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                 F I N A L   F A N T A S Y   V I I I                   
                 Final Fantasy VIII (US. Version) Part II
                              Version 1.8
                             By Scott Ong
                E-mail: [email protected]
World Map Source:   http://risland.virtualave.net

{{{{ Disclaimer }}}} -please read it!-
This FAQ is meant for personal usage only. It cannot be altered and
it can only be reproduced in electronic form only. It cannot be 
published in magazines, articles and any other form of reproduction. 
The FAQ is not meant for sale. Any offenders will be severly dealt with
This FAQ is made by me, Scott Ong ([email protected]) 
Unpublished work of Scott Ong 1999-2000. If you want to use this FAQ for 
your website or webpage, please seek the author's permission and link it
to my site. You are allowed to print the FAQ out, but make sure that 
you did not sell it for cash! All my FAQs are not meant for sale! 
This is Part II of Final Fantasy VIII FAQ for the English version. Final 
Fantasy VIII Logo, characters are copyright of Squaresoft. If you want
to find information regarding tutorial about the junction system of FF8
and the walkthrough for FF8, please refer to Part I for more details 
which are also located in GameFAQs.

{{{ References }}}
Official Final Fantasy VIII Website - http://www.ff8.com
Official Squaresoft Website         - http://www.squaresoft.com

{{{ Note to Webmasters }}}
If you want to use this FAQ for your site, make sure that you keep on
checking GameFAQs for latest revisions. Otherwise, I will have to answer
questions that already answered in the latest editions.
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
Revision History and Updates                                  ffviii_001
-[Version 1.0]- . Done by Markweb
                . First appearance of FAQ
-[Version 1.1]- . Added a few more stuff, done by Markweb
-[Version 1.2]- . Re-vamp the layout to fix the word width
                . Added more information to most sections.
                . Corrects most errors done by Markweb.
-[Version 1.3]- . Expand the item list [that's a lot!]
                . Added Gameshark codes!
                . Correct some errors.
-[Version 1.4]- . Expanded the remainding Item List [Ammo and Junk Group]
                . More corrections made on the FAQ.
-[Version 1.5]- . Added more strategies.
                . Added a method to remove card rules.
                . Added a frequently asked questions section.
-[Version 1.6]- . Edit my disclaimer
                . Corrected most typos and errors
                . Enable Search mode in the FAQ.
                . Added Infinite Money Trick under Secrets Section
                . Expanded Frequently Asked Questions Section
-[Version 1.7]- . Added a better strategy for defeating Adel.
                . Added few more strategies for the game.
                . Added information regarding the Pocketstation. The
                  information is taken from The Saint's FAQ.
-[Version 1.8]- . Updated the frequently asked questions section. 
                . This will be the last update made to the FAQ. 

The latest revisions of the FAQ can be found at:
GameFAQs              http://www.gamefaqs.com
Scott's FAQ Page      http://members.xoom.com/scottong
Cheat Code Central    http://www.cheatcc.com

* Currently, you can only get the latest revisions of the FAQ at 
/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Author's Note                                                 ffviii_002
Well, it has been a long time since I have made an update for the FAQ.
Even though the FAQ is already completed, there are still errors that
required me to correct it. 

What's has been added to the FAQ?
- Frequently Asked Questions --} Well, for the past few months since
  FF8 has been released, I have received countless e-mails regarding 
  this game and I have decided to compile them. Otherwise, I will be
  repeated those answers over and over again. Of course, once I have  
  added the list of questions, I will not be answering them anymore.
  BTW, if you have any problems regarding weapon upgrading, please
  refer to the ultimate weapon upgrading guide in Part I.

- The third hint of Obel Lake Mystery --} thanks to one helpful 
  contributor who has told me about this third hint [well, can't expect
  that it is actually a joke...]. Refer to Obel Lake Mystery Section
  for more details.

- Search Mode --} A lot of FAQ readers have complained to me that the 
  FAQ being too long as it takes ages to search for the information that 
  you need. I have finally found a method, which is being obtained from 
  Dingo Jellybean's FF7 FAQ but I have made some improvements to it. All 
  you just need to do the following: (Note: there are actually people 
  who tends to overlook this capability of WordPad and I myself is also 
  one of them ^_^;)

  Method 1:
  From the toolbar, select Edit and choose Find. Enter the keyword.

  Method 2:
  Use the short-cut key Ctrl+F and you will see the Search Box popped
  up. Enter the keyword that you want to look for. 

  But sometimes the keyword does not reached your desired destination,
  hence I have come up with a good idea and that's to add codes to the
  right side of the contents page. Just enter the following keyword:


  where xxx stands for the 3-digit code for the section. The list of 
  code numbers can be found at the Table of Contents. But remember that
  you must enter the "ffviii_" in order for it to work, or you will 
  find that you will end up at other pages instead! 

- Note to all webmasters. If you want to post the FAQ on your site, make
  sure that you keep update and get the latest versions. I will always 
  sent my FAQs to GameFAQs. I will definitely not permit anyone else to 
  edit my FAQs. No HTMLizing for my FAQs. Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart
  (http://www.ffnet.net) is an exception.

- Strangely enough, I have received e-mails regarding whether I am doing
  a FAQ for Final Fantasy IX. I am about 75% sure that I will NOT be 
  writing a FAQ for it due to several personal reasons. Anyway, I guess
  someone else will write a FAQ for that game. [But this means that you 
  can be ensured that there will be FAQs for Final Fantasy IX.] 

- I have corrected most of grammatical errors as being requested by 
  viewers. Thanks to them, otherwise I will not known the seriousness of
  the problems. I will try my best to correct errors for my other FAQs 
  once I have time. 

- I hoped that this may be the final update for this FAQ. BTW, I am no
  longer accepting strategies and questions regarding this FAQ. ALL the 
  stuffs that I know about FF8 can be found in this FAQ and Part II. If
  you have any recommendations, complaints, secrets regarding this game,
  and just e-mail to me and I will try my best to solve it.

- I am quite sorry for not answering any e-mails after my March 
  vacation as I have been rather busy with my assignments, projects
  and examinations. You should get your reply shortly. BTW, there will 
  be no reply for those who do not add "FF8" or "Final Fantasy VIII" as 
  I have deleted the e-mails that does not have this as a subject. [
  except for those that contains other game headings which I have 
  written a FAQ for...]

For this "possible" final update:
- This is probably going to the be last update of FAQ. I have gotten
  permission from The Saint about using some of Chocobo World
  information on the FAQ. For more details, I would recommend you to 
  take a look at his FAQs, which is also available at GameFAQs. 
- I have updated the frequently asked questions with more detailed 
  answers and hopefully, it could just solved your burning questions.
- BTW, I'm no longer accepting strategies as I guessed there is enough
  strategies and all the new strategies are just minor improvements over
  the existing ones. Unless there is a great importance, I would not add
- Last of all, good bye to those who read my FF8 FAQs... It's time for
  me to embark on a new FAQ writing journey...

                                                             [Scott Ong]

/ III \_________________________________________________________________
Table of Contents                                             ffviii_003
I       Revision History and Updates                                001
II      Author's Note                                               002
III     Table of Contents                                           003
IV      Frequently Asked Questions                                  004

1.0     Guardian Forces                                             s01
        - 1.1      Introduction                                     005
        - 1.2      Management of GFs                                006
        - 1.3      How to get the GF?                               007
        - 1.4A     Non-Abilities GFs                                008
          1.4B     The GFs' Abilities List                          009
        - 1.5A     Command Abilities                                010
          1.5B     Party Abilities                                  011
          1.5C     Character Abilities                              012
          1.5D     Junction Abilities                               013
          1.5E     GF Abilities                                     014
          1.5F     Menu Abilities                                   015
              -    Magic Refinement                                 016
              -    Item Refinement                                  017

2.0     List of Magic                                               s02
          2.1      Curative Magic                                   018
          2.2      Elemental Magic                                  019
          2.3      Status Magic                                     020
          2.4      Support Magic                                    021
          2.5      Non-Elemental Magic                              022
          2.6      Junction Charts                                  023

3.0     Weapon Remodel / Limit Breaks                               s03
          3.1      Squall Leonhart                                  024
          3.2      Zell Dincht                                      025
          3.3      Quistis Trepe                                    026
          3.4      Selphie Tilmitt                                  027
          3.5      Rinoa Heartilly                                  028
          3.6      Irvine Kinneas                                   029
          3.7      Dream Party: Laguna, Kiros and Ward              
               a   Laguna Loire                                     030
               b   Ward Zaback                                      031
               c   Kiros Seagul                                     032
          3.8      Temporary Members: Seifer and Edea   
               a   Seifer Almasy                                    033
               b   Edea Kramer                                      034
          3.9      Weapon Ingredients Chart                         035
          3.10     Battle Meter                                     036

4.0     The Card Game                                               s04
          4.1      Getting the Cards                                037
          4.2      Basics of Triple Traid                           038
          4.3      The Card Rules        
             A     Pre-Game Card Rules                              039
             B     In-Game Card Rules                               040
             C     Card Game Trade Rules                            041
          4.4      Card Game Tips                                   042
          4.5      Card List Bestiary                               043
          4.6      Rare Card List                                   044

5.0     List of Items                                               s05
          5.1      Medicine Group                                   045
          5.2      Battle Items Group                               046
          5.3      Field Items Group                                047
          5.4      GF Medicine Group                                048
          5.5      GF Ability Item Group                            049
          5.6      Ammo Group                                       050
          5.7      Junk Group 
              A    Normal Items                                     051
              B    Blue Magic Items                                 052
              C    GF Comptability Items                            053
              D    Bonus Attributes Items                           054
          5.8      Magazine Group 
              A    Weapon Monthly                                   055
              B    Combat King                                      056
              C    Pet Pals                                         057
              D    Occult Fans                                      058

6.0     List of Monsters                                            s06
          6.1      List of Abbreviations                            059
          6.2      Monsters Besitary                                
             A     Cards Page 1                                     060
             B     Cards Page 2                                     061
             C     Cards Page 3                                     062
             D     Cards Page 4                                     063
             E     Cards Page 5                                     064
             F     Others                                           065
          6.3      Important Storylines.                            066

7.0     Sub Quests                                                  s07
          7.1      Timber Maniacs                                   067
          7.2      Missing Vase Pieces                              068
          7.3      Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village I               069
          7.4      Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village II              070
          7.5      Obel Lake Mystery                                071
          7.6      Getting Rare Cards Quest               
             A     Chocobo Forests: prove your affection!           072
             B     UFO Sighting Incident                            073
             C     Card Queen Quest                                 074
             D     CC Group Members                                 075
          7.7      Zell's Love Quest                                076
          7.8      Dollet: Bone Quest                               077
          7.9      Infinite Money Trick                             078

8.0     GF Enhancement Setup                                        079
9.0     Strategies                                                  s09
        9.1        Things that you should know...                   080
        9.2        Miscellaneous Strategies                         081
        9.3        BOSS Strategies                                  082
        9.4        Weapon Strategies                                083

10.0    Gameshark codes                                             084

11.0    Choco World [Mini-Pocketstation Guide]                      085
12.0    Contact the Author                                          086

13.0    Contributors and Credits                                    087

/ IV \__________________________________________________________________
Frequently Asked Questions                                    ffviii_004
As you see, I still have a lot of other FAQs to manage. Hence it will be
best if you can add "FF8" as your subject so that I know that it is 
about Final Fantasy VIII. Lastly don't sent me any viruses/huge files.
If you have a strategy to contribute, just type it in the mail instead
add it to a text-file.

BTW, don't expect me to e-mail you the list of cards, where to get them
and other stuffs, you can get all these from the FAQs.

If you sent me a question which the answer can be found in the FAQ, I 
will most likely ask you to refer to the FAQ. As for certain quests such
as the Obel Lake Mystery, Missing Vase Pieces, don't expect me to type
out the entire information for you [as it can't be explain in a few 
paragraphs or so.]. Okay don't with the list [mostly repeated]:

Last Updated: 14/10/2000

The list may be expanded depends on the number of e-mails that I have
recieved on that particular topic. 

1.   How do you junction commands?
A:   You can ONLY junction commands (such as Magic, Item, Draw, etc.) 
     and abilities (Mag-J, Str-J, Str+20%, SumMag +20%, Counter, Cover, 
     etc) if you have a GF equipped for the characters. To equip a GF,
     select the character and Junction from the main menu. Next pick a
     GF and you will be able to equip the command! You can more help 
     from the Tutorial Menu in the game.

2.   How many GFs are there?
A:   There are a total of 16 GFs [GFs with abilities] and the 
     miscellaneous GFs. I have include the list and the brief method on 
     getting them. 

     The sixteen Guardian Forces
     Name             Method           Location/ Conditions        Disc
     Quezacotl        Access           Balamb Garden Network,       1~3
                                       Balamb Garden 2F 
                                       Classroom, Squall's desk

     Shiva            Access           Balamb Garden Network,       1~3
                                       Balamb Garden 2F
                                       Classroom, Squall's desk

     Ifrit            Defeat it        Fire Cavern                  1

     Siren            Draw             Dollet Communication         1
                                       Towers, BOSS: Elvoret

     Brothers         Defeat it        Tomb of Unknown King         1~4

     Diablos          Defeat it        Magical Lamp - gain         1~4
                                       from Cid before SeeD
                                       mission. Use it.

     Carbuncle        Draw             President's Residence,       1
                                       Deling City, BOSS:

     Leviathan        Draw             Balamb Garden Basement,      2
                                       BOSS: NORG

     Pandemona        Draw             Balamb Town, BOSS:           2

     Cerberus         Defeat it        Galbadia Garden, Main Hall   2

     Alexander        Draw             Galbadia Garden,             2 
                                       Auditorium, BOSS: Edea      

     Doomtrain        Access           Solomon's Ring found at      3~4
                                       Tear's Point. Get 6x   
                                       Malboro's Tentacle, 6x
                                       Steel Pipe and 6x Remedy+

     Bahamut          Defeat it        Deep Sea Research Center,    3~4
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship.

     Cactuar          Defeat it        Cactuar's Island             3~4
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship.

     Tonberry         Defeat it        Centra Ruins, defeat 20      3~4
                                       Tonberries and King 
                                       Tonberry. Must get Odin
     Eden             Draw             Deep Sea Deposit, BOSS:      3~4
                                       Ultima Weapon. Must get
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship


     Miscellaneous GFs
     Name             Method           Location                    Disc
     Chicobo          Item             Summon Mother Chocobo.      2~4
                      (Gyshal Greens)  Use item, Gysahl Greens to
                                       summon it. Gysahl Greens 
                                       can brought from Chocoboy
                                       at Chocobo Forests.

     Moomba           Item             Get Friendship item using   2~4
                      (Friendship)     Pocketstation.

     MiniMog          Command          Get Mog's Amulet using      2~4
                      (Mog's Amulet)   Pocketstation. Use the 
                                       item on one of the 16
                                       GFs. Use command to summon
                                       it. [MiniMog]

     Phoenix          Item             Get it by solving puzzles   2~4
                      (Phoenix         at Shumi Village or 
                      Pinion)          WinHill. Get it by 
                                       refining 3x Mega Phoenix 
                                       --} 1x Phoenix Pinion via
                                       Siren's Tool-RF. 

     Odin             Battle           Defeat it at Centra Ruins.  2~4
                      (based on        It will appear randomly at
                      Luck and no.     beginning of the battle. 
                      of Death 
                      Spirit items)

     Gilgamesh        Battle           Defeat Seifer with Odin     3
                                       acquired. Note: Odin will
                                       be lost. If you haven't
                                       gotten Odin at that time,
                                       Gilgamesh will be lost.


3.   I had forgotten to draw a GF! Are there any other methods to get 
A:   YES! You can get the GF by drawing it from the BOSSES found in the
     Ultimecia's Castle. Refer to Disc 4 walkthrough for more 
     information. I did not include in the walkthrough as this will
     help to avoid spoilers. BTW, some of GF summoning items [Solomon's
     Ring for Doomtrain and Magical Lamp for Diablos] can be retrieved
     from the Pocketstation.

4.   I had sold the Magical Lamp! Is there a method to get it later in
A:   Unfortunately no. In fact, that's the only Magical Lamp you can 
     get from playing the game. You can get more Magical Lamps as you
     can get it from the Pocketstation. [Refer to Pocketstation guides
     that found in GameFAQs. You can find more information under the
     Pocketstation section in Part II. Please note that I don't own a 

5.   What is the purpose of SeeD tests?
A:   Note for all new players, you can only get cash through your SeeD
     salary. You will get your salary, once Squall has become an 
     official SeeD member after Dollet's test at Disc 1. The SeeD level
     will change if you do any of following:

     SeeD Test
     Method                                                Effect

     Answering SeeD tests with correct answers. Access     Increase 
     SeeD test from Tutorial menu --} TEST menu.           SeeD level.

     Continue with the story of the game                   Increase
                                                           SeeD level.
     Finish Train sequence in Disc 1 upon first try        SeeD level

     Walking around the world map, field terrains without  Decrease
     doing anything.                                       SeeD level


     SeeD levels do not increase every time. In fact, it increases
     based on the number of steps that Squall walk on the terrains. 
     Hence, do not try to not overdo it as it will decrease your SeeD 

     The higher SeeD level, the more cash [in gil] that you will
     receive each time. For the test answers, refer to the walkthrough
     for disc 1.

6.   I have seen a UFO moving around in a random battle and nothing 
     happens..  What was that?
A:   It is the UFO Sighting Incident. There are four sighting spots
     which is being marked on the world map found at 
     {http://risland.virtualave.net}. Just go there with Diablo's 
     Enc-None and move around to have a random battle. For more
     details, refer to the World Tour under the Disc 3 Walkthrough.

7.   Why I can't convert 100x Curse Spikes into Dark Matter through GF
     Siren's Tool-RF, in order learn Quistis' last Limit Break, 
     Shockwave Pulsar?
A:   In order to do that, GF Siren must reach LV 100. Otherwise, you 
     will not be able to do the refinement. As for the help in getting
     Curse Spikes, you need to defeat the Imp, Forbidden or Malboro.

8.   Is it true that you can't have both items obtained from stealing
     and defeat monsters?
A:   Yes. You can get only get one of the items. For example, let's 
     says you encountered a battle with 2x Adamantoises, you defeat 
     them without any characters using the Mug command. You will get 
     the item won from battle, such as Adamantine, Whisper, Orichalons 
     based on Squall's level.
     If you mug any of the Adamantoises, you will DEFINATELY NOT get 
     Adamantine [which can only be obtained by defeating both 
     Adamantoises]. Instead, you will get other items such as Whispers.

9.   How do I get Squall's ultimate weapon and Limit Break, Lion Heart?
A:   To get Squall's ultimate weapon, you must have the following
     1x    Adamantine
     3x    Dragon Fang
     12x   Pulse Ammo

     {{ Recommended Methods }} - these are the easiest methods
     Adamantine - you can get this by defeat Adamantoises found shores 
     of Dollet, Long Horn Island [to find the location of Long Horn 
     Island, view the world map at http://risland.virtualave.net].

     Dragon Fang - head towards Trabia area where you find the Shumi 
     Village. Note that from the world map's point of view, you will
     find a row of mountains behind the village. Just walk closely 
     against mountains and you will encounter Blue Dragons. Defeat it
     to get Dragon Fang.

     Pulse Ammo - you need to get Energy Crystal. Get 20x Elynole's card
     via card playing and you can convert them into 2x Energy Crystals
     through Quezacotl's Card-Mod RF. Next convert the Energy Crystals 
     through Ifrit's Ammo-RF. You will get 20x Pulse Ammo. 

     Now go to any of the junk shops found in the game and pay 2000 gil 
     to remodel Squall's gunblade into Lion Heart. I have explained in
     more details under the Ultimate Weapon Upgrading section.

10.  Where are the Islands closest to Heaven / Hell?
A:   It is kind of difficult to explain using words. You can get find 
     the locations of them on a world map at my website 

11.  I can't locate the Deep Sea Research Center! Where can I find it?
A:   To locate the Deep Sea Research Center, you need the Ragnarok 
     airship. Pilot the airship to the extreme low-left corner of the 
     world map. 

     Move the Ragnarok low by press Down button. When you move the 
     Ragnarok, you should see water splashing... Next navigate around 
     that corner and you should find the Deep Sea Research Center. If 
     you have any problems, get the world map mentioned in the above 

12.  Why is there a screen showing "censored" when I used the Devour
A:   It was just like that! ^_^;

13.  Question on Card Games
A:   Well, it consists of a huge portion of my e-mails. Here is a 
     section for it:

     Rare Cards - it is true that there is only one version of rare
     cards, not after time compression has occurred. To get back the
     lost rare cards, you need to defeat the CC Group Members at 
     Ragnarok airship in Disc 4. (provided that you have defeat them 
     in Disc 2.). You can get them back even after you have refined the
     card using Quezacotl's Card-Mod.
     Card Queen - the Card Queen is really tough as she changes the
     card rules and moves from areas to areas, which made her an 
     extremely tough opponent. If you need more help, get FF8 FAQ
     Part II at http://www.gamefaqs.com and refer to the Card Queen's
     Side Quest.

     Obtaining cards - besides getting it by winning the card game, 
     you can also get cards by defeating enemies or using the card 
     command to convert dying enemies into cards [does not work on
     BOSS and human beings]

     Card Rules - It will be very difficult to explain the rules in
     a few sentences, hence there is a need to read the Card section
     of FF8 FAQ Part II.

     Abolish a Card Rule - a lot of gamers get frustrated regarding
     the random rule as it will force you into a bad situation in the
     card game. To abolish that rule, you can either play in a region
     where there is no such rules. One perfect example is Balamb area.
     Rules will be added as soon as you started in an area where there
     are new rules.

14.  Tough Battles - answers found at my Monsters FAQ @ GameFAQs
A:   It seems that a lot of people are having trouble regarding combat
     in FF8. There are a few reasons for the toughness and one of them 
     is that monsters levelling up as your character does. There are 
     few methods to be stronger than your enemy:
     The hints are:
     - by remodelling the characters' weapons 
     - get stronger spells via item refining. 
     You can get a lot of rare items via cards. This means if you want 
     an easy life in the game, play cards often!

15.  Can I get into the cities during Disc 4?
A:   There is no way that you can get into the cities in Disc 4. Those
     barriers do not allow you to make contact with the city. I know
     the following question will definitely pop up if this happens...
     * how do I remodel my weapons? - you can remodel your weapons by 
       using GF Tonberry's Call Shop or Call Junk Shop menu ability via
       the Ability menu. 
16.  I have sold the Magical Lamp. Is there any other way to get it?
A:   Finally found the answers for this... You can't draw Diablos from
     any of the bosses [bosses at Lunatic Pandora and Boss Sphinxaur in 
     Ultimecia's Castle]. Once you sold it, you got to reset if you 
     don't own a Pocketstation or Gameshark. It is still possible to 
     complete the game without GF Diablos, but it will definitely be 

17.  Where are weapon monthly magazines?
A:   You don't need these items as it is compulsory to remodel your 
     characters' weapon. In fact, the weapon's name will appear in the 
     Junk Shop's menu once you have obtained its requirements. Here is a 
     short list of weapon magazines:

     Weapon Monthly March  - you will get this by defeating Elvoret at
                             Dollet's Communication Tower in Disc 1.
     Weapon Monthly April  - you will get this from Squall's desk after
                             completing the sequence in Training 
                             Center. (after the ball dance)
     Weapon Monthly May    - you can find this in the sewers while 
                             controlling Rinoa. Refer to walkthrough for
                             more information.
     Weapon Monthly June   - defeat BGHZ51F2 at Missile Base
     Weapon Monthly July   - found it in Balamb Garden's Training Center
                             after Disc 2.
     Weapon Monthly August - found it near the Gargoyle in Trabia 

18.  Why I can't get the second vase piece (found at the statue) in 
A:   Well, this is really my error and thanks to those whom have help me
     in solving this and that is you really need to have Irvine in your 
     party. I guess it was perhaps due to the itching hands of 
     Irvine ^_^;) Remember the time when he messes up the guns in Zell's
     room [for those whom have Irvine in your party]

19.  Where can I locate the Tomb of Unknown King?
A:   It seems that this type of question is one of hardiest for me to
     answer. Imagine explaining the location using words. It was 
     actually located on a peninsula, which is northeast from Deling. The
     tomb is quite small in size and if you still have the problem, get
     the world map found at {http://risland.virtualave.net}.

20.  How do I use the character's Limit Breaks?
A:   First of all, your characters need to get to "Crisis" conditions. 
     It will be fulfilled when:
     - the character's HP turns red/yellow
     - Aura is being cast on the character

     Next to use the Limit Break, just tap Circle button (menu button)
     and you will eventually see a golden triangle on the right side of
     "Attack" or "Mug". Press right and you will be able to execute the
     Limit Break.

     General Tip on getting Aura.
     Aura is a magic that allows your character to get Limit Breaks
     easily. To get Aura magic, you need to get Fury Fragments which 
     can be mugged from Blue Dragon found at the mountains near Shumi
     Village. [you don't need to stand on the mountain, just go near 
     it]. Next just convert the Fury Fragment into 5x Aura magic 
     through Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF
21.  How do I return back to the Lunatic Pandora after I have finished
     the "Ragnarok crash scene" in Disc 3?

A:   You can choose to exit the Pandora after your Ragnarok has made 
     its way to the Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. To exit, just to talk to 
     Selphie. From there, you can enjoy yourself for the quests or do
     some level up. After you are done, proceed to the bridge [or 
     controls room] and talk to Selphie and you will be back at the
     Lunatic Pandora!

22.  Is it possible to do the Lion Heart Limit Break each time once you
     have acquired the Lion Heart gunblade?
A:   No. The occurence of the Lion Heart Limit Break depends on chance.
     You can't control it. But Lion Heart seems to appear more 
     frequently, once the entire party is down to critical status.

23.  How do I get Limit Breaks for every characters?
A:   Squall  - Upgrade his gunblade and Squall will learn new Limit 
               Breaks. [see Part II for more details.]
     Quistis - Get Blue Magic Items [refer to Part II item bestiary on
               how to get them] and use it on Quistis.
     Zell    - Get Combat Kings and select the item and Zell will learn
               the new Limit Breaks automatically.
     Selphie - Get it from her Limit Breaks. While you are choosing the
               type of spells, you can find her Limit Breaks [including
               those that are not uncovered.]. Cast it and Selphie will
               have that Limit Breaks.
     Rinoa   - Get Pet Pals and select the item. Next check the status
               screen and select the limit break that you wish to teach
               Angelo. Hence walk around on the terrain for a while. 
               Once the gauge has built up, Rinoa will learn the Limit
     Irvine  - Get the Ammo and he will have new Limit Breaks. Some of
               the rare ammo are quite hard to get.

24. How do I enhance my character's statistics?
A:  Through the junction system. The junction system is a system that 
    could enfuse magic to your character's atttributes, hence making 
    them stronger. See Basic Tutorial for more information. BTW, the
    effects of Junction are affected by the following:
    . Number of magic: The more you have, the better the effect of the
      junction system.
    . Types of spell: The stronger the spell you have, the better the
      effect the junction has on the character.
    Junction also allows your characters to equip commands and 
    abilities. There is no accessories/armor in the game. Please read
    the Basic Tutorial thoroughly. You need to have junction abilities
    [i.e. abilities that are ended with "-J"] for boosting your 
    character's statistics.

25. How do I upgrade my weapons in FF8?
A:  You can't buy new weapons instead you can tune them up through Junk
    Shops. But in order to do this, you need to have specific 
    ingredients such as M-Stone Piece, Sharp Spike, Dragon Fang, etc.
    Of course, not everything in the world is free. You need to pay a
    small sum to upgrade them to new models [you can choose to upgrade
    or downgrade.] Everytime you attempt to remodel the weapon, the 
    ingredients will be used up. If you want to upgrade back to the 
    same weapon, you need to get new ingredients. To upgrade a weapon in
    Disc 4, just get GF Doomtrain [Call Junk Shop menu ability] and do
    the following:
    1) Activate your menu.
    2) Select the Ability header.
    3) Select Call Junk Shop
    4) Do what you normally do at Junk Shops.
    It's pretty simple huh? BTW, don't try to force your way in the 
    towns, as it is impossible!

26. How I mug an item?
A:  This one is pretty hard to explain if you don't know anything about
    junction commands or abilities. First of all, you need to get a GF
    ability called "Mug" [from Bahamut or Diablos, requires 200 AP to
    master]. Next equip GF Bahamut or Diablos with the mastered Mug 
    ability. After you have equipped the commands, you will be able to
    select the type of character/party abilities. Choose Mug and add it
    to one of the ability slots. If you equip the ability, you should 
    see the attack command is being replaced with Mug. If that happens,
    you are on the right track.
    Just go to a random battle and look for the monster that you want
    to steal an item from. Remember to watch for the top status bar 
    after your character has performed the attack.

27. How do I junctioned commands?
A:  Before I start this, I need to explain that GFs are extremely 
    important as they worked like Materia in FF7. Without them, you 
    can't have other commands besides attack. First of all, you need to 
    get a GF. [If you have seen through the ability list in Part II, you
    should noticed that all the 16 GFs have Magic, GF and Draw.]

    To equip a command, do the following step-by-step and make sure that
    you are in the main menu.
    1) Select Junction from the main menu
    2) Select the character who you want to junction GFs with.
    3) Select Junction command from the Junction Menu. Select the GFs
       that you want to equip with. Press Triangle once you are done.
    4) You should be brought to the Auto screen if you have magic in 
       that character's magic inventory. Choose either Atk, Def or Mag.
       If your character don't have any magic, you will be brought to
       the Ability sub-menu directly. Press Triangle once you are done.
    5) At the ability screen, you should see the command list of the
       character with the slots along with ability slots. On the right
       is the list of commands available (if the cursor is pointing at
       either one of the three command slots, they are found under the
       Attack command) and list of abilities available (if the cursor
       is pointing at either one of ability slots.) Just pick and choose
       from the list. Duplicate commands will only appear once. [For
       example, as I had mentioned earlier, that all 16 GFs have the 3
       basic commands, GF, Magic and Draw. These commands will appear 
       only once even if you have more than 1 GFs equipped.] Press
       Triangle once you are done.

28. Where do General Caraway go after he had brought you to the Gateway?
A: It is pretty funny that I got such e-mails more than twice ^_^;). 
   After Caraway have move away from the Gateway, head towards the left
   side of the screen. You should be brought to the front screen where
   you see crowds and the gateway. Notice that there is no people on the
   left side of the crowd. Just walk down and exit from the screen. You
   will meet Caraway there.

29. Who is Squall's father?
A: This may be a piece of spoiler [heck, anyway by typing out the FAQ,
   I had already spoiled the game...]. There is my evidence to support
   that Laguna Loire is Squall's father!

   A) If you re-visit Winhill, you will found out that the photo of the
      family (Laguna, Raine, "Squall" and Ellone) is missing. The photo
      is found at Raine's House [next to the pub]
   B) Laguna has probably left Squall in the hands of Edea before 
      leaving for his journey to rescue Ellone. You had see sequences of
      Squall standing in the rain feeling bored and Laguna talking to
      Edea... (btw, this may be wrong as it is my own assumption)
   C) If you talk to Ward or Kiros, you make get more information leaked
      out about Squall and Laguna [that's a pretty good hint by the 

30. Have you heard any rumours about FF8?
A:  Definitely yes! Of course, FF8 is such a great RPG and there are 
    also have some loopholes just like FF7 and so you can expect some
    rumours about the game.

 A) Getting Cloud Strife
    Well, I myself is also a fan of Cloud. But I don't have sufficient
    proof that Cloud is in the game. But based on gameshark, it is not
    possible to have Cloud. This always works btw. But here are some 
    rumours [they seems a bit reasonable...]
    1) Have 16 gameovers at the Island closest to Hell. Upon the 16th
       continue, Cloud will appear... 
       My Reply: This is definitely not true!
    2) During the battle against the Iron Clad [the BOSS at the missile
       base], you can mug an item from the BOSS which allows you to
       summon Cloud Strife! [Cloud will appears and do his Omnislash
       Limit Break!]
       My Reply: Haven't tested it yet as my party was too strong...
       I have killed that stupid Iron Clad with a few attacks...

 B) Getting GF Griever/ a hidden GF
    You can get GF Griever in Lunatic Pandora. You must have all the
    weapons, 666 items or something to that nature. Also in Balamb, 
    next to Zell's house, an old man makes reference to an old story/
    My Reply: 
    . About the ridiculous 666 item:
      This isn't true as it is impossible to have 666 of an item type.
      So give up your hopes... [That 666 items requirement is actually
      taken from Occult Fan III, which refers to GF Doomtrain ^_^; If
      you break the numbers up along with other issues, you should get
      6x Steel Pipes, 6x Malboro Tentacles, 6x Remedy+]
    . An old man...
      Well, I guessed this may be partly right... I'm not sure about
      this anyway. But since half of the rumour is wrong, it is just
      as good as the rumour is false.

C)  Getting Seifer after Dollet Mission
    I know that there will be a lot of Seifer's fan hoping that this 
    could be true. Well, I have recently received a rumour regarding

Luckily for us, FAQ writers for FF8, Rinoa did not die in the game...
Otherwise we may be facing problems like resurrecting Rinoa... *Phew*
I have excluded some of rumours to save me from e-mails probing...
BTW, here is a point of advice from me and that is don't be cheated by
rumours. (Provided that there is sufficient proof to prove it... at 
least a screenshot of the rumour. Like showing Cloud fighting against
any monster that's included in FF8.)

31. Why can't I equip Card Mod-RF on my character?
A:  You can't equipped that on a character. There are several types of
    abilities and below is a short summary on the abilities types:

    Type         How to use it?
    Character    You need to equip it to enable its effect. Go to
                 Junction menu and choose the fourth tab, Abilities.
    GF           Automatically takes effect once the GF has mastered
                 the ability. Note that the learnt ability only applies
                 to that GF, which has the ability in its slot.
    Junction     It allows some of the Junction options to be enable on
                 the Junction status screen. For example, if the
                 equipped GFs does not have any Str-J, the Str option
                 will be greyed out. There is no need to equip the 
                 ability, just equiped GF to enable its effect.
    Menu         One of the abilities that can't be equipped. You can
                 access this ability under Ability sub-menu of the main
                 menu. [Card Mod-RF is a type of menu ability]
    Party        Same as character ability, need to equip, followed the
                 same method as character.

32. Is it possible to defeat the BOSS at lower levels compared to the
    statistics that you have given in the FAQ?
A:  Of course, you don't need to go to that extreme ^_^;). This is one
    of the reasons which makes FF8 different from FF7. Monsters, 
    including BOSSES get level up as your characters level up [in 
    proportion to Squall's level.], which means the higher Squall's
    level is, the more HP or level will be the BOSS.

33. How do I get Mog's Amulet?
A:  This is one time that can only be achieved by playing the Choco
    World. Besides, I have stressed on this many times...

34. How do I get more Rosetta Stones?
A:  To get more Rosetta Stones, you can either use the refinement method
    or search method. Rosetta Stones can be refined using a Menu 
    Ability. [please refer to Menu abilities, FF8 Part II FAQ]

35. How do I get Zell's Armageddon Fist?
A:  This is actually a move that invented by one of FF8 gamers, Kaze
    Yagami [beats me why everyone choose to use to this name...]. It is
    actually a chain between Punch Rush, Booya, Punch Rush, Booya....
    [I guess you should know that flow...]. It is named this, because of
    its killing effect.

36. How do I exit from Ultimecia's Castle in Disc 4?
A:  A simple analogy... How do you exit from your home? Of course,
    through the door! or the window [unless you are Spiderman or theft,
    otherwise I have no comments ^_^]. Just go back to the main hall
    and exit the door. Go to the chain and choose any of the doors to
    get back to the world.

37. Must I followed the story sequence based on the walkthrough?
A:  YES! All except for World Tours [or sub-quest which other FAQ 
    writers call it.]. If you don't follow in order, like going to 
    Galbadia Garden before you have finished up with Timber story
    sequence, you will find Galbadia Soldiers surrounding the building.

38. Does Ultimecia's castle contains every single enemy?
A:  YES! You can find virtually all the monsters that is available in
    the game. But some of them don't appear that frequently like 
    Malboros, Tonberries and Elynoles. I have managed to encounter an
    Elynole on my trip up the clock tower...

39. When and where is the best place to level up all your characters?
A:  It depends only on your character current level. IMO, I guess it is
    best not to stress on your character's current level, as certain 
    enemies are really a killer even it is only a level 15 monsters.
    The area where you get most EXP is from the enemies in the Island
    closest to Hell and Heaven, don't know where it is? Refer to the
    maps found at my website {http://risland.virtualave.net}!

40. No Alexander, No Doomtrain? --} Getting Remedy +
A:  Getting Doomtrain is one of hardiest feature in FF8, you need to get
    in pursuit of items and met its requirement to get it. First of all,
    you need to get all the requirements of 6x Steel Pipes, 6x Malboro
    Tentacles and 6x Remedy+ (!). After gotten the requirements, use 
    the item "Solomon's Ring" to get GF Doomtrain. The key link between
    Alexander and Doomtrain is the requirement of Remedy+. If you don't
    have Remedy+, you can't get GF Doomtrain. To get Remedy+, you need
    to use Med LV Up [menu ability] to convert 60x Remedy [which can be
    bought from shops]. As for the other requirements, please refer to
    the walkthrough or FF8 FAQ Part II.

41. Gilgamesh interrupted my fight against Adel and kill Rinoa!
A:  One comments: The gamer is really unlucky ^_^;) You really needs to
    depend on luck and pray hard that Gilgamesh does not appear.
    Actually, IMO, I guess you need to make sure that at least one of
    members has most of the HP as this reduces the appearance of

42. How to get back Odin after I have gotten Gilgamesh?
A:  Sorry pals, as there is no way to get back Odin after Gilgamesh...
    Odin is already killed in half by Seifer in the battle at Lunatic
    Pandora [Disc 3], that's why Odin can never appear, beside its
    sword is already taken by Gilgamesh ^_^; so how is it going to 
    attack? Besides in FF8, there is no lance for Odin...

43. How does the Rare Item takes it effect?
A:  It is one of doubts which still remains a mystery for me... 
    Typically, Rare Item is party ability and takes effect after you
    have finished the random battles and just increase the "chances" [
    I don't how it was being measured, but according to my gameplay, it
    seems to give me more GF type items and rarer items, but decreases
    the rate of junk items (which is more cheaper...)]

44. Why I have never found Selphie's Limit Break {The End}?
A:  IMO, you need to take a lot of patience in getting this. The End
    appears about 1 out of 100 tries while using the Slots. You need to
    press "Do over" [1st option] and switch and switch... until you
    found the spell... But if you miss it, it WILL take you more longer
    to find it again in next try! Besides you can't use The End at your
    will since it is an instant killer spell!

45. Is it possible to complete the game without all GFs?
A:  Of course, the completion of the game depends on your will. If you
    want to have an easy fight, I would recommend you to get all GFs. In
    other words, it is not necessary to get all GFs to complete the
    game. The aim of this walkthrough is just to give you a clearer


Important Notes
Things can't be done without a gameshark/pocketstation:
- Get Apocalypse magic before the fight against True form of Ultimecia.
- Get another Magical Lamp besides the one you get it from Cid.
- Get Ribbon/Mog's Amulet/Friendship item.
- Rare GF Abilities such as Supt Mag-RF, Discount, Awarness, etc.

Things that never can be done...
- Enter towns in Disc 4
- Find the gateways to the chain road in front of Ultimecia's Castle 
  before Disc 4.
- Find the white SeeD Ship after you return from space visit.
- Read the Girl Next Door (it is a junk item...)

/ 1.0 \_________________________________________________________________
Guardian Forces                                               ffviii_s01
GFs are the returning summons from the previous FF series. Generally,
there are a lot of differences between them. GF stands for Guardian 
Force and it is a common abbreviation used in the game. 

Differences between the previous series:
- GFs have statues just like your characters. They can level up just 
  like your characters in gaining EXP and they can accquired AP to 
  learn abilities.
- Summon GFs does not requires MP. There is no MP required to summon
  GFs. Instead, the GF's stats will overlap the character's stats, 
  taking the Elem-Def-J and ST-Def-J from the character and also
  withstand from the enemy. Summon GFs require time and you need 
  the blue ATB bar drop to zero (or empty) and GF will be summoned. 
  Once GF's HP have drop to zero, the summon will be cancelled off.
- GF obtain methods can varies... such as defeating them, accquired
  them by meeting requirements, draw them from BOSSES.
- GFs are the strength of your characters as they gave your characters
  other abilities beside the Attack command.

Frequently Asked Questions About GFs
Here is the list of frequently asked questions about Guardian Forces. 
There are a total of 9 questions.

Q1: I have forgetten to draw a GF, is there a way to get it back?

Yes. But you can only get it back in Disc 4, from either one of BOSSES
in Ultimecia's Castle. Of course, you have to unlock Draw, otherwise it
is useless. Refer to Disc 4 Walkthrough: Ultimecia's Castle in Part I
(@ at GameFAQs, http://www.gamefaqs.com)

Q2:  Why I don't see Med LV Up in Alexander's Ability list?

You must obtain its prequisite in order to get its secondary ability.
I have expanded the list section, just accompany this purpose. Refer to
the abilities lists and description for more information. There are 
also certain cases that results lost of an ability:

Case #1
You may eliminate the Ability/ its prequisite through using an Amnesia 

For this case, I can't help ^_^; Have to restart. You may need to try
to use another GF Item to replace that. As far I know, GF menu and
item refinements have no replacements. 

Case #2
You may use a GF Ability Item to cover up one of 22 slots. 

In this case, just use an Amnesia Greens to eliminate one of abilities
so that, there is avaliable space for the ability to "grow" on it. 
[Is there any better words?]

Q3: I have sold the Magical Lamp, is it possible to get it back?
No. But unless you have a Pocketstation or Gameshark. For gameshark, 
just make use of the item modifier code to do it. If you have a 
Pocketstation, you can get it via Choco World. To do that, refer to 
Pocketstation FAQs that are found at GameFAQs.

Q4: How to I get GF Doomtrain?

You need to get the requirements: 6x Steel Pipe, 6x Malboro Tentacle,
6x Remedy+ (requires GF Alexander's Med LV Up, or Pocketstation) and 
of course, the Solomon's Ring. Refer to GF Bestiary for more 

Q5: Is it possible to get GF Griever?

I don't know. But most likely it's not. There is a rumour regarding
Occult Fan III [Magic Issue], that you need 666 items to get this GF,
the ring shown in the picture is actually the Solomon's Ring and 666
stands for "Steel Pipe", "Malboro Tentacles", "Remedy+". [it may be a 
piece of displeasing news ^_^;]

Q6:  How do I get Mog Amulet and Friendship item?

Don't ask me about this.. These items can only be gotten through the 
Pocketstation. I am still trying to figure other methods besides 

Q7: How do I boost a GF?
Check the Boost Section under GF Abilities. Or you can get the in-game 
help [provided that you have gotten the Battle Meter]:

Tutorial -} Information -} Abilities -} GF Abilities -} Boost

Q8: How do I get GF Gilgamesh?
You must have gotten Odin before you reached the final battle at the
Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. It is not necessary for you to kill Seifer as 
Gilgamesh will finish it up for you. You will lose Odin as it is lost.

Q9: Why I can't use Tool-RF to convert 100x Curse Spikes into 1x Dark 
GF Siren must reached LVL. 100 or you can unlock it by upgrading your 
Battle Meter at the D-District Prison. This is allocated from my 
previous save files.

/ 1.1 \_________________________________________________________________
Introduction                                                  ffviii_005

                                                      No.  Name of GF
          __________________________________________  1.   Quezacotl
         | Name of GFs                              | 2.   Shiva
         |  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  | 3.   Ifrit
         | |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   | | 4.   Siren
         | | 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 | | 5.   Brothers
         | |___||___||___||___||___||___||___||___| | 6.   Diablos
         |  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  | 7.   Carbuncle
         | |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   | | 8.   Leviathan
         | | 9 ||10 ||11 ||12 ||13 ||14 ||15 ||16 | | 9.   Pandemona
         | |___||___||___||___||___||___||___||___| | 10.  Cerberus
         |__________________________________________| 11.  Alexander
                                                      12.  Doomtrain
                                                      13.  Bahamut
                                                      14.  Cactuar
                                                      15.  Tonberry
                                                      16.  Eden

Typically, it just like the ASCII Art shown above. The GFs slot will be
occupied by the GF, once you have accquired it. GFs can be found during
your jounery. To ensure no difficulties in getting them, take a look at
the walkthrough and follow the instructions there and you should have 
no problems. Most GFs can obtained through drawing from BOSSES, so it
is best to have Draw Command equip GFs.

The GF Status Screen.
 _______                   _______________________________________
| Photo | Quezacotl       |Status                               P1|
|  of   | LV. 1           |    HP-J                   Complete!   |
|  GF   | HP 300 / 300    ||}  Vit-J                  0 / 50 AP   |
|_______|                 |    Mag-J                  0 / 50 AP   |
                          |    Magic                  Complete!   |
Total EXP:     5,000 P    |    GF                     Complete!   |
EXP needed:    250 P      |    Draw                   Complete!   |
                          |    Card                   0 / 40 AP   |
                          |    Mag +20%               0 / 60 AP   |
                          |    GF HP +10%             0 / 40 AP   |
Learning                  |    SumMag +10%            0 / 40 AP   |
Vit-J                     |    Boost                  0 / 10 AP   |
10 / 50 AP                |    T Mag-RF               0 / 30 AP   |


Which GFs have them?
Here is a brief explaination of GF Status Screen. Quezacotl, Shiva, 
Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Pandemona, 
Cerberus, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Cactuar, Tonberry and Eden are
the sixteen obtainable GFs and have this status screens. GFs such as 
Moomba (via Pocketstation), MiniMog (via Pocketstation), Chicobo, Odin,
Gilgamesh and Phoenix does not have this screen. As for unattainable 
GFs such as Griever and Tiamat, you can't have them in your besitary.

What are Abilities?
Abilities are skills that allows GFs to learn to enhance besides 
summoning it. There are six major classes and here are a summary of 
what each of them does:

Command - allows your character to have commands besides attack. All
the first 16 GFs have the four basic commands: Item, Magic, GF and
Draw. There are also other commands such as Card, Darkside, Absorb,
Devour, etc. Each commands have different effects, so it's your option
to test them out.

Junction - under the Junction screen you will see that you can could 
make use magic to boost up a character's statistics through Junction. 
But in order to junction magic, you must have an ability for that 
junction. E.g. You must have Str-J in order to junction magic to Str.
Elemental Combos and Status combos can be done using junction abilities
such as Elem-Atk-J or Elem-Def-J, ST-Atk-J or ST-Def-J.

Character - these abilities are rather hard to obtain. These abilities
allows you to have add-ons such as Str + 20%, Mag +40%, HP +80%, etc.
There are also some special abilities such as Auto-Haste, Auto-Shell, 
Mug, etc. These skills are pretty hard to mastered due to its high AP
Consumption [of course, not as exagrating as AP requirements for the
Materia in FF7.]. They can be equiped under the Ability section where
you could equipped commands. Most GFs have 2 abilities to equip. 
Except for GFs with Ability x3 and Ability x4. Well, the abbreviation
seems a bit clear, therefore no explaination ^_^;

GF - Abilities meant for GFs.. There are typically three types, SumMag,
GF HP and Boost. GF HP is avaliable for all GFs. SumMag is avaliable 
for GFs with a summon attack that has a elemental or non-elemental, 
except support element (e.g. Reflect, Triple/Double). Boost is a pretty
good ability.

Menu - A brand new innovation that has been included in this new epic 
RPG. The Menu ability allows you to do refinement of items and magic and
some even allows you to call item shop and get discounts, sell for 
higher prices, etc. Ability menus for magic are quite good as some magic
are very hard to obtained. One good example is Aura. Item refinement 
usually nabs you Medicine, Battle Items and GF Items.

Party - this ability can be activate through the same method for 
character ability. In fact it affects for the entire party. There are 
only four party ability in the game. Examples are Enc-Half [reduces 
encounter rate by half.]

How to learn Abilities?
Pretty simple. Just select the GF that you wish to learn a particular 
ability using X button. Next you will have the status screen except you
can't see abilities screen instead you will find red bars that shows 
compatibility of GFs for the characters. The higher the comptability, 
the faster the GF will be summoned and the less crosses you will find 
during Boost. Press X once again and you will find the abilities page.
Each GF can only accquired a maximum of 22 abilities. Certain abilities
require a prequisite in order to get the new ability. So refer to the
GF besitary to find out more. Just simply select the ability that you
wished to learn with the cursor. Next gain AP in battles. Once the 
ability is mastered. A "Complete!" sign will replaced the requirements.

How to learn Abilities through using GF items?
Not that it is not advisble to use GF items immediately before you have
gotten all GF abilities. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain some
of GF abilities. To undo the wrong, just get Amnesia Greens and use it 
on a GF and forget the ability that you have just added. Remember that
abilities that you have forgetten, can't be gotten back! Also have an
additional save file before you attempt to do this. Note that you can't
have the two of same ability. Example: you can't have two SumMag +30%
and this applies for any other abilities. 

Generally, there are a lot of problems regarding GF's HP. The 
Quezacotl's maximum HP does not reached 9999 HP at Level 100 as due to 
its low EXP requirements to level Up. GF Eden can easily get 9999 HP at 
the level of 56 with GF HP +10% ~ 40% learnt and it has a higher EXP 
level compared a full EXP level Quezacotl. Certain GFs take ages to 
level up. Bahamut and Eden are great examples of these.

Note: It is not compulsory that a GF has the same ability list as it has
      from the beginning. You can overwrite them by using GF item, 
      Amnesia Greens.
/ 1.2 \_________________________________________________________________
Management of GFs                                             ffviii_006
Here are several tips that I would like share on about management of 

Tip #1 - All GFs into battles!
Always get ALL GFs into battles [not necessary to summon them, but 
make sure that they are along with your characters to gain EXP]. They 
gain HP Bonuses and they will inflict more damage when they are at 
higher levels. You can easily use Junction Exchg under the Switch menu
to transfer the junction from one character to another.

Tip #2 - Got for Rare Abilities first.
Always go after rare skills first (one good example is GF Diablos' Mug.
This skill is pretty handy if you need to get the rare items such as
Steel Pipes.) Some abilities such as Auto-Haste, Card Mod-RF are very
useful add-ons for your party.

Tip #3 - Junction Distribution
Distribute the G.Fs evenly to all characters. Make sure everyone has 
junction to four basic factors:

Strength (Str)  - affects character's attacking power.
Magic (Mag)     - affects character's magic attacking power.
Vitality (Vit)  - affects the character's defense from physical damage.
Hit Points (HP) - affects the character's HP. It is the life bar!

Tip #4 - Get Boost first! 
For those GFs with "Boost", always get them beforehand of all other
GF abilities. This ability can really does a lot of damage as if you
does up to a maximum of 4 times the damage compared to a normal summon.

Tip #5 - Make use of AP won from BOSS fight.
Always check what abilities that you are learning before get into BOSS 
battles. Always pick those high AP skills that require to master before 
fighting them, thus making full use of the bonus.

Tip #6 - Recover HP of GFs with GF Potions
Use G-Potions to recover lost HP of your GFs. BTW, GFs have (auto, I 
guessed it was a hidden ability) Walk and Recover. Just walking around
the field map, allows you to restore HP of GFs slowly at a time.

Tip #7 - Improve GF Compatibility
Summoning a GF many times using the same character, helps to improve the 
GF's compatibility with the character. "Boost" will work best in this 
case. GF compatibility affects the speed of the ATB bar of GF [the 
higher the compatibility, the faster the GF will be summoned!] Of 
course, there are generally alternate methods such as using 
compatibility items [refer to Items section for more information] or 
the ultimate compatibility booster item, LuvLuv G.
/ 1.2 \_________________________________________________________________
How to get the GF?                                            ffviii_007
The list below comprises of the method to get them (briefly as I have
already explained in great detail in the walkthrough found in Part I)
I have also included the second draw method for certain GFs. Of course,
there are also GFs that I still not sure whether it is possible to get

E-mails about GFs

GF Diablos - I have Received a lot of e-mails regarding a second method
as they have sold off the item Magical Lamp which teleports you to the
World of Darkness. If you know the method, besides this, kindly e-mail
me the method! You will be helping a lot of people out there! My 
assumption is that you can draw it from the Mobile Type 8, Seifer or
Sphinxaur. Well, it is already known that you can get Magicial Lamp
through Pocketstation or Gameshark. As for directly from the game,

GF Gilgamesh - Is there another method in getting it? I am not sure..

GF Griever - that stupid Occult Fan III which reveals a ring that allows
you to summon the GF with 666 items. Actually, that is meant for the
Doomtrain ^_^; So seek another method...

The GF List
GF Name              Where to obtain them?
Quezacotl            B-Garden 2F, at Balamb Garden Network, check the
                     (Tutorial) as Quistis has instructed you. Obtained
Disc: 1 ~ 3          along with Shiva.
Shiva                B-Garden 2F, at Balamb Garden Network, check the 
                     (Tutorial) as Quistis has instructed you. Obtained
Disc: 1 ~ 3          along with Quezacotl
Ifrit                During your SeeD examinations at Fire Cavern. 
                     Squall's field test. It's compulsory to have this
Disc: 1              GF
Siren                During Dollet Dukedom Mission at Communication 
                     Towers, you need to draw from Elvoret after 
Disc: 1 and 4        defeating Biggs and Wedge, not after X-ATM092 
                     In Disc 4 at Ultimecia's Castle, draw from the
                     Tri-Point found in Wind Cellar. Refer to 
                     walkthrough for more details.
Brothers             Defeat them at the Tomb of the Unknown King. The
                     tomb is found northeast from Deling City, on a 
Disc: 1 ~ 4          peninsula. You must defeat Sacred in the east 
                     chamber and unlock the north and west chamber in
                     order to enter their hideout in the middle. Defeat
                     them in order to get them.
Diablos              After graduating to become a full-pledged SeeD, you
                     will get an item (Magical Lamp) from Cid after your
Disc: 1 ~ 4          departure for the first SeeD mission. It will be
* provide lamp is    automatically given to you. Access it from the item
avaliable.           menu. You can also defeat it using Laguna's Party.
Carbuncle            During the assasination plan in Deling, Squall and 
                     Irvine have sneaked into the President's Manison, 
Disc: 1 and 4        in order to save Rinoa. You can draw from Iguion.
                     In Disc 4 at Ultimecia's Castle, draw it from
                     Krysta found in the balcony of the castle.
Leviathan            After liberated the MD System, Squall will be asked
                     to meet at the Lobby and proceed to the basement 
Disc: 2 and 4        where you met The Garden Master: NORG. Just draw
                     it from NORG, must break the shield.
                     In Disc 4 at Ultimecia's Castle, make the Trauma 
                     appear by solving the Art Gallery Puzzle and draw
                     from it.
Pandemona            During Galbadia Conquest at Balamb Garden, you need
                     to find the captain and you will eventually fight
Disc: 2 and 4        Raijin and 2x G-Soldiers. Defeat them and the next
                     fight, draw from Fujin at Balamb Hotel
                     In Disc 4, at Ultimecia's Castle, proceed to the
                     Flood Gate and enter the Prison Cell, examine the 
                     key and draw it from the Red Giant
Cerberus             During the Garden Crash Incident, proceed to 
                     Galbadia Garden's Hall [during your search for the
Disc: 2 and 4        KeyCard.] and you will find it there. Defeat it.
                     In Disc 4, at Ultimecia's Castle, get the Armory
                     Key and enter the Armory. Defeat Vysage, Lefty and
                     Righty. Draw from the BOSS, Gargantua.
Alexander            During the Garden Crash Incident, access to the 2F
                     (after defeat Seifer at 3F), proceed to the 
Disc: 2 and 4        Authorium. Defeat Seifer and you will fight Edea.
                     Draw it from Edea
                     In Disc 4, at Ultimecia's Castle, get the Treasure
                     Vault Key and enter the Treasure Vault. You will
                     fight the Catolepas and draw Alexander from it.
Doomtrain            During your trip to Lunar Gate. Proceed to Tears'
                     Point and collect the Solomon's Ring found at the
Disc: 3 ~ 4          statue. Next you need to meet the requirements:
                     6x Steel Pipe - mug Wendigo, card-mod Elastoid. 
* can't get the      Refer to Monster Bestiary.
Solomon's Ring       6x Malboro Tentacle - defeat/mug Malboro, card-mod
after Lunatic        Malboro. Refer to Monster Bestiary
Pandora has landed   6x Remedy+ - purchase 60x Remedies from any item
on top of Tears'     shop. Get GF Alexander (see above) and get Med 
Point.               Data, followed by Med LV-Up and refine 60x 
                     Remedies to Remedy+ in a 1:10 ratio.
Bahamut              After gotten Ragnarok, pilot it to southwest of the
                     World Map [the quarter-sized should be enough] and 
Disc: 3 ~ 4          you find a building. Press X to land on the launch
                     pad. Enter. You will find a light column. Walk 
                     while it is not lighten up. Next examine the column
                     and pick for the option in these order:
                     1st prompt: 1st option, vs Ruby Dragon
                     2nd prompt: 2nd option, vs Ruby Dragon, Back Attack
                     3rd prompt: 3rd option (hidden), vs Bahamut.
                     Defeat it to get the GF!
Cactuar              After getting Ragnarok, pilot it to the southeast 
                     area. You will find a great yellow-white desert and
Disc: 3 ~ 4          that's known as the Khaskabald Desert. Southeast 
                     from there, you will find a small island with a 
                     small patch of yellow-white desert. Land Ragnarok 
                     there and you need to find a small cactus icon. 
                     Make contact with it and you will fight the Jumbo 
                     Cactuar, at Cactuar Island. Defeat it to get this
Tonberry             After getting GF Odin, you need to get 20x Chef's
                     Knives as a signal of defeat for 20x Tonberries.
Disc: 2 ~ 4          To reduce battles, card-mod Tonberry and King 
                     Tonberry's card to get Chef Knives. At the 20th 
                     battle, you will battle the King Tonberry. Defeat 
                     it to get this GF.
Eden                 After getting GF Bahamut, you will be able to go 
                     down the hole to reach for its underground 
Disc: 3 ~ 4          facility. Just use the RSP in this method: 2-2-1-1
* have Zell in       and have Zell dealt with the last machine.
your party. It's     Next at the Deep Sea Deposit, you will encounter
not compulsory.      the monsters in this order:

You can't run        Screen 1: Tri-Face
from the sub         Screen 2: Imp and Grendel
battles at Deep      Screen 3: Behemoth
Sea Deposit          Screen 4: Ruby Dragon
The Deep Sea         Screen 5: 2x Iron Giants
Deposit quest can    In the last steam machine. Use 10 RSP and fight
be done in Disc 4.   the Ultima Weapon. Draw Eden from it.
                     In disc 4, at Ultemica's Castle, Proceed to the
                     Clock Tower and draw it from Tiamat.
/ 1.4A \________________________________________________________________
Non-Abilities GFs                                             ffviii_008
Some GFs obtained does not posses any abilities. Well, I have listed
them down here. Hope it helps you. In fact, I add more information and
also give some descriptions/tips.

Odin           After gotten Balamb Mobile Garden, proceed to the Centra
               Continent. Find the Centra Ruins in one of islands. Next
Disc: 2 ~ 4    you will find a timer at the top right-hand corner. Find
               and Odin within the given time limit. Just proceed the
You can't      right ladder. Proceed up the elevator and you will find 
summon Odin.   two vertical ladders. Climb the one on the left and 
In fact, it    proceed north. Examine the blue orb and next climb down.
appears        Activate the orb on the ground floor and climb up the 
randomly, at   spiral stairways. Find a gargoyle, take the ruby eye. Go 
beginning of   up the stairs. Now proceed to up the ladder on the left.
battles. I     You will find another Gargoyle. Place the ruby eye and
guess it is    you will get a five digit password. Now take both eyes.
based on the   Next proceed to back to the first gargoyle and put in
luck stats     both ruby eyes and the torch on the right lights up. Now
and *frequent  input the password by using D-Pad and end with X. Now 
encounter*     enter chamber and defeat it the Odin

About it's Summon Attack: Zantesuken ["Cutting Iron Sword"]
Well, it is an instant killer weapon, however we can't have the Odin 
use his Gungen Lance of FF7... The Zantesuken typically works on all
non-BOSSES except for Cactuars. 

*frequent encounter* - Monsters that you encountered in a repetitive 
battles. E.g. you have encounter a Mesmerize in the first battle. Next
you encounter another Mesmerize. Chances of Odin appearing, will be 
increased greatly

Gilgamesh     Well, just get Odin before the boss fight against Seifer
              at Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. At the end of battle, 
Disc: 3       Gilgamesh will replace Odin.

Attacks [wow! One of the GFs that have multiple attacks!]
Zantetsuken - Odin's sword ^_^;... refer to Odin's bestiary.
Excalipoor - does 1 HP damage to all enemies.
Excalibur - does medium damage to all enemies.
Murasame - does high damage to all enemies [isn't it Sephiroth's sword?]

the Gilgamesh can encounter any part of battles.... even in BOSS fights
against Omega and Ultimecia, intervals of battles, beginning of battles.
The attack will differ based on the sword that it picks.

Phoenix       This GF is much easier to obtained and you just need to 
              get a Phoenix Pinion and use Item command to summon it.
Disc: 2 ~ 4   You can get Phoenix Pinions through the following:
              -} 1 from Vase Piece Quest, refer to walkthrough
              -} 1 from Shumi Quest Part I, refer to walkthrough
              -} through refinement

              ----  Getting Mega Phoenix
              ;  50x Phoenix Down -} 1x Mega Phoenix [Med LV Up]
              ;  Buy from Esthar Shop!!! (Familiar)
              ;  1 from girl with pigtail in Library during NORG's Anger
              ;  1 from Grease Monkey during the Fisherman's Quest

              ----  Refinement through Siren's Tool-RF
              ;  3x Mega Phoenix -} 1x Phoenix Pinion.

Attack - Rebirth Flame
Don't look down on this attack. Not only it causes fire element damage
and it also cast Life on all characters. The Rebirth Flame can does 
pretty decent damage but weaker compared to Ifrit's Hell Fire. There
is a slight possibility.. where the Phoenix will be summoned!

Chicobo       This GF is also quite easy to get. You need to get Gysahl
              Greens. But you must first proved your affection for it 
Disc: 2 ~ 4   by summoning a Mother Chocobo at a Chocobo Forests. [
              heck.. you can get ChocoBoy to help.]. To get Gysahl 
* advanced    Greens, here are the methods:
attacks       - Win as prize during the card battles against card 
available     battlers at D-District Prison [rare]
if you have   - Get one from the girl in Cafeteria during NORG's Anger.
level up in   - Get one from the Vase Piece Quest
Choco World   - Buy it from ChocoBoy [pay 6000 gil for 10x, 3000 gil 
                for 5x]
              - Take it from Chicobo at Chocobo Holy Area [after 
                complete the quest, paying 600 gil for each Gysahl 
              Use Item command to summon the Chicobo.

Attack - ChocoFire/ChocoFlare/ChocoMeteor/ChocoBuckle
ChocoFire is typically the main arsenal of Chicobo. However you can get
the additonal attacks through the Pocketstation, by level up your Boko
in the Choco World. 

ChocoFire   - does minimum damage to all enemies.
ChocoFlare  - does medium damage to all enemies.
ChocoMeteor - does multiple hits, random to all enemies. 
ChocoBuckle - does high damage against all enemies exceed 9999 HP 

* Choco World is only accessible through Pocketstation.

MiniMog        After you have gain access to Choco World, by summoning a 
               Chocobo in a Chocobo Forest. During this mini game, get 
Disc: 2 ~ 4    the Mog's Amulet. Now use it on one of 16 GFs and equip 
               MiniMog Command. You will be able to summon the MiniMog 
               using the command.

Attack: Mog's Dance
The MiniMog will start to dance and heal 1,500 HP all present GFs. 

* Choco World is only accessible through Pocketstation.

Moomba         After you have gain access to Choco World, by summoning a
               Chocobo in a Chocobo Forest. During this mini game, get
               the Friendship item and you will be able to use this
               item in combat, same method as summon Phoenix or Chicobo.

Attack: MoombaMoomba
Well, a Moomba is being summoned as started to attack with its claws
and kicks one enemy. Damage varies as it depends on Luck and Speed.

* Choco World is only accessible through Pocketstation
/ 1.4B \________________________________________________________________
GFs' Abilities List                                           ffviii_009
In this section, you will find a detailed list of abilities for the 16
main GFs [those with abilities]. This are initial list of abilities 
which includes the page number for the ability and the amount of AP 
needed to master the Ability. These abilities will be revealed for the
GF list as long as you do not use Amnesia Greens and replaced them with
a new ability.

                                                       Q u e z a c o t l
Summon Attack:       Thunder Storm 
                     Thunder elemental damage against all enemies.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Card             [40]         |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   HP-J             [50]         |   Boost            [10]          |
|   Vit-J            [50]         |   Mag +20%         [60]          |
|   Mag-J            [Complete!]  |   Mag +40%         [120]         |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [160]        |   T Mag-RF         [30]          |
|   Elem-Def-J       [100]        |   Mid Mag-RF       [60]          |
|   Elem-Def-J x2    [130]        |   Card Mod         [80]          |

                                                               S h i v a
Summon Attack:       Diamond Dust
                     Ice elemental damage against all enemies.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Doom             [60]         |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Str-J            [50]         |   Boost            [10]          |
|   Vit-J            [50]         |   Vit +20%         [60]          |
|   Spr-J            [Complete!]  |   Vit +40%         [120]         |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [160]        |   Spr +20%         [60]          |
|   Elem-Def-J       [100]        |   Spr +40%         [120]         |
|   Elem-Def-J x2    [130]        |   I Mag-RF         [30]          |

                                                               I f r i t 
Summon Attack:       Hell Fire
                     Fire elemental damage against all enemies.
Compatibility Items: Bomb Fragment, Red Fang, LuvLuv G
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Mad Rush         [60]         |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   HP-J             [50]         |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Str-J            [Complete!]  |   Str +20%         [60]          |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [Complete!]  |   Str +40%         [120]         |
|   Elem-Def-J       [100]        |   Str Bonus        [100]         |
|   Elem-Def-J x2    [130]        |   F Mag-RF         [30]          |
|   Boost            [10]         |   Ammo-RF          [60]          |

                                                               S i r e n
Summon Attack:       Silent Voice
                     Non elemental damage against all enemies + Silence 
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   Mag Bonus        [100]         |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   Boost            [10]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag+10%       [40]          |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   SumMag+20%       [70]          |
|   Treatment        [100]        |   SumMag+30%       [140]         |
|   Mag-J            [Complete!]  |   GFHP+10%         [40]          |
|   ST-Atk-J         [160]        |   GFHP+20%         [70]          |
|   ST-Def-J         [Complete!]  |   L Mag-RF         [30]          |
|   ST-Def-J x2      [130]        |   ST Med-RF        [30]          |
|   Mag +20%         [60]         |   Tool-RF          [30]          |
|   Mag +40%         [120]        |   Move-Find        [40]          |

                                                         B r o t h e r s
Summon Attack:   Brotherly Love
                 Earth elemental damage against all enemies.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   HP +40%          [120]         |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   HP +80%          [240]         |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   HP Bonus         [100]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   Cover            [100]         |
|   Defend           [100]        |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   HP-J             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   Str-J            [50]         |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Spr-J            [50]         |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [160]        |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Elem-Def-J       [100]        |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   HP +20%          [60]         |   Boost            [10]          |

                                                           D i a b l o s
Summon Attack:    Dark Messenger 
                  Non elemental damage against all enemies. Remove 1/4
                  of current Hit Points against all enemies.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   Mag +40%         [120]         |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   HP +20%          [60]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   HP +40%          [120]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   HP +80%          [240]         |
|   Darkside         [100]        |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   HP-J             [50]         |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Mag-J            [Complete!]  |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Hit-J            [120]        |   Time Mag-RF      [30]          |
|   Ability x3       [Complete!]  |   ST Mag-RF        [30]          |
|   Mug              [200]        |   Enc-Half         [30]          |
|   Mag +20%         [60]         |   Enc-None         [100]         |

                                                       C a r b u n c l e
Summon Attack:   Ruby Light
                 Reflect status cast on entire party.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   HP +20%          [60]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   HP +40%          [120]         |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   Vit +20%         [60]          |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   Vit +40%         [120]         |
|   HP-J             [50]         |   Vit Bonus        [100]         |
|   Vit-J            [Complete!]  |   Counter          [200]         |
|   Mag-J            [50]         |   Auto Reflect     [150]         |
|   ST-Atk-J         [160]        |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   ST-Def-J         [100]        |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   ST-Def-J x2      [130]        |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Ability x3       [Complete!]  |   Recov Med-RF     [30]          |

                                                       L e v i a t h a n 
Summon Attack:    Tsunami 
                  Water elemental attack against all enemies.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   Spr Bonus        [100]         |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   Auto Potion      [150]         |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   Recover          [200]        |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Mag-J            [50]         |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Spr-J            [Complete!]  |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [160]        |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Elem-Def-J x2    [Complete!]  |   Boost            [10]          |
|   Spr +20%         [60]         |   Supt Mag-RF      [30]          |
|   Spr +40%         [120]        |   GFRecov Med-RF   [60]          |

                                                       P a n d e m o n a
Summon Attack:    Tornado Zone
                  Wind elemental damage against all enemies.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   Str +40%         [120]         |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   Spd +20%         [60]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   Spd +40%         [120]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   Initiative       [160]         |
|   Absorb           [80]         |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Str-J            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   Spd-J            [120]        |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [160]        |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Elem-Def-J       [100]        |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Elem-Def-J x2    [130]        |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Str +20%         [60]         |   Boost            [10]          |

                                                         C e r b e r u s
Summon Attack:    Counter Rockets 
                  Triple and Double status cast on entire party
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   ST-Def-J        [Complete!]    |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   ST-Def-J x2     [130]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   ST-Def-J x4     [180]          |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   Spd +20%        [60]           |
|   Str-J            [Complete!]  |   Spd +40%        [120]          |
|   Mag-J            [50]         |   Alert           [200]          |
|   Spr-J            [50]         |   Auto Haste      [150]          |
|   Spd-J            [120]        |   Expend x2-1     [250]          |
|   Hit-J            [Complete!]  |   GF HP +10%      [40]           |
|   Ability x3       [Complete!]  |   GF HP +20%      [70]           |
|   ST-Atk-J         [160]        |   GF HP +30%      [140]          |

                                                       A l e x a n d e r
Summon Attack:    Holy Judgment 
                  Holy elemental attack against all enemies
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   Spr +20%         [60]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Revive           [200]        |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Spr-J            [Complete!]  |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Ability x3       [Complete!]  |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [160]        |   Boost            [10]          |
|   Elem-Def-J       [Complete!]  |   Med Data         [200]         |
|   Elem-Def-J x2    [130]        |   High Mag-RF      [120]         |
|   Elem-Def-J x4    [180]        |   Med LV Up        [120]         |

                                                       D o o m t r a i n
Summon Attack:    Runaway Train 
                  Poison elemental damage against all enemies + negative
Negative status:  Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Berserk, Doom, Vit 0, Blind,
                  Curse, Slow, and Stop
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +40%      [200]         |
|   Darkside         [100]        |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Absorb           [80]         |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Elem-Atk-J       [Complete!]  |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Elem-Def-J x4    [180]        |   GF HP +40%       [200]         |
|   ST-Atk-J         [Complete!]  |   Boost            [10]          |
|   ST-Def-J x4      [180]        |   Junk Shop        [Complete!]   |
|   Auto Shell       [250]        |   Forbid Med-RF    [200]         |

                                                           B a h a m u t
Summon Attack:    Mega Flare 
                  Non elemental damage against all enemies
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +40%      [200]         |
|   Ability x4       [Complete!]  |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Str +60%         [Complete!]  |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Mag +60%         [Complete!]  |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Mug              [200]        |   GF HP +40%       [200]         |
|   Auto Protect     [250]        |   Boost            [10]          |
|   Expend x2-1      [250]        |   Rare Item        [250]         |
|   Mov HP-Up        [200]        |   Forbid Mag-RF    [Complete!]   |

                                                           C a c t u a r
Summon Attack:    1,000 Needles 
                  Non elemental attack against all enemies, 1000 units
                  of damage against all enemies.

** Let's says if Cactuar is at level x0 and it will does x000 damage.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   Eva-J            [200]         |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   Luck-J           [200]         |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   Auto Potion      [150]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   Expend x2-1      [250]         |
|   Defend           [100]        |   Initiative       [160]         |
|   Kamikaze         [100]        |   Mov HP-Up        [200]         |
|   HP Bonus         [Complete!]  |   Eva +30%         [200]         |
|   Str Bonus        [Complete!]  |   Luck +50%        [200]         |
|   Vit Bonus        [Complete!]  |   GFHP +10%        [40]          |
|   Mag Bonus        [Complete!]  |   GFHP +20%        [70]          |
|   Spr Bonus        [Complete!]  |   GFHP +30%        [140]         |

                                                         T o n b e r r y
Summon Attack:     Chef's Knife 
                   Non elemental damage against one enemy at random.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Lv Down          [Complete!]  |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Lv Up            [Complete!]  |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Eva +30%         [Complete!]  |   Boost            [10]          |
|   Luck +50%        [Complete!]  |   Haggle           [150]         |
|   Auto Potion      [150]        |   Familiar         [150]         |
|   Initiative       [160]        |   Sell-High        [200]         |
|   Mov HP-Up        [200]        |   Call Shop        [200]         |

                                                                 E d e n
Summon Attack:     Eternal Breath 
                   Non elemental attack against all enemies.
|             Page 1              |             Page 2               |
|   Magic            [Complete!]  |   SumMag +10%      [40]          |
|   Draw             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +20%      [70]          |
|   GF               [Complete!]  |   SumMag +30%      [140]         |
|   Item             [Complete!]  |   SumMag +40%      [200]         |
|   Mad Rush         [60]         |   GF HP +10%       [40]          |
|   Darkside         [100]        |   GF HP +20%       [70]          |
|   Devour           [Complete!]  |   GF HP +30%       [140]         |
|   Spd-J            [Complete!]  |   GF HP +40%       [200]         |
|   Eva-J            [Complete!]  |   Boost            [10]          |
|   Hit-J            [Complete!]  |   Expendx3-1       [250]         |
|   Luck +50%        [200]        |   GFAbl Med-RF     [30]          |

/ 1.5A \________________________________________________________________
Command Abilities (!)                                         ffviii_010
Command abilities are typically abilities that allows your character to
use it while in battle. Character has already known the attack command
and their Limit Breaks [based on certain citeria.] All the first 16 GFs
have actually the four main commands: Item, Magic, GF and Draw Command,
yet these items can be learnt too by using GF items. I have added the
items that allows you to learn the ability.

                                                               M a g i c
GFs:   All
Item:  Magic Scroll
Can't: No magic stocked in inventory
       Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Petrify, KO, Sleep status
AP:    n/a

It allows your character to cast Magic that is stocked in the 
character's Magic inventory. Each character has a maximum of 8 Magic 
pages and each page can stored up to 100x of the spells. Each slot is
only avaliable for one specific magic. When you activate the magic 
command, you will view something like the one shown below:
|P1          Num |
|Fire        100 |  After you have select the command, just select the
|Blizzard    100 |  spell that you wished to cast, pressing the X
|Thunder     100 |  button. 
|Ultima      100 |

When Triple or Double is cast, you will have additional boxes of 
 _________                GF Cerberus provides both Double/Triple 
| Attack  |  ________     status on the Entire party. Double allows
| Magic  }| |Single  |    you to cast 2x Magic [same spell] and Triple
| GF      | |Double  |    allows you to cast 3x Magic [same spell].
| Draw    | |Triple  |    This allows you to cast magic in a few turns
|_________| |________|    and at the same time, allow you to choose the
                          opponent/ally that you wished to cast the 
                          spell on.

                                                                     G F
GFs:   All
Item:  GF Scroll
Can't: GF's HP reached zero
       Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, KO, Petrify, Sleep status.
AP:    n/a

A command that allows you to summon a GF. Remember that you must equip
this command before you can use to summon GFs. This command is pretty 
helpful as it summons the most powerful weapons [err.. early in the 
game.]. After you have summon the GF, the GF's ATB will cover the
character's ATB. Well, the GF's ATB is moving in a different direction.
Once the GF's ATB has reached zero, the GF will be summoned.

                                                                 D r a w
GFs:   All
Item:  Draw Scroll
Can't: Have already 100x stocked in the magic inventory
       Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, KO, Petrify, Sleep status
AP:    n/a

One of the most important command. This command is the command that 
allows you to stock magic. This command is essential to draw magic from
the field screen or battle screen. In the field screen, you will give 
the spell that's found in the Draw Point and allow you whom to draw the
magic. In the combat screen. You need to do the following:
| Mug     |             
| Magic   |  _______                             _______
| Recover | |Stock  |  --} Monster's draw list  |Fira   |
| Draw   }| |Cast   |      e.g. Bite Bug        |Scan   |
|_________| |_______|                           |_______|

No matter what option you choose between Stock or Cast, you will 
still ended up at the Monster's draw list. Stock allows you to draw the
desired spell [up to a maximum of 9x per draw] and saves it in the 
character's magic inventory. Cast, on the hand, allows you to draw 1x
quantity and cast on the enemy/ally. Remember the Stock has a 
probability of failure as due to the character's low Mag stats or the
monster has died before the character gets his/her turn to draw. Cast
has no failure rate and each time, allows you to draw one quantity and
cast it immediately.

                                                                 I t e m
GFs:   All
Item:  Item Scroll
Can't: No items stocked in inventory
       Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, KO, Petrify, Sleep status
AP:    n/a

Well, as the name suggest, I guess you know what this command allows you
to do. This command is quite important as it allows you to use items 
such as Phoenix Downs [restores Life, which you can't have Life magic
early in the game..], Potions, etc. It also includes items such as 
combat items (or battle items). Examples of combat items are Holy Stone,
Phoenix Pinion, etc. It works like the Magic command as you will be 
brought directly to the Item inventory pages [which you can also 

                                                                 C a r d
GFs:   Quezacotl
Item:  Gambler's Spirit
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    40 

This command allows you to convert a dying monster into card. Certain
monsters nab you "BOSS" cards such as Elvoret, X-ATM092, etc. The card
command can only be done when the monster's HP is low. The best way is
to use Quistis' Micro Missile, summon Diablos or cast Demi magic and
then use this command. About 1/20 chance, that you get a BOSS card...

                                                                 D o o m
GFs:   Shiva
Item:  n/a
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    60

It works like the Sudden Death and at the same time removes bonus magic
effects [Haste, Aura, Triple, Double, etc.] from the character. You will
find a 8 second counter above the monster's head. Once it reach zero, 
the monster is KO'd. Pretty effective against monsters that weak 
against Ice. [e.g. Ruby Dragon and T-Rexaur]. It has also implicit a 
curse status.

                                                        M a d    R u s h
GFs:   Ifrit, Eden
Item:  n/a
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    60

It is pretty risky.. The Mad Rush causes you to loses control of the
ENTIRE party. Berserk, Haste, Shell and Protect are being cast on the
entire party. Berserk will still take effect even if the characters
are protected against it through ST-Def-J linked to 100x Berserk. I 
guess it is quite good as if you are desperate...

                                                       T r e a t m e n t
GFs:   Siren
Item:  Med Kit
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    100

One of most useful command.. If you don't have the Ribbon or ST-Def-J 
x4, this command is a must. The Treatment command works like Esuna 
except it has a better off ability and that's even the character is 
under Silence, it is still usable! It just removes any negative status
and magical effects. 

Negative status: Sleep, Berserk, Silence, Doom, Curse, Petrify, Confuse,
                 Poison, Blind.
Magical effects: Slow, Stop, Vit 0

                                                             D e f e n d
GFs:   Brothers, Cactuar
Item:  Knight's code
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    100

Well, I just can't understand why the characters needed to learn 
defense? I thought that they know it already. In the previous FF series,
every character knows how to defend... Anyway the Defend command only 
works for the particular turn. It allows physical damage dropped to zero
and halves magical damage.

                                                         D a r k s i d e
GFs:   Diablos, Doomtrain, Eden
Item:  n/a
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    100

Quite a good command, if you know how to make use of it. The Darkside
just works like critical attack, doing 3 times more than usual, but
sacrificed 1/10 of the current HP. This command could be a killer with
you make used of Regen or ST-Atk-J linked to 100x Drain.

                                                           R e c o v e r
GFs:   Leviathan
Item:  Healing Ring
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    200

I guess this is the best command.. This command is quite useful as it
does a full recovery to one character. But beware that this can be also
a move to attack.. It works pretty fine against undead and monsters 
under Zombie status. But it also does a instant dead attack to 
characters under Zombie status. Recover is really a good ability that
you can't miss it. It could saves you a lot of Curagas.. [BTW, Curaga 
is a good magic for boosting Spirit]

                                                             A b s o r b
GFs:   Pandemona, Doomtrain
Item:  n/a
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    100

This command target at one enemy by taking off a bit of HP (about 10% 
of monster's current HP.) But it does not work quite well, if you did 
this on undead monsters, monsters under Zombie status. I guess it is
still quite a useful command, but don't over use it.

                                                             R e v i v e
GFs:   Alexander
Item:  Phoenix Spirit
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    200

The second best command. It does most of the time, resurrect dead ally
back to full health just like Full-Life. About 5% chance, you will see
it restoring Life just like Life magic or Phoenix Down. I guess this 
perhaps effect due to Luck or Magic stats. But I would rather use a
Phoenix Down than this command as it allows the characters to be 
revived but at critical status, hence doing Limit Breaks!

                                                           L V   D o w n
GFs:   Tonberry
Item:  n/a
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    n/a

Well, this aids you to weaken a strong foe but lower it's level and HP.
It also causes a change in the draw list, attributes of the monsters
[Hit Points, Strength, Vitality, Spirit, Magic, Speed, Evade] to drop.
But it also allows you to nab items that can be obtained from it at 
lower levels such as M-Stone Piece. Most of the time, it halves the 
level and attributes. Monster at low levels have lesser skills too. Just
like the pesky Ruby Dragons. But it reduces the experience points 

                                                               L V   U p
GFs:   Tonberry
Item:  n/a
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    n/a

The opposite of LV Down. Extremely useful if you want to get third class
magic when your characters' levels are around 30+. But it could also be
dangerous.. but it gives you better magic to draw from, stronger 
monsters, more rare items, more EXP at the same time. I have actually
levelled up Ruby Dragons to level 100 and at the same time, giving Eden
some training. That will help to move Eden to Level 100 at a faster 

                                                         K a m i k a z e
GFs:   Cactuar
Item:  Bomb Spirit
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    100

Under any circumstances, don't ever use this command in a BOSS fight.
Using Kamikaze, may does over 9999 HP damage [about 30,000 HP when 
character's HP is quite high.. about 3 times], but in turn sacrifices
a character. The character can't be revived and only be able to 
revived after the battle.

                                                             D e v o u r
GFs:   Eden
Item:  Hungry Cookpot
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    n/a

One of most useful commands. It works only against all enemies except
for BOSSES. Devour does an instant dead attack [but with a crappy hit
rate...] and may leads to bonuses or status. It can also help to build
up the characters.. Devour a Ruby Dragon raises all statistics! But
most monsters gives recovery to HP, status ailments or reduce HP! Refer
to Monster List for more information.

                                                           M i n i M o g
GFs:   n/a
Item:  Mog's Amulet
Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status
AP:    n/a

Allows you to summon MiniMog where the MiniMog will do the Mog's Dance
which heals all GFs in combat 1,500 HP. Obtainable through 
Pocketstation only.


/ 1.5B \________________________________________________________________
Party Abilities                                               ffviii_011
Some people just don't bother pay attention to the Basic Tutorial found
in Part I. It explains on how to equip commands, abilities to your 
characters. So refer to Part I, which can also be found at GameFAQs.

