.____                         .___
           |    |    _____     ____    __| _/  ______
           |    |    \__  \   /    \  / __ |  /  ___/
           |    |___  / __ \_|   |  \/ /_/ |  \___ \
           |_______ \(____  /|___|  /\____ | /____  }
                   \/     \/      \/      \/      \/
                         ____  _/ ____\
                        /  _ \ \   __\
                       (  {_} ) |  |
                        \____/  |__|

        .____                              .___ .___ .___
        |    |      ____  _______   ____   |   ||   ||   |
        |    |     /  _ \ \_  __ \_/ __ \  |   ||   ||   |
        |    |___ (  {_} ) |  | \/\  ___/  |   ||   ||   |
        |_______ \ \____/  |__|    \___  } |___||___||___|
                \/                     \/

                   Guide\Walkthrough Version 2.02
                          Final Version

                 written by Stijn Bolle (27-05-2000)
                 e-mail: [email protected]


  1 Updates
  2 Introduction
  3 Controlling Copper
  4 General playing hints
  5 Guilds
  6 Walkthrough
  7 Items, weapons & armor
  8 Spells
  9 Pharmacopia mixtures
 10 Monsters
 11 Bugs & Fixes
 12 Cheats, tricks & trainers
 13 Unanswered questions
 14 About additions
 15 Greets
 16 Author
 17 Legal Notice

I Updates

  *** Version 2.02

  - I had a lot of emails with additions in my mailbox so I thought it was
    about time I did a new update.

  - Various small additions have been made and some errors have been

  - I get an incredibly lot of emails from people who get stuck in the
    elevator in the voncao world when retrieving the heart of sunrise. I
    reported this bug in the past already, but I've included some help now
    so you can get rid of it. Read it in the Bugs & Fixes section.

  - A new money trick (courtesy of Ben Fourier) has been added to the
    cheats, tricks and trainers section.

  - Three new questions have been added to the 'unanswered questions'

  *** Version 2.01

   - A small update with some hints to open the level 20 thief lock and the
     trick to remove spells from your spell book. This means two of the
     three remaining unanswered questions are solved (and I'm pretty sure
     nobody will be able to solve the last one), so this means the guide
     is actually finished.

   - You can read about opening the thief level 20-grate in the walkthrough
     in the part just before Chapter 15: Underworld.

   - I put the trick to remove spells from your inventory into Section XII
     (Cheats, Tricks & Trainers)

  *** Version 2.0

    - I deleted Lands of Lore 3 from my harddisk, not because it's a bad
      game, but I have been playing the game for so long, I'm really tired
      of it now. That doesn't mean I won't maintain the guide in the future,
      I'll will add all additions you send in the future, but I won't replay
      the game myself.

    - I received a lot of additions from various people and I have added
      them all (there are really lots of them). Feel free to send more.

    - I removed the previous updates here because nobody cares about them
      and this update replaces them all.

II Introduction

  This is the third instalment of the Lands of Lore series and I have to
  admit, it still breathes the same atmosphere as the original game. The 3D
  engine has 3D-accelerated graphics now, but it still doesn't look perfect.
  Still, it looks a lot better than Lands of Lore 2. The gameplay is also
  more fluid now and areas have been made a littler smaller to avoid
  dwelling around without an aim. I have had a lot of fun and I hope you
  will too.

  You play as Copper LeGré, bastard son of Eric Legré, brother of King
  Richard and commander of the White Army. On the Pig Hunt with your father
  and brothers, some rift hounds appear from another dimension and kill your
  brethren and father. You can escape, but they take your soul with them.
  Now, it's your task to prove yourself in a world where everyone suspects
  you from having killed your father and brothers to get a better place in
  society. Your second task is to find out how to get your soul back.

  Some people really dislike LOL 3, because it' not a 'traditional' RPG like
  Baldur's Gate or ultima, but what people really hate are the limited
  freedom and the fact you have unlimited mana for spells (you just wait to
  let your mana grow again)

  I really don't care about what these people say. I enjoyed Baldur's Gate
  as much as LOL3, it's a different kind of game, more action based, but
  it's really fun and it has a good story (although it isn't complicated).
  The movies are as always magnificent too. The only downfall are the many
  bugs. They often cause to get you stuck somewhere with no possible

III Controlling Copper

  I control Copper more or less like any 3D-shooter. I use the mouse to
  look around and the keys to move. With a quick switch of keys, I can
  disable mouse look to use my inventory. There are no perfect controls,
  but I'll give you mine. I think they're quite useful to survive.

  Toggle Copper's Speed to running for the entire game, you'll advance much

  Note: These keys are the ones of an AZERTY keyboard, please change some
  keys to qwerty if you don't have an azerty (Z=W, A=Q, M=,)

     Z = Move Forward
     S = Move Backward
     Q = Strafe Left
     D = Strafe Right
     Mouse X-axis = Turn\Look left & right
     Mouse Y-axis = Turn\Look up & down
     Mouse Button 1 = Just for clicking and opening doors
     Mouse Button 1 (quick double tap) = Jump
     Mouse Button 2 = Use Weapon
     X = Toggle Mouse Look
     Shift = Speed
     Ctrl = Change object in the cursor
     C = Kneel
     I = Open Inventory
     J = Open Journal
     Space = Jump
     F1 = Command familiar to search for an object
     F2 = Command familiar to follow you
     F3 = Command familiar to use it special powers
     F4 = Command familiar to attack
     1 = Use first spell
     2 = Use secondary spell
     3 = Use third spell
     4 = Use fourth spell
     5 = Use fifth spell
     Page Down = Turn 180 degrees

  There are many other keys, but I didn't use them. Keep in mind, I use the
  same key to shoot (bow\arrows) and to use a sword, it all depends on how
  far your enemy stands from you.

IV General playing hints

  Save regularly in different slots. The game is extremely buggy, even
  after installing the latest patch and you may need to return to a
  previous savegame sometimes when you're trapped with a bug.

  Check your inventory and journal regularly. You have a limited inventory
  and it's very useful to know whether objects are useful or not. Don't
  carry any items around you don't need. If you have lots of items and you
  don't want to throw them away, you have a problem. A really bad thing is
  the vanishing of all stored items after finishing world two and four. The
  only safe place I found, was in one of the worlds itself. I stored some
  items at the White Tower, and they still were there. Still, I shouldn't
  trust this much. I have tried almost every place and sometimes the items
  stayed there, sometimes they vanished. I always had enough inventory
  space while playing the game, so I don't think it will be a problem for

  Keep an eye on your hunger status. If the bar is red, you'll deal less
  damage and you won't recover health and mana. You can find food all around
  the game. Every time you kill a monster, you can get meat. It really isn't
  necessary to collect rotten meat that can poison you, there's enough to be
  found. Once wearing the stone bracers, you don't have to worry about
  poison anymore.

  Talk to everyone before attacking him or her, They often has some valuable
  information for you. When they stop talking, talk to them again until
  they start to repeat themselves.

  Keep an eye on the status of your familiar, if he's hurt too much, let him
  retreat to recover. If he's dead, use a lifestone and he will resurrect.
  Once you find a heartstone, you can throw away all lifestones, because
  you can use it all the time then to resurrect your familiar.

  Collect as much Ancient Stones as possible and save them for the hard
  situations in the game. Further in the game, you'll need them to use
  some powerful spells.

  There are 6 ancient artifacts to be found. If you collect them all, they
  will help you advance in the game more easily. These are the artifacts:

    * Thoehan Great Sword,
    * Great Sword of Darkstorm (the Best Sword in the game)
    * Death Stroke Shield (the Best Shield in the game)
    * Drakelord Gem (the Best Protection gem in the game)
    * Dragonscale Armors (the Best Armors in the game)
    * Boom Stick (The Best Long Range Weapon in the game)

  This combined with the Warding Shield spell (the best defensive spell)
  makes you a dangerous foe.

  You need at least Level 15 to fight the final battle. Fight more enemies
  that gives you much experience (see further in this guide) to get to Level
  15. You can also train in the Warrior's guild on the simulation to gain
  experience to etxra levels. If you do a lot of close combat, you'll
  advance fast in the Warrior's guild. If you prefer spells, you'll easily
  become a crown wizard.

  Auto enable picking up objects when you walk over them. This will help
  you to find objects you can't see.

  Never kill innocent people unless you badly need their items, you will
  ruin the game completely and you won't be able to complete certain quests.
  You even may get stuck in the game.

  You have to conquer 5 portals before you can repair the mirror and
  finish the game. Not all portals can be entered at once. First, you
  have to complete the volcano world and the frozen waste, nex the ruloi
  homeworld & Underworld and finally the shattered desert. After conquering
  the first two portals, the location of the three pther portals appears
  in the map. When you go to the location of the shattered desert at this
  point, you won't be able to find a portal, that's because you have to do
  the ruloi homeworld and the underworld first.

V Guilds

  I won't tell you what guild to choose, but it's likely you choose more
  than one. I'll give an overview of all guilds and then tell you what
  guilds I chose. I advise you not to join all 4 guilds, because you'll
  advance to slow in the game then and you'll be an easier target for
  enemies. The only reason why I chose to play with the four guilds was
  because I wanted to complete all the quests in the game (and tell you
  all about them).

  You don't need to follow the strict rules of the guild. Whether you
  joined the Cleric's guild or not, you have to 'kill' enemies, not 'heal'

  Each guild has a primary task for you and once you did that, you're
  offered a familiar. I'll give an overview of them too, choose the one
  that suits you're playing style best.

  In fact, there are two main guilds: Fighters and Magicians. You choose
  whether you attack with weapons or with magic (or both). Then, you can
  choose one of the additional guilds to become a healer or a thief. I chose
  the 4 guilds. This means I had to do a lot of fighting before I was able
  to advance levels, but I didn't miss a single spot of the game. If you
  think your levels aren't high enough, you can do some training in the
  Fighters Guild.

  Join guilds early in the game and perform the quests before killing big
  enemies, because you will only start getting experience in guilds after
  performing the primary quests. After successfully completing quests,
  return to the guild and your rank will increase. Each guild has three
  ranks and higher ranks offer new abilities or give access to new rooms.

  It can be useful to take a familiar from a guild you're not a member from.
  This means the familiar will complement your personal abilities.

  Certain familiars won't enter certain rooms or areas because they have
  their own personality. Choose the familiar that suits your playing style
  best. You can choose only one familiar.

  5.1 Fighter's Guild: Iron Ring

  This is the Fighters Guild, if you don't like using magic, this is the
  guild of your choice.

    * Crown Servant
    * Aide de Camp
    * Grand Blade


    * Crown Servant: Mighty Blow: You can open chests, doors and other
      things with your fist. If you fight with your bare hands, your
      damage will be doubled. 

    * Aide de Camp: Marksmanship: You can open a frame on the screen that
      allows you to zoom on the cursor's position

    * Grand Blade: Rapid Strike: The time you need to strike again with your
      weapon will be reduced. 


    Lig is very nice but quite dumb. He's not very talkative either, but
    he's very strong. He's able to:

      * identify weapons & armours
      * look for food
      * identify creatures
      * attack and protect and you
      * collect items
      * open doors

  5.2 Magician's Guild: Talamari

  Magic is the important word here. They offer some powerful spells that
  allow you to take out enemies from distance without having to worry about
  getting close to them.


      * Court Apprentice
      * Court Wizard
      * Crown Wizard

    * Court Apprentice: Arcane Lore: the mana cost of offensive spells will
      be reduced. If you get more experience, the costs will be reduced more
      and more.

    * Court Wizard: Identify: You can get more information on objects

    * Crown Wizard: Mana Tap: You can tap mana from the environment to
      restore your own mana pool


    Griselda isn't like Lig at all. She's not so strong, but very smart and
    from time to time sarcastic. She's able to:

      * look for farmacopies
      * transfer mana to you
      * identify objects
      * protect you with spells
      * collect items

  5.3 Cleric's Guild: Finch Guild  

  The Cleric has a strict code. You may not kill and you must respect the
  laws of the guild. This is the healing guild, you will be able to heal and
  protect yourself.

      * Acolyte
      * Seeker
      * Finch


     * Acolyte: Spirit Lore: reduce the cost of the use of healing spells
     * Acolyte: Herb Lore: This ability allows you to identify farmacopies
                           at the spot
     * Seeker: Holy Strike: deals double damage to unholy creatures

     * Finch: Restore Familiar: Lets your familiar revive. You can also use
                                a lifestone or a dragonheart to do this.


    Goldy is very annoying and she doesn't have anything useful to say. But
    she's able to:

      * look for healing objects
      * use light spells
      * protect your from poison
      * protect you from a certain amount of damage
      * identify farmacopies
      * collect items

  5.4 Thieves Guild: Bacchanal

  When Thievery, sneaking and poisoning your way, then choose the Thieves
  Guild. The Thieves Guild has a store that will buy anything you want to
  sell, only, the price isn't very high.


     * Tinker
     * Bobbin
     * Locksmith


    * Tinker: Steal: This ability allows you (how obvious) to steal. You
      have a bigger chance of stealing when your victim doesn't look. You
      can try this in shops, but you risk you won't be able to buy
      anything else in the future if the shopkeeper catches you.

    * Tinker: Backstab: You can do serious damage with a backstab. This
      means you take out someone from behind. The protection of the victim
      will be halved if you perform this.

    * Tinker: Pick Lock: Each lock has a certain level (how strong or how
      difficult the lock is). If you're lock pick rank is equal or higher
      to the lock's level, you can open it.

    * Bobbin: Sniper: This ability takes allows you to take out enemies from
      distance. You must bind a key on the keyboard to this action. The
      default key is Page Up. You also do more damage.

    * Locksmith: Death Strike: You will have experience with creatures and
      learn what their weakest spot. This knowledge will allow you to take
      out enemies with only one hit once you know their weak spot.


    Syruss is a very sneaky and creepy figure. He's able to:

      * look for close combat weapons
      * protect you from poison
      * poison your blade to cause you to do additional poison damage.
      * make you invisible
      * open locks
      * collect items

VI Walkthrough

  I will not tell every time when to destroy barrels, just destroy them all
  and collect everything they reveal.

  In the past, I often used relative directions instead of compass
  directions. Afterwards, when replaying the game, I've tried to change
  as much as possible to compass directions. Afterwards, I considerd I had
  better used compass in the first place, thanks Greg Wageman :)

  I suggest you set the combat difficulty to "normal". Battles are not so
  hard, in fact they're way to easy in the "easy mode". Choose "normal" for
  much more fun. You have spells and weapons, so show those creatures what
  you've got!

  Don't forget to check the stores every time you finished a quest for a
  certain guild. New items will be available.

 1 The Beginning

 After you see the Draracle leave and you lose your soul due to the rift
 dogs, you awake in an unknown area of the woods. Walk forward and get the
 bag, this is your inventory. You'll find some aloe biscuits and a bag of
 food rations inside. Walk further and you'll enter a cave with a lot of
 spider webs. Hit all the dead people in the webs and you'll find some
 coins. Move on. You reach an open place with a waterfall. To the right,
 there's a small entrance in the water. You reach a hidden chest, inside
 there's a lore stone or a firecrystal at random (submitted by Greg Wageman)

 Return to the open place and jump on the ledge to the right. Get the rusty
 knife, your first weapon! Move higher and you find your journal. There's
 nothing behind or on top of the waterfall, so continue your way. A passage
 willbe blocked by a web. Use your knife to cut the web. A spider will
 attack you. Use your knife to take him out, it's not hard. Walk further on
 and you see a hole in the tree on the left. Click on it and you get a
 compass. There is another hole further, with some rotten meat. Now you have
 to be careful, if you walk a little further, a movie will start, but you
 need to get an item first before you hit the 'invisible barrier' that
 triggers the movie. The exit of the intro is two feet from the tree hole.
 But If you stand just right you can grab an ancient stone from the tree
 before leaving the forest and meeting the two soldiers that take you to
 Gladstone. Walk forward then and you'll be transported to Upper Gladstone.

 2 Upper Gladstone

 Note: There are a lot of guards wandering around in Lower Gladstone, don't
 attack them, you'll be taken to a cell at once and you'll die.

 Two guards discover you and bring you back to Gladstone. You awake and
 talk to mistress Dawn (wow, that's quite a change since LOL2, she's a babe
 now!) She advices you to join a guild and find the Draracle's Caves. Then
 she kicks you out.

 You received a guild charter from Dawn with some information on the
 guilds. Walk forward and jump into the fountain, you'll find some coins.
 On the right of the stairs, you find a rock, on the left a geldenberry.
 Walk to the left entrance. To the left of the entrance, there's a passage,
 you'll find some coins there. Walk to the other side, there's a similar
 passage there with a healing scroll. You can try to enter the keep again.
 Samuel will ask you to leave, because Lord Jeron doesn't like your
 presence. It looks like you're on your own now. Walk through one of the
 entrances and you reach the main centre of Upper Gladstone.

 2.1 Centre of Upper Gladstone

 Talk to Dash on the right, he will invite you to join the fourth guild
 (the Thieves Guild), if you can find it. There are two ways to find the
 Thieves Guild, I'll explain them both later on. Walk to the bench on the
 right, there's an aloe leaf under it. In the back right corner lays a rock,
 on the same place, on the left side, you can find some rotten meat. Near
 one of the long stone cubes (near the entrance you just came through),
 there's another rock. Now, face the red entrance. The Fighters and
 Magician's guild is on your left then, the clerics guild on your right
 (read the signs). Go to the left, to the fighters\magicians guild.

 You see some stairs now, don't go up, but turn left, walk to the stone
 slabs and click on the left one, it will open. Inside, you'll find a mana
 foil, a coco cap and some coins. Jump on the slab and walk past the trees
 to the back, you'll find some coins. Now walk up the stairs. Equip the
 coco cap in one of your magic item slots. (For more information on magical
 items read the Item Section below)

 Walk up the stairs, on the right, you'll find some coins. Enter the passage
 and smash the barrels on the right. You'll find an aloe biscuit, an aloe
 leaf and a small flashpot. Walk to the next room and smash the barrels.
 You'll find a bag of rations, an aloe biscuit and some coins. Continue your

 Now it's getting difficult, you have to choose between the 4 guilds, I'll
 join the 4 of them now, but you don't have to, just skip those parts then.
 Still, I advice you to do the same, because you'll miss some good quests

 2.2 Talamari Guild

 Walk to the Talamari Guild in front of you and read the sign for more
 information. Walk to the entrance, Sioned will appear and ask you if you
 want to join the guild. If you wish to do so, give her a coin. To become a
 member of the guild, you have to collect a sample of the magic portal in
 the woods. To collect the sample, she hands over a crystal device. You also
 receive a spell book with your first spell: lesser spark. Stay in front of
 the building, but walk to the left. There a small passage in the wall with
 a geldenberry inside. Walk to the right of the building, in the far corner,
 on a platform, there's some rotten meat. Jump into the water and collect
 some coins. Then walk a bit further and smash the barrels, you'll find some
 more coins.

