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Ultima 7: Part Two, The Serpent Isle
The Complete Guidebook
October 16, 2000
Version 1.4
Written by: Dan Simpson
Email: manymoose@hotmail.com
Email Policy:
If you are going to email me about this game, please put
Serpent Isle as the subject. Or Ultima 7 Part 2. Also please
realize that I am not hiding cheats or any other information,
i.e. everything I know about Serpent Isle is in this guide.
If you see any mistakes, or have anything that you want to add
please email me! I will, of course, give you full credit for
your addition, and be eternally grateful to you.
.--------------------========= N O T E S =========-------------------------.
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at: |
| http://www.gamefaqs.com/ |
| |
| If you are a webmaster and wish to post this on your web page, please email |
| me first. And if you do post this FAQ on your site, please make an attempt |
| to keep it up to date. There is nothing worse than getting emails from |
| people who saw an old version asking about things that are already in the |
| newer versions. Well, maybe there are worse things, but it IS annoying! |
| |
| This FAQ looks best in Courier New at about 9 points. |
| |
| This Document is Copyright 1999 by Dan Simpson |
| Ultima 7: Part Two The Serpent Isle is Copyright 1994 by Origin Systems |
| |
| I am not affiliated with Origin, Electronic Arts, or anyone who had anything |
| to do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so |
| long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting |
| it. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ. |
What's New in 1.4:
Added a trick to keep items from the World of Dreams from Geoff Bateman.
Other small format related changes.
For a complete Version History, check out the Final Words Section at the end
of the FAQ.
Table of Contents:
i. Introduction
ii. Items
iii. Spells
iv. Companions
v. Trainers
vi. General Strategies
1. Arrival, "I got this hourglass used from the Time Lord."
2. Monitor, "Does EVERYONE want to kill me?"
3. Fawn, "Yes... Everyone wants to kill you!"
4. Sleeping Bull, "Wouldn't you rather get 99999 Monetari than 1 gold bar?"
5. Moonshade, "Rotoluncia's Miracle Diet!"
6. Mad Mage, "Yesssss, Master!"
7. Monk Isle, "The Bells!"
8. Moonshade Spells and Such, "Est Nudi!"
9. Mountains of Freedom
10. Moonshade and a Mirror
11. Furnace, "101 ways to fry an Avatar"
12. Goblins! "The brand new multi-million dollar musical!"
13. The Realm of Dreams
14. Great Northern Forest
15. Shamino's Castle
16. To the North!
17. The Gwani
18. Vasculio and Skullcrusher
19. Batlin, Spinebreaker, and the Banes
20. Gwenno Returns! Sorta...
21. Discipline and Gwenno
22. Soul Prisms, Banes and Such
23. Serpent Treasures
24. White Dragon Castle and the Banes
25. Isle of Crypts and the Chaos Serpent
26. Sunrise Isle and Endgame
A. Silver Seed Walkthrough
B. Serpent Path Map
C. Money Conversions (and Exchangers)
D. Secrets and Cheats
E. Monsters and NPC's
F. Keyboard Commands
G. Online Resources
Final Words...
| i. Introduction |
Eighteen Months have passed since the destruction of the Black Gate and the
dismantling of the Fellowship. A recently discovered scroll reveals that the
Guardian isn't through with Britannia yet, he plans to destroy it from the
Serpent Isle. To prevent the destruction of the land that bears his name,
Lord British sends the trusted Avatar through the Serpent Pillars to the land
of The Serpent's Isle.
Ultima 7 Part Two: The Serpents Isle (U7:SI) was built on almost the exact
same engine as The Black Gate, and therefore there are few differences in how
to play the game. There are a few differences however.
New in U7:SI:
Paper Doll Inventory - you put on an armor, it will show it on you
Vaguely Non-Linear gameplay
Changed in U7:SI:
More keyboard commands - very useful, they are outlined in "F. Keyboard
Commands" in the Appendix
Cannot talk to people in different rooms - you could in U7, but not now
Companions don't care if you steal
Three new types of Money - Monetari, Filari, and Guilders
Less companions to join party
Less towns to explore
More dungeons to explore
Different Races of Avatar - you no longer have to be just white!
You're probably wondering, "What is Serpent Isle, and how does it relate to
the rest of the Ultima Series?" Well I'm glad you asked. Serpent Isle, or
New Sosaria was founded by dissidents who didn't like Lord British's rule,
this would have happened after Ultima 3, and before Ultima 4. However this
land has even more history than that spanning all the way back to Ultima 1!
In Ultima 1 the land that was to become Serpent Isle was called the "Land of
Danger and Despair". The "Land of Danger and Despair" featured a castle for
Shamino, which we visit in U7:SI; Gorlab Village, which becomes very important
in the game; and a couple of dungeons called Skullcrusher and Spinebreaker,
both of which make appearances in SI. Know also that the names of the 3
cities comes directly from Ultima 3, Fawn - Fawn, Moon - Moonshade,
Montor - Monitor.
SI Chronology: (Spoilers!)
Lands of Danger and Despair - Ultima 1
Gorlab disappears, becomes a swamp
Ophidians settle here
Exodus steals the Great Earth Serpent starting the War of Imbalance
- Ultima 3
Balance Hierophant killed
War of Imbalance ends with the death of the Chaos Serpent
Ophidians die out
Settlers arrive from Old Sosaria - between Ultima 3 and 4
Lord Blackthorn finds his way to Monk Isle - Ultima 5
You arrive to set things straight - Ultima 7, the Serpent Isle
Also U7:SI, unlike the Black Gate, has no discernable sub-plots or sidequests.
This means that everything in the game relates to the Main Plot in some
fashion. I really missed all the Subplots, I thought that those were what
made U7 such a well made game. However, the main plot in U7:SI is much larger
with many more layers.
| ii. Items |
Since there are 4 different types of money, each price will be listed with a
symbol as to which money set it is in.
g - gold pieces
m - monetari
f - filari
gu - guilders
And the sellers:
S - Monitor, Standarr
K - Monitor, Krayg
D - Moonshade, Ducio
B - Moonshade, Bucia
F - Fawn, Alyssand
P - Moonshade, Pothos
Weapons: (prices have a range, with a high to low, you get the low by haggling)
Type: Buy: Sell: Dmg: Notes:
----- ---- ----- ---- ------
Glass Sword 1500gu (P) ** 127 Breaks after 1 use
Powder Keg ** ** 40 Explodes
Juggernaut Hammer ** ** 25 Thrown, 2 Handed
Erinon's Axe ** ** 20 +10 Combat (silver seed)
Firedoom Staff ** ** 20 2 Handed
Lightning Whip ** ** 10 Luminescent
Fire Wand ** ** 10 Magic
Halberd 100-55m (S) ** 10 2 Handed
2 Handed Hammer ** ** 9 2 Handed
Magebane ** ** 9 Steals Magic
Magic Axe 600gu (P) ** 8 Thrown
Hammer of Dedication ** ** 8 Thrown
Serpent Staff ** ** 8 2 Handed
Sword of Fire ** ** 8 Luminescent
2 Handed Sword 200-120m (S) ** 8 2 Handed
Zot Wand ** ** 8 Poison
2 Handed Axe 150-90m (S) ** 7 2 Handed
Dragonslayer ** ** 7 Good against Dragons
Scythe ** ** 7 2 Handed
Magic Sword ** ** 7
Worm Hammer ** ** 6
Serpent Sword ** ** 6
Shovel 100-50g (D) ** 6 2 Handed
Spear 20-12m (S) ** 6 Thrown
Staff ** ** 6 2 Handed
Sword 125-65m (S) ** 6
350-160g (D) **
Sword of Defense 1200gu (P) ** 6 +3 Defense
Tongs ** ** 6
Lit Torch ** ** 6
Whip ** ** 6
Mace ** ** 5
Morningstar 40-20m (S) ** 5
Serpent Scepter ** ** 5
Hammer ** ** 4
Pick 60-40m (K) ** 4
140-75g (D)
Decorative Sword ** ** 4
Throwing Axe ** ** 4 Thrown
Blowgun ** ** 3
Club ** ** 3
Magic Sling ** ** 3
Torch ** ** 3
Weapons with DMG 2 and below include: Cleaver, Dagger, Fishing Rod, Hoe, Pitch
Fork, Rake, Serpent Dagger, Shears, Spiked Shield, and the Wooden Sword
Bows and Crossbows: (all bows are 2 handed)
Bow 120-60m (S) ** 6
Magic Bow ** ** 12
Arrow 20-10m (S) ** +1
Serpent Arrow ** ** +1
Burst Arrow ** ** +2 Explodes on Contact
Magic Arrow ** ** +4
Infinity Bow ** ** 6 Doesn't need Ammo
Crossbow 145-75m (S) ** 10
550-350f (F)
Bolt 18-10m (S) ** +0
75-45f (F)
Magic Bolt 200gu (P) ** +2
Armors: (an SS in notes indicates that it is an item from the Silver Seed)
Type: Buy: Sell: Def: Notes:
----- ---- ----- ---- ------
Serpent Armor ** ** 6
Magic Armor ** ** 5
Dupre's Shield ** ** 4 Luther has it
Magic Helm ** ** 4
Light Helm ** ** 4 Luminescent, warm (SS)
Magic Leggings 550gu (P) ** 4
Magic Shield ** ** 4
Plate Armor 350-175m (S) 75m 4
White Breastplate ** ** 4 Appears after Lightning
Brass Shield ** ** 3
Chain Armor 200-100m (S) 50m 3
Decorative Shield ** ** 3
Door Shield ** ** 3
Great Helm 75-40m (S) 20m 3
300-190f (F) **
Magic Gauntlets ** ** 3
Gauntlets of Quick. ** ** 3 + 10 Dex (SS)
Plate Leggings 150-90m (S) 45m 3
Spiked Shield 90-50m (S) ** 3 +2 Attack
Sword of Defense 1200gu (P) ** 3 +6 Attack
Antique Armor ** ** 2
Magic Boots 100gu (P) ** 2
Chain Coif ** ** 2
Chain Leggings 100-50m (S) 25m 2
Crested Helm 45-25m (S) 10m 2
Curved Heater ** ** 2
Gauntlets 60-35m (S) ** 2
Monitor Shield ** ** 2
Scale Armor 150-85m (S) 30m 2
Wooden Shield ** ** 2
Buckler ** ** 1
Cloak 200-80gu (D) ** 1
Kidney Belt 12-5m (K) ** 1
Belt of Strength ** ** 1 + 10 Str (SS)
Leather Armor 75-50m (K) 15m 1
Leather Boots 25-15m (K) 4m 1
Leather Gloves 15-8m (K) 2m 1
Leather Helm 20-12m (K) 5m 1
Leather Leggings 45-25m (K) 10m 1
110-60gu (B) 60gu
Serpent Earring ** ** 1
Stocking 25-15f (F) ** 1
The best armor class you can get is:
Serpent Armor (6), Serpent Earring (1), Magic Boots (2), Magic Shield (4),
Magic Leggings (4), Belt of Strength (1), Helm of Light (4), Gauntlets of
Quick. (3), Sword of Defense (3) = 28
Reagants: H - Harnna, P - Pothos, D - Delphynia
Type: Abrev. Cost:
----- ----- -----
Black Pearl BP P (50-25gu), D (70-35f)
Blood Moss BM ** Must be found, 123S 147E **
Blood Spawn BS ** Must be found **
Garlic GR H (3 for 8-4m), D (15-9f), P (8-5)
Ginseng GN H (2 for 9-5m), D (20-11f)
Mandrake Root MR D (65-35f), P (75-45gu) found at 10N 147E
Nightshade NS D (25-13f)
Serpent Scales SC ** Must be found **
Spider Silk SS P (35-19gu), can be found where there are spiders
Sulfurous Ash SA P (36-20gu), also found in Furnace
Worm Heart WH P (100-60gu)
Note: The Ring of Reagants (Silver Seed) completely eliminates the need for
reagants. In your spell book, where the number of casts used to be
will now be an Infinity Symbol.
Potions: (all potions are sold by Pothos in Moonshade)
Color: Effect: Cost:
------ ------- -----
Black Invisibility 240-135gu
Blue Sleep 85-40gu
Blue/Black Warmth **
Green Poison **
Orange Awakening 65-30gu
Orange/Red Mana Restoration **
Purple Protection 150-75gu
Red Cure 75-45gu
Yellow Heal 100-50gu
Note: You can also buy a Yellow/Heal potion in the Mountains of Freedom
Serpent Teeth:
Destination: Found:
------------ ------
Fawn Vasculio, or Filbercio's house*
Furnace Rotoluncia's house
Great Northern Forest Vasculio or Frigidazzi's house*
Isle of Crypts Xenka*
Mad Mage Isle Erstam
Monitor Furnace
Monk Isle Erstam
Moonshade Erstam
Sleeping Bull Inn Batlin
Shrine of Discipline Batlin
Shrine of Emotion Torissio's house*
Shrine of Enthusiasm Batlin
Shrine of Ethicality Gustacio's house*
Shrine of Logic Batlin
Shrine of Tolerance Stefano*
Skullcrusher Batlin
Spinebreaker Batlin
Sunrise Isle Yenani
* indicates that the tooth won't be there until Batlin is dead
| iii. Spells |
There are Nine Circles of Magic (no more linear spells!). You can cast your
level, i.e. a level 3 avatar can cast circle 3. Also the circle number is how
much mana a spell will cost.
The Mages:
Name: Abrev Where:
----- ----- ------
Ensorcio E Sleeping Bull Inn
Melino M Moonshade
Torrissio T Moonshade
Columna C Moonshade
Gustacio* G Moonshade
Mortegro** MR Moonshade/Tolerance
Elissa S Silver Seed
* - only after you get out of the Mountains of Freedom, offers spells for free
** - disappears after you get out of Mountains of Freedom, appears at
the Temple of Tolerance
Note: I also had some trouble getting Melino to sell me spells. At first he
wouldn't sell me spells, then only after I got out of Freedom would he
sell to me. (I don't think that's supposed to happen) Also don't
mention the stalkings to him or he WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN!
