Welcome to the Final Fantasy 3 (NES) FAQ! 

Version 1.1, by Dan Orner ([email protected]), 
with files from Jim Shaheen, http://www.rpgclassics.com/ff3/


I. Version History

II. Manual and Tips
    --Battle; status problems
    --menu screen; meaning of stats; how to manipulate magic spells

III. Jobs

IV. Walkthrough

V. Magic

VI. Items

VII. Armor

VIII. Weapons

IX. Shopping List

X. Item Value List

XI. Monster List (from Jim Shaheen)
    ---I Need List
    ---HP, EXP, Gil, Location, Spells
    ---Monster Magic

XII. Credits


First, a note about the game and then a note about the FAQ. Final Fantasy III
was never released in North America. However, thanks to the work of some very 
people, the original FF3 is now available in English! You will need three things 
play this game:

1. An SNES emulator like NESticle (http://zophar.net/NESticle/).
2. The Final Fantasy III NES ROM.
3. The translation patch from Demiforce Parodius 
   (note that most ROMS you will find come with the patch already in effect).

Note that some people are concerned about the legality of these emulators. While
I do not condone downloading current games (like for PlayStation and N64), NES 
are no longer in production, besides which, this game was never released in 
I don't think Square will be losing any money off of this one. 8-)

Much thanks goes to Jim Shaheen, who gracefully donated his monster list from 
FF3 Shrine (http://www.rpgclassics.com/ff3/) and whose excellent site filled in 
gaps throughout the FAQ. There is an "I Need" list before the monster list 
(section X)
which I urge you to take a look at!

Now, onwards!



v1.0: FAQ created.
v1.1: Everything in this update was thanks to Jim Shaheen 
      Added information about several items, weapons, and armor which I missed
      the first time.
      Added info about secret passages in Salonia Castle, Temple of Time, and 
      Added monster list.
      Updated statistic information.



The game is split into three sections: the menu screen (where you control the 
equipment, and magic), the overworld screen, and battle. Here's a brief synopsis 
of how
to take advantage of the three. (If you're used to later Final Fantasies (4 and 
there are quite a few differences you'll have to endure.)

CONTROLS: For all three sections, the directional pad moves either the character 
cursor around, A is the "yes" button (talks to people, searches, accepts 
commands) and
B is the "no" button (cancels commands). They have specific purposes in each 

BATTLE: Battles are turn-based: you select the commands for your characters to 
then the battle automatically takes place, with each enemy and character 
exactly one action. Firstly, you can press left or right to see an arrow near 
the current
character. If the character's in the back row, the arrow will point left; it'll 
right if he's in the front row. Pressing A will switch rows (this takes up a 
More about rows in the menu section.

Every character has the Fight (physical attack) and Item (use items) command; 
the other
ones are dependent on the character's Job and are described in the Job section. 
Just a few
common ones: "Defense" raises the character's defense for that turn, causing 
attacks to do half damage; "Run" attempts to run away from battle. A character 
who tries to
Run has zero defense. If he succeeds, the battle ends.

The Item command: Press left to see the items in the character's hands. You can 
even use
some weapons as items during battle, but they won't disappear; see the Weapons 
section for 
more details. (You do not have to be equipped with the weapon to use it.) You 
can switch 
weapons in battle by selecting one with the A button, then selecting the other 
and pressing 
A. You cannot switch shields, however.

During battle, you or the enemy may be inflicted with different status 
Following is a list of them:

POISON: Appearance: Character crouches, bubbles appear over his head.
        Character will lose HP after every round. Caused by: Venom and Bio 
        and attacks by Hermit and Hornet.
        Cure using Antidote, Pure spell, Wash spell, or Heal spell.
BLIND:  Appearance: Character wears flashing sunglasses.
        Character's Hit % drops by a large amount. Caused by: Blind spell.
        Cure using Eyedrop, Wash spell, or Heal spell.
SLEEP:  Appearance: Little Z's appear over character's head.
        Character cannot move or act until time elapses or he is hit by a 
physical attack.
        Caused by: Sleep spell, and one of the Glare attacks. 
        Cure by waiting or using physical attack.
CONFUSE: Appearance: Character faces the wrong way; green arc circles his head.
         Character attacks allies automatically. 
         Caused by Confu spell, one of the Glare spells, and Nightmare and 
Pharaoh attacks.
         Cure using Wash spell or Heal spell.
PETRIFY: Appearance: Small cloud above character's head.
         Character slowly turns to stone. After a short amount of time, or if 
the spell
         is re-cast, the character will turn to Stone. 
         Caused by: Break spell, and one of the Glare spells.
         Cure using: Soft, Soft spell, Heal spell.
STONE:   Appearance: Character is crouched and in shades of blue and white.
         Character cannot act or move. If all characters become Stone or Dead, 
the game
         ends. Caused by: Petrify status, Brak2 spell.
         Cure using: Soft, Soft spell, Heal spell. 
MUTE:    Appearance: A speech bubble above character's head.
         Character cannot use magic. Caused by: Mute spell. Cured by: Eyedrop, 
Heal spell.
TOAD:    Appearance: Character looks like a frog.
         Character's attack and defense drops to 1. Caused by: Toad spell.
         Cure using: MaidKiss, Toad spell, Heal spell. NOTE: You must become a 
Toad in
         certain areas to proceed.
MIDGET:  Appearance: Character looks like a very tiny man.
         Identical to Toad. Caused by: Mini spell, LuckMallet. Cure using: 
         Mini spell. NOTE: You must become a Midget to enter and proceed through 
PARALYSIS: Appearance: Jagged lines around character.
           Character cannot move or attack.
           Caused by: Shade spell, Breath attack, Mindblast attack.
           Cured by: Waiting it out.
REFLECT: Appearance: None.
         All spells (even healing ones) will bounce off character and hit other 
         Caused by: Wall spell, Bahamut effect 1. Wears off after an amount of 
CRITICAL: Appearance: Character crouches; small white lines come out of his 
          Character is very low on HP. No other effects.
DEAD:     Appearance: Character is sprawled on the ground.
          Character cannot move or act. If all characters are Stone or Dead, the 
game ends.
          Caused by: HP falling to 0. Cured by: Life spell, Life2 spell, 

OVERWORLD SCREEN: Fairly simple, use the directional controls to move around, 
press A to
interact with things (talk, search, etc.) and press START to bring up the menu 
Press Select to change the character shown on the screen (this doesn't do 
strategically). Press B to bring up an item screen. If you ever have to use an 
item on
something (it doesn't happen often) select it on this screen. If you select an 
item that
has no use in the place you used it, it won't disappear, so don't worry!

MENU SCREEN: OK, here goes the tough part. There are several parts to this 
screen, and
I'll go through all of them.

ITEM: Use an item. To use an item, press A twice on it. Otherwise, press A on 
one item,
then move the pointer to another item or an empty space to switch the positions 
of the
two spaces. If the item used is a spell, you will select the character to 
receive the
spell (as long has he still has room). Characters can hold spells even if they 
can't use
them. To throw an item out (not recommended), move it to the trash bin at the 
bottom of
the screen.

MAGIC: Select a character to use the magic. There are three options here: Use, 
Swap, and
Item. Selecting Use will use the magic selected. (There aren't too many spells 
you can use
outside of battle; see the Magic section for more info.) Selecting Swap and 
another character will change ALL magic spells between two characters. Selecting 
Item and
selecting a spell will put that spell back into the inventory. Note that no 
character can
carry more than three spells per level; there are 8 levels of magic. (You can 
have three
L.1 spells and three L.2 spells at the same time, but not four L.1 spells.)

EQUIP: Change a character's equipment. There are five spots here: Two for 
weapons (or
shields if that Job can equip them), one for head, one for body, one for arms. 
experience is that it's much more useful to equip two weapons on strong physical 
than to give him a shield. To remove an item, just put the cursor on it and 
press A. 
(You can't just swap positions of items in the inventory and equipped items, 
like later FF
games. Sorry!) To equip an item on an empty space, select the space, press A, 
then select
the desired item and press A. Items which can't be equipped by that Job have an 
X on their
icon. You can see the changes the equipment makes on the character's attack and 
stats by looking at the numbers at the top of the screen.

STATUS: There are several things to look at here. A character's level raises 
after gaining
Experience points (gotten by winning battles). When the level raises, all stats 
also raise.
You can see the character's current EXP and amount needed to raise the next 
level on this
screen. As well, you can see the character's CURRENT (not total) MP here. (The 
only way
to see total MP is to go to the Magic screen.) The character's Skill level is 
also shown
here. Each character has a separate Skill Level for each Job. The Skill affects 
3 things:
attack power and amount of attacks, defense power and defense multiplier, and 
the amount
of Capacity points needed to switch to that Job later, from a different Job. The 
Skill, the lower the amount of Capacity needed. There are several stats 
mentioned here;
although I can't know for sure, I've made my best guess (with great help from 
Jim Shaheen)
as to their meaning. Note that whenever you see the Skill stat, subtract 1 from 
it; Skill
is assumed to start at 0 (even though a Skill Level of 0 is impossible). The 
five stats
on the left are innate and depend on the character's level and Job. The stats on 
right are derived from the ones on the left.

Strength (STR): This stat affects the damage done by physical attacks. Attack 
power and
                multiplier is affected by this stat.
Agility  (AGI): This stat affects speed. Attack and defense multiplier, as well 
as the
                order in which characters and enemies act during battle, is 
affected by
Vitality (VIT): This stat affects defense against physical attacks. Defense 
power and
                multiplier is affected by this stat.
Intelligence (INT): This stat affects Black Magic power.
Spirit (SPR): This stat affects White Magic power. (I believe that Call Magic 
power is
              an average of the two stats.)

Attack Power: This changes depending on what the character has in his two arms. 
This stat
              is the sum of the attack power of the two hands.
              -If he has one weapon, he will use that one weapon in battle and 
the stat
              reflects that weapon's strength, compounded by the Strength stat. 
              the multiplier will decrease by half, because he only uses one arm 
              The attack stat is found by (Strength/4 + Skill/4) + weapon attack 
              -If he has a weapon and a shield, it's the same as the previous 
case only
              defense is raised.
              -If he has two weapons, the multiplier is the same as if he had 
bare hands,
              and the attack power is the sum of the attack power of both 
              -If he has nothing, he will use his fists to attack in battle. 
Most Jobs
              consider each fist to have a weapon attack power of 1, except for 
              and Monk where each attack power is (Level X 1.5). Fists always 
have a hit %
              of 80%.
              -If he has a bow and arrow, it's like he has one weapon, but add 
BOTH the
              attack power of the bow PLUS that of the arrow.
Attack Multiplier: This tells the maximum amount of times this character can hit 
during his
                   turn. This is determined by his Level and Agility stat.
                   (Agility/16 + Level/16) +1.
Hit %: Accuracy of physical attacks. Dedermined by Agility stat and Skill level.
       (Agility/4 + Skill/4) + weapon hit %. If you have two weapons this value 
is doubled.
Defense: His natural defense is half his Vitality stat (depending on the Job,
         it becomes higher or lower). If he's wearing armor, it adds to this 
Defense Multiplier: The defense stat may be multiplied by a maximum of this 
number during
                    battle for any one hit. This stat is found by Agility and 
                    (Agility/16 + Level/16) + 1 * number of shields equipped.
                    -If you have no shield equipped, it is multiplied by 1/2.
Evade %: The chance he has of evading physical attacks. This is determined by 
the Agility
         stat (Agility / 4).
Magic Defense: His defense against magical attacks. No Job has innate Magic 
Defense; only
               equipping armor can give this stat.
Magic Evade: The chances of magical attacks missing that character. Usually this 
             determined by the Job, but a few pieces of armor can raise it. 
Every spell
             has a special Magic Hit stat (you can't see it) which interacts 
with this
             stat. All-or-nothing spells like Kill, Break, and Death have much 
lower Magic
             Hit stats than regular attacks like Ice and Flare. This stat is 
determined by
             the Intellect and Spirit stats (Intelligence + Spirit) / 2.

There is an invisible "magic multiplier" which is given by (Magic stat/16 + 
Level/16) + 1.
The "Magic stat" is Spirit for Black Magic and Intelligence for White Magic; 
Call Magic is
a mix of the two.

ROW: Select a character to change his row from front to back. Back row 
characters' attack
and defense stats are halved; as well, enemy attacks often miss them, and their 
often miss the enemy. Put magic users in the back, leave physical fighters in 
the front.

JOB: Change the character's job. Before you can do this, you must go to the 
Equip screen
and select the Remove option to remove all equipment. Then go to the Job screen 
and select
the Job you wish to change to. The number beside the Job reflects the amount of 
points needed to change to that Job (Capacity points are dealt with in the Job 

Here are some tips to get you through the game:

-Whenever you open a secret passage and either enter a door or enter a shop, the 
 will be closed when you return. To reopen it, go to the previous opening, face 
up, and
 press A.
-Don't clutter up your inventory screen with magic. Give it to a physical 
fighter, even
 if he can't use it.
-Buy in bulk. If you buy 4 items at once you get a 10% discount; 10 items will 
get you
 a 20% discount. However, you can only sell any item at 50% its normal value.
-Don't throw out items. If you think you might need it at some time, head to a 
 Forest (they look like small green squares of forest) and use a Carrot on the 
trees in
 the center. Talk to the Fat Chocobo; you can give him items and take back ones 
 given him before.
-Different transportation have different abilities. Make sure you know what gets 
you where.
 For example, although you get the Airship Invincible later in the game, the 
 Nautilus can go places (underwater, Dorga's House) where the Invincible can't 
-Save your items. Unlike other FF games, you can't buy items like Ethers and 
Fenix Downs.
 Use magic instead. If you think you're running out, go ahead and use the Exit 
spell to
 escape from the dungeon you're in. You can always come back when you're healed 



When you start the game, only one Job, OnionKid, is available. This Job has no 
skills and
can't equip most armor. Every time you rescue a Crystal, more Jobs will become 
The later Jobs are obviously more powerful than the earlier ones. To change 
Jobs, you must 
have a certain amount of Capacity points (you can't have more than 255 at once); 
you win 
these after battles. Note that it takes less capacity points to change from a 
physical Job
into another physical Job, than it does to change into a magical Job. (For 
example, it 
takes less Capacity to change from a Knight into a Karateka than it does to 
change from 
a Knight into a WhiteWiz, and vice versa.) Also, the more you use a certain Job, 
less Capacity points you will need to change back into it. Oh, a reminder: You 
de-equip all equipment before you can switch Jobs; this means that you have to 
have at 
least the same amount of empty spaces as you do equipment on that character. 
(This can be
5 spaces for a Knight or 3 or less for a Monk, etc.)

The Job's stats raise depending on its Skill Level. You raise Skill Levels by 
battles. The values given here are the initial values, for Skill Level 1. The 
stats are
measured from OnionKnight, except for MP which is compared to that of Sage. See 
the manual 
(above) for meanings of the stats.

Legend: STR - Strength     AGI - Agility       VIT - Vitality
        INT - Intelligence SPR - Spirit

Here goes!

Received: At start of game
Skills: Defend, Run.
Weapons: Knife, Dagger, Mithril Knife, Long Sword, Mithril Sword, 
Wooden/Iron/Holy Arrow
Shields: Leather, Ice, Crystal
Hats: Leather, Mithril, Ribbon, Crystal
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Mithril, Crystal
Arms: Mithril Glove, Protect Ring, Crystal Glove

Completely useless. Upgrade immediately.

Received: Wind Crystal
Skills: Defend, Run
Weapons: Knife, Dagger, Mithril Knife, Long Sword, Mithril Sword, Serpent Sword, 
         Salamand Sword, King Sword, Ancient Sword, Blood Sword, 
Wooden/Iron/Holy Arrow.
Shields: Leather, Ice, Crystal
Hats: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Crystal, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Mithril, Carapace, FlameMail, Ice, Crystal
Arms: Mithril Glove, Power Ring, , Protect Ring, Crystal Glove
STR+350% AGI+350% VIT+90% INT+4% SPR+5%

An excellent physical fighter for the beginning of the game. Upgrade to Knight 
Giving him two swords instead of a shield makes the battles go faster.

Received: Wind Crystal
Skills: Defend, Run
Weapons: Bare Fists, Nunchuck, Tonfa, 3-Part
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Headband, Chakra, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Kenpo, BlackBelt
Arms: Power Ring, Protect Ring
STR+470% AGI+350% VIT+320% INT-90% SPR-80%

Usually fights better with bare hands than with nunchuks (to see, de-equip all 
and check his attack power, then equip weapons and see which attack power is 
Very good for the beginning of the game; upgrade to Karateka ASAP.

Receied: Wind Crystal
Skills: Magic, Run (L.1-7 White Magic)
Weapons: Staff, Mithril Rod, Freezing Staff, Burning Staff, Shining Staff, Golem 
         Rune Staff
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Scholar, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Wizard, Scholar, WhiteRobe
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 44% MP;
STR+190% AGI+200% VIT+190% INT+60% SPR+350%

A must-have for almost the entire game. Curative magic is very useful, before, 
during and 
after battles. However, you must compensate for bad vitality by keeping him in 
the back
row. Upgrade to Shaman as soon as you get it.

Received: Wind Crystal
Skills: Magic, Run (L.1-7 Black Magic)
Weapons: Knife, Dagger, Mithril Knife, Mithril Rod, Ice Rod, Fire Rod, Light Rod
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Scholar, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Wizard, Scholar, BlackRobe
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 44% MP;
STR+190% AGI+200% VIT+180% INT+350% SPR+60%

Not as good as you might be led to expect, but he's essential for many boss 
Keep him in the back row and upgrade to Warlock as soon as you can.

Received: Wind Crystal
Skills: Magic, Run (L.1-4 White and Black Magic)
Weapons: Knife, Dagger, Mithril Knife, Mithril Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod, Fire 
Rod, Staff,
         Freezing Staff, Burning Staff, Shining Staff, Golem Staff, Rune Staff, 
         Tyrving, Wooden/Iron/Holy Arrow
Shields: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Crystal
Hats: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Ribbon, Crystal
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Mithril, Wizard, WhiteRobe, BlackRobe, Crystal
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Mithril Glove, Rune Ring, Power Ring, Diamond 
      Protect Ring, Crystal Glove
STATS: 36% MP;
STR+200% AGI+310% VIT+80% INT+200% SPR+200%

A good all-around magician for the beginning of the game; you can use him 
instead of a
WhiteWiz because he can use the low-level healing spells necessary for the 
beginning of
the game, as well as having better armor and weapons. However, he becomes 
fairly quickly.

Received: Fire Crystal
Skills: Magic, Defend (L.1-3 White Magic)
Weapons: GreatBow, Killer Bow, Rune Bow, Yoichi Bow, Wooden/Iron/Holy Arrow, 
Fire Arrow,
         Ice Arrow, Bolt Arrow, Yoichi Arrow
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Ice, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Mithril, Carapace, FlameMail, Ice
Arms: Power Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 27% MP;
STR+320% AGI+510% VIT+320% INT+60% SPR+60%

Surprisingly, he can equip some nice armor, but only until about halfway through 
the game.
After that, he's dead meat. His arrow attacks can be very useful (you can keep 
him in the
back row) but they're expensive to keep up. You can use him as an alternative 
healer for
the very beginning of the game. I stayed away from this one.

Received: Fire Crystal
Skills: Defend, Run
Weapons: Knife, Dagger, Mithril Knife, Long Sword, Mithril Sword, Serpent, 
         IceBlade, King Sword, Blood Sword, Ancient Sword, Defender, Break 
         FullMoon, Excalibur, Ragnarok
Shields: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Aegis, Hero, Diamond, Crystal
Hats: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Diamond, Ribbon, Crystal
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Mithril, Carapace, FlameMail, Ice, Diamond, Reflect, 
Arms: Mithril Glove, Gauntlet, Power Ring, Protect Ring, Crystal Glove
STR+390% AGI+390% VIT+370% INT+50% SPR+70%

The best all-around fighter until you get the Ninja; however, M.Knight has extra 
and becomes useful once his equipment is found. Don't equip shields on him, but 
give him
two swords. He has the unique ability to automatically take hits for other 
characters who 
are in critical status.

Received: Fire Crystal
Skills: Steal, Escape
Weapons: Knife, Dagger, Mithril Knife, Orialcon, AirKnife, M.Gauche, Boomerang
Shields: Leather, Mithril
Hats: Leather, Mithril, Ice, DarkHood, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, DarkSuit
Arms: Power Ring, Thief Glove, Protect Ring
STR+350% AGI+490% VIT+210% INT+320% SPR-90%

The Steal command usually doesn't get anything great, and won't work most of the 
unless you have all the Thief equipment. Escape is like Run but works more 
often. The
Thief has the unique ability to open any locked doors without using a Magic Key.
I never used him, but it's your game. 8-)

Received: Fire Crystal
Skills: Peep, Scan
Weapons: Flame Book, Light Book, Ice Book, Inferno Book, Illumina Book, Blizzard 
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Scholar, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Scholar
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Power Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect 
STR+350% AGI+350% VIT-20% INT+490% SPR+110%

A mostly useless Job. Peep works like the Libra magic - it shows enemy HP. Scan 
enemy weaknesses, which is very useful exactly once in the game, when fighting 
Otherwise, stay away from this.

Received: Water Crystal
Skills: Terrain, Defend
Weapons: Giyaman Bell, Rune Bell
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Gaia
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Power Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect 
STR+210% AGI+350% VIT+210% INT+390% SPR+190%

Their regular attack is useless, but their main attack is Terrain, which changes 
on where you are. The best time for this is around the middle of the game. 
Actually, the
attacks are usually pretty useful, and they don't use MP. The only real downer 
is that
sometimes they backfire and hurt you!

Received: Water Crystal
Skills: Jump, Defend
Weapons: Thunder Spear, Wind Spear, Holy Spear
Shields: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Aegis, Diamond, Crystal
Hats: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Dragon, Diamond, Ribbon, Crystal
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Mithril, Carapace, FlameMail, Ice, Dragon, Diamond, 
Reflect, Crystal
Arms: Mithril Glove, Gauntlet, Power Ring, Diamond Glove, Protect Ring, Crystal 
STR+390% AGI+470% VIT+210% INT+60% SPR+210%

Excellent armor abilities, and his Jump skill is very useful in battle if you 
like him.
A good alternative to Knight.

Received: Water Crystal
Skills: Defend, Run
Weapons: Thor Hammer, Triton Hammer, Battle Axe, GreatAxe, M.Star, Tomohawk
Shields: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Aegis, Hero, Diamond, Crystal
Hats: Leather, Mithril, Ice, Viking, Diamond, Ribbon, Crystal
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Mithril, Carapace, FlameMail, Ice, Viking, Diamond, 
Reflect, Crystal
Arms: Mithril Glove, Gauntlet, Power Ring, Diamond Glove, Protect Ring, Crystal 
STR+370% AGI+210% VIT+510% INT+60% SPR+190%

An alternative to a Knight or Karateka. Vikings have excellent defense. Their 
are just a bit weaker than Knights and they hit less. If defense is your game, 
is the guy to be. However, usually in this game offense pays off more.

