Go into Debug or Norton utilities and edit the hex code in your savegame.
The first character name is approx offset decimal 10,000 from the start of
the savegame file. The first item starts at offset 64 from the first letter
of the characters name. The second item is offset 12 from the first item etc.
Each character has 20 items. The example gives 255(FF) sparkle stix(31 01).
IMPORTANT: when you change an item the graphic and weapon power will not be
correct. 1. Assign the item
         2. get into the game
         3. drop the item
         4. pick up the item
         This will fix the graphic and the weapon power. You should follow
         steps 1 thru 4 for every new item.


char             itemname    graphic
name               __|__       __|__ amount         start of next item
|                  |   |       |   | |              |
Ninja1          03 31 01 01 00 02 12 FF 85 00 00 00 01
{-----offset 64----}{-------------offset 12----------}

The following is a complete list of every item in the game:

Item           itemname  graphic

empty           00 00
dagger          01 00    00 00
main gauche     02 00
baselard        03 00    00 01
wakizashi       04 00    00 33
rapier          05 00
cutlass         06 00
tarnished sword 07 00    00 01
longsword       08 00    00 01
broadsword      09 00    00 01
katana          0A 00    00 10
bastard sword   0B 00
claymore        0C 00
bearded war axe 0D 00
battle axe      0E 00    00 03
anointed flail  0F 00
war sceptre     10 00
mace            11 00    00 04
staff           12 00    01 11
mourning star   13 00
hammer          14 00
war hammer      15 00
spear           16 00    01 09
awl pike        17 00    01 09
quarter staff   18 00    01 11
bo              19 00    01 11
halberd         1A 00
bite dagger     1B 00    00 00
feather dart    1C 00
sling           1D 00
bullet stone    1E 00
short bow       1F 00
long bow        20 00
willow arrow    21 00    04 16
lt. crossbow    22 00
quarrel         23 00
poiguard        24 00
stiletto        25 00
walriblade      26 00
ninjato         27 00
flamberge       28 00
zweihander      29 00
no-dachi        2A 00
bipennis        2B 00
zizka star(mace)2C 00    00 04
bec de corbin   2D 00
bullwhip        2E 00
shuriken        2F 00    02 15
sai             30 00
nunchaku        31 00
lance           32 00
monstrance      33 00
fanchard        34 00
naginata        35 00
chromatic lyre  36 00
poets lute      37 00
spike stone     38 00
shrike arrow    39 00    04 16
barbed arrow    3A 00    04 16
angels tongue   3B 00
poison dagger   3C 00    00 00
spear +2        3D 00    01 09
broadsword +1   3E 00
vorpal blade    3F 00
dragon slayer   40 00
bushido blade   41 00
poison dart     42 00
crusaders axe+2 43 00
hayai bo        44 00
holy basher     45 00
lute of sloth   46 00
pipes of doom   47 00
impaling stone  48 00
ta-hi stone     49 00
enchanted bow   4A 00
armor piercer   4B 00
vipor arrow     4C 00
hv. crossbow    4D 00
hunter quarrel  4E 00
sirens wail     4F 00
thieves dagger  50 00
blade cuisinart 51 00
spear of death  52 00
sword of fire   53 00    07 3B
axe of many rune54 00
maiden head     55 00    00 05
vulcan hammer   56 00    00 34
ravens bill     57 00
cat-o-nine tails58 00
horn promethius 59 00
silent lyre     5A 00
wrist rocket    5B 00
medusa stone    5C 00
great bow       5D 00
mystic arrow    5E 00    04 16
peacemaker arrow5F 00    04 16
seige albarest
  crossbow      60 00
lightning bolt
  arrow         61 00    04 16
tomb of demons  62 00
lyre of cakes   63 00
sword of 4 winds64 00
stave of 12stars65 00
sword of hearts 66 00
saint bastard   67 00
fany            68 00
estoc de olivia 69 00
the avenger     6A 00
muramasa blade  6B 00    00 33
excalibur       6C 00
blades of aesir 6D 00
diamond eyes    6E 00
maenads lance   6F 00
zatoichi bo     70 00
faust halberd   71 00
elven bow       72 00
rammbus staff   73 00
wakizachi +1    74 00    00 33
death star      75 00
stun rod        76 00    01 69
shock rod       77 00    01 69
cloth shirt     78 00
cloth pants     79 00
robes (U)       7A 00    07 3C
robes (L)       7B 00    08 3D
fur halter      7C 00
chamois shirt   7D 00
suede doublet   7E 00
suede pants     7F 00
skull cap       80 00    06 40