Party Abilities works like character abilities except has a party 
effect.. For an example, Enc-None is equipped in one character's 
ability slot. The entire party will not encounter any monsters. But 
you must equip in at least one of the character's ability slot. 

                                                       M o v e - F i n d
GFs:        Siren
Item:       n/a
Prequisite: n/a
AP:         30

Allows you to uncover hidden draw points and save points. It works
well as some of the terrains in the game, looks complicated..

                                                         E n c - H a l f
GFs:        Diablos
Item:       n/a
Prequisite: n/a
AP:         30

Reduce monster encounter rate by 50% or half. Quite a good ability if
your characters' HP are running low or lack of curative magic, items,
etc. Quite good if you are sick of combat.

                                                         E n c - N o n e
GFs:        Diablos
Item:       n/a
Prequisite: Enc-Half
AP:         100

Allows your party do not encounter any enemies. Wow... Quite a good 
ability as it removes random battle status. Allows you to navigate 
around the field smoothly.. It is quite good when solving sub-quests 
such as Obel Lake Mystery or UFO sighting incident. Plus you can 
uncovered a lot of hidden draw points on the world map.

                                                               A l e r t
GFs:        Cerberus
Item:       n/a
Prequisite: n/a
AP:         200

Allows your party never have back attack status. Not much use in battle.
But it is great to use this while doing your quest at Deep Sea Research
Center. Well, I really hate this.. for as in FF7, you can just simply
tap the R2 and L2 and the characters will face the opponents.

                                                       R a r e   I t e m
GFs:        Rare Item
Item:       n/a
Prequisite: n/a
AP:         250

I could say that this ability is quite useful but not apply to finding
Blue Magic items. In effect, it increases the rate of getting rare 
items. For your convience, I have illustrate four good examples:

Name         Defeat                  Defeat (with Rare Item)
Wendigo      Steel Orb (Junk)        Strength Love, Steel Pipe (GF)
Bomb         Bomb Fragment (Junk)    Bomb Spirit (GF)
Bite Bug     M-Stone Piece, Magic    Wizard Stone (Junk)
             Stone (Junk)
Jelleye      Wizard Stone (Junk)     Wizard Stone, Healing Water (Junk)

But just like other abilities, it not necessary nab you GF items 
always, in fact, see the examples on Bite Bug and Jelleye. Therefore
in order to get Power Generator for Blitz, the best is to not equip
Rare Item as it increases the rate of GF Items, ability/ refinement 
items compared to Compatibility items and Blue Magic Items.

/ 1.5C \________________________________________________________________
Character Abilities                                           ffviii_012
Character Abilities are actually bonuses to combat and junction. They 
allows your characters to have bonus abilities such as Mug and HP +80%.
They are extremely difficult to find as they are rare items and 
therefore you may required to get Bahamut's Rare Item and Mug for 

HP +20%                      GFs: Diablos, Carbuncle, Brothers
AP needed:  60               Does: Maximum HP increased by 20%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Regen Ring

HP +20% is quite a good Hit Points booster at the beginning as it could
increase the character's maximum HP by 20%. 

HP +40%                      GFs: Diablos, Carbuncle, Brothers
AP needed:  120              Does: Maximum HP increased by 40%
Prequisite: HP +20%          Item: Giant's Ring

HP +40% is really quite a good ability but if you equipped HP +20%, your
character can enjoyed a benefit of HP +60%! 

HP +80%                      GFs: Diablos, Brothers
AP needed:  200              Does: Maximum HP increased by 80%
Prequisite: HP +40%          Item: Gaea's Ring

Wow! Maximum HP increased by 80%! This ability is extremely helpful when 
you need to boost your character's HP to 9999. [which is essential for
BOSS Fights against the Omega..]

Str +20%                     GFs: Ifrit, Pandemona, Shiva
AP needed:  60               Does: Strength increased by 20%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Strength Love

A great ability for early in the game. The maximum strength stats that
character can get is 255.. Even if you have gotten Squall to Level 100,
his strength stats is only 170+ at most with 100x Ultima junctioned. 
Therefore this ability is quite critical.

Str +40%                     GFs: Ifrit
AP needed:  120              Does: Strength increased by 40%
Prequisite: Str +20%         Item: Power Wrist

Str +40% is really a good ability and it will be a great booster for the
character's strength! 

Str +60%                     GFs: Bahamut
AP needed:  n/a              Does: Strength increased by 60%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Hyper Wrist

An ability which could makes a character a strong ally. This ability can
increased a huge deal of strength for the character. Let's say if your
character strength stats is 100, you can get 160 strength stats with 
this ability.

Vit +20%                     GFs: Shiva, Carbuncle
AP needed:  60               Does: Vitality increased by 20%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Turtle Shell

Remember this phrase.. A good attacker must has good defense. Vitality
is critical important against foes such as Ruby Dragon [its breath 
weapon does no elemental damage.. unlike in the Japanese version..]

Vit +40%                     GFs: Shiva, Carbuncle
AP needed:  120              Does: Vitality increased by 40%
Prequisite: Vit +20%         Item: Orichalcon

The best defense ability that you could get from GFs.. But there is a 
better ability which requires Adamantine. But Vit +40% is really more
than enough. If a monster's strength stats is 255, and the character's
defense is 110, that character will Received 145 points of damage.. 
Realized the importance of Vitality?

Vit +60%                     GFs: n/a
AP needed:  n/a              Does: Vitality increased by 60%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Adamantine

Vit +60% is an extremely good ability. Vitality is pretty effective, 
but at the meanwhile, pretty hard to get..

Mag +20%                     GFs: Quezacotl, Siren, Diablos
AP needed:  60               Does: Magic increased by 20%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Circlet

Quite an important ability.. It affects the amount of damage done by 
the character through the Magic command. The higher the magic stats, 
the more damage/healing will be done. Mag +20% is quite a good ability.

Mag +40%                     GFs: Quezacotl, Siren, Diablos
AP needed:  120              Does: Magic increased by 40%
Prequisite: Mag +20%         Item: Hypno Crown

It is a better ability compared to Mag +20%. In my opinion, this ability
is sufficient to provide enough help for good magic users such as Edea,
Selphie and Rinoa.

Mag +60%                     GFs: Bahamut
AP needed:  n/a              Does: Magic increased by 60%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Royal Crown

Probably the best booster for Magic. This ability has a great effect in
turning weak magic users such as Quistis and Zell to good magic users..

Spr +20%                     GFs: Shiva, Leviathan, Alexander
AP needed:  60               Does: Spirit increased by 20%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Rune Armlet

Spirit works like Vitality instead it increased defense against Magic.
Spr +20% is quite a good ability for characters with great spirit.

Spr +40%                     GFs: Shiva, Leviathan
AP needed:  60               Does: Spirit increased by 40%
Prequisite: Spr +20%         Item: Force Armlet

Spr +40% is the best ability that the GFs can provide you without any
customization. Spr +40% is more than enough.. but insufficient to reach
the 255 barrier.

Spr +60%                     GFs: n/a
AP needed:  n/a              Does: Spirit increased by 60%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Magic Armlet

Spr +60% is another ability that can Received through modifying GFs.. 
But Spr +60% can be good but it may affect your healing rate 

Spd +20%                     GFs: Cerberus, Pandemona
AP needed:  60               Does: Speed increased by 20%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Jet Engine

Speed is an important factor as it affects the number of turns that you
can used in a battle. Remember that the faster speed, the faster the 
ATB runs.

Spd +40%                     GFs: Cerberus, Pandemona
AP needed:  60               Does: Speed increased by 40%
Prequisite: Spd +20%         Item: Rocket Engine

Spd +40% is the best speed booster that you can get in the game. 

Eva +30%                     GFs: Cactuar, Tonberry
AP needed:  200              Does: Evade increased by 30%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: n/a

Evade increased the probability that your character could dodge an 
attack. But sometimes it also allows your character to dodge magic. In
my opinion, it is nearly impossible to get 255 Eva stats as it is 
impossible unless you have used a gameshark.

Luck +50%                    GFs: Cactuar, Tonberry, Eden
AP needed:  200              Does: Luck increased by 50%
Prequisite: n/a              Item: n/a

Are you lucky? It lowers the character's chances of being targetted and
increase the following:
- appearance of GF Odin and Gilgamesh. Phoenix, after your entire party 
  is wiped out [provided that you have Phoenix Pinions in your 
- increase the rate of critical. Seifer's criticals are the easiest to 
  distinguish as you will see a fire swipe instead of a normal swipe.
  Criticals are just like Deathblows in FF7 as only they inflicit more
  damage compared to normal attacks.
- Increase the use of Holy War-Trial, Hero-Trial, etc.

Auto Potion                  GFs: Leviathan, Cactuar, Tonberry
AP needed:  150              Does: uses Potions upon being attacked.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: n/a

Well, sometimes this ability do more harm than help.. I was try to get 
a character in critical status as the result, I have used about 50 
Potions... The character will draw out a Potion [can be Mega Potion, X 
Potion, Hi-Potion+, Hi-Potion, Potion+, Potion] this varies in the item
inventory. Your character will use items from the inventory. To prove it
to be more effective, equip Med Data...

Auto Reflect                 GFs: Carbuncle
AP needed:  150              Does: have Reflect cast automatically.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Glow Curtain
I myself personally don't like Reflect as it only reflect certain 
spells. The character equipped with this ability will have the Reflect
status in the beginning. This status can still be removed from the 
character using Dispel.

Auto Haste                   GFs: Cerberus
AP needed:  150              Does: have Haste cast automatically
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Accelerator

A good ability in terms of combat. Having Haste being cast on the 
character (Haste increased 2 times the speed of the character's ATB), 
increased number of turns. Again this status can be removed through 
using Dispel. [Squall was equipped with this when I fought Griever..]

Auto Shell                   GFs: Doomtrain
AP needed:  200              Does: Have Shell cast automatically
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Moon Curtain

Shell works like Spirit except it halves damage by magic. Auto Shell is
pretty good against magic-based BOSSES such as Edea, Adel, the
Sorceresses. This status can also be removed through Dispel. Shell is
being cast once you have entered the combat.

Auto Protect                 GFs: Bahamut
AP needed:  200              Does: Have Protect cast automatically
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Steel Curtain

Protect works like Vitality except it halves damage by physical attacks.
Auto Protect is pretty good against physical attack monsters such as 
Ultima, Omega, Ruby Dragon's Breath. This status can also be removed
through Dispel. Protect is being cast once you entered the battle.

Expend x2-1                  GFs: Cerberus, Bahamut, Cactuar
AP needed:  250              Does: cast 2 spells for price of 1
Prequisite: n/a              Item: n/a

One of best abilities you can get from the game. Under Double, your
character will be able to cast two magic (e.g. 2x Cura, 2x Ultima, etc.)
in a row. Now with Expend x2-1, you will be able to cast 2 spells for
the price of one spell.

Expend x3-1                  GFs: Eden
AP needed:  250              Does: cast 3 spells for price of 1
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Three Stars

One of best abilities you can get from the game. Under Triple, your 
character can cast three magic (3x Curaga, 3x Ultima, etc.) in a row.
Now with Expend x3-1, you will be able to cast 3 spells for the price
of one spell.

Mug                          GFs: Diablos, Bahamut
AP needed:  200              Does: steal an item as you attack.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: n/a

Mug is a very important ability in the game as it nabs you important
items such as Power Generators, Steel Pipes, etc. But once an enemy is
mugged, you can't get any items after you have won the battle. It is 
just like a double edged sword. But you will nab in more quantity and 
this based on the character's strength. With the ability equipped, the
character's Attack command will be replaced with Mug.

Cover                        GFs: Brothers
AP needed:  100              Does: protect ally from attacks.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Knight's Code

Cover is actually quite a good ability as helps to reduce damage. The
character will went in front of the character with a Defend position 
hence withstand the attack.. But remember that you must make sure that
the character does have any commands used.

Counter                      GFs: Carbuncle
AP needed:  200              Does: counter attack when attacked.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Monk's Code

The character will counter with an Attack command when attacked. 
Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Mug has effect on the attack. 

Initiative                   GFs: Pandemona, Tonberry, Cactuar
AP needed:  160              Does: allow character to attack first
Prequisite: n/a              Item: n/a

Allows the equipped character to have a full ATB at the beginning, 
giving him/her the first opportunity to choose command. In terms of 
speed, this really a good ability as I use this, followed summoning GF

Med Data                     GFs: Alexander
AP needed:  200              Does: double usage of healing/support items
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Doc's Code

Allows the equipped character to double the usage of an item. For 
example, a Potion normally healed 200 HP. With this equipped, the 
character uses a Potion but it heals 400 HP! Quite a good ability. As
for X-Potion maybe it works like a Megalixir [not sure..]. Also affects
Hero, Hero-Trial, Holy War-Trial and Holy War.

Move HP-Up                   GFs: Tonberry, Cactuar, Bahamut
AP needed:  200              Does: Restore HP by walking.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: n/a

Remember Cat's Bell in FF7? This works actually the same as Cat's Bell.
Just walking on the field, you could restore HP by 1 per step. That's
really a good ability when going down the Deep Sea Deposit..

Return Damage                GFs: n/a
AP needed:  n/a              Does: returns 1/4 of damage when attack.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Hundred Needles

A hidden ability. This ability allows the equipped character to do some
counter without physically moving.. When the equipped character is 
attacked by a monster, 1/4 of damage will be returned to that monster
automatically. It does not differ from whether it is physical attack or 

Ribbon                       GFs: n/a
AP needed:  n/a              Does: prevents all status abnormality.
Prequisite: n/a              Item: Ribbon

Another hidden ability which can be only gotten from Pocketstation. It
works like a ST-Def-J with all status protected. [Blind, Berserk, 
Poison, Sleep, Silence, Confuse, Petrify, Sudden Death, Vit 0, Slow, 
Stop and Curse are all protected.]. It prevents all status abnormality.

HP Bonus                     GFs: Brothers, Cactuar
AP needed:  100              Does: allows HP +30 for every level up.
Prequisite: HP +80%          Item: n/a

Gains 30 bonus points for Hit Points as character level up. Let's says
the character have 1200 HP at a level of 20. With HP Bonus, the 
character, at Level 100 can have more than 3600 HP [additions are based
the character's normal levelling up.] [applies when equipped]

Str Bonus                    GFs: Ifrit, Cactuar
AP needed:  100              Does: allows Str +1 for every level up.
Prequisite: Str +40%         Item: n/a

Str Bonus is really a great ability especially for Selphie and Rinoa.
In fact, Squall really needs this in order to get Str 255.. Otherwise
Lion Heart will not be that devastating. For every level up, Str 
increased by 1. [applies when equipped.]

Vit Bonus                    GFs: Carbuncle, Cactuar
AP needed:  100              Does: allows Vit +1 for every level up.
Prequisite: Vit +40%         Item: n/a

Vit Bonus works just like the previous two bonuses instead it increase
Vit by 1 for every level up [when equipped.] This works when you need 
to get super strong characters.

Mag Bonus                    GFs: Siren, Cactuar
AP needed:  100              Does: allows Mag +1 for every level up.
Prequisite: Mag +40%         Item: n/a

Mag Bonus affects Magic stats. It can allow Quistis to be more effective
in using magic and does more damage. Mag Bonus increases Mag by 1 for 
every level up [applies to when it is equipped.]

Spr Bonus                    GFs: Leviathan, Cactuar
AP needed:  100              Does: allows Spr +1 for every level up.
Prequisite: Spr +40%         Item: n/a

Spr Bonus affects Spirit stats. Spr Bonus increases Spr by 1 for every
level up [applies when it is equipped.]

/ 1.5D \________________________________________________________________
Junction Abilities                                            ffviii_013
Junction magic to statistics, only causes an improvement in stats. 
However you can equipped Character and Party abilities through the 
ability menu of the Junction screen. All GFs, by default has 2 Ability
slots for you to equip abilities [not used in combat abilities]. However
certain GFs have better junctions such as Ability x3 and Ability x4.

Okay that's a brief introduction to Junction Abilities. Let's get 
started with the list:

Ability x3                  GFs: Diablos, Carbuncle, Cerberus, Alexander
AP needed:  n/a             Does: Allows GF to have 3 ability slots
Prequisite: n/a             Item: n/a

Ability x3 allows you to have 3 slots for equipping abilities such as 
Mug, Str +20%, Rare Item, Counter, etc.

Ability x4                  GFs: Bahamut
AP needed:  n/a             Does: Allows GF to have 4 ability slots
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Rosetta Stone

Ability x4 has been possessed by the king of GFs, Bahamut. Ability x4
has 4 ability slots [twice the number of slots of a normal GF..] It
allows your characters to have a Mug, Str +40%, Alert, etc.


Junction is extremely important in FF8. As it could change your 
character dramatically with strong attacking power. Junctioning requires
magic to change its effect dramatically.. The stronger the magic and
more quantity of that magic you have, the better the junction will be.

HP-J                        GFs: Quezacotl, Ifrit, Brothers, Diablos and
AP needed:  50              Does: Allows you to junction magic to HP
Prequisite: n/a             Item: HP-J Scroll

HP-J allows you to junction magic to booster Hit Points. The stronger 
the magic, the better the junction will be. Increased maximum HP 

Str-J                       GFs: Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Pandemona and
AP needed:  50              Does: Allows you to junction magic to Str
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Str-J Scroll

Str-J allows you to junction magic to booster Strength. The stronger the 
magic, the better the junction will be. Strength is critically important
as it affects the amount of damage the character does.

Vit-J                       GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Carbuncle
AP needed:  50              Does: Allows you to junction magic to Vit
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Vit-J Scroll

Vit-J allows you to junction magic to booster Vitality. The stronger 
the magic, the better the junction will be. Vitality is basically the
character's defence stats. The higher the stats, the less damage the
character will received from physical attacks.

Mag-J                       GFs: Quezacotl, Siren, Carbuncle, Leviathan,
                                 Cerberus and Diablos
AP needed:  50              Does: Allows you to junction magic to Mag
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Mag-J Scroll

Mag-J allows you to junction magic to booster Magic. The stronger the 
magic, the better the junction will be. Magic is the attacking power of
the character when he/ she uses magic. It also affects the healing 
effect/ draw rate of the character.

Spr-J                       GFs: Shiva, Brothers, Leviathan, Cerberus
                                 and Alexander.
AP needed:  50              Does: Allows you to junction magic to Spr
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Spr-J Scroll

Spr-J allows you to junction magic to booster Spirit. The stronger the 
magic, the better the junction will be. Spirit is the defensive power
against magical attacks. It also reduce healing rate of curative magic.

Spd-J                       GFs: Pandemona, Cerberus, Eden
AP needed:  120             Does: Allows you to junction magic to Spd
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Spd-J Scroll

Spd-J allows you to junction magic to booster Speed/Dexrity. The 
stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. The ATB will be 
moving faster as higher speed stats.

Hit-J                       GFs: Diablos, Cerberus
AP needed:  120             Does: Allows you to junction magic to Hit%
Prequisite: n/a             Item: n/a

Hit-J allows you to junction magic to booster Hit rate. The stronger 
the magic, the better the junction will be. A higher hit rate reduces 
the rate of misses. Projectile weapons normally carries a better hit
rate compared to normal weapons. Gunblade characters have a perfect hit

Eva-J                       GFs: Cactuar, Eden
AP needed:  200             Does: Allows you to junction magic to Eva
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Aegis Amulet

Eva-J allows you to junction magic to booster Evade. The stronger the 
magic, the better the junction will be. Evade is typically the rate that
the character will dodge from an attack. 

Luck-J                      GFs: Cactuar
AP needed:  200             Does: Allows you to junction magic to Luck
Prequisite: n/a             Item: Luck-J Scroll

Luck-J allows you to junction magic to booster Luck. The stronger the 
magic, the better the junction will be. Luck helps a lot in playing 
RPGs. In FF8, increase the rate of criticals, defense against status
that are not guarded, appearance of GF Odin and Gilgamesh, etc.


Elemental/ Status Junction
Not much emphasis in the previous FF series... But in FF8, this is an 
ability that you must know.. Almost all monsters carries an elements and
each carries a different element. Elements are strong against opposite
elements: e.g. Fire is strong against Ice-element monsters. However if 
it is same element, it results no damage.. sometimes even healed the 
monster! Just remember that what element the monster use to attack you,
don't use that element. That's how I figured out Tiamat's weakness. I
have junction 100x Flare to absorb its Dark Flare.

Elem-Atk-J                  GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, 
                                 Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, 
AP needed:  160             Does: junction magic to Elem-Atk
Prequisite: all junctions   Item: Elem Atk

Gives your character an attacking element. The more magic is being 
junctioned to it, the better the effect of Junction will be. For 
example, you junction Blizzaga to Elem-Atk-J, you inflicit more damage
on Fire based monsters such as Bombs. But lesser/no damage/ damage 
absorbed against Ice based monsters such as Snow Lions. Refer to 
Monster List for more information.

Elem-Def-J                  GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers,
                                 Pandemona, Alexander
AP needed: 100              Does: junction magic to Elem-Def
Prequisite: all junctions   Item: n/a

Opposite of Elem-Atk. Instead have an elemental based weapon, your 
character will have an elemental based armor. The better and more 
quantity of magic you have, the better the junction will be. Certain
magic affects more than one element [e.g. Meteor]. Ultima and Apocalyse
affects all elements.

Elem-Def-J x2               GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Leviathan,
                                 Pandemona, Alexander
AP needed:  130             Does: junction 2 magic to Elem-Def
Prequisite: Elem-Def-J      Item: n/a

Just like Elem-Def-J, just that you will be able to junction 2 magic 
instead of 1 magic.

Elem-Def-J x4               GFs: Alexander, Doomtrain
AP needed:  180             Does: junction 4 magic to Elem-Def
Prequisite: Elem-Def-J x2   Item: Elem Guard

Just like Elem-Def-J, just that you will be able to junction 4 magic 
instead of 1 magic

ST-Atk-J                    GFs: Siren, Carbuncle, Cerberus, Doomtrain
AP needed:  160             Does: junction magic to ST-Atk
Prequisite: all junctions   Item: Status Atk

When using the Attack command, your character will be inflicit the 
junctioned status ailments at the same time. Blind and Sleep are the hot
favourites among all. Drain works well, but it really sucks when you
are fighting against undead and same elemental monster.

ST-Def-J                    GFs: Siren, Carbuncle, Cerberus
AP needed:  100             Does: junction magic to ST-Def
Prequisite: all junctions   Item: n/a

Opposite of ST-ATk-J. You can junction magic to the character so that 
the character will be immune against the particular status. [provide it
is 100x of that spell]. The higher number of spells, the better the 
junction will be.

ST-Def-J x2                 GFs: Siren, Carbuncle, Cerberus
AP needed:  130             Does: junction 2 magics to ST-Def
Prequisite: ST-Def-J        Item: n/a

Same as ST-Def-J and the only difference is that your character can be
protected against two status ailments instead of one.

ST-Def-J x4                 GFs: Doomtrain, Cerberus
AP needed:  180             Does: junction 4 magics to ST-Def
Prequisite: ST-Def-J x2     Item: Status Guard

Same as ST-Def-J and the only difference is that your character can be
protected against four status ailments instead of one.


/ 1.5E \________________________________________________________________
GF Abilities                                                  ffviii_014
Besides characters get upgrades, GFs too, also get upgrades in terms of
attacking power and Hit Points. GFs have auto Mov HP-Up. Boost is one
of useful abilities in the game.

SumMag +10%                GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers
                                Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, 
                                Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden
AP needed:  40             Does: increase summon damage by 10%
Prequisite: n/a            Item: Steel Pipe

It increase damage summoned by GFs by 10%. The stronger the GF [or GFs
have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit.

SumMag +20%                GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers
                                Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander,
                                Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden
AP needed:  70             Does: increase summon damage by 20%
Prequisite: SumMag +10%    Item: Star Fragment

It increase damage summoned by GFs by 20%. The stronger the GF [or GFs
have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit.

SumMag +30%                GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers
                                Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander,
                                Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden
AP needed:  140            Does: increase summon damage by 30%
Prequisite: SumMag +20%    Item: Energy Crystal

It increase damage summoned by GFs by 30%. The stronger the GF [or GFs
have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit.

SumMag +40%                GFs: Doomtrain, Bahamut, Eden
AP needed:  200            Does: increase summon damage by 40%
Prequisite: SumMag +30%    Item: Samantha's Soul

It increase damage summoned by GFs by 40%. The stronger the GF [or GFs
have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit.
GF HP +10%                 GFs: All GFs
AP needed:  40             Does: increase GF's HP by 10%
Prequisite: n/a            Item: Healing Mail

It increases the GF's maximum HP by 10%.

GF HP +20%                 GFs: All GFs
AP needed:  70             Does: increase GF's HP by 20%
Prequisite: GF HP +10%     Item: Silver Mail

It increases the GF's maximum HP by 20%.

GF HP +30%                 GFs: Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan,
                                Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut
                                Cactuar, Tonberry and Eden
AP needed:  140            Does: increase GF's HP by 30%
Prequisite: GF HP +20%     Item: Gold Armor

It increases the GF's maximum HP by 30%

GF HP +40%                 GFs: Doomtrain, Bahamut, Eden
AP needed:  200            Does: increase GF's HP by 40%
Prequisite: GF HP +30%     Item: Diamond Armor

It increases the GF's maximum HP by 40%

Boost                      GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers
                                Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, 
                                Doomtrain, Bahamut, Cactuar, Tonberry,
AP needed:  10             Does: boost GF to inflict a higher damage
Prequisite: n/a            Item: n/a

One of the greatest abilities in game. This ability can allow you to
inflict more damage. Remember that Boost is critically important as it
allows you to inflict roughly 3 times more.. You will first needed to
enter the combat and summon a GF (mentioned in "GFs"). Next you will
see a box with the summon attack's name. Hold down SELECT button and 
you will find a Square button [PSX's Square button], the counter says
75. Just tap Square repeatedly and the numbers will rise up! The 
higher the numbers, the stronger the summon will be. But there are 
generally obstacles. A red cross will appear between the summon.. Just
stop and wait for it to disappear. The highest Boost figure you can 
gone is 250 and I myself believed only GF Eden could do it. But it is
possible for other GFs. Provided you have high affection and a turbo
controller. With turbo on, just hold down turbo and watch the number
rises! I can't really tell when the Square is going to appear.. as it
is random.

/ 1.5F \________________________________________________________________
Menu Abilities                                                ffviii_015
In the main menu, you will find a sub-header called "Ability". At the
beginning of the game, it is greyed-out. But it will become avaliable 
once you have at least mastered one menu ability.

Menu Ability are important as they could turn useless stuffs in 
valuable/ hard-to-find stuffs. But they can be really tedious and time-
consuming. Menu Abilities can only be used while you are not in combat.
Remember the all menu abilities can't be learned else where. Hence 
don't ever eliminate them.

There are many types of meny abilities and here is a unclassified 
group.. I don't know where to put them. Therefore I would called it a
"Miscellaneous Menu Abilities"

Card-Mod-RF                   GFs: Quezacotl
AP needed:  80                Does: refine cards into items.
Prequisite: Card, all menu    Item: n/a

Card-Mod-RF is really a good skill as it convert cards into usable 
items. A lot of people dislike the idea of converting rare cards into 
items, but can't be helped for those without a Pocketstation. The 
Pocketstation really aids to nab some of rare items such as Ribbon and
Mog's Amulet which can't be obtained for those who don't owned a 
Pocketstation. Worst of all, even items such as Energy Crystal takes 
such a long time to get. As for the list, refer to card list section

Junk Shop                     GFs: Doomtrain
AP needed:  n/a               Does: called a Junk shop at any spot.
Prequisite: n/a               Item: n/a

Call Junk Shop allows you to call a Junk Shop no matter where you are.
A Junk Shop is actually a shop where you are allowed to remodel your 

Haggle                        GFs: Tonberry
AP needed:  150               Does: gives you a discount of 25%
Prequisite: n/a               Item: n/a

With this ability, you can get a discount of 25% of the items. Hmm.. 
you can buy items in huge quantity with that. [automatically take effect
once learnt]

Familiar                      GFs: Tonberry
AP needed:  150               Does: allows you to buy rare items.
Prequisite: n/a               Item: n/a

Wow.. quite a good ability when you need to get as many rare items such
as Hypno Crown, Force Armlet, Power Wrist, Orichalcon, Str-J Scroll,
Weapon Mon 1st Issue, etc. [automatically take effect once learnt.]

Sell High                     GFs: Tonberry
AP needed:  200               Does: selling price without discount
Prequisite: Familiar, Haggle  Item: n/a

This ability will allows you to sell items at the usual price (half of 
the usual price of the item). [automatically take effect once learnt] 

Call Shop                     GFs: Tonberry
AP needed:  200               Does: call item shop no matter where you
Prequisite: Sell High         Item: n/a

This ability enables you to call any item shop (just choose from the
menu) that you have visited. 

Magic Refinement                                              ffviii_016
I have just added/corrected a few miscellaneous bits of important 
information regarding some of the refinements.

T Mag-RF [Thunder Magic Refinement]          GFs: Quezacotl       AP: 30
What it does: refine items into thunder and wind magic
Prequisite:   n/a
 1x M-Stone Piece             = 5x Thunder
 1x Magic Stone               = 5x Thundara
 1x Wizard Stone              = 5x Thundaga
 1x Corel Fragement           = 20x Thundara
 1x Dynamo Stone              = 20x Thundaga
 1x Shear Feather             = 20x Aero
 1x Windmill                  = 20x Tornado

I Mag-RF [Ice Magic Refinement]              GFs: Shiva           AP: 30
What it does: refine items into ice and water magic.
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x M-Stone Piece             = 5x Blizzard
 1x Magic Stone               = 5x Blizzara
 1x Wizard Stone              = 5x Blizzaga
 1x Arctic Wind               = 20x Blizzara
 1x North Wind                = 20x Blizzaga
 1x Fish Fin                  = 20x Water
 1x Water Crystal             = 50x Water

F Mag-RF [Fire Magic Refinement]             GFs: Ifrit           AP: 30
What it does: refine items into fire and flare magic
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x M-Stone Piece             = 5x Fire
 1x Magic Stone               = 5x Fira
 1x Wizard Stone              = 5x Firaga
 1x Bomb Fragment             = 20x Fira
 1x Red Fang                  = 20x Firaga
 1x Bomb Spirit               = 100x Firaga
 1x Phoenix Pinion            = 100x Firaga
 1x Phoenix Spirit            = 100x Firaga
 1x Flare Stone               = 1x Flare
 1x Inferno Fang              = 20x Flare

L Mag-RF [Life Magic Refinement]             GFs: Siren           AP: 30
What it does: refine items into recovery and life magic
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x M-Stone Piece             = 5x Cure
 1x Magic Stone               = 5x Cura
 1x Wizard Stone              = 5x Curaga
 1x Healing Water             = 20x Cura
 1x Whisper                   = 50x Curaga
 1x Healing Mail              = 20x Curaga
 1x Healing Ring              = 100x Curaga
 1x Tent                      = 10x Curaga
 1x Cottage                   = 20x Curaga
 1x Mesmerize Blade           = 20x Regen
 1x Life Ring                 = 20x Life
 1x Regen Ring                = 20x Full-Life
 1x Phoenix Spirit            = 100x Full-Life
 1x Moon Stone                = 20x Holy
 1x Holy Stone                = 1x Holy
 1x Holy Water                = 2x Zombie
 1x Zombie Powder             = 20x Zombie
 1x Saw Blade                 = 10x Death
 1x Dead Spirit               = 20x Death
 1x Chef's Knife              = 30x Death
 1x Death Stone               = 1x Death

Time Mag-RF [Time Magic Refinement]          GFs: Diablos         AP: 30
What it does: refine items into time support and earth magic
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x M-Stone Piece             = 5x Slow
 1x Magic Stone               = 5x Haste
 1x Wizard Stone              = 5x Stop
 1x Lightweight               = 20x Haste
 1x Spider Web                = 20x Slow
 1x Aegis Amulet              = 100x Haste
 1x Accelerator               = 100x Haste
 1x Dino Bone                 = 20x Quake
 1x Steel Orb                 = 15x Demi
 1x Black Hole                = 30x Demi
 1x Dragon Fin                = 20x Double
 1x Rocket Engine             = 30x Triple
 1x Samantha Soul             = 60x Triple
 1x Three Stars               = 100x Triple

ST Mag-RF (Status Magic Refinement)         GFs: Diablos          AP: 30
What it does: refines items into status-changing magic.
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x M-Stone Piece             = 5x Silence
 1x Magic Stone               = 5x Berserk
 1x Wizard Stone              = 5x Bio
 1x Eye Drops                 = 1x Blind
 1x Ochu Tentacle             = 30x Blind
 1x Betrayal Sword            = 20x Confuse
 1x Sleep Powder              = 20x Sleep
 1x Cockatrice Pinion         = 20x Break
 1x Soft                      = 3x Break
 1x Steel Pipe                = 20x Berserk
 1x Silence Powder            = 20x Silence
 1x Echo Screen               = 2x Silence
 1x Venom Fang                = 20x Bio
 1x Antidote                  = 1x Bio
 1x Malboro Tentacle          = 40x Bio
 1x Curse Spike               = 10x Pain
 1x Mystery Fluid             = 10x Meltdown

Supt Mag-RF (Support Magic Refinement)      GFs: Leviathan        AP: 30
What it does: refines items into support magic.

 1x M-Stone Piece             = 5x Esuna
 1x Magic Stone               = 5x Dispel
 1x Wizard Stone              = 20x Dispel
 1x Dragon Fang               = 20x Esuna
 1x Remedy                    = 5x Esuna
 1x Med Kit                   = 100x Esuna
 1x Saw Blade                 = 20x Dispel
 1x Protect Stone             = 1x Protect
 1x Turtle Shell              = 30x Protect
 1x Giant Ring                = 60x Protect
 1x Steel Curtain             = 100x Protect
 1x Shell Stone               = 1x Shell
 1x Rune Armlet               = 40x Shell
 1x Barrier                   = 40x Shell
 1x Moon Curtain              = 100x Shell
 1x Dragon Skin               = 20x Reflect
 1x Glow Curtain              = 100x Reflect
 1x Vampire Fang              = 20x Drain
 1x Aura Stone                = 1x Aura
 1x Fury Fragment             = 5x Aura
Forbid Mag-RF [Forbidden Magic Refinement]   GFs: Bahmaut         AP: 30
What it does: refine items into powerful magic
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x Meteor Stone              = 1x Meteor
 1x Star Fragment             = 5x Meteor
 1x Ultima Stone              = 1x Ultima
 5x Pulse Ammo                = 1x Ultima
 1x Energy Crystal            = 3x Ultima
 1x Dark Matter               = 100x Ultima

Mid Mag-RF (Medium Class Magic Refinement) GF: Quezacotl          AP: 60
What it does: refine primary class magic to secondary class magic
Prequisite:   T Mag-RF

 5x Blizzard                  = 1x Blizzara
 5x Fire                      = 1x Fira
 5x Thunder                   = 1x Thundara
 5x Cure                      = 1x Cura

High Mag-RF (High Class Magic Refinement)    GF: Alexander       AP: 120
What it does: refine secondary class magic to high class magic
Prequisite:   n/a

 5x Blizzara                  = 1x Blizzaga
 5x Fira                      = 1x Firaga
 5x Thundara                  = 1x Thundaga
 5x Cura                      = 1x Curaga
10x Aero                      = 1x Tornado
10x Double                    = 1x Triple


Item Refinement                                               ffviii_017
GFs Item are rarely dropped from monsters, even with Rare Item equipped.
The best method to get them is either through the Pocketstation [if you
owned one..] and the refinement process [non-Pocketstation owners will
have to suffer like me.]

Recov Med-RF (Recovery Medicine Refinement) GF: Carbuncle         AP: 30
What it does: change items into recovery items
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x Healing Mail              = 6x Hi-Potion
 1x Healing Water             = 2x Hi-Potion
 4x Tent                      = 1x Mega Potion
 2x Cottage                   = 1x Mega Potion
 1x Healing Ring              = 20x Mega Potion
 1x Mesmerize Blade           = 20x Mega Potion
 1x Life Ring                 = 2x Phoenix Down
 1x Regen Ring                = 8x Phoenix Down
 1x Phoenix Spirit            = 100x Phoenix Down

ST Med-RF (Status Medicine Refinement)     GF: Siren              AP: 30
What it does: refine item into status restoring items
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x Poison Powder             = 3x Antidotes
 1x Venom Fang                = 10x Antidotes
 1x Cockatrice Pinion         = 3x Soft
 1x Ochu Tentacle             = 3x Eye Drops
 1x Silence Powder            = 3x Echo Screen
 1x Zombie Powder             = 3x Holy Water
 5x Betrayal Sword            = 1x Remedy
 5x Sleep Powder              = 1x Remedy
 1x Dragon Fang               = 1x Remedy
 1x Malboro Tentacle          = 2x Remedy
 1x Med Kit                   = 20x Remedy

Ammo-RF (Ammo Refinement)                  GF: Ifrit              AP: 30
What it does: refine items into ammo.
Prequisite:   F Mag-RF

 1x Screw                     = 8x Normal Ammo
 1x Normal Ammo               = 1x Fast Ammo
 1x Shotgun Ammo              = 2x Fast Ammo
 1x Bomb Fragment             = 20x Fire Ammo
 1x Red Fang                  = 40x Fire Ammo
 1x Fuel                      = 10x Fire Ammo
 1x Poison Powder             = 10x Dark Ammo
 1x Venom Fang                = 20x Dark Ammo
 1x Missile                   = 20x Demolition Ammo
 1x Running Fire              = 40x Demolition Ammo
 1x Cactus Thorn              = 40x Demolition Ammo
 1x Sharp Spike               = 10x AP Ammo
 1x Chef's Knife              = 20x AP Ammo
 1x Laser Cannon              = 5x Pulse Ammo
 1x Energy Crystal            = 10x Pulse Ammo
 1x Power Generator           = 20x Pulse Ammo

Tool-RF (Tool Refinement)                   GF: Siren             AP: 30
What it does: change item into tools.
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x Healing Water             = 2x Tent
 1x Regen Ring                = 5x Tent
 1x Whisper                   = 1x Cottage
 1x Healing Ring              = 30x Cottage
 1x Diamond Armor             = 50x Cottage
 1x Rune Armlet               = 10x Shell Stone
 1x Force Armlet              = 30x Shell Stone
 1x Turtle Shell              = 10x Protect Stone
 1x Orihalcon                 = 30x Protect Stone
 1x Steel Pipe                = 1x Aura Stone
 1x Fury Fragment             = 2x Aura Stone
 1x Strength Love             = 2x Aura Stone
 1x Circlet                   = 2x Aura Stone
 1x Power Wrist               = 10x Aura Stone
 1x Hypno Crown               = 10x Aura Stone
 1x Dead Spirit               = 2x Death Stone
 1x Inferno Fang              = 2x Flare Stone
 1x Moon Stone                = 2x Holy Stone
 1x Star Fragment             = 2x Meteor Stone
 1x Energy Crystal            = 2x Ultima
 3x Mega Phoenix              = 1x Phoenix Pinion
 1x Magic Scroll              = 10x Wizard Stone
 1x GF Scroll                 = 10x Wizard Stone
 1x Draw Scroll               = 10x Wizard Stone
 1x Rosetta Stone             = 1x Shaman Stone
 1x Item Scroll               = 10x Wizard Stone
 1x Gambler Spirit            = 10x Wizard Stone
 1x Hungry Cookpot            = 1x Shaman Stone
 1x Mog Amulet                = 1x Shaman Stone
 1x Dark Matter               = 1x Shaman Stone
 1x Shaman Stone              = 1x LuvLuv G
100x Curse Spike              = 1x Dark Matter*

* This option is NOT shown under the GF information screen. But you must
  get GF Siren to level 100 and you can do the following refinement. 
  Well, maybe it is a hidden ability.
Forbid Med-RF (Forbidden Medicine Refinement)   GF: Doomtrain    AP: 200
What it does: change items into hard-to-get items.

20x Mega Potion               = 1x Elixir
 1x Elem Atk                  = 4x Elixir
 1x Elem Guard                = 4x Elixir
 1x Status Atk                = 4x Elixir
 1x Status Guard              = 4x Elixir
 1x Doc's Code                = 1x Megalixir
 1x Med Kit                   = 2x Megalixir
 1x Gaea's Ring               = 1x HP Up
10x Hyper Wrist               = 1x Str Up
 1x Monk's Code               = 1x Str Up
 5x Adamantine                = 1x Vit Up
10x Royal Crown               = 1x Mag Up
10x Magic Armlet              = 1x Spr Up
 2x Aegis Amulet              = 1x Spd Up
50x Jet Engine                = 1x Spd Up
 5x Rocket Engine             = 1x Spd Up
 1x Hundred Needles           = 1x Spd Up
 1x Luck-J Scroll             = 1x Luck Up

GFRecov Med-RF (GF Recovery Medicine Refinement) GF: Leviathan    AP: 30
What it does: refine items into GF recovery items.
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x Healing Water             = 2x G Hi-Potion
 1x Mesmerize Blade           = 2x G Hi-Potion
 1x Whisper                   = 4x G Hi-Potion
 1x Healing Ring              = 20x G Mega Potion
 1x Pet House                 = 2x G-Returner
 1x Life Ring                 = 2x G-Returner
 1x Regen Ring                = 6x G-Returner
 1x Phoenix Spirit            = 40x G-Returner
 1x Healing Mail              = 1x Pet House
 1x Silver Mail               = 2x Pet House
 1x Gold Armor                = 4x Pet House 
 1x Diamond Armor             = 16x Pet House

Med LV Up (Medicine Level Up)                 GF: Alexander      AP: 120
What it does: refine items into higher-level items
Prequisite:   Med Data

 3x Potion                    = 1x Potion+
 3x Potion+                   = 1x Hi-Potion
 3x Hi-Potion                 = 1x Hi-Potion+
 3x Hi-Potion+                = 1x Mega Potion
 3x Mega Potion               = 1x X Potion
50x Phoenix Down              = 1x Mega Phoenix
10x Remedy                    = 1x Remedy+*
10x Remedy+                   = 1x Elixir
10x Hero-trial                = 1x Hero
10x Hero                      = 1x Holy War-trial
10x Holy War-trial            = 1x Holy War
10x Elixir                    = 1x Megalixir

* This ability is critical to get GF Doomtrain. Refer to GF Bestiary for
  more information.

GFAbl Med-RF (GF Ability Medicine Refinement) GF: Eden           AP: 30
What it does: refine items into GF Ability items.
Prequisite:   n/a

 1x Dark Matter               = 1x Luck-J Scroll         
 2x HP Up                     = 1x HP-J Scroll           
 2x Str Up                    = 1x Str-J Scroll         
 2x Vit Up                    = 1x Vit-J Scroll          
 2x Mag Up                    = 1x Mag-J Scroll          
 2x Spr Up                    = 1x Spr-J Scroll           
 2x Spd Up                    = 1x Spd-J Scroll          
 2x Luck Up                   = 1x Luck-J Scroll         
 2x Moon Curtain              = 1x Monk's Code           
 5x Silver Mail               = 1x Gold Armor            
 5x Gold Armor                = 1x Diamond Armor         
 5x Holy War                  = 1x Knight's Code         
10x HP-J Scroll               = 1x Giant Ring          
10x Str-J Scroll              = 1x Power Wrist           
10x Vit-J Scroll              = 1x Orihalcon            
10x Mag-J Scroll              = 1x Hypno Crown          
10x Spr-J Scroll              = 1x Force Armlet
10x Spd-J Scroll              = 1x Accelerator        
10x Accelerator               = 1x Rocket Engine         
10x Elixir                    = 1x Doc's Code            
10x Giant Ring                = 1x Gaea's Ring           
10x Power Wrist               = 1x Hyper Wrist           
10x Orihalcon                 = 1x Adamantine            
10x Force Armlet              = 1x Magic Armlet          
10x Hypno Crown               = 1x Royal Crown           
20x Magic Armlet              = 1x Moon Curtain          
20x Adamantine                = 1x Steel Curtain         
20x Royal Crown               = 1x Status Attack         
20x Phoenix Pinion            = 1x Phoenix Spirit        
50x Barrier                   = 1x Aegis Amulet          
50x Energy Crystal            = 1x Samantha Soul         
100x Lightweight              = 1x Accelerator
100x Dragon Fang              = 1x Med Kit               
100x Malboro Tentacle         = 1x Moon Curtain          
100x Whisper                  = 1x Healing Ring          
100x Bomb Fragment            = 1x Bomb Spirit           
100x Dragon Skin              = 1x Glow Curtain           
100x Cactus Thorn             = 1x Hundred Needles       
 1x Shaman Stone              = 1x Rosetta Stone         


Well, that's all. If you want to know what each item does, refer to the
Item Bestiary.
/ 2.0 \_________________________________________________________________
List of Magic                                                 ffviii_s02    
Magic is proved to be rather useful in all FF series. In FF8, you won't
have the Materia System in FF7. But instead you will be able to "draw"
them from sources of magic known as "draw points". Magic does not 
requires MP [Mind Points or Magic Points] anymore. Instead you can 
stocked them up from monsters too. Advance spells can be obtained from
stronger foes. Ability Points, in FF7, is used to level up Materia. 
Whereas in FF8, they are used for GF Abilities. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Magic
Here are frequently asked questions about Magic. Currently, there are
3 questions.

Q1:  How to stock magic? ["3-Ways to stock Magic"]
Use Draw command [for more details on Draw, refer to GF Abilities 
section]. You can either stock from the following 2 options:
- draw from a monster [refer to Monsters FAQ, or Monster Bestiary]
- draw from Draw Points [refer to Walkthrough]
The third method is through refinement such as T Mag-RF [refer to
GF Menu Abilities --} Magic Refinement for more details]


Q2:   Where can I get more Aura?

Aura is a big headache.. can't be draw from BOSSES, except for
Seifer, during the fight at Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. The last method
as the remember the "3-ways" to stock magic [refer to the question 
above] is through refinement. You can refine 1x Fury Fragment [defeat
low level Ruby Dragons or mug high levels Blue Dragons] and you can
get 5x Aura per Fury Fragment!


Q3:  Where can I find the Apocalyse?

Sad to say, there may not have any other alternate methods beside draw
from the lower part of last BOSS. One method is through Game Shark, and
worst of all, my Game Shark is outdated ^_^;. Still figuring out 
another method. BTW, the method to get the most powerful spells are 
summarized under the Strategies Section against Weapons. Apocalyse is
the strongest booster from all magic. Since you can't get this, then
Ultima will be your best bet.

Elemental Arts
Nothing pays off without any work... Elemental Arts is very important 
when comes to magic. 

1. NEVER ever use same-elemental based magic on the same-elemental 
   monsters. It will do not damage on them or they will absorb them [
   in other words, use it to regenerate lost HP]. One good example is 
   using Fire on the Ifrit.
2. Fire-based monsters are basically weak against Cold/Water-based
   spells. This also applies vice-versa.
3. Humans basically are weak against status disorder and Poison. 
   Poison, on the other hand, has no effect on mechanical beasts.
4. Lightning/Water/Cold works best against mechanical beasts. Fire 
   works quite well on Poison-based monsters. Wind works well against 
   flying creatures. [of course, there are some exceptions.] Wind
   is also great against Earth.
5. Holy works best against undead monsters. Healing magic is good 
   example of Holy-elemental spell.
6. The damage inflicts depends solemnly on the Magic attributes of 
   the character. Example, a character with Magic 136 will do more 
   damage than a character will Magic 79 with the same spell. This 
   also effects the drawing of magic spells. The higher the stats, 
   the more benefits the character will do with using magic.
7. This also applies to Magical defense [called Spirit]. You can 
   raises the stats by using sources such as Mag Up and Spr Up.
8. Element magic can sometimes cure your characters.. Just have a
   100x Firaga [must be ultimate class and have 100x of it] and
   junction it to Elem-Def-J. Next just draw any Fire element spell
   and your character will be healed. But not that the healing will
   not be that great if your character has higher Spirit than Magic.

Your characters can only uses Magic through Magic Command. However 
under status ailments such as KO, Petrify, Silence, Sleep, Confuse and
Berserk, the character can't be able to excute the command. There are
certain magic which can be activate by using stones. If you use an 
Aura Stone, it has the same effect as Aura. But stones are only 
avaliable for certain kind of spells.

There are generally five types of magic and they are summarised 

Status Magic: magic that carries a status ailment.
Element Magic: magic that carries an element
Curative Magic: magic that restores HP
Support Magic: magic that are used to aid your characters in combat
Non Element Magic: attacking magic that carries no element.

/ 2.1 \_________________________________________________________________
Curative Magic                                                ffviii_018
Curative Magic is extremely important as it aids your character by
restoring HP so that your character could withstand the battle longer.
Curative magic can be also attacking magic against undead. So remember
to remove Zombie status or you are in deep shit!

                                                                 C u r e
Weak recovery magic for one ally. Restores only a small portion of HP.
But it can very as effective as a Hi-Potion when your character has 
gotten high magic stats.

1x M-Stone Piece      -} 1x Cure [Siren's L Mag-RF]

                                                                 C u r a
Medium recovery magic for one ally. Restores roughly above 2/3 of the
character's maximum HP. Quite easy to get it later in the game. Cura
means "Cure 2"

1x Magic Stone        -} 1x Cura [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Healing Water      -} 20x Cura [Siren's L Mag-RF]
5x Cure               -} 1x Cura [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF]

                                                             C u r a g a
Strong recovery magic for one ally. Restores between 70% to 80% of the
character's maximum HP. This magic is extremely useful later in the 
game. Make sure all character have this magic. Curaga means "Cure 3"

1x Wizard Stone       -} 1x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Whisper            -} 50x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Healing Mail       -} 20x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Healing Ring       -} 100x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Tent               -} 10x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Cottage            -} 20x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF]
5x Cura               -} 1x Curaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF]

                                                       F u l l - C u r e
Extremely strong recovery magic for all allies. Restores fully HP for 
all characters. Only Selphie could use this magic. You can only get 
this, by selecting it randomly through her Slots Limit Break.

                                                               R e g e n 
Great curative magic when comes to combat. This magic works extremely 
well when you are battling tough BOSSES. Regen recovers about 5% of the
character's HP per turn [unlike FF7's 1 HP per second..]. Regen, however
can be removed, using Dispel and it will eventually wears off through
time lapse.

1x Mesmerize Blade    -} 20x Regen [Siren's L Mag-RF]

                                                                 L i f e
Weak life recovery magic. But in my opinion, I would rather use this 
than Full-Life as it allows your characters to unleashes their Limit 
Breaks. Life Magic removes K.O Status and also restores about 10% of
the character's HP. In this way, the character will be definately be in
Critical or Crisis status. Phoenix Downs typically works like Life.

1x Life Ring          -} 20x Life [Siren's L Mag-RF]

Elemental and Status Defense:
100x Life to Elem-Def-J [30% defense against all elements]
100x Life to ST-Def-J [20% defense against Death]

                                                       F u l l - L i f e
Extreme life recovery magic. Full-Life looks extremely alike Raise in
FFT or FF7. Not only removes the K.O Status but also brings the 
character back to full HP. But it does not work that most of the times,
I guess it has something do with the character's Mag stats.

1x Regen Ring         -} 20x Full-Life [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Phoenix Spirit     -} 100x Full-Life [Siren's L Mag-RF]

Elemental and Status Defense:
100x Full-Life to Elem-Def-J [40% defense against all elements]
100x Full-Life to ST-Def-J [40% defense against Death]

/ 2.2 \_________________________________________________________________
Elemental Magic                                               ffviii_019
Elemental Magic has rather famous in FF series such as Fire, Ice [in 
FF8, they called it Blizzard] and others. Most elemental magic provides 
booster against their respective elements. But the Elem-Atk-J and Elem
Def-J has nearly confuses almost everyone. For those whom have problems
regarding the Elem-Atk-J and Elem-Def-J, please refer to GF Junction
Abilities for more info.

                                                                 F i r e
Weak fire magic against one enemy. Fire is pretty weak against Fire
based monsters but strong against Ice/Cold element. Fire is quite a good
booster against Fire element in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack.

1x M-Stone Piece      -} 5x Fire [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Fire to Elem-Atk-J [50%]
100x Fire to Elem-Def-J [50%]

                                                                 F i r a
Medium fire magic against one enemy. Fira is pretty weak against Fire
based monsters but strong against Ice/Cold element. Fira is quite a good
booster against Fire element in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack

1x Magic Stone        -} 5x Fira [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]
1x Bomb Fragment      -} 20x Fira [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]
5x Fire               -} 1x Fira [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Fira to Elem-Atk-J [80%]
100x Fira to Elem-Def-J [80%]

                                                             F i r a g a
Strong fire magic against one enemy. Firaga is pretty weak against Fire
based monsters but strong against Ice/Cold element. Firaga is quite a 
good booster against Fire element in terms of Elemental Defense and 

1x Wizard Stone       -} 5x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]
1x Red Fang           -} 20x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]
1x Bomb Spirit        -} 100x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]
1x Phoenix Pinion     -} 100x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]
1x Phoenix Spirit     -} 100x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF]
5x Fira               -} 1x Firaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Firaga to Elem-Atk-J [100%]
100x Firaga to Elem-Def-J [120%]

                                                         B l i z z a r d
Weak ice magic against one enemy. Blizzard is pretty weak against Ice
based monsters but strong against Fire element. Blizzard is quite a good
booster against Ice in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack.

1x M-Stone Piece      -} 5x Blizzard [Shiva's I Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Blizzard to Elem-Atk-J [50%]
100x Blizzard to Elem-Def-J [50%]

                                                         B l i z z a r a
Medium Ice magic against one enemy. Blizzara is pretty weak against Ice
based monsters but strong against Fire element. Blizzara is quite a good
booster against Ice in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack.

1x Magic Stone        -} 5x Blizzara [Shiva's I Mag-RF]
1x Arctic Wind        -} 20x Blizzara [Shiva's I Mag-RF]
5x Blizzard           -} 1x Blizzara [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Blizzara to Elem-Atk-J [80%]
100x Blizzara to Elem-Def-J [80%]

                                                         B l i z z a g a
Strong Ice magic against one enemy. Blizzarga is pretty weak against Ice
based monsters but strong against Fire element. Blizzaga is quite a good 
booster against Ice in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack.

1x Wizard Stone       -} 5x Blizzaga [Shiva's I Mag-RF]
1x North Wind         -} 20x Blizzaga [Shiva's I Mag-RF]
5x Blizzara           -} 1x Blizzaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Blizzaga to Elem-Atk-J [100%]
100x Blizzaga to Elem-Def-J [120%]

                                                               W a t e r
Medium Water magic against one enemy. Water is pretty strong against
monsters in the desert except for monsters that use Water element 
attacks. A good magic to boost for Water Element in terms of Elemental
Defense and Attack.

1x Fish Fin           -} 20x Water [Shiva's I Mag-RF]
1x Water Crystal      -} 50x Water [Shiva's I Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Water to Elem-Atk-J [100%]
100x Water to Elem-Def-J [150%]

                                                           T h u n d e r
Weak thunder magic against one enemy. Thunder works well against 
mechanical beasts except for monsters that use Thunder element attacks.
Thunder is quite a good booster against Thunder, in terms of Elemental 
Defense and Attack.

1x M-Stone Piece      -} 5x Thunder [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Thunder to Elem-Atk-J [50%]
100x Thunder to Elem-Def-J [50%]

                                                         T h u n d a r a
Medium thunder magic against one enemy. Thundara works well against 
mechanical beasts except for monsters that use Thunder element attacks.
Thundara is quite a good booster against Thunder, in terms of Elemental 
Defense and Attack.

1x Magic Stone        -} 5x Thundara [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF]
1x Coral Fragment     -} 20x Thundara [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF]
5x Thunder            -} 1x Thundara [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Thundara to Elem-Atk-J [80%]
100x Thundara to Elem-Def-J [80%]

                                                         T h u n d a g a
Strong thunder magic against one enemy. Thundaga works well against 
mechanical beasts except for monsters that use Thunder element attacks.
Thundaga is quite a good booster against Thunder, in terms of Elemental 
Defense and Attack.

1x Wizard Stone       -} 5x Thundaga [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF]
1x Dynamo Stone       -} 20x Thundaga [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF]
5x Thundara           -} 1x Thundaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Thundaga to Elem-Atk-J [100%]
100x Thundaga to Elem-Def-J [120%]

                                                                 A e r o
Medium Wind magic against one enemy. Aero works well against flying 
monsters, earth based monsters except for monsters that use Wind 
element attacks. Aero is quite a good booster against Wind, in terms
of Elemental Defense and Attack.

1x Shear Feather      -} 20x Aero [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Aero to Elem-Atk-J [80%]
100x Aero to Elem-Def-J [80%]

                                                           T o r n a d o
Strong Wind magic against all enemies. Tornado works well against flying
monsters, earth based monsters except for monsters that use Wind element
attacks. Tornado is a very good booster against Wind, in terms of 
Elemental Defense and Attack.

1x Windmill           -} 20x Tornado [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF]
10x Aero              -} 1x Tornado [Alexander's High Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Tornado to Elem-Atk-J [100%]
100x Tornado to Elem-Def-J [200%]

                                                                 H o l y
Strong Holy magic against one foe. Holy works extremely well against 
most enemies [especially, undead]. The only exception is the Omega 
Weapon. Holy is a very good booster against Holy, in terms of Elemental
Defense and Attack. A Holy Stone just works like Holy

1x Holy Stone         -} 1x Holy [Siren's L Mag-RF]
1x Moon Stone         -} 20x Holy [Siren's L Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Holy to Elem-Atk-J [100%]
100x Holy to Elem-Def-J [200%]
100x Holy to ST-Def-J [40%] (Death, Drain, Confuse, Curse, Zombie, 
                             Sleep, Berserk and Poison)

                                                               Q u a k e
Strong Earth magic against all enemies. Quake works against all enemies
on the ground except for flying enemies and earth based monsters. Quake
is a good booster against Earth, in terms of Elemental Defense and 

1x Dino Bone          -} 20x Quake [Diablos' Time Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Quake to Elem-Atk-J [100%]
100x Quake to Elem-Def-J [200%]

                                                                   B i o
Average Poison magic against one enemy. As the enemy moves, about 1%
of the monster's HP is be deducted [showing effects of poisoned.]. Bio
is indead a special spell as it is partial elemental and status magic.
Bio works well against human beings but weak against Poison based 
monsters and mechanical beasts [can't they be poisoned?]. Bio will have
a time lapse and still remains on the World Map [but no HP reduction,
as no command is used]. Bio can be removed by using Antidote, Remedy,
Treatment [Siren], Esuna, Remedy+, Megalixir, Elixir and Tent [at Save
Point]. Bio is quite a good booster against Poison, in terms of 
Elemental and Status junctions.

1x Wizard Stone       -} 5x Bio
1x Venom Fang         -} 20x Bio
1x Antidote           -} 1x Bio
1x Malboro Tentacle   -} 40x Bio

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Antidote, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use 
  Treatment command. [other characters/oneself]
- Time Lapse

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Bio to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 
100x Bio to Elem-Def-J [150%]
100x Bio to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Poison)
100x Bio to ST-Def-J [100%] (Poison)

/ 2.3 \_________________________________________________________________
Status Magic                                                  ffviii_020
Status Magic is critically important in FF8. Even though it is puny 
useless in the Final Dungeon [Ultimecia's Castle], it really possesses
a great importance in FF8. Status ailments such as Death, Silence, 
Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, etc are extremely danagerous if they are not 
guarded. Fortunately, there is always a method in removing them. But as
the saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure", you can be protected
against status ailments through ST-Def-J or equipped the secret 
character ability, Ribbon [obtainable through Pocketstation only]

                                                           B e r s e r k
Causes a character become red-hot and keep on using the Attack command 
once the ATB is full. Berserk can be regarded as support magic, but I
would regard it as status magic as it does not allows you to control the

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment
  command. [other characters]
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x Magic Stone        -} 5x Berserk (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)
1x Steel Pipe         -} 20x Berserk (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Berserk to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Berserk)
100x Berserk to ST-Def-J [100%] (Berserk)

                                                               B l i n d
A dark cloud of smoke appears around one character's head. Hit rate is
reduce by about 30% to 50%. This status ailment is pretty worthless 
against character's with perfect hit rate such as Squall, Seifer and 
Selphie (provided you have gotten her Strange Vision)

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Eye Drop or Megalixir / Use 
  Treatment command. [other characters/oneself]
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x Eye Drops          -} 1x Blind (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)
1x Ochu Tentacle      -} 30x Blind (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Blind to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Darkness)
100x Blind to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Darkness)

                                                               B r e a k
Causes ATB to stop and turns grey. Character turns into stone [or the
term that Squaresoft uses "Petrified"]. Break is another deadly magic as
it could turn an enemy into a rock, hence instantly ended the battle, 
giving you no EXP, AP and items. Once all party members are petrified,
it's gameover. 

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Soft, Elixir, Megalixir / Use 
  Treatment Command [other characters]
- Time Lapse 
- Battle Ends [but you need to revive the character.]

1x Cockatrice Pinion  -} 20x Break
1x Soft               -} 3x Break

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Break to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Petrify)
100x Break to ST-Def-J [100%] (Petrify)

                                                           C o n f u s e
Causes the characters to turn in circles on the spot. You will lose 
control of that character. That character will attack anyone including
himself/herself and its random. A very dangerous situation when your
strongest character [with highest Str stats] are under "Confuse" status.

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment
  command. [other characters]
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x Betrayal Sword   -} 20x Confuse (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Confuse to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Confusion)
100x Confuse to ST-Def-J [100%] (Confusion)

                                                               D e a t h
A devil protudes from the ground and attacks with it deadly spear, hence
causes a deadly attack and causes the targeted enemy's Hit Points 
dropped to zero instantly. This magic is extremely dangerous and even 
the toughest boss has it.

Remove through
- Cast Life, Full-Life/ Use a Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, Mega Phoenix
  / Use Revive Command [other characters]

1x Saw Blade     -} 10x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF)
1x Dead Spirit   -} 20x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF)
1x Chef's Knife  -} 30x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF)
1x Death Stone   -} 1x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Death to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Death)
100x Death to ST-Def-J [100%] (Death)

                                                                 P a i n
A curse scripting of words and hence a fusion of dark energy gathers...
causing a fixture of status ailments (Silence, Poison and Darkness).
This spell is quite hard to get it, but it is really good as it is only
magic that allows you to inflict three statues at one go.

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Megalixir / Use Treatment
  command. [other characters/oneself] Echo Screen, Antidote and Eye 
  Drops removes Silence, Poison and Darkness respectively.
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x Curse Spike        -} 10x Pain (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Pain to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Poison, Darkness, Silence)
100x Pain to ST-Def-J [100%] (Poison, Darkness, Silence)

                                                           S i l e n c e
Disables GF, Magic, Draw and Item commands. A speech bubble with "..."
appears. This one of the most damaging status if you are very dependant
on magic. So better guard against it.

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Megalixir, Echo Screen / Use 
  Treatment command. [other characters]. Note: Treatment command is 
  still usable by the effected character.
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x M-Stone Piece      -} 5x Silence (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)
1x Silence Powder     -} 20x Silence (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)
1x Echo Screen        -} 2x Silence (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Silence to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Silence)
100x Silence to ST-Def-J [100%] (Silence)

                                                               S l e e p
Causes the ATB to stop. A symbol, "ZZZZ" appears at the character's 
forehead. Remember that the character can't defend himself/herself. 
However, the character can be awake with a critical attack (100%) OR
normal attack (about 80%).

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment
  command. [other characters]
- Being attacked
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x Sleep Powder       -} 20x Sleep (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Sleep to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Sleep)
100x Sleep to ST-Def-J [100%] (Sleep)

                                                                 S l o w
A purple clock appears. Causes ATB to turn dark blue and moves slower. 
Under this status, only ATB moves slower than usual [1/2 the normal ATB

Remove through:
- Cast Haste/Esuna / Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use 
  Treatment command. [other characters/oneself]
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x M-Stone Piece     -} 5x Slow (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
1x Spider Web        -} 20x Slow (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Slow to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Slow)
100x Slow to ST-Def-J [100%] (Slow)

                                                                 S t o p
A huge grey clock appears. Causes the ATB to greyed out. Character
freezes and stop movement. Unable to uses commands and attack.

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment
  command. [other characters]
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x Wizard Stone       -} 5x Stop (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Stop to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Stop)
100x Stop to ST-Def-J [100%] (Slow)

                                                             Z o m b i e
Characters becomes dull-green in colour (yucks!) and turns into an 
undead, recieves damage from Holy element [include Cure/Cura/Curaga/
Regen/Life/Full-Life/Full Cure]

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Holy Water or Megalixir / 
  Use Treatment command. [other characters/oneself]
- Time Lapse
- Battle Ends

1x Holy Water       -} 2x Zombie (Siren's L Mag-RF)
1x Zombie Powder    -} 20x Zombie (Siren's L Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Zombie to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Zombie)
100x Zombie to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Zombie)
/ 2.4 \_________________________________________________________________
Support Magic                                                 ffviii_021
Support Magic works like a hand aiding your characters, providing them
with bonus but only during combat. Support Magic is really important as
it could effect the outcome of the battle. One of the support magic, 
Aura allows your character to use their Limit Breaks instantly.

                                                                 A u r a 
A beam of golden light surrounds one character, hence turning that 
character golden yellow. Just tap Circle and you will be unleash your
limit breaks any time!

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel
- Cast status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep.
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Aura Stone         -} 1x Aura (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Fury Fragment      -} 5x Aura (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Aura to ST-Def-J [100%] (Curse)

                                                             D o u b l e
Purple or pink electronic waves form a hexagon and surrounds one ally,
hence word "Double" appears. When you use Magic, the character will be
able to cast two magic of the same spell in one turn. Works in 
conjunction with Expend x2-1

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel
- Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Dragon Fin       -} 20x Double (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects

                                                             D i s p e l
One of the most important magic if an enemy loves to use Support Magic.
Dispel can removes any support magic [magical effects to be exact]. 
Sorceress Edea have a fond of using them during her meetings with the 
SeeD. Dispel is critically important against Iron Giants.

Remove through:

1x Wizard Stone     -} 20x Dispel (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Saw Blade        -} 20x Dispel (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Dispel to ST-Def-J [50%] (Absorption)

                                                               D r a i n
A ball of energy enters the monster and hence returns to the character,
hence reduce the Hit Points of the target enemy. If you uses this magic
on undead, you will reach negative Hit Points.. [which means damage!]

Remove through:

1x Vampire Fang       -} 20x Drain (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Drain to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Absorption)
100x Drain to ST-Def-J [100%] (Absorption)

                                                               E s u n a
One of most important magic when you want to combat monsters that uses
Status ailments. Esuna is typically very important as it removes any
status ailments and negative magical effects. But make sure the 
character that uses the spell is protected against Silence.

Remove through:

1x M-Stone Piece    -} 5x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Dragon Fang      -} 20x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Remedy           -} 5x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Med Kit          -} 100x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Esuna to ST-Def-J [20%] (Poison, Petrify, Slow, Silence, Berserk
                              Sleep, Slow and Confuse)

                                                               F l o a t
Allows your character to float in mid-air. During the flight, the 
character will have higher evade and earth magic [Quake] will become
useless against the characters.

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel
- Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends


Elemenetal/Status Junction Effects
100x Float to Elem-Def-J [50%] (Earth)

                                                               H a s t e
A golden clock appears on the character, hence ATB becomes red, hence
moving twice as normal. There are signs of responsiveness.

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel, Slow
- Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Magic Stone       -} 5x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
1x Lightweight       -} 20x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
1x Aegis Amulet      -} 100x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
1x Accelerator       -} 100x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects

                                                         M e l t d o w n
A white beam of energy that stretches one opponent, hence lowering 
Vitality. Does a decent amount of damage.. If the opponent turns pink,
the opponent's defense is Vit 0. 

Remove through:
- Cast Esuna
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Mystery Fluid      -} 10x Meltdown (Diablos' ST Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects

                                                           P r o t e c t
A blue transulcent barrier appears in front of the character. The 
barrier doubles the character's defense against physical damage. Pretty
effective against Ruby Dragon's Breath.

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel
- Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Protect Stone      -} 1x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Turtle Shell       -} 30x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Giant Ring         -} 60x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Steel Curtain      -} 100x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Protect to Elem-Def-J [Fire, Ice and Thunder]

                                                           R e f l e c t
Reflect is really useless... It only allows you to reflect certain magic
[those weak ones, including curative magic] and allows the enemy to 
attack with the stronger ones like Apocalypse, Ultima, Aero, Flare, 
Holy, Meteor, Tornado, Water, Dispel, Quake, Death and Zombie

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel
- Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Dragon Skin        -} 20x Reflect [Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF]
1x Glow Curtain       -} 100x Reflect [Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF]

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Reflect to ST-Def-J [25%] (Poison, Petrify, Slow, Stop, Slow, 
                                Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Curse, 

                                                                 S c a n
Scan is typically a form of information seeker. It allows you to see 
information on the targeted foe such as their attributes for strength 
[STR], Intelligence [INT], Dexterity [DEX], defense [DEF], spirit  [SPI] 
and evasion [EVA]. It also gives information on it's weakness and a 
short description of the foe. A sonar appears from the character's body 
and thus focus on the monster with the words "TARGET". This followed
by a detailed information on the stats of the targeted monster. Press 
"Triangle" to cancel this effect. You can turn around the monster while
shown with the screen. You will have this effect for the first time 
round, but you can have it forever, but change "Always" through Config

                                                               S h e l l
A pink globe surrounds one ally, hence increases the character's defense
against magical attacks. Magical attacks also includes all forms of 
magic, including curative magic. Shell reduces the damage by half, but
I would still consider it as good for reducing damage from Meteor and

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel
- Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Shell Stone      -} 1x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Rune Armlet      -} 40x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Barrier          -} 40x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)
1x Moon Curtain     -} 100x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Shell to Elem-Def-J [20%] (all elements)

                                                             T r i p l e
One of best support magic you can find in this epic. Triple allows the
character to cast three same magic spell in one turn. To me, it just 
like the All Materia in FF7 [heck, I still prefers that..] Works in
conjunction with Triple.

Remove through:
- Cast Dispel
- Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep
- Time Lapse
- KO Status
- Battle ends

1x Rocket Engine   -} 50x Triple (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
1x Samantha Soul   -} 60x Triple (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
1x Three Stars     -} 100x Triple (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
10x Double         -} 1x Triple (Alexander's High Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
/ 2.5 \_________________________________________________________________
Non-Elemental Magic                                           ffviii_022
Obviously, these are the cream of crop.. They are extremely strong and
normally does group effects. They also great in junction magic. Due to
these benefits, there will always be a reason for them to be difficult
to obtain.

                                                     A p o c a l y p s e
The most devastating magic in the game. Apocalypse cannot be obtained by
drawing from BOSSES except for Ultimecia [the final combat..]. The 
method to obtained this spell is still unknown. [still figuring..]. 
Apocalypse is just like Ultima with a better summoning effect and does
damage to all enemies.

Remove through:


Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Apocalypse to Elem-Def-J [100%] (all elements)

                                                                 D e m i
A good magic as it could lowers HP of a foe. Demi can inflict a quarter
of the monster's current HP. For monsters with HP above 9999, Demi can
easily does 9999 damage each time. A pretty useful spell and quite easy
to obtain.

Remove through:

1x Steel Orb          -} 15x Demi (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)
1x Black Hole         -} 30x Demi (Diablos' Time Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects

                                                               F l a r e
A beam of thermal energy attacks one foe causing tremedous damage. Flare
is very destructive and you make the most of it by having a Triple to
Flare Combo.

Remove through:

1x Flare Stone        -} 1x Flare (Ifrit's F Mag-RF)
1x Inferno Fang       -} 20x Flare (Ifrit's F Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Flare to Elem-Def-J [80%] (Fire, Ice and Thunder)

                                                             M e t e o r
One of the forbidden magic. The monsters will be brought to space and 
followed by a meteorite shower against all enemies. It does multiple hit
and attacks at random (meaning of the enemy will have endure more hits.)
The rate of being hit can be done by increasing the character's Luck.

Remove through:

1x Meteor Stone       -} 1x Meteor (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF)
1x Star Fragment      -} 5x Meteor (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Meteor to Elem-Def-J [150%] (Earth and Wind)

                                                             U l t i m a
Perhaps the best spell that you can draw in the game. Normally only the
toughest BOSSES have it and it is really a high price to pay (at Shumi
Village, you need to pay 5,000 gil in order to draw from the draw point)
Ultima does damage to all enemies and the damage will be varies from
the character's Magic stats.

Remove through:

1x Ultima Stone      -} 1x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF)
1x Energy Crystal    -} 3x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF)
5x Pulse Ammo        -} 1x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF)
1x Dark Matter       -} 100x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF)

Elemental/Status Junction Effects
100x Ultima to Elem-Def-J [100%] (all elements)

/ 2.6 \_________________________________________________________________
Junction Charts                                               ffviii_023
After a days of hard work, I managed to pile the statistics into the 
chart you seen below. Note that the statistics bonus are based on 100x
of the magic spell. If you have less than 100x, the bonus will not be
same as the chart shown below. Of course, there may be errors. So kindly
inform me if you find one. I guess I don't have to explain what the
abbreviations mean as they are actually the same abbreviations that you
find in the game.

Attributes Junction Chart [to the 9 basic attributes Junctions]

| Name       | HP  | Str | Vit  | Mag  | Spr | Spd | Eva | Hit  | Luck |
| Aero       | 300 |  17 |  10  |  16  | 10  | 20  |  8  |  22  |  15  |
| Apocalypse |4200 |  80 |  80  |  80  | 90  | 30  | 12  |  30  |  30  |
| Aura       |3400 |  70 |  22  |  24  | 24  | 10  |  2  |  50  |  40  |
| Berserk    | 300 |  13 |   8  |  14  |  8  |  5  |  2  |   4  |   3  |
| Bio        | 700 |  24 |  15  |  24  | 15  |  5  |  2  |   4  |   4  |
| Blind      | 100 |   6 |   5  |  12  | 10  |  3  |  2  |  30  |   2  |
| Blizzard   | 100 |  10 |   4  |  10  |  4  |  8  |  3  |  10  |   8  |
| Blizzara   | 200 |  15 |   8  |  15  |  8  | 12  |  4  |  16  |  12  |
| Blizzaga   |1400 |  30 |  16  |  30  | 16  | 14  |  4  |  20  |  14  |
| Break      |1000 |  20 |  20  |  34  | 35  | 10  |  4  |  10  |  12  |
| Cure       | 200 |   4 |  15  |   4  | 15  |  3  |  2  |   2  |   2  |
| Cura       | 500 |   8 |  28  |   8  | 28  |  4  |  2  |   3  |   3  |
| Curaga     |2200 |  20 |  65  |  20  | 65  | 10  |  4  |  10  |  10  |
| Confuse    | 700 |  22 |  18  |  28  | 18  | 18  |  4  |   8  |   8  |
| Death      |1800 |  22 |  22  |  38  | 58  | 10  |  4  |  10  |  38  |
| Demi       |1600 |  34 |  18  |  36  | 18  | 12  |  4  |  14  |  10  |
| Dispel     |1000 |  12 |  36  |  16  | 60  |  8  |  4  |   8  |  14  |
| Double     | 200 |  15 |   6  |  18  |  6  | 10  |  4  |  40  |   2  |
| Drain      | 400 |  13 |  30  |  20  | 24  |  6  |  2  |   5  |   4  |
| Esuna      | 500 |   6 |  36  |  12  | 36  |  3  |  2  |   3  |  10  |
| Fire       | 100 |  10 |   4  |  10  |  4  |  8  |  3  |  10  |   8  |
| Fira       | 200 |  15 |   8  |  15  |  8  | 12  |  4  |  16  |  12  |
| Firaga     |1400 |  30 |  16  |  30  | 16  | 14  |  4  |  20  |  14  |
| Flare      |3200 |  56 |  26  |  44  | 26  | 12  |  4  |  26  |  12  |
| Float      | 200 |   8 |  15  |   8  | 15  | 16  |  4  |  12  |  20  |
| Full-Life  |4800 |  20 |  80  |  20  | 85  |  8  |  4  |   8  |  20  |
| Haste      | 500 |  12 |  16  |  20  | 20  | 50  |  8  |  10  |  10  |
| Holy       |3800 |  55 |  28  |  45  | 48  | 10  |  8  |  24  |  14  |
| Life       |1200 |   8 |  50  |  10  | 50  |  4  |  2  |   3  |   4  |
| Meltdown   |1500 |  24 |  80  |  20  | 20  |  3  |  2  |  12  |   8  |
| Meteor     |4600 |  75 |  34  |  52  | 34  | 30  | 12  |  40  |  22  |
| Pain       |2800 |  42 |  36  |  60  | 45  |  4  |  2  |   4  |  40  |
| Protect    | 400 |   6 |  40  |  10  | 18  |  3  |  2  |   3  |  14  |
| Quake      |2600 |  40 |  20  |  40  | 20  |  7  |  3  |  30  |  12  |
| Reflect    |2000 |  14 |  46  |  20  | 72  | 10  |  4  |   8  |  16  |
| Regen      |2600 |  18 |  70  |  18  | 60  |  8  |  4  |  12  |   8  |
| Scan       | 100 |   5 |   5  |   5  |  5  |  3  |  2  |   3  |   3  |
| Shell      | 400 |   6 |  18  |  10  | 40  |  3  |  2  |   3  |  14  |
| Sleep      | 100 |   6 |   5  |   8  | 10  |  4  |  4  |   3  |   2  |
| Slow       | 500 |  12 |  16  |  20  | 20  | 40  |  8  |  10  |  10  |
| Stop       | 800 |  18 |  20  |  30  | 24  | 48  | 10  |  20  |  10  |
| Thunder    | 100 |  10 |   4  |  10  |  4  |  8  |  3  |  10  |   8  |
| Thundara   | 200 |  15 |   8  |  15  |  8  | 12  |  4  |  16  |  12  |
| Thundaga   |1400 |  30 |  16  |  30  | 16  | 14  |  4  |  20  |  14  |
| Triple     |2400 |  70 |  10  |  70  | 10  | 70  | 16  | 150  |  30  |
| Tornado    |3000 |  48 |  24  |  42  | 24  | 33  | 13  |  38  |  14  |
| Ultima     |6000 | 100 |  82  | 100  | 95  | 60  | 24  |  60  |  64  |
| Water      | 300 |  20 |  14  |  18  | 14  | 12  |  4  |  18  |  13  |
| Zombie     | 800 |  15 |  24  |  15  | 12  |  2  |  1  |   2  |   2  |

Elemental Junction Attack/Defense
This chart provides you with the information regarding Elem-Def and Elem
-Atk. Remember that elements are critical important as they could 
increase your characters' attacking power. Even though with a Str stats
of 255, Squall [or any other character] still can't get 9999 HP damage
per attack. The only way to do this by having elements junctioned to
the character's Elem-Atk-J or casting Meltdown to force Vitality to 
drop to zero. In the actual screen, you will not see a 100% at elemental
defense. Instead you will see star replacing it. If the magic gives you
a 150% defense, you will see a 50% at the slot with a green star on the
right. Only 200% elemental defense will give a 100% on the slot and a
star on the right.

* Applies to Elemental Defense only.
Absorption? Yes! As along your characters have a star and prove the 
monster's magic is stronger than your characters' Spirit, you can absorb
the damage, hence healing one's HP. If your characters got 150% 
elemental defense against Water, a monster cast water on it and does 
2000 HP. You will absorb the same damage, plus half of the damage, which
makes 3000 HP. [2000 x 150% = 3000]

* Applies to Elemental Attack only.
You can inflict a lot more with this combo. Let's say if your character
has 255 strength stats and have 100x Firaga to Elem-Atk-J. If you battle
a Snow Lion and your character does 4500 HP without elemental attack. 
With Elemental attack, you character can inflict 4500 x 120%, which 
means 9999 HP attack. I have managed to figure out this, when I first
saw all my character does 9999 HP to the Jumbo Cactuar. But if you use
the same elemental combo [100x Firaga to Elem-Atk-J] on a fire based
monster and your character does 2000 HP damage, he/she will get 
2000 x 120% damage! Be alert when using this..

 | Name       |  Elemental              | Elem-Atk | Elem-Def |
 | Ultima     | All elements            |     -    |   100%   |
 | Apocalypse | All elements            |     -    |   100%   |
 | Meteor     | Earth and Wind          |     -    |   150%   |
 | Flare      | Fire, Ice and Thunder   |     -    |    80%   |
 | Fire       | Fire                    |    50%   |    50%   |
 | Fira       | Fire                    |    80%   |    80%   |
 | Firaga     | Fire                    |   100%   |   120%   |
 | Blizzard   | Ice                     |    50%   |    50%   |
 | Blizzara   | Ice                     |    80%   |    80%   |
 | Blizzaga   | Ice                     |   100%   |   120%   |
 | Thunder    | Thunder                 |    50%   |    50%   |
 | Thundara   | Thunder                 |    80%   |    80%   |
 | Thundaga   | Thunder                 |   100%   |   120%   |
 | Water      | Water                   |   100%   |   150%   |
 | Aero       | Wind                    |    80%   |    80%   |
 | Holy       | Holy                    |   100%   |   200%   |
 | Bio        | Poison                  |   100%   |   150%   |
 | Quake      | Earth                   |   100%   |   200%   |
 | Tornado    | Wind                    |   100%   |   200%   |
 | Life       | All elements            |    -     |    30%   |
 | Full-life  | All elements            |    -     |    40%   |
 | Protect    | Fire, Ice & Thunder     |    -     |    20%   |
 | Shell      | All elements            |    -     |    20%   |
 | Float      | Earth                   |    -     |    50%   |
Status Attack/Defense Junction 
Status Magic can really be killer when you are battling strong monsters
such as Ruby Dragons, T-Rexaurs, Behemoths, Elynoles, etc. But no matter
how strong they, they will still be effected by status ailments. The 
only area where you could ignore them is during battles against BOSSES 
in the final dungeon at Ultimecia's Castle. The Omega Weapon may be 
invincible as it has an 100x Ultima to Elem-Def-J but still weak 
against status changes [or it will be invincible!]

Support Magic  
These magic are simply damaging as they help in boostering up the 
character's attributes in combat. Protect may looks weak, but it 
actually doubles the character's defense. Of course, in FF8, the most
useful magic will be Aura as it allows your characters to use Limit
Breaks. BTW, they only last for a short period of time.

Magic            Effect
Aura             allows your character to use Limit Breaks more easily.
Haste            doubles the speed of ATB.
Protect          doubles the character's defence
Shell            doubles the character's magical defense
Reflect          reflects certain magic.. [check Magic: Reflect]
Double           allows character to cast two magic in a row.
Triple           allows character to cast three magic in a row
Float            doubles the character's evasion
Regen            restores a portion as the character reaches his/her 
Meltdown         causes opponent's Vitality dropped to zero

* Dispel could remove all the above mentioned magic. 
   | Status Magic Junction                                          |
   | Name     | Status ailments                |  ST ATK  |  ST DEF |
   | Aura     | Curse                          |     -    |  100%   |
   | Berserk  | Berserk                        |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Blind    | Darkness                       |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Bio      | Poison                         |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Confuse  | Confusion                      |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Pain     | Poison, Curse, Silence         |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Death    | Death                          |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Drain    | Absorb                         |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Break    | Petrify                        |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Reflect  | Poison, Petrify, Stop, Slow    |   -      |   25%   |
   |          | Confusion, Silence, Berserk,   |          |         |
   |          | Curse and Sleep                |          |         |
   | Silence  | Silence                        |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Sleep    | Sleep                          |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Slow     | Slow                           |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Stop     | Stop                           |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Zombie   | Zombie [Undead]                |  100%    |  100%   |
   | Despell  | Absorb                         |   -      |   50%   |
   | Esuna    | Poison, Petrify, Slow, Silence |   -      |   20%   |
   |          | Berserk, Sleep, Stop & Confuse |          |         |
   | Holy     | Death, Drain, Confuse, Curse   |   -      |   40%   |
   |          | Zombie, Sleep, Berserk & Poison|          |         |
   | Life     | Death                          |   -      |   20%   |
   | Full-life| Death                          |   -      |   40%   |

That's all, I have done for the magic section. Let's move on to the
next section

/ 3.0 \_________________________________________________________________
Weapon Remodelling / Limit Breaks.                            ffviii_s03
Weapon Remodelling is very useful [extremely important to the main lead,
Squall Leonhart] as it increases the character's weapon attacking power
and hit rate. In the previous FF series, you can easily buy the weapons
from a weapon shop. But in FF8, you need to do the following in order
to tune up your weapons [or remodel]

3 SIMPLE Steps to remodel a weapon:

1. Gathered up the ingredients for the weapons! For those whom are 
   playing for the first time, I would recommend you to get the Weapon
   Monthly manuals. These manuals will give you a detail list of the
   requirements. The manuals will instantly unlock the weapon's name.
   The other way is, by having the required ingredients. Refer to each
   character's section to know where to get the ingredients. I would
   recommend you to check the Monster Bestiary.

