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                     | W A G E S   O F   W A R |
An FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ
Version 1.0
E-mail: [email protected]

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Story So Far
3. Getting Started
   A. The Classes
   B. Importing a Hero
   C. Character Statistics
   D. Magic Spells and Paladin Abilities
   E. Surviving in this Crazy World
4. The Kingdom of Tarna
   A. Map and Points of Interest
   B. Characters
   C. Monsters
   D. Items
5. Fighter/Paladin Walkthrough
6. Wizard Walkthrough
7. Thief Walkthrough
8. The Whole Story and Epilogue
9. Miscellany
   A. FAQ
   B. Point List
   C. Ways to Die
   D. Conversation Trees
10. Standard Guide Stuff
   A. Legal
   B. E-mail Guidelines
   C. Credits
   D. Version Updates
   E. The Final Word


1. Introduction

Okay, I'll admit it.  I love Quest for Glory.  I'm absolutely crazy 
about the series.  The greatest thing about the series is the well-done 
connection between RPG and the classic Sierra graphic adventure.  Unlike 
most other of Sierra's adventures, the Quest for Glory series has more 
non-linear elements.  The combat, the spells, the loot, and the silly 
puns and jokes all make for a great adventure.

This is the third game of the five game series.  You and your Liontaur 
friend Rakeesh are summoned to the Kingdom of Tarna to prevent a war 
from occuring.

This is the first of the Quest for Glory games to use VGA graphics and 
the classic Sierra mouse interface, modified for use in Quest for 
Glory.  Since it is one of the earliest VGA games from Sierra, it's a 
bit rough around the edges, but it still has a charm all its own.


2. The Story So Far

In the beginning of his adventure, our hero (you) left his hometown to 
make a name for himself as a true hero.  He went to Spielburg, a valley 
that had been cursed for many years.  The Baron tried to drive away the 
Ogress, Baba Yaga, but she cursed him instead, and he lost his son and 
daughter.  The realm was overrun with brigands and monsters, and the 
Baron locked himself away in his castle.  

Although a dangerous land, the Hero made many friends.  He made 
acquaintanes of the Katta innkeepers, Shameen and Shema, and their 
merchant friend, Abdulla Doo.  He also met such people as Zara, the 
owner of the Magic Shop, the Wizard Erasmus and his rat-like familiar 
Fenrus, not to mention the Dryad who protected the woods, and the 
particularly nasty seller of information, Bruno.  He also went to many 
interesting places, including cliffs with strange plant-life, to the 
majestic Flying Falls, to the meadow known as Erana's Peace.  He first 
learned of the great Archmage Erana there, and, even though he was told 
the meadow was her final resting place, he found no evidence to prove 

But being a hero's more than making friends and influencing people, the 
Hero set to work.  He explored a cave and found a Kobold Magic User.  
Taking the Kobold's key, he freed an enchanted bear, who turned out to 
be the Baron of Spielburg's lost son, Barnard.  This was the first 
stepping stone.  By spying on Bruno and another brigand's plot to 
overthrow their leader, the Hero found a way into the fortress of the 
brigands.  Passing by a great Minotaur, Toro, the Hero invaded the 
fortress, snuck his way to the leader's room, and dispelled the 
enchantment on her.  The leader was, in reality, the Baron's daughter, 
Elsa.  After leaving the fortress, the Hero made a final visit to the 
Ogress, Baba Yaga.  Using a Magic Mirror against her, he reflected back 
her own evil magic and forced her to flee the land.

After freeing Spielburg from the curse, our Hero traveled to the 
desert realm of Shapeir, with the Kattas and Abdulla Doo.  The Emir of 
Raseir had disappeared a year ago, and a portent of evil hung over the 
entire realm.  The Hero met many new friends here, as well, including 
the Liontaur Paladin, Rakeesh, the warrior woman, Uhura, and the 
Enchantress Aziza.  Performing as only a Hero can, he saved the city 
from the ravages of the Elementals, and freed the spirit of the tree 
healer, Julanar.

After saving the city of Shapeir, he traveled to Raseir, where he made 
the acquaintances of Senor Ferrari and Ugarte, who ran the illegal 
activities in town.  He eventually was captured and hypnotized by the 
evil Wizard, Ad Avis, and taken to the Forbidden City, to obtain the 
Statue of Iblis, which Ad Avis intended to use to take over the world.  
After escaping the tomb with the help of a Djinni, the Hero assaulted 
the Palace and knocked Ad Avis off the balcony of the Ritual Chamber.  
For his actions, the Hero was adopted by the Sultan Harun al-Rashid, 
and became the Prince of Shapeir.


3. Getting Started


A. The Classes

Once you start a new game, you'll have the choice of picking one of the 
game's three classes.  Any class can easily complete the game, of 
course, but some have harder times at survival than others...

The Fighter

You're lauded nowadays as an excellent combatant.  You are one with 
your sword and shield.  Your Strength is more than impressive.  You're 
also member in good standing of the Eternal Order of Fighters.  Now, 
it's time to apply your skills to new avenues of combat in the land of 

The Fighter is the most straight-forward class.  He speaks mostly 
through his blade, and his diplomacy is through his muscles.  Choose 
the Fighter if you want an easier time solving puzzles, and are more 
interested in out-and-out combat.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 150
Intelligence: 80
Agility: 130
Vitality: 150
Luck: 100
Weapon Use: 150
Parry: 130
Dodge: 100
Throwing: 100
Communication: 90
Honor: 50

You start your quest with 200 dinars from Shapeir, twenty Food Rations, 
a Waterskin, a Sword, a Magic Shield, Chainmail Armor, and a Note from 


The Wizard

Now a fully-fledged Wizard, you earned your credentials at the Wizards' 
Institute of Technocery.  You've mastered many different spells, and 
have proved your worth as a spellcaster by defeating Ad Avis, a much 
more powerful Wizard.  Now, you'll learn to improve your skills and 
learn new spells in Tarna.

Choose the Wizard if you like casting spells to defeat your enemies.  
Although there isn't all that much use for your non-combat spells in 
this game, you'll be involved in a couple of magical duels that will 
test your ingenuity.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 80
Intelligence: 150
Agility: 100
Vitality: 100
Luck: 100
Weapon Use: 80
Dodge: 100
Magic: 150
Communication: 120
Honor: 50

Spell Skills:

Open: 100
Detect Magic: 100
Trigger: 50
Dazzle: 100
Zap: 100
Calm: 100
Flame Dart: 100
Fetch: 100
Force Bolt: 100
Levitate: 100
Reversal: 50

You start your quest with 200 dinars from Shapeir, twenty Food Rations, 
a Waterskin, a Fine Dagger, a Gift from Keapon Laffin, and a Note from 


The Thief

You're quite skilled at the illegal arts.  You've assaulted some of the 
most daunting fortresses and have always come away unscathed.  Your 
treasure-collecting abilites are second to none.  You can lick almost 
any lock, sneak without being spotted, and even perform some basic 
acrobatic skills.

The Thief is a man of accomplishing tasks in an indirect fashion.  In 
the savanna land of Tarna, thieves are out of their element, since 
there are very few locks and little worth stealing.  Still, there is 
much need for your Stealth and Agility, so make sure to practice your 
skills as often as possible.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 100
Intelligence: 100
Agility: 150
Vitality: 100
Luck: 100
Weapon Use: 100
Dodge: 100
Stealth: 100
Lockpicking: 100
Throwing: 100
Climbing: 100
Communication: 100
Honor: 50

You start your quest with 200 dinars from Shapeir, twenty Food Rations, 
a Waterskin, a Fine Dagger, five Throwing Daggers, a Magic Grapnel Hook, 
your Thief's Tool Kit, and a Note from Shema.


Once you select your class, you'll have the opportunity to name him, and 
adjust his base statistics.  You have a pool of 50 points, which you 
can distribute to your skills in any amount you wish.

If you want to add points to a skill that your class doesn't normally 
have, you can do so, but you'll have to spend thirty points for the 
first ten.  In this manner, you can give yourself a skill you could not 
normally have.

Speaking of creating hybrids, I personally don't like it, for every 
class can reach 500 Puzzle Points, and if you want to do particular 
acts, just use that class.  Of course, if you like being able to cast 
spells while sneaking around in houses you've broken into, go right 

If you give a Fighter or Thief Magic, you'll start with Detect, Zap, 
Flame Dart, and Force Bolt, all at a skill of 50.

If you give a Fighter or Wizard the abilities of a Thief, you get no 
extra help in the way of tools...


B. Importing a Hero

Another one of Quest for Glory's charms is the ability to carry your 
hero over from previous adventures.  Click on Import Character when 
you start the game and you'll be allowed to pull a character from a 
disk from either of the two previous Quest for Glory games.

You'll be installed in the new quest much the same as you left yourself 
from Shapeir.  All your stats will be the same as you left them, unless 
they are below the entry level of skill for your class, in which case 
they will be increased to that entry level.  This includes Spell Skills.
Happily, you'll still be given the 50 point pool to use as you like.

If you import a Hero from Spielburg, he'll have 100 points added to all 
his skills to cover his adventure in Shapeir.  It may seem like a lot, 
but I guess the designers felt you deserved a reward for going through 
all their other games.  Also, you're given an Honor of 100, and your 
Communication skill will be high reflecting your skills (but I still 
haven't figured it out).

While much makes the transition from Quest for Glory 1 to 2, the 
transition from 2 to 3 is far more limited.

You will have all the pills, except for Vigor Pills, that you had in 
Shapeir (if you imported from Spielburg, you'll have no pills).  If 
there were certain pills you didn't have, you're given one of them (like 
Mana Pills, for example).

Any Daggers you have will be converted to Throwing Daggers, and Wizards 
and Thieves will get an extra Fine Dagger.

Finally, if you imported from QfG2, you will have the Sapphire Pin that 
the Katta gave you for saving Shapeir.

Now, this would be complicated enough, but Quest for Glory 3 also gives 
you the option of changing your class before you start.  If you change 
your class, you'll have all the starting stuff of the new class, and all 
the skills of the old class, and you'll have 50 points for every skill 
you didn't have of the new class.  It's a big mess...


The Paladin

This class is not accessible for creating a character.  You must have 
earned it during Quest for Glory 2 (check my QfG2 guide for how to 
earn the right), and imported your Paladin.

As the most honorable Paladin, you'll be much like a Fighter, but you'll 
also have some special abilities.  These will be described in the 
Spells section.


C. Character Statistics

On your Character Screen, you can observe how your stats change.  Here 
are all the stats and how to increase them.  Every stat maxes out at 

Attributes (Basic Stuff) -

Strength: Your physical prowess, Strength determines how hard you can 
hit, how well you can muscle your way through things, and how much you 
can carry.  Strength is the most useful for the Fighter, since he 
spends most of his time using his muscles.  Strength also determines 
how many Health Points you have.  

- You can increase Strength through physical exercise and through combat 
(particularly by striking).

Intelligence: How smart youse is.  Intelligence is most useful for 
Wizards.  Not only does it determine how effective spells are, but also 
factors directly to Mana Points.

- You can increase Intelligence by casting spells, learning things, 
solving puzzles, or making good moves in combat (i.e. successfully 
dodging an attack and counterstriking).  You can also increase this 
skill by playing Awari with Yesufu.

Agility: This is a measure of how well you can move.  A good Agility 
means you can duck, dodge, and hide better.  Thieves need top-notch 
Agility to perform their myriad skills.  Agility also factors towards 
Stamina Points.

- You can increase Agility by performing some of the Thief skills 
(Climbing, Lockpicking, Stealth), or through combat (particularly 
Dodging).  Also, you can increase by using the Wrestling Bridge in the 
Simbani Village.

Vitality: Although most useful for Fighters, Vitality is good for 
everyone to have.  This measures your ability to take damage well.  
Vitality factors directly to your Health Points and Stealth Points as 

- You can increase Vitality through most any physical action, 
particularly by taking damage in combat.

Luck: A very mysterious skill, Luck factors into a lot of things, and 
is most useful to the Thief.  How does Luck factor into things?  I 
really don't know, exactly...

- Increasing Luck is not very well understood.  In this game, Luck 
seems to go up with most any action you perform.  It's pretty slow in 
this game, though.

Skills (Specific Stuff) -

Weapon Use: Everyone has this skill, since everyone has a weapon.  This 
is the skill of sticking your pointy object into the other guy.  A high 
Weapon Use factors towards damage caused and successful strikes.

- Increase Weapon Use by attacking in combat.

Parry: Only Fighters have a true need for this skill, since stopping 
enemy attacks is much easier with a sword or shield than it is with a 
dagger.  A higher Parry skill indicates a better chance at taking less 
damage while parrying a weapon.

- Increase Parry by blocking or parrying in combat (more so if you're 

Dodge: Everyone has Dodge.  No, this is not your skill at driving a 
Durango.  One can't take hits forever, and a good Dodge skill ensures 
that you'll be able to avoid blows more successfully.

- Increase Dodge by dodging in combat (more so if you're successful).

Stealth: An essential Thief Skill.  No people want their houses robbed 
by someone who bangs around like a drunk Moose.  Having Stealth 
activates the "Sneak" ability, which makes you much less noticable to 
baddies or the occasional law officer.

- Increase Stealth by having Sneak active.  Just Sneak everywhere and 
you'll max it out eventually...

Lockpicking (aka Pick Locks, I hate grammatical errors): To get into 
realms of fabulous cash and prizes, you'll need to open door number 1, 
and your Thief's lock pick helps, but you need the skill to use it.

- Increase Lockpicking by doing so.  Unfortunately, there's no place to 
practice, but you should be okay...

Throwing: Useful for both Fighters and Thieves, a good Throwing skill 
can peg a monster with a few extra rocks or daggers before they get 
close enough to fight up close.  Throwing can also be used to hit or 
knock off things that are far off.

- Increasing Throwing can come from throwing rocks or daggers out on 
the savanna.  

Climbing: Another Thief Skill, you'll need it for scaling walls, trees, 
gates, ropes, and other non-ladder surfaces.

- Increase Climbing by, naturally, climbing.  Unfortunately, I can never 
max Climbing in this game, but you don't really need to...

Magic: The Wizard's skill at manipulating reality.  Not much else to 
say about this, generally.  More will be said in the Spells section 
about each individual spell's effectiveness.

- Increase Magic by casting, casting, and casting some more...

Communication: This is a new skill which started in Quest for Glory II.  
This is your ability to speak well.  This is good for bargaining.  If 
you choose to "bargain" instead of "buy" something, you'll have your 
Communication drawn against for successful haggling.  Another window 
will open to pick a counter offer.  If your Communication is high 
enough, the merchant will accept your offer.  If not, he or she will 
give you a price in between, and you can try to match that.  Some 
merchants can't be bargained with at all, no matter what.

- Increase Communication by talking with people, and attempting to 

Honor: This is the measure of the good deeds one does throughout his 
quest.  This is a new skill which started in Quest for Glory II. A high 
Honor is a measure of a true hero, and helps towards becoming a Paladin.  
By the way, Honor can never have points assigned to it in the opening.  

- Increase Honor by doing honorable actions.  Many specific quest 
actions will increase honor, and more simple ways are by giving money 
to the poor.

Paladin: This is a secondary measure of Honor.  It increases 
concurrently with Honor, but it's meant to relate to your Paladin 
skills.  It maxes at 100.

General Health Points -

Health Points: If you hit 0, you die.  Pretty simple.  The maximum 
amount of Health you have is determined by adding two-thirds of your 
Vitality to one-third of your Strength.  So, if you have a Strength of 
30 and a Vitality of 60, your Health Point max is 50.

Stamina Points: This is your measure of stamina for performing strenuous 
acts, such as fighting, casting spells, running, throwing, climbing, 
etc.  Your max Stamina is determined by adding one-half of your Agility 
to one-half of your Vitality.

Mana Points: Mana is your measure of magical energy.  Each spell uses a 
certain amount of mana.  Your max Mana is determined by adding two-
thirds of your Magic Skill to one-third of your Intelligence.  
Naturally, if your Magic Skill is zero, your Mana Points will also be 
zero, no matter how high your Intelligence.

Scores -

Puzzle Points: Much like most other Sierra games, you get points for 
doing special acts.  The max is 500, and every class has its own 
special way of reaching that high.  In the Miscellany section, there's 
a Point List.