Received: Water Crystal
Skills: BuildUp, Defend
Weapons: Bare Hands, Kaiser Claw, CatClaw, Dragon Claw, Elven Claw, HellClaw
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Headband, Chakra, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Kenpo, BlackBelt
Arms: Power Ring, Protect Ring
STR+530% AGI+470% VIT+510% INT-90% SPR-90%

An excellent physical fighter. After a while, his bare fists are better than 
claws; check
the equip screen (see Monk) for which one's better at his current level. 
However, his 
armor is less than adequate. His BuildUp command is interesting - using it puts 
his defense
to 0, but his next attack will do twice the damage. The only real use for this 
is when
dealing with enemies who split when attacked - instead of two weak attacks which 
will cause
it to split, one strong attack will kill it instantly and no splitting will 
occur. Upgrade 
to Ninja as soon as you can.

Received: Water Crystal
Skills: Defend, Run (can use L.1-3 White Magic on menu screen)
Weapons: Ashura, Kotetsu, Kiku, FullMoon, Masamune, Ragnarok
Shields: Demon, Genji, Crystal
Hats: Genji, Ribbon, Crystal
Armor: Demon, Genji, Crystal
Arms: Genji Glove, Crystal Glove
STATS: 20% MP;
STR+390% AGI+390% VIT+210% INT+180% SPR+180%

When you first get him he's fairly useless as he has no equipment, but once you 
find it
he becomes a powerhouse. Not only can he use low-level curative magic (and 
Exit), his
Katanas are the only weapons which can stop cloning enemies from splitting. 
Upgrade to
Ninja when you get it.

Received: Water Crystal
Skills: Magic, Run (low level L.1-8 Call Magic)
Weapons: Mithril Rod, Ice Rod, Fire Rod, Light Rod
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Wizard, WhiteRobe, BlackRobe
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 33% MP;
STR+350% AGI+210% VIT+60% INT+370% SPR+370%

I personally stay away from this guy as his spells are wildly unpredictable and 
useful. His stats are higher than either BlackWiz or WhiteWiz, but his spells 
are worse.
Upgradable to Summoner.

Received: Water Crystal
Skills: Sing, Scare, Cheer
Weapons: Madora Harp, Loki Harp
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Bard
Arms: Power Ring, Protect Ring
STR+60% AGI+370% VIT+370% INT+210% SPR+350%

Scaring the enemy causes it to run away; if you're in a tough battle, this might 
useful... but then, it usually doesn't work then. I can't quite tell what Cheer 
You need a harp to Sing; it's basically Fight. Verdict: Completely bloody 
useless Job.

Received: Earth Crystal
Skills: Magic, Run (high level L.1-8 Call Magic)
Weapons: Mithril Rod, Ice Rod, Fire Rod, Light Rod, Ultimate Rod
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Wizard, WhiteRobe, BlackRobe
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 36% MP;
STR+390% AGI+490% VIT+60% INT+370% SPR+370%

Much better than Conjurer, but still not as good as Black or White Wizards as 
far as I can
tell. His spells, although usually a bit better than that of a BlackWiz, 
nevertheless have
no variety. His defense is horrible as well. You might disagree, however. 
Upgrade to Sage

Received: Earth Crystal
Skills: Magic, Run (L.1-8 White Magic)
Weapons: Staff, Freezing Staff, Burning Staff, Shining Staff, Golem Staff, Rune 
         Mithril Rod, Eldest Staff
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Scholar, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Wizard, Scholar, WhiteRobe
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 62% MP;
STR+240% AGI+350% VIT+370% INT+190% SPR+550%

The ultimate healing mage has excellent stats and MP. A back row Job. Upgrade to 
Sage when 
you can.

Received: Earth Crystal
Skills: Magic, Run (L.1-8 Black Magic)
Weapons: Mithril Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod, Fire Rod, Ultimate Rod
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Scholar, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Wizard, Scholar, BlackRobe
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 62% MP;
STR+80% AGI+370% VIT+470% INT+570% SPR+190%

He crushes BlackWiz in terms of stats and MP. Keep him in the back row. Upgrade 
to Sage as 
soon as you can.

Received: Forbidden Land Eureka
Skills: Magic, Run (L.1-8 White, Black, and Call Magic)
Weapons: Mithril Rod, Ice Rod, Light Rod, Fire Rod, Ultimate Rod, Staff, 
Freezing Staff,
         Burning Staff, Shining Staff, Golem Staff, Rune Staff, Mithril Rod, 
Eldest Staff,
         Flame Book, Light Book, Ice Book, Inferno Book, Illumina Book, Blizzard 
Shields: No
Hats: Leather, Feather, Scholar, Ribbon
Armor: Cloth, Leather, Wizard, Scholar, BlackRobe, WhiteRobe
Arms: Copper Ring, Mithril Ring, Rune Ring, Diamond Ring, Protect Ring
STATS: 100% MP;
STR+240% AGI+390% VIT+370% INT+550% SPR+550%

The ultimate magic user. Despite qualms that his magic power is lessened because 
of his
widespread abilities, his stats are equal to that of the Shaman and Warlock. He 
can use
the best White, Black, and Call magic. Keep him in the back row and give him a 
Book and 
a Staff; his vitality could be better so he'll be healing himself a lot, but his 
defense is very good.

Received: Forbidden Land Eureka
Skills: Defend, Run
Weapons: All + Shuriken
Shields: All
Hats: All
Armor: All
Arms: All
STR+550% AGI+550% VIT+510% INT+240% SPR+240% 

The ultimate fighter. Give him two of any weapons and watch him go! He slices, 
he dices,
etc. His special weapon (save it for the final bosses) is Shuriken. He can equip 
two at
once and they can hit together for over 9000 damage! However, they cost 65000 
It's your call whether to save them for the final battle or use them sparingly 
in the
battles beforehand. The Shurikens disappear after use but new ones can be 
equipped by
using the Item command in battle, before attacking. Press A on the Shuriken, 
then press
left until the cursor is on the spaces for your two hands; press A again to 
equip another




After your first fight, go up and open the chest for a POTION, then the next one 
for a
LEATHER SHIELD. Now go up and touch the rock to open a path. Go right, pick up 
LEATHER SHIELD, then go up the stairs. First head left and get a SOUTHWIND, then 
all the
way right for another POTION. Now go back to the main passageway which those two 
branched off of and head all the way up for a POTION. Now go right for a healing 
(heals all HP/MP) and another SOUTHWIND, then go all the way left and go up the 
You'll fight a boss here.

      500 Gil, 33 EXP

Just use your two SouthWinds and then keep attacking; he'll go down in no time.

Now go up and talk to the Crystal to gain your first five Jobs: Fighter, Monk, 
BlackWiz, and RedWiz. My reccomendation for now is: Fighter, Monk, BlackWiz, 
Put the BlackWiz in the back row. Go up and touch the magic circle to warp out.

Now go back into the cave. Go downstairs, then left and you'll reach a spot with 
a lot of 
nice treasure (make sure you don't fall back down the hole unless you want to go 
the dungeon all over again!) The treasures hold: two LONG SWORDs, a COPPER RING, 
NUNCHUCK, and the SLEEP spell. Give the Sleep spell to the BlackWiz, the Long 
Swords to 
the Fighter, and the Ring to whoever you want (the Monk can't equip it). Don't 
give the
Monk Nunchuks; they'll decrease his attack power.

Now exit the cave the way you entered, and head down to enter the town of Ur.


First head to the Inn. You can rest here for free. Next to the bed are two pots; 
check them
for a POTION. Now enter the door at the bottom of the screen to get into the 
Pub; check the
pots here for another POTION. Leave the Inn and talk to the man outside the 
Elder's house 
(the lower left house). Press B and use a Potion on him to get an ECHOSCREEN. 
Now go to the 
north part of town. Follow the path here. You'll get attacked by enemies, but 
just fight
them off; remember, you can rest for free when you come back. The path is short 
and leads
to a small house. First, go south of the house and check the farthest patch of 
grass for
a POTION. Now enter the house. Check the pots for two ANTIDOTES, then press A in 
of the candle farthest to the right. Follow the newly opened passage and go up 
the stairs.
You're in the storeroom; loot the chests for a LONG SWORD, two LEATHER ROBES, 
the CURE 
spell, and a DAGGER. Give the Dagger to the BlackWiz, Cure spell to the RedWiz, 
and the 
robes to whoever you want. You don't need the Long Sword; you'll want to sell 
it. Head back
downstairs. To open the now closed passage (or any closed passage for that 
matter), face
the wall where the opening should be, face up and press A. Now head back to 
town. For yet
another four POTIONs, first go all the way right, follow the flowery path, and 
check the 
grass for one. Lastly, go to the lower right and head through the trees to the 
woman above
the well. Enter the well to pick up another three POTIONs. Now you might want to 
stock up
at the shops. Buy the Pure spell, three Daggers, one Copper Ring, and two 
Leather Robes.
You should now have four Daggers (two for each Wiz), two Rings (one for each 
and four Leather Robes (one for each person). Sell the Knives, Nunchuck, Cloth 
Robes, and
the extra Long Sword. Now (finally!) enter the Elder's house at the bottom left 
of town. 
Talk to Topapa the elder, then head out of town and south to Kazus Village.


There's not much to do here now. Check the pots in the upper-right house for a 
then enter the Inn. You can rest on the top floor for free if you wish; when 
you're done,
talk to the shadow-form which *isn't* moving inside the Inn (between the shelves 
and the
counter). Now head out of town and into the middle of the western desert. You'll 
Cid's Airship. Fly it a bit west and north; cross the lake and land in front of 
the cave.
Go in.


The monsters here are a good deal harder than the ones you've encountered so 
far. A bit
of level-building near Kazus (where a free inn awaits) isn't such a bad idea. 
hesitate to use your Cure spells here.

Go down at the first intersection to get a POTION, then return to the path. Go 
up at the
next intersection for another CURE spell (you don't need it, just give it to 
your Fighter
for now), then return to the path. Follow it to a staircase. Go down. Pick up 
the chest
you see for 500 GIL, then press A facing the upper-right skull/bones set to open 
a passage.
Follow it right. Talk to Sara to get her to join you. Now keep on with the path. 
Take the
first intersection down to get a SOUTHWIND, then return to the path. Pick up the 
chest you
see for an EYEDROP. Keep following the path and you'll meet Jinn.

      700 Gil, 40 EXP

Use your SouthWind, then have everyone attack normally. If someone's HP drops 
below 30 or
so, have the RedWiz Cure him. If your Cures run out, use Potions. He should go 
down easily.

After you're done, you'll see a short scene and warp to Sassoon Castle.


First talk to the king to get the Canoe. Now head down the stairs twice to reach 
a slightly
larger room. Head left. See the little black mark on the wall? That means 
there's a secret
passage. Enter it. On the lower left is another secret passage. Follow it down 
and to the
right to reach two staircases; one going up, one down. Go down to reach two 
chests, each
with 1000 GIL. Going down again reaches the Holy Spring which is useless now. Go 
back up
twice, follow the path around to reach two chests, with a LEATHER SHIELD and the 
ICE spell.
Give it to your BlackWiz. Go back down and right, and go up to the dead end; 
going up
further gets you a TONFA, which should be useless by now. Check your Monk's 
on the status screen to see if you should equip it. Now return to the main path 
(before all 
the secret passages) and go down. There's a bed here where you can rest for 
free. Now go 
down again. You'll reach the open part of the castle. Head into the top left 
tower. (Note: 
you'll be attacked by monsters here, so be careful!) Go up until you reach two 
chests; they 
contain 20 HOLY ARROWS and 20 WOODEN ARROWS. Go up again to reach a chest; open 
it to fight 
a Griffin. He won't be too hard; have everyone besides the BlackWiz attack; have 
BlackWiz use his new Ice spell. You'll win 74 GIL, 27 EXP, and the W.SLAYER when 
done. Equip the W.Slayer on the RedWiz and go all the way back down. Now enter 
the top 
right tower. Keep going up. The two chests on the way contain 20 HOLY ARROWS and 
ARROWS. At the top is Sara's room. Open the three chests for a POTION, a BOW, 
and 20 WOODEN 
ARROWS. Go back down the tower. Rest up again in the main castle if you need it, 
leave. Go north and use the Canoe to get your airship back; head back south to 


Cid will join your party as soon as you enter the town. Now go up to the top 
right house 
and talk to Taca, the blacksmith there. He'll fix your airship so you can use it 
as a ram. 
Now go into the Mithril Mine at the top right. Watch out for monsters! Go to the 
end of the 
passage, then face the upper wall and press A, three steps right of the left 
wall. A 
passage will open. Follow it to the end and pick up two MITHRIL SWORDs; equip 
them on the 
Fighter, then leave the Mine. Rest up at the Inn if you want, then stock up on 
as much as 
you can: You should try to buy the Fire spell, three Mithril Daggers, two 
Mithril Armors, 
two Mithril Helms, two Mithril Rings, and a Mithril Glove. Give the spell, two 
and a ring to BlackWiz, a dagger and a ring to RedWiz, the glove to Fighter, and 
gie the 
armors and helms to Fighter and RedWiz. If you're running low on cash, sell all 
your old 
Leather and Coppper stuff. Now exit the town. Get on the airship, then ram it 
into the 
boulder to the west. It'll disappear and you'll have to walk. You'll see a town 
quickly - it's Canaan. Go in.


Enter the first house to your left and check the pots for a LUCKMALLET. Go to 
the top right
of the town, then go left. Enter the water, and follow the passage all the way 
to the 
bottom right. Search the grass there for an ELIXIR. Go back to the entrance of 
town, and 
go to the top left house, which is Cid's house. Go up to Cid's wife, in bed, and 
press B.
Select "Elixir". Now talk to Cid; he'll move. Press A on the candle he was 
hiding, which 
opens a secret passage. Enter it for a stash of eight chests: a FENIXDOWN, SOFT, 
20 IRON 
ARROWS, the BLIND spell, two MIDGBREADs, a GREATBOW, and a POTION. Now go to the 
left of the room and enter the water. Go to the bottom right and push right on 
the wall to 
find another secret passage which holds four chests: a SOFT, POTION, FENIXDOWN, 
and 20 
IRON ARROWS. Give the spell to BlackWiz. If you want, you can buy Bolt and Venom 
they're fairly useful for BlackWiz. Other than that, the stores sell the same 
stuff as in 
Kazus. Now exit town and enter the nearby mountain.


You'll probably want to raise a level or two before trying this out; the enemies 
are fairly
tough. I also recommend having at least 20 Potions in addition to the Cure spell 
(if you 
build up even one or two levels, you should have enough Gil to buy the requisite 
Now head back into the mountain. Go down at the first intersection to pick up a 
SOFT, then
return to the path. Go up at the next intersection to pick up the AERO spell; 
give it to
RedWiz, then return to the path. Head left at the next intersection for a SOFT, 
then return
to the path. At the end of the path, you'll reenter the world map. Go up to be 
spirited off
by Bahamut to his nest. Go to the top left and press A by the white moving patch 
of grass
to talk to Desh. A short scene later, you'll be fighting Bahamut. Have everyone 
Run! Desh
will now give you the MINI spell and join your party. Give the spell to RedWiz; 
important! Walk to the left to enter the Forest Of Healing. The three springs 
here will 
revive you. Now exit and walk south. The forest to the south is wide on the top 
and bottom.
Stand on the topleft-most square of bottom forest, then have RedWiz cast Mini on 
the party
(press Left on the target menu). Now walk right to enter Tozas, the Mini 


You can only enter the houses with little blue doors. One of them is an inn and 
item shop,
one sells MidgBreads, one sells level 1 and 2 magic. When you're done, head left 
and enter 
the second house from the top. Check all the bookcases for a CURE2 spell,
a BURNING STAFF, a CLOTH ROBE, and a MITHRIL RING. Give the spell to RedWiz, and 
the Ring
to anyone who doesn't have one. Go up to the midget in bed, press B, and
give him an Antidote. He'll open a secret passage. The two chests contain a 
and a MITHRIL STAFF; go down the stairs to enter the Hidden Road. There's only 
one path
here. In here, you have to run away from all enemies! (OK, that's not entirely 
true. What
you can do is make everyone Black Mages, buy magic for them all, rest at the 
inn, put them
all in the back row, and use magic every round. But it's easier this way.) Just 
have RedWiz
cast Cure on anyone whose HP goes beneath 100 and you should be fine. When you 
come out, 
have RedWiz cast Mini on the party again (or use four LuckMallets) to return you 
to normal. 
Head north and enter the cave to get into the Viking Base. 


Follow the path up. To get that treasure chest, enter the secret passage heading 
starting from the right of the candles, then go right, down, left, and down to 
get the
measly 300 GIL in the chest. Get out of the passage and go up. There's an inn, 
an item
shop, and a magic shop inside the brown door. Finish up there, then go up the 
Go left and enter the little dip south; go down, left, and go down the stairs. 
The chests
here contain two sets of 300 GIL and there's a Revivification Spring to the 
Now go all the way out of this secret passage, back to the
staircase you followed here; this time go right. Enter the little dip here; go 
down two 
steps, then right, then down, then left to get three chests, which contain the 
and FIRE2 spells. Give them to BlackWiz, then get out of the passage. Head down 
and talk
to the Viking boss, then up and out of the base. Don't get on the ship, or 
you'll have
to fight an impossible battle with Nepto! Walk up on the land and left; enter 
the shrine.


Have RedWiz cast Mini again on the party; make sure that RedWiz has some black 
magic as 
well for this place, preferably Ice. Go up and press A by the big dragon head to 
the shrine. At the first intersection, head left and into the hole
to pick up a CARAPACE HELM and CARAPACE ARMOR - give them to the Fighter. Now go 
back out 
and into the right hole. The chest holds a SERPENT SWORD - give it to RedWiz. Go 
down the
staircase. Follow the path to the boss fight; make sure your magic users have 
high HP and
that all party members are in the back row.

      1000 Gil, 120 EXP

This will not be an easy fight unless you have three or more magic users. Have 
the RedWiz
use Ice or Bolt; BlackWiz should use Ice2, then Bolt when he runs out, then Ice. 
Have the 
Fighter and Monk use Potions to keep up the party's HP. It's important to have 
as many
targets as possible so that your BlackWiz has a better chance of staying alive. 
You may
be lucky; if the rat tries to just use physical attacks (which he does 
sometimes) you're
more or less set; they'll miss about 75% of the time. You may finish this fight 
with only
one character alive - don't worry! 

After defeating the Big Rat, pick up his Eye gem. Now get out of the Shrine 
probably have to run away from most battles). Once you get out, turn around and 
face the
dragon; press B and select "Eye". After a short scene, you'll get the Water Fang 
you can now take control of the ship "Enterprise"! If RedWiz is alive, have him 
cast Mini
on the party to restore their status; otherwise, hightail it back to the Viking 
Base and
head to the Revivification Spring in the left secret passage; rest in the Inn if 
you have
to. Now head back out and into the ship! The ship can stop at any shore, unlike 
First, head west and south a bit to reach Tokkle Village.


First, head all the way left, follow the grass into the dead end and press A to 
get a 
GOD'S WINE. Next, go up; next to the house above is a GREATBOW hidden in the 
Above that house (in the grass) is a LAMIASCL. Finally, head all the way to the 
right and
into that dead end to get a FREEZING STAFF.  Now head into the top house. Enter 
the fireplace to reach a secret room. Check the lowest pot for a 3-PART 
nunchuck; the 
chests contain a KENPO ROBE and a FENIXDOWN. Now exit the town. If you wish, you 
visit the Living Forest by sailing west for a bit; there's nothing there, 
though. Sail 
upwards till you see a brown castle; it's Argass Castle, which is empty but for 
nice treasure!


Go up twice. Press A by the rightmost torch to open a secret passage. The chests 
hold: 1500
GIL, 3000 GIL, 3000 GIL, 3000 GIL, 100 GIL, and 100 GIL. Go back down the 
stairs. From that
staircase, go right one step and down into another secret passage. Go right and 
up for 
another three chests with 1000 GIL each. Now go back into the main castle. Go up 
the stairs
into the Round Table room. Go to the top of the right stone block and go 
downwards into the
block; you'll find two chests with a BOMBSHARD and a SOUTHWIND. Exit the block. 
If you go 
down and outside, you'll get a healing spring and a Revivification spring. Now 
exit the 
castle. Sail back to Tokkle and walk south, west past the forest, and west a 
bit. There's a 
Chocobo Forest here; to the west of that is the Ancients' Village.


This place contains the next level of weapons, armor, and magic. Even the item 
store in the
Inn has better stuff. However, all the stuff is ridiculously expensive. Here's 
what you
should end up with: one Serpent Sword, a FlameMail, a Headband, two Wizard 
Robes, and the 
Exit Spell. You should also stock up on some status items as well. Without the 
items, the total cost of the stuff is 9600 Gil! After your binge at Argass 
Castle, you 
should have more than enough. I think this is a very opportune time to change 
your RedWiz
to a WhiteWiz. For attacks, give him the Burning and Freezing staffs; you can 
use them in
battle to cast free Fire and Ice spells! For defense, give him a Leather Hat, 
Wizard Robe,
and Mithril Ring. His defense will be the same as RedWiz's was (he starts with 
one more
defense point) but put him in the back row. Now I'd recommend building some 
levels up in 
the sea near Kazus, which has a free inn. You'll need the experience for the 
next part. I 
recommend being at least at level 13, which will give you an average HP of 250. 
you think you're ready, first return to the Ancients' Village and make sure you 
have at
least four MaidKisses, at least 6 or 7 Softs, and several EchoScreens; stock up 
on Potions
as well. Now go a bit north of Argass Castle and land your ship on the west 
Walk west and you'll see a cave above a lake; there's a black shadow in the lake 
means nothing right now. Enter the cave to reach Gurgan Valley.


There's nothing to do here but go down the stairs and talk to the Gurgan there, 
who'll give
you the TOAD spell. Give it to WhiteWiz (make sure you've de-equipped any Black 
Magic you
might have) and exit the cave. Head north and east to a large tower next to a 
Enter the Tower of Owen. 