Spells: * -- indicates that you start with the spell (when you get the new spell
======= book in Moonshade from Fedabiblio)
First Circle: Reagants: Where:
------------- --------- ------
Create Food GR, GN, MR G, E (20-12g, 30-18gu)
*Cure GR, GN M (22-14g, 33-21gu)
Detect Trap NS, SS G, T (40-20gu)
Great Douse GR, SS E (18-9g, 27-13gu)
Great Ignite SA, SS C (30-18g, 45-27gu)
Light SA T (40-20gu)
Locate NS E (26-13g, 39-20gu),
C (35-20g, 52-30gu)
Telekinesis BP, BM, MR M (30-18g, 45-27gu),
MR (40-25gu)
Second Circle:
*Awaken GR, GN T (65-30gu)
Destroy Trap BM, SA C (50-30g, 75-45gu)
False Coin NS, SA E (80-50g, 120-75gu)
Cold Blast BP, SA, WH G, MR (150-100gu)
Great Light MR, SA M (60-40g, 90-60gu),
C (60-30g, 90-45gu)
*Heal GR, GN, SS T (75-38gu)
Mass Cure GR, GN, MR M (75-50g, 112-75gu)
Protection GR, GN, SA C (80-50g, 120-75gu)
Third Circle:
Chill GR, GN, WH gift from Frigidazzi
Columna's Intuition BP, GR C (120-80g, 180-120gu)
Curse GR, NS, SA C (75-40g, 112-60gu),
MR (120-70gu)
Enchant Missile BP, MR G, M (70-35g, 105-52gu),
T (150-80gu)
Mass Protection GR, GN, MR, SA C (100-60g, 150-90gu)
Paralyze NS, SS E (70-35g, 105-52gu),
MR (140-85gu)
Sleep BP, NS, SS E (60-34g, 90-51gu)
*Translation BP, MR, SS, SA T (175-85gu)
Fourth Circle:
Blink BM, MR MR (200-130gu)
Create Soul Prism BM, GR, MR, SC, SS, SA T (late in game)
Deter GR, SS E (90-50g, 135-75gu)
Flash MR, SA M (90-50g, 135-75gu)
Mass Curse GR, MR, NS, SA C (110-60g, 165-90gu),
MR (175-100gu)
Reveal BM, SA M (100-60g, 150-90gu)
*Transcribe BP, SS T (220-130gu)
Unlock Magic BM, SA G, C (120-70g, 180-105gu)
Fifth Circle:
Conjure MR, SS G
Dispel Field BP, GR, SS, SA Selina's corpse
Erstam's Surprise BP, GR, MR, SA E (160-100g, 240-150gu),
MR (240-170gu)
Explosion BM, BP, MR, SA M (135-80g, 202-120gu)
Great Heal GR, GN, MR, SS T (250-130gu)
Invisibility BM, NS C (155-90g, 232-135gu)
Mass Sleep GN, NS, SS E (145-80g, 217-120gu)
S (250-140g)
Summon Shade BM, MR, NS, SS, SA Mortegro after Freedom
Sixth Circle:
Betray BP, NS, SS M (145-80g, 217-120gu),
T (285-150gu)
Cause Fear GR, MR, NS T (300-175gu), MR(300-210gu)
Cold Strike BM, BP, WH, SA found in Frigidazzi's Lab
Create Ammunition BM, GN, SA C (175-120g, 262-180gu)
S (300-175g)
Create Automaton MR, SA, SS, SC T (750-550gu)
Dispel Illusion GR, MR, NS M (160-110g, 240-165gu),
C (165-110g, 247-165gu)
Fire Field BP, WH, SS, SA G
Fire Ring BP, WH, MR, SS, SA E (180-110g, 270-165gu)
Seventh Circle:
Energy Field BP, MR, SS, SA M (250-140g, 375-210gu)
Energy Mist BM, MR, NS, SA C (250-180g, 375-270gu)
Lightning BP, MR, SA T (350-200gu)
Mass Awaken GR, GN M (250-140g, 375-210gu)
Mass Might BP, GN, MR T (400-200gu), MR(350-240gu)
Poison Mist BM, NS, SA C (280-190g, 420-285gu)
Restoration GR, GN, MR, SS G
Vibrate BP, BM, MR, SS E (220-110g, 330-165gu)
S (350-200g)
Eighth Circle:
Create Ice WH, SS found in Frigidazzi's Lab
Delayed Blast BM, BP, MR, SS, SA G
Fetch BM, BP, MR M (285-165g, 427-247gu)
Firesnake GR, MR, SA found in Rotoluncia's house
Invoke Serpent BM, GR, SS, WH, SC MR (425-325gu)
S (380-200g)
Mind Blast BS, BP, NS, SA E (300-185g, 450-277gu),
MR (400-285gu)
Serpent Bond BM, BP, GR, SS, WH, SC MR (450-350gu)
S (450-300g)
Swordstrike BP, BS, MR, NS E (285-165g, 427-247gu)
Ninth Circle:
Death Vortex BM, MR, NS, SA E (350-220g, 525-330gu),
MR (500gu)
Imbalance NS, SA, WH, SC MR (1200gu)
S (800-600g)
Mass Death BM, BS, GR, GN, MR, NS E (400-250g, 600-375gu),
MR (600gu)
Mass Invisibility BP, BM, MR, NS found in Vasculio's lab
Spiral Missile BM, BS, BP, NS, SA G, E (425-260g, 637-390gu)
Stop Storm BP, GR, MR, SS, SA G
Summon BM, GR, MR, SS found in Gustacio's basement
Time Stop BM, GR, MR found in Columna's lab
| iv. Companions |
STANDARD COMPANIONS: (all start with you)
Iolo - Bard Extraordinaire
STR 15, DEX 24, INT 24, COMBAT 16
Shamino - Ranger
STR 19, DEX 23, INT 12, COMBAT 18
Dupre - Paladin
STR 22, DEX 20, INT 13, COMBAT 18
Needed: (for some part of the plot or another)
Selina - mage that takes you to the Mint to get some money. Sister of Lydia
in Monitor (so you know you can't trust her!)
Sleeping Bull Inn
STR 12, DEX 12, INT 14, COMBAT 6
Stefano - thief/mage who was unjustly imprisoned in Freedom, will help you get
out of prison, but leaves right after.
Mountains of Freedom
STR 17, DEX 12, INT 19, COMBAT 2
Petra - Petra joins to help you get the Water of Discipline, because she can
walk through acid and you can't
STR 20, DEX 15, INT 20, COMBAT 7
Boydon - made out of spare parts in Erstam's Lab. DO NOT LET DIE! Once dead
he can never ever be revived.
Erstam's Lab
STR 30, DEX 12, INT 12, COMBAT 8
Automaton - if you use the spell create automaton you can have them join you
Anywhere you find a dead automaton
STR 20, DEX 10, INT 10, COMBAT 5
Wilfred - joins you after the banes attack, but leaves shortly after, when he
gets hurt in any way (baby)
Sleeping Bull Inn
STR 20, DEX 15, INT 10, COMBAT 25
At max you can have a party of 6, yourself included. Any more than that has the
risk of crashing the game. (the only way to get more than 6 is to cheat)
For the complete list of all NPC's and their stat's look in Appendix "E.
Monsters and NPC's".
| v. Trainers |
At each level that you gain you also get 3 "Training Points" which can be used
to get new stats on a 1:1 trade. That is you use 1 Training Point to get 1
unit of any stat.
Monitor Trainers:
----------------- Time: Stat: Cost:
----- ----- __ -----
Luther 9-12 Str + 3 |
Caladin 9-12 Str + 2, Combat + 1 |__ 50 Monetari
Brendann 3-6 Combat + 2, Dex + 1 | Each!
Shazzana 12-3 Dex + 2, Combat + 1 __|
Wilfred (after banes attack) Str + 1, Combat + 1 30 Monetari
Tsandar (silver seed) Str + 1, Combat + 2 200 Gold
Elissa (silver seed) Int + 1, Magic +1 150 Gold
Note: Once you maximize one stat, then you can't train with anyone who advances
that stat, even if you want to learn something else that they teach.
1 - 0 to 99 Exp
2 - 100 to 199
3 - 200 to 399
4 - 400 to 799
5 - 800 to 1599
6 - 1600 to 3199
7 - 3200 to 6399
8 - 6400 to 12799
9 - 12800 to 25599
10 - 25600 to 51199
11 - 51200 and on and on...
| vi. General Strategies |
How to Play the Game:
Serpent Isle's gameplay engine is based completely on the Ultima 7 engine,
therefore if you know how to play that game, you mostly know this one. To
walk, move the arrow in the direction that you wish to travel, and hold down
the right mouse button. (or double right click your destination) To use
something, or to open your inventory, double click the object. To open your
companions inventory open yours, then open theirs. If you just double click
them you will talk to them instead. You can also use items like food by
double clicking. To pick things up, left click and hold, and drag the item to
where you want to put it. Simple! One new thing in Serpent Isle is the
expanded Hot Keys (keyboard) that you can use (see appendix "F. Keyboard
Commands), and these really make the game easier.
First and foremost you're gonna need to survive all those battles that you
will find yourself in.
Step One in this is preparation. Enter battles with plenty of party members,
who are well equipped. Leather Armor is not well equipped. Even Chain Armor
is not that good. Try to get all Plate, and Magic when you find it. Also
don't give everyone the same type of weapon, as this will crowd them in one
area, and they may hit each other. Give one person a sword, another a two-
handed weapon, another a whip, then a crossbow, and maybe another throwing
weapon like a Magic Axe.
Step Two, you have to recognize which battles to get into. A level three
Avatar is not going to win against a Dragon all by himself (barring using
another strategy that we will discuss later). In the beginning of the game,
limit your battles to simple things like Headless, Bandits and maybe a Reaper.
Then you can move on to harder battles like Cyclops, Dragons, etc.
Ok now you are in a battle, but things aren't going well at all, your party is
disorganized, Iolo keeps shooting your own people, and Shamino just ran off
in terror. As long as you know where everyone is, keep fighting. Stop
Shamino right away since anyone who runs away will drop their items in an
attempt to lighten their load (maybe to run faster), and quite obviously we
don't want that to happen. Use potions and bandages (while in the paused
Inventory mode) on anyone who needs it. And lastly make sure that the Avatar
is actually attacking and not just standing around, since he doesn't actually
finish enemies off, just gets them to the point where they run off or
If you want to cast spells in a battle, there are 2 ways. One is to cast the
spell directly. The other way is to equip the Spellbook in your attacking
hand and place the marker on the spell you want to cast, then enter combat
mode, and attack. You will then cast your spell as the attack.
Now for that strategy that I mentioned earlier. When confronted by a superior
foe, and you know that under normal circumstances that you have no chance to
win. Merely feed the Dragon (or whatever) a Blue Potion to put him to sleep.
Hit him, and do it again. Simple. Especially since Blue Potions cost only 40
guilders and can be used while in Inventory mode (unlike spells), so you won't
ever have to get hit. A couple other things you can do is to use a Poison
Potion and a Blue Potion so that the enemy takes damage in his sleep.
A few other things to remember: Spells. Remember that you do possess the
magic ability. Some useful spells are, Poison, Curse, Protection, and
Paralyze; and of course the Major Attack spells like Mass Death.
Sorting through the Junk:
There are a great deal of items in this game, even more than in The Black
Gate. Make sure to have a good system to sort things. What I recommend is to
have both a backpack and a bag (on your belt) on the avatar. Hold all Plot
items in the backpack, and everything else (that you can fit) in the bag.
Since SI introduces several new items, the keyring eliminates the need for
keys, the Everlasting Goblet eliminates the need for food, etc., you don't
need to sort through keys and food for all that long. (you get the keyring in
the Silver Seed, and the Goblet in Furnace) Also keep in mind that Serpent
Isle has far more "Plot Items" than did The Black Gate, so don't discard any
item that sounds even vaguely important.
The best way to get money in Serpent Isle is the spell False Coin, which
multiplies a stack of money by 6 (so if you start with 100 you end out with
600) and once you get this spell you don't need to worry about money again.
Other ways to get money (if you don't have a spellbook) is to exchange gems,
jewels and other valuables with the various moneychangers (Devra, Spektor,
Zulith, and Bucia; also Topo will buy gems, see Appendix "C. Money
Also if you ever find a dead pikeman (or kill one yourself), you can bring the
corpse to the Crematorium in Monitor and you will be paid 100 Monetari. You
do, of course, have to activate the machine and turn the body to ashes, but
that isn't too hard.
The Fine Art of Stealing:
If you are used to stealing in Ultima 7, you'll have to make adjustments in
the Serpent Isle. You can no longer simply open a container to steal
something. Nope that's gone. On the plus side, companions don't care if you
steal or not. So to steal anything you want, just make sure that everyone
(guards and such) are offscreen. This will allow you to steal most
everything. There is one notable exception, the Armory in Monitor. If you
take anything in there, no matter if the guard is offscreen, you will get
attacked by the guards. If you are captured, refer to the "Get out of Jail
Free" section below.
Get out of Jail Free:
If you happen to have the dumb luck of getting arrested, don't worry you can
get out for completely free! It's a good thing, because those guards probably
won't ever let you out!
Monitor - the switch is on the right side of the room, partially concealed
by a skeleton there, also it kinda blends into the background.
Fawn - Don't know how to get out here, but I'm sure there's a way!
Moonshade - Open the north wall to get out. Whee.
Magic Scrolls:
Whenever you find a Magic Scroll, try to transcribe it. Sometimes you will
find a spell that otherwise you would have to buy, and other times that scroll
is the ONLY way to get that spell, and if you were to use that scroll, then it
would be gone forever!
Sex in Serpent Isle:
Ok, so you want a little action, but can't find any gypsies (Ultima 6) or the
Baths (Ultima 7) in which to find dependable--if a little unvirtuous--casual
sex. Well it's even easier to get--and a little more graphic--in Serpent
Isle, in fact, you can't avoid it!
Monitor - male - talk to Lucilla in the pub, and she will ask if you want to
meet up with her later, say yes, and around 3 am go to her
room. Afterwords she will give you a Gwani cloak.
female - talk to Brendann, and he will offer to sleep with you, go
to his house, and sleep with him. The next day you get a
free Gwani cloak. Yay.
Moonshade - either - Frigidazzi wants you. Badly. No matter which sex you
are. This is, of course, only after you have gotten a
spell book and have been introduced to her at the Banquet.
Go to her house alone, and she will show you a few tricks.
male - Columna will do anything to get her stockings back, even
sleep with you... but then she's a liar so don't believe
female - Torrissio will do anything to get Columna's stockings
back, and will even sleep with you to get them. Don't
believe him, either, since he will merely drug you and
steal the stockings.
Yes, you need to eat in Serpent Isle. The game represents hunger as a number
0-31, with 31 being completely full and 0 being starving to death. The person
won't start asking for food until the counter reaches 6. Below is a chart
of how much an item of food will increase your "food level":
+31: Green Cheese
25: Everlasting Goblet
24: Mutton, Ribs, Chicken, Ham
16: Beef, Deer Meat
12: Sausage
9 : Big Cheese
8 : Flounder, Potatoes
6 : Jerky, Fish n' Chips
5 : Fruitcake
4 : Bread, Trout, Pumpkin
3 : Cake, Banana, Egg
2 : Apple, Small Cheese, Carrots, Rolls, Garlic
1 : Drinks, Grapes, Leeks
0 : Silverleaf, Bucket of Rum (or wine)
Using the "F" hotkey will feed your party member with whatever food you have
on hand.
The Spell "Create Food" will create 1 piece of food for everyone in the party
and will deposit that food on the ground by their feet. The food that is
created is random, so it's not always something good. Could be grapes.
Included in the Walkthrough is a DEATH COUNT, so you can see the Avatar's slow
and steady regression from Lord British's virtues. Only NPC's who can talk
are considered for the Death Count, and only if they died by the Avatar's
For example, you kill Lydia when she attacks you, so she is on the list. Also
on the DEATH COUNT is anyone killed by your companions, or as a result of your
actions. Therefore everyone who dies at the hands of the Banes counts,
because the Banes are your companions. Sort of.
If you are arrested in any town, refer to the "vi. General Strategies" section
titled "Get out of Jail Free" to learn how to make your escape!
| 1. Arrival, "I got this hourglass used from the Time Lord." |
You arrive on a ship that is now completely on land. Seems you had to fly to
get here. Everyone is quite eager to be off and find Batlin, but before you
get very far you are hit by a "Teleport Storm" which teleports your 3
companions away and exchanges all your useful equipment to junk.
Note: There is only one way to avoid the lightning, and that is to cheat (see
the "D. Secrets and Cheats" section in the Appendix)
You had: You now have: Who it Belongs to:
-------- ------------- ------------------
Magic Armor White Breastplate Kylista (Fawn)
Black Sword Ruddy Rock (stoneheart) knight (Freedom)
Spellbook* pumice corpse (Furnace)
Magic Helm Fur Cap Frigidazzi (Moonshade)
Magic Gauntlets Silver Ring Alyssand (Fawn)
Torches Filari Delin (Fawn)
Blackrock Serpent Fine Stockings Columna (Moonshade)
Glass Sword Pinecone Hazzard (North Ice Area)
Dagger Hand Erstam (Mad Mage Isle)
Map of Britannia** Ice Wine rangers (Moonshade)
Rudyom's Wand*** Lab Apparatus Vasculio (Skullcrusher)
Dupre had:
Magebane Blue Egg (rotten) penguins (penguin island)
Dupre's Shield Monitor Shield Luther (Monitor)
Shamino had:
Magic Bow Bear Skull bear corpse
Swamp Boots Slippers Devra (Sleeping Bull Inn)
Burst Arrows Goblin Brush goblins (Goblin Hideout)
Iolo had:
Crossbow Urn crypts (Monitor)
* when you find the spell book it is unusable,
** the Map ceases to exist
*** Rudyom's wand now makes people sneeze
Walk south a ways until Thoxa appears. She will ask you some questions to
determine if you are a dirty software pirate (oink) or whether you are a kind
and benevolent avatar, who will save the world yet again.
Question: Answer:
--------- -------
Spells in Ninth Circle 8
Different Armor Materials 4
Beasts in Erstam's Book 52
Types of Reagants 11
Reagants for Mass Death 6
Boil Ginseng how many times 40
Circle for Create Automata 6
Reasons for Erstams History 1
Characters in Ophidian writing 36
People from how many cities 4
How many cities established 3
Forces in Balance 6
Clans in Monitor 3
Types of Weapons 4
Words of Power 27
Letters in a womans name 6
Ask Thoxa all the questions you want, after your conversation another Monk
appears and the two battle it out. Thoxa wins and they all teleport away.
You now have the Hourglass of Fate! Very useful. If you die, you will be
resurrected on the Monks' Isle, and you can use it to Resurrect a fallen
Note: When you die the first time (if you have Silver Seed installed) you
will be given an Amulet of Balance. Use the Amulet on a Serpent Gate
to teleport to the Silver Seed area, which is covered in the Appendix
"A. Silver Seed Walkthrough". Go a little south and Shamino will
rejoin you.