 Now follow the sign to the Fighters Guild, there are a lot of barrels to
 be smashed first. You should find 3 bags of rations and a healing scroll.
 Then enter the entrance. Smash the barrels and also the ones in the next
 room. You should find 3 aloe biscuits, an aloe leaf and some coins.
 Continue your way and you reach an open place with the Fighters Guild to
 the right. Walk to the barrels on the left. Behind the small corner, you'll
 find a wooden shield. Equip it. Then smash all the barrels, you'll find 5
 aloe biscuits, 3 aloe leaves, an ivory chip, some coins, a lightning
 crystal and a bag of rations. Now walk back to the entrance you just left
 and walk behind it, you'll find a mana foil. Walk to the Fighters Guild and
 read the sign for more information. Don't talk to the man yet. Go to the
 left of the Guild House, there's a small entrance, follow it for some coins

 2.3 Iron Ring Guild

 Talk to the man (Celerian). Give him a coin if you want to join the guild.
 After joining the guild and before choosing a familiar, there's a nice
 cheat you can use. Elizabeth Anderson found that if she took the armor and
 weapons from the fighter's guild and equipped them, then opened the front
 door, walked toward it but not quite out, then turned and clicked on the
 book to accept the familiar, she was allowed to leave without paying for
 the items! She waltzed out of there with the best sword, bow and shield
 and didn't have to pay for them. Needless to say, this is making the game
 pretty easy.

 Your first task is to clear the Guild's Warehouse of rats. He gives you
 the Dock Key, it's not in your inventory, it's under your essential items
 in your inventory, so you can't lose it. You will also receive a dagger.
 Equip it in your missile slot, it's much better than rocks. Walk further
 and go down the stairs. The gate in front of you will be locked. Now, you
 can enter the sewers through the gate on the left, but you don't have to,
 because there's another way later and you won't have to go through the
 sewers then. If you do, you'll meat Dash again and he'll invite you again
 to join. You need to follow him to find the lair. He leaves some marks with
 a key on the walls, but you don't need them, it's really easy to find the

 We'll get back to this guild later on (but you can join already now if
 you want). We'll continue from the Fighters Guild now. Walk back up the
 stairs. On the wall in front of you, you see two shields with an axe in
 the middle. Walk to the left of the left shield, you see a pipe. Go up the
 pipe and you can enter a secret place. Click on the window to open it. To
 jump inside, you have to press the "crouch" button while jumping, but
 you can also grab all the stuff without entering the room. You'll find a
 wooden shield, a large flashpot, a fire shield and a storm crystal. Equip
 the fire shield, you'll certainly need it in the Volcano World. Then walk
 to the left of the building and take the ring of generation from the floor.
 Jump down in the courtyard and walk to the back, take the forge pod. Walk
 to the entrance and enter the building on the right. Push the button to
 open the gate. You're in front of the Fighters Guild again. Now, go all the
 way back to the centre of Upper Gladstone, we'll pay the Clerics Guild a

 2.4 Finch Guild

 Face the Finch Guild, then turn 180 degrees, you see a small platform with
 plants. Walk past the plants on the platform. You'll find a piece of Vel's
 Fruit in the back. Now enter the Finch Guild. Talk to Boris on the right.
 Give him a coin if you want to join the guild. He gives you task, you have
 to bring him a pork chop for dinner. He also gives you the spell
 "lesser heal". On the left of the guild, you see some wooden statues. There
 is also a rock between the low arches on the right (in the wooden statues
 area). Leave the guild and turn left. In the back right corner near the
 locked sewer gate, you can find another dagger. Then enter the entrance on
 the left. Smash the barrels for an aloe biscuit. You can't continue, the
 gate is locked. Return to the Main Centre. Walk to the last entrance with
 the red glow. You can't open the door next to the guard, so turn the wheel
 on the left and enter the woods.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Immediately walk forward and enter the woods. Chase the boar and kill him
 (hit him 5x with your knife and he's dead). Take the pork chop from the
 dead body and return to Upper Gladstone.

 2 Upper Gladstone

 Now you can open the door on the right, it's a prison. Walk down the stairs
 and take the fine leather buckler (near the stairs). You don't have to
 smash the barrels, there's nothing inside. Now return to the Cleric's Guild
 but don't enter. Walk to the passage. The gate used to be locked, but it's
 open now. You can enter a new area. The far big doors are locked. Jump into
 the fountain and take an item. Return to the surface and get some air, get
 another item, ... You have to do it this way because you don't have enough
 air to get all items at once. You'll find an iron shield (don't equip it),
 a Long Sword (equip it), another ivory chip (equip it) and another ring
 of generation (you now have 2 ivory chips and 2 rings of regeneration
 equipped). On the left of the fountain, there's a platform against the
 wall. On top of it, you can see some coins, get them. Now return to the
 passage. Smash the barrels on the right. They contain an aloe leaf and an
 aloe biscuit. Go to the Clerics Guild and enter.

 2.4 Inside the Clerics Guild

 Talk to the brother and you become a member. You also learn your first
 spells. You will receive the spells "lesser heal" and "lesser spark". Walk
 behind the brother and go right down the stairs. Open the door and you
 enter the shop. It's a good idea to sell your spider silk here, it's not
 very useful. You can also sell an ivory chip or a ring of regeneration if
 you need the money, but I suggest you wait some more time. Still, you
 should get your hands on some armor. Find a way yourself of buying and
 selling to get one. Walk further down and you enter the spell store. You
 can't buy many spells yet, but I bought greater spark. Walk further then
 and you'll enter a room where you can receive blessing of the spirit and
 blessing of the soul (restoring of mana and health). This isn't necessary
 if you eat enough food and equip the ring of regeneration. You can also go
 to the Magician's Guild and use the lesser heal spell. Then simply step
 into the pool of mana generation to recover mana quickly. Leave the
 Clerics Guild and return to the woods.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Walk over the bridge and then go right. Take the axe, but don't equip it,
 the long sword is much better. With the long sword, you can take out boars
 with one hit, don't forget to take the pork chops along. You also have to
 check all the holes in trees you encounter, you'll find many items. There
 are also plants with aloe leafs. Sometimes, you see some small trees, they
 look a bit different and are much smaller. Hit these with your sword and
 some juice will drip on the ground. Take it along, it's ironwood sap and
 you will need it for pharmacopia mixtures.

 Walk into the woods and follow the sign to the docks. In the last hole in
 the tree near the docks, you'll find another ivory chip, sell it later on
 in the Cleric's Guild. Don't enter the docks yet, instead, jump into the
 water and move towards the ship. Keep jumping to get air while you collect
 all the items near the wreck. You should collect 7 small flashpots, 2
 healing scrolls and a spiked mace. The Long Sword is better than the mace,
 so sell it when you have the opportunity. Leave the water and go to the
 docks. Your cursor will automatically change into the dock key when you
 point to the lock. Enter.

 4 Docks

 Go left (there's nothing in the barrels on the right) and open the door.
 Enter the building and kill all rats. Take their meat along. It's not so
 tasty, but it's strong and not poisonous. Smash all the barrels. You'll
 find some lamplight eggs and a club. Leave the club behind, it's useless.
 Open the door on the other side of the room. You're back outside. Open the
 door in front of you and kill all rats inside. Smash all barrels, you
 should find some more lamplight eggs. Open the door in the back and you're
 outside again. Now, you can enter the next building through the door on the
 left, but it's much more fun to go to the right, break the wooden bars
 covering the window and take out the wharf rats from behind. Search their
 dead bodies, you'll also find some coins. You now have killed all rats,
 so let's get back to Gladstone to become a Warrior. There's nothing in the
 barrels in this room. Go all the way back to Upper Gladstone, to the
 Warriors Guild.

 While walking back, check the trees for holes, you can now see the back of
 the trees and find new holes. Near the dock, you should find a stroke
 dagger in a hole. Throw away your rusty knife too now, it's useless now.

 2.3 Upper Gladstone: Warriors Guild

 Talk to Celerian. You're a member now. It is important to join the guilds
 before fighting a lot, because your experience levels don't increase if
 you don't join the guilds first. Sell Celerian the spiked mace, the axe
 and the shields he wants to buy (but not the fire shield). Throw away the
 wooden shields, they're useless. You can also drop the guild charters here,
 you'll need the space in your inventory. Now you need to get some practice.
 It's better you have a Fighter's Level 7 before you continue playing. Go
 down the stairs. Now, you can follow the gauntlet or you can do a sparring
 simulation. If you want to do the sparring simulation, choose two times
 button one and click on the lever then, it's the sparring simulation that
 will give you the most experience points, the gauntlet takes too much time.
 For the sparring simulation, choose twice the top button for much
 experience. When you have Level 7 or so, leave the guild, you can't go up
 the other stairs yet. Return to the Woods, it's time to become a magician.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Walk forward and enter the woods. Follow the Draracle sign. At the next
 signs (draracle and way back to the keep), go left and open the tree
 stump. You'll find a champion stone and a new pharmacopia. Amber can be
 found in the Volcano World, ironwood sap in the woods. Then, keep following
 the Draracle sign. At the next signs (Draracle & way back to the keep), the
 screen will start to shake. Don't follow the Draracle sign, but enter the
 crater. Walk towards the portal, green clouds will move you towards the
 portal. Don't get sucked in, move your cursor over the portal and it will
 change into the crystal device. Click to fill the device with the portal
 sample and leave the crater. Return to the Magician's Guild.

   Unanswered Question: On the way back to the keep, you will walk again
   past the small entrance with the tree stump where you found the champion
   stone. Continue your way and a little further on your left, you will see
   a tree with a sword under its bark. If anyone knows how to free this
   sword from the tree, please mail me on [email protected]

 2.2 Upper Gladstone: Magician's Guild

 Enter the Magician's Guild and walk up the stairs. Don't enter yet, but
 walk to the right ledge and get the mana foil. There's another one on the
 other side. Now enter the guild and hand the crystal device to Sioned.
 You're now a wizard apprentice. Walk behind Sioned, you'll find some aloe
 leaves and a black lichen. You'll also find something to recharge your
 crystals. Go back and up the stairs. Someone will leave the spell library
 when you pass by. Have a little chat with Rhynn, then enter the spell
 library. Most of the spells are too expensive right now, you will have a
 lot more money when you have visited the Draracle, so return later. Walk
 further upstairs. This is the spell exercise room. You can practice all
 your spells here. To recover your mana quickly, step into the mana recovery

 Go back to the main entrance of the Magician's Guild. Take the stairs down
 on the other side. You're now in the Shop and Sioned will appear to give
 you more information. Sell her the ivory chip, you don't need three of them
 If you're looking for big money, sell her the storm crystal, she will pay
 2000 coins for it. Still, I didn't do it and sold her my Lightning Crystal.
 You can't enter the next shop room yet. Now go buy some spells if you like.
 I bought the greatbow shift from the Warriors Guild, because I didn't
 have a good long distance weapon right then. We're leaving Gladstone for
 a while now, so make sure you have chosen a familiar before leaving. Go to
 the Woods, we'll go look for the Draracle now.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Walk to the first signs and follow the Draracle Sign. Just keep following
 the Draracle Signs then. You should encounter a little ironwood tree, hit
 it to get some ironwood sap. A bit further, you meet a new enemy, the
 lamplight, just use some spark to kill it. His body contains a venom sac,
 you can use it to create poisons. At the end, you'll see an entrance
 surrounded with light. Enter the cave.

 5 Draracle Caves

 Kill any roach you encounter. Walk forward and look on the left. You see
 some stalactites with some water dripping. You must hit ALL of the
 stalactites that drip water, so that they are producing a stream. After
 you do this, what used to be a dead end passage off to the right of the
 waterfall area opens on to a whole new area. It leads to the Orc's barracks
 eventually, via a new entrance. I didn't find anything valuable there,
 though (submitted by Greg Wageman)

 From the web in the Draracle's cave, enter the tiny cave on the right and
 take the Cave Aloe. Continue your way then. Keep on walking, you can't
 lose your way. You'll also find some more cave aloe. At the end, you see a
 door. My familiar (Lig) warned me for the orcs. Push the button on the
 right to open the door and kill the orcs, they're not hard.

 I killed them on the spot, but J.G. Huff was a little friendlier. I didn't
 realize you could actually start a conversation with the orcs (because
 they attacked me at once, so I killed them on the spot). The conversation
 with the orcs (Elway, Cindy and I forgot the name of the third one) is
 pretty dumb, you'll have to kill them anyway. 

 Hit the stalactite on the right and go through the door on the other side.
 Take the cave aloe in front of you and enter the cave on the right then.
 There, you see a hole covered by a web. Hit all the people wrapped in
 spider silk. You'll find two mana foils, a ration bag, a short sword, a
 champion stone, some leather gloves and a leather buckler. Hit all the
 stalactites. Follow the other path then.

 A Cave Spider will rush towards you. A single hit from your bow will kill
 him. Walk further. As soon as you see the first skeletal guardian, hit him
 with your bow and move backwards again. All guardians will awake and attack
 you. Use your bow to keep them away from you. Three hits per guardian will
 kill them. You'll meat 3 giant roaches. Now, your greatbow shift really
 proves useful, electrical rays will kill them at once (great graphics).
 Immediately turn around and run back. Kill the cave spiders that try to
 attack you from behind. Don't forget to take the spider silk along.
 Continue your way and get the cave aloe. You can light the black (oil)
 pools with a spark spell. Do it when an enemy stand in the pool (or just
 for fun). Open the gate further on with the button and enter the next room.

 There is a lot of sandcrust on the border around the lava pool, take it
 along if you want. Walk to the other side, you'll find a mace and a stroke
 dagger. Open the door with the button and enter. You'll meet two more
 giant roaches. At the end, you'll reach a place from Lands of Lore 2. On
 the right, there's a small room. Inside, you see a picture of the Draracle
 with 4 25.000 locks. You don't really have that amount of money right now.
 Walk over the bridge, there are coins lying in the water. Walk to the
 stairs down to the right. Go stand on the lowest stairs and jump in the
 water. Right under the bridge, you'll find a guardian orb. Then collect all
 the coins. Don't get them all at once, but return to get some air. There's
 also a ladder on the other side to get the coins. Someonez mailed me he
 found a mimic stone and a summoning stone on the left in the water. I
 didn't find it, but I may have missed it. Finally, open the door
 and enter the Draracle's Throne Room. After the chat with Jakel, you'll
 talk to the Draracle (who seems to act very strange). Take a look behind
 the curtain to the right, it's Jakel ! He'll explain everything and then
 asks you to leave through the yellow portal. Do so, and you're back in the

   Your familiar will get the stuff behind the Draracle's stained glass
   picture in the caves, just before the draracle's chamber. Just send him
   to search for items and he'll get some stuff from behind the glass
   without using $100.000 first (submitted by Michael Amorosi)

   He won't get everything though, when you use $100.000 to open the glass
   (look to the shattered desert section to find out where to find that
   amount of money), you find a lot more: lots of Vel's fruit, some stroke
   daggers, a bunch of lifestones, some ancient magic stones, and just a
   whole bunch of VERY powerful spells: Lich, Trinity, Lightning Storm and
   a bunch more. (submitted by Greg Wageman)

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Now, explore the woods entirely. In the north, you'll find an open place
 with a lot of lamplights. On that place, you'll find a flashy green cave
 with some sort of statues inside. Click on the top of them, lamplights
 eggs are all over them. If you want to cross the water, go to the left.
 There's nothing special on the other side. There's some sort of stone plate
 with air vents. You can also find a dead body and some dead fishes. Later,
 a portal will appear here, to the underworld.

 In the northwest of the map, there's a tree with a big square in it (a
 forest TV ?). Check the hole on the side of the tree, you'll find a

 In the west of the map, you find an excavation. Later on, a portal will
 appear here that brings you to the Ruloi Homeworld.

 In the very north west of the map, you meet Rix. He's extremely dumb, but
 he carries a nice plasma staff. Kill him if you want it, he's not tough.
 You'll meet him again further on in the game. He also carries some
 bon-bons with him you can retrieve when you kill him.

 More to the north, enter an entrance with torches. A boy will be selling
 some fruit. Break the door behind him and smash the barrel. Get the mace.
 In one the holes (in a tree) nearby, you find a lesser healing spell.

 Near the centre of the map, you can find a very powerful mimic stone in
 a hole in a tree.

 When you're finished, you can return to Gladstone to do some shopping. Then
 return to the woods.

 Let's see if we can find the Draracle. Walk back to the crater with the
 green portal (where you needed to get a sample from). Step into the portal
 and you're in the volcano world.

 6 Volcano World

 Follow the path and you'll meet the Draracle. He'll tell you how to get
 your soul back. You have to find the golden sigil and find all the shards
 of the broken mirror. Step into the portal. The Draracle leaves you
 behind and you'll enter his keep.

 7 Draracle's Keep

 The door on the right is open now. Enter it and you'll meet Jakel. You 
 will persuade him to find the Golden Sigil yourself. After he's gone, open
 the door. Look at the mirror in the back. That's the one you need to

 There may be a hidden secret here. Quicksave, eat a mind cluster, and
 restore, that is if you don't have enough mind cluster. All unexplored
 places will be revealed. I do this when I'm facing the shining path mirror
 and you know what, I find that there is a portion of unexplored territory
 on my right, but the wall is blocking my way. I can't figure out how to
 remove the barrier. (submitted by Eldin Kim). Anyone an idea?

 Return to the Main Entrance and walk to the other locked door.
 The Draracle will speak to you. You can enter the door now. Push the button
 on the right to create bridges. Cross the first one. Then, immediately,
 fall down in the second one while you move to the right. Do this before the
 second bridge is formed and you'll find a secret. Take the Light Crossbow,
 the 2 Champion Stones (and the rotten meat if you want). Climb the ladder.
 Push the button next to the wall and you're back on the main path. The
 Draracle will open the next door for you. Walk to the end of the hallway
 and jump on the transporter. You'll be warped high in the air. Follow the
 path and you'll see the Golden Sigil. Walk over the moving plates and get
 it. As soon as you touch the Sigil, you'll be warped to another room.
 Walk through the door and at the end of the path, talk with the Draracle,
 he will tell you more about your quest. When he's finished, return. Jump
 into the next room and collect the items from the shelves. You will find
 5 flintskins, a quicksilver and 2 guardian orbs. Continue your way and you
 will meet that jerk Jakel again. He will disappear. Leave the Draracle Keep

 3 Gladstone Woods

 First, check if you have all the spells and equipment you need. If not,
 go to Upper Gladstone first and sell\buy what you want. Then, return to
 the woods and go to the crater. Step into the portal and you'll be back in
 the Volcano World

 6 Volcano World

 Follow the path and stand still when the screen shakes, otherwise, you'll
 fall into the lava. Just keep on following the path, you'll find some
 magnesium stones and a flask of dragon blood. Before you enter the red new
 cave, you should find the vulcan staff underway. Just look around you on
 the paths between the two red caves. On the ledge of a wall (you can't
 reach), you see a staff on fire. Hit the ledge with your bow and the
 ledge will move. Now the staff is freed. Send your familiar to get it.
 (F1) Further, you'll meet a new enemy: the fire elemental. First fire some
 charges of your longbow, then send your familiar to finish the job.
 Continue, you'll meet some fire beetles. One charge of your greatbow shift
 will finish them. Use strafe to avoid the fireballs. On the platform where
 you saw the first fire beetles, hit the geyser a few times. You have to
 hit all the geysers you encounter, otherwise you will get stuck further
 into the Volcano World (submitted by Greg Wageman). There are two entrances

   Secret: When standing in front of the two low crawlways, if you turn back
           to your right, you will see a stone step, which leads up to a
           ledge. Following the ledge leads to a tunnel, and eventually to a
           dead end with a long sword and gorgonite nodules on the ground.
           (Submitted by Greg Wageman)

 Return to the two entrances then and choose the left one. Walk to the end.
 Hit the geyser a few times and the screen will start to shake. Return and
 choose the right entrance. Follow the path and kill the lesser fire drake.
 Take the dragon meat. You should collect as much dragon meat as you can,
 because you get good money for it.