Head left, then down and into the center of the room. Have WhiteWiz cast Toad on 
then once you're down the hole, cast Toad again (or, alternatively, use 
MaidKisses) to
restore everyone's status. Just follow the path and up the stairs. The chest you 
see holds 
a MAIDKISS. Keep following the path up another two staircases. Head right at the 
intersection to pick up a TYRVING sword. Since you don't have a RedWiz anymore, 
you can
sell it as soon as you're out of here. 8-) Go back to the path and up the 
staircase. Now
go up to the gear-thingy on the top wall, across from the right dip in the lower 
wall, and
press A. (It's 6 steps from the right wall, if you care.) Now follow the new 
passage. Go
past the staircase for another MAIDKISS, then enter the staircase. Follow the 
path to the
next staircase. Now go right for an ECHOSCREEN and a BOMBSHARD. Go back left and 
the path up a staircase, then again until it splits, then go right to pick up 
ECHOSCREEN; go back left and follow the path to another staircase. You'll see 
three chests
here: they contain a SALAMAND SWORD, a FLAMEMAIL, and a ZEUS'RAGE. Give the 
sword to the
Fighter (you can sell the armor later) and continue on. Up the staircase is a 
boss fight.

      1200 Gil, 90 EXP

If your characters' levels are high enough, this is a total joke. All she'll try 
to do is
cast Break, and it won't work most of the time. If it does, have one of the 
Wizzes use Soft
on their next turn. Your Fighter and Monk will be doing most of the damage here; 
BlackWiz cast Ice2 or Bolt if you like, but it won't do much.

After the fight, walk up and press A by the fire. After a short scene, you'll be 
warped out
of the tower. The whirlpool blocking your way north is now gone. Get back in 
your ship 
(stop at Kazus and rest if you like) and go north, then head east, then south 
for a while. 
You'll see the town of Gisahl.


First, go to the bottom right of the town (past the bridge) for a CARROT and two 
KEYs. Now enter the house in the middle of town (the Chocobo farm) and check the 
pots for 
two more CARROTS. Now if you like you can check out the magic shop, which has 
all new 
stuff - the most important one for now is Ice3. The Item Shop in the Inn carries 
and the Key Shop sells Magic Keys. (There's a secret passage in the Inn which 
leads to a 
message from Squaresoft. Think they changed their ideas by now, actually. 8-))
Buy another two or three Carrots and about ten Keys, then leave the town. The 
Forest Of 
Healing is just to the west, if you want it. Now go back north and west to the 
spot just 
above the Tower of Owen; head west and down a bit to see the Dwarf Cave; go 


There's not much here to do but buy more stuff. Sell your FlameMail and Tyrving 
and the Serpent Sword you replaced with Salamand. Buy: one Salamand Sword, one 
Armor, one Ice Helm, one Shining Staff, and four more MaidKisses. Equip the 
and helm on the Fighter (keep the Ice Mail for later; the FlameMail is better 
for now), 
and replace WhiteWiz's Burning Staff with the Shining Staff. Now go left and 
down the 
stairs. You'll have to pull another Toadie here - restore status with MaidKisses 
or the 
Toad spell again. You'll enter the Underground Lake.


Follow the path. The chest holds a SOFT; continue up and go right toward the 
black mark on
the right wall. Go down the staircase and follow the path. The next two chests 
ZEUS'RAGEs; the last two chests have SOFTs. Go down the stairs. The next two 
chests contain
300 GIL. Follow the path for a fight with Guzco. Make sure to equip the Ice Mail 
on the
Fighter before you begin. 

      1500 Gil, 125 EXP

Have the Fighter and Monk attack; have the BlackWiz use Ice magic; and have the 
heal, for a lack of anything else to do. He'll go down fairly quickly. Pick up 
the horn
he left behind. Now you have to make your way back out of the lake. Re-equip the 
on the Fighter first. After you leave the lake, go up to the altar holding the 
other horn
and press A. Then go to the right of the existing horn, face right, and press B; 
"Horn". A short scene will ensue. Afterwards, rest if you need to, then leave 
the cave.
Get back on your ship and sail west a little and north, to reach another cave, 
the Flame


Now you should equip the Ice Armor on the Fighter. At the first intersection, 
head left
to pick up a SOUTHWIND, then go back to the path. At the next intersection, head 
for another SOUTHWIND, then return to the path and go left. Follow the path down 
staircase. At the next intersection, go down to find an ICEBLADE; equip it on 
the Fighter.
At the next intersection, go down for a HIPOTION. Go back to the intersection 
and head
up for another HIPOTION; finally, go left. Go down the stairs. At the next 
go left for a POTION; then go back and up. At the top, get the chest for a 
press A facing the rock to open a passage to the left. Enter it. Go up, around 
the lake,
and up again to reach the Fire Crystal Room. Walk upwards (make sure you're at 
max HP)
to have your next boss battle. 

      1800 Gil, 175 EXP

He shouldn't be all too hard. Have the Fighter and Monk attack, have WhiteWiz 
cast Cure or
Cure2 every round (this time you'll need it) and have the BlackWiz cast Ice3 and 
then Ice2.

After you're done, walk up and talk to the Crystal to gain four new Jobs! 
Upgrade your
Fighter to a Knight, then walk up and step on the magic circle to warp out. 
Get back on the ship and return to the Dwarf Cave. A short scene will ensue as 
soon as you
walk a bit left. Now talk to a the dwarf near the bottom right to get a MAGIC 
KEY, then
talk to Moonwalk, a dwarf at the very bottom right; follow him downstairs to 
reach a 
treasure room. Loot it! Here's what you'll find: an OTTERHEAD, an ELIXIR, a 
an ICE
You probably won't have enough room for all of that at one go; sell some stuff 
first (like
the FlameMail, Mithril Glove, a Leather Hat and a Wizard Robe from your 
Now might be a good time to use one of those Carrots! Get out of the cave and 
sail a bit 
north to the Flame Cave, but this time go east and into a Chocobo Forest. Press 
B by the 
trees near the center and choose "Carrot". Now you can give your excess items 
(like bows
and arrows, books, and weird items like Otterhead) to the Chocobo, where you can 
get them
back from later. Now finish up everything you're doing, rest at Kazus if 
necessary, and
head back to Tokkle Village.


As soon as you enter, you'll be taken to Hyne Castle. Talk to the soldier on the 
left to 
get a LUCKMALLET. If you talk to the soldier in the left room, you'll get into a 
with a Daemon. Instead, cast Mini or use LuckMallets and go through the hole at 
the top
left. From the center of this room, go to the bottom right for 20 HOLY ARROWS. 
Now go
back to the center and head straight left into a secret passage. The chest here 
a FENIXDOWN; go up the staircase. Go into the door straight ahead for 3000 GIL 
and 3300
GIL; exit the door. Now go into the door just to the right for a FENIXDOWN and 
Don't worry about the very left door; it contains a grand total of 130 Gil. Now 
go right,
up, and around to the top of the room; enter the door. The chest here has a KING 
equip it on Knight in exchange for the Salamand Sword. Now go left into the 
secret passage,
and up the stairs. First go into the top path; then take the right downward path 
to get
a FENIXDOWN. Now take the left downward path, and follow it to the staircase. 
Pass by the
door to the right and pick up a RUNE BOW; then enter the door. Switch your 
WhiteWiz into
a Scholar (he can equip the Scholar Hat and Robe you found in the Dwarf Castle), 
make sure
your HPs are high, then talk to Hyne.

      2100 Gil, 260 EXP

Physical attacks don't do much damage. You have to use your Scholar in tandem 
with your
BlackWiz. Use "Scan" to find his weak point, then have BlackWiz exploit that in 
the next
round. Hyne will only have the same weak point three rounds in a row (including 
the one
you "Scan" him in!); in the third round he'll change his weak point. Have the 
continually Scan so you don't have to waste any extra turns. He only has 1600 
HP, so it 
shouldn't take too long; if someone's HP drops below 200, have the Knight or 
Monk use a 
Potion on him. Note that even if he uses "WallChange", he might still have the 
weakness! One more note: He can't hurt you during that third turn, so get your 
done then.


After you beat him, a short scene will ensue. You'll get the Wind Fang and end 
up in the
Living Forest, which has now been sealed off so you can't enter it. Walk down 
and right 
to get back to Tokkle and reclaim your ship. Sail a bit west and north to Argass 
Enter the castle, walk all the way up, and talk to the king in the Round Table 
room to
get the Time Gear. Walking south gets you to a Revivification and healing 
spring. Now go
back to the secret passage (remember, the rightmost torch opens it). This time, 
go all the
way upstairs. Walk left and up to the locked door; press B and select "Magic 
Key" to open
it. Talk to the White Wizard inside to get two ELIXIRs. Head to the right wall 
and press
A to open a secret passage to the three chests, which hold a KILLERBOW, 20 BOLT 
and 20 MEDUSA ARROWs. Now leave this room, go right and open that door
the same way. The six chests in here contain: a LIGHT BOOK, ICE BOOK, FIRE BOOK, 
ROBE, 20 ICE ARROWS, and 20 FIRE ARROWS. Equip the Robe on whichever wizard 
doesn't have
it yet, then leave the castle. Sail to Canaan (the town to the left of the 
enter Cid's house (the top left one). Go up to Cid, press B, and select "Time 
After a short scene, go back out into your ship and press A. Presto! An airship! 
This one
can only land on water, however. Now go back to the Ancients' Village to the 
west and buy
Sight Magic if you don't have it yet... you'll probably need it soon. The other
alternative is to go to Tozas and buy MidgBreads. You should also stock up on 
anywhere is fine. After that, keep flying in any direction until you reach some 
Fly into them and you'll exit the Floating Continent and enter the real world!


Here's a bit of help in reaching this island: If you go northwest a while from 
the Floating
Continent, you'll reach a largish island with a temple and a cave on it. A bit 
west and a
lot north of this is the Solitary Island, which is fairly small and easy to miss 
- where
the Sight/MidgBreads come in handy. Land the Enterprise by the shore, get on the 
and head into the downed ship.


Just follow the path of ladders. The two chests you see hold a ZEUS'RAGE and the 
SWORD. The sword drains HP from enemies, but it's weaker than the IceBlade; your 
Go right to the woman in bed. Press B and select "Potion". A conversation will 
and Elia will join your party. Now head out of the Shipwreck and go southwest to 
Water Temple.


If you go right, you'll reach healing and Revivification springs. Go north and 
pick up the
Crystal shard. Now head out of the temple and go north to the Water Cave. I 
raising one or two levels nearby (free HP refill) before attempting the Cave.


The enemies here are tough and will poison you; here's where those Antidotes 
come in handy.
There isn't any choice of direction until the second basement. At the first 
go up. The next intersection is on the next floor; go down. Follow the path to 
Water Crystal room; as soon as you walk up a few steps, you'll be ambushed by 

      2500 Gil, 330 EXP

He's weak against Ice. Your WhiteWiz will probably have to use Cure2 every round 
to heal
Kraken's powerful spells. 

Once you beat him, you'll get seven more Jobs! Dragoon, Geomancer, Karateka, 
M.Knight, Conjurer, and Bard. A short scene will ensue, then you'll wake up in 


There's a woman who isn't moving, towards the south of town. Talk to her for a 
Now go into the house on the far right of town, near the south; talk to Jiru for 
scene. Before you go into the sewers, upgrade your Monk to a Karateka and buy 
equipment for him: a Chakra Hat, BlackBelt, and a Kaiser Claw (don't equip it 
yet). Now
head into the water. Going north and checking the garden will net you four 
CARROTs. Now go 
to the northwest island on the water; check the grass for a THIEF GLOVE, a 
a DARKHOOD. You won't need them; you won't have a Thief in your party. Now head 
to the 
lower right and enter the waterfall leading to the sewer.


Follow the path. Pick up the chest you see for a CATCLAW; equip it on the 
Karateka, along
with the Kaiser Claw you bought before. Go downstairs to see the four old men 
beset by
Goblins. Use regular attacks against them; even the Wizards can beat them with 
one blow.
Now continue on the path. When the path splits, take the lower path and keep 
going left
into a secret passage. The two chests here contain an ORIALCON and a POWER RING. 
I would
equip the Ring on the Knight for now; it's better than his Gauntlet. Now exit 
the passage,
go up and follow the path left, down, and right. Go up into the room and a scene 
will play
out; you'll be warped back outside to the village. Rest up in the Inn if you 
wish, then
leave town. Walk south (don't go in the forest; follow the plains to the right 
of it),
then right across the desert, then north across the swamp which the whole point 
of that
sewer thing was to cross, then enter Goldor's Mansion. 


Go straight up to the second floor. Follow the path around until you get to a 
slough of
treasure chests. You'll get 11 SHINY SWORDs, and a DRAGON CLAW. Equip the Claw 
on Karateka
in exchange for the Kaiser Claw, then go back to the main hall. Go down to the 
closest to the staircase and head right. Go up to the door, press B, and select 
Key". Enter the room, then go to the top left of the room and head left into a 
passage. Go up the staircase. There's a secret shortcut here - go down instead 
of up, and 
keep walking along the bottom wall to reach the staircase quickly. Climb it to 
meet Goldor. 
Make sure your HPs are high before talking to him.

      3300 Gil, 410 EXP

Magic won't hurt him too much, but use your most powerful spells just in case. 
Your Knight
and Karateka will be the main damagers here. Your WhiteWiz will probably have to 
use Cure2
every round to counter his spells.

After you win, go up and pick up the key he left behind. Make your way out of 
the mansion.
Rest up in Amur, then go pick up your now functional airship! There are a few 
towns you can
check out now. First, head southwest. See that massive walled city? That's 
Salonia. It will
be one of the landmarks which I'll be using for locations. Warning: DO NOT try 
to fly
directly in front of the castle! The first city you can check out is  Leprit, 
is northeast of Salonia.


First head to the top left; go through the trees and check the grass for a 
and an ELIXIR. Next, enter the trees just above the only old man in the town; 
head right
and check the grass above the Gurgan for a FENIXDOWN. Now, see that house with 
an old man
walking around inside? Just walk up the tree just to the left of the house, then 
into the chimney. Go to the top right candle and press A to open a secret 
passage to an
ELIXIR. This town is based on Conjurers; you can buy Call Magic here. I don't 
recommend it 
for right now, because my personal experience is that Black and White Magic are 
and more predictable than Call Magic, at least until the very end of the game. 
Leave when 
you're done. The next town, Dastar, is on a small island southeast of Salonia.


First, search the grass in the top right of the town for an EARTHDRUM. Now go to 
the left
and all the way up; that grass has an EARTHDRUM somewhere also. Now go to the 
armor store
and buy two Rune Rings for your Wizards. Short on money? Why not sell those 
worthless swords for some major cashola! When you're done, exit the town. You're 
for your next challenge. Fly over the Salonia Castle (yes, the thing I told you 
not to
do before.) You'll get shot down. You now have to explore Salonia yourself. It's 
made up
of four sections (NW, NE, SW, SE) and the castle in the middle-top. Start with 
SW section.


First head into the pub (topmost building). You'll enter a fight with four 
they aren't too tough. Allus will join after that. Now go around the place and 
talk to
the two old men you see (one in the center of town, one on the lower left); 
they'll give
you a DRAGON ARMOR and WIND SPEAR. You'll have to enter the water to reach them. 
that, enter the lower right house. Talk to the Conjurer there to get a free Fat 
That's not all, though - walk through the left wall for a treasure trove of 
CARROTs! You'll need the Fat Chocobo soon enough. When all is said and done, 
you'll need 
to have four Dragoons in your party! Now head into SE Salonia.


Enter the large tower in the middle of town. You'll be attacked here, so watch 
out. Go
through the right wall of the room you're in; hug the far wall and walk through 
the right
side of the right room. Now go through the top of this one and enter the right 
side of the
one above it. Now walk through the left wall, down, right a step, down, left, 
and up
through the bottom of the upper-left room. Keep going upstairs until you reach a 
room. Go down and open the chests for: two DRAGON HELMs, one DRAGON ARMOR, two 
SPEARs, and one FENIXDOWN. Go all the way up and open the chests for: two DRAGON 
two DRAGON ARMORs, a FENIXDOWN, and a THUNDER SPEAR. You now have the complete 
set of
Dragoon equipment needed. Now head back to SE Salonia and call the Fat Chocobo. 
all your current equipment with him, then make everyone into Dragoons and give 
them the
Dragoon equipment you just got. I recommend buying two Wind Spears in NE Salonia 
first, and equipping them as doubles on two characters. When you're ready, head 
into Salonia Castle.


As soon as you talk to the guards, a scene will play out, after which you'll be 
into a boss battle.

      3400 Gil, 550 EXP (also 61 Capacity)

Just have everyone Jump. You may finish this with only one character alive; 
that's fine.
*^_^* Note that if there are no characters onscreen at the start of the battle, 
won't do anything at all that turn!

After the scene, head down. Go back to the bedroom and head to the right; the 
far right
wall has three vertical spaces to it; the middle one is a secret passage to the 
treasure vault! Here you'll find the following: 5 RUSTED ARMORs, 2 HIPOTIONs, a 
Now take
the staircase down, and head right at the intersection (the other two are dead 
ends) for
Now head
out of the vault. First go to the lower left building in the castle and talk to 
of the scholars; they'll build you an Airship Nautilus (super-fast)! Now go to 
the lower-
right building. Go to the top right of the room (between the statue and the 
table), face
the top wall, and press A to open a passage. Follow it and go down the stairs. 
Here go
left, up, right, down, and left. Go down again. You can see Odin from here but 
you can't
reach him. Open the two chests to get two FENIXDOWNs. Now leave the castle. To 
your party, go to the top left house in SW Salonia. Now you can do a bit of 
NW Salonia has a library with some interesting tomes. SW Salonia has some of the 
armor in the game for Wizards: the BlackRobe, WhiteRobe, and Scholar Hat. NE 
shops are now open, and wow do we have stuff to buy! Here's the must-have list: 
MAGIC: Bolt3, Cure3, Life. WEAPONS: two Rune Staffs, two of Ice/Fire/Light Rods. 
There's a good chance you won't be able to afford everything from SW and NE 
Salonia right now. My advice is to get the Cure3 and Life spells now, then worry 
about the armor, then 
the Bolt3 spell, then weapons. The Dragoon equipment MAY be useful for one more 
you'll have shortly. I personally didn't use it, but I had high levels. If you 
don't want
to keep it, sell it all!


When you're done, get on the Nautilus and go east. Follow the shoreline south, 
then go 
west at the bottom. You should see a continent surrounded by mountain. Keep 
going west 
along the bottom of the continent and you'll see a narrow opening. Fly into it. 
You'll get 
attacked by fairly strong monsters here, so watch out. Go up at the 
Enter the castle you see. After a short scene, Dorga will join you. The Moogles 
own shops
here; they sell awesome magic which you will in no way afford yet! *^_^* You can 
use a 
Carrot at the unlit candle to the right. Go up into the top room for jars which 
act as
Revivification and healing springs; check the bookcase for a HIPOTION. Touch the 
to open a secret passage. But at the end of that is... another Mini hole! Put 
in the back row and get ready to run away from battles! WhiteWiz casts Mini on 
party and
we're off to the Magic Circle Cave.


Have everyone besides BlackWiz try to run during battle; have BlackWiz use his 
Black magic. WhiteWiz can also help out with Aero or Aero2. Go left at the first
intersection and left again at the next one. Follow the path to the staircase. 
Go right 
when you come out. Follow the path to the staircase; go left when you come out. 
Go down
at the next intersection; follow the path to a door. You're home free; walk up, 
the scene. You'll be warped to the overworld. Have WhiteWiz cast Mini on the 
party to
restore status, then reenter Dorga's House. Buy any more magic you can afford, 
heal up, 
and leave again on the Nautilus. I highly recommend building some levels until 
you have
10000 Gil; then head east from the entrance to the Dalug Continent (the one you 
to go through to reach Dorga's House). See that village enclosed by mountains? 
Land the
Nautilus northeast of that village (where the east wall of mountains is flat). 
There's a
string of discolored mountains you can go through; press A in the open spot at 
the end to 
rise and visit Dorga's Village!


This is THE place to buy magic. You can buy Level 1-7 Black and White Magic 
here, and 
Level 1-5 Call Magic. The BlackWiz at the bottom carries Level 6 Magic, and the 
at the bottom right carries Level 7 Magic, at 20000 Gil a pop! If you have 10000 
go to the Level 6 BlackWiz and buy Fire3. If not, build up some more levels 
until you
have it! Now get out of here and back to the open world. Fly to the very
southern part of the Salonia continent. Follow the shoreline for a short time 
till you
see a land mass that looks like two horns jutting out. Land the Nautilus in the 
sea and
you'll be right near the Temple of Time.


Follow the path. Use a Magic Key on the first door; enter it to find a DIAMOND 
HELM; give 
it to Knight. The next door (which also need a Magic Key) holds a DIAMOND RING; 
give it to
either Wizard. Go into the water, left, up, and right. Ignore the waterfalls. Go 
the staircase. The chest there holds a DEFENDER SWORD; give it to Knight in 
exchange for
the IceBlade. It raises his attack dramatically! Go down the stairs. Head right 
and use a
Magic Key to open a room containing the DIAMOND ARMOR. Equip it on Knight and go 
Enter the water. Go left and open the door to get a DIAMOND GLOVE and an 
the glove on Knight and go to the right door. Open it and take the staircase 
First go to the top right; you'll see a small mark in the right wall. Follow it 
all the
way right and down to get a LAMIA HARP and two PROTECT RINGs; give the Rings to 
Wizards, then go back out of the secret passage and go south. Open the left door 
and enter 
to get a DIAMOND SHIELD. Go back and open the right door to get Noah's Lute! Now 
WhiteWiz use Exit to warp outside. I recommend spending some time now leveling 
up and 
getting treasure. For your first stop, sail back to Goldor's Mansion, on the 
large non-
Salonia continent. Sail east and you'll see Triangle Island. Land on the sea 
south of that 
and you'll see the entrance to the Underwater Cave.


Treasure action, baby! Follow the path to the staircase. First go left and pick 
up a
DIAMOND SHIELD, then go north and follow the path to get a DEFENDER SWORD. With 
Defenders, your Knight's a powerhouse, with good defense to boot! Head back to 
staircase; this time go right. Go south, then left and around to get a TOMOHAWK. 
Now go
back around, right, and into the staircase. This is THE treasure room! First go 
and pick up an ANCIENT SWORD, then down again for a DIAMOND SHIELD, DIAMOND 
BLACKHOLE, and a GODS'WINE. Go back up to the staircase and go left now. Pick up 
DIAMOND GAUNTLET, and ELIXIR. Now look to the left for a dark mark on the left 
wall; enter
it for a secret passage. The four chests inside hold great items, but monsters 
guard them.
The top right chest has an AEGIS SHIELD, guarded by a D.Zombie. He shouldn't be 
too hard;
use Cure on him if you want. He gives you 960 Gil and 1250 EXP. The bottom right 
chest has
a TRITON HAMMER guarded by an Eater. He's a bit tougher - he can split into two 
round! He has 1150 HP. Each Eater will net you 945 Gil and 80 EXP. The bottom 
left chest
has a REFLECT ARMOR guarded by a DeathClaw. Don't use regular attacks on him; 
he'll split
once for every non-fatal attack! Have WhiteWiz use Aero or Aero2, have BlackWiz 
a high-level spell, and have the physical fighters Defend. He has 1400 HP. He'll 
give you
980 Gil and 80 EXP. The top left chest has a BLOOD SPEAR, guarded by a Peryton. 
He has
only 730 HP, so a few strong attacks should finish him before he can move. He'll 
1200 Gil and 800 EXP. Now have WhiteWiz use Exit; heal up, sell any excess stuff 
or give
it to Fat Chocobo in Salonia. The next place you'll want to go is pretty tough: 
the Nautilus in the sea south of SE Salonia. You'll see a cave entrance; go into 
it to 
enter the Salonia Catacombs. Note that it's doubtful you'll survive this place 
you're under Level 30. I recommend just collecting the treasure outlined below, 
all out on the normal enemies, then leave and rest in Salonia when you're 
running low;
then come back and raise some more levels. 8-) These enemies give great EXP and 
you'll be able to buy some nice spells when you're done.