D. Magic Spells and Paladin Abilities

While so many games give you a billion offensive spells to eviscerate 
your enemies, Quest for Glory take a different approach.  Sure, the 
magic users of other games can lay waste to any bad guy, but what 
happens if they misplace their keys, or if they need to reach the book 
at the top of the shelf?  This is why Quest for Glory makes the Wizard 
skilled in a bunch of all-around magic.

Each spell can be built up to 300 in skill by casting it repeatedly.

Older Spells (Spells in previous games):


MP: 2
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Open is useful for unlocking simple locks and opening 
doors.  Use it when you want to hang back from the thing you open.

"Detect Magic"

MP: 2
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: This is a very general spell, and is used to detect any 
existing magical auras in the immediate area.


MP: 3 
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: This lovely little spell can be used to set off any 
magical spells in the immediate area.  It can make invisible things 
visible, activate teleport spells, or set off magical traps while the 
caster is still at a safe distance.  Pretty handy.


MP: 3
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Dazzle creates a brilliant flash of light that will stun 
anything for a small time while it pauses to rub its eyes.  This only 
works, naturally, if the creature HAS eyes.  Having more skill in this 
spell will cause monsters to be delayed for longer.  Although it doesn't 
last as long as Calm, this skill CAN be used in combat.


MP: 3
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: Casting Zap will charge your weapon with magical energy.  
The next strike will release the energy.  It can only be cast once at a 
time.  Increasing your skill will increase the damage done with the 
charged weapon.


MP: 4
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Since most Magic Users like to avoid direct combat, you 
can use this spell to immediately cause any threatening monster to 
cease its hostile intent and contemplate the universe and its 
bellybutton.  This works on most enemies with a pulse.  It's ineffective 
in actual combat, however.  Having more skill in this spell will cause 
monsters to be delayed for longer.

"Flame Dart"

MP: 5
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: The Flame Dart produces a small ball of magical flame 
which you can direct at an opponent, either in combat or while still at 
a distance.  It can also be used, get this, to burn things.  As you 
increase in skill, your Flame Darts will do more damage.


MP: 5
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Fetch is useful for grabbing objects that are distant.  It 
can mostly be used on small, non-living objects.  With practice, you 
can use it to move objects from one place to another.

"Force Bolt"

MP: 6
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: Force Bolt creates a globe of forceful energy.  This can 
be used to attack enemies or to give things that little extra push from 
far off.  This spell can be used in close combat.


MP: 7 (Initial cast, continually drains MP while active)
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Levitate allows you to move up and down in your plane of 
existence.  You cannot, however, move to side to side, but you can, in 
theory, grab ledges or whatever while floating to pull yourself up onto 
solid ground.


MP: 8
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Reversal will allow any spell cast at you to be reflected.  
This may not always be back at the caster.  When two Wizards duel and 
have Reversal, the results can be quite dangerous for spectators.

New Spells for this game:

"Juggling Lights"

MP: 8
Found: Read Wrapping Paper that you start with.
Description: While not a particularly useful spell, you can use it to 
light up a dark area.

"Summon Staff"

MP: 5
Found: Create a Wizard's Staff to learn this spell.
Description: This spell summons your Wizard's Staff that you can use to 
cast spells without a loss of MP.  Unfortunately, while active, you 
cannot move, or your Staff will vanish.  You also cannot increase your 
Spell Skills while the staff is active.

"Lightning Ball"

MP: 10
Found: Ask Johari the Leopardwoman about Magic on your second meeting.
Description: This is another combat attack spell.  It causes a serious 
amount of damage, but it costs quite a bit of MP.  Shocking...


Paladin Abilities:

"Flaming Sword"

Paladin Points required: 10
Description: The first ability gained is the ability to encase the 
Paladin Sword with a blue flame, which will do more damage.


Paladin Points required: 25
Description: This goes under your Magical Spells.  Cast it upon yourself 
or others to increase Health Points.  It drains your Stamina when you 
use it, and the higher your Stamina, the more Health you'll replenish.

"Sense Danger"

Paladin Points required: 50
Description: Once this skill is earned, you'll automatically be able to 
sense whenever you're in any kind of danger.

"Honor Shield"

Paladin Points required: 80
Description: This skill allows you to take less damage when attacked.


E. Surviving in this Crazy World


Surviving the Interface

This game uses a variation on the classic Sierra mouse interface.  The 
text parser of the first two games is gone.  You'll use different 
mouse icons to interact.  Move the mouse off the top of the screen to 
select a different icon.

The first icon is the Walk icon, which looks like a miniature you.  
Click it anywhere to walk to that location.

The second icon is the Look icon, represented by an eye.  Click to look 
at stuff.

The third icon is the Touch icon, represented by a hand.  Click on 
objects to take, search, or manipulate them.

The fourth icon is the Talk icon, represented by a mouth.  Click on 
people to ask them about things, or on yourself to tell about things.

The fifth icon is the Special icon, which looks like a swirly thing.  
Click on it to open a new window.  In this new window:

- Click on the image of you running to start running.

- Click on the image of you sneaking to start sneaking (if you have 

- Click on the image of you snoozing to sleep for certain amounts of 

- Click on your studly portrait to view your Character Screen.

- Click on the hourglass to get the time of day.  You'll get a view of 
  the sun or moon in its travelling across the sky (from left to right).

- Click the question mark and hover over other icons to learn about 

The sixth icon is the Magic Icon, which looks like a five-pointed star.  
Click it to open a Magic Spells window.  There, you can use the eye to 
get info about a spell, the hand to pick a spell to cast, the question 
mark to get info about the other icons, and the OK to close the window.  
Each magic spell is represented by a different icon:

Open: Key
Detect: Eye
Trigger: Circular Flash
Dazzle: Multiple Sparkles
Zap: Sword
Calm: Open Hand
Flame Dart: Small Fire
Fetch: Grasping Hand
Force Bolt: Small Star-type Ball
Levitate: Ball with Vertical Lines under it
Reversal: Arrow that Curves
Juggling Lights: Three Balls on the outside of a Circle
Summon Staff: Staff
Lightning Ball: Ball with Electricity

Some spells need to be targeted.  Once you select them, you'll see a 
crosshair.  Click the crosshair on your target to cast it there.

The seventh icon is the Active Item Icon.  Click on it to use the 
Inventory Item you have recently selected.  Click the item where you 
want to use it.

The eighth icon is the Inventory Icon, which looks like a chest.  Click 
on it to access the inventory window.  There, you can use the eye to 
look at an item, the hand to take an item to use, the question mark to 
get info about the other icons, and the OK to close the window.

The ninth icon is the Console Icon, which looks like a slider.  Use it 
to bring up the menu to Save, Restore, Restart, or Quit your game, as 
well as adjust the speed, difficulty, and so on...

The tenth icon is the Help icon, which looks like a question mark.  
Hover it over any other icon to get info about it.


Jungle and Savanna Survival

Let's start with SAVE OFTEN!!!

You are a human, and as such, you'll need to eat, sleep, and keep from 
getting hurt too much.  

If you have food rations, you'll eat automatically, and you'll use any 
kinds of food as rations when you run out of those (fruit, meat, or 
fish).  You can also get a full meal each day from the Welcome Inn for 
a Royal apiece.

Sleeping is another concern.  If you do not sleep for a couple of days, 
your stamina will drop much quicker.  It's generally advisable to sleep 
every day, and to get a full night's rest, you need to sleep before 

Fortunately, sleeping is rather safe in the savanna.  If you buy a 
Tinderbox and build a fire, you can sleep out in the wilderness and 
have a much smaller chance of being attacked.  You can, of course, bed 
down wherever, but you have a greater chance of attack.  To build a 
fire, you need to be on the main map, and click the Rest Icon.  You'll 
be given the option to make a fire.  Do so, and use the Tinderbox on it.  
After you wake up, be sure to put the fire out.

If you don't want to build a fire, you can sleep very safely in these 
locations: the Welcome Inn in Tarna, the Pool of Peace, your hut in 
the Simbani Village, or the Heart of the World.  Only the Heart of the 
World promises you full restoration (heck, just visiting it completely 
restores you), but you'll have at least half your Health and Mana and 
all of your Stamina restored at any other location.

Staying alive in a combat sense is pivotal, of course.  Pills to 
restore Health or Mana can be purchased at Salim's Apothecary.  He also 
sells pills that can protect you from poison.

Unfortunately, there is no pill to restore Stamina, but you can buy 
Waterskins and fill them up at the Pool of Peace.  One skin with water 
will fully restore your Stamina.

The biggest problem with pills is that they cost a mint in Tarna.  
Whereas in Shapeir you got 3 pills for an amount, in Tarna, they cost 
approximately the same for 1 pill...  Quite the ripoff...


Surviving Combat

As you travel along the main map of Tarna, you may be thrust into a 
close up to do battle with a monster that could come from any side.  
It'll charge you and you can run up and attack it, or let it get close 
to you.  If you want, you can throw rocks or daggers, or cast spells 
such as Zap, Flame Dart, Force Bolt, Lightning Ball, Calm, or Dazzle.  
You can also just run away, but you have to run pretty far to escape 

Once you engage in combat, you'll enter a close up where you can select 
your means of attack from a small menu in the lower right corner of the 

Top Left - Swing
Top Right - Thrust
Bottom Left - Dodge
Bottom Right - Parry

If you have magic, clicking on the center sword icon will bring up a 
second menu of spells.  If not, clicking on it will let you run away 
from the battle.

Magic Menu:

Top Left - Lightning Ball
Middle Left - Zap
Bottom Left - Flame Dart
Top Right - Dazzle
Middle Right - Run Away
Bottom Right - Force Bolt

Once you drop an enemy, you may search it by clicking the Hand on it.  
Crocs, Leopardmen, and Apemen all have money, and you take the horn off 
the Running Death Dinosaur, but it's only useful for a Fighter.


Surviving Financially

The currency of Tarna is the golden royal and the copper common.  There 
are 100 commons to a royal.  Your first objective is to exchange your 
dinars from Shapeir for royals.  You can do this at the Money Changer.

Opportunities for more royals aren't very common, but a large cash flow 
isn't all that necessary, either...

Renewable Resources:

Crocs, Leopardmen, and Apemen all carry money, from 2-10 royals 
depending on where you are.  That's the weird thing.  Money doesn't 
matter what you fight, it matters where you fight.  Fighting in the 
savanna will get you between 2 and 5 royals, and fighting in the jungle 
can get you between 4 and 10 royals.

Non-Renewable Resources:

There's a little bit of thieving to be done, where you can pick up some 
extra cash.  It's not much, though...


4. The Kingdom of Tarna *CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS*

Tarna is a rather large kingdom in East Fricana.  The city itself is 
ancient, built centuries ago.  As far as the Liontaurs are concerned, 
they have always lived and ruled here.  Although the Liontaurs are in 
charge, many other people, mostly humans, live in the city in the 
western section.  Many merchants sell their wares in the bazaar, and 
you can find more prominent establishments higher up in the tiers.


A. Map and Points of Interest

City of Tarna

| NB |     ----
|    |    | UP |
 ---- ----|    |
| MB | MP |----
|    |    | MG |
 ---- ----|    |
| OB |     ----
|    |
| SB |
|    |

Savanna                           Jungle
|               |                |               |           /     |
|  T            |          SV    |        HW     |          /      |
|               |                |               |      MV?|       |
|          VV  HB?               |               |          \      |
|               |                |               |           |  LC |
|               |      PP        |          LV?  |          /      |
|               |                |               |         /       |

Not as complex as Shapeir, is it?  The top are the screens that make up 
the streets of Tarna, while the bottom are the four screens that make 
up the outside areas.  (You move around as a tiny dot)

City of Tarna:

UP = Upper Plateau

This is the highest point in the city.  Here is where the ruling, and 
religious classes reside.

King's Chambers: Although you can't enter of your own free will, you 
may be invited a couple of times.  This is where the current King, 
Rajah Sah Tarna resides.

Hall of Judgement: Another place you can't enter whenever, this is where 
the laws of Tarna are created, interpreted, and enforced.  Six female 
Liontaurs hold the positions of judges.  They are the Speaker, the 
Mother, the Youth, the Warrior, the Priestess, and the Wizard.

Temple of Sekhmet: You can only enter here a couple of times.  This is 
where the Liontuars worship Sekhmet, their ruling god.  It's also an 
interesting place to get strange visions.  You should visit at least 

MP = Middle Plateau

This is where the prominent business establishments are in the city.

Magic Shop: You can't really buy magic here, but this is where 
Rakeesh's wife, Kreesha, has her shop.  The two are often found here, 
and they are valuable sources of information.

Apothecary: Salim runs this groovy establishment.  He's all jazzed 
about promoting good pills and potions.

Healing Pill: 10 royals
Mana Pill: 20 royals
Poison Cure Pill: 20 royals
Dispel Potion: 30 royals (must gather ingredients, may be free under 
                           certain circumstances)

Welcome Inn: Your home away from home (at least in this adventure), 
the Welcome Inn offers travelers the promise of a comfortable bed and 
some of the finest indigenous meals.

MG = Main Gate

From here, you can leave Tarna.  You can also speak to the two guards 


The Bazaar

In the bazaar of Tarna, you can buy most everything you need for your 
vacation here in lovely Eastern Fricana.  All prices here are starting 
prices.  Almost everything's negotiable.  The only restriction is that 
items can only be bargained within their original price's currency.  
For example, if you want to buy something that costs 5 royals, the most 
you can haggle it down to is 1 royal (even then probably not).  You 
couldn't insert commons into the equation.  If something costs 200 
commons, however, you can play around with it as much as you want.

NB = North Bazaar

There are three merchants here:

Money Changer: He will change all your dinars to royals with a 10% fee.  
He can also change 100 commons to 1 royal.

Leather Seller: A rather tough customer to bargain with...
Waterskin: 200 commons
Zebra Skin: 5 royals

Fruit Seller: A standard customer to bargain with...
Mixed Fruit: 50 commons

MB = Middle Bazaar

There are four (well, five if you count both Junk Dealers) merchants 

Weapon Seller: A standard customer to bargain with...
Fine Dagger: 15 royals
Fine Spear: 15 royals
Throwing Dagger: 6 royals

Junk Dealers: Fairly easy customers to bargain with...
Tinderbox: 200 commons
Blackbird (available only if you're a Thief): 40 commons

Honey Seller: A standard customer to bargain with...
Honey: 80 commons

Oil Seller: A standard customer to bargain with...
Olive Oil: 100 commons

OB = Open Bazaar

There are three merchants here:

Fish Seller: A standard customer to bargain with...
Dried Fish: 50 commons

Bead Seller: Impossible to bargain with (particularly due to the 
  language barrier).
Beads: 95 commons

Rope Seller: A standard customer to bargain with...
Rope: 100 commons

SB = South Bazaar

There are three actual merchants, and a couple of other people here.

Carving Seller: A standard customer to bargain with...
Carving: 5 royals (may be free under certain circumstances)

Meat Seller: A pushover.  Can bargain down to 1 common...
Dried Meat: 27 commons

Amulet Seller: Garbage...  You won't even bother...

Cloth Seller: A somewhat tough customer to bargain with...
Fine Robe: 10 royals

Drummer: You can donate 10 commons to him.


The Savanna and Jungle

T = Tarna

This is where Tarna exists on the map.

VV = Venomous Vines

This cluster of rocks contain, you guessed it, Venomous Vines.  This is 
also a hangout spot for meerbats...

HB? = Honey Bird

You can sometimes find a Honey Bird on either the right edge of the 
first screen or the left edge of the second screen.  More will be 
explained in the walkthrough once you find it.

PP = Pool of Peace

This is a place of safety.  The water here is said to have magical 
properties.  A place of safety like this could only have been created 
by the peaceful and benevolent Archmage Erana.

SV = Simbani Village

This is one of the villages of the nomadic Simbani, one of which Uhura 
is.  This is a peaceful indigenous tribe that harvest cattle.  They 
treat outsiders with respect and honor, and expect to be treated in 
kind.  They are not a particularly warlike race, but they do take pride 
in their Warriors, who are also their hunters.

There are several screens to the Simbani Village:

Lookout Ridge: This is the entryway into the village.  An Elder keeps 
watch at all hours.

