get your partner's 
B Button: Use the Item that Tingle has equipped, which will affect Link's 
R Button: Return the cursor to Link.  If near an enemy, locks onto it, just 
 like L-Targeting.
L Button: Hold it down and use the Control Pad to quickly look around the map.
START Button: Brings up the Item Subscreen.
SELECT Button: Brings up a menu of controls.

So, what can Tingle find for Link?
Lotsa stuff.  It could be a new little thing you can manipulate.  It could be 
a description about a room.  It could be an enemy description, or just a 
general hint.  Try lotsa stuff and move him everywhere.


Items -

Most of Tingle's items cost Rupees to use.  The good news is that you can 
use them just about anywhere.

Seagull Pen
Cost: Free
Use: Tingle's favorite pen.  Use it to mark things on the map.  It can point 
 out your destination, too.

Cost: Free
Use: Anytime, anywhere, Tingle's always got the official atomic time.

Cost: Free
Use: This can tell you what you can do with Tingle in certain areas.  The book 
 is different colors depending on where you are and can give you different 

Tingle Bomb
Cost: 10 Rupees
Use: You don't even need to have access to bombs.  Just toss it anywhere 
 Tingle can go to drop the explosive payload.  It has the effect of any 
 regular bomb, and it can also unearth some special treasures.

Tingle Balloon
Cost: 30 Rupees
Use: When you use this, you can walk on thin air for five seconds at your 
 present level of elevation.  Good for a quick gap crossing.

Tingle Shield
Cost: 40 Rupees
Use: Invoking this will protect you from all attack for ten seconds.

Kooloo Limpah!
Cost: 40 Rupees
Use: This is a random fortune thing.  The effect will be random.  I tried it 
 once and got Blue Ting.  If you wanna play with it, be my guest.

Red Ting
Cost: 20 Rupees
Use: Use this to restore life, just like a Red Potion.

Green Ting
Cost: 40 Rupees
Use: Use this to restore magic, just like a Green Potion.

Blue Ting
Cost: 80 Rupees
Use: Use this to restore both life and magic, just like a Blue Potion.

The Discount: Bring Tingle to Windfall Island and use the Deku Leaf to 
 float on top of the blue awning.  Tingle will be "found" and he'll give you 
 the Balloon for 20, the Shield for 30, and the Kooloo-Limpah for 30.


Tingle Treasures -

You can find one in each dungeon, and they can only be uncovered using Tingle 

Dragon Tingle Statue: This is found on the first floor of the Dragon Roost 
Cavern.  After cutting down a platform to safely drop to the lava, go through 
the evil-looking door.  Straight across the lava pit is a small alcove.  Cast 
Tingle over there, and he'll find the treasure.

Forbidden Tingle Statue: This is found in the basement of the Forbidden Woods.  
Go to the room with the big flower that you have to cut down and take the 
northern door.  Once in that room, turn right and you should see a small patch 
of land just barely out of the water.  Bomb there.

Goddess Tingle Statue: This is found as soon as you get to the second floor 
of the Tower of the Gods, in the elevator room.  There's a lone platform 
behind the vertically-moving platforms.  Bome there.

Earth Tingle Statue: In the first basement of the Earth Temple is a room 
with mist covering the lowest floor, and some Blue Bubbles hanging out near 
a stone monument.  Off to the left are hanging platforms.  Grab Medli and 
jump to hover over to the platforms.  Head to the alcove in the back.  Bomb 

Wind Tingle Statue: On the first floor of the Wind Temple is a room where you 
have Makar use seeds on some patches of dirt, and he ends up being captured 
by Floor Masters.  Drop down to the bottom of the pit.  Have Tingle bomb in 
the center.

So, what do you get for all this?  Go back to Tingle Island and you'll get 
50 Rupees for each statue, and 500 for getting them all.