The enemies here are tough, so have some HiPotions and Cure spells ready! Follow 
the path
to the staircase. Go right, up and left to get a GOLEM STAFF. Now go back right, 
up and
left to get an AEGIS SHIELD and a GAIA ROBE. Now go all the way back down, left, 
up, and
right; pick up a REFLECT ARMOR. Equip it on the Knight. Go left and up to reach 
GIYAMAN BELL and a staircase. Go up the staircase; go straight up then right at 
the top
for a secret passage. There are four ELIXIRs and four FENIXDOWNs here, but each 
Elixir is
guarded by an Ouroboros (830 HP, 1680 Gil, 900 EXP) and each FENIXDOWN is 
guarded by an
Ion (1200 HP, 1600 Gil, 850 EXP). Once you're done, follow the path into the 
staircase. If you're ready for a very nasty fight, go up and talk to Odin.

      5600 Gil, 1250 EXP

If you still have that Dragoon equipment, now's the time to use it! Have 
Jump. He uses basically the same tactics as Garuda, but his Atom Edge is much 
powerful. In addition, he'll sometimes use a regular attack which more or less 
wipes out
one member. If you're not all Dragoons, have the WhiteWiz continually cast Cure3 
on the 
party, and have BlackWiz cast Fire3, then Bolt3 when it runs out. It's all luck, 
If you try two or three times and no dice, build up some more levels in here.

When you beat him, you'll get the ODIN spell for your nonexistent Conjurer. Give 
it to
the Fighter to hold for now, then leave the Catacomb. Rest up, then go and 
Dorga's Village to buy any new spells you can afford. After you're done, head 
along the 
east coast of the Salonia Continent until you reach an opening to the west. Go 
in to find
a cave; it's Unne's Shrine.


Talk to the parrot, then go up to Unne, press B and select "Lute". After the 
short scene,
talk to Unne to get her to join your party. Now go back to Salonia; fly over the 
heading west, just south of the city. Follow it up, right, and left a bit. Land 
Nautilus there, in a small clearing with a cave. The cave is the Ancient Ruins.


Go up to the rocks to have Unne blow them away. Go down and left. Enter the door 
for a
REFLECT ARMOR. Exit the room and continue left. You won't be attacked in the 
next door.
The three doors here are an inn (a welcome addition), and a weapons and armor 
shop, both
of which are useless since you've gotten all the treasure in the Underwater 
Cave! Now go
down the staircase. Warning! The enemies here will split. The Sirenos, Garb, and
DeathClaw enemies will split when attacked physically; the Azrael enemies will 
almost every round, making it seem like it lasts forever! The trick is that the 
clone can
only have as much HP as the one who cloned it. So spread out your attacks among 
enemies; eventually they'll go down. Don't shy away from healing the party! If 
really getting low on magic, use Exit. For the ones who need physical attacks, 
Karateka's BuildUp skill and use Defend and low-level magic for the other three 
Now, follow the path to the intersection. First go into the very lower left
room for a BLACKBELT. Go into the door just above it for a CHAKRA HAT. Now go to 
the door
above-left of that one (above the passage you used to get here) for a RUNE BELL. 
straight right for an ELVEN CLAW. By now your Karateka should have better attack 
with his fists (try de-equipping him and see how high his attack power is). Now 
go back
to the main intersection and head all the way north. Follow the path past two 
Here just keep to the bottom floor (remember Goldor's Mansion?) to the next 
Follow the path past another three staircases and you'll be in the Airship 


Check it out! A free bed, vending machines with some of the best magic and armor 
there is,
and you can land over any terrain besides mountains! The first place you should 
check out
is Fargabaad. Just southwest of Salonia, you'll see a green passage leading to 
the west
side of the continent. Towards the Salonia side, however, is a jumping point. 
It's a very
narrow mountain range. To jump over it, face it and press A. Follow the path and 
south again. Go west a bit and you'll see a town. Press B to enter the airship 
to land, go onto the ladder. Enter the town of Fargabaad.


This town is M.Knight-oriented. First, enter the left side of the trees near the 
top of the
town (where there are two rows of equal length above one another), and walk into 
waterfall. Talk to the man to be thrust into a fight with a Shinobi. Beat him 
(he has under
2000 HP) to get 4000 Gil, 1100 EXP, and the KIKU sword. This sword can only be 
equipped on
an M.Knight. Now, de-equip your Knight. Change his Job into an M.Knight. Give 
him the Kiku,
then go into the armor and weapon shops and buy him an Ashura sword and a Demon 
Armor. Now
enter the cave at the top of town. The gimmick with M.Knights is that their 
swords will not
cause enemies which normally split to split. This cave is infested with those 
enemies, so
use black magic and have the M.Knight pound away. Have the Karateka BuildUp in 
meantime, and have WhiteWiz use low-level magic. Inside the cave, pick up the 
chest for a
THOR HAMMER, then go to the bottom right and enter the secret passage. Go five 
steps right,
then up all the way, then eight steps right, down all the way, right all the 
way, and
up to pick up another DEMON ARMOR. Now either cast Exit or go back to the main 
room. Now
go into the top right secret passage. Go right all the way, nine steps up, then 
right all
the way and up to get a KOTETSU and an ASHURA sword. Now cast Exit or leave. 
Sell the two Ashuras and extra Demon Armor, then leave the city. The first thing 
you want 
to do is get rid of those four Fangs cluttering up your inventory. Head to the 
north of 
Amur. See those statues? If you tried passing them by air before you were pushed 
back; by 
foot, you were instantly killed. 8-\ Now, go on foot and walk past the first 
three, and 
only the first three; the last one will still kill you! Now you have no more 
cluttering you up. 8-) Now's the time to head back to the Floating Continent. To 
get there, 
go to the cross-shaped land mass at the entrance to the Dalug Continent (Dorga's 
and go east. Once in the Continent, head to the the Living Forest. That lake 
with the 
shadow on it near the Dwarf Cave is now accessible by jumping over the mountains 
north of 
the Forest. Get out of the Invincible at the only patch of land, at the very 
south of the 
lake. Take the canoe into the swimming shadow to enter Lake Dol.


At the first intersection you come to, go south for four chests: a GODS'RAGE, an 
a FENIXDOWN, and a NORTHWIND. Now go up. The four chests here hold three 
HIPOTIONs and an
ELIXIR. Go down the staircase. Go up at the intersection. The first chest you 
see has a
WHITESCENT; the next four have an AEGIS SHIELD, a LAMIASCL, a GODS'WINE, and a 
Now go down and down the staircase. At the intersection, go to the top right for 
BLACKHOLE, a THOR HAMMER, and a REFLECT ARMOR. The last chest contains a 
head back to the intersection; go to the lower left for an IMPSYAWN and a 
head to the top left and down the staircase. Now follow the path to Leviathan; 
talk to him
to begin the boss battle.

      5700 Gil, 1250 EXP

Have WhiteWiz cast Cure3 on the party every round, have Knight and Karateka 
attack, and
have BlackWiz use Bolt3. If your HP average is above 1700, he should be OK. 
You'll get 
the LEVIA spell when you win. Give it to Knight for now, then cast Exit and heal 
up on
the Invincible. Now go to the very east of the Continent, Gisahl Town. Just west 
of that
is a cave enclosed by mountains. Jump to get in, then enter the Cave of Bahamut.


This is an excellent place to build up levels - you can always leave and heal up 
in the
Invincible. Plus, chances are you won't be able to beat the boss at your present 
Level 37 is pushing it; I recommend at least Level 38.
Follow the path. The first two chests contain a GODS'RAGE and an EARTHDRUM. Go 
north at
the intersection for a FENIXDOWN and NORTHWIND. Now follow the path down the 
The first chest you come to here will have a GOLEM STAFF. The next two chests 
will have
a GODS'WINE and a LAMIASCL. The last two on this floor have a TURTLSHELL and a 
Go down the stairs. The first three chests here have a DARKSCENT, FENIXDOWN, and 
The last one has a KOTETSU. Watch out - as soon as you walk all the way to the 
right wall,
you'll be thrust into an extremely difficult battle with Bahamut.

      3500 Gil, 700 EXP

Have WhiteWiz cast Cure4 on the party every round, and have the Knight and 
attack. The BlackWiz can't do much; choose between casting Quake and Drain. If 
your levels
are above 37 you should do fine. When you win you'll get the BAHAM summon spell; 
give it
to the Knight. Reenter the Cave of Bahamut; you'll have to walk all the way back 
to the
Invincible. Now change your Knight into an M.Knight and give him the Demon 
Armor, Kiku,
and Kotetsu. You might want to stop by a few cities here and get him some White 
spells like Cure, Cure2, and Exit. When you're done, fly the Invincible out of 
Flying Continent and back to the continent with Amur in it. Just to the east of 
Statues of the Quest is another opening. You'll have to make several jumps with 
Invincible here to reach your next target. You'll be attacked by enemies, but 
Invincible's cannon helps out a bit.


}From the entrance to the jumping maze, do the following: Jump right twice, then 
twice, then down from the left side of the clearing you're in, then right, down 
the right side of the clearing, up from the right side, up, right twice, up 
three times,
left, up, left, down from the middle of the clearing, down, and down. Now rest 
up if you
need it, then enter the Cave of Darkness. The enemies in here are the same as in 
Ancient Ruins, so use the same strategy. Unfortunately, this cave is a LOT 
If you find yourself running out of magic due to treasure hunting, you may want 
to Exit
and try again.
For starters, head right into the secret passage,
then up to pick up a LAMIASCL, then head back to the main passage. Follow it 
into the
wall and open the chest for a GODS'WINE. Talk to the M.Knight you see for a 
go down the stairs. Go right, enter the secret passage, take four steps right, 
then go
up, then right, then down and down the stairs. Follow the passage up, left, and 
up. Take
the secret passage left, down, and left for a PARALYZER, then go back to the 
main passage.
Go right up into the wall until you reach the next visible passage, then head 
left. At the 
end of the short passage, go straight left all the way for a LILITHKISS, then 
head back to
the main passage. Now go down all the way, left all the way, and down into the 
You are now in what I will call Passage A. Head left into the first secret 
passage you see 
(it's in a little dip). Now go left and down and into the top right secret 
passage (leading 
right). Follow it all the way right, down, right, and down to pick up a GENJI 
GLOVE. Equip 
it on the M.Knight and go all the way back to the Passage A. Follow the passage 
down, left,
up, and right into another secret passage. Here, go down the second passage from 
the left;
you'll enter B4F. Go into the bottom right secret passage (leading right) to 
enter B5F.
Take the far left secret passage (leading down) and follow it to pick up a KIKU. 
it for the M.Knight's Kotetsu. Now enter the secret passage on the right wall 
and follow
it right, up, and right to get to a visible passage. Enter the secret passage at 
bottom right and follow it right and down. Follow the passage until you reach 
secret passages heading left. Take the middle one left and up to reach a visible 
then head left, down, and left to reach the stairway. Take it. Follow the 
passage till you
reach four secret entrances leading right. Take the bottom right one and follow 
right, down, and left for a GENJI SHIELD. Now take the top right one. Follow it 
right, up,
and right. Now head down and into the next staircase. Take the secret passage 
to the right for a GENJI HELMET. Equip it on the M.Knight, then return to the 
main passage.
Now take the bottom left passage (leading down), follow it down, right, up, and 
right. Now
take the right passage and follow it up, then left into B8F. Here, go one step 
left and
down. Follow the passage down to get a GENJI ARMOR, equip it on M.Knight, and go 
back up.
Go left past the bridge, and go down to enter the water. Head right in the water 
till you
reach some stairs heading down. Go down a bit and enter the right secret passage 
from the two left ones). Follow it right, all the way down, left, and up. Go up 
to the
Earth Fang. Have the M.Knight heal the party before picking it up and starting 
the boss

      4900 GIL, 1200 EXP

This guy is a pushover. Have M.Knight and Karateka attack, have WhiteWiz cast 
Cure3 or 4
on whomever was last hit, and have BlackWiz use Fire3. When it's done, cast 
You can now choose whether you want to keep the M.Knight (he now has decent 
defense and
attack) or go back to the Knight. Personally I kept the M.Knight, but either way 
fine. Re-enter the Invincible and retrace your steps back to the open world. 
Head back to 
the Statues of the Quest to the west. Land the Invincible near the last statue 
and walk 
past it to destroy it. Re-board the Invincible. You'll have to fight enemies 
now, but 
they're the same weak ones as before. Fly up, jump right, then fly up and right. 
below the door to the large square edifice and enter it; it leads to the 


For right now, just head straight up and enter the door. When you try to walk 
up, a boss 
fight will ensue.

      4500 GIL, 1100 EXP

This guy's identical to Hekaton in more than just looks. Use the same basic 
strategy -
have M.Knight and Karateka attack, BlackWiz use Fire3, and WhiteWiz cast Cure3 
on the
party until someone's visibly hurt, when he can cast Cure4 on that person. It'll 
longer than the last fight, but he won't be too hard. When you're done, talk to 
the Crystal
to gain three more Jobs: Shaman, Warlock, and Summoner! Change your BlackWiz and 
to a Warlock and Shaman immediately, then exit the Labyrinth. Now you'll have to 
the Nautilus; you left it at the Ancient Ruins (check that section of the FAQ 
directions). Get on the Nautilus and fight your way back to Dorga's House. Walk 
down and 
you'll automatically be transported to Dorga's Cave. (Don't worry, you can leave 
at any 
time by walking back up the stairs.)


Go down the left path. At the intersection, go down, then right. Enter the door. 
Pick up
the chest you see for 20000 GIL. Follow the path to a staircase; pass it and 
pick up the
chest to the right for another 20000 GIL. Now go down the staircase. At the 
intersection, go up, then left. Enter the door for three BARRIERs. Now go back 
out and
right; enter the door. Pick up the chest for another BARRIER, then head down the 
to reach B3F. Follow the path down and enter the door. Prepare yourself for a 
boss fight
before stepping up. You'll have to fight two bosses in a row.

      4000 Gil, 830 EXP

Have the fighters attack and Warlock use Fire3. Have Shaman use Cure4 on either 
the party
(if he uses Quake) or a single member (if he uses Drain). Have one of the 
wizards use a 
Soft if he uses Break.

      4200 Gil, 1000 EXP

Don't let Warlock use magic; she'll cast Reflect on herself. Have the fighters 
attack and
have Shaman use Cure4 on anyone she used WWind on. Her physical defense is lower 
Dorga's, so this fight will be shorter.
After the two fights, talk to Unne and Dorga to get the Eureka and Sylx Keys. 
Now use
Exit or walk out of the cave. Fly the Nautilus back to the Ancient Ruins to 
reclaim the


A few words of warning here. The next while will be fairly challenging. You will 
not get
any more Fat Chocobos. However, you will need to do a LOT of level building to 
beat the
final boss, one of the hardest (if mindless) in the FF series. The layout of the 
palace is as follows: the Ancients' Labyrinth surrounds the Sylx Tower. The 
first floor
of the Sylx Tower contains the entrances to both Eureka and the rest of the Sylx 
At the end of the Sylx Tower is the entrance to the Dark World;
once there, you can't return. There's lots of excellent treasure here, but as I 
said, no
Fat Chocobo. My strategy is to collect as much treasure as you can, then head to 
the final
floor of Eureka where healing springs and shops lie. You can heal up and sell 
the unwanted
stuff. Then do it all over again, as many times as you need, for all the 
treasures in 
Eureka and the Sylx Tower. Another strategy is to leave the tower and the 
Labyrinth and head back to the Invincible whenever your inventory is full. If 
you still 
need more levels, build it up near the healing springs in the last floor of 
One good thing is that all the enemies here give tons of experience. You'll 
probably come
in at about level 40 and face the final boss at about level 60.
If you are not using an emulator, you'll want to exit the Sylx Tower 
periodically to save
your game. If you are, make sure you have an extra slot available for the Dark 
First, you must stock up on essentials. Buy as many HiPotions as you can carry, 
and a few
Potions as well (twenty or so) for good luck. Buy plenty of Softs, Antidotes, 
and EyeDrops. Take my advice and give the Fat Chocobo all the useless battle 
items like
ChocoRage, NorthWind, and LilithKiss.
Now you'll have to go shopping for magic. You can't buy any magic you want in 
Eureka, only
the absolute best ones. For the lower-level ones, you'll have to be prepared. 
completing Eureka you'll have two characters who can use ANY magic. Here is my
recommendation for their magic list:

Cure, Pure, Sleep   || Cure, Fire, Sleep
Bolt, Aero, Venom   || Bolt, Aero, Venom
Fire2, Ice2, Cure2  || Bolt2, Cure2, Exit
Ice3, Confu, Break  || Ice3, Confu, Break
Bolt3, Cure3, Life  || Bolt3, Cure3, Life
Fire3, Bio, Haste   || Fire3, Bio, Haste -may want to switch a Fire3 for Soft-
Quake, Cure4, Heal  || Quake, Cure4, Heal
Flare, Life2, Baham || Meteo, Life2, Baham -may want to switch Meteo for Holy-

Of course, you may not agree with me. You can buy the Level 8 magic at the last 
floor of
Eureka, as well as copies of the Baham summon spell. You should HAVE all these 
but there's no point in equipping them yet - give the extra ones to your 
fighters. You
should sell any equipment you don't need (get them from the Fat Chocobo and sell 
them at 
the vending machines). I recommend taking along the Elven Claw for a little 
while. Also
make sure that you have a Carrot in your inventory if you want to return to the 
Chocobo. Now it's time to retrace your steps to the Ancients' Labyrinth (where 
you got your 
last three Jobs).


Go left around the door with the Earth Crystal, and go up at the intersection. 
Then head
right to pick up an ELIXIR, then back left and enter the door. At the 
intersection, go
up for a LILITHKISS and a CRYSTAL SHIELD. Go back to the intersection and head 
left. At
the next intersection, head up for a CRYSTAL ARMOR. Equip it on your Knight or 
then go back to the intersection and left. Pick up the treasure chest you see 
for a
DARKSCENT, then head back left. Go all the way up for a CRYSTAL GLOVE; give it 
to the
Knight or M.Knight, then go back left, down, and take the first (uppermost) 
passage. Follow it all the way into the next room. Here, take the first downward 
and follow it all the way down to reach a FENIXDOWN, BREAK SWORD, and ULTIMATE 
you're using the Knight, give him the sword; give the rod to the Warlock. Go up 
and at the
first intersection (the 4-way one) head left for a CRYSTAL HELM; give it to your 
or M.Knight. Head right for a GREATAXE. Now go back up and right into the next 
At the first intersection here, head up and go all the way right for a PROTECT 
which you probably won't need. Go down and left at the first intersection to 
pick up a 
FENIXDOWN. Go back right and down. Follow the path to the door. The two chests 
contain a HOLY SPEAR and a HELLCLAW. If you still have the ElvenClaw, see if 
Karateka's power is better barehanded or with the Elven and HellClaws; if it's 
equip the claws. Go up into the exit. Walk upwards to enter the Sylx Tower.


For now, walk up into the door and up some more until something stops you. Press 
B and
select "EurekaKey". Walk up into the mirror to enter Forbidden Land Eureka.


Head left, down, and right as soon as you can; pick up the two chests for a 
and a GODS'RAGE. Go down, all the way right, up, and left as soon as you can to 
up a NORTHWIND and an ELIXIR. Now go down and into the staircase to enter B2F.
Here, go left and enter the door for a BOMBR.ARM. Exit and enter the room to the 
of that intersection to get a GODS'RAGE, NORTHWIND, and FENIXDOWN. Go back to 
intersection and down until you're one square above the bottom of the left chunk 
of wall.
(It's exactly opposite a treasure chest; you can see the chest by going to the 
far left
of the room.) Head left and prepare yourself for a fight before opening the 
chest; a Ninja
will step out. He's pretty strong, but when you win you'll get 4800 GIL, 1150 
EXP, and
a RIBBON. Equip the Ribbon on either Wizard, then go back to the intersection. 
Go down
the staircase to pick up a SHURIKEN, then go back up. Now go right, past the 
right room,
and follow the path to the staircase to enter B3F. Here, go left for an ELIXIR, 
then back
right and down. Follow the path. The first chest you see has a SHURIKEN, the 
second has
a FENIXDOWN. Go down the staircase to reach B4F. Here, follow the path to reach 
boomerang. Examine it to start a boss fight. (If you're following my advice, 
leave it alone for now and hightail it to the bottom floor.) If you do pick it 
a boss battle will ensue:

      3450 Gil, 1050 EXP

Not a very tough battle. Bio works wonders against him. Have the Shaman Haste 
the fighters
and the fight'll be over quickly.

You'll get the FULLMOON when you're done; give it to your Knight or M.Knight. 
continue down to B5F. Here, first go down, then left to get a FENIXDOWN. Go back 
To continue on, go down; for another boss fight, head right and check the 

      5000 Gil, 1200 EXP

A bit harder than the last one because she'll cast Mindblast and freeze at least 
two of
your party members. If you're free, have WhiteWiz cast Haste on the M.Knight or 
have BlackWiz cast Bio and have the fighters attack. She has fairly low defense 
and should 
go down quickly. When you beat her, you'll get the awesome MASAMUNE; give it to 
M.Knight to 
make him a super-powerhouse! Now go down the staircase (pick up a FENIXDOWN 
first) to enter 
B6F. Here, go right for another optional battle; head left (see below the boss 
section for 
directions) to continue.

      5200 Gil, 1250 EXP

He has a powerful regular attack, but that's it (at least in my experience). 
Have WhiteWiz
cast Haste on both fighters and have BlackWiz use Bio. When you beat him, you'll 
get the
almighty EXCALIBUR. Give it to the Knight if you have him, then go back to the 
to this floor and head left over the broken bridges. Go all the way left, down, 
down, right, and up (sneaky, huh?) to enter B7F. Here, head all the way up and 
into the
door to reach healing springs and some shops which sell the best magic in the 
First heal up, then pick up the four chests for two ELIXIRs and two SHURIKENs. 
Head all
the way up to the top of the wall and press A; a secret passage to yet another 
(which sells all the Crystal equipment) will open up. I advise you not to buy 
form him, as the Crystal set can be found in the Sylx Tower. Buy some Level 8 
magic as 
advised above (or whatever you want). Now head back down out of this room and 
speak to the 
staff on the left to begin another boss fight.