Main Campfire: This is the place where the Simbani meet collectively.

Guest Hut: The leftmost hut is for guests (like you).

Laibon Hut: The center hut is the Laibon's hut, leader of the Simbani.  
Audience can be sought from him, but not at all hours...

Uhura's Hut: The rightmost hut.  As a Warrior, Uhura has her own hut.  
She and Simba are there at night chat with.

Spear Area: To the left of the campfire is the place to practice spear 
throwing, an art new to you, the Hero.

Awari Rock and Cage:  Past the Laibon's Hut is a rock with the game of 
skill, Awari, carved into it.  Nearby is a cage designed to absorb all 
magic cast on it.  This was made to hold Leopardman prisoners.

Wrestling Bridge: This bridge is part of the Simbani Initiation.  It 
is used to sharpen one's agility and reflexes.  More will be explained 

HW = Heart of the World

Out in the jungle is rumored to be a gigantic tree.  The very center of 
this tree is said to be the Mother of all Gloriana (Earth).  No, this 
wasn't created by Erana.  This is a place of great magic as old as 
Gloriana itself.

LV? = Leopardman Village

The shapechanging Leopardman tribe live somewhere out in the jungle.  
No one is sure of their exact location.  And no, you can't stumble onto 
it, for they hide the village with their magic.

MV? = Monkey Village

The monkeys of the jungle are rumored to have their own "tribe", as it 
were.  Really, this is just a cluster of families.  It has yet to be 

(Jagged Line) = Waterfall

A great waterfall split this part of the world some time ago.  None 
can cross.

LC = Lost City

There is said to be a great lost sister city to Tarna out in the jungle 
wilderness.  None have found it yet.


B. Characters

The Hero - (human male from Willowsby)

The newly adopted Prince of Shapeir and Hero of Spielburg.  After a few 
months of enjoying the life as a Prince, you were itching for action 
again.  You adopted a more standard costume.  Black boots, green pants, 
a white undershirt, and a reddish-brown jacket.  Although a well-
renowned hero, you'll face new challenges of this land of many laws.

Old Friends (and Foes) from Shapeir:

Harun al-Rashid - (human male from Shapeir)

The wise and just ruler of Shapeir adopted you as his son after your 
victory over Ad Avis.  He will see you off to Tarna.

Aziza - (human female from Shapeir)

The Enchantress Aziza acts as part of a magical connector between 
Shapeir and the rest of the world.  There is little that is hidden from 
her magic.

Ad Avis - (human male from Raseir, deceased)

One of the foulest of Wizards, Ad Avis attempted to summon the Djinni 
Iblis to do his bidding.  You disrupted the ritual and sent Ad Avis to 
his doom.  The expulsion of magical energy at the moment of his death 
was felt by all powerful wizards, so it's certain he is dead.  
Unfortunately, his body was never found.

Keapon Laffin - (Gnome male from Shapeir)

Although you don't actually speak to him, your old friend from the 
Magic Shop in Shapeir has a parting gift for you if you're a Wizard.

Residents of Tarna:

Rakeesh Sah Tarna - (Liontaur male from Tarna)

Rakeesh was once the ruler of his people.  When Demons invaded our 
dimension, he summoned the armies of Tarna to fight them.  Many 
Liontaurs lost their lives in the process.  During that time, a Demon 
Wizard poisoned Rakeesh's leg, which did not correctly heal.  Rakeesh 
succeeded in driving the Demon Wizard back to his own dimension, but 
he felt he had not destroyed them fully.  It was then that he abdicated 
his throne and left Tarna to pursue the life of a Paladin.

Kreesha Mar Asha - (Liontaur female from Tarna)

Rakeesh's wife and the most powerful user of magic in Tarna, Kreesha 
runs the Magic Shop.  Mostly, it is to assist those with need of 
magical aid, as opposed to selling spells, since the laws of Tarna 
forbid the use of magic on the streets.  She summoned Rakeesh home 
using her portal magics.

Rajah Sah Tarna - (Liontaur male from Tarna)

The current ruler of Tarna is most headstrong.  He knows how to rule, 
but has misinterpretations about the true meaning of honor.  He and his 
brother, Rakeesh, have many disagreements.

Reeshaka Dar Kreesha - (Liontaur female from Tarna)

Rakeesh and Kreesha's daughter is a Warrior of Tarna.  She was sent on 
a peace mission to the Leopardman Village to determine what became of 
the Simbani Spear of Death.  The peace mission was attacked and she 
disappeared at that time.

High Priestess of Sekhmet - (Liontaur female from Tarna)

The Priestess oversees the Temple of Sekhmet.  She is also a member of 
the Council of Judgement.

Other Judges - (Liontuar females from Tarna)

Besides Kreesha the Wizard, and the High Priestess, four other female 
Liontaurs are chosen to be on the Council of Judgement.  The Mother is 
the one with the most experience from life.  The Warrior offers her 
knowledge from a warrior's standpoint.  The Youth offers her new and 
creative thinking.  The Speaker is the one who is the most eloquent 
and decides who speaks when.

Salim Nafs - (human male from Arabic lands)

Salim is quite the character.  The long and the short of it is that he's 
a hippie.  He came to Tarna to study the pyramids.  He runs the 
Apothecary in Tarna.

Janna Jamil - (human female from Tarna)

Janna runs the Welcome Inn.  She's quite the looker, but talk is about 
as far as you get with her.  She serves the guests in the Inn.

Khatib Mukarram - (human male from Tarna)

Khatib was once a diplomat.  He was the leader of the peace mission to 
the Leopardmen, and he's also the only one who survived the vicious 
attack that was supposedly initiated by the Leopardmen.  He's a broken 
man now...

The Merchants of the Bazaar in Tarna

An Forda and Son, Junk Dealers - (human males from the USA)
Fanaka Kisu, Weapon Merchant - (human male from Tarna)
Ta'me al 'Asal, Honey Merchant - (human male from Tarna)
Zaituni bin Duhn, Oil Merchant - (human male from Tarna)
Dahab Khalis, Money Changer - (human male from Raseir)
Leather Seller - (human male from Fricana)
Samra bin Balah, Fruit Merchant - (human male from Tarna)
Fish Seller - (human male from Tarna)
Anna Bibi, Bead Merchant - (human female from Tarna)
Rashid, Rope Merchant and Acrobat - (human male from Tarna)
Shallah, Artisan - (Katta male from Shapeir)
Kalb, Meat Merchant - (Jackalman male from Tarna)
Imal, Clothing Merchant - (human female from Tarna)
Amulet Seller - (human male from Tarna)
Orpheus, Drummer - (human male from Tarna)

Harami - (human male from parts unknown)

This thief came to Tarna to do what all thieves do, until he got 

Liontaur Guards (Tabaka Sim Rish, Assarka Sim Narsh, Sharaka Sim Rahsh, 
Tasaka Ser Ranna, Girka Sim Dani, Daraka Sim Ki) - (Liontaur males from 

Some guards won't talk to humans at all, but some respect and will honor 
your questions.  They change from day to night.

Simbani Village Residents

Uhura - (human female from the Simbani lands)

The only woman to ever become a Warrior, Uhura left her homeland 
because she also wanted to be a mother, and mothers could not be 
Warriors.  She found a husband in Shapeir and had Simba.  She travels 
back to the Simbani Village at the beginning of this adventure to 
return to her people

Simba - (human male from the Simbani lands)

Uhura's toddler son, Simba is starting to form words, and can walk, but 
is still not nearly old enough to hold a decent conversation.

Elder Mngoje - (human male from the Simbani lands)

The one who watches when the sun is in the sky, Mngoje is old and wise.

Elder Usiku - (human male from the Simbani lands)

The one who watches when the stars light the heavens, Usiku is also old 
and also wise.

Laibon Mkubwa - (human male from the Simbani lands)

The "chief", as it were, of the Simbani, the Laibon is selected as the 
strongest and wisest of all the males.

Yesufu - (human male from the Simbani lands)

The son of the Laibon is a very bright and determined young man.  He 
will become a Warrior in his Simbani tribe as the story progresses.

Storyteller - (human male from the Simbani lands)

This Elder is noted for his stories.  As he explains, stories are both 
lies and truths.  They have meanings and are meaningless.  He gives 
questions, and it's up to the person he tells them to to find the 

Inhabitants of the Wilderness

Arne Saknoosen - (Aardvark male from the Savanna)

Definitely one of the more unique characters you meet in your 
adventure, Arne is a miner from the lands of the aardvarks.  He'll 
decide to chat with you if he sees your fire out in the savanna.  He 
knows quite a bit about the wilderness.

The Guardian

Not much is known about this coruscating ball of light, but it protects 
the Heart of the World.

Johari - (human female from Leopardman lands)

The daughter of the chief of the Leopardmen, Johari knows much magic, 
as do all her people.  She's not very fond of you when she first meets 
you, and you'll have to win her respect.

Leopardman Chief - (human male from Leopardman lands)

The Leopardman Chief wants his people to be left alone, but he feels the 
tribe has been violated with the loss of the Drum of Magic.

Leopardman Shaman - (human male from Leopardman lands)

One of the strongest users of magic in the tribe, the Shaman is your 
opponent should you decide to engage in a magical duel with the 

Manu - (monkey male from the Jungle)

Although he doesn't seem to be much help, if you choose to help Manu, 
he'll be more useful than you can imagine.

Fric and Frac - (Demons from another Dimension)

Two dumb Demons, Fric and Frac guard a door in the Lost City.

Demon Wizard - (Demon from another Dimension)

This is the Wizard that injured Rakessh's leg years ago.  If Demons are 
indeed behind the strife in this land, it's probably he who is leading 

Demon Lord - (Demon from another Dimension)

A being of incredible power that could rival that of Iblis, it would be 
very very very bad if the Lord were allowed into our realm.


C. Monsters

The difficulty of the monsters is rated from 1-10, with one being the 
easiest, and ten the hardest.

Random Monsters

The thing that separates Tarna from the first two games is that the 
monsters don't appear according to the time of day, but according to 
where you are in the wilderness.  If you are in the Savanna (either 
screen), you can be attacked by Crocs, Giant Ants, or Dinosaurs.  If 
you're in the first screen of the Jungle, you can be attacked by Crocs, 
Giant Ants, Flying Cobras, and Leopardmen.  If you're in the last 
screen of the Jungle, you can be attacked by Apemen and Demon Worms.

Croc - These reptilian humanoids are actually that way.  They're not 
shapeshifters.  They carry spears, and a bit of money.  Difficulty: 2

Giant Ant - These guys make giant anthills.  No, really.  The attack 
with their pincers and the eject mucusy-type stuff from their abdomens.  
Fortunately, the mucus isn't poisonous.  Difficulty: 3

Flying Cobra - The nasty cobra with wings.  Apparently, God missed these 
guys in Genesis.  They attack with fangs and the spit poisonous venom.  
If you get hit, you'll need to take a Poison Cure Pill.  Difficulty: 4

Apeman - Whether these guys are apes evolving to men, or men devolving 
to apes, nobody really cares.  They carry money, and big wooden clubs.  
Pretty decent fighters, though.  Difficulty: 5

Leopardman - Although you're trying to prevent war between the Simbani 
and the Leopardmen, they don't harbor much good will towards you and 
will attack if they find you.  They don't charge you to engage you, but 
they'll hang back and cast spells to soften you up.  Once you get close, 
they'll attack with claws and some spells.  Difficulty: 6

Dinosaur - Distant cousins of the Sauruses of other realms, these guys 
run really fast and attack with a serious bite, claw, and tail.  Called 
the Running Death by the Simbani.  Difficulty: 8

Demon Worm - These are from the Demons' dimension.  They're pretty 
nasty, but not as much as the manual makes them out to be.  They'll 
tunnel through the earth to attack, so you can't get any advance spells 
on them.  Difficulty: 8

Unique Monsters:

Demon - Nasty sorts, they is...  They're not all that bright, but 
they're pretty strong.  Difficulty: 7

Doppelganger - Late in the game, you'll face your Demon double.  He 
can't be defeated, and you have to hold him off long enough to be able 
to move on.  Difficulty: 11

Gargoyle - A being that was once stone.  It would probably have stood a 
better chance if it remained that way.  It's quite the pushover for 
such a late-game enemy.  Difficulty: 4


D. Items

All the items show up as cute little icons, but most are pretty obvious 
about what they are.  There are some spoilers if you look up the item 
here, but not as many as if you looked at the Item Lists of the others.


Combat Items

Found: Start Fighter Quest with one.
Description:  What's to say?  You bought this sword from Issur the 
Weaponer.  It's long and pointy and good for sticking in bad guys.

Magical Sword (aka Soulforge)
Found: Start Paladin Quest with one or earn it in the Fighter Quest.
Description: Actually, your Sword turns into this once you earn the 
Flaming Sword technique.

Magic Shield
Found: A gift at the beginning of the Fighter/Paladin Quest.
Description: The Sultan of Shapeir gives you this as a going away 
present.  It offers good protection, and repels other types of magics.

Found: Start Fighter/Paladin Quest with it.
Description: Your old suit of chainmail is quite sturdy and will 
protect against blows.  Better than going without it.

Fine Dagger
Found: Start Wizard/Thief Quest with it.  Buy from Weapon Merchant for 
15 royals.
Description: A nice long dagger.  It's not properly suited for throwing, 
but it's better in combat than a Throwing Dagger.

Throwing Dagger
Found: Start Thief Quest with five.  Import all the ones you had from 
your last quest.  Buy from Weapon Merchant for 6 royals.
Description: These smaller daggers are excellent throwing weapons.

Fine Spear
Found: Buy from Weapon Merchant for 15 royals.
Description: You can't actually use this in combat, but maybe it can 
be used for bartering.

Spear of Death
Found: Thief steals it from Leopardmen.  Fighter is given it after the 
Peace Meeting.
Description: The Simbani Spear of Death was stolen.  Clues indicate the 
Leopardmen stole it.  The Spear is said to hit its target with chilling 
accuracy and potency.


Food Items

Found: Start any Quest with 20.
Description: These are SPIM (Special Portion Instant Meal) rations.  
They aren't all that tasty, but they'll keep you going for a while until 
you can find some other food.

Mixed Fruit
Found: Buy from Fruit Merchant for 50 commons.
Description: Grapes, apples, bananas, passionfruit, guavas, papayas, 
pineapples, you get the idea...  The fruit can be used as a ration.

Dried Fish
Found: Buy from Fish Merchant for 50 commons.
Description: This doesn't look very appetizing, but it'll do as a ration 
in a pinch.

Dried Meat
Found: Buy from Meat Merchant for 27 commons.
Description: This jerky is the best ration, since it's so cheap and you 
can make a heck of a lot cheaper.

Found: Start any Quest with one.  Buy from Leather Merchant for 200 
Description: Water isn't as much of a precious commodity as it was in 
Shapeir, but you still may be able to find a use for the skins.


Apothecary-related Items

Healing Pill
Found: Import them from QfG2.  Buy from Apothecary for 10 royals.
Description: These pills will restore about half of your Health.  
They're really dang expensive, though, and you should probably not use 
them unless absolutely necessary.

Poison Cure Pill
Found: Import them from QfG2.  Buy from Apothecary for 20 royals.
Description: You'll need these pills if you ever get poisoned by the 
Venomous Vines or a Flying Cobra, otherwise the poison will sap your 

Mana Pill
Found: Import them from QfG2.  Buy from Apothecary for 20 royals.
Description: One of these babies will restore about half your Mana.  
Don't buy a lot unless you plan on never buying anything else... :-P

Dispel Potion
Found: Gather ingredients for Salim.
Description: This is a variant on the standard Dispel Potion.  It works 
much like the one in Spielburg.  When splashed on someone, it will 
dispel any enchantments, shape-changing spells, or possessions.  Oddly 
enough, this is the last QfG game to use Dispel Potions.

Water from the Pool of Peace
Found: Pool of Peace
Description: This is one of the ingredients for the Dispel Potion.  It 
also has a lovely second use as a makeshift Vigor Potion, and will 
completely restore your Stamina.  It can only be carried in Waterskins, 
so stock up.

Venomous Vine Fruit
Found: Venomous Vines
Description: This fruit is used to tantalize possible prey by the Vines, 
then the vines inject venom into their prey, add the diced onions and 
chopped portabella mushrooms, and enjoy.