feathered hat   81 00    06 41
sandals         82 00    0A 2E
buskins         83 00
fur legging     84 00
quilt tunic     85 00
quilt legging   86 00
leather cuiruass87 00
leather hauberk 88 00
leather legging 89 00
leather helm    8A 00
cuir gauntlets  8B 00
leather boots   8C 00
buckler shield  8D 00
breast plate    8E 00
steel helm      8F 00
tarnished mail  90 00
chain hauberk   91 00
chain chaussess 92 00
mail coif       93 00
mail mittens    94 00
chain hosen     95 00
round shield    96 00
oliveskindoublet97 00
plate mail (U)  98 00
plate mail (L)  99 00
bascnet         9A 00
steel gauntlet  9B 00
solleret        9C 00
heater shield   9D 00
ninja garb (U)  9E 00    07 5D
ninja garb (L)  9F 00    08 5E
ninja cowl      A0 00    06 5C
tabi boots      A1 00    0A 5F
wizards cone    A2 00
mitre           A3 00
death shroud    A4 00
robes +1 (U)    A5 00    07 3C
robes +1 (L)    A6 00    08 3D
do-maru (U)     A7 00
do-maru (L)     A8 00
bracers defence A9 00
bronze cuirass  AA 00
leather greaves AB 00
studded hauberk AC 00
studded chaussesAD 00
oleviskinleggingAE 00
phrygian cap    AF 00
helm & coif     B0 00
kabuto          B1 00
silken gloves   B2 00
chamois gloves  B3 00
copper gloves   B4 00
shield ofsoaringB5 00
chainmail +1 (U)B6 00
chainmail +1 (L)B7 00
jazeraint tunic B8 00
jazeraint skirt B9 00
bronze greaves  BA 00
tosei-do (U)    BB 00
tosei-do (L)    BC 00
deathmail       BD 00
plate mail+2 (U)BE 00
plate mail+2 (L)BF 00
burgonet helm   C0 00
bascinet&camail C1 00
cap of wiles    C2 00
silver gloves   C3 00
silver solleret C4 00
magnetic boots  C5 00
dragon kite     C6 00
anoited cloak   C7 00
platemail+3 (U) C8 00
platemail+3 (L) C9 00
chamail+2 (U)   CA 00
chamail+2 (L)   CB 00
fairie cap      CC 00
mitre de sanct  CD 00
cloak of fortuneCE 00
staff of doom   CF 00
robes enchant(U)D0 00    07 3C
robes enchant(L)D1 00    08 3D
gown of death(U)D2 00
gown of death(L)D3 00
armet           D4 00
mantis gloves   D5 00
mantis boots    D6 00
forest cape     D7 00
iufstfneps badgeD8 00
iufstftufs badgeD9 00
heaume helmet   DA 00
flak vest       DB 00
flak jacket     DC 00
studcuir skirt+2DD 00
studcuir bra+2  DE 00
ebony plate (U) DF 00
ebony plate (L) E0 00
hi-kane do (U)  E1 00
hi-kane do (L)  E2 00
rock crystals   E3 00
brimstone nuggetE4 00
aromatic salts  E5 00
manta roots     E6 00
lions claws     E7 00
ju-ju stones    E8 00
dragons teeth   E9 00
displacer cloak EA 00
crusader helm   EB 00
ebony heaume    EC 00
coit devinemail ED 00
devine mail (U) EE 00
devine mail (L) EF 00
enarald talismanF0 00
shadow cloak    F1 00
ring invisible  F2 00
amulet healing  F3 00
ring of stars   F4 00
silver cross    F5 00
valentine necklaF6 00
jeweled cushion F7 00
rubber whitebearF8 00
blackbelt 5flowrF9 00
helazoid pendantFA 00
vitrolic warder FB 00
midnight cloak  FC 00
medicine bag    FD 00
light shield    FE 00
scarab necklace FF 00
light sword     00 01
frontier phaser 01 01
power pack      02 01
cobaltine glove 03 01
garland of roses04 01
pk crystal      05 01
cameo locket    06 01
diamond ring    07 01
musket          08 01
blunder buss    09 01
powder & shot   0A 01
ring of truth   0B 01
ring resounding 0C 01
ring shielding  0D 01
mystics ring    0E 01
ring pro frost  0F 01
ring pro magic  10 01
bat necklace    11 01
amulet spiders  12 01
amulet stillness13 01
amulet airs     14 01
amulet illusions15 01
amulet life     16 01
ankh of might   17 01
ankh of youth   18 01
ankh of speed   19 01
ankh dexterity  1A 01
ankh sanctity   1B 01
ankh of life    1C 01
ankh of death   1D 01
ankh of healing 1E 01
cross of turning1F 01
cross protection20 01
book of demons  21 01
mana stone      22 01
stone pro airs  23 01
stone new life  24 01
staff charming  25 01
staff blessing  26 01
stave of silence27 01
staff paralysis 28 01
haunting stick  29 01
stave undead    2A 01
winter wand     2B 01
pandoras wand   2C 01
crystal wand    2D 01
wand of winds   2E 01
bag of death    2F 01    05 6D
bag of tricks   30 01    05 6D
sparkle stix    31 01    02 12
icicle stix     32 01    02 12
cracker stix    33 01    02 12
fire stix       34 01    02 12
rocket stix     35 01    02 12
amulet asphixiat36 01
amulet magic    37 01
amulet rainbows 38 01
rod of sprites  39 01