      5400 Gil, 1300 EXP

Go all out here; there's a healing spring right here! With your new Holy and 
Flare spells,
this guy doesn't stand a chance. When you win, you'll get the ELDEST staff, as 
well as the
two ultimate Jobs, Ninja and Sage!! Now, switch your fighters to be Ninjas and 
your magic
users to be Sages. Redistribute weapons, armor and magic to even out the levels. 
Go back
and heal, then talk to the sword on the right for the final boss battle of 

      5600 Gil, 1350 EXP

With your new abilities, this guy's a joke. Have the Ninjas fight and have the 
cast Baham. He'll cast Quake, but chances are you'll kill him before he can do 
you in.
You'll get the RAGNAROK sword, the best in the game; now go and heal up. Sell 
extraneous magic (especially Odin and Leviathan), then open the secret passage 
and buy
as many Shurikens as you can afford. You'll hopefully be returning to this place 
cleaning out the Sylx Tower; you can buy some more then. Now I highly recommend 
your levels to at least Level 49; if you don't, the Sylx Tower will probably be 
too much
to bear. This is the best place for it, because of the healing springs. 
Actually, the 
very best place is B4F, where the groups of Haokahs net you some excellent 
experience. The
healing springs are still very close, so when you think you're getting anywhere 
near weak,
just hop up to the springs, then back to B4F to build more levels. When you're 
it's time to go all the way back to the first floor of the Sylx Tower (retrace 
your steps 
to the entrance of Eureka, then step on the platform you arrived in to go back 
to Sylx 


The enemies here (especially FlameDevil) are a lot harder than in Eureka, so be 
}From the door to Eureka, go left, then left again at the intersection. Follow 
the path
to a BARRIER, then back left and up a bit; there's a secret passage in the left 
Pick up the chest you see for a WHITESCENT, then go up. Go up at the 
intersection for a
CHOCORAGE, then back down and right. Make a detour at the door, press B and 
"Sylx Key". Don't enter yet; go back down and right. Go up at the intersection 
for a 
LILITHKISS. Go back down (the room is symmetrical so you'll be basically 
retracing your
steps backwards), and follow the path for a CHOCORAGE and EARTHDRUM. Enter the 
passage to the left for a BARRIER and a WHITESCENT. Now go back to the door you 
and enter it to reach 2F. For starters, go left, then left again at the next two
intersections; go up for an ELIXIR. Now go down, past the passage you used to 
get here,
and take the next passage right. Follow the path straight through a secret 
passage right;
go up for a FENIXDOWN. Go down and follow the passage; pass the staircase for 
ELIXIR, then enter it to reach 3F. Go up, then right into a secret passage. 
Follow the
passage up and go right at the top into another secret passage. Follow this one 
down and
go up at the intersection for an ELIXIR. Now go back down and enter the 
staircase to 
reach 4F. Here, just follow the path; pick up the two chests you see for a 
and another ELDEST staff; give it to whichever Sage doesn't have it. Follow the 
to the staircase to end up back in 3F. Now, go left and up at the first 
intersection for
a FENIXDOWN. Head back down, all the way left, up, right through two secret 
then up. The chests to either side of the staircase hold ELIXIRs. Enter the 
staircase to
reach 4F again. Go down and enter this staircase to reach 5F. 
Here, go left and down, then down again at the intersection. Head left at the 
intersection and follow the path all the way to the next staircase. Enter it to 
reach 6F.
The chest to the right and a bit up holds a CRYSTAL ARMOR, while the one to the 
left and
a bit up holds a FENIXDOWN. Equip the armor on whichever Ninja doesn't have it, 
then go
down to find the staircase to 7F. Here, head left and down for a CRYSTAL GLOVE, 
then enter
the water and go up to find a CRYSTAL SHIELD. Give the Glove to a Ninja, then go 
back to
the land and go right. The two chests here have a FENIXDOWN and CRYSTAL HELM. 
Give the helm
to a Ninja.
WARNING! Behind the door is an automatic boss fight; after the fight, you CANNOT 
to the real world! My advice is to first head all the way back to the B7F of 
heal up, then build up some levels in B4F. I recommend at least L. 53, and 55 or 
will make it even easier. Then heal up again, and buy as much Shuriken as you 
can afford.
After that, I advise to go all the way out of the Sylx Tower and the Ancients' 
back to the Airship Invincible. Sell any unwanted stuff, stock up on HiPotions 
and status 
items, and get back any battle items you gave in. (While you're there, remember 
Sages can also equip books. You may want to switch one of the rods/staffs for a 
When you're done and you think you're ready, head back up the Sylx Tower to the 
room you 
(hopefully) didn't enter. (You may want to stop off at the shops in Forbidden 
Land Eureka
for some HP refill and to buy more Shurikens. Shurikens will be your weapon of 
choice for
the five tough battles you have ahead, and the more you have the easier your 
life will be.
I recommend at LEAST 20, and 25 if you want the two toughest battles to be easy 
as hell.
(Each Shuriken will disappear after you use it, but you can re-equip it using 
the Item
command in battle. Press A on the Shuriken, then press left until the cursor is 
on the 
spaces for your two hands; press A again to equip another Shuriken.)
Don't use your HiPotions yet on the way up; rely on healing magic. If you're 
using an 
emulator, switch to another save slot now. Go up to the mirror for a longish 
scene; after 
it, walk up and talk to Zande for a boss fight.

      0 Gil, 0 EXP

Go all out on this one. Chances are you won't need to use your Shurikens just 
yet. Have
the Sages cast Haste on the Ninjas, then Bahamut. Zande will only move every two 
but that move will be Meteor, which even at level 55 can sap everyone for 2000 
Have the Sages cast Cure4 on the party every turn from now on; the Ninjas can 
him off. 

After you beat him, you'll have to fight a sham battle against the Cloud of 
You can't win, so don't try. Don't worry, after that you'll be completely 
restored. Walk
up to enter the Dark World.


You can walk straight up to try to fight the Cloud of Darkness, but it's not 
First you should enter the four corners to fight four bosses, each of which 
guard a Dark
Crystal. The warriors from the Crystals will weaken the Cloud of Darkness when 
you do
fight it. Also, each corner has a chest containing a fight with ZandeCln and a 
Since you already have one Ribbon, and I don't recommend giving Ribbons to the 
you should only pick up one of them. You can tackle them in any order; we'll 
head to the
upper left first.
Here, take the left secret path and follow it left, down, and left. Head up and 
get the
chest for a fight with ZandeCln and the Ribbon. ZandeCln is a weaker version of 
which means he'll attack once every two rounds. However, he also uses weak 
attacks besides
Meteo, like Quake and Flame. He has 10000 HP. Try having a Sage attack him with 
the Golem
Rod; sometimes it works and he'll be dead by the next round! 8-) Have the Sages 
use Bio or 
Quake, have the Ninjas attack and it'll be over fairly soon. You'll get 1150 Gil 
and 850 
EXP when you're done. Give the Ribbon to whichever Sage doesn't have it. Now go 
back down
and enter the secret passage to the right. Follow it all the way right, up, 
right, up,
left, and up to enter the staircase. Heal up with your HiPotions and then walk 
up to start
a boss fight.

      6400 GIL, 1500 EXP

In this and the other three fights, it's up to you whether or not to use your 
I recommend saving at least 10 of them for the final boss fight. Have the Sages 
Haste on the Ninjas. Cerberus's only attack is Thunder, a relatively weak multi-
Have one Sage cast Cure4 on the party every turn, have the other one cast Baham 
or another
strong spell. After you beat him, walk up to the crystal and press A. Now make 
your way
back to the main Dark World screen. This time, we'll try the lower left.
Here, walk all the way down to enter a secret passage; follow it left. You know 
how you pass through a blue block every so often in this passage? At the block 
just to the left of the staircase you see below you, head down to reach the 
piece of land where the staircase 
rests. Take the staircase, then use HiPotions to heal up. Walk up for your boss 

      7000 GIL, 2000 EXP

Have the Sages cast Haste on the Ninjas first round, then acting accordingly. If 
petrifies someone, have one Sage use a Soft while the other one casts Bahamut; 
if she uses 
Quake, have them both use Cure4 on the party; if she uses Drain, have one Sage 
heal and the 
other one use Bahamut or another strong spell. Once you beat her, go up to the 
Crystal and 
press A. Now make your way out back to the main screen of the Dark World. Now 
we'll go to
the lower right.
It doesn't matter whether you go up or down. Let's say you go up. Just follow 
the path
until you reach a 3-way intersection (up, down, right); go right to enter the 
and boss battle.

      7200 Gil, 4000 EXP

This guy only uses multi-attacks, but some are weak and some strong. If you're 
not using
Shurikens, have the Sages cast Haste on the Ninjas first round and then have 
them use 
Cure4 on the party every round. This will likely be one of the toughest battles
strategically that you've had yet. If you only use Shurikens, it can take 
between 6 and 10.
Good luck! When you're done, go up to the Crystal and press A, then go back to 
the main
Dark World screen. 

Finally, we'll head to the upper right.
Here, head up for a little bit. Look at the wall to the right. (Man, they're 
You'll see a dark spot on the RIGHT side of the wall (which is four blocks 
wide). Go right 
through the wall at the same horizontal level as that spot is; it's a secret 
passage. Now 
go up again and do the same thing a few steps up. The staircase to the boss 
fight is right

BOSS: 2-HEADED D, 29000 HP
      6800 Gil, 1750 EXP
This is really tough. Don't cast Haste. All this guy will do is use a crazily 
strong single
attack every round. If your Sages are alive, have them cast Life (not Life2!) on 
dead character; if they're not, use a FenixDown. If both Sages are alive and 
there's only
one casualty, you can let the extra Sage cast Baham or another strong spell. 
Now's a good 
time to use any Shurikens you have over 10! Keep resurrecting any dead 
characters! (This is
important because even if that character can't move yet, the Dragon should have 
as many
targets as possible. Good luck! When you win, go up to the Crystal and press A. 
Now heal
any characters in critical condition (you'll probably want to use a Cure3 or two 
for this,
as the HiPotions will take way too long and too many). When you're done, 
hightail it back 
to the main Dark World screen. Enter the center door, but it's not over yet! 
There's one
more maze to work through.
First walk up to the second square, then right all the way, up, right, up all 
the way,
left, up at the intersection, right all the way, then up all the way and left to 
enter the final piece of land. Go up the staircase. This is it, man! My view is 
that you 
should use magic to heal up now, then give the Sages Elixirs to refill their 
magic. Now 
walk up and into the center room. Walk up for the final battle!

FINAL BOSS: DARK CLOUD, 65000 HP (each Dark Warrior you rescued takes off an 
                                  5000 or so HP)

Obviously, go all out here. Use all your Shurikens (make sure you reequip every 
Have the Sages cast Haste on the Ninjas the first round (if you have 14 or more 
you won't have to do that); after that, you'll probably have to have them cast 
Cure4 every 
round. If it seems like you have a round of respite, cast Baham. If you run out 
of magic, 
use Elixirs. Keep plugging at it and good luck!



To use magic, you must have MP. Only certain classes can carry MP: WhiteWiz, 
RedWiz, Hunter, Shaman, Warlock, Sage, Conjurer, Summoner; M.Knight can also use 
magic, but 
not during battle. Magic is divided up into three types: White, Black, and Call. 
magic can be used depending on which Job you have. Magic is further divided into 
Each level has its own independent MP. As well, some Jobs can only use lower 
levels of
magic. In the following lists, S indicates that the spell can be cast on a 
single target,
M means multiple targets, and X means no set target. B means battle use, and O 
menu screen use. The phrase "Item: xxxx" means that the item xxxx has the same 
as that magic spell.

---WHITE MAGIC (L.1-3 used by M.Knight and Hunter, 1-7 by WhiteWiz, 1-8 by 
Shaman and Sage)

LV.1 (Cost: 100 Gil)
Pure (S B/O)   Cures Poison status. Bought in Ur. Item: Antidote
Cure (S/M B/O) Heals small amount of HP. Bought in Canaan. Found in Ur and 
               Cave Of The Seal. Item: Potion
Sight (X O)    Shows a larger view of the world map. Bought in Ancients' 
               Item: MidgBread

LV.2 (Cost: 700 Gil)
Aero (S/M B)   Weak Air-elemental attack. Bought in Tozas.
Toad (S/M B/O) Turns target to/from Toad status. Bought in Gisahl. Found in 
Gurgan Valley.
               Item: MaidKiss
Mini (S/M B/O) Turns target to/from Midget status. Bought in Gisahl.
               Found in Forest of Healing. Item: LuckMallet

LV.3 (Cost: 1500 Gil)
Cure2 (S/M B/O) Heals medium amount of HP. Bought in Ancients' Village, NW 
                Dorga's Village, and Fargabaad. Found in Tozas. Item: HiPotion
Wash  (S B/O)   Cures Poison, Blind, and Confuse status. Bought in Ancients' 
Village, NW
                Salonia, Dorga's Village, and Fargabaad.
Exit  (X/S B/O) Exits from dungeon or town to the overworld map. When used in 
                instantly kills one enemy. Bought in Ancients' Village, NW 
                Dorga's Village, and Fargabaad. Item: OtterHead

LV.4 (Cost: 3000 Gil)
Libra (S B)   Shows enemy HP; does not work on some bosses. Bought in Gisahl, NE 
              and Dorga's Village.
Confu (S/M B) Causes Confuse status. Bought in Gisahl, NE Salonia, and Dorga's 
              Item: LamiaScl.
Mute  (S/M B) Causes Mute status. Bought in Gisahl, NE Salonia, and Dorga's 

LV.5 (Cost: 5000 Gil)
Cure3 (S/M B/O) Heals large amount of HP. Bought in NE Salonia, Dorga's House, 
                Dorga's Village.
Life  (S B/O)   Heals Dead status with minimal HP. Bought in NE Salonia, Dorga's 
                and Dorga's Village. Item: FenixDown
Safe  (S B)     Raises defense for the duration of the battle. Bought in NE 
                Dorga's House, and Dorga's Village. Item: TurtlShell

LV.6 (Cost: 10000 Gil)
Aero2 (S/M B) Medium-strength Air-elemental attack. Bought in Dorga's House and
              Dorga's Village.
Soft  (S B/O) Cures Stone status. Bought in Dorga's House and Dorga's Village.
Haste (S B)   Doubles target's Speed status. This means he can attack twice as 
many times
              in one round. Bought in Dorga's House and Dorga's Village. Item: 

LV.7 (Cost: 20000 Gil)
Cure4 (S/M B/O) Cures all of single ally's HP or large amount of party's HP. 
Bought in
                Dorga's Village and Airship Invincible.
Wall  (S B)     Causes Reflect status on target. Bought in Dorga's Village and 
                Airship Invincible. Item: Barrier
Heal  (S B/O)   Heals all status problems besides Death. Bought in Dorga's 
Village and
                Airship Invincible.

LV.8 (Cost: 60000 Gil)
WWind (S/M B) Air-elemental attack which leaves targets with single-digit HP. 
Bought in
              Forbidden Land Eureka.
Life2 (S B/O) Cures Dead status and heals all HP. Bought in Forbidden Land 
Holy  (S B)   Strong Holy-elemental attack. Bought in Forbidden Land Eureka.
              Item: WhiteScent

---BLACK MAGIC (L.1-7 used by BlackWiz, 1-8 by Warlock and Sage)

LV.1 (Cost: 100 Gil)
Sleep (S/M B) Causes Sleep status. Bought in Kazus, Tozas, and Viking Base. 
Found in
              Altar Cave.
Fire  (S/M B) Weak Fire-elemental attack. Bought in Kazus, Tozas, and Viking 
              Item: BombShard
Ice   (S/M B) Weak Ice-elemental attack. Bought in Kazus, Tozas, and Viking 
              Item: SouthWind

LV.2 (Cost: 700 Gil)
Bolt (S/M B)  Weak Lightning-elemental attack. Bought in Canaan, Tozas, and 
Viking Base.
              Item: Zeus'Rage
Venom (S/M B) Weak magic attack which adds Poison status. Bought in Canaan, 
Tozas, and
              Viking Base. 
Blind (S/M B) Causes Blind status. Bought in Canaan, Tozas, and Viking Base. 
Found in

LV.3 (Cost: 1500 Gil)
Fire2 (S/M B) Medium-strength fire-elemental attack. Bought in Ancients' 
              NW Salonia, Dorga's Village, and Fargabaad. Found in Viking Base.
              Item: BombShard, BombR.Arm
Ice 2 (S/M B) Medium-strength ice-elemental attack. Bought in Ancients' Village, 
              NW Salonia, Dorga's Village, and Fargabaad. Found in Viking Base.
              Item: SouthWind, NorthWind
Bolt2 (S/M B) Medium-strength lightning-elemental attack. Bought in Ancients' 
              NW Salonia, Dorga's Village, and Fargabaad. Found in Viking Base.
              Item: Zeus'Rage, Gods'Rage

LV.4 (Cost: 3000 Gil)
Ice 3 (S/M B) Strong ice-elemental attack. Bought in Gisahl, NE Salonia, and 
              Dorga's Village. Item: NorthWind
Shade (S/M B) Paralyzes enemy temporarily. Bought in Gisahl, NE Salonia, and
              Dorga's Village. Item: Paralyzer
Break (S B)   Causes Petrify status. Bought in Gisahl, NE Salonia, and Dorga's 

LV.5 (Cost: 5000 Gil)
Bolt3 (S/M B) Strong lightning-elemental attack. Bought in NE Salonia and 
Dorga's Village.
              Item: Gods'Rage
Erase (S B)   Dispels barriers and magical defenses. Bought in NE Salonia and 
              Dorga's Village. Item: BlackHole
Kill  (X B)   Completely obliterates all enemies. Very low hit %. Bought in NE 
              and Dorga's Village.

LV.6 (Cost: 10000 Gil)
Fire3 (S/M B)   Strong fire-elemental attack. Bought in Dorga's House and 
Dorga's Village.
                Item: BombR.Arm
Bio   (S/M B)   Strong attack and adds Poison status. Bought in Dorga's House 
                Dorga's Village.
Warp  (X/S B/O) Warps back from current position (you can choose how many floors 
to warp).
                When used in battle, instantly kills one enemy. Bought in 
Dorga's House 
                and Dorga's Village.

LV.7 (Cost: 20000 Gil)
Brak2 (S B) Causes Stone status. Bought in Dorga's Village and Airship 
Quake (X B) Earth-elemental attack to all enemies. Bought in Dorga's Village and
            Airship Invincible. Item: EarthDrum
Drain (S B) Drains HP from enemy and gives to caster. Bought in Dorga's Village 
            Airship Invincible. Item: LilithKiss

LV.8 (Cost: 60000 Gil)
Flare (S/M B) Very strong non-elemental attack. Bought in Forbidden Land Eureka.
              Item: ChocoRage
Death (S B)   Instantly kills one enemy; high % rate. Bought in Forbidden Land 
              Item: DarkScent
Meteo (M B)   Very strong non-elemental attack. Bought in Forbidden Land Eureka.


Every Call Magic spell is in its own level. The effects of the spells when cast 
Conjurers are picked from one of two effects, both of which are different from 
the effect
when cast by Summoner or Sage. I will refer to the Conjurer effects as 1 and 2, 
and the
other effect as 3. All Call spells up till Odin are bought in Leprit and Dorga's 
The remaining three spells must be received by beating bosses. However, you can 
buy copies
of them in Forbidden Land Eureka if you've already received them once.

LV.1: Chocb (Cost: 100 Gil) 
1: "Escape". Allows party to escape from battle.
2: "Stumble". Nothing happens.
3: "Chocobo Kick" Weak non-elemental attack on all enemies.

LV.2: Shiva (Cost: 700 Gil)
1: "Hypno Beam". Casts Sleep on all enemies.
2: "Icy Glare". Ice-elemental attack on one enemy.
3: "Diamond Dust". Ice-elemental attack on all enemies.

LV.3: Ramuh (Cost: 1500 Gil)
1: "Mindblast". Stuns all enemies.
2: "God's Thunder". Lightning-elemental attack on one enemy.
3: "Heaven's Rage". Lightning-elemental attack on all enemies.

LV.4: Ifrit (Cost: 3000 Gil)
1: "Recover". Heals some HP for entire party.
2: "Flames of Fury". Fire-elemental attack on one enemy.
3: "Hellfire". Fire-elemental attack on all enemies.

LV.5: Titan (Cost: 5000 Gil)
1: "Punch". Punches one enemy.
2: "Kick". Kicks one enemy.
3: "Earthquake". Earth-elemental attack on all enemies.

LV.6: Odin (Cost: 45000 Gil) Found in Salonia Catacombs after beating Odin.
1: "Barrier". Causes Reflect status on all allies.
2: "Sword Cut". Physical attack on one enemy.
3: "Atom Edge". Instantly kills all enemies.

LV.7: Leviathan (Cost: 55000 Gil) Found in Lake Dol after beating Leviathan.
1: "Stony Glare". Causes Stone status on all enemies.
2: "Tempest". Medium attack on all enemies.
3: "Tsunami". Strong attack on all enemies.

LV.8: Bahamut (Cost: 65000 Gil) Found in Cave of Bahamut, after beating Bahamut.
1: "". Casts Haste on all allies.
2: "". Non-elemental attack on one enemy.
3: "Megaflare". Non-elemental attack on all enemies.



The same abbreviations as in the magic list apply. The phrase "W Magic: xxxx" 
means that
the White Magic spell xxxx has the same effect as that item. "B Magic" refers to 
a Black
Magic spell.