Gift from the Heart of the World
Found: Heart of the World
Description: One gift deserves another.  If you bring water from the 
Pool of Peace to the Heart of the World, you'll get this amazing fruit 
as a gift.  Just don't eat it, ya dope...

Honeybird Feather
Found: Honeybird Area
Description: The feather is a vital ingredient to Healing Pills.  For 
best results, one should get a feather nonviolently.


Thief Items

Thief's Tool Kit
Found: Start Thief Quest with one.
Description: This kit contains everything you need to get ahead, or at 
least inside.  Most any lock can be licked with a little luck.

Magic Grapnel
Found: A gift at the beginning of the Thief Quest.
Description: Given to you buy the Sultan of Shapeir, this grapnel likes 
to grasp any surface to pull you up.

Found: Buy from the Oil Merchant for 100 commons.
Description: Olive Oil can add just the right touch to any meal, and it 
can loosen up squeaky hinges.  You're not a cook.

Found: Buy from the Rope Merchant for 100 commons.
Description: One needs to incredibly skilled, we're talking years of 
practice here, to be able to properly lasso things with a rope.  A less 
skilled individual would want to attach something to it.

Rope with Grapnel
Found: Make by combining Rope and Magic Grapnel.
Description: Like THIS!  Simply click one on the other in the Inventory 
Window and boom!  You've got a wonderful tool for second story work.


Other Quest Items

Note from Shema
Found: Start any Quest with one.
Description: No, you can't read it.  It's private.  The letter is 
signed "To Shallah".  You may want to give it to him.

Found: A gift at the beginning of the Wizard Quest.
Description: What, are you gonna just stand there?  Open it, dammit!

Wrapping Paper
Found: The result of the Gift.
Description: Try using it again...

Sapphire Pin
Found: Import a hero from QfG2.
Description: Although not very useful in the game, this pin is forever 
a reminder that you are friend to all Kattas.

Zebra Skin
Found: Buy from the Leather Seller for 5 royals.
Description: It's not directly useful, but you many want this thing as 
a gift or something.  The Simbani love this stuff...

Found: Buy from the Junk Dealers for 200 commons.
Description: This thing contains flint, steel, and some dry wood for 
creating the greatest invention of mankind: Ice Cream!  No, wait... 

Found: Buy from the Junk Dealers for 40 commons.
Description: Hey, this one looks a lot like the Blackbird you swiped 
from Khaveen's House in Raseir.  Wasn't there one in the Brigand 
Leader's room in Spielburg, too?

Found: Buy from the Honey Merchant for 80 commons.
Description: This is good stuff, y'know...  Sweeeet.  Honeybirds love 
this, too...

Found: Buy from the Bead Merchant for 95 commons.
Description: It's some good workmanship on these beads.  Purdy stuff.  
Girls love that...

Wooden Leopard
Found: Buy from the Katta Artisan for 5 royals.
Description: Very nice work, really.  Shallah knows how to carve.

Fine Robe
Found: Buy from the Clothing Merchant for 10 royals.
Description: Another item that isn't personally useful to you, but could 
be worthwhile to others.

Found: On the ground...  All around...
Description: These things can give a monster a nasty bump on the head 
before you start to do real damage to it.

Found: On a tree in the Simbani Initiation.  Also in the Waterfall.
Description: This is a vine.  Also known as a creeper, for tying between 
two swallows if you want them both to carry a coconut.

Fire Opal
Found: In the Venomous Vines area or outside the Lost City.
Description: This is a lovely stone that seems to glow with a fire of 
its own.

Blue Orchid
Found: In the Jungle somewhere.
Description: You'll have to stumble onto this.  It rests in the boughs 
of certain trees, and it's tough to reach.

Glowing Orchid
Found: Once you dip the Blue Orchid in Pool of Peace by moonlight.
Description: Apparently, the Pool of Peace contains a lot of phosphates 
in it once the moon hits it right.

Gem of the Guardian
Found: In the Heart of the World
Description: This exquisite gem contains a lot of magical power.  It 
can be used to focus one's aura.

Dinosaur Horn
Found: On dead Dinosaurs
Description: You can't get any money for this or anything, but it's a 
nice trophy for killing a nasty Dinosaur.

Magic Wood
Found: In the Heart of the World
Description: This is an essential piece to create a Wizard's Staff.  
It's aura is magnificent.

Drum of Magic
Found: In the Laibon's Hut
Description: In some situations, you can earn the right to take the 
Drum.  In others, you can steal it.


5. Fighter/Paladin Walkthrough

Even though we've got the new Paladin quest, the two quests are almost 
exactly identical.  The points are different.  If something earns 
points for the Fighter, you'll see an (F#), and if it earns points for 
the Paladin, you'll see an (P#).  If it earns for both, you'll just 
see the number in parentheses.

You'll begin the quest in Aziza's house, getting a recap of last game's 
highlights.  You'll also receive a message from Kreesha asking Rakeesh 
to return home.  This is also a perfect time for Uhura to return home, 
and for you to see Tarna and see what help you can provide.

You'll soon be at the Palace of the Sultan who'll wish you well on your 
journey.  He'll give you a Magic Shield as a going-away present.  The 
magic portal will be created and the three of you will go through.


Welcome to Tarna

You'll enter Kreesha's house.  Uhura will leave to return to her 
village.  Question both Rakeesh and Kreesha here.  Once you're done, 
leave her house by walking off the top left area.

There's an event that'll take place right now.  You can do other things 
before that, but let's get to it right now to consolidate...

Go west to the Bazaar, then north to the north edge.  You'll see a 
disturbance at the Money Changer's.  A man will start running away.  
Chase after him (8) and you'll find him caught by a Liontaur guard.  

You'll be taken to the Hall of Judgement, to hear the thief's sentence 
being carried out.  He'll be declared honorless.  You'll then be taken 
to the King's Chambers for an audience with Rajah.  You have to act 
properly here or you'll be yelled at...  Once you gain control, click 
the Mouth on yourself and "Greet".  Next, "Answer Rajah".  Next, "Defend 
Rakeesh" (P2).  Next, "Talk about Rakeesh".  Finally, "Say Goodbye".  
You'll be returned outside (P2).  If you get kicked out, your Paladin 
won't get those two points.

Now, you're all set and ready to explore Tarna for the next couple of 


The Shopping Spree (among other things)

Okay, first thing to do is visit the Money Changer.  He's that guy who 
had the problem with the thief on the north end of the bazaar.  He'll 
ask you if you want to exchange money.  Either Say Yes or click the 
Money Pouch on him to exchange your money (4).  You don't need any 
fruit, but be sure to buy five Zebra Skins (2) and at least one, but 
preferably ten (3) waterskins from the Leather Seller.

Head down a screen to the first bazaar screen.  From the Weapon 
Merchant, buy a Fine Dagger (2) and a Fine Spear (2).  Buy a jar of 
Honey (2) from the Honey Seller.  Buy a Tinderbox (3) from the Junk 

Head down another screen.  Don't bother buying any fish.  Buy some 
beads (2) from the Bead Merchant.

Head down to the final screen of the bazaar.  Talk to Shallah the 
Katta merchant and be sure to Tell about Shapeir (3).  Give him the 
Note from Shema (5), and then try to buy the carving.  For your note, 
he'll give it to you for free (2).  Also, be sure to bargain the Meat 
Merchant down to 1 common, and buy a TON of meat, so that you'll not 
need to buy any more.  Buy a Fine Robe (2) from the Clothing Merchant.
Finally, give some coins (3) to the drummer.

You're pretty much all set for the bazaar at this point.  Now, go up 
to the middle plateau.  Enter the Apothecary.  Speak to Salim.  Talk 
to him about all subjects.  Asking him about Healing Pills will prompt 
a talk about a Honeybird Feather he needs to make more.  Asking him 
about Dispel Potions, and he'll tell you about the three ingredients he 
needs: A Venomous Vine Fruit, a Gift from the Heart of the World, and 
Water from the Pool of Peace.  Ask him about Plants, and then Tree, and 
he'll tell you a story that'll seem familiar if you've played QfG2.  
Now, you can Tell him about Julanar (10), and you'll have made his 

Go up the steps to the highest plateau.  Enter the Temple of Sekhmet at 
the top.  You'll be ejected, but you'll also be given the quest to find 
a Gem of the Guardian.

Finally, go to the Welcome Inn.  If you want to speak to Janna Jamil, 
sit down on a pillow.  Be sure to read the bulletin board (3).  Meals 
here are one royal apiece.  Your room, however, is paid for by Kreesha.  
You can sleep a night in here, and store unneeded items in the chest.

After this is all done, you can spend the next day doing whatever in 
Tarna.  You can even leave the city, but you can't go very far.  About 
sunset on Day 2, you'll go back to your room automatically.


Journey to the Simbani

The next morning, you and Rakeesh will speak about trying to bring 
peace between the Simbani and the Leopardmen.  You are given the option 
of swearing your honor to fulfill this.  There's no reason not to, so 
do so (P5).  Soon afterwards, Rajah will want to see you.  Once again, 
be nice.  "Greet" him, then "Talk about Honor", then "Talk about 
Rakeesh", then "Say Goodbye".  You and Rakeesh will then leave Tarna.

You get (3) points for leaving Tarna for the first time.  As you walk, 
Rakeesh will talk to you about stuff, and how your class can help in 
the cause.  If you're a Paladin, he'll describe to you the abilities 
you can gain as you do more good deeds.  For the sake of argument, we'll 
cover the points for those now...

Flaming Sword (P2)
Healing (P2)
Sense Danger (P2)
Honor Shield (P2)

Soon, you'll pass into the next screen (3).  Rakeesh will lead you into 
the village of the Simbani.  You'll speak with the Elder Mngoje for a 
second, and then you'll head into the village and meet up with Uhura.  
She'll lead you into the hut of the Laibon.  Although he's also a 
leader like Rajah, you can ask him about whatever.  Just be sure to 
"Greet" first.  "Ask about Spear" (2), and you'll learn about how the 
Spear of Death was stolen.  You won't be able to do much here, and 
he'll soon ask you all to leave.  You'll then go to Uhura's Hut, where 
you can speak about the events of the day.  Be sure to ask her about 
the Spear, too (2).  After a bit of talking, you'll have dinner, then 
you'll go to your guest hut to talk to Rakeesh.  You can talk to him 
as long as you want, then "Say Goodbye" to go to sleep.  The next 
morning, Rakeesh will head back to Tarna, and you'll be on your own.

You can sleep in your Guest Hut whenever you want.  There's also a 
chest here to store your unneeded belongings.

If you go north from the Laibon's Hut, you'll find his son Yesufu, 
sitting near a game.  Play some Awari with him (3).  The rules are 
simple, but the game is tough to master and requires some planning and 
forethought.  While you're playing, you can ask Yesufu stuff by clicking 
the Mouth on his portrait, and you can tell him stuff by clicking the 
Mouth anywhere else.  After you play once, you can ask him more things.  
Play with him at least a couple of times each day.  On the third day, 
you'll have the option to Tell about Friendship.  Do so, and he'll be 
your friend (3).

Go and visit the Laibon's Hut about three days after you arrive.  Note 
the drum he's got.  Ask him about the drum (2).  Just don't do it 
again or he'll kick you out and you'll lose points.  Be sure to Greet 
and say Goodbye every time, of course.

Go left from the Laibon's Hut, and you'll find the Spear Throwing Area.  
Practice throwing spears.  Soon, Uhura will come up to you and give you 
some pointers.  If you leave and come back later, she may actually 
challenge you.  See if you can beat her (3).  This triggers a later 
event, however.

Go right from the Laibon's Hut, and you'll find the Wrestling Bridge.  
Try to climb up it and Uhura will show up and talk to you about it.  
She'll explain the moves.  Here's the main gist.  Up = Jump.  Down = 
Duck.  Left = Dodge left.  Right = Dodge Right.  To be good on the 
bridge, you have to properly respond to your opponent's moves.  If your 
opponent jumps, you duck, and vice versa.  If your opponent dodges one 
way, you need to dodge to the other side.  What this means, of course, 
is that if your opponent dodges to their left, you also dodge to your 
left.  It seems complicated, but you'll get the hang of it.  Later, 
Uhura can challenge you.  Try and see if you can beat her (3).

At some point in the future, you may want to go to the center of the 
village after sunset.  You may find the Storyteller of the Simbani 
speaking to the people.  Listen in (2).  The next day, you can speak 
with him at the Awari Rock if you wish.

That's all there is to do in the Simbani Village.  


Exploring the Wilderness

In the savanna, you may find strange things if you wander around.  Some 
things you should take note of.  For instance, if you find a rhino 
(rare, but it happens) he'll charge.  Simply walk out of the way to 
avoid becoming street pizza.  Early on if you sleep the night out in 
the savanna (and build a fire), you may run into Arne Saknoosen, the 
earth pig.  He knows much about the wilderness, and you should do well 
to listen to what he says, even if he does go on about purple 
giraffes.  You may also find signs or traps out in the savanna, or you 
may run into the comedy team of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.

Naturally, being a Fighter in the wilderness means killing all the 
monsters you can:

Croc (F2)
Giant Ant (F2)
Dinosaur (F2)
Flying Cobra (F2)
Leopardman (F2)
Apeman (F2)
Demon Worm (F2)

Do make sure you go to the Venomous Vines area.  You'll find meerbats 
playing a bit of tag with the fruit on the vine.  Leave and come back.  
You'll see a young meerbat make a grab at the fruit, but he'll get 
snagged.  You have two options.  You can throw a rock or dagger at the 
vines, or you can use your sword on them.  The former is safer since 
you don't get poisoned from getting too close.  Once you force the 
vines to recede, the young meerbat will return to his roost (8).  The 
others will jump in their holes, but he'll stay and look at you.  Leave 
and return once more, and he'll have arranged some stones around a gift, 
a Venomous Vine Fruit, and a Fire Opal.  Take both and leave (8).

Note: Now, the Point List I have (don't honestly know the true source, 
since it bounces around a lot of sites) has another action, called 
Knock over Fruit (5).  This is something I've not been able to do.  If 
anyone can figure it out, let me know.

Wander somewhere around the east side of the first screen or the west 
side of the second screen of the savanna, and eventually, you'll run 
into a Honeybird.  Follow it off to the right, and it'll roost on a 
tree surrounded by killer bees.  Put some honey on the ground nearby, 
and leave.  The location will be marked by a bee.  Go back, and you'll 
see the bird in the honey.  Get close, and it'll take off, but leave 
behind a feather.  Grab it (8).

Go to the Pool of Peace.  This is a place of great safety.  Fill any and 
all Waterskins you have with water from the pool (3).  The Water will 
restore your Stamina completely whenever you drink it.

Head right from the second Savanna screen to get to the Jungle (3).  In 
the Jungle, go to the Heart of the World (that huge tree).  It's not 
that hard to find your way up the tree.  Just follow the paths.  When 
you're on the mid-level trunk part, about halfway up, there's a small 
cave.  Enter, and you'll see the Guardian of the Mother floating 
around.  After several seconds, it will get close enough to speak with 
you.  You can ask it things while you flash, and tell it things while 
you don't flash.  Ask it about a Gift to find out how to get the Gift 
from the Heart of the World.  Ask it about a Gem, and it'll drop several 
Gems on the ground.  Take JUST ONE (5)!  Leave the cave.

Head up to the very top of the tree's path.  You'll emerge into the very 
Heart of the World.  It's very mystical and magical, etc.  As the 
Guardian told you, pour Water from the Pool of Peace, and a fruit will 
appear on a branch.  Snag it (5).

One last thing to do in the Jungle at this point (besides fighting 
monsters, of course) is to head to the last screen of the Jungle (8).  
Walk around for a while, and you'll happen upon a monkey trapped in a 
cage.  Free the little guy (8).  Little Manu will be so happy.


Return to Tarna

Now would be a good time to head back to the city.  There are a few 
things to take care of here.  First, go to the Temple of Sekhmet.  
You'll bring the Gem of the Guardian to the Priestess (10).  You'll 
enter a neato trance thingy where you'll be interrogated by the gods.  
You'll have to choose symbols to get questions asked.  Fighters will 
want to choose the Sword or the Fist at least once, and the Paladin 
should choose the Heart.  Choose some relatively nice answers.  If you 
choose good answers, you'll be judged worthy to hear the prophecy (10).  
If you choose the proper symbol at least once, you'll be judged in 
harmony (5).  That's just a nice little bonus.