 Go to the Highest Point and look down. If you have hit the two geysers in
 the previous area, a stone column will raise here . Jump on it when it
 passes by and let it take you down. Then jump off and enter the new
 entrance. Walk further and you'll find more sandcrust. Don't walk over it
 or you have 20 sandcrusts in your inventory. Hit the little volcano
 geyser a few times. You will be able to continue your way now. Jump from
 platform to platform when the screen doesn't shake. At the end, jump into
 the small passage on the right when the platform is on its highest point.
 Kill all the fire dragons in the next room and take their meat along.

 Now, you have to get to the wall on the left, follow the path a bit to the
 right and then to the left. Jump from platform to platform until you're
 against the wall on the left. You have to jump on a moving platform too
 now. Follow the path and keep going down until you're on the same level as
 the lava. Look to the right, there's another path. Jump on it. Follow the
 path, you'll have to jump from one to another. At the end, you'll be at
 the lava level on the right side and you find 3 gorgonite nodules. If you
 lost me a bit while describing this path, continue from the gorgonite
 nodules, once you're there, it's not so difficult to explain anymore then.

 You will enter a new cave. On the right, there's an amber source, on the
 left, there's a little geyser volcano, hit it a few times. Continue your
 way over the formed bridge.

 In the next room, you'll meet Morphea, an ancient dragon. Talk to her and
 she will tell you about her grief about her death mate. Move to the other
 side of the room and continue your way to the entrance. Enter the blue
 room. There are some platforms in front of you, don't jump on them, but go
 to the other side of the room. Enter the next cave and smash the little
 volcano geyser on the left. Then return to the platform and go the whole
 way up until you're on top of the column. Kill the fire drake. There are
 two big moving platforms here. Jump on one of them and then on the platform
 on the other side to leave the room. One platform will lead you to a water
 room. This is not the way to continue, but you can find a Coco Cap here.
 Use your familiar to get it. You can also find 5 flasks of dragon blood
 here. Jump on every platform and check every ledge, you'll find them.
 Through a gate near the flasks, you can see the final chamber. A fire
 elemental will be firing at you, so don't stand to close near the gate.
 Now return to the two moving columns and choose the other one. You will
 reach some lava pools. Take the healing scroll (use your familiar). Kill
 all the fire elementals and just follow the path now. Jump from platform
 to platform. You'll see a purple-coloured entrance. Enter it and go up.
 You will reach the final chamber you just saw through the gate.

 Kill the fire elementals and jump on the main platform. If you really want
 them, you can also find some gorgonite nodules on the left ledge. Kill
 the lesser fire drake and go stand on the big touchplate. The doors will
 open (it depends on how long you stand on it) and some fire beetles will
 appear. Kill them all and advance through the gate. Just keep going then
 while killing fire beetles. At the end, you'll reach a room with two
 lesser fire drakes. Kill them. On the right side of the room, you find a
 flask of dragon blood. Advance to the next room. There, you meet a new
 enemy: the fire wisp. They may look dangerous, but they're very easy to
 kill. Continue your way.

 Finally, you'll enter a main room. Kill the fire wisps from distance with
 your longbow (it will cast cold). You see a urn in the middle. Remember
 this place. Later, you will have to return here for a quest. Enter the door
 in the back. Kill the fire wisps and enter the next room. You will meet
 Morphea again. You get to know now she owns the shard you're looking for,
 but she flees. It seems you will have to find her again.

 Return to the main room. If you take the door to the right, you'll find
 a lot of hallways with transports and other stuff, but the only nice items
 you'll find are some flasks of dragon blood. Take the door on the left (the
 wall disappears as you approach the door). Kill the fire wisps and enter
 the next room. Jump from platform to platform and go stand on the last
 purple column. It's an elevator and will bring you down. Don't walk through
 the gate yet, take the healing scroll from the left. Now enter the next
 room. Just walk over the bridge to the other side. Some fire beetles from
 the lava beside you will fire at you. You can ignore them (they're
 fire beetles, no invisible fire elementals, as my brother thought them
 to be :) )

 In the next room, some more platform hopping has to be done. Jump to the
 end of the room and wait there. A purple elevator column will raise. Use
 it to get down. Jump from the platform to the right side. Follow the path
 and you will meet Morphea for the last time.

 Talk to her again. She will trade the shard ... for your life. As soon as
 she attacks, move backward and use your greatbow shift or any cold spell.
 You can use your familiar too. As soon as she has about 50 hitpoints left,
 she'll retreat, but she'll regenerate, because she touches fire. You can
 hit her as much as you want, she won't die until you can separate her
 from her healing lava.

 There are 3 lava springs around the room. Smash them all and the lava pool
 Morphea is in will drain. You will also collect some more dragon blood
 flasks. Now attack with some cold spells and your greatbow Shift to finish
 her off. It's not always possible to kill her, because she sometimes
 morphs into a tiny flying thing and flees.

 There's also a trick here to raise your stats. Morphea is a good partner
 for training. You may kill her again and again until you destroy the
 surrounding springs, but be CAREFUL, make one or two new savegames, after
 training eight or nine rounds, the dragon vanished.

 Anyway, first collect all the money and also the shard. Collect all the
 money first, because as soon as you touch the shard, you will return to the
 Draracle's Keep.

 6 Volcano World (hidden alternative way)

 This is something I haven't been able to figure out myself, but maybe
 you can help me out. As you know, Morphea in the Volcano World is sad
 about the death of her mate, so killing her in order to get the shard
 maybe isn't the most friendly solution.

 Allan White sent me this:

 I went into the Morphea's lair and killed her before returning to the main
 room and the story unfolds differently

 First the bug... Although I could get all the coins from on top of the
 lava crust after killing Morphea, I can't pick up the shard. This may mean
 the game triggers between the two possible solution, reviving Morphea's
 dead mate or just plain killing her. He probably should have revived her
 mate (or maybe it is just a bug).

 Anyway - From back in the main room: Take door on right, and then turn 
 right again at the T junction. Follow along and you'll come to a pool with
 a floor plate in a semi-transparent plate in the pool. Once across, you'll
 discover rooms with several other dragon graves. Some have goodies on the
 top and some have stone covers which I'm told contain goodies (By Syruus)
 but can't get into (yet). Seems that some jumping onto wall ledges is
 probably involved - but the only one I got onto killed me with a drop...

 Among the grave goods is an amulet which halves the recovery rate of a
 melee weapon - excellent! One of the graves is of Morphea's mate - so
 maybe if I can get in - I'll  find the shard in there... (remember I
 couldn't pick it off the crust). I won't spoil the rest of the surprises,
 but it's worth a visit :)  There is a grave with a transporter on which
 takes you back to the 'T' junction just off the main room when you've
 finished looting. Haven't found much to the left off the 'T' junction btw.

 Maybe you have used this 'alternative' way and you can provide some help.
 It would be very strange if that grave is there and you can't enter it
 or revive the dragon.

 Any suggestions can be sent to [email protected]

 7 Draracle's Keep

 There we have Jakel again. You went to all the trouble to get the shard,
 and he only likes to boycott you. He also doesn't want to let you leave
 normally, due to some "repair work" (sure). Instead, you have to travel
 through some dangerous cellars.

 8 Draracle's Lair

 Note: I will not describe all the monsters in the lair. They're all very
 weak, just kill them all and search their bodies.

 In the beginning, you can't lose your way. Just avoid the touchplates that
 release fireballs. You should find some mandrake root, then some coins and
 also some Vel's Fruit. After finding Vel's Fruit (red), go left and then
 right. Now you see a ring hanging on the wall in front of you. Walk towards
 it and check the wall on the right. Near the ground, push the button, the
 wall that has a little outline will be moved. If you really don't find the
 button, look on your automap. The button is in the bottom right corner of
 your map. Don't enter yet. Explore first a little bit further and you'll
 find more coins and a healing scroll. All other ways will lead to dead
 ends, so enter the entrance you just opened now. Climb the ladder and you
 are on Level 2.

 Level 2: Just around the corner, you find a vortex foil. Now you can go
 right or forward. Go forward and at the and of the gangway, you'll find a
 storage box. Open it with the button below the box and you find some coins,
 a mana foil and a shimmerfoil. Return and take the right entrance.
 Immediately on your right, there's a lock in the wall. You can't pick this
 lock. The cursor icon is the magnifying glass and when I click, Copper only
 says "hmmmm..." and that's all, the icon never turns into the lockpicks.
 Walk to the left and take the small flashpot. Now return and go to the
 right. Take the mind cluster. Walk further and you'll find some Vel's
 Fruit and a Mana Pod. Walk to the left. Look at the touchplate on the floor
 You see a very small stone, it's a Stone of the Gorgon. Walk further. You
 see a glass-covered entrance. Turn 180 degrees and push the button on the
 wall (it's a bit on the left). The back wall will move, continue your way.

 Walk forward. Collect the mana foil and the coins. Walk to the entrance in
 the back, it's another storage box. Open it with the button. You find an
 ancient's stone, a gummy pod and some coins. Now return to the entrance
 with the wall you moved. Go right and walk over the glass floor to get
 the coins. Then go forward and right. Take the life leech and continue,
 you'll find the stairs to Level 3. Before going up the ladder, smash the
 wall near the entrance to Level 3 and you'll find a lesser heal spell.

 Level 3: Don't push the button next to the storage box on the right, you'll
 fall down to level 2. Walk right and then right again. Open the storage
 box in the back with the button. You find a healing scroll and some coins.
 Return and walk through the transparent doors. You'll find some coins.
 Keep on walking, you can't lose your way. Once you're in a dead end, push
 the button on the right. You will enter a blue set of rooms. In the far
 back, you can find some mandrake root. Walk further. Now, you can go
 left, forward or right. On the right is the entrance to Level 4, but we'll
 explore the level some more, so walk left. Walk forward to the back. Then
 press the button. Enter the new passage and go left. On the left, you'll
 find a little gate you can look through and also a storage room locked with
 a key. As a thief, you can pick the lock and you find the lesser heal
 spell. On the right, there's another transparent door. Walk through it and
 get the coins. A bit further, you find a mana mask. Just walk further.
 You'll find a mana cluster and a Death Sac. Walk to the end of the path and
 you'll find another storage box. Inside, you find a mana foil, some coins
 and a piece of Vel's Fruit. Now, return all the way back to the entrance,
 the place where the blue shine of the rooms will turn back to green. Go to
 the entrance to Level 4 (as I explained above).

 Level 4: Just walk forward and take the Vel's Fruit. Further, you'll find
 some coins and a phial of transfer. Just keep on walking. Take the coins,
 the Vel's Fruit and further the Champion Stone. In the hallway of the
 Champion Stone, walk to the back and turn left. On your left, there's a
 wall deeper than the others. Walk past the wall on the touchplate. No
 arrows will hurt you and the wall will disappear. Enter and take the coins
 & mana foil from the left. Continue your way then. You need to walk over
 some bars over an open floor then. After crossing, go right and take the
 coins. You can push the buttons. I tried all combinations, but nothing
 happened. You can also jump down through the gates in the floor. You find
 some coins. There's also a button on the wall. Press it and the wall moves
 away. Take the healing scroll. Crouch through the gate in the wall. You're
 back on Level 3 now. Find the way back to Level 4 and get back to where we

 A bit further, you find a mana foil. Go further. At a certain point, you
 can go left and right. Go left. You find some coins and soul meat. Return
 and go left and the crossing. On the left, you find the spell lesser light.
 Walk through the entrance and you finally leave the Draracle Lair.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Return to Upper Gladstone. I'm sure you want to sell and buy some items.

 2.1 Upper Gladstone

 This Shards-looking-thing doesn't really help you further, so let's see
 how Dawn is doing. Return to the Keep (where you started the game). Open
 the gate and walk past the guards. Samuel will open the doors and ask you
 not to use magic and weapons. Walk to the next room. There are a lot of
 entrances here. Take the first on the right. This is the shop of brother
 Nathaniel. On the second one on the right, there's Victoria. Well, you
 already met two people in the keep and they're both VERY annoying. Let's
 hope this doesn't go on. Go to the hallway to the left and open the door.
 OK, it can get worse, meet Lord Jeron. After he insulted you (like the
 other ones), it's time you find someone serious now. Open the last door.
 You now have access to more entrances.

 Take the one on the left. It contains a lot of barrels. In the other
 entrance to the left, you just find an empty pictures room. Take the
 entrance to the right. Go right again, this is the dining hall. Open the
 door to the kitchen. There's also a storage room in the kitchen with a
 lot of barrels. If you want, you can take the dagger from the table in the
 kitchen. Then leave the dining room.

 Walk forward now and enter the dark hallway. Walk to the back and turn left
 You find the spell "Damage Shield". Now return and go right up the stairs.
 Turn right, you'll meet Luther (from Lands of Lore 2) on the balcony. He
 will give you a very powerful sword, "The great sword of Toehan". Look at
 your strength now, you're quite powerful now ! Use this sword for the
 biggest part of the game left and don't forget to sell all other melee
 weapons later. Return to the hallway and walk to the back. You'll find the
 spell "Lesser Blades". There's nothing more to find or do, so leave the

 As you enter the main place of Upper Gladstone, you meet Rhynn again. Even
 if you met him in the Talamari Guild, he will not recognize you. Anyway,
 he doesn't have anything useful to say, so do some shopping first. From the
 Warriors Guild, don't go to the woods, but go right, down the stairs. The
 gate will be open now. Smash the barrels in front of you. You find a
 lorestone and some Vel's Fruit. In the other barrels, you'll find some more
 lorestones and some food. In one house, you'll meet a grumpy man who sends
 you away at once. In another one, you meet a beautiful girl with a towel.
 This is a very amusing part. Copper say "She's a babe !" and Lig responds:
 "A towel is no good armor". :) In another house, you meet Viscosa,
 Baccata's brother (from LOL 2). In another barrel, you find a mana foil.

 Finally, you reach an open place with a fire in the middle. Go right first
 and smash all the barrels, you'll find a lorestone, mana foil, food and
 an aloe leaf. You can enter the house on the left of the fire when you
 have a Warrior Level 2. Inside, you find a Champion Stone and a Battle Axe.
 Look behind the door, you see a lever. Pull the lever and the back wall
 will move. In the new room, you find some lifestones and stroke daggers.
 If you haven't sold your Dragon's Meat yet, you can do now. You can sell
 it in the Talamari's Guild. When they don't give you a good price for it
 anymore, go to the Cleric's Guild and sell the rest there. We'll continue
 from where we stopped. Turn left and smash the barrels. You'll find a 
 small flashpot, some Vel's Fruit, an Ancient Magic Stone and some food.
 Go to the building in front of you. Open the door on the left. Click on
 the righter picture in the back. Aha, a safe. Take the money and exit the
 building. Don't go stand on the floor yet. Turn right and jump on the boxes
 Now you can jump on top of the building. Inside, you'll find a manastone,
 a breastplate and some quicksilver. This is the reason why I didn't buy
 armor yet, you can get a good one for free ! On the right side of the
 building, there are some more barrels. You'll find some food, an aloe leaf,
 some fruit, a small flashpot and some coins. Now, enter the gate to Lower
 Gladstone, we've neglected this part of the city.

 9 Lower Gladstone

   * Smash any barrel you encounter. You won't find any special items.
   * Search all the drinking places (wooden bars filled with water), they
     contain some coins.
 Go to the east side of the city. Before crossing the bridge, you'll find
 Buck's Mercantile, where you can buy food. A very interesting thing to
 sell here are your flashpots. They're useless, so sell them here. Cross
 the bridge and keep going right then. On a certain place (you have to look
 a bit) you find a lot of barrels and some crates. Jump on the crates and
 then on the platform. Now, you will see a red window. Shoot something and
 it will break. Jump on the pole in front of the window. Then jump up and
 crouch to enter. Break the locked chest and take the coins. A bit more to
 the north (northeast of the bridge you crossed), you see a big crate near
 a house. Enter the house on the left of the crate. Inside, click on the
 bookshelf on the right. A lever will appear. Pull it and go back outside.
 The crate will be moved. Jump into the pit and open the chest inside,
 you'll find some coins. Now jump on the boxes in front of the house. Then
 jump on the platform. Turn 180 degrees and jump on the pole on the other
 side of the wall. Now turn left a bit and jump on the other platform. You
 will see a grate on a platform on the next building. Jump on the platform
 and hit the grate. Crouch and walk inside. In the chest, you'll find the
 spell "Summon lesser imp", some leather gloves and some cave aloe. If you
 really can't find the place I'm talking about, just click on all the signs
 you encounter. The crate is behind the "Happy Horse Training School".

 Walk further to the north and don't cross the bridge on your left. There's
 another door you can click on. A man called Morgan will talk to you about
 some things, but it's a misunderstanding.

 Walk further north and you'll find the blue deer inn. Don't walk that far,
 on your right (to the east), you can turn and return south through a small
 passage. At the end, you can enter a house where you can find some cave
 aloe in a chest.

 There's another secret here. If you look up above this door, there is a
 room with a chest. It's tricky to get there. Back at the entrance to the
 alley is a small box off by itself. Jump up on the small box, go as far
 back as you can on it, then you can make a running jump to the big box
 against the wall. Climb the boxes onto the stone platform. Go all the
 way back on the platform, and you can make a running jump to the wooden
 platform on the side of the building. It's hard, but you can do it.
 From there, jump to the beam on the wooden wall to the left, go to the
 end of the beam. Then you can jump to the right. You're nearly there.
 Do the jump/crouch thing to get in the window. (submitted by Greg Wageman)

 From that room, Turn left (NE). At the end of the passage is a dark room
 without a door.  It contains another chest which holds a cave aloe and a
 healing scroll.

 Return to the Blue Deer Inn then. Talk to the innkeeper. Then jump over the
 counter and when he's not looking, open the small hidden safe near the
 floor on the right. Take the coins and close the safe again. Then leave.
 It's possible to give him money and then enter your room to get some stuff,
 but due to a strange reason (= bug), the innkeeper wouldn't talk to me.
 Turn left and walk towards the bridge. Don't cross it yet. Turn left. Walk
 to the first building next to the water. There is a button on the wall on
 the right of the door. Click the button and then the door. Inside, open the
 chest and you find the spell "Lesser Shield". Return to the bridge, but
 don't cross it. Walk past it to the west, close to the walls. You will
 reach the pier.

 Close to the water, you find some black lichens. Walking away from the
 bridge and you reach the pier. You can catch the fish that are jumping in
 the river if you stand at the end of the pier. They tend to jump in the
 same places. Watch where they cross your screen, then put your cursor there
 The next time one jumps, when the cursor changes to the 'taking hand',
 press the left mouse, and the fish will be added to your inventory.  The
 timing is tricky, but it is possible. The fish temporarily give you a
 "third eye" behind your head, but they can also be used in pharmacopoeia
 recipes (submitted by Greg Wageman). From the pier, go right. Open the big
 doors on the right. Look up, you can see a chest above you, but you can't
 reach it. Go outside and open the other big doors. Walk inside and keep
 going to other rooms until you reach one with a lot of crates. Keep jumping
 up and jump outside then on the platform. Walk over the bars and jump
 inside the window. If you would fall, you can leave by removing the lever
 on the left of the grate. Try again. You're now standing next to the chest
 you couldn't reach a few moments ago. Inside, you'll find a lousy dagger.
 Walk back to the pier.