resurrect       3A 01
cask ill repute 3B 01
lt. heal        3C 01    0C 20
mod heal        3D 01    0C 20
hv heal         3E 01    0C 20
mod stamina     3F 01    0C 67
hv stamina      40 01    0C 67
cure lt cond    41 01
cure poison     42 01
cure paralysis  43 01
cure stone      44 01
cure disease    45 01
superman        46 01
cherry bomb     47 01    0C 64
fire bomb       48 01    0C 64
poison bomb     49 01
acid bomb       4A 01
stink bomb      4B 01
holy water      4C 01
invisible potion4D 01

magic screen    4E 01    0E 21
magic missle    4F 01    0E 21
terror          50 01    0E 21
dispel undead   51 01    0E 21
slow            52 01    0E 21
knock knock     53 01    0E 21
hold monsters   54 01    0E 21
whipping rocks  55 01    0E 21
missle protect  56 01    0E 21
armorplate      57 01    0E 21
enchanted blade 58 01    0E 21
haste           59 01    0E 21
fireball        5A 01    0E 21
blink           5B 01    0E 21
illusion        5C 01    0E 21
conjure         5D 01    0E 21
levitate        5E 01    0E 21
zap undead      5F 01    0E 21
resurrect       60 01    0E 21
armormelt       61 01    0E 21
crush           62 01    0E 21
confusion       63 01    0E 21
wizard eye      64 01    0E 21
remove curse    65 01    0E 21
restfull        66 01    0E 21
healfull        67 01    0E 21
blades          68 01    0E 21
locate object   69 01    0E 21
locate person   6A 01    0E 21

shielding       6B 01    0E 31
airs            6C 01    0E 31
resting         6D 01    0E 31
barriers        6E 01    0E 31
knocks          6F 01    0E 31
direction       70 01    0E 31
detection       71 01    0E 31
haste           72 01    0E 31
watchbells      73 01    0E 31
blessings       74 01    0E 31
charming        75 01    0E 31
levitation      76 01    0E 31
firewalls       77 01    0E 31
seeing          78 01    0E 31
unhexing        79 01    0E 31
banishing       7A 01    0E 31
anti-magic      7B 01    0E 31
icewalls        7C 01    0E 31

skeleton-death  7D 01    10 22
tumeris-blink   7E 01    10 22
creation-create 7F 01    10 22
farie-sleep     80 01    10 22
sneeze-itching  81 01    10 22
flash-blinding  82 01    10 22
snake-poison    83 01    10 22
bone-weaken     84 01    10 22
widows-deadlypoi85 01    10 22

dungores ale    86 01
bread rolls     87 01
golden apples   88 01    0F 63
bunch bananas   89 01    0F 63
mosers tea      8A 01
bottle old jake 8B 01
milk magnesia   8C 01

faerie stick    8D 01    02 12
gossamer gown(U)8E 01
gossamer gown(L)8F 01

*temple*        90 01    0E 21
*boat*          91 01    0E 21
*serpent*       92 01    0E 21
*dragon*        93 01    0E 21
*sphinx*        94 01    0E 21
*crypt*         95 01    0E 21
*legend*        96 01    0E 21
*crystal*       97 01    0E 21
*star*          98 01    0E 21
*globe*         99 01    0E 21
*fools*         9A 01    0E 21
journey map kit 9B 01