Go to the Apothecary.  Give Salim the Honeybird Feather (3), the Fruit 
of the Venomous Vine (3), some Water from the Pool of Peace (3), and 
the Gift from the Heart of the World (3).  Come back the next day, and 
buy his Dispel Potions.  If you told him about Julanar, he'll give the 
two of them to you for free (6).

Go to the Bazaar.  Walk to the South End, then back up to the north 
end.  Halfway, the thief you sentenced to being without honor will ask 
you for help.  Agree to help (4).  At night go down and talk to him.  
Keep coming back and talking to him.  The third time, tell him about 
Rakeesh (8).

You can also go to the Welcome Inn.  Some night, the survivor of the 
peace mission to the Leopardmen will visit the Inn.  You'll know because 
there'll be two empty pillows.  Once you order a meal, he'll sit next 
to you.  Talk to him about whatever, and especially the Peace 
Mission (7).


The Makings of a Warrior

Now that you have Dispel Potions, head back to the Simbani Village.  If 
you've practiced spear throwing with Uhura, you'll see a Leopardman 
prisoner.  You can talk to just about everyone else in the village 
about the prisoner.  Naturally, to turn it back into a human shape, 
you'll need to use a Dispel Potion on it (15).  Surprise!  It's a 
Leopard Lady...

People will start talking about her now.  You may want to go back to 
Tarna now and tell Kreesha about the Dispelled Leopard Lady (2).  You'll 
want to buy her as a wife.  The Laibon will set a Bride Price for the 
Leopard Lady.  The price is a Fine Robe, a Fine Spear, and five Zebra 
Skins.  If you don't have those things, you may want to pick them up.

Unfortunately, before you can "marry" her, you need to become a Simbani 
Warrior.  Go out into the savanna, kill a Dinosaur, and take its 
horn (3).  Go back to the village and give it to the Laibon (3).  He'll 
set up the Warrior Initiation rites.  It'll be you against Yesufu 

You'll start by running off to the Twisted Tree.  Yesufu will start by 
throwing spears to try to knock off the ring.  You, however, should 
try a different approach.  Grab a vine off the tree and you'll tie it 
to the spear.  Throw the spear at the ring, and you'll win this 
event (5).

Next, you'll run to the Circle of Thorns.  Yesufu will start by stabbing 
the circle with a spear.  You'll want to push the nearby log onto the 
circle.  Run into the middle and you'll grab the ring and win this 
event (5).

You'll run some more.  You'll soon see Yesufu stuck in a trap.  Help 
him, duh (8), and you'll run back to the village.

Now, you'll enter the spear throwing contest.  You'll trade off 
throwing spears, first at an unmoving target, then at a moving target.  
Use your best throwing skills, and you can beat him (5).

Finally, you'll duel on the wrestling bridge.  You know how to beat him, 
don't you?  Duel properly, and you'll dump him off three times and win 
the event (5).

With the contest over, the Laibon will name a winner.  If Yesufu won, 
you'll get (5) points.  If you won, you'll get (10) points.

Now, you can revel in your Warrior-ship.  Talk to everyone about it.  
Be sure to tell Uhura about Initiation (3).  Definitely head to the 
Laibon's hut.  Ask him about the drum and he'll hand it over to you to 
attempt peace with the Leopardmen.


Of Leopards and Love

Now that you're a Warrior, you can marry the Leopard Lady.  Give him 
the bride price: the Fine Robe (3), the Fine Spear (3), and the five 
Zebra Skins (3).

A happily married man, you can swagger up to your loving wife (yeah, 
right).  Speak to Uhura, and ask her about Wife (2).  She'll explain 
three gifts that you'll want to give her.  Give the Leopard Lady the 
Beads (3), the Wooden Leopard (3), and the Fine Dagger (3).  If you 
don't have all of these, go buy them from the Bazaar.  Once you've 
given her all three, open her cage and she'll run off.

Go out to the Jungle and wander around for a while.  When you hear 
something nearby, call out (3).  Johari the Leopard Lady will show up.  
You can talk to her if you want.  This is good for getting the 
Leopardmen side of this whole story.  Show her the Magic Drum (or Tell 
about Drum) and she'll take you to her village (8).  If you wish, you 
can leave and she'll find you again twice more.  The third time, you can 
Tell About Peace and she'll take you.

Once you reach her village, she'll mention how dangerous her people 
are.  Tell her about Romance.  Then click the Hand on her and you'll 
finally get a little somethin' for the effort... (3)

When it turns night, she'll lead you to watch the Change Ritual.  Lady, 
I had a Djinni back in Shapier pop out of a ring, I've seen it all.  
After which, she'll take you to her father, the chief.  Give him the 
Drum (or Tell about Drum) and you'll return it to them (20).  In return, 
ask about Spear, and he'll give you the Simbani Spear of Death.

You'll automatically return to the Simbani Village, where the Laibon 
will hold a little get together where you'll present him with the 
Spear of Death (20).  Now, the Simbani and the Leopardmen will talk of 

If you've acted honorably throughout the game (and aren't already a 
Paladin, duh), you will be taken to the home of Rakeesh and Kreesha, 
where Rakeesh will present you with his sword, Soulforge.  
Congratulations.  Unfortunately, you won't have much of a chance to 
beef up your abilities, what with a soon-to-be lack of Honor-giving 

And, boom, you're in Tarna in the Hall of Judgement, where you'll 
witness the Peace Conference (20).  The Laibon will speak for a bit, 
then Rakeesh will get a bad feeling (so will you, if you're a Paladin).
Suddenly, the Leopardman Chief will cast the Simbani Leader to the 
floor.  His son, Yesufu, responds with a deadly spear to the chest.  
Rakeesh will tell you to quickly run out of Tarna and find the Demons 
before everyone marches to war.

If you're still a Fighter, Yesufu will pass you the Spear of Death.  
He figures you may need it to fight Demons.


The Call to War

You are now barred from the City of Tarna and the Simbani Village.  
Kinda stinks, don't it?  Head over to the Jungle, and you'll find your 
last remaining friend, Manu the monkey.  He'll offer to take you to the 
Monkey Village.  You don't really have much of a choice here.  Ask him 
about Village, then click the Mouth on yourself and Agree (3).

Manu will lead you all the way to the Village, which is out near the 
Lost City.  Once you get there, keep asking him about Help and then the 
related topics.  Eventually, you'll get to Swingline, which you'll use 
to climb up to the treetops (8).

In the village, ask Manu about the Lost City and everything.  Convince 
Manu and he'll take you there (3).

Note: I need confirmation of points here.  There's supposed to be (5) 
points for taking a Rope Bridge, but I always turned into a Paladin 
when I used the Fighter, so I can't confirm it...

Once you get to the waterfall that blocks your way there, Manu's 
friends will hop across with their monkey agility.  You'll need to find 
another way.  If you didn't grab a vine from before, grab one now from 
the trees nearby.  Tell Manu about Vine Rope and he'll tie it to the 
other end, allowing you to cross the falls (10).

Manu will take you closer to the city.  Suddenly, you'll be set upon 
by a Demon Worm.  Defeat the Demon Worm with your mighty skills (3), 
and you'll move on to the Lost City.

At the Lost City, you can talk to Manu about whatever you want.  Make 
sure to ask about the Secret Entrance, but the only thing that'll get 
you going is Say Goodbye.  You'll move to the next area near the secret 
entrance.  You'll see an Apeman patrolling the area.  You can fight 
him or just wait until he passes.  Move up to the door.  You'll get a 
close up.  If you have the Fire Opal (and you darn well better have it!) 
put it in the eye, the door will open and you'll enter (8).

You'll be in an antechamber now in the Lost City.  You'll have passed 
the worst of your enemies, but there are still two Demons in this room.  
Walk up to them, and you'll fight one.  Kick his blue butt (7) and you 
can force open the door behind him.

Once you enter this room (3), you'll notice a Liontaur.  Hey!  It's 
Reeshaka, Rakeesh's daughter!  Uh oh.  She'll be possessed by a Demon.  
You can fight her/it, or you can just throw your remaining Dispel 
Potion on it.  No more Demon (10).  Suddenly, some magic will start 
sparkling in the far corner!  What foul beast could it be?  Oh, it's 
just your friends.  Uhura, Yesufu, Johari, Harami and Rakeesh will all 
come through the portal to help.  Uhura and Rakeesh will have to hold 
off the Demons approaching while you and the rest move on.  Harami 
refuses to fight, but he's replaced when Manu shows up to help you out.

You'll enter the final room before the tower (3).  Each of the five of 
you will face off against an evil version of yourself.  Fight your 
doppelganger to the best of your ability, but you won't be able to 
defeat it, or even barely harm it.  When you get it (and yourself) down 
pretty low, Harami will show up and stab it in the back, letting you 
run up the stairs to the tower.

In the tower, the Demon Wizard, the one who poisoned Rakeesh years ago, 
challenges you.  He'll turn the gargoyle near him to life.  Defeat the 
pitiful attempt at stopping you (3), and he'll attempt to summon his 
Demon Lord.  Use your Shield to knock over the Gargoyle which has 
returned to stone.  Cross over and the Wizard will cause the Gargoyle 
to grab your foot.  Throw either the Spear of Death or your Paladin 
Sword at him (depending on your class).  With the Demon Wizard 
incapacitated, use your Shield on the Gate Orb nearby to push it into 
the vortex (20).  The Demon Wizard will be sucked in and destroyed (10), 
and you'll go back down the stairs to find your friends (25).

Your friends congratulate you on a job well done.  Johari accepts 
Yesufu's offer to marry her.  Just as things are looking to settle down, 
dark magic engulfs you.  You're yanked up into a teleportation spell.  
What will become of you?  Find out in Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of 


6. Wizard Walkthrough

All points added for deeds will be in parentheses.

You'll begin the quest in Aziza's house, getting a recap of last game's 
highlights.  You'll also receive a message from Kreesha asking Rakeesh 
to return home.  This is also a perfect time for Uhura to return home, 
and for you to see Tarna and see what help you can provide.

You'll soon be at the Palace of the Sultan who'll wish you well on your 
journey.  He'll give you a Gift from Keapon Laffin as a going-away 
present.  The magic portal will be created and the three of you will go 


Welcome to Tarna

You'll enter Kreesha's house.  Uhura will leave to return to her 
village.  Question both Rakeesh and Kreesha here.  Once you're done, 
leave her house by walking off the top left area.

Might as well open the Gift right now, while you're here.  Boom!  Oh, 
that Keapon...  Look at the Wrapping Paper, and you'll see runes written 
on it.  You'll now have the ability to cast the Juggling Lights 
Spell (4).

There's an event that'll take place right now.  You can do other things 
before that, but let's get to it right now to consolidate...

Go west to the Bazaar, then north to the north edge.  You'll see a 
disturbance at the Money Changer's.  A man will start running away.  
Chase after him (8) and you'll find him caught by a Liontaur guard.

You also have the option of using your magic against him (7).  Just 
don't miss (4).  As you can see, these add less points than just chasing 
him, so you're better off doing that...  

You'll be taken to the Hall of Judgement, to hear the thief's sentence 
being carried out.  He'll be declared honorless.  You'll then be taken 
to the King's Chambers for an audience with Rajah.  You have to act 
properly here or you'll be yelled at...  Once you gain control, click 
the Mouth on yourself and "Greet".  Next, "Answer Rajah".  Next, "Defend 
Rakeesh".  Next, "Talk about Rakeesh".  Finally, "Say Goodbye".  You'll 
be returned outside.

Go to Kreesha's house.  She'll be alone in the house, and now you can 
ask her about Spells.  She'll tell you about making a Wizard's Staff.  
You'll need to get some Magic Wood before making a Staff.

Now, you're all set and ready to explore Tarna for the next couple of 


The Shopping Spree (among other things)

Okay, first thing to do is visit the Money Changer.  He's that guy who 
had the problem with the thief on the north end of the bazaar.  He'll 
ask you if you want to exchange money.  Either Say Yes or click the 
Money Pouch on him to exchange your money (4).  You don't need any 
fruit, but be sure to buy five Zebra Skins (2) and at least one, but 
preferably ten (3) waterskins from the Leather Seller.

Head down a screen to the first bazaar screen.  From the Weapon 
Merchant, buy a Fine Dagger (2) and a Fine Spear (2).  Buy a jar of 
Honey (2) from the Honey Seller.  Buy a Tinderbox (3) from the Junk 

Head down another screen.  Don't bother buying any fish or rope.  Buy 
some Beads (2) from the Bead Merchant.

Head down to the final screen of the bazaar.  Talk to Shallah the 
Katta merchant and be sure to Tell about Shapeir (3).  Give him the 
Note from Shema (5), and then try to buy the carving.  For your note, 
he'll give it to you for free (2).  Also, be sure to bargain the Meat 
Merchant down to 1 common, and buy a TON of meat, so that you'll not 
need to buy any more.  Buy a Fine Robe (2) from the Clothing Merchant.
Finally, give some coins (3) to the drummer.

You're pretty much all set for the bazaar at this point.  Now, go up 
to the middle plateau.  Enter the Apothecary.  Speak to Salim.  Talk 
to him about all subjects.  Asking him about Healing Pills will prompt 
a talk about a Honeybird Feather he needs to make more.  Asking him 
about Dispel Potions, and he'll tell you about the three ingredients he 
needs: A Venomous Vine Fruit, a Gift from the Heart of the World, and 
Water from the Pool of Peace.  Ask him about Plants, and then Tree, and 
he'll tell you a story that'll seem familiar if you've played QfG2.  
Now, you can Tell him about Julanar (10), and you'll have made his 

Go up the steps to the highest plateau.  Enter the Temple of Sekhmet at 
the top.  You'll be ejected, but you'll also be given the quest to find 
a Gem of the Guardian.

Finally, go to the Welcome Inn.  If you want to speak to Janna Jamil, 
sit down on a pillow.  Be sure to read the bulletin board (3).  Meals 
here are one royal apiece.  Your room, however, is paid for by Kreesha.  
You can sleep a night in here, and store unneeded items in the chest.

After this is all done, you can spend the next day doing whatever in 
Tarna.  You can even leave the city, but you can't go very far.  About 
sunset on Day 2, you'll go back to your room automatically.


Journey to the Simbani

The next morning, you and Rakeesh will speak about trying to bring 
peace between the Simbani and the Leopardmen.  You are given the option 
of swearing your honor to fulfill this.  There's no reason not to, so 
do so.  Soon afterwards, Rajah will want to see you.  Once again, be 
nice.  "Greet" him, then "Talk about Honor", then "Talk about Rakeesh", 
then "Say Goodbye".  You and Rakeesh will then leave Tarna.

You get (3) points for leaving Tarna for the first time.  As you walk, 
Rakeesh will talk to you about stuff, and how your class can help in 
the cause.

Soon, you'll pass into the next screen (3).  Rakeesh will lead you into 
the village of the Simbani.  You'll speak with the Elder Mngoje for a 
second, and then you'll head into the village and meet up with Uhura.  
She'll lead you into the hut of the Laibon.  Although he's also a 
leader like Rajah, you can ask him about whatever.  Just be sure to 
"Greet" first.  "Ask about Spear" (2), and you'll learn about how the 
Spear of Death was stolen.  You won't be able to do much here, and 
he'll soon ask you all to leave.  You'll then go to Uhura's Hut, where 
you can speak about the events of the day.  Be sure to ask her about 
the Spear, too (2).  After a bit of talking, you'll have dinner, then 
you'll go to your guest hut to talk to Rakeesh.  You can talk to him 
as long as you want, then "Say Goodbye" to go to sleep.  The next 
morning, Rakeesh will head back to Tarna, and you'll be on your own.

You can sleep in your Guest Hut whenever you want.  There's also a 
chest here to store your unneeded belongings.