 Walk to the end of the pier and turn right. Go right again and climb the
 ladder on the right of the door. You're on top of the building now. Click
 on the grate on the other side and use the jump\crouch technique to get
 inside. Walk to the back of the room and click on the bookcase. You see
 the sign of the Thieves Guild, you just found the secret entrance to the
 Thieves Guild. The reason why I waited so long before joining this guild
 is because your fighting skills are more important than the thievery one.
 You should be on Level 8 now on most of your skills. Still, don't worry,
 I'll tell you a special trick soon to get your Lockpicking skills at once
 to Level 5. If you really want to have better skills, practice some more
 in the Warriors Guild then with the sparring simulator.

 Walk down the stairs and turn right. Walk further and open the door on the
 left. You will meet Jaden. Talk to her and put to coins in the box if you
 want to join. Then, you have to steal a dagger to become a member. Steal
 her own dagger and you're in. Now turn 180 degrees and open the door to the

 10 Gladstone Sewers

 There's nothing special in this sewers to be found. Just some roaches to
 kill. Still, I found a little secret. Turn right and walk forward until
 you reach a wall. Turn right again and walk forward until you reach a wall.
 You will see a crack in it. Hit it a few times with your blade. Open the
 chest (You need a Warrior Level 4). Inside, you find a coco cap, an ancient
 magic stone and some cave aloe. Return to the Thieves Guild then.

 9 Lower Gladstone

 Enter the shop and do some selling\buying if you want. On the other side,
 you find Mojo's shop. He will buy everything from you. Still, don't do it.
 He will pay you less for it than other shops. Only sell him the items you
 don't want anymore and can't sell elsewhere. The coco cap for example.
 Leave the Thieves Guild. Go back up the stairs and press the key sign
 on the right to open the bookcase. Jump back through the window and back
 on the ground. If you want, you can jump through the window of the right
 building. Inside, you'll find a healing scroll in the barrels. Leave the
 pier and return to the bridge near the Blue Deer Inn you didn't cross yet.
 Cross it now. Move a little to the right and walk forward, between the
 two buildings, you see some burning glass (above). Walk past it and turn
 right then. You'll reach Gomer's Butcher Shop. Walk to the door on the
 left. The door is locked and you see some strange marking next to it. Walk
 to the door on the right and pull the ring on the left side of it. Now
 quickly run back to the right door and enter. The ring will open the door
 for a short while, but once it's open, it stays open. In the chest, you
 find a healing scroll, some small flashpots and a dagger. Leave the room.

 Walk further and keep going left. You will be back at the entrance to Upper
 Gladstone. Walk to the wired fence and climb it. Now jump to the platform
 on the left. Open the window and jump inside. In the chest, you find two
 pieces of cave aloe and two big flashpots. Return and go right. You'll see
 a weaponry shop with some burning glass on top. That's Barnabus' Armory.
 Walk further and you'll encounter a sign that says Bob's Love Potions.
 Behind that shop, there's a ladder. Climb it and you're on the roofs.

 Now, there are different possibilities. You can jump towards the yellow
 banner (below you) or you can jump on the stone slab behind you (in the
 direction of Barnabus' Armory). Do the second one first. Jump to the
 Stone Slab. Look a bit left, you see a small ledge, jump on it. Then jump
 on the pole in front of you. Now comes the difficult part. Turn to the
 right. You have to jump on the platform above Barnabus' Armory. Move back
 on the pole as much as you can. Take the long leap and you made it. Still,
 the trouble isn't over yet. There are 3 burning glasses in front of you.
 You can only break the one on the left and on the right, not the middle
 one. It's quite hard to jump inside the two rooms, but you will get a lot
 of experience if you succeed in getting inside. In the left room, you'll
 find a chest with some food rations. In the right room, you'll find a big
 pouch of money, some food rations and an ancient's stone. Jump back down
 and return to the ladder. Climb back up, we're going to get the other
 secret now.

 Jump to the other platform. Turn left and keep jumping. At the final
 platform, look left, you see a red-glowing glass. Jump towards the pole
 below and break the glass. Enter the room and search the chest for some
 items. Jump back down. Now go near the centre of the Map (but don't cross
 any bridges), you should find the tavern. Enter it and talk to Mauri. If
 you can, try to pick pocket him, if you can't just kill him and get the
 skull key from his body. When worn, this skull key will improve your lock
 picking skills by 5 levels. You can find some coins in a safe in the floor
 too behind the counter, but everyone will attack and it's not worth it.

 More secrets ? Here we go ! Go to the bridge in the west. Go stand on top
 of it. Look around, you can jump from the bridge on the ledge on the
 buildings near the water. Hit the grate at the end of the ledge. In the
 chest one, you'll find a guardian orb and some cave aloe.

 Go to the bridge on the east of the map. Turn your back to Buck's
 Mercantile and cross the bridge. On the highest point, look to the
 building on the left. Hit the blue grate and it will break. Jump inside.
 Rearrange the crates and you access a hidden chamber in the sewers. Climb
 up and open the door. In the chest, you find a manastone, some rotten
 meat and a small flashpot.

 Once you're back to the bridge, walk down the stairs to the dam. Walk to
 the end of the path. Open the small gate (you need to be a Thief Level 2,
 but with the skull key, it shouldn't be a problem). Inside, you'll find
 a chest with a fine leather buckler and a hand axe.

 You should now have found every single secret available (I spend a lot
 of time looking !). If you want, you can improve your skills a bit in the
 Warriors Guild and get some new items & spells. When you're finished,
 return to the woods. My current stats now are: Cleric Level 10, Fighter
 Level 11, Wizard Level 6 and Thief Level 5.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 The next portal can be found in the north east part of the woods. We'll
 visit the icy world. The portal is near a waterfall. If you follow the
 river, you will find this waterfall. If you don't, it's the path BELOW
 the big water area on your map.

 11 Frozen Waste

 Walk forward. On the left, you find a Tar Crystal Source. Walk further
 through the cave. You'll meet an ice worm. Your Greatbow Shift is useless
 against this beast. Use some magic and let your familiar attack it. Follow
 the path down. Underway, you also find another tar crystal source. In the
 next area, you have to do a lot of platform hopping. You will find some
 ice shards and some ice seed. You will reach a crossing. Go right and you
 find some more tar crystal sources. Defeat the Sable Tooth Cerberus Tiger.
 Take his meat along. Go to the cave on the right and attack the sleeping
 tiger. Take his meat. In the back of the cave, you find some hound's heart
 a breastmail plate and a battle axe.

 Go to the entrance to the right and kill the tiger. Attack the other
 sleeping one in the cave. In the back of the cave, you find a club.
 Continue your way through the small passage to the left. Attack the Ice
 Worm in the next area. Follow the cave he was guarding, you'll reach a
 lake. Follow the water and you'll meat Rix. If you would have followed the
 left path, you would end up here too.

 Rix is on the hunt for some women. If you want his plasma staff, it's your
 final chance to get it now. Return to the entrance of the cave then. Don't
 enter it, but look on the left, you see a small path leading up. Follow it.
 You're high up in the air now. Kill the ice worm and walk over the small
 path to the man. It's Morrison. He will tell you about this World and the
 White Tower. It seems you have to find it. Return and look over the left
 edge, you have to jump on the path. Look for a place where you can jump
 without any falling damage. Follow the path down and enter the cave on
 the left. You enter a new area.

 Walk up the path on the right that leads up. Enter the small passage on
 the left, you will find a healing scroll and two flashpots. You can use a
 spark spell on the lighter areas of the ice to open the gates. I didn't
 do it, I just jumped down from the platform to the other side, but Alen
 Lovrencic and Debs Furneaux-Evans both sent me the right way. One way is
 to go stand on the ice cube and use a small flashpot. The cube will drop
 down and float on the water. Use it to jump on the other side. You can also
 get the first two blocks drop down by using your bow and the final (and
 most important box with the plasma staff).

 Kill the Iceworm in the next area. To the right of him, you find some more
 ice shard and ice seed. Use the black steps on the wall to reach the
 higher ledge. Keep doing that until you can't go any higher. Then go to the
 right and go to the next area through the cave.

 You're standing on a high platform, there's are some tigers below you.
 Follow the path down and kill the tigers. There are more sleeping tigers,
 kill them if you wish. Then take the path on the right and you reach a
 purple-coloured area. Walk over the bridge and kill the ice worm on the
 left. Open the door and you meet Jacinda, the Amazon Queen. She asks you
 to perform a quest. You can choose whether you do it or not, the outcome
 will be the same. I will choose to do so.

 First go to the door on the right and enter. Use your spark spell to lit
 the four different-coloured candles in the back of the wall. Ah, isn't this
 game beautiful. Anyway, leave the room and open the next door nearby. Jump
 over the blades. You see some fire in a hole. Push the button (when not
 standing in front of it). It's a fire cannon. Open the door in the back
 and in the next room the door on the left. Talk to the Amazon Warrior.
 Open the door on the right and enter the next room. In the vase on the
 right, you can find an ice shard. Walk to the left and open the box
 (Warrior Level 2 required). Inside, you find a manastone and an ancient
 stone. Return to the entrance and open the door in the middle. On the right
 you find 3 war clusters in the vase. mmm, their sleeping rooms ! You have
 to perform the quests first right now :( , but check the beds, you'll find
 some bon-bons. Leave the room and go left. Open the door on the right.
 More sleeping rooms and bon-bons. Inside the chest, you find some tiger
 meat. Leave the room and continue your way.

 In the next room, open the chests on your right. You find a lorestone, a
 guardian orb, a champion stone and two small flashpots. You can force
 the lock of the door in the back. No money right now. Still, Jacinda has
 that key, so we'll have to find a way to get the key from her. Before going
 up the stairs, look to the wall in front of the stairs, it looks like a
 secret wall that can be moved. Anyone an idea ? Go up the stairs. You can't
 open it right now. Return all the way back to the Main Entrance of the
 Amazon Keep. Underway, someone will fire at you from a higher level, but
 you can't take it out right now, so continue your way. In the main
 entrance, follow the way to the right and take the last door. You will
 meat another Amazon Warrior. She tells you more about your quest. You have
 to find 4 different gems to restore the force field.

 There's a bug in the game which won't allow you to take the blue gem if
 you take the other gems first or kill all the mutant chicken. That means
 you have to find the blue gem first before doing anything else. If you do
 it the other way, you won't be able to find the blue gem anymore.

 On the right, there are 4 candles, on the left there are 4 niches. Light
 the 4 candles with your spark spell. They will all spread another colour of
 light. Move them to a dark place if you can't see very the colour of
 light they spread very well. Look to the floor of the niches on the left,
 there are some drippings in a certain colour on the ground. Move each
 candle on the right spot and make sure the four legs of the candle are
 placed perfect in the 4 squares on the ground. The order (in colour) of the
 candles from left to right is: Blue, Green, Red, Purple. If you did it
 right, you hear a sound and a hidden stair appears behind you. Climb it.

 There are three doors. Take the one on the left. You find the best axe in
 the game, the Great Axe Blizzard. If you don't want to use it, take it
 along anyway, because you'll get good money for it. Go back and take the
 door on the right now. In the chest on the right, you find a manastone,
 some arrant prac and a coco cap. In the left chest, you find a lorestone,
 a championstone and some arrant prac.

 Return and open the door in the middle. Kill the starks and take their
 meat along. Click on the thing hanging on the wall and you find the blue
 gem. OK, there's no possible way now you can encounter "the blue gem bug"
 now. Return down the stairs back to the candles room. Enter the next room.

 On the right, you see a dragon statue. If you hit it, some poison will be
 spread, so don't do so. Look up, on the floor above you, you can see the
 stark nests. Hit the fireplace on the right and some fire will appear.
 Enter the next room then. Walk down the hallway and open the next door.
 Talk to the Amazon. Go up the stairs on the right then. Kill all the
 starks in front of you and go right at the end of the hallway. Destroy the
 nests you can. You find a guardian orb and the green gem. Return and go
 right at the first crossing. You see two holders here, one for the blue
 gem and one for the green gem. Put them both in the holder.

 Continue and go right twice. Kill the starks on your right and enter the
 next room. Turn right and kill the starks. Destroy all their nests.
 Return to the previous room. It is coloured in the 4 colours of the gems
 (red, blue, purple and green) You can find the two other holders here.
 Turn left and enter the next entrance. A statue will be spraying poison
 here. Kill all the starks in the left and the right room. Destroy all
 their nests and there're no nests left now. In the chest in the right room,
 you find two ancient stones, a lifestone and some arrant prac. Enter the
 middle door and jump down. Press the button in the back and two sidewalls
 will move. Kill the starks. Go to the door on the left (it's in the
 direction of the bedrooms). Keep taking the middle doors and you'll be
 in a bedroom. On the left side, look under the last bed, you'll find the
 purple gem.

 Now return to the room where you jumped down and take the other door. You
 see the alcove again. Crouch and jump inside. Quickly walk to the fire and
 get the red gem.

 Now go back all the way to the entrance of the keep. Go to the holders of
 the other gems and put them in the holders. Some little light will appear
 now that will shoot ice. You cannot kill them, just avoid them. I think
 the ice bolts are the defence the Amazons normally use against these
 starks. You just repaired it :)

 Go to the next room, you know, the one with where you just jumped down and
 where you opened the sidewalls with a button. Now take the door back to the
 entrance to the keep. Go to the right and a new entrance will be available.
 In the chest, you'll find two small flashpots and some arrant prac. On
 the right, there's a similar new entrance. In the chests, you find some
 arrant prac, a healing scroll, some coins, a lifestone, a small flashpot
 and an ancient stone.

 Return to the room you jumped down and take the other door (in the
 direction) of the sleeping quarters. All the Amazons you meet now say you
 have to go to the Main Room. Go there. (it's past the sleeping quarters).
 Jacinda will be waiting for you. She will reward you, but not in the way
 you expect. Kill her. Don't use the sigil on the shard yet. Search her
 body, you find the White Tower Key and the Silver Fang Hilt. If you decide
 to trust Jacinda, you will be a prisoner for the rest of your life. The
 nice thing now is you can activate the "extra button" in the main menu
 then, which allows you to see all the movies and the credits.

 Walk to the back of the room and use the white tower key to get all the
 coins (about 1500). If you want more secrets now, return to the entrance
 of the keep. You'll find some new entrances (one in front of the entrance
 to the keep and one on the left). In the chests, you find 3 ancient magic
 stones, some arrant prac, 2 healing scrolls, a stroke dagger, some coins
 and the Valkyrie Charm. Make sure you get the last item. It's very useful.

 Go to the room with the fire you lit, it's near the entrance. Behind it,
 you see four buttons in the colour of the gems. You will need to return
 her later. There are also 2 dragon statues you can hit, they spray also the
 colours of the gem. Maybe if you find them all, you can free the men from
 the jail. I'm sure I missed some spots here. Anyone who can offer help ?

 Anyway, continue your way. You reach the room with a stair on the right, a
 door on the left and an Amazon wandering around. Take the door on the left.
 Walk up the stairs and turn right. Now walk forward, you'll be able to
 enter a new entrance. You reach the jail.

 You can talk to the men inside. Open the chest a bit further. Inside, you
 find a lifestone, manastone, healing scroll, ancient stone and some arrant

 Return to the main room where you killed Jacinda and use the sigil on the

 7 Draracle's Keep

 We meet Jakel again. He seems very annoyed about you restoring the mirror.
 What does he have to hide ? Anyway, when he's gone, use the silver fang
 hilt on the mirror behind you to create the Silver Fang Sword. It's almost
 as powerful as the Great Sword of Toehan. Return to the Main Entrance.
 Jakel's "Repair Work" seems to be finished.

 8 Draracle's Lair

 You have to follow the way back to the woods. Underway, you find some cave
 aloe. A new entrance will be opened at your left (if it doesn't open,
 check the button near the bottom of the floor, it's before the red hallway,
 where you fought the skeleton guardians the first time). If you don't find
 the entrance, you can also enter the Orc Lair through the hole in the
 Spider Web on your left. I will start from the normal entrance now. Some
 spiders and an orcish raider will attack you.

 12 Orc Lair

 You can climb on the wooden platform by the ladder. On it, you find some
 rotten meat and a wooden shield. Open the door on the left. Kill the orcs.
 There are three doors in this room and one button. You cannot press the
 button and none of the doors will budge, so return to the main room and
 take the other door. Kill the orcs and walk forward. In the next room,
 take the door on the right. Kill the orc and take the dagger. Follow the
 hallway and you reach a waterfall room. Jump in the hole behind the
 waterfall to find some coins, then return to the main room.

 Take the left door. As soon as it opens, dash inside and crouch under
 the closing wall on the right. You have to be pretty quick. Inside this
 room, you find a coco's cap, some rotten meat, poison paint and a
 wooden shield. To exit the room, walk towards the wall and it will open.
 Open the door on your right. There's a door if you go up the stairs, but
 there's no way to open it. Return to the main room.

 Finally, take the middle door. Take the entrance to the left. At the end,
 there's a button, but you cannot press it. Very frustrating, but this seems
 to be the end of the lair. Luckily, Eldin Kim sent me how to continue here:

 You need to press the button on the wall while the door that lets you in is
 open. It is something similar to LOL 1, where in the Urbish mine, there is
 a place in which you can only open one door after the other one is closed,
 and vice versa. There is nothing special in two of the rooms, while the
 third one leads to the other side of the door situated on top of a stair
 which you can't open. It can only be opened on the other side. I just feel
 that there must be something special about the stone pyramid in the orc
 lair, although I still can't figure out what to do with it. In order to
 ensure that you've explored all places, I think the most effective way is
 after you thought you've completed the whole map, quicksave, eat a mind
 cluster, and restore, that is if you don't have enough mind cluster. All
 unexplored places will be revealed. I do this and I find out that there are
 three inlets/outlets to the orc lair. One is the main entrance, one is the
 waterfall beside the big spider web, and another one is beside the lava
 pool (submitted by Eldin Kim)

 8 Draracle's Lair

 As soon as you open the door, some spiders will attack you. Finish them off
 and walk further in the lair.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 When you enter the woods, you will have some new skills for wiping out the
 Orc's Lair (or finishing the Frozen Waste?). Climb, Long Jump and less
 Falling Damage. Find your way back to Upper Gladstone. What has happened?
 Some parts of the woods are filled with lava and giant spiders dwell
 around in the woods. After meeting the first giant spider, you'll see
 a spider lair on your right. Kill the spiders inside. You also see some
 death people. Check all the holes in the trees you checked already, they
 will contain new items. Go to the docks, ice will be all over the place.
 Kill the few ratmen and walk to Upper Gladstone then.

 2 Upper Gladstone

 Walk to the Warriors Guild. While walking, I found a new secret. To go
 from the Magician's Guild to the Warriors's Guild, you have to pass through
 a small entrance. Enter and immediately turn left. You can click on the
 hidden panel to reveal a small safe. Take the Vel's Fruit. Do some selling
 and shopping if you want. Just in case you're interested, I'm now a Level
 12 warrior, Level 11 Cleric, Level 8 Wizard and Level 7 Thief.