Go to the cave at 152S, 27W it has an illusionary wall entrance that is
marked by a red tree. Go inside and get the equipment, especially the
Sextant, and the Lockpicks.
Magic Bow:
Directly to the south of the cave is a skeleton with a bow for a head.
Shamino figures out that this was yours and was replaced by the bear skull.
Continue on to Monitor.
Magic Bow - see above.
| 2. Monitor, "Does EVERYONE want to kill me?" |
To get into Monitor, talk to the guard at the gate. Tell him to let you pass,
and that you are a Friend, not a Foe. He will let you in, but wants some
Pikemen to follow you. Ditch them and go up to the Crematorium (148S, 9W).
Go through the curtain in the SW corner, and go a little south in the crypts
until you find Lord Marsten. Talk to him and ask to take the Knights Test, he
will tell you that the password is "Courage is the Soul of Life". Also talk
to Brendann, and Caladin here. They'll mention that Iolo was found and
arrested as an enchanter, but that they won't free him until you become a
knight. Dupre will arrive now and rejoin your party. Finally go to the
prison (139S, 14E) and talk to Iolo.
Knights Test:
To become a knight you must take the Knights Test (112S, 10W). Talk to
Shmed the tester, tell him the password, and you alone will be taken inside,
with only a Mace and a Leather Armor. Go up, then quickly run to the right
avoiding the explosions, then duck down into the chamber, kill the gremlins
bash open the chest and get the key. Go back up, then right, Use the key to
open the door, and discard the key.
Go right, and up through the double doors into a room filled with stones,
and a key on a pillar. Stack the stones to make stairs up to the key and
get the key.
Note: Under every third stone or so is a snake.
The minimum amount of stones to use is about 15. Use the key to open the
door to the south, go down there and get the next key. Avoid the Cyclops,
and the traps if you can.
Go back up, then through the locked door to the right. Go up, grab the bag
(it has a Cure and a Heal potion) then go south, right, the up. There will
be a room with 4 chests, ignore those, and go through the wall to the right
to get the key. Go up and left, open the locked door here, and go south.
Get the key, flick the lever, go left, kill the rats, and get this key too.
Go back up and unlock the other door to the left. Go up, right, and up and
then left, grab the Claw, and go back to where the door was.
Go south now, kill the Invisible Man and look at his incriminating scroll,
then open a wall to the west (you can tell it opens because it has a square
on it that looks odd, and when you single click it, it says "Wall" rather
than "wall"). Go through and open another wall to the south. Go left and
Use the claw on yourself, then use it on the ashes. A wolf will appear,
kill it and get the body. Take the key out of his body. Go through the
last locked door and go south to the end. Shmed will attack you, kill him
and take his stuff. Also note that Shmed didn't act alone, and said
something about a woman in on it. Hmmmm... Go back to Shmed's house and
get all your belongings and companions back.
Becoming a Knight, steps 2 through 4:
Go back to Monitor, and give the Wolf to Cellia (139S, 1W) to make you a
cloak, she says it will take her 24 hours to complete, so note the time.
Then take the Wolf Meat to Lucilla (152S, 13E) and have her make the banquet
meal. Finally go to Lydia the Tattoo artist (147S, 13E), and get your Wolf
Command tattoo. After 24 hours get your cloak and go to the Banquet Hall
to become a Knight (157S, 12E).
Note: One thing to do while you wait for your cloak is to do the Silver
Seed, but if you want to do that, be sure to NOT get a tattoo from
Lydia (or if you do, be sure to get the cure first)
You will now be having a banquet in your honor. During the banquet, Flicken
(the gate guard) will ask you what you thought was the worst ordeal of all.
Tell them whatever, but this will make them think that there is a traitor.
Then Harnna will enter telling you that her daughter Cantra was taken, which
brings up other old wounds, causing Luther to accuse Krayg of being a
traitor, they attack each other, and the banquet ends. You are now
officially a Knight! (of course, I think all their banquets end that way)
Talk to Harnna about Cantra, then look in her Crystal Ball (157S, 9W) to
discover that Batlin took Cantra. Harnna will give you a Wooden Practice
Sword and tell you to find the Hounds of Doskar to track Cantra down.
Talk to Lord Marsten to free Iolo (139S, 14E) from prison.
Note: You can have Spektor free Iolo, but he wants money to do it, and
Marsten will do it for free!
At some point in Monitor, after you become a knight, you will notice that you
are poisoned. Talk to Harnna, and she will temporarily cure you but needs
Varo Leaves for a more permanent measure. Delphynia of Fawn has the Varo
Note: If you are cheating and using "Power Avatar" you won't get poisoned,
and therefore you don't need Varo leaves, and Lydia never dies. So
don't cheat! It ruins the game! (As you may have guessed, I was
cheating to learn about this...)
The Third Traitor:
Talk to Simon and try his Ale, it is really really bad. Then talk to Krayg
about being called a traitor and he'll say that he saw someone sneaking
around, and he also mentions a Goblin meeting site (83S, 18W). Go there and
find the Ale, take it back to Simon, who reveals himself to be the Goblin
Traitor and attacks you. Search his body to find the key to the Goblin
ITEMS: (these are items that were lost in the teleport storm)
Iolo's Crossbow - in the Crypts
Dupre's Shield - Talk to Harnna about the Plain Shield, and then talk to
Lucilla to learn that Luther has a "New Shield". Pester Luther about it
until he challenges you to a duel. Accept it, and beat him in a
training session after you become a knight. Use the Halberd to beat him
since it has a long range. Then afterwords ask for Dupre's Shield back
and then give him his shield.
DEATH COUNT: 3 (Shmed, Lydia, Simon)
From Monitor you can go several places: Fawn, Goblin Passages, Inn of Sleeping
Bull, and eventually Moonshade. I choose to go to Fawn next, then the Inn,
followed by Moonshade, and finally the Goblin Passages. But you can do these
in almost any order you want. The reason I do it in this order, is that it
makes the Goblin areas much much easier. (in that you will have MAGIC and
HIGHER LEVELS when you go there!)
| 3. Fawn, "Yes... Everyone wants to kill you!" |
Fawn Tower: (95S, 8E)
On the way to Fawn is the Fawn Tower, which was taken by the Goblins. Kill
all the Goblins here, go down the stairs, come back up, and the Pikemen will
have retaken the tower. Yay.
When you arrive at Fawn you will be accosted by a guard, and then a member of
the Fellowship, Ruggs, who asks you to deliver a letter to Delphynia. (this
is SORT OF a subplot in that it doesn't matter if you do it or not!)
Once in town you will find yourself in the middle of another teleport storm.
This time a lute appears at Iolo's feet so he plays a song that gets
everyone's attention.
Note: Iolo already had a lute, so this one makes 2.
Then go to Delphynia (69S, 18E), deliver the letter and get the Varo leaves.
(you have to go back to Monitor to get cured in that Harnna is the only one
who can use the Varo Leaves to heal you) Delphynia may also give you a letter
to give back to Ruggs. Go out to the Fellowship Camp (76S, 22E) and deliver
the letter, then get your map from Scots. Talk to everyone else.
Go back to Fawn, and talk to everyone about everything. Get your gauntlets
back from Alyssand (see ITEMS below) and agree to help her free the town from
evil schemes. After that, Zulith will begin following you. Talk to him and
accuse him of spying on you (if you hadn't talked to him before, talk to him,
then talk to him again).
Eventually Kalen will attack you, kill him and he spouts some gibberish about
Batlin triumphing over all. After that Jendon will come up to you and tell
you that Lady Yelinda wants to meet with you and Iolo (the other companions
are optional). Go to her palace, and talk to her. Iolo (or another companion
if you brought any) will say something about Lord British and get thrown in
jail. Stupid.
Trial of the Century:
You wake up in the Inn, minus whatever companion said the stupid remark.
There is a key and a note that reads "Thou are required at the temple for
the trial", so go to the Temple (56S, 9E). The trial isn't exactly fair, as
Voldin twists every fact against you. Eventually the trial finishes for the
day. Go talk to Alyssand, and she will give you a key to the temple. Go to
the temple and use your key to open the left door. It leads to a cell where
your companion is held. Flip the switch and continue north. You will find
yourself in a room full of levers, and Voldin. He has been secretly
controlling the Oracle via the levers, and attacks you to preserve his
secret. Kill him. Then just flip levers until the Oracle talks, then talk
to the Oracle and change the Revelation to say that the Trial is Corrupt.
Wait 24 hours (or so) and go back to the Trial. Now its your turn to call
witnesses, but don't bother. The verdict will be innocent, and the Oracle
will denounce the whole system. Yelinda will apologize and give your
companion the Crystal Rose of Love. Then Jendon will appear and say that
Kylista has been arrested. And Justice for All.
Note: If you choose to set the Oracle to say merely that your companion is
innocent, and not denounce the whole system, then there is only one
difference: Kylista will not be jailed.
Torches - Delin got your torches and you got his money. After telling him
about his daughter's ring (see below) he offers you money, but realizes
that all he has now is food. Take your torches if you want.
Magic Gauntlets - Alyssand's engagement ring was swapped for your gauntlets.
Talk to Delin to learn that the Ring was hers, then talk to Alyssand
about it and she'll give you the gauntlets, and let you keep the Ring.
Magic Armor - Kylista's White Breastplate was swapped for your nice Magic
Armor. Don't tell her that, however, or she'll want it back (it has the
same defense as a Plate Mail), instead go to her house (54S, 6E) and
while no one is looking, take it.
DEATH COUNT: 2 (Kalen, Voldin)
JAILED: 1 (Kylista)
| 4. Sleeping Bull, "Wouldn't you rather get 99999 Monetari than 1 gold bar?" |
Before you enter the Inn:
Let's search for treasure first! Go to (117S, 36E), and check inside the
hollow tree for a pair of bags, and a key. The bags have 3 potions and some
money. Next go to the pillar at (100S, 39E). You are going to have to
stack crates to get up to the invisible chest on top of it. Remember that
key we got in the tree? It opens this invisible chest! Inside are a Magic
Sword, 2 potions of Healing, a Ring of Invisibility, Invisibility Dust, Magic
Bolts, money, and a Kite Shield.
Now go into the Inn. Talking with Kane and Flindo will reveal that Captain
Hawk is unable to take anyone to Moonshade because Flindo had him arrested.
Also talk to the Monk Miggim, and anyone else you want to. Hawk is currently
being held in the Pikemen tower to the north of the Inn (99S, 28E). Talk to
any Pikeman there and offer to pay for Hawk's freedom. No matter how much
money you offer (even into the millions!) he will reject you. We'll get back
to this in a moment, but first we have other things to do.
Silverpate's Treasure, Part 1:
Go into the Inn's basement, and between 2 casks on the north wall is a Wall,
open it and go north. There will be a little room here. Get the key in the
left chest, but ignore the right chest. Also flip the switch. Now go back
out then south and left down the stairs. Then go up, and when you come to a
fork in the path, take the left path until you reach a locked door. Open
the door with your trusty key (from the earlier room), go inside, and go to
the left side of the chamber. In the 2nd from bottom chest you will find
another key and a map. (the other chests merely explode when touched) In
the north side of the chamber is another invisible chest. Inside are a
couple spells, some money, and a potion. Now go back to the fork in the
path, and this time go right. Then go up a little ways until you see 2
torches close together on the wall, from there go through the right wall
(it's an illusion), and then go up, kill the gazers. Pick open the chest
here (you should be by a big serpent's gate) to get a key and the Dark Path
Map. Use the key on the door to the right, and step on the teleporter to
get back to the Inn.
Note: The Dark Path Map isn't all that useful of an item, what it does is
show the path to the Shrine of Logic.
Selina's Crazy Adventures:
Now we'll buy Hawk's freedom! Talk to the Pikemen (if you haven't already)
and they'll just want more money than you have. Go back to the inn, and
Selina should approach you (btw, she is Lydia's, the tatto artist, sister)
and offer to help you get some money to pay the fine. Take her up on the
offer, but don't leave your companions behind (unless you really like
fighting battles on your own) and go to the Mint at (76S, 81E) (Ignore the
other building on the way to the mint). Unlock the mint with Selina's key,
go inside and take all the treasure. You will be teleported around, and
attacked by monsters that change forms.
Once you have all the gold bars, gold nuggets, and gold coins, leave the
mint and head back to the Inn. But whats this? An ambush? Selina vanishes
and you get attacked by a number of brigands sent by Batlin. One of them
has a Sword of Defense. Get Selina's stuff and go back to the Pikemen
tower. Take all but 1 gold bar and set it on the ground, talk to the
Pikeman and offer him a Gold Bar for Hawk's freedom. He will give you a key
to open Hawks cell. Free Hawk.
Note: If you don't set all your other gold bars on the ground, the Pikemen
will take all the gold bars in your possession, but if you only have
one then that is all they can take!
Whenever you want to go to Moonshade, talk to Hawk and have him take you
there, but beware, for you won't be able to come back from Moonshade for a
long long time! So train everyone back in Monitor, and get all the items that
you may need, for ye won't be coming back for a bit!
Note: Since both Flindo and Kane need to go to Moonshade, the ship will not
leave without them, meaning that if they are asleep or otherwise
indisposed then you won't be going anywhere fast! And once you are
on the ship, you cannot move at all. So don't try this until it is
mid-day or so, AND you know that Flindo and Kane are ready to board.
Swamp Boots - Shamino's new slippers are actually Devra's, talk to her
and exchange them for your swamp boots.
| 5. Moonshade, "Rotoluncia's Miracle Diet!" |
You will land at (122S, 114E) and Moonshade is at (95S, 152E). First talk to
Flindo and he will try to set you up with a meeting with the MageLord. Then
go to the Seminarium (93S, 149E) and talk to Fedabiblio about a new Spellbook,
he will tell you to get a fresh Mandrake Root from Monk Isle.
Soon an Automaton will talk to you bearing greetings from its mistress, the
Red Witch Rotoluncia. He gives you a Magic Scroll (it looks just like a spell
scroll), talk to it, and Rotoluncia will talk to you. What she wants isn't so
much, she wants to control Daemons and thinks that you know how to do that.
Since you don't you can't very well teach her anything.
Talk to everyone else in the town. If it's after midnight, go talk to
Mortegro and do a seance. And keep bugging Flindo to get you that meeting
with the MageLord. Eventually he will tell you that he has had success and
that Filbercio wants to meet with you! Wow! Walk around for a short bit, go
near the MageLord manner and you will be teleported to the banquet.
You will get to meet Rotoluncia again, Gustacio, and Frigidazzi, as well as
the MageLord himself. Rotoluncia blames you for the Teleport Storms and
attacks you with Explosions, but Gustacio stops her. Rotoluncia leaves in a
huff, and Pothos the apothecary enters saying that he could not get Blood
Moss. That ends the banquet. After the banquet talk to Bucia about Pothos.
Go talk to Pothos about his "secret" (79S, 138E), and he asks you to get some
Blood Moss for him. It is in the center of the swamp at the southern end of
the island. The entrance to the swamp is (127S, 153E) and the Blood Moss is
at (123S, 147E). Grab some blood moss and take it back to Pothos. He will
then give you information on how to get to and talk to Erstam the Mad Mage.
However, when you get going to talk to Erstam, one of your companions will
vanish. Talk to Filbercio about it and he thinks Rotoluncia may have done
the deed. Search her manor (74S, 155E) and an Automaton will talk to you.
Question him and he will attack you. Take the serpent's tooth here, as well
as the spells. Go back to Filbercio and inform him that you found nothing.
He will then tell you of the "Love Palace" on the lake. Go upstairs in his
mansion and from there onto his boat. Take the boat to the Palace. (88S,
130E) And go inside. First go upstairs and get the key (note the whip...
hehe), then go down into the basement. Kill the red witch, search her for
keys, and free your companion.
Comb of Beauty:
This need not be done now. (but it needs to be done eventually) In
Columna's house is a chest, inside is a key. Use that key to open the door
in her house and go downstairs. Quickly grab the key down there and the
spell Time Stop, before the trap activates. Then, back upstairs, open up
her north wall, and go outside, walk around to the south of her yard. There
is a chest. Open it with your key and take the comb.
Map - your map of Britannia was swapped for the Ice Wine. However, since
this is Serpent Isle and not Britannia, the Map no longer exists.
