Press ENTER to enter cheat mode and then type in any of the
following codes (case sensitive):
DIEDIEDIE - Kill everyone
RESIGN - Resign from the game
REVEAL MAP - Reveal the map!
PEPPERONI PIZZA - 1,000 food points
COINAGE - 1,000 gold
WOODSTOCK - 1,000 wood
QUARRY - 1,000 stone
BIGDADDY - gives you a cool car with a rocket laucher
HARI KARI - Commit suicide
PHOTON MAN - Gives you a futuristic soldier
GAIA - Allows you to control animals
FLYING DUTCHMAN - Changes your juggernauts into flying dutchmen,
allowing them to travel over land
STEROIDS - Gives all units and all upgrades
HOME RUN - You win scenario
NO FOG - Removes fog of war
MEDUSA - Villers become medusa, when medusa die, they become
black riders. When black riders die, they become heavy
KILLX - X refers to a player's starting position, the player
is killed.
BIG BERTHA - Heavy catapults are even more deadly
Jack be nimble - Catapults fire with villagers
Hoyohoy - Priests get 600 hp and are speed 6
ICBM - Balista has a range of 100
e=mc2 trooper - Soldier Nuke
victory - skip the level (not working on the last level)
F6 - Full map toggle
F7 - Fog of war toggle
CTRL-Q - Speeds up building
CRTL-G - 1000 gold
CRTL-W - 1000 wood
CRTL-S - 1000 stone
CRTL-F - 1000 food
CRTL-T - New menu under wood, food, gold and stone
CRTL-P - Left click to place more rock
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