 Go to the Keep. Samuel will give you some coins and tell you your Uncle
 is here. Go to Jeron's Office first. It's very important you do this
 first, because if you go to the Throne Room first, you won't be able to
 search his office anymore. If he's there, exit and re-enter. He
 will be gone. Move the chair to his desk and the bookcase will move.
 Inside, click on the skeletons on the right and an elevator will bring
 you down. In the room on the right, you find three ancient magic stones,
 some coins and leather gloves. Walk further up the stairs. Jeron is the
 traitor, he can look into the throne room through a painting. Return to
 his office. To get out, click on the candle next to the back of the
 bookcase and the bookcase will move away. Put everything back like it was.

 Walk to the Throne Room and have an audience with the king. Lord Jeron will
 kick you out (he is SO nice). 

 Go to Victoria. You can do some shopping there. I suggest you buy the
 Dragonscale Armor together with the Dragonfire Bracers and the Dragonfire
 Gauntlets. Together, they form a dangerous combinations. They only works
 well if you buy the three of them, not 1 or 2. Buy everything you want
 here at once. If you come back later, there will be a bug in the game. You
 can pick up things, but you cannot pay for it or steal them. Go talk to
 Jeron again then. He doesn't want to know about truce and swears he will
 kill you when he has the chance. Leave the keep for now.

    * Addition by Mc Novoselic ([email protected])

      When I wear all dragon set (armor, bracers, ring, gloves), I went to
      the thieves guild and the flames of the set hurt that old woman that
      gives you the quests. Then I can not give the kings pardon and I
      cannot pass that quest.

      It seems Jaden has a problem with the fire set. Now, to get rid of
      the problem, just put all your armour, bracers, ring & gloves on the
      ground before you enter the thieves guild (near the guild or
      everything will be gone when you return). She won't get hurt then.

 After visiting the keep, visit all the guilds you're a member of. You will
 get your second quest from every guild. For the Warriors, you only have
 to complete the third portal world. For the Magicians, you have to get a
 sample of a crystal shard before using it on the Draracle's Mirror. For the
 Clerics, you have to find five new herbs from another dimension and
 finally for the Thieves, you have to find the King's Pardon.

 Walk back to Gladstone Keep and another Guard will appear. Move the
 cursor over his pockets and it will change into a stealing hand. Get the
 King's Pardon and return to the Thieves Guild. 

 Give the King's Pardon to Jaden. Go to the back of the shop and open the
 door on the left to meet Leina, the princess of Thieves now. Talk to Leina
 and you're ordered to wipe out some orcs.

 You will receive two new skills now. Sniper (use Page Up to zoom) and
 Death Strike.
 There's also a new part of Gladstone available. We'll visit that first.
 Walk to the Clerics Guild, don't enter it, but walk further, to the
 fountain where you found along sword and a ring. The big double doors
 aren't locked anymore now. Open them and enter the next part of Gladstone.
 Go left and left again. Enter the house. Click on all the paintings, one of
 them will move (it's hard to describe the exact position of the painting).
 Press the button and the wall on the left will move. Inside the secret room
 you find a mimic stone, an ancient stone and a ring of regeneration. Behind
 another painting you'll find 400 coins. Go up the stairs then. You'll find
 a stroke dagger, a spiked mace and an ancient stone. Go back to the main
 street and take the next street right. Enter the house to meet your
 step mom. Leave then. Take the next street on the left. You can't enter
 anything here, but walk behind the building on the right and smash all the
 barrels for some items. Return to the main street, to Upper Gladstone.

 If you go to the prison, you will meet a Ruloi. He will tell you all about
 his intentions. You have two choices now. You can visit the Ruloi Homeworld
 or the Underworld. If you visit the Underworld first, Gladstone will be
 gone when you return, so it's better to visit the Ruloi Homeworld first. Go
 to the woods.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Go to the northwest to the excavation. Underway, you'll meet some new
 enemies, the rift hounds. You will meet Rin who tells you more about
 the Ruloi Homeworld. The Ruloi will keep regenerating until you destroy
 all the regeneration devices. It's no use killing the Ruloi, look for the
 devices. Therefore, it's important you have a spell like "Invisibility",
 so you can take out all devices without fighting

 13 Ruloi Homeworld

 Kill the Scavengers if you like, they don't hurt you much. You will find
 some mushroom rot. Take it along for the Cleric's Guild Quest. There's
 but one way. Follow it. After a narrow passage, go up the platform and
 jump down in the next cave, you'll lose some damage. You'll reach a
 crossing with orange mushrooms in the middle. Go to the right first.

 You reach an acid lake. Some purple worms will appear, you cannot kill
 them, they keep regenerating. On the left, you can find dreamshards on the
 mirror. Hit the stones next to the purple worms and then attack them. You
 can kill them then. On the ground before the lake, you also find Rainbow
 Sulphite. To take the sulphite, you have to break open the crystal on the
 ground. Jump to the other side of the lake. Don't touch the acid lake or
 you'll be poisoned (lesser poison). Return to the crossing, a horde of
 scavengers will await you). Kill them all and take the entrance in front
 of you. The entrance on the right will lead back to the portal.

 To enter the next entrance, go back to the first entrance and walk on the
 upper side of it to jump in the next entrance. At the end, walk to the
 right, you'll find 5 more devices and some dreamshards. Destroy the

 Return to the acid pool and jump on the island in the middle. Now, you have
 to walk through the poison on the right. OR, you are very strong and you
 heal yourself OR you have the Stone Bracers or something else that protects
 you from poison, otherwise, you will die.

 Destroy all the devices and look on the automap then. You can see the way
 you have to follow. In the new room, there are two doors. Don't open them
 yet. Kill all the device and follow the way. In this room, there's another
 door. Destroy all the devices first and go through the door then.

 You reach a whole network of chambers now. I can't guide you here much, but
 it isn't so hard. Just destroy all the security devices and avoid all the
 ruloi. If you check every room, you will also encounter regeneration
 devices, Copper will tell you when you reach such a room (it's red

 If you go to the east of the map. You reach some sort of island with a
 ruloi warrior in the middle. Kill him and he will leave an item behind,
 the Ruloi Hand. You can press the two eggs in the hands, some platforms
 will raise them with items. Near the different eggs, you'll find new
 items like blood aloe, brook flounder, hound's heart, Hot Bead, ...

 Near the north side of the map, you'll find a barbarian Amazon in a prison.
 On the other side of the level, there's another prison (empty). Don't open
 one of the prisons, the prisons need to stay locked to trigger the third
 Wizard's quest. Later on, Sioned will be locked up in one of these prisons
 and if you open them now, she will be able to escape at once and there's
 no quest (submitted by Eldin Kim).

 On the right of the map, there are 4 big green squares, they represent 4
 platforms (with the eggs in the hands). Go to the platform on the bottom
 right. Eat some lamplight eggs to improve your view. Now, look to the
 north of the map and choose the sewer on the left. Enter it and turn left
 whenever you can. A bit further, you see a hole on the left side. Inside,
 you find another Ruloi Hand and the Great Sword Darkstorm, even stronger
 than Toehan's Great Sword !!! Equip it.

 Now, there are 10 regenerating devices. If you check every room, you can
 destroy 8 of them. There are also 2 small rooms with some coloured orbs.
 If you enter these passages, you see a lock. Use the ruloi hand on it
 and you can destroy the other two regenerating devices. Remember, there
 are two of these rooms. One in the north and one in the south of the map.
 After destroying them all, step into one of the portals on the ground of
 the two rooms (with the ruloi key). You must now fight the Ruloi

 If you want to know how to kill it easily, read the Attack Strategy in the
 monster section. After you killed it, click the crystal device on the
 shard to sample it for the Wizard's Guild. Then click on the shard and
 you're back in the Draracle's Keep.

 Note from Betty ([email protected]): Klling the Ruloi collective is quite
 easy if you use the vulcan staff, it's one of the best missile weapons in
 the game.

 8 Draracle's Lair

 Some new passages will be opened and a horde of guardian skeletons will
 attack you. They're no match for your sword. Further, you'll also have
 to fight some spiders. Exit to the woods.

 2 Upper Gladstone

 Go to the Cleric's Guild and talk to Boris. If you have found the five
 herbs, you will become a member of the inner circle. Talk to Josiah. He
 will give you next quest. You get a Dragon Claw Statue and you have to
 look for a healing device in the Volcano World. You also have access now
 to a new part of the shop. You also receive two new skills: holy strike
 and resurrect familiar.

 Go to the Warrior's Guild. You will get two new skills: rapid strike and
 marksmanship. Go up the stairs now and open the door. Talk to Chesara, she
 gives you your third quest. Oops, you actually killed Jacinda already,
 but that's no problem. You receive a medallion to get some stuff from the
 white tower. Check the shop, you'll find some interesting new items.

 Go to the Magician's Guild then. Give Sioned the sample and you can enter
 the next room to meet Dawn. You learn two new skills: identify and mana
 tap. Return to the Gladstone Woods. Leave the wizard's guild and return
 at once. Talk to Dawn, she will tell you the Ruloi have captured Sioned
 and you have to free her. To complete this quest, return to the Ruloi
 World and get to the main area. Go to the prison, Sioned will be held in
 one of them. Use the dreamshard on the lock to free her. The third quest
 is solved. When you return to the wizard's guild, though, Dawn doesn't
 reward you, she doesn't even mention it and neither does Sioned. This
 really gets me puzzled. (submitted by Eldin Kim)

 3 Gladstone Woods

 You can enter another portal now, Underworld, but when you will return,
 whole Gladstone will be gone. This means you won't be able to do the
 other quests then, so we'll do them first. Go to the Volcano World.

 6 Volcano World

 Follow the way until you reach the main room with the urn in the middle
 (see the description above to know the exact location). Use the statue
 from your inventory on the urn. An elevator will bring you down to a new
 place. Enter the teleporter and take the Heart of Sunrise in the next room.
 Equip it. Return through the teleporter. To move the elevator back up,
 remove the statue from the urn. To return to the woods now, walk to the
 door that should lead you the whole way back. Now, turn 180 degrees and
 click on the symbols on the stone wall of the circular walking path. The
 door will open.

 We'll first get some items now before leaving. Take the door on the right
 from the circular room. You reach a crossing with a big eye hanging on the
 wall. Turn left and walk through the door. Wait until the elevator moves
 up and let it take you down. Half the way going down, move over the bars
 that lead you to the other side of the room. Take that elevator down whole
 the way. Walk through the door and immediately walk forward, you'll reach
 a door that will lead to a new room. You will end up now in a room that is
 similar to the one you just passed. Walk up the ledges. On the far end of
 one, you'll find a Dragon's Heart. Go back down the room then and stand on
 the steps. In the next room, you see a fire mound. There's a firestorm
 spell in it. As soon as you step in the mound, you'll be teleported, so
 order your familiar to get this powerful spell. Return all the way then
 to Upper Gladstone

 2 Upper Gladstone

 Go to the Clerics Guild and give the heart of sunrise to Joe. He will give
 you the Spirit Staff. Go outside and turn left (still on the terrain of the
 Clerics Guild). You can walk through the gate now. Inside the barracks
 further, you'll find some items. There are crates on the right that lead
 up, but I was not able to get there. Anyone succeeded ? Go to Lower
 Gladstone now.

 9 Lower Gladstone

 We forgot a bit about the thieves' guild, but we'll make it up now. Go to
 the entrance to the woods and enter it.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Walk forward and you'll find the entrance to the Underworld on the left
 with some mugwort in front of it. Don't enter yet. Instead walk down the
 map and you'll see a (new) purple skull on the left. In a passage to the
 right, you see the Orcs who stole the Thieves' supplies. Kill them all
 and take the orcisch reaver & the mace. Merely killing the three orcs in
 Gladstone woods is not enough. You also have to get the king’s pardon
 which lay beside the orcs before it gets burned. I find that the most
 efficient way to do so is to send your familiar to get it before you fight
 the orcs (submitted by Eldin Kim)

 Return to the Thieves Guild and talk to Leina. You're now a Level 3 Thief.
 There's one door in the Thieves Guild (when you leave the old women's shop
 immediately to the right). I can't open the door and it doesn't seem to
 require a certain lockpick skill. I think you can't get through here.

 We'll visit the Frozen Wastes now for the Fighters Guild. Go to the Woods
 and to the spot near the water fall where you can find the portal to the
 frozen waste.

 11 Frozen Waste

 Follow the way until you reach the white tower. Open the door to the right.
 If you didn't light the candles yet, do it now. From the left to the right,
 the colors are blue, red, green, pink. Now walk to the right and go to the
 panel with the 4 coloured buttons (on the middle west of the map). Use the
 combination (blue, green, red, pink) on the buttons and a secret door will
 open. Put Chesara's medallion in the slot and the other door will open.
 Walk to the back of the next room, a ghost will attack you. Kill him (it's
 easy) and walk to the back of the room. On the right, you can find a Toy
 Sword. Now return whole the way back to the Fighters Guild.

 2 Upper Gladstone

 Go to the highest level of the Fighters Guild and give the toy sword to
 Chesara. You're now a Level 3 Fighter. She will reward you with a very
 strong reflective platemail. Your last Wizard's Quest is freeing Sioned.
 If you didn't open the prisons all ready and walk around a bit until
 Dawn talks about it, you get the quest and you can free Sioned in the
 Ruloi Homeworld. You won't get a reward, though.

 I also rose al my stats above 15, so I would be able to open the infamous
 Level 20 thief grate in upper gladstone (it's on the left wall in the back
 when leaving the Cleric's Guild). I was a Level 15 Thief and I used the
 Skull key, so I should have been able to open the lock. Unluckily, the only
 thing that happened was the colour change of the text from red to black
 (which means I should be able to open the grate). No success either.
 Finally, someone from Holland mailed me the correct solution to this
 problem. No matter what level of thief you are, this is a secret only the
 familiar Syruss can handle. It doesn't matter if you're a thief or not,
 as long as you have Syruss, you ca, open the gate and het the contents
 from inside.

 We'll visit the last world, the underworld now. When you return from the
 Underworld, Gladstone will be gone, so make sure you have done all the
 shopping you want. The entrance to the underworld can be found in the
 Gladstone Woods, near the entrance to Lower Gladstone. In front of the
 portal, there's a chance you meet Dash, he will give you a clock key. If he
 isn't there, don't panic, we'll get the key later on. Step inside the

 15 Underworld

 Wow! That was quite some movie wasn't it ? Walk forward and a ghost butler
 will greet you. Open the door on the right. Take the first door on the
 right and kill the fallen one. On the table, you can find some silverleaf.
 Open the other door and kill the harbingers. Open the next door and you're
 in the central dining room. Open the door on the right to enter the kitchen
 The first door leads to the wine cellar, the second one to a little room.
 Go to the wine cellar, you'll find a hole in the ground. Jump inside and
 get a bottle of wine. Then return through the door and up the ladder back
 to the main hall.

 Now take the door on the opposite side and open the door on the left. Kill
 the Shades and open the next door. From the rack, take the mana mask and
 the sheet of music. Walk around the corner and enter the library. Kill the
 shades and search the books. You'll find a lifestone, a coco cap, a
 guardian orb, the spells lesser apparition and greater apparition. Click on
 all the corners of library, one of them will open and reveal a hidden room.

 Inside, you find an oculus pod, a life leech and the very powerful spell
 Lich. Now return to the room where you found the music sheet and open the
 gate to the garden. Below the floating statues, you can find coins in the
 water. You'll also find swampblack root all around the garden. After you
 enter the area, some plants will block the exit. In the back of the garden,
 you'll find a beheaded man dwelling around. His head can be found near a
 little hole with a shovel and some coins next to it. Return the head to
 the man and he'll remove the plants for you. Leave the garden and return
 to the main hall. Choose the last door (on the opposite of the portal).

 In the Dance Hall, click on the wall in the back to the left of the right
 elevator. The wall will move, you find an entrance that leads to the wine
 cellar. There's no need to return there, I just want found it. Go up the
 elevator. The butler will speak to you again. Walk to the right and enter
 the first door you can open. Open the wardrobe and talk to Gabrielle,
 you have to solve a quest for her and she will give you something in return
 Keep talking to het until she mentions your reward, the deathstroke shield.
 If you solve her quest at once without asking for your reward (the shield),
 she won't give it to you. I missed this at first in the game. Make sure
 you get the shield, because it's the most powerful one in the game.

 Now about the quest, you have to find a way to prevent the fire from
 spreading. Take the lifestones and exit the room. Walk to the other side
 and open the door there. Kill the two shades and take the jar. Go to the
 room to the right and take the other jar. Use the jar on the oil lamp there
 Now return to the room of Gabrielle, take the second door on the right and
 use the jar on the oil lamp. You did it! If you talked about your reward,
 you will be taken back to Gabrielle. She thanks you and you receive the
 deathstroke shield. Now walk to the back room and get the brass clock key
 from the table (if Dash didn't give you it yet). Return to the place where
 you spoke to the butler the second time and a new door will be opened.
 Search the shelves and you find two spells: rune of terror and ghost.

 I heard of rumours that Gabrielle should reward you with a shield (death
 stroke shield), but she just disappeared. Search the other rooms
 on the upper level. You'll find another library with the spell spectral
 phantoms on one of the shelves. In a wardrobe, you find some soft leather
 armor and in another room, you can find a vortex foil.

 Walk down to the Dance Hall and use the brass clock key three times on
 the lock at the bottom of the clock. Now walk to the back of the elevators
 and you see an organist playing. Give him a bottle of wine and the sheet
 of music. Then return to the dance hall, you will see the couples dancing.
 Follow their movements, after a while, they will move towards the wall
 behind the organist. When they have disappeared, the wall moves and you can
 enter a new room.

 Walk up the stairs and you meet the butler for the last time. Walk further.
 You enter a dark room. Use some greater light to see where the enemy is.
 He will cast ghost spells over you and you really can't hurt him in the
 darkness. Run to the back of the room and use the key 3 times on the clock.
 The soul of your father will be freed and the curtains will open. The
 creature is vulnerable to light, so you can attack him now. Use a few
 strong blows to finish him off. Use the sigil on the shard.

 7 Draracle's Keep

 Talk to Jakel, he's the source of all your problems, but you can't do
 nothing about him now. Return through the Draracle's Caves to the Woods.

 2 Upper Gladstone

 You can find Peter on the upper part of the map (near your step mom's
 house). He'll tell you about an attack and give you a note. Nearby, you can
 also enter a tall building (I really can't explain the location, it's on
 the northwest of the map). If you go up the stairs, you reach two doors,
 open the left one and crouch through the window on the ledge. Now jump to
 the small ledge of the other window and get inside, you'll find a
 manastone, a ring of reflection and the spell "lesser explosive runes".

 In front of the Fighter's Guild, you meet Celerian (grumpy as always).
 Return to the woods now. Walk to the entrance to Lower Gladstone. Near,
 the entrance, there will be a new spot (a camp). Enter the place. You talk
 to King Richard now and he gives you a writ you have to show Jeron. Take
 the writ with you and return to Upper Gladstone.

 2 Gladstone Keep

 Go to the keep and talk to Jeron. He'll torn the writ and kick you out.
 Return to the Woods and go to the portal of the shattered desert (it's
 marked on the map). When you come near the portal, a Picadon will
 appear and fire death poison towards you. Kill it. To cure the death
 poison (it won't stop), eat some Vel's Fruit. If you were the Stone Bracers
 you don't have to worryabout poisoning at all, make sure you wear them
 before entering the shattered desert. Step inside the portal then to enter
 the Shattered Desert.