2. Next find a Junk Shop.. There are a lot of them. And it does not
   matter which shop you go.. Or you can make use Doomtrain's Call
   Junk Shop Menu Ability [refer to GF Abilities]

   Locations of Junk Shops
   Balamb Junk Shop - left of the screen of the town center. 
   Deling Junk Shop - in the Parade road
   Dollet Junk Shop - found within Noutilus
   FH Junk Shop     - found on the right of town center, cross the 
   Esthar Junk Shop - it's Don Juan's Shop!
   Man at Garden    - it's the Card Magician Joker! You will find him
                      at the Training Center (randomly)

I hopefully you basically know the menu setup look like. If not, refer
to the diagrams below [this diagram looks indentical to the Junk Shop
  |                 Title of Junk Shop                |
  |  Squall Leonhart                                  |
  |               |                                   |  
  | Steel Pipe    |    Revolver            100        | 
  | 1        (3)  | |} Keer Trigger        200        |
  |               |    Cutting Trigger     400        |
  | Screws        |    Flame Saber         600        |
  | 2        (30) |                                   |
  |               |___________________________________|
  |               | Strength 45%  -} 48%^             |
  |               | Accuracy 255% -} 255%             |

Well, time for some explainations. The numbers in the brackets are 
those that you have in your ITEM inventory. If the numbers on the left 
exceed the numbers in the brackets, then you will be unable to perform 
an upgrade. 

Just in case, my English is a bit too hard to understand...

      _ _ _ _ _ the name of the ingredient
| Adamantine       |
| 1           (0)  |
  |             \_ _ _ _ _ avaliable in your item inventory
  |__ requirements

In this above case, you can't perform an upgrade. The weapon [as you
may guess it's the Lion Heart]. Why, you don't have the item produce an
upgrade. (0) is definately less than 1. It is pretty easy to understand.

If that's not clear, there's nothing I can do...

Note that you can de-graded your weapon back to it's original form, but 
the used materials will be gone forever. If the number 48 is yellow in 
colour, that means there is an increase in attacking power. But if the 
colour of the digits is red, that means that your previous upgraded 
weapon is much better than the weapon you have choosen to upgrade to. 
[For example, Flame Saber is obviously a better weapon compared to the 
Cutting Trigger.]. The numbers next to the name of the weapon is price
to pay in order to remodel them.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE (regarding combats)
You can't get an item from a monster by winning IF you had steal from a 
monster during combat. How to equiped Mug? Refer to Basic Tutorial.

1. You fought 2x Adamantoise and you mug one of them [get an item, 
   let's say Whisper for an example.]. You will not get Adamantine 
   even though you have defeat the other one. Adamantine can be ONLY
   obtained if you defeat BOTH Adamantoise and do not mug them!
2. You fought 1x Ruby Dragon and you mug it [get: Inferno Fang] and 
   when you defeat it you get nothing.
3. You fought 1x Ruby Dragon and defeat it. You will mostly get Fury
   Fragment or Inferno Fang [between level 20 ~ 40] or Energy Crystal
   [level 80 and above]

Learning Limit Breaks

In FF7, you learn Limit Breaks by using them. In FF8, individual 
characters have different ways in learning them. Plus, there is no more
Limit Break guages. Typically you need to get them into crisis level.
All characters can use their Limit Breaks once they are in crisis level.

What is Crisis Level? There are a lot of mistakes made by me on this...
All characters has a Limit Break guage just like the characters of FF7,
the only difference is that it is invisible. Limit Guage builds up once
the character is under attack [especially heavy attacks]. As different
characters have different behaviour status. I believe that Seifer could
probably under the Fury status, which explains why he can get his Limit
Breaks so easily..

As your characters are in danger, the coloring of HP will changes from
white to the following colours: (all are based on my own estimation)
- yellow [if character's HP is between 85% to 15% of the maximum HP]
- red [if character's HP is between 1% to 5% of maximum HP]

Once you see this, just do the following below:
 __________   ____________ 
|Attack  |}| |Renzoukuken |   e.g. Squall Leonhart.
|Magic     | |____________|
|GF        | 
|Draw      | You need to hold Right, in order to see the name of the
|__________| character's Limit Break. Different character have 
             different names for their Limit Breaks. Press X to select

Notes on getting Limit Breaks:
o Use an Aura on the character - refer to magic besitary in getting it.
o Use an Aura Stone on the character - refer to Items in getting it.
o Seifer is an exception of all characters, he can excute his Limit 
  Breaks with the party's HP depleted to 83%.

/ 3.1 \_________________________________________________________________
Squall Leonhart                                               ffviii_024
Age:            17
Sex:            Male
Height:         5'10" [177 cm]
Birthdate:      August 23
Blood Type:     AB
Weapon:         Gunblade
Limit Break:    Renzoukuken
Initial Weapon: Revolver
Occupation:     SeeD Mercernary (Balamb)
Description:    The story's hero unsociable and expressionless. The hero
                of the game, a cadet in the SeeD special forces attached 
                to Balamb Garden. Antisocial and stone-faced. Besides 
                his aloof personality, he is very self centered and a 
                person who hates influenced deeply by strangers. 

After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient 
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
List of Weapons
These are the list of weapons for Squall Leonhart. It includes the 
requirements for each weapons, the price to remodel and also the 
attributes bonus for each weapon.

R e v o l v e r                         Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 255%
Name:              M-Stone Piece
Quanitity needed:  6x
What it does:      Stone with a litte Magic Power
Where to get it:   Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains
Card Mod:          1x Fungaur's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
                   1x Bite Bug's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   2x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

S h e a r   T r i g g e r             Price: 200 gil, ATK: +4, HIT: 255%
Name:              Steel Pipe
Quanitity needed:  1x 
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +10% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug Wendigo
Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling]
                   Dollet- Hasberry Plains
Card Mod:          1x Elastoid's Card -} 1x Steel Pipe
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   6x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

C u t t i n g   T r i g g e r         Price: 400 gil, ATK: +10 HIT: 255%
Name:              Mesmerize Blade
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Long, sharp blade
Where to get it:   Defeat/Steal Mesmerize 
Encounter Monster: Trabia - Bika Snowfields, Thor Peninsula, Hawkwind
                   Plains, Trabia Canyon, Trabia Crater
Card Mod:          1x Mesmerize's Card -} 1x Mesmerize Blade
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   6x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

F l a m e    S a b e r               Price: 600 gil,  ATK: +12 HIT: 255%
Name:              Betrayal Sword
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Sword that betrays allies
Where to get it:   Mug Blitz/ Defeat Forbidden
Encounter Monster: Blitz - Centra -Lenown's Plains, Serengetti Plains
                   Esthar- Grandidi Forest. 
                   Forbidden - Esthar-Grandidi Forest, Centra Ruins
Card Mod:          1x Forbidden's Card -} 1x Betrayal Sword
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Turtle Shell
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      GF learns Vit +20% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug/Defeat Armaddo or defeat low-level Adamantoise
Encounter Monster: Armaddo - Tomb of Unknown King
                   Adamantoise - shores of Long Horn Island
Card Mod:          3x Adamantoise's Card -} 1x Turtle Shell
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   4x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

T w i n    L a n c e                  Price: 800 gil, ATK: +15 HIT: 255%
Name:              Dino Bone
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Large dinosaur bone
Where to get it:   Defeat or Mug T-Rexaur
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains (forests), B-Garden: Training
                   Center, Island closest to Hell
Card Mod:          1x Armaddo's Card -} 1x Dino Bone
                   2x T-Rexaur's Card -} 1x Dino Bone
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Red Fang
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Dragon's fang with a Fire element
Where to get it:   Defeat or Mug Hexdragons/Chimera
Encounter Monster: Hexdragon - Esthar-Grandidi Forests, Island closest
                   Hell, Great Plains of Esthar (before gotten Ragnarok)
                   Chimera - Esthar- Khashabald Desert, Island closest
Card Mod:          3x Hexdragon's Card -} 1x Red Fang
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   12x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

P u n i s h m e n t                 Price: 1000 gil, ATK: +18, HIT: 255%
Name:              Chef's Knife
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Tonberry's knife
Where to get it:   Defeat or Mug Tonberry
Encounter Monster: Centra Ruins
Card Mod:          1x Tonberry's Card -} 1x Chef's Knife
                   1x King Tonberry's Card -} 1x Chef's Knife
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Star Fragment
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +20% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug Iron Giants/ Defeat level 100 T-Rexaurs
Encounter Monster: Iron Giants - Deep Sea Deposit, Esthar City
                   T-Rexaur - Balamb- Accuald Plains (forest), B-Garden 
                   Training Center, Island closest to Hell
Card Mod:          3x Iron Giant's Card -} 1x Star Fragment
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Turtle Shell
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      GF learns Vit +20% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug/Defeat Armaddo or defeat low-level Adamantoise
Encounter Monster: Armaddo - Tomb of Unknown King
                   Adamantoise - shores of Long Horn Island
Card Mod:          3x Adamantoise's Card -} 1x Turtle Shell
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   8x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

L i o n    H e a r t                 Price: 2000 gil, ATK: +26 HIT: 255%
Name:              Adamantine 
Quantity needed:   1x
What it does:      GF learns Vit +60% Ability
Where to get it:   Defeat 2x Adamantoise / Mug BGH251F2 during FH 
                   (Disc 2)
Encounter Monster: Long Horn Island, it's located in the north-western
                   area of Galbadia. North from the forest at Dollet,
                   you will find a stretch of land that resembles a 
                   horn. You will encounter it on the shores (rarely)
Card Mod:          Minotaur's Card --} 6x Adamantine
Refine:            10 Orihalcons -} 1x Adamantine [GFAbil Med-RF].
Name:              Dragon Fang
Quantity needed:   4x
What it does:      Dragon's fang with strong recovery force
Where to get it:   Defeat 1x Blue Dragon
Encounter Monster: - Island closest to Hell (about 1/10 chance)
                   - Winter Island (where you find the Shumi Tribe), 
                     go near the mountains. (about 3/10 chance)
Card Mod:          n/a
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Pulse Ammo
Quantity needed:   12x
What it does:      Ammo that contains powerful energy
Where to get it:   Through Ifrit's Ammo-RF [you must gotten F Mag-RF]
                   * 1x Power Generator --} 20x Pulse Ammo
                   * 1x Laser Cannon    --}  5x Pulse Ammo
                   * 1x Energy Crystal  --} 10x Pulse Ammo
Encounter Monster: I would recommend you to get Energy Crystal as there
                   is a huge variety of monsters that possess it. The 
                   rest considered "extremely" rare. To get Energy 
                   - Defeat Level 80 and above Ruby Dragons/ Behemoths
                   - Defeat Level 50 and above Elynoles
                   I would go for Elynoles as there is a secret area
                   where you can encounter them to as much as you 
                   If you have problem doing that, level up to level 80
                   and the commonly found Ruby Dragons. [you can 
                   encounter more frequently at hilltops of Esthar.]
Card Mod:          10x Elynole's Card --} 1x Energy Crystal
Refine:            n/a
/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Squall Leonhart's Limit Breaks
As the main character will always have the most powerful Limit Breaks,
Squall is no exception. He can inflict as much as 180,000+ damage with
his ultimate Limit Break, Lion Heart. [enough to eliminate any monster 
from the face of the earth..]

Renzoukuken is the name of Squall's Limit Break. Renzoukuken means "
Repetitive Slashes" or "Consecutive Blade" and looks quite like Cloud's
Omnislash of FF7.

As Gunblade is Squall's main attacking weapon, there are two features
in this weapon. Squall could actually trigger his gunblade, giving him
the ability to inflict more damage. To do this, you must trigger his
gunblade, by pressing the R1 button.

Just when Squall is using his Limit Breaks, a guage similar to the
one below, will popped up at the lower screen. 
|     | X |  _ _ _ _ _      |

You will see flashes of light and driving passes the box marked "X", to
do a trigger, just tap R1 when the light reaches the box. You will next
see - - - - being replaced with a number of hits. Someone has told me 
that if you trigger at the box while watching Squall hitting the 
monster will be much easier. If you triggered at the box, Squall can do
a lot more damage compared to a normal attack. The maximum number of 
hits Squall can do, is 7. Normally, you will see a flashing blast at 
the seventh hit. 

Now I first jump to Squall's configuration screen before telling you 
about finishing blows. Here is an ASCII art of the screen.
| Gunblade Auto           | ON   |  OFF  | If you set Gunblade Auto ON,
|_________________________|______|_______| Renzoukuken will be done 
| Renzoukuken Indicator   | ON   |  OFF  | automatically by the 
|_________________________|______|_______| computer. Choosing OFF allows
|Special                                 | you to trigger yourself.
|  Rough Divide        Fated Circle      | The Renzoukuken [ASCII art
|  Blasting Zone       Lion Heart        | above] indictator will be 
|________________________________________| visible if you choose "ON".

About 1/6 chance, you see Squall execute one of his finishing blows. The
chance will depend on Squall's current HP to maximum HP and also his
members' current HP to maximum HP. You will learn new finishing blows, 
by remodel Squall's gunblade into a stronger gunblade. Of course, the
better the gunblade, the better the Limit Break. The advance Limit 
Breaks to be executed varies as depend on the opponent's attributes,
crisis level and luck. A lot of e-mails asking me how to get Lion Heart
Limit Break each time, but it is impossible or Squaresoft will might as 
well have one Limit Break for each gunblade.

/ III \_________________________________________________________________
List of Finishing Blows 
Name:        Rough Divide
This move looks great as Squall uses the move that he has used during
the battle with Seifer at the opening CGI. Squall just glides his 
gunblade across the ground and lift it, thus a blast appears from the
Area effect: Single opponent
Learnt:      Revolver
Rating:      7/10
Name:        Fated Circle
After Squall has finished the Renzoukuken, Squall helds his gunblade on 
his shoulders and leap up in mid-air and followed by a quick spin, 
forming sparks of fire on his opponents.
Area effect: All opponents.
Learnt:      Shear Trigger
Rating:      8/10
Name:        Blasting Zone
Squall held his gunblade vertically upwards and followed by a 
generation of energy surrounding him. Next a beam of light appears from
his gunblade and receives the outer atmosphere of the world, followed
by a deep cut on the ground on all opponents.
Area effect: All opponents.
Learnt:      Flame Saber, Twin Lance, Punishment 
Rating:      9/10
Name:        Lion Heart
Squall held his gunblade facing downwards followed by a cloud of wind
generating and starts a rushing series of 16x slashes on his opponent
[9999 HP each!]. This is obvious the most damaging attack in FF8! I 
forgot that there is another addition of 9999 HP damage after he has
excuted the Lion Heart! [this depends on Squall's Strength stats and
monster's Vit]
Area effect: Single opponent.
Learnt:      Lion Heart
Rating:      10/10 [actually it deserves more than 10!]

/ 3.2 \_________________________________________________________________
Zell Dincht                                                   ffviii_025
Age:            17
Sex:            Male
Height:         5'6" [167cm]
Birthdate:      March 17th
Blood Type:     B
Weapon:         Glove
Limit Break:    Duel
Initial Weapon: Metal Knuckle
Occupation:     SeeD Mercenary (Balamb)
Description:    A master of comprehensive wrestling skills whom was 
                admitted to the Garden. He has entered the Garden when 
                he was only 13 years old out of admiration of his 
                grandfather, who was an excellent soldier. He is the 
                type who does everything with enthusiasm, but the 
                reason is his weak point. However, at heart he is 
                gentle and has a serious personality.

After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient 
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
List of Weapons
These are the list of weapons for Zell Dincht. It includes the 
requirements for each weapons, the price to remodel and also the 
attributes bonus for each weapon.

M e t a l   K n u c k l e                Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 98%
Name:              Fish Fin
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Fish's Fin
Where to get it:   Defeat Fastitocalon-F 
Encounter Monster: Shores of the World
Card Mod:          n/a
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              M-Stone Piece
Quanitity needed:  4x
What it does:      Stone with a little Magic power
Where to get it:   Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains
Card Mod:          1x Fungaur's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
                   1x Bite Bug's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
Refinement:        n/a

M a v e r i c k                         Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 99%
Name:              Dragon Fin
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Very hard dragon's scale
Where to get it:   Mug/ Defeat Grendel
Encounter Monster: Island closest to Hell, Timber- Shenand Hills 
Card Mod:          1x Grendel's Card -} 1x Dragon Fin
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Spider Web 
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves
Where to get it:   Mug / Defeat Caterchipillar
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains [forests]
Card Mod:          1x Caterchipillar -} 1x Spider Web
Refinement:        n/a

G a u n t l e t                        Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT: 101%
Name:              Dragon Skin
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Durable dragon skin
Where to get it:   Defeat HedgeVipers [rare item]
Encounter Monster: Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests, hills]
Card Mod:          n/a
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Fury Fragment
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Stone that contains morale
Where to get it:   Mug Blue Dragon / Defeat low Levels Ruby Dragon
Encounter Monster: Blue Dragon - Trabia -Winter Island [near 
                   mountains], Island closest Hell
                   Red Dragon - Island closest to Hell, Centra- Lenown
                   Plains [forests], Esthar - Nortes Mountains
Card Mod:          1x Blue Dragon's Card -} 1x Fury Fragment
Refinement:        n/a

E h r g e i z                         Price: 800 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 103%
Name:              Adamantine 
Quantity needed:   1x
What it does:      GF learns Vit +60% Ability
Where to get it:   Defeat 2x Adamantoise / Mug BGH251F2 during FH 
                   (Disc 2)
Encounter Monster: Long Horn Island, it's located in the north-western
                   area of Galbadia. North from the forest at Dollet,
                   you will find a stretch of land that resembles a 
                   horn. You will encounter it on the shores (rarely)
Card Mod:          Minotaur's Card --} 6x Adamantine
Refine:            10 Orihalcons -} 1x Adamantine [GFAbil Med-RF].
Name:              Dragon Skin
Quanitity needed:  4x
What it does:      Durable dragon skin
Where to get it:   Defeat HedgeVipers [rare item]
Encounter Monster: Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests, hills]
Card Mod:          n/a
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Fury Fragment
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Stone that contains morale
Where to get it:   Mug Blue Dragon / Defeat low Levels Ruby Dragon
Encounter Monster: Blue Dragon - Trabia -Winter Island [near 
                   mountains], Island closest Hell
                   Red Dragon - Island closest to Hell, Centra- Lenown
                   Plains [forests], Esthar - Nortes Mountains
Card Mod:          1x Blue Dragon's Card -} 1x Fury Fragment
Refinement:        n/a
/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Zell Dincht's Limit Breaks
Zell's Limit Breaks are just like Tifa of FF7. However, his Limit 
Breaks has much options for you to chain. Zell is really a good player 
as his Limit Breaks allows you to put in more fun in battles. His Limit
Breaks are quite easy to get compared to Squall. You just need to find
items known as Combat King Volumes. Refer to Item Bestiary for the
detailed information about them.

Like Squall, Zell also has finishing blows and they are too damaging.
BTW, Zell also has a status screen where you could set the character's 
Limit Breaks. 
| Auto Duel                        |   ON    |   OFF   |
|                                                      | Auto Duel "ON"
|  Punch Rush        Circle, X                         | allows the
|  Booya             Forward, Back                     | computer to
|  Heel Drop         Up, Down                          | chain the 
|  Mach Kick         Back, Back, Circle                | attacks for 
|  Dolphin Blow*     L1, R1, L1, R1                    | Zell. 
|  Meteor Strike*    Down, Circle, Up, Circle          | 
|  Burning Rave      Down, Down, Down, Down, Circle    | * they are
|  Meteor Barret*    Up, X, Down, Triangle, Circle     |   finishing
|  Different Beat*   Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Up   |   Limit 
|  Final Heaven*     Up, Forward, Down, Back, Triangle |   Breaks

Normally, here are the sequences that you see while excuting Zell's
Limit Breaks.

1.  Zell will do his Punch Rush.
2.  Next, a box containing the input of keys will appear. Enter any of
    these combinations before ending of Zell's Rush Fists. E.g. Booya
3.  Now you will unleash the chosen up and chain it again until the time
    has reached 00:00.
4.  Note that you need to chain up within the given time and time will
    flickes. It should looked something like this:
 |    ___   ____     | 
 |   /   \ |___      |  This means that you must chain up within
 |   |   |     |     |  22 seconds or the time will pass...
 |   \___/ ____/  22 |
 |    ___            |
 |   /   \  |  |     |  The time passes as you chain your combos, also
 |   |   |  |__|_    |  this applies when you are not keying into 
 |   \___/     |  30 |  buttons. So do it fast [anyway the keys are
 |___________________|  shown when Zell is doing his Limit Breaks]. 
 |    ___            |
 |   /   \   /|      |  You must finish the combination of keys before
 |   |   |    |      |  Zell finishes the move or the combo will stop.
 |   \___/  __|__ 12 |
 |    ___    ___     |  The combo will automatically ends when the
 |   /   \  /   \    |  following happens:
 |   |   |  |   |    |  .   When the timer hits 00:00 [shown on the
 |   \___/  \___/ 00 |      left]
 |___________________|  .   When Zell has unleashes finishing blows,
                            except for Punch Rush, Booya, Heel Drop, 
                            Mach Kick, Meteor Strike and the Dolphin 

Well, I have summarised in the chart below on how to get the required
Limit Break and the magazine issue needed for the technique. As for 
methods on getting the magazines, refer to Item section

Forward means Right 
Back means Left
 | Limit Break     | Button Combination              | Magazine Issue  |
 | Punch Rush      | Circle, X                       | Initial Attack  |
 | Booya           | Forward, Back                   | Initial Attack  |
 | Heel Drop       | Up, Down                        | Initial Attack  |
 | Mach Kick       | Back, Back, Circle              | Initial Attack  |
 | Dolphin Blow    | L1, R1, L1, R1                  | Combat King 001 |
 | Meteor Strike   | Down, Circle, Up, Circle        | Combat King 002 |
 | Burning Rave*   | Down, Down, Down, Down, Circle  | Initial Attack  |
 | Meteor Barret*  | Up, X, Down, Triangle, Circle   | Combat King 003 |
 | Different Beat* | Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Up | Combat King 004 |
 | My Final Heaven*| Up, Forward, Down, Back,        | Combat King 005 |
 |                 | Triangle                        |                 |

* they are also known as "Finishing blows".

Name:        Burning Rave
Well, Zell gathers his power, forming a huge shield and thus sparks of
fire appear from his arm. Zell then punches the ground and thus forming
a ground wave and followed by a blast to all opponents.
Area Effect: All opponents
Rating:      7/10
Name:        Meteor Barret
My personal favorite. Zell jumps into mid-air and gather green bolts of
energy and thus rushes to his opponent with a dashing punch and passes
through the opponent and followed by an explosion.
Area Effect: One opponent
Rating:      8/10
Name:        Different Beat
One nice trademark! Zell just simply kicks up his opponent into mid-
air and starts with some swift knee bashes and finally ends with a 
knee stomp. 
Area Effect: One opponent
Rating:      9/10
Name:        My Final Heaven
Another great trademark.. wouldn't spoil it, watch for yourself.
Area Effect: All opponents
Rating:      10/10

NOTES about Zell's Duel
Okay, the Limit Breaks carries non-elemental damage [Dolphin Blow does
not does Water damage]. Here are some minor descriptions of Zell's other
Limit Breaks:

Punch Rush: Zell rushes forward to an opponent and does a fury of 
            punches. I could say his fighting style is a bit different
            compared to Tifa.
Booya:      Zell waves his hands and followed by a knee jab at one
Heel Drop:  Zell raises his leg and followed by a slashing down heel
            drop against one opponent.
Mach Kick:  Zell turns and does a back turn kick against one enemy,
            the most damage non-finishing blow, Limit Break that you
            could accquired early in the game.
Dolphin  :  Zell raises an uppercut followed by a dolphin rising up..
Blow        Agree with Kao Megura, Squaresoft must be running out of
            ideas... Dolphin Blow does damage to all opponents.
Meteor   :  Most damaging skill against non-BOSS. The Meteor Strike
Strike      removes 1/4 of the monster's current HP. Zell lifted up
            his opponent, followed by an aerial stomp.

There are a lot of combinations which can get you to have new Limit
Breaks. They are quite easy and if you put them into practice, you
could excute them well.

Using Finishing Blow: Burning Rave 
1. Punch Rush, Mach Kick, Punch Rush, Heel Drop/Meteor Strike 
(preferred as Meteor Strike as it does more damage) -} [Burning Rave.]
If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00
1. Booya, Heel Drop, Meteor Strike, Booya -} [Burning Rave.]

Using Finishing Blow: Meteor Barret 
1. Punch Rush, Dolphin Blow -} [Meteo Blast]
If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00
1. Booya, Meteo Strike, Dolphin Blow, Mach Kick -} [Meteor Barret]
2. Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Heel Drop, Booya, Punch Rush,
   Mach Kick -} [Meteor Barret]

Using Finishing Blow: Different Beat 
1. Booya, Meteor Strike, Booya --} [Different Beat]
If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00
1. Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Heel Drop, Booya --} [Different Beat]

Using Finishing Blow: My Final Heaven
1 Booya, Heel Drop, Meteor Strike -} [My Final Heaven]
If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00
2. Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Punch Rush -} [My Final Heaven]

Using The Armageddon Fist 
by Kaze Yagami ([email protected])
The Armageddon Fist is done by using Punch Rush and Booya. Some of the
readers say that Heel Drop will be better as it inflicit more damage as
compared to the Booya. You just need to switch between Booya and Rush
Punch and the enemy will be dead meat in no time. As the combo can be
done repeatedly many times, it can accumulated to heavy amount of 

/ 3.3 \_________________________________________________________________
Quistis Trepe                                                 ffviii_026
Age:            18
Sex:            Female
Height:         5'6" [172cm]
Birthdate:      October 4
Blood Type:     A
Weapon:         Whip
Limit Break:    Blue Magic
Initial Weapon: Chain Whip
Occupation:     Instructor -} SeeD Mercenary (Balamb)
Description:    An Elite who serves as Squall's advisor. She has joined
                SeeD at the age of 15 and is now the guidance counselor
                of Squall and his friends. In opposition to her cool 
                spirit and strong facade, she gets depressed easily 
                about trivial matters since she is unused to setbacks.

After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient 
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
List of Weapons
These are the list of weapons for Quistis Trepe. It includes the 
requirements for each weapons, the price to remodel and also the 
attributes bonus for each weapon.

C h a i n   W h i p                     Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 103%
Name:              M-Stone Piece
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Stone with a little Magic power
Where to get it:   Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains
Card Mod:          1x Fungaur's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
                   1x Bite Bug's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Spider Web 
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves
Where to get it:   Mug / Defeat Caterchipillar
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains [forests]
Card Mod:          1x Caterchipillar -} 1x Spider Web
Refinement:        n/a

S l a y i n g   T a i l                Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 104%
Name:              Magic Stone 
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Stone with Magic Power
Where to get it:   Defeat Level 11~29 Bite Bug or Jelleye
Encounter Monster: Bite Bug: Balamb- Accuald Plains
                   Jelleye: Centra - Lenown's Plains, Serengetti Plains
Card Mod:          1x Grat's Card -} 1x Magic Stone
                   1x Buel's Card -} 1x Magic Stone
                   1x Jelleye's Card -} 1x Magic Stone
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Sharp Spike
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Long, sharp claw
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis
Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald
Card Mod:          1x Death Claw's Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
                   1x Grand Mantis' Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
Refinement:        n/a

R e d   S c o r p i o n                Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT: 106%
Name:              Ochu Tentacle
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Strong, flexible tentacle
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Ochu
Encounter Monster: Timber- Vaunly Canyon [giant forests], Island 
                   closest Heaven, Trabia - Hawkwind Plains [forests]
Card Mod:          1x Ochu's Card -} 1x Ochu Tentacle
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Dragon Skin
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Durable dragon skin
Where to get it:   Defeat HedgeVipers [rare item]
Encounter Monster: Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests, hills]
Card Mod:          n/a
Refinement:        n/a

S a v e   T h e   Q u e e n          Price: 800 gil, ATK: +13, HIT: 110%
Name:              Malboro Tentacle
Quanitity needed:  2x 
What it does:      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Bad Breath
Where to get it:   Defeat/ Steal Malboro
Encounter Monster: Island closest to Heaven, Island closest Hell, 
                   Esthar- Grandidi Forest
Card Mod:          4x Malboro's Card -} 1x Malboro Tentacle
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Sharp Spike
Quanitity needed:  4x
What it does:      Long, sharp claw
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis
Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald
Card Mod:          1x Death Claw's Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
                   1x Grand Mantis' Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Energy Crystal
Quantity needed:   4x
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +30% Ability
Where to get it:   Defeat Behemoth (rare).
                   Defeat Elnoyle.
                   Defeat Ruby Dragon (Level 80 and above)
Encounter Monster: Behemoth/Elnoyle - Esthar City
                   Ruby Dragon - Esthar- Nortes Mountains /Island 
                   closest Hell.
Card Mod:          10x Elnoyle's Card --} 1x Energy Crystal
Refine:            n/a

/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Quistis Trepe's Limit Breaks
Quistis Trepe perhaps have most well-rounded Limit Breaks as she learn
16 Limit Breaks [err.. correction, Blue Magic]. Her Blue Magic are so
indeed hard to get and it really takes time to get them. But they are
worth it. The Power Generator, which allows Quistis to learn Ray-Bomb
is indeed devasating and you need to take ages just to get it. How? Read

Once Quistis is ready to use her Limit Breaks, you see the following
 __________  ____________
|Attack |} || Blue Magic |  Just select the Limit Break "Blue Magic"
|Magic     ||____________|  will do the trick ^_^;
|GF        |                You should a lot of Limit Break pages
|Recover   |                shown below. Empty slots will be cover up
|__________|                the next Blue Magic. But they will be 
                            arranged in the following order:
| Laser Eye    P1| Degenerator  P2| Gatling Gun  P3| Homing Laser   P4|
| Ultra Waves    | Aqua Breath    | Fire Breath    | Mighty Guard     |
| Electrocute    | Micro Missile  | Bad Breath     | Shockwave Pulsar |
| LV? Death      | Acid           | White Wind     | Raybomb          |

To learn the above 16 Limit Breaks, you must get items [Junk type] 
known as Blue Magic and access through the Item Menu [all other 
characters will be greyed out, so don't worry of giving it to a wrong
character.] Now to get them? Refer to Bestiary below. BTW, Blue Magic
are actually Enemy Skills from FF7, but they are learnt through using
Blue Magic Items, not get it by monsters.

List of Blue Magic
Name:             Laser Eye
What it does?:    Non-elemental damage against one enemy.
Area Effect:      Single
Item required:    n/a (Initial)
Getting the Item: n/a
Card Mod:         n/a
Name:             Ultra Waves
What it does?:    Non-elemental damage against all enemies. But causes
                  Slow or Stop.
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Spider Web
Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat Caterchipillar at the forests of Accauld
                  Plains of Balamb Continent.
Card Mod:         1x Caterchipillar's Card -} 1x Spider Web.
Name:             Electrocute
What it does?:    Thunder element damage against all enemies. 
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Coral Fragment
Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Creeps found in Galbadia City Sewers,
                  Steal/Defeat Cockatrice found in Galbadia- Montersou
                  Plateau [forests]
Card Mod:         1x Creeps' Card -} 1x Coral Fragment

Note: Monsters that carries a Thunder Element will absorb the damage.
Name:             LV? Death
What it does?:    Cast Death and Doom to all enemies.
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Curse Spike
Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Tri-Face found at the Island closest 
                  Defeat Forbidden found in Centra Ruins, Esthar- 
                  Nortes Mountains with Rare Item equipped
Card Mod:         1x Tri-Face's Card -} 1x Curse Spike

Note: does not work on BOSSES and undead.
Name:             Degenerator
What it does?:    Removes an monster from the battlefield
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Black Hole
Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Gesper during Laguna's 2nd Dream 
                  Sequence at Centra-Evacuation Site
Card Mod:         1x Gesper's Card -} 1x Black Hole
                  1x Diablos' Card -} 100x Black Hole

Note: Degenerator does not work on any BOSSES. It works on all monsters
      except for Tonberry.
Name:             Aqua Breath
What it does?:    Water-elemental damage against all opponents
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Water Crystal
Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Fastitocalon found in Dingo Desert of 
                  Galbadia. [outside D-District Prison]
                  Defeat Chimera found in Esthar's Khashabald Desert
Card Mod:         1x Fastitocalon's Card -} 1x Water Crystal
                  5x Fastitocalon-F's Card -} 1x Water Crystal

Note: Monsters with water-elemental will absorb the damage.
Name:             Micro Missile
What it does?:    Non-elemental damage + 1/4 of monsters' total HP.
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Missile
Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat GIM52N found in D-District Prison,
                  Galbadia's attack at Balamb Garden, Galbadia's attack
                  at Esthar City.
Card Mod:         n/a

Note: Micro Missile does not work on BOSSES.
Name:             Acid   
What it does?:    Non-Elemental Damage + chances of lower Vit to zero.
Area Effect:      Single
Item required:    Mystery Fluid
Getting the Item: Mug Gayla found in Trabia- Bika Snowfields.
Card Mod:         1x Gayla's Card -} 1x Mystery Fluid
Name:             Gatling Gun
What it does?:    Non-Elemental damage against one enemy.
Area Effect:      Single
Item required:    Running Fire
Getting the Item: Defeat Iron Giants found in Esthar City after gotten
                  Mug/Defeat SAM08G found in D-District Prison, 
                  Galbadia Missile Base, Galbadia attacks at Balamb and
                  Esthar City.
Card Mod:         1x SAM08G's Card -} 1x Running Fire
Name:             Fire Breath
What it does?:    Fire element damage against all enemies.
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Inferno Fang
Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat low Levels Ruby Dragon at Island closest 
                  to Hell and Esthar- Nortes Mountains.
                  Defeat Hexdragon found in Island closest to Hell/
                  Esthar- Grandidi Forests with Rare Item equipped.
Card Mod:         10x Ruby Dragon's Card -} 1x Inferno Fang

Note: Fire based monsters absorb the damage
Name:             Bad Breath
What it does?:    Cast status ailments of Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, 
                  Silence, Vit 0, Poison, Darkness, Curse, Doom and 
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Malboro Tentacle
Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat Malboro at Island closest to Heaven/ 
                  Esthar- Grandidi Forest
Card Mod:         4x Malboro's Card -} 1x Malboro Tentacle

Note: Does not work Poison elemental monsters and BOSS at Ultimecia's
Name:             White Wind
What it does?:    Cures and full heals all allies according to Quistis'
                  maximum HP.
Area Effect:      All (ally)
Item required:    Whisper
Getting the Item: Mug Adamantoise /defeat one Adamantoise at the shores
                  of Long Horn Island.
Card Mod:         n/a
Name:             Homing Laser
What it does?:    Does non-elemental damage against one enemy.
Area Effect:      Single
Item required:    Laser Cannon
Getting the Item: Defeat/Mug Mobile Suite Type 8 at Lunatic Pandora,
                  Defeat Behelmel at Galbadia- Montersou Plateau (rare
                  item must be equipped, even though it is high to get)
Card Mod:         n/a
Name:             Mighty Guard
What it does?:    Cast Haste, Protect, Shell on allies. Aura and Regen
                  is sometimes being cast.
Area Effect:      All (ally) 
Item required:    Barrier
Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat Behemoth found in Great Plains of Esthar
                  after gotten Ragnarok.
Card Mod:         10x Behemoth's Card -} 1x Barrier

Note: causes no effect when the characters are under Invincible status.
Name:             Shockwave Pulsar
What it does?:    Does over 9999 non-elemental damage to all enemies. 
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Dark Matter
Getting the Item: Get 100x Curse Spikes and use Siren's Tool-RF to
                  refine them into Dark Matter. Siren must be at Level
                  100 to do this.
                  Get through Pocketstation.
Card Mod:         n/a
Name:             Ray-Bomb
What it does?:    Does non elemental damage to all enemies.
Area Effect:      All
Item required:    Power Generator
Getting the Item: Mug Blitz at Centra- Khashalbald Desert [non-desert 
                  area] (make Rare Item not equipped, even though it is
                  very rare.) Only about 4% chance to nab the item.
                  Find it during Zell's Quest at Lunatic Pandora [refer
                  to walkthrough], must trigger trap doors]
                  Get it through Pocketstation
Card Mod:         n/a

/ 3.4 \_________________________________________________________________
Selphie Tilmitt                                               ffviii_028
Age:            17
Sex:            Female
Height:         5'1" [157cm]
Birthdate:      July 16
Blood Type:     B
Weapon:         Nunchaku
Limit Break:    Slots
Initial Weapon: Flail 
Occupation:     Trabia Cadet -} SeeD Mercenary (Balamb)
Description:    A naive girl with flightily nature and capable 
                character. A girl with skilled personality to the extent 
                that you can't believe that she's a student at the 
                military academy. Usually she has a carefree way of 
                speaking and is frequently disturbed by the pace of her 

After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient 
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
List of Weapons
These are the list of weapons for Selphie Tilmitt. It includes the 
requirements for each weapons, the price to remodel and also the 
attributes bonus for each weapon.

F l a i l                                Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 98%
Name:              Bomb Fragment
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Stone with Fire element
Where to get it:   Mug/Defeat Bomb
Encounter Monster: Fire Cavern
Card Mod:          1x Bomb's Card -} 1x Bomb Fragment
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              M-Stone Piece
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Stone with a litte Magic Power
Where to get it:   Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains
Card Mod:          1x Fungaur's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
                   1x Bite Bug's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
Refinement:        n/a

M o r n i n g   S t a r                 Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 99%
Name:              Steel Orb
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Steel orb with graviational power
Where to get it:   Defeat Wendigo
Encounter Monster: Great Plains of Galbadia [desert], Dollet- Hasberry
Card Mod:          1x Wendigo's Card -} 1x Steel Orb
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Sharp Spike
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Long, sharp claw
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis
Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald
Card Mod:          1x Death Claw's Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
                   1x Grand Mantis' Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
Refinement:        n/a

C r e s c e n t   W i s h               Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT:101%
Name:              Inferno Fang
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Fire Breath
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Ruby Dragon
Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains, Island closest to Hell,
                   Esthar- Nortes Mountains
Card Mod:          10x Ruby Dragon's Card -} 1x Inferno Fang
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Life Ring
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Ring with Life force
Where to get it:   Mug Mesmerize 
Encounter Monster: Trabia- Bika Snowfields, Hawkwind Plains
Card Mod:          5x Torama's Card -} 1x Life Ring
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Sharp Spike
Quanitity needed:  4x
What it does:      Long, sharp claw
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis
Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald
Card Mod:          1x Death Claw's Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
                   1x Grand Mantis' Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
Refinement:        n/a

S t r a n g e   V i s i o n          Price: 1000 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 255%
Name:              Adamantine 
Quantity needed:   1x
What it does:      GF learns Vit +60% Ability
Where to get it:   Defeat 2x Adamantoise / Mug BGH251F2 during FH 
                   (Disc 2)
Encounter Monster: Long Horn Island, it's located in the north-western
                   area of Galbadia. North from the forest at Dollet,
                   you will find a stretch of land that resembles a 
                   horn. You will encounter it on the shores (rarely)
Card Mod:          Minotaur's Card --} 6x Adamantine
Refine:            10 Orihalcons -} 1x Adamantine [GFAbil Med-RF].
Name:              Curse Spike
Quanitity needed:  2x
What it does:      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, LV? Death
Where to get it:   Steal/Defeat Tri-Face
Encounter Monster: Deep Sea Deposit, Island closest Hell
Card Mod:          1x Tri-Face's Card -} 1x Curse Spike
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Star Fragment
Quanitity needed:  3x
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +20% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug Iron Giants/ Defeat level 100 T-Rexaurs
Encounter Monster: Iron Giants - Deep Sea Deposit, Esthar City
                   T-Rexaur - Balamb- Accuald Plains (forest), B-Garden 
                   Training Center, Island closest to Hell
Card Mod:          3x Iron Giant's Card -} 1x Star Fragment
Refinement:        n/a

/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Selphie Tilmitt's Limit Breaks
Selphie's Limit Break is regarded as most powerful Limit that you can
find in the game. But it will reduce the fun that you could possible 
enjoy in the game. The End wipes out everything except for undead and
Ultimecia.. Even Omega and Ultima have the fear on that spell. As the
saying goes "you work for what you get.", quite a piece of bad news
huh? You may take ages just to get her spells. Learning her Limit 
Breaks is unique. You need to get her Limit Breaks during your selection
of spells. 

Executing her Limit Breaks is just others.. You need to get her into
Crisis condition, cast Aura or use Aura Stone, so that she could uses
her Limit Breaks. Once she was be able to use to her Limit Breaks, you
should see something similar below..
  _________   ________
 |Attack |}| | Slots  | Just push right, once you see the triangle. 
 |Magic    | |________| Next press X again and select slots and you
 |GF       |            will have a diagram below:
 |Item     |
   ___________       ___________       ____________
  | Firaga   3|     | Aura    2 |     |Full-Cure 1 | (1) choose
  |           |     |           |     |            |    "Do over"
  |  Do over  | --} |  Do over  | --} | Do over    |
  |   Use     | (1) |   Use     | (1) |   Use      |
  |___________|     |___________|     |____________|

The diagram is NOT exactly the same. It is just an example. You may
take countless time, using "Do over" to get the rare magic spells. 
Those rare spells are her Limit Breaks. You NEED TO use them in order
to Selphie learn her Limit Breaks. Generally there is a trick in 
selecting spells effectively without worrying enemies that is going
to attack your party.

Okay, Selphie can virtually cast any type of spells, including 
Apocalypse, Ultima, Full-Life, Curaga, etc. When you choose to cast
under "Firaga 3x" she will cast Firaga three times and attack any 
enemies at random. What I am trying to say, you will not get the 
chance to cast in the order that you like. 

Anyway, here is the trick in getting spells.
1) First of all get Selphie to critical status or cast Aura/ use Aura
2) Tap Circle to change turns, have the next member use a magic and
   meantime return Selphie and have her excute her Limit Break.
3) Before the other member cast the spell, open the Playstation lid
4) The character whom is casting the spell looks freezed.. in her/his
   casting pose. Now you could happily selecting your spells!
5) After finished selecting your desired spells, choose to cast.
6) Close the Playstation Lid and the freezed member will start to 
   cast the spell! And it is followed by Selphie casting her Limit

List of Limit Breaks
Name:             Full-Cure
What it does?:    Recovers fully all HP for the entire party, hence also
                  removing status ailments. Does not work for characters
                  under Undead status. Those characters will be 
                  instantly killed off.
Area Effect:      All
Chances:          70%
Name:             Wall
What it does?:    A rock of wall appears in front of the entire party,
                  hence giving them the protective barrier of magical
                  and physical defense. (Protect and Shell)
Area Effect:      All
Chances:          50%
Name:             Rapture
What it does?:    A pair of wings appearing on the all enemies, hence
                  lifting them away from battles. Some monsters are
                  can be lifted away, due to mass and their elements.
                  Typically does not work on Earth elemental monsters,
                  BOSSES and Tonberry
Area Effect:      All
Chances:          45%
Name:             The End
What it does?:    Instant dead attack, regardless of Death protection.
                  Works on any monsters, except for Undead and Ultimecia
Area Effect:      All
Chances:          15%
/ 3.5 \_________________________________________________________________
Rinoa Heartilly                                               ffviii_028
Age:            17
Sex:            Female
Height:         5'4" [163 cm]
Birthdate:      March 3rd 
Weapon:         Blaster Edge
Limit Break:    Combine
Initial Weapon: Pinwheel
Occupation:     Princess of "The Forest Owls"
Description:    A beautiful and enigmatic woman, kind-hearted and 
                driven to succeed. A cheerful girl who possesses a 
                "mood-making" liveliness and gentleness that touches 
                people without discrimination. She's honest about her 
                feelings and readily speaks what she thinks. However, 
                in time, she ends up becoming warped... By the way, 
                Rinoa has a pet dog called Angelo.

After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient 
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
List of Weapons
These are the list of weapons for Rinoa Heartilly. It includes the 
requirements for each weapons, the price to remodel and also the 
attributes bonus for each weapon.

P i n    W h e e l                       Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 99%
Name:              M-Stone Piece
Quanitity needed:  3x
What it does:      Stone with a litte Magic Power
Where to get it:   Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains
Card Mod:          1x Fungaur's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
                   1x Bite Bug's Card -} 1x M-Stone Piece
Refinement:        n/a

V a l k y r i e                        Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 101%
Name:              Shear Feather
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Bird's feather that files on wind
Where to get it:   Defeat Thrustaveis
Encounter Monster: Great Plains of Galbadia, Timber- Vaunly Canyon
Card Mod:          1x Thrustaveis' Card -} 1x Shear Feather
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Magic Stone 
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Stone with Magic Power
Where to get it:   Defeat Level 11~29 Bite Bug or Jelleye
Encounter Monster: Bite Bug: Balamb- Accuald Plains
                   Jelleye: Centra - Lenown's Plains, Serengetti Plains
Card Mod:          1x Grat's Card -} 1x Magic Stone
                   1x Buel's Card -} 1x Magic Stone
                   1x Jelleye's Card -} 1x Magic Stone
Refinement:        n/a

R i s i n g   S u n                    Price: 400 gil, ATK: +7 HIT: 103%
Name:              Saw Blade
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Serrated blade
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Behelmel
Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Montersou Plateau
Card Mod:          1x Behelmel's Card -} 1x Saw Blade
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   8x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

C a r d i n a l                       Price: 600 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 104%
Name:              Cockatrice Pinion
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Feather with petrifying power
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Cockatrice
Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Montersou Plateau [forest], Esthar- 
                   Nortes Mountains.
Card Mod:          1x Cockatrice's Card -} 1x Cockatrice Pinion
                   1x Iguion's Card -} 1x Cockatrice Pinion
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Sharp Spike
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Long, sharp claw
Where to get it:   Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis
Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald
Card Mod:          1x Death Claw's Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
                   1x Grand Mantis' Card -} 1x Sharp Spike
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Mesmerize Blade
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Long, sharp blade
Where to get it:   Defeat/Steal Mesmerize 
Encounter Monster: Trabia - Bika Snowfields, Thor Peninsula, Hawkwind
                   Plains, Trabia Canyon, Trabia Crater
Card Mod:          1x Mesmerize's Card -} 1x Mesmerize Blade
Refinement:        n/a

S h o o t i n g   S t a r            Price: 1000 gil, ATK: +17 HIT: 107%
Name:              Windmill
Quantity needed:   2x
What it does:      Windmill containing wind energy
Where to get:      Defeat Abyss Worm/ Thrustaevis
Encounter Monster: Abyss Worm 
                   Galbadia- Dingo Desert (Outside D-District Prison)
                   Esthar- Khaskabald Desert 
                   Great Plains of Galbadia
                   Galbadia- Montersou Plateau (hilltops)
Card Mod:          1x Abyss Worm's Card -} 1x Windmill
                   1x Pandemona's Card -} 100x Windmill
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Regen Ring
Quantity needed:   2x
What it does:      GF learns HP +20% Ability
Where to get:      Defeat Torama
                   Defeat Chimera
                   Defeat Mesmerize
Encounter Monster: Torama: Great Plains of Esthar (after Lunar Cry)
                   Chimera: Island closest to Heaven/ Khaskabald Desert
                   Mesmerize: Trabia-Bika Snowfields/Hawkwind Plains.
Card Mod:          10x Chimera -} 1x Regen Ring
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Force Armlet
Quantity needed:   1x
What it does:      GF learns Spr +40% Ability
Where to get:      Defeat Malboro/Ochu 
                   Brought at Esthar Pet Shop with Familiar for
                   20,000 gil.
Encounter Monster: Malboro/Ochu - Island closest to Heaven
Card Mod:          n/a 
Refine:            10x Mag-J Scrolls -} 1x Force Armlet [GFAbl Med-Ref]
Name:              Energy Crystal
Quantity needed:   2x
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +30% Ability
Where to get it:   Defeat Behemoth (rare).
                   Defeat Elnoyle.
                   Defeat Ruby Dragon (Level 80 and above)
Encounter Monster: Behemoth/Elnoyle - Esthar City
                   Ruby Dragon - Esthar- Nortes Mountains /Island 
                   closest Hell.
Card Mod:          10x Elnoyle's Card --} 1x Energy Crystal
Refine:            n/a

/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Rinoa Heartilly's Limit Breaks
Rinoa's method of learning Limit Breaks is rather unique too. She learns
new moves by reading Pet Pals Volume. [I guess is giving her dog, Angelo
tutorial on the move.] Of course, Angelo has accquired some of her moves 
initially. Angelo does not only appears when Rinoa is using her Limit
Breaks, also while she is in trouble.

During the space jounery, Rinoa has received her Sorceress powers, and
hence gain a powerful Limit Breaks Angel Wings, or known as "Varly".
This Limit Break increases her Magic to 255! Becomes extremely damaging
while casting spells... But you will lost control of her..

Before Space Incident         At Disc 3, while at Ragnarok
 _________   ________          _________   ____________
|Attack |}| |Combine |        |Attack |}| |Angel Wings |
|Magic    | |________|        |Magic    | |____________|      
|GF       |                   |GF       |
|Draw     |                   |Draw     |
|_________|                   |_________|

                After Rinoa have been rescued....
                      _________   ___________
                     |Attack |}| |Combine    |
                     |Magic    | |Angel Wings|
                     |GF       | |___________|
                     |Draw     |

Rinoa's Limit Break has been classified into three groups and they are:

Angelo's Limit Break
These Limit Breaks cannot be using through your command. It appears 
while Rinoa is in trouble. I myself believe that Angelo is the perhaps 
the fourth character and she is in the back row of your party. She will
automatically help Rinoa when her owner is trouble. All of them appears
in random and you need to depend on Luck a lot.

Name:          Angelo Rush
What it does?: 
Angelo counterattacks against one enemy, where Rinoa is under attack 
repetively, whether the attacks are magical or physical.
Area Effect:   Single
Vol needed:    Initial

Name:          Angelo Recover
What it does?:
Angelo uses an item to restore HP for any ally, who is in critical 
condition. This might depends on the items you have: E.g. a Hi-Potion+ 
can restores a whoopy 2000. It's always a rounded number. [i.e. 2000,
1000, etc.]
Area Effect:   Single (ally)
Vol needed:    Pet Pals Vol. 5

Name:          Angelo Reverse
What it does?: 
Angelo revives any wounded character with a Phoenix Down, but not using 
the Phoenix Downs in the inventory. The character will be revived with
1/10 of the HP and still under critical status.
Area Effect:   Single (ally)
Vol needed:    Pet Pals Vol. 4

Name:          Angelo Search
What it does?: 
Angelo sniffs the battlefield (quite amusing while seeing Angelo 
sniffing on snow..) She will then start digging and searching for items
and later gives it to Rinoa. Rinoa then gives Angelo a biscuit. To 
encounted this often, boost Rinoa's Luck through Luck-J and have a 
longer than usual fight. Angelo can get typical and rare items. [e.g.
Tent, Regen Ring, etc.]
Area Effect:   n/a
Vol needed:    Pet Pals Vol. 2


Limit Breaks: Combine
These Limit Breaks can be execute directly by using Limit Breaks, just
like using your characters. Rinoa need to get to critical status and she
will be able to execute the Limit Breaks. [or use Aura]

Name:          Angelo Cannon
What it does?:
Rinoa whistles for Angelo, Angelo goes on her weapon, then Rinoa then 
fires Angelo at all enemies creating an explosion. [like using a sling-
shot] After done with the damage, Rinoa awards Angelo a biscuit. If 
Rinoa's strength is maxed out, then this will damage all enemies for 
9999 HP, making it better than Angelo Strike later in the game. 
Area Effect:   All
Vol needed:    Initial

Name:          Angelo Strike
What it does?:
Angelo jumps in and sniffs an enemy, jumps at it and bites it while 
bringing it into the air, spinning it in a 360 degrees motion, a few 
times and brings the enemy back to the ground. Rinoa then awards Angelo 
with a biscuit. Early in the game this does more damage than Angelo 
Cannon, but if Rinoa's strength is maxed out, then this will only damage 
one enemy for 9999 HP so its worse than Angelo Cannon later in the game 
if Rinoa's strength is maxed out. It also allows you to nab rare items
such as Hero-trial.
Area Effect:   Single
Vol needed:    Pet Pals Vol. 1

Name:          Invincible Moon
What it does?:
Rinoa summons Angelo and throws a biscuit which Angelo catches with her 
mouth. Next, Angelo jump pass-by the moon  [reminds me of Red XIII of
FF7] and a curtain of white light surrounds the party giving them an 
"Invincible status" The characters will looks like partially transparent
hence having the same effect as a Holy War or Holy War Trial.
The Invincible status seems to last longer depending on what level 
Rinoa is at and her Magic stats. During this status, Rinoa can try to do 
Angel Wing (if she had aura or was critical before) but it will "miss" 
since she's stuck on invincible status at first. The Invincible status
may causes all magic to cause a "MISS" except for GF Commands and 
Curative magic (except Regen).
Area Effect:   All (Allies)
Vol needed:    Pet Pals Vol. 3

Name:           Wishing Star
What it does/:
Rinoa and Angelo run together as the background of the battle field 
becomes star filled. Shooting stars that are actually Rinoa riding 
Angelo hit all the enemies and it is around 10-20 times. The more speed 
Rinoa has in her stats the more hits this will do and the more strength 
Rinoa has, the more damage each hit will do.
Area Effect:   All
Vol needed:    Pet Pals Vol. 6

Rinoa's Limit Break: Angel Wing
A Limit Break which can only be gained in Disc 3 at Ragnarok during the
Space Incident. The Limit Break causes you to lose the control of Rinoa.
But all her stats rises up [especially Magic] and thus doing 3000+ for
Fire.. 9999 HP damage for using Ultima. Like Selphie's Slot, she can 
cast any spells which are not in her inventory. The only difference is
that you can't control and she can only cast a spell once her ATB bar is
full. One more thing to note.. She does not cast Support and Recovery
Magic except for Dispel. Partially resembles Edea, huh?
/ 3.6 \_________________________________________________________________
Irvine Kinneas                                                ffviii_029
Age:            18
Sex:            Male
Height:         6'0" [185cm]
Birthdate:      November 24th
Blood Type:     O
Weapon:         Shotgun
Limit Break:    Shot
Initial Weapon: Valiant
Occupation:     SeeD Mercernary (Galbadia)
Description:    A young man, well-liked by women whose strongest point 
                is his marksmanship. A cadet at the Galbadia Garden, he 
                self-styles himself as the "No. 1 gunslinger in the 
                Garden" His shooting arm seems sure and he is the girls' 
                favorite because he is full of confidence. He seems 
                callous to simple men, but in truth, he is unexpectedly 
                sensitive and seems to have a serious personality.

After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient 
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
List of Weapons
These are the list of weapons for Irvine Kinneas. It includes the 
requirements for each weapons, the price to remodel and also the 
attributes bonus for each weapon.

V a l i a n t                           Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 105%
Name:              Steel Pipe
Quanitity needed:  1x 
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +10% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug Wendigo
Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling]
                   Dollet- Hasberry Plains
Card Mod:          1x Elastoid's Card -} 1x Steel Pipe
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   4x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

U l y s s e s                          Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 108%
Name:              Steel Pipe
Quanitity needed:  1x 
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +10% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug Wendigo
Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling]
                   Dollet- Hasberry Plains
Card Mod:          1x Elastoid's Card -} 1x Steel Pipe
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   2x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Bomb Fragment
Quanitity needed:  1x
What it does:      Stone with Fire element
Where to get it:   Mug/Defeat Bomb
Encounter Monster: Fire Cavern
Card Mod:          1x Bomb's Card -} 1x Bomb Fragment
Refinement:        n/a

B i s m a r c k                        Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT: 112%
Name:              Steel Pipe
Quanitity needed:  1x 
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +10% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug Wendigo
Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling]
                   Dollet- Hasberry Plains
Card Mod:          1x Elastoid's Card -} 1x Steel Pipe
Refinement:        n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   8x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Dynamo Stone
Quanitity needed:  4x
What it does:      Stone with Thunder Element
Where to get it:   Defeat Blitz/ Defeat Cockatrice
Encounter Monster: Blitz: Centra-Lenown Plains, Esthar-Grandidi Forests
                   Cockatrice: Galbadia- Montersou Plateau, Esthar- 
                   Nortes Mountains
Card Mod:          1x Blitz's Card -} 1x Dynamo Stone
Refinement:        n/a

E x e t o r                           Price: 800 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 122%
Name:              Dino Bone
Quantity needed:   2x
What it does:      Large dinosaur bone
Where to get it:   Defeat T-Rexaur [mug at low-levels]
Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains (forests), Island closest to
                   Hell/ Balamb Garden- Training Center
Card Mod:          1x Armadodo's Card -} 1x Dino Bone
                   2x T-Rexaur's Card -} 1x Dino Bone
                   1x Sacred's Card -} 100x Dino Bones
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Moon Stone
Quantity needed:   1x
What it does:      Holy moon stone with monsters living inside
Where to get it:   Mug Torama / Mug Elnoyle.
Encounter Monster: Both - Esthar City
                   Torama - Great Plains of Esthar/ Deep Sea Deposit
Card Mod:          n/a
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Star Fragment
Quantity needed:   2x
What it does:      GF learns SumMag +20% Ability
Where to get it:   Mug Iron Giant/ Defeat high levels T-Rexaurs
Encounter Monster: Iron Giant - Deep Sea Deposit/Lunatic Pandora/
                   Esthar City.
                   T-Rexaur - Balamb Garden- Training Center/ Balamb-
                   Accauld Plains/ Island closest to Hell
Card Mod:          3x Iron Giant -} 1x Star Fragment
Refine:            n/a
Name:              Screws
Quantity needed:   18x
What it does:      Use to remodel weapons
Where to get it:   Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N
Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- 
                   Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber-
                   Vaulny Canyon.
Card Mod:          1x Geezard's Card -} 5x Screws
Refine:            n/a

/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Irvine Kinneas' Limit Breaks
It looks kinda strange for me.. I myself don't think you can get new
Limit Breaks just get his ammo. You must also tune up his weapon in 
order get the new Limit Breaks. His ammo is really easy to get compared
to other characters. His attacks are superbly strong. But they also 
carries a couple of good elementals. In order to use his Limit Breaks,
you must get Ammo. To get stronger or better Ammo, you must have GF 
Ifrit's Ammo-RF to order. Pulse Ammo are the strongest ammo.

 _________   _________     __________________   _____________________
|Attack |}| | Shot    |   |              Num | |                 Num |
|Magic    | |_________|   | Normal Ammo  100 | | Demolition Ammo 100 |
|GF       |               | Shotgun Ammo 100 | | Fast Ammo       100 |
|Draw     |               | Dark Ammo    100 | | AP Ammo         100 |
|_________|               | Fire Ammo    100 | | Pulse Ammo      100 |
                          |__________________| |_____________________|
| Dark Ammo |
|   100     |  The Limit Screen will appear as shown on left. You will
|  _______  |  see a blue ATB [represented by the rectangle]. You can   
| |_______| |  only shoot within that interval. You will stop the
|___________|  Limit Break when the following happens:
               1) Used up all ammo
               2) Press Triangle
               3) Timer bar runs out.

Name:          Normal Ammo
What it does?: Normal Ammo 
Area Effect:   Single 
Comments:      Irvine's basic attacking ammo. You can get this from all
               Item Shops, won during combat. The ammo is quite cheap
               and do a hefty 2000+ damage when Irvine's strength is 255
Learnt:        Normal Shot, Variant 
Name:          Shotgun Ammo
What it does?: Ammo that attacks all opponents
Area Effect:   All
Comments:      Shotgun Ammo is pretty useful, compared to Normal Ammo.
               It is only a bit more expensive, yet it does damage to 
               all enemies.
Learnt:        Scattered Shot, Variant
Name:          Dark Ammo
What it does:  Ammo with status changing effect.
Area Effect:   Single
Comments:      Another great ammo that causes a series of status 
               ailments [namely Poison, Darkness, Silence] which is the
               same as to Pain. But it is still consider as a great 
Learnt:        Dark Shot, Ulysses
Name:          Fire Ammo
What it does:  Ammo with Fire element
Area Effect:   All
Comments:      This ammo works fine especially monsters that you could
               find in Trabia Continent. It does damage to all enemies
               and carries a Fire element.
Learnt:        Fire Shot, Ulysses
Name:          Demolition Ammo
What it does:  Ammo 3 times more powerful than Normal Ammo
Area Effect:   Single
Comments:      A great ammo as you can does a whooping 6000+ damage with
               this ammo, plus this ammo can be brought from a shop, 
               once you accquired GF Tonberry's Familiar.
Learnt:        Canister Shot, Bismarck
Name:          Fast Ammo
What it does:  Ammo for rapid fire
Area Effect:   Single
Comments:      This ammo has extremely fast shooting fire, fancy turning
               Irvine's shotgun in a machine gun. This ammo is quite 
               easy to get, but it runs out easily. So remember to stock
               them up, once you got the chance.
Learnt:        Quick Shot, Bismarck.
Name:          AP Ammo
What it does:  Armor-piercing ammo
Area Effect:   Single
Comments:      The second best ammo after Pulse Ammo, rather easy to get
               and only through GF Ifrit's Ammo-RF. AP stands for "Armor
               Piercing" and it can does 9999 HP damage when Irvine has
               255 Strength stats. It has a sensible recharge rate.
Learnt:        Armor Shot, Exetor
Name:          Pulse Ammo
What it does:  Ammo that contains powerful energy
Area Effect:   Single
Comments:      Does 9999 HP damage regardless of Irvine's strength stats
               and enemy's defense. This ammo is extremely dangerous and
               it is also very hard to get. Only rare items such as 
               Power Generator, Energy Crystal, etc allows you to get 
Learnt:        Hyper Shot, Exetor

/ 3.7 \_________________________________________________________________
Dream Party: Laguna Loire, Ward Zaback and Kiros Seagul
During the game, you will definately required to switch party. You will
be able to use Laguna, Kiros and Ward for combat. They also have Limit 
Breaks [unlike Young Cloud and Sephiroth in FF7]. They don't need to 
learn Limit Breaks, as they have only 1 Limit Break.
/ 3.7a \________________________________________________________________
Laguna Loire                                                  ffviii_030
Age:            27
Sex:            Male
Height:         5'11" [181 cm]
Birthdate:      January 3rd
Blood Type:     B
Weapon:         Machine Gun
Limit Break:    Desparado
Initial Weapon: Machine Gun
Occupation:     Soldier --} Jounralist --} President of Esthar
Description:    A hot-blooded man who fights with a pen instead a sword.
                Kind out of compassion for humanity, he's a man full of
                courage who helps the faint-hearted and crushes the 
                arrogant. A journalist of military origins, he swapped
                his sword for a pen and fights boldly against the evils 
                of the world. 

L i m i t     B r e a k 
Name:          Desperado
What it does?:
Laguna will use a grenade and throw it to the crowd of enemy. Next 
Laguna jump and hang on a rope and swinging around with it and does 
rapid fire with his machine gun. Does approximately 4x the damage of his
normal attacks. However, the damage was limited to 9999 HP.
Area Effect:   All
/ 3.7b \________________________________________________________________
Ward Zaback                                                   ffviii_031
Age:            25
Sex:            Male
Height:         217 cm
Birthdate:      February 25th
Blood Type:     A
Weapon:         Harpoon
Limit Break:    Massive Anchor
Initial Weapon: Harpoon
Occupation:     Soldier --} Janitor --} Minister of Esthar
Description:    Ex-Galbadian soldier. He is one of Laguna's best pals.
                You can only use him in battles during Laguna's Dream
                Sequences. Don't look down on him, as he looks huge 
                and scary. He has work as a janitor in the D-District
                Prison.. (funny guy huh?)

L i m i t    B r e a k
Name:          Massive Anchor
What it does?:
Ward throw his harpoon into mid and next he leaps to mid-air following
by his attack. And lands along with his harpoon at all enemies for 
massive damage.
Area Effect:   All
/ 3.7c \________________________________________________________________
Kiros Seagul                                                  ffviii_032
Age:            23
Sex:            Male
Height:         191 cm
Birthdate:      July 6th
Blood Type:     O
Weapons:        Daggers
Limit Break:    Blood Pain
Initial Weapon: Katal
Occupation:     Soldier --} Minister of Esthar
Description:    Ex-Galbadian soldier. He is one of Laguna's best pals.
                You can only use him in battles during Laguna's dream
                sequence. He is rather a helpful lad in Laguna's friend. 
                He is considered as Laguna's most concerning friend 
                where he consults Laguna for his failure in love with 
                a pianoist called Julia Heartilly.

L i m i t   B r e a k
Name:          Blood Pain
What it does?:
Similiar to Yuffie's BloodFest of FF7. Kiros just rushes forward with
a series of quick slashes which are embedded with red light and does
damage to one enemy.
Area Effect:   Single
/ 3.8 \_________________________________________________________________
Temporary Members: Seifer and Edea 
There are also certain members that would joing your party temporarily.
There are two characters and here is their "service time":


 Seifer Almasy     Disc 1, Dollet Dukedom Mission, while removing 
                   Galbadia threat from the town. Unable to use him
                   after defeat sub-boss, Anacondour. 


 Edea Kramer       Disc 3, After Rinoa has met with a mishap, 
                   recruitable through your journey to Esthar. She
                   leaves your party after gotten Ragnarok [or during
                   your visit to Lunar Base at outer space to be more
                   exact, but she will be still avaliable at the Switch
/ 3.8a \________________________________________________________________
Seifer Almasy                                                 ffviii_033
Age:            18
Sex:            Male
Height:         6'1" (188 cm)
Birthdate:      December 22nd
Blood Type:     A
Weapon:         Gunblade
Limit Break:    Cross Sword }} No Mercy
Initial Weapon: Hyperion
Occupation:     Balamb Cadet -} Sorceress' Knight
Description:    A troublemaker who views Squall as his rival. A SeeD 
                cadet who is treated as a problem child because he 
                lacks composure and the ability to follow orders, even 
                though he has the disposition to excel. On the other 
                hand, he appreciates Squall's abilities highly and 
                adamantly considers him a rival. 

L i m i t   B r e a k
Name:         No Mercy
What it does:
Seifer held his gunblade 45 degrees down and generates an energy blade.
Next he just turn his gunblade and the energy ball attacks all enemies.
Has a hidden R1 trigger function
Area Effect:  All

As you advance later in the game, you will see him using his new Limit
/ 3.8b \________________________________________________________________
Edea Kramer                                                   ffviii_034
Edea, wife of Cid Kramer is the sorceress of the game. She possesses the
great power of magic and is consider the best user when comes to magic.
She is rather mysterious and secretive. As if she is final boss, you 
will find out soon.....

Limit Break: Ice Strike
Weapon:      Magic.
Occupation:  Sorceress -} Matron

L i m i t   B r e a k
Name:          Ice Strike
What it does?: 
Remember what she do to Squall at the end of Disc 1? That's her Limit
Breaks. Edea summons a set of icicles and throw them to the sky and
they all come rushing down to one enemy. Carries an Ice element.
Area Effect:   Single

/ 3.9 \________________________________________________________________
Ingredient List Chart                                        ffviii_035
Here you will find a list of ingredients [including method on how to 
get them], where to locate the monsters, etc. I only include those 
monster which possesses those ingredient more frequently.

|   Item Name    | How and where to whom to get it                     |
|   Screw        | Steal or defeat Geezard at Galbadia Continent, it   |
|                | rather easy to find it. Dollet- Hasberry Plains     |
|                | [grasslands]. It is an ugly monster with a grey     |
|                | belly.                                              |
|  Steel Pipe    | Stealing from the Wendigo [the yellow-green gorilla]|
|                | forests found in Dollet- Hasberry Plains or the     |
|                | Great Plains of Galbadia. [dark red desert]         |  
|  Dragon Skin   | Defeat or steal Anacondaur [remember the Dollet's   |
|                | sub BOSS? It is found in forests of Timber- Vaunly  |
|                | Canyon and it is rather rare.                       |
|                | Defeat Blue Dragon at Island closest to Hell or     |
|                | near mountains of Winter Island. (rare)             |
|  Adamantine    | Win it from those Adamantoises at the shores of Long|
|                | Horn Island found in the upper continent of Galbadia|
|                | Adamantine can only be gotten if you defeat both of |
|                | without stealing from one of them.                  |
|  Inferno Fang  | Defeat/Steal Ruby Dragon and Hexadragon             |
|                | at Island Closest to Hell or at Esthar- Nortes      |
|                | Mountains [Ruby Dragon], Esthar- Grandidi Forests [ |
|                | Hexdragon].                                         |
|   Life Ring    | Defeat/Steal from Mesmerize at Trabia- Bika         |
|                | Snowfields. Defeat/Steal Turtapod at Esthar- City   |
|                | after gotten Ragnarok                               |
| Energy Crystal | Defeat Ruby Dragon, Behemoth, Elnoyle at level 100  |
|                | Ruby Dragon at Lenown Plains, Island Closest to Hell|
|                | Behemoth at Esthar and Elnoyle inside Esthar near   |
|                | the save point towards the location where the       |
|                | Ragnarok lands low encounter rate also at Deep Sea  |
|                | Deposit the last stairs area before fighting the    |
|                | Ultima Weapon.                                      |
|  Ochu Tentacle | Defeat/steal from the Ochu forest near Timber and   |
|                | Island closest to Heaven near Esthar's Grandidi     |
|                | Forest.                                             |
|  Windmill      | Defeat/steal from Thrustaevis at Galbadia           |
|                | Defeat/Steal from Abyss Worm found in Dingo Desert  |
|                | of Galbadia.                                        |
|  Shear Feather | Same as above. Defeat/steal from Death Claw found   |
|                | at Lenown Plains and Grandidi Forest                |
|  Fury Fragment | Defeat/Steal from Armadodo or Blue Dragon.          |
|                | Defeat Ruby & Blue Dragon at Island Closest to Hell |
|                | Armadodo can be encountered at Tomb of the Unknown  |
|                | King.                                               |
|  Red Fang      | Defeat/Steal from Ruby Dragon and Hexadragon        |
|                | found at the Island closest to Hell.                |
|  Dino Bone     | You can get this by defeating the T-Rexaur, found at|
|                | the Training Center of Balamb Garden or the forests |
|                | of Balamb- Accauld Plains.                          |
|  Spider Web    | Defeat/steal from Caterchipillar found in Balamb-   |
|                | Accauld Plains.                                     |
|  Cockatrice    | You can get this by defeating the Cockatrice        |
|      Pinion    | found at Esthar- Nortes Mountains/Sollet Mts and    |
|                | forests of Galbadia's Montersou Plateau.            |
|  Dynamo Stone  | Defeat/Steal from Blitz at Centra- Lenown Plains,   |
|                | desert that is surrounding Edea's House.            |
|   Steel Orb    | Defeat the GIM47N [yellow robot] at Fisherman       |
|                | Horizon during Galbadia Attack or D-District Prison |
|                | Defeat Wendigo which is found at Hasberry Plains of |
|                | Dollet and deserts of the Great Plains of Galbadia. |
|  Moon Stone    | Steal from Elnoyle or Torama found in Esthar City   |
|                | after you have gotten Ragnarok.                     |
|  Sharp Spike   | Defeat/steal from the Grand Mantis at Lenown Plains |
|                | of Centra Continent.                                |
|  Saw Blade     | Defeat/steal from the Belhelmel found in th deserts |
|                | Galbadia's Montersou Plateau.                       |
|  Curse Spike   | Defeat/steal from the Tri-Face at Deep Sea Deposit  |
|                | and Island Closest to Heaven, Defeat Imp at Esthar  |
|                | or Deep Sea Deposit, Defeat Forbidden at Centra     |
|                | Ruins or Esthar- Grandidi Forest, Nortes Mountains  |
|  Pulse Ammo    | Use Ifrit Ammo-RF and change 1x Energy Crystal to   |
|                | 10x Pulse Ammo. Refer to Ammo-RF for more details.  |
|  Fish Fin      | Defeat/steal against Fastitocalon, anywhere at the  |
|                | shorelines. You can also defeat Fastitocalons found |
|                | Galbadia- Dingo Desert.                             |
|  Force Armlet  | Buy this at Esthar Pet Shop with Tonberry's Familiar|
|                | ability learnt. You can also get this by defeating  |
|                | Malboro found at Island Closest to Hell/Heaven      |
|  Regen Ring    | Defeat Vysage and its group at Winhill Bluffs       |
|                | Defeat/steal against Torama or Turtapod at Esthar   |
|                | City or Great Plains of Esthar after gotten Ragnarok|
|  Chef's Knife  | Defeat/Steal against Tonberry at Centra Ruins       |
| Star Fragment  | Defeat/Steal against Iron Giants at Deep Sea Deposit|
|                | Found them at Esthar City after you have defeated   |
|                | Ultima Weapon.                                      |
|                | Defeat Tri-face at Island Closest to Heaven         |
|                | Defeat Ruby or Blue Dragon in Island Closest to Hell|
| Bomb Fragment  | Defeat/steal from Bomb found in the Fire Cavern     |
| Betrayal Sword | Defeat/steal against Forbidden in Centra Ruins      |
|                | Esthar- Nortes Mountains / Sollet Mountains         |
| Mesmerize Blade| Defeat/Steal Mesmerize found in Trabia- Bika        |
|                | Snowfields or Great Plains of Esthar [before space  |
|                | incident.]                                          |
| Malboro        | Defeat/Steal Malboro found in the Island closest    |
| Tentacle       | to Hell/Heaven or Esthar's Grandidi Forest.         |
| Dragon Fin     | Defeat/steal from Grendel found in the hilltops of  |
|                | Winhill Bluffs or the Island Closest to Hell.       |
|  Turtle Shell  | Steal from the Adamantoise found at Long Horn Island|
|                | Steal at Armadodo at Centra Ruins and Tomb of the   |
|                | Unknown King                                        |
|  Dragon Fang   | Defeat the Blue Dragon found near the mountains of  |
|                | Winter Island and Island closest to Hell            |
If you think that you still have trouble in getting them, don't use the
chart and look in the character's weapon list. And please! No more 
e-mails regarding Lion Heart.

/ 3.10 \________________________________________________________________
The Battle Meter                                              ffviii_036
* View through Information under Tutorial Menu.

This is not an item! It is a record book that records everything about
your combat, like the number of monsters that the character kills, how
many times your characters have been KO, etc.

The Battle Meter can be gotten Cid Kramer at the Headmaster Office at
the 3F of Balamb Garden when Squall becomes an official SeeD mercenary.
You need to talk to Cid in order to get this. This is only obtainable
in Disc 1.

In Disc 2, you are need to defeat the Battle Master in 10F of 
D-District Prison [through a card game] to enchance it. The last 
enhancement can only be gotten by defeating CC Group Magician Joker
at the Balamb-Training Center [through a card game] in Disc 2 too.

Here is a summary of the upgrades:
 Cid given         Battle Meter Upgrade   Battle Meter Upgrade  
 Battle Meter      at Desert Prison       at Balamb, CC Joker   
|  Battle Report  | Character Report    |   GF Report         |
|                 |                     |                     |
|  Walked 2109039 |  Squall             |  Quezacotl          |
|                 |  Total Killed 213   |  Total Killed 176   |
|  Battles 1490   |  KO'd         0     |  KO'd         0     |
|                 |                     |                     |
|  Won     1486   |  Zell               |  Shiva              |
|                 |  Total Killed 189   |  Total Killed 110   |
|  Escape  4      |  KO'd         0     |  KO'd         0     |

What is a Battle Report?
Typically, it is a summary of your entire party. Like number of steps
that your party have walked, how many battles you have encounter, how
many battles won, and lastly how many battles you have escaped. Also
includes information about cities of the world.

What is a Character Report? 
It's a summary report about your character ranging from Squall to 
Selphie which includes the total number of monsters killed and how many 
times the character has KO'd. Also include fact files about Seifer and
Edea. Also give you important information regarding Limit Breaks, the 4
basic command, how to control your members and learning their Limit
Breaks. Also includes profiles of Dr. Odine, Dobe, etc.

What is a GF Report?
GF Report is pretty similiar compared to the Character Report, except it
reports only about GF like the number of monsters killed also including
the number of times, the GF KO'd. It also includes a detailed besitary
regarding Abilities and list of menu refinements [which I have gotten
from and jointed down under Abilities section.]

That's all about the battle meter. Crucial for those whom are new in
the game. 
/ 4.0 \_________________________________________________________________
The Card Game                                                 ffviii_037
About Triple Triad and the Cards
Cards are really popular in FF8. You can battle against players in 
cities and towns. They are scattered all over the world. The card game 
was created by a man named Orlan and the game rules are made by him. In 
order to play the card game, you must have at least 5 cards. Of course, 
there may be a question that you would like to ask me: why play the 
card game? It is extremely important for those who do have a 
Pocketstation. Remember that cards are the easiest methods to get rare 

To begin...
You need to get at least 5 cards in order to start an adventure of 
Triple Triad. You can get 7 cards from the Card Spade at the elevator
junction of 2F of Balamb Garden in Disc 1. Just press Square instead of
X to start a card game. 

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Cards
Here are the frequently asked questions about cards. There are a total
of 3 questions

Q1: How does card game look like?
A:  The objective of the card game is to get as many cards as possible
    to your side. Each player is only allowed to use 5 cards for one
    match of Triple. The card game is being played on the 3x3 board.
    To beat the opponent's card, your card's attributes must be 
    stronger than your opponent's. The primary objective is to use the
    attributes of the card to defeat a defending cards. Cards can't
    change side if they are on the defensive side. The reading of the
    attributes is based on the direction where the opponent's defending
    card was placed. If it is placed at the north, then the north 
    attribute of the card will be taken into account.

    The cards consists of four numbers arranged in diamond shape. The
    attributes varies from 1 to A. Each card consists of a character in
    the game, monsters and even the BOSS. BTW, not forgetting the GFs.
    GFs and Characters cards are considered rare cards as you can only
    get 1 before you reached Disc 4. As for methods on getting them, 
    refer to sections below.

    As you advance in the game, you will get to see advance rules such
    as Same, Plus, Same Wall, etc. All the card rules and trade rules 
    will be discussed in detail in the next few sections.

Q2: How do I remove the Random Rule?
A:  For those whom are new to the game, take some time to read about the
    Card Game under the Tutorial Menu. Remember just as what the Card 
    Queen says, your action affects the region rules. So play card games
    in cities you fancy and does not possess the rule that you want. 
    Balamb area is perhaps the most favourite area as it has only few 
    rules. Just keep on the playing and once the rule is no longer in 
    use for a long time, it will be removed. But I myself like the 
    Random rule, save me troubles for selecting cards. It is a matter 
    of convience ^_^;. Another method is by paying cash to the Card 
    Queen. She will remove the card rules for regions with a lot of 
    rules and add card rules for regions with few rules. But you can't
    change her decision as you wanted.

Q3: What happened when you have gotten all cards?
There is nothing much to say... Just a yellow star being marked next to 
the card menu and marksthat you have completed the card game.

Well, if certain questions becoming more frequently asked, I may added
them here.

/ 4.1 \_________________________________________________________________
Getting Cards                                                 ffviii_038
You must have at least 5 cards to play a card game. There are no limit
[if you can reach 8020 cards...] that you can keep. You can collect at
least 100 cards for each gene [or type]. There are certain cards that 
are rare to find. But they really worth it as they could complete your
card collection and the same time, nab you great times through 
Quezacotl's Card-Mod RF.

You can get cards through the following methods:
1) Find them or trade for them during your journey. [quite rare]
2) Defeat other card players. [most commonly used]
3) Use the Card Comand. You can get BOSS Cards too. [quite common]
4) Through quests, especially for rare cards [not quite common]
/ 4.2 \_________________________________________________________________
Basics of Triple Triad                                        ffviii_039
As you start to play a Card Game, you will have a prompt of whether to
play the game. Just choose YES and you will see the list of rules and
in addition the game rules and trade rules. You can choose either "Yes"
to continue or "No" to decline.

The former areas such as Balamb, Dollet and Deling will have few rules
unlike rules such as Lunar and Esthar which is rather tedious. So the
best way, is to practice. "Practice makes Perfect!"

The early card rules are very simple. The objective to win the card 
game is have more cards turned blue than your opponent. There are many
trade rules and card rules, which I will be explaining later.

Is there a condition to start a card game? Yes! You must at least 
accquired five cards. If you got more than five cards, you will be 
allowed to choose your own cards or the Random rule is applied in that
region, the computer will does it for you. 

A yellow pyramid, which is actually a dice for the game which 
determines whom will go first. Next you will be allowed to select your
own cards [if Random rule is not avaliable] and should get a screen like
| Name                NUM |
| Geezard              1  | You just need to select the card that you
| Funguar              1  | wished to use and you are needed to pick
| Bite Bug             1  | 5 cards. Just select them, and you will
| Gesper               1  | find them place in your column. To unselect
| Fastitocalon-F       1  | a card, press Triangle. Okay, let's proceed
| Gayla                1  | to the ASCII art of Triple Triad's Board.
|                         |


   Opponent's Cards       Triple Triad Board      Player's Cards
            ______     _______________________     ______
        #1 |      |   |       |       |       |   |      | #1
           |      |   |       |       |       |   |      |
           |======|   |   1   |   2   |   3   |   |======|
        #2 |      |   |       |       |       |   |      | #2
           |      |   |_______|_______|_______|   |      |
           |======|   |       |       |       |   |======|
        #3 |      |   |       |       |       |   |      | #3
           |      |   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   |      |
           |======|   |       |       |       |   |======|
        #4 |      |   |_______|_______|_______|   |      | #4
           |      |   |       |       |       |   |      |
           |======|   |       |       |       |   |======|
        #5 |      |   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   |      | #5
           |      |   |       |       |       |   |      |
           |______|   |_______|_______|_______|   |______|
              __        ____________________         __
             |__       |  Card Name Showed  |       |__
              __|      |____________________|        __|


What the abbreviations means?
Player's Card    - Refer to the cards you could control to play the 
                   game. Remember that you can't take cards that are in
                   your card inventory.

Opponent's Card  - The five cards used by your opponent to challenge 
                   you. Same applies to the opponent, as he/she also 
                   can't take cards that are in his/her inventory. I
                   would assumed that each opponent has infinite number
                   of cards.

#1-#5            - The number of cards found in each players deck. You
                   are allowed to use one card during each time. The 
                   game ends when the nine spots of the board are being 
                   occupied by the cards.

5                - Number of cards, that the player currently 
                   controlled. This feature has another function and it 
                   is actually the SCORE in the card game. To win the 
                   game, you must get a score of 6 and above. The 
                   highest score is 9.

Card Name Showed - During the card game, it shows the NAME of the card, 
                   that you choose to put in to board. And during 
                   special circumstances, they are coloured:
                   Yellow - cards that you have previously owned but 
                   Blue   - cards that you haven't gain
                   Grey   - cards that you can't have them as you have
                            gotten 100x.
                   White  - cards that you have gotten and below 100


Have you ever wonder why this card game is called 'Triple Triad'? 
Typically, it's a rectangle board marked with 3 x 3 squares (3 rows and 
3 columns). 

Now I have explained the board, it's time to proceed onto the cards. It 
seems that Elementals have a great deal of importance in the card game 
too. Some cards carries elemental such as the eight basic elements [
Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Wind, Earth, Poison and Holy]

Of course, they will be brought into consideration once the Elemental 
rule is added to the card game. Well, forget about the elements for the
time bein., Instead, I will explain the features of a card.