If you go north from the Laibon's Hut, you'll find his son Yesufu, 
sitting near a game.  Play some Awari with him (3).  The rules are 
simple, but the game is tough to master and requires some planning and 
forethought.  While you're playing, you can ask Yesufu stuff by clicking 
the Mouth on his portrait, and you can tell him stuff by clicking the 
Mouth anywhere else.  After you play once, you can ask him more things.  
Play with him at least a couple of times each day.  On the third day, 
you'll have the option to Tell about Friendship.  Do so, and he'll be 
your friend (3).

Go and visit the Laibon's Hut about three days after you arrive.  Note 
the drum he's got.  Ask him about the drum (2).  Just don't do it 
again or he'll kick you out and you'll lose points.  Be sure to Greet 
and say Goodbye every time, of course.

At some point in the future, you may want to go to the center of the 
village after sunset.  You may find the Storyteller of the Simbani 
speaking to the people.  Listen in (2).  The next day, you can speak 
with him at the Awari Rock if you wish.

That's all there is to do in the Simbani Village.  


Exploring the Wilderness

In the savanna, you may find strange things if you wander around.  Some 
things you should take note of.  For instance, if you find a rhino 
(rare, but it happens) he'll charge.  Simply walk out of the way to 
avoid becoming street pizza.  Early on if you sleep the night out in 
the savanna (and build a fire), you may run into Arne Saknoosen, the 
earth pig.  He knows much about the wilderness, and you should do well 
to listen to what he says, even if he does go on about purple 
giraffes.  You may also find signs or traps out in the savanna, or you 
may run into the comedy team of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.

Do make sure you go to the Venomous Vines area.  Taking the fruit off 
the Venomous Vine is as easy as casting Fetch on the vine.  Boom.  
You got a fruit (8).

Wander somewhere around the east side of the first screen or the west 
side of the second screen of the savanna, and eventually, you'll run 
into a Honeybird.  Follow it off to the right, and it'll roost on a 
tree surrounded by killer bees.  Put some honey on the ground nearby, 
and leave.  The location will be marked by a bee.  Go back, and you'll 
see the bird in the honey.  Get close, and it'll take off, but leave 
behind a feather.  Grab it (8).

Go to the Pool of Peace.  This is a place of great safety.  Fill any and 
all Waterskins you have with water from the pool (3).  The Water will 
restore your Stamina completely whenever you drink it.

Head right from the second Savanna screen to get to the Jungle (3).  In 
the Jungle, go to the Heart of the World (that huge tree).  It's not 
that hard to find your way up the tree.  Just follow the paths.  When 
you're on the mid-level trunk part, about halfway up, there's a small 
cave.  Enter, and you'll see the Guardian of the Mother floating 
around.  After several seconds, it will get close enough to speak with 
you.  You can ask it things while you flash, and tell it things while 
you don't flash.  Ask it about a Gift to find out how to get the Gift 
from the Heart of the World.  Ask it about Wood, and it'll tell you to 
find a Blue Orchid in the Jungle, bathe it in the Pool of Peace by 
moonlight, and place it up top.  Ask it about a Gem, and it'll drop 
several Gems on the ground.  Take JUST ONE (5)!  Leave the cave.

Head up to the very top of the tree's path.  You'll emerge into the very 
Heart of the World.  It's very mystical and magical, etc.  As the 
Guardian told you, pour Water from the Pool of Peace, and a fruit will 
appear on a branch.  Snag it (5).

Now, wander around the Jungle for a while.  Eventually, you'll come 
upon a tree with blue orchids growing in its branches.  Cast Fetch and 
you'll grab one (3).  Go to the Pool of Peace at night and use the 
Orchid on it to make it glow (6) (must be some phosphates in there).  
Take the Orchid back to the Heart of the World and place it on the 
platform to get your Magic Wood (5).

One last thing to do in the Jungle at this point (besides fighting 
monsters, of course) is to head to the last screen of the Jungle (8).  
Walk around for a while, and you'll happen upon a monkey trapped in a 
cage.  Free the little guy (8).  Little Manu will be so happy.


Return to Tarna

Now would be a good time to head back to the city.  There are a few 
things to take care of here.  First, go to the Temple of Sekhmet.  
You'll bring the Gem of the Guardian to the Priestess (10).  You'll 
enter a neato trance thingy where you'll be interrogated by the gods.  
You'll have to choose symbols to get questions asked.  As a Wizard, at 
least one of the symbols you choose should be the Pentagram.  Choose 
some relatively nice answers.  If you choose good answers, you'll be 
judged worthy to hear the prophecy (10).  If you choose the proper 
symbol at least once, you'll be judged in harmony (5).  That's just a 
nice little bonus.

Go to the Apothecary.  Give Salim the Honeybird Feather (3), the Fruit 
of the Venomous Vine (3), some Water from the Pool of Peace (3), and 
the Gift from the Heart of the World (3).  Come back the next day, and 
buy his Dispel Potions.  If you told him about Julanar, he'll give the 
three of them to you for free (6).

Go to the Bazaar.  Walk to the South End, then back up to the north 
end.  Halfway, the thief you sentenced to being without honor will ask 
you for help.  Agree to help (4).  At night go down and talk to him.  
Keep coming back and talking to him.  The third time, tell him about 
Rakeesh (8).

You can also go to the Welcome Inn.  Some night, the survivor of the 
peace mission to the Leopardmen will visit the Inn.  You'll know because 
there'll be two empty pillows.  Once you order a meal, he'll sit next 
to you.  Talk to him about whatever, and especially the Peace 
Mission (7).

Above all, make sure you return to Kreesha's house with the Magic Wood.  
She'll help you create your Wizard's Staff (10).  Nice, eh?  You'll now 
know the Summon Staff spell.  While the Staff is active, you can cast 
any spell you want and you won't lose mana.  The bad side is that if 
you walk around with the Staff, it'll disappear.  With the creation of 
the Staff, you'll trigger a new event.


Of Leopards and Love

Now that you have Dispel Potions, head back to the Simbani Village.  If 
you've created your Wizard's Staff , you'll see a Leopardman prisoner.  
You can talk to just about everyone else in the village about the 
prisoner.  Naturally, to turn it back into a human shape, you'll need 
to use a Dispel Potion on it (15).  Surprise!  It's a Leopard Lady...

People will start talking about her now.  You may want to go back to 
Tarna now and tell Kreesha about the Dispelled Leopard Lady (2).  You'll 
want to buy her as a wife.  The Laibon will set a Bride Price for the 
Leopard Lady.  The price is a Fine Robe, a Fine Spear, and five Zebra 
Skins.  If you don't have those things, you may want to pick them up.

Once you get those items, you can marry the Leopard Lady.  Give him 
the bride price: the Fine Robe (3), the Fine Spear (3), and the five 
Zebra Skins (3).

A happily married man, you can swagger up to your loving wife (yeah, 
right).  Speak to Uhura, and ask her about Wife (2).  She'll explain 
three gifts that you'll want to give her.  Give the Leopard Lady the 
Beads (3), the Wooden Leopard (3), and the Fine Dagger (3).  If you 
don't have all of these, go buy them from the Bazaar.  Once you've 
given her all three, open her cage and she'll run off.

Go out to the Jungle and wander around for a while.  When you hear 
something nearby, call out (3).  Johari the Leopard Lady will show up.  
You can talk to her if you want.  This is good for getting the 
Leopardmen side of this whole story.  You won't be able to do much, 
unfortunately.  Walk around for a while and you'll run into her again.  
Be sure to ask her about Magic, and she'll give you the Lightning Ball 
Spell (4).  The third time you mean with her, Tell about Peace, and 
she'll take you to her village (8).

Once you reach her village, she'll mention how dangerous her people 
are.  Tell her about Romance.  Then click the Hand on her and you'll 
finally get a little somethin' for the effort... (3)

When it turns night, she'll lead you to watch the Change Ritual.  Lady, 
I had a Djinni back in Shapier pop out of a ring, I've seen it all.  
After which, she'll take you to her father, the chief.  Tell about your 
Magical Skills and you'll request a Wizard's Duel with the Leopardman 

All right.  Time for some hot spellcasting action.  The rules are that 
you must each take turns with spells and you cannot attack each other 

First, Summon your Staff (4).  Next, cast Reversal (4) to flip back the 
staff-burning spell he'll try.  The Shaman will then cast a Wall of 
Flames around you.  Cast Calm (4).  Next, you'll be trapped in a Cage 
of Thorns.  Cast Open on the cage (4).  Then, he'll make everything 
dark.  Cast Juggling Lights (4).  Next, he'll create this weird black 
snake thing.  Cast Dazzle to dispel the illusion (4).  Then, he'll 
create a hole beneath you.  Cast Levitate to rise out of it (4).  
Finally, the Shaman will get ticked, and he'll summon a demon within 
himself.  All bets are off now.  You can either kill him (5), or be 
nice and use a Dispel Potion on him (8).  Either way, you'll win the 
Wizard's Duel (10).

You'll now be respected by all the Leopardmen.  Ask about Spear, and 
he'll give you the Simbani Spear of Death.

You'll automatically return to the Simbani Village, where the Laibon 
will hold a little get together where you'll present him with the 
Spear of Death (20).  He'll give you the Magic Drum in return.

You'll return once more to the Leopardman Village with the Drum (20).  
Now, the Simbani and the Leopardmen will talk of peace.

And, boom, you're in Tarna in the Hall of Judgement, where you'll 
witness the Peace Conference (20).  The Laibon will speak for a bit, 
then Rakeesh will get a bad feeling.  Suddenly, the Leopardman Chief 
will cast the Simbani Leader to the floor.  His son, Yesufu, responds 
with a deadly spear to the chest.  Rakeesh will tell you to quickly run 
out of Tarna and find the Demons before everyone marches to war.


The Call to War

You are now barred from the City of Tarna and the Simbani Village.  
Kinda stinks, don't it?  Head over to the Jungle, and you'll find your 
last remaining friend, Manu the monkey.  He'll offer to take you to the 
Monkey Village.  You don't really have much of a choice here.  Ask him 
about Village, then click the Mouth on yourself and Agree (3).

Manu will lead you all the way to the Village, which is out near the 
Lost City.  Once you get there, cast Levitate to reach up to the top 
branches (8).

In the village, ask Manu about the Lost City and everything.  Convince 
Manu and he'll take you there (3).

Once you get to the waterfall that blocks your way there, Manu's 
friends will hop across with their monkey agility.  You'll need to find 
another way.  Grab a vine from the trees nearby.  Click it on yourself 
to tie it on.  Then, tell Manu about Levitate and he'll pull you across 
while you're in the air (10).

Manu will take you closer to the city.  Suddenly, you'll be set upon 
by a Demon Worm.  Defeat the Demon Worm with your mighty skills, or just 
run, and you'll move on to the Lost City.

At the Lost City, you can talk to Manu about whatever you want.  Make 
sure to ask about the Secret Entrance, but the only thing that'll get 
you going is Say Goodbye.  You'll move to the next area near the secret 
entrance.  You'll see an Apeman patrolling the area.  You can fight 
him or just wait until he passes.  Move up to the jackal statue, and 
you'll see a gem in its eye.  Either cast Fetch to grab it, or cast 
Levitate to float up to it.  Once you have the gem (5), use it on the 
door.  The door will open and you'll enter (8).

You'll be in an antechamber now in the Lost City.  You'll have passed 
the worst of your enemies, but there are still two Demons in this room.  
Cast Calm (6) to relax them, then move on by and cast Open (4) on the 

Once you enter this room (3), you'll notice a Liontaur.  Hey!  It's 
Reeshaka, Rakeesh's daughter!  Uh oh.  She'll be possessed by a Demon.  
You can fight her/it, or you can just throw your remaining Dispel 
Potion on it.  No more Demon (10).  Suddenly, some magic will start 
sparkling in the far corner!  What foul beast could it be?  Oh, it's 
just your friends.  Uhura, Yesufu, Johari, Harami and Rakeesh will all 
come through the portal to help.  Uhura and Rakeesh will have to hold 
off the Demons approaching while you and the rest move on.  Harami 
refuses to fight, but he's replaced when Manu shows up to help you out.

You'll enter the final room before the tower (3).  Each of the five of 
you will face off against an evil version of yourself.  Fight your 
doppelganger to the best of your ability, but you won't be able to 
defeat it, or even barely harm it.  When you get it (and yourself) down 
pretty low, Harami will show up and stab it in the back, letting you 
run up the stairs to the tower.

In the tower, the Demon Wizard, who poisoned Rakeesh so long ago, is 
speaking with his Demon Lord.  Cast a spell at him to get his attention.  
Quickly cast Reversal, and his spells will reflect back.  He'll try a 
fire spell.  Please...  Cast Calm to smother it.  Next, he'll try to 
summon a Gargoyle.  Quickly cast Trigger on it to turn it back to stone.  
He'll get fed up and try to summon his Lord.  Summon your Staff and 
smack him with a powered-up attack spell.  He'll get really ticked and 
will cast Fetch on your Staff.  He's got it, now what do you do?  
Simple.  Cast Trigger.  BOOM!  Get the satisfaction of destroying the 
Demon Wizard (10).  Now, cast Force Bolt on the Gate Orb to knock it 
into the gate (20).  The gate will close and you'll go back down the 
stairs to find your friends (25).

Your friends congratulate you on a job well done.  Johari accepts 
Yesufu's offer to marry her.  Just as things are looking to settle down, 
dark magic engulfs you.  You're yanked up into a teleportation spell.  
What will become of you?  Find out in Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of 


7. Thief Walkthrough

All points added for deeds will be in parentheses.

You'll begin the quest in Aziza's house, getting a recap of last game's 
highlights.  You'll also receive a message from Kreesha asking Rakeesh 
to return home.  This is also a perfect time for Uhura to return home, 
and for you to see Tarna and see what help you can provide.

You'll soon be at the Palace of the Sultan who'll wish you well on your 
journey.  He'll give you a Magic Grapnel Hook as a going-away present.  
The magic portal will be created and the three of you will go through.


Welcome to Tarna

You'll enter Kreesha's house.  Uhura will leave to return to her 
village.  Question both Rakeesh and Kreesha here.  Once you're done, 
leave her house by walking off the top left area.

There's an event that'll take place right now.  You can do other things 
before that, but let's get to it right now to consolidate...

Go west to the Bazaar, then north to the north edge.  You'll see a 
disturbance at the Money Changer's.  A man will start running away.  
Chase after him (8) and you'll find him caught by a Liontaur guard.

You also have the option of using throwing a Dagger at him, or knocking 
over the nearby bowl of fruit (5).  As you can see, these add less 
points than just chasing him, so you're better off doing that...  

You'll be taken to the Hall of Judgement, to hear the thief's sentence 
being carried out.  He'll be declared honorless.  You'll then be taken 
to the King's Chambers for an audience with Rajah.  You have to act 
properly here or you'll be yelled at...  Once you gain control, click 
the Mouth on yourself and "Greet".  Next, "Answer Rajah".  Next, "Defend 
Rakeesh".  Next, "Talk about Rakeesh".  Finally, "Say Goodbye".  You'll 
be returned outside.

Now, you're all set and ready to explore Tarna for the next couple of 


The Shopping Spree (among other things)

Okay, first thing to do is visit the Money Changer.  He's that guy who 
had the problem with the thief on the north end of the bazaar.  He'll 
ask you if you want to exchange money.  Either Say Yes or click the 
Money Pouch on him to exchange your money (4).  You may want to buy some 
Fruit from the Fruit Seller, and be sure to buy five Zebra Skins (2) 
and at least one, but preferably ten (3) waterskins from the Leather 

Head down a screen to the first bazaar screen.  From the Weapon 
Merchant, buy a Fine Dagger (2) and a Fine Spear (2).  Buy a jar of 
Honey (2) from the Honey Seller.  Buy a Tinderbox (3), and the 
Blackbird (5) from the Junk Dealers.  Buy a flask of Oil from the Oil 
Seller (5).

Head down another screen.  Don't bother buying any fish.  Buy some 
Beads (2) from the Bead Merchant.  Buy some Rope (8) from the Rope 
Seller.  Click the Grapnel on the Rope in the Inventory screen to 
combine them.  Also, it may be a good idea to make the Thief Sign to 
the Rope Seller.  Ask him about Acrobatics, then click the Mouth on 
yourself and select Train, and you'll pay 50 royals for the acrobatics 
training.  This is an automatic boost in your Agility by 30 points.