 16 Shattered Desert

 As soon as the game starts, a group of Picadons will attack you. Finish
 them off and cure yourself with fruit if necessary. There are some hot
 beads lying on the floor.

 There's no real need to describe the way, because you really can't miss it.
 Never jump down from big platforms, because you mostly never can get up on
 it again unless there's a vine hanging from it.

   Secret: here you can find the 100.000 coins needed for the glass window
           in the Draracle caves. Stop at the first open area from your
           starting point. Turn to your left, you'll see a pig shape item
           on the ledge. Jump down and climb the vine on that ledge. This
           is a piggy bank! Grab the 100.000 coins (submitted by Greg
           Wageman, Come play dying & Hċkan Tallberg).

 Go back down (make sure you have full health before jumping down and a cat
 ring or something like that to halve the falling damage) and continue.
 After a while, you'll reach a big platform with a hole in the middle.
 Below you, there are Picadons running. There seems to be no way to
 continue, but look to the right. Walk to the right of a big hole and
 approach the far cliff. Slowly turn to the right to see an open electrical
 panel in the far cliff. Quick Save! Line up with the far ledge at the
 panel and back up a few steps. Look down slightly so you can see the edge
 of your side in order to jump from the edge. You enter a futuristic
 entrance now. Follow the way and you reach a new area. You need some
 powerful spells now, because a real horde of enemies is waiting. I used the
 ancient magic spell firestorm to kill them all from distance. Walk to the
 last platform then and use the vine to climb up. Go to the little entrance
 and kill the mutant humans you meet.

 You will reach some sort of elevator shaft. Wait until the picadons fall
 to death and use the ladder then to climb up. You're walking between
 big mountains now. Kill all Picadons you meet and you'll find a big
 futuristic portal. Step inside. Talk to the man on the right, he's not
 very useful. Open the little panel on the left and press the button. Walk
 outside towards the red light near the grey grate. Open the grey panel
 next to the grate and push the button. The grate opens. Step on the
 elevator and push the button again. You'll be taken inside now.

 Destroy the machine on the wall. Enter the big room, it looks like we're
 playing Unreal, or System Shock now :) Open the door on the right and wait
 until it's closed (the light will go green). Then open the other door and
 destroy the machine on the wall. This is really going to weird now. Playboy
 calendars, NOD signs (from Command & Conquer), the programmers sure got
 mixed up here. Use the chair and the 3 cabinets to create a bridge from the
 computer towards the grate in the wall. Open the grate and use the bridge
 to get inside. Enter the next room.

 In the back, you see some flashes because a device is broken. Click on the
 wall behind the device and a secret panel will open. Press the button and
 walk through the opened security door. In the next room, the wizard will
 talk to you. Destroy all his security weapons. Then get all the TV's
 down, hanging from the ceiling. Construct a tower with the TV's and enter
 the grate on the left. Destroy the security weapon and continue your way.
 Further (after jumping down), don't jump in the small hole, but destroy
 the weapon. You now reach an open area. You see a picture of a gun with a
 button under it. Press the button until the boom stick appears. Then walk
 through the door and destroy the iron thing in the back. Finally destroy
 the security weapons that appear. You can't open the door on the left yet,
 you need some sort of identification. Go to the right, you enter some sort
 of surgery room. Open all the doors around the room. In one room, you'll
 be able to retrieve a glass eye from a robot. Return to the first door and
 use the eye on the lock on the right. The door will open.

 Kill everything that annoys you. Then destroy all the control panels and
 the purple beam will disappear. Jump into the water and use the ladders
 then to leave the pit. Don't go to the highest level yet, destroy all
 weapons from a lower level. Go up the pit then and through the door.

 Destroy all the weapons. You can't go or you'll be electrocuted. Use your
 boomstick to shoot all the wires, you can pass safely then.

 You reach the final room now. There are 4 pillars around the room and
 each side has a mass of weapons. Destroy the 4 pillars to remove the shield
 form the inner computer. Then take out all weapons near the entrance to the
 computer. No need to be hurry, there are spots where you can take a breath
 and where no weapon can hit you. Finally, take out the parts of the inner
 computer and you'll get the last shard. Unfortunately, Jakel steals it
 from you and the computer activates a self-destruct mechanism. You have to
 run the whole way back.

 More bad luck, the device that recognizes the glass eye has been destroyed,
 instead, use a small grate as an escape route. Take out all guns you
 encounter. You'll also have to press a button to form a bridge over a gap.
 Keep on taking ladders that go up and finally, you'll leave the complex.

 Now, return the whole way back to the portal. It isn't very hard, just keep
 an eye on the map and remind that you can climb vines.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 No time to waste, we have to visit Jakel at once ! Go to the Draracle
 Caves. Kill all the skeletons (they're so weak now, one shot of your
 boomstick is enough). Enter the Draracle Keep and talk to Jakel. He tries
 to persuade you, but it's no use. He teleports you to the cellars.

 17 Draracle Cellars

 There are different ways to take Jakel out, but I'll give you mine. I had
 about 20 ancient stones. I only used the greater heal and the lich spell.
 Jakel will guard elevators and entrances, you hear a certain sound when he
 appears. Whenever you kill him on a certain level, he (and the barrier that
 held you from proceeding) disappears from that level. I just made sure I
 had full mana and health, then I used Lich (it lasts about 8 seconds),
 which made me invincible against all physical attacks (the rift hounds are
 very annoying), while I just stood (almost) against Jakel and hit him as
 much as I could with the sword Darkstorm. All spells he fired at me were
 reflected (reflective armor, ring of reflection) so I was sure he was
 going to be hit by his own spells. As soon as Lich ran out (6 to 8 seconds
 is usually not enough to kill Jakel), I used another Ancient Magic Stone
 and used Lich again. OK, I admit, it doesn't look\sound pretty, but it's
 the most effective way to take him out.

 First go with the elevator to the lowest level. There's no teleporter
 there, so you're safe from rift hounds. Jakel appears near the barrier.
 Use the Lich technique and take him out, the barrier will be removed.
 Walk into the room and to the back. Push the wheel and a bridge will be
 formed above you. Return to the cellars and wait until you got full mana\
 health again.

 Go up the elevator, kill all rift hounds and use the sigil on the portal
 (the sigil automatically appears if you move the cursor over the portal,
 but only once per portal). The portal will be closed now and the level is
 secure. There are two elevators now here. One will lead to a place with an
 elevator in the middle, guarded by a barrier from Jakel. It's not that
 elevator. Take the other one and do the same. (Kill rift hounds, secure
 portal). Go back down and take the other elevator. Kill the rift hounds.
 Jakel will appear again, use the Lich technique to take him out and the
 barrier will be removed.

 If you go up now, you'll be dead in a second. There are about 6 rift hounds
 and you don't have the chance to take them out properly. Now, you can:

   1 Quickly go up, deal as much damage as you can and get down quickly to

   2 Sent your familiar to kill as much as possible

   3 Quickly go up and place some turrets that do the job for you

   4 Go up, kill the whole bunch, secure the portal and quickly get back
     before Jakel appears.

 Once Jakel and the rift hounds are separated, you can easily take him out
 using the Lich Technique. This will remove the last barrier. Run to the
 next room (you wouldn't have been able to cross if you hadn't raised the
 bridge first). There are a bunch of giant skeletons in the next room.
 Walk to the middle of the room and they'll attack you from all sides. Just
 line up against the wall and take them out with your boomstick. If they
 get to close, use your sword to finish them off.

 Jakel will appear and fire lots of spells towards you. Use the Lich
 Technique to kill him for good. He has about 1200 hitpoints, so you'll need
 about 3 ancient magic stones.

 Another way to kill him is to use equip warding shield spell, while wacking
 him and wearing the reflective armor and the reflective ring (submitted by
 Greg Wageman)

 Take the seal from his corpse and you'll be teleported to the mirror. Use
 the seal on the mirror and you get your soul back. Your job is done. You
 see a movie where Copper is being buried with stones. The good guys always
 die :)

 You see another movie with King Richard and Dawn discussing the current
 situation of Gladstone and then the credits appear. Be patient now. When
 the credits are over .......... another movie !!!

 Copper is not dead. You'll end up in the Gladstone Woods again.

 3 Gladstone Woods

 Walk towards the keep and you'll meet Lord Jeron. He's off with the crown
 jewels. He's a real jerk and what you've wanted to do the whole game long
 is no possible. Kill him (he's a real wussy, fighting with a rusty knife).
 It really ends now. Don't forget a new menu option "extra" is available
 now where you can see a short movie of the upcoming "Sword & Sorcery"

VII Items

  A Food

    A1 Normal Food

    * Aloe Biscuit

      Frequency: common
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar

    * Bag of Food Rations

      Frequency: common
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar

    * Barbecued Stark

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar

    * Bon-bon

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar

    * Dragon Meat

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: Restores the Hunger Bar
      Note: Don't eat it, sell it !

    * Pork Chop

      Frequency: common
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar 

    * Rat Meat

      Frequency: common
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar

    * Rotten Meat
      Frequency: common
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar
      Side-Effect: it can poison you
      Note: you really don't have to eat this rotten meat, there's other
            food to be found.

    * Swampblack Root

      Frequency: uncommon

    * Tiger Meat

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: restores hunger bar
      Note: you can eat this, but it's a better idea to sell it, because you
          get a good price for it.

    A2 Magical Food

    * Aloe Leaf

      Frequency: common
      Effect: restores 5 healing points

    * Black Lichen

      Frequency: common
      Effect: eating it will heal 10 points of damage

    * Blood Aloe

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: Change 10 mana points into 10 hitpoints.

    * Brook Flounder

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: rear mirror view for one minute

    * Cave Aloe

      Frequency: common
      Effect: heals 5 points of damage

    * Champion Stone

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: the Champion Stone will increase your base might for a short
              period of time

    * Geldenberry
      Frequency: common
      Effect: restores Hunger Bar and restores 10 points of damage

    * Hound's Heart

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect : this works as an unlimited amount of lifestones. Click it on
               a dead familiar to resurrect him.

    * Lamplight Eggs

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: eating these eggs give you a low-light vision for 1 minute (in
            darker places)

    * Mandrake Root

      Frequency: common
      Effect: it will put the user under a deep, but short restorative sleep

    * Rainbow Sulphite

      Frequency: very rare
      Effect: restores 50 mana points

    * Silverleaf

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: restores 5 mana points

    * Soul Meat

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: gives your full health and removes all poison

    * Spider Silk

      Frequency: rare
      Effect: restores 5 points of damage
      Note: you can eat this, but it's a better idea to sell it, because you
            get a good price for it.

    * Vel's Fruit

      Frequency: uncommon
      Effect: nullifies the effect of lesser and greater poison


  B Weapons

    B.1 Axes

    * Axe of the Long Arm

      Frequency: very rare
      Use: distance
      Strength: poor
      Note: the missile slot needs to remain empty. Otherwise, you can't use
          the axe.

    * Battle Axe

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: impact damage

    * Great Axe Blizzard

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: strong
      Instructions: when striking, this axe has a 25% chance to cast
                    blizzard upon an opponent. It also does additional
                    impact and cold damage.

    * War Axe Traitor

      Frequency: very rare
      Strength: very powerful
      Special Ability: this weapon cuts through any sort of protection, but
                       there's one problem: you die along with your enemy.
      Note: to avoid this traitor problem, wear the bracers of valour, they
            will remove the effect.

    * War Hammer

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: none

    B.2 Bows

    * Boomstick

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: distance
      Strength: mediocre

    * Great Bow Shard

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: distance
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Ability: this bow shoots shards of ice. Upon impact, these
                       shards explode and do additional piercing damage to
                       enemies nearby.

    * Greatbow Shift

      Frequency: Rare
      Use: distance
      Strength: strong
      Special Abilities: The Greatbow Shift fires fire, ice or lightning
                         arrows and if the target creature has protection
                         against these attacks, the greatbow shift will fire
                         a normal arrow.

    * Heavy Crossbow

      Frequency: common
      Use: distance
      Strength: mediocre
      Note: this crossbow has a slow recovery time

    * Light Crossbow

      Frequency: common
      Use: distance
      Strength: poor
      Note: this weapon has a fast recovery time

    * Longbow

      Frequency: common
      Use: distance
      Strength: poor
      Ability: An incredible range

    * Twin Bow

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: Distance
      Ability: this bow fires two shafts at a time and does piercing damage

    * Valkyrie Crossbow

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: distance
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: this fire shoots tiny bolts of fire, so enemies
                         vulnerable to heat or fire will get additional

    B.3 Clubs

    * Wooden Club

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat
      Strength: Extremely poor

    B.4 Daggers

    * Dagger

      Frequency: common
      Use: distance
      Strength: poor
      Instructions: use this dagger from distance, when attacking someone,
      first throw the dagger and then attack him with your sword or whatever
      he will have lost already a bit of damage.  

    * Dagger of Light

      Frequency: rare
      Use: Distance
      Strength: mediocre
      Instructions: this dagger will shoot missiles of light towards enemies
                    You have to put it in your melee weapon slot and keep
                    the missile slot empty, otherwise, it won't work.

    * Dagger of the Empty Hand

      Frequency: rare
      Use: Distance
      Strength: mediocre
      Instructions: when thrown, this dagger will always return to its user.
                    It will penetrate any sort of defence and cut through
                    any protection. This weapon works best with fleshy foes.

    * Dracoid Dagger

      Frequency: rare
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Instructions: this dagger will drain both health and mana when struck

    * Emerald Dagger

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: close combat
      Special Ability: when striking, there's a 25% of poisoning the enemy

    * Jade Dagger

      Frequency: rare
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Ability: when striking, there's a 50% chance the dagger will
                       inflict lesser poison.

    * Stroke Dagger

      Frequency: common
      Use: distance
      Strength: Quite strong
      Abilities: This dagger glows in the dark and when you throw it towards
                 an enemy, the dagger changes into a bolt of lightning

    B.5 Exploding Items

    * Dragon's Blood

      Frequency: common
      Use: distance
      Strength: poor
      Instructions: throw these away like a grenade

    * Large Flashpot

      Frequency: common
      Use: distance
      Strength: strong
      Instructions: click right on it to throw the flashpot. Then click
                    right on the detonator to detonate it. You can collect
                    up to 10 flashpots.

    B.6 Gauntlets

    * Dragonscale Gauntlets

      Frequency: artifact
      Strength: strong
      Special Ability: It offers limited protection against ancient magic
                       attacks. When worn together with the dragonscale
                       armor, it will immolate when attacked by
                       an opponent in melee range, doing ancient fire magic.
                       This armor will protect the wearer to 25% of the
                       immolation, but you'll immune against the immolation.

    * Gauntlets of Striking

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor
      Special Abilities: these gauntlets can stun enemies.

    B.7 Halberds

    * Halberd

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat, with a group of enemies
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: impact damage
      Note: this weapon does a lot of damage, but it has a slow recovery

    * Halberd Bastion

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: when an enemy comes nearby, two spiked maces will
                         appear that keep enemies from getting close to you.
                         If you use this weapon together with the bastion
                         shield, you protection will increase by 25%

    B.8 Knifes

    * Rusty Knife

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor    

    B.9 Maces

    * Mace

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor
      Ability: blunt damage and a quick hitting rate.

    * Orcish Mace

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat
      Strength: strong
      Note: this weapon is strong, but extremely slow. I didn't use it.

    * Spiked Mace

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor
      Special Abilities: If you strike, the spiked mace does piercing damage

    B.10 Razors

    * Crescent Razor

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: distance
      Strength: strong
      Special Abilities: when you use this weapon, the opponent's protection
                         will be reduced to zero.
      Note: this weapon has a very quick hitting rate.

    B.11 Reavers

    * Orcisch Reaver

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor

    * Reaver of the Great Orc

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: very powerful
      Ability: this sword cuts through any sort of protection, but you'll
               need a champion stone or special gauntlets (gauntlets of
               might) to lift this weapon.

    B.12 Staffs

    * Iron Rod

      Frequency: rare
      Strength: powerful
      Special Ability: when equipped in the magical items slot, this weapon
                       protects the user from all electrical damage.

    * Plasma Staff

      Frequency: rare
      Use: Distance
      Strength: mediocre
      Ability: 3 bolts of electrical and fire damage. In close combat, you
               just use it as a club.

    * Shard Staff

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat & distance
      Strength: mediocre (distance), very poor (close combat)

    * Spirit Staff

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat & distance
      Strength: very strong (distance). When using from distance, you'll
                summon a group of angels who will attack the enemy and heal
                you. In close combat, it just acts like a normal staff.

    * Vulcan Staff

      Frequency: rare
      Use: Distance
      Strength: poor
      Special Abilities: this staff will fire some fire charges

    B.13 Swords
    * Bone Great Sword

      Frequency: rare
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor
      Special Abilities: upon striking, there's a chance some shards of bone
                         will be fired doing additional piercing damage.
    * Broadsword

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre (25%), better than the Long Sword
      Special Abilities: Extra Impact Damage

    * Great Sword Firestorm

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: when striking, there's a 50% chance the sword casts
                         a fire storm. Still, even if it doesn't cast it, it
                         will do additional fire damage anyway.

    * Great Sword Darkstorm

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: very strong
      Special Ability: hitting an opponent will drain health and mana from
                       your opponent. Touch the red and blue thingies to
                       transfer the mana and health to yourself.

    * Great Sword of Toehan

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: very strong
      Special Abilities: You will regenerate at a doubled speed when using
                         this sword. If your hit points drop below 25%, an
                         imp lord will be summoned to assist you. If you
                         hit something, there's a 10% chance a lightning
                         storm will be cast.

    * Long Prism Sword

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Ability: when hitting, there's a 25% chance the sword releases
                       a pulse of light. When using the sword outdoors in
                       daylight, there's a 75% chance.

    * Long Sword

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: None
      Instructions: The best way to use long swords is against fleshy

    * Short Sword

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor
      Note: this sword is best used against fleshy foes.

    * Silver Fang

      Frequency: artifact
      Use: close combat
      Strength: strong
      Special Ability: with each successful strike, you drain 1 to 5 points
                       of the opponent's maximum hit points.

    * Two-Handed Sword

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: close combat, with a group of enemies
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: impact damage
      Note: this weapon does a lot of damage, but it has a slow recovery

    B.14 Throwing Weapons

    * Rock

      Frequency: common
      Use: close combat
      Strength: poor
      Note: a rock is a weak excuse for a missile weapon. From some distance
            you can throw this rock, but it's doesn't do much damage.

    * Stone of the Gorgon

      Frequency: uncommon
      Use: Distance
      Strength: powerful
      Note: throw this stone at a creature. If it hits it, the creature will
            be petrified.

  C Defence

    C.1 Armours

    * Dragonscale Armor

      Frequency: artifact
      Strength: strong
      Special Ability: It offers limited protection against ancient magic
                       attacks. When worn together with the dragonfire
                       bracers, this armor will immolate when attacked by
                       an opponent in melee range, doing ancient fire magic.
                       This armor will protect the wearer to 25% of the
                       immolation, but when you also wear the dragonscale
                       gauntlets, you're immune against the immolation.

    * Field Platemail

      Frequency: uncommon
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: more protection against blunt and edges weapons
      Note: be careful when enemies do fire or electrical attacks, you're
            very vulnerable then.