Explanations about the card itself

|    _______E |    E       - Stands for Elemental of the card. I guess 
| 5 |        ||              you should know by now. The Monsters, BOSS
|2 2|        ||              , GFs and Characters are being represented
| 5 |Picture ||              by the cards.
|   |        ||   Picture  - Picture/drawing of the monster, BOSS, GF
|   |________||              or character. 
|_____________|     5           
                  2   2    - Think these numbers as the attributes for
                    5        the cards. The higher the numbers, the 
                             more powerful the card will be.


Now, the Elemental and Picture does not possess a great importance of 
the card, instead focus on the digits. The higher the digits are, the
more powerful the card will be. The highest number in the game is A and
lowest number is 1. [A stands for 10]

To cover a card, you must attack with the corresponding opposite 
direction. To attack the south of the card, your card's north attributes
must be higher than the attributes of the opponent's south attributes.

      North          The attributes are arranged in this order, right?
West         East    To attack the card, you must focus on the cards
      South          attributes. Now I will explain the rule:

Tutorial #1: Turning a Card from opponent to your side.
Before you get too confused, there is a matter that I must clear. You
can only change the card to your side, while its your turn to place a
card on the board. 

Don't worry if your number is smaller than the card, it will remain 
unchanged, as it isn't the opponent's turn to attack your card. So I

          A             B        Well, if you have problems with this,
   ____________________________  you will be in deep shit for the entire 
  |       ____  |        ____  | card game. Let's says A is the card of  
  | 5    |    | |   5   |    | | your opponent. You need to place a card 
  |2 [2] | p  | |{3}  A | p  | | on the right of it, to change it to 
  | 5    |____| |   8   |____| | your side. Therefore you must be  
  |             |              | focused on the east attributes (marked
  |_____________|______________| with a []). To change that card, your
                                 card's attributes must be higher than
                                 2, as shown on the left. Therefore as
                                 long the west attributes of your card
                                 (marked with a {}) is higher than 2,
                                 you can turn the card over.

Hint: If you don't understand what the above diagram is trying to say, 
      don't read down. The above information must be fully understood.
/ 4.3 \_________________________________________________________________
The Card Rules
As every game has a rule, I will try to explains the rules. Squaresoft
had tried to make the card game for interesting by adding some rules.
But I guess some of the rules are just too much...

At the beginning of the card game, you will be given a list of rules. 
Those were be the rules that you need to pay attention to it while 
playing the game. To review the rules. Press Circle while it is your 

There are many types of rules and I have divided them into two 

Pre-Game Rules: rules that take effect for the game from the beginning
                to the end.
In-Game Rules : rules that take effect while playing the game, like 
                how you are going to attack, and some special rules.
Trade Rules   : How the cards are being traded after the card game has
/ 4.3a \________________________________________________________________
Pre-Game Rules                                                ffviii_039
Pre-Game Rules are rules that take effect for the game from the 
beginning until the end of the game.

Name of Rule:  OPEN   
What it does?: The cards will placed on each players' deck with them
               opened. You can see the player's card, and hence your
               cards can be seen too. 
Comments:      Nothing much. If the OPEN rule is not added, you will 
               see the opponents' card placed at the deck area with 
               the back cover of the card instead.

Name of Rule:  RANDOM 
What it does?: The computer will choose your cards randomnly before the 
               came game started. In other words, you will not be 
               allowed to choose your cards.
Comments:      Pretty damaging when you are weak in using PLUS and SAME
               rule. But if you are expert in them, you can easily 
               defeat your opponents. In my opinion, I think that weak 
               cards [Level 1 ~5 cards] have good attributes for the 
               PLUS and SAME.

Name of Rule:  ELEMENTAL 
What it does?: Elemental icons will be placed on the board and the 
               following effect took place:
               - a non-elemental card placed on any element, the
                 attributes will be decreased by 1 [the picture will be
                 covered with a -1] (refer to Fig 4.1)
            Figure 4.1: Non-elemental card on an element.
               ________                 __________  
              | A      |               | A   ____ | After being placed
              |3 A     |  normally...  |3 A |- 1 || over an element.
              | 3      |               | 3  |    || A becomes 9, 3 
                                 9         |        becomes 2. hence
                                2 9      {-         make the 
                                 2                  attributes...

               - a Fire elemental card was placed on Ice element, all 
                 the attributes will be decresed by one. (refer to Fig 
                 4.2) Hence, in other words, cards with a different 
                 elemental will have the attributes reduced by 1.
            Figure 4.2: Elemental cards placed on an opposing element
               __________              __________
              | 9    Fire|            | 9   _Fire| After being placed
              |8 6       | normally.. |8 6 |    || on an opposite
              | 2        |            | 2  | -1 || element, all 
                                8         |        attributes will be
                               7 5      {-         reduced by one
               - a Fire elemental card placed a Fire, all the attributes               
                 will be raised by one! Hence, meaning Elements will 
                 give cards with same elemental a raise of +1. (refer to
                 Fig 4.3)

            Figure 4.3: Elemental cards placed on same element
               __________              __________
              | 9    Fire|            | 9   _Fire| After being placed on
              |8 6       | normally.. |8 6 |    || its corresponding
              | 2        |            | 2  | +1 || element, all 
                                A         |        attributes will be 
                               9 7      {-         increased by 1

/ 4.3b \________________________________________________________________
In-Game Card Rules                                            ffviii_040
In-Game Rules are rules that take its effects while attackng. Take 
effects as the game start. These rules are deadly as they could cause 
you to lost a game.

Just note that a COMBO is actually a combination of SAME and PLUS.

Name of Rule:   Basic or Default [can't remove this rule]
What it does?:  Attacking card changes defending card to its side if 
                its attacking attributes are higher than the defending
Comments:       If you don't understand this rule, you ought to be 

          A             B        Well, if you have problems with this,
   ____________________________  you will be in deep shit for the entire 
  |       ____  |        ____  | card game. Let's says A is the card of  
  | 5    |    | |   5   |    | | your opponent. You need to place a card 
  |2 [2] | p  | |{3}  A | p  | | on the right of it, to change it to 
  | 5    |____| |   8   |____| | your side. Therefore you must be  
  |             |              | focused on the east attributes (marked
  |_____________|______________| with a []). To change that card, your
                                 card's attributes must be higher than
                                 2, as shown on the left. Therefore as
                                 long the west attributes of your card
                                 (marked with a {}) is higher than 2,
                                 you can turn the card over.

Name of Rule:  SAME 
What it does?: Changes the card as long as the attributes of the 
               attacking side are the same, applies to three cards

Figure 4.4: Explaining the SAME Rule

*    Attacking card
XX   Spot where the attacking card should be placed.
-a   Defending card A
-b   Defending card B
[]   Attributes to be focused for defending site
{}   Attributes to be focused for attacking site

            ________           To excute a same rule, you must have two
           |   6  -a|          opponent's cards on the board. [the cards    
           | 3   2  |          must be on the board, before your card
           |  [7]   |          is being placed. There are a lot of  
   _______ |________|________  combinations besides the one shown on the 
  |  {7}  |         |   1    | left. In the diagram, all cards will be
  | 5  {3}|    XX   |[3]  6  | changed to the attacking side as the 
  |   4   |  --}    |   4    | North attributes {7} and the East 
  |_____*_|         |______-b| attributes {3} of attacking card are the 
                               same as the south attributes [7] of  
                               Defending card A and the west attributes
           Fig 4.4             [3]of Defending card B. 

Name of Rule:  PLUS 
What it does?: Changes the card as long as the sum of attacking 
               attributes A against defending attributes A is equal to 
               the sum of attacking attributes B against defending 
               attributes B. [mathematics....]. Applies to three cards

Figure 4.5: Explaining the SAME Rule

*    Attacking card
XX   Spot where the attacking card should be placed.
-a   Defending card A
-b   Defending card B
[]   Attributes to be focused for defending site
{}   Attributes to be focused for attacking site
         |   1  -a|            This one requires a bit more of
         | 5   5  |            thinking compared to the other rules
         |  [4]   |            Just focus on the bracketed attributes
 ________|________|  _______   as they are involving the rule. Now
|   3    |          |   {5} |  look at the North attributes of the
| 6  [6] |   XX     | {3} 4 |  attacking card and South attributes of
|   3    |      {-- |    4  |  Defending Card A (adding up: {5}+[4]=9).
|______-b|          |______*|  Now divert attention to the next two
                               combinations: West attributes of 
                               Attacking Card and the East attributes 
                               of Defending Card (adding up: {3}+[6]=9).
                               Hence PLUS Rule take effect! All cards 
                               turn to attacking side.
   Addition Method:         Subtracting Method:
   {5} + [4] = 9            Defending card sides  [6] - [4] = 2
   {3} + [6] = 9            Attacking card sides  {5} - {3} = 2

Why the Subtracting Method is more recommended?
For the first method, you must look for the other cards to know the sum.
This can results to confusion for the game.
Whereas for the second method [subtraction method], you just need to 
subtract the larger number - smaller number and compared with the 
difference of affected attributes [in this case, the south attributes 
(dA) and the east attributes (dB) of the defending cards. 

Name of Rule:  SAME WALL 
What it does:  Changes the cards as long as the attributes are the same.
               E.g. three card with 3s as its north attributes placed on
               the squares 1, 2 and 3. Cards with "As" in the north will
               turn any cards to their side.

Figure 4.6: Explaining SAME WALL

Opponent's Cards                                  Player's Cards
         _______      _______________________      _______
        |       |    |       |       |       |    |       |
        |  [3]  |    |  {3}  |       |  {3}  |    |  [3]  |
     C1 |[6]  7 |    |{6} 7  |   2   | 5  {5}|    | 7  [5]| P1
        |   3   |    |   3   |       |   5   |    |  [2]  |
        |_______|    |_______|_______|_______|    |_______|
        |       |    |       |       |       |    |       |
        |   7   |    |       |       |       |    |  [3]  | P2
     C2 | 1   2 |    |   4   |   5   |   6   |    |[6]  7 |
        |  [2]  |    |       |       |       |    |   3   |
        |_______|    |_______|_______|_______|    |_______|
        |       |    |       |       |       |    |       |
        |   3   |    |   2   |       |   9   |    |   7   |
        | 9   6 |    |{6} 3  |   8   | 9  {5}|    | 4   2 |
        |   A   |    |  {2}  |       |  {2}  |    |   7   |
        |_______|    |_______|_______|_______|    |_______|

{#} - are numbers in corners/wall of the Triple Triad, must be same 
      numbers, so to accomplished of forming a wall.
[#] - are numbers of the attacker, that must be set to the same side
      of the board in order to defeat the defending cards.

   Example taken from above:
      _______   _______________________   _______   _______
     |       | |       |       |       | |       | |       |  
     |  [3]  | |  {3}  |       |  {3}  | |  [3]  | |  [A]  |
  C1 |[6]  7 | |{6} 7  |   2   | 5  {5}| | 7  [5]| | 3  [A]|
     |   3   | |   3   |       |   5   | |  [2]  | |   3   |
     |_______| |_______|_______|_______| |_______| |_______|
                                           P1       Edea's Card
Ether C1 or P1 is put into Battle Area 2, both cards that are already
in the Battle Area, will changes color or being defeated by defeated 
by the attacking C1 or P1, as the top area will be comprises of 3 in
as the north attributes hence forming a "wall".

If Edea's card or any card that it upper north number is "A" and that 
card is put into Square No. 2, all cards will change as it overwrites
every other cards, no matter how high its blocking side even 'A'.

Name of Rule:  SAME/SAME PLUS 
What it does?: This rule is a combination of SAME and PLUS.

The "Combo Rule" this rule is combination of
            both SAME and PLUS rule. But this time is continuous if effect
            this rule is powerful it can even defeat powerful cards

Figure 4.7: Explaing SAME/SAME PLUS

  Opponent's Card                                  Player's Card
          _______      _______________________      _______
         |       |    |       |       |       |    |       |
         |  (1)  |    |   2   |       |   4   |    |   3   |
      C1 |(6) (2)|  A-| 4   9 |   2   | A   4 |-C  |(2) (1)| P1
         |  (1)  |    |   9   |       |   9   |    |   4   |
         |_______|    |_______|_______|_______|    |_______|
         |       |    |       |       |       |    |       |
         |   1   |    |   8   |       |   A   |    |   8   | P2
      C2 |(2) (1)|  B-| 4   4 |   5   | 8   7 |-D  |(8) (4)|
         |  (3)  |    |   A   |       |   2   |    |  (3)  |
         |_______|    |_______|_______|_______|    |_______|
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |   9   |   3   |-E
                      |   7   | 9   5 | 4   5 |
                      |       |   2   |   4   |

For an example,

Let's say if C1 is put into Square 7, all the cards (with a letter on
its edge) B, F, E, D and C change into opponent's side. It is a
simultaneous event after C1 attacks B & F [PLUS rule, focus on Square
4 and 8]. Now here is the COMBO sequence!

F's east attributes "5" is greater than E's west attributes "4" and
hence causing it to change color as the opponent. 

Next E's north attributes "3" is greater than D's south attributes "2",
D will also changes its color too. 

Now for the last SAME, D's north attributes "A" is greater than C's
south attributes "9" and the hence the card will also changes like 

This is an excellent card rule as it enables you to combine cards 
using Combo. 

Name of Rule:  SUDDEN DEATH 
What it doee?: It will causes the game will continue if the game is tie 
               or Draw until one of the player win. Of course, if no
               SUDDEN DEATH, the game will automatically ends whether 
               it is a DRAW, WIN or LOSE. Note that you will get the
               cards that you have changed to your side during the 
               previous round.


After first round...
Opponent's Card  |  STATUS     | Player's Card  |  STATUS
 (Initial)       |             | (Initial)      |
Belhelmel        | remains     | Minotaur       | change side.
Chubby Chocobo   | change side | Sacred         | remains
Geezard          | remains     | Bite Bug       | change side
Cockatrice       | remains     | Zell           | remains
Chicobo          | change side | Squall         | remains

Therefore in the next round, the player will controls Sacred, Zell,
Squall, Chubby Chocobo and Chicobo cards. Minotaur will be under the
opponent's control along with Bite Bug, Belhelmel, Geezard and 
/ 4.3d \________________________________________________________________
Card Game Trade Rules                                         ffviii_041
Each time, you played FF8, you will experience different trade rule, 
based on the people are how subjective in guarding their cards. I have
been experiencing a Trade Rule: One, all time... Until, I have started
out with the Card Queen's Quest. The Card Queen's action typically
affects the trade rule.

ONE:    Winner will be allowed to select one card from the defeated 
        card player's five cards

DIRECT: Remember my explaination on the Sudden Death rule? This rule
        works like that. The players will get the cards that he/she
        has changed to his/her side during the card game. Lost cards
        [cards that changed to the opponent's side] will trade to your

Player's Cards                 ||                        Opponent's Card
Cactuar        | Change Side   || Angelo           | Change Side
Jumbo Cactuar  | Change Side   || Ruby Dragon      | Remains
Tonberry       | Change Side   || Blue Dragon      | Remains
Ifrit          | Remains       || Hexdragon        | remains
Thurstaevis    | Remains       || Creeps           | remains

Even though you lose..
You will get Ifrit, Thurstaveis and Angelo
Whereas the opponent will get Cactuar, Jumbo Cactuar, Tonberry, 
Hexdragon, Blue Dragon, Hexdragon and Creeps.

DIFF:   Winner receive defeated cards from the loser
        according to the Card Score.

        Card's Score 
        Win  lose        Choose a card 
         7  - 3   = 2    Winner could choose 2 cards
         6  - 4   = 1    Winner could choose 1 card 
         9  - 1   = 4    Winner could choose 4 cards
         8  - 2   = 3    Winner could choose 3 cards

ALL:    Winner will receive all cards from the defeated player

Spreading/ Abolishment Rules
Status: The rule will be removed from the region
Causes: Rule not familiar with region
        Rule is not being used too often.

Status: The rule will be added to the region
Causes: Rule is being used too often.
        Player want to add it.

The third method is by paying the Card Queen to add or remove rules.

/ 4.4 \_________________________________________________________________
Card Game Tips                                                ffviii_042

1.  Understand the rules. If not familiar, test it out and practice! 
    Of course, read the Cards Tutorial or the above sections.
2.  Choose your card wisely if random rule is not implemented. That's
    why Random Rule is great sometimes!
3.  If the rules that you currently use are unfamiliar to other player
    that player also can change the rule that you are currently used. 
4.  Rules also changed according to the number of cards that you 
    currently own. The more cards you have, the rules will become more
    unfavourable to you for the most of the time.
5.  Avoid getting greedy just to defeat another card. Don't try to
    defeat a card and then lost a card game! Focus on the weak ends of
    the cards and take note of the additional rules.
6.  Try to take advantage of controlling the game. Force the opponent to 
    follow you that you want him to be doing.
7.  Avoid exposing the weak side of your card if you don't have the 
    advantage or you don't have another card to recover it.
8.  Take advantage of collecting cards early in the game
9.  Take control of the hot spots Area 2,4,5,6 & 8 if you are 
10. Take control of each corner. If you are a player that loves to 
    use the Combo Rule
11. Take advantage of Elemental Rule these is pretty helpful 
    Eg. If Square #2 and 4 are being placed by element of Fire and 
        Water. You can put your card at Square 1 for defensive side.
        as the Elements act as a barrier.
12. If you are winning too much because of the rule that you used
    that player also can prevent you of using the same rule.
13. Sometimes it needs a little luck to win the game. Therefore, good 
    luck in playing.
14. If you are weak in calculations, have a calculator or use the
    subtraction method.
15. If you have forgetten the rule, just press Circle to view the 
    rules again.
16. The Card rules remover trick! You can remove any card rules by 
    having a card game with the man at Balamb Dock. You will be able to
    remove the rule as he will mentions by let's play with Balamb rules
    along with his hometown rules.
/ 4.5 \_________________________________________________________________
Card List Bestiary                                            ffviii_043
Here you will find the list of cards, excluding the methods to gain 
them. I have listed their attributes and the Card Mod-RF exchange rate.
I have also added the elements of the card.

Basically, the cards have been categories into four sections:
M o n s t e r s                                               Page 1 ~ 5
Generally, there are the cards of all monsters. However not all 
monsters are included in the game. They are Raldo, Esthar Soldier, 
G-Soldier, Flapper, Elite Soldier, GIM-52N and Esthar Soldier [Cyborg].
Pupu's Card is a rare card. Refer to Getting Rare Cards for more
information. All monster's card except for PuPu's card can be gotten
through defeating other players or Card Command

B O S S                                                       Page 6 ~ 7 
Cards for all BOSSES found in the game except for Ultimecia and Griever.
Cards of BOSS can be gotten by defeating other players and uses the
Card command, refer to Monster's FAQ or Monster Bestiary for more 

G u a r d i a n   F o r c es                                  Page 8 ~ 9
Cards of your GFs. Most of them can be gotten through defeating a GF. 
You may also need to defeat some of best card players found in the game.
GF Cards can be gotten through quests such as Chocobo Forests Quest.
Refers to Rare Cards List for more information.

C h a r a c t e r s                                              Page 10
Cards of main cast of the game. Including the Dream Party member's
card, along Seifer and Ward's Card. These cards are pretty hard to get 
as they got great attributes. Refer to Rare Cards List for more 
Okay, let's continued with the card list and of course, it will be quite
tiring to type out in full, hence I have made used of abbreviations and

E          - card containing elemental        
Numbers    - card attributes 
CM         - Quezacotl's Card-Mod RF for refine cards into items.
: #        - number of cards needed
 | Card Page 01                | Card Page 02                |
 |   1    Card Stat     E-none |   7    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 5   4                       | 1   1                       |
 |   1                         |   3                         |
 | Name: Geezard               | Name: Grat                  |
 | CM 1 = 5 Screw              | CM: 1 = 1 Magic Stone       |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-none |   6    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 3   1                       | 3   2                       |
 |   1                         |   2                         |
 | Name: Fungaur               | Name: Buel                  |
 | CM: 1 = 1 M-Stone Piece     | CM: 1 = 1 Magic Stone       |
 |   1    Card Stat     E-none |   5    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 5   3                       | 4   3                       |
 |   3                         |   3                         |
 | Name: Bite Bug              | Name: Mesmerize             |
 | CM: 1 = 1 M-Stone Piece     | CM :1 = 1 Mesmerize Blade   |
 |   6    Card Stat     E-none |   6    Card Stat      E-Ice |
 | 2   1                       | 3   1                       |
 |   1                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Red Bat               | Name: Glacial Eye           |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Vampire Fang      | CM :1 = 1 Arctic Wind       |
 |   2    Card Stat     E-none |   3    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 5   3                       | 3   4                       |
 |   1                         |   5                         |
 | Name: Blobra                | Name: Belhelmel             |
 | CM: 4 = 1 Rune Armlet       | CM :1 = 1 Saw Blade         |
 |   2    Card Stat  E-Thunder |   5    Card Stat     E-Wind |
 | 4   1                       | 5   3                       |
 |   4                         |   2                         |
 | Name: Gayla                 | Name: Thrustaevis           |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Mystery Fluid     | CM :1 = 1 Shear Feather     |
 |   1    Card Stat     E-none |   5    Card Stat   E-Poison |
 | 1   5                       | 5   1                       |
 |   4                         |   3                         |
 | Name: Gesper                | Name: Anacondaur            |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Black Hole        | CM :1 = 1 Venom Fang        |
 |   3    Card Stat    E-Earth |   5    Card Stat  E-Thunder |
 | 1   5                       | 2   2                       |
 |   2                         |   5                         |
 | Name: Fastitocalon-F        | Name: Creeps                |
 | CM: 5 = 1 Water Crystal     | CM: 1 = 1 Coral Fragment    |
 |   2    Card Stat     E-none |   4    Card Stat  E-Thunder |
 | 1   1                       | 2   4                       |
 |   6                         |   5                         |
 | Name: Blood Soul            | Name: Grendel               |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Zombie Powder     | CM:1 = 1 Dragon Fin         |
 |   4    Card Stat     E-none |   3    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 3   2                       | 7   2                       |
 |   4                         |   1                         |
 | Name: Caterchipillar        | Name: Jelleye               |
 | CM:  1 = 1 Spider Web       | CM: 1 = 1 Magic Stone       |
 |   2    Card Stat  E-Thunder |   5    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 6   1                       | 3   2                       |
 |   2                         |   5                         |
 | Name: Cockatrice            | Name: Grand Mantis          |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Cockatrice Pinion | CM: 1 = 1 Sharp Spike       |

 | Card Page 03                | Card Page 04                |
 |   6    Card Stat     E-none |   2    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 2   6                       | 7   3                       |
 |   3                         |   6                         |
 | Name: Forbidden             | Name: Turtapod              |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Betrayal Sword    | CM: 5 = 1 Healing Mail      |
 |   6    Card Stat    E-Earth |   6    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 6   3                       | 5   5                       |
 |   1                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Armadodo              | Name: Vysage                |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Dino Bone         | CM: 1 = 1 Wizard Stone      |
 |   3    Card Stat   E-Poison |   4    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 5   5                       | 7   6                       |
 |   5                         |   2                         |
 | Name: Tri-Face              | Name: T-Rexaur              |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Curse Spike       | CM: 2 = 1 Dino Bone         |
 |   7    Card Stat    E-Earth |   2    Card Stat     E-Fire |
 | 3   5                       | 3   7                       |
 |   1                         |   6                         |
 | Name: Fastitocalon          | Name: Bomb                  |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Water Crystal     | CM: 1 = 1 Bomb Fragment     |
 |   7    Card Stat     E-Ice  |   1    Card Stat  E-Thunder |
 | 3   1                       | 7   6                       |
 |   5                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Snow Lion             | Name: Blitz                 |
 | CM: 1 = 1 North Wind        | CM: 1 = 1 Dynamo Stone      |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-none |   7    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 3   6                       | 6   3                       |
 |   3                         |   1                         |
 | Name: Ochu                  | Name: Wendigo               |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Ochu Tentacle     | CM: 1 = 1 Steel Orb         |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-Fire |   7    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 4   6                       | 4   4                       |
 |   2                         |   4                         |
 | Name: SAM08G                | Name: Torama                |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Running Fire      | CM :5 = 1 Life Ring         |
 |   4    Card Stat     E-Fire |   3    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 2   4                       | 6   7                       |
 |   7                         |   3                         |
 | Name: Death Claw            | Name: Imp                   |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Sharp Spike       | CM: 1 = 1 Wizard Stone      |
 |   6    Card Stat     E-none |   6    Card Stat   E-Poison |
 | 3   2                       | 3   2                       |
 |   6                         |   7                         |
 | Name: Cactuar               | Name: Blue Dragon           |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Cactus Thorn      | CM: 1 = 1 Fury Fragment     |
 |   3    Card Stat     E-none |   4    Card Stat    E-Earth |
 | 4   6                       | 6   5                       |
 |   4                         |   6                         |
 | Name: Tonberry              | Name: Adamantoise           |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Chef's Knife      | CM: 3 = 1 Turtle Shell      |
 |   7    Card Stat    E-Earth |   7    Card Stat     E-Fire |
 | 5   2                       | 3   5                       |
 |   3                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Abyss Worm            | Name: Hexadragon            |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Windmill          | CM: 3 = 1 Red Fang          |

 | CARD PAGE 05                | CARD PAGE 06                |
 |   6    Card Stat     E-none |   2    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 5   5                       | 4   8                       |
 |   6                         |   8                         |
 | Name: Iron Giant            | Name: Fujin & Raijin        |
 | CM: 3 = 1 Star Fragment     | CM: 1 = 1 X-Potion          |
 |   3    Card Stat     E-none |   7    Card Stat     E-Wind |
 | 7   6                       | 4   8                       |
 |   5                         |   3                         |
 | Name: Behemoth              | Name: Elvoret               |
 | CM: 10 = 1 Barrier          | CM: 1 = 10 Death Stones     |
 |   7    Card Stat    E-Water |   4    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 3   6                       | 3   8                       |
 |   5                         |   7                         |
 | Name: Chimera               | Name: X-ATM092              |
 | CM: 10 = 1 Regen Ring       | CM: 2 = 1 Turtle Shell      |
 |   3    Card Stat     E-none |   7    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 1   A                       | 5   2                       |
 |   2                         |   8                         |
 | Name: PuPu                  | Name: Granaldo              |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Hungry Cookpot    | CM: 1 = 1 G-Returner        |
 |   6    Card Stat     E-none |   1    Card Stat   E-Poison |
 | 7   2                       | 3   8                       |
 |   6                         |   8                         |
 | Name: Elastoid              | Name: Gerogero              |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Steel Pipe        | CM: 10 = 1 Circlet          |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-none |   8    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 4   5                       | 2   2                       |
 |   7                         |   8                         |
 | Name: GIM47N                | Name: Iguion                |
 | CM: 1 = 10 Fast Ammo        | CM: 1 = 1 Cockatrice Pinion |
 |   7    Card Stat   E-Poison |   6    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 2   7                       | 5   8                       |
 |   4                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Malboro               | Name: Abadon                |
 | CM: 4 = 1 Malboro Tentacle  | CM: 1 = 30 Dark Ammo        |
 |   7    Card Stat     E-Fire |   4    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 4   2                       | 6   8                       |
 |   7                         |   5                         |
 | Name: Ruby Dragon           | Name: Trauma                |
 | CM: 10 = 1 Inferno Fang     | CM: 1 = 30 Demolition Ammo  |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-none |   1    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 6   3                       | 8   8                       |
 |   7                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Elnoyle               | Name: Oilboyle              |
 | CM: 10 = 1 Energy Crystal   | CM: 1 = 30 Fire Ammo        |
 |   4    Card Stat     E-none |   6    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 4   6                       | 4   5                       |
 |   7                         |   8                         |
 | Name: Tonberry King         | Name: Shumi Tribe           |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Chef's Knife      | CM: 5 = 1 Gambler Spirit    |
 |   6    Card Stat     E-none |   7    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 7   6                       | 1   5                       |
 |   2                         |   8                         |
 | Name: Wedge & Biggs         | Name: Krysta                |
 | CM: 1 = 1 X-Potion          | CM: 1 = 10 Holy Stone       |

 | CARD PAGE 07                | CARD PAGE 08                |
 |   8    Card Stat     E-none |   4    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 8   4                       | 9   4                       |
 |   4                         |   8                         |
 | Name: Propagator            | Name: Chubby Chocobo        |
 | CM: 1 = 1 G-Mega-Potion     | CM: 1 = 100 LuvLuv G        |
 |   8    Card Stat     E-none |   9    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 4   8                       | 3   6                       |
 |   4                         |   7                         |
 | Name: Jumbo Cactuar  E-none | Name: Angelo                |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Cactus Thorn      | CM: 1 = 100 Elixir          |
 |   8    Card Stat  E-Thunder |   3    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 8   5                       | 6   7                       |
 |   2                         |   9                         |
 | Name: Tri-Point             | Name: Gilgamesh             |
 | CM: 40 = 1 Jet Engine       | CM: 1 = 10 Holy War         |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-none |   9    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 8   6                       | 2   3                       |
 |   6                         |   9                         |
 | Name: Gargantua             | Name: MiniMog               |
 | CM: 10 = 1 Strength Love    | CM: 1 = 100 Pet House       |
 |   8    Card Stat     E-none |   9    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 3   6                       | 4   4                       |
 |   7                         |   8                         |
 | Name: Mobile Type 8         | Name: Chicobo               |
 | CM: 1 = 10 Shell Stone      | CM: 1 = 100 Gysahl Greens   |
 |   8    Card Stat     E-none |   2    Card Stat  E-Thunder |
 | 8   3                       | 4   9                       |
 |   5                         |   9                         |
 | Name: Sphinxuar             | Name: Quezacotl             |
 | CM: 1 = 1 G-Mega-Potion     | CM: 1 = 100 Dynamo Stone    |
 |   8    Card Stat     E-none |   6    Card Stat      E-Ice |
 | 4   8                       | 9   7                       |
 |   5                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Tiamat                | Name: Shiva                 |
 | CM: 1 = 10 Flare Stone      | CM: 1 = 100 North Wind      |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-none |   9    Card Stat     E-Fire |
 | 5   7                       | 8   6                       |
 |   8                         |   2                         |
 | Name: BGH251F2              | Name: Ifrit                 |
 | CM: 1 = 10 Protect Stone    | CM: 1 = 3 Elem Atk          |
 |   6    Card Stat     E-none |   8    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 7   8                       | 2   9                       |
 |   4                         |   6                         |
 | Name: Red Giant             | Name: Siren                 |
 | CM: 1 = 5 Meteor Stone      | CM: 1 = 3 Status Atk        |
 |   1    Card Stat     E-none |   5    Card Stat    E-Earth |
 | 7   8                       | 9   1                       |
 |   7                         |   9                         |
 | Name: Catoblepas            | Name: Sacred                |
 | CM: 1 = 5 Rename Card       | CM: 1 = 100 Dino Bone       |
 |   7    Card Stat     E-none |   9    Card Stat    E-Earth |
 | 8   7                       | 9   5                       |
 |   2                         |   2                         |
 | Name: Ultima Weapon         | Name: Minotaur              |
 | CM: 1 = 1 Ultima Stone      | CM: 1 = 10 Adamantine       |

 | CARD PAGE 09                | CARD PAGE 10                |
 |   8    Card Stat     E-none |   A    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 4   4                       | 8   7                       |
 |   A                         |   2                         |
 | Name: Carbuncle             | Name: Ward                  |
 | CM: 1 = 3 Glow Curtain      | CM: 1 = 3 Gaea's Ring       |
 |   5    Card Stat     E-none |   6    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 3   A                       | A   7                       |
 |   8                         |   6                         |
 | Name: Diablos               | Name: Kiros                 |
 | CM: 1 = 100 Black Holes     | CM: 1 = 3 Accelerator       |
 |   7    Card Stat    E-Water |   5    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 7   A                       | 9   A                       |
 |   1                         |   3                         |
 | Name: Leviathan             | Name: Laguna                |
 | CM: 1 = 3 Doc's Code        | CM: 1 = 100 Hero            |
 |   8    Card Stat     E-none |   A    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 5   A                       | 4   8                       |
 |   3                         |   6                         |
 | Name: Odin                  | Name: Selphie               |
 | CM: 1 = 100 Dead Spirit     | CM: 1 = 3 Elem Guard        |
 |   A    Card Stat     E-Wind |   9    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 7   1                       | 2   6                       |
 |   7                         |   A                         |
 | Name: Pandemona             | Name: Quistis               |
 | CM: 1 = 100 Windmill        | CM: 1 = 3 Samantha Soul     |
 |   7    Card Stat     E-none |   2    Card Stat     E-none |
 | A   4                       | A   6                       |
 |   6                         |   9                         |
 | Name: Cerberus              | Name: Irvine                |
 | CM: 1 = 100 Lightweight     | CM: 1 = 3 Rocket Engine     |
 |   9    Card Stat     E-Holy |   8    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 2   A                       | 6   5                       |
 |   4                         |   A                         |
 | Name: Alexander             | Name: Zell                  |
 | CM:1 = 3 Moon Curtain       | CM: 1 = 3 Hyper Wrist       |
 |   7    Card Stat     E-Fire |   4    Card Stat     E-none |
 | A   2                       | A   A                       |
 |   7                         |   2                         |
 | Name: Phoenix               | Name: Rinoa                 |
 | CM: 1 = 3 Phoenix Spirit    | CM: 1 = 3 Magic Armlet      |
 |   A    Card Stat     E-none |   A    Card Stat     E-none |
 | 6   8                       | 3   A                       |
 |   2                         |   3                         |
 | Name: Bahamut               | Name: Edea                  |
 | CM: 1 = 100 Megalixir       | CM: 1 = 3 Royal Crown       |
 |   3     Card Stat  E-Poison |   6    Card Stat     E-none |
 | A    1                      | 4   9                       |
 |   A                         |   A                         |
 | Name: Doomtrain             | Name: Seifer                |
 | CM: 1 = 3 Status Guard      | CM: 1 = 3 Diamond Armor     |
 |   4    Card Stat     E-none |   A    Card Stat     E-none |
 | A   4                       | 9   6                       |
 |   9                         |   4                         |
 | Name: Eden                  | Name: Squall                |
 | CM: 1 = 3 Monk's Code       | CM: 1 = 3 Three Stars       |

In this section, you will find the entire list of cards along with the
attributes, elemental status and the refinement through Card Mod-RF [It
can be gotten from GF Quezacotl once you have learn Card Command]
/ 4.7 \_________________________________________________________________
Rare Cards Location                                           ffviii_044
A rare card means a card that there is only one of its kind [as for my
assumption for the 2nd rare card, forget about it. I will be discussing
about it later.] But they are extremely tough to get, requires long 
hours of game play. Getting them is really a tough work. BTW, if you
don't want to collect in Disc 1 ~ 3, you can get them all in Disc 4! But
make sure you have challenged the CC Group in Disc 2 or Disc 3 in Balamb
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
Rare Card           Getting It
PuPu                Refer to UFO Sighting Incident Quest for more
                    information. You must choose to give the PuPu 5x
                    Elixirs. As for getting Elixirs, refer to the Item
                    refinement for more information.
Chubby Chocobo      Lose the Chicobo's Card to the Card Queen as on her
                    request, next proceed to Balamb Garden. Outside the
                    Library you will find a man sitting there. Defeat 
                    him for the card.
Angelo              Win from Watts during the train ride to Timber in
                    Disc 1 [remember the place where you first defeat
                    the fake President?]
                    Or win from Watts at the White SeeD in Disc 3.
Gilgamesh           Defeat 4 CC Suits, Jack and Magician Joker. Next
                    proceed to the Infirmary and defeat Dr. Kadowaki.
                    Head to the Dormitory and choose to rest. During
                    nighttime, Master King will eventually appears and
                    "he" will challenges you. If you loses, you could
                    challenge "him" at the bridge of Balamb Garden.
MiniMog             Defeat the boy, dressing in blue, running around the 
                    Balamb Garden's Hall. You may need to chase him ^_^;
Chicobo             Refer to Chocobo Forest: prove your affection for 
                    Chocobos for more details. Just dug out all the
                    Stone [they acts as a proof for your character as
                    affection]. Next proceed to the Chocobo's Holy 
                    Region and watch a Chocobo Dance. Talk to the 
                    Chicobo to get the Card.
Quezacotl           Defeat Mayor Dobe found in the Windmill of 
                    Fisherman's Horizons [after eliminating Galbadia
                    threat], in a card game.
Shiva               Give Zone, the naughty magazine, Girl Next Door 
                    under no charges and he will give you Shiva's card 
                    along with a Rename Card. The Girl Next Door is 
                    found next to the counter at Timber Maniacs. You 
                    can get as long as you haven't proceed to Esthar.
Ifrit               Defeat GF Ifrit at Fire Cavern during your field 
                    test and you will get the card. You need to reclaim
                    the card from Martine in FH while getting Rinoa's
Siren               Win from the Card Master found at Dollet Pub 2F. 
                    You need to answer him correctly and defeat him 
                    once. Next he will take you to his battle arena. 
                    Defeat him for Siren's Card.
Sacred              Received as a prize for defeating both Sacred and 
                    Minotaur at the Tomb of the Unknown King.
Minotuar            Received from dead king's soul at the Tomb of the 
                    Unknown King after the combat against the Brothers.
Carbuncle           Defeat Jack, Club, Diamond and Spade found in Balamb
                    Area. Next proceed to the cockpit and challenge Xu
                    [CC Group Heart] and defeat her in a card game for 
                    the card.
Diablos             Defeat Diablos by using the Magical Lamp (Cid has
                    given to you) to engage combat. Received the card as
                    a prize
Leviathan           Win a card game against the CC Group Magician Joker 
                    at Balamb Garden's Training Center. 
Odin                Defeat Odin at Centra Ruins. Refer to GF Bestiary 
                    for information.
Pandemona           Win a card game against the Hotel Owner who is found 
                    in front of Balamb Hotel talking to a girl in Disc 2.
Cerberus            Defeat Cerberus at Disc 2, during the siege at
                    Galbadia Garden. Found in Galbadia Garden's Hall.
Alexander           Win from Piet at Lunar Base in Disc 3. Or win from
                    him at the crashed Lunar Base at the southern tip
                    of Esthar, found somewhere near Abadon Snowfields.
Phoenix             Lose Alexander's Card to the Card Queen and she will
                    give you a hint. Refer to Card Queen's Quest for 
                    more information.
Bahamut             Received card as prize by defeating the Bahamut at 
                    Deep Sea Research Center in Disc 3.
Doomtrain           Refer to the Card Queen's Quest for more details.
Eden                Received card as prize by defeating Ultima Weapon at 
                    Deep Sea Deposit in Disc 3.
Ward                Win a card game against Dr. Odine at Esthar
                    Presidential Palace [before heading to Lunar Gate]
                    and Odine's Laboratory [while Zell is saving Esthar]
Kiros               Refer to the Card Queen's Quest for more details.
Laguna              Win a card game against Ellone at Lunar Base at 
                    Disc 3
Selphie             Win a card game against Selphie's friend at the 
                    Gargoyle [a statue with a fountain] of Trabia 
                    Garden at Disc 2 or 3
Quistis             Win a card game from any of the Trepe Groupies in
                    Balamb Garden. 2F Classroom will allows you to win
                    the card from Trepe Groupie 2. You can also get the
                    card by winning from Trepe Groupie 1 [found in 
Irvine              Refer to the Card Queen's Quest for more details.
Zell                Win a card game against Ma Dincht [Zell's Mother] 
                    at his house from Disc 2 to 3 onwards.
Rinoa               Choose to lose Ifrit's card against General Caraway, 
                    and play another card game he will then used Rinoa's
                    card and win it from him. Ifrit's card can be 
                    recovered from Martine in FH.
Edea                Win a card game against Edea at Edea's House in Disc
Seifer              Win a card game against Cid during the following 
                    - when Squall is asked to apologize to owner of FH.
                    - while he is at Edea's House.
Squall              Win a card game from Laguna at Esthar- President's
                    Office or at the Passenger seat in Ragnarok at Disc 
* The Quests will be described in detail under Secrets Section.
/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Getting Rare Cards for infinite times at the Ragnarok in Disc 4
Note: In order for this to work, you must defeat the CC Group along with
      Card King in Balamb Garden, aka. complete the card quests.

Now defeating Great Sorceress of the past, you will be brought to the 
huge chain. The chain leads to the Ultemicia's Castle, the final dungeon
of the game. Next you will find three doors on the left. Just proceed on
to the top-left hand door [press X while facing it from the chain to 
jump onto the ledge.] You will reach the shores of the Great Grandidi
Forests [Actually, it is a world map location name for it.] The entire
forests is the Grandidi Forests. Inside this forest, you will face the
strongest foes of all time ranging from Mesmerize to Malboros! Just 
equip GF Diablos' Enc None to avoid the random battles. Note that the 
Chocobo Holy Region is located northwest from here. Board the Chocobo 
and use to get out of the forests. Proceed eastwards and down the shores
on the right side of Esthar Continent. Note that Chocobos can cross 
shallow waters. Proceed on until you have reached the Centra Continent-
Khashabald Desert. There you will find the Ragnarok there along with the
fourth door to the great chain. Board Ragnarok, press Circle and hold
down Triangle... You should have a sequence where Squall and company 
meets up the CC Group Heart, Xu. Now you will be play the card game with
the CC Group Members. They have all the rare cards. Note that you can 
only complete your collection once. I.e. Once you have the Ifrit's Card, 
the CC Group Members do not use the Ifrit's Card. Refer to Disc 4 
walkthrough for Part I.

/ 5.0 \_________________________________________________________________
List of Items                                                 ffviii_s05
Wonder why I haven't made a update over the past few weeks? That is
due to this section. It was really pain taking compared to other 
sections, which has took me only a mere few days to complete them. The
Item Bestiary has been messed up with Markweb. Anyway, I have managed
to complete and "repair" a portion of them. Hopefully, that they are
still easy read.

I have managed to break them in to several categories, just to make it
more readable. As one of the readers say that he really experience 
problems in finding information regarding to the items that he want to
know about. Therefore, I have also embedded the searching for the item

Just use the Find option from the toolbar of Wordpad and enter 
"item_xxx" under the Find field. Just replace the xxx with the 3 digit 
code number for that item. Hence, happy searching!

Name              Function                                         Digit
Potion            Restores HP by 200                                001
Potion+           Restores HP by 400                                002
Hi-Potion         Restores HP by 1000                               003
Hi-Potion+        Restores HP by 2000                               004
X-Potion          Fully Restores HP                                 005
Mega Potion       Restores HP by 1000 to all                        006
Phoenix Down      Removes KO Status                                 007
Mega Phoenix      Removes KO Status from all members                008
Elixir            Fully Restores abnormal status and HP             009
Megalixir         Fully Restores abnormal status and HP to all      010
Antidote          Cures Poison                                      011
Soft              Cures Petrify                                     012
Eye Drops         Cures Darkness                                    013
Echo Screen       Cures Silence                                     014
Holy Water        Cures Zombie, Curse                               015
Remedy            Cures abnormal status                             016
Remedy+           Cures abnormal status and magic effects           017
Hero-trial        Makes character invisible sometimes               018
Hero              Makes character invisible                         019
Holy War-trial    Makes all party members invisible sometimes       020
Holy War          Makes all party members invisible                 021
Gysahl Greens     Chocobo related...?                               022
Phoenix Pinion    When used in battle..                             023
Magical Lamp      You should save your game before using it!        024
Solomon's Ring    An old, mysterious ring.                          025
Friendship        When used in battle..                             026
Shell Stone       Same effect as Shell                              027
Protect Stone     Same effect as Protect                            028
Aura Stone        Same effect as Aura                               029
Death Stone       Same effect as Death                              030
Holy Stone        Same effect as Holy                               031
Flare Stone       Same effect as Flare                              032
Meteor Stone      Same effect as Meteor                             033
Ultima Stone      Same effect as Ultima                             034
Tent              Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all      035
Pet House         Restores HP to all GFs                            036
Cottage           Same effect as Tent plus restores all GFs         037
G-Potion          Restores 200 HP to GF                             038 
G-Hi-Potion       Restores 1000 HP to GF                            039 
G-Mega-Potion     Restores 1000 HP to all GFs                       040 
G-Returner        Revives GF from KO                                041 
Rename Card       Changes GF name                                   042 
Pet's Nametag     Changes Pet's name                                043 
Amnesia Greens    Makes GF forget an ability                        044 
Magic Scroll      GF learns Magic Ability                           045
GF Scroll         GF learns GF Ability                              046
Item Scroll       GF learns Item Ability                            047
Draw Scroll       GF learns Draw Ability                            048
Gambler Spirit    GF learns Card Ability                            049
Med Kit           GF learns Treatment Ability                       050
Healing Ring      GF learns Recover Ability                         051
Phoenix Spirit    GF learns Revive Ability                          052
Bomb Spirit       GF learns Kamikaze Ability                        053
Hungry Cookpot    GF learns Devour Ability                          054
Mog's Amulet      GF learns MiniMog Ability                         055
HP-J Scroll       GF learns HP-J Ability                            056
Str-J Scroll      GF learns Str-J Ability                           057
Vit-J Scroll      GF learns Vit-J Ability                           058
Mag-J Scroll      GF learns Mag-J Ability                           059
Spr-J Scroll      GF learns Spr-J Ability                           060
Luck-J Scroll     GF learns Luck-J Ability                          061
Spd-J Scroll      GF learns Spd-J Ability                           062
Aegis Amulet      GF learns Eva-J Ability                           063
Elem Atk          GF learns Elem-Atk-J Ability                      064
Elem Guard        GF learns Elem-Def-J x4 Ability                   065
Status Atk        GF learns ST-Atk-J Ability                        066
Status Guard      GF learns ST-Def-J x4 Ability                     067
Rosetta Stone     GF learns Ability x4 Ability                      068
Steel Pipe        GF learns SumMag +10% Ability                     069
Star Fragment     GF learns SumMag +20% Ability                     070
Energy Crystal    GF learns SumMag +30% Ability                     071
Samantha Soul     GF learns SumMag +40% Ability                     072
Healing Mail      GF learns GF HP +10% Ability                      073
Silver Mail       GF learns GF HP +20% Ability                      074
Gold Armor        GF learns GF HP +30% Ability                      075
Diamond Armor     GF learns GF HP +40% Ability                      076
Regen Ring        GF learns HP +20% Ability                         077
Giant Ring        GF learns HP +40% Ability                         078
Gaea's Ring       GF learns HP +80% Ability                         079
Strength Love     GF learns Str +20% Ability                        080
Power Wrist       GF learns Str +40% Ability                        081
Hyper Wrist       GF learns Str +60% Ability                        082
Turtle Shell      GF learns Vit +20% Ability                        083
Orihalcon         GF learns Vit +40% Ability                        084
Adamantine        GF learns Vit +60% Ability                        085
Circlet           GF learns Mag +20% Ability                        086
Hypno Crown       GF learns Mag +40% Ability                        087
Royal Crown       GF learns Mag +60% Ability                        088
Rune Armlet       GF learns Spr +20% Ability                        089
Force Armlet      GF learns Spr +40% Ability                        090
Magic Armlet      GF learns Spr +60% Ability                        091
Jet Engine        GF learns Spd +20% Ability                        092 
Rocket Engine     GF learns Spd +40% Ability                        093
Moon Curtain      GF learns Auto Shell Ability                      094
Glow Curtain      GF learns Auto Reflect Ability                    095
Steel Curtain     GF learns Auto Protect Ability                    096
Accelerator       GF learns Auto Haste Ability                      097
Monk's Code       GF learns Counter Ability                         098
Knight's Code     GF learns Cover Ability                           099
Doc's Code        GF learns Med Data Ability                        100
Hundred Needles   GF learns Damage Return Ability                   101
Three Stars       GF learns Expend x3-1 Ability                     102
Ribbon            GF learns Ribbon Ability                          103
Normal Ammo       Normal Ammo                                       104
Shotgun Ammo      Ammo that attacks all opponents                   105
Dark Ammo         Ammo with status changing effects                 106
Fire Ammo         Ammo with fire element                            107
Demolition Ammo   Ammo 3 times more powerful than Normal Ammo       108
Fast Ammo         Ammo for rapid fire                               109
AP Ammo           Armor-Piercing Ammo                               110
Pulse Ammo        Ammo that contains powerful energy                111
M-Stone Piece     Stone with little Magic Power                     112
Magic Stone       Stone with Magic Power                            113
Wizard Stone      Stong with strong Magic Power                     114
Ochu Tentacle     Strong, flexible tentacle                         115
Healing Water     Water with life force                             116
Cockatrice Pinion Feather with petrifying power                     117
Zombie Powder     Powder with Zombie                                118
Lightweight       Shoes to make your feet light                     119
Sharp Spike       Long, sharp claw                                  120
Screw             Use to remodel weapons                            121
Saw Blade         Serrated Blade                                    122
Mesmerize Blade   Long, sharp blade                                 123
Vampire Fang      Fang that makes Vampire attack                    124
Fury Fragment     Stone that contains morale                        125
Betrayal Sword    Sword that betrays allies                         126
Sleep Powder      Induce sleep                                      127
Life Ring         Ring with life force                              128
Dragon Fang       Dragon's fang with recovery force                 129
Fuel              Fuel for rental car                               130
Girl Next Door    Naughty Magazine                                  131
Sorceress Letter  Edea's introduction letter                        132
Death Spirit      Contains Death                                    133
Chocobo's Tag     Changes Chocobo's name                            134     
Spider Web        Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves   135
Coral Fragment    Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Electrocute   136
Curse Spike       Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, LV? Death     137
Black Hole        Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Degenerator   138
Water Crystal     Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Aqua Breath   139
Missile           Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Micro Missile 140
Mystery Fluid     Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Acid          141
Running Fire      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Gatling Gun   142
Inferno Fang      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Fire Breath   143
Laser Cannon      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Homing Laser  144
Barrier           Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Mighty Guard  145
Whisper           Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Wind Whisper  146
Malboro Tentacle  Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Bad Breath    147
Power Generator   Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ray-Bomb      148
Dark Matter       Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Shockwave     149
Bomb Fragment     Stone with Fire element                           150
Red Fang          Dragon's fang with Fire element                   151
Arctic Wind       Contains Ice element wind                         152 
North Wind        Contains Strong Ice element wind                  153
Dynamo Stone      Stone with Thunder element                        154
Shear Feather     Bird's feather that files on wind                 155
Venom Fang        Poisonous monster fang                            156
Steel Orb         Steel Orb with gravitional power                  157
Moon Stone        Holy moon stone with monsters living inside       158
Dino Bone         Large dinosaur bone                               159
Windmill          Windmill containing wind energy                   160
Dragon Skin       Durable dragon skin                               161
Fish Fin          Fish's fin                                        162
Dragon Fin        Very hard dragon's scale                          163
Silence Powder    Powder contain Silence                            164
Poison Powder     Powder contain Poison                             165
Chef's Knife      Tonberry's knife                                  166
Cactus Thorn      Cactuar's Thorn                                   167
Shaman Stone      Stone with mystical power                         168
LuvLuv G          Raises compatibility with all GFs                 169
HP Up             Raises Hit Points (+10)                           170
Str Up            Raises Strength (+1)                              171
Vit Up            Raises Vitality (+1)                              172
Mag Up            Raises Magic (+1)                                 173
Spr Up            Raises Spirit (+1)                                174
Spd Up            Raises Speed (+1)                                 175
Luck Up           Raises Luck (+1)                                  176
/ 5.1 \_________________________________________________________________
Medicine Group                                                ffviii_045
Items possess a great importance as they allows you to restore HP and
MP for the past FF series. But in FF8, even though, you no longer 
required MP you still need them as they possess great importance, 
regardless of getting items, completing quests and perhaps It aids you 
to past through the game smoothly. 
   _ _
   | |     The icon of this group looks something like this..

Notes about Medicine Group
Medicine Group can be used from the field or battle [through Item 
command]. They can't be used when the character is under Silence 
status. Most Medicine Group can be gotten through buying from Item 
Shops. You can get rare items such as Mega Potion, Mega Phoenix, Elixir
if you have accquired GF Tonberry's Familiar ability. Items labelled 
with "+" can only be obtained through Pocketstation or Alexander's Med
LV Up. The main refinement abilities that allows you to get these 
items are the following:

: Siren's ST Med-RF (requires 30 AP)
: Alexander's Med LV Up (requires 120 AP and Med Data [200 AP])
: Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF (requires 30 AP)

And of course, you can get most of them through shopping and it will be
your loss with GF Tonberry and the four great menu abilities [Call Item
Shop, Haggle, Sell-High and Familiar]

L i s t  
Name of Item      What it does?                                     Sell
Potion            Restores HP by 200                                 75
Potion+           Restores HP by 400                                150
Hi-Potion         Restores HP by 1000                               375
Hi-Potion+        Restores HP by 2000                               750
X-Potion          Fully Restores HP                                3750
Mega Potion       Restores HP by 1000 to all                       7500
Phoenix Down      Removes KO Status                                 375
Mega Phoenix      Removes KO Status from all members               7500
Elixir            Fully Restores abnormal status and HP            3750
Megalixir         Fully Restores abnormal status and HP to all     7500
Antidote          Cures Poison                                       75
Soft              Cures Petrify                                      75
Eye Drops         Cures Darkness                                     75
Echo Screen       Cures Silence                                      75
Holy Water        Cures Zombie, Curse                                75
Remedy            Cures abnormal status                             750
Remedy+           Cures abnormal status and magic effects          1500

/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Medicine Item Besitary
Notes about medicine items:
- You must give the character at least one GF with Item command. Equip
  Item command to use items.
- Healing items such as Potion and Hi-Potion restores a fixed amount of
  HP unlike healing spells such as Cure/Cura/Curaga. There is no item
  that regenerate HP like Regen.
- You can get items via mugging, item refinement, buying from shops with
  advance abilities such as Familiar, which can be gotten from Tonberry.
- Items can be used as weapons too. For example, since healing items
  reduces HP of undead monsters, it can be used a weapon. Phoenix Downs
  is instant death attack against Undead. 
- Items have no effect on KO'd characters, exceptions are Mega Phoenix
  and Phoenix Downs.

Potion                                                          item_001
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat LV 1 ~ 10 G-Solder/ Esthar Soldier 
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Restores HP by 200 
Card Mod:   n/a

* Found at Card Master's Room
* Received it from Forest Fox before leaving for Galbadia Garden
* You can buy this from all Item Shops.
* You start the game with 6x Potions. 
* It will restore HP by 200. If the character is under Zombie status,
  it will reduce HP by 200.

Potion+                                                         item_002
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 3x Potion : 1 Potion+ (Alexander's Med LV Up)
Function:   Restores HP by 400 [support]
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can also get this time from Angelo Search, Pocketstation and
  Gameshark. You can't get any of these via your normal course of the
  game [you did not use refinement.]
* It will restore HP by 400. If the character is under Zombie status,
  it will reduce HP by 400. 

Hi-Potion                                                       item_003
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat LV 11 ~ 20 G-Soldier / Esthar Soldier
            Defeat Elite Soldiers during battle at Balamb in Disc 2.
Refinement: 3x Potion+ : 1x Hi-Potion (Alexander's Med LV Up)
            1x Healing Mail : 6x Hi-Potion (Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF)
            1x Healing Water : 2x Hi-Potion (Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF)
Fucntion:   Restores HP by 1000 
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can buy this item from most Item Shops
* It will restore HP by 1000. If the character is under Zombie status,
  it will reduce HP by 1000.

Hi-Potion+                                                      item_004
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 3x Hi-Potion : 1x Hi-Potion+ (Alexander's Med LV Up)
Function:   Restores HP by 2000
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can get this item from Angelo Search, Pocketstation or Gameshark.
* It will restore HP by 2000. If the character is under Zombie status,
  it will reduce HP by 2000.

X-Potion                                                        item_005
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 3x Hi-Potion+ : 1x X-Potion (Alexander's Med LV Up)
Function:   Fully Restores HP
Card Mod:   1x Biggs and Wedge's Card : 1x X-Potion
            1x Fujin and Raijin's Card : 1x X-Potion

* You will get one from a cadet in Balamb Garden's Quad in Disc 2.
* You can buy this from Esthar Shop!!! with Familiar acquired.
* The key difference between X-Potion and Elixir is that X-Potions do 
  not restore negative status like Poison and Zombie.
* It is also an instant dead attack against undead.

Mega Potion                                                     item_006
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     Defeat Seifer at Disc 2, 3F of Galbadia Garden.
Refinement: 3x X-Potion : 1x Mega Potion (Alexander's Med LV Up)
            4x Tent : 1x Mega Potion (Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF)
            2x Cottage: 1x Mega Potion (Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF)
Function:   Restores 1000 HP to all
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can get it from the Balamb Garden Cadet found in the gate of 
  Balamb Garden.
* You can buy this item from Esthar Shop!!! with Familiar acquired.
* They can be sold for higher prices.

Phoenix Down                                                    item_007
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     Mug low levels [1 ~19] Elite Soldier/ Esthar Soldier/ 
            G-Soldier / Esthar Soldier (cyborg) / Flapper
Refinement: 1x Life Ring : 2x Phoenix Down (Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF)
            1x Regen Ring : 8x Phoenix Down (Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF)
Function:   Removes KO Status
Card Mod:   n/a

* Received one from Forest Fox before heading for Galbadia Garden.
* You can buy this from all Item Shops.
* Great against Undead as a weapon since it isn't costly compared to
* It revives a wounded character and gives him/her a portion of their
  life [about 10%]. Does not effect on characters who are not KO'd.

Mega Phoenix                                                    item_008
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 50x Phoenix Down : 1x Mega Phoenix (Alexander's Med LV Up)
Function:   Removes KO Status to all 
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can get a Mega Phoenix from the ponytail girl found in Balamb
  Garden Library.
* You can get another one from Grease Monkey during quest at FH.
* You can buy this from Esthar Shop!!! with Familiar and Call Shop 
* This item is required to get Phoenix Pinions [which allows you to
  summon GF Phoenix].
* Only work unless one character is still alive. Revives wounded 
  characters and gives him/her a portion of their life [about 10%]. 
  Does no effect on characters who are not KO'd.

Elixir                                                          item_009
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     Defeat Elvoret found in Dollet Communication Towers.
            Mug Edea at Deling City
Refinement: 10x Remedy+ : 1x Elixir (Alexander's Med LV Up)
            20x Mega Potions : 1x Elixir (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            1x Elem Atk : 4x Elixir (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            1x Elem Guard : 4x Elixir (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF) 
            1x Status Atk : 4x Elixir (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            1x Status Guard : 4x Elixir (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Fully restores abnormal status and HP
Card Mod:   1x Angelo's Card : 100x Elixir

* Received it from Dr Kadowaki in Balamb Garden-Training Center if you
  choose to help them.
* You need 5x of this item for the UFO Sighting Incident in order to
  get PuPu's Card.
* It is a great item and can be sold for high price. But it is rather
  hard to get. The best way is make use of the Card-Mod RF of Angelo's
  card and get it back from the CC Group Members in Disc 4.

Megalixir                                                       item_010
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     Mug Fujin during BOSS Fights at Balamb [Disc 2] and Lunatic 
            Pandora [Disc 3]
            Defeat Sphinxaur at Ultimecia's Castle grand hall.
            Mug Rinoa during battle against Adel in Lunatic Pandora of
            Disc 4.
Refinement: 10x Elixir : 1x Megalixir (Alexander's Med LV Up)
            1x Doc's Code : 1x Megalixir (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            1x Med Kit : 2x Megalixir (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all
Card Mod:   1x Bahamut's Card : 100x Megalixir 

* Received one from Master Fisherman through FH Quest.
* For those who do not want to use Hero/Holy Wars/Hero-trial/Holy 
  War-trial, you really need them to battle the Omega Weapon.
* This is even better than Elixir as it does a group effect. 
  Unfortunately, it does not revives dead characters.
Antidote                                                        item_011
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Poison Powder : 3x Antidote (Siren's ST Med-RF)
            1x Venom Fang : 10x Antidote (Siren's ST Med-RF)
Function:   Cures Poison
Card Mod:   n/a

* You will get one from Forest Fox on your departure to Galbadia Garden.
* It is only an one-time effect. It does not cause your character to
  immune against Poison. There are few methods to allow immunity 
  against Poison and they are:
  - Equip Ribbon Ability
  - Junction 100x Bio to ST-Def-J /ST-Def-J x2/ ST-Def-J x4
* Has no effect on other status and KO'd characters.

Soft                                                            item_012
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Cockatrice Pinion : 3x Soft (Siren's ST Med-RF)
Function:   Cures Petrify
Card Mod:   n/a

* You will get one from Forest Fox on your departure to Galbadia Garden.
* One of the most important of all status curing items. This item 
  provides an one-time effect. It does not cause your character to be
  immune against Petrify. There are few methods to allow immunity 
  against Poison and they are:
  - Equip Ribbon Ability
  - Junction 100x Break to ST-Def-J/ ST-Def-J x2/ ST-Def-J x4
  The consequences are devastating as once the entire party is 
  petrified, it will be a game over.
* Has no effect on other status and KO'd characters.

Eye Drops                                                       item_013
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Ochu Tentacle : 3x Eye Drops (Siren's ST Med-RF)
Function:   Cures Darkness
Card Mod:   n/a

* Kinda useless for characters with 255% hit rate especially Gunblade
  users and Selphie with her ultimate weapon.
* It provides an one-time effect. It does not cause your character to be
  immune against Darkness. There are few methods to allow immunity 
  against Darkness and they are:
  - Equip Ribbon Ability
  - Junction 100x Blind to ST-Def-J/ ST-Def-J x2/ ST-Def-J x4
* Has no effect on other status and KO'd characters.

Echo Screen                                                     item_014
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Silence Powder : 3x Echo Screen (Siren's ST Med-RF)
Function:   Cures Silence 
Card Mod:   n/a

* Quite an important item if you relies on Magic/GF/Draw/Item command
* It provides an one-time effect. It does not cause your character to be
  immune against Silence. There are few methods to allow immunity
  against Silence and they are:
  - Equip Ribbon Ability
  - Junction 100x Silence to ST-Def-J / ST-Def-J x2/ ST-Def-J x4
* Has no effect on other status and KO'd characters.

Holy Water                                                      item_015
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Zombie Powder : 3x Holy Water (Siren's ST Med-RF)
Function:   Cures Zombie, Curse
Card Mod:   n/a

* You need to use item if your character is under Undead/Zombie status
  otherwise, your curative magic and healing items does damage. Not
  forgeting Phoenix Down /Mega Phoenix /X-Potion/Elixir/Megalixir 
* It provides an one-time effect. It does not cause your character to
  be immune against Undead/Zombie. There are few methods to allow 
  immunity against Undead/Zombie and they are:
  - Equip Ribbon Ability
  - Junction 100x Zombie to ST-Def-J / ST-Def-J x2/ ST-Def-J x4
* Has no effect on other status and KO'd characters.

Remedy                                                          item_016
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 5x Betrayal Sword : 1x Remedy (Siren's ST Med-RF)
            5x Sleep Powder   : 1x Remedy (Siren's ST Med-RF)
            1x Dragon Fang    : 1x Remedy (Siren's ST Med-RF)
            1x Malboro Tentacle : 2x Remedy (Siren's ST Med-RF)
            1x Med Kit : 20x Remedy (Siren's ST Med-RF)
Function:   Cures abnormal status
Card Mod:   n/a

* Received it from Forest Fox leader before heading for Galbadia Garden.
* Received it from Garden female cadet at Balamb Garden- Training Center
  in Disc 2.
* Has no effect on KO'd characters.
* It provides an one-time effect. It does not cause your character to be
  immune against any abnormal status.

Remedy+                                                         item_017
Methods in Gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 10x Remedy : 1x Remedy+ (Alexander's Med LV Up)
Function:   Cures abnormal status and magical effects.
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can only get this item from Alexander's Med LV Up Menu. [You need
  to master Med Data first, in addition a free slot for Med LV Up. Next 
  master Med LV Up and select it through the Ability menu. Select the 
  item [Remedy] and convert it into Remedy+. Note that you need at least
  Remedy, or else the refinement can't work.
* This item is a better Remedy as it also removes magical status such as
  Vit 0, which caused by Meltdown.
* This item is one of the requirements to summon GF Doomtrain. You need
  at least 6 of them to meet up with the requirements. Refer to 
  Solomon's Ring [code: 025] for more information.

/ 5.2 \_________________________________________________________________
Battle Items Group                                            ffviii_046
Battle Items are typically items that only usable in combat unlike Junk.
They are extremely good as they can does a lot of damage such as Hero,
Holy War, Phoenix Pinion, Gysahl Greens, Holy Stone, etc.
//___    This group's icon should look something like the ASCII Art on
|____|   the left..

Notes on Battle Items Group
These are the items that are usable in combat. [it really sucks 
compared to FF7 where you can uses items such as Grenade, Right Arm, 
etc.] These items are rather hard to get as they can't be obtained 
through the battles (except for BOSS fights) and the best method is 
either through the Pocketstation / refinement. Here are some of the 
important refinement abilities:

Alexander's Med LV Up [120 AP, requires Med Data (200 AP)]
Siren's Tool-RF [30 AP]

Except for the Magical Lamp and Solomon's Ring, the remainder can be 
used repetitive [as long you have them stocked in the items inventory]
Magical Lamp allows you to obtain Diablos (refer to GF bestiary)
Solmon's Ring allows you to obtain Doomtrain (refer to GF bestiary)

Hero-trial and Friendship is only obtainable through the Pocketstation. 
The remainding items can be obtained through refinement, completing 
quests, modified your cards into Items, etc.

Name of Item         What it does                                   Sell
Hero-trial           Makes character invisible sometimes               7
Hero                 Makes character invisible                      7500
Holy War-trial       Makes all party members invisible sometimes       7
Holy War             Makes all party members invisible             15000
Gysahl Greens        Chocobo related...?                               7
Phoenix Pinion       When used in battle..                             7
Magical Lamp         You should save your game before using it!        7
Solomon's Ring       An old, mysterious ring.                          7
Friendship*          When used in battle..                             7
Shell Stone          Same effect as Shell                              7
Protect Stone        Same effect as Protect                            7
Aura Stone           Same effect as Aura                               7
Death Stone          Same effect as Death                              7
Holy Stone           Same effect as Holy                               7
Flare Stone          Same effect as Flare                              7
Meteor Stone         Same effect as Meteor                             7
Ultima Stone         Same effect as Ultima                             7
* Obtainable only through Pocketstation

Hero-trial                                                      item_018
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a 
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Makes character invisible sometimes
Card Mod:   n/a

* Has only 50% chance rate of being invisible. I guess it is based on
* Has no effect on KO'd characters.
* You can get this item through Angelo Search.
* Causes one character to be invisible that physical attacks and 
  magicial attacks [attacking, support, status, time Magic except for 
  recovery Magic] will causes a MISS or does zero damage. Recovery magic 
  except for Regen, Life, Full-life will cause a miss. GF Commands such
  as Recovery also works.
* Can get more of this through Pocketstation.

Hero                                                            item_019
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Seifer during your encounter with him at Galbadia 
            Garden [Disc 2] and Lunatic Pandora [Disc 3]
Refinement: 10x Hero-trial : 1x Hero [Alexander's Med LV Up]
Function:   Makes character invisible 
Card Mod:   1x Laguna's Card : 100x Laguna's Card

* Causes one character to be invisible that physical attacks and 
  magicial attacks [attacking, support, status, time Magic except for 
  recovery Magic] will causes a MISS or does zero damage. Recovery magic 
  except for Regen, Life, Full-life will cause a miss. GF Commands such
  as Recovery also works.
* The most preferred method of getting Hero is by modifying the Laguna's 
  Card and get it back in Disc 4 by battling the CC Group in the 

Holy War-trial                                                  item_020
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 10x Hero : 1x Holy War Trial [Alexander's Med LV Up]
Function:   Makes party members invisible sometimes
Card Mod:   n/a

* Has only ~50% chance of being invisible for the entire party. Based
  on Luck.
* Causes entire party to be invisible that physical attacks and 
  magicial attacks [attacking, support, status, time Magic except for 
  recovery Magic] will causes a MISS or does zero damage. Recovery magic 
  except for Regen, Life, Full-life will cause a miss. GF Commands such
  as Recovery  also works.
* Same as Hero-trial and the difference is that it affects the entire

Holy War                                                        item_021
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 10x Holy War-trial : 1x Holy War [Alexander's Med LV Up]
Function:   Makes party members invisible
Card Mod:   1x Gilgamesh's Card : 10x Holy War

* Causes entire party to be invisible that physical attacks and magicial
  attacks [attacking, support, status, time Magic except for recovery 
  Magic] will causes a MISS or does zero damage. Recovery magic except
  for Regen, Life, Full-life will cause a miss. GF Commands Recovery 
  also works.
* If you want an easy battle against Omega, this item would be your best
* The most preferred method of getting Holy War is by modifying the 
  Gilgamesh Card and get it back in Disc 4 by battling the CC Group in
  the Ragnarok.

Gysahl Greens                                                   item_022
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Chocobo related..? Just summon a Mother Chocobo at any of
            the Chocobo forests and you will be able to summon Chicobo.
            Gets advance through levelling up Boko in Choco World via
Card Mod:   1x Chicobo's Card : 100x Gysahl Greens

* Note that you can pay 1x Gysahl Greens from the ChocoBoy in any of the
  Chocobo Forests. Sometimes it is not in a single quantity but you can
  buy: 10x Gysahl Greens for 6000 gil, 5x Gysahl Greens for 3000 gil.
  You can only buy Gysahl Greens from the ChocoBoy, provided that you
  haven't solved the puzzle in that particular Chocobo Forests.
* After completing the Chocobo Forests Quest and obtained Chicobo's 
  card, you can still obtained from the Chicobo in the Chocobo Holy 
  Region each time you entered the forest. But of course, you will have
  600 gil being snatched away ^_^;
* Can get a prize by winning card games against Battle Masters in 
  D-District Prison [Disc 2]
* Gotten it from Balamb Garden female student in Cafeteria.
* The most preferred method of getting Gysahl Greens is by modifying 
  the Chicobo Card and get it back in Disc 4 by battling the CC Group 
  in the Ragnarok.

Phoenix Pinion                                                  item_023
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: When used in battle... Allows you to summon GF Phoenix. 
            GF Phoenix does Fire element damage to all enemies and casts
            Life on all party members.
Function:   3x Mega Phoenix : 1x Phoenix Pinion [Siren's Tool-RF]
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can get one by finding all the stones for Laguna's statue at the
  Shumi Village.
* You can get a second one at Missing Vase Pieces in Winhill [not 
  during Laguna's Dream Sequence.]
* Found it at Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3 [refer to Walkthrough (or Part
  I) for more information]
* The Phoenix Pinion has the chances of being used when your party is
  being wiped out by the enemy. Hence, it is quite reasonable to give
  at least one of the members, the item command.
* The best method of getting Phoenix Pinions to refine Mega Phoenix
  [which can be bought from Esthar Shop!!! with Familiar] through 
  Siren's Tool-RF.

Magical Lamp                                                    item_024
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   A cursed lamp.. Transports the current party to the World of
            Darkness and you will battle GF Diablos. Defeat GF Diablos
            to have it as your ally.
Card Mod:   n/a

* You will get this item upon your trip to Balamb Town for your first
  SeeD Mission and it will be forced to be given to you by Cid Kramer.
* A lot of e-mails have regarding about this item.. Is there is another
  alternate way of getting Magical Lamp? Yes! You can get this item
  through the Pocketstation. As for Angelo Search, I am still testing
  for it.
* You can use this item anytime even during Laguna's Dream Sequences.

Solomon's Ring                                                  item_025
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   A mysterious ring. Allows you to summon GF Doomtrain as your
            ally by getting its requirements: 6x Steel Pipe, 6x Remedy+,
            and 6x Malboro Tentacle. Just press X to select it from
Card Mod:   n/a

* This item can be gotten from Tear's Point before your trip to Space.
  After returning to space, you will be unable to get the item. However,
  in Disc 4, you will be able to retrieve it. 
* Item not working even with all requirements? I myself haven't 
  encounter that before.. But I assume it will be usable as long as you
  was not in the effected area by Lunar Cry [Esthar City and Great 
  Plains of Esthar] or maybe the Centra Crater [where you find the 
  Centra Ruins]
* You need to have all the requirements met otherwise, you can't summon
  GF Doomtrain. Refer to Remedy+ [code: 000], Steel Pipe [code: 000] and 
  Malboro Tentacles [code: 000] for more information on get these 

Friendship                                                      item_026
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a (obtainable through Pocketstation)
Refinement: n/a
Function:   When used in battle.. Allows you to summon Moomba where it
            does it attacks, carrying non-elemental damage to all 
Card Mod:   n/a

* Available via Pocketstation only.
* The Friendship, like Gysahl Greens [code: 022] and Phoenix Pinion [
  code: 023], is an item that produced a one-time effect. That means in 
  order to summon Moomba another time, you need to use another 
  Friendship item. You can only summon Moomba during combat through the
  item menu.

Shell Stone                                                     item_027
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok 
            during the space journey in Disc 3.
Refinement: 1x Rune Armlet : 10x Shell Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Force Armlet : 30x Shell Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Shell. Allows your character to cast Shell
            onto ally or oneself.
Card Mod:   1x Mobile Type 8's Card : 10x Shell Stone

* Shell Stone typically works like Shell except you cast it through the
  Item command instead. I would preferred Shell as it is much easier to 
  obtain and you could enhance it with Triple/Double Magic.
* You can also gotten a couple of these, by solving the puzzles in the
  Chocobo Forests.
* The most preferred method of getting Shell Stone is by modifying the 
  Mobile Type 8's Card. You can get it by having card games with CC
  Group or known players such as Cid or Dr. Kadowaki.

Protect Stone                                                   item_028
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok 
            during the space journey in Disc 3.
Refinement: 1x Turtle Shell : 10x Protect Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Orihalcon : 30x Protect Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Protect. Allows your character to cast 
            Protect onto ally or oneself.
Card Mod:   1x BGH251F2's Card : 10x Protect Stone

* Protect Stone works like Protect, except you cast it through the Item
  command instead. I would preferred Protect as it is much easier to 
  obtain and you could enhance it with Triple/Double Magic.
* You can also gotten a couple of these, through solving puzzles in the
  Chocobo Forests.
* The most preferred method of getting Protect Stone is by modifying the 
  BGH251F2's Card. You can get it by having card games with CC Group or 
  known players such as Cid or Dr. Kadowaki.

Aura Stone                                                      item_029
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok 
            during the space journey in Disc 3.
Refinement: 1x Steel Pipe  : 1x Aura Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Fury Fragment : 2x Aura Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Strength Love : 2x Aura Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Circlet : 2x Aura Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Power Wrist : 10x Aura Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Hypno Crown : 10x Aura Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Aura. Allows your character to cast Aura
            onto ally or oneself.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Aura Stone works like Aura, except you cast it through the Item 
  command instead. I would preferred Aura Stone compared to Aura as it
  is much easier to obtained when you have problems in finding Fury 
  Fragments or Draw Points containing Aura.
* You can also gotten a couple of these, through solving puzzles in the
  Chocobo Forests.
* The best method to get more Aura Stones is by refining Steel Pipes
  [which can be mugged from Wendigo] through Siren's Tool-RF.

Death Stone                                                     item_030
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok 
            during the space journey in Disc 3
Refinement: 1x Dead Spirit : 2x Death Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Death. 
Card Mod:   1x Elvoret's Card : 10x Death Stone

* Death Stone works like Death, except you cast it through the Item 
  Command. I would preferred Death over Death Stone as it is much 
  easier to obtain and would be devastating with Triple/Double Magic.
* You can also gotten a couple of these, through solving the puzzles
  in the Chocobo Forests.
* The most preferred method of getting Death Stone is by modifying the 
  Elvoret's Card. You can get it by having card games with CC
  Group or known players such as Cid or Dr. Kadowaki.

Holy Stone                                                      item_031
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok
            during the space journey in Disc 3.
            Defeat the Last Sorceress during Time Compression in Disc 4.
Refinement: 1x Moon Stone : 2x Holy Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Holy
Card Mod:   1x Krysta's Card : 10x Holy Stone

* You will get this as a prize by completing the Missing Vase Pieces.
* You can also gotten a couple of these through solving the puzzles in
  the Chocobo Forests.
* The most preferred method of getting Holy Stone is by modifying the 
  Krysta's Card. You can get it by having card games with CC
  Group or known players such as Cid or Dr. Kadowaki.

Flare Stone                                                     item_032
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok 
            during space journey in Disc 3.
            Defeat BOSS Abadon in Great Salt Lake of Disc 3.
Refinement: 1x Inferno Fang : 2x Flare Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Flare
Card Mod:   1x Tiamat's Card : 10x Flare Stone

* You can also gotten a couple of these through solving the puzzles in
  the Chocobo Forests
* The most preferred method of getting Flare Stone is by modifying the 
  Tiamat's Card. You can get it by having card games with CC
  Group or known players such as Cid or Dr. Kadowaki.

Meteor Stone                                                    item_033
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok 
            during space journey in Disc 3.
            Defeat the last Sorceress during Time Compression in Disc 4.
Refinement: 1x Star Fragment : 2x Meteor Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Meteor
Card Mod:   1x Red Giant's Card : 5x Meteor Stone

* You can also gotten a couple of these through solving the puzzles in
  the Chocobo Forests.
* The most preferred method of getting Meteor Stone is by modifying the 
  Red Giant's Card. You can get it by having card games with CC
  Group or known players such as Cid or Dr. Kadowaki.

Ultima Stone                                                    item_034
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat BOSS Propagator during your visit at the Ragnarok
            during space journey in Disc 3.
            Defeat BOSS Ultima Weapon at Deep Sea Deposit
Refinement: 1x Energy Crystal : 2x Ultima Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Ultima
Card Mod:   1x Ultima Weapon's Card : 2x Ultima Stone

* You can also gotten a couple of these through solving the puzzles in
  the Chocobo Forests.
* The most preferred method of getting Ultima Stone is by modifying the 
  Ultima Weapon's Card. You can get it by having card games with CC
  Group or known players such as Cid or Dr. Kadowaki.

/ 5.3 \_________________________________________________________________
Field Items Group                                             ffviii_047
Field items are typically items that are only activated once on the 
World Map or at the Save Point. There are three kinds and they all 
provide an entire party effect.
 /|\     The icon of the group looks something like this.

L i s t 
Name of Item      What it does?                                     Sell
Tent              Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all       750
Pet House         Restores HP to all GFs                             375
Cottage           Same effect as Tent plus restores all GFs          670

Tent                                                            item_035
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Level 30 ~40 Elite Soldiers/ Esthar Soldiers [rare]
Refinement: 1x Healing Water : 2x Tent (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Regen Ring : 5x Tent (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all, usable only
            at World Map or Save Point.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Received from male cadet in the Parking Lot of Balamb Garden at Disc
* Found in a box in D-District Prison in Disc 2.
* You can buy this from most stores.

Pet House                                                       item_036
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Healing Mail : 1x Pet House (Leviathan's GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Silver Mail : 2x Pet House (Leviathan's GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Gold Armor : 4x Pet House (Leviathan's GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Diamond Armor : 16x Pet House (Leviathan's GFRecov 
Function:   Restores HP to all GFs
Card Mod:   1x MiniMog's Card : 100x Pet House

* Found in a box in D-District Prison in Disc 2.
* You can buy these from GF Item Shops like the one in Timber.

Cottage                                                         item_037
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Level 50 ~ 60 Elite Soldiers or Esthar Soldiers (cyborg)
            Defeat Elynole at Communication Towers.
Refinement: 1x Whisper : 1x Cottage (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Healing Ring : 30x Cottage (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Diamond Armor : 50x Cottage (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Same effect as Tent plus restores HP to all GFs.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Found one in a box in D-District Prison in Disc 2.
* The best group item healer! You can buy these from Esthar Shop!!! with
  Familiar Ability learnt.
/ 5.4 \_________________________________________________________________
GF Medicine Group                                             ffviii_048
Like characters, GFs needs items to restores HP and the items are known
as GF recovery items. Although GFs have auto-walk and recover, they 
still requires these items as they provide more effective healing. 
G-Returners are commonly won by defeating most GFs while in Disc 1.

You can get most of these through Leviathan's GFRecov Med-RF [30 AP]. 
G-Mega Potions are generally the best items for GFs, unlike Elixir and
Megalixir for your characters.

L i s t 
Name of Item      What it does?                                     Sell
G-Potion          Restores 200 HP to GF                               75
G-Hi-Potion       Restores 1000 HP to GF                             225
G-Mega-Potion     Restores 1000 HP to all GFs                         37
G-Returner        Revives GF from KO                                 187
Rename Card       Changes GF name                                     37
Pet's Nametag     Changes Pet's name                                 187
Amnesia Greens    Makes GF forget an ability                         375

G-Potion                                                        item_038
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Restores 200 HP to GF
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can buy this from Item and Pet Shops.
* You can only use this item while not in combat. If you want to heal 
  GFs during combat, you have to use MiniMog Command.

G-Hi-Potion                                                     item_039
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Sacred in the Tomb of Unknown King in Disc 1.
Refinement: 1x Healing Water : 2x G-Hi-Potion (GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Mesmerize Blade : 2x G-Hi-Potion (GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Whisper : 4x G-Hi-Potion (GFRecov Med-RF)
Function:   Restores 1000 HP to GF
Card Mod:   n/a

* Quite easy to get as you can buy it from Pet Shops and Item Shops
* You can only use this item while not in combat. If you want to heal 
  GFs during combat, you have to use MiniMog Command.

G-Mega Potion                                                   item_040
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat GF Odin in Centra Ruins in Disc 2/ Disc 3
Refinement: 1x Healing Ring : 20x G-Mega Potion (GFRecov Med-RF)
Function:   Restores 1000 HP to all GFs
Card Mod:   1x Sphinxuar : 1x G-Mega Potion
            1x Propagator : 1x G-Mega Potion

* Perhaps the hardest GF healing items to get. The recommended way is
  through modifying Sphinxuar's or Propagator's Card.
* You can only use this item while not in combat. If you want to heal 
  GFs during combat, you have to use MiniMog Command.

G-Returner                                                      item_041
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat GF Ifrit, Elvoret, Diablos, Minotaur [both fights] 
            and Cerberus.
Refinement: 1x Pet House : 2x G-Returner (GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Life Ring : 2x G-Returner (GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Regen Ring : 6x G-Returner (GFRecov Med-RF)
            1x Phoenix Spirit : 40x G-Returner (GFRecov Med-RF)
Function:   Revives GF from KO
Card Mod:   1x Granaldo's Card : 1x G-Returner

* You can buy most of these from Item Shops and Pet Shops.
* Remember to revive dead GFs before going back to battle.

Rename Card                                                     item_042
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Changes GF's name
Card Mod:   1x Catoblepas' Card : 5x Rename Card

* You can get one from D-District Prison when you refuse to submit.
* You can get another one by trading the Shiva Card for Girl Next Door.

Pet's Nametag                                                   item_043
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Changes pet's name
Card Mod:   n/a

* Found this item at the D-District Prison [before rescuing Squall]
* This allows you to change Angelo's Name.

Amnesia Greens                                                  item_044
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows GF to forget an ability
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can buy this from all Pet Shops. Extremely important when you want
  to customize your GFs.
* Notes on Amnesia Greens: Amnesia Greens are used to remove unwanted 
  abilities. For example, you want a GF to learn Str +60% but the GF
  ability slots is being fully occupied. Amnesia Greens allows you to 
  remove BUT BE CAUTION when using it. Once an ability is removed, you
  can't get it back any more. 
* Please wait for the GFs to master all its Ability before you use this
  item. Let's says Alexander has gotten 21 of 22 abilities through the
  initial ability list. The only ability that has not been uncovered is
  the Med LV Up Menu Ability. You need to wait to master its prequisite
  Med Data before you can learn this. If the slot is being replaced by
  another ability let's says Str +60%, Alexander can't have additional 
  space for Med LV Up, hence Alexander can't learn Med LV Up. Therefore,
  it highly recommended that you can all the 22 initial abilities before
  modifying them. If you have made the above mistake, use Amnesia Greens
  to remove any ability except for its prequisite. After doing this, 
  check the menu and Med LV Up should appear on the ability list.