Antidote   (S B/O)     Cures Poison status. W Magic: Pure
Barrier    (S B)       Causes Reflect status. W Magic: Wall
BlackHole  (S B)       Dispels magic barriers and defenses. B Magic: Erase
BombHead   (S B)       Strong non-elemental attack. B Magic: Flare
BombR.Arm  (S/M B)     Strong fire-elemental attack. B Magic: Fire2/Fire3
BombShard  (S/M B)     Weak fire-elemental attack. B Magic: Fire/Fire2
Carrot     (X O)       Use at Chocobo Forest or on Airship Invincible to summon 
the Fat
ChocoRage  (S/M B)     Strong non-elemental attack. B Magic: Flare
DarkScent  (S B)       Instantly kills enemy. B Magic: Death
Devil'sSigh(A B)       Instantly kills all enemies. B Magic: Kill
EarthDrum  (M B)       Earth-elemental attack on all enemies. B Magic: Quake
EchoHerb   (S B/O)     Cures Mute status.
Elixir     (S B/O)     Restores all HP and MP.
Eyedrop    (S B/O)     Cures Blind status.
FenixDown  (S B/O)     Cures Dead status with minimal HP. W Magic: Life
Gods'Rage  (S/M B)     Strong lightning-elemental attack. B Magic: Bolt2/Bolt3
Gods'Wine  (S B)       Doubles speed for the duration of the battle. This 
effectively means
                       that attack and defense is potentially doubled. W Magic: 
HiPotion   (S B/O)     Restores up to 500 HP. W Magic: Cure2
Imp'sYawn  (S/M B)     Air-elemental attack. W Magic: Aero/Aero2.
LamiaScl.  (S/M B)     Confuses enemy. W Magic: Confu
LilithKiss (S B)       Drains HP from target and gives to caster. B Magic: Drain
LuckMallet (S B/O)     Cures Midget status. W Magic: Mini
Magic Key  (X O)       Use to open locked doors.
MaidKiss   (S B/O)     Cures Toad status. W Magic: Toad
MidgBread  (X O)       Use on main map to show a larger view of the world. W 
Magic: Sight
MuteCharm  (S B)       Silences target. W Magic: Mute
NorthWind  (S/M B)     Strong ice-elemental attack. B Magic: Ice 2/Ice 3
OtterHead  (X/S O/B)   Use to exit a dungeon or town and return to the main map. 
When used
                       in battle, attempt to instantly kill one enemy. W Magic: 
Paralyzer  (S/M B)     Temporarily paralyzes enemy. B Magic: Shade
Pillow     (S/M B)     Puts target to sleep. B Magic: Sleep
Potion     (S B/O)     Restores up to 300 HP. W Magic: Cure
Soft       (S B/O)     Cures Stone status. W Magic: Soft
SouthWind  (S/M B)     Weak ice-elemental attack. B Magic: Ice/Ice 2
TurtlShell (S B)       Raises physical defense for the duration of the battle.
SplitShell (S B)       Instantly kills target. B Magic: Erase
                       W Magic: Safe
WhiteScent (S B)       Strong Holy-elemental attack. W Magic: Holy
Zeus'Rage  (S/M B)     Weak lightning-elemental attack. B Magic: Bolt/Bolt2
Antidote:  2 found in Ur. Bought for 40 Gil in: Ur, Kazus, Canaan, Tozas, Viking 
           Bought for 80 Gil in: Ancients' Village, Dwarf Cave. Bought for 100 
Gil in:
           Amur, Leprit, Dastar, NW Salonia, NE Salonia, Dorga's House, Airship 
           Stolen from: Laruwai, Pharaoh, Revenant, Shadow
Barrier:   4 found in Dorga's Cave, 2 found in Sylx Tower. (=6)
BlackHole: 1 found in Underwater Cave, 1 found in Lake Dol. (=2)
BombHead:  Location unknown
BombR.Arm: 2 found in Forbidden Land Eureka. (=2) Stolen from: Azrael, Bomb, 
           Fahan, Magician, Pudding, Roper, Vulcan. Dropped by Pudding, Roper.
BombShard: 1 found in Argass Castle, 1 found in Tower of Owen. (=2) Stolen from:
           Balloon, Griffon, Lamia, Leprecaun, Puti. Dropped by Lamia.
Carrot:    Bought for 150 Gil in: Gisahl, Amur, Leprit, Dastar, NW Salonia, NE 
           Dorga's House, Airship Invincible, and Fargabaad. 3 found in Gisahl, 
1 in Dwarf
           Cave, 4 in Amur, and 11 in SW Salonia.
ChocoRage: 1 found in Cave of Bahamut, 2 found in Sylx Tower. (=3)
DarkScent: 1 found in Lake Dol, 1 in Cave of Bahamut, 1 in Ancients' Labyrinth. 
Devil'sSigh: Stolen from: Knocker, RedCap.
EarthDrum: 2 found in Dastar, 1 in Lake Dol, 1 in Cave of Bahamut, 1 in Sylx 
Tower. (=5)
EchoHerb:  Bought for 100 Gil in: Ancients' Village, Dwarf Cave, Amur, Leprit, 
           NW Salonia, NE Salonia, Dorga's House, and Airship Invincible. 1 
found in
           Dwarf Cave. Stolen from: PutiMage, Pygman.
Elixir:    1 found in Canaan (but used immediately), 1 in Dwarf Cave, 2 in 
Argass Castle,
           2 in Leprit, 4 in Salonia Catacombs, 1 in Underwater Cave, 1 in Lake 
Dol, 1 in 
           Cave of Bahamut, 1 in Ancients' Labyrinth, 4 in Forbidden Land 
           5 in Sylx Tower. (=23) Stolen from and dropped by: Green D., Red D., 
Yellow D.
Eyedrop:   Bought for 40 Gil in Ancients' Village and Dwarf Cave. Bought for 80 
Gil in
           Ur, Kazus, Canaan, Tozas, and Viking Base. Bought for 100 Gil in 
Amur, Leprit,
           Dastar, NW Salonia, NE Salonia, Dorga's House, and Airship 
Invincible. 1 found
           in Cave of Seal. Stolen from and dropped by: Pharaoh, Shadow.
FenixDown: 2 found in Canaan, 1 in Tokkle, 2 in Dwarf Cave, 3 in Hyne Castle, 1 
in Leprit,
           2 in SE Salonia, 2 in Salonia Castle, 4 in Salonia Catacombs,
           1 in Underwater Cave, 1 in Lake Dol, 2 in Cave of Bahamut, 2 in 
           Ancients' Labyrinth, 4 in Forbidden Land Eureka, 5 in Sylx Tower. 
Gods'Rage: 1 found in Lake Dol, 1 in Cave of Bahamut, 2 in Forbidden Land 
Eureka. (=4)
           Stolen from: DarkKngt., Kyklops, Magician, Pudding, Roper, Storoper, 
           Dropped by Kyklops, Storoper, Thor.
Gods'Wine: 1 found in Underwater Cave, 1 in Lake Dol, 2 in Cave of Bahamut. (=4)
HiPotion:  Bought for 1200 Gil in: Ancients' Village, Dwarf Cave, Amur, Leprit, 
           NW Salonia, NE Salonia, Dorga's House, Airship Invincible, and 
           3 found in Flame Cave, 2 in Salonia Castle, 1 in Dorga's House, and 3 
           Lake Dol. Stolen from: Bomb, Death Claw, DevilHorse, D.General, 
Fahan, Garb,
           Grashara, K.Lizard, Needler, Sleipnir, Sorceror, Storoper, Vassago, 
           Dropped by: Balfrey, BossTroll, Cronos, Death Claw, D.General, Garb, 
           Haniel, Kyklops, Magician, M.Helcan, Needler, Pudding, Sirenos, 
           Sorceror, Storoper, Thor, Vassago.
Imp'sYawn: 1 found in Lake Dol. (=1) Stolen from: Death Claw, Grashara, Needler.
LamiaScl.: 1 found in Tokkle, 1 in Lake Dol, 1 in Cave of Bahamut, and 1 in 
           Cave of Darkness. (=4) 
LilithKiss: 1 found in Lake Dol, 1 in Cave of Darkness, 1 in Ancients' 
Labyrinth, and 1 in
            Sylx Tower. (=4) Stolen from: Death Claw, Grashara, Needler.
LuckMallet: Bought for 100 Gil in: Ancients' Village, Dwarf Cave, Amur, Dastar, 
NW Salonia,
            and NE Salonia. 1 found in Canaan and 1 in Hyne Castle.
            Stolen from: PutiMage, Pygman
Magic Key: Bought for 100 Gil in Gisahl. 1 found in Flame Cave.
MaidKiss:  Bought for 100 Gil in: Ancients' Village, Dwarf Cave, Amur, Dastar, 
NW Salonia,
           and Dorga's House. 2 found in Tower of Owen. Stolen from and dropped 
           PutiMage, Pygman 
MidgBread: Bought for 200 Gil in: Tozas, Leprit, NE Salonia, Airship Invincible, 
           Fargabaad. 2 found in Canaan. Stolen from: Adamantai
MuteCharm: Location unknown.
NorthWind: 1 found in Lake Dol, 1 in Cave of Bahamut, 2 in Forbidden Land 
Eureka. (=4)
           Stolen from: Roper, Sorceror. 
OtterHead: Bought for 2000 Gil in: Leprit, NE Salonia, and Airship Invincible. 1 
found in
           Dwarf Cave.
Paralyzer: 1 found in Cave of Darkness. (=1) Stolen from: Bomb, Fahan, Kyklops, 
           Storoper, Thor, Vulcan.
Pillow:    Stolen from: Balloon, Leprecaun.
Potion:    Bought for 150 Gil in: Ur, Kazus, Canaan, Tozas, Viking Base, 
Ancients' Village,
           and Dwarf Cave. 3 found in Altar Cave, 10 in Ur, 1 in Kazus, 1 in 
Cave of Seal,
           1 in Sassoon Castle, 2 in Canaan, and 1 in Flame Cave. Stolen from 
almost every
Soft:      Bought for 300 Gil in: Ancients' Village, Dwarf Cave, Amur, Leprit, 
           NW Salonia, NE Salonia, Dorga's House, and Airship Invincible. 2 
found in
           Canaan, 2 in Road To The Summit, 3 in Underground Lake, and 1 in 
Dwarf Cave.
           Stolen from: Boulder, Cocktrice, DiveEagle.
SouthWind: 2 found in Altar Cave, 1 in Cave of Seal, 1 in Argass Castle, and 2 
           Flame Cave. (=6) Stolen from: Adamantai, Griffon, Lamia. 
           Dropped by: Griffon, Lemwraith
SplitShell: Location unknown.
TurtlShell: 1 found in Leprit, 1 in Lake Dol, and 1 in Cave of Bahamut. (=3)
            Stolen from: BossTroll, Sorceror.
WhiteScent: 1 found in Lake Dol and 2 in Sylx Tower. (=3)
Zeus'Rage:  1 found in Tower of Owen, 1 in Underground Lake, 1 in Hyne Castle, 
and 1 in
            Shipwreck. (=4) Stolen from: Knocker, Puti, RedCap. 
            Dropped by Lamia, Lemwraith, Pharaoh.


On - OnionKid     Fi - Fighter     Mo - Monk
Ww - WhiteWiz     Bw - BlackWiz    Rw - Red Wiz
Hu - Hunter       Kn - Knight      Th - Thief
Ge - Geomancer    Dr - Dragoon     Vi - Viking
Ka - Karateka     Mk - M.Knight    Co - Conjurer
Ba - Bard         Wa - Warlock     Su - Summoner
Sa - Sage         Ni - Ninja     A "-" sign means "all except".


Name     DEF      EV    MDEF   OTHER
Aegis    16       17%   25     AGI+5
Crystal  23 X 4   19%   30     STR+5 AGI+5 VIT+5
Demon    12       24%   18
Diamond  13       14%   15     Strong against Bolt
Genji    20       19%   35     STR+5 AGI+5
Hero     10       12%   12
Ice      8        9%    8      Strong against Fire
Leather  3        3%    2
Mithril  5        7%    7
Onion    48       48%   48     
Name || Equip             ||                  Location
Aegis   Kn Dr Vi Ni; found in Underwater Cave, Salonia Catacombs, and Lake Dol.
Crystal On Fi Rw Kn Dr Vi Mk Ni; bought for 50000 Gil in Eureka; found in 
                                 Labyrinth and Sylx Tower.
Demon   Mk Ni; bought for 12500 Gil in Fargabaad.
Diamond Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 18000 Gil in Ancient Ruins and Airship 
Invincible; found in
                     Temple of Time and Underwater Cave.
Genji   Mk Ni; found in Cave of Darkness.
Hero    Kn Vi Ni; bought for 3500 Gil in Amur; found in Flame Cave.
Ice     Rw Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 1800 Gil in Dwarf Cave.
Leather On Fi Rw Kn Th Dr Vi Ni; bought in Ur for 40 Gil; 2 found in Altar Cave 
and 1 in
                                 Sassoon Castle.
Mithril Rw Kn Th Dr Vi Ni; bought for 180 Gil in Kazus and Canaan.
Onion   On; won from Green D.


Name     DEF  EV   MDEF   OTHER
Carapace 3    5%   3
Chakra   5    10%  6      STR+5 VIT+5
Crystal  12   15%  12
DarkHood 5    8%   5      STR+5
Diamond  8    12%  9      Strong against Bolt
Dragon   7    10%  7
Feather  7    9%   8      AGI+5
Genji    10   12%  11
Headband 4    6%   4
Ice      4    6%   6      Strong against Ice
Leather  1    1%   1
Mithril  2    4%   4
Ribbon   9    10%  10     Strong against Earth, Fire, Ice, Wind, and all status 
Scholar  5    10%  6
Viking   7    10%  7
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Carapace On Fi Kn Dr Vi Ni; found in Flame Cave.
Chakra   Mo Ka Ni; bought for 2000 Gil in Amur; found in Ancient Ruins.
Crystal  On Fi Rw Kn Dr Vi Mk Ni; bought for 50000 Gil in Eureka. Found in 
                                  Labyrinth and Sylx Tower.
DarkHood Th Ni; bought for 2000 Gil in Amur; found in Amur.
Diamond  Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 20000 Gil in Ancient Ruins and Airship 
Invincible; found 
                      in Temple of Time and Underwater Cave.
Dragon   Dr Ni; 4 found in SE Salonia, 1 found in Salonia Castle.
Feather  Ww Bw Hu Sc Ge Co Ba Su Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought for 8000 Gil in Dastar.
Genji    Mk Ni; found in Cave of Darkness.
Headband Mo Ka Ni; bought for 1200 Gil in Ancients' Village.
Ice      Fi Rw Hu Kn Th Dr Vi Ni; bought for 1200 Gil in Dwarf Cave.
Leather  -Mk; bought for 15 Gil in Ur.
Mithril  On Fi Rw Kn Th Dr Vi Ni; bought for 130 Gil in Kazus and Canaan.
Ribbon   all; 1 found in Forbidden Land Eureka; 4 found in Dark World.
Scholar  Ww Bw Sc Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought for 7500 Gil in SW Salonia; found in Dwarf 
         and Salonia Castle.
Viking   Vi Ni; bought for 3000 Gil in Amur. Found in Salonia Castle.


Name      DEF  EV  MDEF  OTHER
Bard      15   12% 7     ATK-6
BlackBelt 12   11% 5     AGI+5
BlackRobe 20   12% 14    INT+5 MEV+3
Cloth     1    0   0
DarkSuit  8        5     AGI+5     
Gaia      16   12% 8
Kenpo     6    8%  3
Leather   2    1%  1
Scholar   15   12% 7
WhiteRobe 20   12% 14    SPR+5 MEV+3
Wizard    9    7%  7%
Name   || Equip             ||                  Location
Bard      Ba Ni; bought for 5500 Gil in Dastar.
BlackBelt Mo Ka Ni; bought for 3800 Gil in Amur; found in Ancient Ruins.
BlackRobe Bw Rw Co Su Wa Sa Ni; bought in SW Salonia and Airship Invincible for 
7000 Gil.
Cloth     -Mk; bought for 50 Gil in Ur; found in Tozas.
DarkSuit  Th Ni; bought for 3800 Gil in Amur; found in Amur.
Gaia      Ge Ni; bought for 4200 Gil in Dastar, SW Salonia, and Airship 
Invincible. Found 
                 in Salonia Castle and Salonia Catacombs.
Kenpo     Mo Ka Ni; bought for 1200 Gil in Ancients' Village and 2000 Gil in 
Dwarf Cave; 
                    found in Tokkle.
Leather   -Mk; bought for 95 Gil in Ur; 2 found in Ur.
Scholar   Bw Ww Sc Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought for 5000 Gil in SW Salonia; found in 
Dwarf Cave and 
                                Argass Castle.
WhiteRobe Ww Rw Co Su Sh Sa Ni; bought in SW Salonia and Airship Invincible for 
7000 Gil.
Wizard    Bw Ww Rw Co Su Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought for 2000 Gil in Ancients' Village 
and Dwarf 


Name      DEF  EV  MDEF  OTHER
Carapace  4    4%  4
Crystal   28   20% 18
Demon     17   15% 9
Diamond   18   10% 10  Strong against Bolt
Dragon    15   10% 7
FlameMail 5    6%  4   Strong against Ice, weak against Fire
Genji     24   20% 15
Ice       5    6%  4   Strong against Fire, weak against Ice
Mithril   3    3%  3
Onion     48   48% 48
Reflect   20   12% 12
Rusted    ?    ?%  ?
Viking    10   8%  7
Name  ||  Equip             ||                  Location
Carapace  Fi Hu Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 1250 Gil in Ancients' Village; found in 
Crystal   On Fi Rw Kn Dr Vi Mk Ni; bought for 65000 Gil at Eureka; found in 
                                   Labyrinth and Sylx Tower.
Demon     Mk Ni; bought for 25000 Gil in Fargabaad; found in Fargabaad Cave.
Diamond   Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 33000 Gil in Ancient Ruins and Airship 
Invincible; found 
                       in Tower of Time and Underwater Cave.
Dragon    Dr Ni; 1 found in SW Salonia, 3 found in SE Salonia.
FlameMail Fi Hu Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 2400 Gil in Ancients' Village; found in 
Tower of 
Genji     Mk Ni; found in Cave of Darkness.
Ice       Fi Hu Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 2400 Gil in Dwarf Cave.
Mithril   On Fi Rw Hu Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 350 Gil in Kazus and Canaan.
Onion     On; won from Green D. and Yellow D.
Reflect   Kn Dr Vi Ni; found in Underground Cave, Salonia Catacombs, Ancient 
Ruins, and 
                       Lake Dol.
Rusted    Cannot be equipped. 5 found in Salonia Castle.
Viking    Vi Ni; bought for 4000 Gil in Amur.


Copper  1    2%  3
Diamond 6    12% 6     Strong against Bolt
Mithril 2    7%  3
Power   4    11% 1     STR+5
Protect 9    15% 7     VIT+5
Rune    5    10% 6
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Copper  Ww Bw Rw Sc Ge Co Su Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought in Ur for 80 Gil; found in 
Altar Cave.
Diamond Ww Bw Rw Sc Ge Co Su Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought for 10000 Gil in Ancient Ruins 
and Airship
                                          Invincible; found in Temple of Time 
                                          Underwater Cave.
Mithril Ww Bw Rw Sc Ge Co Su Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought in Kazus and Canaan for 120 
Gil; 2 found 
                                          in Tozas.
Power   Fi Mo Rw Hu Kn Th Sc Ge Dr Vi Ka Ba Ni; found in Amur Sewer.
Protect -Mk; found in Ancients' Labyrinth.
Rune    Ww Bw Rw Sc Ge Co Su Sh Wa Sa Ni; bought for 5000 Gil in Dastar and SW 


Crystal  10   15% 10
Diamond  6    10% 6     Strong against Bolt
Gauntlet 2    8%  3
Mithril  1    5%  2
Onion    32   32% 32    STR+5 AGI+5 VIT+5
Thief    3        4     STR+5
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Crystal  On Fi Rw Kn Dr Vi Mk Ni; bought for 50000 Gil in Eureka; found in 
                                  Labyrinth and Sylx Tower.
Diamond  Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 15000 Gil in Ancient Ruins and Airship 
Gauntlet Kn Dr Vi Ni; found in Dwarf Cave.
Genji    Mk Ni; found in Cave of Darkness.
Mithril  On Fi Rw Kn Dr Vi Ni; bought for 120 Gil in Kazus and Canaan.
Onion    On; unknown where it's found!
Thief    Th Ni; bought for 2500 Gil in Amur; found in Amur.



On - OnionKid     Fi - Fighter     Mo - Monk
Ww - WhiteWiz     Bw - BlackWiz    Rw - Red Wiz
Hu - Hunter       Kn - Knight      Th - Thief
Ge - Geomancer    Dr - Dragoon     Vi - Viking
Ka - Karateka     Mk - M.Knight    Co - Conjurer
Ba - Bard         Wa - Warlock     Su - Summoner
Sa - Sage         Ni - Ninja     A "-" sign means "all except".

I've done my best to try to understand how the attack power works, but I may be 
Either way, this definitely shows how strong a weapon is compared to another 
If you see the word "Item:" in the OTHER field, the word following it is what 
is activated if you use the weapon as an item in battle (select Item, press 
and press A twice on the weapon you wish to use).


Name     ATK   HIT   OTHER
AirKnife 60    100%  Air-Elemental. Item: Aero
Dagger   8     85%
Knife    6     85%
M.Gauche 30    100%
Mithril  10    85%
Orialcon 45    100%  Drains HP from enemies   
Name     Equip                                 Location
AirKnife Th Ni; found in Underwater Cave
Dagger   On Fi Bw Rw Kn Th Ni; bought in Ur for 60 Gil; found in Ur.
Knife    On Fi Bw Rw Kn Th Ni; bought in Ur for 20 Gil.
M.Gauche Th Ni; bought in Amur for 7000 Gil; found in Salonia Castle.
Mithril  On Fi Bw Rw Kn Th Ni; bought in Kazus and Canaan for 500 Gil.
Orialcon Th Ni; found in Sewer and Temple Of Time.