book of relics  9C 01    0E 31
filchers band   9D 01
flynns cap      9E 01    06 41

goatfoot boots  9F 01
knock picks     A0 01
nothing         A1 01
nothing         A2 01
cane of corpus  A3 01
inn key         A4 01
parchment       A5 01    0E 21
skull bones     A6 01
black wafer     A7 01
prison key      A8 01
letter boerigardA9 01
iron key        AA 01
pewter key      AB 01
copper penny    AC 01    0E 73
rebus egge      AD 01
deadmans hair   AE 01    05 6D
old city key    AF 01
book of fables  B0 01    0E 31
control card    B1 01
nothing         B2 01
key gorn king   B3 01
armory key      B4 01
crown key       B5 01
key of azure    B6 01
ring steel keys B7 01
murkatos words  B8 01    0E 31
bonsai tree     B9 01
bone combs brushBA 01
polished plate  BB 01
gem of power    BC 01
salted munk meatBD 01
munk innards    BE 01
well coins      BF 01
bean pentacles  C0 01
bean of wands   C1 01
bean of swords  C2 01
bean of cups    C3 01
diamond coin    C4 01
amber coin      C5 01
ruby coin       C6 01
emarald coin    C7 01
moonstone       C8 01
smoking pipe    C9 01
mystery pastilleCA 01
pipe&pastille   CB 01
cable trolly    CC 01
note xen xheng  CD 01
finger rod      CE 01
longstem spade  CF 01
tydnab emyt     D0 01
crux crossing   D1 01
finger rod      D2 01
finger rod      D3 01
thermalpineappleD4 01
mystery ray     D5 01
ymmus paw       D6 01
t'rang portbook D7 01
tx -coder       D8 01
red rubber ball D9 01
brass key       DA 01
silver key      DB 01
signet ring     DC 01
feather weight  DD 01
ring reflextion DE 01
wooden dowel    DF 01
black pyramid   E0 01
lodestone       E1 01
rubber band     E2 01
tarnished key   E3 01
spool handle    E4 01
painted ball    E5 01
black ball      E6 01
bar & rope      E7 01
vine 250'       E8 01
vine 500'       E9 01
vine 750'       EA 01
vine 1000'      EB 01
necromatic helm EC 01
golden teeth    ED 01
golden ears     EE 01
golden nose     EF 01
golden eyes     F0 01
elysiad divinityF1 01
majestik wand   F2 01
red rosis       F3 01
purple plumac   F4 01
white dahlia    F5 01
yellow lione    F6 01
blue mythia     F7 01
notched shaft   F8 01
rusted keys     F9 01
munks key       FA 01
key good keep   FB 01
onyx key        FC 01
key the temple  FD 01
holy covenant   FE 01
wikum powerglobeFF 01
practice target 00 02
humpa card      01 02
inf #1 orders   02 02
inf #2 orders   03 02
inf #3 orders   04 02
inf #4 orders   05 02
inf #5 orders   06 02
inf #6 orders   07 02
yamos dispatch  08 02
jonga powder-
  dispel undead 09 02    10 22
golden idol     0A 02
key the beasts  0B 02
key the stone   0C 02
coffer key      0D 02
coffer key      0E 02
coffer key      0F 02
coffer key      10 02
coffer key      11 02
key of ascension12 02
chrome key      13 02
cornu demonspawn14 02
ring of demons  15 02
ashes of diam   16 02    10 22
stone of gates  17 02
book immortals  18 02
jewel of the sun19 02
coil the serpent1A 02
credit card     1B 02
storage key     1C 02
key of light    1D 02
helazoids banner1E 02
ring the globe  1F 02
locket the tomb 20 02
key the dragon  21 02
key the tombs   22 02
key the crypts  23 02
key the skulls  24 02
key the gorrors 25 02
key the gate    26 02
key the waters  27 02
vitalins device 28 02
astral dominae  29 02
comm link device2A 02
old city key    2B 02
rosis & mythia  2C 02
plumac & lione  2D 02
orchid ambrosia 2E 02
dahlia water    2F 02
snakes speed    30 02    0C 20
golden medalion 31 02
old gate key    32 02
sea shells      33 02
freckled wh ball34 02
beanie          35 02
gnarled wheel   36 02
umbrella        37 02
rubber shoe(1)  38 02

error messages and blanks.
The end as far as I went. Have fun   Mad Max

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