/ 5.5 \_________________________________________________________________
GF Ability Items                                              ffviii_049
GFs can be customized by using these items known as ability items. They
normally are hard to find as you required the Rare Item to get them.
The most powerful ones such as Samnatha Soul can only be obtained 
through refinement known as GFAbl Med-RF from GF Eden. 
 _ _
 | |        It should look like the ASCII Art on the left. It also 
/G F\       applies to GF Medicine Items.

GFs can have only a maximum of 22 Abilities. The first time you got the
GFs, only about 75% of GF Ability screen are filled and the list has 
left out a lot of them. Note that GFs requires additional slots to learn 
advance abilities from its prequisite abilities. Example: GF needs to 
learn SumMag +10% in order to get its prequisite SumMag +20%. There are 
a lot of abilities and also includes the rarely find abilities such as 
Ribbon (via Pocketstation only) and Hundred Needles [allows GFs to 
learn Damage Return]. Mog's Amulet [allows GFs to learn MiniMog] is 
also another item that can be only obtained from Pocketstation.

Once you have gotten the item, it does not mean that you can use that
ability. Instead they must be learnt. You may required to use Amnesia
Greens which can be brought from all Pet Shops to forget abilities. 
Next replace the empty slot with the item that allows GF to learn the
ability. Note that GFs can't have duplicated abilities such as 2x 
SumMag +10%. Once the item is used, the GFs will takes no AP to learn
it as it is automatically learnt.

L i s t
Name of Item       What it does?                                    Sell
Magic Scroll       GF learns Magic Ability                          1875
GF Scroll          GF learns GF Ability                             1875
Item Scroll        GF learns Item Ability                           1875
Draw Scroll        GF learns Draw Ability                           1875
Gambler Spirit     GF learns Card Ability                           3750
Med Kit            GF learns Treatment Ability                      3750
Healing Ring       GF learns Recover Ability                        3750
Phoenix Spirit     GF learns Revive Ability                         3750
Bomb Spirit        GF learns Kamikaze Ability                       7500
Hungry Cookpot     GF learns Devour Ability                         7500
Mog's Amulet       GF learns MiniMog Ability                        7500
HP-J Scroll        GF learns HP-J Ability                           3750
Str-J Scroll       GF learns Str-J Ability                          3750
Vit-J Scroll       GF learns Vit-J Ability                          3750
Mag-J Scroll       GF learns Mag-J Ability                          3750
Spr-J Scroll       GF learns Spr-J Ability                          3750
Luck-J Scroll      GF learns Luck-J Ability                         3750
Spd-J Scroll       GF learns Spd-J Ability                         18750
Aegis Amulet       GF learns Eva-J Ability                         18750
Elem Atk           GF learns Elem-Atk-J Ability                    18750
Elem Guard         GF learns Elem-Def-J x4 Ability                 18750
Status Atk         GF learns ST-Atk-J Ability                      18750
Status Guard       GF learns ST-Def-J x4 Ability                   18750
Rosetta Stone      GF learns Ability x4 Ability                    18750
Steel Pipe         GF learns SumMag +10% Ability                     112
Star Fragment      GF learns SumMag +20% Ability                     187
Energy Crystal     GF learns SumMag +30% Ability                     375
Samantha Soul      GF learns SumMag +40% Ability                     750
Healing Mail       GF learns GF HP +10% Ability                      112
Silver Mail        GF learns GF HP +20% Ability                      187
Gold Armor         GF learns GF HP +30% Ability                      375
Diamond Armor      GF learns GF HP +40% Ability                      750
Regen Ring         GF learns HP +20% Ability                         112
Giant Ring         GF learns HP +40% Ability                        1500
Gaea's Ring        GF learns HP +80% Ability                       11250
Strength Love      GF learns Str +20% Ability                        112
Power Wrist        GF learns Str +40% Ability                       1500
Hyper Wrist        GF learns Str +60% Ability                      11250
Turtle Shell       GF learns Vit +20% Ability                        112
Orihalcon          GF learns Vit +40% Ability                       1500
Adamantine         GF learns Vit +60% Ability                      11250
Circlet            GF learns Mag +20% Ability                        112
Hypno Crown        GF learns Mag +40% Ability                       1500
Royal Crown        GF learns Mag +60% Ability                      11250
Rune Armlet        GF learns Spr +20% Ability                        112
Force Armlet       GF learns Spr +40% Ability                       1500
Magic Armlet       GF learns Spr +60% Ability                      11250
Jet Engine         GF learns Spd +20% Ability                       1500 
Rocket Engine      GF learns Spd +40% Ability                      11250
Moon Curtain       GF learns Auto Shell Ability                    15000
Glow Curtain       GF learns Auto Reflect Ability                  15000
Steel Curtain      GF learns Auto Protect Ability                  15000
Accelerator        GF learns Auto Haste Ability                    18750
Monk's Code        GF learns Counter Ability                       18750
Knight's Code      GF learns Cover Ability                         15000
Doc's Code         GF learns Med Data Ability                      15000
Hundred Needles    GF learns Damage Return Ability                 15000
Three Stars        GF learns Expend x3-1 Ability                   18750
Ribbon*            GF learns Ribbon Ability                        37500
*these items can only be obtained through the Pocketstation.

Magic Scroll                                                    item_045
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Magic Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        All

* You can get this item through buying from Timber Pet Shop. Note that
  all GFs can't use this item, unless you have removed the Magic Ability
* With this item, your equipped character can use the Magic Command.

GF Scroll                                                       item_046
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns GF Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        All

* You can get this item through buying from Timber Pet Shop. Note that 
  all GFs can't use this item, unless you have removed the GF Ability.
* With this item, your equipped character can use the GF Command.

Draw Scroll                                                     item_047
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Draw Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        All

* You can get this item through buying from Timber Pet Shop. Note that
  all GFs can't use this item, unless you have removed the Draw Ability.
* With this item, your equipped character can use the Draw Command.

Item Scroll                                                     item_048
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Item Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        All

* You can get this item through buying from Timber Pet Shop. Note that 
  all GFs can't use this, unless you have removed the Item Ability.
* With this item, your equipped character can use the Item Command.

Gambler Spirit                                                  item_049
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Card Ability
Card Mod:   3x Shumi Tribe : 1x Gambler Spirit
GFs:        Quezacotl [60 AP]

* This item can be obtained through the above methods or Pocketstation.
* You can use this to allow GF to learn Card Command. Once it is being
  used, you don't need to accquired AP to master this ability.
* The most preferred way to get Gambler Spirit is through card 
  modification where you modify Shumi Tribe's Card.

Med Kit                                                         item_050
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 100x Dragon Fang : 1x Med Kit [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Treatment Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Siren [100 AP]

* This item can be obtained only through the above methods or via
  Pocketstation. Refer to Command Ability: Med Kit for more information.
* Dragon Fang can be obtained by defeating Blue Dragon that find in 
  Trabia- Winter Island region. Just move close to the mountains and you
  will encounter them. 

Healing Ring                                                    item_051
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 100x Whisper : 1x Healing Ring [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Recover Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Leviathan [200 AP]

* This item can only be obtained through the above methods or via
  Pocketstation. Refer to Command Ability: Recover for more information.
* Whisper can be obtained by defeating a single Adamantoise. You can 
  also get this by stealing from Adamantoise. However, it practically
  takes ages to get 100x Whispers.

Phoenix Spirit                                                  item_052
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 20x Phoenix Pinion : 1x Phoenix Spirit [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Revive Ability
Card Mod:   1x Phoenix : 3x Phoenix Spirit
GFs:        Alexander [200 AP]

* This item can only be obtained through the above methods or via
  Pocketstation. Refer to Command Ability: Revive for more information.
* The most preferred method of get Phoenix Spirits is by getting the 
  Phoenix's Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.

Bomb Spirit                                                     item_053
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Level 100 Bombs [rare item equipped]
Refinement: 100x Bomb Fragment : 1x Bomb Spirit [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Kamikaze Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Cactuar [100 AP]

* This item can only be obtained through the above methods or via
  Pocketstation. Refer to Command Ability: Kamikaze for more 
* Bomb Fragment can be obtained by defeating/mugging Bombs found at
  the Fire Cavern or forests near the southeastern Chocobo Forests.

Hungry Cookpot                                                  item_054
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Give 5x Elixir to PuPu [during UFO Sighting Incident and
            card-mod the card.]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Devour Ability
Card Mod:   1x PuPu : 1x Hungry Cookpot
GFs:        Eden

* This item can only be obtained through the above methods or via
  Pocketstation. Refer to Command Ability: Devour for more information.
* Well, there is only one method and it is get the PuPu's Card.

Mog's Amulet                                                    item_055
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns MiniMog Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        n/a

* This item can only be obtained through the Choco World of 
  Pocketstation and you must unlock GF MiniMog before you could use the
* The Mog's Amulet allows you to use the MiniMog Command.

HP-J Scroll                                                     item_056
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 2x HP Up : 1x HP-J Scroll [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns HP-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Quezacotl, Ifrit, Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle [50 AP]

* This item can be brought from Esthar Pet Shop when you have acquired
  GF Tonberry's Familiar Ability.

Str-J Scroll                                                    item_057
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 2x Str Up : 1x Str-J Scroll [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Str-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Pandemona, Cerberus [50 AP]

* This item can be brought from Esthar Pet Shop when you have acquired
  GF Tonberry's Familiar Ability.

Vit-J Scroll                                                    item_058
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 2x Vit Up : 1x Vit-J Scroll [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Vit-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Quezacotl, Shiva, Carbuncle [50 AP]

* This item can be brought from Esthar Pet Shop when you have acquired
  GF Tonberry's Familiar Ability.

Mag-J Scroll                                                    item_059
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 2x Mag Up : 1x Mag-J Scroll [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Mag-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Quezacotl, Siren, Carbuncle, Diablos, Leviathan, Cerberus 
            [50 AP]

* This item can be brought from Esthar Pet Shop when you have acquired
  GF Tonberry's Familiar Ability.

Spr-J Scroll                                                    item_060
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 2x Spr Up : 1x Spr-J Scroll [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Spr-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Shiva, Brothers, Leviathan, Cerberus, Alexander

* This item can be brought from Esthar Pet Shop when you have acquired
  GF Tonberry's Familiar Ability.

Spd-J Scroll                                                    item_061
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Cerberus at Galbadia Garden in Disc 2.
Refinement: 2x Spd Up : 1x Spd-J Scroll [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Spd-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Pandemona, Cerberus, Eden

* This item can be found in Lunatic Pandora during Zell's quest at
  Disc 3, refer to Part I for more information.

Luck-J Scroll                                                   item_062
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Odin at Centra Ruins
Refinement: 2x Luck Up : 1x Luck-J Scroll [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Luck-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Cactuar [200 AP]

* This item can be found by solving the hint no. 2 for Obel Lake 

Aegis Amulet                                                    item_063
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug UFO? during UFO sighting Incident.
Refinement: 50x Barrier : 1x Aegis Amulet [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Eva-J Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Eden, Cactuar [200 AP]

* This item can be gotten from the above methods or via the 
* Barrier can be obtained defeat/steal Behemoths found in the Great
  Plains of Esthar after you have gotten Ragnarok.

Elem Atk                                                        item_064
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Trauma in Art Gallery in Ultimecia's Castle.
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Elem-Atk-J Ability
Card Mod:   1x Ifrit : 3x Elem Atk 
GFs:        Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Leviathan, Pandemona,

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The most preferred method of get Elem Atks is by getting the 
  Ifrit's Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.

Elem Guard                                                      item_065
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Krysta found in Balcony of Ultimecia's Castle
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Elem-Def-J x4 Ability
Card Mod:   1x Selphie : 3x Elem Guard
GFs:        Doomtrain, Alexander.

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The most preferred method of get Elem Guards is by getting the 
  Selphie's Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.

Status Atk                                                      item_066
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Catoblepas in Treasure Vault of Ultimecia's Castle.
Refinement: 20x Royal Crown : 1x Status Atk (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns ST-Atk-J Ability
Card Mod:   1x Siren : 3x Status Atk
GFs:        Siren, Carbuncle, Cerberus, Doomtrain

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The most preferred method of get Status Atk is by getting the 
  Siren's Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.

Status Guard                                                    item_067
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Tiamat found in the Clock Tower of Ultimecia's Castle
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns ST-Def-J x4 Ability
Card Mod:   1x Doomtrain : 3x Status Guard
GFs:        Doomtrain, Cerberus

* You can get one by solving the part II quest of the Shumi Village, 
  you must solved Part I Shumi Quest: Finding Ingredients before you
  can proceed on with Part II.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The most preferred method of get Status Guards is by getting the 
  Doomtrain's Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.

Rosetta Stone                                                   item_068
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Shaman Stone : 1x Rosetta Stone [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Ability x4 Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Bahamut  

* You can get one by solving the Water Gate Quest in the Ultimecia's
  Castle. Refer to Part I for more information.
* You can also get another one from Cheryl's Shop in Esthar Shopping
  Mall. You need to visit it many times and you will get it as a free
  gift. [Works only once]
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* Shaman Stone can be obtained by changing Dark Matter (1x) through 
  Siren's Tool-RF]. That's the best method you can get Rosetta Stone.
  You can get more of these from the Choco World via Pocketstation.

Steel Pipe                                                      item_069
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug LV 20 and above Wendigo
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns SumMag +10% Ability 
Card Mod:   1x Elastoid : 1x Steel Pipe
GFs:        Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Leviathan, 
            Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden

* Steel Pipe is required to summon Doomtrain as a requirement for
  the Solomon's Ring. You need 6x of them. You can also get it from
  stealing Elastoid. 
* The most preferred method of get Steel Pipes is by modifying the 
  Elastoid's Card. You can get this card from most card players.

Star Fragment                                                   item_070
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug LV 40 Iron Giant or Defeat LV 100 T-Rexaur [with rare
            item equipped]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns SumMag +20% Ability
Card Mod:   3x Iron Giant : 1x Star Fragment
GFs:        Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Leviathan,
            Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden

* One of hardiest items to get, but it is quite good, in terms being
  refined into rare magic such as Meteor.
* The most prefered method of getting Star Fragment is by stealing 
  from Iron Giants found in Esthar City Area after you have gotten 
  Ragnarok or you can modify 3x Iron Giant's Card to get it.

Energy Crystal                                                  item_071
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat LV 100 Ruby Dragons/Behemoths/Elynoles
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns SumMag +30% Ability
Card Mod:   10x Elynoles : 1x Energy Crystal
GFs:        Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Leviathan, 
            Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden

* Very difficult to nab as you need to defeat the toughest BOSS. 
* The best method is proceed to the secret area in Esthar [after getting
  Ragnarok, you will find a black man in the city.] Talk to the black 
  man and you will battle the Elynoles. Remember this: DON'T MUG THE
  ELYNOLE or you will get Moon Stones instead. Ruby Dragon and Behemoths
  has a lower rate of giving you this item, therefore Elynoles are your
  best bet.

Samantha Soul                                                   item_072
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug BOSS Adel at Lunatic Pandora in Disc 4
Refinement: 50x Energy Crystal : 1x Samantha Soul [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns SumMag +40% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Quistis : 3x Samantha Soul
GFs:        Doomtrain, Bahamut, Eden 

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The most preferred method of get Samantha Souls is by getting the 
  Quistis' Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.
* BTW, modifying 50x Energy Crystals to get 1 Samantha Souls seems a bit
  too unreasonable.

Healing Mail                                                    item_073
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Snow Lion /Defeat Tutrapod [rare item]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns GF HP+10% Ability
Card Mod:   5x Tutrapod : 1x Healing Mail
GFs:        All

* The best method is to mug the Snow Lions, which can be found in the
  Trabia Continent- Winter Island. Go near the mountains and you will
  encounter it. Or you can modify 5x Tutrapod's Card to get one.

Silver Mail                                                     item_074
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Snow Lion [rare item]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns GF HP+20% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        All

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* Rarely, the Snow Lion drop this item. Silver Mails are quite hard to
  get. But they really worth it.

Gold Armor                                                      item_075
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 5x Silver Mail : 1x Gold Armor [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns GF HP +30% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Pandemona, 
            Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Cactuar, Tonberry, Eden

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* Get 5x Silver Mails [refer above] and modify them through GFAbl 

Diamond Armor                                                   item_076
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Iron Giant in the Prison Cell at Ultimecia's Castle.
Refinement: 5x Gold Armor : 1x Diamond Armor [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns GF HP +40% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Seifer : 3x Diamond Armor
GFs:        Doomtrain, Bahamut, Eden

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The most preferred method of get Diamond Armor is by getting the 
  Seifer's Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.

Regen Ring                                                      item_077
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Torama [rare item]/ Chimera [rare item]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns HP +20% Ability
Card Mod:   10x Chimera : 1x Regen Ring
GFs:        Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle

* The most preferred method of get Regen Ring is by getting the 
  Chimera's Card. But your party is rather strong, proceed to the Esthar
  City Area to look for Torama [but beware of its LV5 Death] or Esthar-
  Khashabald Desert for Chimeras.

Giant Ring                                                      item_078
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat LV 50 ~ 70 Behemoths
Refinement: 10x HP-J Scroll : 1x Giant Ring [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns HP +40% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* You can buy this item from Esthar Pet Shop [with Familiar].
* Generally make of infinite money trick to get this.

Gaea's Ring                                                     item_079
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Jumbo Cactuar.
Refinement: 10x Giant Ring : 1x Gaea's Ring [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns HP +80% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Ward : 3x Gaea's Ring
GFs:        Brothers, Diablos

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The most preferred method of get Gaea's Rings is by getting the 
  Ward's Card. Modified the card and get it back by defeating CC
  Group members in Disc 4 at the Ragnarok.

Strength Love                                                   item_080
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Wendigo [rare item]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Str +20% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Ifrit, Pandemona, Shiva

* This is one of low-grade rare item [it means that it is very hard to
  get yet it does not give you the bonus that it should worth]

Power Wrist                                                     item_081
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Abadon found in Great Salt Lake found at Esthar.
Refinement: 10x Str-J Scroll : 1x Power Wrist [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Str +40% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Ifrit

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* You can buy this item from Esthar Pet Shop [with Familiar]

Hyper Wrist                                                     item_082
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Bahamut
Refinement: 10x Power Wrist : 1x Hyper Wrist [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Str +60% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Zell : 3x Hyper Wrist
GFs:        Bahamut

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* Str +60% is one of most devastating abilities that you can get it from
  the game. To get Hyper Wrist, you can either card-mod Zell's Card [
  note that card modifying is not always the best method]. Instead make
  use of the infinite money trick, purchase 10x Power Wrists at Esthar
  Pet Shop [provided that you have already gotten Familiar] and refine 
  it through GFAbl Med-RF.

Circlet                                                         item_083
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug NORG during combat in Disc 2.
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Mag +20% Ability
Card Mod:   10x Gerogero : 1x Circlet
GFs:        Quezacotl, Siren, Diablos

* Well, another low grade rare item. You can get one by mugging from 
  NORG. But if you really want to get this item, make use of card 
  modifying Gerogero's card.

Hypno Crown                                                     item_084
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 10x Mag-J Scroll : 1x Hypno Crown [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Mag +40% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Quezacotl, Siren, Diablos

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* You can buy this item from Esthar Pet Shop [with Familiar]

Royal Crown                                                     item_085
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Edea at Disc 2 /Defeat Tonberry King
Refinement: 10x Hypno Crown : 1x Royal Crown [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Mag +60% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Edea : 3x Royal Crown
GFs:        Bahamut

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* Mag +60% is one of most devastating abilities that you can get it from
  the game. To get Royal Crown, you can either card-mod Edea's Card [
  note that card modifying is not always the best method]. Instead make
  use of the infinite money trick, purchase 10x Hypno Crown at Esthar
  Pet Shop [provided that you have already gotten Familiar] and refine 
  it through GFAbl Med-RF.

Turtle Shell                                                    item_086
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Armaddo [rare item]
Refinement: n/a 
Function:   GF learns Vit +20% Ability
Card Mod:   2x X-ATM092 : 1x Turtle Shell
GFs:        Shiva, Carbuncle

* You can get a lot of these from monsters with hard shell. Not 
  forgetting Adamantoise. 
* The recommended method to get more turtle shell is through card 
  modifying X-ATM092's card or mugged Armaddo, which can found inside 
  the Tomb of Unknown King.

Orihalcon                                                       item_087
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Adamantoise [rare item]
Refinement: 10x Vit-J Scroll : 1x Orihalcon [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Vit +40% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Shiva, Carbuncle

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* You can buy this item from Esthar Pet Shop [with Familiar].

Adamantine                                                      item_088
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat 2x Adamantoise [rare item]
            Mug BGH251F2 at FH.
Refinement: 10x Orihalcon : 1x Adamantine [GFAbl Med-RF]
Function:   GF learns Vit +60% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Minotaur : 10x Adamantine
GFs:        n/a

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* This item is generally one of the abilities that the 16 GFs that do
  carried with them. As it is a requirement for modelling Squall's
  gunblade into the Lion Heart, it is one of frequently-asked items.
  To get it, you must encounter them [Adamantoises always appear in 
  pairs] and defeat both of them without mugging either one of them.

Rune Armlet                                                     item_089
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Blobra [rare item]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Spr +20% Ability
Card Mod:   5x Blobra : 1x Rune Armlet
GFs:        Shiva, Leviathan, Alexander

* This item is quite easy to get.
* The best method is perhaps by defeating Blobra found in Centra Ruins
  or the Tomb of Unknown King.

Force Armlet                                                    item_090
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Malboro/Ochu [rare item]
            Defeat Seifer and Edea at the BOSS fight in Galbadia Garden.
Refinement: 10x Spr-J Scroll : 1x Force Armlet
Function:   GF learns Spr +40% Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Shiva, Leviathan

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* You can buy this item from Esthar Pet Shop [with Familiar].

Magic Armlet                                                    item_091
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Gargantua at Ultimecia's Castle
Refinement: 10x Force Armlet : 1x Magic Armlet
Function:   GF learns Spr +60% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Rinoa : 3x Magic Armlet
GFs:        n/a

* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* Spr +60% is one of most devastating abilities that you can get it from
  the game. To get Magic Armlet, you can either card-mod Rinoa's Card [
  note that card modifying is not always the best method]. Instead make
  use of the infinite money trick, purchase 10x Force Armlet at Esthar
  Pet Shop [provided that you have already gotten Familiar] and refine 
  it through GFAbl Med-RF.

Jet Engine                                                      item_092
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Cactuar [rare item]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Spd +20% Ability
Card Mod:   40x Tri-Point : 1x Jet Engine
GFs:        Pandemona, Cerberus

* Jet Engine are pretty rare to get as they seldoms appears in the game.
  But if you are an intensive card player, go for Tri-Point cards as 
  this ability is really good.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.

Rocket Engine                                                   item_093
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Tri-Point at Wine Cellar found in Ultimecia's Castle.
Refinement: 10x Accelerator : 1x Rocket Engine (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Spd +40% Ability
Card Mod:   1x Irvine : 3x Rocket Engine
GFs:        Pandemona, Cerberus

* One of the best ability and also difficult to get this. I would rather
  go for Auto Haste compared to this.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The best method to get Rocket Engines is by modifying Irvine's card 
  and get it back in Disc 4 by battling the CC Group inside the 

Moon Curtain                                                    item_094
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 100x Malboro Tentacle : 1x Moon Curtain (GFAbl Med-RF)
            20x Magic Armlet : 1x Moon Curtain (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Auto Shell Ability
Card Mod:   1x Alexander : 3x Moon Curtain
GFs:        Doomtrain

* Auto Shell works well against Magic-based BOSSES such as Adel, 
  Sorceress and of course, Edea.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* As Malboro Tentacles can be easily obtained later in the game, don't
  hesitate to refine them into Moon Curtains.

Glow Curtain                                                    item_095
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 100x Dragon Skin : 1x Glow Curtain (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Auto Reflect Ability
Card Mod:   1x Carbuncle : 3x Glow Curtain
GFs:        Carbuncle

* Auto-Reflect isn't quite good, but it can be great if you have gotten
  abilities such as Auto-Potion, Recover, Treatment [this will not be
  reflected!], etc.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* Dragon Skin is one of hardiest materials to get and it is meant for
  Zell's Ehregiz. You can get it from most dragons but mostly from 
  Grendels and Blue Dragons.

Steel Curtain                                                   item_096
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 20x Adamantine : 1x Steel Curtain (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Auto Protect Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Bahamut 

* In my opinion, a must for fighting the Omega / Ultima Weapon as it can
  reduce physical damage by half. It will be able to guard your 
  characters well, especially the Terra Break of Omega Weapon.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.

Accelerator                                                     item_097
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 100x Lightweights : 1x Accelerator (GFAbl Med-RF)
            10x Spd-J Scroll : 1x Accelerator (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Auto Haste Ability
Card Mod:   1x Kiros : 3x Accelerator
GFs:        Cerberus

* One of best items that you can get from refinement. The Accelerator
  works like Auto Haste and it will not be removed by Dispel and hence
  doubles the speed of ATB.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* This item is actually the reason why people go and collect 
  Lightweights. Lightweights can be refined into an Accelerator, which
  is really a good item.

Knight's Code                                                   item_098
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 5x Holy War : 1x Knight's Code (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Cover Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        Brothers 

* Cover is pretty useless and hence you can actually forget about this
  item. But strategies can make a difference.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.

Monk's Code                                                     item_099
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 2x Moon Curtain : 1x Monk's Code (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Counter Ability
Card Mod:   1x Eden : 3x Monk's Code
GFs:        Carbuncle

* Getting a Monk's Code can be extremely tedious, but much easier for
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.
* The best method is to modify Eden's card and get it back in Disc 4
  from the CC Group Members inside the Ragnarok.

Doc's Code                                                      item_100
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 10x Elixir : 1x Doc's Code (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Med Data Ability
Card Mod:   1x Leviathan : 3x Doc's Code
GFs:        Alexander

* Doc's Code allows you to get Med Data which doubles the effects of 
  healing items.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.

Hundred Needles                                                 item_101
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 100x Cactuar's Thorn : 1x Hundred Needles (GFAbl Med-RF)
Function:   GF learns Damage Return Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        n/a

* A hidden ability and the above refinement is the way to get it or you
  can also get it via Pocketstation.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.

Three Stars                                                     item_102
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Omega Weapon / Mug Ultima Weapon
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Expendx3-1 Ability
Card Mod:   1x Squall : 3x Three Stars
GFs:        Eden

* You can get another one by solving the Obel Lake Mystery Hint #1.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.

Ribbon                                                          item_103
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   GF learns Ribbon Ability
Card Mod:   n/a
GFs:        n/a

* You can only get this item via Pocketstation. I think it is pretty
  hard to get the item. It protects against all status abnormality.
* This item can be only gotten via the above methods or Pocketstation.

/ 5.6 \_________________________________________________________________
Ammo Group                                                    ffviii_050
Possess no importance to any other characters except Irvine Kinneas.
Irvine learns new Limit Breaks with new Ammo and also new shotguns. The
Ammo makes a huge difference in attacking and speed. The better ammo 
are very difficult to nab. Most ammo can be accquired by purchase them
from item shops [especially Esthar Shop]. However the best two ammo can
only be obtained through Ammo-RF. [they are AP Ammo and Pulse Ammo].

Name of Ammo     Description                                        Sell
Normal Ammo      Normal Ammo                                           1
Shotgun Ammo     Ammo that attacks all opponents                       3
Dark Ammo        Ammo with status changing effects                    22
Fire Ammo        Ammo with fire element                               37
Demolition Ammo  Ammo 3 times more powerful than Normal Ammo          60
Fast Ammo        Ammo for rapid fire                                   7
AP Ammo          Armor-Piercing Ammo                                  75
Pulse Ammo       Ammo that contains powerful energy                  375

Normal Ammo                                                     item_104
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat G-Soldier [rare]
Refinement: 1x Screw : 8x Normal Ammo
Function:   Normal Ammo
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can buy this from all Item shops.
* Normal Ammo is basic ammo for Irvine's Limit Breaks. 

Shotgun Ammo                                                    item_105
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Ammo that attacks all opponents.
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can buy this from all Item Shops
* Same as Normal Ammo, but this ammo attacks the entire group of 

Dark Ammo                                                       item_106
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Poison Powder : 10x Dark Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Venom Fang : 20x Dark Ammo [Ammo-RF]
Function:   Ammo with status changing effects
Card Mod:   1x Abadon : 20x Dark Ammo

* You can buy this from Esthar Shop. [Cloud's Shop]
* This Ammo does not only causes abnormal status such as Poison, 
  Darkness, Silence, Sleep, Confuse and Berserk. It also causes damage
  at the same time.

Fire Ammo                                                       item_107
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Bomb Fragment : 20x Fire Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Red Fang : 40x Fire Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Fuel : 10x Fire Ammo [Ammo-RF]
Function:   Ammo with fire element
Card Mod:   1x Oilboyle : 30x Fire Ammo

* You can buy this from Esthar Shop [Cloud's Shop]
* Very destructive against monsters that are weak against Fire. But fire
  elemental based enemies are immune against it. Hence, better to use it

Demolition Ammo                                                 item_108
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Missile : 20x Demolition Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Running Fire : 40x Demolition Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Cactus Thorn : 40x Demolition Ammo [Ammo-RF]
Function:   Ammo 3 times more powerful than Normal Ammo
Card Mod:   1x Trauma : 30x Demolition Ammo

* You can buy this from Esthar Shop [Cloud's Shop] with Familiar.
* The cheapest form of destructive ammo. Not only it does 3x more
  damage than Normal Ammo, its firing rate is still quite fast!

Fast Ammo                                                       item_109
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Normal Ammo : 1x Fast Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Shotgun Ammo : 2x Fast Ammo [Ammo-RF]
Function:   Ammo for rapid fire
Card Mod:   1x GIM47N : 10x Fast Ammo [Ammo-RF]

* You can buy this from Esthar Shop [Cloud's Shop] with Familiar.
* You can get 5x Fast Ammo, by going through FH Night sequence, refer
  to walkthrough for more information.
* Hmm.. if you tap R1 repeatedly when Irvine is using his Limit Breaks,
  you can actually convert his shotgun into a machine gun. 

AP Ammo                                                         item_110
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Sharp Spike : 10x AP Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Chef's Knife : 20x AP Ammo [Ammo-RF]
Function:   Armor-piercing ammo
Card Mod:   n/a

* Only through the above refinement.
* You can get 5x AP Ammo, by going through FH Night sequence, refer to
  walkthrough for more information.
* The only downside of this ammo is its speed. But it is almost as 
  powerful as Pulse Ammo and it is much easier to get. Therefore, I 
  would recommend you to get this instead of Pulse Ammo.

Pulse Ammo                                                      item_111
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Laser Cannon : 5x Pulse Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Energy Crystal : 10x Pulse Ammo [Ammo-RF]
            1x Power Generator : 20x Pulse Ammo [Ammo-RF]
Function:   Ammo that contains powerful energy
Card Mod:   n/a

* Only through the above refinement.
* You can get 5x Pulse Ammo, by going through FH Night sequence, refer 
  to walkthrough for more information.
* The most powerful ammo that you can get in the game. But putting into
  consideration of its speed, it is definitely much compared to AP Ammo.

/ 5.7 \_________________________________________________________________
Junk Item Group 
For the Japanese version, I have been working like hell to come up with
a Bestiary, however in NA version of FF8, it is much simple as they are
easily defined due to the clear explaination of the status screen. I 
will be adding more information for next update.

A. Normal                                                     ffviii_051

Typically, I will call these items "unclassified" compared to normal. 
These items can't be used in combat as they have other purposes such as
refinement into magic and items. These items are generally easy to get,
except for a few. 

Name of Item        Description                                     Sell
M-Stone Piece       Stone with little Magic Power                      7
Magic Stone         Stone with Magic Power                            18
Wizard Stone        Stong with strong Magic Power                     30
Ochu Tentacle       Strong, flexible tentacle                        112
Healing Water       Water with life force                             37
Cockatrice Pinion   Feather with petrifying power                     75
Zombie Powder       Powder with Zombie                                75
Lightweight         Shoes to make your feet light                      -
Sharp Spike         Long, sharp claw                                  75
Screw               Use to remodel weapons                            37
Saw Blade           Serrated Blade                                    75
Mesmerize Blade     Long, sharp blade                                 75
Vampire Fang        Fang that makes Vampire attack                    75
Fury Fragment       Stone that contains morale                       187
Betrayal Sword      Sword that betrays allies                         75
Sleep Powder        Induce sleep                                      75
Life Ring           Ring with life force                              75 
Dragon Fang         Dragon's fang with recovery force                 75
Fuel                Fuel for rental car                             1125
Girl Next Door      Naughty Magazine                                 187
Sorceress Letter    Edea's introduction letter                       187
Death Spirit        Contains Death                                   112
Chocobo's Tag*      Changes Chocobo's name                           187      

M-Stone Piece                                                   item_112
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat LV 1 ~ 15 Bite Bug, Jelleye
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic and remodel weapons.
Card Mod:   1x Funguar : 1x M-Stone Piece
            1x Bite Bug : 1x M-Stone Piece

* One of the mostly dropped items when the enemies' LV was around Level
  1 ~ 15. This item can be refine into something useful..

Magic Stone                                                     item_113
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat LV 16 ~ 28 Bite Bug, Jelleye
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic and remodel weapons.
Card Mod:   1x Grat : 1x Magic Stone
            1x Buel : 1x Magic Stone
            1x Jelleye : 1x Magic Stone

* You will get this quite often, once your characters have gained 
  between level 20 ~ 29. Not much use but can be refined into something

Wizard Stone                                                    item_114
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat LV 30 ~ 100 Bite Bug, Jelleye
            Win Granaldo/3x Raldo fight.
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic and remodel weapons
Card Mod:   1x Vysage : 1x Wizard Stone
            1x Imp : 1x Wizard Stone

* As mentioned above, this item can be refined to the strongest form of
  the four basic spells: Cure, Fire, Blizzard and Thunder.

Ochu Tentacle                                                   item_115
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Ochu 
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items, magic and remodel weapons
Card Mod:   1x Ochu : 1x Ochu Tentacle

* As the name of the item suggests that we should go for its monster,
  Ochu. This item is quite good as it satisfied all the cateria of a 
  Junk Item.
* Ochu can be found in the Island closest to Heaven, Trabia- Hawkwind
  Plains [tropical forests].

Healing Water                                                   item_116
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Jelleye
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items and magic
Card Mod:   n/a

* Healing Water will nab you item meant for GFs and sometimes pretty 
  good magic. Preferred to get this when you have gotten sufficient
  Wizard Stones..
* Jelleye can be found Centra- Lenown Plains.

Cockatrice Pinion                                               item_117
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Cockatrice
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items and magic.
Card Mod:   1x Cockatrice : 1x Cockatrice Pinion
            1x Iguion : 1x Cockatrice Pinion

* Cockatrice Pinion is known for its petrification ability and generally
  refines into Soft and Break Magic. 
* Cockatrice can be found in Nortes Mountains of Esthar.

Zombie Powder                                                   item_118
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Blood Soul
            Defeat BOSS Gerogero
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items and magic.
Card Mod:   1x Blood Soul : 1x Zombie Powder

* Zombie Powder can be obtained easily from Blood Soul. It is mainly 
  used for refinement into magic [Zombie] and items.
* Blood Soul can be encountered at Galbadia- Montersou Plateau.

Lightweights                                                    item_119
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Vysage
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items and magic
Card Mod:   1x Cerberus : 100x Lightweight

* Lightweights has little use except it is a much better compared to
  Vampire Fang. It can be refined into an Accelerator when you have 
  gotten 100x of it!
* Vysage can be found along with Lefty and Righty at Winhill Bluffs,
  the area outside Winhill.

Sharp Spike                                                     item_120
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Grand Mantis
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items and used in remodelling weapons
Card Mod:   1x Grand Mantis : 1x Sharp Spike
            1x Death Claw : 1x Sharp Spike

* Sharp Spike has a very importance as it can be refined into AP Ammo,
  remodelling Selphie's and Quistis' weapons.
* Grand Mantis can be found in the forests of Lenown Plains and Estahr-
  Khashabald Desert [not the white desert, the darker ones..]

Screw                                                           item_121
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Geezard
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items and used in remodelling weapons
Card Mod:   1x Geezard : 5x Screw

* A very important ingredient for Irvine's Shotguns and Squall's certain
  models of Gunblades.
* Geezards can be found in Vaulny Canyon of Timber, Hasberry Plains of
  Dollet and virtually anywhere in Galbadia region.

Mesmerize Blade                                                 item_122
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Mesmerize Blade
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items, magic and remodelling weapons.
Card Mod:   1x Mesmerize : 1x Mesmerize Blade

* Can't believe that this commonly found item will be one of most 
  frequently asked ingredient. Of course as the name suggests, it can
  be obtained from Mesmerize!
* Mesmerize is encounter in the Bika Snowfields of Trabia. [east of the 
  Trabia Crater]

Saw Blade                                                       item_123
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Behelmel 
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic, items and weapon remodelling
Card Mod:   1x Behelmel : 1x Saw Blade

* Saw Blade is quite a good ingredient for weapon remodeling. Plus it
  can be refined into Confuse magic which is very good.
* Behelmel can be encounter at the Galbadia- Montersou Plateau [outside
  Missile Base/ former Galbadia Garden]

Vampire Fang                                                    item_124
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Red Bat/ Glaccid Eye
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic
Card Mod:   1x Red Bat : 1x Vampire Fang

* Red Bats can be found in Fire Cavern whereas Glaccid Eye can be found
  in partially-iced fields of Acauld Plains of Balamb Continent.
* Vampire Fang has only one use and that's to refined into Drain magic.

Fury Fragment                                                   item_125
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Blue Dragon / Defeat LV 20 ~ 30 Ruby Dragons
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine in magic and used in weapon remodelling.
Card Mod:   1x Blue Dragon : 1x Fury Fragment.

* I would recommend you go for Blue Dragon compared to ruthless Ruby
  Dragons. Fury Fragment are great as they can be refined into Aura
* Encountered Blue Dragon near the mountains of Winter Island [where
  Shumi Village is found]

Betrayal Sword                                                  item_126
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Blitz / Defeat Forbidden
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic and used in weapon remodelling.
Card Mod:   1x Forbidden : 1x Betrayal Sword

* This item that will more commonly dropped compared to the Power
  Generator. This item can be refined into pretty useful magic and is
  widely used in remodelling of weapons.
* Blitz can be encounter at Centra- Lenown Plains whereas Forbidden can
  be encounter Esthar-Nortes Mountains or Centra Ruins.

Sleep Powder                                                    item_127
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Funguar or Defeat/Mug Grat
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic and items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Funguar can be found in forests behind Dollet [Hasberry Plains], Grat
  can be encountered at the training center of Balamb Garden.
* Sleep Powder generally produces sleep but it can be refined into great
  items such as Remedy!

Life Ring                                                       item_128
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Mesmerize or Torama
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic and items
Card Mod:   5x Torama : 1x Life Ring

* Life Ring are great items when come for being refined into recovery
  magic, Life. You can get this item easily once you have reached LV 40+
* Mesmerizes can be found Bika Snowfields of Esthar, Toramas can be 
  found Esthar City/Great Plains of Esthar after Lunar Cry Incident.

Dragon Fang                                                     item_129
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Blue Dragon.
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into items, magic and used in weapon 
Card Mod:   n/a

* Blue Dragons can be found near the mountains of Trabia's Winter 
  Island (where you find the Shumi Village). They can be also found in
  the Island closest to Hell. But I would recommend you to search for 
  the first method.

Fuel                                                            item_130
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Oilboyles
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use as fuels for cars and refine into items and magic.
Card Mod:   n/a

* This item will be automatically used when your vehicle starts to run
  out of fuel.
* Can be brought in all Item Shops.

Girl Next Door                                                  item_131
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Naughty Magazine
Card Mod:   n/a

* Found it near the counter of the Timber Maniacs Building
* There is not much use for this item, except that you can trade it to
  Zone for Shiva's Card.
* You can't read the content of this magazine!

Sorceress Letter                                                item_132
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Edea's introduction letter
Card Mod:   n/a

* Get this item from Edea before your departure in search of the White
  SeeD Ship.
* Not much usage except that this item is essential to meet up with the
  leader of White SeeD.
* You can't read the content of this letter!

Death Spirit                                                    item_133
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Imp/Torama/Forbidden
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Use to refine into magic.
Card Mod:   1x Odin : 100x Death Spirit

* I myself think that this item affects the compatibility with GF Odin.
  As the more Death Spirit you have, the higher the occurence rate.

Chocobo's Tag                                                   item_134
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Changes Chocobo's name.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Another item can be obtained via Pocketstation. This item allows you 
  to change the name of Chocobo. [Boko]


B. Blue Magic Items                                           ffviii_052

In FF7, we have the Enemy Skill Materia.. which allows the characters to
learn the enemy's ability while receiving damage. In FF8, only Quistis 
can learn these, which are known as "Blue Magic". These skills also act
as her Limit Breaks. She will these skills by using the items from the
item menu. But not all items are easy to get. I would recommend you to
take a look at her Limit Breaks to have a more precise way of getting

Name of Item     What it does?                                      
Spider Web       Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves
Coral Fragment   Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Electrocute
Curse Spike      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, LV? Death
Black Hole       Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Degenerator
Water Crystal    Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Aqua Breath
Missile          Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Micro Missile
Mystery Fluid    Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Acid
Running Fire     Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Gatling Gun
Inferno Fang     Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Fire Breath
Laser Cannon     Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Homing Laser
Barrier          Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Mighty Guard
Whisper          Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Wind Whisper
Malboro Tentacle Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Bad Breath
Power Generator  Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ray-Bomb
Dark Matter      Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Shockwave Pulsar

Spider Web                                                      item_135
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Caterchipillar
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Ultra Waves. Use in weapon 
            remodelling and magic refinement
Card Mod:   1x Caterchipillar : 1x Spider Web

* Caterchipillar can be found in forests of Balamb- Acauld Plains.
* The Spider Web is an important ingredient for upgrading Zell's weapon.

Coral Fragment                                                  item_136
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Creeps or Mug/Defeat Cockatrice 
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Electrocute. Used in magic 
Card Mod:   1x Creeps : 1x Coral Fragment

* Creeps can be found in Grandidi Forests and Cockatrice can be found
  in Nortes Mountains.
* You can meet the Creeps at the sewers of Deling City during 
  Assassination of Sorceress in Deling for Disc 1.

Curse Spike                                                     item_137
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Tri-Face, Defeat Imp/Forbidden [rare item]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn LV? Death. Use in magic refinement
            and weapon remodelling.
Card Mod:   1x Tri-Face : 1x Curse Spike

* Tri-Face can be found in the Island closest to Heaven. The Tri-face
  can be also found at the Deep Sea Deposit before you have defeated
  the Ultima Weapon.
* Imp can be found Great Plains of Esthar/Esthar City after Lunar Cry.
* Forbidden can be found Esthar- Nortes Mountains or Grandidi Forests
* Malboro occassionally drops Curse Spikes instead of Malboro 
  Tentacles, hence take note.

Black Hole                                                      item_138
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Gesper
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Degenerator. Use in magic 
Card Mod:   1x Gesper : 1x Black Hole
            1x Diablos : 100x Black Hole

* Gespers can be found in Laguna's 2nd Dream Sequence in Centra-
  Evacuation Site [Disc 1] and 5th Sequence at Lunatic Pandora Research 
  Center. [Disc 3]
* Get this ASAP as Degenerator is a deadly Limit Break for Quistis.

Missile                                                         item_139
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat GIM52N
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Micro Missile. Use in magic 
            refinement and items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* GIM52N can be ONLY be encounter in D-District Prison of Galbadia in
  Disc 2 and Esthar City, during Lunatic Pandora's attack sequence.
* There is no other methods to get it, hence try to get it during Disc 2
  at the D-District Prison [the Prison Tower] or Lunatic Pandora while 
  you are controlling as Zell.

Mystery Fluid                                                   item_140
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Gayla
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Acid. Use in magic refinement.
Card Mod:   1x Gayla : 1x Mystery Fluid

* Gayla can be found in Bika Snowfields and Thor Peninsula of Trabia.
* You can also encounter Gayla at the Trabia Canyon during Laguna's
  Dream Sequence No. 4.

Running Fire                                                    item_141
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat SAM08G or Defeat Iron Giant
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Gatling Gun. Use in magic 
Card Mod:   1x SAM08G : 1x Running Fire

* SAM08G can be found in D-District Prison [Disc 2], FH [Disc 2], 
  Missile Base [Disc 2], Lunatic Pandora/Esthar City [Disc 3]
* Iron Giant can be found in Deep Sea Deposit and Esthar City [after
  defeated Ultima Weapon]. The Iron Giants can also be encountered at 
  the Deep Sea Deposit before you defeat the Ultima Weapon. You can also
  find them inside the Lunatic Pandora before Squall faces Seifer.

Inferno Fang                                                    item_142
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Ruby Dragon or Hexdragon
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Fire Breath. Use in magic 
Card Mod:   10x Ruby Dragon : 1x Inferno Fang

* Ruby Dragon can be found at Island closest to Hell, Nortes Mountains 
  of Esthar and Centra-Lenown Plains' forests. 
* Hexdragon can be found at Island closest to Hell and Esthar-Grandidi 

Water Crystal                                                   item_143
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Fastitocalon or Mug/Defeat Chimera
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Aqua Breath. Use in magic 
Card Mod:   5x Fastitocalon-F : 1x Water Crystal
            1x Fastitocalon : 1x Water Crystal

* Fastitocalon can be found in Dingo Desert (outside D-District Prison)
  and shores near Centra Ruins.
* Chimera can be found in Esthar-Khashabald Desert, Island closest to

Laser Cannon                                                    item_144
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Behelmel [rare], Defeat/Mug BOSS Mobile Type 8
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Homing Laser. Use in item 
Card Mod:   n/a

* Behelmel drops this item rarely, just like the Power Generator case.
  Behelmel can be found in Galbadia- Montersou Plateau
* Mobile Type 8 can be encountered at Lunatic Pandora [only ONCE as it
  is a BOSS fight.]

Barrier                                                         item_145
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Behemoth
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Mighty Guard, can be refined into
            items or magic.
Card Mod:   10x Behemoth : 1x Barrier

* Behemoths can be found at Esthar City/Great Plains of Esthar after
  Lunar Cry Incident broke out.

Whisper                                                         item_146
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Adamantoise
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Wind Whisper, can be refined into
            items or magic.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Adamantoise can be found in shores of Long Horn Island and shores 
  behind Dollet Town. Refer to World Map at my website [URL:
  http://risland.virtualave.net ] for more details.

Malboro Tentacle                                                item_147
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Malboro
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Bad Breath, can be refined into 
            items or magic and used in weapon remodelling.
Card Mod:   4x Malboro : 1x Malboro Tentacle

* Malboro can be found in Island closest to Heaven and Esthar's 
  Grandidi Forests.
* Malboro Tentacles are extremely difficult to get. So refer to Malboro
  Data Sheet under the Monsters Section. Malboro Tentacles are an 
  essential in order to summon GF Doomtrain.

Dark Matter                                                     item_148
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 100x Curse Spike : 1x Dark Matter [Siren's Tool-RF]
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Shockwave Pulsar, can be refined 
            into items or magic.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Can be refined once Siren is LV 100. You can get this quite often in
  Choco World via Pocketstation.
* The Dark Matter works wonder! It can be refined into other great items
  such as the Shaman Stone and much more. But getting 100x Curse Spike
  can be quite tiring. Hence try to get use to it. Refer to Curse Spike
  section for more information.

Power Generator                                                 item_149
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Blitz [rare]
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Allows Quistis to learn Ray-bomb. It can be refined into
Card Mod:   n/a

* The toughest item to get for Quistis' Blue Magic. You may need to do
  this as many as 100 times. Don't equipped Rare Item as it increases
  frequency for GF items than Junk items. Just keep on mugging and you
  will get it. BTW, the rate is about 4%... This means that you may need 
  to battle with Blitz for 100 times and get about 4x Power Generators
* You can find one at Lunatic Pandora if you have trigger the trap doors
  at Centra Evacuation Site [Laguna's 2nd Scenario]


C. GF Compatibility Items                                     ffviii_053

First of all, compatibility is really an important term in FF8. It 
determines how well the GFs co-operate with the character [as you see,
GFs are also monsters..]. The higher the compatibility, the better the
team work. I would always to try to get high compatibility with 
Cerberus for I always keep on summoning Cerberus. These compatibility
items are quite easy to get except for Shaman Stone and LuvLuv G. 

Name of Item    Description                                         Sell
Bomb Fragment   Stone with Fire element                               37
Red Fang        Dragon's fang with Fire element                      112
Arctic Wind     Contains Ice element wind                             37 
North Wind      Contains Strong Ice element wind                     112
Dynamo Stone    Stone with Thunder element                           187
Shear Feather   Bird's feather that files on wind                    187
Venom Fang      Poisonous monster fang                               112
Steel Orb       Steel Orb with gravitional power                     112
Moon Stone      Holy moon stone with monsters living inside          112
Dino Bone       Large dinosaur bone                                  112
Windmill        Windmill containing wind energy                      112
Dragon Skin     Durable dragon skin                                  112
Fish Fin        Fish's fin                                            37
Dragon Fin      Very hard dragon's scale                              37
Silence Powder  Powder contain Silence                                37
Poison Powder   Powder contain Poison                                 37
Chef's Knife    Tonberry's knife                                     112
Cactus Thorn    Cactuar's Thorn                                      112
Shaman Stone    Stone with mystical power                              -
LuvLuv G        Raises compatibility with all GFs                      -

Bomb Fragment                                                   item_150
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Bomb
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Ifrit by 1. Can be refined into 
            magic and items.
Card Mod:   1x Bomb : 1x Bomb Fragement.

* Bombs can be encountered in Fire Cavern and forests near the 
  Southeastern Chocobo Forests. You may get Bomb Spirits instead of Bomb
  Fragment when you defeat high levels Bombs.

Red Fang                                                        item_151
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Hexdragon or Chimera
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Ifrit by 3. Can be refined into 
Card Mod:   3x Hexdragon : 1x Red Fang

* Hexdragon can be encountered at the Island closest to Heaven and 
  Esthar-Grandidi Forest. Refer to the world map at 
  http://risland.virtualave.net for the location of Island closest to 
  Hell and Heaven.
* Red Fangs are rather easy to get later in the game.

Arctic Wind                                                     item_152
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Glaccid Eye
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Shiva by 1. Can be refined into 
Card Mod:   1x Glaccid Eye : 1x Arctic Wind

* Glaccid Eye can be found in Balamb-Acauld Plains [snowy regions]
* Glaccid Eye can also be found in islands nearby Island closest to 

North Wind                                                      item_153
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Snow Lion
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Shiva by 3. Can be refined into 
Card Mod:   1x Snow Lion : 1x North Wind
            1x Shiva : 100x North Wind

* Snow Lion can be found Winter Island, Thor Peninsula and Bika 
  Snowfields of Trabia. You can encounter Snow Lions more often when you
  move Squall closet to the mountains on the Winter Island.

Dynamo Stone                                                    item_154
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Blitz/Cockatrice
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Quezacotl by 3. Can be refined into
Card Mod:   1x Blitz : 1x Dynamo Stone
            1x Quezacotl : 100x Dynamo Stone

* Blitz can be found in Lenown Plains of Centra. Cockatrice can be found
  in Nortes Mountains and forest separating Vaulny Canyon and Galbadia

Shear Feather                                                   item_155
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Thrustaveis
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Pandemona by 1. Can be refined into
            magic and used weapon remodelling.
Card Mod:   1x Thrustaveis : 1x Shear Feather

* Thrustaveis can be found in Timber - Vaulny Canyon and Great Plains of

Venom Fang                                                      item_156
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Anacondour
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Doomtrain by 3. Can refined into 
            magic and items.
Card Mod:   1x Anacondour : 1x Venom Fang

* Anacondour can be encounter as the sub BOSS at Dollet Dukedom Mission.
* Anacondour can be found at Timber-Vaulny Canyon forests and Dollet-
  Hasberry Plains (forests and hills)

Steel Orb                                                       item_157
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat GIM47N or Wendigo
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Diablos by 3. Can be refined into
Card Mod:   1x Wendigo : 1x Steel Orb

* GIM47N can ONLY be encounter during D-District Prison, FH and Lunatic
  Pandora attack upon Esthar.
* Wendigo can be found in desert areas of the Great Plains of Galbadia
  and Dollet-Hasberry Plains.

Moon Stone                                                      item_158
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Torama or Mug Elynole
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Alexander by 3. Can be refined into
            magic and used in weapon remodelling
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can get this item only after the space incident has occured. 
  Torama and Elynole can be found in Esthar City area, whereas for
  Elynole you can battle them empteen times at Esthar City [refer to
  Monster Bestiary: Elynole for more information]

Dino Bone                                                       item_159
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat T-Rexaur 
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Brothers by 3. Can be refined into
            magic and used in weapon remodelling.
Card Mod:   2x T-Rexaur : 1x Dino Bone
            1x Armadodo : 1x Dino Bone
            1x Sacred : 100x Dino Bone

* Dino Bones generally dropped from Dinosaurs.. what else can you 
  expect? T-Rexaur can be encounter in forests of Balamb and the 
  Training Center of Balamb Garden. The T-Rexaur can also be found in
  the Island closest to Hell.

Windmill                                                        item_160
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Thrustaveis/Abyss Worm
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Pandemona by 3. Can be refined into
            magic and used in weapon remodelling
Card Mod:   1x Abyss Worm : 1x Windmill
            1x Pandemona : 100x Windmill

* Thrustaveis can be encounter in Great Plains of Galbadia [grasslands]
  and Abyss Worm can be encountered in Esthar-Khashabald Desert and
  of course, the Dingo Desert outside Galbadia's D-District Prison.

Dragon Skin                                                     item_161
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Anacondour/Blue Dragon/Grendel
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Carbuncle by 3. Can be refined into
            magic, items and used in weapon remodelling.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Dragon Skin is really an hard item to nab as it is pretty rare. But
  you will be able to get them easily by battling Anacondours at 
  hilltops of Dollet.

Fish Fin                                                        item_162
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Fastitocalon-F or Fastitocalon
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Leviathan by 2. Can be refined into
Card Mod:   n/a

* Fastitocalon can be found in shores of anywhere except for Dingo 
  Desert and shores near Centra Crater [where you find Centra Ruins]

Dragon Fin                                                      item_163
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Grendel
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Cerberus by 3. Can be refined into
            magic and items. Used in weapon remodeling.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Grendel can be encountered at the Island closest to Hell and the 
  hilltops near Winhill.

Silence Powder                                                  item_164
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Grat
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Siren by 3. Can be refined into
            magic and items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Grat can be encountered at the Training Center [Balamb Garden] and 
  Ultimecia's Castle.

Poison Powder                                                   item_165
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Imp/Forbidden
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Doomtrain by 1. Can be refined into 
            magic and items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Imp can be encountered at Esthar City/Great Plains of Esthar after
  space incident. Forbidden can be found in Nortes Mountains.
* The Imp can also be encountered in the Deep Sea Deposit (before 
  defeating Ultima Weapon)

Chef's Knife                                                    item_166
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat/Mug Tonberry
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Tonberry by 3. Can be refined into 
            magic and items.
Card Mod:   1x Tonberry : 1x Chef's Knife
            1x Tonberry King : 1x Chef's Knife

* Tonberry can ONLY be encounter at Centra Ruins' main hall.
* Someone told me that you will NOT encounter the Tonberry King if you
  have gotten 20x Chef Knives. Instead you need to defeat 20 of them.

Cactus Thorn                                                    item_167
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Defeat Cactuar
Refinement: n/a
Function:   Improves affection with Cactuar by 3. Can be refined into 
            magic and items.
Card Mod:   1x Cactuar : 1x Cactus Thorn
            1x Jumbo Cactuar : 1x Cactus Thorn

* Cactuars can be found at Esthar-Khashabald Desert. You can also found 
  them on Cactuar's Island.
* Cactuars are fast-moving monsters. If they ran, you will get no EXP 
  and AP. Have a character with excellent hit rate such as Squall or
  Selphie, or you will have a miss.

Shaman Stone                                                    item_168
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Rosetta Stone : 1x Shaman Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Hungry Cookpot : 1x Shaman Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Mog's Amulet : 1x Shaman Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
            1x Dark Matter : 1x Shaman Stone (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Improves affection with Bahamut by 3. Can be refined into
            magic and items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* You can get more of these via the Pocketstation.
* Sad to say... The item can only gotten via refinement or through 
  Pocketstation. But it is really a great item! The best way is get Dark
  Matter [firstly, you need to get 100x Curse Spikes] and refine them 
  into Shaman Stone. Both methods required Siren's Tool-RF. Just select
  the Abilities menu to use it.

LuvLuv G                                                        item_169
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Shaman Stone : 1x LuvLuv G (Siren's Tool-RF)
Function:   Improves affection with all GFs by 20. 
Card Mod:   1x Chubby Chocobo : 100x LuvLuv G

* Found one in Lunatic Pandora if you have trigger the first boulder in
  Laguna's Dream Sequence 2 at Centra Evacuation Site.
* Easily nabbed in Pocketstation.


D. Bonus Attributes Items                                     ffviii_054

Bonus Attributes Item are extremely good, but they are extremely hard to
get. Imagine refine 10x Hyper Wrist [10x Power Wrist to get only one of 
these..] to get 1x Str Up. But the effects are quite good. And they can
be rather easy once you have gotten as many gil and intensive purcashing
of items such as Hypno Crown, Power Wrist with Familiar at Esthar Pet
Shop. But they definately worth the effort. You can also get bonuses 
through Eden's Devour command.

Name of Item     What it does?                                      Sell
HP Up            Raises Hit Points (+10)                             375
Str Up           Raises Strength (+1)                                375
Vit Up           Raises Vitality (+1)                                375
Mag Up           Raises Magic (+1)                                   375
Spr Up           Raises Spirit (+1)                                  375
Spd Up           Raises Speed (+1)                                   375
Luck Up          Raises Luck (+1)                                    375

HP Up                                                           item_170
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Gaea's Ring : 1x HP Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Increases character's maximum HP by 10. Can be refined into
            other items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* This item provide a permanent increase in the character's HP. Gaea's
  Ring can be gotten through Eden's GF Abil-RF by refining 10x Giant's 
  Ring, which can be bought in Esthar Shop!!! with Familiar.

Str Up                                                          item_171
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug/Defeat Raijin in all encounters
Refinement: 10x Hyper Wrist : 1x Str Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            1x Monk's Code : 1x Str Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Increases character's strength by 1. Can be refined into
            other items
Card Mod:   n/a

* This item provide a permanent increase in the character's HP. 1x 
  Hyper Wrist can be obtained by refining 10x Power Wrist, which can
  be bought in Esthar Shop !!! with Familiar.

Vit Up                                                          item_172
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 5x Adamantine : 1x Vit Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Increases character's vitality by 1. Can be refined into
            other items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Adamantine can be gotten by defeating Adamantoise [defeat both of 
  them, and did not use the Mug command during battle]. Adamantoise can
  be found at the shores of Long Horn Island.

Mag Up                                                          item_173
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Left Orb during BOSS fight against NORG.
Refinement: 10x Royal Crown : 1x Mag Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Increases character's magic by 1. Can be refined into other
Card Mod:   n/a

* Royal Crown can be gotten by refining 10x Hypno Crown, which can be
  bought in Esthar Shop !!! with Familiar acquired.

Spr Up                                                          item_174
Methods in gaining
Combat:     Mug Right Orb during BOSS fight against NORG
Refinement: 10x Magic Armlet : 1x Spr Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Increases character's spirit by 1. Can be refined into
            other items.
Card Mod:   n/a

* Magic Armlet can be gotten by refining Rinoa's card. 

Spd Up                                                          item_175
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 2x Aegis Amulet : 1x Spd Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            50x Jet Engine : 1x Spd Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            5x Rocket Engine : 1x Spd Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
            1x Hundred Needles : 1x Spd Up (Doomtrain's Forbid Med-RF)
Function:   Increases character's speed by 1. Can be refined into other
Card Mod:   n/a

* Make use of Hundred Needles (1x Hundred Needles = 100x Cactus Thorns).
  Cactus Thorn can be obtained [via defeat/mug] from Cactuars.

Luck Up                                                         item_176
Methods in gaining
Combat:     n/a
Refinement: 1x Luck-J Scroll : 1x Luck Up
Function:   Increases character's luck by 1. Can be refined into other
Card Mod:   n/a

* Luck-J Scroll can be obtained from Minde Island as a part of Obel Lake

/ 5.8 \_________________________________________________________________
Magazines possesses a great importance for FF8 as it allows you to do
a lot of important things such as remodel your character's weapons, 
allows characters to learn Limit Breaks, etc. There are also another
class of Magazines known as Anarchist's Magazines and Timber Maniacs
which are not items, but the Anarchist's Magazine can be read on the 
notice board in the Forest Owl's Headquarters in Disc 1 and Timber 
Maniacs through the Balamb Garden Network. Here we will discuss on the
magazines that are found in the item inventory.

/ 5.8A \________________________________________________________________
Weapon Monthly Magazines                                      ffviii_055
These are weapons reasearch magazines. They provide information about
the requirements about your weapons, why the ingredient is used for the
weapon, etc.

*Prices are set with Haggle and Sell High.
Weapons Monthly 1st Issue                                       
You will find this in Lunatic Pandora Research Center Place controls
room during Laguna's Dream Sequence in Disc 3. You can get this later 
in the game, by buying it from Esthar Book Store.
Buy/Sell: 37500 (with Familiar)

Weapons Monthly March Issue
You will get this by defeating Elvoret at Dollet's Communication Tower
during Dollet Dukedom mission in Disc 1.
Buy/Sell: 750

Weapons Monthly April Issue
Found on the right table of Dormitory [single] after the night tour at
the Balamb Garden Training Center in Disc 1.
Buy/Sell: 750

Weapons Monthly May Issue 
Before meeting with Edea at the Commencement Room, controlling Rinoa 
and go down the manhole behind crates. Next proceed towards right three
times and you will find it.
Buy/Sell: 750

Weapons Monthly June Issue
You will get this copy, by defeating BGH521F2 at the Missile Base as 
Selphie and her company in Disc 2.
Buy/Sell: 750

Weapons Monthly July
Returned back to the Training Center in Disc 3 and enter the area on the
left, search the area for this copy.
Buy/Sell: 750

Weapon Monthly August
Found this from Disc 2 onwards in Trabia Garden. Head for the area where
you find the Gargoyle. Walk five steps south and search the area [it's
is somewhere close to screen, on the external right end.]
Buy/Sell: 750

/ 5.8B \________________________________________________________________
Combat King Issues                                            ffviii_056
These are magazines for fighters. Combat King Issues allows Zell to 
learn a new move for each issue such as My Final Heaven, Meteor Barret,
Dolphin Blow, etc. Generally, they are very difficult to get.

Combat King 001 
Found this copy in the first floor of the D-District Prison. Before
rescuing Squall, have Zell, Quistis and Selphie get to lower floors and
get this magazine found in one of the rooms.
Buy/Sell: 750

Combat King 002
Obtained this magazine, by defeating Fujin and Raijin at Balamb Hotel.
It is during Disc 2, where Zell, Squall and another member are to find
the captain...
Buy/Sell: 750

Combat King 003
You will get this from Zell's Love Quest [see under Secrets Section for
more information]. You need to meet girl with ponytail at the library
[of course, Zell must be in the party], proceed to Balamb and talk to
Shizuka [girl with pigtail's friend]. She will says that she has come 
to Balamb to look for Zell. Next proceed to Dincht's house, where Ma
Dincht will say that the girl with pigtail has been looking for her 
son. Next choose to rest at Balamb Hotel and you will get the Combat 
King 003!
Buy/Sell: 750

Combat King 004
You can get this from the lone Esthar soldier [somewhere near the 
Ragnarok Airstation] during Lunatic Pandora's attack at Esthar.
Buy/Sell: 750

Combat King 005
You will find on the path leading left from Elevator 03's basement. This
can only be done if you choose to trigger the red detonator during 
Laguna's 2nd dream sequence in Disc 1.
Buy/Sell: 22500
/ 5.8C \________________________________________________________________
Pet Pals Issue                                                ffviii_057
Pet Pals are magazines for dog lovers, hence allow Rinoa to training 
Angelo to learn new tricks. There are a total of 6 Pet Pals in game and
most of them can be gotten by learning:

Pet Pals Vol.1   
You will receive this copy from Zell, during your trip to Timber [
remember the time where Zell is sitting on a comfortable crouch?]
Buy/Sell: 750

Pet Pals Vol.2   
After you have finishing briefing at the Forest Owl's Headquarters [
before Train Input sub-game], return back to the room where you meet
Rinoa, the magazine is placed on the "bed" [which has turned into a 
Buy/Sell: 750

Pet Pals Vol.3   
Brought this from Timber Pet Shop.
You can also buy this from Esthar Pet Shop (with Familiar)
Buy/Sell: 750

Pet Pals Vol.4   
Brought this from Timber Pet Shop. You can also buy this from Esthar Pet 
Shop if you have accquired Familiar
Buy/Sell: 750

Pet Pals Vol.5   
Brought this from Esthar Pet Shop.
Buy/Sell: 750

Pet Pals Vol.6   
Brought this from Esthar Pet Shop.
Buy/Sell: 750
/ 5.8D \________________________________________________________________
Occult Fan Issues                                             ffviii_058
Nothing much in the game, except it gives you hints in getting 
Doomtrain, Eden and the UFO. Quite rare as only Occult Fan I and II can
be brought. Occult Fan III and IV are only obtainable. Here is detailed
list of the magazines:

Occult Fan I  - World's Mysterious Magazine Scoop Issue
Found this magazine in the bookshelf of the Library in Balamb Garden.
You can get this straight after you have completed the first field test
at the Fire Cavern.
Buy/Sell: 26250

Occult Fan II  - World's Mysterious Magazine Photo Issue
Found this magazine within the documents found in the Card Master's 
arena in Dollet. [happy searching..]. You need to defeat the Card Master
in order to enter the area. The Card Master's arena is on the right side
of the bridge which is linked to the 2F of the Pub.
Buy/Sell: 26250

Occult Fan III - World's Mysterious Magazine Magic Issue
You will be given this from Master Fisherman at the lower ends of FH,
after Balamb Garden has hit FH. You need to say the truth and he will
give you the item.
Sell: 26250

Occult Fan IV - World's Mysterious Magazine Report Issue
You will find this after navigating around in Esthar during your 
departure for Lunar Gate. Instead heading for Lunar Gate, return back to
the entrance of the Presidential Palace and you will find an assistant 
complaing about Odine and leaves the magazine. Grab it.
Sell: 30000
/ 6.0 \_________________________________________________________________
Monster List                                                  ffviii_s06
Typically, the information that found all here are taken from my precise
Monsters FAQ. However, some of the Devour status are still not added. 
First of all, here is a briefing about monsters:

As in almost all RPGs (it stands for Role Playing Games for those whom
still do not know...), there is always good guys and the bad guys. I 
have been serving the web and found that most sites tends to focus on
the characters more that the monsters. [of course, there are some
exceptions.] Monsters played a vital role in RPGs as they contribute
the fun for your battles. Here is basic facts about monsters in FF8.

- The monsters don't just disappear, in fact there are some "dying"
  sequences... [e.g. Defeat the T-Rexaur does not causes it to 
  disappear instantly [except for ST-Atk-J with 100x Death], it will 
  groan and fall onto the ground [negative response: Yummy, we will be
  having Dino meat for dinner.. :)]

- The monsters does not allow you to get fixed EXP. This is one big
  problem, I have yet to solve. The monster does not give fixed EXP. 
  In fact, you can gain 1,000+ EXP from a monster that nabs you only
  about 600 EXP (want to know how? read on..). The longer the battle,
  the higher EXP you will received. The higher the Level of the 
  monster, the more EXP you will received. The last person to kill
  a monster will normally gets the most EXP. However the AP, you could
  gain from a monster is fixed. (well how about the most AP?, read 
  on..). Monsters at different levels nabs you different items. So take 
  note. AP allows GFs to learn new abilities such as Str +20%.

- Monsters do level up in FF8.. They will gain additional moves, like
  for example the T-Rexaur will have a special attack that grab your
  character and swing the character into the air. [which only appears 
  when the T-Rexaur is Level 100).

- There is no Morph Command. Well, you can't get additional items by
  morphing monsters as there is no Morph Command in FF8. Instead they
  have replaced with Rare Item Ability. There is no more Steal command
  too, which has instantly replaced with the Mug Command.

- Random Draw List. Well, the Draw Command allows you to draw magic
  from the monsters and stock it for your own usage (which means no more
  MP!). The draw list is random... for example:

  Bite Bug                            
  Level 1 ~ 15    Draw: Fire, Scan    
  Level 16 ~ 35   Draw: Fira, Scan    
  Level 36 ~ 100  Draw: Firaga, Scan

  Ruby Dragon
  Level 1 ~ 15    Draw: Fire, Aero
  Level 16 ~ 35   Draw: Fira, Aero
  Level 36 ~ 100  Draw: Firaga, Tornado, Flare, Meteor

- Cash (Gil) Problem. A lot of e-mails I have received asked me how to
  get gil as they can't get gil by defeating monsters. Yeah, that's 
  true! You can only get gil by walking through your SeeD Level. That's
  the way that SeeDs get their salaries. Need to take tests [*sigh*, 
  school is already killing me, yet still need to take SeeD test..]. 
  There is an alternate way but you must have some cash inside your 
  inventory before you can do so. 

- Some monsters return from the previous FF Series. For example, Bomb
  has return from FF Tactics and Tonberry has return from FF VII. Well,
  as for characters, there seems to be no methods have been proven 
  correct. Besides the methods that I have found, are a bit too 

- Don't expect monster's HP to be so restrained... Yeah it is true. For
  example the Ruby Dragon has massive amount of HP (89,100 HP!) at a 
  level 100! Well now you can expect of the BOSSES in the later game.
  FF8's Difficulty arises from here..

- There are three basic status of fighting and here they are:

1 Chance for first strike! - All your character's ATB will be at its
2 Struck First! - All monsters will have their command first.
3 Back Attacked! - 1) Your characters will have their backs facing the
                      monsters.. Monsters will have their command first.
                      Equip GF Cerberus' Alert to prevent this.
                   2) Your characters will be facing the monsters' back,
                      well don't be fooled by the Imp ^_^; Initative
                      fall into your character's hands.

- Most monsters have cards except for certain monsters such as GIM-52A
  (purple robots found D-District Prison), Raldo (remember those stone
  like monsters that you face at the training center where you encounter
  Ellone for the 2nd time?) and others. 

- The bird's nest story from FF VII is back.. During Obel Lake's Quest,
  you need to look for the stones right? There is one stone that is 
  found inside the nest which leads to an instant battle against the
  Thrustaevis. For FF VII, you will face a giant ostrich at Corel Mt.
  which is the mother of the chicks and get you 10x Phoenix Downs. I
  have finally solved the Obel Lake which I will reveal in Part II.

- Not all precious items can be gotten from monsters. For example, to
  get Glow Curtain, you can't get it by defeating monsters. Instead,
  you can get this by converting 100x Malboro's Tentacle into through 
  Eden's GF Abl Med-RF. But you wonder how I get 100x Malboro
  Tentacle? Malboro are so tough.. therefore this FAQ comes handy.
  This is another reason why I make this FAQ.

- Conditions for Game Over (these words may seem....)
  - All character's HP drop to 0.
  - All characters are under Petrify status.

- When a monster is being pertified, you will Received 0 EXP but still
  recieves its AP. The most EXP you can get, are from the monsters found
  in the Island closest to Hell/Heaven. The least EXP are from the 
  Cactaurs and Level 1 monsters (through Lv Down). 

- You can get a ripped part of the EXP gained if you wounded the monster
  in the battle from running away [hold R2 and L2]. You can also get some
  items if the battle consist of more than one enemy and you have 
  defeated the monster. Example: Vysage usually appears with Lefty and
  Righty. If you defeat Vysage and run away, you will get the items [
  Lightweights or Wizard Stones].

- There are draw points on the World of FF8 and it is your interest to
  get them all. Most of the quests such as the Obel Lake Mystery and
  Elabeak Peninsula Mystery can only be done on the World Map. I would
  also like to express my thanks to those whom have helped me in solving
  the mystery.

- More battle combats.. You can get to do all sorts of new commands such
  as Revive [which is equalvent to Full-life], Recover [which is 
  equalvent to Full-cure], Devour [instant death attack against one foe
  and may gain bonuses/damage] and much more. So it will be your 
  interest to test them out...

- List of Status Ailments in Battles
  I think it will be necessary to mentioned them..
  Sleep      A "ZZZ" appears on the character, ATB stops moving.
  Doom       A red counter of 24 seconds [basketball?], when it drops to
             zero, the character will be instantly killed.
  Petrify    A white counter of 20 seconds, when it drops to zero, the
             character will be petrified [turned into stone..] and will
             be unusable if not cured.
  Confuse    The character will be turning around in circles.. ATB still
             moves as normal, but auto-attack commands will be selected.
             May does damage to oneself, enemy and even allies.
  Silence    A speech bubble with "....". Character is unable to use
             Magic, GF and Draw Command. GF-type Commands (Recover, 
             Treatment, Revive, etc) will still be usable.
  Darkness   A black cloud surrounds the head of a character. Hit rate
             reduce by half.
  Zombie     The colour of the character turns dull green except for the
             weapons. Becomes undead [Received damage from healing 
  Berserk    Character becomes red hot. ATB moves normally but as it 
             reaches the character's turn, the character does an auto-
             attack to one.
  Poison     A green cloud appears. ATB moves normally but as you 
             excute a command, the HP drops by a small portion. 

  To counter these, I guess you should all know by now.. if not, feel
  free to contact me.

- In the previous FF series, FF7 and FFT, there are not much emphasis on
  the Elemental Arts. In fact, now they have possess a greater 
  importance as it allows your character to boost to its optimum 
  attacking power. In my own opinion, I think that Elem-Atk-J can be 
  very damaging if you know how to use it. Like I managed to does 9999 
  HP to the Jumbo Cactaur each time.. Refer to the strategies for more

/ 6.1 \_________________________________________________________________
List of Abbreviations                                         ffviii_059
Okay.. let's get to work.. I will first start off to tell everyone that
be expected of a lot of abbreviations [it will be very tedious to type
out every word..]. Here is the legend:

Key          Defination
Name       - Name of monster  
LV         - Level of a monster from its minimum level to maximum level
HP         - monsters' minimum HP to maximum HP
Taste      - the effect by using Devour command to that monster [Eden]
             Refreshing/Delicious/All systems go!/Increased morale - 
             Gained HP, Bonus, fix status ailments.
             Awful/Barf-Bwahh... - lost HP + abnormal status according 
             to the monster
             No Taste - typically applies to all mechanical beasts.
AP         - AP point gained to that monster [this is very important..]
Steal      - Item you will steal from that monster by using Mug command 
Drop (')   - Item that you will find after battle
Rare Item  - Item that you can find when equiped with Rare Item.
Attack (^) - list of monster's attack 
Draw (*)   - magic you can draw/gained to that monster by using Draw.
Descri.    - description, what monster look like or similar to 
Where      - the locations of the monsters.
Card       - using the card command.
NOTE       - my battle strategies ^_^;
Info       - the list of words that I noted while scanning...              

^ Notes on the attack list
Monster also get new attacks when they level up same as your characters.
One major difference from FF8 between other RPGs, is that the monster
too also get Level Ups and have more HP at a higher level. Usually the
key factor that causes this will be Squall's Level. To fix this, uses
Tonberry's LV Down. At lower levels, you will see the monster using that
tactic. Attacks are being enclosed in the brackets are names that I 
think of it myself. [quite creative, huh?]. The monster also uses 
spells, just BOSSES, some of them even use Blue Magic Items...

' Notes on Item Drop
You can get better items by equiped the Party Ability, Rare Item which
can be obtained from GF Bahamut. Most of the time, you will get GF 
items than Junk Items with this ability equiped. So make full use of 
this. You can less better items, if you perform LV Down or LV Up. 
Below is a slight scenario.. 

Bite Bug 
Level 1 ~ 10    M-Stone Piece [draw list: Fire, Scan]
Level 11 ~ 25   Magic Stone   [draw list: Fira, Scan]
Level 26 ~ 100  Wizard Stone  [draw list: Firaga, Scan]

NOTE: Rare Item does not mean that you will get the item always.
Without Rare Item, you can also get rare items. The Rare Item only
helps to increase the success rate. Piss.. really have a hard time to
get the Devour status.. 

One more thing about this.. You can only get items from a monster if
you did not use the Mug Command. So it is like a double-edged sword..

* Notes about the Draw List
Here is the explaination. As you see, whenever monsters level up, you 
will get new spells such as Firaga, Tornado, Curaga, etc. This spells 
can be obtained from strong foes. For those whom want to take a short
cut, you can get them by using the Tonberry's LV Up and you will get
new spells. Refer to Guardian Force Section found in Part II for more 

Situation #1
Fire* - this denotes that you can draw.. (it is not 100% accurate, it is
        just an estimation.)
        -} Fire from Level 1 ~15 Monsters
        -} Fira from Level 16 ~ 35 Monsters
        -} Firaga from Level 36 and above Monsters

Situation #2
[Death] - this denotes that you will get this new spell as the monster
          has gain its level.
          [Death]- you can draw Death from the monster from Level 16 
                   onwards, but can't below Level 16.
          {Death}- you can draw Death from the monster from Level 36
                   onwards, but can't below Level 36.

Situation #3
{Scan -} Dispel}- this denotes a spell replacement..
          [Scan -} Dispel]- you will draw Dispel instead of Scan from
          a monster that is Level 16 onwards, but could only draw Scan
          from the same monster below Level 16.
          {Scan -} Dispel}- you will draw Dispel instead of Scan from
          a monster that is Level 36 onwards, but could only draw Scan
          from the same monster below Level 16.
/ 6.2 \_________________________________________________________________
Monster Besitary                                        
Clear with the abbreviations? I will tell you guys to read the list
first before.. If you don't.. don't expect get help from me! It will be
very frustrating and you will be provoking a volcano...

Most of these monsters can be encounter mostly inside Ultimecia Castle 
at disc 4 in random, except for monster on the list at the last part. 
So, Let's start our hunting or knowing the monster... ^_^; as the 
saying "Knowing one foe, half the battle is already won." Okay on with 
List. I have arranged in form of cards... enjoy the list!

/ 6.2A \________________________________________________________________
Card Page 1                                                   ffviii_060
  GEEZARD   LV.1-100   HP: 120-2,000     Taste: Awful         AP: 1
  Steal/Drop: Screw, Magic Stone, M-Stone Piece, Wizard Stone, Geezard 
  Rare Item : Healing Water, Screw
  Card      : Geezard Card 
  Attack    : Bad Breath, (Bite), (Swipe)   
  Draw      : Cure, [Cura], Thunder, [Thundara]
  Descri.   : Red-grey color ugly face stay mostly in grassy land in 
              western continent [Galbadia.] Usually appears in pairs or 
  Where     : Dollet - Hasberry Plains
              Galbadia - Great Plains of Galbadia, Montersou Plateau,
              Shenard Hills
              Timber - Vaulny Canyon, Nanchuket Island, Mandy Beach
              Missile Base 
              D-District Prison 
              B-Garden (NORG's Anger)
  NOTE      : If you need one for this, you ought to be shot ^_^; Ideal
              for storing Cura in middle stages. It's Bad Breath does 
              damage against all allies plus inflicit the Sleep Status.
              You can easily killed it with ST-Atk-J junctioned Death.
  Info      : Lives in humid places. It sneaks and lurks on humans that
              passes by. Uses status attack when fully grown.      

  FUNGAUR  LV.1-100    HP: 200-2,200     Taste: Delicious     AP:1
  Steal/Drop: Sleep Powder, Magic Stone, Silence Powder, Fungaur Card,
              M-Stone, Wizard Stone.
  Rare Item:  Wizard Stone, Sleep Powder
  Card      : Fungaur Card, Biggs & Wedge Card
  Attack    : Confuse, Sleep, Fire*, Rip Laser
  Draw      : Sleep, Scan, Silence, [Confuse]
  Descri.   : Large orange mushroom with 2 large eye it shrunk itself if 
              defeated. Usually appears in large numbers, especially in
  Where     : Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests]
              Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia 
              Timber - Vaulny Canyon, Nanchuket Island, Mandy Beach
              Esthar- Grandidi Forest
              Laguna Dream Seqeunce #1
  NOTE      : If you need one for this, you ought to be shot ^_^; It is 
              weak against physical attacks. The Rip Laser does a small
              amount damage compared to its magic.
  Info      : A giant walking mushroom. Uses status change attacks with
              damage attacks.

  BITE BUG  LV.1-100   HP:200-2600       Taste: Okay           AP:1
  Steal/Drop: Magic Stone, Wizard Stone, M-Stone Pieces, Bite Bug Card
  Rare Item : Wizard Stone
  Card      : Bite Bug Card, Elvoret Card
  Attack    : Poison Needle, Fire, Fira, (Bite), (Embeded Fire attack),
  Draw      : Fira*, Scan
  Descri.   : Big blue insect like a bee or a fly
  Where     : Balamb- Accauld Plains
              Trabia- Winter Island (you will find the Shumi Tribe)
              Trabia- Bika Snowfields
              Great Plain of Esthar (before Lunar Cry Incident)
              Trabia Canyon 
              Laguna's Dream Sequence #3 at Winhill.
              Balamb Garden (NORG's Anger)
              Esthar- Morded Plains
  NOTE      : The bitebug is weak against Ice/Wind elements. Junction
              Blizzard*/Aero/Tornado to inflicit more damage. Fly 
              Monster. Indeal monster for storing Scan. It's Poison 
              Needle causes Poison, so take note. The Fart attack does
              minimal damage along with Berserk status to one character.
  Info      : A bug monster that files, stay calm and attack. It's not a 
              very strong enemy.

  RED BAT   LV.1-100   HP:150-2,000+     Taste: Taste Okay      AP:1
  Steal/Drop: Vampire Fang, Magic Stone, M-Stone Piece, Wizard Stone,
              Red Bat Card.
  Rare Item : Vampire Fang, Wizard Stone
  Card      : Red Bat Card, X-ATM092 Card
  Attack    : Vampire, (Bite), Ultra Sound    
  Draw      : Thunder*, Scan, [Drain]
  Descri.   : A red & black bat (vampires..)
  Where     : Balamb -Fire Cavern 
              Centra- Centra Ruins, 
              Deling City- Sewers, 
              Galbadia -Tomb of the Unknown King
  NOTE      : Weak against Wind, so junction Aero/Tornado to inflicit 
              more damage, an ideal monster for storing up Drain [you 
              can also use Drain on it.] The Ultra Sound does damage to
              all and Vampire drains ally's HP. Fly Monster. 
  Info      : A type of bat with huge mouth lurks in dark places, dives
              quietly from the air to its target.