Stockings - the stockings that you got belonged to Columna, talk to Torissio
about them (and if you are female he offers to sleep with you to get
them back, if you are male he will give you a spell), and Columna. If
you tell Melino about them he will refuse to talk to you, and therefore
won't sell you spells. Your Blackrock serpent, the item that was
exchanged, is in the property of Stefano who had stolen the stockings.
Don't worry, you'll get it back later.
Helm - Frigidazzi got your Magic Helm and you got her fur cap. It is located
in her bedroom and can be picked up whenever you get access into that
DEATH COUNT: 1 (Rotoluncia)
| 6. The Mad Mage, "Yesssss, Master!" |
At (14S, 128E) Ring the Bell to summon the giant sea turtle to take you to
Erstam's private island resort. Go inside his house and talk to him. He says
a whole lotta stuff. Then go talk to his assistant, Vasel, and ask him about
Teleportation. And lastly talk to the head of Boydon on the table. If you
look in his telescope you can see where the Magebane ended out.
Talk to Erstam again and ask him about the Jawbone, and he will ask you to
fetch a Phoenix Egg for him in exchange for the Jawbone. He will then
teleport you to the island. Wander around until you find a fire chamber with
a dead phoenix then flip the switch and the phoenix will come back to life and
give you the required egg. Then find the teleport pad and step on it to
return to Erstam's house.
Talk to Erstam and he will tell you to assemble the pieces of Boydon (they are
the body parts that don't move, get a head, torso, 2 arms, and 2 legs) put
them in his machine, and lastly put in the phoenix egg. Erstam will give you
the key to his storeroom. Go there and get the Jawbone. Go back to Erstam
who will give you 2 more teeth. Finally talk to Boydon who will ask to join,
ask Erstam if it is ok, then ask Boydon to join.
Warning: Beware, that if Boydon dies, he cannot be resurrected!
Note: Be sure to put all your teeth onto the Serpent Jawbone, as you get
them, don't wait because those teeth can be hard to find in your
Go back to the storeroom, and double click the Serpent Gate.
Dagger - Erstam has your dagger, you have his severed hand
| 7. Monk Isle, "The Bells!" |
Go through the serpent path to get to Monk Isle. (the Monk Isle Gate, is to
the right and it is the first one up) We are here to gather Mandrake Roots so
that we can get our spellbook. Talk to the Mandrake Expert, Monk Braccus
about Mandrake Roots and he will tell you if the time is right to gather the
Roots. When he says that it is go to (10N, 151E) and gather at least 3 Roots.
Note: Whenever you hear bells ring, that means that the monks are going to
a different activity.
Also be sure to go to (7N, 139E) and see the prophecy in action. You will see
Petra walking through some acid.
Talk to anyone else you want.
| 8. Moonshade Spells and Such, "Est Nudi!" |
Take the Serpent Path again, this time go left, and down the first one to get
back to Moonshade. Now that we have the Mandrake Roots we can get our
spellbook by talking to Fedabiblio. He will then ask you some questions
(refer to the "1. Arrival" section for the answers) and give you a spellbook.
Cast Transcribe on all your Magic Scrolls that you have accumulated, and then
search all the Mages houses for more scrolls. Get False Coin, cast it on
Monetari, and exchange the Monetari for Guilders. Then buy every spell in
Once you are completely done with Moonshade, you have every spell, everyone
is well equipped, etc. Talk to Frigidazzi and ask about her spells, she
will tell you to come to her room after midnight, alone.
Ditch your companions and go into her room (77S, 150E) at midnight. She
will come on to you (whether you are male or female, it doesn't matter), and
no matter whether you do the deed or not, you will get caught by her lover,
the Magelord Filbercio.
Filbercio puts you through another "show" trial and you are sentenced to
imprisonment in the Mountains of Freedom for the heinous crime of having sex
with the Magelord's mistress. There is apparantly no such notion of Justice
in all of Serpent's Isle.
| 9. Mountains of Freedom |
Most of your items will be left back at the courthouse. What you will have:
Scale Armor
Hourglass of Fate
Ring of Reagants*
* if you got these items in Silver Seed
Answer the automaton's questions and when he comes out of his little office,
sneak in. He will attack you. Use your staff's long distance to beat him.
Take all the items in the office. Use the key to open the north gate, kill
the 2 goons here, and go through the north wall. Go left, and down. When you
see the red footprints going into a wall, go south into the wall. From there
go left. The locked room with all the barrels has some reagants, and Blood
Spawn. Go down. Pick open the gate, and step onto the teleporter. Go down
the passage until you get to a room with a mage in it. The mage turns into an
animal, and teleports away. There are reagants here. Step onto the
You are now at Stefano's. Stefano will talk to you right off, and offer to
join you. Accept, and he will tell you how to get out of Freedom. All he
needed was your might. Go down the passage, and open the gate.
Kill anyone there, and get the key in the bag on the table. In the next
passage, you will be attacked by a Knight with your Black Sword! The demon
will ask you to free him, don't do it just yet. Talk to the sword after, and
he will offer a trade of sorts. You free him, and he will destroy the Wizard
Lorthondo, now agree to free him. The Black Sword is now, just a sword. Open
the next gate, go up, kill the woman, and step on the teleporter.
Note: After you free the Demon from the Sword you may be tempted to toss
that sword away, well... don't! You need it later!
Open the left door, and you will be automatically taken into the room, where
Lorthondo kills one of his underlings. The dead underling turns into a
skeletal dragon which attacks you. Go down into the small room, get the key
and the Firedoom Staff. Go now through the door to the right. Every chest in
the room is booby trapped, but there are some nice things here like Magic
Gauntlets and Magic Boots. Flip the 2 switches here, and step on the
teleporter to the right.
Go up the passage, and get the Telekinesis scroll, then go through the right
passage. Use Telekinesis on the Winch to let down the drawbridge, and go
across to the other side. Go right, and then up through the gate.
You will now be in a room with levers on the floor. First flip the top right
(not the very top right, but the one on the row of 4 levers), then the bottom,
second from right. Go up to the woman, and lead her to the dark horse. The
horse (nightmare) will kill her. Take the carrots and the key from her
Now flip the top left (again on the row of 4), put the carrots on the plate by
the rabbit and get the flowers. Flip the lower left lever, and put the
flowers by the Ranger. The ranger will "fix" the lower right lever, and be
destroyed. Flip the lower right lever. Step onto the teleport pad, and then
flip the blue switch. Try to walk out of the glad to teleport back. Finally
flip the very lower left lever (not on the row of 4) to open the south doors.
Go south. Use your key to open the door, and step into the fire.
You will now have reached the "Endless Hallway". Walk to the south, and keep
trying to go through the right wall. Eventually you will succeed and be
teleported. There will be an Automaton in a room here. Go south till you see
the room with the bell. Stack the crates to form a ladder so that you can
ring the bell.
Climb on the crates and you will be teleported. Go left and then onto the
teleporter. The room up from here has some items. Continue left. Talk to
the automaton, and kill him to get his key. Pick the final gate, and go down
you will be attacked by Lorthondo, but your demon will blow him to bits. Pick
the last gate, and step onto the teleporter, and you are out!
Stefano leaves you, but leaves all your belongings with you.
Black Sword - a knight in freedom has it.
| 10. Moonshade and a Mirror |
First thing to do upon your escape of Freedom is to round up your companions:
Dupre - Blue Boar Pub (where else?)
Shamino - West forest (81S, 110E)
Iolo - Gustacio's house
Boydon - provisioner's house
When you get Shamino he gives you the "Chill" spell from Frigidazzi, and the
Serpent Earrings. After you get Shamino back, you'll hear the voice of the
Order Serpent (because you now have the Earrings). When you get Iolo back, he
tells you to talk to Gustacio. Gustacio wants your help in investigating the
Teleport Storms, he gives you an energy globe and tells you to go to his
little tower (37S, 142E). It also seems that Mortegro has vanished and been
replaced by a strange stone altar. (it is the altar of Tolerance, and becomes
important later in the game)
Go to the tower, place the globe on the dais, and then use the Winch. A
teleport storm will be summoned. Now use each lever by the various objects.
Once your finished with each lever, use the winch again, but now you will be
hit by lightning. You'll come to by a pit (if you fall down, get the key
and the treasures) and go north to get your companions. Report your
findings to Gustacio, who tells you to get the data interpreted by
Fedabiblio. He will have you look into his Crystal Ball, where you will see
Edrin turned into Ale by a Teleport Storm, talk to Fedabiblio, then go back
to Gustacio. He will give you a cage, use it, and trap Ale. Then go back
to the tower, place the cage on an open spot, and do it again. Edrin will
be restored to humanity. Yay.
Go back to Gustacio and he will give you the Mirror of Truth, and sell you
his spells for FREE!
Also, if Melino didn't sell you spells earlier, he will now.
Note: I asked him for spells, but didn't have the money so I had to decline,
but when I got the money, he stopped offering the spells. This was
likely because I had upset him earlier, and he was only selling spells
now because I had tripped a Plot "Egg."
Leaving Moonshade:
Talk to Captain Hawk about leaving the island, and he will tell you that
there is a tunnel that leads right back to the Mainland. He also says that
Julia, the head ranger, has the key. Julia will sell you the key (so long
as you have the Chill spell) for 40 guilders. If you don't want to fight
the Rat Men, talk to Mosh, befriend her, and get her Rat Harp.
| 11. Furnace, "101 ways to fry an Avatar" |
Note: Sulfurous Ash can be gathered in large quantities here.
Whenever anyone complains about the heat, cast the Chill spell. This will
only last for a few minutes (real time not game time).
The entrance to Furnace is located at (96S, 133E). Use Julia's key to open
the door and go on down. You are now in the first level of Furnace, which we
will refer to as the Ratmen Lair. Head all the way to the left, go down a
short way and take the path to the right, going through the Ratmen village.
Continue all the way to the right (you can go down to the Crypt here if you
want), up past the Wildmen, and finally head left and up the stairs.
You are now in Furnace proper. Talk to the Gargoyle (Zhelkas) to get him to
lower the bridge for you. He will have you take the Test of Purity to prove
that you are the Hero, and then he will give you an "important artifact".
Go to the large room with all the Pools (I'm sure that you can find it), and
on one of the corpses is the Fire Key. Take it, and notice how it won't be
added to the Keyring. Hmmm...
The building to the right of the Pool Room is a large arena, go around the
south side of it, kill the skeletons, and enter from the right side. Use the
winch go in, and as the gates open, defeat the Automatons. When you have
beaten all 4, the far right room will open. Get the key in there. Cast
Telekinesis on the Winch to get back out.
Go right, through the locked door, and continue right and down into the
Mushroom Park. Search the bodies to come up with another Serpent's Tooth, and
the Ice Key. (the tooth is for Monitor)
Go back up to the magically locked door, open it and go up. Find the two
columns, and double click the right Fire column to enter the Test of Purity.
Test of Purity:
To open the doors, even though they are locked, merely double click them.
Left - Shamino here wants you to press the Left Button (it makes the people
in there want to have sex with you), ignore his advice and press the
right button.
Top - Iolo here is full of lies, so don't pay attention to what he says,
refuse to flee with him and above all do not go into the Moongate.
Instead just stand there.
Right - Dupre is here and is a "moderator of the game", whatever that means.
He wants you to take a hammer and whack worms as they pop up. Do
so. It is easiest to hit the worms from above. They are about 3
hits apiece. Ignore Dupre's attempts to distract you, and keep
killing the worms.
Zhelkas will appear, and depending on whether you passed the test, will give
you the Serpent Ring.
Note: If you fail the test, find the Everlasting Goblet from the Conjury
(the building is north of the Pool room) and talk to Zhelkas again.
By the by, you definately want to pick up the Everlasting Goblet in
any case, as you won't need to get Food once you have it.
There are 2 buildings north of the Test, go in the right one, and place the
Fire Key and the Ice Key on the pedestal to get the Blackrock Key (which can
be put on the keyring). This key opens the north door on the second floor,
which leads to a Serpent Gate. (you may also find your Spellbook here, but it
will be useless, and therefore won't be covered in the ITEMS section)
Also be sure to pick up the Everlasting Goblet, it is located in the "Conjury"
which is to the left of the Test (although you will have to go all the way
around again to get it). With that in your possession, you never need any
more food. Also in the Conjury is Eshalveras' lab.
Note: To create Phosphor--to light the Serpent Lamps--place 1 Agnium, 1
Zerine, and 1 Serpentium on the pedestal here, and press the button.
This creates a piece of Phosphor. Use the phosphor on a lamp to
light it. Oh, and the Phosphor doesn't last forever, the lamp will
darken again eventually.
When you want to continue on to Monitor, talk to Zhelkas again, who will pull
the lever to get you out (it is by where you came in). Follow the hallway
south go across the bridge, then go left, and up into the Troll sleeping area.
One of the Trolls will have a key on him. Open the locked door and get the
Serpent Staff.
Finally to get out go down, left, across the bridge, left, and then up.
| 12. Goblins! "The brand new multi-million dollar Musical!" |
And now finally back to the plot we started back in Monitor, the Goblins.
First check the hollow tree at (86S, 23W) and get the Serpent Crown.
Go to (69S, 32W) and into the Goblin tunnels. Once inside, go left, then up,
kill the goblins here, and open the door with one of Simon's keys. Go north,
down the stairs, and north again. Keep going north until you get to the very
top. There will be 2 staircases here, take the one on the left. There is an
underground lake here, with a sign that says "Beware of Water Creatures" good
advice. Go up the NW stairs. From here go left, up, and up these stairs.
Continue going up, left, then up the next stairs. Go left, up, left, and all
the way up. You will see a locked door on the right, the Helm of Courage is
in there, but we need to get the key from Pomdirgun in the Goblin village.
Exit the passages.
The Goblin Village:
The best time to attack the goblins is obviously when they are all asleep,
which they do from 12 am to 6 am. Attack between those times, and kill the
goblins in their sleep. Pomdirgun's house is at (30S, 20W) go in and he'll
want to talk to you first, do so if you want, then kill him and take your
key. He also has a trapped chest, which has some gems, and he has a Magic
Axe. There is a human slaughterhouse at (19S, 23W) and a female pikeman
inside has a Sword of Defense. Finally there is an imprisoned Pikeman,
Johnson, at (19S, 17W), you can free him if you like.
Note: Beware of Johnson! He will follow you around, but he isn't part of
your party, so if you steal some Goblin loot, he will act like a
normal guard and attack you for stealing! The jerk.
Go back into the passages, open the door and take the Helm of Courage! Also
read the two letters on the table and take them. They implicate Lord
Marsten and Spektor of heinous deeds. Also there is a lot of gems, jewelry
and money here. Go back to Monitor.
The Traitors:
Read the 2 scrolls from Pomdirgun's treasure horde, and then talk to either
Brendann or Caladin and tell them who the real traitor is. Lord Marsten and
Spektor will both be arrested and thrown into jail (where Iolo was held).
Talk now to Lucilla about Spektor and she will give you the key to their
secret treasure trove. Now go to (154S, 12W), and walk west into the
mountain, use the key on the door and go in. Find the corpse, read and take
the note (seems you found Cantra's father) and take a powder keg. (if you
can't hold it, don't worry, but you'll need a powder keg later in the game,
and this is a good source for it.)
DEATH COUNT: 1 (Pomdirgun)
JAILED: 2 (Marsten, Spektor)
| 13. The Realm of Dreams |
Make sure that you have the Helm of Courage, the Crystal Rose of Love, and the
Mirror of Truth before proceeding! Also get everyone warm clothing (fur hat,
fur cloak, and fur boots) for their inventory, you will need these soon!
Go to the building at (62S, 46E) go inside through the switch on the right
wall. There are some gems in the barrel here. Go across the left bridge.
When you get off the bridge there will be a key underneath it (barely
visible), get it.
--------what does this key open??--------
There are also some ruins at (46S, 36E).
Trick: There's a way to get all those great items in the realm of dreams
out into the 'real' world. Before going into Gorlab, have the
Avatar give all his possessions to his companions (or just dump
them on the ground - you can get them later) and then use a scroll
of Serpent Bond. (Alternately, have the Avatar cast the spell then
drop his spellbook and reagents.) Wind your way into the swamp and
go night-night. You'll find yourself in the realm of dreams;
wander around a bit until the spell wears off. The companions will
rush in from the side of the screen to re-join the Avatar. Play
through this sequence as you normally would, but before you finish,
give all the dream items - full suit of magic armor, two infinity
bows, juggernaut hammer, etc - to the companions. (Make sure the
Avatar isn't wearing anything when you leave the dream realm, or
you'll lose it.) When you wake up, your companions will still have
the new stuff. (from Geoff Bateman)
Go into the Gorlab Swamp, and you will one by one fall asleep... and reawaken
in the realm of Dreams. All your items are gone except for a backpack and the
3 items of principle.