Head down to the final screen of the bazaar.  Talk to Shallah the 
Katta merchant and be sure to Tell about Shapeir (3).  Give him the 
Note from Shema (5), and then try to buy the carving.  For your note, 
he'll give it to you for free (2).  Also, be sure to bargain the Meat 
Merchant down to 1 common, and buy a TON of meat, so that you'll not 
need to buy any more.  Buy a Fine Robe (2) from the Clothing Merchant.
Finally, give some coins (3) to the drummer.

You're pretty much all set for the bazaar at this point.  Now, go up 
to the middle plateau.  Enter the Apothecary.  Speak to Salim.  Talk 
to him about all subjects.  Asking him about Healing Pills will prompt 
a talk about a Honeybird Feather he needs to make more.  Asking him 
about Dispel Potions, and he'll tell you about the three ingredients he 
needs: A Venomous Vine Fruit, a Gift from the Heart of the World, and 
Water from the Pool of Peace.  Ask him about Plants, and then Tree, and 
he'll tell you a story that'll seem familiar if you've played QfG2.  
Now, you can Tell him about Julanar (10), and you'll have made his 

Go up the steps to the highest plateau.  Enter the Temple of Sekhmet at 
the top.  You'll be ejected, but you'll also be given the quest to find 
a Gem of the Guardian.

Finally, go to the Welcome Inn.  If you want to speak to Janna Jamil, 
sit down on a pillow.  Be sure to read the bulletin board (3).  Meals 
here are one royal apiece.  Your room, however, is paid for by Kreesha.  
You can sleep a night in here, and store unneeded items in the chest.

After this is all done, you can spend the next day doing whatever in 
Tarna.  You can even leave the city, but you can't go very far.  About 
sunset on Day 2, you'll go back to your room automatically.


Journey to the Simbani

The next morning, you and Rakeesh will speak about trying to bring 
peace between the Simbani and the Leopardmen.  You are given the option 
of swearing your honor to fulfill this.  There's no reason not to, so 
do so.  Soon afterwards, Rajah will want to see you.  Once again, be 
nice.  "Greet" him, then "Talk about Honor", then "Talk about Rakeesh", 
then "Say Goodbye".  You and Rakeesh will then leave Tarna.

You get (3) points for leaving Tarna for the first time.  As you walk, 
Rakeesh will talk to you about stuff, and how your class can help in 
the cause.

Soon, you'll pass into the next screen (3).  Rakeesh will lead you into 
the village of the Simbani.  You'll speak with the Elder Mngoje for a 
second, and then you'll head into the village and meet up with Uhura.  
She'll lead you into the hut of the Laibon.  Although he's also a 
leader like Rajah, you can ask him about whatever.  Just be sure to 
"Greet" first.  "Ask about Spear" (2), and you'll learn about how the 
Spear of Death was stolen.  You won't be able to do much here, and 
he'll soon ask you all to leave.  You'll then go to Uhura's Hut, where 
you can speak about the events of the day.  Be sure to ask her about 
the Spear, too (2).  After a bit of talking, you'll have dinner, then 
you'll go to your guest hut to talk to Rakeesh.  You can talk to him 
as long as you want, then "Say Goodbye" to go to sleep.  The next 
morning, Rakeesh will head back to Tarna, and you'll be on your own.

You can sleep in your Guest Hut whenever you want.  There's also a 
chest here to store your unneeded belongings.

If you go north from the Laibon's Hut, you'll find his son Yesufu, 
sitting near a game.  Play some Awari with him (3).  The rules are 
simple, but the game is tough to master and requires some planning and 
forethought.  While you're playing, you can ask Yesufu stuff by clicking 
the Mouth on his portrait, and you can tell him stuff by clicking the 
Mouth anywhere else.  After you play once, you can ask him more things.  
Play with him at least a couple of times each day.  On the third day, 
you'll have the option to Tell about Friendship.  Do so, and he'll be 
your friend (3).

Go and visit the Laibon's Hut about three days after you arrive.  Note 
the drum he's got.  Ask him about the drum (2).  Just don't do it 
again or he'll kick you out and you'll lose points.  Be sure to Greet 
and say Goodbye every time, of course.

At some point in the future, you may want to go to the center of the 
village after sunset.  You may find the Storyteller of the Simbani 
speaking to the people.  Listen in (2).  The next day, you can speak 
with him at the Awari Rock if you wish.

That's all there is to do in the Simbani Village.  


Exploring the Wilderness

In the savanna, you may find strange things if you wander around.  Some 
things you should take note of.  For instance, if you find a rhino 
(rare, but it happens) he'll charge.  Simply walk out of the way to 
avoid becoming street pizza.  Early on if you sleep the night out in 
the savanna (and build a fire), you may run into Arne Saknoosen, the 
earth pig.  He knows much about the wilderness, and you should do well 
to listen to what he says, even if he does go on about purple 
giraffes.  You may also find signs or traps out in the savanna, or you 
may run into the comedy team of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.

Do make sure you go to the Venomous Vines area.  Taking the fruit off 
the Venomous Vine is as easy as tossing your Rope and Grapnel on it.  
Boom.  You got a fruit (8).

Wander somewhere around the east side of the first screen or the west 
side of the second screen of the savanna, and eventually, you'll run 
into a Honeybird.  Follow it off to the right, and it'll roost on a 
tree surrounded by killer bees.  Put some honey on the ground nearby, 
and leave.  The location will be marked by a bee.  Go back, and you'll 
see the bird in the honey.  Get close, and it'll take off, but leave 
behind a feather.  Grab it (8).

Go to the Pool of Peace.  This is a place of great safety.  Fill any and 
all Waterskins you have with water from the pool (3).  The Water will 
restore your Stamina completely whenever you drink it.

Head right from the second Savanna screen to get to the Jungle (3).  In 
the Jungle, go to the Heart of the World (that huge tree).  It's not 
that hard to find your way up the tree.  Just follow the paths.  When 
you're on the mid-level trunk part, about halfway up, there's a small 
cave.  Enter, and you'll see the Guardian of the Mother floating 
around.  After several seconds, it will get close enough to speak with 
you.  You can ask it things while you flash, and tell it things while 
you don't flash.  Ask it about a Gift to find out how to get the Gift 
from the Heart of the World.  Ask it about a Gem, and it'll drop several 
Gems on the ground.  Take JUST ONE (5)!  Leave the cave.

Head up to the very top of the tree's path.  You'll emerge into the very 
Heart of the World.  It's very mystical and magical, etc.  As the 
Guardian told you, pour Water from the Pool of Peace, and a fruit will 
appear on a branch.  Snag it (5).

One last thing to do in the Jungle at this point (besides fighting 
monsters, of course) is to head to the last screen of the Jungle (8).  
Walk around for a while, and you'll happen upon a monkey trapped in a 
cage.  Free the little guy (8).  Little Manu will be so happy.


Return to Tarna

Now would be a good time to head back to the city.  There are a few 
things to take care of here.  First, go to the Temple of Sekhmet.  
You'll bring the Gem of the Guardian to the Priestess (10).  You'll 
enter a neato trance thingy where you'll be interrogated by the gods.  
You'll have to choose symbols to get questions asked.  As a Thief, at 
least one of the symbols you choose should be the Key.  Choose some 
relatively nice answers.  If you choose good answers, you'll be judged 
worthy to hear the prophecy (10).  If you choose the proper symbol at 
least once, you'll be judged in harmony (5).  That's just a nice little 

Go to the Apothecary.  Give Salim the Honeybird Feather (3), the Fruit 
of the Venomous Vine (3), some Water from the Pool of Peace (3), and 
the Gift from the Heart of the World (3).  Come back the next day, and 
buy his Dispel Potions.  If you told him about Julanar, he'll give the 
three of them to you for free (6).

Go to the Bazaar.  Walk to the South End, then back up to the north 
end.  Halfway, the thief you sentenced to being without honor will ask 
you for help.  Agree to help (4).  At night go down and talk to him.  
Be sure to give him the Thief Sign (8).  Keep coming back and talking 
to him.  The third time, tell him about Rakeesh (8).

You can also go to the Welcome Inn.  Some night, the survivor of the 
peace mission to the Leopardmen will visit the Inn.  You'll know because 
there'll be two empty pillows.  Once you order a meal, he'll sit next 
to you.  Talk to him about whatever, and especially the Peace 
Mission (7).


Of Leopards and Love

Now that you have Dispel Potions, head back to the Simbani Village.  If 
you've travelled all the way to the Waterfall screen, you'll see a 
Leopardman prisoner.  You can talk to just about everyone else in the 
village about the prisoner.  Naturally, to turn it back into a human 
shape, you'll need to use a Dispel Potion on it (15).  Surprise!  It's 
a Leopard Lady...

People will start talking about her now.  You may want to go back to 
Tarna now and tell Kreesha about the Dispelled Leopard Lady (2).  You'll 
want to buy her as a wife.  The Laibon will set a Bride Price for the 
Leopard Lady.  The price is a Fine Robe, a Fine Spear, and five Zebra 
Skins.  If you don't have those things, you may want to pick them up.

Once you get those items, you can marry the Leopard Lady.  Give him 
the bride price: the Fine Robe (3), the Fine Spear (3), and the five 
Zebra Skins (3).

A happily married man, you can swagger up to your loving wife (yeah, 
right).  Speak to Uhura, and ask her about Wife (2).  She'll explain 
three gifts that you'll want to give her.  Give the Leopard Lady the 
Beads (3), the Wooden Leopard (3), and the Fine Dagger (3).  If you 
don't have all of these, go buy them from the Bazaar.  Once you've 
given her all three, open her cage and she'll run off.

Now would be a good time to get the Magic Drum from the Laibon.  You 
will, of course, be using your own unique skills to do so.  At night, 
use the Eye on the Laibon's hut and you'll check it all around.  You'll 
find a crack.  Make sure you're sneaking.  Use your Fine Dagger on the 
crack to open it and you'll enter the hut (8).  Go right ahead and 
grab the Magic Drum (8).  If you're adventurous, you can also try that 
chest near the Laibon's bed.  Be sure to oil it first, then use your 
Tool Kit on it.  No points, but you get some cash and other items.

Go out to the Jungle and wander around for a while.  When you hear 
something nearby, call out (3).  Johari the Leopard Lady will show up.  
You can talk to her if you want.  This is good for getting the 
Leopardmen side of this whole story.  Show her the Magic Drum (or Tell 
about Drum) and she'll take you to her village (8).  If you wish, you 
can leave and she'll find you again twice more.  The third time, you can 
Tell About Peace and she'll take you.

Once you reach her village, she'll mention how dangerous her people 
are.  Tell her about Romance.  Then click the Hand on her and you'll 
finally get a little somethin' for the effort... (3)

When it turns night, she'll lead you to watch the Change Ritual.  Lady, 
I had a Djinni back in Shapier pop out of a ring, I've seen it all.  
After which, you'll sneak around to her father's hut.  This is a bit 
more dangerous than the Laibon's Hut, unfortunately.

First thing to do is use your Rope and Grapnel to extend the rope out 
towards the hut (5).  The Leopardman Chief has a pet panther down on 
the ground there.  Toss him some Meat to quiet him (5).  If you don't, 
you'll have to play around with some fancy jumping and ducking to avoid 
his savage leaps.  Make your way across the tightrope (8) and you'll 
enter the Chief's Hut.

Make sure you're sneaking once you're inside.  If you bought some fruit 
(like I told you to) from the Fruit Seller, give it to the monkey (5), 
then free him (5), if you don't want his screeches to wake up the 
Chief.  Grab the Spear of Death from the nearby wall (10).  You can 
also go for the nearby chest.  Be sure to oil it before you unlock it, 

Once you've done all the stealing, head outside and back along the rope.  
Johari will take you to her father in a more formal introduction.  Give 
him the Drum of Magic (20).

You'll automatically return to the Simbani Village, where the Laibon 
will hold a little get together where you'll present him with the 
Spear of Death (20).  Now, the Simbani and the Leopardmen will talk of 

And, boom, you're in Tarna in the Hall of Judgement, where you'll 
witness the Peace Conference (20).  The Laibon will speak for a bit, 
then Rakeesh will get a bad feeling.  Suddenly, the Leopardman Chief 
will cast the Simbani Leader to the floor.  His son, Yesufu, responds 
with a deadly spear to the chest.  Rakeesh will tell you to quickly run 
out of Tarna and find the Demons before everyone marches to war.


The Call to War

You are now barred from the City of Tarna and the Simbani Village.  
Kinda stinks, don't it?  Head over to the Jungle, and you'll find your 
last remaining friend, Manu the monkey.  He'll offer to take you to the 
Monkey Village.  You don't really have much of a choice here.  Ask him 
about Village, then click the Mouth on yourself and Agree (3).

Manu will lead you all the way to the Village, which is out near the 
Lost City.  Once you get there, toss your Rope and Grapnel to reach up 
to the top branches (8).

In the village, ask Manu about the Lost City and everything.  Convince 
Manu and he'll take you there (3).

Once you get to the waterfall that blocks your way there, Manu's 
friends will hop across with their monkey agility.  You'll need to find 
another way.  Toss your Rope and Grapnel to the other side, and you'll 
use your fancy tightrope walking skills to get across (10).

Manu will take you closer to the city.  Suddenly, you'll be set upon 
by a Demon Worm.  Defeat the Demon Worm with your mighty skills, or just 
run, and you'll move on to the Lost City.

At the Lost City, you can talk to Manu about whatever you want.  Make 
sure to ask about the Secret Entrance, but the only thing that'll get 
you going is Say Goodbye.  You'll move to the next area near the secret 
entrance.  You'll see an Apeman patrolling the area.  You can fight 
him or just wait until he passes.  Move up to the jackal statue, and 
you'll see a gem in its eye.  Toss your Rope and Grapnel to climb up 
and take the eye.  Once you have the gem (5), use it on the door.  The 
door will open and you'll enter (8).

You'll be in an antechamber now in the Lost City.  You'll have passed 
the worst of your enemies, but there are still two Demons in this room.  
Sneak past them.  Oil the door on the far wall (5), and use your Tool 
Kit to open the ancient door (5).

Once you enter this room (3), you'll notice a Liontaur.  Hey!  It's 
Reeshaka, Rakeesh's daughter!  Uh oh.  She'll be possessed by a Demon.  
You can fight her/it, or you can just throw your remaining Dispel 
Potion on it.  No more Demon (10).  Suddenly, some magic will start 
sparkling in the far corner!  What foul beast could it be?  Oh, it's 
just your friends.  Uhura, Yesufu, Johari, Harami and Rakeesh will all 
come through the portal to help.  Uhura and Rakeesh will have to hold 
off the Demons approaching while you and the rest move on.  Harami 
refuses to fight, but he's replaced when Manu shows up to help you out.

You'll enter the final room before the tower (3).  Each of the five of 
you will face off against an evil version of yourself.  Fight your 
doppelganger to the best of your ability, but you won't be able to 
defeat it, or even barely harm it.  When you get it (and yourself) down 
pretty low, Harami will show up and stab it in the back, letting you 
run up the stairs to the tower.

In the tower, the Demon Wizard, who poisoned Rakeesh so long ago, is 
speaking with his Demon Lord.  Quietly sneak over to the back pillar and 
climb up it.  Toss your Grapnel on the pillar across the split in the 
floor and the Wizard will notice you.  He'll create fire along the 
bottom of the pillar.  Use your grapnel on the pillar on the right side 
of the screen.  The Wizard will set your rope on fire, but you can cross 
and jump to the far pillar.  Toss your grapnel one more time at the 
Wizard and you'll get him good (10).  He'll stagger back and knock 
the Gate Orb into the World Gate (20).  The gate will close and you'll 
go back down the stairs to find your friends (25).

Your friends congratulate you on a job well done.  Johari accepts 
Yesufu's offer to marry her.  Just as things are looking to settle down, 
dark magic engulfs you.  You're yanked up into a teleportation spell.  
What will become of you?  Find out in Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of 


8. The Whole Story and Epilogue

Several years ago, Demons invaded the land of Tarna.  The current king, 
Rakeesh Sah Tarna, brought the armies of Tarna to fight against these 
foul beings.  Many a Liontaur and Demon died in that war.  Rakeesh's 
leg was poisoned by the Demon Wizard, and it didn't properly heal.  He 
thought he banished the Wizard back into its portal, but he could never 
be sure that he banished them all completely.  To try to ensure that 
Demons would never set foot on this world, Rakeesh abdicated his throne, 
giving it to his brother, to walk the life of a Paladin.