  BLOBRA    LV.1-100   HP:350-3,840      Taste: Delicious       AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Rune Armlet, Wizard Stone, Magic Stone, Blobra Card
  Rare Item  : Rune Armlet, Wizard Stone
  Card       : Blobra Card, Granaldo Card 
  Attack     : Sticky Tap, Cure*, Slow, Shell, (Lengthen punch)
  Draw       : Shell, [Blind], [Protect], [Confuse]
  Descri.    : A blue blob with a big mouth and eyes 
  Where      : Tomb of the Unknown King [weak against Earth]
               Centra Ruins [weak against Holy]
               B-Garden- MD System [weak against Fire]
  NOTE       : Indeed this is a very special monster. It's weakness 
               lies on which type of area you find it. For example at 
               the Tomb of Unknown King, it is -very- weak against 
               Earth. It works differently for those you find at Centra
               Ruins. It is weak against Holy.
  Info       : A half-liquid creature resistant to physical attack. 
               Elemental weakness different with each one that it 

  GAYLA     LV.1-100   HP:150-13,000     Taste: Delicious       AP: 2
  Steal/Drop: Mystery Liquid, Wizard Stone, Magic Stone, Gayla Card 
  Rare Item : Mystery Liquid, Wizard Stone
  Card      : Gayla Card, Gerogero Card
  Attacks   : Hypnotize, Sleep, Gastric Fluid, (Tail Whip), (head bang)
  Draw      : Sleep, Thunder*, {Meltdown}
  Descri.   : Black & white stingray floating like a kite [more like a
              sting ray to me.]
  Where     : Trabia Winter Island - where you find the Shumi Village 
              Trabia- Trabia Crater, Thor Peninsula, Bika Snowfields
              Esthar City (before Lunar Cry Incident)
              Trabia Canyon
  NOTE      : This monster has one of Quistis' Blue Magic Item called 
              the Mystery Liquid which allows her to learn "Acid". 
              Ideal monster for stocking up Meltdown. Fly Monster. The
              Hypnotize causes Sleep, so take note. It's Gastric Fluid
              does a handy sum of damage against one ally.
  Info      : Puts enemies to sleep with the ttacks. Splits fluid which 
              removes enemy's strength.

  GESPER    LV.1-100   HP:200-4000       Taste: n/a           AP: 2
  Steal/Drop: Black Hole, Wizard Stone, Magic Stone, Gesper Card
  Rare Item : n/a
  Card      : Gesper Card, Iguion Card
  Attack    : Degenerator, Telekinesis, Protect, Blind, Curaga, (Punch)
  Draw      : Shell, Protect, [Float], {Dispel}
  Descri.   : Blue & Gray like a hunchback mechanical monster [quite an
              Esthar old model..] 
  Where     : Centra-Excavation Site (Laguna's Dream Sequence #2)
              Lunatic Pandora's Research Center (Laguna's Dream 
              Sequence #4.)
  NOTE      : This beast is rather damaging.. if you wait for a long 
              time. It's Degenerator removes the character from the 
              battlefield [which seldom misses] and you can't revive 
              that character. It's telekinesis lifts up your 
              character.. [circus?]. Weak against Poison.
  Info      : Esthar's defective weapon. Attacks enemies and allies 
              alike. Degenerator destroys opponent.

  FASTITOCALON-F  LV.1-100   HP:300-8,200+     Taste: Okay      AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Water Crystal, Fish Fin, M-Stone Pieces, Fastitcocalon-F 
               Card, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone
  Rare Item  : Water Crystal, Fish Fin
  Card       : Fastitocalon-F Card, Tonberry King Card
  Attack     : (Bite), (Whip), Blizzard*, (Hide)
  Draw       : Blizzard*, Scan, [Water], Sleep
  Descri.    : Huge orange colored fighting fish with an attitude
  Where      : mostly in the shoreline in any continent.
  NOTE       : Weak against Fire, Nullifies Water. Junction Fire* to 
               Elem-Atk-J. Always appears in groups of three. Defense
               is extremely high when underground. Can force it appear
               by inflicit sufficient damage. Summon GF Ifrit and you 
               will have no woes..
  Info       : A fish that swins in the ground only fin can be seen. One
               theory says that it may be a shark....

  BLOOD SOUL   LV.1-100   HP:650-6,500      Taste: it's rotten   AP:1
  Steal/Drop : Zombie Powder, Wizard Stone, Healing Water, Blood Soul
               Card, Magic Stone, M-Stone Piece 
  Rare Item  : Healing Water, Zombie Powder
  Card       : Blood Soul Card, Abadon Card
  Attack     : Berserk, Blind, Silence, Zombie, (Bite), Disease Breath,
               Breath of Death, Curaga.
  Draw       : Zombie, [Float -} Blind], [Silence -} Sleep], [Dispel] 
  Descri.    : small brown shape like a jelly fish only floating
  Where      : Winhill - Winhill bluffs, Humphrey Archipelago.
               Esthar- Grandidi forest
               Deep Sea Research Center, 
               B-Garden MD System (NORG's Anger)
               Galbadia Missile Base 
               D-District Prison.
               Galbadia- Montersou Plateau, Shenard Hills, 
               Lallapahooza Canyon
  NOTE       : This monster can causes a series of damage [status 
               related] to your characters. It is very weak against 
               Holy. Undead monster. Use Revive or Life for an instant 
               victory. Don't use Drain at it... Weak against Fire.
  Info       : Floats with gas that fills its body. Looks weak but its
               status changing attacks may prove otherwise.

  CATERCHIPILLAR  LV.1-100    HP:730-7,360     Taste: Delicious   AP:2
  Steal/Drop: Spider Web, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone, M-Stone Piece,
              Caterchipillar Card.
  Rare Item : Spider Web
  Card      : Caterchipillar Card, Trauma Card
  Attack    : (Tail Whip), (bite), Ultra Waves, Sticky Web 
  Draw      : Thunder*, Cure*, [Slow], {Stop} 
  Descri.   : A giant caterpillar
  Where     : Balamb- Accuald Plain's forests, 
              Trabia- forests, near mountains.
              Esthar- Grandid Forest
              Winhill - Laguna's Dream Sequence #3
  NOTE      : Strong against Earth Attacks, Weak against Fire/Ice. 
              This monster allows you to nab a blue magic item [
              Spider Web]. It's Ultra Waves does damage to all 
              characters.. It's Sticky Web causes Slow/Stop Status.
  Info      : Use an attack called Ultra Waves that damages all 
  COCKATRICE LV.1-100   HP:520-5,200     Taste: Delicious     AP: 2
  Steal/Drop : Cockatrice Pinion, Coral Fragment, Magic Stone, 
               Cockatrice Card, Dynamo Stone 
  Rare Item  : Dynamo Stone, Cockatrice Pinion
  Card       : Cockatrice Card, Oilboyle Card
  Attack     : (Forward Kick), (Upward Kick), Petrify Stare, Break, 
               Electric Discharge, Electrocute.
  Draw       : Thunder*, {Break}
  Descri.    : An average peacock with an antenna ^_^;
  Where      : Timber- Vaunly Canyon, Shenard Hill
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest, 
               Esthar- Nortes Mountains, Sollet Mountains.
               Galbadia- Lallapahooza Canyon
  NOTE       : Thunder/Poison does not work on it. It has a petrifying
               ability. So be on your guard. Junction Thunder* to your
               character's Elem-Def-J. It allows you to get Corel 
               Fragment [a Blue Magic Item] Weak against Wind.
  Info       : Petrifies enemies with its tail. Uses thunder by flapping
               its wing. Uses Electrocute when fully grown.

/ 6.2B \________________________________________________________________
Card Page 2                                                   ffviii_061
  GRAT      LV.1-100     HP:300-5,600    Taste: Taste Awful     AP:2
  Steal/Drop: Silence Powder, Magic Stone, Sleep Powder, Grat Card 
  Rare Item : Wizard Stone
  Card      : Grat Card, Shumi Tribe Card
  Attack    : (Tentacle beat), Vampire, Gastric Juice, Sleep, Silence,
              Sleeping Gas.
  Draw      : Sleep, Silence, [Berserk], [Confuse]
  Descri.   : Looks like a man-eater with a long tentacles
  Where     : Balamb Garden Training Center
              Balamb Garden (NORG's Anger).
  NOTE      : Pretty weak.. but considered along with its other attacks.
              It can does a series of damage. An ideal monster for 
              storing up status spells. It's gastric juice causes 
              Poison against 1 ally. It's Sleeping gas causes Sleep 
              Status on all characters.
  Info      : It's body is mosty a digestive bag. Digset enemy by 
              catching with its vine. Use a gas attack that causes 

  BUEL      LV.1-100   HP:50-1,840       Taste: Tastes Okay       AP:1
  Steal/Drop: Magic Stone, Buel Card, M-Stone Piece, Wizard Stone
  Rare Item : Death Spirit, Wizard Stone
  Card      : Buel Card, Krysta Card
  Attack    : Thunder*, Reflect, Blizzard*, Fire*, Death, (Spin attack)
  Draw      : Thunder*, Blizzard*, Fire*, {Death}
  Descri.   : Like a kite with a face which rotates vertically.
  Where     : Balamb- Fire Cavern 
              Galbadia- Tomb of Unknown King, 
              Centra- Centra Ruins 
              Deep Sea Research Center. (during Bahamut's Quest)
  NOTE      : It is extremely weak against physical damage. Make sure 
              you have Death junctioned to ST-Def-J. Weak vs. Wind/Holy.
              Sometimes even Ultima does not works well..
  Info      : Any magic attacks are almost inaffective. However very, 
              very weak against physical attacks.

  MESMERIZE LV.1-100   HP:645-6,450      Taste: Refreshing     AP:2
  Steal/Drop : Mesmerize Blade, Life Ring, Wizard Stone, Mesmerize Card, 
               Magic Stone, M-Stone Piece.
  Rare Item  : Healing Mail, Regen Ring, Mesmerize Blade, Life Ring
  Card       : Mesmerize Card, Propagator Card
  Attack     : Blade Shot, (Head Dash, after Blade has broken off), 
               Blade Slice, Hind Kick
  Draw       : Cure*, Esuna, [Life], {Dispel}
  Descri.    : Looks like a Deer only its horn are Crescent 
  Where      : Trabia - Eldbeau Penisula, Sorbald Snowfield, Winter 
               Island, Bika Snowfield, Trabia Crater, Hawkwind Plains,
               Great Plains of Esthar (before Lunar Cry Incident)  
               Trabia Canyon (during Laguna Dream Sequence #4)
  NOTE       : It's blade shot packs a punch.. so beware. However an 
               ideal monster for storing up spells such as Cure*. 
               This monster is great when your characters are under 
               status elemental woes.
  Info       : Has a large blade for a horn. This blade has a healing 
               effect when used as an item or make magic.

  GLACIAL EYE LV 1-100  HP:320-3,200     Taste: Tastes Okay     AP:1
  Steal/Drop : Vampire Fang, Arctic Wind, Glacial Eye Card, Wizard 
               Stone, M-Stone Piece, Magic Stone.
  Rare Item  : North Wind, Vampire Fang
  Card       : Glacial Eye Card, Jumbo Cactaur Card
  Attack     : (Slap), Blizzard*, Reflect, Petrify Stare, Vampire
  Draw       : Blizzard*, Cure*, Scan
  Descri.    : Look a floating gel with a face, resembles one of Unknown
               in FF7 in the Crashed Gelinka.
  Where      : Balamb- Accauld Plains, near mountains
               Esthar- Minde Island, Morded Plains
               Trabia- Winter Island (plains and snowy grasslands),
               Bika Snowfield               
  NOTE       : A pretty good monster for stocking up spells. It has 
               Blizzard and Cure which makes it an effective monster.
               Ice has no effect on it. Fly Monster. Weak against 
               Fire. Petrify Stare causes Petrify status to one ally.
  Info       : A floating Monster that uses Ice Magic. When running low
               on HP, uses Vampire to suck HP from opponents.

  BELHELMEL   LV.1-100   HP:300-5,760      Taste: No taste        AP:2
  Steal/Drop : Saw Blade, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone, Laser Cannon
               (rare), Belhelmel Card, M-Stone Piece.
  Rare Item  : Laser Cannon, Saw Blade
  Card       : Belhelmel Card, Tri-Point Card
  Attack     : Berserk, Counter Slice, Thunder*, (Slice), Laser Eye,
               Counter Laser Eye
  Draw       : Thunder*, [Berserk] -} {Confuse}
  Descri.    : A flying mask with a sharp edge. It is a mask being
               embedded a blade.
  Where      : Timber- Shenard Hills 
               Galbadia- Montersou Plateau
               D-District Prison
               Missile Base
  NOTE       : This monster has two fighting styles. One is when it is
               furious (swing greatly...) and smile (normal). It will
               become when you attack it too often or stock 9x of it 
               spells (result it using Counter). It will smile if you
               fail to draw magic. Weak against Holy, Strong against
  Info       : Has a rotating blade around its face. It's battle 
               tactics change when it face changes.

  THRUSTAEVIS  LV.1-100   HP: 300-6,300  Taste: Delicious  AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Shear Feather, Windmill, Thrustaevis Card
  Rare Item  : Windmill, Shear Feather
  Card       : Thrustaevis Card, Garguntua Card
  Attack     : Aero, (Tail Whip), (Dive), (Repeated Bite), Tornado
  Draw       : Blizzard*, [Scan -} Aero], {Tornado}, Float
  Descri.    : Like a vulture on it deep-blue in color with 2 pair of 
               wings. Most of time appears in pairs or one.
  Where      : Great Plains of Galbadia, 
               Timber- Vaulny Canyon, Nanchuket Island, Mandy Beach
               Dollet- Hasberry Plains (mountains)
               D-District Prison.
  NOTE       : This monster turn out to be one of monsters that allows
               you to draw a great Strength boosting spell, Tornado. 
               -Extremely vulunerable- against Sleep/Blind Status
  Info       : A monster on the Galbadia continent. Usually swoops down
               to attack enemy but also bits and causes wind gust
               when danager.

  ANACONDAUR   LV.1-100    HP:250-24,800   Taste: ????      AP:4
  Steal/Drop : Venom Fang, Dragon Skin, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone, 
               Anacondaur Card
  Card       : Anacondaur Card, Mobile Type 8 Card       
  Rare Item  : Venom Fang, Dragon Skin
  Attack     : Dark Mist, Squeeze, (Slap)
  Draw       : Fire*, Cure*, {Bio}
  Descri.    : A large cobra shape snake
  Where      : Timber- Vaunly Canyon (forests) 
               Dollet- Hasberry Plains (forests) 
               Deep Sea Research Center
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest
  NOTE       : It's Dark Mist does damage plus Poison status against
               one ally. It's Squeeze attack does twice the damage of 
               its normal attack. Weak against Ice. Strong against Fire,
               Absorbs Poison. ST Weakness: Sleep/Blind/Death
  Info       : A large venomous snake that use squeeze attacks. Use 
               Caution when its HP is low, its splits poisonous fluid.

  CREEPS      LV.1-100    HP:60-6,200       Taste: ????    AP:2
  Steal/Drop : {Coral Fragment}, Dynamo Stone, Creeps Card, Wizard Stone,
               Magic Stone, M-Stone Piece, Cursed Spike
  Rare Item  : Cursed Spike, Dynamo Stone
  Card       : Creeps Card, Sphinxara Card
  Attack     : (Swipe), Heart Break, Thunder*
  Draw       : Thunder*, Life, {Death}
  Descri.    : A thin shadow creature with red eyes floating.
  Where      : Deling City Sewers 
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest 
               Galbadia Garden [The Garden Crash]
  NOTE       : Weak against Holy. This black shadow do some harm too..
               It's Heart Break could does a handsome attack... Quite
               high evasion stats.. Better to have Squall do the 
               attacking. Absorbs Thunder. Selphie's Flail tends to
               miss very frequently.
  Info       : Has a flat black body like a shadow. Said to be a living
               creature. Kills its opponent when it dies.

  GRENDEL   LV.1-100   HP:300-30,000      Taste: Delicious    AP:6
  Steal/Drop : Dragon Fin, Dragon Skin, Grendel Card
  Card       : Grendel Card, Tiamat Card
  Rare Item  : Fury Fragment, Dragon Fin
  Attack     : Breath, Tail Blade, (rising bite), (cross swipe)
  Draw       : Fire*, Blizzard*, Double
  Descri.    : A blue & brown coloured lizard-like only it has fur
  Where      : Island Closest to Hell 
               Winhill- Winhill Bluffs (hilltops)
               Galbadia - Lallapahooza Canyon (hilltops)
               Deep Sea Deposit (Ultima Weapon's Quest)
  NOTE       : Weak against ST such as Sleep/Blind/Death. It is weak
               against Earth/Wind/Blizzard. Absorbs Thunder. It's Breath
               carries a Thunder Elemental. So make use of Thunder* 
               junctioned to Elem-Def-J combo. Make sure your characters
               has high evasion stats as its Tail Blade can does a 
               massive 4000+ HP damage to a low-Vit character at Level 
  Info       : A smaller type of dragon. Sometimes appears in groups of
               two. May be more dangerous than other dragons.

  JELLEYE   LV.1-100   HP:65-6,500       Taste: Tastes okay     AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Wizard Stone, Jelleye Card, M-Stone Piece, Healing Water,
               Magic Stone
  Rare Item  : Wizard Stone
  Card       : Jelleye Card, Fujin and Rajin Card
  Attack     : Reverse, Bite, Fire*, Blizzard*, Thunder*, Silence, Sleep
  Draw       : Fire*, [Blizzard*], [Thunder*]
  Descri.    : Pink, red & blue jelley fish with 3 eyes much like a kite 
               to Markweb and a flaten hourglass to me.
  Where      : Centra-Lenown Plains, Poccarahi Island, Centra Crater,
               Serengetti Plains, Nectar Peninsula, Vorn Mountains,
               Shalmal Peninsula.
               Galbadia Garden (The Garden Crash)
               Esthar- Minde Island.
  NOTE       : Very weak against Holy, weak against Wind. It can change
               its tactics as it differ from battle to battle. Take note
               you can killed it with Death junctioned to ST-Atk-J.
  Info       : Changes it attacks as the battle progress, its magic also
               changes from fire to ice to thunder, etc.

  GRAND MANTIS  LV.1-100  HP:130-13,000  Taste: Delicious     AP:4
  Steal/Drop : Sharp Spike, Grand Mantis Card, Wizard Stone, Water 
               Crystal, Magic Stone, M-Stone Piece
  Rare Item  : Water Crystal, Sharp Spike
  Card       : Grand Mantis Card, BGH52IF2 Card
  Attack     : Super Arm, Melting Bubbles, (Swipe)
  Draw       : [Water], Esuna, Life
  Descri.    : Combination of a large spider and a mantis, much like a 
               giant lobster
  Where      : Centra- Lenown Plains, Serengetti Plains
               Esthar- Kashkablad Desert 
               Deling City Sewers
  NOTE       : This monster can be quite tough for its physical attacks.
               Junction Blind to ST-Atk-J to prevent this. It's Melting
               Bubbles causes Silence status to one ally. Can be killed
               using Death ST-Atk-J Combo.
  Info       : Used to live in water, but now lives above ground. 
               Skewers enemies with its large claws and causes major

/ 6.2C \________________________________________________________________
Cards Page 3                                                  ffviii_062
  FORBIDDEN   LV.1-100   HP:221-22,100     Taste: It's rotten    AP:4
  Steal/Drop : Dead Spirit, Betrayal Sword, Curse Spike, Forbidden Card
  Card       : Forbidden Card, Red Giant Card
  Rare Item  : Cursed Spike, Zombie Powder
  Attack     : (Thrust), Double Sword, Death, Confuse, Blind, Stop, 
  Draw       : Zombie, Blind, Stop, {Death}
  Descri.    : A skeleton holding with a two rusty swords
  Where      : Centra - Centra Ruins 
               Galbadia -Tomb of the Unknown King 
               Esthar- Grandidi Forests
               Esthar- Nortes and Sollet Mountains
               Trabia- Winter Island (near mountains)
  NOTE       : Undead Monster. The best way to defeat it is by using
               a Phoenix Down, Revive command or Recover. Quite a strong
               foe at high levels. Don't use Drain junctioned to 
               ST-Atk-J. Very weak against Holy. Weak against Fire. 
               Poison has no effect.
  Info       : Not afraid of death. Its death blow kills enemies with 1

  ARMADODO   LV.1-100   HP:187-18,700     Taste: ????     AP:3
  Steal/Drop : [Fury Fragment*], {Turtle Shell}, M-Stone Piece, 
               Armadodo Card, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone
  Rare Item  : Fury Fragment
  Card       : Armadodo Card, Catoblepas Card
  Attack     : Earthquake, (Swipe Claw), (Roll Attack), Protect, Shell
  Draw       : Protect, Shell, {Quake}
  Descri.    : a green shell with red skin, Knocks on his back if hits 
  Where      : Galbadia- Tomb of the Unknown King 
               Centra- Centra Ruins
  NOTE       : Not quite a strong foe. 
  Info       : The legs are small compared to its body and it falls
               easily when attacked with force.

  TRI-FACE   LV.1-100    HP:216-21,600     Taste: ????     AP:8
  Steal/Drop : Poison Powder, Star Fragment, Curse Spike, Tri-face Card
  Rare Item  : Star Fragment, Cursed Spike
  Card       : Tri-Face Card, Ultima Weapon Card
  Attack     : (Bite), (Triple Bite), Poison Gas
  Draw       : {Slow -} Stop}, {Silence -} Pain}, {Blind -} Flare}, Bio
  Descri.    : A big dog with one small head with a two big mouth at 
               the side. Looks quite alike like GF Cerberus.
  Where      : Deep Sea Deposit (Ultima Weapon's Quest) 
               Island Closest to Heaven 
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest 
               G-Garden -Hall (The Garden Crash)
               B-Garden MD System (NORG's Anger)
  NOTE       : This monster can be quite mean if you battle it at Level
               100. It's status causing breath [which causes Sleep/
               Silence/ Pain/ Berserk/ Poison] is very damaging. Plus 
               its attack power becomes that strong that your characters
               can't withstand the damage. The best way to defeat it is
               to junction Blind to your character's ST-Atk-J and 
               Blizzaraga to Elem-Def-J.
  Info       : A mosnters with three heads, the 2 heads on the right are
               not real but they bite and spit Poison as they were.

  FASTITOCALON  LV.1-100  HP:400-3,000+     Taste: Delicious    AP: 1
  Steal/Drop : Fish Fin, Wizard Stone, Fastitocalon Card, Fastitocalon-F 
               Card, Tonberry King Card, Water Crystal
  Rare Item  : Water Crystal
  Card       : Fastitocalon Card, Tonberry King Card
  Attack     : Water, (Whip), Confuse, Sand Storm
  Draw       : Water, Blizzard*, Scan, {Confuse}
  Descri.    : It is a huge fish (shark..) with big mouth and orange 
  Where      : Galbadia- Dingo Desert (where you find D-District Prison)
               Centra - Vorn Mountains.
  NOTE       : Weak against Fire, Nullifies Water. Junction Fire* to 
               Elem-Atk-J. Always appears in groups of three. Defense
               is extremely high when underground. Can force it appear
               by inflicit sufficient damage. Summon GF Ifrit and you 
               will have no woes.. The only difference that this 
               monster also uses Sand Storm and higher attacking power.
               The monster mostly nabs you a Water Crystal.
  Info       : A fish that swins in the ground only fin can be seen. One
               theory says that it may be a shark....

  SNOW LION   LV.1-100   HP:121-121,000  Taste: ????    AP:10
  Steal/Drop : North Wind, Healing Mail, Biggs & Wedge card, Snow Lion 
  Rare Item  : Silver Mail, North Wind
  Card       : Snow Lion Card, Biggs and Wedge Card
  Attack     : Ice Breath, (Tail Whip), Blizzard*, Berserk
  Draw       : Blizzard*, Berserk 
  Descri.    : Like a giant Penguin only it has a big mouth and eyes
  Where      : Trabia - Bika Snowfields, Winter Island
  NOTE       : Indeed one of the strongest foes. Junctioned Sleep/Death/
               Blind to your character's ST-Atk-J to kill it. To have 
               9999 HP damage at a strength of 255, junction 100x Firaga
               to your character's Elem-Atk-J. It's Ice Breath causes
               damage to all characters and also carries an Ice element.
               Absorbs Ice and weak against Fire.
  Info       : Lives in the northern snowfields. Takes time to defeat 
               because of its high HP. Uses Ice Breath.

  OCHU     LV.1-100    HP:40-40,000     Taste: Barf-Bwahh...    AP:7
  Steal/Drop : Ochu Tentacle, Magic Stone, Giant's Ring, Force Armlet, 
               Ochu Card
  Rare Item  : Giant's Ring, Force Armlet, Ochu Tentacle
  Card       : Ochu Card, Elvoret Card
  Attack     : Ochu Dance, Drink Magic, (Tentacles), Earthquake, Blind
  Draw       : Silence, Blind, Confuse, {Pain}
  Descri.    : A giant man-eater plant like Malboro and a bigger version
               of Grat
  Where      : Timber- Vaulny Canyon (forests) 
               Island Closest to Heaven 
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest
               Trabia - Hawkind Plains (forests)
  NOTE       : Probably the weakest foe found in Island closest to 
               Heaven. It's Ochu Dance causes damage and also the Slow/
               Curse status. Its Earthquake attack causes Earth element
               damage to all foes.
  Info       : Likes to live in the forests. Attacks with its tentacles
               and also uses status attacks.

  SAM08G    LV.1-100   HP:400-6,000+     Taste: n/a       AP:4
  Steal/Drop : Running Fire, Screw, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone, SAM08G 
               Card, M-Stone Piece
  Rare Item  : n/a
  Card       : SAM08G Card, X-ATM092 Card
  Attack     : Store, Rocket Launcher, Shoulder Charge, Gatling Gun 
  Draw       : Shell, Protect, [Life], {Reflect}
  Descri.    : A dinosaur shape monster with a rocket pod on its 
               shoulder (160mm cannons..)
  Where      : Galbadia- D-District Prison 
               Galbadia Missile Base
               Lunatic Pandora (before Lunar Cry)
               FH- (Balamb Garden's Arrival), 
               Esthar- City (during Arrival of Lunatic Pandora)
  NOTE       : Not quite strong. Weak against Poison.
  Info       : A living weapon made by Galbadia. Carries 155mm cannon 
               on both shoulders and a 60mm vulcan cannon in its both.

  DEATH CLAW  LV.1-100   HP:222-22,200     Taste: ????     AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Shear Feather, Windmill, Curse Spike, Death Claw Card
  Rare Item  : Cursed Spike, Windmill
  Card       : Death Claw Card, Granaldo Card
  Attack     : (Death Claw), Gas, (Swipe)
  Draw       : Aero, Dispel, {Reflect}
  Descri.    : Large Polar bear with four sharp arm claw. It has a 
               couple of damaging attacks.
  Where      : Centra- Lenown Plains (forests)
               Esthar- Grandidi forest
               Galbadia Garden [The Garden Crash]
  NOTE       : Another average monster. This monster is pretty weak as
               its attacks could only inflicit minor damage. It's gas
               weapon could causes Sleep status to all allies, so take
  Info       : A monster with 4 claws. Attacks with shear power but also
               uses gas attacks.

  CACTAUR    LV.1-100  HP:112-1,600+     Taste: Refreshing   AP:20
  Steal/Drop : Cactaur Thorn, Jet Engine, Cactaur Card
  Card       : Cactaur Card, Gerogero Card
  Rare Item  : Jet Engine
  Attack     : (Kick), 1,000 Needles, (Escape)
  Draw       : Haste
  Descri.    : small green Cactus man with super hyperactive speed and
               evasion. Pretty hard to hit it..
  Where      : Esthar-Kashkabald Desert 
               Cactaur's Island
  NOTE       : This thing can only be hurt if your character's Hit Rate
               is over 100. The best attacking weapons are gunblade (any
               type..) and the Strange Vision (Selphie's Ultimate 
               Weapon). It's 1000 Needles will cause 1000 HP damage and
               it's karate kick could causes random damage, pretty 
  Info       : A speedy cactus of the desert. Damage always amount to 
               1000 units with it's special skill 1000 Needles.

  TONBERRY  LV.1-100   HP:350-35,000     Taste: Refreshing      AP:1
  Steal/Drop : Chef's Knife, Tonberry Card
  Rare Item  : Chef's Knife
  Card       : Tonberry Card, Iguion Card
  Attack     : Everyone's Grudge, (walk forward), Chef's Knife, Death 
  Draw       : Death
  Descri.    : Similar to Tonberry of FF7, but it look like turtle with 
               no shell and holding a lantern along with a knife.
  Where      : Centra Ruins
  NOTE       : No weakness against elements and status. This is the 
               thing could does tedious damage. You need to have 100x
               Death to protect your character's from its attacks. Its
               Everyone's Grudge could does a massive damage to one 
               character based on the damage. Note that the Chef's
               Knife hits randomly. The Tonberry will normally use up
               some of its turns for walking. Degenerator and Rapture
               does not work on it. Summon GF Diablos to finish it off.
               Gatling Gun packs a punch. Doomtrain is worth summoning
               for it reduces its' Vit to 0.
  Info       : Mysterious looking living in dungeons walks slowly 
               towards the enemu and kills that enemy with Chef's Knife.

  ABYSS WORM  LV.1-100  HP:260-26,000    Taste: Delicious     AP:6
  Steal/Drop : Windmill, Shear Feather, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone, 
               Abyss Worm Card
  Card       : Abyss Worm Card, Abadon Card
  Rare Item  : Windmill
  Attack     : Sand Shake, (head rise), (Head Whip), Tornado, Gastric 
  Draw       : Aero, {Tornado}, {Quake}
  Descri.    : A giant orange worm look like it stock its head
  Where      : Esthar-Kashkabald Desert
               Galbadia- Dingo Desert 
  NOTE       : Not quite a strong. Sand Shake causes damage to all
  Info       : A head protruding the earth only a part of the body is
               exposed. Use Earthquake when attack by enemies.


/ 6.2D \________________________________________________________________
Card Page 4                                                   ffviii_063
  TURTAPOD  LV.1-100   HP:42-5,000       Taste: Delicious   AP:2
  Steal/Drop : Life Ring, Wizard Stone, [Healing Mail*], Turtapod Card
  Card       : Turtapod Card, Trauma Card 
  Rare Item  : Healing Mail, Life Ring
  Attack     : (Defend), (Spin)
  Draw       : Cure*, Esuna, Dispel, {Life}
  Descri.    : Blue and yellow creature, but it looks like a small 
               chair along with sharp spikes at its edges.
  Where      : Esthar- City (Lunar Cry)
               Witch Memorial Hall (Lunar Cry)
               Great Plains of Esthar (Lunar Cry)
               Lunatic Pandora 
  NOTE       : Quite a weak enemy. Note that when it closes up, its
               defensive stats will drop. Counter this with Meltdown.
  Info       : Atatcks with magic and sharp claws. It may change into
               defensive mode in order to protect itself from danager.
  VYSAGE (head) LV.1-100  HP:210-21,000  Taste: n/a     AP:6
  Steal/Drop : Wizard Stone, Vysage Card, {Lightweights}, Magic Stone,
               M-Stone Piece.
  Card       : n/a
  Rare Item  : Wizard Stone, Lightweights
  Attack     : Sigh, Esuna, Stare, Reflect, Haste, Protect
  Draw       : Esuna, Haste, [Bio]
  Descri.    : Black with gray stripes head of a monster which stuck out 
               from the ground
  Where      : Esthar-Great Salt Lake 
               Winhill- Winhill Bluffs, Humphrey Archipelago.
               Timber- Shenard Hills
  NOTE       : Pretty a formidible foe.. It's Stare can causes a series
               of status attacks such as Darkness, Confuse, Silence. 
               It's Sigh can cause damage to all foe. It is weak against
               Holy. Junction 100x Holy to Elem-Atk-J. Sigh causes 
               status ailments. Stare causes Petrify. Curse can only
               be done with Lefty and Righty and it causes Doom.
  Info       : A monster shaped like a face. It uses support magic and
               special attacks when attacking with Righty and Lefty.

  VYSAGE (hand) LV.1-100  HP:138-13,800  Taste: n/a     AP:6
  Steal/Drop : Lightweights, Regen Ring, Wizard Stone, Rune Armlet,
               Magic Stone, Vysage Card 
  Card       : Vysage Card
  Rare Item  : Regen Ring, Life Ring [Lefty], Rune Armlet [Righty]
  Attack     : Righty - (Slap), (Grab along with Righty), (Squeeze)
               Lefty  - Silence, Drain, Draw, Stop, Meteor, Quake, Demi,
  Draw       : Lefty  - Bio, Demi, Quake, Regen
               Righty - Shell Protect
  Descri.    : Black along with gray stripes in color, heck it is just 
               a pair of hands. 
  Where      : Esthar-Great Salt Lake 
               Winhill- Winhill Bluffs, Humphrey Archipelago, Shenard
  NOTE       : Weak against Holy. Both of them are very powerful.. Lefty
               can does all sorts of magicial attacks [that's alot..] 
               However, it is not quite strong in defense. Physical
               attacks works quite well. Righty is a monster that relies
               more on physical attacks and is usually be covered up
               with spells such as Protect and Reflect. Junction 100x
               Blind to ST-Atk-J works well. Anyway, Doomtrain will be 
               the most apporiate summon. [it causes Vit 0 and does
               9999 HP damage at Level 100!]
  Info       : Lefty- A large left hand protruding from the earth. 
               Sometimes cures party members with status abnormalities.
               Righty- A large right hand protruding from the earth.
               Can't uses magic, Uses strength to attack with force.

  T-REXAUR  LV.1-100   HP:760-76,000     Taste: ????     AP:10
  Steal/Drop : Dino Bone, Star Fragment, Wizard Stone, T-Rexaur Card
  Card       : T-Rexaur Card, Shumi Tribe
  Rare Item  : Star Fragment, Dino Bone.
  Attack     : (Great Bite), (Bite), (Tail Whip), Quake
  Draw       : Fire*, Thunder*, {Quake}
  Descri.    : Look like the king of dinosaurs, T-Rex, but it is 
               actually an Allosaurous.
  Where      : Balamb- Accauld Plains (forest) 
               Island Closest to Hell 
               B-Garden Training Center
  NOTE       : The most powerful foe in Balamb areas. It attacks can 
               does whooping damage of 4000+ at high levels. It's Tail
               Whip does damage to all characters. The best way to
               defeat it and gain most EXP, is by junction Blind/Sleep
               to ST-Atk-J. Junction 100x Blizzarga to get 9999 HP 
               damage on the foe.
  Info       : Alive since the beginning of time. Its power and HP are
               very high. It is better to run if you encounter one.

  BOMB      LV.1-100   HP:44-4,400       Taste: Danger!     AP:1
  Steal/Drop : Bomb Fragment, Magic Stone, Wizard Stone, Bomb Card,
               Bomb Spirit, M-Stone Piece
  Card       : Bomb Card, Krysta Card
  Rare Item  : Bomb Spirit
  Attack     : Suicide, (Anger), (Bite)
  Draw       : Fire, [Fira], {Firaga}, {Meltdown}
  Descri.    : Big orange balloon (pumpkin?) with a pair of small hands.
               Originated from FFT.  
  Where      : Balamb- Fire Cavern 
               Centra- Centra Ruins 
               Deep Sea Research Center 
               Lunatic Pandora
               B-Garden (during NORG's Anger)
               Esthar- Shalmal Peninsula, Minde Island
  NOTE       : Very damaging. It can causes a suicide accident that 
               will instantly kill your ally (if HP is below 4,400, 
               based on the Bomb's HP). As you attacks or draw magic, 
               it becomes bigger and it will sooner or later explode!
               Weak against Ice (extremely weak), Weak against Wind.
               Junction 100x Blizzaga to your characters' Elem-Atk-J.
  Info       : A monster power by fire. Usually plain but still a 
               dangerous monster that becomes gigantic or explodes
               with attack.


  BLITZ     LV.1-100    HP:72-7,200       Taste: No taste     AP:2
  Steal/Drop : Dynamo Stone, Betrayal Sword, Power Generator, Blitz Card
  Rare Item  : Dynamo Stone
  Card       : Blitz Card, Propagator Card
  Attack     : (Charge up itself), (Swipe), Thunder*
  Draw       : Thunder, [Thundara], {Thundaga}
  Descri.    : Dress in white the guy who cast Thunder on itself.. Hmm
               it looks more a barbarian to a knight to me.
  Where      : Centra Ruins 
               Centra- Lenown Plains Forest, Serengetti PLains, Nectar 
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest, Kashkabald Desert, Shalmal 
  NOTE       : Don't ever use Thunder as it does not only absorbs the
               damage but its Speed and Strength stats also increases.
               Absorbs Thunder.
  Info       : Becomes electrified when attack with thunder. Attacks 
               while its electrified causes thunder damage.

  WENDIGO   LV.1-100   HP:160-16,000     Taste: Delicious  AP:2
  Steal/Drop : Steel Orb, Steel Pipe, Strength Love, Wendigo Card
  Card       : Wendigo Card, Jumbo Cactaur Card
  Rare Item  : Strength Love
  Attack     : Shoot, Grab, Dribble, (Punch), Powerbomb
  Draw       : Berserk, [Protect]
  Descri.    : Yellow spot and green color headless gorilla, like the 
               one in Congo movie except it is headless ^_^;
  Where      : Timber- Vaulny Canyon 
               Great Plains of Galbadia
               D-District Prison
               Galbadia Missile Base
               Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests]
  NOTE       : The killer damage is the move, Shot as it does a bounce
               on one character and reject across the entire party. 
               Better make use of Blind/Sleep to ST-Atk-J combo.
  Info       : A strong monster but not good at magic. Uses powerful
               physical attacks, replying on its strength instead.

  TORAMA    LV.1-100   HP: 320-32,000    Taste: Delicious       AP:4
  Steal/Drop : Regen Ring, Moon Stone, Wizard Stone, Torama Card
  Card       : Torama Card, Tri-Point Card
  Rare Item  : Moon Stone, Regen Ring
  Attack     : Esuna, (Blaster), LV5 Death, Meteor, Confuse, Holy, 
               (Angry), (Charge), Blizzaga
  Draw       : Death, Demi, Life
  Descri.    : a giant Leopard with a pair of long whiskers, quite wise 
               too ^_^;)
  Where      : Esthar- City Area (after Lunar Cry) 
               Great Plains of Esthar (after Lunar Cry)
               Lunatic Pandora
               Deep Sea Research Center
  NOTE       : Beware of it's LV5 Death as it could cause a instant
               gameover when characters are at level 100 and are not
               protect against Death. It randonly uses powerful magic
               such as Meteor and it's consider a tough cookie.
  Info       : Use multiple magic attacks while sitting. Even more
               powerful when it uses its blaster attack.

  IMP       LV.1-100   HP:110-11,000     Taste: Tastes Okay..    AP:5
  Steal/Drop : Poison Powder, Dead Spirit, Cursed Spike, Wizard Stone, 
               Imp Card
  Rare Item  : Cursed Spike
  Card       : Imp Card, Garguntua Card
  Attack     : Berserk, Blind, Holy, Meteor, Firaga, Blizzaga, 
               Thundaga, (Fly), Break 
  Draw       : Blind, Silence, Confuse, Break
  Descri.    : Red-violet small demon with a red long nose with wings 
               and a devil-like tail
  Where      : Esthar City area (after Lunar Cry)
               Great Plains of Esthar
               Deep Sea Deposit (during Ultima Weapon Quest), 
               Lunatic Pandora
  NOTE       : Better make sure of Elemental defense as it could cast
               spells like Firaga and Blizzaga. Holy junctioned to
               Elem-Def-J is essential.
  Info       : A devlish looking monster with wings. Uses powerful
               magic despite its small size.

  BLUE DRAGON LV.1-100   HP:410-41,000   Taste: Refreshing     AP:6
  Steal/Drop : Dragon Fang, Dragon Skin, Blue Dragon Card, Fury Fragment
  Card       : Blue Dragon Card, Mobile Type 8 Card   
  Rare Item  : Dragon Skin, Dragon Fang, Fury Fragment
  Attack     : (Grab Punch), (Punch), Breath, (Tail Whip), Reflect
  Draw       : Drain, Break, Death, Bio
  Descri.    : early version of Bahamut and Tiamat, and it looks a bit
  Where      : Island Closest to Hell
               Trabia- Winter Island (near the mountains)
               Trabia- Hawkwind Plains (forests)
  NOTE       : One great strange part about this foe that is you can't
               drain HP from it. It's damage are a bit strong. Best
               work with Blind/Sleep/Death ST-Atk-J Combo. Weak against
               Cold. Absorbs Poison.
  Info       : A dragon that walks on 2 legs, Attacks with breath that
               causes statuses changes and drops a rare item called
               Fury Fragment.

  ADAMANTOISE  LV.1-100     HP:425-42,500    Taste: ????      AP:4
  Steal/Drop : Turtle Shell, Whisper, Orichalcon, Adamantine, 
               Adamantoise Card
  Rare Item  : Adamantine (defeat both), Orichalcon, Whisper
  Card       : Adamantoise Card, Sphinxara Card
  Attack     : Shell, Protect, (Bite), White Wind, Sand Storm
  Draw       : Blizzard*, Shell, Protect, {Reflect}
  Descri.    : A normal black turtle (of course with a hard shell!) 
               usually come in pairs.
  Where      : Long Horn Island (shores)
  NOTE       : Pretty amazed from the difference in the difficulty from
               the Japanese version and US version. It's normal attacks
               are strong and its Sand Storm does damage to all allies.
               Its White Wind restores HP for both Adamantoise. 
               Junction Blind to ST-Atk-J and summon Pandemona to 
               finish it off. Weak against Wind. Earth has no effect.
  Info       : It's high defense make it difficult to defeat. Owns rare 
               items that makes it worth the effort.

  HEXADRAGON  LV. 1-100   HP:400-40,000   Taste: ????     AP:8
  Steal/Drop : Red Fang, Inferno Fang, Hexadragon Card, Star Fragment
  Rare Item  : Star Fragment, Red Fang
  Card       : Hexdragon Card, Tiamat Card
  Attack     : (Kick), Fire*, Breath, Melt-Eye
  Draw       : Fire*, [Dispel], [Shell], [Protect]
  Descri.    : Black covering along with a blue color torso. Has a 
               large tail (Z-shaped), 3 pairs of legs and multiple red 
  Where      : Island Closest to Hell
               Esthar- Talle Mountains (after Lunar Cry)
               Esthar- Great Plains of Esthar (before Lunar Cry)
  NOTE       : Quite a stronge enemy. Absorbs Fire damage. Weak 
               against Ice. Junctioned Blizzaga to Elem-Atk-J and Firaga
               to Elem-Def-J. It's attcks are strong, so make sure you 
               have used Blind ST-Atk-J combo as well. It's Melt-Eye 
               causes Fire element damage to all characters. It's Breath
               causes non-element damage to one ally.
  Info       : A type of mutated dragon burn with 6 eyes. Uses fire 
               magic and special breath attack.

/ 6.2E \________________________________________________________________
Card Page 5                                                   ffviii_064

  IRON GIANT  LV.1-100  HP:780-78,000    Taste: no taste!     AP:8
  Steal/Drop : {Star Fragment}, Moon Stone, Running Fire, Wizard Stone, 
               Iron Giant Card
  Card       : Iron Giant Card, Fujin and Raijin Card
  Rare Item  : Star Fragment 
  Attack     : Mighty Guard, Grand Slash, (Slash)
  Draw       : Haste, {Quake}, Shell, Protect
  Descri.    : Dark Blue armored with short knees warrior holding a 
               giant blade. Also makes it appearance in FF7.
  Where      : Deep Sea Deposit (Ultima Weapon Quest) 
               Esthar City Area (after Lunar Cry)
               Lunatic Pandora
  NOTE       : It is weak against Thunder. Poison does no effect on it.
               It is a mechnical beast with strong armor. Junction 
               Thundaga to Elem-Atk-J and Sleep/Blind to Elem-Atk-J. 
               May need to use Dispel to remove Mighty Guard.
  Info       : Hard to damage due to its steel armor. Doesn't use magic
               but its sword causes significant damage.

  BEHEMOTH  LV.1-100   HP:670-67,000     Taste: ????     AP:12
  Steal/Drop : Barrier, Giant's Ring, Behemoth Card, Moon Stone, 
               Energy Crystal
  Card       : Behemoth Card, BGH521F2 Card
  Rare Item  : Energy Crystal, Giant's Ring, Barrier
  Attack     : Assualt Horn, Meteor, Holy, Flare, Tornado, Firaga, 
               (Horn Rush), Mighty Guard 
  Draw       : Regen, Tornado, Flare
  Descri.    : A gaint Purple bull with a pair of tiny wings at its back 
               and armed a pair of large black horns. Returns from FFT. 
  Where      : Deep Sea Deposit (during Ultima Quest), 
               Esthar City (Lunar Cry)
               Great Plains of Esthar (Lunar Cry) 
               Lunatic Pandora 
  NOTE       : Perhaps one of most powerful enemies in the game. This
               guy always uses Meteor as its counter. The Assault Horn
               packs a punch. Junction 100x Death and you can say good
               bye to it. Simple huh?
  Info       : Use powerful magic such as Meteor. A strong enemy that's
               hard to defeat.

  CHIMERA   LV.1-100   HP:600-60,000     Taste: Refreshing     AP:10
  Steal/Drop : Red Fang, Inferno Fang, Energy Crystal, Chimera Card
  Rare Item  : Energy Crystal
  Card       : Chimera Card, Red Giant Card
  Attack     : According to the its features (the heads and its tail)
               Lion Head- (Bite Attack)
               Eagle Head- Tornado 
               Toad Head- Aqua Breath, Water
               Goat Head- Dispel, Confuse, Stop, 
               Serpent Tail- Bio
  Draw       : Water, Bio, Esuna, Thunder*
  Descri.    : A 4-headed yellow dragon armed with the 4 different heads
               and a giant serpent tail.
  Where      : Island Closest to Heaven 
               Esthar-Kashkabald Desert
  NOTE       : Just take note of the Lion Head and Toad Head. 
               Junctioned 100x Blind to ST-Atk-J to prevent the Lion 
               Head from creating harvoc. Junction 100x Water to absorbs
               its Aqua Breath (which does damage to all allies)
               Absorbs Thunder and Water. Poison has no effect.
  Info       : A monsters with 4 heads that uses magic and physical 
               attacks, status changes, and their original skill, Aqua

  ELASTOID  LV.1-100   HP:220-16,000     Taste: n/a      AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Laser Cannon, Screw, Elastoid Card, Steel Pipe
  Card       : Elastoid Card, Ultima Weapon Card
  Rare Item  : n/a
  Attack     : Meltdown, Shell, Protect, (Buckle drop), (Spin Attack),
               Beam Laser
  Draw       : Dispel, Shell, Protect, {Meltdown}
  Descri.    : Gold in color, 4 long poles, looks like a giant 
               windchime. A hob is being embedded its middle.
  Where      : Centra-Excavation Site (Laguna Dream Sequence #1)
               Esthar- Lunatic Pandora Research Center (Laguna Dream
               Sequence #5)
               Lunatic Pandora (during Lunatic Pandora's Arrival at 
  NOTE       : Weak against Thunder, Poison has no effect. Same method
               for against mechnical beasts, junction 100x Thunder* to
  Info       : Anti-personal weapon made in Esthar. Floats with anti-
               gravity engine. Attacks with its 4 pilable metallic legs.
  GIM47N    LV.1-100   HP:300-3,400      Taste: n/a     AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Steel Pipe, Steel Orb, Screw, GIM47N Card, Fast Ammo
  Card       : GIM47N Card, Oilboyle Card
  Rare Item  : n/a
  Attack     : Rip Laser, (spin punch), Chain Gun
  Draw       : Cure*, Esuna, [Life]
  Descri.    : A yellow big robot with a boxing gloves, like to move its 
  Where      : D-District Prison, 
               FH- (Balamb arrival at Fisherman's Horizon)
  NOTE       : I think fighting this mechnical beast is no worries. It
               is very simple for its low attacking power. Rip Laser
               does damage to one ally and Chain Gun does damage to
               all allies. Junction Thunder* to Elem-Atk-J to inflicit
               more damage. Weak against Thunder, Poison has no effect.
  Info       : An older type of Galbadia support weapon. Has laser 
               cannon but mostly punches using steel orbs on both hands.

  MALBORO   LV.1-100   HP:1,435-143,500  Taste: Increased morale  AP:12
  Steal/Drop : Malboro Tentacles, Cursed Spike, Tonberry King Card,
               Force Armlet, Malboro Card
  Card       : Malboro Card, Tonberry King Card
  Rare Item  : Malboro Tentacles, Force Armlet, Hypno Crown
  Attack     : Bad Breath, Earthquake, Dissolving Acid, Eerie Sound Wave
  Draw       : Bio, Demi, Quake
  Descri.    : A large green plant with a big mouth and you will hear 
               him laugh before the fight (curly tentacles..)
  Where      : Island Closest to Heaven
               Island Closest to Hell 
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest 
  NOTE       : As one of the strongest monsters, this is indeed a tough 
               one. Junction Sleep/Berserk/Pain/Confuse to nullify its
               Bad Breath (or you have to wait for the counter to stop)
               Draw and cast Demi [it's 9999 HP damage...]. It's Eerie
               Sound Wave does damage to all allies. It's Dissolving
               Acid damge to one ally. Absorbs Poison. Weak against
  Info       : Uses Bad Breath, which causes all status abnormalities. 
               Be ready with status defenses before fighting it.
  RUBY DRAGON LV.1-100  HP:891-89,100  Taste: All systems go!    AP:14
  Steal/Drop : Fury Fragment, Inferno Fang, Red Fang, Energy Crystal, 
               Ruby Dragon Card
  Card       : Ruby Dragon Card
  Rare Item  : Fury Fragment, Energy Crystal
  Attack     : Breath, Fire*, Meteor, Reflect, (claw swipe)
  Draw       : Fire*, {Aero -} Reflect}, {Meteor}, {Flare} 
  Descri.    : A giant red dragon with a large black eye brow, thus 
               forming like a V-shaped horn 
  Where      : Island Closest to Hell 
               Centra- Lenown Plains (forests), Serengetti Plains 
               (forests), Lolestern Plains (forests)
               Trabia Canyon (Laguan's Dream Sequence #4) 
               Esthar- Grandidi Forest, Nortes Mountains
  NOTE       : Considered as the strongest non-BOSS monster. It's Breath
               packs a punch against all allies and it is non-elemental.
               It's Claw Swipe does a whooping 2000+ HP damage to one
               ally. Make use of Vit-J and get it above 100. [Characters
               with 100 and below will be instantly killed.] Of course
               HP must be 8000+ and above. Make use of Meltdown, Demi
               as you can cause more damage to it. Have Firaga to 
               Elem-Def-J, so that it has become an alternate source
               of regaining HP. Drain ST-Atk-J works fine and it will be
               better if you get Revive and Recover. Weak against Holy/
               Blizzaga. Absorbs Wind/Fire. Doomtrain will be the best
               GF for the fight. It's weak against the following combos:
               Meltdown/Doom/Sleep --} Summon Doomtrain to do harvoc!
  Info       : Strong and smart dragon. If enemies are using Reflect. 
               It casts Reflect on itself to mirror the attack.

  ELNOYLE   LV.100     HP: 82,000         Taste: Can't      AP:18
  Steal/Drop : {Moon Stone}, Energy Crystal (drop only), Elnoyle Card
  Card       : Elynole Card, Catoblepas Card
  Rare Item  : Energy Crystal
  Attack     : Storm Breath, Meteor, Dispel, Holy, Pain, Death, 
               (Claw Swipe), Tail Needle
  Draw       : {Double -} Death}, Pain, Holy
  Descri.    : Similar to Elvoret at Dollet tower in disc 1 except it 
               is dull gray in color.
  Where      : Esthar City- look for Esthar Soldier who answer 
               "Heehehahahehe" [north from the place where you find 
               Odine's laboratory] (Lunar Cry)
  NOTE       : One of most toughest cookies in the game. You can't 
               perform level down or devour it. Simply a strong enemy.
               You can easily defeat it when your characters are at
               Level 100, junction 100x Blind to your characters' 
               ST-Atk-J. Can't Level down the monster. Storm Breath does
               damage to all allies. Make use of Tornado junction to
               Elem-Atk-J. Weak against Wind
  Info       : A powerful monster. Uses magic but also uses Tail Needle
               which causes heavy damage.

/ 6.2F \________________________________________________________________
Others                                                        ffviii_065

  OILBOYLE       LV.1-100    HP:200-20,000     Taste: ?????      AP:10
  Steal/Drop : Fuel, Wizard Stone 
  Card       : n/a
  Rare Item  : Fuel
  Attack     : Oil, (Grab and Suck), Light Beam, Water 
  Draw       : Esuna, Blind, Cure*, Confuse 
  Descri.    : White creature with red torso, looks like a mutation or 
               advance version of Blobra
  Where      : Balamb Garden MD Level [NORG's Anger]
               Ultimecia Castle
  NOTE       : Weak against Fire. Water has no effect. It's Light Beam
               packs a punch compared to Oil. Both affects only one
  Info       : This creature lives underground. Its slimy body is full
               of oil. Attacks by splitting oil.

  PROPAGATOR     LV.1-100    HP:125-12,500     Taste: n/a         AP: 5
  Steal     : 8x Wizard Stone
  Drop      : Aura Stone, Ultima Stone, Flare Stone, Shell Stone, 
              Protect Stone, Death Stone, Holy Stone 
  Rare Item : n/a
  Card      : n/a
  Attack    : BiteBite, Silence, Blind, Bio, Thunder* 
  Draw      : Thunder*, Cure*, Esuna, Life
  Descri.   : 6-10 meter ailen monster
  Where     : Inside Ragnarok (The Space Incident)
  NOTE      : Yeah, no fear.. refer to strategy found in walkthrough
  Info      : A monster living in space ship Ragnarok. Very violent in
              nature. Attacks anything moves within the ship.

  PuPu     LV.1-100     HP:10-810        Taste: n/a    AP:0
  Drop      : Accelerator
  Rare Item : Accelerator
  Card      : PuPu Card
  Attack    : (none), Elixir Please!, More Elixir Please!, Thank you
  Draw      : Cure*, Fire*, Blizzard*, Thunder*
  Descri.   : Cute alien, can't explain more.. (refer to UFO Sighting
              Incident for more info.)
  Where     : Balamb - Accauld Plains where Balamb Garden formerly 
              located (must did all the UFO Sighting before this)
  NOTE      : I would recommend you not to kill it as that's the only
              way to get PuPu Card [which in turns get the Hungry 
              Cookpot.]. Anyway Accelerator can be gotten through
              another method. Make sure you have aleast 5 Elixirs and
              a character with Item command.
  Info      : An ailen from other planet. Someone destroyed its UFO and
              the alien is in need of help.

  UFO?     LV.1-100     HP:121-12,100     Taste: n/a    AP:0
  Drop      : Aegis Amulet
  Rare Item : Aegis Amulet
  Card      : n/a
  Attack    : (none)
  Draw      : Demi
  Descri.   : small blue and white Unindentified Flying Object with a 
              yellow antenna 
  Where     : Grandidi Mountain north of Chocobo Holy Region (refer to
              UFO Sighting Incident in Part II for more info)
  NOTE      : Not a strong foe (even an enemy), Just attack! 
  Info      : Unidentified flying object from outher space.
  RALDO      LV.1-100    HP:24-2,800   Taste:????     AP:2
  Steal/Drop: Magic Stone, Wizard Stone
  Rare Item : ???
  Card      : n/a
  Attack    : (claw Swipe)
  Draw      : Fire*, Thunder*, [Protect], Shell 
  Descri.   : A small version of Armadodo only with high defensive 
              stats, It is like a solid rock!
  Where     : Balamb Training Center 
              Ultimecia Castle
  NOTE      : Due to its high defensive stats, it will be more 
              advisible to use Magic on it than normal attacks.
  Info      : May look slow due to its stone-like body, but it is
              actually quite fast, appear in numbers.

  ESTHAR SOLDIER LV.1-100    HP:120-6,000  Taste: n/a    AP:1
  Steal     : Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion
  Drop      : Magic Stone, Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
  Card      : n/a
  Rare Item : n/a
  Attacks   : Shotgun, (knife strike) 
  Draw      : Cure*, Thunder*, Blizzard*, Fire*
  Descri.   : Type 1- Navy blue in color, Its head looks a grasshopper
  Where     : Centra- Excavation Site (Laguna Dream Sequence #2)
              Lunatic Pandora Research Center (Laguna Dream Sequence 
              Esthar Odine's Labortary (Laguna Dream Sequence #5)
  NOTE      : It just like the G-Soldier in Laguna's Dream Sequence. 
              Junction 100x Bio to your characters' Elem-Atk-J or 
              ST-Atk-J to deal with it. Weak against Poison
  Info      : Esthar Soldier who uses both gun and sword. Shotgun attack
              can cause major damage. Not a strong enemy.

  ESTHAR SOLDIER LV.1-100    HP: 150-6,500  Taste: n/a    AP:1
  Steal     : Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion
  Drop      : Magic Stone, Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
  Card      : n/a
  Rare Item : n/a
  Attacks   : Shotgun, (knife strike), Boomerang Sword, Soul Crash 
  Draw      : Thunder*, Blizzard*, Fire*
  Descri.   : Type 2- Dark Navy blue in color, Its head looks a 
              grasshopper (cyborg version)
  Where     : Centra- Excavation Site (Laguna Dream Sequence #2)
              Lunatic Pandora Research Center (Laguna Dream Sequence 
              Esthar Odine's Labortary (Laguna Dream Sequence #5)
  NOTE      : Weak against Thunder, Poison has no effect. The Soul 
              Crush is the move that it uses on Ward and Kiros at 
              Laguna's adventure at the evacuation site. Its Boomerang 
              Sword affects all allies. Junction 100x Thundaga to 
              inflicit more damage on it (of course, use Elem-Atk-J)
  Info      : A cyborg in the form of an Esthar Soldier but far 
              stronger. It only uses physical attacks.

  ELITE SOLDIER   LV.1-100    HP:50-3,000+    Taste: n/a  AP:2
  Steal/Drop: Cottage, Tent, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion
  Card      : n/a
  Attack    : (Charge), (Double Shot), Thunder*, Potion
  Rare Item : n/a
  Draw      : Fire*, Blizzard*, Thunder*, {Scan -} Dispel} 
  Descri.   : A red soldier of Galbadia with a metallic padding on its 
  Where     : Dollet Mission, Balamb Arrival at Fisherman's Horizon,
              Esthar during arrival of Lunatic Pandora, Lunatic Pandora.
              Galbadia Missile Base, Timber Town
  NOTE      : A stronger G-Soldier. Has quite strong attacks against
              low level characters. Quite good enemy for storing magic.
              Weak against Poison.
  Info      : An officer acting together with G-Soldiers, Reflect him 
              first he uses recover magic on other soldiers.

  G-SOLDIER       LV.1-100     HP: 50-1,200   Taste: n/a    AP:1
  Steal/Drop : Potion, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
  Card       : n/a
  Attack     : (Sword Swipe), Fire.
  Rare Item  : n/a
  Draw       : Fire*, Blizzard*, Thunder*, Cure* 
  Descri.    : A blue soldier of Galbadia holding a sword
  Where      : Dollet Communications Tower 
               Lunatic Pandora 
               Esthar- arrival of Lunatic Pandora 
               FH- Balamb Garden Arrival at Fisherman's Horizon, 
               Balamb Garden- Garden Crash
               Galbadia Missile Base
  NOTE       : The basic human enemy, extremely weak. Good for stocking
               the basic elementals. Weak against Poison. Sleep 
               junctioned ST-Atk-J works well on this guy.
  Info       : G-Soldier that use magic with a sword. Strong enough but
               nowhere near as strong as any SeeD member.

  GUARD           LV.1-100     HP: 50-1,200    Taste: n/a    AP: 1
  Steal/Drop : Remedy, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
  Rare Item  : n/a
  Card       : n/a
  Attack     : (sword swipe), Sleep
  Draw       : Sleep, Silence, Blind, Cure*
  Descri.    : same as G-Soldier
  Where      : D-District Prison
  NOTE       : Weak against Poison. Typically make them sleep before 
               they did so! While they are "sleeping", summon GFs to 
               finish them off!
  Info       : A Prison secruity guard. A Galbadia Soldier that trained
               in sleep magic to capture escapees.
  PARATROOPER   LV.1-100      HP:50-3,000+    Taste: n/a     AP:1
  Steal/Drop : Remedy, Antidote, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion
  Rare Item  : n/a
  Card       : n/a
  Attack     : (sword swipe), Blind, Demi, Water, Silence, Reflect, 
  Draw       : Sleep, Blind, Water, Silence
  Descri.    : Similar to G-Soldier, Guard of Galbadia on its green
  Where      : Balamb Garden - The Garden Crash
  NOTE       : These guys are quite dangerous as they could cast Demi,
               along with dangerous status spells such as Silence. It
               will be best if you have equipped the Treatment command.
               Junction 100x Silence or 100x Sleep to ST-Atk-J, could 
               does serious damage against it. Weak against Poison.
  Info       : Soldier assigned to Galbadia Garden. Specializes in 
               sneak attacks. Much stronger than regular Galbadia 
  GIM-52A       LV.1-100   HP:105-11,000   Taste: n/a    AP:3
  Steal/Drop : Missile, Running Fire
  Card       : n/a
  Rare Item  : Missile
  Attack     : Micro Missile, Haste, Gatling Gun, Ray-Bomb, (Charge)
  Draw       : Haste, Slow, {Dispel}, {Reflect}
  Descri.    : A blue robot keep moving its hands, looks like Weltall of 
  Where      : D-District Prison, 
               Esthar- City (Arrival of Lunatic Pandora)
               Inside Lunatic Pandora (before Lunar Cry) 
  NOTE       : Weak against Thunder. Cast Slow on it and cast Haste on 
               your members and attack! Make use of Thunder Elem-Atk-J 
               Combo. It's Micro Missile does 3/4 damage to one ally.
               Gatling Gun does damage to one ally. Ray-Bomb does 
               damage to all characters.
  Info       : A Galbadia Machine that attacks with magic and missile.
               The more advance models uses high powered beams.

  SLAPPER       LV 40     HP: 1710        Taste: n/a   AP: 3
  Steal/Drop :  Hi-Potion, Potion, Phoenix Down
  Card       :  n/a
  Rare Item  :  n/a
  Attack     :  (Slap), (teamwork)
  Draw       :  Blizzard, [Blizzara], {Blizzaga}, {Water}
  Descri.    :  A monster dressed like a hockey player
  Where      :  Galbadia Garden (The Garden Crash)
  NOTE       :  Pretty a weak monster.... Use Fire Elem-Atk-J Combo.
  Info       :  A member of Garden's semi-human ice-hockey club, 
                attacks with speed and teamwork.
/ 6.3 \_________________________________________________________________
Important Storylines (!SPOLIERS!), Press Page Down 11 times.  ffviii_066
In RPGs, there are generally important sequences about the game. They 
may include in differences in gameplay. For example, you will be able
to access more areas and thus allow you to have more leisure. If you
find along the Monster Besitary, I have shortened the sequences using
key words such as "Lunar Cry", "The Garden Crash", etc. Here they are:

/ Lunar Cry Incident (Disc 3 onwards, after getting Ragnarok) \_________
Upon your jounery to Lunar Base, Rinoa (possessed by the future witch 
Ultimecia) has freed the Adel (whom is sealed inside the ice chamber..),
which causes the Lunar Cry which struck several years ago to occur once
again. From the "Realm of Evil", the Lunatic Pandora (which has settled
at the Tears Point), absorbs the energy of evil, thus causing the 
following areas become infested with more powerful, devil-looking 
monsters. The Lunar Cry has occured once and it forms the Centra Crater
where you find the Centra Ruins.

Esthar City (the streets of Giant Esthar City) It is on the World Map
Original                       After Lunar Cry
Gayla                          Behemoth
Bite Bug                       Elynole

Great Plains of Esthar (where you find the building structures of 
Lunatic Pandora Research Center, Tears Point, Lunar Gate, Witch 
Memorial Hall)
Original                       After Lunar Cry
Hexdragon                      Behemoth
Mesmerize                      Torama
Bite Bug                       Imp
Caterchipillar                 Tutrapod

/ "The Garden Crash" (Disc 2) \_________________________________________
At Disc 2, you will experience this sequence where the two Gardens 
colliding together.. Seifer, Fuijin and Raijin at the other party as 
they were in search of Ellone. Galbadians start to invade the Balamb 
Garden along with Paratroopers.. You will start to have a sequence
where Rinoa is in life-threatening damage [she is with Zell, coz she 
wants Squall's ring (with Griver engraved in it.)] Galbadia Garden is
also full of monsters too.. the Sorceress generally wants to prolonged
the time.

Monsters (Balamb Garden)
Elite Soldier

Monsters (Galbadia Garden)
Death Claw
Slapper (only in the hockey fields)
/ "Balamb Garden's Arrival at FH" (Disc 2) \____________________________
After drifting for several days, the Balamb Garden has finally undocked
at the FH (also known as Fisherman's Horizons). Squall will be called
by Cid Kramer (the headmaster of Balamb Garden) to apologise the Mayor
of the incident. At the same time, they have company. It is the 
Galbadians! They are searching for the mysterious lady Ellone (or The
"Sis" mentioned in Squall's Dreams). 

Monsters (Fisherman's Horizons)
Elite Soldier
/ "Lunatic Pandora's Arrival at Esthar City" (Disc 3) \_________________
Things are really getting bad.. Upon leaving from the Lunar Gate, after
bid farewell to Squall whom seeks treatment for Rinoa from Ellone, Zell
are being assigned to protect the Matron (Edea, well Edea can protect
herself anyway, why need him to do that?). As the Lunatic Pandora is 
once being brought alive from the face of earth and is heading the Tears
Point. Zell and his company are to head to the City where they will be
brief about the Lunatic Pandora from Dr. Odine. 

Monsters (inside Esthar City)
Elite Soldier

Monsters (inside Lunatic Pandora)
Elite Soldier

/ "Ultima Weapon Quest" Disc 3 onwards \________________________________
Yeah.. the Ultima Weapon is back from FF7.. This Weapon is far one of 
the strongest in FF8. This weapon has a couple of damaging attacks. It's
Light Pillar is indeed a killer (well, Irvine at Level 100 is more a
killer ^_^;). After getting GF Bahamut at the Deep Sea Research Center,
you will see a hole down the path.. this leads to the basement where 
Squall can gain access to the Deep Sea Deposit. You need make use of the
Reserve Steam Pressure to reduce the crystal that is encovering the 
Ultima Weapon. Just have Zell, in the party. Head down to the hole. 
Examine the steam machine located on the left and you will have a short
briefing about the scenario. Just do in 2-2-1-1 RSP usage and have Zell
to handle the last steam machine (refer to Part II for more details). 
Upon that you will be able to access to the Deep Sea Deposit and a whole
hell of them are awaiting for you... 

NOTE: Can't ran away...

Monsters (Deep Sea Deposit)
Ruby Dragon
Iron Giant

/ "NORG's Anger" (Disc 2) \_____________________________________________
After done with the Missile Base Sequence, Squall and the remainding two
characters will head back to Balamb Garden to warn Cid Kramer for the
incoming Missiles. (they have been launched..) This time, there are a
dispute between the SeeD Cadets and Garden. A co-headmaster of the 
Garden, known as NORG is very unpleased with Cid (not his managment but
the fact that Balamb Garden has been involved with opposition against
the Sorceress.) The Garden Faculties along with those Garden cadets that
have not been graduated (well, there are some exceptions..) fought 
against the SeeDs. 

Monsters (Balamb Garden)
T-Rexaur (hopefully you got Siren..)
Glaccid Eye
Bite Bug

Monsters (MD System)
Blood Soul
/ Laguna Dream Sequences (Disc 1 ~ Disc 3) \____________________________
Due to "Sis" Ellone doing, Squall repeatedly have this sequence about 
the past about this guy known as Laguna Loire (that's my fan favourite!)
Generally, you will expect some battle sequences and here is a brief 
summary about the sequences.

Laguna Dream Sequence #1: Laguna and his party on a jounery across the
forests in Galbadia. Intend to meet his dream girl, Julia HEARTILLY at
the capital city of Galbadia, Deling City (Disc 1)

Laguna Dream Sequence #2: Laguna and his party are been instructed to 
investigate the evacuation site found in Centra. Laguna has a bad
feeling about this (well, he bring the wrong map ^_^;, his leg got 
cramped.. as usual.). Ward and Kiros got injured.. (Disc 1)

Esthar Soldier 
Esthar Soldier (cyborg)

Laguna Dream Sequence #3: Laguna is recovering from his injuries at 
Winhill where he is attended by Raine, the owner of the Pub. Next he has
a job of killing off monsters that invaded Winhill. Ellone is a hot-
wanted personal due to her special abilities that allows to transport
back to the past and are heavily wanted by the Sorceress Adel (aka. 
Leader of Esthar). Laguna has to protect her...

Bite Bug

Laguna Dream Sequence #4: Laguna's broke ^_^; He was acting as a knight
at Trabia Canyon where he was on the journey to save Ellone.. Kiros are
to act as the dragon.. but amusingly enough, a real Ruby Dragon appears.
Laguna as a Dragon Slayer!

Bite Bug
Ruby Dragon (BOSS)

Laguna Dream Sequence #5: Laguna is finally at Esthar.. but held captive
^_^;. He was at the Lunatic Pandora Research Center. The people of 
Esthar are pretty upset over Adel's rule and Laguna seems to the best
candidate for the position. Now bracing through all dangers, Laguna 
managed to save Ellone whom was held captive at Odine's Lab.

Esthar Soldier
Esthar Soldier (cyborg)

Well that's all for the sub-quests. Enough Spoilers? ^_^;

/ 7.0 \_________________________________________________________________
Sub Quests                                                    ffviii_s07
As we know, a RPG has always a lot of hidden secrets. In fact, they will
always nab you some rare items and additional information regarding the
game. In FF8, the toughest quests is the Obel Lake Mystery which is very
tough to solve as you need to do it on the World Map. As for other sub-
quests such as UFO Sighting Incident, they are pretty amusing and funny.
In this section, you will find most of the subquests which extracted 
from Part I. Except that I have added more information for certain 
/ 7.1 \_________________________________________________________________
Timber Maniacs                                                ffviii_067
The Timber Maniacs are actually articles written by Sir Laguna [well, he
deserves that address...] while he was a jounralist. The articles are
practically written about his life travelling across the world with his
pals, Kiros and Ward. Every articles have screenshots of the 
surroundings. The articles provide information about Laguna's past and
of course the answers for your thrust.

In Timber, there is a Timber Maniacs [not a magazine, but a building]
where there is a reporter that tells Squall about his hallucinations.
That's actually the place where Laguna has worked previously. 

You can't access these through the Item menu, instead you need to head 
to Balamb Garden Network where Selphie will translate them into the 
computer under Sir Laguna's Page. Also includes Selphie's comments 
^_^;. BTW, the Diary also explains your actions.. The actions that are
closer to the story, the better your SeeD ranking is. You still can 
get back to Balamb Garden at Disc 3 after you have gotten Ragnarok. It
is docked somewhere at FH.

Enough babbling, here is the list of Timber Maniacs.
1. Balamb Hotel. Just proceed up the stairs and get it from the table.
   Not necessary to foot the bill to enter the room ^_^;
2. Timber Hotel. There are two methods. You can get this only after 
   Galbadians have left the town. The first method needs you to pay 
   100 gil to rent the room. The second method is go near the train
   tracks where you find the house with Owl's Tears... you will 
   eventually ended up at the Hotel room. It is near the table.
3. Timber Maniacs of Timber. The building on the left of the Forest
   Fox's House. Enter the room in the north and proceed right to get
   the magazine
4. Deling City. Inside Galbadia Hotel, pay 100 gil to the clerk at the
   counter and you will find it under the bed. [not during Laguna's
   quiet momments with Julia...]
5. Dollet. Just proceed to Pub's 2nd Floor and you will find in near
   the pool (billard) table.
6. Dollet. Proceed the Dollet Hotel (north from Dollet's Pub). Pay 
   100 gil and get the Timber Maniacs.
7. Fisherman's Horizons. You will find it at the house of Grease 
   Monkey [remember the huge compound?]
8. Fisherman's Horizons. Just proceed back to main city and you will
   find drunkard not blocking you anymore. You can actually enter the
   building where you could find FH Hotel [need pay 100 gil, or free
   of charge if doing Master Fisherman's Quest.]
9. Trabia Garden. Proceed to the Grave Yard found on the right of
   Gargoyle. Next search within the tombs.
10.Shumi Village: Proceed to the Shumi Village [found in northern 
   continent] and head to Artisan's House. It is found on the bed.
11.Edea's House. It is on the floor before you meet Edea and Cid at the
12.White SeeD's Ship. Refer to Walkthrough for its location. Proceed to
   the bridge (found at the upper deck) and find it on the floor. You 
   can returned back to the ship as long as you haven't taken Rinoa to

For your convience, I have arranged them according to the game sequence.
But you still get them as long as you are still in Disc 3 before you 
proceed to the Luantic Pandora. As for the contents, I would not be 
bothered to type them out as they will spoil the game (definately..), 
So you need to read them...
/ 7.2 \_________________________________________________________________
The Missing Vase Pieces                                       ffviii_068
Items:    1x Gysahl Greens, 1x Phoenix Pinion, 1x Holy Stone

It's still a peaceful and quiet town.. Just like in the past. Generally,
there are changes made as the winding path has been concreted and the
truck is no longer there. Now before heading the Mansion, head for the
street where you find the caution sign. It's the chocobo theme!

Getting 1x Phoenix Pinion and 1x Gysahl Greens.
There is small, tiny chocobo walking from right to left. Just press X to 
kick it... Next you will find a green feather item arises from the top.
Pick it up and it will says Vase Piece [even though that it does not
add up to your item inventory]. Kick it once more and it will drop a
Gysahl Greens followed by the Phoenix Pinion (this one is a bit 
special.. when you pick it up from the ground, it says Phoenix Down, 
but when you check the Item inventory, you will find a Phoenix Pinion!
... and lastly, try it yourself!

Now it is time for another key quest. The Vase Piece Quest.
Just head to the mansion, remember the big building that was formerly
guarded by Galbadia Soldiers? Enter the mansion and walk up the stairs..
Talk to the man wearing a grey suit [he was the owner and wants you to
find him 4x Vase Piece..] You have already found 1 already..

Vase Piece no. 2
At:  In the same building
How: Head for the statue [which is actually a holding pole for armors]
     Examine the statue (can only be done after talking with the owner.]
     Now a crash will occur.. a chicobo runs out and leaving a Vase 
     Piece. You need to talk to the owner and the assistant before you 
     can do this.

Vase Piece no. 3
At:  Raine's Pub
How: Head up to the second floor. Squall generally have some 
     hallucination... Raine is there examining the cupboard. Actually, 
     this is the new tenant. Talk to her and the cat.. Pay attention to
     this phrase "Smell flower fragmance"
     Now head to the 1st floor, examine the flower [it was in a vase
     found at the lower screen]. Now Squall will again see Raine and 
     the cat will be there. Examine and you will find the 3rd Vase 

Vase Piece no. 4
At:  The Florist's Shop
How: As you walk down, you will noticed that the owner was always at the
     outside of the shop.. Now talk to her while at the shop. Now 
     examine the flower bed (inside the shop, lower right hand corner)
     and you will get the 4th Vase Piece.

Now head back to the mansion and he will give you the Holy Stone as 
your reward. 
/ 7.3 \_________________________________________________________________
Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village I                            ffviii_069
Item:    1x Phoenix Pinion
Magic:   Ultima - at the entrance, need to pay 5000 gil.
         Firaga - at the area where you find the statue.
         Blizzaga - at the area where you find the gigantic tree..
Save Pt: Hotel
GF:      n/a
NOTES:   n/a
After finishing the Galbadia Continent (getting bored with the cards?),
it is time to navigate other parts of the world.. Located at the north
continent, Trabia, you will find a structure located at the Winter 
Island. Now enter the building.

Notice the townfolks are similar looking to NORG? This actually the 
hometown of the Shumis.. There is a draw point there.. which allows you
to get Ultima. Be sure your eyes are opened wide when you decided to 
draw magic from it as there is no refund!

Head for the elevator and you will ended up underground.. which is 
actually a beautifully generated town. Walk towards the left until you
found a pond. The building found at the northwest is your destination.
There Squall will be amazed by the statue. It was the statue of Laguna.
In other people's eyes, Laguna is a hero (well for Squall's case, he 
think Laguna is a funny joker..) Talk to the scuplutor and he will give 
you the following option:

OK. {--
We don't have time

Remember to draw Firaga from the draw point found at the back. Now head
back the Elder's House, located a screen right from here. You will find
the Moomba that is blocking the entrance is finally out of your way..
Now you can access to the draw point [Blizzaga]. Now enter the room.

Next you will have a briefing where Squall were told why the statue 
were here. He was also told on where do Moomba's originated from. It 
was actually 17 years ago, Laguna has ended up here and teaches the
Moomba to talk... Next the Elder will tell Squall that they wished to
complete the statue and would like Squall to assist them in completing
the statue. Now head back to the room where you find the scupulator.
He will tell Squall that he needs to find ingredients to make the 
statue and you will be given the following prompt.

Forget it
Alright {--

Next he will asked you to find the stone which are already described in
the table below. Once you have found the stone, talk to scupulator and 
he will tell you to find the next stone. Here is the list, requires to
run about the village..

|              |                                                       |
| Name         |    Where to find it?                                  |
|Blue Stone    | In the room with the statue. It is on the back wall.  |
|              | Examine the huge blue coloured rock. The scupulator   |
|              | has forget to test it ^_^;                            |
|Wind Stone    | Go to the first screen of the village. Search it and  |
|              | you will find the Wind Stone. The screen where you    |
|              | find the Hotel of Shumi Village. It is found near the |
|              | rocks.                                                |
|Life Stone    | Go to the second screen where you find the village    |
|              | chief's house. Go to the middle of the tree and       |
|              | examine it. If done correctly, Squall will climb up   |
|              | the branch and get the stone.                         |
|Shadow Stone  | Back to first screen where you find Ultima. Go to the |
|              | right side and search behind the pillar that casts a  |
|              | shadow. This is where you find the elevator. It is    |
|              | found under the shadow of the container.              |
|Water Stone   | Go to the house found on the right and search by the  |
|              | sink and you find last stone. This is the house of    |
|              | Artisan. It is the left side of the sink.             |

As the man at the statue tells you to get the Water Stone. Try to the 
search the pond where you found the frog at the pond and you will get a
fake stone! Now hand the last stone to the man and talk to him. Next 
Squall will be asked to head to the Elder's house. There you will have 
a short sequence and the assistant will give you the Phoenix Pinion! 
After you have exited from the room, you will given the following 

(Ahh, why bother talking about)
(Explain what it all mean.....)

Artisan's Experience...
Well, you can find a Timber Maniacs located near the bed. If you talked
to him and he will show all the car models..

/ 7.4 \_________________________________________________________________
Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village II                           ffviii_070
Items:    1x Status Guard
Magic:    Ultima - pay 5000 gil 
          Blizzaga - found at the corner where you find Elder's House
          Firaga - found behind Laguna's statue
          Regen - found next to the Save Point
          Haste - found at the Train Yard
          Shell - found next to the Junk Shop
Save Pts: Shumi - Hotel
          FH - Train track
GF:       n/a
It has been a while since you have been to Shumi... Return and proceed 
to Elder's House. Next proceed to the statue room and you will find that
the Attendant refuse to work.. Now return back to Elder's House and you
will find out the reason. Next seek the Moomba outside for help. Next 
you will find Attendant's willing to work! Next talk to Attendant and 
he will say that it will be better if Artisan would help.. Now proceed
to Artisan's House and you will know the reason why he is so upset..

Now proceed to Elder's House. Next talk to him. A stubborn... Artisan.
Well, I was nearly stucked and found out the solution. Recall all the
Moomba occurences..

Moomba at D-District Prison - err.. can't enter it.
Moomba at FH - well, you can find one at Grease Monkey's House!
Moomba at Shumi - there are two.. One is at the entrance of Elder's 
                  House. The other one is actually a knob that triggers
                  the background music.

I guess you should know the answer by now. Proceed to Fisherman's 
Horizon! Just have Ragnarok placed vertically on top of FH and press X
to land. Next you will find Ragnarok landed at the place where you find
Martine. Now proceed to Grease Monkey's House.

At Grease Monkey's House, Squall will ask him whether the Moomba is 
real or not. Next talk to him again and he will lend you the Moomba. 
Return back to Shumi Village. Meanwhile navigate around the area.

Now return back and it's time to head towards Artisan's House. At the
house and repetive fast-talking Moomba keep on persaude Artisan. Just
exit [don't press X...] and you will find Master Fisherman. He is 
fishing at the pond. Next noticed the background music and Artisan 
finally agrees to work! Proceed to the statue and you will see the
four of them working hard. [Sclputor, Attendant, Artisan and Moomba].
Now returned back to Elder's House and you will get Status Guard as 
your gift! Notice the background music too.

After you have gotten the President boarding on your ship, return back
to Shumi Village and you will have a sequence at the statue room.. it's
about the past.

/ 7.5 \_________________________________________________________________
Timber Obel Lake Mystery                                      ffviii_071
Items:    1x Three Stars, 1x Luck-J Scroll
Magic:    n/a
Save Pts: n/a
Monsters: n/a [use Enc-None]
At least, I have finally made this section possible. Thanks to a few
contributors for the answers for this mystery. First of all, you need
to locate the lake. It is at Galbadia where you will find shallow waters
[the colour seems a bit lighter.]. Now there is an arc of land that 
edges into the lake. Just press X and you will see the message below:

It's Obel Lake
 Throw a rock
 Try humming {-- (this does not work in Disc 1 and 2)

A black shadow rose to the surface
Throw a rock
Try humming again {--

Black Shadow: "...Hello, humans. What a lovely time."
              "There's something large there...."
Press X again
Black Shadow: "Hello!"
Black Shadow: "Can doe me a favour please?"
              (What is it?) {---
              (I don't want to hear it.)
Black Shadow: "It's my friend, Mr Monkey, can you find him for me?"
Black Shadow: "Mr Monkey should be in a forest somewhere. Keep walking
               around and I'm sure to find him."

Now you need to find Mr. Monkey... Next examine the lake and choose to
"throw a rock" and retreat after you have something like the following
message below..

The rock skipped 3 times

You need to get a phrase that says "The rock skipped many many times." 
You will know why later.. Now head to Dollet and you will find a train 
station near it right. On the extreme left, you will find a forest.
[Dollet- Hasberry Plains] and you will have the following message.

There is a monkey
   Throw a rock {---
   Sing (very funny.. hahahahaha!)

You will ALWAYS miss if you picked a stone that skip between 1 ~ 5 
times.. and you will always get this message..

"Ahh Darn it!" Y-You're just a big loser. I make to skip the rock as
many times as I want! So there! Ha-ha! Loser! Dork! Idiot! Your mom
wear combat boots"

If you use the rock "The rock skipped many many times."... you will 
definately see this message:

 "... OUCH!
   ... D-Darn it
    ... You're gonna to pay for that!"
The monkey will then threw a rock at you and upon inspecting the rock, 
you will find some carving on it. "URHAEO"

Now report back to Black Shadow.
You need to talk to the Shadow until he have you the corresponding 

1st rock }}}
Balamb Area {Rinual Shores}
Phrase: "At the beach in Balamb something special washes a shore all 
Now head to Balamb Town [don't enter it]. Instead search the shore
way.. There is a special edge-out of sand when the tides are low. Just
check that area and you will find the second rock "STSLRM"

2nd rock }}}
That's the rock that you have obtained from Mr Monkey. Anyway, if you 
can't find him the Shadow will give the following hints:
"If he's not around, perhaps he took a train towards Dollet."
--} that's when you can't find Mr. Monkey...
"Mr. Monkey had a rock like this I think..."
that's the clue for that rock... "URHAEO"

3rd rock }}}
Galbadia Area {Timber- Mandy Beach}
"You'll find something on an island of east of Timber, too."
It's an elevated island where you need enter through Ragnarok. Enter
it through Balamb is possible. But will be very hard... Just search
along the land and you find the rock, "REAIDR"

4th rock }}}
Galbadia Area {Galbadia- Monterosa Plataeu}
"There's also something on top of a mountain with a lake and cavern."
Just followed the trails of the river and it will lead to a waterfall.
Now landed Ragnarok on top of the mountain and search the edge where
you will found the waterfall and you will have the following message:

A bird is warming an egg.
Check it up     {-- 
Leave it alone  

Check the egg out and you will have a fight against 2x Thrustaevis,
they are quite simple {Mug: 8x Shear Feathers, 6 AP} and you will found 
the 4th rock "EASNPD"

 Writings on the man-made rock:

  No.   Rock Location    : Carvings on the rock
  1.  Balamb rock        : S T S L R M
  2.  Mr. Monkey rock    : U R H A E O
  3.  Timber rock        : R E A I D R
  4.  Lake Cavern rock   : E A S N P D

Words Build taken from the 4 Rock: MORDRED PLAINS HAS TREASURE 
Hint: Read from right to left from top to bottom on the carvings.