You appear right above a Temple (well... a dream temple anyway) go inside, and
by a little version of a moongate, Thoxa will appear and tell you to find the
Moon's Eye. From there, leave the temple, and go north quite a ways to get to
the dream version of Castle Britannia. A chest behind the throne has a full
set of Magic Armor and an Infinity Bow. Talk to Lord British to learn that
Britannia is falling apart just as much, if not more so, than Serpent's Isle.
Note: If you attack, and beat, Lord British, he won't die, but rather will
wail about how the Avatar has gone mad and that the world is truly
Go back south until you find a giant flame in a nature area. To leave the
dream area at any time step into the flame. Don't do that now, however. Go
north along the left path, and then all the way north. Then go left, down,
left, and finally up. You should be in a forested area. Talk here to
Siranush. Seems that a long long time ago, an evil wizard destroyed the town
of Gorlab, but that he trapped them in the Realm of Dreams. So you have to
help free them! To do that we need to kill the wizard, and bring her the
Go back to that giant flame. From there go all the way south, and left until
you reach a giant castle. You can't miss it!
Go into the keep, and walk up to the Wizard. He will attempt a spell on you,
but won't succeed because you are protected by Courage! The Snow Leopards
will come to life, kill them, and go south, east, and into a torture chamber.
Again talk to the Wizard, who will again attempt a spell, but you are
protected by Love! The body on the table has a key, and a corpse in the west
room has a Fire Sword.
Go back to the main chamber, and open the north door with the key. Go in the
room, talk to him, he attempts one last spell and it reflects back to him
because you are protected by Truth! Search his body for a key. Go into the
right room, and open the east door with the key. Go down and get the Crystal,
avoiding the traps.
Go back to Siranush, and give her the Crystal. Edwin will pop in for a
moment, they will exchange their last bit of love, and you leave the Dream
Realm. You can now go through Gorlab Swamp.
Also in the Dream Realm:
Batlin - who dreams of defeating you, the Avatar
Cantra - who has horrible nightmares of being chased
Stefano - dreams of women (naked women!)
Iolo - dreams of looking for Gwenno
Ensorcio - dreams of torturing the Magelord
Filbercio - nightmares of being tortured by Ensorcio
Byrin - the bard from Sleeping Bull, will offer some tips on the Dream Realm
DEATH COUNT: 2 (Siranush, Rabindrinath)
| 14. Great Northern Forest |
There are some ruins right outside of Gorlab (29S, 60E). Inside is a corpse
with a Ring of Regeneration and some jewelry. Wow. You probably also notice
the big castle (22S, 77E), but that is for later!
At (0S, 66E) you will find a small fort. You have stumbled across the
remnants of a mining expedition led by Draygon (that's _Lord_ Draygon to
you!). If you listen to everything Draygon has to say, he comes off as a
fairly mean person. Talk to Beryl after Draygon has gone to sleep, and she
tells you of all of Draygon's evil deeds, that he led to the death of some 21
people. She wants you to kill Draygon, not an easy task since he is
invicible. She tells you to find some Kings Savior, an herb, and to find it,
you must talk to the Forest Master.
Go now to the Forest Master (52S, 21W), and talk to him. His name is
Morghrim, and he is from the next game, er, I mean Pagan. Ask him about the
King's Savior. He also tells of the fall of Pagan to the Guardian.
Eventually he will mention the Hound of Doskar (remember those? the dogs we
need to find Cantra!) Agree to get his Orb back for him, and he will get a
Hound of Doskar for you. The King's Savior is just to the west and a little
to the north of here. Gather some and go back to the Fort. Talk to Beryl
again, and then use the Savior on some arrows (she has some in her room), the
sleep arrows will appear at your feet. Attack Draygon with a bow and the
sleep arrows, then beat him normally. Get the Orb and he also has some Magic
Leggings. Morghrim will appear, and ask for the Orb, give it to him, and he
will give you a Whistle to summon a hound of Doskar with!
At (17S, 28E) you will find Hazzard's lodge. Inside you will find a note that
says that he has your glass sword on him, and has headed north. There is also
a key here.
At (44S, 22W) is a cave hidden by a tree. Inside is a small amount of
treasure, note that the brass chest is trapped.
DEATH COUNT: 1 (Draygon)
| 15. Shamino's Castle |
Place Cantra's practice sword on the ground, and summon a Hound of Doskar,
tell the dog to "Track" and click on the sword. Pick the sword back up. The
dog will tell you to go north. Go to (3N, 99E) which is Shamino's castle.
Shamino will draw you a map of the area and talk a bit about a lost love.
Note: In case you're wondering how Shamino could have a castle here, when
his home was in Britannia, here is the explanation. Back in Ultima 1
there were many lands that comprised Old Sosaria, and one of them was
called the Lands of Danger and Despair, this is where Shamino lived
and had his castle. However he went to serve Lord British, and
Sosaria was split to pieces leaving Shamino stranded, and his love
left alone in what was now the Serpent's Isle.
The secret entrance to the castle is at (2N, 78E). You can either go in that
way, or use Telekinesis on the winches (you can barely see the second winch).
In the secret entrance is a Cyclops who has a Magic Helm, a Magic Shield and
some Magic Bolts.
Once in Shamino's Castle, go to the Central Keep first, go inside, kill all of
Batlin's loser followers. Batlin will pop in and say some snide remark about
how you are too late, and that soon he will be more powerful than even the
Guardian. He teleports outta there and takes Palos with him. Go upstairs,
take the Fellowship Medallion. A monk will appear and take Cantra's dead body
Now for the rest of the keep. Go into the right room, a barracks, ignore the
chests, and go all the way north where there is a secret Wall to a room with
a lot of switches. These levers will lock and unlock all the doors in the
keep. An up lever indicates a locked door and a down lever an unlocked door.
The blacksmith room is opened with the 3rd lever from the right, hack open the
top right chest to get the DragonSlayer Sword!
The wizards room is opened with the 2nd lever from the left. An invisible
chest in the west room has a key to the closet. Pick open the chests to get
some reagants.
Explore the rest of the castle at your leisure, and note that Beatrix is a
little bitter over Shamino. Beware the ovens in the kitchen! They are booby
Note: Anytime that Shamino dies after talking to Beatrix, she will save his
life and depart for the Void (where most spirits go after life), and
will also leave him a Book.
Note: Batlin's goons don't rate a Death Count.
| 16. To the North! |
Once outside of Shamino's castle, have the Hound track Batlin via his
Fellowship Medallion (careless thing to leave lying about). The dog points
north (it irritates me that he doesn't actually do anything more than say
Go to (28S, 3E) and go into the cave (don't go in if you don't have your warm
Note: The Helm of Light (Silver Seed) counts as warm gear, also note that
you will find a full set of warm gear inside as well as a couple of
Here are some hints to get through the cave: go north at the big rock, north
at the mushrooms, left at the fire fields, north at the obelisk, when you see
the caltrops turn south. And that should get you through the cave. (you can
also do the Captain Stokes thing here too, see below)
When you reach the end of the cave you will meet a dying trapper who worked
for Hazzard. He tells of an evil sorceress (Gwenno) who attacked their camp.
Search his body for some warm gear.
Captain Stokes:
The evil software pirate silenced the bard Gannt, and now sits in his locked
tower securely pirating copyrighted material! The fiend! You get the key
to the tower here. From the obelisk, go north up the passage just to the
west of the obelisk and down one of the stairs. Take the moongate. Get the
key and read the sign. The ghost will leave you a scroll. The tower is at
(77S, 28W).
There are some other caves north of where you come out. The first has a Polar
Bear inside, and the second has a lotta dead bodies and some ghosts.
| 17. The Gwani |
The Gwani village is around (23N, 0E). Talk to all of the Gwani here (be sure
that you aren't wearing a Gwani cloak, nothing like wearing the skin of the
people you are talking to, to get them to like you!). You will learn several
things here, one that Gwenno is dead and her body is in the Gwani Death
Temple, and that Neyobi is dying. Talk to Baiyanda about curing Neyobi. She
will also heal you if you need it. She says that you need Ice Dragon Blood to
heal Neyobi, and that there are only 2 Ice Dragons left, one to the north, and
one to the East.
Ice Dragon:
Head north to (50N, 3E). On the way you will meet up with a Gwani hunter
who failed to get the Ice Dragon Blood. He says that you should beware the
front entrace. Good advice. Take the boat out to the Ice Dragon Island
(77N, 15W). Go around to the back entrance (93N, 11E) and sneak on in.
This way has a lot of teleporters, but you will eventually find yourself at
the Dragon's Lair. Or just go in the front. Either way kill the Dragon.
Use the bucket on its dead body to get the blood. There is also quite a bit
of treasure in there.
Go back to the Gwani village, talk to Yenani and tell her you got the blood.
She takes the blood and tells you this phrase "Isal Sal Cra Gaas Iskar", for
use in the Skullcrusher dungeon.
Magebane - the penguins got your Magebane. They are at (53N, 32W) and will
attack you when you take it. Guess they got attached to it!
They can only be reached via the Ice Boat.
| 18. Vasculio and Skullcrusher |
Use the Whistle again, and have the hound reaquire the scent from Batlin's
Amulet. He points east! How... useless.
The entrance to Skullcrusher is at (2N, 1E). Inside is a corpse with a note
telling of how he locked people in the city. Do not cast translation. Put
each stone on the pedestal that has the same letter on its plaque. Then
double click on the runes in this order: I, S, C, G, I. Note that there are 2
different I's, make sure to click them both.
Find Vasculio's lab. Then find the room with a coffin inside. Remember how
Vasculio was killed, and then came back to life? Well he's a vampire. Read
the scroll below his coffin and he should pop right out. Make sure to equip
the Magebane here, as it will make killing Vasculio much easier. Don't
agree to trading the Magebane (are you insane??). Once you hit him for the
first time with the Magebane, his magic is gone. Search his body and get
the key. You don't need to get his treasures yet, but you can if you want
(just don't lose them!).
You can talk to the various ghosts in here. Seems they can't leave this plane
of existence because of the Imbalance. In the room with all the chests and
barrels in the very bottom left corner is a powder keg.
The exit is far to the NE (by where the Serpent Gate is) and will exit you at
about (24N, 41E).
Note: Those double brass doors to the east go nowhere, and can never be
opened. You can cheat yourself inside, where you will see some dead
bodies (some even have items) and a staircase that takes you to the
middle of the ocean. Seems the developers were going to have
something here and took it out!
Eye of the Moon: (20N, 52E)
When you get out of Skullcrusher, go to the SE, to the temple that you saw
in the Realm of Dreams. Inside you will find the Moon's Eye, use it to see
that Batlin is going to open the Wall of Lights, and thereby become ultra
powerful. You'd probably better stop him!
Note: You probably notice the "Lodestones" of various emotions, those
become important later, as does Shriash who is stuck in the wall,
and has been for millenia.
Rudyom's Wand - in the lab (not Vasculio's) you can find your old Rudyom's
wand. Well it doesn't work anymore, now it just makes
people sneeze. Goodie. You do not need to get this item.
DEATH COUNT: 1 (Vasculio, well he was already dead, but now its permanent!)
| 19. Batlin, Spinebreaker, and the Banes |
Note: After this part of the plot, it is impossible to go back. A lot of
people will be dead, so get all your training done first, buy all the
spells, and items that you will need, etc.
Getting to Spinebreaker isn't exactly straightforward, mainly because your map
is flat out innaccurate about this area. From the temple head east (on your
map it will look like you are going through mountains!). The entrance to
Spinebreaker is at (39N, 96E).
Go into Spinebreaker, and Batlin will send an Automaton to kill you. Kill it
instead, and get its key. The key opens the door to the north, to the left of
the main passage (there are reagants up that way).
Note: Notice all the dead Automaton's in the entrance, if you have the room
and the strength, grab and carry three of them (you'll see why
Go up the right passage, use Telekinesis on the button to open the gate, and
kill this automaton as well. Go east until you get to 2 gates. Use the south
button, and Brunt will appear. Ignore what he says, and now use the north
button and go up, and north through the wall, then east, and then south. If
you follow Brunt you will have to walk through many traps. There will be a
bow storehold here with some magic, serpent, and burst arrows. In the hall to
the bow room, one of the north walls conceals a secret passage, open it and go
You are now in the old Ophidian City. There are 3 small shrines here that we
need to visit to get the items we need to get to the Big Shrine of Order. Go
north into the Shrine of Discipline, and search the dead body here for a
Juggernaut Hammer. Get the Dagger off the pedestal. Then go south into the
Shrine of Ethicality, and get one of the scrolls there. East and you will
find the Shrine of Logic, get the abacus there. There is also Spider Silk
Now go to the Temple of the Hierophant, and place each item on the pedestal
there, Scroll, Dagger, Abacus. The door will open. Go inside, and go
downstairs. An automaton here thinks that you are the Hierophant, he gives
you the Serpent Scepter and dies. Go back upstairs and place the Scepter on
the pedestal in the main room. You will be teleported into the Library. Get
the keys on the Upper Left table, and under a book on the north desk to the
west. Open the left locked door and get the Book of Order, be sure to read
it. Open the right door and teleport out.
Go to the SE part of the city, press the button on the column, and the
Gargoyle Palos will come, insult you a bit, and leave. There are a lot of
traps in the next room so have Destroy Trap ready (after using Detect Trap of
course). Go east and talk to the Automaton behind the gate. He is going to
ask you questions about order, to determine if you are a true follower of
Order or not. The answer is: "The Structure of Order", but you can only say
that once you've read the book from the library. He opens the gate, open the
next gate yourself, and Deadeye will appear, follow him north but beware his
traps! The dead pirate has a bag with a key in it. Open the locked door to
the north.
Go through the big door to the north, go north. Selina will appear and attack
you with Palos, Deadeye, and Brunt. Kill them and get Selina's Dispel Field
Warning: If you have Boydon, leave him here, if you take him with you he
will die! Then you will never be able to get him back!
Go north through the big serpent doors, and all the way north to Batlin. The
plot takes over for a bit. Your party surrounds Batlin who opens the Wall of
Lights despite your efforts. Something goes wrong, very wrong however. Batlin
is destroyed, and the Banes take over the bodies of Iolo, Dupre, and Shamino.
Shamino becomes Anarchy, Dupre becomes Wantonness, and Iolo becomes the Insanity
Bane. They then explode leaving all of their possesions. The Great Serpent
tells you to get the Gwani Horn from Skullcrusher (Vasculio had it sealed in
an Energy Field).
Note: Now you are alone, but you will get all of your party back
eventually. So in the mean time to carry all their items, and to
help out, create 3 Automatons (from the entrance)! Equip them with
everything that Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre had.
Search Batlin for a key, his Serpent Jawbone (transfer his 6 teeth to your
Jawbone), and the Blackrock Chaos Serpent. And regardless of whether you are
doing my Automaton trick, take Iolo's Lute, Dupre's Shield, or Beatrix's Book,
and have a Hound of Doskar track using one of those items.
DEATH COUNT: 5 (Batlin, Selina, Brunt, Deadeye, Palos)
| 20. Gwenno Returns! Sorta... |
The Gwani Horn:
Firstly go back to Skullcrusher, and back to Vasculio's lab. If you didn't
get all the other items, get them now. Then cast Dispel Field on the Energy
Field, and take the Gwani Horn. Now the Great Serpent tells you to go free
Gwenno from the Ice. Good advice. The only items that you really need are
the Flux Analyser, the Philanderer's Friend, and the Gwani Horn. Everything
else is just for fun.
Ice Crypts:
Now we need to go get Gwenno's body from the Gwani Death Temple. Use the
Ice Boat, again, to get to (93N, 43W) or so--on the map it is located on the
"S" in the Serpent Isle banner. Caution! Using the Horn causes ice to
explode, which could damage, even kill your party members. Gwenno's body is
in the ice block at (102N, 55W). Get her body, and go to the Monk Isle.
At Monk Isle have Gwenno be resurrected. She is insane now because the Chaos
Bane twisted her soul. Find and talk to Karnax, and he tells you to get the
Scroll of the Serpent from Fedabiblio in Moonshade.
Quite a few things to do while we are here. Moonshade was overrun by
monsters following an attack from Shamino, who is now the Bane of Anarchy.
Use the Philanderer's Friend on the Statue of Fedabiblio in the seminarium.