In fact, he hadn't banished them.  At the time of the death of Ad Avis, 
there was a terrific surge of magical energy.  The Demon Wizard used the 
enrgy from this death to return to East Fricana, in the old ruins of 
the Lost City.  He spent that time building up his power and summoning 
minions.  His main goal was summoning his Demon Lord, which he could do 
with the energy released from many deaths.  The best way to do this was 
through war.

Using his minions, he stole the Spear of Death from the Simbani and the 
Drum of Magic from the Leopardmen, and fixed it so that each tribe would 
receive the other's most sacred object, so that they would blame each 
other.  Animosity stirred due to the opposite natures of the two tribes, 
one in the day with their fighting abilities, and the other in the night 
with its magic.  The Simbani requested aid from their allies in Tarna.  
Tarna agreed to send a Peace Mission to ascertain the Leopardmen's 
intentions.  At night, the Peace Mission was attacked, with only one 

With that, King Rajah Sah Tarna was ready to go to war, but the Council 
of Judgement decides to hold off.  Kreesha summons her husband, Rakeesh, 
now in Shapeir.  He brings with him the Simbani Warrior, Uhura, and you, 
the newly adopted Prince of Shapeir.

Rakeesh attempts to stave off the thought of war in Tarna, and Uhura in 
the Simbani Village is doing the same, which leaves you to ascertain 
what's going on exactly.  You found each of the tribes' artifacts and 
returned them.  Unfortunately, during the following Peace Conference, 
both leaders of the tribes were killed when the Demon Wizard possessed 
the Leopardman Chief.  You traced the Demons to the Lost City, where 
you defeated the Wizard and closed the World Gate that brought them 

Soon afterwards, you were snatched away by dark magic.  Although 
neither Kreesha nor any of your other friends had the power to summon 
you back, or to even know where you were, they knew you were alive, and 
went on with their lives.

Yesufu and Johari married.  Although it would take time, the two tribes 
would be united with that marraige.

But what of you?  Where will your summoning lead you?  These questions 
and more will be answered in Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness


9. Miscellany



Q: How do I become a Paladin?

A: Unlike QfG2, where any character class could become a Paladin, in 
QfG3: Wages of War, only the Fighter has this opportunity. 

The Do's and Don't's of becoming a Paladin for your Fighter are: 

- Earning at least 100 points of Honor. 
- Returning the Magic Drum and the Spear of Death to their rightful 
- Helping Yesufu in the Initiation race when his foot is caught in the 
- Freeing Manu the monkey from the jungle trap. 
- Doing other good deeds like offering food and money to the honorless 
Thief, defending Rakeesh in front of Rajah, choosing wisely during the 
Sekhmet Judgement. 
- You must not have screwed up anywhere else, such as stealing from 
anyone (including the Drummer). 

If you fulfill these criteria, you are sent back to Tarna to Kreesha's 
house following the Spear Ceremony, before the Peace Conference. There, 
Rakeesh will proclaim you a Paladin and give you his sword, Soulforge.

Q: Where can I find this game?

A: Nowadays, this game can probably only be found as a part of the 
Quest for Glory Anthology.  You can order it from Sierra, or maybe get 
lucky and find it in a game store.

Q: My game crashed!  What happened?

A: Well, sometimes you may get kicked after leaving combat.  Happens 
sometimes.  Another place that happens is in the Initiation, while 
Yesufu tosses spears at the ring.  These happenings are random, and can 
be passed by trying it again.

Q: Why is there a waffle chasing me?

A: That's the Awful Waffle Walker, of course.  You find it when you're 
getting really hungry and out of rations.  It'll chase you until you 
eat it.  You can also roast it with a Flame Dart.  Oh, it's true.

Q: What's with the Blackbird?

A: This is an item purported to be of great wealth.  There were many 
fakes made of it.  Whoever finds the real Blackbird is said to be 
holding a Sultan's ransom.


B. Point List

All points are grouped in columns.  The first column is for the Fighter, 
the second for the Wizard, the third for the Thief, and the fourth for 
the Paladin.

Anywhere in Eastern Fricana -

         2   Earn Flaming Sword skill 
         2   Earn Healing skill 
         2   Earn Sense Danger skill 
         2   Earn Honor Shield skill 
   4         Learn Juggling Lights spell 

City of Tarna -

Kreesha's House
2  2  2  2   Tell Kreesha about Dispelled Leopard Woman 
   10        Create Wizard's Staff

3  3  3  3   Give Honeybird Feather to Salim
3  3  3  3   Give Venomous Vine Fruit to Salim
3  3  3  3   Give Water from the Pool of Peace to Salim
3  3  3  3   Give Gift from the Heart of the World to Salim
6  6  6  6   Get Dispel Potions from Salim
10 10 10 10  Tell Salim about Julanar

Welcome Inn
3  3  3  3   Read the bulletin board
7  7  7  7   Ask Khatib the Survivor about "Peace Mission" 

Upper Plateau

         2   Talk to Rajah without offending him 
         2   Defend Rakeesh to Rajah
         5   Pledge your honor for peace at the Hall of Judgement
10 10 10 10  Bring Gem of the Guardian to the Priestess of Sekhmet
10 10 10 10  Be judged as worthy in the Temple of Sekhmet
5  5  5  5   Be judged in harmony with yourself in the Temple of Sekhmet

Bazaar -

Scene with Harami

8  8  8  8   Chase Harami to next scene 
   7         Stop Harami with magic 
   4         Try to stop Harami with magic and fail 
      5      Stop Harami with dagger or fruit 


4  4  4  4   Exchange dinars with Money Changer 
2  2  2  2   Buy Zebra Skins from Leather Seller
3  3  3  3   Buy Waterskin from Leather Seller
2  2  2  2   Buy Fine Dagger from Weapon Seller 
2  2  2  2   Buy Fine Spear from Weapon Seller 
2  2  2  2   Buy Honey from the Honey Seller 
      5      Buy Oil from Oil Seller 
3  3  3  3   Buy Tinderbox from the Junk Dealers 
      5      Buy Blackbird from the Junk Dealers 
      8      Buy Rope from Rope Seller 
2  2  2  2   Buy Beads from the Bead Seller
2  2  2  2   Buy Wooden Leopard from Shallah 
3  3  3  3   Tell Shallah about Shapeir 
5  5  5  5   Give Shema's note to Shallah 
2  2  2  2   Buy Fine Robe from Cloth Merchant 
3  3  3  3   Give commons to the Drummer 

Meeting Harami

4  4  4  4   Agree to meet Harami 
      8      Make Thief Sign to Harami 
8  8  8  8   Tell Harami about Rakeesh 

The Wilderness -

3  3  3  3   Leave Tarna for the first time 
3  3  3  3   Reach Simbani Village Map 
3  3  3  3   Reach Jungle Map 
8  8  8  8   Reach Waterfall Map

2            Kill a Croc 
2            Kill a Giant Ant 
2            Kill a Dinosaur
2            Kill a Flying Cobra 
2            Kill a Leopardman 
2            Kill an Apeman 
2            Kill a Demon Worm 

8  8  8  8   Get Honeybird Feather 
5        5   Knock over Venomous Vine Fruit 
8  8  8  8   Get Venomous Vine Fruit 
8        8   Save Meerbat and get Fire Opal at the Venomous Vines
3  3  3  3   Get Water from the Pool of Peace
   6         Create Glowing Blue Orchid at the Pool of Peace


5  5  5  5   Get Gem of the Guardian from the Heart of the World 
5  5  5  5   Receive Gift from the Heart of the World
   3         Get Blue Orchid 
   5         Get Magic Wood 
8  8  8  8   Free Manu from trap 

Simbani Village
2  2  2  2   Ask Laibon about Drum 
2  2  2  2   Ask Laibon about Spear 
-5 -5 -5 -5  Get kicked out of the Laibon's Hut 
2  2  2  2   Listen to Storyteller's story 
2  2  2  2   Ask Uhura about Spear 
3  3  3  3   Play Awari with Yesufu 
3  3  3  3   Tell Yesufu about Friendship (third day of games)
3        3   Practice Wrestling Bridge with Uhura 
3        3   Practice spear throwing with Uhura 


3        3   Get Dinosaur Horn 
3        3   Give Dinosaur Horn and set up Initiation 
5        5   Win Twisted Tree Event 
5        5   Win Ring of Thorns Event 
8        8   Stop to help Yesufu 
5        5   Win Spear Throwing Event 
5        5   Win Wrestling Bridge Event 
10       10  Win Initiation honorably
5        5   Lose Initiation honorably 
3        3   Tell Uhura about Initiation 

Wooing Johari

15 15 15 15  Use Dispel Potion on Johari 
3  3  3  3   Give Fine Spear to Laibon 
3  3  3  3   Give Fine Robe to Laibon 
3  3  3  3   Give Zebra Hides to Laibon 
2  2  2  2   Ask Uhura about Wife (after marrying Johari) 
3  3  3  3   Give Wooden Leopard to Johari 
3  3  3  3   Give Beads to Johari 
3  3  3  3   Give Fine Dagger to Johari 

Finding the Leopardmen

3  3  3  3   Call Out to Johari first time 
   4         Learn Lightning Ball spell from Johari 
8  8  8  8   Show Magic Drum to Johari / Tell Johari about Peace 
3  3  3  3   Get smooched by Johari 

Wizard's Duel

   4         Summon Wizard's Staff 
   4         Cast Reversal  
   4         Cast Calm against Fire Ring 
   4         Cast Open, Dazzle or Force Bolt against Cage 
   4         Cast Juggling Lights against Darkness 
   4         Cast Dazzle against Snake Shadow
   4         Cast Levitate against Pit 
   8         Throw Dispel Potion at possessed Shaman
   5         Kill possessed Shaman 
   10        Win Wizard's Duel 


      8      Break into Laibon's hut 
      8      Steal the Drum of Magic
      5      Use Rope and Grapnel on Leopardman Chief's hut 
      5      Feed the panther outside the Chief's hut
      8      Cross the tightrope outside the Chief's hut
      5      Feed the monkey in the Chief's hut
      5      Release the monkey from the cage in the Chief's hut
      10     Steal the Spear of Death 

Peace Actions

20 20 20 20  Give Drum of Magic to the Leopardmen Chief 
20 20 20 20  Return Spear of Death to the Laibon 
20 20 20 20  Attend Peace Conference 
Lost City

3  3  3  3   Follow Manu to the Monkey Village 
8  8  8  8   Enter the Monkey Village 
5            Get Rope Bridge 
3  3  3  3   Get Manu to take you to the Lost City 
3        3   Create bridge from vines at the Waterfall
10 10 10 10  Cross the Waterfall 
3            Defeat Demon Worm outside the Lost City
   5  5      Get Fire Opal from the eye of Anubis 
8  8  8  8   Use Fire Opal to open the secret door 
7        7   Defeat the Demon guard 
   6         Cast Calm on the Demon guard 
      5      Sneak past Demon guards 
   4         Cast Open on door 
      5      Use Oil on door 
3  3  3  3   Pass the Demon guards 
10 10 10 10  Use Dispel potion on Reeshaka 
3  3  3  3   Reach Mirror Room 
3        3   Defeat Gargoyle 
10 10 10 10  Defeat Demon Wizard 
20 20 20 20  Push Gate Orb through the World Gate
25 25 25 25  Finish the game


C. Ways to Die

Yes, my FAQ will be different, I said!  Not only will I include all the 
usual crud, I'll also add stuff that'll kill ya!  Y'know, stuff that 
you should probably avoid.  Some are actually worth doing for laughs.  
Yup.  I've marked funny ones with an asterisk (*).


Exhaust yourself
Starve yourself
Die from poisoning
Perform an action that hurts a bit repeatedly until you die


Smoke Salim's water pipe three times (light with Tinderbox)*


Lose to a Croc
Lose to a Giant Ant
Lose to a Dinosaur
Lose to a Flying Cobra
Lose to a Leopardman
Lose to an Apeman
Lose to a Demon Worm


Leave a fire burning in the Savanna* ^_^
Get caught for too long by the Venomous Vines
Get run down by a charging rhino*
Wake up the Laibon while trying to steal the Drum of Magic


Take more than one Gem from the Guardian
Wake up the Leopardman Chief while trying to steal the Spear of Death
Lose combat against the possessed Shaman

Lost City:

Lose combat to a Demon
Lose combat to the Gargoyle
Take too long in finishing off the Demon Wizard (the Demon Lord is 
summoned and he casts Thermonuclear Blast)


D. Conversation Trees

Everyone you speak to has a set list (or tree) of things you can ask 
them.  I call it a tree, because when you ask certain things, new 
topics may pop up.  I won't go into what every tree entails, but I will 
embellish on when certain trees pop up.


Beginning of the Game
Before seeing Harami
The day after seeing Harami (He's with Rajah for the rest of the day you 
  see Harami)
In Uhura's Hut after you arrive at the Simbani Village
In the Guest Hut after you arrive at the Simbani Village
Your first visit back to Tarna
Your next visit back to Tarna


Beginning of the Game
Before seeing Harami
After seeing Harami on the same day
The day after seeing Harami
Your first visit back to Tarna
Your next visit back to Tarna


First visit
Second visit
First visit after Simbani Village
Next visit after Simbani Village

Janna Jamil

First visit
Second visit
First visit after Simbani Village
When Khatib visits
After Khatib visits
The day Khatib dies
After Khatib dies

Junk Dealers, Weapon Seller, Oil Seller, Honey Seller, Money Changer, 
Leather Seller, Fruit Seller, Fish Seller, Bead Seller, Rope Seller, 
Shallah, Meat Seller, Amulet Seller, Cloth Seller

First visit
First visit after Simbani Village

Any Liontaur Guards

Only one tree for each one


When he comes up to you in the bazaar
First visit at night
Second visit at night
Third visit at night

Arne Saknoosen

Only one tree


Visit to the Simbani Village (with Rakeesh)
First visit after reaching Simbani Village
Second visit after reaching Simbani Village
Wrestling Bridge Area
Second visit to Bridge Area
Spear Throwing Area
Second visit to Spear Throwing Area
After dispelling Johari
After Initiation (Fighter/Paladin)
After marrying Johari (at cage)
After marrying Johari (at hut)
After stealing Drum of Magic (Thief)


First visit (with Rakeesh)
Second visit (about three days after reaching Simbani Village)
After prisoner is caught
After prisoner is dispelled
After Initiation (Fighter/Paladin)


First visit to Awari Rock
Second visit to Awari Rock
Third visit to Awari Rock
After prisoner is caught
After prisoner is dispelled

Mngoje, Usiku

First visit
After prisoner is caught
After prisoner is dispelled
After Initiation (Fighter/Paladin)


After hearing the story


One tree only


After freeing him
After meeting him in the jungle
Outside the Monkey Village
In the Monkey Village
At the Waterfall
At the Lost City


10. Standard Guide Stuff


A. Legal

This FAQ was made 100% by me, Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz.  You may not 
take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter 
it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it 
in HTML format.  Please don’t post this on your site unless you have 
express consent by me.  I’ve put a lot of time into this.  Give me some 

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:



B. E-mail Guidelines

If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines...

- Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the 
- Make sure it has something to do with Quest for Glory for God's 
sake.  I don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship.  
Compliment me on the FAQ all you want, though...
- Make sure you say Quest for Glory at one point in your e-mail.  I have 
more than one FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I 
save?" doesn't tell me much.
- Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please.  If I can't understand 
your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile...


C. Credits

CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites.

Sierra, particularly Lori Ann and Corey Cole, for making such an 
incredible series.


D. Version Updates

Version 1.0 - 8/5/01 - Well, there you have it.  I don't really intend 
to do another version, unless something else comes up.


E. The Final Word

The third in this series isn't my favorite...  It's pretty short, and 
there's not a lot for the individual classes to do, unless you're a 
Fighter or Paladin.  It's still okay, though...

Be sure to check out my other guides for the Quest for Glory games, 
too!  I love this series!  Did I mention that?

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