Also, each statue has a "password".  It basically points to a location on the 
western tip of Outset Island that has a hidden jar (bomb to reveal it) with 
100 Rupees in it, which you can leave and come back to reuse it again and 


Knuckle -

Tingle's twin brother Knuckle is hiding on Outset Island.  Walk around the 
beach near the docks and Tingle will eventually spot him.  Knuckle will give 
you tasks.  First, the outdoor bath.  Jump into the well out near your house.  
Next is to climb down the ladder that nobody uses, and that's the one near 
Aryll's lookout tower that goes into the water.  The third task is to climb 
on top of the biggest rock on the top of the hill, which is the rock that's 
the eastmost.  Finally, he wants you to jump off the suspension bridge, so 
just walk slowly off (don't jump off) and you'll land on the slope below.  
Knuckle will call it quits and give you the "Hand Me Down Tuner", which 
replaces the Book for Tingle.  Use the Hand Me Down Tuner to buy items direct 
from Knuckle.  He'll now be hanging out at Tingle Island.


Pages of the Legend -

You get nothing from this little mini-quest but a kick out of reading Tingle's 
history, so don't come crying to me if disappointed.

Okay, scattered around the second floor of the Tower of the Gods are pages 
that detail the history of Tingle.  You need Tingle to find them, of course.  
For most of the pages, Tingle will call you automatically when you get close.  
At that time, walk directly into the center of his little icon and you'll 
"find" the page on your GBA.

#1: Western Statue Room 2F, there's a grappling point here.  Climb to the top 
 of it.  This is the only one that Tingle won't point out to you.

#2: One room east of the scales room.  Drop down to the moving platforms and  
 Tingle will point it out.  You'll have to jump into it to get it and take the 
 falling damage.  This one's a real pain.

#3: Go two rooms north of the second floor main hall.  Use the Deku Leaf to 
 float on top of the left-hand laser generator.

#4: In the room with Armos Knights, one room east and room south of the second 
 floor main hall.  Bomb the back pillar.

#5: Eastern Statue Room 2F, head along the small walkway to the left.  Stand 
 exactly where Tingle points.

So, once you get the pages, go back to the main room of the second floor.  On 
your GBA, you'll notice little crosses.  Move Link to those crosses and have 
Tingle press A on them, and you'll hear a story.


12A. Legal =

This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2002 Scott 
"CyricZ" Zdankiewicz.  You may not take it in whole or in part and 
claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask 
me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format.  Please don’t 
post this on your site unless you have express consent by me.  I’ve put 
a lot of time into this.  Give me some credit...

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:


I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this 
FAQ.  They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the WW guides, but, 
trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed 
sites that I trust.  I do reserve the right to deny anyone the use of this 
guide for whatever reasons.

12B. E-mail Guidelines =

If you wish to e-mail me, you may do so at cyricz42 at yahoo dot com...

Be sure to follow these guidelines...

- Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the 
- Make sure it has something to do with Wind Waker.  I don't want spam, 
chain letters, offers for friendship.  Compliment me on the FAQ all you 
want, though...
- Make sure you say Wind Waker at one point in your e-mail.  I have more 
than one FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I kill the 
last boss?" doesn't tell me much.
- Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please.  If I can't understand 
your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile...

12C. Credits =

CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites.

Thanks to Oohballs for pointing out a quicker way of getting into Cliff 
Plateau Isles.

Thanks to UberFuzzy for pointing out a nice cache of Rupees in the Private 

Thanks to santaman for pointing out that you can fight the bosses and Mighty 
Darknuts in Ganon's Tower many times...

Thanks to SixWolf for a tip on getting a nice treasure on Dragon Roost a bit 

Thanks to H Mathers and Kevin May for some enemy tips.

12D. Version Updates =

Version 1.4 - 4/14/03 - A week later, we have another update with some 
 new info.

Version 1.3 - 4/7/03 - A few more stuff updated.  The guide may be considered 
 largely complete at this point.

Version 1.2 - 4/6/03 - Updating stuff and other things.

Version 1.1 - 4/2/03 - Pieces of Heart and all Charts are complete!

Version 1.0 - 4/1/03 - That'll do it for the walkthrough.  Now to finish up 
 the Treasure Charts and Pieces of Heart and the Nintendo Gallery, etc.

Version 0.6 - 3/30/03 - Earth Temple and Wind Temple added.

Version 0.5 - 3/29/03 - Tower of the Gods added, as well as many new sections 
 for the guide.

Version 0.4 - 3/27/03 - So, a lot of basic stuff and the first two dungeons.  
 It may not seem like much, but many people are having questions at this 
 point, so I felt it a good idea to supply answers to those...

12E. The Final Word =

This FAQ was brought to you by the letter "Arrrr"...

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