He tells of how Shamino destroyed most of Moonshade (the casualty list as
well as where their bodies are found is listed in the DEATH COUNT), and
gives you a key to Hawk's treasure. Then get the Scroll of the Serpent from
him. Next go talk to Stefano. Seems that Columna put a curse on him, and
now a Death Knight pursues him. Kill the "Death Knight" (he has some
armor), and talk to Stefano again. He will give you a key to his vault to
get your Blackrock Order Serpent, and a Serpent's Tooth. We'll hit his
vault last.
Go to the Blue Boar, search Hawk to get another key. Inside Hawk's room is
a chest, inside is a Map that shows you how to get the Serpent Crown.
Search Gustacio's, Frigidazzi's, Torissio's and the Magelord's houses to get
more Serpent's Teeth. Search Gustacio's body in the Seminarium to learn
what the Flux Analyzer does. Get the Comb of Beauty if you didn't already
(instructions are in the first Moonshade section above).
Go to Stefano's old House at (80S, 100E). The vault just to the west opens
with the key Stefano gave you. Inside is your Blackrock Order Serpent.
Return to Monk Isle.
DEATH COUNT: 14 - Hawk, Edrin - Blue Boar
Mosh, Pothos - Provisioner (Ducio)
Frigidazzi, Filbercio - Frigidazzi's
Flindo - street by Frigidazzi's
Columna - Columna's House's Yard
Julia - Columna's House
Melino - Gustacio's House
Gustacio, Bucia - Seminarium
Rocco, Topo - Outside Stefano's on street
| 21. Discipline and Gwenno |
Back at Monk Isle take the scroll back to Karnax. He figures everything out,
and realizes that Gwenno needs some water of Discipline. In the library, the
blue book there will tell you where all the Temples of Order are. Take the
Serpent Path to the Temple of Discipline. (it is the right choice on the upper
right path) In the Temple, avoid the trap, and talk to the Automaton, who
somehow manages to choke out that only an Automaton can get the Water of
Discipline. Note the Mind Transference Chamber at the far left. Then flip
the right switch to open the door to the upstairs. Go up the left stairs, and
read the red book on body transference. Hmmm... Back to Monk Isle.
Find Draxta and ask her to show you a vision. Go to the place of Visions
(7N, 139E) and talk to Draxta again, and ask to see the Vision. It will
show Petra walking through the acid, while the Avatar waits behind. Go to
Moonshade. Before you talk to Petra (if you have 4 other people in your
party) ask Boydon to leave. Then talk to Petra about the Acid, and
switching bodies. She'll join you and you can go back to Discipline. Go to
the Mind Transference Chamber and talk to Petra, ask her to switch bodies,
then press the button. You will switch bodies. (you may want to equip your
old body, er, Petra, with some warm clothes) Go down the left stairs, go
down and get the key from the invisible chest, then go up the right stairs,
and get the 2 Y shaped things. On the main floor, put the white Y in the
right side and the Blue in the left. A small bridge will form to the
stairs. Go down. The room to the south has a key. The room to the north
leads to the acid and the water. Fill up a bucket with the water of
Note: You can keep Petra in your party if you want, but once you tell her
to leave she is gone for good. Also you might want to fill up an
extra bucket with water here, it will come in handy later on.
Go back to Monk Isle. Find Gwenno (she is usually in the Library) and use the
water on her, and she will be back to normal! She won't join you, but will
offer to stay there and research for you. Goodie. She wants you to cage the
Banes again (I say again because Batlin did so earlier), and tells you to go
to Moonshade to do that.
| 22. Soul Prisms, Banes and Such |
Go to Moonshade. Talk to Torissio about soul prisms, and he will teach you
what to do, for a price. Give him the Philanderer's Friend and he will give
you the spell. He tells you to talk to Ducio about Worm Gems. He also
mentions that the Gem on the Black Sword is similar to a Worm Gem. Talk to
Ducio about Worm Gems, and he'll say that each Gem requires 3 Worm Hearts. He
also says that the Flux Analyser could fix the Black Sword. Use the Flux
Analyser on the Black Sword. To get more Worm Hearts either go North and kill
Ice Snakes, or steal them from Pothos' house. Make 3 Worm Gems. Cast Create
Soul Prism on the 3 Gems to turn them into Prisms.
Go back to Monk Isle, and talk to Gwenno again. She tells you to go to the 3
temples of Chaos, and bathe the Soul Gems in the waters there. The 3 temples
are Enthusiasm, Tolerance, and Emotion. Make sure you have a bucket!
Enthusiasm: (80N, 140E)
Take the Serpent Path to get to Enthusiasm (down and left, then left). When
you first enter Enthusiasm you will be struck by lightning. Don't worry
about the treasure chest in the first maze, it only has some boots. Find
the Magic Lens look in it to see that the Banes are in that big castle
(White Dragon) north of Gorlab Swamp. Use a bucket on the well to get some
Water of Enthusiasm, and then use the water on a soul prism to get a Soul
Prism of Enthusiasm.
Emotion: (20N, 52E)
We've been to the Temple of Emotion before, now we go back. On the Serpent
Path it is Upper Left and left. Here gather the 4 lodestones of various
emotions (get one of them by talking to Shriash in the wall, and destroying
the column). Place the 4 lodestones on the 4 small pedestals in the room
with the Moon's Eye. Use a bucket on the water, and the bucket on a soul
prism to get a Soul Prism of Emotion.
Tolerance: (61N, 63E)
Take the Serpent Path, and go Lower Left, and down. The first thing you
should notice once inside is that there is the recently vanished Mortegro.
Yet somehow he is trapped here by 2 feet of water. The baby. He will offer
you the Summon Shade spell if you rescue him. Get the key from the far left
room and go down stairs. Go down to the far south cell and talk to Sethys
(still alive from the Ophidian days... somehow). Cast Serpent Bond (if you
don't have it, you can find it on a scroll upstairs) and go through the left
wall. Flip the switch to open the north wall. Get the key. There's a lot
of gold here, but you shouldn't need money anymore. Go back upstairs, use
the key on the door with the winch inside, and use the winch. There is a
secret door that leads to the drawbridge.
Talk to Mortegro, who gives you the Summon Shade spell. Take him outside.
He will be obliterated. Go back to Moonshade, go into Gustacio's basement
and put a bucket on the altar. Use the water on the last Soul Prism to get
the Soul Prism of Tolerance.
Now we have to fill 3 buckets with the Waters of Order (you'll see why later).
No, you don't need to get 3 buckets, we'll find them on the way.
Discipline, you know how to get the water here. (remember that whole thing
---------- with Petra?)
Ethicality: (32N, 132E)
On the serpent Path it is Lower Right, and down. If you go upstairs
(outside) you may notice that the fountain is not working. Go all the way
to the right (from the serpent gate) and double click on the Serpent Carpet
to start the Test of Ethicality. Answers are "Risk Death", "Leave the
Money", and "Continue", this now starts the test. In the first test, push
the button in the middle of the flames to save the man. In the second test,
place all of your valuables on the pedestal, and walk all the way to the
right and press the button. In the third room, fight Batlin, and whatever
happens do not give up to him, even if you are about to be defeated.
Note: If you have Power Avatar on you cannot pass the third test!
Go outside, and use the bucket there on the fountain to get the Water of
Logic: (23N, 64E)
Note: Be sure to get an empty bucket before coming to Logic.
On the Serpent Path it is lower right and right. Looks like you found the
other Ice Dragon, dead. Find your way to the 5 ice blocks and use the Gwani
Horn to clear the path (head left from the serpent gate, and then generally
head up), you will find a journal in the debris that appears, it has some
clues in it (a logic puzzle!). Step on the teleporters in this order:
Next place the serpent runes in front of the double doors in this order:
Now we have a little murder mystery to solve. Automaton Number 7 was killed
by one of the automaton's, but they all have alibi's... Or do they? Talk to
all of the automaton's and check their alibi's, if one says he was with
someone, does that someone back him up? Number 4 did it. Don't accuse him
until you have talked to them all. Number 4 will then attack you. Kill him
and get his key. (In the left room with the stones, place the far left
stone on top of the middle stone to get the key, I don't know what the key
is for). Fill another bucket with the Water of Logic.
DEATH COUNT: 1 (Mortegro)
| 23. Serpent Treasures |
We'll start by getting Silverpate's treasure. Go to (50N, 40E) and walk
through the north wall. You should have the map of this area from Sleeping
Bull Inn, if not go there and get it! Avoid the traps here, and the Caltrops.
Pick open the chests (don't worry, none of them are trapped), and get the
treasures, be sure to get the Blackrock Balance Serpent. If you didn't get
the Serpent's Crown, be sure to get it (86S, 23W).
Go to Fawn. Search Zulith's body to learn of the Serpent Armor, and that
Yelinda will know where it is. You will also notice that Iolo struck this
place hard and almost nothing is left. You can talk to Ruggs here, since he
is still alive. Go to Yelinda's throne room, and get her Necklace. Go to the
entrance to Gorlab, and have the Hound of Doskar track Yelinda off the
necklace. At around (32S, 65E) you will find her. She lost her skin to Iolo.
Give her the Comb of Beauty and she will give you the key to the storeroom to
get the Serpent Armor. A monk will appear and take her away.
Go back to Fawn, go to her throne room, and open the SE door, and go north
through the wall and down the stairs. The Serpent Armor is in the right chest
on the upper left table. Get it and put it on! Also in the treasure room are
2 fire swords, a firedoom staff, a bow of infinity, a lightning wand, money,
jewels, gems, potions, and some other armors.
If you want to (you don't have to yet) go to Monitor. Harnna is the only
person alive here, and will give you a "prophecy".
DEATH COUNT: Sleeping Bull - 4 (Devra, Ensorcio, Byrin, Angus)
Fawn - 11 - Zulith, Kylista - Main Gate
Scots - Path N of Main Gate
Alyssand - Delin's House
Garth - Archway
Jendon, Delin - Main Palace
Delphynia - Delphynia's Garden
Joth, Jorvin - street
Leon - NW Building
Monitor - 12 - Standarr - List Field
Brendann, Shazanna - Shazanna's House
Templar, Lucilla - Pub
Luther, Krayg - by the Well
Cellia - Hall
Spektor, Marsten - Jail
Flicken - West Gate
Caladin - Garden by Hall
| 24. White Dragon Castle and the Banes |
Make sure to have the 3 charged Soul Prisms and the 3 Waters of Order, and
some Automatons to help out as well. Also have the Black Sword, and have used
the Flux Analyser on it.
Go to (33S, 86E) and cross the drawbridge here. You will be confronted by the
Ghost of the King of the White Dragon castle, he will make some vague threats
and (sometimes) turn into an Ice Dragon. Go through the double doors and go
into the room to the right with all of the mirrors. Iolo will appear, taunt
you and then the mirrors will explode into a gaggle of Avatars.
Open the secret Wall to the lower right, go into the lab and get the key off
the corpse. Use the key to open the library (the room above the lab), Shamino
will appear and tell you to read some books. Some books will explode. Go up
the stairs, and then down the stairs to the left. Iolo will appear with a
Nightmare. Get the key from the desk. Go back to the library, and back to
the main hallway. Open the far left chamber, Iolo will appear. Avoid the
traps and flip the switch under the bale of wool.
Walk through the wall directly under the stairs, and get the key from the
chest. Go up the stairs, open the door, go right, and open the left door and
go down the stairs. You should be in the Music Room. Iolo will appear here
and leave a ghost to attack you. Get the key under the pipes on the table.
Go back to the room with the chest under the stairs, unlock the door to the
north and go up that way. Open the door to the right. Go north and down the
stairs. Kill Iolo's Gazer and open the right door. Get the key from the
drawers. Go back into the hall and go south and open the south door. Open
the right door, then open the south door, and walk all the way to the left
where the Banes are.
Note: Save it here! Seriously!
Equip yourself with the Black Sword and kill the Banes. After you kill each
Bane you have to stuff it into their appropriate Soul Prism. So kill one and
put it straight in. (you do that by using the Black Sword on a Soul Prism,
the Soul Prism will then get a "halo" around it)
Dupre -- Enthusiasm Prism
Shamino -- Tolerance Prism
Iolo -- Emotion Prism
After that you should have 3 Soul Prisms with the 3 Banes inside. If you
failed to get them, reload.
Take their bodies to Monk Isle and have them resurrected. They will act like
Gwenno did, and need water used on them (that's why we got the water!)
Iolo -- Logic
Shamino -- Ethicality
Dupre -- Discipline
After all 3 of your companions are resurrected, all 3 bells will ring
signaling the return of Xenka. She will say a whole lotta things and give you
the second to last Serpent Tooth, with the instructions to go to the Isle of
the Crypts.
| 25. Isle of Crypts and the Chaos Serpent |
Order Hierophant:
To get to the Isle of Crypts, take the Serpent Path Right, then the second
one up. The entrance is at (12N, 44W). In the room with the many serpent
carpets take the south passage. Go all the way down the passage until you
find the button on the west wall, go north through the north wall. You will
be teleported. Go along the north passage, all the way, beat the mummy, and
take the scroll from its body. Place the scroll on the pedestal (by the
other pedestal with the Gold Serpent).
You will be teleported into the library, read the book in the center to be
teleported again. To the left and north is the Eye of the Serpent. Cast
Dispel Field on the Energy Field and swipe the Eye. North of the Eye is a
secret passage, go up there, and onto the teleporter. Go up open the secret
passage to the coffin, and open the coffin. Then cast Summon Shade, to
revive the Hierophant. If you have all the required Serpent Artifacts, he
will tell you that. He tells you that to restore Balance you must reunite
the Chaos Serpent, but that he cannot tell you how to do that (curse that
mummy!). After that he will vanish forever.
Chaos Hierophant:
The Chaos Hierophant is in the Temple of Enthusiasm, but first we need to
get his lackey Sethys (remember him?) in the Temple of Tolerance, and ask
him to join you. As you leave the Temple, Sethys starts to feel his age
(1000? 2000?) and dies. Take the Orb off his corpse. Now go to
Enthusiasm. Right off of the Serpent Gate cast Summon Shade to talk to the
Chaos Hierophant. He will give you all the instructions that you will need.
As you go he says that the Rite requires a Force to bind the Banes together,
but that he doesn't have a clue what this force is. He will then go *poof*.
Note: Another way to talk to the Chaos Hierophant is to go to (71S, 52E)
go inside and talk to the ghost there. I don't think that he is
supposed to be there, but he was in the original version, and also
in the later version (silver seed), so I can only assume that it
for some reason is supposed to be there.
Final Serpent Tooth:
The Gwani have the last tooth, but as you may notice, they have recently
suffered a recent rash of Trapper attacks. Talk to Yenani about where all
the other Gwani to learn that. Find the trapper's lair at (60N, 24E), hack
the door away, and go inside. Talk to the Trapper, but that gets us
nowhere, so again we have to resort to violence. Kill him and get his key.
Go north and use the key on the north brass box. Get your glass sword and
the Gwani Amulet. Go back to the Gwani and give Yenani the Amulet, and she
will give you the last Serpent Tooth.
The Death of Dupre:
Go back to Monk Isle and talk to Xenka. She says that only the Ultimate
Sacrifice by either you, your companions, or Gwenno, will solve the
Imbalance now. You will draw straws, and you personally will lose. Bummer.
Guess there are no perks to being the "Hero from another Land". Go to the
Crematorium in Monitor. Dupre won't allow the Avatar to die this way,
however, and dies in your place. Get his ashes, and whatever of his
belongings you want.
Chaos Serpent:
Go back to Skullcrusher, and go to the big double doors to the north. Place
a powder keg (there are several in skullcrusher, and also some in Marsten's
treasure hold back in Monitor) by the doors and ignite it. The doors will
be blown apart giving you access to the tunnels. Make your way through the
tunnels they aren't easy, but don't have any secret walls or anything so I
won't walk through it--I know that isn't much in a Walkthrough, but it
really isn't as hard as it seems. (if you find the teleporters, they take
you to a pen by Sleeping Bull Inn) Eventually you will get to the Grand
Shrine of Chaos. Open up the Secret Wall to the North and go inside. Place
the Blackrock Chaos Serpent on the middle pedestal, and the Wall of Lights
should open. Then place the Soul Prisms on the right pedestals: (they
should burst to flame)
Enthusiasm Pedestal -- Wantonness Bane
Tolerance -- Anarcy
Emotion -- Insanity
Then place the Ashes of Dupre on the last pedestal. Dupre will talk through
the Chaos Serpent and tell you to get your butt over to Sunrise Isle. Then
Xenka will appear. Don't leave without your Chaos Serpent!
