Q.F.G.2 - COMPLETE Points List

  F   M    T                             Action
 7   7    7    Exchange money (money changer)
          3    Make sign (money changer)
 7   7    7    Bargain map (Dealer - gate's plaza)
 7   7    7    Bargain compass (Dealer - gate's plaza)
 3   3    3    Ask about fire (Alchemist)
 3   3    3    Ask about earth (Alchemist)
 7   7    7    Bargain incense (Alchemist)
 3             Bargain poison cure pill (Alchemist)
          3    Bargain oil (Alchemist)
 5   5    5    Ask about Air Elemental (Keepon Laffin)
          5    Bargain rope (Keepon Laffin)
 5   5    5    Get to Astrologer
 3   3    3    Sign book (adventure's guild)
 3             Ask about monster
 3             Ask Rakeesh about paladin
 5             Enter inner room (in guild)
 7   7    7    Enter Aziza's house
 7   7    7    Ask Aziza about plant
 3             Kill a Brigander
 3             Kill a Scorpion
 5             Take Scorpion's tail
 3             Kill a Dino
 3             Kill a Jackalmen
 3             Kill a Skeleton
 5             Take Skeleton's claws
     7         Cast detect (and see arrow - in street - not in plaza)
     11        Enter W.I.T.
     7         Pass Erasmus' test
     7         Pass air element's test
     7         Pass earth element's test
     7         Pass water element's test
     15        Pass fire element's test
     7         Answer NO when asked to take oath
          5    Pass rope (2nd day, fighter's plaza)
 3   3    3    Get to Greefin's screen
 7   7    7    Take Greefin's feather
 7   7    7    Bargain lamp (lamp seller - fountain plaza)
 7             Win in Arm wrestling against Weapon seller
 7   7    7    Take bellows (weapons shop)
 5   5    5    Ask about future (Astrologer)
 7   7    7    Say YES to Saurus salesman (Buy Saurus for 5 dinars)
 5   5    5    Take beard (from Dervish in Oasis)
 5   5    5    Ask about creature
 7   7    7    Bargain bag (seller at fighter's plaza)
 3   3    3    Give centime (Poor man - fountain plaza)
          3    Pick lock (house in alley)
          3    Oil hinges (house in alley)
          3    Take service (house in alley)
          3    Search closet (house in alley)
          3    Take dinars (house in alley)
          5    Search chest (house in alley)
          3    Give tea service (money changer)
          3    Pick lock (weapons shop)
          3    Pick lock (chest in weapons shop)
 3   3    3    Sit (hear the poet Omar at inn 3rd day's evening)

 20  20   20   Use water on elemental (in street, 5th day, win fire
 3   3    3    Get reward from Rakeesh (adventure's guild, 7th day)
 20  20   20   Use bellows (Palace's plaza, 8th day, win air elemental)
 3   3    3    Get reward from Omar (Inn, 11th day evening)
          5    Bargain powder (alchemist, 12th day)
 7             Ask Rakeesh about sword (13th day, adventure's guild)
 20  20   20   Take elemental (street, 13th day, win earth elemental)
 7   7    7    Give water (woman - tree)
 5   5    5    Tell about yourself (woman - tree)
 7   7    7    Give earth (woman - tree)
 5   5    5    Tell about earth elemental (woman - tree)
 5   5    5    Hug tree (woman - tree)
 5   5    5    Julanar (woman - tree)
 7   7    7    Recive fruit (woman - tree, automatic)
 7   7    7    Give fruit (Alchemist)
 5   5    5    Get to caged beast (1L, 3D from griffin)
 5   5    5    Give food (caged beast)
 15  15   15   Give dispel potion (caged beast)
 20  20   20   Use air elemental (fountain's plaza, 14th day)
 5   5    5    Recive Shapeir pin (palace's plaza, automatic)
 7             Join E.O.F. (15th day, night, door near fighter's plaza)
 5             Fight Rakeesh (16th day, inner room, adventure's guild)
 7   7    7    Go to Aziza's house (16th day)
 6   6    6    Recive Reward from Omar (Inn, 16th day evening)
          5    Make sign (Raseir, Inn, Senior Ferrari)
          3    Use Rope (Fountain plaza)
          3    Oil hinges (display cabinet)
          5    Take bird
          3    Give bird (to Senior Ferrari)
 5   5    5    Give clothes (girl)
 5   5    5    Give visa (girl)
 7   7    7    Show pin (Katta in jail)
 7   7    7    Escape from jail
 5   5    5    Use mirror (entering forbidden city)

 7   7    7    Run into pile of rocks/Cast bolt/Throw dagger (water room,
               air trap)
 7   7    7    Pass screen to the right (above)
 7   7    7    Pass lava screen
 7             Jump (in cliff room)
     7         Cast Levitate (in cliff room)
          7    Use rope (in cliff room)
 7   7    7    Answer: SULEIMAN
 5   5    5    Exit treasury room
 7   7    7    Take ring
 7   7    7    Ask about wishes
 5             Break gate
 15            Kill man
     7         Get into Wizard's room
 15            Push Wizard
     25        Cast Force Bolt on brasier
          3    Enter Heram
          5    Pass guards room
          3    Use rope
          20   throw knife
 20  20   20   End Game

 500 500  500  Total score


                            Becoming a Paladin:

   * You must have at least 75 Honor points at end of game.
   * You must have at least 25 Paladin Points at end of game.
   * You must not do any of those dishonorable actions:
        o Killing Khaveen when he's unarmed.
        o Taking money from Omar's purse before returning the purse.
        o Having to be reminded (by Uhura) to return Rakeesh's sword.
        o Break into houses in Shapeir.
        o Trying to kill a helpless opponent in your EOF initiation.

  Paladin Points are awarded as follows (fighters only, awarded at end of
                               Action                   points
            Return Omar's purse.                        7
            Return Rakeesh's sword.                     5
            Be polite to Aziza (don't get kicked out).  3
            Refuse to kill EOF opponent (just say no).  7
            Give money to the beggar more than once.    5
            Tell Khaveen to retrieve his sword.         7
            Kill Griffin.                               -10
               This File have been written by Avi Machness.
          for corrections / additions / comments please contact
                    me at: [email protected]
	      Note: if you have points lists for any quest, 
	        or can give me more points for this one, 
	             please contact me ASAP.
		          Thanks, Avi

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