    * Fine Leather Armor

      Frequency: common
      Strength: poor

    * Full Platemail

      Frequency: very rare
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Ability: extra protection against edged and blunt weapons.
      Note: you're quite weak against fire and electrical damage.

    * Leather Armor

      Frequency: common
      Strength: poor
      Note: this armor limits natural fire attacks

    * Obsidian Platemail

      Frequency: uncommon
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: this armour will give you extra protection against
                         magical and physical attacks.
      Note: you're very vulnerable against piercing attacks.

    * Platemail Breastplate

      Frequency: uncommon
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: more protection against blunt and edges weapons
      Note: be careful when enemies do fire or electrical attacks, you're
            very vulnerable then.

    * Reflective Platemail

      Frequency: artifact
      Strength: very strong
      Special Abilities: when struck by a spell, you will suffer from some
                         damage, but the spell will be reflected to the

    * Soft Leather Armor

      Frequency: artifact
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: this armor makes you immune against acid attacks
                         and does half fire damage.

    * Studded Leather Armor

      Frequency: common
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Ability: extra protection against blunt weapons.

    C.2 Bracers

    * Dragonfire Bracers

      Frequency: artifact
      Strength: strong
      Special Ability: It offers limited protection against ancient magic
                       attacks when worn together with the dragonscale
                       armor. It will immolate when attacked by an opponent
                       in melee range, doing ancient fire magic. With this
                       armor the wearer will be protected to 25% of the
                       immolation, but when you also wear the dragonscale
                       gauntlets, you're immune against the immolation.

    * Fine Bracers

      Frequency: common
      Strength: none
      Note: useless, they change nothing.

    * Platemail Bracers

      Frequency: uncommon
      Strength: mediocre

    * Stone Bracers

      Frequency: common
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Abilities: immunity to all forms of poison
      Note: You're immune against all forms of poison, but your defence will
            be reduced

    C.3 Gloves

    * Chainmail Gloves

      Frequency: common
      Strength: poor
      Special Ability: more protection

    * Leather Gloves

      Frequency: common
      Strength: very poor
      Note: these gloves give you a minimal protection

    C.4 Shields

    * Bastion Shield

      Frequency: very rare
      Strength: mediocre
      Special Ability: when used together with the Halberd Bastion, it gains
                       25% more effectiveness.

    * Coward's Target Shield

      Frequency: rare
      Strength: extremely poor
      Special ability: this shield reduces your strength and defence to zero
                       but gives you partial invisibility.

    * Fine Leather Buckler

      Frequency: common
      Strength: poor

    * Fire Shield

      Frequency: rare
      Strength: quite poor
      Special Abilities: protection from fire attacks, but not completely.
                        Use this shield in the Volcano World
      Side-effect: the draining of heat leaves you very vulnerable against
                   cold attacks, don't use this shield in colder

    * Iron Shield

      Frequency: not common
      Strength: equal to the fire shield
      Special Abilities: this shield offers additional protection against
                         blunt and impact weapons.

    * Leather Buckler

      Frequency: common
      Strength: poor

    * Spiked Iron Shield

      Frequency: uncommon
      Strength: strong
      Special Ability: if this shield is equipped, all physical attacks will
                       inflict damage with 10 extra damage points

    * Wooden Shield

      Frequency: common
      Strength: poor
      Special Abilities: none

    C.5 Shirts

    * Chainmail Shirt

      Frequency: common
      Strength: poor
      Special Ability: special protection against piercing damage

  D Scrolls

  * Healing Scroll

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: restores 50 healing points and removes poison

  E Magical Items

  * Cat Ring

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: when worn, this ring halves the falling damage.

  * Coco Cap

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: if the user succumbs to the effects of this cap, it restores 50
            points of health and mana before vanishing. This cap has been
            made by Rick, you meet him a few times in the game. When wearing
            the coco's cap, you hear some laughter and voices, I'm not
            sure wether Luther is saying something or the cap is haunted.

  * Death Sac
    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: apply the death sac to your melee weapon and it will contain
            one greater poison.

  * Dragon Gem

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: this gem offers limited protection against physical attacks.

  * Dragonheart

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: Click with it on a dead familiar to resurrect him.

  * Drakelord Gem

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: this gem will protect you for half of the damage against
            ancient attacks and will protect you from poison.

  * Flintskin

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: it will protect you for a lot of physical attacks for a short
            period of time.

  * Fire Crystal

    Frequency: rare
    Use: distance
    Strength: mediocre
    Charges: 3
    Note: once depleted, you can recharge these crystals in the Talamari
          Guild House

  * Forge Pod

    Frequency: very rare
    Effect: using the forge pod allows you to cast one ancient magic spell
            without any mana cost. When you use the pod, the red ancient
            magic button next to your spells at the bottom of the screen
            will be filled.
    Note: Save this pod for special occasions.

  * Gauntlets of Might

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: these gauntlets increase the user's base might with 25 points.
            When worn together with the reaver of the great orc, it removes
            the lifting penalty from that weapon.

  * Gauntlets of Speed

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: wearing this gauntlets will increase your attack speed by 25%

  * Gragoyle Bracers

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: these bracers will reduce the cost of casting spells by 25%

  * Greater Bezoar Ring

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: this ring will protect you against the effects of greater poison

  * Guardian Orb

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: Right Click on it to free the sword inside, it will deal
            ancient magic damage to the enemy close to you. Use this wisely,
            you'll need it for tough monsters.

  * Gummy Pod

   Frequency: uncommon
   Effect: Upon using the pod, your feet will become sticky. Use it on icy
           surfaces or to avoid impact damage.

  * Heart of Sunrise

    Frequency: ancient artifact
    Effect: Hit Points will regenerate 4x as fast as normal.

  * Ivory Chip
    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: the Ivory Chip will add 5 mana to your maximum mana pool when

  * Jewelled Scarab

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: when worn, this scarab will absorb half the magic of ancient

  * Kelen's Ring

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: when worn, a bare-handed strike will be that of a Tiger's Claw
            with a loud growl

  * Kieran's Cricket

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: this ring cannot be used in conjunction with any type of
            armour. When worn, this ring will create a shimmering of blue
            plate mail around the body of the wearer.

  * Lesser Bezoar Ring

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: this ring will protect you against lesser poison

  * Life Leech

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: Upon using this foil, it will sap 10% of the nearby creature's
            health. Then, get the foil and eat it to get the mana.

  * Lifestone

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: right click to use. You will gain full health, but if you click
            it on a dead familiar, he will resurrect.

  * Lightning Crystal

   Frequency: rare
   Use: distance
   Strength: mediocre
   Charges: 3
   Note: once depleted, you can recharge these crystals in the Talamari
         Guild House

  * Lorestone

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: Right click this stone over an unidentified item to identify it

  * Manastone

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: this stone restores your mana, but it depends on how weak you
            are. Use it wisely.

  * Mana Bracers

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: when worn, these bracers will increase your base mana amount
            by 25% and decrease your base hit points by 25%

  * Mana Cluster

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: after using this, the next non-ancient spell you cast won't
            cost you any damage.

  * Mana Foil

    Frequency: common
    Effect: this foil will restore some mana

  * Mana Mask

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: upon eating this, your mana will drain, point per point, but
            all enemies will think you're a 'friendly' creature. This works
            as long as you have enough mana or do not make any offensive

  * Mana Pod

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: upon using the pod, your mana will regenerate extremely quick
            for a short period of time. Use it to launch a massive storm
            of spells.

  * Mask of Shadows

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: when worn, the user will remain invisible as long as he stays

  * Mimic Stone

    Frequency: very rare
    Effect: Click it on another item to duplicate it. Save it for very
            expensive or powerful items.

  * Mind Cluster

    Frequency: common
    Effect: it will reveal the entire map from a short period of time. Use
            these when you're stuck (or read the walkthrough)

  * Oculus Pod

    Frequency: very rare
    Effect: upon using, an eye appears that travels ahead of you and turns
            every monster it encounters to stone.

  * Phial of Transfer

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: upon using this phial, it will convert the half in your life
            points into a the half (of that half) in mana.

  * Pyra Pod

    Frequency: common
    Effect: it will convert all fire into electrical energy for a short time

  * Quicksilver

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: when applied for the first time, it will add 10 points to your
            melee weapon's base might.

  * Ring of Drakefire

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: when worn together with the 4 other dragon items, the spark
            group spell will change into the firespark group and spark
            will cost half of the usual damage.

  * Ring of Generation

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: this ring will speed up the restoring of your health. It will
            also protect your from the mortal blow.

  * Ring of Reflection

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: when worn, there's a 25% chance the spell you're being hit with
            will be reflected. The damage will still be done to you.

  * Shimmerfoil

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: Place the shimmerfoil on the floor. When an enemy walks over it,
            it will explode and a greater light source will be created.

  * Skull Key

    Frequency: artifact
    Effect: this key will increase your lockpicking skills by 5 levels.

  * Stone Cube

    Frequency: uncommon
    Effect: upon throwing this stone cube, stone walls will appear that can
            be destroyed.

  * Storm Crystal

   Frequency: rare
   Use: distance
   Strength: mediocre
   Charges: 1
   Note: once depleted, you can recharge these crystals in the Talamari
         Guild House

  * Valkyrie Charm

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: it will add overall protection to the user and give additional

  * Vortex Foil

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: Upon using this foil, it will sap 10% of the nearby creature's
            mana. Then, get the foil and eat it to get the mana. 

  * War Cluster

    Frequency: rare
    Effect: upon using this cluster, your hit points will increase by 20%
            for one minute.

  F Other Items

  * Acid Sac

    Frequency: uncommon
    Use: When applied to a weapon, the weapon will fire a missile of acid
         towards an opponent. When applied to a lock, the lock's difficulty
         will decrease with one level. When used on a Level 1 Lock, the lock
         will open.

  * Amber

    Frequency: common

  * Arrant Prac

    Frequency: common
    Some trivia: Elizabeth Anderson let me know that Arrant means
                 "completely and totally such", and prac is an anagram for
                 crap and that's exactly what it is: total crap.

  * Bottle of Wine

    Frequency: common

  * Brass Clock Key

    Frequency: very uncommon

  * Chesara's Medallion

    Frequency: artifact

  * Crystal Device

    Frequency: common

  * Docks Key

    Frequency: artifact

  * Dragon Claw Statue

    Frequency: artifact

  * Dreamshard

    Frequency: uncommon

  * Glass Eye

    Frequency: very uncommon

  * Gorgonite Nodules

    Frequency: common

  * Hot Bead

    Frequency: uncommon

  * Ironwood Sap

    Frequency: common

  * Magnesium Stone
    Frequency: common
    Effect: use spark on this stone to create a bright light for 5 seconds

  * Mugwort

    Frequency: uncommon

  * Mushroom Rot

    Frequency: uncommon

  * Poison Paint

    Frequency: common
    Use: when applied to a melee weapon, your opponent will be struck by
         lesser poison

  * Rainbow Sulphite

    Frequency: uncommon

  * Ruloi Hand

    Frequency: artifact

  * Sandcrust

    Frequency: common

  * Scavenger Eyes

    Frequency: common
    Note: normally, scavenger eyes should be under the section of attack
          weapons. My journal said I had to click right on them to throw
          them, they should work as grenades. I tried it, but Copper
          wouldn't throw them.

  * Sheet of Music

    Frequency: very uncommon

  * Sigil

    Frequency: artifact

  * Silver Fang Hilt

    Frequency: artifact

  * Tar Crystal

    Frequency: common

  * Toy Sword

    Frequency: artifact

  * Venom Sac

     Frequency: common
     Effect: use it to create different poisons

  * Waterspark Leaf

    Frequency: uncommon

  * White Tower Key

    Frequency: artifact

  * Writ

    Frequency: artifact

VIII Spells

  1 Summon

    * Summon Lesser Imp

      Strength: poor
      Effect: upon casting this spell, an imp appears and attacks all
              enemies. He will disappear when he has got a certain amount of
              damage. Use this spell to keep the enemy busy with the imp
              while you fire more powerful spells.

    * Summon Greater Imp

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: upon casting this spell, an imp appears and attacks all
              enemies. He will disappear when he has got a certain amount of
              damage. Use this spell to keep the enemy busy with the imp
              while you fire more powerful spells.

    * Summon Imp Lord

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: upon casting this spell, an imp appears and attacks all
              enemies. He will disappear when he has got a certain amount
              of damage. The Imp is strong enough to take out enemies
              without your help.

    * Summon Ancient Imp

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: upon casting this spell, an imp appears and attacks all
              enemies. He will disappear when he has got a certain amount
              of damage. The Imp is strong enough to take out enemies
              without your help.

    * Banish

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: this spell summons up a vortex of energy that has a percentage
              chance of sucking your opponent away into limbo. If it fails,
              the spell does no additional damage.
      Required: ancient magic

  2 Spark

    * Lesser Spark

      Strength: poor
      Effect: this does little damage to enemies and can be used to light
              environments. It's one of your first spells, and it can be

    * Greater Spark

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: a shower of sparks that targets single enemies. This spell can
              also be used to light combustible materials

    * Chain Spark

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: a cloud of sparks will travel towards an enemy and explode
              there into a lot of little sparks. Then, it will travel to the
              next enemies until it has no charges anymore (3 to 6 charges)

    * Firestorm

      Strength: strong
      Effect: this storm will cast a rain of fire on a large area. Ancient
              magic is required.

    * Lightning

      Strength: weak
      Effect: A single ray of lightning will target a single enemy

    * Lightning Storm

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: Casting this spell will causes many chains of lightning
              to strike over the whole area. Use it in mass combat
      Requirement: Ancient Magic

  3 Heal

    * Damage Shield

      Strength: strong
      Effect: casting this spell surrounds the caster with a shield that
              halves all damage taken by the caster and increases the
              protection by 25% (for a limited time)

    * Lesser Heal

      Strength: poor
      Effect: this spell heals you a bit. While wandering around, you won't
              need it if you eat enough food, but during fights, it can be
              useful to be healed quickly.

    * Greater Heal

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: this spell will restore a big amount of health points

    * Poison Shield

      Strength: strong
      Effect: casting this spell surrounds the caster with a shield that
              protects the caster from all poison (for a limited time) and
              toxins (including radiation)

    * Lesser Magic Shield

      Strength: poor
      Effect: this spell will give additional protection against magical
              front and flank attacks and there's a 25% chance all frontal
              attacks will be deflected

    * Greater Magic Shield

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: this spell will give additional protection against magical
              front and flank attacks and there's a 50% chance all frontal
              attacks will be deflected

    * Lesser Shield

      Strength: poor
      Effect: this spell will give additional protection against physical
              front and flank attacks and there's a 25% chance all frontal
              attacks will deflected.

    * Greater Shield

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: this spell will give additional protection against physical
              front and flank attacks and there's a 50% chance all frontal
              attacks will deflected.

    * Warding Shield

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: this spell requires ancient magic and will protect you from
              all attacks from the front and the back. When casting this
              spell, you gain this protection for about 20 seconds.

    * Regeneration

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: This Ancient magic spell has multiple effects. In addition to
              restoring all of the casters missing hit points, for the
              duration of the spell the caster will recover from damage at
              such a rapid rate that he will be almost unkillable.
              Regenerate will also cure any type of poison.
      Required: ancient magic

  4 Prism

    * Blind

      Strength: none
      Effect: this spell blinds opponents in a 10' radius.

    * Hologram

      Strength: poor
      Effect: you create a hologram of yourself to confuse enemies. It dis-
              appears when struck

    * Invisibility

      Strength: none
      Effect: this spell makes the caster invisible for a period of time,
              but enemies may still notice you by missile objects, smell or

    * Sunray

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: when casting this spell, a sunray appears that concentrates a
              powerful ray of light that concentrates all its heat on one

    * Trinity

      Strength: very powerful
      Effect: This Ancient magic spell unleashes a massive concussive wave
              of energy, inflicting serious damage on all opponents in the
              same room. It will also destroy some structures as well
      Required: ancient magic

  5 Blades

    * Lesser Blades

      Strength: poor
      Effect: casting this spell releases a blade of energy

    * Greater Blades

      Strength: quite poor
      Effect: casting this spell releases a pair of energy blades

    * Blade Storm

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: Calls down a storm of energy blades onto all opponents
              within a 50 radius.
      Required: ancient magic

    * Blade Strike

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: Calls down a storm of energy blades onto a single nearby

    * Blade Turret
      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: a turret appears and shoots disks of energy towards nearby

  6 Light

    * Lesser Light

      Strength: poor
      Effect: this spell lights the environment

    * Greater Light

      Strength: poor
      Effect: this spell works like a flare that lights the environment

    * Lesser Light Pulse

      Strength: poor
      Effect: casting this spell releases a non-tracking light pulse

    * Light Storm

      Strength: strong
      Effect: upon casting this spell, a storm of light pulses will be
              launched and they will track nearby targets.

  7 Demolition

    * Blizzard

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: cast a blizzard over a large radius
      Note: this spell requires ancient magic

    * Lesser Detonation Sphere

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: if you press the spell key and you release it within a second,
              the sphere will travel through air and detonate when it
              collides with something. If you hold the spell key after the
              sphere has been launched, you only have to release the spell
              key to detonate it.

    * Greater Detonation Sphere

      Strength: strong
      Effect: if you press the spell key and you release it within a second,
              the sphere will travel through air and detonate when it
              collides with something. If you hold the spell key after the
              sphere has been launched, you only have to release the spell
              key to detonate it.

    * Lesser Explosive Runes

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: casting this spell will place a rune nearby, only visible for
              you. Whenever an opponent touches this rune, it will explode
              and disappear

  8 Scry Familiar

    * Shroud Golem

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: this shroud will create a shroud around your familiar. Due
              this shroud, your familiar cannot be sensed or seen. This is a
              much better spell than invisibility, because your familiar can
              continue attacking

    * Empower Golem

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: upon using this spell. Your familiar's HP and MP will restored
              to their maximum. Their protection will also increase by 50%
              This lasts for one minute.

    * Enlarge Golem

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: upon casting this spell, your familiar will grow twice his
              normal size. He will do additional damage and resist psychical

    * Resurrect Golem

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: this spell will resurrect your golem when he's dead. This
              spell requires ancient magic

    * Ward Golem

      Strength: very strong
      Effect: this spell places an invulnerable shield around your familiar
              for 10 seconds

  9 Cold

    * Cold Spray

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: casting this spell will cause a lot of icy spheres to be fired
              at an opponent

    * Freezing Touch

      Strength: strong
      Effect: casting this spell will lower the temperature for your enemy
              nearby, so he'll freeze

    * Ghost

      Strength: strong
      Effect: a skeleton strikes the opponent with additional cold damage.

    * Lesser Apparition

      Strength: poor
      Effect: a skeleton strikes the opponent with additional cold damage

    * Greater Apparition

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: a skeleton strikes the opponent with additional cold damage.

    * Shard

      Strength: poor
      Effect: shoot a single spark of ice that will shatter upon impact

    * Spectral Phantoms

      Strength: strong
      Effect: massive cold attacks by a pack of phantoms
    * Sphere of Cold

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: an icy sphere will be launched towards the enemy

  10 Other

    * Banish

      Strength: strong
      Effect: this spell creates a vortex that has a percentage chance to
               suck a creature into limbo. If it fails, it deals additional
               damage to the creature.