Okay time to head for the Morded Plains. It is north from the Great 
Plains of Esthar, behind the mountains. You can find the entrance of 
Trabia Canyon [where Laguna's 4th Dream Sequence occured there...]
Next you need to search it thorougly and here is a small map.


tttttttttttttt//ttttttttttttttttttt|   |                    |
tttttttttttttt\\ttttttttttttttttttt|   |  G R A N D I D I   |
ttttttttt..........tttttttttttttttt|   |                    |
..........XXXXXXXXXXXX........... /    |     F O R E S T    |
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX * XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/       \                   | 
  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|          \                  |
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|          |                 |
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\_        |                 |
..................................\_______/                 |
        G R E A T   P L A I N S  O F   E S T H A R

tt  - Trabia- Vienne Mountains
XX  - Esthar- Morded Plains
*   - Treasure [Three Stars]
ee  - Esthar- Norties Mountains

Clear enough? Actually, the Morded Plains looks more like a hexagon
compared to a star to me. Just simply press X with XXX Area [they 
look a bit more brighter...] and you will have the following message:
[you can't view them on the world map, instead you will find message
boxes instead..]

"There are many multicolored rocks with faces all over the place.."
Press "X" again then a rock will spoke:    
The blue-faced rock whispers 
"People call us :The Liars Rocks!"  
"I don't know were the treasure is..."

It will also gives some hints..
"Some just talk nonsense." 
"Some just repeat the same thing."
"Some just say opposite of what we say."

Next press X and you have a couple of speeches from other rocks and
they are:

The black-faced rock tell you sternly: 
"The treasure is probably at the direction of the North Star"

The white-faced rock tells you coldly
"The treasure is located at the west." or 
"The treasure is located at the east." or
"The treasure is located at the north." or 
"The treasure is located at the south."

The red-faced rock tells you angrily
"The treasure is to the east." or
"The treasure is to the west." or
"The treasure is to the north." or
"The treasure is to the south." or
"The treasure is not here."

As you could figure out, that the black-faced rock is the one that keep
on telling you the same thing. However if you attempt to follow the 
white-faced rock to north and next it will say to the east, to all sort
of directions!. Therefore the mostly reliable source of information 
comes from the red-faced rock! Just watch for its speech and move a step
towards it's direction each. Ignore all other messages except for the 
red-faced rock. The treasure, which is a Three Star item is found in the
center of the star.. But you must have this message box: " The treasure
is not here.", press X again and you will get the treasure. It takes 
time and patient to solve this mystery. Avoid taking long distances, 
that's a tip that I could give.

There are still two more spots...

Hint #1
"Take sometime off at Eldbeak Peninsula. I bet its a wonderful place."

[that's located at Trabia, and you will see a small edge out facing 
Dollet if you view the World Map. It is between the vertical distance
between Shumi Village and Balamb Town.]

Break the password up and it will give you the following:
If you take out the words TIME and OFF
You get: TREASURE AT MINDE ISLE. The black-faced rock kept saying the 
treasure was at the north, but instead the blue rock has mentioned that
some of the rocks meant opposite of what they mean. At the lower-left 
area of Esthar, you will find: MINDE ISLAND! [Isle is a common short 
found used for "Island"]. Refer to Fig 10.1. Now head there (required the
Ragnarok] and search the area and you will find another item, Luck-J 

Hint #2:
This one I am still searching for it. "Take a break at the railway 
road." I think the treasure could be a draw point. I have just simply
follow the train track and search it on the oher side where I find a
draw point [Curaga] on West Coast of Esthar. You will also find a man 
in the Seaside Station. That person also uses Level 7 cards!

Thanks to a fellow contributor, he manages to find out the reason (which
is very convincing) but I did made some corrections to suit the

From Jack Taylor:
" Firstly, I have found the answer to "take a break at the railroad 
bridge"; "I wonder what it means?" This is a little joke on behalf of 
Squaresoft. They mean you to take the words very literally, and sure 
enough, on the Galbadia continent, there is a bridge with both a 
railway and a road going across it (hence railroad). There is a 
little area of land to the right hand side of the bridge, between 
the cliff and the river that can only be accessed with the Ragnarok. 
Land the Ragnarok on this strip of land then walk to the corner 
nearest the bridge, press X button, and there is a draw point with.... 
you guessed it.... "break" spells in it (hence "take a break"). 
This is hardly very valuable, and as far as I know there is nothing 
else there, so it is just Squaresoft wasting our time." 

Hint #4:
Unexpectedly, there was indeed a fourth hint from Mr Shadow..

Well, I think that Jack Taylor really deserves a round of applause for
solving the remainder of secret, which turn out to be another joke...

Mr Shadow always says "take a break at the railroad bridge" and "take 
some time off at Eldbeak Peninsula" Thanks to Jack, he managed to cover
something else...

According to him:
Mr Shadow says "Back in the day, South of here, there used to be a 
small but beautiful village surrounded by deep forests. Everyone lived 
a happy life there". 

And here is his solution for the problem.

"This refers to a spot on the southernmost Centra continent. It is a 
more or less circular clearing surrounded by forest. When you walk up 
to it on the world map and press the X button and it says "nothing here 
but rubble" and if you press X again it says "absolutely nothing". 
/ 7.6 \_________________________________________________________________
Finding The Rare Cards - through Quest
Here are some cards that are very hard to find... There are typically
4 quests for you to go through.. and the most confusing one is the 
Chicobo Card. Even Markweb has spoiled the word wrap, but he has done an
excellent job in explaining this section. I have made several 
corrections and expanding the Card Queen's Quest. Except for the Card
Queen's Quest and CC Group, the remainding two quests does not required
any card playing..

/ 7.6a \________________________________________________________________
Chocobo Forest: Prove your affection for Chocobos!            ffviii_072
Items:   1x Aura Stone, 1x Flare Stone, 1x Shell Stone, 2x Holy Stone, 
         1x Protect Stone, 3x Meteor Stone, 2x Ultima Stone, 1x Chicobo
Do you know that there are six Chocobo forests found at various regions
of the world map? The seventh one is being surrounded by Grandidi 
Forests and also known as the "Chocobo Holy Region". You could reach 
there by crossing the shallow waters from the Chocobo Forest found at 
Trabia's Bika Snowfields.

What is needed to done for this sub-quest?
You needed catch to a "Mother Chocobo" at each forest without needed 
any help from the "Chocoboy". Next you needed to find an item (Ultima 
Stone, Meteor Stone, etc.) These items shows that the Chocobo have some
affection to Squall it signifies that Squall was like 'one of them'. 

Here is the ChocoWhis Menu. You will given a tutorial for 1,000 gil 
from the Chocoboy. He will typically explains on what does the Sonar 

ChocoWhis Menu (Press Square to bring up the menu)
To detect: [Choco Sonar]  --} explaination (1)
To catch: [Choco Ziner]   --} explaination (2)
Help Me --} explaination (3)
No way, I'm not doing this --} explaination (4)

(1) Choco Sonar
This part of whistle allows you to detect the traces of Chicobos. At
the lower right hand corner, you will find a red bar. That's the sonar.
It will reacts tremendously to strong signals and you can activate it.
Press X to select Chocobo Sonar and hold down the Triangle button and 
walk around the area... High signals area always produces a high pitch.

(2) Choco Ziner
This part of the whistle allows you to catch the Chicobo. Just after
finding the area with the strongest signal... Press Square to activate
the menu and press X to choose Choco Ziner. Press Triangle to whistle..
A Chicobo will come down. If failed, Squall's ChocoWhis will be stolen.
[you will find the Chicobo standing on Squall's head.) If it is stolen, 
talk to Chocoboy and pay 700 gil for the replacement.

(3) Help Me
This will cause Squall to ask the ChocoBoy to ask for help. You need to
pay 1200 gil and the Mother Chocobo will appear. However you can't have
that Mother Chocobo to dig for Stones.

(4) No way, I'm not doing this
Quit from the ChocoWhis Menu and do nothing.

Familiar with the Tutorial? Each Chocobo Forests have different 
requirements and your aim to capture all Chicobos so that the Mother
Chocobo will appear. For those whom have summon the Mother Chocobo for
the first time, you will be able to name your Chicobo for the Choco
World in Pocketstation. How to load data to your Pocketstation, refer to
your manual. During your detection process, you can talk to the Chocoboy
and he will give the following options:

A hint                    600 gil
Gyashl Greens 5x / 10x    3000 gil / 6000 gil
Question                  Free, nah 10 gil
Forget It.
Here the list of the Chocobo Forest and a Hint:

X- the spot where you can gather the stones.
C- denotes where you find the Chocoboy.

NOTE: Select Choco Ziner and press Triangle to dig for the stone.

"Catch" means that the Chicobos will disappear from the ground.

1. Winter Island near Shumi Tribe
"The Beginner's Forest: Try to find a spot where only 1 falls down."
Item :    Aura Stone     Buy: 1x Gysahl greens
Chicobos: 4              Difficulty: Beginners
|             X     |  1,2 & 3 - Catch 3 Chicobos at same time.
|      4            |  
|           (2)     |  4  - The last Chicobo, talk to it press 'X' 
|                   |       only if Chicobos positioned 1,2 & 3 are not 
| C       (3) (1)   |       around, the Chicobo will call out 'Mother 
|                   |       Chocobo'
|____     __________|   
    /    /            

2. Sorbald Snowfield north-west from Trabia Garden
"The Basic Forest: You have to blow the whistle twice."
Item:     Flare Stone     Buy: 1x Gysahl greens
Chicobos: 5               Difficulty: Beginners
|                 | (1&2)- Catch 2 Chicobos at same time first catch
|   (2)  [4]      | [3&4]- Catch 2 Chicobos at same time in 2nd catch 
|                 |  5   - Last Chicobo, talk to it only after Chicobos
|        5        |        at position 1,2,3 and 4 are not around, and
| X               |        only after you found all spots. 
|   (1)  [3]    C |   
|                 |  
|_____________    |
              \   \
3. Bika Snowfield east from Trabia Garden
"The Roaming Forest: Be careful where the (sonar) reacts."
Item:     Shell, Holy Stone       Buy: 5x Gysahl greens
Chicobos: 4                       Difficulty: Intermidiate
|      X           |  1    - Catch 1 Chicobo for the 1st catch
|            (3)   | (2&3) - Catch 2 Chicobos at same time, 2nd catch 
|                  |  4    - catch 1 Chicobo last catch, talk to it
|          1       |         only, when Chicobos position at 1, 2 and 3 
|  C   (2)         |         are being captured.
|                  |  
|______    ________|   
      /   /
     |   |
     |   |
      \   \
       \ 4 \
4. Nectar Peninsula north from Centra Ruins
"The Forest of Solitude: Search carefully were the (sonar) reacts."
Item:    Protect, Meteor Stone     Buy: 5x Gysahl greens
Chicobo: 1                         Difficulty: Intermediate
|                    |  1 - Look at the screen it aligned to the 
|              1     |      head of the chocoboy walk slowly and
|                    |      watch at the Sonar for intensive reaction.
|                    |      talk to it to call for 'Mother Chocobo' and    
|               CX   |      the stone is located at the feet of the 
|                    |      Chocoboy press 'Square' try to play cards
|_______      _______|      and move him away to the location of the 
        \     \             Stone. 

5. Lenown Plains north from Edea's House
"The Forest of Fun: Chocobowling with 4 bottles, 1 ball."
Item:     Meteor, Flare and Ultima Stone     Buy: 10x Gysahl greens
Chicobos: 5                                  Difficulty: Expert
|             X    | (1&2) - Catch 2 Chicobos at same time first catch  
|                  | [3&4] - Catch 2 Chicobos at same time second catch
| *d     5         |  5    - Catch 1 Chicobo last time 
|           (1)a   |  *    - After 5 Chicobos are "captured", call for 
|    c   [3]       |         a Chicobo here and then call (2) to release
|(2)      b [4]    |         the Chicobos behind.
|___     __________| a, b, c and d - The exact locations to catch the       
   /    /                            Chicobo in order
6. Talle Mountains west from Cactuar Island
"The Enclosed Forest: Collect on outer side, then go in."
Item:     Meteor, Holy & Ultima Stone   Buy: 10x Gysahl greens
Chicobos: 5                             Difficulty: Expert
|        3    4   | (1&2) - Catch 2 Chicobos in 'a' location 1st catch    
|                 |  3    - Catch 1 Chicobo and Chicobo #2 will leave
|    (1)  5     X |         then, Catch Chicobo #2 again in 'b'. Be
|            b    |         careful and did not to catch Chicobo #5 
|         (2)     |  4    - You can only catch him stable if you 
|    C            |         done the step above
|                 |  5    - catch only if Chicobos 1, 2, 3 & 4 are 
|_a     __________|         already caught, then Chicobo #3 will call 
  /    /                    for Chicobo #5, talk to #5 and it will call 
                            for the "Mother Chocobo"   
                     a, b - specified spots on where to catch the 
Now head to the Chocobo Holy Area and you will be able find all the 
Mother Chocobos and you will be able to view the Chocobo Dance [quite 
similar to "Waltz Moon" (the dancing theme at ball.)]. Check the Chicobo
and it will give Squall, the Chicobo Card. 

Not enough Gyshal Greens? Here is a method. Talk to the Chicobo and you
will get a Gyshal Greens and at the same time, it will snatched away
600 gil! Exit and re-enter the Chocobo Holy Region and you will have the
same sequence. In this way, you can also replenish your supplies 
regarding the Gyshal Greens
/ 7.6b \________________________________________________________________
UFO Sighting Incident                                         ffviii_073
Items:   5x Elixirs, 1x Aegis Armlet, 1x PuPu's Card
Magic:   n/a
Save Pt: n/a
Occur:   World Map.
Now time for some good looking quests, I would recommend you to do this
after getting Tonberry GF as it has ability that allows you to buy 
Elixir [but it will be expensive, so followed the cheat at the end of 
the section.] To make things work it easier, equip Enc-None [GF Diablos'
ability]. You will be able sight UFOs in battles.

UFO Sighting Spots [you don't have to do this sequence in this order]
1. Winhill Bluffs (east from Winhill) (Cow)
2. Mandy Beach [shores] (south-east from Timber). (head of a Statue)
3. Esthar-Kashkabald Desert (north-west from Cactuar Island) (Pyramid)
4. Health Island (east from Trabia Garden) *you needed the Ragnarok
   to accomplished this. (Artifact)
How pilot Ragnarok and head to the Great Grandidi Forests [errr.. there
is only one huge forest found in Esthar continent.] Just head towards
north from the Chocobo Holy Area which you done in Disc 2. And land
Ragnarok on the hilltop north from it. Wonder around and you will 
encounter the UFO!

UFO?  Stats
HP: 12,100 LV.100   AP: none    
Attack: none        Draw: Demi
Steal: none         Win: Aegis Amulet

It does not attack, just keep on attacking it. Well, the item dropped
seems to be a good one..

*Make sure you have the Item Command

After it fled away with a Big BANG, you can now head towards the area 
where Balamb Garden is formerly located and you will encounter the PuPu, 
(it's the pilot of the UFO and he was ejected before his ship explodes). 
You can choose kill it and receive Accelerator or help him recover by 
giving him (Accelerators are cheap stuff compared to the Hungry Cookpot)
, it keep on saying "Elixir Please" and "More Elixir please" gave it 5x 
Elixirs, which you have brought then you will receive PuPu card.
PuPu   Stats
HP: 810  LV. 100   AP: none 
Attack: none        Draw: Firaga, Blizzardga, Thundaga, Curaga
Steal:  none        Help: PuPu Card   Defeat: Accelerator 

Just help and get that PuPu's Card. In my opinion, 5x Elixirs for a 
Hungry Cookpot and a PuPu card into the collection, is definately
better than an Accelerator. [besides the ability learn is also much 
/ 7.6c \________________________________________________________________
Card Queen's Quest                                            ffviii_074
Items: 1x Kiros' Card, 1x Chubby Chocobo's Card, 1x Doomtrain's Card,
       1x Phoenix's Card, 1x Irvine's Card

The Card Queen, or in the game she is being addressed as "Queen". She is
actually the person whom monitors the card rules in the region where you
found her. You can actually add or remove a card rule by pay her 30,000
gil each time. But most of time, you won't get rules that you wished..
But I found her quite useful as you can remove a ton of rules after you
have returned from the space journey. You will find her at the train 
station of Balamb as you start the game.

The Card Queen will says that she will start to get bored after she 
have gotten a Rare Card or lost a Rare Card. But normally you need to
lose one rare card at the beginning ^_^; She is also quite formidible 
as she could be dramatic changes to the card trading rule.. Okay after
lost a card where she will go? Here are the locations:

Name of Town         Where is she?
Balamb               In front of Balamb Train station 
Dollet               2F of Pub where you find the Card Master.
Deling               Inside the Galbadia Hotel. (not in the room!)
FH                   At the screen left of the deserted train track.
Winhill              Found her at 1F of Flower Restaurant
Esthar               Found her inside the Presidential Palace. 
Lunar Site           Random spot [not avaliable after gotten Ragnarok)
Shumi Village        In the Inn of Shumi Village.

Okay.. typically it is a trading of cards. Now lost a rare card and make
sure that she head back to Dollet. Now proceed to the Pub and she will
say that she will tell you that if you lost a certain card, her father
will paint another card.. 

Card Lost      Card Gained      [Location]/Who?
MiniMog        Kiros            [Deling] Collect it from the guy in 
                                black wandering at the shopping street.
Sacred         Irvine           [FH] Collect it from Mayor Dobe's wife, 
Chicobo        Chubby Chocobo   [Balamb Garden], collect it from the 
                                man sitting outside library
Alexander      Doomtrain        [Timber], collect it from Owner of the 
                                Timber Pub
Doomtrain      Phoenix          [Esthar] collect it from Odine's 
                                assistant, Aide found inside the 
                                Presidental Palace.

You can never get the card without losing the card that the Card Queen
requested to do so. [how is her father going to paint it for you.] 
Remember that if you have defeat her to get a rare card or lost another 
rare card, she will moved to another region.. So it is best to obey 
instructions! For this quest, it is best to save your game frequently.
The Card Queen is also not a person whom you can messed with.

Hint: Remove the Random, by playing in Balamb Region, so that you could
      choose the card that you wish to lose.
/ 7.6d \________________________________________________________________
CC Group Members                                              ffviii_075
Items: 1x MiniMog's Card, 1x Leviathan's Card, 1x Carbuncle's Card,
       1x Gilgamesh's Card
I will only start to gather cards once I have gotten sufficient cards.
You need to get aleast the Minotaur's, Sacred's, Ifit's and Diablos' 
cards. They are very important for the card quest as they are your 
ultimate cards for this quest. You can get more cards such as Odin [if
you decided to head for Centra Ruins first..]. It will be better if you
have completed the previous card pages before for this quest. The fifth
card is optional..

Ultimate Card Strategy!!
1 2 3    1) Place Sacred's card at spot 3
4 5 6    2) Place Minotaur's card at spot 9
7 8 9    3) Place Ifrit's card at spot 8
         4) Place Diablo's card at spot 1

Card Strategy for Plus/Same.
It cannot be counted as a strategy but it works for me. Place your 
weakest card in the center. Upon the computer has finished for its turn,
look out for any applications of Plus/Same. Next, the computer will
normally try to counter with Plus and Same. Look out for it before 
placing down your card. Good strategy if you needed to protect your 
cards while trying to eliminate the Random rule by keep on playing at
Balamb Area.

After getting all the cards [for other pages, note that the Cards page
5 that there is blank as you can't get that card now.. it is a rare 
card...] Try to get as many as possible.. You should have no problem in
covering all cards execept for the characters, BOSS [page 6 & 7] and 
GFs. In Balamb, there are a lot of players. So try your luck. After you
have completed page 1 to 5 cards [get aleast 3x cards each...], It's 
time to seek a higher challenge.. the Card Group. Note: do all these 
stuff in Balamb Garden, you are not really to challenge the outside 
world.. If you have incurred the random rule from your previous card
games, continue to play at Balamb Garden and it will eventually switch 
to Balamb Garden's rules.

The Card Group is considered as the most strongest group of card players
in FF8. All except the Card Master can be found in Balamb Garden. Here 
is the sequence [remember that it is vital to save your game..]:

Name:  CC Group Jack
Area:  In front of the elevator. Usually walks from Library...
He is a Garden Cadet. He will be the first one to introduce to you 
about the CC Group. He will be the first one to challenge you in a 
card game. Remember the guy that ask you whether you have challenged 
the Card Group?

After Jack has been defeated (guess what? You have become one of the 
best card players!), other members will started to show up.. which also
marks the beginning of the 4-Suit Quest. Follow in order..

1-Suit: CC Group Knight Club
Area: The area where you find the Dormitory, Parking Lot and Cafeteria
He is also a Garden cadet. He will says "Draw.." once you have 
approached him. Quite easy as he rarely uses Level 7 Cards. 

2-Suit: CC Group Princess Diamond
Area: The Lobby, where you find the Directory. 
Two female Garden cadets. They are usually in pairs and chit-chat with
each other. Can only play with them, while they were chit-chating at 
the Directory. Normally, you will get a lot of Level 7 cards from them.

3-Suit: CC Group Prince Spade
Area: The 2F alley, the man near the elevator. 
He is the same guy, who have given the 7 cards in Disc 1 if you talk to 
him. (he normally say "so can you finished the game"). Not quite 
strong.. It is quite easy to defeat him.

4-Suit: CC Group Queen Heart 
Area: Area at the bridge 
She is actually Xu.. Defeat her in order to get the Carbuncle Card. She
is quite strong in her card tactics.

Former Card King: Dr. Kadowaki
Area: Infirmary
You have seen her so many times in the game.. She is quite strong.. as
she will have at least one Level 7 card in the game. Even with the above
ultimate strategy, I also lost... I believe that you need to defeat her
in order to challenge the present cardmaster king

CC Group Leader: Master King 
Area: At the Dormitory after you have defeat all suits and Dr Kadowaki.
      Head to Dormitory and choose to be alone and sleep.. "he" will
      challenge Squall at the middle of the night.
Believe it or not.. "he" is actually Quistis! She is really strong in
her card tactics. Defeat her in order to get the Gilgamesh Card. You
will be able to challenge her at the bridge after the night incident.

Last CC Group Member: CC Group Magician Joker
Area: Training Center, where you find the wooden planks.
He is actually the "Man in Garden" whom sold items.. You will get a 
Battle Meter Upgrade if you defeat him. You can get the Levithan Card
from him. The upgrade is actually adding in the GF report...

You can still challenge the CC Group in Disc 4..

Enter the door found nearest to Ultimecia's Castle.

Just simply walk through that thick forests and find a huge Chocobo
Forests. [you should know the shape by now..]. Just simply enter the 
forest and get a Chocobo from there. For my case, I have found six 
Chocobos already.

After gotten Chocobo, do not press X. Just go through the western side
of Esthar Continent. You will find those transparent barriers along 
your way. Remember that Chocobo can cross shallow waters as due to 
their quickness [I suppose that the Chocobos here are more powerful..]

Just simply wonder down the continent and you will find great 
Khashabald Desert.. Southeast of that great desert [from World Map 
point of view. The red dot that's not moving is actually the Ragnarok]
you will find a path lead into the desert and you will find the 
Ragnarok landed next the door. Now unboard from the Chocobo and enter 
Ragnarok and press the following:

Press Circle [this will lead to the cockpit] and hold Triangle.

You will reached the sequence, if you battle all the CC Group members
in the Balamb Garden. At the haul, you will meet Xu and she will talk
to Squall that CC Group has come to seek for revenge and decide to 
challenge him for cards once more. Here is list, where you will
encounter them:

Member                Location
CC Group Heart        Haul of the Ragnarok
CC Group Spade        Hangar
CC Group Diamonds:    Main Hall
CC Group Jack:        Hallway that's located on right side of the Haul
CC Group Club:        2F- Stairway
CC Group Joker:       You will find this guy near the elevator [where
                      you need to board to head for Ragnarok.]
CC Group King:        Just get Quistis in your party and head for the
                      cockpit and challenge her for the card game.

My experience in this quest:

Virtually, the CC Group Members have hold all the cards that you have 
not collect since the beginning of the game. [except for the Cards that
you have used Card-Mod which you will find status screen saying "Used
Up"]. Now this is really an headache. First of all, they will start to
add rules each time you battle them. Like in this order:

Balamb - Dollet - Galbadia - Trabia - FH - Centra - Esthar - Lunar Base

Worst still, the cards does not appear all the time.. You may depend a 
lot on luck. Remember that you must getting the card according to the
card order in the card page. That means if you haven't gotten the 
Phoenix's and Doomtrain's Card, you must gotten the Phoenix's Card 
before you could challenge them for the last cards. Some of the cards 
that is originally found with CC Group Members such Leviathan being 
found from the CC Group Magician Joker, will only be won from the 
original owner only. The more rules you add [by challenging them, they
will add rules], the more chances you will get the rare cards in the
game. BTW, the above cards that you found here can be obtained from the
Card Queen's Quest which is described in detail in Part I.

There are two rare cards for Gilgamesh. First of all, you must get the
Gilgamesh from the CC Group King. There you must modified it using
Card-Mod and get 10x Holy Wars. Now head for the haul and challenge
Xu for a card game and you will see another Gilgamesh card! Currently,
I am still trying out for other cards. 

How to win card battles? Here is what I normally do [even my own 
record does seems that great, I have only ~40% winning percentage 
compared to my brother's ~50% winning percentage. But I have played 
over a thousand card games, whereas my brother has only play 20 card
games (but he has played the tougher ones more often).]... Once you 
reached the Ragnarok, head to the Ragnarok to save your game. Next 
challenge for cards, [most of the rare cards are obtained Diamonds], 
and get the rare card. If you lost a rare card, reset and replay again. 
Once you have gotten a rare card, save your game and then resume. Make 
sure you don't lose any rare cards, or it will be much harder.. Here
is a brief summary on how I play card games with the following rules:
[I only include the tough ones]

Random: don't bother whether it is lousy cards or rare cards. Just 
shoot. In my opinion, some of Level 4~5 cards are great for Plus and
Same Rule. They could kill my opponent through Card Combo and Plus.

Same/Plus: Just required some more mental calculations. If you are not
quite good in mathematics, just use a calculator. Plus rule is more
useful compared to the Same Rule in my opinion. You can even make use of
this to turn over the tables at your opponent. Imagine that I have only
1 card left on the board and the last slot, I put. I got a straight 
combo with Pluses and Same. As the result, I won. [That's all I got 
Edea's card.]

Sudden Death: Never ever place your most powerful cards on the board
under this rule. Remember that you need to protect them. As if it ended
up with a draw, you will continue with the cards that you have earlier
got under your control. This is most dangerous rule in my opinion.

The rest are not that importance, but do not ignore them as they are
quite helpful. If you have forgetten the rule, just press Circle while
having the game and a glimpse of the summary. One last tip: no matter
how strong your opponent are, there is always a glimpse of hope in
defeating them. Never give up!

After done with this, you can pay a visit to the Card Queen at the 
Abadan Plains where you first met Piet at Crashed Lunar Base.

2 rare cards? It has been confirmed for the Gilgamesh. But I myself
will assume that there are 2 rare cards. One is from the present and
the other one is from the future. Ugh! The Time Compression is giving
me headaches! Except for PuPu's card, I guess there are actually 2
rare cards... Still testing.

/ 7.7 \_________________________________________________________________
Zell's Love Quest                                             ffviii_076
Before heading to the above areas, I recommend you to return back to 
Balamb Garden. Make sure that Zell is in your party so that you can do
this.. Head inside the Library. BTW, I have to repeat some of 
paragraphs, just to remind you as it last until Disc 3... One of the
contributors has even given me a detailed sequence about the game and
also the girl's name. [Shizuka is the name of the ponytail girl's 

Before going to the Fire Cavern. The girl with pigtail will mention 
something about Library regulations for kids then talks about someone 
she likes.

Before going to Timber, with Zell in party, talk to the girl and Zell 
will talk about his long wait for the book "Goodbye Pupurun". (That 
book is borrowed forever by Raijin! Check out the Study Panel)

Zell will meet up with the girl with pigtail and was asking whether his
book "Good Bye- Pupurun" is ready or not. (Well, he has already been 
waiting for several months already.. in fact, it has been borrowed by 
Raijin forever) Now exit and continue with the other quests first [one 
will do..] I am not sure whether this needed to be done before Balamb 
Garden has turned into a mobile ship or not.. I have did this after I 
have defeat NORG. (which means Zell is in the Alpha Team..)

Now head back and you wil find a conceited SeeD passing by the counter
asking whether the girl with pigtail is around. She will told him that
the girl is on leave. [complete all quests before your jounery to 
Balamb Town]

Once you have free Balamb Town from Galbadia, remember to head to the
train station where you will find a girl [dressed in school uniform..
talk to her.] 

Before heading for Trabia, for Library once again and you will meet the
friends of girl with pigtail and asking Zell a questionaire...

What's Zell's favourite colour?
Red on my jacket
Blue on my pants
I'm embaressed but pink

What's Zell's favourite food?
Hot Dogs..

Then you will be asked to leave the area. Before meeting up with 
Galbadia Garden (after Trabia incident) and head back to Balamb Garden.
Head for the area in the Library where you find the Esuna draw point. 
Next you will have a sequence.. Guess what is it? 

At Disc 3, after Squall is being asked to head for Edea's House.. head
back to the Library and girl at the counter will tell Zell that the girl
with pigtail is looking for you. Now head back to Balamb Town and you 
will find the girl that you have meet in train station. Talk to her and
she will tell Zell that she has been here.. Now head to Zell's House
and you will find Zell's mom telling him that the girl with pigtail was
here already on... Now head for the hotel, and pay 100 gil. The next
morning, your party will find Zell missing.. Head downstairs and you 
will find Zell and girl with pigtail. She will hand in the Combat King 
003 to Zell.

/ 7.8 \_________________________________________________________________
Dollet: Bone Quest                                            ffviii_077
Items:    3x Potion, 2x Phoenix Down, 1x Soft, 1x Occult Fan II, 1x 
          Antidote, 5x Geezard's Card, 4x Red Bat's Card, 3x Buel's 
          Card, 2x Anacondaur's Card, 1x Cactuar's Card, 1x Siren's Card
Draw:     Silence - found near the fountain in the Town Square
Save Pts: Dollet Hotel- in the front hall.
GF:       n/a
Dollet- Hasberry Plains
Anacondaur: Fire*, Cure*, {Bio}
Wendigo: Berserk, [Protect]
Geezard: Thunder, [Thundara], Cure, [Cura]
Fungaur: Sleep, Scan, [Silence], [Blind]
Dollet- Trip to Communications Tower
G-Soldier: Fire*, Thunder*, Blizzard*, Cure*
Elite Soldier: Fire*, Thunder*, Blizzard*, {Scan -} Dispel}

The Bone Quest.
Well, Dollet is really an area of mystery.. During the trip to Galbadia
Garden, you can head there and do this side quest. But you can have this
quest done on Disc 2 onwards. Just simply enter the city, through the 
back path. Next you will reached the Rent-A-Car Shop.. Walk south and 
you will find a restaurant and harbour. Head west and you will be back
at the place where you first battle the Galbadians [with Seifer in your
party]. The city has been revamped... Next walk up and you will find the
dog! Talk it and a cat with the bell will fall onto the ground. Enter
the house on the left. You will find a man whom is upset over the boy 
for messing up his painting by drawing bones. [you can play cards with
the boy..] Talk to the boy. Next you will find a painting [observe.. 
it's a painting of Dollet!] Now let's begin the quest.

Painting No.1: Painting of the Fountain in front of Dollet Hotel
Head there and examine the dog and choose 1st option ["Look"] and you
will get a Potion!

Painting No.2: Painting of the Dollet's Pub and the overhead bridge.
Head there and examine the dog [which is under the bridge.] Pick the
first option "Look" and you will get 1x Phoenix Down!

Painting No.3: Painting of the alleyway outside the house.
Just exit and examine the dog [which is on left], pick the first 
option and you will get 1x Soft!

This time, you will have a quarrel.. do it yourself! Actually the
man is also known as the Card Artist. The boy is actually the son of
the Card Queen!

After the subquest, it is time to navigate around the town.. Now head 
for Pub. Head up to the second floor and you can get another copy of the
Timber Maniacs.. Now talk to the man [dressed like a rich fellow..] and
he will give the following options. Pick the 2nd option each time and 
you will be able to challenge him. Note that he is tough. After defeat
him in the first time, he will brought to you to his fighting arena..
He is the Card Master! Now examine the layer of documents/magazines 
lying on the ground. You will get a lot of items from there and here is
the list: 2x Potion, 1x Phoenix Down, 1x Antidote and 1x Occult Fan II!
Talk to the Card Master and he will reward you with the following:

5x Geezard's Card
4x Red Bat's Card
3x Buel's Card
2x Anacondaur's Card
1x Cactaur's Card

Challenge him in the card game and get the Siren's Card! [if I am not
wrong, the area will add "Same" rule to your card game. Same and Plus
may seems difficult in the beginning but I can tell you that these rules
are going to be your most decision wining elements, refer to the section
above for more information.]

Head for the Hotel and pay 100 gil. You will be able to find a copy of 
Timber Maniacs at the desk found inside the room. You can get pass the
Dollet guard stationed along the path towards the Dollet Communications
Tower. Just talk with the guard twice and he will have..... and charge!
You will encounter Galbadian Soldiers there.

/ 7.9 \_________________________________________________________________
Infinite Money Trick                                          ffviii_078
You can get infinite gil at any time later in the game (well, it applies 
any time after you get Tonberry to be exact).  Have Tonberry learn all 
menu abilities. Call an Item shop.  Buy as many Tents as possible. Even
without doing any SeeD Tests, I managed to accumulated sufficient cash.
You needed at most 100,000 gil (75,000 gil if you have Discount) to have 
100x Tents.

Now convert them into Mega Potions with Leviathan's Recov Med-RF 
ability. The exchange rate is 4 Tents = 1 Mega Potion. You will get 25x 
Mega Potions. Now sell them and you can get 187,500 gil in return! 
That's a quick gil.. Unlike you have to wonder and wait for a salary
payment from SeeD. If you don't like the idea of sacrificing a Tent, you
can also go nuts with Mesmerize Blade, which can be won from Mesmerize!
That's a short cut to get quick money.

/ 8.0 \_________________________________________________________________
GF Enhancement Setup                                          ffviii_079
GFs are extremely good for not only combat as also it could customize
your characters to great superb characters, but allowing Magic to be 
junctioned through the Junction System and boost up their stats. Unlike
in previous FF Series, Character's strength will be in greatly by 
getting their new weapons. In FF8, Weapon remodel only increases the 
strength by only a maximum of 20+ and the is Squall's Lion Heart.

GFs' Abilities are not quite evenly spread out. Therefore we could make 
use of Amnesia Greens to customize the characters into the stronger 
ones. In order to get the GF Items, refer to Item List for more 

This section is fully contributed by Markweb Jimenez.

Characters Analysis
Name of Character:   Squall Leonhart
Recommend to Boost:  Str-J [255], Spd-J [80+]
Squall's Lion Heart is extremely dangerous when Squall has accquired
255 Str stats and there will generally be more slashes if his speed is
higher. Squall's Lion Heart can ONLY does 9999 HP damage when his
strength is 255. But it is possible without Str 255, if you have cast
Meltdown on the enemy.

Name of Character:   Rinoa Heartilly
Recommend to Boost:  Str-J [200+], Mag-J [200+], Spd-J [70+]
Rinoa needed Str-J to increase damage of her Angelo Strike/ Cannon. 
Strength and Speed increases the number of hits and damage of 
Wishing Star. Magic Junction increases the effectiveness of Invinsible

Name of Character:   Quistis Trepe
Recommend to Boost:  Str-J [200+], Mag-J [200+]
The higher her Strength, the more damage her ultimate Limit Break,
Shockwave Pulsar does. Magic is pretty important as it increases the
effectiveness of her magic-based Limit Breaks, such as the Mighty Guard
for example.

Name of Character:   Selphie Tilmitt
Recommend to Boost:  Mag-J [255], Luck-J [20+]
Magic helps to increase the number of spells and damage of her Limit 
Breaks. Her Limit Breaks are typically based on magic. Luck helps to 
increase probability of using powerful spells in her Limit Breaks

Name of Character:   Zell Dincht and Irvine Kinneas
Recommend to Boost:  Str-J [255], Spd-J [120+]
Speed is almost everything for these two great offensive characters.
With a strength stats of 255, Zell's Punch Rush can does an outstanding
damage of 3000+ [more if Meltdown is being cast]. Speed helps to 
increase the amount of time for his Limit Breaks.

As for Irvine, both Strength and Speed are equally important [but you
would not get that much trouble if Irvine is being levelling up with
HP Bonus, Strength Bonus, Vitality Bonus and Magic Bonus. Speed helps
to slower the Timer and increases the recovery time for each ammo. With
a strength of 255, Irvine can does 9999 HP damage with his AP Ammo [
which is much easier to get and faster recovery time compared to Pulse
As for their defense, Vit-J must get at least for 200+ for the members,
that are battling against the Weapons and Spr-J have to get at least 
100+ for defense against BOSSES such as Ultimecia, Sorceress etc.

Now here is an important note:
Don't remove a GF ability if you don't have the ability to replace to 
it. Remove GF abilities only if your character don't needed than 
ability or its replaceable.

Here will be Markweb's Setup for his customized GFs.

Enhanced GF's #1 : Best assigned for Rinoa, Selphie or Quistis
| GF Shiva              | GF Eden             | GF Doomtrain          |
| Remove    - Change to | Remove - Change to  | Remove   - Change to  |
| Magic     - HP-J      | Magic  - Recover    |   none   -  none      |
| Draw      - Mag-J     | Draw   - HP+40/80%  |   none                |
| GF        - Abilityx4 | GF     - Spd+20/40% |   none                |
| Item      - Luck-J    | Item   - Mag+40%    |   none                |
| Elem-Def  - Mag+60%   |                     |                       |
| Elem-Defx2- Str+40%   |                     |                       |
| Vit+20%   - Vit+60%   |                     |                       |
| Spr+20%   - Spr+60%   |                     |                       |

Enhanced GF's #2 : Best assigned for Squall or Selphie 
| GF Cactuar            | GF Bahamut           | GF Siren              |
| Remove    - Change to | Remove   - Change to | Remove   - Change to  |
| HP Bonus  - HP-J      |  none    - none      | ST-Def   - Elem-Defx4 |
| Str Bonus - Str-J     |                      | ST-Defx2 - ST-Defx4   |
| Vit Bonus - Vit-J     |                      | Mag Bonus- Revive     |
| Mag Bonus - Spd-J     |                      |                       |
| Spr Bonus - Spr-J     |                      |                       |
| Magic     - Spd+20/40%|                      |                       |
| GF        - Vit+60%   |                      |                       |
| Draw      - Spr+60%   |                      |                       |
| Item      - HP+40/80% |                      |                       |

Enhanced GF #3 : Best assigned for Quistis, Rinoa, Irvine and Zell
| GF Ifrit             | GF Diablos            | GF Leviathan          |
| Remove   - Change to | Remove    - Change to | Remove   - Change to  |
| Elem-Def - Abilityx4 | Magic     - ST-Atk    | Magic    - Mag+60%    |
|                      | Draw      - ST-Defx4  | Draw     - Vit+60%    |
|                      | Item      - Eva-J     | Item     - Str+60%    |
|                      | GF        - Spd-J     | GF       - Spd+20/40% |
|                      | HP+20%    - Vit-J     |                       |
|                      | Mag+20%   - Luck-J    |                       |

Enhanced GF #4 : Best assigned for Selphie, Squall and Quistis
| GF Brothers          | GF Alexander            | GF Tonberry         |
| Remove   - Change to | Remove     - Change to  | Remove  - Change to |
| Magic    - Vit-J     | Magic      - Vit+60%    |  none   - none      |
| Draw     - Mag-J     | Draw       - Str+40/60% |                     |
| Item     - Eva-J     | Item       - Mag+40/60% |                     |
| GF       - Luck-J    | GF         - Spr+40/60% |                     |
| Elem-Def - Abilityx4 | Elem-Def   - ST-Atk     |                     |
|                      | Elem-Defx2 - ST-Defx4   |                     |
|                      |                         |                     |

Enhanced GF's #5 : Best assigned for Zell or Squall
| GF Pandemona             | GF Carbuncle              |
| Remove      - Change  to | Remove   - Change to      |
| Magic       - Eva-J      | ST-Def       - ST-Defx4   |
| GF          - Str+60%    | Abilityx3    - Abilityx4  |
| Draw        - Vit+60%    | Vit Bonus    - Recover    |
| Item        - Spr+40/60% |                           |
| Elem-Def    - Mag+40%    |                           |
| Elem-Defx2  - Elem-Defx4 |                           |

Enhanced GF #6 : Best assigned for Irvine, Rinoa and Quistis
| GF Cerberus              | GF Quezacotl  Remove     |
| Remove   - Change to     | Remove     - Change to   |
| Magic    - Eva-J         | Elem-Def   - Vit+60%     |
| Draw     - Spr+40 or 60% | Elem-Defx2 - Elem-Defx4  |
| GF       - Str+60%       |                          |
| Item     - HP+40%        |                          |
| ST-Def   - Recover       |                          |

/ 9.0 \_________________________________________________________________
Strategies                                                    ffviii_s09
The strategies section are back, so that you gamers can help to reveal
some of the top secrets in combat in FF8. If you have one, just feel 
free to submit to me through e-mail at [email protected]
Thanks the following strategies masters, for their awesome strategies!

/ 9.1  \________________________________________________________________
Things that you should know....                               ffviii_080
- Ways to equip commands (refer to basic tutorial found in Part I)
- Junction magic to your characters' stats, thus bolstering them up.
  (refer to Basic Tutorial found in Part I)
- Ways to get the spells [refer to GF Mag-RF Menu Abilities such as 
  e.g. Hi Mag-RF -} Getting Triple
  Draw Double from Grendel (refer to monster besitary above) and you
  can get Triple by exchange 5x Double for 1x Triple

/ 9.2  \________________________________________________________________
Miscellaneous Strategies                                      ffviii_081
Here you will find some of top killer strategies in detail.. These 
strategies are extremely useful as they help in making life easier for

Defeating Malboros
by Qiao2324 
   Scott Ong ([email protected])
  Malboros can be defeated! Just meet the following requirements 
  - Berserk, Confuse, Sleep and Death (Pain will be quite good...)
  - 3x Initiative (c) [Pandemona, Tonberry, Cactaur]
  - Spd +40% [Pandemona, Cerberus]
  - Spd J [Cerberus, Pandemona] 
  - Auto Haste [Cerberus]
  - Aura [gotten from the Draw Points at the borders of Island closest
    to Hell/Heaven or the shoreline at the tip of Long Horn Island.]
  - Squall's Lionheart or Quistis' Degenarator]
  - Meltdown [needed if using Lionheart, draw from Gayla]
  - Treatment or Esuna [drawn from Mesmerize]
  - Str-J [if have Lionheart, junction to Squall's Str until 255]
  {} With Lion Heart
     Have all status ailment magic junctioned to ST-Def-J to that 
     character and give that character the Treatment command. First of 
     all, have the first character to cast Meltdown to weaken the 
     Malboro. Next after the Malboro have used the Bad Breath, have 
     that character use the Treatment to cure others and have the 
     members casting Aura on Squall. There will be a high probability 
     that Squall will use Lion Heart on the Malboro.... 
     Note: Malboro will not use Bad Breath if a character is still 
           under the status ailments.
  {} With Degenarator
     As you go into the battle, cast Aura on Quistis and have she
     cast Degenarator [first item on the 2nd Specials page.] This
     strategy works well against tough cookies such as the Ruby 
  {} As a Party (NEW!, added by Scott Ong)
     Pretty amazed by this strategy.. You can get 2x Elem-Def-J x4
     One from Alexander and the other one from Doomtrain. Just 
     junction 100x Sleep, Confuse, Pain, Berserk to the character and
     give the character the Treatment command. Once the Malboro has
     used its Bad Breath, have that character cast Treatment on the
     remainding characters. Draw Demi from the Malboro and use on it.
     It will does 9999 HP damage each time.. Attack!

Status Elemental Strategy 
by Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
  - Junctioned 100x Zombie to the 1st character's ST-Atk-J.
  - Junctioned 100x Pain to the 2nd character's ST-Atk-J
  - Junctioned 100x Death to the 3rd character's ST-Atk-J

  Commands ASCII Diagram
    __________          __________          __________
   |Commands  |        |Commands  |        |Commands  |
   |Attack    |  1st   |Attack    |  2nd   |Attack    |  3rd
   |Magic     |        |GF        |        |Magic     |
   |Recover   |        |Draw      |        |GF        |
   |Draw      |        |Item      |        |Revive    |
   |__________|        |__________|        |__________|

   Start off with the 1st character attacking the monster [make sure 
   that it is not undead]. Have the second character used a Phoenix 
   Down, if it misses have the third character used the Revive Command.
   And the monster will be instantly killed! (if you do not have 
   Revive, just used Life Magic) If the monster is instantly undead, 
   used a Phoenix Down for an easy kill. Death works well against most
   monsters such as Behemoths.

Fighting against Undead 
by Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
Don't bother to attack, just use a Phoenix Down or cast Life on the 
monster. [Life can be drawn from Mesmerize] Note that you can make 
undead with Zombie, refer to the strategy above for more details. 
Zombie does not work on plants-type monsters such as Ochu and of course 
the undead.

Fighting against the monsters found at the Island closest to Hell
by Scott Ong ([email protected]).
In summary, here is a brief list and their toughest rating. Please read
as it is kinda important for survival. Currently, I am still figuring
out a better objective in defeating the Ruby Dragon. So watch for the
next update. [well, it can't be possible using Degenerator everytime..
unless you are willing to keep Quistis at low HP..]

Name          Difficulty Rating
Ruby Dragon   *****
Malboro       ****1/2
Grendel       ***
Hexdragon     ***
T-Rexaur      ***
Blue Dragon   ***

Ruby Dragon - I think it is the most dangerous monster in FF8. It's 
              Breath [when it is at Level 100] does 9999 HP to any 
              character who has less than 100 Vit Stats. Currently, I
              am still thinking a way to prevent that. I guess the best
              way is to use Degenerator and summon GF Doomtrain.
Malboro - refer to the strategy above.
Grendel - Junction Death/Sleep/Blind to your characters' ST-Atk-J along
          with Elem-Atk-J [Quake, Aero* or Blizzard*]. Well, just 
          attack. Blind junctioned ST-Atk-J is very important.
Hexdragon - Make sure you have high attacking power. Junction Firaga to
            your character's Elem-Def-J to nullify its Breath Attack.
T-Rexaur - Make sure that you have accquired Blizzaga junctioned to 
           Elem-Atk-J. Blind junctioned to the ST-Atk-J is vital or you
           will be its prey.
Blue Dragon - quite weak against status such as Blind, Death or Sleep.
              Quite an easy foe, so no fear.

Defeating the T-Rexaur
by Rob Strokes ([email protected])
The T-Rexaur is weak against Ice. Junction 100x Blizzaga to your 
character's Elem-Atk-J and he/she can does as much as 4000 even with 
the Str stats of 100+. This is due to the weak defense of the T-Rexaur. 
Also junction 100x Blind to your character's ST-Atk-J so it is 
defenceless or use Doom to have the monster met his "doom".

Sleep ST-Atk-J Strategy
by Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
First of all you must gotten spells such as Sleep, Haste, Slow
{} Sleep:   Funguar 
{} Slow:    LV 20+ Caterchipillar
{} Haste:   Iron Giant, Cactaur
Junction 100x Sleep to Squall's ST-Atk-J and make sure that he has high 
Speed stats. Give him also Auto-Haste. Junction 100x Slow to another 
character's ST-Atk-J. As for the last character, junction 100x Pain for 
his/her ST-Atk-J. Give that character with Slow, the Initiative ability 
first. Just keep on attacking with the third character summoning a GF 
and have the character with Slow, does the attacking first and followed 
Squall doing his job. In this way, you can conserve most of the HP of 
your GFs for BOSS fights.

Easy defeat Iron Giant
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Very bothering with the Iron Giant attacking your characters with the
Grand Sword which can inflict a minimum damage of 1000+ to all 
characters? Here is a method:
-} Junction 100x Sleep to every characters' ST-Atk-J!
-} Junction 100x Thundaga to every characters' Elem-Atk-J.
-} Equip GFs Diablos, Quezacotl, Lv100 Cactaur
Now as soon as your characters reaches his/her turn, attack the Iron 
Giant and it will be instantly under the Sleep status. Once under the 
Sleep status, summon Diablos and Quezacotl which should last about 2 
summons for each GF (unless superb compatibility). Have one character 
do stocking of Haste, if you don't have or have that character wait 
until the Sleep status wear off. And start to attack again. In this way, 
there is no chance for the Iron Giant to does damage on your characters. 
It also works on monsters such as Behemoth. Blind also workes well.

Easy gaining EXP and AP through escaping
by Prasetia Gunawan
You must have gotten Ragnarok and have GF Odin. Head for the Island
closest to Hell. The monsters give a handsome sum of EXP. Just simply
junction 1x Initiative for each character and run once you begin a
battle [press L2 and R2 to escape] If you are lucky, you will experience 
Odin entering the battle. It is Zantesuken doing the job.. works quite
well for repeated battles.

The Demi HP-Calculator 
by Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
You may know the monster's current HP by looking at the damage done by 
Demi spell. Example if the damage inflict is 3,600 and you know that 
Demi does 1/4 of damage. Multiply by 3 and you will get 10,800 HP and 
you don't have to trouble yourself in using the Scan spell.

Meteor Destruction 
by Sung Kato ([email protected])
An old strategy which I have forgotten to mention. Firstly you must have 
acquired GF Eden and have Expendx3-1 [or use the Three Stars which can 
be stolen from the Ultima Weapon, or the Card Refinement of Squall's
Card]. Stock Meteor from your fight against Ruby Dragon. Do here is the 
fun. Junction 100x Sleep to every character's ST-Atk-J and cause them in
Sleep status and summon GF Cerberus. Once the Triple Status is on, cast 
Meteor and you will be able to summon it thrice for the price of one 
without the monster attacking.

The deadly of Doomtrain! 
by r_rjonah
Have Squall being equipped the Initiative command from Pandemona to get 
the first turn in battle right. Make sure that Squall was junctioned the 
GF Doomtrain. Make sure that Squall has a high compatibility with 
Doomtrain is about 1000! Once the battle began, summon the Doomtrain! 
BOOM!! almost all of the monsters have the SLOW, PETRIFY, SLEEP, 
DARKNESS, DEATH, BERSERK, POISON, VIT 0 all in one turn!!! Once it has 
happen just kill the monster IN ANY MANNER YOU WANT!!! But some 
monster are immune to the above effects (one good example is the 
Malboro) but many strong monsters are affected like the RUBY DRAGON, 
IRON GIANT ,BEHEMOTH and almost any other monsters will be affected!

The Murderer.. 
by r_rjonah
First of all, have the following magic being junctioned to the
character's ST-Atk.
Squall --} 100x Death spells, will arise 100% for Sudden Death!
Zell   --} 100x Zombie spells, will arise 100% for Zombie!
Irvine --} 100x Break spells, will arise 100% for Petrify!
Make sure that Squall is protect from Confuse (otherwise, you will be
dead meat in no time if the other characters does not have 100% 
protection against Sudden Death. If the opponent is under Zombie 
status, use Recover for a quick kill. Revive will be much better.

The Stealer of HP
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Pretty amazed when I first time discovered this. You can get HP too, by
using this superb combo. 100x Drain junctioned to ST-Atk-J. But it is
pretty weak and sometimes causes a huge damage.. Here is a brief 
summary. Typically it seldom works on BOSSES, that's I did not 
mentioned in the walkthrough!

Monster's Element              Elem-Atk-J                Effect
Absorbs Fire                    Fire*                     reduces HP
Absorbs Ice                     Blizzard*                 reduces HP
Absorbs Earth                   Quake                     reduces HP
Absorbs Wind                    Aero/Tornado              reduces HP
Absorbs Poison                  Bio                       reduces HP
Absorbs Thunder                 Thunder*                  reduces HP
Fire no effect                  Fire*                     0 HP
Ice no effect                   Blizzard*                 0 HP
Earth no effect                 Quake                     0 HP
Wind no effect                  Aero/Tornado              0 HP
Poison no effect                Bio                       0 HP
Thunder no effect               Thunder*                  0 HP
Holy no effect                  Holy                      0 HP
*Weak against Fire              Fire* / n/a               increase HP
*Weak against Ice               Blizzard* / n/a           increase HP
*Weak against Thunder           Thunder* / n/a            increase HP
*Weak against Wind              Aero/ Tornado / n/a       increase HP
*Weak against Earth             Quake / n/a               increase HP
*Weak against Holy              Holy / n/a                increase HP
*Weak against Poison            Poison/ n/a               increase HP
Undead                          any element               reduces HP.
Blue Dragon                     any element               0 HP.
Chimera                         any element except        1/2 of ATK.
Strong BOSSES                   any element               0 HP.
Weak BOSSES                     any element               1/2 of ATK
 (e.g. Fujin and Raijin)

* Any element will support the case, unless the monster can absorbs the 
  element damage. Example:
  Snow Lion             Absorption Success Elements
  Weak against Fire     Elem-Atk-J: Fire/Wind/Earth/Thunder/Holy/Poison
  Notice that I did not include Ice element? Because the Snow Lion 
  nullifies Blizzard*. If you don't have any magic junctioned to 
  Elem-Atk-J, it will be still a success. Happy stealing..

Ruby Dragons? No Fear!
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Ruby Dragons are extremely tough at high level as they could does an
astonishing 9999 HP damage to any characters with a Vitality less than 
100. The Breath carries no element unlike the Japanese version. Just to
reduce the damage, you must get a couple of important magic. Protect is
generally a must as it reduces physical/non-elemental damage by half. 
You must also get GF Cerberus or you need to have a lot of Triple. Make
use of Expendx3-1 as it saves Magic. You need magic such as Regen, 
Firaga [junctioned to Elem-Def-J], Blizzarga or Holy to Elem-Atk-J, 
Aura and GF Doomtrain [if you don't have 100x Sleep to ST-Atk-J and 
100x Meltdown.] Ruby Dragons are strong against Darkness, Poison, 
Petrify, Stop, Silence except for Slow, Vit 0 and Sleep. [if you have
100 quantity of that magic.] Drain to ST-Atk-J works well, but it is
not quite advisble. Instead prefer to use ST-Atk-J with Sleep 
junctioned. Just cast Protect on all characters, after casting Triple
(summon GF Cerberus.). Attack the Ruby Dragon with the characters that
has Sleep to ST-Atk-J only and followed by summoning Doomtrain [or 
Meltdown]. The Ruby Dragons will be greatly weaken and you can easily 
killed it off by summoning GFs such as Bahamut and Eden. You can also
choose to eliminate the Ruby Dragon with Limit Breaks.

Usefulness of Darkside
by Psyco Schizophrenic {[email protected]}
Here is one useful tip. Typically it only works on basic monsters such
as Ruby Dragons except for BOSS (exceptions: Fujin and Raijin). Just
simply has 100x Drain junctioned to ST-Atk-J. Equip Darkside command.
Now just use Darkside [which allows you to attack thrice as much and
also suffer a deflict of 1/10 of the current HP), you will be able to
drain the HP back while inflict as much as 3 times!

Reduce EXP gain
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
A helpful strategy for those whom want to train your characters. I 
myself typically started training when he has accquired LV 20. [for him,
his Strength stats is really good. LV 100, he can already gotten 175+
and that's without any bonus!]
Just give him Str Bonus while he have accquired Str Bonus. There is 
generally three methods to reduce EXP.. and gain a lot of AP:

1. Run! - don't quite like this method as your hands will generally got
   sore if you do that every moment. You will still get a portion of 
   EXP if you have attack the opponent.
2. Fight Cactuars - yep.. They give low EXP and at the same high AP. 
   Seize the opportunity to master Str Bonus for Ifrit, Mag Bonus for
   Siren, HP bonus for Brothers, Vitality Bonus for Carbuncle and Spirit 
   for Leviathan.
3. Use LV Down or LV Up. LV Down will reduce greatly the EXP gain. As 
   the lower levels, the more easier is the fight. The higher EXP, the
   faster the character will level up.

The Well of Souls
by [email protected]
Phase:                After Departing Timber/Before Laguna's 
                      Dream Sequence #2
Location:             Due West of Timber in brown area bordering
                      mountains, between ocean and train bridge
Monster:              Vysage, Lefty, Righty
Requirements:         Squall at Limit Break
                      All characters stocked with Silence and
                      Blind magic
Preferred Abilities:  All characters with ST-ATK-J
                      Squall with Silence
                      2nd Character with Silence
                      3rd Character with Blind
Order of Attack:      Squall, #2, #3
Target Priorities:    Silence Vysage
                      Silence Lefty
                      Blind Righty
                      Blind Vysage
                      Blind Lefty
  First Round
    Squall casts/attacks Vysage with Silence
    #2 casts/attacks Lefty with Silence
    #3 casts/attacks Righty with Blind
  2nd Round (assuming all 1st round attacks succeeded)
    Squall casts/attacks Vysage with Blind
    #2 casts/attacks Lefty with Blind
    #3 waits for 3rd round OR 
  Subsequent Rounds
    Draw and stock magic
  When the Head begins to use Curse (usually at higher
    levels and long after you have stocked all available
    magic) use Squall's Limit Break in the first round
    to KO the Head or Righty. The Curse cannot be
    summoned unless all three are parts of the Vysage
    are there. Silencing or blinding the Head does not
    stop the Vysage from casting Curse.
Each successful battle yields 12 AP and special items.
The most prized of the special items are Life Rings
and Regen Rings. You can also get Lightweights.

Using Siren's L MAG-RF, you can convert the Life
Ring into Life magic and the Regen Ring into Full-Life
magic at this early stage of the game. Otherwise, you
have to wait until the Esthar phase to grab/win these
items or after the Lunar adventure to fly to the
Island Closest to Heaven/Island Closest to Hell to
get this magic from the hidden Draw Points.

100x Lightweights can be converted to 1x Accelerator
after gaining Eden's GFAbl Med-RF in order to have a
GF learn Auto-Haste.

This is also an excellent opportunity to level-up your
characters, level-up your GFs, and add GF abilities.
Coming back at intervals before Esthar will help you
get those costly GF abilities in a short amount of time.

Depending upon your character's levels, you can draw
magic now from the Head (Esuna, Haste, Bio), Lefty
(Bio, Demi, Quake, Regen, Blind, Drain, Slow), and Righty
(Shell, Protect) instead of having to bog down through
later sections drawing from other monsters.

Well of Dark Matter
by [email protected]
Phase:        Deep Sea Deposit, Battle Area #1
Location:     Battle Area #1
Monster:      Tri-Face (occurs at three locations all the time)
              Behind column before reaching Save Point
              Top of 2nd small stairs
              Top of stairs to next screen
   Note:      All monster locations can be reset by doing one of
              the following:
              Going to next screen and returning.
              Going back to Save Point and switching party
              members. Switching junctions is not required.
              Remember to keep Quistis in the middle position.

  . Quistis at Limit Break (Blue Magic - Degerator)
  . Siren at Level 100 with Tool-RF Ability
  . Move-Find Ability

Preferred Abilities:
   All characters with ST-ATK-J and Blind magic junctioned
   All characters with Initiative, Auto-Haste, and/or High
     Speed Junction             

Order of Attack:  #1, Quistis, #3

    #1 attacks Tri-Face with Blind
    If Quistis's Limit Break activates, Quistis casts Blue
      Magic - Degerator [auto-victory]
    If Quistis's Limit Break does not activate, press "O" to
      go to #3.
    #3 attacks Tri-Face with Blind
    Continue to press "O" until Quistis's Limit Break
      activates, then cast Blue Magic - Degerator [auto-
Each successful battle yields 8 AP and special items (8x
Poison Powders, 8x Curse Spikes, or 3x Star Fragments).
The occurrence of Poison Powders/Curse Spikes is about 50/50,
with the Star Fragments being infrequent. Another Rare Item
is Tri-Face's Card.

Using Siren's TOOL-RF, you can convert 100x Curse Spikes
into 1x Dark Matter. The Dark Matter can be used to:
. Have Quistis learn Shockwave Pulsar
. Refine 100x Ultima Magic (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF)
. Refine 1x Luck-J Scroll (Eden's GFAbl Med-RF)
. Refine 1x Shaman Stone (Eden's Forbid Med-RF)
. Refine 1x SHaman Stone into
   . 1x Rosetta Stone (Eden's Forbid Med-RF)
   . 1x LuvLuv G (Siren's Tool-RF)

Using Siren's ST Med-RF, you can convert 1x Poison
Powder into 3x Antidotes. Using Call Shop, you can sell the
Antidotes for cash.

In fact, this is an another, excellent location to level-up characters, 
GFs, and GF abilities. You simply run up and down and use the local 
Save Point to assist in resetting the monster locations and switching 
out characters that achieve level 100 with others that haven't.

Remember to equip any Bonus Abilities (HP, Mag, Hit) to specific 
characters in order to get those additional levels in addition to 
experience levels.

I was able to accumulate 7x Dark Matters before all my characters 
achieved Experience Level 100. That provides enough Rosetta Stones to 
have every character have Ability x4 after modification and distribution 
of GFs.

Power-Up with Bonuses
by [email protected]
What you need to do is get through the game on the smallest level 
possible, what I recommend is getting everyone to level 30 and stopping
there. You'll have to use enc-none or run to avoid getting exp. Then 
once you get the 4 bonuses from jumbo cactuar give them all to one 
character, kill the other members of your party and level him up till 
level 100. Then revive another character and give the bonuses to 
him/her and do that until everyone has gotten the bonuses and are at 
level 100. This will add 70 to you base stats. Don't put on the hp 
bonus though. I've played around with the different spells and I think 
I've got a pretty good junction now. Junction the spells like this:

HP- Ultima 
Str- Meteor 
Vit- Meltdown 
Mag- Flare(mag isn't that important), 
Spr- Reflect 
Spd- Triple 
Eva- Tornado 
Hit- Double 
Luck- Aura.
Elem-Atk- None 
Elem-Def- Shell, Life, Full-Life
ST-Atk- Pain, 
ST-Def- Death, Holy, Esuna, Reflect (But if you're fighting Malboro 
        make it Confuse, Sleep, Beserk, and Silence)

Now that you have all magic junctioned up set your abilties. The two 
must have abilties are Vit+%60 and Spr+%60. If you have those the 
ruby dragons breath attack only does 400 damage(pretty good huh?) and 
the last boss becomes a joke because the most damge she ever does 
aside from Gravija is 300 or so. Str+60% is also important on two of 
the characters but the other one should be a healer. What I have on my 
characters is Squall: Vit+60, Spr+60, Str+60, Spd+40 Zell: Vit+60, 
Spr+60, Str+60, Spd+40 Rinoa: Vit+60, Spr+60, Expend3x-1, Spd+40

If you followed my advice you'll have the most powerful characters 
around. Enjoy never fearing any opponent(except the weapons which can 
still kill you with ease)

Fast Levelling Up with Death Combo!
by [email protected] 
I have a strategy for beating practically ANY enemy (the only ones 
i've yet to see it work on are Malboros, Hexadragons, and Ruby Dragons,
and bosses of course.)!  Simply junction 100x death to all of your 
characters' attack. Watch the enemies drop!! It kills them in one hit, 
although sometimes it won't work until 2nd or 3rd hit. It will inflict 
no damage and the monster just fades away in a red transparency (kind 
of like how bosses died in FF3.) GREAT for leveling up, I gained 40 
levels in one day with it!! I'm not exactly sure but I think my rare 
item chance has gone up significantly when using this strategy.. 

The Perpetual Squall's Limit Break.
by Fong Liu {[email protected]}

To do this all you need is:
Aura OR Really low HP for Squall + Hero/Invincible Moon

The method is based on one simple realization: there is a chance for a
limit break whenever you press Circle [that's to change turns for your
characters] while in combat. Every time, you select Squall by pressing 
the Circle button, you give him a chance to use his Limit Breaks.

So here is one possible way to utilize Squall's Perpetual limit break:
(Pre-combat) Make sure Squall has no elemental junctions on his weapon

1) Get Squall as fast as possible--haste, speed etc.
2) Aura Squall somehow. or get him at low HP
3) make the other 2 characters busy (summon a GF or something)
4) Keep pressing the Circle button really fast until you hear the 
   little ring that signals a limit break (you may have to 
   practice this so you don't miss the ring). Use the limit break 
   quick! Don't miss your triggers!
5) Repeat 4 until the other two characters are done with their 
   action. When they are done with their actions make them busy 
   again and keep repeating 4.

Squall does the most damage with his limit break if he's at 1 HP...
so against Omega Weapon, wait for a Terra Break before you use Hero on 

Otherwise, with this technique, EVERY BOSS is eliminated very easily...
INCLUDING Ultimecia. Omega is the only challenge.

Elynoles Extinction!
by Vox Necros {[email protected]}
This sure-fire strategy can be done by juntioniong 100x Zombies to 
ST-Atk-J, which seems to have a 95% chance of zombying the Elynole. 
Then just cast Life on it, and *poof* you win. I've noticed that 
Phoenix Downs always seem to miss it, but haven't had a problem with 
the spell yet. I usually take the thing down before it even gets a 
chance to act, and my characters does have have Initiative ability 
/ 9.3  \________________________________________________________________
Bosses Strategies                                             ffviii_082
Some of the strategies from the contributors. They are pretty efficient.
If you have a problem in battling a BOSS, I will add it here. Just 
submit the status (include GFs you have, level of your characters, name
of weapon) to me and I will try. 

Armagedon Madness I: Defeating the GF Jumbo Cactaur 
by Akuma20000
Basics Requirements:
- Level 60. Have Zell in the party and have his HP keep at the critical
  status, yellow in color. Have tons of Phoenix Downs. Have the other
  characters with the item and Draw.
- Magic needed:
  100x Ultima - junctioned it to Zell's Str stats through Str-J. Triple 
  works quite well too. Get this from the draw points found at the 
  Island closest to Hell/Heaven and the draw point found at the second 
  floor of the windmill at FH. You can get a lot of this at the Shumi
  Village but it is rather costly.
  Meltdown - you can get that from the BOSS or you can get that by 
  drawing from Gayla.
  Slow - you can draw this magic from the Caterchipillar.
  Protect - most monsters have them, refer to Monsters section for more
  Haste - draw from the GIM52A while at D-District Tower or the Iron 
  Curaga - draw from Caterchipillar while your characters are at 
  Level 60+. Mesmerize will be a preferred choice.
  Water - draw from the Grant Mantis. Stock 100x Water and junctioned
  to Elem-Atk-J. If Zell's Str Stats are 255, you can do 9999 HP damage!

Steps in defeating the Jumbo Cactaur
1. Draw Meltdown from the Cactaur and cast on the BOSS, this will 
   decrease the defensive stats of the Cactaur.
2. Have one character cast Slow on the Cactaur.
3. Have the others cast Triple and followed by Haste and Protect
4. Now just keep on using Zell's Limit Break [tap Circle repeatedly 
   until it appears and each of his hits will take over 1000+ and if 
   you're lucky, the rate of critical that will be about 3000+
5. Just using the normal moves, such as Punch Rush and Booya. Let's 
   say you can get 9 seconds for Zell's special technique and for each 
   second you get around 3 hits (each hit giving around 1500 damage) 
   that's a total of 4500 for 1 second and if you can get nine seconds, 
   Zell can easily cause around 40,000+ HP damage!
6. Meanwhile have the other two characters, for healing lost HP and 
   drawing. Don't bother to heal Zell and just keep him at critical
   status so that you can use his Limit Break each time. Just make
   sure that the other characters have maintained their HP above 3000
   (just in case, the Cactaur uses its elbow drop!) If Zell dies 
   just use a Phoenix Down or cast Life on him and that'll be enough

- This strategy isn't meant for people who want to beat the Cactaur
  at low levels. This method has only one aim, that's this consume 
  items and magic spells [such as precious Aura]

Armagedon Maddness I: Defeating the Bahamut 
by Akuma 20000
Basics Requirements
- Have Zell at Level 60 and have him at critical status. Junction 
  powerful magic to boast up his Str stats. Equip Auto Haste and
  3x Initiative [each for one character..]
Magic needed:
- Slow -} Draw this magic from the Caterchipillar
  Meltdown -} Draw this magic from the Gayla
Steps in defeating the Bahamut
1. Cast Meltdown and Slow while have Zell doing his limit techniques.
   Kept everyone's HP above 4000+. You will be able to finish of the
   Bahamut with just two Limit Breaks [9 seconds... it is
   indeed a killer.] Have tons of Phoenix Down in your inventory.
   Meanwhile seize the opportunity to get spells such as Full-life.

The War against Jumbo Cactaur with Water
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Have you seen Squall does 9999 HP everytime, you uses the Attack 
Command? It is possible.. But you need to get the following ^_^;

Water - draw from the Grand Mantis found at the Lenown Plains. Get 100x
        of this and junction 100x Water to Elem-Atk-J. [well, the 
        Cactaur is weak against that.]
Revive - just in case the BOSS uses its 10,000 Needles.. The Revive 
         Command restore the character's HP back to full health!

Get Squall's Str stats to 255. [Ultima will be the best choice. If you
can't junction Str +20%, Str +40% to boost it to that status.] Have
Squall in Critical Status and you will see the might. I have defeat it 
with the Lion Heart as I have uses Irvine's Pulse Destruction and 
Zell's Armagedon Fist Madness. Lion Heart will be the top option.

Defeat the Odin in less than 3 minutes 
by Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
First of all, have Squall equipped with Str +20% and Str +40%. This will 
make Squall's Str stats to be increased by 60%! Next have him does 
attack [making him in critical status] and have him using his Limit 
Breaks on the Odin. You will be able to finish the Odin in a turn or 
two.. [this will help to conserve some precious Aura magic] There is a 
way of get Squall in critical status, first have Squall being killed in 
a battle. Next revive Squall with a Phoenix Down and you will be able to 
use Squall's Limit Break easily when you tap Circle repeatedly.

Gun-Destruction Fire against Bahamut
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Of course, you need the character that most people does not like most..
Irvine Kinneas. But he is relatively one of the most strongest as you 
used the ultimate level up technique (mentioned in the Miscellaneous 

For Irvine.
100x Pulse Ammo - you can get Energy Crystal fast and easy... by defeat
the Elnoyle at Esthar City (refer to Monster Besitary for more info.)
100x AP Ammo - you can get this, by refine Chef's Knife through 
100x Triple/Meteor/Ultima - this works well, if you junction to boost 
his Str-J.
100x Blind - draw from the Grat, or heck, search through the Besitary.
Junctioned it to other character's ST-Atk-J

Have Irvine in critical status (aka. yellow HP.) and tap Circle 
repeatedly to use Limit Break. Note have him attack with a normal 
attack first to inflicit the Darkness status on the Bahamut. Next uses
his Limit Break. Start off with the AP Ammo and then the Pulse Ammo.
You will be able to finish it off within a minute...

Easy Defeat of Diablos (later stages.)
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Diablos are indeed tough in the later stages. It has awesomely strong
attack against your characters.. (about 2000+ HP for that charge if you
battle it at Level 100). Junction 100x Blind and Sleep to each 
character's ST-Atk-J. Stock up Demi and use the "stocked" Demi and it
will counter with Curaga. Once your characters are on critical status,
attack with Limit Breaks and it is all over.

Defeating Adel (Disc 3)
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Wonder why I keep on getting e-mails on how to defeat Adel? It was 
beginning to annoy me.. I guess I think I know what's wrong. Remember
that Adel has Rinoa being embedded in her? You can easily defeat her if
you concentrate on her and keep on maintaining Rinoa's HP. I guess the
guy's team will be fine for this battle. Have all GFs junctioned to all
the characters. Particularly make Zell's and Irvine's Str up to at least
190. [For Irvine get a lot of AP Ammo]. Just keep have Zell and Irvine
doing the Limit Breaks [Irvine: don't use his Flame Ammo and Shotgun 
Ammo as it will inflcit more of Rinoa and Adel]. Why not Squall as the
key attacking character? Occassionally he may unleash his Blasting 
Zone.. [remember it does 9999 HP..] Rinoa's HP is at only up to the
maximum as 9034... So do considerate and don't be too dependant on 
Squall. Instead have Squall as the healing party. [BTW, he can also be
a good healer!] I have notice a lot of people has problems in fighting
against Adel as due to low levels and low-level weapons... 

- Make sure you have at least 3x HP-J and junctioned it with your second
  strongest magic. [Full-Life gives the highest boosting.. which you
  can stock it from Master Tonberry, Fujin [disc 3 at Lunatic Pandora],
  and Bahamut [he is a worm if you know its weakness..].
- Get as many Ultima to junctioned to either Zell or Irvine. They are 
  the best fighters besides Squall. Of course, you should have at least
  3x Str-J. Have Zell excute the Armageddon Fist.
- Get as many Curaga as possible. Life is more useful compared to 
  Full-Life as it gives your characters revived from K.O and in critical
  status. If you don't have Life, you better get Phoenix Downs. Always
  kept Squall in his highest HP.

Easy Fight against Ultimecia
by Joshua Banker Rock Hill, SC ([email protected])
Towards the end of the game, everyone should be maxed out with all the
GF abilities. Give everyone Auto-Potion and sell off anything that's 
weaker than an X-Potion. Make 100 X-Potions by using Med LV Up. Also, 
give one person Treatment and another member the Recover command. Don't
waste time with Revive. If you do things right, you won't need to 
Revive or even use a Phoenix Down. Make your party Squall (duh), Rinoa 
and Qusitis. 

A: Squall... two words, Lion Heart. Nuff said. 
B: Rinoa... Limit Breaks Wishing Star (massive amounts of damage) and 
   Invincible Moon (like a Woly War). C: 
C: Quistis... Mighty Guard and Shockwave Pulsar (obscene amounts of 
   damage, possibly the third or fourth most damaging attack in the 

To begin with, waste off anyone starting in the party who is not one of 
the three mentioned above, or let Ultimecia do it while you summon 
Doomtrain (for the Vit 0 effect if nothing else). Once you have all 
three up and running, cast Aura or use Aura stones on everyone and 
start hitting away.

Once the attacks start rolling in, Auto-Potion should kick in. This is
especially helpful when hit with Demi, Gravija and Maelstorm. Also, you
might want to use the Luck + 50% ability to raise you chances of 
getting Gilgamesh and the stronger Limit Breaks.

Easy Battle against Bahamut
by Sami "Elvenlord" Hautamaki ([email protected])
First put Ifrit to Squall and use Str bonus ability. Level Up in order 
to get more strength. Then change Str bonus to Str+20%, Str+40% and get 
HP +80% from Diablos. After that put strong magic to Hp-J (Meltdown is 
good) and very good magic to strength (Ultima is best to this. Get 100x 
of both magic.) Now you should have HP about 9000+ and massive strength 
of 255. Next put good weapon to Squall and give high HP and strength to 
Zell and Irvine.

How I fight. That's dead simple. Use Aura to Squall and use Limit Break. 
Make one or two perfect Limit Break and you should have one badly 
beaten GF. 

You can use this tactic to all other boss too. It's more effective if 
you give Zell and Irvine high strength stats and HP. They are the 
probably the only characters who can do multiple damage when using 

Where to get Aura? You get them from Fury Fragments. 1x Fury Fragment 
can be changed to 5x Aura magic with Supt Mag-RF. It take some time but 
you can get lot of them when you are waiting that Ultima draw point to 

Hint. If character doesn't get limit change characters with O button 
      until they got it.

Easy Fight at Centra Ruins
by Christopher Ong Boon Siong ([email protected])

For this to work get Odin first to remove the time limit. 
Junction to Squall the following: Attack, magic, item and GF only. 
To the 2 other characters: Attack, magic, item and GF. If you have 
recover and/or revive you can replace magic with them. Magic need only 
to be junction if you have Life or Full-life. Junction 100x Death to 

Basically the idea is to have Squall use his Limit Breaks constantly on 
the Tonberry by maintaining a low HP for Squall. As Squall's Limit Break
generally have a total damage hit of more than 9999 if you trigger it 
perfectly and with a chance to include a finishing blow. Thus it is much 
more damaging and faster than the GF Diablos animation. If Squall is 
killed, just use a Phoenix Down or use Life to revive him with the other 
2 characters. This method have another advantage being that Squall's 
Limit Break automatically jumps into battle the next turn even though 
it is not his turn yet. Thus you don't have to spend a long time to 
kill the 20 Tonberries. Just remember to save every time and then and 
definitely after the 19th Tonberry. The only danger is not saving and 
have your entire party killed. 

As for the Tonberry King, the above method can also be use but it is
recommended that the other 2 characters have full HP constantly to 
withstand the junk attack of the king, so as to be able to revive Squall 
after the attack or just alternate healing after the attack and GF 
attacks on the king when the entire party are at full life. 

I accquire the GF Tonberry after getting Odin before atttacking Galbadia
Garden and finished disc 2 with Squall at level 100 and with his 
Punishment, using both Zell (Ehergiz) and Quistis (Red Scorpion) for the

No woes in fighting Sorceress Edea!
by Shawn Nicholas ([email protected])

A way to defeat Sorceress without being touched...  Just junction Sleep 
to ST-Atk-J in one of the character's weapons or cast Sleep on her. 
Boy, what can I say, Edea is sleepy.  She'll sleep throughout the battle 
and all you need is to do is to cast Diablos which drains about 3,000 to 
4,000 HP each turn. The funny thing is that, she still sleeps.. maybe 
under reaches her coffin!

Getting Diablos before the train trip
by Omega 2003 ([email protected])
Diablos' vital statistics: HP: 9200 ~ 9400
Attacks: Demi } removes 1/4 of the character's HP
         Gravija } removes 1/4 of the entire party's HP
         (charge) } physical attack on one member.

Recommended Party: Squall, Selphie and Zell

Zell                        Command: Attack  GFs: Ifrit
HP-J        100x Esuna               Magic       - 100x Blind
Str-J       100x Fire                Draw
Elem-Atk-J  100x Thunder             GF
Squall                      Command: Attack  GFs: Siren, Quezacotl
HP-J        100x Esuna               Magic       
Mag-J       100x Blind               Draw 
ST-Atk-J    100x Sleep               Item
ST-Def-J    100x Silence
Selphie                     Command: Attack  GFs: Shiva
Str-J       100x Fire                Magic       - 100x Blind
Spr-J       100x Esuna               Draw        - Full-cure acquired

Just keep on casting Blind, until GF Diablos is under Darkness status.
Just draw in Demi magic and stocked until it is about 150+ Demi. While
drawing GF Diablos will be using his Gravija or casting Demi. Don't
heal your characters as these magics only reduces the HP. Once the
characters are in critical status, have Squall unleashes his 
Renzoukuken and Zell doing his Duel. While Selphie should be cast 
Full-cure on the entire party through her Slots Limit Breaks. Just
repeated the process and you will be able to kill off GF Diablos in
no time. Full-cure is essentially as there is an odd chance of GF 
Diablos using the charge..

Hints: stock Blind from the BOSS Fight against Granaldo
       stock Fire from Elite Soldiers, G-Soldiers during Dollet exam
       stock Esuna from Biggs while battling at Communications Tower
       stock Silence and Sleep from Grat found in Balamb Garden-
       Training Center.

Easy defeat of GF Diablos with GF Carbuncle
by [email protected]
If you don't want any risk in fighting this mean GF. Just get GF 
Carbuncle which can be drawn from Iguions. Demi can be reflected by
the Ruby Light! But make use you uses item as your healing items so that
you will not lose out that much.

Foolproof against Adel
by Jason Kennedy ([email protected])
It is possible to defeat Adel at level 40. With a party combination of
Squall (at level 41), Selphie (at level 21), and Irvine (at level 23)
To beat Adel at such a low level, Cerberus must be cast, and you must 
have at least 50 Cure spells (preferably Curaga) with each player. A 
Cure spell must also be cast on Rinoa every so often. Ok, here is how 
you do it...

1) Cast Cerberus
2) Cast Haste on all three players (repeat this when necessary)
3) Have Squall do the attacking
4) Have the other 2 players cast Thundaga or Firaga
5) Cast Curaga when necessary

I only had one character die once with this method, and that was 
because I didn't cure when I should've. It seems pretty foolproof. 


/ 9.4  \________________________________________________________________
Defeating the Weapons                                         ffviii_083
The Weapons are the most toughest BOSSES in Final Fantasies as the 
nightmares such as the Diamond, Ruby, Ultimate, Emerald and Sapphire 
Weapon from FF7 and Omega Weapon from FF5. I myself have come up with 
some strategies. Whom is going into the battles? Actually for myself, 
I believed that every character is good! 

----[ Character Analysis ]----

Squall Leonhart
Of course you don't have the choice of not using him. But he is indeed 
a great character and perhaps the most damaging Limit Break (physical) 
when you have gotten his Lion Heart. Extremely dangerous if you have 
junctioned his Str to 255. How to get Lion Heart, refer to Part II or
the Weapon Upgrading Guide (sigh..)

Zell Dincht 
Don't look down on this super hyperactive kid. He has great Speed 
stats and can does a handful amount of damage when you chain his 
moves when executing his Limit Break. Hmm.. Armageddon Fists.. (the
chain between Punch Rush and Booya)

Irvine Kinneas 
The most well-rounded character with decent attacking power and 
defense stats. He could easily knocked down any formidable foe if you 
have Pulse Ammo in the inventory. Best if you have junction Drain to 
his ST-Atk-J! He can be a superb character if you have train him with
Cactaur junctioned with all the bonuses. Simply a dangerous man..

Quistis Trepe 
She is also a great character plus she has a move [Mighty Guard] that 
could cause Haste, Protect, Float, Shell, Regen and sometimes Aura! 
Best of all, her Shockwave Pulsar could does over 9999 HP damage to all 
foes! Monsters (except for certain monsters such as Tonberry) have the
most fear for her Degenerator.

Selphie Tilmitt 
Probably the best support character. Even though her offense isn't 
great compared to Quistis, but she could make something like cast 
Full Cure and Wall on the entire party. She can does more damage with 
her awesome trademark "The End". However her Rapture does not work 
that well... Her Strange Vision has an amazing hit rate of 255%!

Rinoa Heartilly 
I would recommend her if you does have enough Hero. Make sure that you 
have acquired Invincible Moon and Angelo will be able to cast 
Invincibility on the entire party. Her Angelo Cannon is also rather 
massive, could does over 9999 HP damage when she has acquired high

I myself have made the following combinations (they may not 100% 
worked, so don't sue me ^_^;) but most of them worked for me. 

Top Combinations of Party!   
|          |          |          |          |          |          |
|  Squall  |  Squall  |  Squall  |  Squall  |  Squall  |  Squall  |
|  Irvine  |  Quistis |  Selphie |  Zell    |  Zell    |  Irvine  |
|  Zell    |  Rinoa   |  Rinoa   |  Rinoa   |  Quistis |  Selphie |

ESSENTIAL WEAPONS                
Preferred if you have gotten their best weapons. Lion Heart is a must 
when battling against Weapons. Refer to The Weapon Upgrading section 
for more details. I myself think that characters such as Zell and 
Irvine will not be great if they does have their ultimate weapons. I 
have noticed that the better the weapon, the better the hit rate. 

Magic is really important.. if you don't have them, your attacking
power will not be too good.. So here is the list where you will get
the spells.

{{{ Curaga }}}
An important factor for tough battles as they could recover most of 
damage. Make sure that all characters have them. You can get this by 
drawing from Mesmerize at high levels or Caterchipillar.