Glass Sword - Hazzard has your glass sword locked away in his treasure
chest. Kill him and open the chest.
DEATH COUNT: 3 - (Sethys, Hazzard, Dupre)
| 26. Sunrise Isle and Endgame |
Talk to Xenka again and get the Serpent Sword, she tells you to go to Sunrise
Isle and there to restore the Balance to the land! Use the Serpent Gate (well
that is the ONLY way to get there!) and it is the gate Straight Up from where
you arrive on the Serpent Path.
You will be in the dead center of Sunrise Isle when you arrive. To the north
and south of you are 3 pedestals (each direction) and a scale (each direction)
place a blue snake on one side of each scale, and a red snake on the other.
This causes various items to appear. Take all of the items. There are 6
temples representing all of the virtues of both order and chaos. The idea
here is to use Balance. So in an order temple, place a Chaos item; and visa
versa. Here is what to put where:
Torch (representing Ethicality) -- Tolerance
Abacus (logic) -- Emotion
Dagger (discipline) -- Enthusiasm
Chain (tolerance) -- Ethicality
Heart (emotion) -- Logic
Rose (enthusiasm) -- Discipline
Once that business is done, you will get a book. North of where you came in
are 2 pillars, read the book in between the pillars. A bridge of Blue Fire
will appear, cross and do it again, this time normal fire will appear, cross
that too and you will be at the Shrine of Balance.
Go left find the key, and then go all the way right. Use the key on the brass
box and get a serpent candle. Go all the way left and put the Serpent Candle
on the pedestal there. Get the Ice Diamond. Get one of the small chunks of
ice that appears, and put it on the other pedestal on the far right side. Get
the Fire Ruby. Go back to the center and put the appropriate gem on their
Here you should put on all the Serpent stuff you've been carrying around:
Ring, Staff, Sword, Armor, Necklace, Earrings, and Crown.
It ain't over yet! Now we are in yet another chamber with yet another
pedestal. On the left side the buttons open doors on the right side, and yes
the reverse is true. Find the 2 cubes of order and the 2 cubes of chaos and
place them on the pedestal. This will create a bridge below you with a
teleporter on it. Step on the teleporter. Then go north and place the
Serpent Staff, Armor and Crown on the table. You will be declared Balanced by
the Great Earth Serpent and teleported back, and now the doors will open.
Go north into the Main Shrine of Balance. The Order Serpent attempts to stop
you using a half dozen or so Ice Men (elemental things). Kill them and keep
Place the 3 Blackrock Serpents in their appropriate places. The Wall of
Lights will open, and the Earth Serpent tells you to put the Eyes of the
Serpents on the pedestal. Do so. The Snake Altar will start getting jiggy,
so whack him a good one with your Serpent Sword.
Congrats! You beat Serpent Isle! Sit back and enjoy the endgame! At the very
end the Guardian grabs you, and then in Ultima 8 drops you off in Pagan.
Your total DEATH COUNT was 60 + 4 (Silver Seed) so 64 died to further your
goals. Not very Avatarlike is it?
| A. Silver Seed Walkthrough |
Items in Silver Seed: Keyring, Belt of Strenghth, Helm of Light, Gaunlets of
Quickness, Ring of Reagants, Erinons Axe, and other small
To get to the Silver Seed area, use the Amulet of Balance while on a Serpent
Gate. You will (very slowly) be teleported, but you only have to sit through
it this one time.
Note: Once you arrive you can only leave if you pass the Silver Seed area,
or if you wait a WEEK for the amulet to recharge.
Immediately go north and talk to the Silver Automaton, he thinks that you are
the champion of balance, and gives you the Key Ring (very nice), and tells
you to find the 4 globes to get the Silver Seed.
Note: The key ring is a very nice artifact, everytime you get a key put it
on the keyring, and then to use the keyring, just press 'k'.
However, when you find the Ice and Fire keys, DO NOT PUT THEM ON THE
KEYRING!!!! Those keys are meant to make another key, the Blackrock
key, and they cannot do that if they are on a keyring. (Although
they don't seem to ever want to go on the keyring...)
Also in the keep is a Mage, a Trainer, and a Healer. For the time being, when
you die in Silver Seed you will reappear at the Healer's, not on Monk Isle.
Abandoned Outpost:
Leave the Keep and go left, then up, until a woman, Rieya, appears. Talk to
her to get your clues, but don't take everything she says seriously. Go
into the outpost. Go down the stairs, go across the bridge, and then
through an illusion wall on the left. Flip the switch here, go back out and
then right through the now opened wall. You will now be in a room with 3
switches on the wall, and if you try to go through it, traps will activate.
Press the top right, top left, and then bottom left switch (in that order)
to deactivate the traps.
Now you will be in a room full of corpses. Search them all and get the
Lightning Whip (you have to lose this later) and a key. Use your keyring to
open the first door, and walk through the next two (they are illusions).
Then go up, find the key in the room with the green glowing things (it's
under some debris), and search these rooms for the 2 scrolls. Place the
Lightning Whip on the gold pedestal with the Blue Flame on it to get rid of
the Force Barriers. Go down the stairs, then down the next set of stairs,
and finally up the other stairs, and up the last stairs.
You will be in a room full of corpses who come alive and attack you.
Continue left. You will be attacked by Living Armors. Kill them and work
your way through the sleep fields. (if you want to get rid of the sleep
fields, go back to where there were 3 plates and the switch, and step on the
plates in this order 3, 2, 1) Get the orb, and go back to the magically
locked door, open it and then go down (this door will also close behind you
and magically lock itself). Go straight down, then left. Pick open the
lower left treasure chest to get some spells (including 2 unlock magic
spells!), then go down again.
You will be in a torture chamber, pick open the upper cell, and get the
scroll. Go back to the double doors that were locked (by where you used the
whip to get rid of the force barriers), open them and go up. Attack the
debris here until it disappears. Go down the stairs, search the body and
get the rope. Go back out until you get to where the wall opened up, and go
south. Use the rope on the well and go down. Use the rope again, and go
down again. Go to the force walls here, and use the scroll that you found
in the cell to get rid of the force walls. Go down the stairs. Kill the
Ice Trolls, and search around until you find a glowing blue belt. That is
the Belt of Strength! Pick the 2 chests by it to get gold, and ammunition.
The Maze:
Just north of the abandoned outpost is a maze. Drusilla (another of those
dark women) appears here and gives some advice. When you go into the maze,
all of your belongings will disappear (they are in the hollow tree outside
of the maze) When you reach the end of a level, the whole level will open
Level 1: Left, down, left 2, down, right 2, down, left 4, up, right, up,
left, up 3, right 5, down, left 2, down.
Level 2: Up 3, left, down 2, left, up 2, right, up, left, down, left,
down 2, left, down, left, up 3, right, up, right. (after the
level opens up go find the corpse and get its cheese)
Level 3: Right, down 3, left 2, up 2, right 3, up 2, left 4 (get cheese),
down 3, right 4.
Level 4: Down 3, right 3, up 2 (talk to monster here, give cheese, get
orb), up, left, up, down, left, down 2, right 4, down, left, up 3,
right, up, left 2, up, right (get Helm of Light off corpse), and
right through illusionary wall. Done!
Get your equipment from the tree (don't forget the purple orb you just
Aram Dol's Lair:
This one is probably (definately) the hardest of the little dungeons. It is
on the North side of the keep. There is a Dragon named Draxinar in here, he
is more useful alive as he gives information. But that is not where we are
going. From the entrance take the top passage to the right, go all the way
up and take the stairs. Go right, down, then right and at the first
opportunity go up and up again. You will be in a large chamber filled with
In the center of the chamber is a room with a staircase. Take the stairs.
Go left up and then step onto the teleporter in the open room. Go right,
get the key behind the pedestal and go up the right passage, open the door,
go down the stairs, and flip the blue switch, go back up the stairs, down
into the room again and finally up the left passage (fire traps should go
off). You will be in a room with a large pillar, behind that pillar on the
north wall is a passage (illusionary wall), go up there and get the key.
Then go back and down the stairs. Unlock the door and go down the next
stairs. You should quickly find yourself in a series of lever puzzles.
Lever Puzzle One: Flip the 2nd switch
Two: Flip 1, 2, and 5
Three: Flip 1, 2, 3, and 6
Go up the stairs, and then down, but not through the door. Instead go
through the right wall into the Crypts. Kill the Mummies and get the green
key. Go up through an illusion in the middle crypt, then down the stairs,
across the fire and get the glowing green key. Go back to the main crypt.
Unlock the gate leading to the stairs, and go up. Go down and unlock this
gate too, and continue going down. There are skeletal Dragons here. Go
right, then up through yet another illusion. Go down the stairs.
You should now be in a long hallway with 10 rooms on each side. Flip the
switch in each room, then flip the brass switch at the end of the hallway to
continue. Go down the stairs. Kill Aram-Dol the Liche here. (not as easy
as it sounds) Search his body to get the key. Open the north door and get
his treasures: the Orb, the Gauntlet of Quickness, Erinons Axe, Full Set of
Magic Armor, etc. I'm sure that you can find your own way out.
The Fiend:
To the right of the Keep is the Fiend's Lair. From the entrance, work your
way to the right until you reach the stairs, go down them. Go right, up,
left (you should be in a room with headless), then all the way right past
all the buzzsaws and down the stairs, then up the next stairs. Go right,
down, right, down, right, up, left through the explosions and up. Pick the
door here and talk to the Fiend.
He asks you to get the Ring of Reagants for him. Go back to the first
staircase (the one from the entrace) but don't go up it. Instead from there
go right, and up through an illusionary wall. Then go right, and down, then
down the stairs. From there go diagonally down and right until you reach a
trail of coins, follow that trail down into a room, mind the fires, search
the corpse here for the Golden Orb! Now follow the coins up, then go right.
You will be in a room with another blackened corpse and some traps shooting
at it. Go up through the wall right above where the corpse is. Work your
way up and to the left until you get to some stairs. Go up the stairs. Go
all the way down, then all the way right, then up and through another wall
to the north. The Ring of Reagants is in the rubble, you should be able to
see a little green speck. Go back to the Fiend, who attacks you, and your
The Silver Seed:
Go to the Laboratory in the Keep. To the right of the lab is a staircase
down, and a candlestick. Move the Candlestick and press the button. Go
back to the lab and down the now revealed stairs. Follow the path until you
reach the 4 pedestals. Place the Golden Orb on the lowest pedestal, the Red
on the left, purple on the middle, and blue on the right. Open the door and
take the Silver Seed. The 3 witches appear and attempt to stop you, kill
them and take their 3 keys. Open the door and continue through until you
reach the grotto. Karnax will appear and give some advice. Stand near the
dirt area in the center, and use the Silver Seed to create a Silver Tree!
Congrats! You passed the Silver Seed!
DEATH COUNT: 4 (Drusilla, Rieya, Solaria, The Fiend)
| B. Serpent Path Map |
a - Emotion
_ _ b - Skullcrusher
|b| _ |d| c - Balance
_ | |c| | _ d - Spinebreaker
|a|--- | ---|e| e - Discipline
| | | f - Sleeping Bull
-- | -- g - Furnace
_ _ | | | _ _ h - Mad Mage Isle
|f| |g| ------- |j| |k| i - Moonshade
| | | | | | j - Monk Isle
------| |------ k - Isle of Crypts
| | |_______| | | l - Fawn
|h| |i| | | | |l| |m| m - Great North Forest
-- | -- n - Enthusiasm
_ | | | _ o - Tolerance
|n|--- | ---|r| p - Monitor
| |p| | q - Ethicality
|o| |q| r - Logic
| C. Money Conversions |
Exchange Rate:
Filari Gold Coin Guilder Monetari
------ --------- ------- --------
4 Filari 4 2 3 1
1 Filari 1 1/2 3/4 1/4
2 Gold Coins 4 2 3 1
1 Gold Coin 2 1 3/2 1/2
3 Guilder 4 2 3 1
1 Guilder 4/3 2/3 1 1/3
1 Monetari 4 2 3 1
1 Gem 100 50 75 25
1 Gold Nugget 40 20 30 10
1 Jewelry 400 200 300 100
1 Gold Bar 800 400 600 200
Note: When you get the False Coin spell, only use it on Monetari since Monetari
is by far the most valuable currency.
Exchangers: ($ - money, j - jewelry (and gems), B - Gold Bars, g - just gems)
Name: Town: Types: Fee:
----- ----- ------ ----
Zulith Fawn $ 3%
Spektor Monitor $ 4%
Bucia Moonshade $,j 2.5%
Topo Moonshade g* --
Devra Sleeping Bull $,B,j 2%
* - Topo buys gems for 100 guilders each
| D. Secrets and Cheats |
As with The Black Gate, you can access the Debug Cheat Menu by adding a special
word at the command line.
With Silver Seed: "serpent manimal"
Without Silver Seed: "serpent pass"
In the game, press F2 to bring up the Debug Menu.
F3 to bring up the Teleport Map
F5 casts any spell (hit F5, push number of the spell, select
who gets to cast it, and if needed select what to cast it
{ALT} 4 - dumps contents, used to see what someone is
carrying. Try it on Lord British.
The Debug Menu should look something like:
[b]usiness schedule [h]ack mover...: No
[d]o Schedule.: All [l]ocation.....: Off
[g]ame flags [i]nspect
[n]umber ID...: Off [m]odify Npc
[t]eleport [u]nk BugChkin : Yes
[p]ower Avatar: Off [q]ueue Toggle.: Off
[s]et time [c]reate item
[+-] Time Rate: 1 [a]ctivity dump
[f]ollowers...:* No* [X]it
For the purposes of this debug menu, the avatar is considered NPC 0, with
everyone else in the game numbered as well. Choosing "Number ID" will show
all the NPC numbers. A near complete list of NPC's can be found in Appendix
"E. Monsters and NPC's".
-- "Hack Mover" allows you to pick up all objects, including the scenery.
Nothing is more fun that picking a mountain apart to see how it ticks. Also
you can pick yourself up.
-- "Followers" brings in everyone that can join your party. (up to the maximum
number of followers anyway)
-- "Create Item" is just what it says. You can create EVERYTHING, including an
Avatar Corpse! Creepy!
Now a little bit more on the "m"odify NPC option. You can modify every NPC in
the game, including all enemies. You can affect their (or your) stats, status,
and make them do things, called a "business activity". Typical business
activities are "preaching", "baking", "follow avatar", etc. The best "status"
change you can do is to make yourself Ethereal, which is essentially a walk
through walls option. Very fun, but remember you cannot go up stairs, or go up
in any way at all while ethereal; instead you will walk through the stairs. To
go up a level while ethereal use the Hack mover and pick yourself up. If you
want to change an NPC's appearance, you can use the "2" Polymorph edit, a some-
what complete list of those can be found in the "E. Monsters and NPC's" section
**WARNING!!!** Doing any of the above cheats can result in a corrupted savegame.
You may not be able to pass the game if you cheat! So don't save it if you
cheat and don't cheat unless you don't want to pass the game. You shouldn't
cheat anyway... what kind of Avatar are you?
Note: Never ever turn "Party" off on the Avatar, this will make it impossible to
move the Avatar, which makes playing the game very very hard indeed! I
accidently did this once, and since I was far and didn't want to save it
like this (you can't undo it once you've done it), I had to move myself
around with the Hack Mover, not a very fun thing to do.
Avoid the Lightning:
The only way to avoid the Teleport storm at the beginning of the game is to
use a cheat teleport. Since the Teleport storm is activated based on location,
e.g. when you step off the boat, all you have to do is teleport off the boat to,
say Monitor. However the game was meant to go through the Teleport Storm, and
there is no real way (besides playing the whole game that way) to tell what ill
effects this may have. A few things that I noticed when I did it, were these:
- Whenever Dupre leaves the party (like in the knights test) he and 2 Pikemen
keep approaching you to join, if he can't join (again in the knights test)
he will talk to you again, and again, and again (I got around this by
Paralyzing him.).
- You will still find your items around the world. For example, your magic bow
is still on the bear skeleton, even though you never lost it.
I didn't play it any farther than becoming a knight, so I don't know what other
effects this might have on the game.
Jive Talkin':
To watch the intro or the endgame (without actually playing the game) type:
intro hisss
endgame hisss
or in the static directory create the files
and then start the game, and in the main menu you should see "View Endgame"
To see the Jive intro, where the Guardian reveals that he is really a sadistic
muppet type:
intro hisss jive
Spider Man:
At (52S, 155E) is a small Spider Temple with a dead woman. You can find
Spider Silk here, as well as a poison dagger and a locket.