Name      ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Ancient   5     80%    Paralyzes enemies
Blood     35    80%    Drains HP from enemy
Break     120   80%    Casts Break on enemy
Defender  95    80%    VIT+5 Item: Raises Defense
Excalibur 160   80%    STR+5 Holy-elemental
IceBlade  40    80%    Ice-elemental Item: Ice/Ice2
King      50    80%
Long      10    80%
Mithril   15    85%
Onion     200   100%   STR+5 AGI+5 VIT+5
Ragnarok  180   100%   STR+5 AGI+5 VIT+5
Salamand  32    80%    Fire-elemental Item: Fire/Fire2
Serpent   25    80%
Shiny     5     20%
Tyrving   29    75% 
W.Slayer  15    80%    Holy-elemental
Name  ||  Equip             ||                  Location
Ancient   Fi Kn Ni; Bought for 16500 Gil in Ancient Ruins; found in Underwater 
Blood     Fi Kn Ni; Bought for 16500 Gil in Ancient Ruins; found in Shipwreck.
Break     Kn Ni; found in Ancients' Labyrinth.
Defender  Kn Ni; Bought for 16500 Gil in Ancient Ruins and Airship Invincible; 
found in 
                 Temple of Time and Underwater Cave.
Excalibur Kn Ni; found in Forbidden Land Eureka.
IceBlade  Fi Kn Ni; found in Flame Cave.
King      Fi Kn Ni; found in Hyne Castle.
Long      On Fi Kn Ni; Bought in Ur for 100 Gil; 2 found in Altar Cave and 1 in 
Mithril   On Fi Kn Ni; Bought in Kazus and Canaan for 500 Gil; 2 found in Kazus 
Onion     On; won from Red D. and Yellow D.
Ragnarok  Kn Mk Ni; found in Forbidden Land Eureka.
Salamand  Fi Kn Ni; Bought for 3000 Gil in Dwarf Cave; found in Tower of Owen.
Serpent   Fi Kn Ni; Bought for 1500 Gil in Ancients' Village and Dwarf Cave; 
found in 
                    Nepto's Shrine.
Shiny     11 found in Goldor's Mansion.
Tyrving   Rw Ni; Bought for 2000 Gil in Dwarf Cave; found in Tower of Owen.
W.Slayer  Rw Ni; Bought for 1000 Gil in Ancients' Village and Dwarf Cave; found 
in Sassoon


Name     ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Burning  15    50%    Fire-elemental Item: Fire/Fire2
Freezing 15    50%    Ice-elemental Item: Ice/Ice2
Golem    8     70%    STR+5 Casts Break on enemy Item: Break
Rune     28    80%    Item: Ice2/3
Shining  15    50%    Lightning-elemental Item: Bolt/Bolt2
Staff    3     50%
Eldest   20    90%    INT+5 SPR+5 MEV+5% +Ice +Bolt +Fire Item: Cure
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Burning  Ww Rw Sh Sa Ni; bought for 3500 Gil in Ancients' Village and 3000 Gil 
in NE 
                         Salonia; found in Tozas.
Freezing Ww Rw Sh Sa Ni; bought for 3500 Gil in Ancients' Village and 3000 Gil 
in NE 
                         Salonia; found in Tokkle and Salonia Castle.
Golem    Ww Rw Sh Sa Ni; bought for 13500 Gil in NE Salonia. Found in Salonia 
                         Salonia Catacombs, and Cave of Bahamut.
Rune     Ww Rw Sh Sa Ni; bought for 18000 Gil in NE Salonia.
Shining  Ww Rw Sh Sa Ni; bought for 3500 Gil in Ancients' Village and 3000 Gil 
in NE 
Staff    Ww Rw Sh Sa Ni; bought for 40 Gil in Ur.
Eldest   Sh Sa Ni; found in Forbidden Land Eureka.


Name     ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Flame    12    70%    +Fire Fire-elemental
Ice      12    70%    +Ice  Ice-elemental
Light    12    70%    +Bolt Lightning-elemental
Mithril  5     60%
Ultimate 20    80%    Casts Break on enemy
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Flame    Bw Rw Wa Co Su Sa Ni; bought for 3000 Gil in NE Salonia.
Ice      Bw Rw Wa Co Su Sa Ni; bought for 3000 Gil in NE Salonia.
Light    Bw Rw Wa Co Su Sa Ni; bought for 3000 Gil in NE Salonia.
Mithril  Ww Bw Rw Sh Wa Co Su Sa Ni; bought for 400 Gil in Kazus and Canaan.
Ultimate Wa Sa Ni; found in Ancients' Labyrinth.


Name     ATK   HIT %
3-Part   25    70%
Nunchuck 12    70%
Tonfa    20    80%
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
3-Part   Mo Ni; bought for 3000 Gil in Dwarf Cave; found in Tokkle.
Nunchuck Mo Ni; bought for 60 Gil in Ur; found in Altar Cave.
Tonfa    Mo Ni; bought for 500 Gil in Dwarf Cave; found in Sassoon Castle.

-----Bows (you must equip an arrow to use it; cannot equip shields with it)

Name      ATK  HIT %
Bow       5    90%
GreatBow  8    85%
Killer    15   85%
Rune      25   90%
Yoichi    50   100%
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Bow      On Fi Rw Hu Ni; found in Sassoon Castle.
GreatBow On Fi Rw Hu Ni; found in Canaan and Tokkle.
Killer   Hu Ni; bought for 2000 Gil in Ancients' Village; found in Flame Cave
                and Argass Castle.
Rune     Hu Ni; found in Hyne Castle.
Yoichi   Hu Ni; bought for 42000 Gil in Fargabaad.

-----Arrows (you must equip a bow to use it; cannot equip shields with it)

Name   ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Bolt   30    90%    Lightning-elemental
Fire   30    90%    Fire-elemental
Holy   13    85%    Holy-elemental
Ice    30    90%    Ice-elemental
Iron   17    85%    
Medusa 20    100%   Casts Break on enemy
Wooden 6     90%
Yoichi 70    100%
Name || Equip             ||                  Location
Bolt   Hu Ni; bought for 30 Gil in Ancients' Village; 40 found in Argass Castle.
Fire   Hu Ni; bought for 30 Gil in Ancients' Village; 20 found in Argass Castle.
Holy   On Fi Rw Hu Ni; 40 found in Sassoon Castle and 20 in Hyne Castle.
Ice    Hu Ni; bought for 30 Gil in Ancients' Village; 20 found in Argass Castle.
Iron   On Fi Rw Hu Ni; 40 found in Canaan.
Medusa Hu Ni; 20 found in Argass Castle and 20 in Salonia Castle.
Wooden On Fi Rw Hu Ni; 60 found in Sassoon Castle.
Yoichi Hu Ni; bought for 200 Gil in Airship Invincible and Fargabaad.


Name      ATK   HIT %
Boomerang 35    70%
FullMoon  160   90%
Name  ||  Equip             ||                  Location
Boomerang Th Ni; Bought in Amur for 9000 Gil.
FullMoon  Kn Mk Ni; found in Forbidden Land Eureka.


Name     ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Blizzard 65    80%    Ice-elemental
Flame    32    70%    Fire-elemental
Ice      32    70%    Ice-elemental
Illumina 65    80%    Lightning-elemental
Inferno  65    80%    Fire-elemental
Light    32    70%    Lightning-elemental
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Blizzard Sc Sa Ni; bought for 15000 Gil in Airship Invincible.
Flame    Sc Sa Ni; found in Dwarf Cave.
Ice      Sc Sa Ni; found in Argass Castle.
Illumina Sc Sa Ni; bought for 15000 Gil in Airship Invincible.
Inferno  Sc Sa Ni; bought for 15000 Gil in Airship Invincible.
Light    Sc Sa Ni; found in Dwarf Cave and Argass Castle.


Name    ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Earth   25    80%    Earth-elemental; casts Break on enemy
Giyaman 30    80%
Rune    40    100%
Name || Equip             ||                  Location
Earth   Ge Ni; found in Salonia Castle.
Giyaman Ge Ni; bought for 4500 Gil in Dastar; found in Salonia Catacombs.
Rune    Ge Ni; bought for 5500 Gil in Airship Invincible; found in Ancient 


Name    ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Blood   70    80%    Drains HP from enemy
Holy    100   80%    Holy-elemental
Thunder 35    80%    Lightning-elemental Item: Bolt/Bolt2
Wind    50    80%    Air-elemental Item: Aero/Aero2
Name || Equip             ||                  Location
Blood   Dr Ni; found in Underwater Cave.
Holy    Dr Ni; found in Ancients' Labyrinth.
Thunder Dr Ni; bought for 8000 Gil in NE Salonia; 3 found in SE Salonia.
Wind    Dr Ni; bought for 10000 Gil in NE Salonia; found in SE Salonia.


Name     ATK   HIT %
Battle   45    60%
GreatAxe 75    80%
M.Star   50    70%
Tomohawk 60    80%
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Battle   Vi Ni; Bought for 5500 Gil in Amur.
GreatAxe Vi Ni; Bought for 14000 Gil in Airship Invincible. Found in Ancients' 
M.Star   Vi Ni; Bought for 8000 Gil in Amur.
Tomohawk Vi Ni; Bought for 20000 Gil in Ancient Ruins; found in Underwater Cave.


Name   ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Hammer 25    60%    
Thor   30    70%    Item: Bolt/Bolt2
Triton 85    80%    
Name || Equip             ||                  Location
Hammer Vi Ni; location unknown.
Thor   Vi Ni; found in Salonia Castle, Fargabaad, and Lake Dol.
Triton Vi Ni; bought for 20000 Gil in Ancient Ruins; found in Underwater Cave.


Name     ATK   HIT %  OTHER
CatClaw  42    100%
Dragon   48    100%   Item: Aero/Aero2
Elven    37    100%   Item: Confu
HellClaw 60    100%   Poisons enemy
Kaiser   36    100%
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
CatClaw  Ka Ni; found in Amur Sewer.
Dragon   Ka Ni; found in Goldor's Mansion.
Elven    Ka Ni; found in Ancient Ruins.
HellClaw Ka Ni; found in Ancients' Labyrinth.
Kaiser   Ka Ni; bought for 7000 Gil in Amur.


Name     ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Ashura   65    100%
Kiku     125   100%
Kotetsu  105   90%
Masamune 160   90%    AGI+5 VIT+5
Name  || Equip             ||                  Location
Ashura   Mk Ni; bought for 20000 Gil in Fargabaad; found in Fargabaad Cave.
Kiku     Mk Ni; found in Fargabaad waterfall and Cave of Darkness.
Kotetsu  Mk Ni; found in Fargabaad Cave, Cave of Bahamut, and Cave of Darkness.
Masamune Mk Ni; found in Forbidden Land Eureka.

-----Harps (uses two hands)

Name   ATK   HIT %  OTHER
Dream  0     60%    Casts Sleep
Lamia  0     80%    Casts Confu
Loki   60    100%
Madora 40    70%
Name || Equip             ||                  Location
Dream  Ba Ni; location unknown.
Lamia  Ba Ni; Found in the Temple of Time.
Loki   Ba Ni; bought for 40000 Gil in Airship Invincible; found in Underwater 
Madora Ba Ni; bought for 8000 Gil in Dastar.


Shuriken ATK+200 HIT 100%
Shuriken Ni; bought for 65000 Gil in Eureka; 4 found in Forbidden Land Eureka.




Inn: Free

Potion   150
Eyedrop  80
Antidote 40

Cloth Robe     50
Leather Robe   95
Leather Shield 40
Leather Hat    15
Copper Ring    80

Knife      20
Dagger     60
Long Sword 100
Staff      40
Nunchuck   60

Pure 100


Inn: Free

Potion   150
Eyedrop  80
Antidote 40

Mithril Armor  350
Mithril Shield 180
Mithril Helm   130
Mithril Glove  120
Mithril Ring   120

Mithril Rod   400
Mithil Knife  500
Mithril Sword 500

Ice   100
Fire  100
Sleep 100


Inn: 40 Gil

Potion   150
Eyedrop  80
Antidote 40

Mithril Armor  350
Mithril Shield 180
Mithril Helm   130
Mithril Glove  120
Mithril Ring   120

Mithril Rod   400
Mithril Knife  500
Mithril Sword 500

Cure  100
Bolt  700
Venom 700
Blind 700


Inn: 80 Gil

Potion   150
Eyedrop  80
Antidote 40

Item 2:
MidgBread 200

Fire  100
Ice   100
Sleep 100
Bolt  700
Venom 700
Blind 700
Aero  700


Inn: 40 Gil

Potion   150
Eyedrop  80
Antidote 40

Fire  100
Ice   100
Sleep 100
Bolt  700
Venom 700
Blind 700


Inn: 120 Gil

Potion     150
HiPotion   1200
Soft       300
MaidKiss   100
EchoHerb   100
LuckMallet 100
Eyedrop    40
Antidote   80

Serpent Sword  1500
W.Slayer       1000
Burning Staff  3500
Freezing Staff 3500
Killer Bow     2000
Bolt Arrow     30
Fire Arrow     30
Ice Arrow      30

Carapace Armor 1250
FlameMail      2400
Headband       1200
Kenpo Robe     1200
Wizard Robe    2000

Sight 100
Fire2 1500
Ice2  1500
Bolt2 1500
Cure2 1500
Exit  1500
Wash  1500


Inn: 120

Carrot 150

Magic Key 100

Toad  700
Mini  700
Break 3000
Ice3  3000
Shade 3000
Libra 3000
Confu 3000
Mute  3000


Inn: 80 Gil

Potion     150
HiPotion   1200
Soft       300
MaidKiss   100
EchoHerb   100
LuckMallet 100
Eyedrop    40
Antidote   80

Ice Armor   2400
Ice Helm    1200
Ice Shield  1800
Kenpo Robe  2000
Wizard Robe 2000

Serpent Sword  1500
Salamand Sword 3000
W.Slayer       1000
Tyrving        2000
Tonfa Nunchuk  500
3-Part Nunchuk 3000
Shining Staff  3500


Inn: 200 Gil

HiPotion   1200
Soft       300
MaidKiss   100
EchoHerb   100
LuckMallet 100
Eyedrop    100
Antidote   100
Carrot     150

Viking Helm  3000
Viking Armor 4000
Hero Shield  3500
Thief Glove  2500
DarkSuit     3800
DarkHood     2000
BlackBelt    3800
Chakra Hat   2000

Battle Axe  5500
M.Star      8000
M.Gauche    7000
Boomerang   9000
Kaiser Claw 7000


Inn: 200 Gil

HiPotion  1200
Soft      300
EchoHerb  100
Eyedrop   100
Antidote  100
OtterHead 2000
Carrot    150
MidgBread 200

Chocb 100
Shiva 700
Ramuh 1500
Ifrit 3000
Titan 5000


Inn: 320 Gil

HiPotion   1200
Soft       300
MaidKiss   100
EchoHerb   100
LuckMallet 100
Eyedrop    100
Antidote   100
Carrot     150

Gaia Robe   4200
Bard Robe   5500
Feather Hat 8000
Rune Ring   5000

Giyaman Bell 4500
Madora Harp  8000


Inn: 320 Gil

HiPotion   1200
Soft       300
MaidKiss   100
EchoHerb   100
LuckMallet 100
Eyedrop    100
Antidote   100
Carrot     150

Fire2 1500
Ice2  1500
Bolt2 1500
Cure2 1500
Exit  1500
Wash  1500


Inn: 320 Gil

HiPotion  1200
Soft      300
EchoHerb  100
Eyedrop   100
Antidote  100
OtterHead 2000
Carrot    150
MidgBread 200

Thunder Spear 8000
Wind Spear    10000

Weapons 2:
Burning Staff  3000
Freezing Staff 3000
Shining Staff  3000
Golem Staff    13500
Rune Staff     18000
Flame Rod      3000
Ice Rod        3000
Light Rod      3000

Break 3000
Ice3  3000
Shade 3000
Libra 3000
Confu 3000
Mute  3000

Magic 2:
Bolt3 5000
Kill  5000
Erase 5000
Cure3 5000
Life  5000
Safe  5000


WhiteRobe    7000
BlackRobe    7000
Rune Ring    5000
Gaia Robe    4200
Scholar Robe 5000
Scholar Hat  7500


Inn: Free

HiPotion   1200
Soft       300
MaidKiss   100
EchoHerb   100
LuckMallet 100
Eyedrop    100
Antidote   100
Carrot     150

Fire3 10000
Bio   10000
Warp  10000
Aero2 10000
Soft  10000
Haste 10000
Cure3 5000
Life  5000


Magic 1:
Fire2 1500
Ice 2 1500
Bolt2 1500
Cure2 1500
Exit  1500
Wash  1500

Magic 2:
Chocb 100
Shiva 700
Ramuh 1500
Ifrit 3000
Titan 5000

Magic 3:
Bolt3 5000
Kill  5000
Erase 5000
Cure3 5000
Life  5000
Safe  5000

Magic 4:
Fire3 10000
Bio   10000
Warp  10000
Aero2 10000
Soft  10000
Haste 10000
Cure3 5000
Life  5000

Magic 5:
Break 3000
Ice 3 3000
Shade 3000
Libra 3000
Confu 3000
Mute  3000

Magic 6:
Quake 20000
Brak2 20000
Drain 20000
Cure4 20000
Heal  20000
Wall  20000


Diamond Shield 18000
Diamond Helm   20000
Diamond Armor  33000
Diamond Ring   10000
Diamond Glove  15000

Blood Sword   16500
Defender      16500
Triton Hammer 20000
Tomohawk      20000
Ancient Sword 16500


Inn: Free

HiPotion  1200
Soft      300
EchoHerb  100
Eyedrop   100
Antidote  100
OtterHead 2000
Carrot    150
MidgBread 200

Diamond Shield 18000
Diamond Helm   20000
Diamond Armor  33000
Diamond Ring   10000
Diamond Glove  15000
WhiteRobe      7000
BlackRobe      7000
Gaia Robe      4000

Defender      16500
GreatAxe      14000
Inferno Book  15000
Illumina Book 15000
Blizzard Book 15000
Yoichi Arrow  200
Loki Harp     40000
Rune Bell     5500

Quake 20000
Brak2 20000
Drain 20000
Cure4 20000
Heal  20000
Wall  20000


Inn: 640 Gil

HiPotion  1200
Carrot    150
MidgBread 200

Demon Armor  25000
Demon Shield 12500

Ashura       20000
Yoichi Bow   42000
Yoichi Arrow 200

Fire2 1500
Ice2  1500
Bolt2 1500
Cure2 1500
Exit  1500
Wash  1500


Magic 1:
Flare 60000
Death 60000
Meteo 60000
WWind 60000
Life2 60000
Holy  60000

Magic 2: (will only sell them if you've received them already at some point)
Odin  45000
Levia 55000
Baham 65000

Shuriken       65000
Crystal Shield 50000
Crystal Armor  65000
Crystal Glove  50000
Crystal Helm   50000



This is how much every item in the game is worth! Phew! Also useful as a 
complete list
of items. Items with a (B) after them are Black Magic spells; (W) are White 
Magic spells,
and (C) are Call Magic spells. I didn't double-check everything here; please let 
me know
if you find something wrong! N/A means that the item is a story item.

3-Part Nunchuk 1500
Aegis Shield   14000
Aero  (W)      350
Aero2 (W)      5000
AirKnife       5000
Ancient Sword  8250
Antidote       40
Ashura         10000
Baham (C)      32500
Bard Robe      2750
Barrier        2500
Battle Axe     2750
Bio (B)        5000
BlackBelt      1900
BlackHole      2000
BlackRobe      3500
Blind (B)      350
Blizzard Book  7500
Blood Spear    10000
Blood Sword    8250
Bolt  (B)      350
Bolt2 (B)      750
Bolt3 (B)      2500
Bolt Arrow     5
BombR.Arm      750
BombShard      500
Boomerang      4500
Bow            50
Brak2 (B)      10000
Break (B)      1500
Break Sword    15000
Burning Staff  1250
Carapace Armor 625
Carapace Helm  ???
Carrot         75
CatClaw        7000
Chakra         1000
Chocb (C)      50
ChocoRage      2500
Cloth Robe     25
Confu (W)      1500
Copper Ring    40
Crystal Armor  32500
Crystal Glove  25000
Crystal Helm   25000
Crystal Shield 25000
Cure  (W)      50
Cure2 (W)      750
Cure3 (W)      2500
Cure4 (W)      10000
Dagger         30
DarkHood       1000
DarkScent      2500
DarkSuit       1900
Death (B)      30000
Defender       8250
Demon Armor    12500
Diamond Armor  16500
Diamond Glove  7500
Diamond Helm   10000
Diamond Ring   5000
Diamond Shield 9000
Dragon Armor   4000
Dragon Claw    9000
Dragon Helm    14000
Drain (B)      10000
Dream Harp     3750
Earth Bell     2750
EarthDrum      1250
EarthFang      N/A
EchoHerb       50
Eldest Staff   32500
Elixir         1500
Elven Claw     9000
Erase (B)      2500
EurekaKey      N/A
Excalibur      32500
Exit (W)       750
Eye            N/A
Eyedrop        20
Feather Hat    4000
FenixDown      1500
Fire  (B)      50
Fire2 (B)      750
Fire3 (B)      5000
Fire Arrow     5
FireFang       N/A
Flame Book     1650
Flame Rod      1500
FlameMail      1200
Flare (B)      30000
Freezing Staff 1250
FullMoon       31000
Gaia Robe      2100
Gauntlet       1250
Genji Armor    20000
Genji Glove    ???
Genji Helm     16000
Genji Shield   19000
Giyaman Bell   2250
Gods'Rage      750
Gods'Wine      1500
Golem Staff    6750
GreatAxe       7000
GreatBow       600
Hammer         250
Haste (W)      5000
Headband       600
Heal (W)       10000
HellClaw       20000
Hero Shield    1750
HiPotion       600
Holy (W)       30000
Holy Arrow     5
Holy Spear     22500
Horn           N/A
Ice   (B)      50
Ice 2 (B)      750
Ice 3 (B)      1500
Ice Armor      1200
Ice Arrow      5
Ice Book       1650
Ice Helm       600
Ice Rod        1500
Ice Shield     900
IceBlade       1500
Ifrit (C)      1500
Illumina Book  7500
Imp'sYawn      1500
Inferno Book   7500
Kaiser Claw    3500
Kenpo Robe     600
Kiku           11000
Kill (B)       2500
Killer Bow     1000
King Sword     2500
Knife          10
Kotetsu        10500
Lamia Harp     10750
LamiaScl.      1500
Leather Hat    7
Leather Robe   47
Leather Shield 20
Levia (C)      27500
Libra (W)      1500
Life  (W)      2500
Life2 (W)      30000
Light Book     1650
Light Rod      1500
LilithKiss     1500
Loki Harp      20000
Long Sword     50
LuckMallet     50
Lute           N/A
Madora Harp    4000
Magic Key      50
MaidKiss       50
Masamune       32500
Medusa Arrow   50
Meteo (B)      30000
M.Gauche       3500
MidgBread      100
Mini (W)       350
Mithril Armor  175
Mithril Helm   65
Mithril Glove  60
Mithril Knife  250
Mithril Ring   60
Mithril Rod    200
Mithril Shield 90
Mithril Sword  250
M.Star         4000
Mute (W)       1500
NorthWind      750
Nunchuck       30
Odin (C)       22500
Onion Armor    32500
Onion Glove    32500
Onion Helm     32500
Onion Shield   32500
Onion Sword    32500
Orialcon       6000
OtterHead      1000
Paralyzer      1500
Potion         75
Power Ring     1250
Pure (W)       50
Protect Ring   15000
Quake (B)      10000
Ragnarok       32750
Ramuh (C)      750
Reflect Armor  12500
Ribbon         5
Rune Bell      2750
Rune Bow       1500
Rune Ring      2500
Rune Staff     9000
Rusted Armor   50
Safe (W)       2500
Salamand Sword 1500
Scholar Hat    3750
Scholar Robe   2750
Serpent Sword  750
Shade (B)      1500
Shining Staff  1250
Shiny Sword    2500
Shiva (C)      350
Shuriken       32750
Sight (W)      50
Sleep (B)      50
Soft           150
Soft (W)       5000
SouthWind      500
Staff          20
SylxKey        N/A
Thief Glove    1250
Thor Hammer    7000
Thunder Spear  4000
Time Gear      N/A
Titan (C)      2500
Toad (W)       350
Tomohawk       10000
Tonfa Nunchuk  250
Triton Hammer  10000
TurtlShell     1500
Tyrving        1000
Ultimate Rod   15000
Venom (B)      350
Viking Armor   2000
Viking Helm    1500
Wall (W)       10000
Warp (B)       5000
Wash (W)       750
WaterFang      N/A
WhiteScent     2500
WhiteRobe      3500
WindFang       N/A
Wind Spear     5000
Wizard Robe    1000
Wooden Arrow   2
W.Slayer       500
WWind (W)      30000
Yoichi Arrow   100
Yoichi Bow     21000
Zeus'Rage      500


XI. MONSTER LIST (this entire section compiled by Jim Shaheen; arranged by Dan 

The "I Need List" - please write to Jim Shaheen at [email protected]:
This is a list of things I could not figure out when I played through the game. 
I would prefer if you gave me save states at the right before most of these 
things so I could verify them for myself (that way I will make sure not to start 
any rumors by posting things people tell me which are not true). Thanks.
I'm missing lots of enemies. If you can find anything which isn't on the enemies 
page, please send me a save state before the encounter with it. Below are two 
lists of enemies I don't have. The first is taken from KuZap's latest FAQ. That 
enemy list was not created by KuZap himself, but was contributed by someone he 
knows. It was, according to KuZap, hacked directly from the ROM, which would 
mean the names are the same as those in the translation patch and the list is 
complete. However, since I don't know the source myself I don't know if it's 
correct. The second list was given to me by Ari Litwin, who has helped me with 
my FF2j Shrine several times. He got them from the FF3j Handbook (only available 
in Japanese). I trust his list, but it does not include bosses, so there may be 
some missing, and he translated the names himself, so they may not correspond to 
the translation patch.
1st list: Basilisk, Bugbear, Mandrake, FuryEye, GoldCoin, Captain, Phoenix, 
Margoyle, BullMan, Wyvern, Hobgoblin, Spriggan, Terror D., Hydra
2nd list: Basilisk, Bugbear, Mandrake, Fury, Wandering Gold, Rock Gargoyle, 
Bullman, SeaDragon, Wyvern, Hydra
---Monster List: Name, HP, Gil, Experience, Location, Spells. All Experience is 
for a 
                 party of four characters (not stoned or dead).