    * Cataclysm

      Strength: strong
      Effect: your cursor changes into the cataclysm rune. Target it
              anywhere the area. This rune is only visible to the player.
              When a monster touches this rune, six spheres will be shot
              at the creature and an earthquake will occur with a 10 feet
              damage radius.
    * Lesser Drain

      Strength: poor
      Effect: Using this spell will drain mana health from an enemy as blue
              and red spheres. Each sphere represents 1 point of mana\health

    * Greater Drain

      Strength: mediocre
      Effect: Using this spell will drain mana health from an enemy as blue
              and red spheres. Each sphere represents 2 points of mana\

    * Lich

      Strength: extremely strong
      Effect: upon using, you turn into the lord of the netherworlds and
              you're invincible to physical attacks. All magical attacks
              will be halved. If an enemy comes into a 10' radius,
              netherworld spirits will appear to attack the enemy.
      Required: Ancient Magic

    * Plasma Form

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: a large ball of plasma will track a nearby target and do
              significant damage.

    * Rage

      Strength: powerful
      Effect: You will cause rage between enemies and they'll start to
              attack each other. Very useful in mass combat.

    * Rune of Terror

      Strength: none
      Effect: this spell causes terror to all nearby creatures. They will
              be under the effect as long as they're in the terror zone.
              Ancient magic is required to cast this spell.
    * Terror

      Strength: none
      Effect: this spell causes terror to all creatures nearby. They will
              be under the effect as long as they're in the terror zone.

IX Pharmacopia Mixtures

  * Acid Sac = Tar Crystal + Lamplight Eggs
  * Champion Stone = Ironwood Sap + Amber
  * Flintskin = Gorgonite Nodules + Magnesium Stone + Dreamshard
  * Gummy Pod = Tar Crystal + Swampback Root + Geldenberry
  * Life Leech = Ice Shard + Swampblack Root + Ironwood Sap
  * Mana Cluster = Mugwort + Silverleaf + Aloe Leaf
  * Mana Foil = Silverleaf + Rainbow Sulphite
  * Mana Mask = Black Lichen + Sandcrust + Blood Aloe
  * Mana Pod = Silverleaf + Dreamshard
  * Mimic Stone = Brook Flounder + Hound's Heart + Hot Bead + Waterspark

  * Mind Cluster = Gorgonite Nodules + Rainbow Sulphite
  * Oculus Pod = Brook Flounder + Blood Aloe + Dreamshard
  * Phial of Transfer = Mana Leech + Geldenberry + Mugwort
  * Poison Paint = Venom Sac + Lamplight Eggs
  * Pyra Pod = Tar Crystal + Mandrake Root
  * Shimmerfoil = Mushroom Rot + Magnesium Stone
  * Soul Meat = Aloe Leaf + Sandcrust + Ice Shard
  * Stone of the Gorgon = Gorgonite Nodules + Black Lichen
  * Vortex Foil = Mushroom Rot + Mana Leech + Silverleaf
  * War Cluster = Amber + Venom Sac

X Monsters

  * Amazon Warrior

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 500
    Attack Strategy: Stay close to her and try to finish her off as quickly
                     as possible using your sword and magic. It's no use
                     trying to attack her from distance

  * Bandit

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 378
    Attack Strategy: You can kill them easily. You only have to watch out
                     for their poisonous daggers.

  * Cave Spider

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 25
    Attack Strategy: Hit it and it's dead. Simple, not ?

  * Fallen One

    Strength: mediocre
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: Just stand in front of it and hit it until it's dead,
                     the creature's doesn't inflict much damage.

  * Fire Beetle

    Strength: weak
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 60
    Attack Strategy: One hit of any bow will kill it.

  * Fire Elemental

    Strength: mediocre
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 230
    Attack Strategy: Don't get close, the fireballs are quite strong. Bows
                     and other distance weapons don't hurt the elemental
                     much. Just send your familiar and let him do the job.

  * Fire Wisp

    Strength: very poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 80
    Attack Strategy: Just hit it a few times from distance, pretty easy

  * Giant Roaches

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 75
    Attack Strategy: These creatures don't inflict much damage, kill them
                     from distance or in close combat.

  * Giant Spider

    Strength: mediocre
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: 120
    Attack Strategy: These spiders cause a bit of damage, but they have some
                     pretty good armor. It takes 3 to 4 blows with your best
                     sword to kill one.

  * Harbingers

    Strength: weak
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: Two blows with any bow with kill it from distance. They
                     can be annoying sometimes when they fly in groups and
                     avoid your arrows.

  * Ice Worm

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 500
    Attack Strategy: They're quite hard and they take an irritating big heap
                     out of your health bar. Hide and let your familiar do
                     it :)

  * Jacinda

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: unique
    Hit Points: 1300
    Attack Strategy: She can cast a lot of spells, therefore, it's important
                     you stay as close as possible to avoid being hit by
                     spells. When you stand close, she will use her feet
                     doing roundhouses. That attack is quite weak, use it
                     in your advantage to kill her with your sword.

  * Jakel

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: unique
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: see: walkthrough

  * Lamplights

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 66
    Note: lamplights are not aggressive and won't attack you until you do

  * Lesser Fire Drake

    Strength: weak
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: 143
    Attack Strategy: They're quite easy and harmless, use your sword to kill

  * Lord Jeron

    Strength: extremely weak
    Frequency: unique
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: Hit and kill. Nevermind him.

  * Morphea

    Strength: mediocre
    Frequency: unique
    Hit Points: 200
    Note: she regenerates if she touches lava or fire.

  * Mutant Human

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: They can be quite annoying together with a picadon attack.
                Don't let them get close because they can poison you.
  * Orc Leader

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: ???
    Special: mediocre armor

  * Orc Raider

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 13
    Special: mediocre armor

  * Picadon

    Strength: very powerful
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: ???
    Special Ability: death poison, use Vel's Fruit to cure it.
    Attack Strategy: Very annoying creature and also one of the most
                     powerful ones in the game. Never touch the his spit
                     because it causes death poison. The only way to cure it
                     is to eat some Vel's Fruit.

  * Rat

    Strength: very poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: Hit and kill. Nevermind them.

  * Rift Hound

    Strength: mediocre
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: they are very weak, the only thing you have to do
                     is avoid their purple balls (using strafing techniques)
                     One hit will kill them usually. The only trick is to
                     get nearby.

  * Roach

    Strength: very poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 12
    Attack Strategy: Hit and kill. Nevermind them.

  * Ruloi Collective

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: unique
    Hit Points: 1000
    Attack Strategy: If you stand close enough, you can attack it with your
                     sword. Make sure you don't fall into the poison,
                     because you can't get out. Kill the little drones until
                     you reach the collective. Go stand on the very ledge
                     and hit it about 3 times to kill it. Easy, isn't it ?

  * Ruloi Drone

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: Fairly easy if you can get them from behind

  * Ruloi Warrior

    Strength: mediocre
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: Fairly easy if you can get them from behind. Try to
                     isolate them and attack them one by one.

  * Sable Tooth Cerberus Tiger

    Strength: strong
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: these tigers are dangerous from distance and nearby.
                     Use a weapon from distance to take them out, or send
                     your familiar. Use strafing techniques to avoid the
                     poison they shoot\spit ? towards you.

  * Scavenger

    Strength: weak
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: 50
    Attack Strategy: They are very weak. Simply rush forward and finish
                     them off before they have the chance to react.

  * Scythe Demon

    Strength: very strong
    Frequency: unique
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: see: walkthrough

  * Shades

    Strength: weak
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Pints: 397
    Attack Strategy: Hit and kill. Nevermind them.

  * Skeletal Guardian

    Strength: weak
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 109
    Note: Piercing Damage is useless against them, because you stick it
          between their bones. Still, that's leaves them very vulnerable to
          impact and blunt attacks.
    Attack Strategy: He's very weak. Hit him from distance and finish
                     him of with your sword.

  * Stark

    Strength: mediocre
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 150
    Attack Strategy: they fire some strong fireballs towards you. The speed
                     of these fireballs is to fast to get nearby, take them
                     out from distance and use strafing techniques to avoid
                     the fire.

  * Wharf Rat

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 85
    Attack Strategy: Hit and kill. Nevermind them.

  * Wild Boar

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: common
    Hit Points: 34
    Strategy: Wait until they're nearby and just slash them with your sword.
              It's no problem they hit you, they do minimal damage.

  * Zombie

    Strength: poor
    Frequency: uncommon
    Hit Points: ???
    Attack Strategy: Hit and kill. Nevermind them.

XI Bugs & Fixes


  There were a lot of bugs in the first version of Lands of Lore 3, but
  Westwood released a patch that solved most of the problems like:

    * The game crashes often, after installing the patch, the file will be
      rebuild and you can use your savegame again after crashing

    * The effects of the Pyra Pod are finally visible

    * Wizard & Warrior quests start correctly

  They also included a new feature, right-click on the journal while in the
  world to see the current and past 25 conversations.

  Bugs (after installing the latest patch)

  1 On a certain place in the Draracle's Lair (level 3), you will be sucked
    by a wall, no matter what you try. To avoid this, walk away backwards
    step by step and you'll escape. I first thought this was some sort of
    magical, but it appears to be a mistake in the engine.

  2 You first meet Rhynn in the Talamari Library. Later on, you will meet
    him again on the main place of Upper Gladstone. Even if you spoke to
    him in the Library, he will not recognize you.

  3 The innkeeper of the Blue Deer Inn sometimes doesn't ask you to pay
    him money for your room, so you can't have access to your stuff.

  4 There's a bug in the game which won't allow you to take the blue gem if
    you take the other gems first or kill all the mutant chicken. That means
    you have to find the blue gem first before doing anything else. If you
    do it the other way, you won't be able to find the blue gem anymore.

  5 After finishing the second portal and having an audience with the king,
    you can do some shopping at Victoria in the keep of Gladstone. Buy all
    the things you want at once, because if you come back later, you can
    pick up things, but you cannot pay for it or steal them.

  6 Normally, scavenger eyes should be under the section of attack weapons.
    My journal said I had to click right on them to throw them, they should
    work as grenades. I tried it, but Copper wouldn't throw them, so they
    wouldn't detonate either.

  7 Sometimes, when you go from Upper Gladstone to the Woods or from Lower
    Gladstone to the woods, the game wants another CD as soon as you enter
    the woods. This means you can't enter the woods anymore. To overcome
    this, load your latest savegame from Gladstone Woods and continue
    playing from there. There is no other way.

  8 A lot of people get stuck in the Volcano world with the final Cleric's
    quest. In that quest, you have to retrieve the heart of sunrise from
    the volcano world. After going down with the elevator by putting the
    statue in the turn, you can retrieve the heart of sunrise. Then, when
    you want to go up again, you remove the statue from the urn and what
    happens ... the elevator goes up (right through you) and leaves you
    down. Normally, the elevator has to take you up. There's nothing much
    to do about this, but there are three things you may try.

      1 You can use a previous savegame and ignore the quest.
      2 You can use a previous savegame and try to get on the elevator
        again. Make sure the savegame is from another area of the game,
        so the game has to load the data from the volcano elevator area
        again, otherwise it definetely won't work.
      3 Reinstall the game, apply the latest patch and use a previous

    I hope at least one of these solutions will work for you.

  9 After solving certain quests, they should disappear from your quest log
    in your journal, but they often stay there, even if you solved it

 10 Sometimes, after completing the cleric's quest where you have to collect
    five herbs (it has been crossed out), no new quest is given.

 11 The staff you get from Rix (if you kill him in the woods) has a tendency
    to disappear from inventory if not equipped (This happened 3 times 
    because I restored and went through it again). One explanation may be
    that the game wants to teach you a moral lesson: do not kill and tob
    innocent people ... nah, it's a bug :)

XII Cheats, Tricks & Trainers

  Free Equipemnt

  Make sure that your inventory is totally filled! After you start the game
  join only the fighters guild. Go do the task that is required and return.
  Right after you are accepted in pick out all the items you want without
  leaving. Once you leave you cannot get the equipment for free. It is best
  to fill your inventory. Then just walk out. You can join other guilds
  after this.

  Note: this trick only works in the fighters guild!

  (submitted by Eldin Kim)

  Thief Level-up machine

  After returning from the ruloi world, I went to the Gladstone keep and
  visited the 2 shops inside. There was nobody in both shops. In the first
  one (which contains lifestones and a force pod) I could take all the
  objects and get away with them. In the second one, I could take the orc
  sword, the sword Firestorm ans gauntlets of striking, but couldn't take
  them out of the shop. When I leaved, the items stayed inside. I tried a
  second time and the same thing happened, but I gained a thief level.
  Seems like stealing attempts increases the thief levels. This is a quick
  level up trick for the thief and my magician levels also increased but at
  a much lower rate (I was able to go from level 16 to level 23 thief in
  about 15 minutes and from level 14 to 16 magician). You can place yourself
  in the door opening so the door won't close and strafe left and right
  only a little bit to steal, get out the shop, re-enter it and steal again
  if you're on the limit of the inside and outside, thus making the process
  really quick.

  (submitted by Martin Poirier)

  Free Spells

  When you go to the spell libraries, find a spell that they have two or
  more units of, put them both in your spell inventory, fill your spell
  inventory to the brim just to be safe, then start putting all the spells
  with the silver crown signs back on the shelf, but pay attention, as the
  spell you picked up more than one copy happens to come under your
  ownership. This spell doesn't stay in your spell book, so if you lose it
  you'll have to do the trick over. This also happens to be a glitch, so if
  you have applied the patch, the trick might not work at all.

  (submitted by Josh Stinnett)

  Remove unwanted spells from your spellbook

  Some people has trouble removing unwanted or duplicate spells from their
  spellbook, although there's a very easy solution. With the spell book
  open, right click on any spell to make it disappear. It's as easy as

  (submitted by Bill and Kay Cline, 1 & Bradley Williams)


  If you use a Hound's Heart (right click on screen with one in hand) it
  randomly turns into one or two items. I had some fun with this :) as
  you can get items that are not available in the game

  Note: it's possible this doesn't work anymore after applying the patch.

  (submitted by Big Bad Dragon #1)


  Some people have trouble to descend from ladders without falling down. To
  go down from a ladder without falling, go to the upper part of the ladder,
  look down and press forward. You will go down and you won't fall.

  Level cheat

  If you start in the Ice World, kill Jacinda immediately. Then do your
  browsing, but try to get to the throne room in a hurry-here is why. In the
  frame that holds the sword, (behind the throne), if you hit it repeatedly
  you can raise your level as much as you want. Then you are in really good
  shape to take on enemies without too much trouble (submitted by Michael

  Money Trick

  If you go to the palace, you can buy a hounds hart for 313 coins. Then
  you go to the talamari, and sell it for 1001. You can do it again, and
  sell it to the clerics when the Talamari don't want any more of them.
  Very cool way of making money. You can also pick pocket the guards. They
  have lots of money and if you play for about 30 mins, you can go back to
  them and pick pocket them again. These are ways that i tried to get to
  100 000 for that window to open it (submitted by Ben Fourie)


  I personally think it's a shame if you have to use a trainer in this
  magnificent game, but I understand there are some people who have trouble
  to get through a certain section of the game. Below, you find different
  trainers you can use during gameplay, they will make the game a lot easier

  You have to use these trainers at your own risk. I haven't tried these
  trainers, so don't contact me if the trainer doesn't work or something
  goes wrong. Instructions usually are included with the file.

    * English trainer for version 1.0
      Download it from http://members.xoom.com/Larian2/special/lol.zip

    * English trainer for version 1.06
      Download it from http://members.xoom.com/Larian2/special/lol4.zip

    * German trainer for version 1.05
      Download it from http://members.xoom.com/Larian2/special/lol2.zip

    * English modified dat file: unlimited health & mana
      Download it from http://members.xoom.com/Larian2/special/lol3.zip

XIII Unanswered questions

  After playing the game thoroughly, there still are some question marks.
  If you can answer any of them, please mail me, so this guide will be

  1 In the woods, on the way back to the keep from the volcano world, you
    will walk again past the small entrance with the tree stump where you
    found a champion stone. Continue your way and a little further on your
    left, you will see a tree with a sword under its bark. If anyone knows
    how to free this sword from the tree. I think there was a similar tree
    in Lands of Lore 2, but I may be mistaken. I heard it's a carving, some
    sort of decoration, but it still intrigues me. Is there someone that
    knows if there's a special meaning/intention behind it?

  2 (I consider this as a rumour, as it never happened to me while playing,
     submitted by Dave)

    In the tavern after I've already conquered three worlds, Mauri tells me
    to sell the 'ruby of truth' so that he may help me find the kings
    pardon (which is on the guard at the front of the keep) But I can't
    find a single person who will buy the darn thing. NOT even our good
    friend Mojo! Any help?

    I even never heard of a 'ruby of truth', but if you should know anything
    about this, just mail me.

  3 (I consider this as a rumour, as it never happened to me while playing,
     submitted by Dave)

    In the tavern the cabal warrior/slave trader offers to hunt some one
    down for me and that I just have to give him something that belongs or
    smells like the person. my question is, can I get anything out of this
    cabal guy or is he mearly a sidetracker to take me of the main phocus 
    of the game?

    I personally don't remmeber the warrior talked to me about that, but
    it may be possible. Any help?

  4 Due to a bug?, I wasn't able to get my stuff from the inn. The only
    thing I could to was talk to the man, steal his money and kill him.
    Is there anyone that found the key to the room somewhere or knows how
    to convince the man to open the door to your room?

XIV About additions

  Of course, I would like to get lots of additions and answers to my
  unanswered questions, but please, explain brightly what you did, where
  you did it and add any background information I need to know. I've got a
  lot of mails from people who discovered some new things I wasn't aware of,
  but their explanations was so rubbish I hadn't a clue what they were
  talking about.

  All additions can be send to [email protected]

  Don't forget to mention which version of the guide you used. Always read
  the final version of the guide before sending something, maybe I solved
  it already.

XV Greets

  A big "thank you" for the various additions go to:

    * 1
    * Alen Lovrenic
    * Allan
    * Ben Fourie
    * Betty
    * Big Bad Dragon #1
    * Bill and Kay Cline
    * Bradley Williams
    * Cvrheenen
    * Daniel Coffin
    * Dave
    * Debs Furneaux-Evans
    * Eldin Kim
    * Elizabeth Anderson
    * Greg Wageman
    * Hċkan Tallberg
    * Jason Brown
    * J.G. Huff
    * Josh Stinnett
    * Kate
    * Martin Poirier
    * Michael Amorosi
    * Mc Novoselic
    * Patrick
    * SL

  And of course Westwood for making this great game, it would have been
  nice if it had been a little less buggy, though, guys :)

XVI Author

Just in case you think you already saw my name somewhere else (what an
excuse to do some shameless self promotion)

Author: Stijn Bolle
E-Mail: [email protected]
Guides written:

  * Aliens vs. Predator (walkthrough\guide)
  * Baldur's Gate (secrets)
  * Discworld (walkthrough)
  * Half Life (multiplayer guide)
  * Half Life: opposing force (guide\walkthrough)
  * Half Life: opposing force (dutch translation)
  * Lands of Lore 3 (guide\walkthrough)
  * Monkey Island III (walkthrough)

XVII Legal Notice

None of this file may be copied or reproduced without the explicit
permission of the author. This guide may be added freely to any guides
collection site as long as you mail me the url, you don't alter anything
and you give me full credit. If you're not sure, just mail me on
[email protected]

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