Naked Woman:
At (23S, 126E) is a small camp, with the only occupant being a naked blonde
woman. Odd.
Erstam's Private Retreat:
This one is considered "Cheating". Go to (81S, 100E) and place a crate by the
stump to climb onto it. You will be teleported to a small island. Don't step
on the teleporter here, instead, work your way north by way of going east.
Eventually you will get to a new island, go in and find Erstam's Retreat. He
has a lot of naked women here, as well as some very nice items, including some
Plot Items (hence why it's cheating).
Cat's Revenge:
In Ultima I this island was called "Dead Cat's Life II" now it is called CLAW,
or Cat's Isle. I've heard there is a non-teleport way to get here, but since
CLAW is a cheat itself, you may as well F3 here. (112S, 62E) There are many
cats around here, as well as some human corpses. Go inside to get some
treasure and some Plot Items (like the Gwani Horn).
| E. Monsters and NPC's |
Monsters: (Poly is the Polymorph number of the monster, AR is Armor)
Name: STR: DEX: INT: COM: AR: Poly: NOTES:
----- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ----- ------
Acid Slug 15 6 1 12 3
Alligator 16 10 2 13 4
Arachnian 28 29 14 15 ? 979
Automaton 20 10 10 5 15 747 Create Automaton revives
Brass 20 18 11 23 ? 734 but doesn't revive here
Bat 2 17 2 10 1
Bear 18 15 1 12 10 302
Bird 3 13 2 5 0
Boar 9 9 3 5 4
Cat 3 8 3 5 1
Chicken 3 2 1 3 0
Corpser 13 2 1 10 4
Cow 16 2 1 2 2 500
Cyclops 25 6 5 15 6 501
Dark Monk 12 8 14 9 10 179
Dark Witch 15 13 20 7 8 665
Deer 9 20 1 5 2
Dog 8 13 6 10 6
Dream Monster 5 3 2 521
Fire Elemental 8 16 4 15 5 861
Fish 2 18 1 3 1
Flying Snake 5 10 3 6 5
Fox 7 6 3 510
Gargoyle 22 19 6 15 3 883
Gazer 7 21 14 8 3
Ghost 11 12 14 11 3
Goblin 19 8 8 6 5 725
Goblin Woman 8 8 10 6 6 744
Gremlin 6 14 5 10 7
Gwani 10 13 16 9 6 862
Harpy 15 15 1 532
Headless 16 14 4 9 3 514
Hound of Doskar 15 8 10 874
Ice Corpser 10 4 1 9 8
Ice Dragon 22 14 18 12 12 877
Ice Dragon Baby 15 13 2 15 7 798
Ice Man 17 5 3 15 13 968
Ice Serpent 20 8 8 15 15
Ice Snake 8 10 1 6 ?
Ice Troll 23 7 2 15 12 372
Insects 2 12 2 2 0 517
Jester 6 25 11 7 ?
Liche 25 21 30 30 ? 981
Mongbat 11 11 2 12 2
Mummy 15 12 8 373
Naga 15 12 1 7 9 846
Nightmare 17 20 25 7 8 885
Parrot 9 1 2 772
Penguin 6 8 2 6 6 298
Phoenix 15 15 15
Polar Bear 23 8 4 15 8 449
Rabbit 2 9 2 4 1
Rat 4 12 1 3 1
Rat-Man 7 11 1 5 5
Reaper 18 17 1 15 3 382
Scorpion 12 9 1 14 1
Sheep 1 1 1 1 0
Skeleton 14 17 3 10 2 528
Skeletal Dragon 30 15 15
Slime 7 2 1 10 2
Snake 6 12 2 6 2
Snow Leopard 10 12 1 6 6 754
Spider 9 10 1 10 3 865
Stone Harpy 23 24 11 17 10
Suit of Armor 13 7 4 9 ? 550
Tentacle (brown) 15 18 3 15 7
Tentacle (green) 20 13 3 15 3
Trapper 17 12 8 7 ?
Troll 16 9 1 13 5 533
Undead 11 6 2 3 ?
Wildman 10 8 1 5 12
Wolf 12 12 6 8 4 537
Vampire 15 20 30 15 10 588
NPC's: (Note: The list is incomplete as of yet, but will be finished eventually)
No. Name Str Dex Int Com Poly
--- ---- --- --- --- --- ----
0 Avatar 18 18 25 14
1 Dupre 22 20 13 18 488
2 Shamino 19 23 12 18 487
3 Iolo 15 24 24 16 465
4 Andrio 8 10 17 5 916
5 Automaton (Columna) 20 10 10 5 747
6 Automaton (Gustacio) same stats as above "
7 Automaton (Torrissio) same "
8 Automaton (Ducio) same "
9 Automaton (Ducio) same "
10 Automaton (Filbercio) same "
11 Automaton (Rotoluncia) same "
12 Automaton (Flindo) same "
13 Bucia 9 11 15 5
14 Columna 11 16 25 4 888
15 Ducio 18 12 11 6 304
x Hound of Doskar 874
16 Edrin 12 12 12 5 462
17 Fedabiblio 9 15 19 6 817
18 Filbercio 12 10 20 5 814
19 Freli 6 11 17 1 472
20 Frigidazzi 11 12 19 6 652
21 Frigidazzi's Goblin 16 12 19 8 744
22 Gustacio 9 10 19 5 581
23 Julia 16 16 14 9 461
24 Melino 4 6 18 2 226
25 Automaton (Rotoluncia) 20 10 10 5 747
26 Mortegro 9 14 20 6 809
27 Mosh 8 10 18 5 446
28 Petra 20 15 20 7 658
29 Pothos 11 11 12 4 830
30 Rocco 12 12 15 6 468
31 Rotoluncia 10 14 22 6 766
32 Topo 17 14 12 7
33 Torrissio 10 11 19 5 818
34 Boydon 30 12 12 8 815
35 Erstam 9 9 19 4 226
36 Vasel 18 10 10 5 304
37 Ale 9 10 1 1 772
38 Argus 12 12 13 3 462
39 Byrin 10 14 12 1 265
40 Hawk 9 12 12 1
41 Devra 9 10 11 1 454
42 Flindo 11 13 12 3 455
43 Kane 11 12 11 4 319
44 Selina 12 12 14 6 652
45 Wilfred 20 15 10 25
46 Alyssand 12 14 10 2 454
47 Delin 9 12 12 1 468
48 Delphynia 11 12 12 4 742
49 Garth 16 16 18 12 855
50 Joth 11 12 12 2 855
51 Voldin 9 11 12 3 855
52 Jendon 12 11 12 4
53 Jorvin 17 12 13 1
54 Kylista 12 14 12 6 560
55 Lady Yelinda 14 15 12 8 274
56 Leon 9 12 13 5 455
57 Kalen 12 13 11 7 458
58 Olon 13 12 11 4 457
59 Ruggs 12 16 12 4 462
60 Scots 12 14 12 2 265
61 Zulith 11 14 10 2 818
62 Andral 10 14 12 7
63 Caladin 25 19 13 24
64 Cantra 8 13 10 5 299
65 Cellia 10 10 13 5 469
66 Simon (goblin) 24 12 10 10 725
67 Harnna 9 12 14 6 454
68 Krayg 15 17 12 11 455
69 Marsten 19 19 19 15 451
70 Lucilla 11 10 11 5 742
71 Luther 28 18 10 19 816
72 Lydia 13 22 14 6 652
73 Renfry 30 9 10 5 468
74 Shazzana 20 28 12 24 647
75 Shmed 12 12 10 6 805
76 Simon (human) 18 17 10 10 265
77 Spektor 12 11 25 5
78 Standarr 18 18 11 10 304
79 Templar 22 16 13 13 462
80 Flicken 16 16 15 11 720
81 Ensorcio 12 15 13 5 401
82 Automaton (discipline) 20 10 10 5 747
83 Automaton (discipline) same as above "
84 Automaton (evil) same "
85 to 93 are plain Automatons "
94 to 99 are Logic Automatons "
101 to 107 are Female Goblins 18 18 14 12 744
108 to 123 are Goblins 15 16 14 8 725
124 D_Stefano (??) 30 30 30 10 451
125 Automaton (Order) 20 10 10 5 747
126 Automaton (Evil) same as above "
127 Brunt 11 16 12 9
128 Deadeye 22 22 22 20
129 Automaton (Order) 20 10 10 5 747
130 Automaton (Order) same as above "
131 to 134 are plain Automatons "
135 to 142 are evil Gwani 16 15 10 10 862
143 Baiyanda 13 14 20 6 "
144 Bwundiai 9 11 11 1 "
145 Mwaerno 9 15 11 1 "
146 Myauri 13 14 14 2 "
147 Neyobi 5 12 5 1 867
148 Yenani 20 18 30 15 862
149 Gwenno 24 20 24 16 669
150 Brendann 21 24 11 27 565
151 Man in Fire (Ethicality)10 22 9 4
152 Sethys 16 13 18 8
153 Gilwoyai 11 12 19 3 862
154 Kapyundi 18 14 10 12 "
155 Beryl 20 18 18 8 742
156 Draygan 10 11 12 1 816
157 Hurd 14 13 12 3 462
158 Ivor 10 11 10 2 720
159 Morghrim 11 12 19 2 581
160 to 162 are Automatons from Freedom
163 Lorthondo 14 13 12 3 817
164 Prioner (freedom) 14 16 14 9 455
165 Knight with Black Sword 13 12 17 7 720
166 Female Prisoner 13 12 12 2 647
167 Old Man Prisoner 14 13 15 3 581
168 Stefano 17 12 19 2 451
169 Teldrono 9 12 13 1 401
170 Zhelkas 14 13 13 3 480
171 Woman (Test of Purity) 11 11 12 3 469
172 Woman (Test of Purity) 14 13 15 4 652
173 Woman (Test of Purity) 9 12 14 1 888
174 Woman (Test of Purity) 9 9 15 1 766
175 Man (Test of Purity) 9 7 13 1 304
176 Thief (Furnace) 12 13 13 3 462
177 Thief (Furnace) 9 14 13 1 816
178 Iolo Clone 11 10 12 2 465
179 Shamino Clone 9 12 13 1 487
180 Dupre Clone 22 16 27 8 488
181 Rabindranath 24 12 14 6 809
182 Siranush 19 15 16 6 469
183 Thief (Furnace) 14 17 23 12 720
184 Number 7 (Logic) 20 10 10 5 747
185 to 194 are Automatons same as above "
195 Perry Stokes 12 15 14 5 pirate
196 Pirate 14 14 12 4
197 to 200 are Automatons 20 10 10 5 747
201 Cantra (dream) 11 12 12 1 299
202 Automaton 20 10 10 5 747
203 Henchman (mint) 10 14 8 7 816
204 Henchman (mint) 12 10 8 6 caladin
205 Henchman (mint) 13 11 7 6 805
206 Automaton (Ducio) 20 10 10 5 747
207 Karnax 12 12 12 1 250
208 Silent Monk 12 13 11 5 "
209 Miggim 12 11 12 2 "
210 Silent Monk 10 12 14 1 "
211 Thoxa 18 16 16 10 "
212 Braccus 9 12 11 1 "
213 Draxta 8 9 11 1 "
214 Silent Monk 20 15 22 8 "
215 Xenka 16 15 18 10 392
216 Automaton (Pothos) 20 10 10 5 747
217 Sabrina 10 14 10 7 766
218 Byrin (dream) 16 15 10 7 265
219 Ensorcio (dream) 16 14 18 4
220 Filbercio (dream) 10 11 13 1
221 Oaf 14 9 8 5 816
222 Death Knight 24 18 18 12 816
223 to 227 are Oafs stats vary but are low --
228 to 232 are Automatons 20 10 10 5 747
233 to 255 are -- Invalid NPC's -- --
256 to 258 are Goblins* 725
259 {blank} ** --
260 Dog --
261 Cat --
262 Insane Iolo 25 25 25 25 880
263 Snake Dupre 25 25 25 25 906
264 Evil Shamino 25 25 25 25 317
265 Pomdirgun 12 14 27 18 354
266 Gargoyle 25 25 25 25
267 Snow Leopard 20 20 6 6
276 Sonar (Timberwolf) 18 18 1 15 447
280 Lord British 25 20 15 18 793
288 Isstanar 30 30 20 30 948
290 Elissa 12 15 25 13 1015
291 Surok 8 12 28 11 949
292 Tsandar 24 16 10 18 947
294 Vasculio 30 20 30 20 588
296 The Fiend*** 30 30 30 30 templar
297 Yurel 23 30 13 18 957
298 Draxinar (Stumpy) 30 20 30 30 928
299 temporary slot, filled by almost anything
300+ Anything over 300 is usally temporary
* - I had some trouble with these goblins
** - curiously nothing happened
*** - The Fiend has 50 hits
Note: Whenever you put an NPC into your party, and look into their inventory,
sometimes they won't have a head. This is because that person is not
supposed to ever be in your party. So who has a head in inventory?
Quite a few people actually:
Iolo, Shamino, Dupre, Boydon, Petra, Gwenno, Automatons, Sethys,
Stefano, and Wilfred.
Of those, only Gwenno will not join you normally, but does have a head
in the Inventory.
| F. Keyboard Commands |
a - Turn audio effects on/off
b - Brings up the Spell Book display
c - enters Combat mode
f - feed someone, only if you actually have food
h - changes "handedness" of the mouse
i - inventory, repeated use will open party members inventories
j - brings up the jawbone display
k - use key, if you have the Keyring from the Silver Seed
l - party display
m - Map
p - Pick lock, if you have lockpicks
s - save / load / quit screen
t - targetting cursor, acts as a double click
v - version
w - displays current time, if you have a pocketwatch
z - statistics screen, repeated use will open party members statistics
ALT X - quits game
ALT 8 - turns on/off "frame limiter" (frame limiter slows the game down)
| G. Online Resources |
http://www.gamefaqs.com/ - GameFaqs, catch the Fever!
http://www.origin.ea.com/ - Official Origin Homepage
http://www.owo.com/archive/ultima72/index.html - Ultima Web Archive, Serpent
Isle Page
http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dungeon/1350/ultima.html - Good Ultima
General Midi Upgrade:
Map Viewer:
Official Tech Support Page:
Ultima and the SoundBlaster AWE 32:
| Final Words... |
ASCII Art created using SigZag by James Dill: (freeware!)
Most (99%) Polymorph Numbers are from Whyte Tyger Dragon's Polymorph chart
Questions? Comments? Mistakes? Discussions on the Origin of the Smurfs?
Email me about it!
Email: manymoose@hotmail.com
Email Policy: If you are going to email me about this game, please put
Serpent Isle as the subject. Just Serpent Isle. Also please
realize that I am not hiding cheats or any other information;
in other words, everything that I know about Serpent Isle is
in this guide.
Shameless Self Promotion:
I have also written FAQs for:
NES: Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Final Fantasy -- Magic FAQ
The Legend of Zelda
SNES: Aerobiz
Aerobiz Supersonic
Utopia: Creation of a Nation
Genesis: StarFlight
PSX: Thousand Arms -- Walkthrough
-- Forging/Dating FAQ
PC: Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast -- FAQ/Walkthrough
NPC List
Creature List
Baldur's Gate II -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
-- the Cheat Guide
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Dungeon Hack
Icewind Dale -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items List
Master of Magic (revision)
Pharaoh (currently being edited by Red Phoenix)
Planescape: Torment -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items Listing
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
The Sims
Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
Ultima Underworld II -- Keyboard Commands
-- Spell List
All of my FAQs can be found at:
Version History:
Original Version (3-22-99, 151k)
Changes in 1.1: (5-23-99, 153k)
Added "Shameless Self-Promotion"
Small Changes and Corrections
Changes in 1.2: (9-20-99, 163k)
Added the Notes to the top
Updated everything
Fairly large format changes
Small Changes
Changes in 1.3 (1-7-00, 165k)
Small Changes here and there
Changes in 1.31 (4-26-00, 171k)
Lots of small changes all over!
Version 1.4 October 16, 2000 173k
Added a trick to keep items from the World of Dreams from Geoff Bateman.
Other small format related changes.
"Know that my face is most muppet-like!"
This Document is Copyright 1999 by Dan Simpson
Ultima 7: Part Two The Serpent Isle is Copyright 1994 by Origin Systems
I am not affiliated with Origin, Electronic Arts, or anyone who had anything to
do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long
as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting it. You
may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.
The Spoiler Centre