* - Bahamut(1)'s HP refills after each round.

* - DarkCloud(1) is invincible without the help of the four dark warriors,
with which he becomes DarkCloud(2).  Also, he turns colors to his second
form after casting FlareWave.

Ancient Ruins, Cave of Darkness, and Fargabaad Cave have many of the same 
enemies and is
denoted by "ACF" in the location column.

Capacity points received are very low (usually 1 or 2) for any normal monster, 
anywhere from 6 to 71 for bosses.

If you see "X hit" (like "paralyze hit") in the Spell column, that means that 
monster's attacks cause a status problem (like paralysis).

There are three attacks named Glare; the effect of each glare has been put in () 
the world "Glare" in the Spell column.

NAME       HP     WEAKNESS GIL  EXP   LOCATION                 SPELLS       
2-Head D.  29000  X        6800 1750  Dark World
Abai       990    X        3000 1000  Eureka
Abuto      385    X        550  360   Underwater
Acheron    1020   X        3300 1000  Eureka
Adamantai  153    Cold     135  50    Flame Cave
Aegil      590    X        860  700   Undersea Cave
Agaria     215    Thunder  210  100   Water Cave
Ahriman    35000  X        7200 2250  Dark World        Blizzard, Cure2, Flame, 
                                                        Quake, Thunder
Amon       7040   Varies   3450 1050  Eureka            Flame, WallChange
Anetto     179    Thunder  165  72    Water (near Amur)
Azrael     1100   Dark     940  80    Ancient Ruins     Split
Bahamut(1) 60000* X        5500 1250  Bahamut's Nest
Bahamut(2) 7500   X        3500 700   Cave of Bahamut   Megaflare
Balfrey    1620   Katanas  1050 80    ACF               Split when hit
Balloon    143    Fire     125  45    Flame Cave        Explode
Barometz   220    X        88   33    NW edge of Floating Continent     Breath
Behemoth   1550   X        660  450   Temple of Time
Berserker  30     X        16   8     Near Tozas
Big Rat    450    X        1000 60    Nepto Shrine       Bolt2, Fire2, Ice2
BloodBat   114    X        100  38    Tower of Owen
BloodWorm  98     X        62   24    Nepto Shrine
BlueWisp   10     X        10   5     Altar Cave
Bluk       1760   X        3600 1050  Sylx Tower         Summon DorgaCln.
Bomb       125    Fire     110  40    Underground Lake   Explode
Bone D.    2500   Holy     2600 950   Ancients' Labyrinth
BossTroll  500    X        740  500   Salonia Catacombs
Boulder    130    X        115  40    Underground Lake    Glare(1)
Cafjel     200    X        94   36    NW edge of Floating Continent
Carbuncle  7      X        5    4     Altar Cave
Catoblpas  305    X        390  200   Dragon Tower
Cerberus   23000  X        6400 3000  Dark World           Thunder
Charybdis  650    X        600  390   Underwater
Chimera    350    X        475  300   near Dorga's House
Cocktrice  195    X        185  80    Water Cave           paralyze hit
Crocotta   150    Cold     135  50    Flame Cave
Cronos     1550   Katanas  1000 80    Cave of Darkness     Split when hit
CurseCoin  35     Holy     28   12    Mithril Mine, Cave of Seal  Glare(2)
Cyclops    750    X        1300 850   Dorga's Cave
Daemon     171    X        158  72    Hyne Castle
DarkCloud(1)65000* X       0    0     Sylx Tower            FlareWave
DarkCloud(2)45000  X       0    0     Dark World            FlareWave
DarkEye     38    Holy     20   8     Sassoon Castle        Blind
DarkFace    55    X        53   20    Hidden Road
DarkFoot    220   Thunder  220  100   Sewer
DarkKngt.   370   X        510  360   Magic Circle Cave
DeathClaw   1400  X        980  80    ACF, Undersea Cave    Split when hit
DevilHorse  355   X        480  330   Magic Circle Cave
D.General   1130  X        4300 1150  Sylx Tower
Dirai       1250  Wind     610  410   Temple Of Time
DiveEagle   85    Wind     38   13    Road To The Summit
Double D.   4960  X        5300 1250  Dark World
Dorga       4500  X        4000 850   Dorga's Cave          Brak2, Drain, Quake
DorgaCln.   1500  X        2800 1000  Sylx Tower            Brak2, Drain, Quake
Dosmea      540   X        780  550   Undersea Cave
Dragon      480   X        700  500   Temple Of Time        Flame
DthNeedle   780   X        1450 800   Near Sylx Tower
Dullahan    350   X        160  72    Hyne Castle
D.Zombie    2000  Holy     960  1250  Ancient Ruins, Undersea Cave
Eater       1150  X        945  80    Ancient Ruins, Undersea Cave      Split
Echidna     32000 X        7000 2000  Dark World            Brak2, Death, Drain, 
                                                            Meteo, Quake
EyeFang     8     X        7    4     Altar Cave
Fahan       510   X        745  700   Salonia Catacombs     Brak2
Farjalug    111   X        98   36    Tower of Owen         Blind, Ice2, Toad, 
Firefry     72    Cold/Wind36   13    Road To The Summit
                  Healed by Fire
FlameDevil  1570  Cold     3700 1100  Sylx Tower            Flame
Flyer       190   Wind     82   30    Near Argass           Glare(2)
Garb        1000  Katanas  920  80    ACF                   Split when hit
Gargoyle    345   Wind     470  300   Near Dorga's House
Garm        4240  X        5200 1200  Dark World            Drain
Garuda      5000  Wind     3400 550   Salonia Castle        Thunder
General     12000 X        5200 1250  Eureka
GiganToad   225   Thunder  230  100   Sewer
Goblin      5     X        3    4     Altar Cave, Sewer
GoldBear    280   X        340  150   Goldor's Mansion      Break
GoldEagle   270   X        320  140   Goldor's Mansion
GoldKngt.   285   X        350  150   Goldor's Mansion, Salonia
Goldor      2250  X        3300 410   Goldor's Mansion      Bolt2, Fire2, Ice2
GoldWarr.   275   X        330  150   Goldor's Mansion      Bolt
Gomoree     4050  X        3500 1050  Sylx Tower            Drain
Gorgone     200   X        86   32    Near Argass
Grashara    2160  X        4600 1150  Sylx Tower
Green D.    10000 X        2900 1000  Sylx Tower
Grenade     870   X        1900 950   Cave of Bahamut       Explode
Griffon     150   X        74   27    Sassoon Castle
Gt.Boros    890   X        2000 950   Cave of Bahamut
Gt.Daemon   2250  X        2400 950   Ancients' Labyrinth   Summon UnneCln.
Guardian    12000 X        5600 1350  Eureka                Cure2, Quake, Wall
Guzco       1400  X        1500 125   Underground Lake      Fire2
Haniel      1600  Katanas  1100 80    ACF                   Split when hit
Haokah      1010  X        3200 1000  Eureka                Thunder
Harpy       1000  Wind     460  260   Near Dorga's House
Hekaton     6500  X        4900 1200  Cave of Darkness
Helcan      245   X        270  125   Near Amur              Blind
HellHorse   680   X        990  1250  Cave of Darkness
Hermit      105   Thunder  66   24    Water near Tokkle      poisonous hit
Hornet      160   X        78   30    Near Tokkle            poisonous hit
Humbaba     770   X        1400 850   Dorga's Cave
Hyne        1600  Varies   2100 260   Hyne Castle            Bolt2, Fire2, Ice2, 
Icefry      325   Fire     430  240   Near Dorga's House     Ice2
                  healed by Wind/Cold
Ion         1200  X        1600 850   Salonia Catacombs      Quake
IronClaw    920   X        2300 950   Ancients' Labyrinth
Jinn        480   Cold     700  40    Cave of Seal           Fire
Jormungnd   2570  X        4700 1150  Dark World             Safe
Kage        2520  X        4200 1150  Dark World             Blind
KBehemoth   3000  X        2700 950   Ancients' Labyrinth
Kelpie      580   X        850  700   Undersea Cave
Kenkos      1120  X        750  550   Salonia Catacombs
Khargra     395   X        580  390   Underwater
KillerBee   20    X        12   5     Near Ur
KillerFish  85    Thunder  64   24    Water near Tokkle
KillerSnail 560   Thunder  820  600   Undersea Cave
K.Lizard    430   X        620  410   Temple of Time
Knocker     185   X        80   30    Near Argass
Kraken      1950  X        2500 330   Water Cave              Bolt2, Fire2, Ice2
Kunoichi    9000  X        5000 1200  Eureka                  Mindblast
Kyklops     490   X        720  500   Salonia Catacombs
Lamia       168   X        155  60    Hyne Castle             Glare(3)
LandTurtl   120   X        500  33    Altar Cave
Laruwai     38    Holy     30   12    Mithril Mine, Cave of Seal      Blind
Leader      2110  X        4100 1100  Dark World               Safe
Lemwraith   164   Holy     150  60    Hyne Castle
Leprecaun   36    X        52   20    Hidden Road
Leucrotta   255   X        290  125   Near Amur
Leviathan   7000  X        5700 1250  Lake Dol                 Tsunami
Liger       790   X        1500 800   Near Sylx Tower
Liger S.    900   X        2100 950   Cave of Bahamut
Liliput     58    X        58   22    Nepto Shrine             Bolt, Fire, Ice
Lizard Man  200   X        84   32    Near Argass
Lynx        165   X        76   27    Near Tokkle
MageFlyer   555   Wind     520  360   Magic Circle Cave        Bolt2, Fire2, 
Magician    260   X        300  140   Near Amur                Bolt2, Fire2, 
Manticore   128   X        112  40    Underground Lake         Ice
M.Chimera   420   X        615  410   Temple Of Time           Thunder
Medusa      980   X        1200 90    Tower of Owen            Break
Merman      136   Thunder  118  45    Underground Lake         Ice
Mermaid     182   Thunder  170  72    Water near Amur
M.Helcan    295   X        370  175   SE Salonia          Bolt2, Break, Fire2, 
Ice2, Shade
Milmecoreo  147   Cold     130  50    Flame Cave          stone hit
Minotaur    820   X        1640 850   Near Sylx Tower
Mummy       48    Holy     24   10    Mithril Mine, Cave of Seal      Venom
Needler     300   X        380  175   SE Salonia
Neegle      380   X        540  360   Underwater
Nemesis     760   X        1350 850   Dorga's Cave              Glare(3)
Nepto       60000 X        560  390   Lake near Viking Base
Nightmare   290   X        360  175   Goldor's Mansion      Glare(3), confuse 
Ninja       5500  X        4800 1150  Eureka                    Blind
Oceanos     1030  X        3400 1050  Eureka
Odin        7000  X        5600 1250  Salonia Catacombs         Atom Edge
Ogre        740   X        1250 850   Dorga's Cave
Ohishuki    122   X        105  40    Tower of Owen
Olog-Hai    570   X        840  600   Undersea Cave
Ouroboros   830   Thunder  1680 900   Lake Dol, Salonia Catacombs
Paralyma    145   X        72   27    Near Tokkle               Breath, paralyze 
Peryton     730   X        1200 800   Dorga's Cave, Undersea Cave
Pharaoh     160   Holy     145  60    Hyne Castle               Glare(2), 
confuse hit
Planktae    840   Thunder  1700 900   Lake Dol                  Glare(2)
Platinal    4580  X        3800 1100  Sylx Tower                Brak2
PoisonBat   60    X        56   22    Nepto Shrine
Pteragon    440   Wind     640  410   Temple Of Time
Pterosaur   880   X        1950 950   Cave Of Bahamut
Pudding     240   Wind     260  110   Near Amur                 Breath
Puti        45    X        54   20    Nepto Shrine              Bolt, Fire, Ice
PutiMage    118   X        101  38    Tower of Owen             Ice2, Mute
Pygman      109   X        96   36    Tower of Owen        Blind, Fire, Ice, 
Sleep, Venom
Pyralis     1500  X        880  1200  Ancient Ruins
Q.Lamia     1280  X        2200 1000  Cave Of Bahamut            Glare(3)
Q.Scylla    6220  X        5100 1200  Dark World
Qumqum      2090  X        3900 1100  Sylx Tower           Bolt3, Fire3, Ice3, 
Brak2, Death
RedCap      210   X        87   32    NW edge of floating continent       
Red D.      15000 X        5800 1400  Sylx Tower
RedMallow   155   Fire     140  50    Flame Cave
RedWisp     34    Holy     18   8     Sassoon Castle
Remora      860   Thunder  1800 950   Lake Dol
Revenant    70    Holy     34   13    Cave Of Seal
Roper       210   Thunder  200  90    Water Cave                  paralyze hit
RuinWave    140   Thunder  120  45    Underground Lake            Breath
Rukh        120   Wind     42   15    Road To The Summit
RustBird    92    Wind     40   15    Road To The Summit          Glare(3)
Sahuagin    140   Thunder  70   25    Water near Tokkle
Salamandr   2100  Cold     1800 175   Flame Cave                  Flame
SandWorm    320   X        420  240   SE Salonia
Scylla      10000 X        5400 1300  Eureka                      Flare
SeaDevil    133   Thunder  116  45    Underground Lake
SeaElmntl   123   Thunder  67   25    Water near Tokkle
Seahorse    185   Thunder  175  80    Water near Amur
SeaKing     470   X        680  450   Temple Of Time
SeaLion     850   Thunder  1750 950   Lake Dol
SeaSerpnt   190   Thunder  180  80    World rivers
SeaWitch    550   Thunder  800  600   Undersea Cave
Shadow      65    Holy     32   12    Mithril Mine, Cave of Seal     Blind
Shinobi     1100  X        4000 1100  Fargabaad, Sylx Tower
Simurgh     335   Wind     450  260   Near Dorga's House
Sirenos     910   Katanas  900  80    ACF                         Split when hit
Skeleton    54    Holy     26   10    Mithril Mine, Cave of Seal
Sleipnir    1000  X        3100 1000  Eureka                  Blind, Ice2, Toad, 
Slime       200   X        90   33    NW edge of floating continent
Sorcerer    310   X        400  200   SE Salonia                   Bolt2, Ice2, 
Storoper    400   Thunder  250  110   Sewer                 Glare(3), paralyze 
Tangi       125   Thunder  68   25    Water near Tokkle            Glare(2)
Tarantula   200   X        92   33    NW edge of floating continent
Thanatos    2200  X        2500 950   Ancients' Labyrinth          Brak2
Thor        2180  Thunder  4800 1200  Sylx Tower, Dark World       Thunder
Titan       7800  X        4500 1100  Ancients' Labyrinth          Flare
TwinHead    205   X        195  90    Water Cave
TwinLiger   230   X        240  110   Sewer
Unne        4500  X        4200 1000  Dorga's Cave               Blizzard, Wall, 
Unne Cln.   1500  X        50   18    Ancients' Labyrinth        Blizzard, Wall, 
Valar       530   X        760  550   Salonia Catacombs
Vassago     720   Katanas  1150 80    Cave of Darkness           split when hit
VenomToad   200   Fire     190  90    Water Cave
Vulcan      250   Cold     280  125   Near Amur                  Bolt2, Fire2, 
Were-Rat    72    X        60   22    Nepto Shrine
Werewolf    24    X        14   5     Near Ur
Yellow D.   10000 X        5400 1250  Sylx Tower
Zande       21000 X        0    0     Sylx Tower             Flame, Libra, 
Meteo, Quake
ZandeCln.   10000 X        1550 850   Dark World             Flame, Libra, 
Meteo, Quake
Zombie      42    Holy     22   10    Sassoon Castle

---Monster spells

Atom Edge  Damages all enemies
Breath     Paralyzes one enemy
Blizzard   Ice damage to all enemies
Explode    Kills caster and damages one enemy in the amount of remaining HP of 
Flame      Fire damage to all enemies
FlareWave  Damages all enemies
Glare(1)   Petrifies all enemies
Glare(2)   Puts one enemy to sleep
Glare(3)   Confuses one enemy
Megaflare  Damages all enemies
MindBlast  Paralyzses all enemies
Split      Creates a clone of the caster, with the same HP. The clone cannot 
move until
           the next turn.
Thunder    Bolt damage to all enemies
Tsunami    Damages all enemies
WallChange Changes caster's weakness and causes all other elementals to be 

---Steal/Win List:

Any enemy not mentioned here has the same stats: You can steal a Potion from it, 
and win

Adamantai  MidgBread Potion SouthWind | X
Azrael     BombR.Arm NorthWind Potion  | X
Balfrey    Potion | HiPotion
Balloon    BombShard Pillow Potion | Potion
Bomb       BombR.Arm HiPotion Paralyzer | X
BossTroll  NorthWind TurtlShell | HiPotion NorthWind
Boulder    Soft | X
Cocktrice  Soft | X
Cronos     Potion | HiPotion
Daemon     Bolt/Holy/Iron/Wooden Arrow | X
DarkKngt.  BombR.Arm Gods'Rage NorthWind Potion | X
DeathClaw  BlackHole HiPotion ImpsYawn LilithKiss | X
DevilHorse HiPotion | X
D.General  HiPotion | HiPotion
DiveEagle  Soft | X
Dullahan   Potion | Potion
Fahan      BombR.Arm Paralyzer HiPotion | X
Garb       HiPotion | HiPotion
Goblin     Potion | Potion
Grashara   HiPotion ImpsYawn LilithKiss | BlackHole HiPotion
Green D.   Elixir | Elixir Onion Armor Onion Shield
Griffon    BombShard Potion SouthWind | SouthWind
Haniel     Potion | HiPotion
Hekaton    X | X
K.Lizard   HiPotion | X
Knocker    Devil'sSigh Zeus'Rage Potion | Potion
Kyklops    Gods'Rage Paralyzer | Gods'Rage HiPotion
Lamia      BombShard SouthWind | BombShard Zeus'Rage
Laruwai    Antidote | X
Lemwraith  Potion | SouthWind Zeus'Rage
Leprecaun  BombShard Pillow Potion | X
Liliput    Potion | Potion
Magician   Gods'Rage Potion Paralyzer | BombR.Arm HiPotion
M.Helcan   Potion | HiPotion
Needler    BlackHole HiPotion ImpsYawn LilithKiss | HiPotion
Paralyma   Bolt/Holy/Iron/Wooden Arrow | X
Pharaoh    Antidote Eyedrop | Eyedrop Zeus'Rage
Pudding    BombR.Arm Gods'Rage NorthWind Potion | BombR.Arm HiPotion
Puti       BombShard Potion Zeus'Rage | X
PutiMage   LuckMallet MaidKiss Potion | EchoHerb MaidKiss Potion
Pygman     EchoHerb LuckMallet MaidKiss Potion | MaidKiss Potion
RedCap     Devil'sSigh Potion Zeus'Rage | X
Red D.     Elixir | Elixir Onion Sword
RedMallow  Potion | Potion
Revenant   Antidote | X
Roper      BombR.Arm NorthWind Gods'Rage Potion | BombR.Arm
Rukh       Potion | Potion
Shadow     Antidote Eyedrop | Eyedrop
Sirenos    Potion | HiPotion
Sleipnir   HiPotion | HiPotion
Sorceror   HiPotion NorthWind TurtlShell | HiPotion
Storoper   Gods'Rage HiPotion Paralyzer | Gods'Rage HiPotion
Thor       Gods'Rage Paralyzer | Gods'Rage HiPotion
Vassago    HiPotion | HiPotion
Vulcan     BombR.Arm HiPotion Paralyzer | X
Yellow D.  Elixir | Elixir Onion Armor Onion Sword



This FAQ was compiled and written by me,
Dan Orner
[email protected]
ICQ: 57554220

I've written several other FAQs as well: SaGa Frontier, FF4, FF8, Discworld II, 
Sailor Moon: Another Story. My FF Compendium website (above address) is quite 
anything else online; I invite you to check it out.

The monster section, as well as several extremely helpful pointers throughout 
the weapons
and armor lists, and the stat meanings, was generously provided by Jim Shaheen. 
I invite
you to check out his FF3 Shrine at http://www.rpgclassics.com/ff3/ . There's 
tons of stuff
there which I couldn't possibly put here, including pictures, music, downloads, 
and other
cool stuff like a hacking list. Check it out!

This FAQ could never have happened without the huge help of the existing FAQ by 
([email protected]). Although I never quoted anything straight from the FAQ, it 
me get through the game the first time and straightened things out for the other 
Thanks a ton!

I don't mind if you use this FAQ on your website as long as I have full credit 
for it.
Also, I'd like you to e-mail me so I know to notify you of updates.

Enjoy! Later!

--Dan Orner

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