{{{ Meltdown }}} 
This magic can lowers the defensive stats of the BOSS, thus weakening 
them. For example, if Squall inflicts 4000+ HP damage with his 
Renzoukuken, now when Meltdown is being cast on that foe, he can do up 
6,000+ damage. You can obtain this spell by drawing from Gayla.

{{{ Full-life }}}
This magic is great as it could revive a death character back to full 
health. You can get tons of these from the Draw Points found at the 
borders of the Island closest to Hell/Heaven. You can also stock up 
this from your fights against the King Tonberry and the Bahamut.

{{{ Aura }}} 
A very important magic. This magic will allows you to unleash the 
character's Limit Breaks! You can get this from the Draw Points found 
at the borders of the Islands closest to Hell/Heaven. You can also 
stock up during the last battle against Seifer at the Lunatic Pandora.

{{{ Haste }}}
It is impossible to have three Spd +40% [if you are willing to sacrifice 
Irvine's Card..], This magic will do it's best as you will be able to do 
a lot of turns before the Weapons have reaches their turns. You can 
draw this from the Iron Giant and GIM52A 

{{{ Regen }}}
This magic allows you to restore HP once the character have reached his/
her turn and this magic works its best against the Omega. You can draw 
this spell from the Behemoths. Quite good support [however I still 
prefer the previous Regen where it restores 1 HP for every second..]

{{{ Ultima }}}
Used for junctioning to your characters' stats thus bolstering them up. 
You can get most of these from the Draw Points found at the borders of 
the Island closest to Hell/Heaven or pay 5,000 gil at the Shumi Tribe 
[where you find the elevator]. There is another one found the second 
floor of the windmill in FH.

{{{ Triple }}}
Quite a good spell in bolstering your character's abilities. You can 
draw this from the BOSSES fight against Cerberus and the Odin. You can 
get this magic by converting 5 Double Magic to 1 Triple Magic through 
Hi-Mag-RF Menu ability [Alexander]. You can get Double magic by drawing 
from Grendel. It works like the All Materia in FF7

{{{ Meteor }}}
Quite a good spell when comes to junction against the character's Str 
stats. You can get this by drawing from the Ruby Dragon. I would 
recommend to draw from the draw points found at the Island Closest to

{{{ Death }}}
You need this spell to protect your characters from death-type attacks 
such as LV 5 Death [Level 100 characters will die instantly.] You can 
draw this from the Tonberry.

Essential GFs [don't bother to summon it unless the character has high
compatibility against it, use GF comptability items to do this. To 
improve comptability such as Eden, summoned them frequently!]
GFs FOR Squall Leonhart
{} Cerberus --- of course you have seen it appearing in most parts of
   my strategies against BOSSES. Actually while fighting against 
   Weapons, there is no need in summoning it but make sure that it has
   the following abilities:
   - Auto Haste (c), Spd +40% (c), Spd-J (j), ST-Def x4 (j)
{} GF Quezacotl, Shiva, Bahamut, Tonberry
   - HP-J, Mag-J, Str-J, Str +60%, Mag +60%, Auto Protect, Ability x4, 
     Initiative, Vit J [make sure that it has hit at least 200]
GFs FOR Second Character [the character whom has lower Speed stats]
{} Pandemona -- Another great GF when comes to Speed. This fact actually 
   allows your characters to select his/her commands before the BOSSES 
   does its turn.
   - Spd +40% (c), Initiative (c), Str-J (j)
{} GF Brothers, Alexander, Carbuncle, Doomtrain
   - HP +80%, HP-J, Vitality J, Revive, Ability x3, ST-Def x4, Str-J
GFs FOR Third Character [the character whom has higher Speed stats]
{} Cactaur -- Another great GF which can helps in building up a 
   strong character with all bonuses such as Str Bonus, HP Bonus
   and much more. Train the character with Vit Bonus equipped.
   - Initiative (c)
{} GF Ifrit, Diablos, Leviathan, Siren
   - HP-J, Str-J, HP +80%, [Enc-None], Str +40%, 
     ST-Def x2 (junction against Death), Ability x4 (use a 
     Rosetta Stone if you have one, just eliminate SumMag +10%
     from any following GFs), Recover, Mag-J

What you should see from your battle menu....

    Squall         2nd Character     3rd Character
  ___________       ___________        ___________
 |Commands   |     |Commands   |      |Commands   |
 |Attack     |     |Attack     |      |Attack     |
 |Magic      |     |Magic      |      |Magic      |
 |GF         |     |Item/Draw  |      |Item/Draw  |
 |Draw/Item  |     |Revive     |      |Recover    |
 |___________|     |___________|      |___________|

/ Ultima Weapon \_______________________________________________________
The Ultima Weapon is back.. (it was named the Ultimate Weapon in FF7..)
It is more ferciously looking and it carries the Ultima Weapon (Cloud
Strife's Ultimate Weapon). It has a couple of new attacks and most of 
them are quite mean..

Here is the summary of its attacks:

Ultima Weapon's Combat List
(sword swipe) 
Description:  The Ultima Weapon charges forward and along with the
              sword slash.
Damage:       Medium
Avoid:        Junction Magic to Eva-J to avoid the attack.
Quake (all)
Description:  The Ultima Weapon casts Quake on all members. 
Damage:       Average
Avoid:        Junction 100x Quake to every characters' Elem-Def-J
Light Pillar (one)
Description:  A blast of light energy arises from the Ultima's Torso
Damage:       Extreme
Avoid:        Can't avoid but can reduce damage by having 255 Def Stats.
              Your character's HP should drop to 1 if I'm not wrong.
Gravijia (all)
Description:  The Ultima Weapon summons a black ball of Gravity energy
              that attacks all members.
Damage:       Medium ~ Extreme
Avoid:        Can't but he is helping you to get critical status ^_^;
NOTICE |_______________________________________________________________
**IMPORTANT **  Remember to Eden from the Ultima Weapon [remember to   |
                equip at least one character with the "Draw" Command]  |
NOTE: You can also get Eden from Tiamat found in Ultemicia Castle      |

Speed Battle against Ultima Weapon
By Sung Kato ([email protected])

The best way to tackle the weapons is to acquired Squall's Lion Heart [
his ultimate weapon which can does 17x 9999 HP damage to any foe at the
Str Stats of 255.] Don't bother in summoning GFs because even though 
they does damage, but now that your characters can do comparable damage. 
Summoning a GF requires time, and speed is the key to victory in 
defeating the Weapons. Start the battle by cast Meltdown [all your 
character's ATB Time Bar should be full as you can automatically 
selects the command immediately as you started the battle. Cast Haste 
on the characters with the lowest Speed stats. Have Squall or someone 
else casting Aura on Squall and have him does the Renzoukuken. If your 
party is being hurt by the Ultima Weapon, use Recover to restore lost 
HP and cast Full-Life on death characters [which can be drawn from the 

The Light of War
By Scott Ong ([email protected])
Speed is everything for this war.. Junction 100x Ultima to Squall's 
Str-J and make sure it is 255. Make full use Lion Heart as it will be
the most damaging attack. Junction 100x Quake to all character's 
Elem-Def-J. Make sure that you have all GFs (except for Eden or you can
get that....) Okay make sure you have a couple of Aura magic or Aura 
Stones. It is very important. How to get Aura, scroll to the essential
magic section.

- Give every character Initative (from Tonberry, Cactaur, Pandemona)
- Junction Spd-J for every characters (Auto-Haste is a top option for
- 1000 compatibility with Cerberus for Squall. 
- Juntion 100x Quake to every characters' Elem-Def-J.
- Make sure you have aleast 50x Regen, Aura, Meltdown.
- If you have gotten Quistis, make sure you have Mighty Guard. and she
  must be in critical status.
- 50x Mega Phoenix in your inventory or Phoenix Down. Phoenix Pinion 
  is essentail in case of accident ^_^;

Starting off...
- Cast Mighty Guard or having in this sequence.
  Summon Cerberus and have the two character cast Meltdown on Ultima
  and the other character cast Regen on all characters.
- Next turn, cast Aura and Curaga to restore lost HP from the sword
  swipe attack. Use Phoenix Down (if one character is down) or Mega
  Phoenix if other two characters are down.
- Once in Aura, use Squall's Renzoukuken... Continue to have other do
  the healing [Zell and Irvine can also join in the fight too, but 
  make sure at least one of them do the healing]

Ultima Weapon to be finished in 2 minutes.
by BoBaFeT & Sephiroth {[email protected]}

First of all, you must have Aura magic. Next you must have Irvine in 
your party. You also need to have AP Ammo which you can buy this in
Esthar. You must use Aura in battle on Irvine this way he will get his 
Limit Break every time you can choose him. Now you must use AP Ammo and 
you will shoot 9999 points of damage every time you shoot on the Ultima
Weapon. Irvine's strength must be 255.
/ Omega Weapon \________________________________________________________
Defeating The Omega Weapon
The nightmare from FF5 is back.. more powerful and it's a killer. When
I first play against it in the Japanese Version, I thought that it was
just like the Ultima (not that though).. but surprising it is a killer.
My party HP is less than 9999 as I have just fought the Tiamat.. Here
you will find the strategy to kill it! If you defeat it, you will find
the Proof of Omega.

Easy Ultima Cheat.
- You CAN run from the Omega! Just have 100x Triple to Spd-J (from GF 
  Cerberus and Pandemona) plus an Auto-Haste for last character. Give
  them the draw command and have them keep on drawing Ultima from the
  Omega. Have 100x Death junctioned to ST-Def-J. Once it does the LV
  5 Death attack, run after it has been excuted as the Omega will
  compile his remaining attacks.

Some Shocking statistics:
Omega Weapon 
Level 100 HP: 1,161,000 (if Squall's Level is 100)
              Str 255! Mag 255! (well, quite shocking huh?)

Attack List of the Omega Weapon
LV5 Death (all)
Description: A devil rises from the ground and attacks all characters.
Damage:      n/a (if fully protected), Extreme (if not protected)
Avoid:       Anyone with levels,multiple of 5 will be killed. Junction
             100x Death to ST-Def-J to prevent this.
Meteor (all)
Description: The characters are being transported into space and thus 
             a meteorite shower is formed.
Damage:      Average
Avoid:       Just simply increase Vit-J and Spr-J
Ultima (all)
Description: A green ball of energy appears just like a explosion of
Damage:      High
Avoid:       Increase Mag Def by junction magic to Spr-J
Gravija (all)
Description:  The Omega Weapon summons a black ball of Gravity energy
              that attacks all members.
Damage:       Medium ~ Extreme
Avoid:        Can't but he is helping you to get critical status ^_^;,
              But make sure that your character's HP are kept at its
Light Pillar {Licht Saule} (single)
Description:  The Omega Weapon launches a beam of light energy from its
              torso. (rapid firing)
Damage:       9999 HP, Danger!
Avoid:        Use a 9999 HP GF as your block shield.. Or resurrect your
              characters using Mega Phoenix or Phoenix Down. 
              Invincibility from Hero works well..
Megido Flame {Megid Flamme} (all)                                    
Description:  The Omega fires a beam that attacks all characters.
Damage:       9998 HP to all characters, Extreme
Avoid:        Same as above. But it will be better if you have some 
              Phoenix Pinion in your inventory.
Terra Break {Terra Brake} (all)
Description:  The Omega leaps in mid-air and blast down with flames of
              energy on the entire party. 
Damage:       Does random, multiple hits. Medium to Extreme damage.
Avoid:        Very hard to dodge. High Vit can minimize the damage to 
              200 HP only.

- All characters' HP must be 9999 HP.
- Get all GFs to Level 100.
- Get 3x ST-Def-J.
- Get 100x Ultima for each character and junctioned to Str-J. Add some
  Str +20%, Str+40%, Str+60%, to reached 255.
- Get aleast 2x Phoenix Pinion - you can get more through the following

Getting Phoenix Pinions
Why need this? You are facing the toughest BOSS in FF8 and you need to
guarrantee that you can stay in the battle for a long time.

(1) 50x Phoenix Down -} 1x Mega Phoenix [or buy at Esthar Shop]
(2) Get 3x Mega Phoenix [use Quick Gil Cheat... refer to Part II]
(3) Convert it Phoenix Pinion (3 Mega Phoenix :1 Phoenix Pinion) through
    Tool-RF (GF Siren)

Getting Holy War (it is rather tedious..)
Yeah.. This is rather tedious. You need to get a lot of items (
especially Cursed Spikes) where you can get Heroes through several 
refinement sections. However, there is an alternate way and that is
through Card Mod-RF where you can change: 
BTW, a Holy War is equalvent to 3x Heroes..

Card Mod-RF
Gilgamesh's Card: 1x -} 10x Holy Wars
Laguna's Card: 1x -} 100x Heroes

The tough way..... (extremely tedious)
In summarising, you need to get 10,000 Cursed Spikes to get 1x Holy War!

(1) Get 100x Cursed Spike (win from Imp [rare], Forbiddon [rare], 
(2) Convert 100x Cursed Spike in 1x Dark Matter through Tool-RF (GF
    Siren must be at Level 100)
(3) Tool-RF List (GF Siren) 
    1x Rosetta Stone --} 1x Shaman Stone (Water Gate Incident)
    1x Hungry Cookpot --} 1x Shaman Stone (UFO Incident)
    1x Mog's Amulet --} 1x Shaman Stone (Pocketstation)
    1x Dark Matter --} 1x Shaman Stone (the tedious method..)
Scott: "Don't be shocked.."
(4) Forbid Med-RF (GF Doomtrain)
    10x Shaman Stone --} 1x Holy War Trial (^_^; feel like crying huh?)
Scott: "The next step will make you vomit blood"
(5) Med LV-Up (GF Alexander)
    10x Holy War Trial -} 1x Holy War

So in "5" steps you can get a Holy War ^_^;
So now you will know the importance of the Card Game? The Pocketstation
also plays a vital role in the game, as you can get these items easily..

Speed Battle against Omega Weapon
by Sung Kato ([email protected])
This method works with the Offensive Team [Squall, Zell and Irvine]
Have Zell as the healer for this battle. Make sure that everyone has
100x Death being junctioned to the character's ST-Def-J. Make sure that 
both Irvine and Squall's Str stats has hit 255. First of all, have Zell 
casting Triple on himself, have the rest does the attacking. Have Zell
cast Aura on the entire party. Next have Squall and Irvine executing 
their Limit Breaks. Meanwhile, have Zell cast Haste on the entire 
party. Continue your attacks until the party's HP have drop to one.. 
Next have Irvine casting Recover on Squall while Zell [whom have Mag 
255] casting Curaga on Irvine and himself. If the Omega has killed one 
of the members, revive him with Revive or Full-Life [if you use Life/
Phoenix Down/Mega Phoenix, has that character summon a HP 9999 GF to 
withstand the damage for him. Continue your endurance and you will be 
able to trash the Omega.

The Extreme Combat
by Scott Ong ([email protected])
Members required: Squall, Quistis and Zell
Others: - 100x Ultima junctioned to Str and get 255 for both Squall and 
        - Get about 40x Aura
        - 100x Death and junctioned it to ST-Def-J
        - 100x Triple or high affection with GF Cereberus. (refer above)
        - 100x Haste 
        - Mighty Guard (use Barrier (steal from Behemoth)
        - 3x Intitative (Pandemona, Cactaur, Tonberry)
        - Lion Heart (ugh.. if someone asked me about this.. I gonna to
          kill him. Explain a couple of times already...)

Start off..
(1) - Cast Aura on everyone.
(2) - Have Quistis cast Mighty Guard. Squall using Renzoukuken and Zell
      uses Armageddon Fist. [Switch turns, don't have both to attack at
      the same time.]
(3) - Omega should be casting the Lv5 Death already. Cast Regen on 
      everyone. (hopefully that you are lucky..) Have Squall continue 
(4) - Omega will now be casting the Meteor. STOP Attack! Use Recover and
      Curaga and keep HP to its maximum.
(5) - Omega will be using its Megid Flamme which does 9998 HP. Use a
      Megalixir/Recover/Mega Phoenix (if someone's killed)
(6) - The Omega may switch its combat tactics from now onwards.. So be
      carefully of Gravijia. Again use Recover and Curaga to restore
      back to full health. If it uses Licht Scale.. revive that 
      character immediately. It has to be a 3 on 1 fight. 
(7) - Next the Omega will uses a series of spells such as Ultima, 
      Demi to attack. So seize the opportunity, still have Quistis as
      the support member.
(8) - Once the Omega has uses Lv5 Death once again.. it is back to
      (1). Keep up the edurance and you will be able to beat it!

Rush Hour.. Holy War Attack!
by [email protected]

Firstly you have to level up all GFs and characters until it reached 
level 100 and the GFs have learned all the abilities (not necessarily), 
and you must have gotten the best weapon. 
After that, junction the GF to your character as you wish, try to get HP 
with 9999, in example; here is the character i've used,

Zell at HP 9999 and level 100
Squall at Level 100 and his best weapon Lion Heart
Irvine with hp 9999 and level 100

Don't junction Eden to Squall, because Squall's only attacking arsenal 
is his Limit Break. Remember that, you must have a lot of Holy Wars, 
which you can obtained from by using Card Mod on Gilgamesh card.
Get a lot of Aura spells which can be gotten through Supt Mag-RF [1x
Fury Fragment [mugged from Blue Dragon] --} 5x Aura]

During battle,
The first thing you do, cast Aura onto Squall and have the other use 
Holy Wars and another summon a GF [note: you must cast Aura to Squall 
first before using the Holy Wars, if your magic will cause a miss)
After that, continue with Squall unleash his Limit Breaks and summon GF 
Eden without worry getting hit with the enemy. But don't forget to cast 
Aura on Squall again, after the effect of Holy Wars have worn off, and 
used another Holy War. Keep on continuing using this pattern, and the
Omega will be dead meat in no time..

Fighting Omega without Aura
by oDiN ([email protected])
1. All you need is your three best characters (I really don't care who,
   besides Squall and Zell of course) equipped with Initiative and the 
   BEST junctions (probably all best magic junctioned to Spd-J, Str-J, 
   Spr-J, Eva-J and Vit-J). 

2. Characters at Level 100 and 100 Deaths at St-Def-J and at least 
   everyone must have the Item command and Holy War as first selection 
   in the Battle. 

3. EXTREMELY LOW HP (probably 800-1000 HP is enough) but be sure that 
   your characters have their max base HP (1000/9999). Remember this: 
   you want Zell's 12-second Duel, Squall's Lion Heart and Irvine's 
   slow Time Bar do you? And since you may want the idea of not 
   wasting any Aura spells because it's junctioned to a stat, a low HP 
   increases the chances of a better Limit Break rather than an Aura 
   spell (heck, its my opinion)

4. A couple of Holy Wars or Rinoa's Invincible Moon (for the holy wars:
   Card Mod Laguna card, then Med Lev Up all 100 Heroes into 10 Holy 
   War-Trials, then 10 Holy War-Trials into 1 Holy War or Card Mod 
   Gilgamesh card for 10 Holy Wars).

5. Speedy characters but leave a weak character because you want him/
   her to do the Holy War thingies and probably a cast of Meltdown to 
   lower Omega's vitality stats (junction 100 Triple to Spd-J plus a 
   couple of Spd+% percentages, it's up to you plus the Initiative 
   ability for all three characters from Pandemona, Cactuar and 


If Omega Weapon will use a Physical Attack at the start of the fight:
Answer : Junction lots to Vit-J plus lots of Vit+% percentages and lots
         to Spd-J and Eva-J if you don't have Vit-J junction. 
If Omega will use LV5 Death at the start of the fight:
Answer : Junction 100 Death to St-Def-J beforehand or any level that's 
         not a multiple of 5.

1. Use this character lineup:
   First : your average fighter, probably a support member for using 
           Holy Wars and casting Life/Phoenix Downs/Mega Phoenix
   Second : Squall
   Third : your next strongest fighter, also a speedy, but fighting, 

2. Your first member must use the Holy War (scrap Aura, you'll have 
   low HP and higher chances of a stronger limit break).

3. Heck, you know what to do right now, do you? If not, cast Meltdown, 
   then LION HEART! DUEL! SHOT! Those interactive Limit Breaks can 
   surely bring Omega Weapon down easily.

4. If you lose Invincibility status, use any of your characters to 
   Holy War (you have speedy characters, so you may outrun Omega 
   Weapon's attacks before he uses the deadly Mendigo Flame (9998 
   damage) or Terra Break (meteor-like attack that deals 5000-9000).

5. Well, that's about it! Just repeat these four steps and Omega'll 
   go down fast. (Lousy suggestion : since you'll be gaining 250 AP 
   afterwards, I suggest that you move Eden's learning to Expend-3x1, 
   that is if you're not done researching all those high-priced 
   abilities. Lousy, isn't it? :)

NOTE that you can _lower_ the damage done by the Terra Break IF you 
     junction to 255 Spirit (magic defense). One time Krysta (the 
     crystal boss in the balcony at the back room of the chandelier) 
     casted Ultima on me and did about 200 damage!

ALSO NOTE that above I said 'the BEST junctions (probably all best 
magic junctioned to Spd-J, Str-J, Spr-J, Eva-J and Vit-J)'. It's 
actually optional to junction to Eva-J and Spr-J/Vit-J but it's 
better to play safe in case you lose Invincibility status and Omega 
suddenly attacks you.

Defeat Omega at Ease
by [email protected]
Note: Refer to Power Up with Bonuses for the preparations section

After fighting him several times I think I found a pretty good strategy
that works. You need to refine the Gilgamesh card to get 10 holy wars,
Laguna too if you want extra insurance. This strategy is a bit risky 
but overall it kills him fast and is easy to pull off. Simply go into 
battle with Squall at about 400 or 500 hp to eliminate the need to 
cast Aura on him (and he seems more likely to pull off Lion Heart the 
lower his HP are). When the battles starts have the first character 
cast haste on Squall and the second character cast meltdown on Omega 
and then the third use Holy War. Then just hit round after round of 
Renzouken. Squall doesn't seem to like using Lion Heart on Omega Weapon
so don't expect him to use it too much. Of the three times I fought 
Omega Squall only used Lion Heart once. The Holy War seems to wear off 
of Squall before the others using this strategy so either use Hero on 
him or just use another Holy War. You should only have to use 3 or 4 
Holy Wars because Squall can get in about 5 or 6 limit breaks every 
Holy War.

/ 10.0 \________________________________________________________________
Gameshark Codes                                               ffviii_084
After looking into other great FAQs written by other authors, it seems 
that a great FAQ can't do without a list of decent Gameshark codes. 
Anyway surprisingly, my version of GameShark still works! I have managed
to put some of the codes to work. For the codes to work, you need to
input them by using a Gameshark. How to input codes? Refer to your 
manual ^_^; The following codes are the courtesy of Gameshark Codes 
Creator Club and here is the URL:

http://www.cmgsccc.com/psx/ff8/ -check here for the full list.

Card Modifier Codes
Cards are extremely hard to get and you can have them in your inventory
effortless by inputting the 117 codes for those whose Gameshark is 
older than version 2.2. Gameshark users (version 2.2 and above) should
use the Ultimate card code, just to save time!

Level 1 Monster Cards                 Level 6 Boss Cards
Geezard             30078658 00FF     Fujin, Raijin        3007869F 00FF
Funguar             30078659 00FF     Elvoret              30078690 00FF
Bite Bug            3007865A 00FF     X-ATM092             30078691 00FF 
Red Bat             3007865B 00FF     Granaldo             30078692 00FF
Blobra              3007865C 00FF     Gerogero             30078693 00FF
Gayla               3007865D 00FF     Iguion               30078694 00FF
Gesper              3007865E 00FF     Abadon               30078695 00FF
Fastitocalon-F      3007865F 00FF     Trauma               30078696 00FF
Blood Soul          30078660 00FF     Oilboyle             30078697 00FF
Caterchipillar      30078661 00FF     Shumi Tribe          30078698 00FF
Cockatrice          30078662 00FF     Krysta               30078699 00FF

Level 2 Monster Cards                 Level 7 BOSS Cards
Grat                30078663 00FF     Propagator           3007869A 00FF
Buel                30078664 00FF     Jumbo Cactuar        3007869B 00FF
Mesmerize           30078665 00FF     Tri-Point            3007869C 00FF
Glacial Eye         30078666 00FF     Gargantua            3007869D 00FF
Belhelmel           30078667 00FF     Mobile Type 8        3007869E 00FF
Thrustaevis         30078668 00FF     Sphinxaur            3007869F 00FF
Anacondaur          30078669 00FF     Tiamat               300786A0 00FF
Creeps              3007866A 00FF     BGH251F2             300786A1 00FF
Grendel             3007866B 00FF     Red Giant            300786A2 00FF
Jelleye             3007866C 00FF     Catoblepas           300786A3 00FF
Grand Mantis        3007866D 00FF     Ultima Weapon        300786A4 00FF

Level 3 Monster Cards                 Level 8 GF Cards*    
Forbidden           3007866E 00FF     Chubby Chocobo       300786A5 00F0
Armadodo            3007866F 00FF     Angelo               300786A6 00F0 
Tri-Face            30078670 00FF     Gilgamesh            300786A7 00F0
Fastitocalon        30078671 00FF     MiniMog              300786A8 00F0
Snow Lion           30078672 00FF     Chicobo              300786A9 00F0
Ochu                30078673 00FF     Quezacotl            300786AA 00F0
SAM08G              30078674 00FF     Shiva                300786AB 00F0
Death Claw          30078675 00FF     Ifrit                300786AC 00F0
Cactuar             30078676 00FF     Siren                300786AD 00F0
Tonberry            30078677 00FF     Sacred               300786AE 00F0 
Abyss Worm          30078678 00FF     Minotaur             300786AF 00F0

Level 4 Monsters Card                 Level 9 GF Cards*
Turtapod            30078679 00FF     Carbuncle            300786B0 00F0
Vysage              3007867A 00FF     Diablos              300786B1 00F0
T-Rexaur            3007867B 00FF     Leviathan            300786B2 00F0
Bomb                3007867C 00FF     Odin                 300786B3 00F0
Blitz               3007867D 00FF     Pandemona            300786B4 00F0
Wendigo             3007867E 00FF     Cerberus             300786B5 00F0
Torama              3007867F 00FF     Alexander            300786B6 00F0
Imp                 30078680 00FF     Phoenix              300786B7 00F0
Blue Dragon         30078681 00FF     Bahamut              300786B8 00F0
Adamantoise         30078682 00FF     Doomtrain            300786B9 00F0
Hexadragon          30078683 00FF     Eden                 300786BA 00F0

Level 5 Monster Cards                 Level 10 Character Cards*
Iron Giant          30078684 00FF     Ward                 300786BB 00F0
Behemoth            30078685 00FF     Kiros                300786BC 00F0
Chimera             30078686 00FF     Laguna               300786BD 00F0
PuPu                30078687 00FF     Selphie              300786BE 00F0
Elastoid            30078688 00FF     Quistis              300786BF 00F0
GIM47N              30078689 00FF     Irvine               300786C0 00F0
Malboro             3007868A 00FF     Zell                 300786C1 00F0
Ruby Dragon         3007868B 00FF     Rinoa                300786C2 00F0
Elnoyle             3007868C 00FF     Edea                 300786C3 00F0
Tonberry King       3007868D 00FF     Seifer               300786C4 00F0
Wedge, Biggs        3007868E 00FF     Squall               300786C5 00F0

High Level Card Codes                      This code will give you all
High Level Card Activator                  the level 8~10 cards but with
'Have' The Cards 8-10     800786C6 FFFF    zero quantity. So use Level 8
                          800786C8 FFFF    ~ 10 card codes to set  
                          300786CA 0001    quantity to one.

* This code must be used for the card codes for Level 8 ~ 10 to work.
Ultimate Card Code                         Your gameshark must be
Have All Cards            50004D01 0000    version 2.2 or above to use
                          30078658 00FF    the code. Don't use any other
                          50002101 0000    card codes as this code gives
                          300786A5 00F0    you all cards with their
                          800786C6 FFFF    quantities maxed out.
                          800786C8 FFFF
                          300786CA 0001 


Item Modifier Codes 
I know that getting rare items are "extremely" time consuming. Anyway,
I have found a great modifier list from the above-named site. This also 
includes items that you can gotten from the Pocketstation! I have also
added some of my experience.

* MiniMog Command will results nothing if GF MiniMog is not unlocked.
* Chicbo will not be summoned if you haven't "summon" GF Chicobo in a 
  Chocobo Forest

With the following codes, you don't need to have the item, or quantity
in the position you are modifying. 

Here is the list of 198 slots of the Item menu.

Slot      Code             Slot     Code
1         80077EBC 63xx    101      80077F84 63xx
2         80077EBE 63xx    102      80077F86 63xx
3         80077EC0 63xx    103      80077F88 63xx
4         80077EC2 63xx    104      80077F8A 63xx
5         80077EC4 63xx    105      80077F8C 63xx
6         80077EC6 63xx    106      80077F8E 63xx
7         80077EC8 63xx    107      80077F90 63xx
8         80077ECA 63xx    108      80077F92 63xx
9         80077ECC 63xx    109      80077F94 63xx
10        80077ECE 63xx    110      80077F96 63xx
11        80077ED0 63xx    111      80077F98 63xx
12        80077ED2 63xx    112      80077F9A 63xx
13        80077ED4 63xx    113      80077F9C 63xx
14        80077ED6 63xx    114      80077F9E 63xx
15        80077ED8 63xx    115      80077FA0 63xx
16        80077EDA 63xx    116      80077FA2 63xx
17        80077EDC 63xx    117      80077FA4 63xx
18        80077EDE 63xx    118      80077FA6 63xx
19        80077EE0 63xx    119      80077FA8 63xx
20        80077EE2 63xx    120      80077FAA 63xx
21        80077EE4 63xx    121      80077FAC 63xx
22        80077EE6 63xx    122      80077FAE 63xx
23        80077EE8 63xx    123      80077FB0 63xx
24        80077EEA 63xx    124      80077FB2 63xx
25        80077EEC 63xx    125      80077FB4 63xx
26        80077EEE 63xx    126      80077FB6 63xx
27        80077EF0 63xx    127      80077FB8 63xx
28        80077EF2 63xx    128      80077FBA 63xx
29        80077EF4 63xx    129      80077FBC 63xx
30        80077EF6 63xx    130      80077FBE 63xx
31        80077EF8 63xx    131      80077FC0 63xx
32        80077EFA 63xx    132      80077FC2 63xx
33        80077EFC 63xx    133      80077FC4 63xx
34        80077EFE 63xx    134      80077FC6 63xx
35        80077F00 63xx    135      80077FC8 63xx
36        80077F02 63xx    136      80077FCA 63xx
37        80077F04 63xx    137      80077FCC 63xx
38        80077F06 63xx    138      80077FCE 63xx
39        80077F08 63xx    139      80077FD0 63xx
40        80077F0A 63xx    140      80077FD2 63xx
41        80077F0C 63xx    141      80077FD4 63xx
42        80077F0E 63xx    142      80077FD6 63xx
43        80077F10 63xx    143      80077FD8 63xx
44        80077F12 63xx    144      80077FDA 63xx
45        80077F14 63xx    145      80077FDC 63xx
46        80077F16 63xx    146      80077FDE 63xx
47        80077F18 63xx    147      80077FE0 63xx
48        80077F1A 63xx    148      80077FE2 63xx
49        80077F1C 63xx    149      80077FE4 63xx
50        80077F1E 63xx    150      80077FE6 63xx
51        80077F20 63xx    151      80077FE8 63xx
52        80077F22 63xx    152      80077FEA 63xx
53        80077F24 63xx    153      80077FEC 63xx
54        80077F26 63xx    154      80077FEE 63xx
55        80077F28 63xx    155      80077FF0 63xx
56        80077F2A 63xx    156      80077FF2 63xx
57        80077F2C 63xx    157      80077FF4 63xx
58        80077F2E 63xx    158      80077FF6 63xx
59        80077F30 63xx    159      80077FF8 63xx
60        80077F32 63xx    160      80077FFA 63xx
61        80077F34 63xx    161      80077FFC 63xx
62        80077F36 63xx    162      80077FFE 63xx
63        80077F38 63xx    163      80078000 63xx
64        80077F3A 63xx    164      80078002 63xx
65        80077F3C 63xx    165      80078004 63xx
66        80077F3E 63xx    166      80078006 63xx
67        80077F40 63xx    167      80078008 63xx
68        80077F42 63xx    168      8007800A 63xx
69        80077F44 63xx    169      8007800C 63xx
70        80077F46 63xx    170      8007800E 63xx
71        80077F48 63xx    171      80078010 63xx
72        80077F4A 63xx    172      80078012 63xx
73        80077F4C 63xx    173      80078014 63xx
74        80077F4E 63xx    174      80078016 63xx
75        80077F50 63xx    175      80078018 63xx
76        80077F52 63xx    176      8007801A 63xx
77        80077F54 63xx    177      8007801C 63xx
78        80077F56 63xx    178      8007801E 63xx
79        80077F58 63xx    179      80078020 63xx
80        80077F5A 63xx    180      80078022 63xx
81        80077F5C 63xx    181      80078024 63xx
82        80077F5E 63xx    182      80078026 63xx
83        80077F60 63xx    183      80078028 63xx
84        80077F62 63xx    184      8007802A 63xx
85        80077F64 63xx    185      8007802C 63xx
86        80077F66 63xx    186      8007802E 63xx
87        80077F68 63xx    187      80078030 63xx
88        80077F6A 63xx    188      80078032 63xx
89        80077F6C 63xx    189      80078034 63xx
90        80077F6E 63xx    190      80078036 63xx
91        80077F70 63xx    191      80078038 63xx
92        80077F72 63xx    192      8007803A 63xx
93        80077F74 63xx    193      8007803C 63xx
94        80077F76 63xx    194      8007803E 63xx
95        80077F78 63xx    195      80078040 63xx
96        80077F7A 63xx    196      80078042 63xx
97        80077F7C 63xx    197      80078044 63xx
98        80077F7E 63xx    198      80078046 63xx
99        80077F80 63xx
100       80077F82 63xx

* Just replaced "63" with "64" and you can get 100x items.

Modifier Digits : subsitute xx with the following digits below.
E.g. Let's says you want to have 100x Ribbon at 100th Slot.
     Just get the code: 80077F82 64xx
     and replaced xx with the modifier digit for Ribbon [64]
     Hence the code will be 80077F82 6464

Digit     Name of Item         Digit      Name of Item
01        Potion               6D         M-Stone Piece 
02        Potion+              6E         Magic Stone
03        Hi-Potion            6F         Wizard Stone
04        Hi-Potion+           70         Ochu Tentacle
05        X Potion             71         Healing Water
06        Mega Potion          72         Cockatrice Pinion
07        Phoenix Down         73         Zombie Powder
08        Mega Phoenix         74         Lightweight
09        Elixir               75         Sharp Spike
0A        Megalixir            76         Screw
0B        Antidote             77         Saw Blade
0C        Soft                 78         Mesmerize Blade
0D        Eye Drops            79         Vampire Fang
0E        Echo Screen          7A         Fury Fragment
0F        Holy Water           7B         Betrayal Sword
10        Remedy               7C         Sleep Powder
11        Remedy+              7D         Life Ring
12        Hero-trial           7E         Dragon Fang  
13        Hero                 7F         Spider Web
14        Holy War-trial       80         Coral Fragment    
15        Holy War             81         Curse Spike
16        Shell Stone          82         Black Hole
17        Protect Stone        83         Water Crystal
18        Aura Stone           84         Missile
19        Death Stone          85         Mystery Fluid
1A        Holy Stone           86         Running Fire
1B        Flare Stone          87         Inferno Fang
1C        Meteor Stone         88         Malboro Tentacle
1D        Ultima Stone         89         Whisper
1E        Gysahl Greens        8A         Laser Cannon
1F        Phoenix Pinion       8B         Barrier
20        Friendship           8C         Power Generator 
21        Pet House            8D         Dark Matter  
22        Tent                 8E         Bomb Fragment
23        Cottage              8F         Red Fang
24        G-Potion             90         Arctic Wind
25        G-Hi-Potion          91         North Wind
26        G-Mega Potion        92         Shear Feather
27        G-Returner           93         Dynamo Stone
28        Rename Card          94         Venom Fang
29        Amnesia Greens       95         Steel Orb
2A        HP-J Scroll          96         Moon Stone
2B        Str-J Scroll         97         Dino Bone
2C        Vit-J Scroll         98         Windmill
2D        Mag-J Scroll         99         Dragon Skin
2E        Spr-J Scroll         9A         Fish Fin
2F        Spd-J Scroll         9B         Dragon Fin
30        Luck-J Scroll        9C         Silence Powder
31        Aegis Amulet         9D         Poison Powder
32        Elem Atk             9E         Death Spirit
33        Elem Guard           9F         Chef's Knife
34        Status Atk           A0         Cactus Thorn
35        Status Guard         A1         Shaman Stone
36        Rosetta Stone        A2         Fuel 
37        Magic Scroll         A3         Girl Next Door
38        GF Scroll            A4         Sorceress' Letter
39        Draw Scroll          A5         Chocobo's Tag
3A        Item Scroll          A6         Pet's Nametag
3B        Gambler Spirit       A7         Solomon Ring
3C        Healing Ring         A8         Magical Lamp
3D        Phoenix Spirit       A9         HP Up
3E        Med Kit              AA         Str Up
3F        Bomb Spirit          AB         Vit Up
40        Hungry Cookpot       AC         Mag Up
41        Mog's Amulet         AD         Spr Up
42        Steel Pipe           AE         Spd Up
43        Star Fragment        AF         Luck Up
44        Energy Crystal       B0         LuvLuv G
45        Samantha Soul        B1         Weapons Mon 1st
46        Healing Mail         B2         Weapons Mon Mar
47        Silver Mail          B3         Weapons Mon Apr
48        Gold Armor           B4         Weapons Mon May
49        Diamond Armor        B5         Weapons Mon Jun
4A        Regen Ring           B6         Weapons Mon Jul
4B        Giant Ring           B7         Weapons Mon Aug
4C        Gaea's Ring          B8         Combat King 001
4D        Strength Love        B9         Combat King 002
4E        Power Wrist          BA         Combat King 003
4F        Hyper Wrist          BB         Combat King 004
50        Turtle Shell         BC         Combat King 005
51        Orihalcon            BD         Pet Pals Vol 1
52        Adamantine           BE         Pet Pals Vol 2
53        Rune Armlet          BF         Pet Pals Vol 3
54        Force Armlet         C0         Pet Pals Vol 4
55        Magic Armlet         C2         Pet Pals Vol 5
56        Circlet              C3         Pet Pals Vol 6
57        Hypno Crown          C4         Occult Fan I
58        Royal Crown          C5         Occult Fan II
59        Jet Engine           C6         Occult Fan III
5A        Rocket Engine        C7         Occult Fan IV
5B        Moon Curtain
5C        Steel Curtain
5D        Glow Curtain
5E        Accelerator
5F        Monk's Code
60        Knight's Code
61        Doc's Code
62        Hundred Needles
63        Three Stars
64        Ribbon
65        Normal Ammo
66        Shotgun Ammo
67        Dark Ammo
68        Fire Ammo
69        Demolition Ammo
6A        Fast Ammo
6B        AP Ammo
6C        Pulse Ammo        

NOTE: This code may cause bugs and harm to your Playstation, so enter at
      your own risk. 
/ 11.0 \________________________________________________________________
Choco World [Mini-Pocketstation Guide]                        ffviii_085
Please read this before proceeding on:
This section is formerly written by The Saint {[email protected]},
which has been edited by me to suit the FAQ's format. If you have any
enquire regarding the Pocketstation section of the game, please contact
the Saint at [email protected]. 

What's a Pocketstation?
The Sony SCPH-4000 Pocketstation is a special memory card for the Sony 
Playstation. Like the standard card, it holds 15 blocks of regular data.
In addition to that, it has a small screen (32x32 pixels) and can run
programs that are designed to work with the game. For people who are 
interested, it uses an ARM7TDMI Thumb processor chip developed by Atmel 
Corp. (San Jose, CA) which manufactures many chips for mobile products 
and other Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), including the ARM7 and the 
StrongARM RISC processors. The processor is a 32-bit RISC chip with 
contains the CPU, flash memory, RAM, LCD controller, D/A converter (for 
controlling a speaker) and IrDA communication system. It has 2k of SRAM 
(for executing programs) and 128k of Flash RAM (holds the memory card 
data; programs also use it store their data as well).

It is powered by a standard Cr2032 watch battery. The biggest drain on
the battery life is, of course, the LCD screen. Chocobo World can run 
for at least 5-6 months without needing a battery replacement under 
normal conditions, but leaving some screens displayed (i.e. screen is 
all black with the 'Event!' message) can drain the battery 10 times as 

Sony released the Pocketstation in Japan in Dec 98, but cancelled a 
scheduled US release due to manufacturing difficulties. For now, the 
only way to get on in the US is to order it from a console import shop 
like National Console Support (http://www.ncsx.com). That is where I 
ordered mine. They charge about $50. Since the release was cancelled, 
most US games have removed support for it if there was any in the 
original Japanese title. So far, only 'Final Fantasy 8', 'Street Fighter 
Alpha Zero' and 'Ridge Racer' english titles support this device. 
Moreover, Street Fighter must be unlocked with a GameShark to support 
this feature. Don't expect to be using the Pocketstation for much 
besides FF8.

You can choose one of two spiffy colors; White or Crystal (clear).

Transfering Data to the Chocobo World
Once you get a 'Chicobo' in the main Final Fantasy 8 game (directly
after you catch a Chocobo by yourself for the first time in any Chocobo 
Forest), you can play Choco World. The earliest you can really do this 
is near the beginning of Disc 2 after you have can cross over the ocean.

Once you have the Chicobo, go to the 'Save' screen of the menu, and 
select 'Chocobo World'. The first time you do this, the game will tell 
you that you need to initialize the pocketstation. If you select "Yes", 
Chocobo World will be transferred to the Pocketstation. Since you cannot 
have more than one 'Chocobo World' game on the pocketstation at a time, 
this will erase any previous games. The new game of Chocobo World will 
be assigned a new weapon (usually 2211), given it's own ID (usually the 
last three digits of the Pocketstation's unique ID) and also given a 
random hidden ID number. This is the number transmitted as the 'header' 
during a vs. battle.

From there on, you can play the game. FF8 will direct you to also save 
your game before you exit the save screen. This is important because of 
the hidden ID number; FF8 will not let you import data from a 
Pocketstation that does not match this number! 

Your Chocobo can begin its adventure in the pocketstation, collect items 
for you, and gain levels and power. To import all this data back into 
your FF8 game, go to the save screen again, select Chocobo world. Next
select the option "Home" to bring all the collected items and the state 
of the Chocobo back to the FF8 game. Select "World" to send him back to 
the Pocketstation. When the chocobo is in the pocketstation, he cannot 
be summoned with Gysahl Greens and the MiniMog ability won't work in the
FF8 game. When he is in the FF8 game, you cannot play Chocobo World on
the Pocketstation.

Getting Started at the Chocobo World
There is something of a plot to the game, but it's not all that deep
(Hey! What did you expect out of 32x32 pixels?). In the first part of
the game, you are supposedly trying to find your friend Mog (a moogle,
like the ones in FF7). Later on you have to rescue this female Chocobo
that you've only ever seen twice before. After you do that, the game is
pretty much over, although you can wander around forever and collect
items to send back to FF8.  

Boko (the name of your Chocobo if you didn't change it, I named him
Spike), wanders around in the desert most of the time (well, he seems 
to sleep most of the time in my games, grr...). You can see his 
handsome self walking around.  The direction he is facing (and the 
direction the dots are going on the ground) tell you which way he is 
headed. If you press Enter at this screen, you can see a map. The 
square is the map you are walking on. The flashing dot is you, the solid 
dots are 'Events'. The big arrow on the right is the direction you are 
headed, and under the map is the level you are on and the current time.  

Look at the map and steer Boko towards a black Event dot (NOTE: you
cannot do this on the map!  Press Enter to leave the map and go to the
walking screen, then use the direction buttons to guide Boko toward a
dot). Boko runs faster if you hold down the button in the direction that
you want to go. Running off one side of the map will put you on the 
other side (is each level a sphere or something?)  

Hitting a dot will give you an 'Event'. There are a few kinds of Events
that you can hit:
1. Battles (most common) - Boko fights a monster
2. Moomba  (about 10%)   - A Moomba appears and offers you a weapon
3. Cactaur (about 10%)   - A Cactuar appears and gives you an item
4. Special Event         - Depends on level and settings

Because this is a boring game, Boko gets bored too. After a while of
wandering around, he will get distracted with something else and will
stop walking. There are several other activities he'll do:

- Listen to a portable radio
- Eat a picnic lunch
- Fishing
- Watching a TV
- Sitting around a campfire with Moomba

(The minimized screen says '???' during any of these)

There is also a percentage chance per each step that he will go to sleep
on his own. It seems to be based on how damaged he is. If he is at 1 HP, 
he will probably sleep when he moves onto the next map square. He 
regains HP while sleeping or doing any of the other activities listed 
above. If he is on Rank 2-6, he regains 4 HP every few seconds, on Rank 
1 he regains 5 HP. After a minute or two of sleeping with full HP or 
doing one of the other activities, he will wake up and keep going on his 
journey. While sleeping, the minimized screen says 'Zzz...". While 
fighting or walking on the map, the screen says 'Walking'.


All 'weapons' are just a series of four numbers. When you hit someone 
in the battle, one of the numbers is selected randomly and that is how 
much damage you do. So, to make an obvious point, the average damage 
you will do with any weapon can be figured by adding up all four numbers 
and dividing by 4. A 5544 weapon does an average damage of 4.5, and is 
thus more powerful than a 9111 (ave. damage 3.0). The best weapon you 
can get is based on your Rank.

The Class of Items in Chocobo World

There are four categories of items; called, oddly enough A items, B 
items, C items and D items. When you import back into the FF8 game, each 
A/B/C/D item becomes one or more real items in the FF8 game. D items 
become cheap stuff like condition curing items and the M-Stone Pieces. 
C items become slightly better stuff, like Potions, Hi Potions, a few of 
the weaker GF ability items (like Turtle Shells, Healing Mail, etc..) 
and some of the stronger junk items. B items become the best GF ability 
items (including cool stuff, like Three Stars, Rosetta Stones, Moon 
Curtains), rare items (Malboro Tentacles, Inferno Fangs), and even 
unique items (Girl Next Door, Solomon's Ring, Magical Lamp) and the 
various power-up items (Str Up, Mag Up, etc..). Yup, that's right 
buckaroos; you can get the solomon ring and all the items you need to 
summon Doomtrain in disc 2! A items become the best B items.

Some items I have never gotten outside of the pocketstation are:

- Ribbon: Gives GF the 'Ribbon' ability (immunity to all status changes)
- Mog Amulet: Gives GF the 'MiniMog' ability (heals GF during battle)
- Friendship: Use item for 'MoombaMoomba' attack; lowers enemy to 1Hp!
- Chocobo Tag: Rename the chocobo

Some notable really rare items that you can get:

- Rosetta Stones
- Power Generators, Dark Matter (for Quistis' Blue Magic, 'B'/'A' items)
- Samantha Soul, Energy Crystal, Gaea's Ring, Diamond Armor ('B' items)
- Hero and Hero-Trial (rare 'B' items!)
Thanks to {[email protected]} for sending me a list of how the items 
are determined (for the PC version of Chocobo World). This seems to be 
accurate for the Pocketstation game too, but some things may be off. He
pointed out that you can also get some items not listed here, like Pulse
Ammo and (Hi-)Potion+. I have also gotten Hero-Trials. I thought I had
gotten a 'Holy War-trial' item, but it was a mistake. I haven't ever 
gotten another after thousands of items imported, so I don't think it 
is possible.

Each time an item is brought in, a random number 1-64 is generated with
each number being mapped to an item. Often, a range of numbers is 
mapped to one item to make an item more common. So if an item has a 2/64 
chance, then 2 numbers out of 64 can end up to be that item.

-- "A" Rank --
(1/64 each) - Monk's Code, Moon Curtain, Aegis Amulet
(2/64 each) - Hundred Needles, Steel Curtain, Rocket Engine
(5/64 each) - Friendship, Elem Atk, Elem Guard, Status Atk, Status Guard, 
              Bomb Spirit, Hungry Cookpot, Three Stars, Ribbon, Dark 
              Matter, Shaman Stone.

-- "B" Rank --
(3/64 each) - Friendship, HP Up, Str UP, Mag Up, Spd Up
(2/64 each) - Aegis Amulet, Vit Up, Spr Up, Luck Up
(1/64 each) - Hero, Ultima Stone, Gysahl Greens, Tent, Cottage, 
              G-Hi-Potion, G-Returner, Str-J Scroll, Mag-J Scroll, 
              Spd-J Scroll, Elem Atk, Elem Guard, Status Atk, Status 
              Guard, Rosetta Stone, Magic Scroll, Draw Scroll, Gambler 
              Spirit, Phoenix Sprit, Hungry Cookpot, Mog's Amulet, Star 
              Fragment, Samantha Soul, Silver Mail, Diamond Armor, 
              Giant's Ring, Power Wrist, Orihalcon, Force Armlet, Hypno 
              Crown, Jet Engine, Rocket Engine, Steel Curtain, 
              Accelerator, Hundred Needles, Ribbon, "Girl Next Door", 
              Pet Nametag, Magical Lamp, LuvLuv G.

-- "C" Rank --
(2/64 each) - Rename Card, Chocobo's Tag
(1/64 each) - Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down, 
              Mega Phoenix, Elixir, Megalixir, Remedy, Remedy+, Shell 
              Stone, Protect Stone, Death Stone, Holy Stone, Meteor 
              Stone, Regen Ring, Turtle Shell, Doc's Code, Ochu Tentacle, 
              Cockatrice Pinion, Zombie Powder, Lightweight, Sharp Spike,
              Screw, Mesmerize Blade, Fury Fragment, Betrayal Sword, 
              Sleep Powder, Life Ring, Dragon Fang, Spider Web, Coral 
              Fragment, Curse Spike, Black Hole, Water Crystal, Missile, 
              Mystery Fluid, Running Fire, Inferno Fang, Malboro 
              Tentacle, Whisper, Laser Cannon, Barrier, Red Fang, Arctic 
              Wind, North Wind, Dynamo Stone, Shear Feather, Venom Fang, 
              Steel Orb, Moon Stone, Dino Bone, Windmill, Dragon Skin, 
              Dragon Fin, Poison Powder, Dead Spirit, Chef's Knife, 
              Cactus Thorn, Pet Nametag.

-- "D" Rank --
(13/64 ea.) - Magic Stone
(12/64 ea.) - M-Stone Piece, Wizard Stone
(4/64 each) - Normal Ammo, Dark Ammo, Demolition Ammo, AP Ammo
(1/64 each) - Antidote, Soft, Eye Drops, Echo Screen, Holy Water, Screw,
              Mesmerize Blade, Coral Fragment, Arctic Wind, Dragon Skin, 
              Poison Powder.

Battles in Chocobo World

Battles in Chocobo World are fairly simple. Your Chocobo appears on the
right side of the screen, the monster on the left. The monster you get 
in the battle is related to the map you are on. They don't really have
names, but they look like some monsters in the FF8:

Level  1-100: Creep (Monster A)       , HP is Map Level/5 +6
Level 10-100: Vampire Bat (Monster B) , HP is Map Level/5 +8
Level 30-100: Blobra (Monster C)      , HP is Map Level/5 +10
Level 70-100: Wendigo (Monster D)     , HP is Map Level/5 +16

The monster's HP appears on the left, yours is on the right. In the
middle of the bottom portion of the screen are two numbers counting down 
to 0. When one of the numbers hits '0', the person on that side (either 
you or the monster) makes an Attack and both counters reset and begin 
counting down again. The speed at which the your counter counts down is 
constant, but you can make it count faster by pressing the left/right 
buttons alternately. The easiest way I've found to do this is to use two 
hands, one thumb to each button. The speed at which the monster counts 
varies by monster type (A is slowest, D is fastest). When either side is 
reduced to 0 HP, the battle ends.  

If you're not on level 100, you will go to a tic-tac-toe grid a little
rock will whiz around and land on one of the empty squares. If you get
three dots to line up in a row, you go to the next level. You should be
able to advance a level in not less than 3 battles won, and not more 
than 6 battles won.  Left alone, Boko advances one level about every 20 
minutes or so.  

When Boko gets reduced to 0 HP, he goes to sleep. While he sleeps, he 
will slowly recovers HP. After a while of wandering around, he will go
to sleep anyway (regardless of current HP). He eventually wakes up 
after some time (long after he has reached full HP). You can wake him up 
by pressing the 'Enter' button while he is sleeping. This doesn't work 
if he has 0 HP.

Reports and Preferences
Lastly, if you go to the map screen, you can view your status and change
settings by pressing left/right. In order of pressing 'Right' from the
map screen:

- Status screen: Displays current weapon, power level, map level, HP and 
- Item screen: Displays how many of each item you have
- Chocobo World Vs. Screen: Lets you challenge another Pocketstation
- Event Wait screen: Lets you set Event Wait on or off
- Mog screen (after level 25): Lets you set Mog to sleep or standby
- Move screen: Lets you set the movement rate

Since Chocobo World is amazing boring after a while, you can make it 
just play itself automatically. Set 'Event Wait' OFF by pressing the 
Down button on that screen. Boko will wander, sleep, fight, collect 
items and do random stuff without waiting to tell you.  

Normally, Boko just heads on forever in a straight line if you leave the
game running. Fix this by setting Movement rate on the move screen to a 
higher number. Boko will 'scan' for a number of pixels around him and 
turn toward an event dot within his sight range. The Movement rate tells 
him how many pixels to 'look'. So, setting it to '6', he will turn 
towards an event dot that is less than 6 squares away. Event dots 
disappear after he moves onto them and reappear somewhere else on the 
map. Sometimes, there will be no dots within 6 squares of Boko's line 
of travel and he will just keep going in the same direction forever. 
Check him occasionally if you leave him in Event Wait Off for long 
periods of time.

Chocobo World Game Special Events
Various special events will pause the game even if you have Event Wait 
Off and wait for you to come watch them. This will totally drain the 
battery in a few weeks (at most!) so don't leave the game displaying the 
'Event!' screen forever. The Level specified here is usually just the 
earliest level the event occurs, you may meet Koko any time after level 
20 for example. Only the Level 50 and Level 100 events are fixed to that 

Level 20: Meet Koko (this occurs even if event wait is off) 
Koko bumps into Boko (or the other way around if event wait is off. Love 
at first sight, which makes sense since these two seem to be the only 
overgrown chickens in the game.

Level 25: Find Mog, initial settings (event wait can be off)
Koko and Mog jump up and down a few times. You can set Mog to either
Standby or Sleep. If he's on standby, and you are killed in battle, he 
will jump in and make one final attack for you. If that attack reduces 
the enemy to HP 0, you will survive the battle with 1 HP. If not, then 
you lose Mog and have to find him again.  

Level 50, event wait on: Rescue Koko (1st powerup)
or Level 50, event wait off: Fall into a pit 
It is IMPORTANT to have Event Wait on before you hit your first event
dot on level 50! If you have it off, Boko falls into a pit, misses the 
first powerup (meaning you may only get two!) and dies. Some people have 
reported not being able to get *ANY* powerups if they miss the first 
one, so if you miss yours, it is much better to use 'Do over' to reset 
your CW back to an old level. DO NOT USE THE 'HOME' command if you 
missed it, because it will update the 'Do over' command. 

Level 75: Hurry up!
The Cactuar guy and the Moomba tell you to hurry up and watch the 

Level 100: Koko abducted!
A demon monster grabs Koko and disappears. What a demon wants with a big 
chicken is beyond me. Still, you get to go rescue her.

Set MV to 1 to fight demon king
He has 99 HP, but is pretty slow & easy to beat.

Visit event dots with 'event wait' on (and possibly mog on standby as 
well) to get the 2nd and 3rd powerup (random, but won't appear without
Event wait on).  Maybe it's just me, but both times I got the 3rd 
powerup I had MV set to 3. I got both powerups within 20 straight
battles after fighting the demon king (without losing any battles).

Each Powerup improves Boko in FF8. When you summon Boko with the Gysahl 
Greens (available as an item in Chocobo World, or buyable from the 
ChocoBoy), he will appear, make an attack and leave. Depending on the 
number of powerups the attack strength varies:

Powerup Effects
  0 power-ups: ChocoFire (weak fire attack, about as strong as 'Fira')
  1 power-up : ChocoFlare (strong fire attack, 5000-9000 damage!)
  2 power-ups: ChocoMeteor (9999 damage!)
  3 power-ups: ChocoBuckle (INCOMING!  Usually 10,000-20,000 damage)

NOTE: That's not a typo, ChocoBuckle can do more than 10,000 damage in 
      a SINGLE ATTACK.  It is one of only a few attacks that can do
      that; the others are the Giant Cactuar's level 100 attack (does 
      exactly 10,000 damage), Eden (also can do 65,000 damage), Quistis'
      Shockwave Pulsar (sometimes does 10,000-20,000 damage). To see the 
      max HP damage, summon ChocoBuckle vs a weak enemy like the 

      Mostly it does 10,000-20,000 damage though.  To see Eden do 65,000 
      damage, summon her vs. a weak enemy after casting 'Meltdown' on 
      it.  Eden must be at level 100 and have all four SumMag +XX%s and 
      250 boost.

These are some of the information that you need to know about Chocobo
World. If you need to more information about the Pocketstation or the
Chocobo World, you can contact The Saint {[email protected]} or you
can read his FAQs at GameFAQs.
/ 12.0 \________________________________________________________________
Contact the Author                                            ffviii_086
Well, I think it is time to stop all the questions that has been 
bothering me, make my mailbox flooded with questions. The reason that I
am making this section is reduce my burden [as you see, I am still
schooling!] and prevent questions that I have seen it many times like
before. Okay let's get on with business..

FAQs-related questions.

Q: Can I post your FAQs?
A: Okay. Webmasters are free to post this FAQ up on their site as long 
   as the FAQ is being unaltered without any changes. The entire FAQ 
   must remained UNALTERED! I have spend countless of hours in typing 
   this FAQ out, so please appreciate my efforts. You are free to link 
   to GameFAQs but to the Final Fantasy VIII section where you see FAQs 
   made by others. If you directly link it to here, well don't blame me 
   for adding your name to the idiot list! It is mentioned under 

Q: Can I HTMLized your FAQs?
A: No! I heard that someone is trying to make of use of Ad banners for 
   every single page of my walkthrough. Unless you have Received my 
   permission or it is strictly no.

Q: Where can I find a World Map for Final Fantasy VIII?
A: A world Map of Final Fantasy VIII can be found at the following 
   address: http://risland.virtualave.net
   Well, the site will not be updated anyway and please stop signing up 
   for the awards as I have lost all my .img files. [it will be like 
   hell if I were to re-create them.] Anyway, please support the 
   sponsors or the site will close down. You are free to have that 
   world map uploaded on your site, but remember that you need to link 
   back to the site. I am also no longer updating QUATZ too, for your

Q: Where can I find the latest revisions of the FAQs?
A: Well, you can always get them from GameFAQs. Check at Playstation }
   Final Fantasy VIII } FAQ/Walkthrough done by SOng. Don't hesitate to
   pick other walkthroughs written by other FAQ writers if you find my 
   FAQ a bit too huge. You can always check What's New column.

Q: Can you sent me the latest revisions of your FAQs to me?
A: No! Well, it is impossible for me to sent an 1 MB file to every 
   requested user. Otherwise, I will have problems with my mailbox. If 
   you have really problems, get a friend to visit GameFAQs and have 
   him/her to sent it to you.

Q: Can I print the FAQ?
A: Err.. if you want to, sure! But it will cost a lot of ink. Remember 
   the FAQs are meant for the public in the Internet and cannot be sold 
   for cash! The FAQs written by me are meant for personal usage and 
   nothing more!

Q: Can this FAQ be used for European version/PC version/Japanese 
A: Well, it can be used but I would recommend you to pick the Japanese
   walkthrough that I have written for the Japanese version as due to 
   certain differences between the North Amercian Version and Japanese

Q: I have posted a hint for you, why you haven't added it?
A: It could be already found in the FAQ. Errr... please stop tell me 
   that you can draw Eden from Tiamat as it has been mentioned in the
   NA FAQs. This also applies to Quick Money Guide/plus some storylines
   related the one at Timber.

Sending a Question
This problem has given me much problems from my previous FAQs. I have 
tried my best to answer when possible. Also don't ask me questions which
answers can be found in the FAQ. First of all, read the following before
sending an e-mail to Scott:

- Remember to add in "FF8" as your subject in the subject field of the 
  e-mail. I have gotten countless e-mails for FF8 and it will help me if 
  you classified it with the game titles.
- Next state your question as clearly as possible. If I find the e-mail
  quite hard to understand, I really don't know how to help it. 
- Make sure that words are not in CAPS lock [capital letters], which is
  quite rude, anywhere it doesn't matter to me. But try to avoid it 
  when necessary. Once I got really in a bad mood that I delete all
  e-mails that written in CAPS lock..
- If a question is too frequently asked, I will add it to the FAQ under
  frequently-asked section.
- Don't expect me to give answers which can be found in the FAQ. Or it
  will be useless for me to type it out so concisely.
- If you have problems in locating a shop/building, refer to the Maps
  section to settle out those problems.
- BTW, unlike other FAQ writers, I have only one motive and that's to
  help you guys out there by writting the FAQ as concise as possible. [
  in order to give the help that I could]. Well, the FAQ can be proved
  by judging the amount of e-mails.

Most Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs].
- READ THIS BEFORE SENDING AN E-MAIL. Well, I do accept complaints and
  comments for my FAQs. I would prefer complaints as it allows me to 
  know what changes can be done for the FAQ. If you have a comments, 
  free to drop an e-mail. [it helps to urge me on!]

Q: Can I post the FAQ for your website?
A: Sure as long as the following steps are followed:
   - the disclaimer, including my name and format of the document is not
   - No changes should not be made to the FAQ.
   - No HTMLizing of document, as this is same as editing the document. 
     You can't place banners on top of the FAQ. 
   - If you link to GameFAQs, don't link it directly to the FAQ, instead
     link it to the Final Fantasy VIII FAQs database at GameFAQs. 

Q: Where can I get the latest revisions of the FAQ?
A: At GameFAQs. If you want your site to be added to the addresses where
   this FAQ can be gotten, you need to seek permission from me. 

Q: Can you sent me the FAQ?
A: No. Otherwise, I would not have to post it to GameFAQs. Remember that
   this FAQ is a bit too huge to be posted via e-mail. Remember that you
   need to get the latest revisions yourself at GameFAQs. 

   I know that some guys out there have problems in access to Internet 
   due to personal reasons. But it can't be helped. Anyway, you can 
   always count on a friend to get it for you. I felt quite sorry for
   WebTV users as they can access a maximum of 170 Kbs. Don't worry, I
   will try my best to keep this file small. Or I may spilt the FAQ in
   separate FAQs.

Q: What other FAQs that you have written?
A: Quite a lot, you can check it out at my Contributor page anyway.

Q: Why you haven't answered my e-mail?
A: There perhaps may be a few reasons:
   - school [I still got tons of assignments/projects/tests]
   - the answer can be found in the FAQ [if you haven't received the 
     e-mail for two weeks]. I always check my e-mail during weekends/
     holidays, unless I am really busy for that week.
   - Other things may coped up.
   Note that if you can't contact me, feel free to contact other FAQ
   writers for the particular game. But I will be free most of the time
   during school breaks.
   - I may be busying playing the game to uncover more secrets.
/ 13.0 \________________________________________________________________
Contributors and Credits                                      ffviii_087
Well, it is impossible for me to do this all by myself. I would like to
thank everyone for their support in supplying with hidden stuffs, tips,
information about the game, etc. 

First of all, I would like to thank the contributors for the Japanese 

For the Japanese version:
1. Steven Bruck ([email protected])
   - For contributing information on getting the GFs and Cards
   - For contributing information on fighting the Ultima Weapon
   - For contributing information on the list of weapons and Limit 
   - My personal apologies for typing his name wrongly.
   - For contributing information where to get items for Quistis' 
     Blue Magic and give information like what monster has it 
     and how to obtain it.
   - For telling me to get the Cards [rare ones]
   - For providing me help in the item list. Basically in the 
   - For telling me where to get the Combat King Vol. 003 and 004.
   - Also provide me with the translations of the Ammo.
   - For correcting most errors on GFs. Thanks.
2. ChaRle5! ([email protected] /[email protected])
   - For providing me help in the last section of the Disc 4 and 
     miscellaneous information. 
   - Telling me the way to get the Ragnarok at Disc 4.
   - For providng me information on the Omega Weapon.
   - For allowing using his cheats on my FAQ. Thanks a lot.
     Webpage: http://members.xoom.com/hkcomic_net 
   - My personal apology for writting his URL wrongly. Sorry.
3.  Sung Kato ([email protected])
   - For providing me miscellaneous information on the strategies in
     fighting and some help.
   - Provide me easy strategies in defeating Seifer and Edea in the 
     last of Disc 2 and about increasing strength by junctioning magic.
   - For telling me more information on defeating the Omega Weapon.
     Told me about the destruction of Triple Meteor [that method has
     saved me a continue!]
   - For telling me the usage of Meltdown.
   - For providing me the list of magic and translations. 
   - Thanks for his amazing strategies
4.  John Paulo Marquez 
    - For his strategy on easy defeat GF Diablos
5.  Patrick Han
    - For his information on defeating on Gerogero
6.  Adrian Susanto
    - Thanks for the valuble information on GF Boost
    - The hidden Draw Point in Laguna's 3rd Dream Sequence in Winhill
7.  Hahaha Hahaha ([email protected])
    - For getting the second Phoenix Pinion through Shumi Village
    - Error in the Test No. 18 question
    - For contributing Tonberry's Draw List.
    - For the corrections on the lyrics "Eyes on Me"
9.  Koo Yee Hui 
    - For his information that Gerogero can be killed by a Phoenix Down!
10. Heero Yuy ([email protected] /[email protected])
    - Thanks for his translations on the names on BOSS.
    - Thanks for his information on getting the Mighty Guard.
    - Thanks for his list on items and plus the translations. And also
      provide some important information on Quistis' items
    - Thanks for telling me where to get the list of items for 
      weapon upgrading 
    - Thanks for the information on Gilgamesh
11. Qingxiong / Benjamin ([email protected])
    - For their answers for the SeeD test.
12. Jerry Ng ([email protected])
    - For telling me the correct way to get the Phoenix Pinion at Shumi
      Village. [more precise]
    - Tell me information on the fake Water Stone.
13. Jesus Zhu ([email protected])
    - For providing me information on the cards and telling me errors 
      in the card strategies.
    - For telling me about Angel Wings [Limit Break for Rinoa]
    - For telling me the information on CC members.
    - For telling me about the Auto Pilot [someone mentioned this
      before but I have lost the mail, please reply]
    - Thanks for the correction of 28 Draw Points at Island closest to
14. Lynn Tse ([email protected])
    - For providing the list of Weapon Upgrading materials
    - For providing the way to get the Pet Pals Vol. 2
    - For telling me the way to get the Combat King 001.
15. Ana C.J. Carvalho ([email protected])
    - For telling me the usage of the Float spell.
    - Thanks for the storylines about FF8 [D-District Prison] and facts 
      about Adel and Ultimecia.
16. Xu Yuming ([email protected])
    - For translating some of the spells [even though that I did not
      follow it, but I appreciate it]
    - Translate the Card Queen's conversation. Allows me to know what 
      the card queen is saying. Thanks.
17. Crystal Power ([email protected])
    - For telling me the "easiest" way to defeat Bahamut
    - For telling me a teleportion Limit Break for Quistis.
    - For telling me the usage of the Tonberry's Familiar.
    - For telling me the correction of the lyrics of "Eyes on Me"
    - Thanks for the correction of the song. 
    - For telling me an important note on my e-mail
    - For telling me another error on the lyrics "Eyes on Me"
18. Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
    - For telling me errors in my FAQ and remind me of my gramatical
      errors and spelling errors for the card game's name! 
    - For telling me an important factor of the suicide at the D-
      District Prison.
    - Give me lots of strategies such as the Status/Elemental strategy
    - Provide me with some corrections about the item that you received
      from the Moomba is actually Rename Card (not a card)
    - About Selphie's vacation to Balamb Town (that's why you can use
      Selphie while at Balamb Town)
    - Telling me that the Girl's Next Door can be obtained after Disc
      1! Plus the method in getting Shiva's card.
    - Telling me about the exact position of Timber Maniacs location 
      for the Shumi Village
    - For telling some valuable information about the CC Group.
    - For telling me about the usage of Full-cure
    - Thanks for providing with more strategies.
    - Thanks for the list of items and Draw Points found at Ultemicia's 
    - He also tell me about a secret strategy against the Tiamat, but I
      have promised him not to tell about this. Ask him about it.
19. Zane Merritt ([email protected])
    - For providing me information on getting the Pocketstation GFs!
    - Plus an exclusive picture of Pocketstation!
    - For providing the controls of the Pocketstation.
    - Tell me on how to get the MiniMog through Pocketstation
    - Provide me some information on the Moomba
    - Provide more information on the Chicobo Summon. [Choco Flare and 
      Choco Meteor]
    - Provide me some information about getting Chocobuckle
20. Qiao2324 ([email protected])
    - For giving the Status screen of Quistis' Limit Breaks.
    - For reminding me of the difference between Flare and Aero [Wind].
    - For testing Selphie's Limit Breaks [reduce my burden, thanks]
    - Thanks for testing Rinoa's Limit Breaks and above some information
      on about Angelo
    - Thanks for providing the information on the Seifer's R1 trigger
    - Telling me that The End kills BOSSES except for Ultimecia.
    - Thanks for telling me where to get the second tablet for Obel Lake
21. Rei Urabe
    - For providing the lyrics on "Eyes on Me"
22. Edwin "Shinji" Chow ([email protected])
    - For providing me information on the UFO viewing scenario.
23. Eugene See [[email protected]]
    - For allowing me to use his information on the Card Queen's Quest
    - For telling me the way to meet the Card King
    - And getting the Shiva Card
24. Percival Estacion ([email protected])
    - For providing corrections in Laguna's 2nd Dream Sequence at Centra
      Evacuation Site.
    - For telling me that it is possible to get the GF Tonberry without
      consecutive battles.
    - For providing me a helpful, easy gaining levels methods.
25. Ciovo [[email protected]]
    - For telling me a hidden Draw Point at the entrance of Ultimecia
    - For telling an alternate method to defeat the Ruby Dragons!
    - Thanks for his information on EXP gaining.
26. Robert Strokes ([email protected])
    - Thanks for hosting the HTML version of FF8 Walkthrough. (Japanese)
      Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart
      URL: http://www.ffnet.net
    - Thanks for his valuable information on the storylines and plus
      several miscellaneous information on FF8
27.  Yee Seng Fu ([email protected])
     - For telling Tonberry's Draw List
     - Also tell me about Rinoa's Limit Break information.
     - Sorry for typing your name and your e-mail wrongly. 
     - For telling me about the fake Timber Maniacs!
     - Also tell me about the mistake in "Eyes on Me"
     - For telling me a site that has a program which plays file from
       your FF8 disc from your PC. This requires MMX technology.
       Download the program from this site:
28.  Happy Matt ([email protected])
     - For telling me the way to get the Force Armlet.
     - For telling me a way to get Selphie's Limit Breaks. Thanks a lot.
     - Thanks for the correction on Angelo
29.  Franksiskus Febrainto ^0^ ([email protected])
     - For telling me alternate ways of getting Cards [!]
     - For telling me that the Tonberries are weak against Diablos.
     - For telling me the maximum of spells that you can draw each
     - For correcting me that the Phoenix cast Life, not Full-life!
     - Miscellaneous information on the Gilgamesh
30. Stephanus Rudiyanto Natari ([email protected])
    - Thanks for providing another usage on Float spell
    - Thanks for usage of Cover.
    - Thanks for the corrections.
    - Thanks for the information about Gilgamesh and Phoenix.
    - Thanks for the usage of Fuel
    - Thanks for the information about "Battle Meter"
    - Thanks for telling me more about the way to get the answer for
      the Art Gallery in the final stage.
    - Thanks for the correction about GF Cactuar and GF Carbuncle
    - Thanks for the information about the Curse Status.
    - Thanks for telling me about Selphie's The End does not killed
    - Thanks for his Easy Money Guide.
    - Thanks for clearing up the mystery about the Obel Lake Mystery.
31. Jessie Wong ([email protected])
    - Thanks for miscellaneous corrections about the Sorceress.
    - Thanks for information about the Water Gate Incident
    - Thanks for some more corrections
    - Thanks for the ways on getting Occult Fans.
32. LAM Hung Geoffrey ([email protected])
    - Thanks for the translation on the moves and the BOSS names 
33. Macro "Vegeta" Colombo ([email protected])
    - Thanks for the correction on the lyrics "Eyes on Me"
    - Thanks for the lyrics "Liberi Fatali"
    - Thanks for providing the information for the remainding spells.
34. Simon Wei ([email protected])
    - Thanks for the alternate method of squashing up Missile Base.
35. Akuma20000 ([email protected])
    - Thanks for his valuable strategies for using Zell against tough
      BOSSES such as the Cactuar and Bahamut.
36. Steven Chang-Tai Chiang ([email protected])
    - For telling me about Selphie's Limit Break Trick.
    - Thanks for telling me about the Junction Bug [Japanese only]
    - Plus a rumour that could recruit Cloud Strife of FFVII.
37. Chris ([email protected])
    - For telling me about the usage of Junction Bug for all abilities.
      [applies to Japanese version only.]
38. Alex M ([email protected])
    - For the exclusive FF8 Debug Gameshark code [Japanese]
39. R_Rjonah ([email protected])
    - For those status attack strategies.
40. Kyousuke ([email protected])
    - For telling me the birthday of Rinoa.
    - Thanks for information about Angelo's Wishing Star

Okay now for the North Amercian Version:

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting my FAQs. Thanks to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
for teaching me on writing a FAQ. Thanks for making me a Contributor
page. Visit GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) for the latest editions.
Thanks to Geocities for hosting my sites. Be sure to visit it for the 
latest of this FAQ in ZIP format.
Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
For updating me with new information and more help. But you have 
spoiled the Word Wrap for Part II FAQ
Thanks to Mark Andrews for uncovering the top secret in removing
magic. Sorry for not adding your name to the Japanese version.
Jaden   {[email protected]}
For telling me the quick money guide. Typically it is the same that 
were contributed Stephanus Rudiyanto's Quick gil cheat for the Japanese 
Sami "Elvenlord" Hautamaki {[email protected]}
For contributing a strategy to defeat the Bahamut. Quite a good strategy
which does not required many requirements. 
Vahn Arcane {[email protected]}
For giving me more in depth action regarding Zell's Love Quest. It's 
about a book that Raijin borrows and never return!
Also tell me how to get the magazine [Weapon Mon May] not through the 
Thanks for a hidden hint about Balamb Town during Galbadia Occupation.
Mark Kim (Vesther Fauransy) {[email protected]} 
A BIG Thank you to Mark Kim. I could consider he as my senior as he has
start writting FAQs earlier than me. Thanks for his comprehensive guide 
regarding getting full marks for Dollet Mission! He has also pointed out
what makes Irvine a great character which makes him more suitable for
Alpha Team. If you also want, you could visit his website, Verasnaship 
Interactive {http://www.verasnaship.net} and his ICQ unit #37614712
Christopher Ong Boon Siong {[email protected]}
Thanks for his comprehensive guidance in the Centra Ruins [this may 
help the beginneers.] 
Wolfmor {[email protected]} and [email protected]
Actually both of them help out me with Obel Lake mystery mentioning 
where find the treasure at Minde Island. Mr. Wolfmor has even break
up the code for easy encoding!
Remah jJonah Jalandoon {[email protected]}
Not forget to mentioned the ultimate strategy that changed my view
over Doomtrain, but also sent me a detailed Quick Money Guide which
is rather similar to Stephanus Rudiyanto's Quick Money Guide.
scrwdrvr {[email protected]}
Thanks for telling me the items found at Morded Plains is Three 
Stars and some information regarding the Mad Chase, along with
some useful information about Meltdown.
Ed Asano {[email protected]}
Thanks for telling me about the meaning of {nullify} and {absorb}.
Also thanks for the handy shortcut to the status screen which makes 
the Square button a bit useful.
Jonathan {[email protected]}
Thanks for simplfying the Ultimecia Castle and also thanks for the 
correction regarding the elevators.
[email protected]
For telling me the location of Occult Fan IV at Esthar Presidential
Kaoru {[email protected]}
For giving me an expansion on the Evacation Site. Thanks a lot.
Brian {[email protected]}
For telling me that if you defeat the X-ATM092's HP to zero, you will
get 50 AP. But you will end getting a low score. And also how to make
full use of Card Mod-RF.
Cloud McLeod {[email protected]}
For the method to prevent from fighting X-ATM092 at the chase. Refer 
to Mad Run Chase for more details.
Albert Sardi {[email protected]}
For his secret regarding Elynoles. Thanks a lot pal!
KK. {[email protected]}
For his helpful information regarding re-entering Dollet Communication
Tower after The Dollet Dukedom Mission!
Looi Chung Keat ([email protected])
Thanks for telling me the alternate method for the Deep Sea Deposit.
Shelia Khosla ([email protected])
Thanks for descriptions regarding Rinoa's Limit Breaks.
Gameshark Code Creators Club (http://www.cmgsccc.com)
Thanks for the gameshark codes and the modifier digits for all items.
Omega 2003 ([email protected])
Thanks for the strategy against GF Diablos.
Sung Kato ([email protected]) 
Thanks for being a great pal in terms of gameplay and strategies. 
Thanks pal!
Thanks for his strategy against Bahamut and Jumbo Cactaur.
Bloodchylde {[email protected]}
Thanks for the note for when to tap Square for Shiva's boost. It's kinda
BoBaFeT & Sephiroth  {[email protected]}
For one of the most powerful and useful strategy against the Ultima
{[email protected]}
For telling me a strategy against the Omega Weapon. Quite helpful.
Shawn Nicholas {[email protected]}
For his strategy against Sorceress Edea at Disc 2
Joshua Banker Rock Hill, SC {[email protected]}
For contributing a strategy to defeat Ultemicia. It was pretty 
unbelievable that Ultimecia has over one million HP when your characters 
are at level 100!
Kaze Yagami {[email protected]}
- For the translations on Omega's Attack
- For information on Crisis Level
- For information about Omega.
- For creating the name "Armageddon Fist" for Zell's Booya and Rush 
  Punch Chain.
Yu Shenfu {[email protected]}
- For notifying me the errors on the FAQ.
- For allowing me to use miscellaneous information from his FAQs.
- Thanks for correcting my errors.
Lazarus Ledd {[email protected]}
- Thanks for additional of Fart Attack for Bite Bug.
Psyco Shizopheric {[email protected]}
- Thanks for contributing the strategies.
- Thanks for easy Ultima drawing method.
Thanks to the guys whom have help me out in Japanese version. Without
them, I can't possibly completed the game. Thanks a lot pals! Your
names will be summarised at Part II (I am trying to keep this file
small) I have removed the names for various section but rest ensured
that I will put them up on the Part II's contributors' section.
Want to know why? Because it will increase the length of FAQ 

Markweb Jimenez ([email protected])
For updating me with new information and more help. But you have 
spoiled the Word Wrap for Part II.

Thanks to Mark Andrews for uncovering the top secret in removing
magic. Sorry for not adding your name to the Japanese version.

Jaden   {[email protected]}
For telling me the quick money guide. Typically it is the same that were 
contributed Stephanus Rudiyanto's Quick gil cheat for the Japanese 

Sami "Elvenlord" Hautamaki {[email protected]}
For contributing a strategy to defeat the Bahamut. Quite a good strategy
which does not required many requirements. 

Ian {[email protected]}
For giving me more in depth action regarding Zell's Love Quest. It's 
about a book that Raijin borrows and never return!
Also tell me how to get the magazine [Weapon Mon May] not through the 
Thanks for a hidden hint about Balamb Town during Galbadia Occupation.

Mark Kim (Vesther Fauransy) {[email protected]} 
A BIG Thank you to Mark Kim. I could consider he as my senior as he has
start writing FAQs earlier than me. Thanks for his comprehensive guide 
regarding getting full marks for Dollet Mission! He has also pointed out
what makes Irvine a great character, which makes him more suitable for
Alpha Team. If you also want, you could visit his website, Verasnaship 
Interactive {http://www.verasnaship.net} and his ICQ unit #37614712

Christopher Ong Boon Siong {[email protected]}
Thanks for his comprehensive guidance in the Centra Ruins [this may 
help the beginners.] 

Wolfmor {[email protected]} and [email protected]
Actually both of them help out me with Obel Lake mystery mentioning 
where find the treasure at Minde Island. Mr. Wolfmor has even break
up the code for easy encoding!

Remah jJonah Jalandoon {[email protected]}
Not forget to mentioned the ultimate strategy that changed my view
over Doomtrain, but also sent me a detailed Quick Money Guide which
is rather similar to Stephanus Rudiyanto's Quick Money Guide.

scrwdrvr {[email protected]}
Thanks for telling me the items found at Morded Plains is Three 
Stars and some information regarding the Mad Chase, along with
some useful information about Meltdown.

Ed Asano {[email protected]}
Thanks for telling me about the meaning of {nullify} and {absorb}.
Also thanks for the handy shortcut to the status screen which makes 
the Square button a bit useful.

Jonathan {[email protected]}
Thanks for simplifying the Ultimecia Castle and also thanks for the 
elevator incident

[email protected]
For telling me the location of Occult Fan IV at Esthar Presidential

Kaoru {[email protected]}
For giving me an expansion on the Evacuation Site. Thanks a lot.

Brian {[email protected]}
For telling me that if you defeat the X-ATM092's HP to zero, you will
get 50 AP. But you will end getting a low score. And also how to make
full use of Card Mod.

Cloud McLeod {[email protected]}
For the method to prevent from fighting X-ATM092 at the chase. Refer 
to Mad Run Chase for more details.

Albert Sardi {[email protected]}
For his secret regarding Elynoles. Thanks a lot pal!

KK. {[email protected]}
For his helpful information regarding re-entering Dollet Communication
Tower after The Dollet Dukedom Mission!

Looi Chung Keat ([email protected])
Thanks for telling me the alternate method for the Deep Sea Deposit.

Marco Navarro ([email protected])
Thanks for telling me an additional sequence before setting up the
band for the concert.

Jack Taylor ([email protected])
Thanks for breaking the hard shell, which causes several people to probe
regarding the Obel Lake Mystery.

The Saint ([email protected])
Thanks for revealing to me that Magicial Lamps can be obtained from
Pocketstation. Refer to his Pocketstation FAQ at GameFAQs. Thanks for
allowing me to use some of information from his Pocketstation Technical 

{[email protected]} - 
Thanks for sending to The Saint the list of what all the items in 
Chocobo World (A,B,C,D) can become when they are imported! It applies to 
the PC version, but The Saint think it may be close to the Pocketstation 
version as well.

Jason Daniel ([email protected])
Thanks for telling me that you can get Hero-trials via Angelo's 

Jason Kennedy ([email protected])
Thanks for your foolproof strategy on fighting Adel with Squall under
level 50.

Omega 2003 {[email protected]}
Thanks for the strategy against GF Diablos.

oDiN {[email protected]} for his strategy against the Omega
without using Aura!

[email protected] for his valuable strategies on getting rare items such
as Dark Matter and Accelerator!

[email protected] for his strategies on Omega and a mini-power up 
and junction guide!

[email protected] for a strategy that can pumped up your characters by
40 levels in a day. I have tested this myself and it really works!

Fong Liu {[email protected]} for the strategy to allow Squall 
having easy Limit Breaks

Vox Necros {[email protected]} for his strategy to force
Elynoles to easy defeat!

Lastly, thanks to everyone whom has read this FAQ. Without you, this
FAQ will not be possible.

============================= F F V I I I ==============================
               T H A N K   Y O U   F O R   R E A D I N G
                     Final Fantasy VIII FAQ Part II
                      Copyright Scott Ong 1999-2000

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